Richmond Free Press June 6-8, 2019

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VOL. 28 NO. 23

Gov. Northam


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Richmond Free Press

JUNE 6-8, 2019

‘Votes and laws, not thoughts and prayers’

Gov. Northam calls for special General Assembly session to deal with gun violence Free Press wire, staff reports

VIRGINIA BEACH Gov. Ralph S. Northam is summoning lawmakers back to the state Capitol for a special legislative session to consider guncontrol legislation, saying last Friday’s mass shooting in Virginia Beach calls for “votes and laws, not thoughts and prayers.” Gov. Northam said Tuesday that he wants every state lawmaker go on record for or against his proposals during the special session this summer, rather than let leaders shield them from tough votes by killing measures in subcommittees. “I ask that the members of the General Assembly engage in an open and transparent debate and that the bills brought before the legislature are put to a vote by the entire General Assembly,” Gov. Northam said at a news conference, where he was accompanied by Lt. Gov. Justin E. Fairfax, Attorney General Mark R. Herring and other elected officials, state workers and gun control advocates and given a standing ovation. “The nation will be watching.” Among the proposals he will seek are universal background checks before gun purchases, limiting purchases to one handgun per month and a so-called red flag bill that would allow authorities to temporarily seize someone’s guns if they are a shown to be threat to themselves or others. “It is wrong that we now view these mass shootings as the new normal,” Gov. Northam said. “It is past time to change.” He said he had previously asked the General Assembly for a number of tighter gun restrictions, but lawmakers repeatedly rejected his requests. The Virginia Beach tragedy “must instill in us a new urgency

to act,” he said. “If we can save one life because we acted now, it is worth it.” DeWayne Craddock, a 40-year-old civil engineer who worked for the City of Virginia Beach for 15 years, used two semiautomatic handguns to kill 12 people last Friday in the nation’s deadliest mass shooting of the year. The fatal scene unfolded around 4 p.m. when the gunman shot the first victim outside Building 2, a three-story brick structure at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center where he worked with nearly 400 city employees. Police say the shooter attached a suppressor, also known as a silencer, to the .45-caliber handgun that he fired on three floors of the building where he worked. Authorities found a silencer on one of the weapons and extended ammunition magazines.

Virginia is among 42 states that allow residents to purchase and possess suppressors, though some cities – including Virginia Beach – prohibit them. After an intense gunbattle with police, Mr. Craddock was mortally wounded. Four other people remained in critical condition after what authorities said were multiple surgeries since last Friday. Three were at Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital, a 273-bed acute care facility where Richmond native Elwood B. “Bernie” Boone III is president. Gov. Northam traveled to Virginia Beach hours after the shooting, comforting survivors and helping coordinate the crisis Please turn to A4

School Board gives final approval to $418M spending plan By Jeremy M. Lazarus and Ronald E. Carrington

Top prosecutor stepping down By Jeremy M. Lazarus

Backed by a $25 million boost in contributions from city taxpayers, the Richmond School Board Tuesday approved spending a record $16,814 for each of the 24,800 students projected to be served in the 2019-20 budget year that begins July 1. Ranking Richmond among the most expensive school districts in the state, the budgeted cost for public education in the new fiscal year represents an 8.5 percent increase over the previous record of $15,423 budgeted this year for 25,300 students. That level of spending per student appears to undermine the argument that RPS’ poor showing on everything from on-time graduation to reading achievement is due to underfunding and a lack of resources. Quite the contrary. The spending package narrowly approved by the School Board on a 5-4 vote is the highest ever for public education in the city — $418 million, including about $398 million in city, state and federal dollars for instruction and operations. The total also includes $19 million — one of the largest sums in decades — that Mayor Levar M. Stoney and City Council earmarked for school maintenance. It will help RPS take a bite out of the estimated $82 million needed to replace old roofs, air conditioning and heating systems and deal with other maintenance needs in the aging inventory of buildings. Among the highlights, the ap-

Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney Michael N. Herring has quietly left his mark on the criminal justice system in Richmond. During his 13½ years in office, he upended the system that kept jail cells crowded with people awaiting trial because they couldn’t afford bond. Instead, he recommended people awaiting trial be released with conditions unless an assessment found they posed a continuing risk to the community. The recipient of the 2016 Virginia State Bar award for professionalism, Mr. Herring Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press has pushed community service over jail time Marquita Ridley, left, and her daughters, Nyirah Phillips, 10, and Blessyn Evans place balloons Wednesday on a memorial at Carter Jones Park in South Side, for people arrested for marijuana possession where 9-year-old Markiya Dickson was fatally shot on May 26. Markiya’s family is and supported efforts to reduce the jail hosting a vigil at the park on Bainbridge Street at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, June 6. population by creating diversion programs for addicts and the mentally ill. And along the way, he rebuilt relations Mr. Herring with the Richmond Police Department that had frayed under his predecessor, David M. Hicks, now a judge in Richmond General District Court, and secured closer cooperation between police and his office during By Ronald E. Carrington Markiya was shot and killed and 11-yearthe investigative phase of cases. old Jaquez Moses was wounded on May As a result, since 2007, Richmond Police, As the family of 9-year-old Markiya 26 during a Memorial Holiday Weekend with community support, has made more Dickson prepares to lay her to rest, Rich- community cookout at Carter Jones Park in arrests in homicide cases than any other mond Police are still searching this week South Side. According to witnesses, gundepartment in the country. And with the Mrs. McEachin for three men wanted in connection with shots rang out just before 7:23 p.m. from help of Mr. Herring’s office, authorities have her shooting death. the area around the basketball court. turned the vast majority of cases into convictions, according to A funeral for the third-grader at ChesterThe park, located on Bainbridge Street, a Washington Post study. field County’s Crestwood Elementary School was crowded with children and families But now, Mr. Herring’s time as the city’s chief prosecutor is will be held at noon Friday, June 7, at the enjoying the event. The children were coming to an end. In a surprise move, Mr. Herring announced Arthur Ashe Jr. Athletic Center, 3001 N. May 31 that he is stepping down July 1 to accept a more lucrative Arthur Ashe Blvd., next to The Diamond. Please turn to A4 post as a partner at Richmond-based McGuireWoods, one of the Please turn to A4 nation’s Top 100 law firms. At his new post, he said he would 16th District 10th District 11th District 12th District focus on cases involving commercial law, product liability and white collar crime. As the 53-year-old Richmond native prepared to clean out his office, he endorsed a veteran prosecutor, Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Colette Wallace McEachin, as his successor. Sen. Dance Ms. Bedell Ms. Hashmi Mr. Brown Ms. Pohl Mr. Powell Mr. Morrissey Ms. Rodman Ms. Lothe A reluctant politician who won four elections, Mr. Herring sought to give Mrs. McEachin a leg up over potential competitors by tapping her to serve as 11 y, Ju n e interim commonwealth’s attorTU esda ney until the special election on Tuesday, Nov. 5, to fill the balance of his term that will By Jeremy M. Lazarus watch but not participate. two rivals could not agree end in 2021. y Four of the Senate primary races will take place in the on terms for a debate. The Pri marns Mrs. McEachin is the wife Voters on the east side of Richmond will play a Richmond area. Along with the race in the 16th District, final days of their primary o e lecti of 4th District Congressman big role next week in what has become one of the Democratic primary contests will take place in three campaigns have featured a A. Donald McEachin. She state’s hottest primary contests. Senate districts with Republican incumbents — the 10th slugfest over which candidate announced her bid Monday That’s the 16th Senate District Democratic primary has the better record on protecting a woman’s right for the Democratic nomina- between incumbent Rosalyn R. Dance of Petersburg to choose an abortion. More election coverage on A6 tion — tantamount to election and Joseph D. “Joe” Morrissey, a former delegate and Endorsed by major pro-abortion groups, Sen. Dance — amid community concerns twice disbarred attorney looking for an upset. District that includes western portions of Richmond and has used mailers in seeking to paint Mr. Morrissey as about the fatal shooting of a The standout contest is one among 16 state Senate stretches to Powhatan County; the 11th District that is a Republican on this issue, while Mr. Morrissey has 9-year-old girl in a city park primary contests set for Tuesday, June 11, in which primarily in Chesterfield County; and the 12th District charged that Sen. Dance is distorting his record while over the Memorial Holiday voters will choose a major party nominee. Polls will that includes Henrico and Hanover counties. refusing to acknowledge her own anti-abortion votes. Weekend and rising unease be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the districts. The But those nomination races have not achieved the Please turn to A4 majority of Richmond residents will only be able to drama of the Dance-Morrissey contest in which the Please turn to A4

Funeral service Friday for 9-year-old Markiya

Tuesday’s primary elections feature Dance-Morrissey contest VOTE

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