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VOL. 29 NO. 1
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Foremost Wishes for the new year
JANUARY 2-4, 2020
2020 vision Mayor Stoney reflects on his accomplishments of the past 3 years, his goals for the final year of his term and prospects for re-election By Jeremy M. Lazarus
Mayor Levar M. Stoney is heading into 2020 confident that Richmond voters will reward him with another four years based on his accomplishments. Gearing up for re-election — and as yet unchallenged despite signals that others might run — the mayor ticked off the full funding for Richmond Public Schools requests this year, the construction of three new schools, an increase in street paving and the launch of the state’s first Eviction Diversion Program as the top items on his list of notable achievements. The youngest mayor in city history when he took office in 2017, Mayor Stoney, who will turn 39 in March, talked up the improvements he has ushered in and brushed off rumors that he might seek state office in 2021
during a recent interview at City Hall with the Free Press. “You will see me on the ballot,” said the mayor, known for his quick smile and fast patter. “And I will fulfill my time, not just this year and this term, but in the second term as well. “I think I’ve got the best job in the Commonwealth,” he said. “When I wake up, it challenges me each and every day. This city has grown, but I also see myself as growing in this role as well. I will be a better mayor in year 4 than I was in year 1. And I’ll be a better mayor in year 8 than I will be in year 5.” He won a four-way race four years ago to secure the position. At the moment, the only potential opponent being mentioned for the November
Mayor Stoney
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Explanations sought on City Council’s consulting contract cost
VUU announces $5,000 tuition cut By Jeremy M. Lazarus
Virginia Union University will cut the yearly cost of undergraduate tuition by $5,000 beginning next fall in an apparent bid to attract more students and end a quiet, but dramatic two-year drop in enrollment. The upshot of what amounts to a 32 percent tuition reduction: The private, historically black and Baptist-affiliated university will become the least expensive four-year institution in Richmond and will rank among the lowest-priced public or private fouryear institutions of higher education in Virginia, most notably for students from out of state. The tuition rollback appears to be almost unprecedented among the nation’s colleges and universities, where the norm has been annual tuition increases that Dr. Lucas outpace inflation. But with the total number of incoming freshmen and transfer students down by 50 percent and total undergraduate enrollment dropping to the lowest level in decades, VUU appears to have needed a game-changing move. That came last week on Dec. 24 when Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson, chairman of the VUU Board of Trustees, and VUU President Dr. Hakim J. Lucas announced the board’s approval of the rollback in annual tuition to $10,530 for
By Jeremy M. Lazarus
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14 candidates make Dems presidental primary ballot in Va. All 14 Democrats who filed to run in Virginia’s March 3 Democratic presidential primary made the ballot, according to the Virginia Department of Elections. The candidates’ names will appear in the following order on the ballot, the department stated, based on the results of a drawing: Cory Booker, Julian Castro, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Marianne Williamson, Michael Bennett, Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard, Deval Patrick, Pete Buttigieg, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg.
Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press
Happy Noon Year! More than 2,000 people erupt into cheers at the coming of 2020 at the Science Museum of Virginia’s Noon Year’s Eve celebration. At the stroke of noon on Dec. 31, confetti dropped from the top of the rotunda as youngsters and their families celebrated New Year’s early on Tuesday. The annual celebration is geared to the young and those who have a hard time staying up until midnight to welcome the new year.
When a divided Richmond City Council voted 5-4 on Dec. 9 to proceed with hiring C.H. Johnson Consulting to review the $1.5 billion Richmond Coliseum replacement plan, most members had no idea that the company’s bid had come in 13 percent higher than the amount council had approved to pay a consultant. Council members learned a week later when they received calls from council C h i e f of Staff Lawrence Anderson Mr. Anderson notifying them that C.H. Johnson had been awarded a contract worth $215,000 — $25,000 more than the $190,000 council had agreed to set aside for hiring a consultant. Under a timetable, C.H. Johnson is to provide a preliminary report to City Council on Jan. 31 and file a final report on Feb. 10, two weeks before the council is scheduled to vote on the massive redevelopment plan. According to Betty J. Burrell, director of city procurement, Mr. Anderson authorized the increase in the contract price Please turn to A4
Congressman John Lewis fighting biggest battle: Pancreatic cancer Free Press wire reports
ATLANTA Messages of support are pouring in for Congressman John Lewis, known as “the conscience of the Congress,” following his announcement Sunday that he is facing a foe like none before: Advanced pancreatic cancer. As a civil rights activist at 25, Rep. Lewis was beaten so badly his skull was fractured and the TV images from an Alabama bridge in the 1960s forced a nation’s awakening to racial discrimination.
As a congressman today at 79, the veteran Democratic congressman from Georgia said, “I have never faced a fight quite like the one I have now.” He said Sunday in Washington that the stage 4 cancer was detected earlier this month and confirmed in a diagnosis. Rep. Lewis has had many battles, and this he views as one more dawning. He was arrested at least 40 times Please turn to A4
Rep. Lewis
Hearing Jan. 14 on Hanover NAACP suit to rename Confederate schools By George Copeland Jr.
Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press
Lighting the way Kiante Tate, 12, lights one of the seven candles of the kinara at the annual Capital City Kwanzaa Festival last Saturday. The event, held at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School by the Elegba Folklore Society, drew hundreds of people honoring the seven principles highlighted during Kwanzaa’s seven days. Kwanzaa was founded in 1966 in the United States by Dr. Maulana Karenga. Please see more photos, B4.
The fate of a federal lawsuit brought by the Hanover County Branch NAACP in a bid to force the Hanover County School Board to rename two schools currently named for Confederate leaders could be decided on Jan. 14. That’s when U.S. District Court Judge Robert E. Payne will hear arguments on the School Board’s request to dismiss the NAACP’s suit seeking a court order requiring new names for Lee-Davis High School and Stonewall Jackson Middle School.
Judge Payne, who will hear the case at the courthouse in Downtown Richmond, has already expressed concerns about the suit that he wants attorneys for the Hanover NAACP to address. In a preliminary order, he Mr. Barnette directed those attorneys to show that this is a genuine dispute over which the branch is entitled to sue. Judge Payne also ordered the NAACP lawyers to identify any
cases that support its arguments or to show that their argument is based “on the extension of existing legal principles.” The lawsuit was launched on Aug. 16 by the Hanover NAACP led by President Robert N. Barnette Jr., who also is president of the Virginia State Conference of the NAACP. The suit aims to “eradicate the vestiges of a shameful, racist educational system in Hanover County that forces African-American students to champion a legacy of segregation and oppresPlease turn to A4