Brain power awarded B3
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VOL. 27 NO. 12
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Meet president of Business Coalition for Justice B1
March 22-24, 2018
Play it forward Richmond Flying Squirrels go to bat for the community By Samantha Willis
As the Richmond Flying Squirrels prepare for the spring season and the opening home game on April 13 at The Diamond, the baseball team continues stepping up to the plate in the Richmond community — on and off the field. “Our philosophy, and what the team hinges on, is three things,” said Todd “Parney” Parnell, the Squirrels’ vice president and chief operating officer who has been with the team since its Richmond debut in 2009. “First, it’s got to be fun, every single day. If we as a team aren’t having fun, how can fans and their families have a good time? “The second thing is to be different in everything that we do,” he said.
He pointed to his pants, black, printed with red, blue and orange skulls reminiscent of the talking skull in the Disney-Pixar movie, “Coco.” The pants are a locally known signature for Mr. Parnell, along with his big voice and outgoing personality. “That’s part of why I wear these,” he said. “As a team, we want to present something this town has never seen before. “The last part, which I feel is the most important,” he continued, “is to be impactful in our community.” From the start, said Mr. Parnell, the Richmond Flying Squirrels have set out to be much more than a baseball team. The organization’s consistent goal of weaving into the fabric of the Richmond community has come to bear in many ways over
Courtesy of the Flying Squirrels
Nutzy, the mascot of the Richmond Flying Squirrels, takes a photo with members of the G.H. Reid Lady Ravens squad during the June 2017 opening day at Blackwell Community Center, where the Flying Squirrels Charities has provided a facelift to the South Side field, pitching mound and dugouts during the past two years.
the years and continues today. Mr. Parnell offered examples. In a program designed to boost achievement, the Squirrels give “A” students from participating Richmond area schools tickets to ballgames. They can receive a ticket for each “A” on their report cards. “When a kid comes up to the ticket booth, he may not be as tall as the counter, but he pulls that report card out, gets his tickets and treats his sister, his mom, his dad to a game. The smiles are a mile wide,” said Mr. Parnell. The Squirrels also lead a reading program, in which students can read a certain number of books to get game tickets, along with several other education-related initiatives open to area school systems. The Squirrels help foster relationships and understanding between youths of diverse backgrounds through partnerships with community organizations such as the Metropolitan Junior Baseball League, the nonprofit founded in 1966 to provide urban youngsters an opportunity to play baseball and travel to compete against other teams. The Squirrels and MJBL co-host a youth tournament each year, said William M.T. “Bill” Forrester Jr., MJBL’s executive director. It’s an exciting event that brings teams together from the city and surrounding suburbs. “We were seeing that kids in the city did not have the opportunity to play against kids from the counties,” Mr. Forrester said. “In some ways, baseball has become such a ‘country club’ sport that if kids don’t come from the more affluent communities, and they are not afforded opportuni-
School Board approves Kamras’ smaller, better-paid cabinet By Ronald E. Carrington
A divided Richmond School Board voted 5-4 on Monday night to approve the hiring of four members of Superintendent Jason Kamras’ new cabinet, overruling members who objected to the enlarged salaries they are to be paid. The four newcomers, who will occupy key leadership posts, will join Chief of Staff Michelle Hudacsko, who was hired earlier in March.
Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press
Soaking up the sights Fraternal twins Kayden, left, and Kallie Hunter have a lot to hold their attention during the Southern Women’s Show on Saturday at Richmond Raceway. The 18-month-old siblings were attending the event with their godmother, Amber Bebbs. Please see more photos, B3.
Photo by Clement Britt
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The cabinet members include a chief of schools, a chief academic officer, a chief of operations and a chief of community engagement, all coming from outside Richmond after Mr. Kamras swept Mr. Simmons Dr. Epp out remaining members of former Superintendent Dana T. Bedden’s cabinet. School Board Chair Dawn C, Page, 8th District, led the majority of Elizabeth “Liz” Doerr, 1st District; J. Scott Barlow, 2nd District; Ms. Harris Mr. Hughes Cheryl L. Burke, 7th District; and Linda B. Owen, 9th District, in supporting the superintendent’s choices. The dissenters included Kenya Gibson, 3rd District; Jonathan Young, 4th District; Dr. Patrick Sapini, 5th District; and Felicia D. Cosby, 6th District. Mr. Kamras said the move consolidates the cabinet structure by reducing the team from nine to six members, which will save the system $200,000 annually. The six members include a yet-to-be-named chief talent officer, who would oversee teacher and staff recruitment and training.
‘Immortal’ Henrietta Lacks to be honored with cancer center By Yasmine Jumaa Capital News Service
The year was 1951. The place: Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, where Henrietta Lacks, a native of Halifax County, Va., sought treatment for cervical cancer. Doctors made a remarkable discovery about Mrs. Lacks’ tumor: The cells remained alive Mrs. Lacks and multiplied outside her body, creating the first immortal cell line. Since then, her cells have helped researchers develop the polio vaccine, chemotherapy, in vitro fertilization and other medical breakthroughs. Mrs. Lacks was never compensated for her contribution to science. She died in 1951 and was buried in an family cemetery in Halifax County. Her grave is unmarked. Now, Virginia plans to recognize Mrs. Lacks by establishing a cancer research and treatment center in her name in Halifax County. The General Assembly recently approved legislation authorizing the project to honor the woman who gave the medical world the immortal HeLa cell line. It is a fitting tribute, said Adele Newson-Horst, vice
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China’s new policy threatening recycling in U.S. By Jeremy M. Lazarus
At least half the cans, bottles, plastics and paper collected for recycling used to end up in one place — China. Now China has decided to stop accepting most of the recycled materials that it once purchased. And that decision is having huge ripple
effects on recycling programs in Richmond, as well as other communities in this country and overseas. As of Jan. 1, the Asian giant began enforcing its “National Sword” policy that bans 24 types of solid waste, including various plastics and unsorted mixed papers. The new policy also imposed tough standards
beginning March 1 for the amount of contamination allowed in paper and other recycled materials sent to that country. The result: A virtual halt to the 4,000 U.S. shipping containers that daily were being sent to China and the creation of a huge backlog of materials piling up at recycling plants. While recycling has gone through significant
ups and downs through the years, China’s action appears to the biggest setback yet. There is talk about a collapse of curbside recycling programs in some areas of the country, although such a move has yet to be considered locally. Please turn to A4