March 3 5, 2015 issue

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New UR president A5

Richmond Free Press © 2015 Paradigm Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

VOL. 24 NO. 10


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NBA legend Earl Lloyd dies B4

Spring forward

MARCH 5-7, 2015

Ferguson police created ‘toxic environment’ Darren Wilson

Michael Brown

Federal probe reveals racial bias, injustices aimed at African-Americans; cop cleared in death of Michael Brown Free Press staff, wire reports

Photos by Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press

Abandoned trailers at Rudd’s Trailer Park on Jefferson Davis Highway on South Side present an inviting target for vandals. Below, a view through a trailer’s broken window shows the destruction inside.

Home sweet home?

that exploded in August when former Ferguson Officer Darren WASHINGTON Wilson fatally shot 18-year-old A U.S. Justice Department Michael Brown. investigation found sweeping “This investigation found patterns of racial bias within a community that was deeply the Ferguson, Mo., police depolarized, a community where partment that targeted Africandeep distrust and hostility Americans and created a “toxic often characterized interacenvironment,” with officers tions between police and area routinely using excessive force, U.S. Attorney General Holder residents,” Mr. Holder told issuing petty citations and makreporters. ing baseless traffic stops against them. “Of course, violence is never justified,” Mr. But even in the face of a plethora of problems, Holder said. “But seen in this context — amid the federal probe cleared a former white police a highly toxic environment defined by mistrust officer in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black and resentment, stoked by years of bad feelings, teenager there, Attorney General Eric Holder and spurred by illegal and misguided practices said Wednesday. — it is not difficult to imagine how a single The report said police officers in the St. Louis tragic incident set off the city of Ferguson like suburb overwhelmingly arrested and issued a powder keg.” traffic citations to African-Americans to boost The killing of Mr. Brown and other unarmed city coffers through fines, used police as a colPlease turn to A4 lection agency and created a culture of distrust

Bedden to stay in Richmond Dr. Bedden also forwarded the 107word message to members of his leader“Everyone should check your ship team, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh emails,” Richmond School Board memand the seven-member Boston School ber Jeffrey M. Bourne eagerly alerted Committee, which was to meet about By Joey Matthews fulfilling their duties by issuing a plethora of his colleagues late Tuesday afternoon an hour later to select its new schools violations to residents at selected mobile home prior to a hastily called board budget superintendent from its four finalists, Is the city on a code enforcement witch parks they deem hazardous to ensure they meeting. which included Dr. Bedden. hunt to force vulnerable Latino citizens upgrade their homes for safe habitation? The six other board members in The email stated: and other poor people to move from The answer depends on whom you ask. Dr. Bedden attendance then quickly turned to their “I am honored to have participated their mobile homes, which are for many This week, officers from the city’s Buhand-held electronic devices and scrolled to an as one of the finalists in the superintendent search a residence of last resort? email sent to them by Richmond Public Schools process in Boston and meet with the mayor, Or are code enforcement officers merely Please turn to A4 Superintendent Dana T. Bedden at 5:07 p.m. school committee and other stakeholders. Over the past few weeks I have been engaged in much reflection and deliberation. “Given the importance of this type of work and the extensive support I have received to become the East Coast hub for the beer brewer and restaurant through its economic development arm By Jeremy M. Lazarus from the Richmond leadership teamed with the state to offer substantial subsidies. while allowing the company to pay back the estimated and community, I believe it is In its California hometown, Stone Brewery is a Among other things, the city is providing land $31 million expense over 25 years at government instandout in San Diego’s burgeoning craft beer market, for the brewery plant and the company’s future beer terest rates — rates far below what other businesses best for me to withdraw from this process. To be successful in with Stone’s two beer gardens ranking as important garden that the city believes will ignite growth. leading a large school district, tourist lures. Please turn to A4 The city also is building the company’s plant and Superintendents need the full The company boasts that only the renowned San support of the community they Diego Zoo and the LEGOLAND amusement park are serving. I wish you and the attract more visitors to the Navy port city with 4 Boston community success as million people in the metropolitan area or four times you move forward.” the population of metro Richmond. Dr. Bedden also sent a sepaStone’s success in the West has led Richmond to rate message to the Richmond bet millions of dollars that the company can bring School Board and his leadership that same kind of business magic to this community team at the same time: — a view that a coalition of nearly 70 Richmond “As the superintendent of restaurants finds hard to accept. Richmond Public Schools, just Nonetheless, Richmond’s city officials view Stone as as I have before and during this a catalyst for growth, particularly for the city’s eastern process, I will continue the work riverfront — a key reason Richmond aggressively sought we have started on building a better school division for our students and staff.” Meanwhile, the Boston School Committee voted 5-2 during its 6 p.m. meeting to select Tommy Chang to lead Virginia State University Athletic Director Peggy Davis, right, celebrates with the Trojans’ women’s Associated Press basketball team following its 73-49 blowout of Lincoln University in the CIAA Tournament the city’s 128-school system of Virginia’s 2015 legislative session is over. championship game last Saturday in Charlotte, N.C. more than 57,00 students. Lawmakers adjourned last Friday after passing Dr. Chang, 39, currently is an VSU women’s legislation at the last minute aimed at tightening the instructional superintendent in basketball coach state’s ethics rules for public officials and curbing the Los Angeles Unified School James Hill Jr. sexual assaults on Virginia’s college campuses. District’s Intensive Support and exuberantly signals The ethics reform proposal puts a $100 cap on Innovation Center. his team is No. 1. gifts lawmakers can accept — including meals, The Boston Globe reported entertainment and travel — from lobbyists and their late Tuesday Mayor Walsh had clients, or others seeking to do business with the state. indicated through sources he Lawmakers were spurred to reform the state’s ethics would support Dr. Chang to berules following the conviction last year of former Gov. come the new superintendent. By Fred Jeter Bob McDonnell on federal corruption charges. Whether that influenced Dr. Delegate Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, Bedden’s withdrawal decision Virginia State University’s women’s basketball said the legislation struck the right balance between is unknown. Through a school team picked the right time and right place for its restoring the public trust and not deterring honest spokesperson, he declined a best basketball of the season. people from seeking elected office. Delegate Gilbert Free Press request Wednesday The Trojans not only won their first CIAA said lawmakers must come to terms with the fact that to elaborate on his reasons for tournament since 2002, they won in a blowout, public office now comes with more scrutiny. staying in Richmond. routing Lincoln University 73-49 at Charlotte’s “We are living in a brave new world,” he said. The Free Press first reported The ethics overhaul would take effect Jan. 1, Please turn to A4 By Joey Matthews

Trailer park under pressure for repairs

City betting millions on brewery

General Assembly ends with stronger ethics law

VSU women bring home CIAA crown

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Photos by Rudolph Powell/Richmond Free Press

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