April 9 11, 2015 issue

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Richmond Free Press © 2015 Paradigm Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

VOL. 24 NO. 15



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Goodbye, Shaka

APRIL 9-11, 2015

Black men still targets Walter L. Scott shot 4 times in the back; cop charged with murder Free Press staff, wire reports

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. Four bullets to the back and one in the ear. That’s the unimaginable pain an unarmed Walter L. Scott suffered as he was fatally gunned down by white police officer Michael T. Slager as he ran away following a routine traffic stop. The gruesome slaying was graphically recorded on the cellphone of a bystander Saturday morning in North Charleston, S.C. It is the latest in a string of highly publicized incidents across Mr. Scott Mr. Slager the nation — including Ferguson, Mo., New York City and Cleveland, Ohio — in which white police officers have killed unarmed black men. Each instance raises questions — and public consciousness — about disparate treatment by people of color by police and racial injustice in the United States. Mr. Slager was charged with murder Tuesday and fired from the police department after the video surfaced. He is being held without bond. If convicted, he could receive the death penalty Please turn to A6

Petersburg jail closure to cost taxpayers $ By Jeremy M. Lazarus

Instead of saving money, the closure of the Petersburg Jail will cost city taxpayers at least $1.2 million extra each year, a Free Press analysis has determined. Figures from Petersburg’s government confirm the newspaper’s finding that closing the jail is more expensive than keeping it open, belying claims from Mayor W. Howard Myers and three other council members who supported the jail’s shutdown. That extra cost is embedded in the proposed budget that Petersburg City Manager William E. Johnson III presented recently to the sevenmember Petersburg City Council. His proposed budget also provides no raises for city employees and no increase in city contributions to the public schools. A review of city and state documents show Petersburg, a city of 33,000 people, has been spending about $3.5 million a year of city revenue to cover expenses of the jail and the sheriff’s other operations. According to Mr. Johnson’s budget, the closing of the jail means Petersburg will have to spend Please turn to A6

Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press

Stepping out in style Three-year-old Emmanuel Frias strolls Sunday with big sister Isabella, 8, during Easter on Parade. The youngsters and their parents were among thousands of people who turned out for the annual holiday event on Monument Avenue. Please turn to B2 for additional photo coverage.

Chuck Burton/Associated Press

Muhiydin D’Baha leads protesters Wednesday outside of the North Charleston, S.C., city hall in calling for justice in the death of unarmed Walter L. Scott by former officer Michael T. Slager.

Governor ‘bans the box’ for state job applications By Jeremy M. Lazarus

A small change that Gov. Terry McAuliffe just made in the state’s job application form could have a big impact on thousands of job seekers like Genevieve Carter of Richmond. As a result of the governor’s executive order, Ms. Carter no longer will have to disclose she has been convicted of a crime in filling out an application for a state position. She’s thrilled the governor is “banning the box,” or eliminating the question requiring

state job applicants to check whether they ever have been convicted of a felony. “I’ve put in dozens of applications, but I never heard back because I had to check the box. I know my applications went straight to the wastebasket,” said the 41-year-old city native who served time 10 years ago for credit card fraud. She is still trying to rebuild her life. Even though her rights have been restored, “I haven’t even been able to get an interview for a janitor position,” said Ms. Carter, who

has earned an associate degree in business administration from J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College. She works as a seamstress at a dress shop owned by a friend, but she hopes the governor’s action means state hiring officials finally will take a look at her credentials and consider what she has to offer. That was the governor’s purpose. “I believe in second chances,” he said last Please turn to A4

From slavery to freedom

Richmond celebrates 150 years of emancipation By Joey Matthews

In the midst of the city that once served as a merciless marketplace for hundreds of thousands of enslaved black people, a diverse audience of thousands gathered Saturday at the State Capitol to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the liberation of Richmond from the slaveholding Confederacy. The ceremony was marked by re-enactors in period dress and uniforms, uplifting music and speeches looking toward the future. It was one of many celebratory and emotionally evocative events held in Richmond during the weekend to highlight the sesquicentennial of Richmond’s emancipation by Union Troops of the capital of the Confederacy that led to the end of the Civil War and the start of freedom for millions. Asa Gordon fought back tears as he helped lead United States Colored Troops re-enactors Saturday in the “Blue Coats Parade,” symbolizing the Union Army’s triumphant march into the smoldering ruins of Richmond on April 3, 1865. He and other re-enactors drew loud cheers and applause from people — black and white, young and old — lining the parade route as they marched to the State Capitol for the ceremony led by Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Mayor Dwight C. Jones and other officials. “It’s a tremendous feeling knowing they are finally honoring the role U.S. Colored Troops played in the liberation of Richmond,” said Mr. Gordon, who is secretary of the Sons and Daughters of the United States Colored Troops. “I’m overjoyed to be here.” Joyce Bailey of Greenbelt, Md., was among those cheering the U.S. Colored Troops reenactors. As a member of FREED or Female Re-Enactors of Distinction, she portrayed Elizabeth H. Keckley, a Dinwiddie County native and black woman who was a seamstress and confidante to President Abraham Lincoln’s wife, Mary Todd Lincoln.

“I think it’s wonderful we came down here,” said Ms. Bailey. “I’m overwhelmed by all of this.” So were others on the Capitol grounds. “For me, this is a feeling of joy and jubilation,” said Robert Hicks, 57, of North Side, who was joined by his wife, Shelia, along the parade route. “We used to hide this history, but we don’t hide it anymore.”

Nettie Epps of North Side said she refused to let her day be ruined by a lone man who waved a Confederate flag across the street from her near the State Capitol. “I just wave the U.S. flag back,” she declared. “After all this ended, the fact is we eventually became the United States, and I’m Please turn to A4

When freedom came

Library of Congress Collection

The U.S. flag flies once again over the city of Richmond on April 3, 1865, proclaiming Union victory over Confederate forces in the city and liberation for thousands of enslaved men, women and children. It also signals that the Civil War, which ravaged the nation for four long years, would soon come to an end. In celebration of the 150th anniversary

of the liberation of Richmond and its people from the bonds of slavery, the Free Press is publishing a three-part series providing an overview of the African-American experience in the war and in Richmond and vicinity during this momentous time. The third installment appears on A9. Additional photo coverage of commemorative events appears on B3.

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