Negro Leagues 100th Anniversary A9
Richmond Free Press
VOL. 29 NO. 28
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Spotlight on president of Black Men Read B1
JULY 2-4, 2020
After more than 100 years, the statue of Confederate ‘Stonewall’ Jackson on Monument Avenue comes down to cheers of hundreds of people Wednesday shortly after Mayor Stoney’s emergency order for the racist symbols to be removed
Gone! By Jeremy M. Lazarus
Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press
Goodbye, “Stonewall” Jackson. So long, J.E.B. Stuart, Matthew Fontaine Maury and maybe A.P. Hill. The removal of city-owned statues of those Confederates and other champions of slavery and white supremacy began on Wednesday, with the bronze statue of Confederate Gen. Jackson hauled from the perch it has occupied for more than 100 years at Monument Avenue and Arthur Ashe Boulevard. Cheers rang out from hundreds of people watching at the intersection as a large crane hoisted the statue from its granite base. Bells from a nearby church began to peal, the crowd jubilant even in the sudden downpour near the end of the 3½-hour job to secure the heavy statue and carefully remove it from its base. With the entire operation being livestreamed on social media, more than 250,000 people reportedly tuned in to see the statue being lifted and then lowered onto a flat-bed truck. It was taken to an undisclosed storage facility, where city officials said it will remain until a decision is made on what to do with it. Chants of “Black Lives Matter” and “Take it down” erupted from the crowd. The swift action marks a historic moment for the former capital of the Confederacy, where such oversized symbols of
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Above, a crane hauls away the massive, 100-yearold statue of Confederate Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson from its pedestal at Monument Avenue and Arthur Ashe Boulevard during a downpour Wednesday. Right, a crew carefully places the bronze statue on a truck. Mayor Levar M. Stoney ordered the removal of remaining Confederate statues as a public safety measure.
oppression seemed permanently affixed to the landscape. “Today is a monumental step in the history of the City of Richmond,” Delegate Lamont Bagby, chairman of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus, said in a statement later Wednesday evening. “The long overdue removal of these statues is an important step toward honestly and clearly addressing our city, our Commonwealth and our country’s past. This removal was an answer to the countless calls from our Virginia communities, our members and many others to take Virginia into a new, more just tomorrow.” The prospect that Richmond would follow in the footsteps of other big and small localities that already had removed Confederate statuary had long seemed remote, but July 1 marked the city’s day of independence from such icons of the “Lost Cause.” The Virginia General Assembly, for the first time under Democratic control in more than two decades, voted earlier this year to give localities control over Confederate statues within Please turn to A4
Regina H. Boone/Richmond Free Press
New Police Chief Gerald Smith greeted with eventful first day By Jeremy M. Lazarus
For Gerald M. Smith, the first day as Richmond’s new police chief was anything but routine. Along with the regular calls for service on Wednesday, Chief Smith, who was tapped for the job late last Friday, found the Regina H. Boone/Richmond Free Press department caught up in a whirl of events typical of the upheaval “I’m listening,” new Richmond Police Chief Gerald M. Smith says at a City Hall press conference Saturday after Mayor that has gripped the city since late May following the police Levar M. Stoney, right, introduced him. “My office, my phone killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. In the late morning, 100 people marched to the John Marshall line, my email is open to you, so let’s have a conversation.” The city’s 20th chief began work Wednesday. Courts Building to protest evictions of struggling families. The upshot: A window shattered, protesters pepper-sprayed, three arrests and the building roped off with police tape. By mid-afternoon, crowds gathered to watch the historic removal of the statue of ConfedBy Jeremy M. Lazarus erate Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” and George Copeland Jr. Jackson at Monument Avenue and Arthur Ashe Boulevard From marches to nighttime following Mayor Levar M. clashes and courtroom battles, Stoney’s emergency order to the demand for racial justice take the oppressive symbols and an end to police violence down. continues in Richmond — now As the sun set, another the epicenter of Virginia protests group prepared a sit-in at the and police actions to control the Lee statue a few blocks east situation more than a month to protest the Richmond Police after they began. Department’s use of tear gas, On Tuesday, as Gov. Ralph pepper spray and rubber bullets S. Northam extended for 30 to disperse crowds protesting days a month-old emergency police violence and racial declaration in the city at the injustice. request of Mayor Levar M. Chief Smith, 51, is the Stoney, a Richmond Circuit Regina H. Boone/Richmond Free Press city’s 20th police chief and the Court judge upheld the author- More than 40 faith leaders from a variety of faith traditions fourth person to hold the top ity of police to declare unlawful call for an end to police violence against those protesting position during Mayor Stoney’s assemblies and to use tear gas, racial injustice during a news conference Tuesday at the base first term. The chief’s starting of the Lee statue on Monument Avenue. Protesters renamed chemical deterrents and rubber salary: $185,000 a year, the the area Marcus-David Peters Circle to bring attention to the bullets to disperse protesters. city reported. That’s roughly 2018 death of the 24-year-old biology teacher who was shot Judge Beverly W. Snukals
Legal efforts continue against use of tear gas on peaceful protesters
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and killed by a Richmond Police officer during what has been described as a mental crisis.
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Free COVID-19 testing The Richmond City Health District is offering free community testing for COVID-19. Testing will be held 9 to 11 a.m. at the following locations: DATE
Tuesday, July 7
Diversity Richmond
Sherwood Ave. in North Side
Thursday, July 9
Powhatan Community Center “The Hut”
Northampton St. in Fulton
People are asked to bring an umbrella in case of inclement weather or to use as shade from the sun while waiting in line. Appointments for testing are encouraged by calling the Richmond and Henrico COVID-19 Hotline at (804) 2053501 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Walk-up testing will be offered while test supplies last. On Wednesday, the Virginia Department of Health reported a total of 63,203 positive cases of COVID-19 in the state, with 1,786 deaths and 6,262 hospitalizations. African-Americans comprised 18.8 percent of the positive cases and 23 percent of deaths for which racial and ethnic data is available, while Latinos made up 44.9 percent of the cases and 11.7 percent of deaths.
Regina H. Boone/Richmond Free Press
History in her lifetime Skylar Matthews, 2, of Richmond takes in the colors and new energy at the Lee statue on Monument Avenue last Friday. The youngster, who was with her mother, Shanice Winston, is living through the historic moment when the statues honoring Confederate oppressors are coming down in the city.