1 minute read
Another death at Richmond jail
By Jeremy M. Lazarus
Another inmate has died at the Richmond City Justice Center.
The inmate has been identified as Jesse J. Trent, who had been held in the jail since December 2021 on parole violations and felony charges related to a shooting.
Mr. Trent was pronounced dead at a local hospital after he collapsed while playing basketball and could not be revived, the Free Press was told.
The Free Press received information that his death was due to a drug overdose as Narcan was administered, but that remains unconfirmed. Sheriff Antionette V. Irving has not issued a statement concerning the death.
Mr. Trent is one of at least five inmates who have died at the jail in the past 12 months, with several attributed to drug overdoses, despite denials from the jail staff.
Many driving by the corners of Staples Mill and Mountain Roads in Glen Allen have been watching and wondering what is this building going up on the 12 acres since April 13, 2020. There was a private groundbreaking with just a few church leaders because of the timing of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions then in place.
The answer: It is the Richmond Virginia Temple, the 177th operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the first in Virginia. The architecture of the temple is a blend of Georgian, Federal and Jeffersonian architecture that are adapted from European styles. Since the Temple is quite exquisite from the outside and it causes many to imagine what it looks like on the inside, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints typically provides an open house for the communities in which they build their temples for free guided tours. The public open house is from March 25 through April 15, 2023, except for Sundays and on Saturday, April