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Richmond Free Press
VOL. 24 NO. 6
© 2015 Paradigm Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
FEBRuary 5-7, 2015
School success Carver Elementary teamwork fosters rewards for students By Joey Matthews James Haskins/Richmond Free Press
Deputy Chief Durham
A new top cop in town By Joey Matthews
The Richmond Police Department has stayed free of public accusations of police brutality as “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations grow locally and across the nation to protest atrocities by white police officers in the black community. The nearly 740-officer force has garnered mostly praise for its community policing efforts to gain closer ties with neighborhoods in the city it serves. Incoming Richmond Police Chief Alfred Durham vows to take those efforts up a notch. “There’s always room for improvement,” the 51-year-old Washington native and current Richmond Police deputy chief of administration said Monday after he was introduced by Major Dwight C. Jones as the city’s next police chief in a news conference at City Hall. The mayor named his new top cop as a national furor grows over killings by white police officers of unarmed black men such as Eric Garner in New York City in July; Michael Brown Jr. in Ferguson, Mo., in August; and Rumain Brisbon in Phoenix in December. In Richmond, young people in recent weeks have demonstrated and staged “die-ins” in Downtown and in the Fan District to draw attention to the police killings and the overall neglect of the black community. “I want to acknowledge that Please turn to A4
Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press
Carver Principal Kiwana Yates gives kindergarten student Jajuan Dickerson a high-five for a job well done.
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Mayor touts anti-poverty efforts in city address By Joey Matthews
Mayor Dwight C. Jones spoke of “a tale of two cities” in his State of the City address. “Right now, one part of town is vibrant, prosperous and forward-looking,” he told an attentive audience of about 300 people Jan. 29 in the auditorium at Huguenot High School on South Side. “And then when you cross the Martin Luther King Bridge, you find another Richmond — one that has largely been ignored, overlooked and shunned. “The old Richmond allowed a generation of Richmonders to believe that they don’t have a chance to succeed,” he added. “Leaders made a decision to create public housing projects and push thousands of poor people into them.” The mayor spoke of a “resurgent” city early and often in his 22-minute speech that was greeted with
Petersburg jail to close By Jeremy M. Lazarus
“We take an all-hands-on-deck approach to educating our children.” That’s how George Washington Carver Elementary School Principal Kiwana Yates enthusiastically describes the full community involvement approach she and her staff utilize. With it, they have achieved academic success against tall odds in the largely impoverished community served by the school at 1110 W. Leigh St. “Each school faces different challenges,” the third-year Carver principal told the Free Press. “A kid is a kid, and it doesn’t really matter where they come from. It takes a level of excellence from the teacher and the ability of the school to meet the needs of each child.” Carver is among only 11 of Richmond’s 44 public schools to earn full accreditation from the Virginia Department of Education after surpassing state standards in four core Standards of Learning tests administered last spring. Carver, with 95 percent of its 592 students in kindergarten through fifth grade being African-American, scored an average of 90 in science, 88 in English and 84 each in math and history. At least 75 percent of a school’s students must pass English and at least 70 percent must pass the other three tests in order for the school to be fully accredited. Carver also has been recognized as a Title I Distinguished School by the Virginia Department of Education. To qualify, a disadvantaged school receiving additional federal aid must meet all state and federal accountability requirements for two years and achieve average reading and mathematic SOL scores at the 60th percentile or higher. The school’s theme this year is “The Jewel of the Carver Community.” Early in the school year, Ms. Yates and her staff organized an “SOLabration,” a day of creative learning activities capped by a family fun night to recognize their accreditation. Staff wore “SOLabration” shirts to mark the day.
until the Petersburg City Council decides whether to build a new The Petersburg City Jail is holding facility at a projected going to be shut down in March cost of $5 million. — forcing Petersburg Sheriff Sheriff Crawford, who has Vanessa Crawford to lay off the been fighting the decision, almajority of her staff of 98 depuready has warned that Petersburg ties and civilian employees. would have to pay Riverside Petersburg Mayor W. Howard nearly $3 million a year to house Myers announced Monday that the city’s inmates. That’s about the decision is final. as much as the city now spends Sheriff Crawford Saying Petersburg cannot afto operate its own jail. ford the $22 million to replace its antiquated The city also would incur a bigger bill for jail, Mayor Myers said that effective March prisoner transportation expenses and would 1, all new arrestees would be housed at the tie up police officers who will have to travel Riverside Regional Jail, located about 10 farther to book prisoners, she said. miles away in Prince George County. Sheriff Crawford said the decision would Current inmates would be transferred on force her to lay off at least 55 of her 78 or about March 15 to the regional facility deputies. She also will have to eliminate a that opened in 1997, was expanded in 2010 major share of the department’s 20 civiland can house up to 2,000 inmates. ian employees. The Petersburg jail, which houses about She and the remaining staff would be 200 inmates, dates to 1968. limited to providing security at the holding Petersburg is one of seven localities facility and the courthouse and serving civil that built and manages Riverside Regional papers. She noted that salaries of the half Jail. The city’s women prisoners already dozen deputies she would need to staff are housed there. the lockup would have to be paid by the After the transfer is complete, the city. The state only picks up the salaries mayor said the jail’s only use would be of deputies assigned to a jail. as a temporary lockup for inmates going Please turn to A4 to court or awaiting transfer to Riverside
applause about a dozen times. However, he bluntly told the audience of city officials, politicos, community advocates and ordinary citizens, “We’ll reach our full potential only when we move beyond the tale of two cities.” He cited some of his administration’s povertyfighting efforts. Among those: • Opening the new Office of Community Wealth Building last June to spearhead the city’s anti-poverty initiatives. • Building new schools such as the $63 million Huguenot High School, the first new high school in the city since 1968. • Reducing concentrated pockets of poverty in the East End by transforming public housing communities into mixed-income neighborhoods. • Attracting new businesses, such as Stone Brewing Company in the Fulton neighborhood, to expand the city’s tax base and provide jobs. • Increasing workforce training. • Landing a $25 million federal grant for bus rapid transit along Broad Street from Rocketts Landing in the East End to Willow Lawn so people can get to jobs. • Opening the new Richmond Justice Center in Shockoe Valley and the Day Reporting Center in Downtown to provide more opportunities for offenders to gain rehabilitative services and decrease their prospects of returning to jail.
James Haskins/Richmond Free Press
Mayor Jones at State of the City address.
“It’s new for all of us,” Mayor Jones said. “It’s never happened in my lifetime or yours. But I know this: If we unite together and look forward, and invite our neighbors to join us, then we’ll continue to shape the city and the region we all want to call home.” The mayor kicked off his address touting the RichPlease turn to A4
State Dems hit with voting rights suit By Jeremy M. Lazarus
Did the Democratic Party of Virginia violate the U.S. Constitution and the federal Voting Rights Act in choosing its nominee to compete in a recent special election for a House of Delegates seat? Yes, say three African-Americans, who are taking their case to federal court. The trio allege the party trampled on their voting rights and those of thousands of Democrats like them in its zeal to eliminate Henrico Delegate Joseph D. “Joe” Morrissey as a nominee in the election he went on to win Jan. 13 as an independent. David M. Lambert, Gary G. Hill Sr. and his sister-in-law, Linda D. Hill, filed the suit Friday. According to their suit, the Democrats’ method of nomination intentionally excluded them and other African-American voters living in the majority-black 74th House of Delegates District, which includes Charles City County, 26 precincts
in eastern Henrico County and a single precinct in Richmond’s North Side. The lawsuit charges that the party, fearing such voters “might use their First Amendment rights to support a candidate the DPVA and other local party officials didn’t want to win the Democratic nomination,” imposed rules that “intentionally disenfranchised them all.” The suit seeks to bar the party from ever using any procedure to “disenfranchise and discriminate” against African-Americans and other party members in the selection of its nominees, which the suit describes as “a critical element of the electoral process.” The case, which is assigned to senior U.S. Judge Robert E. Payne, is one of the most significant involving voting rights in recent years in Virginia. The suit also is a huge embarrassment for Please turn to A4