Theo's Warning WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY Heather Cumberland
This book is dedicated to Dani, Litka, Camille and Indy
With love, Heathes x
Fact File
SAINT VINCENT and the Grenadines
Mustique Mayreau Union
Tobago Cays Palm Island Petit St.Vincent
Population: 110,200 Land Area: 389 km2 Capital City: Kingstown Language: English; Vincentian Dialect There are over 32 islands and cays that make up St Vincent and the Grenadines; of these, nine are inhabited. There is an active volcano on St Vincent (La Soufriere). The volcano rises to 4,048 feet. Some of the most fertile soil in the world can be found in the Mesopotamia Valley in St Vincent and the Grenadines. Chemical farming and overuse of plastics are causing major problems with marine life in SVG Changes in climate drastically effect SVG because of stronger tropical storms and sea level rise
Hi, My name is Theo! Let me tell you a story of turtles in the sea, Because not so long ago, there were a lot more of me
But right now here in this Caribbean blue, where there once were many....
There is now just me and you.
The ships came here from far away,
Saw the  beautiful land and chose to stay.
They decided for dinner turtle soup would be nice and to use our shells to make jewelry and fetch a good price!
And they ate and they made until so many of us were gone, Without realising destroying a species was wrong...
As eggs crack open and hatchlings appear, they follow the moon to the water so near
But with so many humans and their bright electric lights, They go the wrong way and disappear into the night.
That is not the only problem with these humans that be, Because often they throw their waste into the sea!
s n i Tox
d n a
 d n u ro a g n i t a Flo
and colle cting in
piles .
s e l i m
Catching on fins or poisoning creatures, destroying the sea and its natural features.
Girls or boys are made by the heat of the beach, With temperature balance, we get a little of each! .
Boys like the cold and girls like the heat, but with global warming, the boys can't compete
As the temperature changes, the weather changes too Larger and larger storms are passing through
It can rain so hard our nests disappear and it seems to be getting worse every year...
So what have we learned in the story I have told? There are things we have to change so that I can grow old.
You cannot come and take me, to eat me for your tea!
Lower your lights, so I can reach the sea...
Be very careful with the things you throw away, so that I don't get stuck when going about my day
Plant the trees to help stop global warming, Nothing changes until we change This is my warning
All life on this earth is important you see, and it is you who can make the difference, it is you who holds the key.
Change the World
A story about how humans have and are impacting on the lives of turles in Saint Vincent and around the world
#keepforeverproductions Š2018