Richmond Free Press February 20-22, 2020 edition

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Meet local track star to be inducted into VHSL Hall of Fame B1

Richmond Free Press

VOL. 29 NO. 8

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Rally to decriminalize A7

February 20-22, 2020

Life as they know it Homeless residents of Cathy’s Camp tent city talk about drawbacks of leaving By Jeremy M. Lazarus

Regina H. Boone/Richmond Free Press

A resident of Cathy’s Camp on Oliver Hill Way rolls his belongings next to a row of tents. To the right is the Annie Giles Community Resource Center, the city’s winter shelter. The center also was open during the day this week for residents to meet with staff from nonprofits, the city and a mental health agency as part of an outreach effort to help provide needed services.

Money and comfort are among the reasons that the homeless encampment across from the Richmond Justice Center is still standing and the city’s goal of dismantling it is still unrealized. Mike Smith of Blessing Warriors RVA, which set up tents serving 130 people on Oliver Hill Way in a greenspace named Cathy’s Camp after late volunteer Cathy Davis, said the key to change is financial resources. He said Blessing Warriors RVA, for example, has access to at least 10 rental houses with enough space for 40 people. He said three or four willing individuals who are receiving paychecks from work, Social Security or other financial sources could be placed in each house as roommates, with each able to pay an affordable share. But Mr. Smith said most camp residents cannot take advantage of that opportunity because they cannot afford the two months rent and security deposit most landlords require. “What we need is a community fund that could help cover that cost,” he said. “But Ms. Gray that’s not available.” Camp resident Melissa Fentress, 46, said that is the problem that she and her mother, Betsy, face. While both receive government checks, they haven’t Please turn to A4

Obama Elementary School

New name, new spirit By Ronald E. Carrington

Ronald E. Carrington/Richmond Free Press

The Barack Obama Celebration Choir sings an original song, “O,” about the former president during last Friday’s dedication ceremony. A mural by Richmond artist Hamilton Glass is behind them.

It was an Obama love fest last Friday as students, teachers, officials and special guests dedicated Barack Obama Elementary School, the North Side school built in 1922 and previously named for a Confederate general that was renamed in September 2018 to honor the nation’s first AfricanAmerican president. In a ceremony highlighted by guest speaker Dr. King Dr. John B. King Jr., who served as President Obama’s secretary of education, students showed their love, admiration and respect for the former president through song, prose and praise for his accomplishments and continuing love of education. The sea of students wearing blue Obama Elementary School T-shirts listened intently as

School Board approves new names for 3 schools By Ronald E. Carrington

lies, staff and communities in a renaming process launched in 2019. Henry L. Marsh III Elementary School. Greene Elementary was being renamed because Cardinal Elementary School. the school, which became a part of the city during River City Middle School. the 1970 annexation of 21-square miles of ChesterThose are the new names for George Mason El- field, was named after a former Chesterfield County ementary in Church Hill, E.S.H. Greene Elementary schools superintendent. in South Side and the new middle school on Hull Each school established a “renaming team” conStreet Road, respectively. sisting of stakeholders and worked with The Richmond School Board voted 8-1 the school community to identify three at its meeting Tuesday night to approve finalists, with a recommendation then the new names. going to the Richmond Public Schools The lone dissenting vote came from administration. School Board member Jonathan Young, The administration submitted the final 4th District, who said removing George recommendations to the School Board for Mason’s name would be subtracting his its approval. “rightful place in history” for Richmond Henry L. Marsh III Elementary is named Mr. Marsh schoolchildren. for the 86-year-old noted civil rights attorney George Mason, author of the Virginia Declaration who went to George Mason Elementary as a youngster. of Rights in 1776 that influenced the later Declaration He went on to become Richmond’s first Africanof Independence and the U.S. Bill of Rights, was American mayor and to serve in the state Senate. a slave owner, which prompted the School Board Cardinal Elementary honors the official state bird, to find a new name. which also is commonly found in North, Central Two years ago, the board launched a renaming and South America, where many of the students at process that started with changing the name of the South Side school are from. J.E.B. Stuart Elementary in North Side, which was And, according to RPS administrators, students named for a Confederate general, to Barack Obama believed the name River City Middle School would Elementary School in 2018. bring the community together. With the construction of new George Mason and The new names will be on the new school buildGreene elementary schools, and the new middle ings when they open this fall. school on Hull Street Road, the board sought recThe renaming process continues for Amelia Street ommendations for new names from students, fami- School in the city’s West End.

Councilwoman to challenge Stoney for mayor, sources say By Jeremy M. Lazarus

the school choir sang, “O,” a song about President Obama, and students Roland Angaroo and William Stone III recited, “Barack Obama, he’s the man; the one that said, ‘Yes we can!’ ” The students’ excitement eclipsed the bright morning sunlight spilling in from the 12-foot windows and illuminating the auditorium’s 10-foot mural of President Obama created by Richmond artist Hamilton Glass. The youngsters’ energy and love for the school’s namesake ignited the audience that included Richmond Schools Superintendent

For months, City Councilwoman Kim B. Gray, 2nd District, has been the only person mentioned as a possible opponent to Mayor Levar M. Stoney in his November reelection bid. While the 49-year-old Richmond native previously brushed off speculation and is still keeping mum about her plans, sources close to Ms. Gray have confirmed that she will give up her council seat to challenge the 38-year-old mayor as he seeks

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Statue of archsegregationist remains in Capitol Square By Jeremy M. Lazarus and George Copeland Jr.

Richmond and other Virginia localities are on track to gain permission from the General Assembly to take down Confederate statues. But just as there is no threat to a Confederate shrine inside the State Capitol, the Democratic-controlled legislature has abandoned any effort to remove a statue paying tribute to a top Virginia defender of racial segregation that stands on the Capitol grounds. Democrats joined Republicans in killing a bill that called for removal of the statue to archsegregationist Harry F. Byrd Sr., a newspaper publisher, governor and U.S. senator who ruled the state for five decades and is best known for leading Massive Resistance to the U.S. Supreme Court decision outlawing the governmentenforced mandate requiring separate public schools for black and white children. Republican Delegate Wendell S. Walker of Lynchburg surprised colleagues in filing a bill to remove the statue of the once powerful Democratic leader who died in 1966. Delegate Walker considered his bill a protest to the movement to allow local removal of Confederate statues and to Please turn to A4

George Copeland Jr./Richmond Free Press

Harry F. Byrd Sr., the late Virginia governor, U.S. senator and the architect of the state’s Massive Resistance to racial desegregation of public schools, is remembered with a statue on the grounds of the State Capitol.

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