Beyoncé drops single on Juneteenth B2
Richmond Free Press
VOL. 29 NO. 27
© 2020 Paradigm Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Under fire
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Meet board chair of Feed More B1
JUNE 25-27, 2020
Calls grow for Interim Chief Blackwell to resign after word of his fatal 2002 officer-involved shooting By Jeremy M. Lazarus
Interim Richmond Police Chief William V. “Jody” Blackwell is supposed to be the right person to focus on “necessary public safety reform, healing and trust building within the community.” That is what Mayor Levar M. Stoney said when he announced June 16 that he
asked then-Chief Will Smith to resign and promoted his chief of staff, Maj. Blackwell, to be the city’s top cop until a permanent replacement is selected. After meeting with disgruntled police officers upset over Chief Smith’s abrupt dismissal, the mayor doubled down on his decision. He said Chief Blackwell has the discipline and composure the job needs,
Regina H. Boone/Richmond Free Press
Interim Chief William “Jody” Blackwell refuses to answer any questions about his fatal shooting of Jeramy O. Gilliam in 2002 during his introductory news conference last week at the Richmond Police Training Academy.
adding, “I know that he’s the man to get the job done.” However, if Chief Blackwell was supposed to be out front making his presence felt, quite the opposite appears to be happening. Instead, he has avoided making any public appearances — a sharp contrast for a city used to police chiefs who court the news media and are eager to be seen and heard around the city. Chief Blackwell has rejected requests for interviews and has not turned out for major public events, including the Juneteenth celebrations last week during his first days at the helm. It is not clear whether he has been out at demonstrations with his officers or what his role has been in ordering the firing of tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets to disperse protesters during several demonstrations earlier this week that the police declared an “unlawful assembly.” It also is not clear whether Chief Blackwell has met with civic or business leaders, talked with members of City Council or begun building community connections to tackle the mayor’s plan for police reform. At the same time, his ability to command community respect and allegiance might have been undermined from the start as Please turn to A4
Home health workers often overlooked in state COVID-19 protection efforts By Jeremy M. Lazarus
Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press
Ropes hang from the statue of Confederate Gen. J.E.B. Stuart at the intersection of Monument Avenue and Lombardy Street as protesters tried to topple it Sunday night. Police later arrested six people.
City Council members call for ban on police use of tear gas, pepper spray as demonstrations continue By Jeremy M. Lazarus and George Copeland Jr.
Ban the tear gas, pepper spray, flash bangs and rubber bullets that Richmond Police and their law enforcement partners have used repeatedly to disperse protesters clamoring against police brutality and racial injustice. That’s the cry from two Richmond City Council members who have witnessed the demonstrations and choked on the tear gas, and believe its use by police needs to end. Photo feature on A8 Ninth District Councilman Michael J. Jones and 5th District Councilwoman Stephanie A. Lynch plan to introduce legislation next Wednesday at a special meeting the full council is expected to hold. There is no indication that a majority of City Council will support the legislation. Both Dr. Jones and Ms. Lynch were persuaded to push for a ban after attending protests last week and choked and gasped Please turn to A4
Ever since the COVID-19 emergency was declared in March, the state has pushed a well-publicized effort to get masks, gowns and other protective gear for doctors, nurses and other health care workers in hospitals and nursing homes. But three months into the pandemic, the state finally has begun to focus on providing protection gear to a littlenoticed group of front line
Sen. Jennifer L. McClellan announces her candidacy for governor By Jeremy M. Lazarus
Related story on A9 health workers — the aides providing care to thousands of elderly and disabled people in their homes. On Wednesday, 30,000 masks were being assembled in packages to be shipped to personal care workers, acChris Gordon/DMAS cording to Christina Nuckols, From left, Mary Carter, Sharon Stone and Arqam Ahsan with the state Department of spokeswoman for the state De- Medical Assistance Services pack masks and other personal protection equipment for partment of Medical Assistance home health care workers who aid thousands of elderly and disabled Virginians with Services, which runs the state’s bathing, dressing, toileting and meals under the Medicaid program. Medicaid program. “Given the barriers that exist, this has been a unique process to secure and distribute personal protection equipment to our personal care workers. But we have worked hard to accomplish this important goal for these essential home and communitybased providers,” said Dr. Vanessa Walker Harris, deputy state secretary for health and human resources. The move is aimed at ending the neglect of often overlooked personal care and certified nursing assistants who almost daily By Ronald E. Carrington care for at least 20,000 people across the state. There was no glitz and glamour or boisterous cheering Thomasine Wilson, 60, of Richmond, executive committee typical at graduations, but students in the Class of 2020 at chair of a local union for home health care workers, said the work two Richmond high schools had the adoration and cheers of Please turn to A4 family Tuesday when they accepted their diplomas during ceremonies that practiced social distancing. In separate ceremonies at Armstrong and Richmond ComFree COVID-19 testing munity high schools, groups of six or seven seniors were ushered at 15-minute intervals to the back of the schools’ Free community testing for COVID-19 continues. The Richmond and Henrico County health districts are auditoriums. At each school, they walked one by one to the offering testing 9 to 11 a.m. Thursday, June 25, at the Eastern stage, received their diploma and had their photo taken, while Henrico Recreation Center, 1440 N. Laburnum Ave. family was able to watch from the audience. Appointments are encouraged by calling the Richmond and While staging for the commencement exercises at both Henrico COVID-19 Hotline at (804) 205-3501 from 8 a.m. to schools was the same, each had a unique ceremony filled 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. with enthusiasm. Walk-up testing will be offered while test supplies last. At Armstrong High School in the East End, the atmosphere The Chesterfield Health District is hosting free testing for was festive outside the building on Cool Lane. A truck’s huge those who are uninsured or underinsured from 5 to 7 p.m. speakers blasted R&B music from the parking lot, while a Wednesday, July 1, at Falling Creek Ironworks Park, 6407 teacher with a bullhorn sitting in the open truck bed loudly Jefferson Davis Highway. Testing is limited, with some walk-up testing available. congratulated each graduate and their family as they first People with COVID-19 symptoms should make an lined up in front of the building.
After 15 years in the General Assembly, Sen. Jennifer L. McClellan wants to play a bigger role in shaping state policy. The Richmond lawmaker promised to offer leadership that would allow Virginia to “boldly step into the future” in entering the race for governor. Now in her second term in the General Assembly’s upper chamber, Sen. McClellan announced on June 18 her bid for the state’s top elected office in 2021 and portrayed herself as the person to guide the state that is at a “critical crossroads right now about what direction we’re going to go.” The main focus of her campaign, Sen. Sen. McClellan McClellan told the Free Press this week, will be on restoring faith in government as a “positive force for change and for solving problems” in dealing with the health, economic and racial crises Please turn to A4
RPS students, families celebrate at ‘different’ graduation ceremonies
appointment for testing by calling the Chesterfield Health Department at (804) 318-8207.
Please turn to A4
Ronald E. Carrington/Richmond Free Press
A line of seniors and their families wait outside Armstrong High School on Tuesday for their turn to enter the building for the ceremony where diplomas were awarded one student at a time to curb the spread of COVID-19.