Richmond News July 13 2023

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Biker and businessman Yoshihiro Yanagitani has been struggling with the ICBC no-fault insurance regime since he was hit by a vehicle in a serious road accident in May He lost his accommodation and has had to close his business, but is getting next to no help from the insurance corporation

‘Disaster waiting to happen’ P8

Strip mall parking chaos P3 Steveston couple’s charity ride P10 Photo by Vikki Hui

Notice of Public Hearing

Monday, July 17, 2023 – 7 p.m.

Council Chambers, 1st Floor, Richmond City Hall

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the City of Richmond will hold a Public Hearing as noted above, on the following items:

1. Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10075 (RZ 18-817742)

Location/s: 3560 Moncton Street

Applicant/s: Inter Luck Trading Corp

Purpose: To create a new “Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU43) – Steveston Village” zone and to rezone the subject property from the “Steveston Commercial (CS2)”zone to the “Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU43) – Steveston Village” zone to permit development of a mixed-use building containing commercial units at grade and five residential units above, with vehicular access from the lane (west).

City Contact: Kevin Eng, 604-247-4626, Planning and Development Division Minhee Park, 604-276-4188, Planning and Development Division

Location/s: 5800, 5840, 5860 Granville Avenue

Applicant/s: Interface Architecture Inc.

Purpose: To rezone the subject property from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)”, to permit development of 18 townhouse units with vehicle access from Granville Avenue.

City Contact: Cynthia Lussier, 604-276-4108, Planning and Development Division

• At City Hall: Copies of the proposed bylaw, supporting staff and Committee reports and other background material, are also available for inspection at the Planning and Development Division at City Hall, between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays, commencing July 7, 2023 and ending July 17, 2023, or upon the conclusion of the hearing.

• By Fax or Mail: Staff reports and the proposed bylaws may also be obtained by FAX or by standard mail, by calling 604-276-4007 between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays, commencing July 7, 2023 and ending July 17, 2023.

Participating in the Public Hearing process:

• The Public Hearing is open to all members of the public and that attendance may be done in-person or remotely by teleconference Advanced registration is required for individuals attending remotely and early registration is encouraged. Registration closes at 1:00 p.m. on the date of the meeting. Information on how to register is available on the City website: htm. Please note that advanced registration is not required for in-person attendance and members of the public are welcome to submit written comments in advance of the meeting.

2. Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10464 (RZ 20-919113)

Location/s: 8911, 8931, 8951, 8991 Patterson Road

Applicant/s: Dava Developments Ltd.

Purpose: To rezone the subject property from “Residential Single Family (RS1/F)” zone to the new “Residential/Limited Commercial (ZMU54)” zone and “School and Institutional Use (SI)” zone, to permit development of a mixed-use mid-rise and high-rise development.

City Contact: Virendra Kallianpur, 604-247-4620, Planning and Development Division

4. Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10472 (RZ 21-945951)

Location/s: 7520 Ash Street

Applicant/s: Benito Kho and Verney Kho

Purpose: To rezone the subject property from the “Single Family (RS1/F)” zone to the Single Family (RS2/E)” zone, to subdivide the property into two lots with one lot fronting Ash Street and one lot fronting Armstrong Street.

City Contact: Laurel Eyton, 604-276-4262, Planning and Development Division

• Written comments may be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office by 4:00 pm on the date of the Public Hearing as follows:

• By E-mail:

• By Standard Mail: 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC, V6Y 2C1, Attention: Director, City Clerk’s Office

• By Fax: 604-278-5139, Attention: Director, City Clerk’s Office

• Public Hearing Rules: For information on public hearing rules and procedures, please consult the City website at or call the City Clerk’s Office at 604-276-4007

• All submissions will form part of the record of the hearing. Once the Public Hearing has concluded, no further information or submissions can be considered by Council.

How to obtain further information:

• By Phone: If you have questions or concerns, please call the CITY CONTACT shown above.

• On the City Website: Public Hearing Agendas, including staff reports and the proposed bylaws, are available on the City Website at https://citycouncil

A2 THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM City of Richmond | 6911 No. 3 Rd. Richmond BC V6Y 2C1 | Tel: 604-276-4000
6911 No 3 Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 2C1 | www richmond ca City of Richmond
3. Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10470 (RZ 21-922202)


dxiong@GlacierMedia ca

A parking spot is a parking spot, right?

Well, not if you frequent, or run a business at, the little strip mall on the corner of Westminster Highway and Minoru Boulevard in Richmond

If you speak to the customers and the business owners down there, it’s anything but “just a parking spot,” where traffic cones dictate where you can and absolutely cannot park.

From car doors apparently getting kicked at and people getting spat at, to business owners chasing customers of other businesses around the mall, this corner of Richmond has it all Richmondite Lilian Li said she was shocked when an employee from one of the businesses, Panago Pizza, dashed out and started kicking the door of her car parked outside the shop.

“We were going to buy pizza but were sitting in the car first forlessthanaminute,”LitoldtheRichmondNews,whoshared her experience on Chinese-language social media platform Little Red Book

“APanagoemployeerantomycarandkickedmycardoorlike crazy. She also spat and yelled at me and my mom when we opened the door We were both shocked”

The incident was denied by Andus Lau, owner of the Panago store, who said it “never happened”

“If that did happen, they should call the police Do they have a police file?” Lau told the News, adding there isn’t enough information available to be able to check the store’s CCTV.

A few otherssharedsimilar experiencesonthe store’sGoogle Review when they stopped at Panago’s parking lot temporarily for emergencies, claiming they were told off by an angry employee from the shop

Lau also denied the accusations but admitted there have been “parking issues” at the mall.

“We rent where we paid for and you can see this line, it has ‘Panago Pizza’ on it,” said Lau

“I’m not trying to defend or whatever but if you park at the wrong spot and we tell you to move, if you don’t move, five minutes, five minutes, every day, what do you think? How do you feel?

“We will ask them to go…I’m not here for fighting.”

Conflicts over parking common in the mall

Shop owners at the strip mall said they didn’t witness the incident Li claimed, but have seen conflicts over customers parking in the wrong spots in the strip mall over the past years

And this has become more common in the past two years following the arrival of Tasty BBQ & Beer Bar, a popular barbecue and grill restaurant.

“This is a very common thing here At first, we were angry, but now we are used to it,” said a member of staff at Tasty BBQ

& Beer Bar, who asked to remain anonymous

“IfsomeoneparkedatthePanagoparkingspot,despitebeing our customers or not, an employee from the store would go to knock on their windscreen, yell at them, or follow them to the store they visited and ask them to move the car,” she said She told the News once, the Panago employee wrote down the plate number of a car parked at its spot, came into their restaurant and showed the note to every customer “almost to their face.”

Another time the employee banged on Tasty BBQ & Beer Bar’s window before yelling at them to remove a car Flaman Fitness at the mall also had customers that were followed by a Panago employee into its shop and asked to remove their car.

In a video he showed to the News, the employee stood close to the customer, who was paying her bill at the counter, and asked her to remove her car right away

“She was very aggressive literally in her face It’s really shocking,” said Mike Logan, the store manager

“[The customer] told me later, ‘I was going tobuy a pizzaafter I came to your store, and that’s why I parked in her spot, but she didn’t give me a second to explain myself’”

Frustration over parking

Some store owners said, however, they share Panago’s frustration over parking

Inasmallstripmallwithlimitedparking,parkinglotsgetfilled up quickly during lunch and dinner time and many customers end up parking in other businesses’ spots

“I can’t speak for Panago but in our case, we are the one that’s often attacked by the customers,” said the owner of 4 Stones Vegetarian Cuisine, a restaurant next to Tasty BBQ & Beer Bar.

“Many customers are unreasonable. They park at our spot and go somewhere else, and when we asked them to move, some of them gave a very bad attitude”

GOOD MORNING, RICHMOND! The Richmond News s a member of the Glacier Media Group The News respects your privacy We collect, use and disclose your persona informa ion in accordance with our Privacy S atement which is avai ab e a www richmond-news com The Richmond News is a member of he Nationa Newsmedia Counci , wh ch is an independent organ za ion established to dea wi h acceptable journal s ic practices and e h cal behav our If you have concerns about editorial content, please contact the ed tor at edi or@richmond-news com or ca l 604-249-3343 f you are not satisfied with the response and wish o file a forma comp aint, visi the web site a mediacounci ca or ca l to l-free 1-844-877-1163 RICHMOND NEWS Published every Thursday by the Richmond News, a member of the Glacier Media Group #170-2840 Olafsen Ave Richmond, V6X 2R3 604.270.8031 Advertising Sales: 604.249.3336 Delivery: 604.249.3132 Classified: 604.630.3300, 604.444.3056 or email ACTING EDITOR Alan Campbell editor@richmond-news com 604.249.3342 PUBLISHER Alvin Chow 604.249.3336 DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Kristene Murray 604.249.3353 ACTING ASST. EDITOR Maria Rantanen 604.249.3329 A hummingbird makes the most of the succulent flowers at Terra Nova Rural Park Lay Tan photo See a new “Good Morning, Richmond” photo, taken by a News reader, every day at RichmondNews com PAGE 3 FEATURE Tension escalates in strip mall over parking lot dispute Customers of neighbouring businesses of Panago get an exceptionally hard time when they park at a city centre strip mall Galileo Cheng photo RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 A3 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL / SALES & LEASING / WWW.CALLMARIO.CA TEXT OR CALL FOR FREE REPORTS OF SALES AND LISTINGS IN YOUR AREA Personal Real Estate Corporation RE/MAX Crest Realty MARIOS.DAVID

Car noise chaos not confined to Steveston

Dear Editor,

Re: “Richmond car show is muscling in on my beauty sleep,” Letters, online, July 2

Unfortunately, the silence is also shattered elsewhere in the city, and the safety of residents is in regular jeopardy, too I live close enough to Garden City Shopping Centre to have almost every Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening well disrupted Both cars and bikes noisily come and go between 8 p m and 1 a.m.

The revving of the engines is one thing, but the real madness begins when the cars pull out of the lot and try to show off by flooring it for a block and a half through a residential neighbourhood.

My neighbours and I routinely report the madness to police but, understandably, the cops have more important things on their plate

I get it; car meets are cool, and I want them to have a place. But for many reasons, I just don’t see a good location in the city to have them I’ve tried to think of other areas, such as the airport or an industrial park, but each has its challenges. Sadly, it’s going to take a tragedy, such as one of these highhorsepower cars wiping out a family at a crosswalk, before anybody sees the risk to the public that I see

Minoru goose poop is health hazard

Dear Editor,

Re: “Letters: Geese cull in Richmond park may ruffle a few feathers,” Letters, online, June 25

I agree with Mr Tarnow about the need to control the geese at the newly renovated Minoru Park

The renovations are lovely, however, the walkways and grass are slippery and slimy with goose feces and it is getting worse

Besidesbeing disgusting toslipandslide through, I cannot imagine any parent letting their child play in this stuff.

A big concern is that Richmond Hospital is on one side of the park and the Minoru Centre for Active Living is on the other side

This should be of particular concern for the elderly, children, pregnant or breastfeeding women and those with compromised immune systems who can be particularly susceptible to health risks posed by parasites that inhabit Canada geese feces, specifically cryptosporidium, giardia, coliform and e-coli

In an article in the February 10, 2021 National Observer, Vernon council had strongly supported the culling of the invasive, non-migratory Canada goose population

The article notes that each goose produces approximately 1 kilogram of waste per day which in turn fouls the areas frequented by the public There may beseveralsolutionstothisproblem but one way or another the goose feces has to go

City’s ‘LetsTalk’ survey won’t let me speak

Dear Editor,

I have attempted to write my opinion on electric scooters on the LetsTalkRichmond website, with no luck

Why a survey needs a password, beats me, buteveryoneIputinwasrejected,soIfinally called the number listed

I finally got someone who passed me over to someone else

She was not around, so I had to leave a voicemail, with my name and phone number I did the same thing the next day, which was well over a week ago, and have had no one call me back.

This is NOT acceptable and I would like to know why, when you leave a perfectly good message, no one returns the call. Does city hall think so little about its residents?

That Help Us Appreciate The

LETTERS More letters at Email your letters to
Journey 604-277-4519 The Maple Residences Independent living in Steveston Village

Highway 99 crash driver sought by Richmond RCMP

Police are on the lookout for the driver of a car who smashed into a divider on Highway 99 in Richmond in the early hours of Monday Richmond RCMP say that, shortly after 2 a m , police were called to the scene of a single-vehicle crash on Highway 99 northbound at the onramp to Highway 91, close to the Westminster Highway


At the scene, officers found awhiteVolkswagenJettawith extensive front end damage Police say it appeared the vehicle had collided with the divider cushion of the onramp barrier

However, the driver of the damaged vehicle did not remain on scene, and police are still trying to track down the registered owner, who lives in Vancouver

City cyber breach possibly compromised personal info

“The extensive front-end damage to the vehicle leaves investigators concerned for the well-being of the driver and anyone else who may have been inside the vehicle at the time of the collision,” saod Richmond RCMP’s Cpl Ian Henderson

“We are encouraging the driver and anyone who may have witnessed the collision to please come forward to police”

Port workers on picket line


dxiong@richmond-news com

The ongoing B C port workers’ strike reached Richmond’s Mitchell Island on Thursday afternoon.

The Richmond News came across a group of workers gathered on the side of a road on the industrial swathe of land in the north arm of the Fraser River

The province-wide strike was kicked off on the weekend by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Canada after negotiations over wages, contracting out and automation reached an impasse. Around 20 workers, many of whom were wearing T-shirts saying “Injury to one is injury to all,” gathered outside the BCMEA Mitchel Island Waterfront Training Centre

The City of Richmond is warning that personal information in emails might have been compromised following a security breach in the city’s IT system last month

After “unusual and concerning activity” was noticed in its IT system on June 7, the city started investigating with the help of external cybersecurity experts

However, a few days later, fraudulent emails were sent out claiming to be from city staff, municipal officials and Gateway Theatre staff

The fraudulent emails seemed to have had attachments that could have installed malware onto computers

“Due to the nature of the cyber-attack, at this time, the exact information that may have been in those emails cannot be confirmed,” the city said in an alert “However, in the interest of transparency, we want to inform the public that personal information may have been accessed”

The city doesn’t know exactly what kind of information might have been accessed,

but it might possibly include facility and program participant information, for example, contact details, birth dates as well as permit and licence application information such as addresses and phone numbers.

The city is cautioning people to make sure emails are from “@richmond ca” or “@gatewaytheatre com” email addresses

Fraudsters use various methods to trick people into sharing personal information, the city explained in its alert

A common tactic is to send fraudulent emails or text messages These messages may appear real, and fraudsters will claim to come from reputable companies or institutions, the city noted

However, they sometimes contain small mistakes, such as typos in email addresses or altered logos.

The city’s cyber breach has been reported to the RCMP and to the Office of the B C Information & Privacy Commissioner.

Anyone with questions on the breach can email the city at cybersafety@richmond ca or call 604-373-7061 or 1-833-592-1672 on business days between 8 a m and 8 p m

NEWS RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 A5 EWS *EXCLUSIONS MAY APPLY SEE STORE FOR DETAILS MAX MARA (LICENSEE) PACIFIC CENTRE 604 257 2370 14TH & GRANVILLE 604 257 2350 JULY 13 - AUG 24 UP TO 70% OFF* + New Markdowns SALE TCHEN CABINETS DONE IN 1 TO 2 DAYS! KITCHEN CABINET REFINISHING 70% Less Than Replacing or Refacing! Wespecializein ProtectingYour Investment! UPTO TRACEY BOOTH - FOUNDER Before After GOT GREASE? GOT PEELING? GRLOOKS EAT! CELEBRATING30YEARS REFINISHINGCABINETS! FREE DEMOS FREE ESTIMATES NO TOXIC CHEMICALS NO DUST! Love your cabinets, but not how they’re worn? Gleam Guard offers a simple, cost-effective solution. We also refresh cabinets which costs less than refinishing. Text cabinet pictures to 1-604-218-7470 or call.

Food company shut down due to rodents, insects


vhui@richmond-news com

A meat and poultry processor in Richmond was ordered to close down after a recent routine inspection.

Rodent and insect activity was found at LefongTradingInc ,locatedonGordonWaynear Graybar Road and Westminster Highway.

A total of nine critical infractions, including food being unprotected from contamination, were identified during Vancouver Coastal Health’s (VCH) inspection on June 28.

VCH’s inspection report also shows Lefong’s

premises were not maintained “in a sanitary condition,” temperature records were not being used, a food safety plan was not maintained and procedures in its sanitation plan were not being followed.

According to VCH, critical infractions are “more likely to contribute to illness and/or injury” or they could have “an immediate impact on the safe and sanitary operation of the food premises unless corrected”

Lefong’s premises were also found to have non-approved construction or alteration, considered a non-critical infraction

Police appeal for info about missing 43-year-old man

Richmond Mounties are asking the public for help in tracking down a missing 43-year-old man.

Christopher Lee Taylor has not been in contact with family members for nearly three weeks now and his family members are becoming concerned for his well-being TaylorusespublictransitandisknowntofrequentVancouver,althoughtheexactlocations are unknown to family members

Taylor was last seen at his home in the 6300 block of Cooney Road on June 21, wearing a dark-coloured shirt, beige shorts, red runners, and a black baseball cap He was also carrying a red “Supreme” backpack.

He is described as a Caucasian male, 5’8” tall and 160 pounds with a slim build, short brown and greying hair, blue eyes and a Koi fish sleeve tattoo on one arm.

Anyone with information on the where-

Christopher Taylor has not been seen since June 21 Photo submitted

abouts of Christopher Lee Taylor is asked to contacttheRichmondRCMPat604-278-1212

If you wish to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or visit them online at wwwsolvecrime ca

Fire in forest delays traffic


vleung@richmond-news com

A small fire in a wooded area in central Richmond this weekend was the cause of major traffic delays and dark smoke

Police officers responded to reports of smoke in the area near Westminster Highway and Shell Road around 10:30

a m on Sunday

The fire was roughly 30 metres east of the railway tracks

along Shell Road and was extinguished by Richmond FireRescue

As RCMP officers arrived, a man was also spotted leaving the woods nearby “He was intercepted and identified, yet his involvement in this matter is still under investigation,” said Cpl Ian Henderson, spokesperson for the Richmond RCMP

One of Richmond’s biggest fires took place within

the same forested parcel, confined by No 4 and Shell roads, Alderbridge Way and Westminster Highway.

That wildfire during the summer of 2018 ravaged 12 3 hectares of the 55-hectare forested area.

The exact cause was never determined

Richmond RCMP and Richmond Fire-Rescue are working together to investigate the cause of Sunday’s fire.


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‘Disaster waiting to happen’: Steveston Harbour manager

“We need to do something before someone gets hurt or there’s a natural disaster”

Jaime Gusto was in no mood to play down the severity of a second vessel in two days getting stuck in the mud at low tide in the harbour she manages.

Gusto told the RichmondNews last week that “time is of the essence here,”after being askedabout thestateofthedredging in Steveston Harbour.

She said that if the issue doesn’t get resolved soon, a boat’s hull could strike the seabed and rupture the fuel tank, bleeding fuel out into the water

Last Tuesday, the News reported online how a fishing vessel, the Queen’s Reach, got stuck at low tide in the middle of the harbour, sparking Gusto to call upon the federal government to cough up its $2 million share for a dredging program

But it happened again a day later This time it was a smaller sailboat getting stuck

Richmond News reader Drew Rickard spotted the stranded boat at around 2:30 p m last Wednesday, just one hour after low tide

A photo of the vessel shows it was grounded not far from Fisherman’s Wharf at the harbour

“This is exactly what I was warning people about,” said Gusto

According to Gusto, the lack of funding for dredging has resultedinthechannelbeingnotdeepenoughforboatstopass through

Although the provincial government, the City of Richmond and Steveston Harbour Authority have each contributed $2 million to support dredging in Steveston, the federal government has yet to contribute a single dime

Gusto, who has been lobbying for federal funding for two years, told the News the situation is “so frustrating,” and described it as an economic, safety and environmental issue

This is the first time two boats have gotten stuck in the channel within a day, Gusto confirmed, “because it’s as bad as it’s ever been”

In terms of future “disasters,” the largest boat in Steveston Harbour, said Gusto, has 128,000 litres of fuel

She added that if small boats, such as the sailboat, are already struggling to get into the harbour, the situation is even more dire for larger boats

Gusto recently met with representatives of the federal government, including Steveston-Richmond East MP Parm Bains, about the issue

“I tell them every time we meet,” she said, adding that the representatives confirmed they were aware of it and were trying to find a solution Steveston-Richmond East MP Parm Bains told the News he has been advocating for federal dredging assistance since being elected.

“While I share the frustration that the federal government has yet to come forward with a commitment, I am optimistic that a suitable solution will be found. I continue to work closely with appropriate ministries to find a solution for the immediate and long-term need that works for all stakeholders,” he said

Mounties, support workers on vulnerable youth calls


Richmond RCMP has teamed up with the B C government to launch a program whereby a support worker will accompany a Mountie on calls involving vulnerable youth.

The RCMP is partnering with the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) in the hopes of better supporting vulnerable youth in the city

Under the Yankee-30 Youth Partnership Car initiative, a designated RCMP officer will be responding to calls with either a Youth Justice Services probation officer or a Child Protection Services social worker

“Yankee-30’s focus is to identify and support Richmond youth aged 12 to 18 who are at risk of harm due to their behaviour, vulnerabili-

here to stay after a successful pilot

ties and or exploitation,” explained Richmond RCMP Chief Supt Dave Chauhan

“It offers an opportunity for police officers as

well as youth probation and social workers to connect with vulnerable youth, their families and support structure, and hopefully will lead many of them away from criminal exploitation and conflicts with the law later in life”

The idea is similar to the Fox-80 Mental Health Car, where an officer from Richmond RCMP’s Vulnerable Persons Unit responds to mental health calls along with a psychiatric nurse from Vancouver Coastal Health

Yankee-30 was launched as a pilot project in January 2023 and is now being implemented as a permanent fixture after recording more than 400 interactions with vulnerable youth and their families during the six-month period

The interactions, according to Chauhan, included 95 follow-ups for youth probation, 42

follow-ups for social workers, 72 youth wellness checks, 46 curfew checks, 36 youth outreach efforts and assistance to youth-related police investigations

Cpl Ian Henderson, Richmond RCMP spokesperson, told the Richmond News the program’s success was measured by feedback from parents and guardians, as the purpose of the car goes beyond enforcing curfews Through Yankee-30, vulnerable youth and their families can also get referred to local organizations and resources

“Through this program, vulnerable youth might receive supports such as counselling, mental health and substance use services, referrals to services such as transition house or information about youth justice issues,” added Richmond South-Centre MLA Henry Yao

Poverty group challenges city council on affordable rentals


mrantanen@richmond-news com

A Richmond poverty reduction group is asking for transparency in how affordable homes built and managed by developers are being listed and rented out.

The Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC) was at Monday’s city council meeting, reminding them that they asked a year ago for the Low-End Market Rental (LEMR) program be looked into

On Monday, RPRC was asking city council to create a LEMR

registry that is “transparent and accessible”

In her correspondence to the city, RPRC president Deirdre Whalen noted city council approved the LEMR policy and can “amend it to make it transparent, accessible and equitable for taxpayers and everyone who needs non-market housing.”

Currently, LEMR units are built by developers as per city council’s policy and then they are managed by the owner of the building or sometimes a non-profit.

In response to Monday’s appeal from RPRC, city council voted unanimously to look into how LEMR units, those already

built and future ones, could be managed by the city Coun Laura Gillanders, who brought up the motion, said there’s a need for a “centralized system” for managing them ShesuggestedthiscouldbedonebyaCityofRichmondhousing authority.

A list on the city’s website shows there are currently about 500 LEMR units located in about 40 different buildings across the city.

The city list gives contact information on how to access the units with either a phone number or email address.

Richmond RCMP Chief Supt Dave Chauhan announcing the Yankee-30 program is The Queen’s Reach was stuck in the Steveston Channel for several hours until the tide came back in Jaime Gusto photo

Upsizing from condo to house takes 12 years


For those who are lucky enough to own a condo in Richmond, looking to upsize will be the next step.

But how long does it take for someone to do that in the current housing market?

A recent report gave the answer 12 years of saving their entire income.

Point 2,anonline realestate marketplace, released a report this week analyzing the benchmark price for condos and housing units, and local median household income

“Even in theory, going from condo to house is no easy feat and data supports that it has only become tougher in recent years, with both apartments and houses doubling in price in the last decade,” reads the report released on July 5

“In a market defined by chronically increasing interest rates and steady demand, the idea that homeowners can comfortably one-up their residence is unlikely.”

According to the report, Vancouver, Surrey and Richmond top the list of cities that have the widest condohouse price gap in B C

Although houses in Canada

Hotel caught scabbing during strike

Richmond’s Sheraton Vancouver Airport got another cease and desist for using replacement workers during a strike

The hotel recently got slapped with its third order from the B.C. Labour Relations Board, this time for using replacement workers for concierge work shared between striking employees and management

Thisisthehotel’sthirdlabourlawviolation since the strike, led by UNITE HERE

Local 40 members, started three weeks ago

The Sheraton was previously ordered to stop using six unlawful replacement workers to do the work of a front desk duty manager

They were also ordered to stop contracting shuttle bus companies and paying taxi drivers for work that was supposed to be performed by striking employees

Employeeshavebeenpicketingoutside the Sheraton since June 14 to demand

better pay and working conditions

“It makes me angry that our managers seem to have no issue breaking laws during our strike and continue to use replacement workers,” said Felisha Perry, banquet server, in a media release

“(They) refuse to treat us with respect and acknowledge they need their staff to keep the Sheraton Vancouver Airport running as guests expect. My co-workers and I want to get back to work but we’re not working for less than living wages”

are nearly 40 per cent more expensive than condos, it is 128 per cent more expensive in Richmond with a benchmark house price of more than $1 7 million and condo price of $757,000

This makes Richmond the city with the third largest house-condo price gap in the province, following Vancouver, where houses are 153 per cent more expensive than condos, and Surrey, where houses are 132 per cent more expensive

Meanwhile, house prices are more than double the price of condos in 14 cities in Canada, including six in B C : Vancouver, Surrey, Richmond, Abbotsford, Langley, Coquitlam

No B C cities made the list of the 14 cities where upsizing is most feasible with Trois-Rivières, Halifax and St John’s topping the list.



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Cycling to combat cancer

A local couple will be riding up Cypress Mountain to raise funds in support of a cause close to their hearts pancreatic cancer research

“Both our families have been touched by the disease My aunt died from it, Chelsea’s grandpa died from it. We have friends and other relatives who’ve been affected by it as well,” said Giovanni Martorella

Chelsea, Giovanni’s wife, also had a pancreatic cancer scare in 2015 when she found a tumor in her pancreas

The experience inspired Giovanni to join BC Cancer

Foundation’s Capilano Volkswagen Cypress Challenge that year

“It’s really important to raise funds for research because unfortunately, pancreatic cancer cells don’t respond to the traditional cancer therapy, so they don’t respond well to chemotherapy or radiation,” Chelsea told the Richmond News

Pancreatic cancer diagnoses often come at later stages, she added, “which means people with a diagnosis, unfortunately, have very little hope of a good outcome from the disease.”

Giovanni will be embarking on his fifth Cypress Challenge on July 30, this time with Chelsea by his side.

“I’ve been wanting to do the ride for a few years, but never felt I actually might be able to do it because my fitness level wasn’t quite where we need to

be to take on a climb like Cypress,” explained Chelsea, who added she’s suffered some injuries in her knee and hip. But this year, after much training and with the support of local bike club Steveston Velo, Chelsea finally feels ready to take on the challenge.

“We were looking at the date for the challenge to plan what we were going to do this summer, and we noticed it was on my birthday,” said Chelsea

It was just the sign she needed Giovanni, who has always enjoyed cycling, told the News he has been putting Chelsea through a “little training camp” in preparation for the challenge

“The tips I gave her (are) just find your own rhythm and just grind away so you get to the top, and just stay positive,” said Giovanni

As the Martorellas gear up for their ride, they hope to spread awareness about the fundraiser, as well as the importance of supporting research for a treatment for pancreatic cancer

“The challenge for us, riding up a mountain for 40 minutes or an hour or whatever it is, is nothing compared to what someone who’s going through a pancreatic cancer diagnosis is going through with their families and stuff, ” said Giovanni.

For information about the Cypress Challenge and to donate to pancreatic cancer research, go to cypresschallenge ca

RCMP investigate alleged late night carjacking attempt

Richmond RCMP is investigating an alleged car-jacking at gunpoint in the city centre late last Thursday night into Friday morning

According to a post on social media by a person claiming to be a friend of the victim, the vehicle owner was “dragged to a remote area at gunpoint” to be robbed and was “beaten up ”

A photo attached to the post on Chinese-language site Little Red Book shows a police cruiser attending the scene outside PriceSmart Foods on Ackroyd Road

The person also claimed the suspect was unable to start the car upon snatching it

Cpl. Ian Henderson, Richmond RCMP spokesperson, confirmed police are looking into an alleged carjacking attempt in “the downtown core” after midnight on July


“A safety plan is in place for the victim involved,” Henderson told the Richmond News

He added while investigators don’t believe the suspect is posing “an immediate safety concern for the general public” at this time, “their assessment remains


Anyone with information or video evidence of the incident is asked to contact Richmond RCMP at 604-278-1212 and quote file number 2023-20984

Those who wish to remain anonymous can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or go to www SolveCrime ca.

Chelsea will join her husband Giovanni Martorella on the Cypress Challenge for the first time.
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A botched carjacking attempt allegedly took place last Thursday Little Red Book photo

BCSPCA Pet of the Week: Meet Bosco, the lovable cat

This week’s BCSPCA Pet of the Week in Richmond is one for lovers of all things feline

Bosco the cat, according to Richmond Animal Shelter staff, “expresses his love through gentle kisses, head butts, and soft purrs.”

Charismatic and affectionate threeyear-old Bosco has been at the shelter for 22 days and “seeks comfort and warmth in the company of his human companions and absolutely adores snuggling up in laps and receiving affectionate cuddles”

According to the shelter, he thrives

on social connections and will “eagerly seek opportunities to engage with his human family members ”

And, although he loves the indoors, Bosco apparently has a penchant for little outdoor adventures and would enjoy supervised excursions, such as going on walks or in an enclosed “catio.”

“Be prepared for lively conversations with this chatty companion! Bosco is known for his expressive meows, trills and purrs that add an extra layer of communication to your bond,” added the shelter

However, Bosco would prefer to be the only feline in the house as he does

not get along with other cats

If you think Bosco would fit into your life, check out the steps below:

1 ) Visit the Richmond Animal Shelter to meet this pet during adoption viewings Friday to Tuesday noon to 3 p m , learn more about their ideal match, and apply to adopt in person; or

2 ) Submit an online application adopt spca bc ca and staff will contact the first suitable adopter to set up a visit. Kindly note that due to the high number of applications and the availability of walk-in adoptions, an online applicant would have to be available to come in for a meet within 24 hours.

Mike Heath memorial event raises $20,000 for research

100 golfers and 45 more participants attended the second annual Mike Heath Memorial Foundation golf tournament Desy Cheng photo

The second annual Mike Heath Memorial Foundation Golf Tournament has hit all the right shots once again.

The event in honour of a Richmond man, Mike Heath, who passed away three years ago, age just 36, from a rare heart condition known as inherited long QT syndrome was held last Friday at Mylora Golf Course on Sidaway Road

One hundred golfers teed off at the

course before being joined by 45 more friends and family of Heath for the ensuing banquet

A raffle and a silent auction, that featured more than 90 items, were great attractions and, together with the putting contest, more than $20,000 was raised for the foundation which supports St. Paul’s Hospital Inherited Arrythmia Program, BC Children’s Hospital Heart Centre, and Canucks for Kids.

Bosco the cat has been at the Richmond Animal Shelter for 22 days and apparently has a whole load of character and love to give.

Thrift store treasures: Ducks, tea sets and salvers

All of these wonderful collector’s items are available at the Chatham Street store

Last week it was toilet-shaped ceramic wall pockets and chafing dishes, now it’s saddle seats, wooden ducks and some very collectable items.

You never quite know what’s coming out of the bag down at the Richmond Hospital/Healthcare Auxiliary’s Thrift Shop in


The Chatham Street store’s weekly finds from the donation bag always bring a smile and raise an eyebrow or two here and there

This week’s wonderful finds include a porcelain jug and matching bowl, a painted, wooden duck, an ornate serving salver and a silver tea set.

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Senior struggles with ICBC no-fault regime after crash

A Richmond senior is struggling to navigate ICBC’s no fault insurance system after a devastating crash two months ago.

Yoshihiro Yanagitani, 74, was out riding his motorcycle near Iona Beach when he got hit by a car that “came out of nowhere”

“Instantly, I lost everything Then I (woke) up in Vancouver General Hospital,” he told the Richmond News from his hospital bed, adding that he doesn’t recall much of the May 7 accident.

Yanagitani was diagnosed with injuries including a fracture beneath his left eye, fractured ribs, and a fractured fibula He was then transferred to Richmond Hospital a few days later and has remained there since.

His left shoulder, which was dislocated, was only discovered three weeks after his hospitalization

Yanagitani has been running and operating a car repair shop in Bridgeport, Specialist A & A Japanese Engine, for more than three decades

But after the accident, he had to close shop and lay off his employees as he could not supervise them.

And Yanagitani’s difficult journey, navigating the insurance system, began not long after he woke up in the hospital.

“Three, four days after (the accident) I called ICBC,” he said, “They just gave me a claim number and then (said) they will contact me after that ”

He did not hear from ICBC, aside from some discussion about the damage to his motorcycle, until he finally got a lawyer

“Nobody called me for one month, so I (was) just scared,” he explained, adding that he hoped a lawyer would help him overcome the language barrier and better communicate with ICBC

So far, ICBC has only paid for an occupational therapist to assess whether Yanagitani’s office at the repair shop, where he was staying before the accident, was safe for him after he gets discharged from the hospital

The office has now been deemed unsafe for him, but the daily accommodation stipend from ICBC, which adds up to around $1,400 per month, has proven to be insufficient for renting a suitable space

“Our office has looked for places other than publicly funded care homes, which have a very long waitlist,” said Yanagitani’s lawyer, Ryan Kusuhara.

“It’s essentially impossible, within that budget, to find a private facility that’s willing to accommodate (Yanagitani)”

ICBC has also offered Yanagitani $2,750 in compensation for his totalled motorcycle.

However, according to Yanagitani, his 1992 Yamaha Virago 1100 was a collector’s item, kept in brand new condition for more than three decades, and worth much more than what ICBC offered

Greg Harper, ICBC spokesperson, confirmed that the insurer is currently working with Yanagitani to sort out his claim

“Our expectation is to contact our customers within five days after their claim has been reported In this case we didn’t meet that expectation,” said Harper.

“We apologize to Mr Yanagitani for the initial delay in communication.”

AccordingtoHarper,ICBCiswaitingforinformation about his lost income to proceed with his income replacement benefits. Further treatments and benefits will be determined based on recommendations from Yanagitani’s care team once he gets discharged Hurdles of the no-fault regime

ICBC’s no-fault insurance was introduced in May 2021, which covers medical costs, income replacement and damage to one’s vehicle. Under the regime, those injured in crashes will not be able to sue against the driver responsible unless they are convicted for specific criminal offences

One part of the regime is the permanent impairment benefit, which offers a one-off payout to those either catastrophically injured in a crash or otherwise eligible for compensation The benefit is determined using a formula prescribed by B C’s Permanent Impairment Regulation.

“What (Yanagitani) can get immediately, based solely on the discharge report may be as little as $7,000 or less with respect to the permanent impairment benefit, which was, in theory, supposed to compensate pain and suffering,” said Kusuhara He explained Yanagitani only has a onepage discharge summary from VGH at hand, and obtaining the relevant records to support his claim, such as X-ray and MRI reports, would take three to four weeks. If he wishes to hire an expert out of pocket to prove he meets the specific criteria, he might end up having to pay the same amount of what he’s entitled to in compensation.

The comprehensive guidelines set out in the law have also proved to be a hurdle in the claim process, as they don’t prescribe what, if anything at all, Yanagitani should get for his very specific circumstance of getting a titanium plate installed beneath his eye to support his eyeball

Another issue lies in the time it takes for the human body to heal. For example, a person

claiming permanent impairment benefits for a forearm fracture would have to prove there was abnormal healing

“How do you establish abnormal healing? Well, you have to wait for your body to heal. And that takes six months, a year, two years,” said Kusuhara.

Kusuhara estimates his client will be getting around 10 to 20 per cent of what he would have received under the old system for his pain and suffering

He’s also losing money through his business, as the law doesn’t provide for injury victims to be compensated for losses of their business expenses, said Kusuhara.

If Yanagitani disagrees with what ICBC offers him, he will also have to go through a lengthy dispute resolution process through the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT)

According to CRT statistics, there were 1,200 open motor vehicle injury disputes at the beginning of June By the end of the month, 19 were resolved by agreement while only one reached the final decision stage

Kusuhara added some aspects are out of ICBC’s control, as the law sets out specific benefits Yanagitani is entitled to

“The whole premise behind the introduction of the no-fault model was that these contingencies would be covered by way of benefits rather than the injured having to sue the defendants individually for compensation,” said Kusuhara.

“Clearly, there are significant gaps that are left in the legislative system that don’t cover adequately at all for individuals like Mr. Yanagitani.”

Yanagitani is by no means the only person affected by the no-fault regime

“I have had to be upfront about the limited benefits that are available to clients and in most situations, the clients and I had to part our ways after the initial consultation,” said Kusuhara.

Under the current model, legal fee benefits are also not provided for B C car accident insurance Kusuhara told the News many of the clients who reached out to him would have benefitted from getting a lawyer to help them navigate the system

“But unfortunately, none of that system is in place to ensure fair delivery of what’s been promised on their insurance,” said Kusuhara.

Yoshihiro Yanagitani has been struggling with the ICBC no-fault insurance regime since his devastating crash in May Vikki Hui photo
Clearly, there are significant gaps... in the legislative system that don’t cover adequately at all for individuals...

Resident builds 52-feet BMX ramp in his own front yard

VALERIE LEUNG Vleung@Richmond-News com

From a little greenhouse to a hot tub and picnic area, an east Richmond home is like a treasure trove of recycled items

But the highlight of resident Ron Mercer’s home is his 52 feet long, 10 feet tall BMX vertical ramp that he built out of recycled material

Mercer, a 55-year-old professional BMX rider, started extreme sports and “going off jumps” at five years old and always wanted his own BMX ramp

And he did just that by building his own in five and a half years out of recycled wood and wooden sheets made of Kevlar fibre composite material – pressure-resilient material specifically for extreme sport ramps – in his front yard

Materials, however, don’t come easy and that is why sourcing and using recycled material is important, according to Mercer

“Sheets are expensive and can cost about $300 per sheet and there are 74 sheets in total for this ramp,” he said

“Everything is made of recycled material with some as old as 20 years old now that

needs replacing soon ”

Despite being a BMX rider for 50 years and having endured two concussions and

a spinal injury, he still finds joy in riding his bike on his homemade ramp, even though he no longer competes.

“It’s just such a great experience to be still able to ride and still have the confidence to ride because it takes skills, safety knowledge and a lot of confidence to start,” he said

Mercer’s main message to everyone who is interested in extreme sports is helmet safety

“Our main focus is to educate people on helmet safety and show people how cool helmets are. We want to create some hope for people to say you can still have a long-lasting career in extreme sports even with serious injuries.”

Mercer is planning a touring stunt show to focus on extreme sports safety and proper training

Meanwhile, he also wants to share the importance of recycling to the community

“There are a lot of materials that can be recycled and reused for other things, if not they would all be wasted,” said Mercer, who has also built an outdoor garage and a moveable bowling lane with his wife using found materials.

“There’s a limited number of recycling facilities, especially wood waste, that are working with recycled materials now.”

Temporary Commercial Use Permit Seasonal Patio

An application for a Seasonal Patio, in effect between April 1 and October 31, has been received by the City of Richmond from Fuggles & Warlock Craftworks Ltd., at 103 - 11220 Horseshoe Way., Richmond, B.C., which requires a Temporary Commercial Use Permit.

Those persons who consider themselves affected by the proposed Seasonal Patio application are invited to make written submission to the General Manager, Community Safety at 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond, B C , V6Y 2C1, or by email to buslic@richmond ca. All written submissions received prior to the proposed approval date of July 13, 2023, will be forwarded to the General Manager, Community Safety for Consideration

For more information on Patio Programs please visit business-development/resources/ business-licences/patio.htm or contact the Customer Service Section at 604-276-4114 or businesshelp@richmond ca

City of Richmond | 6911 No. 3 Rd. Richmond BC V6Y 2C1 | Tel: 604-276-4000

COMMUNITY RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 A13 Notice www richmond ca
East Richmond resident Ron Mercer and his homemade 52-foot BMX vertical ramp made of recycled material Valerie Leung photo

Nations Cup of soccer comes to town this weekend

Thousands of soccer fans are set to once again pour into Richmond this weekend when the 42nd annual Nations Cup takes place at fields all across the city.

It all kicks off Friday evening at 6:30 p m at Hugh Boyd soccer fields with the opening games in the men’s open, up to the men’s over-38s categories

More than 1,000 of the best amateur soccer players from across B.C. descend into Richmond, along with thousands more fans to watch the games at Hugh Boyd, Minoru and South Arm.

As well as men’s and women’s open age groups, there are teams playing in men’s over30, over-38, over-45 and over-52.

Croatia silenced the fervent India following in the men’s open final last year, with a 2-0 win.

And the pair, said Nations Cup president Jeff Wilson, is likely to feature again at the business end of the tournament come finals day on Sunday

“Croatia once again looks strong, India is a perennial favourite But Canada, I’m told, could be strong, along with Italy,” Wilson told the Richmond News on Monday The women’s open category, added Wilson,

will enjoy an eighth team taking part this year with the arrival of Canada 2

And for the second year running, the boys and girls final of the Youth Nations Cup will take place on the Sunday at Hugh Boyd, with Canada playing Ireland in the girls final at 1:30 p m and Canada versus Croatia in the boys at 4 p m

Off the field, Wilson is excited about the arrival this year of global beer giant Carlsberg as a sponsor

Wilson said the tournament teaming up with Carslberg is likely a by-product of the World Cup coming to Canada in 2026, as “we’re starting to see more corporate sponsors down at the grass roots level,” he added “As well as supplying the beer, they’re going to have a big presence all over the tournament”

On the subject of refreshments, the Friday night beer garden will be next to the West Richmond community centre until 11 p m The weekend beer garden will be in its usual spot behind Boyd Oval field and there will be at least four food trucks on offer

Wilson added that there will be two afterparties this year, Saturday at the Buck and Ear in Steveston and Sunday at the Canadian Brewhouse on Garden City Road and Alderbridge Way

Two Islanders teams heading to Western finals

ALAN CAMPBELL Acampbell@Richmond-News com

Two Richmond softball teams are heading to the Western finals, after placing first and second at the provincials on the Island on the weekend

The 2008 and 2009 Richmond Islanders

(pictured above) took the top two spots in the province at the U15 playoffs in Langford

The teams now head to the Western finals later this summer, which are being hosted in Richmond

A14 THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM T 1 Databasemanagementsystem 5 Medicalprocedures 11 Clapton,musician 12 Defender 16 Exertoneself 17 Indicatesposition 18 Preventsriver overflow 19 Atrocities 24 Mister 25 Ends 26 Slopeortilt 27 Taxi 28 Theveryends 29 ActorSean 30 Japanesepersimmon 31 Sours 33 Beneficiary 34 Baseballofficial 38 Muddy,boggy ground 39 Notworldly 40 ActressLathan 43 Soil 44 -Cola 45 Asleep 49 Angeles 50 Givebirthtoachild 51.Beachshelter 53 Commercial 54 Tasteproperty 56 Localjurisdictions 58 Itcoolsyourhome 59 Dismountedfrom ahorse 60 Chargewithacrime 63 Closein 64 Spoke 65 Famedgarden 1 Drawascene 2 Itssultanisfamous 3 Unluckyaccident 4 Awaytoski 5 Abba ,Israeli politician 6 Saw 7 “Westworld”actor Harris 8 Belongingtome 9 Shoelacetube 10 Takestocourt 13 Earlymultimedia 14 Inaway,produces 15 Bowlers 20 OfI 21 Equally 22 Getssomesun 23 Aplacetostay 27 TowninGalilee 29 Aronofskyfilm 30 Klingoncharacter, “StarTrek” 31 Equalto100square meters 32 Atomic#58 33 Arrivedextinct 34 Loosengrip 35 Adistinctiveodor thatisunpleasant 36 Membranes 37 Someispoisonous 38 PartnertoPa 40 Smallbrowngrayrail 41 Asaltoresterof aceticacid 42 Sodium 44 Militaryofficial (abbr) 45 Lighted 46.Tookoff 47 All 48 Ohiocity 50 Moreabject 51 Aradioband 52 Controversialtech product(abbr) 54 Monetaryunit 55 Passedwithflying colors 57 Awaytowina boxingmatch 61 TheGoldenState 62 Homeofthe Longhorns DOWN ACR OSS C a l l u s a t 6 0 4 . 2 4 9 . 3 3 3 5 f o r a n y ti p s o r s t o r i e s . P U Z Z L E A N S W E R c a n b e f o u n d i n c l a s s i fi e d s Find out more about our commmunity at 604-277-4519 | AGreatPlace toLive A Great Way to Live
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 A15 Offered at $1,718,800 Sean Lawson 604.240.4827 SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT 11231 7TH AVENUE Wonderful opportunity for a starter family home in Steveston Village! This 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home was built by a reputable local builder and enjoys a very functional and open floor plan. Bring your renovation ideas and update this well-built home with excellent bones. You'll love the great location steps to the West Dyke Trail, walking distance to Garry Point Park and transit stops, within the Lord Byng Elementary and McMath Secondary School catchments and a short stroll or 2-minute drive to all the amenities of Steveston Village. Offered at $698,000 Fraser Roberts 604.779.5324 SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT #121-8520 GENERAL CURRIE ROAD QUEEN'S GATE. 55+ Adult Oriented Luxurious living at its best. This elevated 1st floor 2 bed 2 bath unit offers a clean canvas ready for a new owner to renovate and personalize to their taste. Enjoy the outdoors on the enormous balcony patio accessible from the living room! Queen's Gate offers an array of amenities for your enjoyment, including a swimming pool, exercise room, hot tub, sauna, and guest suite. Book your private showing today and unleash your creativity in this remarkable space! Offered at $579,900 Sean Lawson 604.240.4837 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 @ #105-23233 GILLEY ROAD #113-23200 GILLEY ROAD This 1 bedroom and den unit has a large West-facing patio, perfect for hosting guests when completed, estimated in 2024. Hamilton Village - West: Less than 15 homes remain! Hamilton Village - West offers the same style and value as Phase 1 in a larger, 2-part building. The East and West, mixed-use buildings, share two indoor amenity spaces, beautiful gardens, a huge playground and an underbuilding parkade. Live at the center of it all and come home to stainless steel appliances, forced air heating and cooling, sleek modern interiors and your choice of two designer colour schemes. Call today! Offered at $599,900 Fraser Roberts 604.779.5324 SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT #217-23233 GILLEY ROAD Quiet 1 bed + den overlooking the outdoor amenity space of the attractive first phase in the Hamilton Village master-planned community The next new building in the area isn t ready for another year – save the GST and buy this move- n ready home! The wellappointed kitchen enjoys stainless steel appliances, sleek modern cabinets, quartz counters, built in wine rack and attractive tiling French doors to the den add a lovely touch. Call to view before it s gone. Ideal bright location, low maintenance 1995 semi-custom above Imperial Village walking distances to schools & amenities. Cul-de-sac cliff side views to West. Updated throughout, Roman bath, smart toilet, dual W/D Luxurious Oak spiral staircase to foyer Updated cabinetry appliances, new aircon/heat pump, lighting & plumbing fixtures. Electric & dual gas fireplace heat. West facing rear deck w/awnings & gazebos. MLS# R2778323 1641 53A Street Tsawwassen PRICE REDUCTION! $1,798,888 Modern 4 bdrm 2 5 bath SCAN FOR P CS & V DEO Private safe showings available Peter 236-868-4687 peter@uplandshomerealty com BUYER’S AGENTS WELCOME SELLING? Call today for a free market evaluation of your home Steve Buchsbaum 604.657.7877 Top 10% of all Realtors $528,800 ** 2 Bedroom Townhouse ** New Listing! Spacious 1,060 sq ft 2 bdrm end unit at popular Kingswood Downes. Th s bright upper unit has had lots of updates and features quiet ocat on large rooms, laminate floors, new kitchen with quartz counters, renovated bathroom, in-suite laundry, lots of storage, spacious balcony and much more! Great, well run complex with poo Pets Ok. 11506 Kingcome Ave, Richmond $1,598,800 ** New Listing ** Wel ma ntained 3 bdrm Rancher ocated on a qu et street, features large 66 x 106 lot w th sunny West backyard and lane access, one leve living with large bonus finished room above the garage, great for storage or hobby room, 2 car garage, ots of storage and much more! Great locat on, c ose to everything 10600 Ainsworth Cres, Richmond $1,898,800 ** Swimming Pool ** Spacious 2,580 sq ft, well mainta ned fam ly home s tuated on a large 7,7715 sq ft lot n a great central locat on This home features lots of or g na hardwood, new hot water tank, updated furnace, large wrap around deck, arge gazebo we l maintained poo and much more 8111 Lucas Road, Richmond $599,800 ** Apple Greene ** This well ooked after 2 bedroom and den is one of the largest plans in the complex, it features a renovated kitchen, updated main bathroom with wa k-in shower, large room sizes, large sunny balcony, ful size storage locker & much more 219 - 8860 No 1 Road, Richmond
A16 THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM RE/MAX Westcoast, #110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond, BC V7B 1B4 / Tel: 604.273.2828 / Cell: 604.317.7768 / Fax: 604.284.1581 / Email: Each office independently owned and operated. #2-13160 Princess Street Craftsman style DETACHED townhome set in coveted London Landing. This spacious home features an open plan for ease of entertaining & family fun. High ceiling, granite counters, cherry cabinets, S/S appliances & 2 fireplaces create that warm inviting home you desire. Bedrooms, all on the second floor are served by a full bath & the master bedroom has a 5 pc ensuite & walk in closet. The top floor loft makes a great gym or play area & opens to a huge deck featuring sunset & partial water views. The lower floor offers a flex room, currently used as an office, storage & access to the oversized double garage. Schools are nearby & you will enjoy taking the dyke walk ng trails to historic Steveston for the shops & restaurants. Patti Martin 604-273-2828/Adam Wachtel 604-315-2746 $1,599,000 NEW LISTING 4280 Louisburg Place THE PERFECT FAMILY HOME- 4 bdrms & 3 full baths tucked on a quiet cul-de-sac n the Diefenbaker area of STEVESTON NORTH. Set right beside a greenspace walkway enjoy a PARK-LIKE SETTING and no neighbours to the east! BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED and UPDATED throughout the years by long time owners. MOVE IN READY Brigh UPSTAIRS LIVING floorplan featuring kitchen with stainless appliances, stone counters and tons of natural light. Spacious living/dining area with gas fp & french doors opening onto the private deck. Primary bedroom with walk-in closet and updated ensuite. 2 other big bedrooms up and upda ed main bathroom Downstairs has spacious family room, HUGE LAUNDRY ROOM with extra storage, 4th bdrm & full bathroom. Stunning SOUTH facing, fully fenced backyard, double garage. A MUST SEE! Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $1,829,800 #50-12311 No. 2 Road FAIRWINDS - 3 bedroom 2.5 bath townhome located in a terrific, familyriendly complex in a great school catchment. FRESHLY PAINTED, bright & spacious with your own east-facing front yard. Spread over 3 levels, head up the stairs into the open concept floor plan with 9 ft. ceilings. Main floor offers laminate throughout, powder room, maple kitchen with S/S appliances incl gas stove & stone counters, dining/living area with gas fireplace & balconies at either end 3 generous bedrooms up, incl primary bedroom with walk-in closet & full ensuite. Tandem garage has 2 covered parking & extra storage. Built in vacuum. Great location! Walking distance to shops and London Landing, Steveston Village, restaurants, cafés & schools. Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $1,198,800 Lots 30 & 31 Westminster Hwy Excellent holding properties in sought-after McLennan area of East Richmond. Approx. lot size 9.33 m wide x 27.59 m long (3502 square meters / .87 acres) Zoned AG-1 Agricultural. Currently mature blueberry bushes. Ideal properties for your Hobby Farm for Blueberries or Vegetables and Fruit Land Only No services available.Virtual tour ava lable. Patti Martin 604-273-2828 Adam Wachtel 604-315-2746 $299,000 EACH #203-7777 Cambie St, Vancouver New CONCRETE Building “SOMA” at Winona Park in Vancouver West. Airconditioned SOUTHEAST CORNER UNIT with 2 Bedrooms & 2 Full Baths in a boutique building. Functional floorplan with 9-foot-high ceiling and engineered hardwood floors throughout. Well-equipped kitchen with additional window, high-end European MIELE appliances, gas stove, and quartz countertops. One parking with Electric Vehicle charging and a PRIVATE large storage room for your exclusive use. Super convenient location: walk to Marine Gateway shopping district & Skytrain Station and easy access to downtown, Langara College & UBC. Top school catchment: Sir Wilfrid Laurier Elementary & Sir Winston Churchill Secondary Rentals & Pets Allowed. Perfect for young families and downsizers. Don t miss this opportunity! Andrea Chu 604-338-6600 $929,000 #1801-7888 Saba Road $1,199,000 10311 St. Johns Place $2,038,800 #122-12873 Railway Avenue $799,800 SOLD SOLD SOLD Connecting agents to the community Reach more home buyers and sellers in your market 604-961-9534 |


away from others. Open kitchen. 1 parking & bike locker Rental & pet friendly Pictures taken while tenanted, now vacant & freshly painted. Complex has equipped gym, sauna & ping-pong room.



Beautifully renovated 955 sf 2-bdrm unit in popular & wel managed “Dorchester Circle”. Quick access to gorgeous Minoru Park, transit, Richmond Centre & schools. Kitchen w/ eating area, maple cabinets & S/S appliances. W/B fireplace. Laminated wood flooring + tiled kitchen & bath floors. Master Bdrm has walk-thru closets to full bath. 86 sf S-facing balcony w/ park-like view Complex has heated O/D pool, hot-tub, sauna & equipped gym. 1 secured pkg + 1 locker Cat & rental friendly


Affordable good-looking & updated 2-bdrm + den, 2-bath west facing 1,355 SF penthouse apartment in "Windsor Gardens", vaulted ceiling in huge 22' x 11.5' living room. Separate bedrooms ensure privacy Separate shower + soaker tub in master bdrm Insuite laundry Complete common area updates make this building looking brand nw Centra Richmond on bus route & neighboring prestigious Sunnymede Ferris & Richmond High School-catchment. Rental allowed and



6125-4000 NO.


Top floor 12ʼ x 40ʼ (478 SF) office. F-to-C windows w/beautiful water & sunset views! Air-con. Shows like new. Also FOR LEASE at $2,200 gross plus GST (3.78% NOI). At Canada Line skytrain Station. Zoned ZMU9 ZC27 (mix retail w/office units) allowing many usages.

RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 A17 604-275-9787 www. .com OUTSTANDING AGENTS ... OUTSTANDING RESULTS RECIPIENT OF THE HIGHLY ESTEEMED RE/MAX LUMINARY OF DISTINCTION AWARD RE/MAX CIRCLE OF LEGENDS AWARD RE/MAX LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WESTCOAST Proven Success Since 1984 * *REBGV MLS Statistics Elegance! Beautifully-crafted by Robert Bosa's Quorum Group! Practically across Richmond Centre. Low density Functional floor plans. Spacious & bright! Quality-finished. Built-in brand name appliances. Gas cooktop. Air-Con. No carpet. Equipped gym. Elegance & class throughout. On a very quiet residential street. 1, 2 & 3 bedroom choice units Price from $688,800 & up AWESOME & MOVE-IN READY 6671 GIBBONS DRIVE Prestigious Gibbons! Custom blt in 2015. 1-level 3,371 sf executive home on dream 86ʼ x 249ʼ(21,744 sf). West backyard. 3.5-bath, 3-Bdrm + den/ 4th bdrm. Gourmet kitchen opens to family room. 10ʼ to 13ʼ high ceilings 400 sf covered patio with motorized solar shades + 2 gas lines for true outdoor living. Smart home system Triple garage. RARE 3,371 SF 8-YR YOUNG RANCHER ON 21,744 SF LOT $5,490,000 NEW LISTING 3326 E. 2ND AVENUE, VANCOUVER This brand new stylish ½ duplex is the perfect affordable family home. 1,805 sf w/ 4-bdrm + den, 4-bath, 2 kitchens & 2 laundry stations. Garage & gated open parking. Sunny south backyard + covered 104 sf deck. Open plan on main floor w/ efficient electric F/P, beautiful shower (has seat) in powder room & Island kitchen w/quartz ctr tops. Lower floor is a 605sf 2-bdrm legal suite. No carpet, HRV radiant HW heating & brand name appliances. City & mountain views from master Bdrm balcony Close to skytrain station, walk to Rupert and bus stop, schools, shopping & much more. BRAND NEW STYLISH 1/2 DUPLEX $1,950,000 NEW LISTING 2250-4871 SHELL ROAD Great exposure! Corner of Shell/Alderbridge with over 50,000 cars passing by daily, excellent location for your companyʼs branding opportunity Upstairs 1,543sqʼ 2pc washroom, 2 pkg stalls + street parking. IB1 zoned, perfect for showroom/office for service-oriented businesses such as Minor health (e.g. acupuncture & naturopathic, massage clinics), lawyers or notary, financing & insurance etc. 1,543 SF UPSTAIR IB1-ZONED
pet friendly M-TO-M long time tenant. WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN ***1,355 SF P/H $778,000 NEW LISTING 4307-4730 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY Prestigious & luxury 1,242 sf NW corner SKY -COLLECTION unit. 3-bdrm, 3-bath, 2 side-x-side pkg Efficient open plan with spectacular mountain & sunset views. Spacious & bright. High end material & workmanship. Quality quartz counter & Bosch kitchen appliances (Panasonic Microwave). AC. & lots of drawer/shelves storage systems. Partly covered 375 sf balcony w/unique sliding doors make in-door/outdoor living relaxing, easy & enjoyable. World class amenities include, gym, yoga studio, lounge, games rm, theatre, music studio & more. Walk to Brentwood Mall & skytrain station. Unit been well taken care of & shows like new CONCORDʼS BRENTWOOD @HILLSIDE WEST $1,598,000 NEW PRICE 621-159 W 2ND AVENUE Immaculate 515sf apt Junior 1-bdrm +flex rm/laundry + parking & locker N facing, expansive window wall. Sleek, Eurostyle kitchen, brand name appliances Loads of storage space. Energy efficient. Amenities: landscaped rooftops, BBQ patio, assigned gardening planters, gym, meeting room, & party lounge Pets & rentals (min 30days) friendly Fantastic lifestyle w/ great restaurants, theatre, shopping, SkyTrain/AquaBus, the SeaWall, Hinge Park, & Creekside Cmty Ctr all steps from your front door! TOWER GREEN AT WEST IN OLYMPIC VILLAGE $649,900 501-3355 BINNING ROAD UNIVERSITY VW Prestigious Binning Tower in UBC by Award winning West Group. 1,330 sf 2- en-suited Bdrm + den, 2-bath, 2-u/g secured parking + locker Almost 100 sf SW covered balcony with open view Open concept & floor-to-ceiling windows allow plenty of natural light. Euro-styled gourmet kitchen. High- end Gaggenau 5-burner gas cooktop. Premium quality engineered hardwood flooring. Huge living/dining area easily fits another bedroom. Facilities: equipped gym, library, lounge, etc. 1,330 SF 2-BDRM CONDO IN UBC $1,688,000 NEW PRICE 1510-7380 ELMBRIDGE WAY
Residences” by Bosa! Walking distance to Richmond Centre. A very well built & maintained quality residence in the sky SW corner 1086 sf 3-bdrm 2-bath 88 sf balcony
garden view Efficient layout with master bdrm
BEDROOMS $788,000





would make an excellent home or investment property Conveniently located close to Blunde l & No 2 Road by shopping, parks, amenities and Steveston-London Secondary 6960 Chelmsford Street


This very well maintained family home offers 4 bedrooms, family room and 3.5 bathrooms in a fantastic West Richmond location in Steveston South! With 2391 SF of spacious living, the home also features high ceilings in the living room & entry, gourmet kitchen, chef s kitchen, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, laminate floors,

A18 THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM RE/MAX Austin Kay Realty & RE/MAX Anita Chan Realty - #110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond BC V7B 1B4 QUIET 1 BDRM + DEN CORNER CAMBRIA PARK along the Cambie Corridor Quiet back NW CORNER condo with 1 bedroom, separate den, taller windows and amazing 9’9 ceilings! Airy bright and features an extra wide floor plate & large picture windows that face onto the interior courtyard This parkside home offers 694 SF of spacious living, open kitchen with floor to ceiling cabinets, stainless steel appliances, gas stove, quartz countertops, radiant heat flooring, laminate floors, insuite laundry and HRV for fresh air throughout the year round 1 Parking & 1 locker All this in an easy and convenient location close along the Cambie Corridor close to Oakridge Mall, Marine Gateway, buses, schools, golf course and parks. #106-6999 Cambie Street, Vancouver HUGE 11,590 SF SEAFAIR LOT RARE OPPORTUNITY to own this 11,590 SF lot in the desirable Seafair that backs onto the Dyke with spectacular water views and endless sunsets! This custombuilt home is bright and spacious with lots of windows and skylights and offers 3+ bedrooms, den, family room, piano room 3 full baths, tons of storage and X-large double carport. Great for any family to enjoy, buy as an investment property or to build your dream home of up to 4727 SF plus garage Don’t wait as there are very few of these larger lots with a water views left in Richmond. All this in an excellent ocation in a quiet cul-de-sac that’s close to Seafair Mall, Steveston Village, Gilmore Elementary Hugh Boyd Secondary and everything West Richmond has to offer 8391 Fairfax Place AFFORDABLE STUDIO @ TV TOWER 2 Enjoy urban living at its best in this affordable studio condo at the TV Tower 2 by Concord Pacific right on Robson Street in downtown Vancouver! This bright, southeast fac ng home features a wider 496 SF open layout, bonus den that can even fit a double bed, floor to ceiling windows, insuite laundry deep walk-in closet and a larger more desirable 140 SF deck. Literally steps to every amenity there is including amazing shopping, award winning dining, sky train, bus stops, Yaletown Park, Pacific Centre Mall, BC Place, Rogers Arena and Robson Square! Excellent opportunity for a first-time buyer, new homeowner or investor Al this in a well-run, pet friendly concrete hi-rise w th 24 hour concierge, gym, hot tub, sauna, steam room, theatre and games room. #706-233 Robson Street, Vancouver 9451 Finn Road 2000+ SF DETACHED WORKSHOP 27,918 SF - .64 ACRE LOT Rare opportunity for a 90 x 310’ lot = 27,918 sf (.64 Acre) with an older 2741 sf, 4 bedroom 1 bathroom home on popular Finn Road. This one has a bonus detached 2000+ sf workshop at the back ideal for working on cars, boats, RV s or woodworking. Finn Road offers a unique country setting in a convenient location just 10 mins to Richmond Center, 10 mins to Steveston Village and 10 mins to the South side of the tunnel. Ideal location to build your dream home with many new homes in the area. 9431 Finn Road CUTE UPDATED HOUSE 21,800 SF HALF ACRE LOT Rare opportunity with 2 side by side homes available at the same time on Finn Road. 9431 Finn Road sits on 70’ x 310’ lot 21,800 sf (half acre)
with a cute updated 1900 sf, 2 bedroom + games room home. 9451 Finn Road sits on a larger 90’ x 310’ lot 27,918 sf (.64 Acre) with an older 2741 sf, 4 bedroom that’s need a little TLC. This one has a bonus detached 2000+ sf workshop at the back ideal for working on cars, boats, RV’s or woodworking. Finn Road offers a unique country setting in a convenient location just 10 mins to Richmond Center 10 mins to Steveston Village and 10 mins to the South side of the tunnel. Ideal location to build your dream
with many new homes in the area. 1 LEVEL RANCHER
RANCHER that s hard o find with 3 bedrooms 2 bathroom double car garage and a sunny south backyard! Located in a quiet cul-de-sac on a large 8504 SF lot by Blundell & Gilbert Road with excellent street appeal with many new homes in the area. For those wanting to build a new dream home, the new home can be as large as 3801 SF plus garage with back lane The home has some updates over the years and
2 gas fireplaces, crown mouldings, radiant heat on both levels, security system and double garage. Located on a nice 48 x90.6 4349 SF lot with a nice sunny west facing backyard and covered patio area that’s great for those summer BBQ’s. All this in a very convenient location that’s super close to Westwind Elementary, McMath Secondary historic Steveston, parks, boardwalk and community centre! 11591 Railway Avenue
immaculate 3799 SF family home with excellent street appeal offers 5 bedrooms, den, family room, 5.5 baths and recreation room w/ ho tub & sauna! Features an amazing floor plan, high vaulted ceilings in the LR, entry & master bedroom, hardwood floors, 3 gas fireplaces, 2 staircases, bright skylights, new HWT and radiant floor heat. Comes complete with a huge balcony off the master and detached double garage with back lane access. All this & more on a arge rectangular 63 x 117 = 7346 SF lot with a huge sunny south backyard n an excellent W Rmd neighborhood surrounded by new homes. Just steps to buses, Blundell Centre Mall with Starbucks, Freshco Supermarket, restaurants, banks, medica & dental services, parks, Blundell Elementary & Steveston-London Secondary schools. 6460 Chelmsford Street PRIME WEST RMD FAM HOME TOTALLY UPDATED 2 BEDROOM Totally updated & professionally designed from top to bottom with laminate floors, sparkling baths and kitchen with quartz counters, stainless steel appliances, built in bar doors casings & crown mouldings. Popular Apple Greene un t offers 920 SF living area with 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths and comes with 1 parking and 1 storage locker This super clean with nothing to do but move in and has a private balcony overlooking trees & greenspace All this is in an excellent location across from Seafair Mall and a short distance to Steveston Village and a stroll on the Dyke. Great complex with reasonable maintenance fees that include hot water baseboard heat in the unit and a spacious fully loaded clubhouse with indoor & outdoor pools. #306-8860 No. 1 Road ONLY 5 YRS OLD WITH SIDE X SIDE GARAGE Sparkling clean & freshly painted this 5 yr old end unit offers almost 1600 sf living area with 4 bedrooms & 3.5 baths & a large side by side double garage with newly painted floors. This South, East and West facing unit is nice & bright with extra windows in the kitchen & dining rooms being a corner unit. Convenient bedroom with ful ensuite on lower floor Main floor offers a bright open floor plan with large kitchen with stainless steel appliances and quartz counters. The top floor offers 3 more bedrooms with 2 more baths. Excellent street appeal with high-quality Hardi board sid ng and stone detailing. Within walking distance to École Woodward Hill Elementary School. Hurry, this one won’t last. #41-6188 141 Street, Surrey 4 BDRMS, 3.5 BATH CORNER T/H PREMIUM OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Excellent opportunity to lease prime executive office space in a central location between the Airport & West Richmond at the South Terminal @the YYR Airport. Premium office spaces available as small as 400 SF on the 2nd floor 1638 SF on the ground level, large 2-level open atrium space of 5697 SF or even 10,000 SF of total space can be available at a very reasonable rate. Access to a huge executive-style lounge & boardroom at discounted rates is available to all occupants in the building. All-inclusive GROSS lease rates range from $36- $42/SF include property taxes, heat, air conditioning, lights & water Easily accessible from Central Richmond. 4360 & 4380 Agar Drive 693 SF OFFICE SPACE RIVERSIDE BUSINESS PARK. This totally open, 693 SF upper level office space comes with its own washroom, alarm system, openable skylight and lots of natural light. The unit has also been freshly painted has a great north facing exposure and comes with 1 parking spot. All this in a quiet location in the SE quadrant of Richmond that is just behind the conveniences of Ironwood Plaza and nearby amenities which include restaurants, London Drugs, UPS, banks, insurance, gyms, gas stations and more. Super easy access to Hwy 99, Hwy 91, Knight Street, Oak Street, YVR airport, Ferry Terminal and the USA Border Available for move in anytime. #2127-11871 Horseshoe Way WAREHOUSE / SHOWROOM Spotless and super clean showroom / office / warehouse located in the Riverside Industrial Park, just south of Steveston and east of Shell Road A total of 2124 up to 4269 SF of space available on 2 levels when combined with the unit next door Features 2 oversized grade level garage doors, kitchenette, 3 bathrooms, 1 shower HVAC plus 24 high warehouse space located at the back of the property Space currently includes display grid racks, glass shelves, specialty hangers and spotlights which could be used to display an array of products for various business uses. Comes with a total of 7 parking spots. All this within a very well-maintained complex that’s gated after hours and has easy access to Ironwood Plaza, Hwy 99 and 91 Ready to move in anytime! #1165 & 1170 - 11980 Hammersmith Way RETAIL SPACE 635 SF FOR SALE Excellent high traffic retail space available for sale. Features 635 SF of space with open corner exposures and great visibility from the central Food Court area at the Parker Place shopping mall. Currently tenanted by a computer business that offers a great return on your investment with opportunities to operate your own business in the future. #1250-4380 No 3 Road UPDATED 2 BEDROOM & 2.5 BATH This super bright and clean 2 bedroom townhome offers 994 sq ft of spacious living and 2.5 bathrooms that’s convenient y located by Bridgeport & No 4 Road. The townhome is located in the NE corner of the complex and has additional side windows off of the living room & kitchen bringing in extra light. Very well maintained and recently updated with brand new carpets, pain and a nice white kitchen and comes complete with its own front patio, 1 parking and direct street access to street and ample visitors parking. All this in a convenient location with easy access to Central Richmond, Vancouver YVR and Highways 99 & 91 Just minutes to Costco, Tim Hortons, Golftown & many other shops and restaurants. Ready to move in! #138-2211 No. 4 Road SPACIOUS 1955 SF 2 LEVEL, 3 BDRM TOWNHOME Carlton Terrace. This 2 level CORNER townhome is extremely well-maintained and offers 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms and 1955 SF of super spacious living Features a white gourmet kitchen, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, separate nook, laminate floors, gas fireplace, large master ensuite, newer washer/dryer bright skylights and hot water heating. This quiet executive style home “feels like a house” and has open exposures to the north/ south/east. Comes complete with a fully fenced backyard and double side x side garage. All this in a well managed complex in central Richmond close to Garden City Mall, new Save-On Foods Shoppers, restaurants, banks, buses, parks, DeBeck Elementary & Palmer Secondary Move in anytime! #15-8051 Ash Street PRIVATE & QUIET 3 BDRM TOWNHOME This private & quiet 3 bedroom townhome with 1313 square feet features a gourmet kitchen with island, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, gas stove, separate nook and 2 balconies This home also offers 9 ft ceilings on the main floor laminate floors, 2.5 bathrooms, gas fireplace, insuite laundry comfortable radiant floor heating on all levels and a 2-car double tandem garage with lots of space for storage. Hot water tank is brand new Chelsea Place is a well managed complex with 32 quality townhomes with low maintenance ees located in a very central location close to Garden City Mall, new Save-On Foods, Shoppers Drug Mart, parks, transit, DeBeck Elementary and Palmer Secondary Ready to move in! #21-9688 Keefer Avenue

1303 – 15165 Thrift Avenue


Welcome to the Miramar by BOSA in White Rock. Subpenthouse 2 year young 1 bedroom 1 bath condo with expansive views of the mountains and city overlooking the courtyard below Immaculate like a show home, perfect for first time Buyers, downsizers or investors. Comes with 2 side x side parking, 1 locker, AC, engineered h/w floors, NEST thermostat, heated bathroom floor and Bosch appliances Amen ties nclude exercise room, lounge, dance/yoga studio, outdoor pool with hot tub on rooftop terrace Steps away from transit, retail, pharmacy, restaurants, grocery store Enjoy the Sunday Farmers Market at your doorstep

5631 Greenland Drive, Delta

Welcome to this breathtaking high-end house, situated on a 8654 sq ft lot in sunny Tsawwassen. This magnificent 5636 sq ft property of luxurious living space,offering a comfortable and elegant lifestyle The moment you step nto this stunning home, you’ll be struck by its impeccable design and attention to detail. The interior is beautifully decorated with modern finishes, high-end appliances, and premium fixtures that exude sophistication and style With 7 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms, featuring h/e finishes, sleek lines, and modern amenities that make them both functional and elegant Including 2bed 2bath in-law suite and games room. But the real showstopper of this property is the breathtaking view that you’ll enjoy from almost every room in the house

RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 A19 Valeerie Laurendeau Endleess Opportunity 604.6603.7333
Independen ly Owned and Opera ed 110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond BC V7B 1B4 Bus: 604-273-2828 Fax: 604-279-8002 Westcoast
SOLD 5500 Woodpecker Dr Listed $2,198,000 Interested in moving to one of RICHMOND’s MOST AWESOME NEIGHBOURHOOD? Large 4 bedroom Beautifully remodelled. Family friendly cul-de-sac. #402 - 1330 Jervis St Listed $998,000 Bringing Results Home PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORAT ON 604.970.8118 RE/MAX Westcoast #110–6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond, BC V7B 1B4 101 1551 FOSTER ST., WHITE ROCK This one is SPECIAL! Rarely available 1100 + sqft 1 bedroom + den SE corner suite at Sussex House! First floor home with a huge patio, fenced yard & gated access to the street. It’s perfect for gardening & your outdoor enterta nment! Features f oor to ce ling w ndows elegant 9’ ceilings, beautiful HW floors through out. Newly updated gourmet k tchen w th new sta nless app iances in 2020, granite countertops and new light fixtures. Spacious bedroom with coffered ceilings, walk-in closet, ensuite with soaker tub, separate shower & doub e sinks Ideal open space v ng at ts best! Impeccab y maintained complex with guest suite, gym & party room. Superb location in the heart of White Rock! Just steps to Semiahmoo Mall, cafes, restaurants, transit & all amenities. It’s a Walker’s Paradise! $739,000 3502 1009 EXPO BLVD., VANCOUVER This amazing condo has a beautiful mountain view right from your living room window At night, another spectacular captivating, view awaits you, as thousands of gorgeous lights glisten and shine like diamonds, lighting up the entire mountain side of Grouse Mountain. Breathtaking, mesmeric PANORAMIC VIEWS of the city lights spanning for miles. A short walk brings you to the marina side and footsteps to ocean with a boardwalk for more adventure to walk, jog and ride your bike. Prime location in the heart of Yaletown. Call today for a private viewing. $879,000 407 4500 WESTWATER DR. 201 8451 WESTMINSTER HWY 407 2288 PINE ST SOLD SOLD SOLD DAVID LINDSAY Personal Real Estate Corporation 604.279.3865 Professional and courteous service for over 39 years! 2022 MLS Medallion Club (Top 10% of Realtors) 8611 Allison St 4 bdrm, 2400 sq ft! Backs onto park! $1,698,800 Just listed! Lots of value here with this beautifully maintained and updated 4 bedroom family home! Features a gorgeous new kitchen with large island and eating bar Long term owners have continuously updated the home and features newer flooring, appliances, patio door, exterior paint, backyard deck, garage door, gutters and so much more! The private yard space faces west and backs onto a park area, offering up a great space for entertaining and family BBQ’s This beauty is in move in condition, call for your private viewing!

STEVESTON VILLAGE • #9 - 4311 Bayview Street

STEVESTON VILLAGE location, with Fraser R ver at your doorstep. Spacious 2 Bedroom 2 1/2 Bathroom Townhouse

for BBQ or "al fresco"

Upper floor offers

large bedrooms with en-suite bathroom for principal bedroom, and family bathroom Integral garage, with flex space or extra storage. Short stroll along the river and enjoy all the amenities that Steveston has to offer Community Centre, Library, Tennis and Pickle Ball Courts, Outdoor Pool, and a plethora of restaurants and quaint shops. It's all about the lifestyle!

BRITANNIA • #416-12931 Railway Avenue

View Suite PENTHOUSE at highly sought after BRITANNIA. STUNNING VIEWS of Fraser River, Gulf Islands and beyond await the new owner of this spacious 2 Bedroom apartment. A Blank Canvas waiting on your decorating ideas. Soaring ceilings in living and dining room and high ceilings in guest bedroom. BIG Primary bedroom and en-suite bathroom with larger shower stall. Corner suite with tons of natural light and large covered deck for enjoying tranquil evening views of the river and spectacular sunsets! Neutral colour pallet, 2" white blinds, white kitchen and lovely warm wood flooring throughout. Viewings by Appointment only No Open Houses

Offered at $1,100,000

Cell. 604-802-1696

Bus: 604-263-8800

#1901-1196 PIPELINE ROAD

Coquitlam ~ $1,148,800

EXCEPTIONALLY SPACIOUS and beautifully REMODELLED 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom SUB-PENTHOUSE at the highly sought-after Hudson built by Bosa. This executive-style residence with 2 balconies features STUNNING PANORAMIC VIEWS of Lafarge Lake and the surrounding mountains with unparalleled privacy Enjoy the added convenience of two side-by-side secured parking stalls on the main level, a large storage locker, a proactive strata

A20 THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM sutton group - seafair realty 550 - 9100 blundell road, richmond, bc v6y 1k3 604.241.4898 LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION 4391 Bayview Street Minutes from the waterfront boardwalk, community centre & 2 great schools – Homma & McMath is this super 3 bedroom & den home Boasts 3 full baths, Great Room concept plus a separate Living Room off the foyer & a clever glass covered patio that extends the living area. Tons of storage & A/C OPEN SAT 2-4PM $1,955,000 LIVE/WORK 12000 First Avenue Opportunity in this dual retail/residential property in the heart of Steveston Village. The ground floor offers 561 sq ft of reta l space plus 1 parking at rear Lovely big storefront windows for light and exposure. Above there is a 2 bedroom 1 ½ bath 2 level townhome with its own entrance & 1 parking. STEVESTON VILLAGE $998,000 CHOICE COMPLEX 25 11491 7th Avenue Is this terrific 3 bedroom 2 level townhome situated minutes from Steveston Village, Garry Point Park & great schools – Byng & McMath. Perched on the West Dyke Mariners Village is a family friendly complex with grand greenspace & resort-style amenities that boasts an indoor pool, hot tub & sauna. OPEN SUN 2-4PM $698,000 STROLL TO STEVESTON 33200 Broadway Street And Garry Point Park from this terrific 4 bedroom & den home in the heart of The Village. Boasts an open Kitchen with BIG island that opens to a private sunny southern backyard Beautiful Master Ensuite with large shower & his/hers sinks as wel as a large walk-in closet. STEVESTON VILLAGE $1,799,000 HELEN PETTIPIECE 604.341.7997 Seafair Realty
Featuring open concept Living/Dining area
opening onto south facing deck, idea
afternoon sun or evening sunsets.
Offered at $1,115,000 NEW LISTING
for enjoying
Chef's kitchen,with direct access to the
deck, great
OF B C 30 Years
and an AMAZING RECREATION CENTER Prime central location close to transit, shopping, restaurants, library, community center and any other amenity you desire. A rare opportunity waiting for YOU! 1107 MONTROYAL BOULEVARD North Vancouver ~ $1,450,000 Fabulous opportun ty to acquire a fam ly townhouse n North Vancouver s sought after Canyon Heights ne ghbourhood Three bedrooms up with fourth bedroom down perfect for the growing family Extensive renovations since 2014 and maintained in good condition by caring owners. Private back patio with green belt to enhance the separation from your neighbours. Great school catchment w th sought after Canyon He ghts E ementary and Handsworth Seconday close by This home is accessed off Montroyal and is a private enclave separate from the rest of the complex. Bonus three parking spots out front of your unit including the garage. Close to Cleveland Dam park Capilano Suspension Br dge and Grouse Mountain. Great location for commuters who need to use the Lions Gate Bridge for that downtown office. Sutton Group - Seafair Realty “A NAME EASY TO RECOMMEND” GOLD MASTER Salim Shivji 604.328.3521 Salim Shivji 604.328.3521 #315-8180 JONES ROAD "LAGUNA" Largest 1-Bedroom corner suite in one of the top Richmond complexes! A very spacious 885 sq.ft top floor unit, featuring 9' high ceilings. $578,800 Just Sold! #1206-2220 KINGSWAY "KENSINGTON GARDENS" Higher floor 1 Bedroom plus Den in a highly desirable location with all amenities at your doorstep! Excellent floor plan! $599,000 Just Sold! 10493 YARMISH DRIVE IMMACULATE FAMILY HOME Pride of Ownership here! Loving cared for almost 3,000 sq.ft,. 4 Bedroom plus Games/Flex Room on a superb over 7,000 sq.ft. lot in one of Richmond's more desirable subdivisons. Immaculate condition home situated on a park-like beautifully landscaped lot! Gorgeous back yard! $1,999,800 Just Sold! #208-8500 GENERAL CURRIE ROAD "QUEENSGATE" Immaculately well kept 2 Bedroom, 2 Full Baths almost 1,000 sq.ft. quiet North facing unit in highly desirable adult oriented Queensgate in a superb Richmond location! This is a worryfree rainscreened complex. Call for full details! $699,888 #209 - 8291 92 STREET, DELTA "TILBURY" IN LADNER Superb location in the Tilbury area at the Southwest corner of River Road and 92nd St. in "Buckingham Corporate Centre" Industrial Strata Warehouse 5,643 sq.ft. with 24 foot ceilings Easy access to all areas of the Lower Mainland. High quality concrete tilt-up constructed building only 9 years old $3,598,000



BARTH, Eleanor (Norrie)



Brar Bros Farms

Requred for weedng, pantng, harvestng & gradng vegetabes This job nvolves hard work; bendng, ftng, standing & crouching $16 75/hour, 45+ hr/wk, 6 days/wk, Nov 2023 to June 2024

Fx: 604-576-8945, or ema : TJ@brarbrosfarm com

MacPHERSON, Pearl (nee Williams)

Wth great sadness, the famly of Pear MacPherson (nee Wllams) announces her passng on June 2nd, 2023 in Ladner, BC Born November, 1930 to Stephen and Dorothy Wllams (nee Parker), n Portage a Prairie, MB Predeceased by her brother Kenneth and forever remembered by her sister Donna Pearl wil sadly be missed by her daughters Sandy and Heather, and her son John (Wendy) Also, her granddaughters JoAnne (Matthew), Michele (Andy) and Emiy As wel, great-grandkids Kyegh and Henry Pearl was predeceased by her ovng husband Don MacPherson, the ove of her ife, they loved ther ong drves together, to parts unknown Pearl’s life was filed wth achievements ncuding; Graduating Nursing School in 1951, President of BC Ladies Curling, Honorary Life Member at Rchmond Curing Club, Board Member at McKee Senior Centre and winnng a week on the NFL pcs! Pearl was very charitable, a true eader and a lovng frend, she wil be mssed

A memoral wil be held November 5th, 2023, McKee Senor Centre, Ladner BC Onine streamng wl be available for out of towners RSVP to pearlsday memoral@gmal com Condoence messages can be eft at www rchmondfunera ca

If incined, please donate to the Irene Thomas Hospice n Pearl’s name

Onlne condoences may be left at www rchmond-funera ca

Funeral arrangements entrusted to

Rchmond Funera Home • (604) 273-3748


Eleanor (Norre) Barth passed away suddeny but peacefuly June 19, 2023 After 84 years of love, her bg heart just gave out Norre was the proud mom of Les and Debra, grandma of Aurora, and adopted mom of many others who crossed her path Norrie moved to Rchmond n 1970 and committed thousands of vounteer hours to hep peope in Rchmond and Steveston over the years Norrie wil be deepy missed Donations can be made to any ocal charity in her name


LOST CAT White & Grey Tabby since June 2022

Short haired / Green eyes / Very friendly / Pics Online RN Microchip / Reward / Please call 604 272 4207


RELIABLE CAT SITTER UR AWAY; but your cat s ok thanks to Rosemary Newspaper, mal co ection, waterng plants and mantaning securty for your home and your beoved cat 604-351-3831



Puppies ready, DOB Apr1 Mcro chp, 1st vac, parent heath check Leash traned Non-shed 604-943-0113


Brar Bros Farms

3585 184 St Surrey, BC

Requred for weedng, pantng, harvesting & gradng vegetabes This job nvoves hard work; bendng, fting, crouchng No experience required $16 75/hour, 45+ hr/wk, 6 days/wk

2 year term; Nov 2023 - June 2025

Fx: 604-576-8945, or email TJ@brarbrosfarm com

Organic Ocean Seafood Inc.

Warehouse Worker/Driver

Warehouse duties pick ng & packing fresh and/or frozen seafood Driving dut es vary and enta del ver ng to cus tomers, pick ng up fish from suppliers and de ver ng a r freight to the airport. 604 447 7300

RENTAL apartmEnts/ conDos For rEnt

Ladner 1 BR condo, newly renovated, 3rd fl, facing N balc, f/p, prkg, a ammens coseby, $1900 Suts mature person Sma pet ok Aug 1st Call Joe 778-325-3659

suitEs For rEnt

BEAUTIFUL 1 br suite near South Arm Prk 1000 sq ft, prkg, share w/d N/p, n/s $1750 604-644-2650

HousEs For rEnt

fieds richmond-news com
RMD Newy reno’d Spac priv 3 BR Upper, with prv 2 BR ste down, f/p, den, cov pato, 8 new appls, am flrs, fenced, carport, prkg N/P Now $4595 604-833-2103 CALL Today for Summer DISCOUNTS! GUTTERS • REPLACEMENTS • DOWNPIPE • LEAF GUARD • DRAIN GUARD • SIDING
& Residential. Free Estimates. Gutter Specialists Licensed WCB Insured 604-724-5493 • 604-721-0372 • GuttErs HOME SERVICES Drywall Boarding & Taping, Good Rates! Reliable, Free Est. Reno’s & Small Jobs Welcome! Call Gurprit 604-710-7769 ElEctrical A CLASS ELECTRICIAN Licensed. LEL029900 Small Jobs, Free Est All work is guaranteed 2 years 7 days/ week 9 am - midnight Dave, 778-230-0619 YOUR ELECTRICIAN Lic#89402 Insured Guar’d Fast same day service We love BIG & small jobs! 604-568-1899 goldenleafelectrical com HOME SERVICES MARKETPLACE Call or ema l to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-653-7851 • 604-362-0586 nmather@glaciermedia ca • dtjames@glaciermedia ca Book your ad online anytime at Your Community Create, review, adjust, tweak, resize, change font, add colour, tweak, review again, publish, sell, simple. Create your own ads at It’s selling made simple Call 604-653-7851 to place your ad


A22 THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM CALL THE EXPERTS • • • HOME SERVICES Advertise your home services in Call The Experts 604-653-7851 Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE SUDOKU Relax, leave the cleaning and disinfecting to us! 604.241.8466 Flooring Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts • Repars • Stanng • Installation • Free Estimates 604-376-7224 centuryhardwood com landscaPing SHAW LANDSCAPING LTD. Complete Landscaping Clean-up Lawn Cuts Shrubs & Tree Pruning 778-688-1012 604-908-3596 • Residential / Commercial • Rotary / Reel Cutting • Trimming • Edging • Aeration / Power Raking • Complete Fertilizing Programs • Hedge Trimming / Pruning • Pressure Washing The Indoor Outdoor Guy 604-277-5572 Your local design/build kitchen and renovation specialists PLUMBING & HEATING Licensed, Insured & Bonded Local Plumbers Plumbing Service & Repairs Boilers & Furnaces Gas Work 604.868.7062 Heating System Service Special Only $109 Including free hot water tank service! Ken Miller 604.275.1417 Complete Services Offered • 35 Years Experience • Fully Insured Plumbing • Electrical • Woodwork • Drywall • Bathrooms • Painting • Handyman • Textured Ceilings • FREE Quotes Door Repairs: Patio • Pocket • Bi-folds • Shower Insured / WCB “Just a call away” Mike Favel • 604-341-2681 and I’m a Nice Guy! M.S. MAINTENANCE & RENOVATIONS Gardeners & Landscaping • LAWNS, Maintenance • HEDGE Trim, Pruning • Bedrock, River Rock • Retaining Walls • CONCRETE • Pavers • Resurface Driveways • ROOFING Repairs • DECKS, FENCING, • PATIOS • PAINT Exterior • STUCCO and Much More 25 Years Exp 778-968-7843 laWn & garden 25+ years Experence Fully Ins’d Lic’d & WCB Summer Clean-up Specials • Blackberry Removal • New Sod & Seeding • Tree Toppng & Trmmng • Power Wash • Gutters • Pato’s • Decks • Fences • Concrete • Retanng Wa s • Pavng Stone & Rock • Driveways & Sdewaks & Much MORE All work guaranteed Free Estimates 604-240-2881 laWn & garden Complete Landscaping Garden & Lawn Care • Power Raking •Fertlizer • Pruning •Trimming • Pavers • Retainng Wa s • Cedar Fencing & Gates Installation & Repairs 604-271-5319 778-863-5319 • Lawn Cuts & Maintenance • Full Landscape Projects Signature Design Services, Cal for a Yard Makeover! One call does it A l! WCB 604-943-0043 moving ABE MOVING & Del very & Rubbish Remova $45/hr per person 24/7 • 604-999-6020 Affordable Moving From $45/hr 1,3,5,7,10 Ton Trucks Licensed & Insured Local - Long Dstance Free Est Senor Dsc 604-537-4140 www affordablemoversbc com Painting/ WallPaPer BC’s BEST PAINTERS 25+ yrs exp • BBB Top Qua ty Paint & Workmanshp EXTERIOR: Painting Experts; 15 year guarantee Interior: 2 Coats & Repa rs for $250 per room 778-545-0098 604-377-5423 m brushespantng@gma com Fully Insured 20 yrs. exp. • Free Est. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR SPECIALS 10% OFF Call 6047291234
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You’re going to lose access to local news on Facebook and Google.

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RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 A23 HOME SERVICES properTy mainTenance Get Your Gutters Cleaned NOW 25% Off Power Washing Grass Cutting All Services 604 209 3445 renoS & home improvemenT A-1 Contracting. Bsmt, bath, kitchen cabinets, tie & lamnate flrs, pantng, decks and more Call Dhillon, 604-782-1936 ALL RENOVATIONS: •Kitchen •Baths •Additons •Pato •Stairs •Deck •Fences •Paintng •Drywal & MORE 778-892-1530 a1kahlonconstruction ca Since 1989 Celebrating 34Years! www mrbuild com RENOS • REPAIRS 9129 Shaughnessy St , Van 604-732-8453 roofing A-1 Contracting & Roofing New & Re-Roofing • All Types All Maintenance & Repairs GUTTER CLEANING Gutter Guard Installations • RENOVATION WORK • WCB 25% Discount • Emergency Repairs • Jag • 778-892-1530 a1kahlonconstruction ca A1 TOP CANADIAN ROOFING LTD A kinds of roofing Re-roof, new roof & repars Shnge & torch-on Free Estmates 778-878-2617 604-781-2094 Re-Roofing & Repairs Specialists 20 Year Labour Warranty Available 604-591-3500 roofing A l types Roofing & Repair WCB Liability BBB • GLRoofing ca 604-240-5362 rubbiSh removal • FULL SERVICE JUNK REMOVAL & Clean-Up at Affordable Rates • Pianos & Hot Tubs No Problem • Booked Appointments • Same-Day Service • Residential & Commerc a JUNK 604.220.JUNK (5865) BRADS Starting at $2 + dump fees. 20 YARD BIN RENTALS 280 Tree ServiceS TREE SERVICES Pruning, Hedge Trimming Tree & Stump Removal 75 ft Bucket Trucks 604-787-5915 www treeworksonline ca $50 OFF * on jobs over $1000 AUTOMOTIVE Scrap car removal VEHICLE REMOVAL CASH FOR ALL! Servng Deta & area snce 1986 Call 604-649-1627 www deltascrap ca STucco D & S STUCCO 30 yrs exp Exc serv Al types of Fnshes, Repairs Ins’d 604-788-1385
GROOVY Your Clunker is someone’s Classic.
A24 THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM UNIT #640, LANDSDOWNE CENTRE • 5300 #3 ROAD, RICHMOND • 604.232.1188 STORE HOURS: SUNDAY TO THURSDAY 9:30AM TO 7:00PM • FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 9:30AM-8PM Your Choice. Our Honour. Our Effort. Our Award. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORE VALID THURSDAY, JULY 13–WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2023 • WHILE QUANTITIES LAST This sale is only for the Richmond location LFM LANGLEY FARM MARKET For fresh and quality foods LANGLEY FARM MARKET For freshness and quality you can count on! MEAT & SEAFOOD BAKERY GROCERY 2 for $5 $699 lb. $429 9 ea $499 ea. $289 ea. $869 9 lb $399 lb $419 ea $399 lb. $369 ea $650 ea BEEF STIR FRY Fresh / $15.38/kg RAISIN BUNS 450g OCEAN MAMA ASSORTED FISH BALLS Frozen / 500g BLACK COD H&G FISH STEAK Frozen / $19.16/kg STAR BRAND BASA STEAK Frozen / 680g PORK BUTT – BONELESS Fresh / $8.78/kg CHOCOLATE BANANA LOAF 450g WHOLE CHICKEN WINGS Fresh / $8.78/kg BIRDSNEST COOKIES 300g GREEN TEA SWISS ROLL 600g $349 ea. $149 ea. JACOB’S CREAM CRACKERS 200g CRICH BRASIL COCOA WAFERS 200g 99¢ ea. AA-1 SARDINES IN TOMATO SAUCE Hot / 155g 2 for $3 99¢ lb. LOCAL BUNCH CARROT Product of B.C. $249 ea. $139 lb. BOILER ONIONS Product of U.S.A. 3 lb. bag PRODUCE $249 lb. YELLOW NECTARINES Product of U.S.A. $4.38/kg LOCAL BLUEBE Product of B.C. 1 lb. clamshell $199 lb. $199 lb. OKANAGAN CHERRIES Product of B.C. $4.38/kg OKANAGAN APRICOTS Product of B.C. $5.48/kg LOCAL ZUCCHINI SQUASH Product of B.C. $2.18/kg LOCAL BOK CHOY MUE Product of B.C. $3.08/kg EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC PICKELED BABY BEETS 500ml $599 ea. EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC COCONUT BUTTER 500g $359 ea. EAT WHOLESOME SAN MARZANO TOMATOES D.O.P. 796ml $159 ea. CHEN CHEN DRIED SEAWEED STRIPS 100g $139 ea. RICO LITCHI JUICE 490ml $119 ea. DAN-D-PAK ORGANIC CHESTNUTS 100g NISSIN (FUKU) SUPERIOR SOUP INSTANT RICE NOODLES 5x65g $399 ea. $599 ea. MINICRUSH MANGO JELLY 1400g 88¢ ea. REGENT GOLDEN SWEET CORN 60g $399 ea.

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