He did it A3
Richmond Free Press © 2018 Paradigm Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
VOL. 27 NO. 36
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Meet board president of ART 180 B1
SEPTEMBER 6-8, 2018
Justifiable homicide Richmond Police officer cleared in May shooting death of teacher Marcus-David Peters, who was naked and unarmed By Jeremy M. Lazarus
Justifiable homicide. That’s the ruling Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney Michael N. Herring has applied to the bizarre and tragic case of 24-year-old Marcus-David Peters, the unarmed man who was fatally shot by a police officer last spring off of Interstate 95 while apparently suffering mental distress. Mr. Peters was a highly regarded high school biology teacher in Essex County, where he had earned a reputation as a caring and capable educator, according to Mr. Herring. Outside the classroom, Mr. Peters, who was known for his sense of humor and positive attitude, volunteered building houses with Habitat
of those around him,” and did for Humanity and worked part not break the law in firing the time in security at The Jefferson two shots that killed Mr. Peters, Hotel in Downtown. according to the detailed report But he was far different when Mr. Herring co-authored with he was shot after crashing his car Assistant Commonwealth’s Aton May 14 in a grassy area beside torney LaToya H. Croxton. the Chamberlayne Avenue ramp leading to Interstate 95. “The use of deadly force was Then, he was naked and … necessary given the unique cirrunning full bore at Richmond cumstances,” the report states. As a result, Officer Nyantakyi Police Officer Michael Nyantakyi will not face any criminal charges, while yelling that he would kill Mr. Herring stated in a finding the 10-year veteran, according Mr. Peters that was widely anticipated. to a 17-page report Mr. Herring issued Aug. 31. The officer, who like Mr. Peters is African“The officer reasonably regarded Mr. Peters American, has been on paid administrative leave as a direct threat to his life and to the safety since the shooting. As a result of Mr. Herring’s
Steve Cannon/Associated Press
Mr. Gillum
finding, Officer Nyantakyi is now on desk duty, the department disclosed, but won’t return to full duty until an internal probe determines that he followed department policy for using deadly force. Police Chief Alfred Durham has reported firing or forcing the resignation of 19 officers for policy violations since he took office in 2015 and has said he has three more dismissals pending. But Officer Nyantakyi is not expected to be among them, despite the continuing debate about his actions and department policies on handling mentally ill individuals. In a community where gunfire is all too common and killings by individuals without Please turn to A5
Alyssa Pointer/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via Associated Press
Patrick Semansky/Associated Press
Ms. Abrams
Mr. Jealous
3 African-Americans running for governor in 3 states By Reginald Stuart
President Trump has angered and mobilized voters across the nation to the point that many have been challenged to turn out en masse this fall to register and vote for candidates who reject his oft time bitter rhetoric. For sure, black Americans have clinched historic roles in the battle to halt and reverse President Trump’s agenda,
with a record three African-American candidates running for governor this November in three states — Florida, Georgia and Maryland. Each is trying to return their state’s governorship to Democratic control. In the process, political analysts said, the three contenders represent a new chapter for the Democratic Party. They reflect the emerging leadership that is younger, more
female, broadly diverse and socially progressive, according to analysts. With the exception of Maryland, their Republican opponents are hard-line Trump supporters, dissenting from his agenda quietly when they do. “All of these candidates are pragmatic progressives,” said Please turn to A4
Black businesses feeling left out area’s oldest black business trade group, and president of Astyra Corp., a Richmond-based information techToo many black-owned businesses are feeling left nology consulting firm. out of a booming Richmond economy. Mr. Young, who also serves on the board of the This Thursday, a coalition of business and comRichmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority, munity organizations is to make that point during said that the coalition wants a seat at the table when an invitation-only dinner meeting with Richmond development decisions are made at City Hall. officials and to urge increased inclusion of blackMBL is one of six organizations taking part in owned businesses in government spending for goods the meeting that is to include members of City Mr. Bowers and services. Council, the city administration, the Richmond Dubbed “Unanimity Consensus,” the coalition is seeking School Board and school administration and staff and other to present a united front at the Sept. 6 meeting at the Virginia board members. Home for Boys and Girls in Henrico County. The other five organizations include the Black Business The aim: To put a renewed focus on ensuring participation Alliance of Virginia, the Richmond Branch NAACP, the Richof “black business in all types of contracting,” said Samuel S. Please turn to A4 Young Jr., board chair of the Metropolitan Business League, the By Jeremy M. Lazarus
Major cracks begin to show in Trump White House Reuters
Regina H. Boone/Richmond Free Press
First day welcome Barack Obama Elementary School Principal Jennifer Moore welcomes 7-year-old Christopher Pleasants to the first day of school Tuesday. The youngster started second grade at the North Side school that was renamed in mid-June to honor the nation’s first African-American president. Opened in 1922, the Fendall Avenue school had been named for a Confederate general. Please see more photos, B2.
WASHINGTON Senior officials in President Trump’s administration have been working from within to frustrate parts of his agenda to protect the country from his worst impulses, an anonymous Trump official wrote in a column published by the New York Times on Wednesday. In the piece, the official described “early whispers” among members of President Trump’s Cabinet to take steps to remove him as president, but added they decided against it to avoid a constitutional crisis.
The official wrote that the root of the problem is that President Trump is amoral and not moored to any discernible principles that guide his decision-making. “It may be cold comfort in this chaotic era, but Americans should know that there are adults in the room,” the author wrote. Asked about the column during a White House event, the president called it a “gutless editorial,” bashed the New York Times as “failing” and ticked off economic achievements that he said were proof of his leadership.
Staring into the cameras, he said: “Nobody is going to come close to beating me in 2020 because of what we’ve done.” The Times took what it called the rare step of publishing an opinion column by the official under an agreement to keep the author’s name secret. It said the senior administration official’s job would be jeopardized by its disclosure. White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders issued a statement calling the author a coward and demanding the perPlease turn to A4