April 16 18, 2015 issue

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Personality: Red Hat Society royalty B1

Lou Anderson honored

Richmond Free Press © 2015 Paradigm Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

VOL. 24 NO. 16

Ms. Cuffee-Glenn

City’s new CAO By Jeremy M. Lazarus

In her seven years of managing the City of Suffolk, Selena Cuffee-Glenn has garnered serious attention for turning the once nearly bankrupt city into a job magnet with a triple A bond rating. Mayor Dwight C. Jones hopes that she will be equally successful in Richmond. He introduced Ms. CuffeeGlenn on Wednesday as his choice for chief administrative officer, or CAO, of Richmond. She will hold the No. 2 post to the mayor at City Hall. A former planner at City Hall for 17 years, Ms. CuffeeGlenn will be the first woman to fill Richmond’s top professional management post on a permanent basis. The only other woman to hold a similar post was Connie Bawcum, who served as acting city manager from 1997 to 1999. She filled in after Robert C. Bobb left and before Calvin Jamison arrived. Anticipating quick confirmation from City Council, Mayor Jones said his new CAO would join his administration May 18. A Chesapeake native, she accepted the mayor’s offer of a $203,000 annual base salary, a boost from her Suffolk salary of around $180,000 a year and at least $23,000 more than the city’s previous CAO. Ms. Cuffee-Glenn will take over from Christopher L. Beschler, who has served as interim CAO since Byron T. Marshall’s departure last September. For the time being, Mr. Please turn to A4



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APRIL 16-18, 2015

A war hero comes home

After 64 years, Cpl. Lindsey C. Lockett laid to rest with full military honors By Joey Matthews

Sixty-four years after Army Cpl. Lindsey Clayton Lockett died from insufferable conditions in a prisoner of war camp in North Korea, his remains were brought home and laid to rest in an emotional ceremony Saturday in Richmond, surrounded by tearful but proud family members. “It’s a feeling of joy,” said his 64-year-old son, Lindsey Jr., who never met his father. He was born 10 days before his father, a 24-yearold enlistee, was captured and held prisoner during the Korean War on Dec. 1, 1950. “He’s finally home. He’s back where he was born and raised. My family didn’t know if they’d ever find him.” More than 100 people, including family, friends, veterans and other supporters, attended the poignant memorial service for Cpl. Lockett at New Deliverance Evangelistic Church in Chesterfield County, where Mr. Lockett is a deacon emeritus. In addition to his son, other family members in attendance included Cpl. Lockett’s widow, Anna Lockett Brown, now 82, and his grandson, Leonardo Lockett, 44, a sergeant

with the National Guard Reserves. “This was a great American fighting man until he died in faith,” Bishop Gerald O. Glenn said during the eulogy. “God knew this man’s remains needed to come home to the sovereign grounds of the Commonwealth of Virginia.” Born Sept. 10, 1926, in Richmond, Cpl. Lockett graduated from Maggie L. Walker High School. After graduation, he enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve. When he finished his duty with the reserve, he got a job at McGuire VA Medical Center. He had a passion for styling hair, especially women’s hair, and enrolled in Turpin’s Barber and Beauty School that he attended on weekends. He met his future wife, Anna Wallace, while styling her hair. He asked her out on a date and their relationship blossomed. In 1950, Cpl. Lockett was called to active duty with the 503rd Field Artillery Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division. He told his commanding officer he wanted Cpl. Lindsey C. Lockett

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School Board weighs options to close schools By Joey Matthews

Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press

Jackie Robinson Day at The Diamond Richmond Flying Squirrels manager José Alguacil enthusiastically greets Bryce Hendriksen, a member of the Tomahawk Creek Middle School Boys Choir at The Diamond as other choir members look on. The team then took the field Wednesday to play the Altoona Curve on “Jackie Robinson Day,” its annual tribute to the trailblazing infielder who broke the color barrier by becoming the first African-American to play for a major league team. Mr. Robinson suited up for the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15, 1947. Please turn to B10 for additional coverage.

Teachers, police make impassioned plea for more $ By Jeremy M. Lazarus

Put more money into public education. Provide better pay for police officers. Advocates for both gave Richmond City Council members an earful at a public hearing Monday night as the governing body considers amendments to Mayor Dwight C. Jones’ two-year budget. Whether their appeals are successful remains to be seen, but the council may have little wiggle room. The budget plan council members are reviewing provides virtually no new revenue over the current year’s spending, limiting the governing body. Public education and police pay were the major issues that aroused passion and brought out speakers eager to press their point of view. Educators and their supporters made it clear they are upset that the mayor’s plan would essentially flat-fund the school system’s operations, largely ignoring the request of Richmond Schools Superin-

tendent Dana T. Bedden and the School Board for an additional $24 million to support his plan to improve academic performance. Charlotte Hayer, president of the Richmond Educational Association that serves teachers and other school employees, told council that “it’s time to make the school system a bigger priority” in pleading for more funding. “It is time to do better by our children,” said Ms. Hayer, as dozens in the council chambers held up signs with the slogan “Support Our Schools. “ She asserted that city funding for K-12 education has declined by 15 percent in the past five years. “It is time to put your money where your mouth is and prove to the children that you care. It is time for Richmond’s kids to have great public schools no matter what their ZIP code may be.” “Our schools have suffered from severe budget cuts far too long,” Keri Treadway, a city resident and a veteran teacher at Fox

Richmond Public Schools is considering a seismic shift in how it attempts to solve overcrowding issues and meet other pressing demands related to its burgeoning student population. For the first time, Superintendent Dana T. Bedden and his leadership team are publicly admitting they could close up to six school buildings and move those students into existing schools even if no new buildings are constructed. Those findings are part of the thick new Richmond Public Schools Facilities Needs Report, which focuses on current and future building needs. Assistant Superintendent Thomas Kranz presented the report at Monday’s School Board meeting at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School in the East End. The comprehensive report is several hundred pages and is believed to be the largest ever undertaken by RPS. It was prepared during the past year by a task force of about 30 community members. School Board members Kristen N. Larson, 4th District, and Kimberly B. “Kim” Gray, 2nd District, co-chaired the task force. City Council member Ellen F. Robertson, 6th District, was among the other members, along with school administrators, teachers, architects and engineers. Less than a month ago, Mr. Kranz told School Board members at a work session that the only way to close existing buildings Please turn to A4

Jack Gravely new NAACP interim executive director

Elementary, told the council. “The fact we are still operating on a pre-recession budget is unconscionable.” Ms. Treadway said the result is larger class sizes. She now teaches up to 28 students, up from the 17 just a few years ago. “We’ve seen our supply budget slashed, field trips cut and tutorial programs eliminated.” She said she soon will have to decide whether to let her son attend a Richmond school when he is ready for kindergarten in a little more than a year. “How can I in good conscience put my son in a school system that has been consistently underfunded and treated as an afterthought? “You have the power to change the tide,” Ms. Treadway said. “By making the decision to fully fund Dr. Bedden’s budget, you can send a strong statement to all of Richmond that this is the start

Jack Gravely last led the Virginia State Conference of the NAACP as executive director more than three decades ago. This week, Mr. Gravely began a second stint with the organization, this time as interim executive director. “I know this is a different era, but we Mr. Gravely still face some of the same issues along with some new ones, and I have the same passion to lead this organization to address them,” Mr. Gravely said Wednesday. He takes over from King Salim Khalfani, who was pushed out by the board in early 2014 after serving in the post for 15 years. Mr. Gravely, who hosts “The Jack Gravely Show,” a weekday radio talk show on WLEE 990 AM in Richmond, was confirmed by the state NAACP’s executive committee at a special meeting

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By Joey Matthews

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