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By Christian Finkbeiner and Joey Matthews

Ebola: Is Richmond prepared? she had recently returned from a trip to West Africa, where the current Ebola outbreak began in 2013. She was transferred Monday evening to VCU Medical Center, where she was placed in isolation. George Jones, a spokesman with the Richmond City Health District, said Tuesday that blood tests has determined the woman does not have Ebola.

Still, she is being held in isolation this week as officials await test results from additional samples sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As questions are raised in Texas about the treatment of affected patients and the protection of health care workers and the public, public health officials in Virginia say they are prepared for an Ebola outbreak in the commonwealth. “VCU Medical Center has highly skilled,

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Richmond Free Press

VOL. 23 NO. 42

© 2014 Paradigm Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.



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Fears and concerns about the deadly Ebola virus are spreading in Texas and across the nation after a second health care worker in Dallas has been quarantined with the disease. The big question here: Is Richmond ready should an incident occur? Earlier this week, Richmond faced a trial run of sorts when a woman entered CrossOver Ministry’s health clinic on South Side exhibiting Ebola-like symptoms. She told doctors, who found she had a low-grade fever, that

world-renowned infectious disease experts who are available 24/7,” Dr. Gonzalo Bearman told the Free Press. He chairs VCU Medical Center’s Division of Infectious Diseases. The hospital also has “the facilities to provide the necessary isolation and confinement of any infectious disease situation, including Ebola,” he added. The VCU infrastructure includes negative pressure rooms, he explained. Such rooms

OCTOBER 16-18, 2014

VSU president answers students, faculty By Joey Matthews

James Haskins/Richmond Free Press

Dr. Keith T. Miller, president of Virginia State University, addresses questions last Thursday.

Dr. Keith T. Miller, the beleaguered president of Virginia State University, stood face to face with concerned faculty members, staff and students. He assured them his administration is doing all it can to plug a $19.6 million shortfall in revenue without sharper cuts to staff and student services. “All the universities that are having challenging times address the budget in a number of ways. We’ve prioritized people and academics,” he said last Thursday. “We will work through this challenge together.” The leader of the 132-year-old, historically black institution is facing perhaps his toughest challenge since taking the helm of the university four years ago. The circle of concern is growing. In the coming days, Dr. Miller may be answering more questions as thousands of alumni flock to the campus for homecoming and as the board of visitors gathers for a special session. Since the start of the school year in August, VSU has closed four dormitories, cut cafeteria services at its sparkling Gateway Hall, eliminated classes and curbed evening programs.

The administration’s moves were designed to close a roughly $19.6 million budget gap for the 2014-15 year. The shortfall comprises $12.1 million in auxiliary services such as dormitories and food services, $5.8 million in tuitions and fees and a $1.56 million reduction in state support, according to an internal VSU budget document. The losses in revenue are largely due to the Miller administration overestimating the number of student who would attend the university this year and live in its dorms and apartments. Only 4,995 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled, or 752 fewer than in 2013 and 505 less than the budget’s projected 5,500 students. The university also overestimated the number of students who would live in its residential units by more than 900 students. Students have been stunned by the cuts in services. They mounted a protest rally two weeks ago calling for Dr. Miller’s resignation and that of members of his leadership team. They questioned why VSU’s administration had not foreseen the shortfall and were critical of what they said was a lack of communication about the financial problems and the impact on them. Please turn to A4

Ferguson protests grew with people, agendas a white police officer, protesters challenged the outsiders who arrived in Ferguson pushing an array of agendas. “The outside people don’t know the real struggle,” said Tory Russell, a local organizer with Hands Up United, which helped put together the weekend demonstrations dubbed Ferguson October. “I can’t afford to Charles Rex Arbogast/Associated Press Activists in Ferguson, Mo., march to the police station Monday, buy plane tickets and carrying crosses bearing the names of slain black men. hotel rooms like all of these (people) can. Free Press wire reports They come and cause trouble ST. LOUIS with their expensive phones It started with the shooting of one unarmed teenager. and then go home to their rich But over the course of two months, that one tragic death has neighborhoods.” often been lost in the haze of protests and politics. In Ferguson and nearby St. Many protesters in Ferguson, Mo., want to keep their anger Louis, young local leaders want focused on the fatal police shooting of unarmed 18-year-old to keep their focus on demands Michael Brown Jr. as their movement takes on a national dimen- for the arrest and indictment sion that threatens to dilute it. of Darren Wilson, the police During a weekend of demonstrations marking the two-month officer who shot Mr. Brown anniversary since Mr. Brown, an African-American, was killed by and triggered a national uproar

Roman Catholic Church shifts attitude toward gays

over racial profiling and police brutality. But members of the Occupy Wall Street movement, the Revolutionary Communist Party and even Palestinian activists have joined the protests. At Saturday’s rally in downtown St. Louis to kick off the weekend’s events, protesters carried signs regarding everything from Palestine to climate

change. Socialists handed out newsletters and activists from Minneapolis telling people about their drive to change police rules in their city. On Sunday and Monday, the focus seemed to return to Mr. Brown, with chants and signs almost all geared toward the central demand for accountability for Mr. Wilson. Outside activists say every-

one needs to take a stand — and the issues in Ferguson resound nationally. Carl Dix of the Revolutionary Communist Party said he came to Ferguson in August to protest and was arrested. He was arrested again Monday in an act of civil disobedience, along with other national figures including noted Princeton University Please turn to A4

Stone Brewing bringing jobs, craft beer to Richmond By Jeremy M. Lazarus

More beer, please. That’s what Richmond is getting after California-based Stone Brewing Co. agreed to make Virginia’s capital city the home of its first East Coast brewery and restaurant operation. Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Mayor Dwight C. Jones joined company officials in a brew-studded celebration last Thursday in Capitol Square after Richmond beat out Norfolk and Columbus, Ohio, for the $74 million investment. The win is a big deal for this job-hungry city where one in four people lives in poverty. Stone is promising to generate more than 100 new jobs in its first phase and up to 288

within three to five years. Just as important, the new arrival is projected to generate more than $1.2 million a year in new tax revenue for city coffers. The brewery’s decision also bolsters Richmond’s growing reputation as a craft beer center that has been fueled by the likes of Ardent, Blue Bee, Isley, Legend and Hardywood. Based in suburban San Diego, Stone is one of the nation’s top 10 producers of specialty or craft beer, the fastest growing segment in the nation’s steadily shrinking beer market, and is known for such offerings as Levitation Ale, Arrogant Bastard Ale and its India Pale Ale line. Please turn to A4

Free Press wire reports

The Vatican on Tuesday stressed the paper VATICAN CITY was still a “work in progress” and a definitive The Roman Catholic Church is signaling a version would be issued after the meeting, known seismic shift in its attitude toward gay people. as a synod, ends Sunday. A Vatican document issued Monday called for The final version will serve for further reflecthe church to accept tion among Catholics gays and recognize around the world. 65 same-sex couples positive aspects of The progressive obtain marriage licenses same-sex couples. move by the Catholic The report, prechurch comes just Richmond-area circuit courts issued 65 samepared after a week of days after Virginia sex marriage licenses during the first week such discussions among an and several other unions have been legal in Virginia. assembly of 200 bishstates legalized sameIn a check of court clerk’s offices, the Free ops convened by Pope sex marriage. Press learned that Richmond led its suburban Francis, stated that While Roman neighbors in issuing licenses to wed to 30 homosexuals have Catholic gay rights same-sex couples. “gifts and qualities groups around the Henrico County followed with 21, followed to offer.” world hailed the paper by Chesterfield County with 11 and Hanover The church should as a breakthrough, County with three. challenge itself to find conservatives conVirginia clerks’ offices began issuing same“a fraternal space” for demned it as a betraysex marriage licenses Oct. 6 after the U.S. gays without comal of Church teaching Supreme Court left intact a ruling by the 4th promising Catholic and said its language U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals striking down doctrine on family had sowed confusion Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage. and matrimony, the among the faithful. report said. Conservative RoIt is a signal that the church may follow the man Catholic prelates on Tuesday vowed to powerful example set by Pope Francis, known as change the Vatican document. the “People’s Pope,” in the first 18 months of his Cardinal Raymond Burke, a former archbishop papacy. He has urged believers not to condemn of St. Louis who now serves as a Vatican official, unconventional family situations, but instead accused liberals on the committee that prepared to focus on serving the poor while practicing the text of railroading the assembly. He said it understanding, openness and mercy. did not reflect a consensus position.

James Haskins/Richmond Free Press

Never too young Three-year-old Trey Manley cheers on the Virginia Union University Panthers during their homecoming victory Saturday at Hovey Field. Please see page B2 for more homecoming photos.

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