Richard Reeves at The Richmond Forum

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MARCH 22, 2025

Richard Reeves



Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) is a leading financial services company that has approximately $1.9 trillion in assets, proudly serves one in three U.S. households and more than 10% of small businesses in the U.S., and is a leading middle market banking provider in the U.S. We provide a diversified set of banking, investment and mortgage products and services, as well as consumer and commercial finance, through our four reportable operating segments: Consumer Banking and Lending, Commercial Banking, Corporate and Investment Banking, and Wealth & Investment Management. Wells Fargo ranked No. 47 on Fortune’s 2023 rankings of America’s largest corporations.

In the communities we serve, the company focuses its social impact on building a sustainable, inclusive future for all by supporting housing affordability, small business growth, financial health, and a low-carbon economy. We aspire to strengthen historically underserved communities by investing in pathways to economic advancement and generational wealth.

In 2023 the Wells Fargo Foundation invested over $300 million to support non-profit organizations that aligned with our core areas of focus.

Richmond Magazine’s “Best and Worst Issue,” recently named Wells Fargo “Best Bank 2024.” With more than 5,800 employees throughout the Commonwealth, our priorities of customer service and philanthropy remain at the heart of all we do. Wells Fargo is committed to making a positive impact by helping people and communities succeed financially—and creating solutions for a stronger, more sustainable future where everyone can grow and prosper.

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Creating vibrant communities

When we come together to build stronger communities, we give our time, energy, and ideas to help influence positive change. And as we watch progress take root, we grow as well.

The Richmond Forum, it’s an honor to recognize your commitment and service to the community.

Richard Reeves


MARCH 22, 2025

OPENING MUSIC The Sugar Hollows

OPENING REMARKS Heather Mullins Crislip Executive Director The Richmond Forum


Senior Relationship Manager, Healthcare, Higher Education, and Nonprofit Banking Wells Fargo


INTERMISSION The Sugar Hollows Submit your questions via Slido

AUDIENCE QUESTIONS Richard Reeves with L. Robert Bolling Chief Executive Officer ChildSavers

The Richmond Forum is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational organization. Tonight’s presentation may not be recorded or photographed by attendees by any means for any purpose. Heather Crislip was styled tonight by local fashion designer and member of the Richmond Forum Board of Directors, Daphne Maxwell Reid.




RICHARD REEVES IS THE FOUNDING PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR BOYS AND MEN, an organization with a mission to raise awareness about the problems of boys and men and advocate for effective solutions. In 2022, he published his book “Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male Is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do About It,” which The New York Times described as a “landmark” and The Economist and The New Yorker named a book of the year. He is a non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., where he previously directed the Future of the Middle Class Initiative and the Center on Children and Families. His research focuses on boys and men, inequality, and social mobility.

Reeves’ previous roles include director of strategy to the United Kingdom’s Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, from 2010 – 2012; director of the political think tank Demos; principal policy advisor to the U.K.’s minister for welfare reform; social affairs editor at The Observer ; and economics correspondent for The Guardian. He is a contributor to The Atlantic, National Affairs, Democracy Journal, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times

In 2017, Politico named Reeves one of the top 50 thinkers in the United States. His other books include “Dream Hoarders: How the American Upper Middle Class Is Leaving Everyone Else in the Dust, Why That Is a Problem, and What to Do About It” (2017) as well as “John Stuart Mill: Victorian Firebrand” (2007).

Reeves sits on the board of Jobs for the Future and is an adviser to the American Family Survey and the Equity Center at the University of Virginia. He has a bachelor’s degree from Oxford University and a doctorate from the University of Warwick.

Tonight, Reeves will explore the economic and social factors contributing to boys and men’s systemic struggles, unveil the challenges and paradoxes inherent to navigating masculinity in the modern age, and offer a vision for a future where all can flourish.

Are Boys Falling Behind?

March 22, 2025



L. ROBERT BOLLING IS THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF CHILDSAVERS, a 100-year-old nonprofit agency that provides child mental health and child development services. During his tenure, ChildSavers has expanded its once-local reach into twothirds of Virginia, serving 38,000 children.

Bolling previously served as executive director of the William Byrd Community House, a community-based agency addressing the needs of children and families in the tradition of the settlement house movement of the early 19th century. He has also served as director of finance and development in the nonprofit sector.

Bolling graduated from Amherst College with a degree in political science. He studied leadership and governance at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.

Recently, Bolling co-led RVA Giving Black, an effort to highlight the philanthropy of the Black community. He is also co-founder of African American Nonprofit Leaders, a group of executives seeking to uplift the role of Black leadership in the nonprofit sector.

He is secretary/treasurer of the Virginia Credit Union Board of Directors and trustee emeritus of the Groton School in New England. Robert has a passion for mentoring young people and “seeks each day to find peace.”


Head to to submit a question for the Q&A. You can also endorse questions submitted by fellow audience members, both in the theater and online, to increase the chance of them being asked.

Your question is more likely to be selected when you include your name!



WITH TWANGY VOCALS, TASTEFUL GUITAR RIFFS, a groovy rhythm section, and fun yet introspective lyrics, The Sugar Hollows are “some kind of rock band” from Richmond, Virginia.

The band formed in 2020 when Mike (lead vocals, acoustic guitar) and Gabe (lead guitar) heard each other playing music through a shared wall in their apartment complex. What started as a few jam sessions quickly turned into several cover gigs across Virginia and North Carolina. Within two years, the duo was writing original songs and recruiting other members to join them on their journey as a full rock outfit.

In 2023, The Sugar Hollows embarked on a maiden tour of the East Coast to promote their selftitled debut album. Their sophomore album “Radio Waves” drew inspiration from their travels on the road together and was released the following year.

Lovingly described as “coastal country” or “beach folk” by fans, the band has shared the stage with national acts like Boy Named Banjo, Sam Bush, Michigan Rattlers, and Virginia Man. They’re scheduled to perform at several major music festivals this year while they work on a third LP and continue making a name for themselves.

Thanks to the generous support of Dr. & Mrs. Baxter W. Perkinson, Jr.,

students and faculty from Trinity Episcopal School have the opportunity to attend The Richmond Forum in a special program designed to connect the classroom, the community and current events. Trinity and The Forum are grateful to the Perkinsons for their continued support.


At Genworth, we empower families to navigate the aging journey with confidence, and we care about the wellbeing of each human being.

We value creativity and embrace diverse perspectives as we strive to serve with excellence… our customers, colleagues, and community.

We are proud to support The Richmond Forum as it presents powerful voices so the Richmond region can listen, learn, and lead.




FROM THE GREATER RICHMOND AREA to all corners of Virginia, many organizations, schools, and public initiatives are working to address the unique struggles boys and men face in today’s world. Richard Reeves outlines those struggles in his book “Of Boys and Men,” as quoted in this article, and will discuss them in detail on tonight’s stage.

Promoting Men in HEAL

"The share of men in HEAL occupations—health, education, administration, and literacy—remains stubbornly low. 'Women are always saying we can do anything that men can do,' observed Gloria Steinem. 'But men are not saying they can do anything that women can do.' More men can certainly do HEAL jobs. And given the trends in the labor market, they must."

The UVA School of Nursing has been named one of the American Association for Men in Nursing’s “Best Schools for Men in Nursing” two years in a row. This designation recognizes a nursing school or college that’s made significant efforts to recruit and retain men in nursing, provide a supportive educational environment for men, and educate faculty, students, and the community about the contributions men have and continue to make to the nursing profession.

The school’s MAN (Men Advancing Nursing) Club organizes events, lectures, and meet-and-greets to encourage Charlottesville-area youth to consider a path in nursing.

Redshirting Boys

"I propose that all boys be redshirted by default. Introducing a one-year chronological age gap would reduce the developmental age gap between boys and girls. In other words, it would be more equitable…The gender gaps in learning open up early, but the biggest differences, in terms of brain development, occur in adolescence. The main reason for starting boys later is not so that they will be a year older in kindergarten. It is so they will be a year older when they get to middle and high school."

At Richmond’s all-boys Seven Hills School in Northside, students who may benefit from “redshirting” — the practice of postponing school to allow more time for personal development — can enroll in the Bridge Program for one year before jumping into sixth grade. This accelerated transition year, which serves as a “bridge” between elementary and middle school, is open to boys who have completed either fourth or fifth grade.

Students learn primarily under the care and guidance of a single teacher in an intentionally small and tight-knit cohort, giving them time to adjust to the rigors of middle school while feeling safe and supported. Students continue to sixth grade after the completion of their Bridge year.

Empowering Dads

"The old model of fatherhood, narrowly based on economic provision, is unfit for a world of gender equality. It has to be replaced with a much more expansive role for fathers, one that includes a much bigger caring element and is on an equal footing with that of mothers."

The Fatherhood Foundation of Virginia is a nonprofit that champions active fatherhood as a cornerstone of strong communities. The organization regularly offers “New Dad 101” classes where fathers-to-be learn practical tips for caring for babies and postpartum partners, grow confident in their own ability to be a great parent, and find support from experienced dads.

The foundation also runs an InsideOut Dad® program to teach incarcerated fathers the necessary skills and strategies to prepare them for release.

Get Involved: Mentors Needed

"When a [mentorship] program relies heavily on a close one-to-one relationship, matching the gender of the provider and recipient may be important. This is consistent with research showing that when the racial or gender identities of teachers and learners or mentors and mentees match, results are often better."

As Reeves reports, boys are less likely than girls to finish high school or obtain a bachelor’s degree. Mentorship programs can help provide additional support in a boy’s academic life and may be linked to increased mental health outcomes. There are many mentoring organizations throughout the Richmond region, but few focus solely on boy-centered support.

Boys to Men Mentoring Network of Virginia (BTMVA) is a group mentoring organization serving middle and high school boys in the Greater Richmond and Tri-Cities area. They offer a safe place for boys to talk about their lives and surround themselves with a community of mentors and peers who listen, support, and influence positive decision-making. BTMVA’s goal is to give young men a variety of positive male role models who show up consistently and talk honestly about their struggles as men. The organization reports that participants see improved classroom behavior, increased school attendance, and decreased academic issues.

For more information on how to become a mentor, visit .


Do you agree with Reeves that work needs to be done to encourage boys to enter into HEAL industry jobs?

What do you see as potential opportunities and challenges to redshirting boys?

How have you seen the role of fathers evolve in recent decades?



The following is a summary of the working paper “The Financial Consequences of Legalized Sports Gambling” by Brett Hollenbeck, Poet Larsen, and Davide Proserpio.

SPORTS BETTING IS NOW LEGAL IN 38 STATES. Accurate data on participation is hard to come by, but one survey finds that nearly two-thirds of men and half of women have made at least one bet. Another shows that 27% of men have an online sportsbook account.

Is sports betting just harmless fun? Or can it have negative consequences? If so, for whom?

The bottom line: Sports betting is leading to financial harm, and initial evidence suggests the effects are strongest among young men living in poorer areas. States that legalize sports betting see aggregate negative impacts on:

Credit Scores: Down by 0.3% in states with any form of legalized sports betting. With access to legalized online sports betting, this effect is nearly three times as large.

Bankruptcy Rates: Up 25 - 30% within three to four years after online betting has been legalized, translating to roughly 30,000 more bankruptcies in the U.S.

Debt Collections: Increased by 8%, with $30 more debt per consumer in states with online sports betting access.

Debt Consolidation Loans: Directionally up by 10% in states with legalized general and online sports betting.

Auto Loan Delinquencies: Increased by 9% in states with any legalized betting and 5% in states with online betting.

Secured to Unsecured Credit: Usage increased by 4% in states with online betting.

Credit Card Limits: Reduced by 3% in states with online betting.

While these impacts may seem small when averaged across the entire population, they mask the much larger effects on specific individuals. The fact that we can detect statistically significant changes at the overall population level suggests that the negative consequences for directly affected participants must be substantial.

Our analysis also revealed certain differences in how sports betting impacts various demographic groups. In particular, we noticed directionally greater economic distress for young men under 45, especially those in lowincome counties.

These results suggest that young men, and especially those living in low-income counties (counties with below median wages) experience negative impacts from online sports betting, including:

Greater declines in credit scores: Young men see a 0.5% decline in credit scores.

Higher bankruptcy rates: Young men in low-income areas see a 0.023% increase in the probability of bankruptcy. This is roughly twice the average increase we observe among the population.

Greater use of consolidation loans: In low-income counties, young men see a .044% increase in the probability of holding these loans.

Larger decreases in credit limits: Young men see a 4% decrease in credit limits.

These sub-group estimates are noisy, but the directional pattern is persistent: If there is economic harm, young men in below-medianincome areas appear to be the hardest hit.

There may be other factors that explain both legalization and worse economic outcomes. For instance, there could be concerns that the states choosing to legalize sports betting might be doing so due to existing budgetary problems, making them less capable of providing social assistance during economic shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic. We run statistical tests to address this issue and do not find evidence to support these concerns, thus strengthening the interpretation of our results as causal.

Previous studies have shown that excessive gambling is associated with serious financial difficulties, like debt accumulation. But the causal pathways, as well as the demographic effects of sports betting, are less well understood. One recent paper by Taylor et al.


(2024), found that the legalization of online sports gambling increased overall gambling rates, and more calls to problem gambling hotlines. But there was no data (at least that we are aware of) on gender differences until this most recent study. In a similar working paper by Baker et al. (2024), the authors found that online sports betting is leading to greater financial distress among households, particularly those that are already financially constrained prior to online sports betting legalization.

It is early days, of course, and the need for more research is clear. But the results of our study suggest that policymakers should pay close attention to the impact of sports betting, especially online, and especially for the most economically vulnerable young men.

Beyond negative financial impacts, how might engaging in sports betting at a young age impact adolescent boys socially or emotionally?

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We think it’s only natural to cultivate meaningful relationships in the communities where we live and work. And at Dominion Energy, that means we do more than write checks. So while we’re very proud of contributing $46.7 million in 2023 to community causes throughout our footprint and beyond, we’re even prouder of Dominion Energy’s

employees for volunteering more than 110,000 hours of their time. From refurbishing homeless shelters to replenishing local food banks to cleaning up parks to helping soldiers and their families, we’re donating the most precious resource of all: our energy. Learn more by visiting

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CW Advisors is a proud sponsor of The Richmond Forum. We are grateful for the outstanding speakers and conversations it brings to our community.



Teresa Downs, Chair Altria*

Ellen E. Spong, Immediate Past Chair AtlanticUnionBank*

Andrea Lynn White, Vice Chair GenworthFinancial*

William R. B. Hershey, Treasurer Davenport&Company*

Jonathan Brabrand, Secretary ProfessionalRestorationServices


Kristen Cavallo, Program Chair TheBranchMuseumofDesign

Janet Tope, Investment Chair Subscriber/Supporter

Steve Humble, Nominations & Governance Chair VPM*

P. Anand Rao, PhD, Education Chair UniversityofMaryWashington


Kevin D. Best


Jimmy Chou SingleStone*

Anthony Conte WellsFargo*

Regina J. Elbert DominionEnergy*

Tonya S. Hall


Eva Hartmann LunaInnovations

Cindy Joyce


D. Brennen Keene McGuireWoods*

A. Brent King


Kelly O'Keefe BrandFederation*

Rick Palmieri


Celia Rafalko




Heather Mullins Crislip ExecutiveDirector,

Dee A. Raubenstine DirectorofDevelopment&SponsorEvents(outgoing),

Kathryn Blessing DirectorofDevelopment&SponsorEvents(incoming),

Michael Brown


Maggie McVicar DirectorofCommunications,

Sandra Wheeler DirectorofStudentPrograms,

Lucretia M. Anderson



Rose Borchert, St.GertrudeHighSchool

Journi Marlow, HenricoHighSchool

Jeffrey Sproull, TheStewardSchool

Natalie Stopf, AppomattoxRegionalGovernor'sSchool

Daniel Zhang, MaggieL.WalkerGovernor'sSchool


Daphne Maxwell Reid


Rhodes B. Ritenour BonSecoursVirginiaHealthSystem*

Alison Rogish Deloitte*

Linda V. Schreiner


Lisa Sims VentureRichmond

Zack Smith PartnerMD*

Greg Stivers ProfitOptics*

Sally Tate Hourigan*

Ashley L. Taylor, Jr. TroutmanPepperLocke*

Maria Tedesco AtlanticUnionBank*

Pient Tran CapitalOne*

Todd B. Waldo



Jacquelyn Craig ProductionStageManager

Ray Bullock AssistantStageManager

Boitnott Visual Communications HDVideo

Ryan Marasco ProductionManager


Cream Studio OpeningVideo

Carlos Chafin Composer InYourEar

Heidi Winton-Stahle Makeup

Todd Waldo OnlineHost


Audrey M. Booth TheaterManager

Steve Sweet TechnicalDirector

Thomas Vecchione ProductionManager

Glenn Major GeneralManager


Hope Scott



Josée Covington AirTravel CovingtonTravel

P. Kevin Morley Photographer

Dream Bigger


2024-2025 PATRONS


Altria Group

Davenport & Company LLC

Dominion Energy

Genworth Financial

Wells Fargo


Capital One Bank

circle S studio

Hourigan Group

Troutman Pepper Locke



Atlantic Union Bank

Bank of America

Boitnott Visual Communications

Bon Secours Virginia Health System

Covington Travel

Cream Studio

Deloitte Services LP

Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center

ProfitOptics, Inc.

TCV Trust & Wealth Management

Universal Corporation

VCU Health

Virginia Cancer Institute

Virginia Commonwealth University


Dr. & Mrs. W. Baxter Perkinson Jr.

Trinity Episcopal School




CW Advisors, formerly Agili


2nd Order Solutions

12 On Your Side


Brand Federation

Buckingham Greenery, Inc.


Columbia Gas of Virginia

Digital Video Group

DLG Strategic

Fahrenheit Advisors

Froehling & Robertson

Fulton Bank

Gentry Locke

Heritage Wealth Advisor



Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP

James River Carriers

Kaufman & Canoles, P.C.



Marks & Harrison

McGuireWoods LLP

MCV Foundation

MEDRVA Healthcare

Dr. Andrew J. & Mrs. Patricia Michael

Nelson Mullins

Neurosurgical Associates


Performance Food Group Company

Sage Wealth Advisors

Transact Capital

University of Richmond

Virginia State University

Westminster Canterbury

Woodfin Oil

Workshop Digital


Actuarial Benefits & Design Company


The Dana Foundation


In Your Ear Studios

J.P. Morgan

Mary & Ted Linhart

Markel Group

Westham Partners

Williams Mullen


Mrs. Ralph L. Anderson

Bob & Kate Beckler

Anne & Roger Boevé

BrownGreer PLC


The Change Decision

Kevin & Sheila Clasbey, Platinum Premier

Marge Connelly & Julie Christopher

Drs. Betty Neal & Ronald A. Crutcher

Rick DeJarnette

Dr. Arpita DePalma, Thought Work MD

Endodontic Partners

Thomas A. Grant

Paulina Hidalgo & Edwin Huertas

Gregory Karawan

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Mann

Mac & Amy Marshall

Blair & Bill Martin

The Martin Agency

Montgomery Compliance Law

Mike Mulvihill & Marcy Walsh

Mutual Assurance Society of Virginia

Judy & Dave Pahren

Mary Ellen Pauli

Dianne Reynolds-Cane, MD

Lisa & Leon Roday

Allesandra L. Schroeder

Will & Lisa Sims


Ellen Spong & Gus Epps

Tredway S. Spratley & Janine M. Collins


Warren Whitney

Wells Coleman

Adrienne Whitaker

Vanessa & James Wigand


Nupa Agarwal

Raziuddin Ali

Sherrie Armstrong

Virginia Bacon

Melody Barnes & Marland Buckner

Richard & Sidney Bland

Winn & Scott Bleicher

Sonia Phipps Brokaw

Susan Caley

Patricia Carmichael

Will Caudle & Dr. Leanne Yanni

Kristen Cavallo

Samantha & Jimmy Chou

Candace & Bob Cody

Angela & Ted Cox

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Cronly III

Harold M. Cruse, DDS

Tanya & Brad Cummings

Bill & Gale Cushing

Beth Daniel

Mr. & Mrs. James Daniel, Jr.

Kenneth M. Dye

Jack M. Enoch

Laura & Jay Erskin

Whitney Fero

Patricia Fields

Whitney K. Forstner

Kristen R Fournier

Leah Fremouw & Jacob Powell

Susan & Steve Gaidos

Thomas Gallo

Kimberly & Mike Giancaspro

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Giles

Sallie Gilliam

Maya & Stu Glaser

McChesney & Nancy Goodall

Greg & Gloria Gravlin

Ruth & Ed Griggs

Michael C. Guanzon, Esq.

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Harrison

James Head

Phillip & Ellen Marie Hess

Jon & Trish Hill

Gregory & Deborah Hillman

John M. Holloway

Dennis & Kathleen Maccio Holman

Bob & Susan Horne

Steve & Wendy Humble

Bobbie Hunt

Lana Ingram

Anne-Marie Irani & Lawrence Schwartz

Otis & Machel Jones

Kastelberg Family

Linda & Kerry Keenan

Bruce & Theresa Kelley

Janet & Jay Kraft

Jeffrey Lacker & Lisa Halberstadt

Anne & Preston Lloyd

Chris Lumpkin

Luna Innovations

George L. Mahoney

John & Rhoda Mahoney

Dr. Shailaja Malhotra

Paul, Olivia & Luke Manno

Candace & Patrick Martin

Elizabeth & Michael Martin

Elizabeth Mason

Kevin & Nina McDonough

Jerry Miller

Michael & Benita Miller

Guru Mohanty

Charleen B. Moore

Lauren & Elliott Moore

Ina Moses & Jeff Smyser

Bosha Nelson & Peter Nash

Jan Nelson

Amy & David Nisenson

Nyfeler Survey

Jeff & Paula O’Flaherty

Samantha & Steve Otero

Thomas Perry

Greta Peters

Michael & Laura Phelan

W. Paul Pitts

Therese Podgorski

Mrs. Leslie Pridgen

Celia Rafalko

Ellen P. Ray

Andi & Brian Redmond

Tim Reid & Daphne Maxwell Reid

Paul D. Reilly

Mollie & Jim Reinhart

Linda F. Rigsby

Ryan & Danielle Ripperton

William D. Robinson & Paula SaylorRobinson

Penn & Laurie Rogers

Dr. Vipal & Jeanette Sabharwal

Rick & Carly Schofield

Linda Schreiner

Jane & Maurice Schwarz

Ben & Vivian Sillmon

Laine Sims, LCSW

Jessica & Robert Smith, III

Susan Snyder

Sarahbeth & Steve Spasojevich

Leila & Kirk Spitzer

Leslie Stack & Frank Rizzo

Dr. Ken Stoner

Charles & Deborah Sutton

Leila Taaffe

Nathan & Sally Tate

Technology Leasing Concepts, Inc.

Melodie Thigpen & Paulette Moncol

Doug & Janet Tope

Marc & Marnie Warner

Siri & Kyle Wiggins

Beth & Van Williams

Julie & Gary Wilson

Becky & John Young

Robyn L. Young

Thank you for your support!


January Ted Koppel


February Hodding Carter and Larry Speakes with Paul Duke

March General Brent Scowcroft with Diane Sawyer

April Charles Kuralt


January Oprah Winfrey

February Jeane Kirkpatrick and Vladimir Pozner with Marvin Kalb

March George Will

April Art Buchwald


January Sam Donaldson

February Henry Kissinger with John Chancellor

March William Buckley and Charles Rangel

April Dr. Carl Sagan


January Paul Duke, Howard Fineman and Charles McDowell

February Frank Carlucci, George McGovern, William Proxmire and William Rusher with Bettina Gregory

March Mike Wallace

April Alistair Cooke


October Chancellor Helmut Schmidt

January Admiral William Crowe, General Alexander Haig and Robert McFarlane with Edwin Newman

February H. Ross Perot

March Art Buchwald and Andy Rooney

April Captain James Lovell and Dr. Frank Drake with James Burke


October Barbara Walters

January PM Margaret Thatcher

February General H. Norman Schwarzkopf with Larry King

March Dr. Marc Micozzi and Dr. Victor McKusick with Patricia Cornwell

April Mark Russell


October Terry Anderson

January Hiroki Kato and T. Boone Pickens

February Dr. Joyce Brothers

March Dr. Bill Cosby

April President Mikhail Gorbachev with Cokie Roberts


November Senator Warren Rudman, Lamar Alexander and Dr. Marvin Cetron with Chris Wallace

January Frank Capiello and Michael Holland with Louis Rukeyser

February President George H. W. Bush

March Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

April Bob Newhart


November General Colin Powell

January Walter Cronkite

February Dave Barry

March Tom Clancy

April Jack Kemp and George Mitchell


November PM Brian Mulroney and Ambassador Carla Hills

January Neil Armstrong, Eugene Cernan and Dick Rutan with David Hartman

February Calvin Trillin

March Charles Kuralt

April David Gergen, Pierre Salinger, Sheila Tate and Bob Woodward with Ed Bradley


November Carl Reiner with Dick Cavett

January Paul Volcker with Ray Brady

February Doris Kearns Goodwin and David McCullough

March Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber with Sir David Frost

April Marcia Clark, Philip K. Howard, Dr. Rodney Smolla and Kym Worthy with Prof. Arthur Miller


November Bill Moyers

January Wynton Marsalis

February PM Shimon Peres

March Mary Tyler Moore

April Peter Lynch


November PM John Major

January Robert Bennett and Dr. William Bennett with Tim Russert

February Harry S. Dent, Jr. and Lou Dobbs

March Lily Tomlin

April Dr. Robert Ballard and Jean-Michel Cousteau


November Julie Andrews

January Todd Brewster and Peter Jennings

February John Krubski and Michael Connors with Ray Brady

March Archbishop Desmond Tutu

April James Carville and Newt Gingrich with Tim Russert


November Senator John Glenn

January Tom Brokaw

February PM Benjamin Netanyahu

March Frank McCourt

April Dr. William Kelso


November Hal Holbrook

January Rabbi Marc Gellman and Msgr. Thomas Hartman

February Dick Clark

March Doris Kearns Goodwin and David McCullough

April Madeleine Albright and James Baker with Gwen Ifill


November Ken Burns

January Rudolph Giuliani

February PM Benazir Bhutto and Queen Noor with Gwen Ifill

March Louis Freeh

April Senator Fred Thompson


November Cal Ripken, Jr.

January Robert Shiller and Jeremy Siegel

February Candice Bergen

March President Mary Robinson

April Thomas L. Friedman

“Revolutionizing Education in America (2012)”

On April 21, 2012, we welcomed two positive perspectives on education from leading education visionary Sir Ken Robinson and 1992’s National Teacher of the Year Rafe Esquith . The pair addressed the many issues and conversations facing the American education system, including standardized testing and the No Child Left Behind Act.

“The reason so many people drop out of education is because it doesn’t speak to them,” Robinson said. “The problem is that we’ve developed systems of education which are essentially impersonal. They’re not about the children. They’re about the data and the performance.”

“Our job as teachers is to come in every day and be outstanding role models,” Esquith said. “To be the people we want the children to be.”

Robinson is featured in the book “Yes, Boys Can! Inspiring Stories of Men Who Changed the World (2024),” which Richard Reeves co-authored with Jonathan Juravich.


November General Tommy Franks

January Michael Beschloss and Walter Isaacson

February Tim Russert

March Dr. Fareed Zakaria

April Frank Gehry


November Robert Redford with Pat Mitchell

January Sherry Lansing

February General Colin Powell (Ret.)

March Tom Wolfe

April Rick Wagoner


November Burt Rutan

January Malcolm Gladwell and Alvin Toffler

February B.B. King

March Jim Lehrer

April Dr. Jared Diamond


November President Vicente Fox

January Carly Fiorina

February Michael Douglas

March Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

April David Brooks


November PM Tony Blair

January Reza Aslan and Jon Meacham

February Smokey Robinson with Daphne Maxwell Reid

March Terry Bradshaw and Howie Long

April Marion Nestle and Michael Pollan


November Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson

January Greg Mortenson

March Steve Forbes

April Condoleezza Rice

May David Plouffe


November President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

January Laura Bush

February Anderson Cooper

March Dr. George Church

April David Blaine


November Dr. Robert Ballard

January Robert Gates

February Quincy Jones with Tim Reid

March Charles Krauthammer and Robert Reich with John Donvan

April Sir Ken Robinson and Rafe Esquith


November Platon

January Steven Spielberg, Tony Kushner and Doris Kearns Goodwin with Tim Reid

February President Bill Clinton

March Captain Mark Kelly and Gabrielle Giffords

April Dr. Jane Goodall


November Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and Maajid Nawaz with John Donvan

January Dan Buettner

February President George W. Bush

March PM Gordon Brown

April Steve Martin and Martin Short


November Diana Nyad

January Garry Trudeau

March Ben Bernanke with Paul Solman

April Dr. Daniel Levitin and Rosanne Cash

May General Keith Alexander and Robert Mueller with John Donvan


November Michael Sandel

January Alan Alda

February James Balog

March PM Julia Gillard

April Russell Wilson and Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr.


November Nate Parker

January Doris Kearns Goodwin and Jon Meacham with Steve Inskeep

February Krista Tippett

March PM Ehud Barak and Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei with Robin Wright

April Ron Howard with Linda Holmes


November President Barack Obama

January Glenn Close

February Peter Diamandis

March Ambassador Samantha Power

April Joe Scarborough and Newt Gingrich with Mara Liasson


November Captain Scott Kelly

January Tina Fey with Linda Holmes

February Dr. Sanjay Gupta

March Ian Bremmer

April Dr. Temple Grandin with John Donvan


November Bob Costas

January Dave Isay, Catherine Burns and Brandon Stanton with John Donvan

February Peggy Noonan


November José Andrés

January Theresa May

February Esther Perel

March Bryan Stevenson

April Vijay Gupta


January Bob Iger with Kara Swisher

February Gloria Steinem with Zainab Salbi

March Erik Weihenmayer

April Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates

May Rhiannon Giddens

June Michelle Obama


November Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster (USA, Ret.)

January Maria Ressa

February Ella Al-Shamahi

March John Lithgow

April Dr. Cornel West and Thomas Chatterton Williams


November Isabel Wilkerson

January Joel Sartore

February Liz Cheney

March Dr. Anthony Fauci

April Jan Crawford and Kimberley Strassel


November Baratunde Thurston

January Dr. Amber Straughn

February Mike “Coach K” Krzyzewzski

March Richard Reeves

April Martha Stewart with Soledad O’Brien

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Forty-two percent of Virginia’s 2025 National Speech & Debate Association Tournament qualifiers are from the Richmond region. Last month, 213 students from across the state competed in the Virginia District Qualifiers, hosted at James River High School in Chesterfield County. Competing in a wide range of events from Congressional Debate to Humorous Interpretation, our students are ready to make their mark on the national stage.

Congratulations to our qualifiers! They are paving the way to show the nation what Richmond region students can do when we host the 2026 National Tournament here next June.

Qualifiers from the RFSDI Circuit


Coaches: Hunter Clark, Nic Barker, Ethan Clark

Andrew Haskin

Matthew Wang


Coaches: Shannon Castelo, Laurel Maughan

Jake Apelt

Hollyn Borich

London Dandridge

Avi Soin

Jai Spicer


Coaches: Jaclyn Clark, William Waddell, Scott McKeag

Reagan Goldsmith

Maya Shuman


Coach: Sheryl Gibson

Shelly Purser

Leyton Rafeal Schwartz


Coaches: Jessica Sanchez, Nick Whelen

Evelyn Gayle

Matthew Gosselin

Bridget Higgins

Rowan Milton-Benoit

Leah Wood


Coach: Melissa Ligh Henry Price


Coach: Sanchez Tucker Izel Mendoza

*New to RFSDI this school year

Qualifying students from Collegiate School

Tomorrow is Virginia Speech & Debate Awareness Day!

Sunday, March 23 marks the 250th anniversary of Patrick Henry's pivotal “Give me liberty, or give me death!” speech delivered in Richmond at St. John's Church. Read the governor's official proclamation to commemorate the speech's impact.

The National Speech & Debate Tournament is coming to Richmond in just over a year!

Ten thousand competitors, judges, coaches, and families will descend upon the region from June 14 - 19, 2026. Students will compete at Chesterfield and Henrico County middle and high schools and the Richmond Convention Center. Finalists will have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to perform right here on our stage at the Altria Theater.


Help us prepare more local students to earn their spot on the Nationals stage and to roll out the red carpet for the best and brightest students in the country. To sponsor the tournament or sign up to volunteer, contact




— those lead to a winning attitude. You can have that in a family, in an organization, in a city, and it doesn’t cost a darn thing.”

If there is one thing Mike Krzyzewski, better known as “Coach K,” knows, it’s a winning attitude. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest college basketball coaches of all time, having led the Duke University Blue Devils to 13 Final Fours — the most of any coach in the game — and five national titles, as well as bringing home three Olympic gold medals with the U.S. national team.

Speaking to a packed Forum audience, Coach K reflected on all he has learned from his celebrated coaching career and revealed the game plan to drive any team to success, whether on or off the court.

“A lot of people feel a good leader is someone who solves problems. That’s a good leader. That’s not a great leader. A great leader is somebody who never has those problems,” Krzyzewski said. “The preparation to win is more important than the will to win.”

He shared several stories about how he prepared the U.S. national team for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, with anecdotes about some of the biggest names in basketball: Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, and

Jason Kidd. With a star lineup of “alpha dogs” coming together to represent the nation, the team’s managing director, Jerry Colangelo, told the players to “leave their egos at the door.”

Krzyzewski disagreed. “Why would I want them to be less of who they are?” he asked. “Bring your egos in.”

He told the A-listers to put all their egos together under the “ego umbrella” of Team USA. “If we do that, we’ll beat everyone in the world.” They did — not just that year, but for three Olympics in a row. In Krzyzewski’s eyes, confidence inspires confidence, and “talent makes talent better.” He certainly has the gold medals to back it up.

After coaching hundreds of players across multiple decades and generations, he’s changed the way he communicates with them. Not only have attention spans gotten shorter and learning styles evolved, but the climate of

collegiate basketball is vastly different today than when Krzyzewski entered the profession.

Today, the NCAA transfer portal and name, image, and likeness (NIL) deals are positioning student-athletes more like professionals, and Krzyzewski is wary about the direction the sport is taking. “The intended consequences are all good — freedom of movement and athlete [compensation],” he said. “But because it wasn’t put under a certain structure of transparency and governance, it’s just kind of run wild.”

For Krzyzewski, the solution lies in leadership. He believes the NCAA must step up to establish a clearer, more sustainable framework for college basketball. “We’re in bad shape,” he said, pointing to rising attrition rates among coaches, including the University of Virginia’s Tony Bennett. “This is the time for change.”

Coach K's philosophy offers a blueprint: agility, adaptability, and accountability. “Accountability is meeting the truth head on,” he said, reinforcing the values that defined his career. “My two standards have always been: We look each other in the eye, and we tell each other the truth immediately. If we do that, we build trust.” And in any game — on the court or in life — trust is the foundation of every championship team.


1) Mike "Coach K" Krzyzewski answers audience questions from Michael Phillips, the evening's moderator. 2) Coach K on stage at the Altria Theater. 3) Coach K visits the Student Room to talk with local high school students. 4) Teresa Downs of Altria, the evening’s Lead Patron, introduces the speakers. 5) No BS! Brass provides musical entertainment. 6) Guests of Hourigan Group, the Host Patron for the evening.




For more than four decades, Martha Stewart has helped make everyday living a little easier, more beautiful, and more inspiring. From crafting the recipe for your favorite frittata to pioneering an eponymous lifestyle empire, her influence has touched millions of homes across America.

Whether running a multi-million-dollar company or gracing the cover of Sports Illustrated at the age of 81, Stewart stands as a testament to the power of reinvention. In conversation with award-winning broadcast journalist and producer Soledad O’Brien, Stewart will share stories and lessons learned from every era of her life, from her early ambitions to her triumphs over adversity. No chapter will be left unexplored.

(Format: Conversation with Q&A)

Who will stand here next?

Our 2025 - 2026 season speakers will be announced at the April program.

Uncommon supporT

“The economic reliance of women on men held women down, but also propped men up. Now the props have gone, and many men are falling behind.”

Just like Richard Reeves, we believe in equity for all and support our students and their success wholeheartedly. Offering round-the-clock counseling for anyone who feels they’re falling behind in school, or life in general. In other words, when it comes to being a world-class support university, we prop our students up 24/7.

VCU. We are the uncommon.

Photo credit Paul Morigi

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