Free press march 8 10, 2018 issue

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Richmond Free Press © 2018 Paradigm Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

VOL. 27 NO. 10


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Jordan Peele’s ‘Get Out’ makes history B2

VUU champions, VSU going to NCAA A8


March 8-10, 2018

Winners and losers

Mayor Levar M. Stoney offers details of his $1.42B, 2-year budget plan By Jeremy M. Lazarus

High school students would be able ride GRTC buses without charge on an unlimited basis for a year. After-school programs for city youths would be expanded by enabling six city recreation centers to stay open longer and through support for programs offered by the YMCA, the YWCA and several other youth-serving groups. Inmates in the Richmond Justice Center no longer would face a $2 a day fee for being housed there. And Richmond residents could see their water bills drop up to $16 a month. These are some of the highlights of the budget plan that Mayor Levar M. Stoney presented to City Council on Tuesday. The proposals listed above would go into effect July 1 if the council approves them. Council President Chris A. Hilbert, 3rd District, though cautious about endorsing the entire plan, expressed enthusiasm for two of the mayor’s initiatives, including the proposal to pay an extra $1.15 million to GRTC to pay for “bus passes for our high school students to go to after-school programs, libraries, jobs, etc. and extension of the hours our community centers will be open.” “These two initiatives will have long-term benefits for our city,” he said. Councilwoman Reva M. Trammell also was supportive of a 1 percent pay increase the mayor proposed for city workers

For that year, the plan calls for spending $715.27 million in general operating funds — or about $3,208 per person living in the city. The city’s budget for fiscal 2019 actually totals more than $1.6 billion when schools, utilities, grants and other items are included. The budget proposal for general operations represents a $23 million increase from the current 2017-2018 budget of $691 million, or about $3,100 per city resident. However, a major share of the increase stems from the mayor’s decision to take $12.5 million in surplus that Richmond Public Schools accumulated from fiscal year 2017 that ended June 30. The mayor proposes to return that money to schools to use in 2018-2019. Revenue also is going up because of the $9 million expected to be generated from a 1.5 percent increase in the city’s meals tax that was approved Feb. 12. The meals tax hike goes into effect July 1. That money is earmarked to pay for borrowing $150 million for construction of at least four new schools. Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press Richmond schools Superintendent Jason Mayor Stoney Kamras expressed disappointment that the and the potential reduction in the water charge. However, she School Board’s call for an $11 million increase in city spending was disappointed that the mayor wants to suspend a career on education was rejected and that the only new funds would development program that boosts pay for participating police be the money the schools previously didn’t spend. He said if the council does not intervene, the mayor’s decision and firefighters. The mayor presented a two-year, $1.42 billion budget plan, would interfere with RPS’ plans to upgrade service to English but most of the focus for the council and others will be on the Please turn to A4 spending plan for fiscal year 2019, which begins July 1.

Hundreds urge support for Medicaid expansion in Va. By George Copeland Jr. Capital News Service

Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press

‘Black Panther’ flair This trio appears to be straight out of the film “Black Panther” as they take part in VA Comicon last Saturday at the Old Dominion Building at Richmond Raceway. Frank Lester, center, is outfitted as the movie’s super villain Erik Killmonger. Mia Jones, left, and 12-year-old Cameron Hilliard are dressed as Wakanda warriors, also known as Dora Milaje, the team of female special forces protecting the film’s fictional African nation of Wakanda. VA Comicon, where comic books and toys take center stage, was filled with participants who dressed as popular characters.

City School Board reviewing Patrick Henry’s charter for renewal By Ronald E. Carrington

Parents connected with the Patrick Henry School of Science and Arts must wait another 10 days or so to learn whether their children’s elementary charter school will be open for the 201819 school year. On Monday night, the Richmond School Board delayed its decision on whether to renew Patrick Henry’s charter contract until its next meeting on March 19. The board needs more time to review and assess information submitted by Richmond Public Schools’ Charter School Committee, which recommended Patrick Henry’s charter be renewed for another five years. However, the committee stated in a March 5 report that the School Board needs to consider two items when writing a new charter agreement: • Explicit language should be included in the charter to indicate that in a special education dispute, Patrick Henry must uphold the recommendation of RPS to resolve the matter to ensure that Please turn to A4

Under the shadow of the Bell Tower on Capitol Square, hundreds of people from across Virginia rallied on a rainy day last week in support of a state budget that would expand Medicaid to about 400,000 lowincome residents. Money to expand the health care program is included in the budget approved by the Virginia House of Delegates. It also would add a work requirement for those seeking coverage. But the budget passed by the state Senate would not expand Medicaid. The two chambers must work out their differences and pass a budget before the legislative session ends Saturday, March 10. Speaking at the rally on March 1, Gov. Ralph S. Northam said, “Health care is a right. Morally the right thing to do is to expand coverage.” Gov. Northam and other Democrats note that the federal Affordable Care Act encouraged states to expand Medicaid with the promise that the federal government would pick up most of the cost. Neighboring states such as Kentucky, West Virginia and Maryland have expanded Medicaid. But Gov. Northam said Virginia is losing more than $5 million a day by failing to follow suit. Please turn to A4

Ava Reaves

Participants are moved by the prayers, songs and speeches during the March 1 rally at Capitol Square calling for state lawmakers to expand Medicaid to 400,000 low-income Virginians without health care.

City Council poised to revive Human Relations Commission By Jeremy M. Lazarus

based on recommendations issued last year by a council-appointed Richmond soon could have a task force. new Human Relations Commission The city commission is to as a platform to hear and investigate be modeled after similar comresidents’ complaints about bias, missions in Newport News and bigotry and discrimination in areas Virginia Beach. ranging from race and religion to Although it is unclear whether gender orientation, disability and any funding will be provided even Ms. Robertson Mr. Agelasto Ms. Taylor pregnancy. for part-time staff, the legislation Richmond City Council is poised to approve legislation at would grant the commission wide-ranging authority. its meeting next Monday to create the 13-member commission, Among other things, the commission could investigate comincluding 11 adults and two high school students. plaints and make recommendations for their resolution and assist Councilwoman Ellen F. Robertson, 6th District, and Councilman Please turn to A4 Parker C. Agelasto, 5th District, are spearheading the ordinance

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