Richmond Free Press May 7-9, 2020 edition

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Head of coronavirus commission A6

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VOL. 29 NO. 20


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Pulitzer Prize winners B2

MaY 7-9, 2020

Next steps

Keep on moving

Governor Northam moves to reopen Virginia on May 15 Regina H. Boone/Richmond Free Press

Corrine V. “Coco” McClaine starts on her birthday walk April 29 with her son, Scott B. McClaine, and her daughter, Dr. Arvid A. McClaine. Location: The Lee Bridge. The Virginia War Memorial is in the background.

Nothing stops 80-year-old from taking her birthday bridge walk By Jeremy M. Lazarus

When her 80th birthday arrived, Corrine V. “Coco” McClaine was bound and determined not to let the coronavirus stop her from capping the celebration with her traditional practice — a walk across the Lee Bridge in Downtown. Amid all the uncertainty, she donned a pink top with the word “HAPPY” printed on the front and made sure she kept up the tradition last week on her birthday, Wednesday, April 29. Armed with her cane, Mrs. McClaine was joined by her daughter, author and motivational speaker Dr. Arvid A. McClaine, and her son, Realtor Scott B. McClaine, as she started her walk on the north side of the bridge. She stopped periodically to enjoy the scenery along the James River below. It took her nearly 2½ hours to complete the ¾-mile trek, but she never stopped moving forward. “When I was younger, I could do it in 30 minutes,” said Mrs. McClaine, a retired retail and restaurant worker. But a stroke six years ago that crippled her right leg and arm, and a hip replacement two years ago, have slowed her down. “But I wouldn’t have missed doing it for the world,” Mrs.

McClaine said. “I look forward to it.” She said people driving by who know that she walks each birthday honked their car horns to salute her. She said she paused sometimes to do a little dance when they did. She also celebrated the completion with a dance when she reached the south side of the suspension bridge that measures 3,760 feet in length. “I’m always thrilled at her motivation,” said her daughter. “Usually, we start training for the walk during the winter. But this year, we didn’t start until April. Still, she was able to do it.” Now a Highland Park resident, Mrs. McClaine cannot remember what motivated her to incorporate the bridge walk into her birthday celebration each year. “After I turned 65, I wanted to do something different,” she said. Walking the bridge seemed appropriate given it was a major landmark for the South Side neighborhood where she used to live. Dr. McClaine said her mother has taken the yearly walk for at least the past 12 years. “I just consider myself blessed to have such an inspiration,” Dr. McClaine said.

Free Press wins 13 state journalism awards

The Obamas

Obamas to deliver commencement addresses Free Press wire reports

LOS ANGELES Yes, they will! Former President Obama and his wife, former First Lady Michelle Obama, will salute the Class of 2020 in two separate virtual graduation ceremonies replacing the traditional end of high school and college. Mr. Obama will be joined by basketball superstar LeBron James, singer and Virginia Beach native Pharrell Williams, singer and actress Lady Gaga, K-Pop band BTS and dozens of celebrities and world leaders in Please turn to A4

The Richmond Free Press continues its 28-year tradition of award-winning excellence. The newspaper was recognized with 13 awards, including three first-place awards, in the annual Virginia Press Association competition in writing, photography, news presentation and advertising. The awards recognize work published in 2019, and typically are announced at the VPA’s annual banquet in early April. But because of the coronavirus pandemic, the ceremony scheduled to be held in Roanoke was canceled. Instead, newspapers across the state announced their winners on April 30. The contest was judged by members of the Illinois Press Association. Free Press staff photographer Sandra Sellars won first place in the pictorial photo category for large, non-daily newspapers in Virginia. Her winning photograph from last November was a Cityscape showing

a woman and her dog pausing to take in a scenic view of the James River from an overlook in Libby Hill Park. Jeremy Lazarus, Free Press vice president for news enhancement, won first-place awards in two categories — breaking news and education writing. The breaking news award was for a story on the sudden firing of Selena Cuffee-Glenn, the former chief administrative officer for the City of Richmond, in midSeptember. The education writing award was for three stories, including one published last May about 280 Richmond Public Schools students being disqualified from graduation because they had not met the state standards for a diploma. Another, published in June, was about a Spanish teacher who alleged her ouster from Lucille Brown Middle School was tied to blowing the whistle on students’ failing grades

By George Copeland Jr.

Movie theaters, barber shops and hair salons, restaurants and a host of other businesses deemed non-essential could begin to reopen Friday, May 15. Almost two months after the first positive cases of the coronavirus were discovered in Virginia, the state is preparing to open the road to recovery, though it could be a long and bumpy one. “Our lives and our world have changed a great deal,” Gov. Ralph S. Northam said during Wednesday’s media briefing. “We’re now at a place where we can think about our next steps.” While some other states already have allowed businesses to reopen, the governor began the week saying that Virginia would wait an additional week. His Executive Order 53 that began the shutdown on March 24 originally scheduled the reopening to start this Friday, May 8. Gov. Northam, a physician, and administration health officials acknowledged Monday that the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths are likely to rise with the reopening. As of Tuesday, the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Virginia had risen to 20,256, with deaths totaling 713. The state Health Department also reported that 2,773 people are hospitalized with coronavirus and the state has 244 outbreaks. According to Dr. M. Norman Oliver, the state health commissioner, African-Americans still make up a disproportionate Please turn to A4

Daily Planet, CAHN and CrossOver clinics provide COVID-19 testing By Jeremy M. Lazarus

As the coronavirus arrived in Richmond, the nonprofit Daily Planet Health Services in Downtown was among the quickest to set up a testing operation for its mostly low-income and homeless patients. In mid-March, just a month after the Daily Planet bought the former home of Commonwealth Catholic Charities at 511 W. Grace, Dr. Patricia Cook and her staff quietly turned the space into a test center for those who came for treatment at the Daily Planet’s main center next door at 517 W. Grace St. Dr. Cook The medical director for the Daily Planet, Dr. Cook struggled to get testing supplies just like hospitals, public health districts and other medical operations. Still, she regarded having an assessment and test center on site essential because of the likely impact of the virus within the population Please turn to A4

Please turn to A4

City Council clears way for $38.5M cut to 2020-21 budget By Jeremy M. Lazarus

City Council is backing Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s proposal to cut $38.5 million from his initial budget plan for the 2020-21 fiscal year that begins July 1, even as some members aren’t sure it’s enough. On Monday, the council cleared the way for passage of the mayor’s amended budget plan at their next meeting on Monday, May 11. At the same time, the council cleared the way for a tax amnesty that would allow real estate and vehicle owners to delay tax payments due in June for up to two months without penalty and interest charges for

paying late. The passage of the budget plan is essentially a done deal. While the public will be able to comment, a majority of council members is committed to passing Ms. Lynch it, with the caveat that the Stoney administration provides monthly updates after July and proposes amendments if revenues fall short of expectations. Councilwoman Kim B. Gray, 2nd District, again expressed her concern that

revenue projections are too rosy and would need to be reduced along with other city spending next year. The major changes in the revamped budget will impact City Hall’s general fund. Among other things, the mayor’s updated budget eliminates pay raises for city employees, including police officers and firefighters, and limits the school system to a $6 million increase, or about $10 million less than first proposed. The mayor did not include any layoffs, furloughs or pay reductions for city employees in the proposed changes. Please turn to A4

Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press

Waiting to go Gyasi Cox, 4, keeps himself occupied as he and his mom, Anthea Cox, wait last Saturday for a to-go order from Brewer’s Café in the 1100 block of Bainbridge Street in South Richmond. Under the state’s emergency orders to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, restaurants across Virginia are open only to provide meals for carry-out, delivery or curbside pickup.

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