Free press feb 22 24, 2018 issue

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‘Black Panther’ pounces box office B2

Bubba Wallace takes 2nd place at Daytona A10

Richmond Free Press © 2018 Paradigm Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

VOL. 27 NO. 8


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Fr ee

c e l e b rat ing o u r 2 6 t h A nniv e r s ar y

February 22-24, 2018

Divine sounds

Foote family celebrates gospel radio station’s first anniversary By Jeremy M. Lazarus

Jeremy Lazarus/Richmond Free Press

Altony “Tiger” Foote Jr., left, and his father, the Rev. Altony Foote Sr., pose in the WQCN radio studio inside Faith & Love Fellowship Church in South Side. The gospel station reaches listeners over 105.3 FM and streaming on the internet.

Richmond radio station WQCN is marking its first anniversary of delivering gospel to fans in the area on 105.3 FM. Better known as “The Choice,” the station is the growing broadcast arm of the 150-member Faith & Love Fellowship Church based on South Side. The studio and equipment are housed in a portion of the decade-old non-denominational church at 141 E. Belt Blvd., just a few blocks from Southside Plaza. The station’s broadcast tower sits on the property. While Richmond has several other gospel stations, such as Praise 104.7 and Rejoice 990 AM and 101.3 FM, WQCN believes it’s a bit different because of its church tie. “Commercial stations have to put money first to stay on the air,” said Minister Altony “Tiger” Foote Jr., 46, the station’s chief operating officer. “We don’t. We put ministry first. We want to usher you in like a church, not be a gatekeeper that examines your production over your passion.” It’s also a rare independent station in Richmond

with all African-American management. Along with music, the 100-watt station broadcasts 26 different shows each week, most locally produced. WQCN just added celebrity comedian Sheryl Underwood’s new show, “Spiritual Nourishment,” to its lineup, Mr. Foote said. He noted that the Gospel Music Workshop of America’s RVA Alliance of Gospel Music Professionals is making the station its official home, evidence the station is winning recognition for its community role. The regular shows and the gospel focus has sparked audience growth since the station’s fledgling start on Feb. 12, 2017, when its only broadcast was a repeating one-hour compilation of music and the announcement of its call sign. Mr. Foote estimates that at least 10,000 area residents tune in each week, along with thousands more listening over the internet. The station can be heard clearly in a 25-mile radius around the city, Mr. Foote said, or about the distance from Richmond to Ashland to the north and from Please turn to A4

Taxpayers on hook for $11.25M for NFL training camp By Jeremy M. Lazarus

Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press

Washington pro team quarterback Kurt Cousins, left, and linebacker Trent Murphy head toward the fans after an August 2017 session at the NFL team’s Richmond training camp on Leigh Street.

Richmond taxpayers are being handed an $11.25 million bill for the Washington pro football team’s summer training camp on Leigh Street. That’s what it will cost to pay off the remaining $8.5 million debt on the 6-yearold building over 15 years, according to Selena Cuffee-Glenn, the city’s chief administrative officer. The problem: The training camp, including the building that is partially occupied by Bon Secours medical offices, is failing to generate enough revenue to pay for operations and to pay off the $8.85 million the city advanced in 2012 to develop it. The city borrowed the money on a fiveyear loan and now needs to refinance that Please turn to A4

School Board approves $303.3M budget plan By Ronald E. Carrington

Richmond schools Superintendent Jason Kamras and the Richmond School Board are seeking $11 million more from the city to operate schools in the next budget year that will

begin July 1. The proposal approved Tuesday night would provide a 2 percent salary increase for teachers and staff; add 17 teachers and counselors to provide better service to Latino students and others for whom English

Ora Lomax matched with new dialysis center By Jeremy M. Lazarus

The saga of Ora Lomax and her search for a new dialysis center has a happy ending after weeks of drama. The 86-year-old NAACP activist has been reassigned to a new center after being booted from the West End Dialysis Center after 12 years. Fresenius Kidney Care, the nation’s largest provider of the life-saving treatment and owner of the West End Center, moved her to another of its centers at 2521 Mechanicsville Turnpike in the Glenfield Business Center in Henrico County. While still smarting about her involuntary discharge from the West End Center, Mrs. Lomax went to the new center for the Please turn to A4

is a second language; He said the plan fails and allow the hirto take into account ing of five parents city administration to link schools and warnings that extra parents. money would be in In addition, the short supply. Howproposal would elimever, his proposed inate 20 non-instrucamendments to retional positions and duce spending in a Mr. Kamras fund extra buses to few areas so dollars allow the school system to end could be shifted to other needs its hub system requiring high were ignored. school students to gather for bus The School Board’s spendpickup at elementary schools ing plan, if approved, would and restore pickup service at provide $303.3 million in traditional bus stops. school operating funds, or about The board voted 8-1 to send $12,635 for each of the school the budget plan to Mayor Levar system’s 24,000 students. This M. Stoney and the Richmond year’s operating budget proCity Council for approval, al- vides $292.2 million, or about though there appears to be little $12,175 per student. prospect, based on city budget The city is contributing $159 projections, that the increase million this year from its general will be approved. fund to the total and that would School Board member Jona- grow to $170 million if the than Young, 4th District, cast the School Board has its way. lone protest vote against a budPlease turn to A4 get he regards as irresponsible.

Gerald Herbert/Associated Press

Marla Eveillard, 14, weeps as she hugs friends before the start of a vigil at Parkland Baptist Church in Florida on Feb. 15, the day after the Douglas High School massacre in which 17 people were killed and many others were wounded.

Fla. school shooting survivors hoping to be catalyst for tougher gun laws Free Press wire reports

PARKLAND, Fla. Bodies of the dead were still inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., when the teenage survivors of the Valentine’s Day massacre began speaking out about gun violence. The shell-shocked mostly white suburban teens stepped straight from the bullet-scarred school into the nation’s gun debate. Rather than retreating into their private lives, the young people who saw classmates slain quickly became advocates for stronger weapons laws — drawing verbal fire from conservatives pushing to end restrictions on carrying concealed weapons. Joined by young people in other cities, such as Washington, D.C., where supporters staged a lie-in in front of the White House, the Parkland survivors are planning marches and more demonstrations in Florida and elsewhere to highlight the need for greater gun control. David Hogg, a senior and news director at the high school, recorded video of the Feb. 14 killing spree by a former student that left 17 dead and others wounded as he huddled in a room with fellow students. “Imagine hearing bullets; it’s absolutely awful,” David said. “This is why people need to be politically active. This needs to be a turning point.” But will the new teen activism on gun control fade as has happened after previous massacres at Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook and a host of other places, such as the more recent Please turn to A4

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