1 minute read
Bike lane questions remain unanswered
Dear Editor,
Re: “5-4 vote quashes Steveston mul�-use pathway,” Richmond-News.com, May 24.
Your ar�cle repeats uncri�cally what in my opinion is a misleading view of the Steveston Highway project prepared by city staff
One ques�on is whether the air pollu�on from vehicles on Steveston Highway is much worse than it is on the Williams Road alternate route.
World-recognized experts at UBC on the adverse health effects from vehicle emissions looked at the Steveston Highway proposal and said it should be moved to Williams Road
They debunked the no�on that the air pollu�on is about the same on both routes The staff asser�on that only emissions from diesel trucks ma er ignores the fact that the emissions from the 43,400 cars per day that pass by the Steveston Highway and Gilbert intersec�on are equivalent to 2,284 diesel trucks