Wakanda forever: ‘Black Panther’ poised for Oscar win A4 Lt. Gov. sits in protest
Richmond Free Press © 2019 Paradigm Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
VOL. 28 NO. 4
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Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service B4
January 24-26, 2019
$14M slice
RPS Superintendent Jason Kamras releases plan to cut $14M from city schools; $13M from central office alone By Ronald E. Carrington
Ronald E. Carrington/Richmond Free Press
Gov. Ralph S. Northam, left, surprises Richmond teacher Rodney A. Robinson Wednesday by announcing his selection as a finalist for the National Teacher of the Year. Location: Virgie Binford Education Center at the Richmond Juvenile Detention Center, where Mr. Robinson teaches history and social studies.
Richmond teacher is finalist for National Teacher of the Year By Ronald E. Carrington
Richmond teacher Rodney A. Robinson’s star keeps rising. Mr. Robinson, who was selected in October as Virginia’s 2018 Teacher of the Year, is one of four finalists for the National Teacher of the Year. Gov. Ralph S. Northam made the surprise announcement Wednesday during a visit with Mr. Robinson at the Richmond Juvenile Detention Center where he teaches history and social studies at the Virgie Binford
Education Center. The 40-year-old Richmond Public Schools teacher was given a standing ovation by students, other teachers and mentors. “My wife, First Lady Pamela Northam, tells me your students say you are a rock star,” Gov. Northam said. “I want all of Virginia to know you were selected as a national finalist.” Mr. Robinson, a Virginia State University graduate who has been teaching since Please turn to A4
Showdown expected at Feb. 11 City Council meeting over renaming Boulevard for Arthur Ashe Jr. By Jeremy M. Lazarus
Will the Boulevard be renamed for Richmondborn tennis great and humanitarian Arthur Ashe Jr.? Will vehicle traffic on Brook Road be limited to one lane in each direction to make room for bike lanes? Will the mayor’s request to put off school modernization until he leaves office become city policy? These thorny questions are now headed to
James Haskins/Richmond Free Press
Future big-time ballers Third- and fourth-graders from Team Richmond Garner Road give it their all during a scrimmage at halftime of the women’s game at the annual Freedom Classic last Saturday held at the Virginia State University Multi-Purpose Center in Ettrick. Please see coverage of the Freedom Classic, A8.
Richmond City Council after advancing from committees. On Tuesday, legislation to create Arthur Ashe Boulevard and to kill the Brook Road bike lanes cleared the council’s Land Use, Housing and Transportation Ms. Gray Committee. The three-member committee voted to send both issues to the full council without a recommendation, ensuring additional debate, according to Councilwoman Ellen F. Robertson, 6th District, the committee’s chair. Controversy surrounds the Arthur Ashe proposal that Councilwoman Kim B. Gray, 2nd District, is spearheading in a third attempt the rename the Boulevard for Mr. Ashe. City Council voted down attempts to rename it in 1993 and 2003. Twenty-two people, including 10 who support the renaming and 12 who oppose it, spoke Tuesday before the Land Use Committee that also includes Ms. Gray and Councilman Michael J. Jones, 9th District. In an attempt at a compromise, opponents of changing the official street name urged the committee to post honorary brown street signs with Mr. Ashe’s name. “Post them on every lamppost and pole on the street,” said one opponent in broaching what was called a compromise. But Ms. Gray said after the meeting that idea is a non-starter for her. “We use honorary street signs to celebrate people who have contributed to a specific community. This is just not good enough for someone of Arthur Ashe’s stature.” Dr. Jones, who has not committed to voting for the name change, also rejected that idea. “If we are going to honor Arthur Ashe, let’s do it right.” Concerned about the community split the proposal is creating, Dr. Jones hinted he might be more interested in seeking to rename the Downtown Expressway for Mr. Ashe, who died in 1993. Please turn to A4
more efficiently,” Mr. Kamras said. In addition to savings through reductions of Richmond Public Schools Superintendent central office personnel, Mr. Kamras said savings Jason Kamras wants to strip $13 million from can accrue with technology upgrades. the school system’s budget by making cuts to The deficit, he explained, would reach $14 the central office. million with the $2 million required In a draft plan presented Tuesday for a teacher step raise. That raise evening to the Richmond School would not be touched, he said. Board, Mr. Kamras presented a $300 Mr. Kamras said his presentation million operating budget for Richmond was an effort to have “the board weigh Public Schools for 2019-2020 that in on the budget process, the general would have a $12 million deficit if direction and give feedback to help the city’s appropriation for schools navigate the process.” remains at its current level. The School Board’s first budget By cutting $13 million from the work session is scheduled for ThursMr. Kamras central office staff, and saving another day, Jan. 24, with a public hearing on $1 million by not hiring replacements for vacant the budget set for Monday, Feb. 4. The time and positions, he said the schools would be held place have not been announced. harmless, with the cuts not affecting RPS’ core Mr. Kamras’ plan is designed to put the mission of teaching. district’s financial house in order, as well as “We want the public to have faith in what we establish the foundation for requesting more are doing as we demonstrate our good stewardPlease turn to A4 ship of our money, advocate for more and work
Sen. Harris enters presidential contest
Free Press wire reports
Joshua Roberts/Reuters
U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris of California speaks to the media at Howard University after announcing Monday that she will run for the Democratic nomination for president.
She’s running! U.S. Sen. Kamala D. Harris announced Monday that she is seeking the 2020 Democratic nomination for president. She adds her name to a growing list of women who want to call the White House home. “I’m running for president of the United States and I’m very excited about it,” said Sen. Harris, a 54year-old former prosecutor. “This is a moment in time that I feel a sense of responsibility to stand up and fight for the best of who we are.” Sen. Harris, who made history in 2016 as the first African-American woman elected to the U.S. Senate from California, timed her announcement for the national holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She said Dr. King was an aspirational leader. “We are the best of who we are when we fight to achieve these ideals,” she said, in announcing her candidacy on ABC’s “Good Please turn to A4
Case against VUU president in Florida appears stalled By Jeremy M. Lazarus
September 2017. Bethune-Cookman officials filed the Bethune-Cookman University in lawsuit a year ago, and the online file Florida appears to have halted its shows vigorous denials from Dr. Lucas legal effort to hold former top officials and other defendants to the university’s accountable for their alleged role in claims. All of the defendants asked the saddling the Daytona Beach school court to dismiss the case. with an overly expensive dormitory. The main claim of the university The last documents in the case is that former officials who held top Dr. Lucas — in which current Virginia Union management posts unscrupulously arUniversity President Hakim J. Lucas, is a named ranged to have the university enter into a lease defendant — were filed in July. deal with a private company for a new dorm that Since then, Bethune-Cookman has not taken is projected to cost the university more than $300 any steps to get the Volusia Circuit Court to hold million over the 40-year life of the agreement. hearings or set a trial date. Nothing further is The defendants responded that they acted scheduled, the court reported. properly on behalf of the university, whose Dr. Lucas served as the vice president for board reviewed and approved the deal to add institutional advancement at Bethune-Cookman more housing, and that the university’s allegafrom 2012 until becoming VUU’s president in tions of illegality are false.