On the cover: Junior Firefighter Nino Vitaliano Photo: Tim Baker Cover design: Jeffrey A. Negrin

A letter from the

Stuart Richner
We are pleased to present our annual Living In Franklin Square and Elmont, a special supplement to the Franklin Square/Elmont Herald. Not only does this guide include vital information about Franklin Square and Elmont, but it also gives you a look at what’s representative of the best of both communities.
Think of Living In Franklin Square and Elmont as an “owner’s manual” for newcomers and longtime residents alike. As you’ll see in these pages, there’s an amazingly rich social fabric here.
Those of us who live here know both Franklin Square and Elmont are neighborhoods with rich histories and unique “hidden gems,” which are an integral part of what makes them such wonderful places to live, work, shop, and play.
I’m particularly excited for this year’s supplement, as we focus on some of what we’ve identified as hidden gems in the community. In these pages, you will read about some places and people ripe for discovery by Franklin Square and Elmont’s newest residents, and worth exploring for folks who’ve lived in the area for some time.
The Elmont Memorial Library Theater, a true community jewel, is such a place. When you look for exciting Broadway-quality entertainment, you’ll find it right here in Elmont. The library’s theater offers music and performances that span decades and genres of talent.
From local musicians like Michelle Fabre to wood craftsman Joe Mangiapanello, there are gems throughout our neighborhoods the residents, their spirit and their businesses.
Living In Franklin Square and Elmont is published in cooperation with the Franklin Square Chamber of Commerce and the Elmont Chamber of Commerce. We are honored to mark another year as these Chambers’ official publication.
We hope that you find this edition useful and informative, and that you enjoy reading the Franklin Square/Elmont Herald 52 weeks per year.
A special supplement to the Fra NK li N s quare & e lmo N t
Franklin Square / elmont
Editor Nicole Wagner
Publisher stuart richner
Vice President of Sales rhonda Glickman
Deputy Editor Jeffrey bessen
Special Sections Editor Karen bloom
Creative Director Designer Jeffrey Negrin
Stuart Richner Publisher
P.S. If you're not currently receiving the Franklin Square/Elmont Herald by mail each week, please help keep quality local journalism alive in your community by subscribing. See our ad on Page 27 for subscription information, or find us online at LIHerald.com/subscribe, or call (516) 569-4000, ext. 7.
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In Association with the Franklin square Chamber of Commerce and the elmont Chamber of Commerce

a message from the elmont Chamber president
Iam honored to represent the Elmont Chamber of Commerce as it’s president. We are a dynamic group of talented communityminded business owners. Our team is expanding upon many projects.
As the revitalization of Belmont Park continues, the Chamber is proud to collaborate with the New York Racing Association with a new “Welcome to Elmont” sign. Economic development is always on our agenda! Thanks to PSEG and National Grid, the Holiday Lights Program continues, and a Beautification Grant is proposed with beautification in areas of Elmont. Although it may take a while, the discussion is progressing.

Julie Marchesella President, Elmont Chamber of Commerce
Elmont Business Owner of the Year at a Breakfast at which over 650 guests attend.
The Elmont Chamber is proud to participate with the Herald to produce this directory each year. It provides valuable information to our members and residents alike. Included you will find listings of our members and elected officials as well as sights to see in Elmont and the Town of Hempstead.
Elmont is a place where new opportunities are born with limitless possibilities. It is a vibrant community; a beautiful hamlet in which to live and work. Be sure to visit our library with expanded programs for all ages as well as the “Plaza of Elmont” where great Broadway style entertainment is planned at very reasonable prices.
There are many reasons to join the Elmont Chamber. Firstly, are the bimonthly networking meetings with other members; secondly, advertising opportunities.; thirdly, marching in the Elmont Parade — co-sponsored by the Chamber — and the annual tree lighting ceremony. The Elmont Chamber also has representation on the Board of the Nassau Council of Chambers with seminars about how to improve your business on the internet, social media and a certification as a minority business owner. The Nassau Council of Chambers honors an
If you would like further information about us, call (516 )352-2867. If you would like to join us, see our website www.elmontchamber. com.
Please continue to support our businesses and organizations.
Julie Marchesella, President
“Before you click on an internet purchase, think ELMONT FIRST!”

Courtesy Julie Marchesella Businesses in Elmont are encouraged to join the Elmont Chamber of Commerce.
stay connected with the we
In many ways, putting out a newspaper each week is an interactive process. We need your participation to do our job, so we offer you — our readers and partners — a reminder of how and when to reach us.
To tell us what’s going on in your community, or news of upcoming events sponsored by civic, service, religious or community organizations, the deadline is 10 a.m. the Friday prior to publication. Notices are printed free of charge, and should be emailed to nwagner@liherald. com.


We also welcome the news of your family life, your business life and your social life. We accept, at no charge, obituaries and Neighbors in the News items, including awards, honors, births, graduations, marriages and promotions.
We value your opinions, and provide a forum for them in our popular Letters to the Editor space.
The Herald also offers tours of its Garden City headquarters and printing plant for schools, scouts and other community groups. To schedule a tour, contact Michael Romero at (516) 569-4000, Ext. 235, or email mromero@liherald.com.
Nicole Wagner • Editor

Mail: Franklin Square/Elmont Herald, 2 Endo Blvd., Garden City, N.Y., 11530 Website: www.liherald.com
Editor: Nicole Wagner (nwagner@liherald.com)
(516) 569-4000, Ext. 265
Vice President of Sales: Rhonda Glickman (516) 569-4000, Ext. 250 (rglickman@liherald.com)
Subscriptions: (516) 569-4000, press "7," or online at www.liherald.com/subscribe

a message from the franklin square Chamber president
As the newly electedpresident of the Franklin Square Chamber of Commerce, I am deeply honored to take on this role at such an important moment for our community. My connection to Franklin Square is not only as a local business owner, but as a resident who, along with my wife Jill, has proudly called this town home for the past 17 years. Our two children, Marco and Viviana, are growing up in the heart of this community, and it is their future — and the future of every family here — that fuels my passion for making Franklin Square a thriving hub of opportunity.

Santino F. Sarrica President, Franklin Square Chamber of Commerce
businesses and residents but will also enhance the quality of life for everyone who lives and works here.
Our Annual Spring Fair, held at Rath Park, is just one of the many great events we host. This event is a fun-filled day for families to gather, meet their local leaders, enjoy free rides, games and prizes, dance along to music with a DJ, and connect with the many great local business owners who make Franklin Square so unique.

Stepping into this role comes with a profound sense of responsibility. I see this as more than a position of leadership; it’s a call to action for all of us to unite in building a stronger, more prosperous Franklin Square. Our mission is ambitious: to transform this town into the standout gem of Nassau County. With collaboration, innovation, and hard work, I know we can create an environment where businesses flourish and residents take pride in their community.
Together, along with our community leaders and elected officials, we will explore initiatives like the Main Street Revitalization Program, which seeks to breathe new life into our town’s business district. Imagine beautifully landscaped streets, pedestrian-friendly walkways, and upgraded storefronts that reflect the pride we all feel for Franklin Square. These changes will not only attract new
We are also starting our annual “Holiday Lights” fund drive and are asking all residents and business owners of Franklin Square to please consider contributing to this great cause. Your generosity will help us grow our “Light up the Square” project, so that we can line more streets with beautiful lighted snowflakes for the holidays.
Please consider becoming a member by visiting our website at FranklinSquareChamber.com/membership/#join.
For those interested in donating or sponsoring our Holiday Lights initiative, information will be found on our website or feel free to contact us directly below.
I can be reached at (516) 247-9030 or email franklinsqchamber@gmail.com.
I invite every member of this community to please join me in this journey. Together, we can turn challenges into opportunities and create a legacy for generations to come!
Santino F. Sarrica President

town of Hempstead
Building Department (516) 538-8500
Department of Sanitation (516) 378-4210
Town Hall (516) 489-5000
Parks and Recreation Dept. (516) 292-9000
Senior Enrichment (516) 485-8100
Veterans Services (516) 812-3506
Public Safety (516) 538-1900
Animal Shelter (516) 785-5220
Board of Appeals (516) 812-3005

Nassau County Police Dept. (516) 573-6500
Police Department (Emergency) 911
Auxiliary Police (516) 821-3715
Franklin Square & Munson FD (516) 354-2110
Elmont Fire Department (516) 354-4560
Sanitary District No. 6 (516) 481-7110
Franklin Square Water District (516) 354-0780
Elmont Public Library (516) 354-5280
Franklin Square Public Library (516) 488-3444

Clubs & OrganizatiOns
Elmont Chamber of Commerce (516) 864-4219
P.O. Box 030150
Elmont 11003
Franklin s quare Chamber of Commerce (516) 272-0812
P.O. Box 11
Franklin Square 11010 info@franklinsquarechamber.com
alden Manor Civic a ssociation (516) 285-7023
President: Jaswick Williams a rgo Civic a ssociation
P.O. Box 30644 (516) 253-6934
President: Utricia Charles
Meetings: Second Monday each month starting in October. Planning on meeting at the Elmont library .
Community l eague of garden City s outh 30 Nassau Blvd., Garden City 11530 (516) 852-7988
East End Civic a ssociation/ Progressive Weona Civic a ssociation P.O. Box 37060
Elmont 11003
President: Ralph Esposito
Meetings: Second Tuesday of each month at Elmont library
Franklin s quare Civic a ssociation P.O. Box 96
Franklin Square 11010 FSqCivic.org
Text or call (631) 834-6024qq
President: Jon Israel
indian a merican Kerala Center (516) 358-2000 1824 Fairfax St., Elmont
Jamaica s quare Civic a ssociation (516) 429-1557
President: Claudine Hall l ocustwood / g otham Civic a ssociation (516) 488-2858
P.O. Box 030253 mail@elmontcivic.com ElmontCivic.org
Morton Civic a ssociation mortoncivic@yahoo.com MortonCivic.org 672 Dogwood Ave., P.O. Box 120 Franklin Square 11010
President: Domenico Ciaccio
Parkhurst Civic a ssociation
President: Carl H. Achille
tudor Manor Civic a ssociation P.O. Box 038373
Elmont 11003 (917) 282-2885
President: Domenico Ciaccio tudor_m@elmont.org

Nicole Wagner/Herald
Volunteers from the Franklin Square Historical Society teach fourth graders from Washington Street School about what it was like to learn during the 20th Century.
Franklin s quare Historical s ociety and Museum (516) 775-7260
P.O. Box 45
Franklin Square 11010
President: Nancy Youngfert
Mother’s Center of s outhwest nassau inc. (516) 888-6262
2638 Central Ave., Baldwin tessb@mcswn.org MCSWN.org
Mothers of Malverne
President: Sonia Bicocchi
Open to all mothers in the area, but moms must submit a membership form MomsOfMalverne.wordpress.com
nassau Pops symphony Orchestra (516) 565-0646
859 Willow Road
Franklin Square 11010
Music Director: Louis Panacciulli NPSO.org
Fraternal n ew York 1 Elks (516) 599-1515
57 Hempstead Ave. Lynbrook
Exalted Ruler: Lisa Moldovan
lion’s Club of Franklin s quare 1037 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square 11010
l ong island s ociety of i talian a mericans
President: Diane Langella
57 Hempstead Ave., Lynbrook 11563
Knights of Columbus
Floral Park Council no. 2345 (516) 352-9770
33 S. Tyson Ave., Floral Park 11001
Knights of Columbus twelve a postles Council no. 5001
P.O. Box 520
Franklin Square 11010 (516) 384-7862
Grand Knight: Angelo Laveglia Email: grandknight5001@gmail.com
Knights of Columbus alfred E. smith Council no. 3005 682 Elmont Road, Elmont Grand Knight: Mike Nass Email: aesligyd@aol.com
s ons of i taly in a merica a merica l odge no. 2245 VFW Hall, 68 Lincoln Road Franklin Square 11010
President: Andrew Monfeleone s ons of norway garborg l odge no. 265 (209) 572-0323
l eague of Women Voters of nassau County (516) 431-1628
P.O. Box 305, Port Washington 11050 nassau County
Democratic Committee (516) 294-3366
100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 115, Garden City 11530 NassauCountyDems.com
nassau County
republican Committee (516) 334-5800
164 Post Ave., Westbury NassauCountyGOP.com
nassau County auxiliary Police Elmont unit no. 104 (516) 573-5512
831 Hempstead Ave., West Hempstead 11552
Insp.: Neal Rosenblatt NCAP116.org
Elmont Fire District (516) 354-4560
95 Lehrer Ave., Elmont 11003
Clubs & OrganizatiOns
Franklin s quare and Munson Fire Department (516) 354-2110
841 Liberty Place
Franklin Square 11010
Emergency: (516) 742-3300
Ladies Auxiliary: (516) 354-2110
Community Counseling s ervices of West nassau (516) 505-1717
1200A Hempstead Turnpike
Franklin Square 11010
Homemakers Council of nassau County
Franklin s quare Chapter (516) 741-2209
President: Carrol Cascino
st. Catherine of sienna Parish s ocial Ministry Outreach Office (516) 352-0146
995 Holzheimer St., Franklin Square s alvation a rmy nassau County rehab Center
194 Front St. Hempstead 11550 (516) 481-7600
a merican l egion Franklin s quare Post no. 1014
P.O. Box 38
Franklin Square 11010
a merican l egion of Elmont Post 1033 (516) 354-9884
60 Hill Ave., Elmont 11003
Cmdr. Lecia A. Rodriques-Whyte
a merican l egion
Malverne Post 44 (516) 599-8645
250 Franklin Ave., Malverne Veterans of Foreign Wars
VFW Elmont Post n o. 455
328 Mecham Ave., Elmont 11003
VFW Frank P. Curry Jr. Post no. 2718 (516) 354-9393
68 Lincoln Road
Franklin Square 11010
Commander: John Conway
b ’nai b ’rith Youth
Organization (BBYO) (516) 433-2296
nassau-suffolk region
b oy s couts of a merica t heodore roosevelt Council (516) 797-7600
544 Broadway Massapequa 11758
girl s couts of nassau County (516) 741-2550
Franklin s quare raiders s occer
P.O. Box 281
Franklin Square 11010 (516) 900-4663
Franklin s quare Warriors
President: Frank Dellarosa
Email: fswarriorsfootball@gmail.com (516) 328-1550
534 Elmont Road
Elmont 11003
Executive director: Patrick Boyle Free Counseling, recreational, and social activities for children
Franklin s quare little l eague 690 Franklin Ave.
Franklin Square 11010
Email: info@fslittleleague.org
Franklin s quare/Elmont Pal
gateway Youth Outreach (516) 328-1550
534 Elmont Road
Elmont 11003
Executive director: Patrick Boyle Free Counseling, recreational, and social activities for children

Tim Baker/Herald
The Marlins prepare to play ball at Franklin Square Little League, kicking off the season at Rath Park.

Elmont Library Theater provides a
vibrant hub for arts in the community
By Nicole Wagner
In the heart of Elmont, a cultural renaissance unfolds nearly every weekend at the Elmont Library Theater. Since its inception in 2006, this hidden gem has become a bustling epicenter of entertainment, inviting neighbors to dance, sing and tap their feet to a diverse array of performances.
The Elmont Library Theater emerged from the remnants of the Alva T. Stanforth Junior High School theater, formerly seen as a community eyesore. A 2004 referendum paved the way for the Elmont Memorial Library’s construction, and with it, the transformation of the old theater into a beacon of arts and culture. Boasting more than 400 seats, the theater provides ample space for a wide range of performances, from jazz and cabaret to holiday shows and beyond.
“We have the space,” Library Director Jean Simpson explains. “It was created with the intention of bringing arts, music and
We have the space,” Library Director Jean Simpson explains. “It was created with the intention of bringing arts, music and entertainment into the library, which makes it quite unique.
Alice Moreno/Herald
Paul Ramsey smiles as he jams out on the bass guitar at the Elmont Memorial Library Theater.
entertainment into the library, which makes it quite unique.”
The theater has become a vibrant showcase for local and traveling talent alike. Simpson notes that each year, performances grow “bigger and better,” with professional artists sometimes journeying from across state lines to grace the stage. The library staff is attentive to patron requests, often working to bring in local artists seen elsewhere at shows throughout the Town of Hempstead, ensuring a dynamic and engaging schedule.
Simpson frequently finds herself “beaming” with pride as patrons approach her, praising the enriching experiences provided by the library. “It’s the nicest thing to hear that we’re bringing something to our patrons that is really needed,” she says, underscoring the theater’s role in the community.

Its appeal stretches across Long Island, with attendees traveling from various towns to enjoy the shows. The local community, in particular, appreciates having such a cultural treasure right in their backyard.
“The Elmont community is so lucky to have this,” Simpson declares.

Each performance is reflective the tunes of decades past. Plaza Theatmont and surrounding areas, including
Each performance is reflective of the diverse talent showcased. It’s common to see enthusiastic audiences dancing in the aisles or reminiscing to the tunes of decades past. Plaza Theatrical, the popular local theater orgnization uses the theater as its home base, contributes to the space's vibrancy with a variety of shows, including musicals, tribute concerts and children’s programs throughout the year.
The theater also plays a significant role in the lives of students from Elmont and surrounding areas, including East Franklin Square, Stewart Manor, Alden Manor, South Floral Park, North Valley Stream and New Hyde Park. The library hosts sixth-grade graduations, mock trial debates and other educational events, further embedding itself

Charles Bartlett captures the audience's attention, speaking about his inspiration for pursuing jazz music.

Continued from page 15 into the community’s fabric.
“I’m so pleased that we’re able to continue this wonderful partnership with the community and offer such a nice, free service to the public,” Simpson says. Her sentiment captures the essence of the Elmont Library Theater — a cherished cultural haven that continues to thrive and enrich the lives of its patrons.

Sax player Carl Bartlett Jr. performs at a recent concert.
Drummer Dwayne ‘Cook’ Broadnax rocks out with his drum solo during a jazz performance.

Nicole Wagner/Herald
Neighbors from across Long Island have sold out Joe Mangiapanello’s craft fair tables from Franklin Square to Long Beach and beyond. Charcuterie boards and serving trays like these sell for between $40 and $90 depending on the size of the tray and wood used.

Grab a set of handcrafted coasters at a local craft fair; prices range from $13 to $20.
Joe’s WooDen
Creations capture the attention of connoisseurs
By Nicole Wagner
DIf you can make this, you can make more things like this and sell them.' And with that, Joe’s Wooden Creations was born.
uring the tumultuous lockdown of 2020, when the world slowed to a crawl, many people sought solace in new hobbies. For Franklin Square's Joe Mangiapanello, this period of isolation sparked a newfound passion for woodworking — a hobby that has since blossomed into a thriving small business, all from the comfort of his backyard.

Joe Mangiapanello had his passion for wood working reignited in 2020 during lockdown as he began making household furniture.
Before the pandemic, Mangiapanello was a self-described “closet woodworker,” nurturing a lifelong love for crafting with his hands. It wasn't until 2020, however, that he turned this passion into action, starting with furniture projects for his own home. His journey began with a simple den table, but it wasn’t long before he was hooked on the craft. Adirondack

chairs, benches and various wooden tables soon followed, each piece a testament to his growing skill and enthusiasm.
The turning point came when his daughter requested a chevron-style cutting board.
“After days of tearing my hair out trying to get the angles right, I finally figured it out,” Mangiapanello recalls.
The cutting board was a hit, and his daughter’s encouragement led him to consider a broader audience.
“She said,‘If you can make this, you can make more things like this and sell them.’” And with that, Joe’s Wooden Creations was born.
In July 2023, Mangiapanello showcased his work at a craft fair in Franklin Square. His range of cutting boards sold out quickly, and the success was replicated at subsequent fairs in Long Beach, Bellmore, Plainview, Wantagh and beyond. His handcrafted items quickly captured the attention of a market eager for unique, artisanal products.
Mangiapanello attributes his success to the surge in home-based hobbies and remote work that began during the pandemic.“People are gravitating towards this because it’s a unique thing,” he says, noting that his products resonate with those looking to invest in their homes.
Mangiapanello has been busy preparing for fall and winter craft fairs, confident that his timing is ideal.
“People are really into stuff that’s handmade,” he says.
His creations include cutting boards, charcuterie boards, challah boards, coasters, bookmarks, keychains and more, crafted from woods such as sapelli, padauk, black walnut, maple, cherry and acacia. Prices range from $3 to $90, depending on the item and the type of wood used. Custom engraving is also available through his website, JoesWoodenCreations.com.
Sustainability is a key consideration for Mangiapanello. He sources wood from conscientious suppliers, including a sawmill in upstate Gent, New York, which plants a tree for every tree harvested.
For those interested in starting their own woodworking journey, Mangiapanello advises, “start small.” He suggests learning the basics of cutting wood and understanding different wood properties. Resources like TheWoodWhisperer.com and conversations with experienced carpenters can provide valuable insights.
“You do not need every tool,” he adds.“Just begin with the basics and build from there.”
When browsing local craft fairs, keep an eye out for Joe Mangiapanello’s chopping boards and cheese cutters.

Firefighters Dominick J. Labianca, Jack Lavin and Mohammad Zaidi
volunteer their time to help neighbors when there is an emergency.
Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department
celebrates a century of community service
By Nicole Wagner
For a century, the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department has stood as a steadfast guardian of safety in the community. As it celebrates its 100th anniversary, the department’s unwavering commitment to protecting local residents remains as strong as ever. Department Chief Mike Multari and Commissioner Chris Howard are the first to acknowledge the crucial role of community support in their storied legacy.
“There’s always been someone here for the last 100 years to respond to emergencies in the community,” Multari reflects.
This milestone highlights the department’s deep-rooted connection with those it serves. With a dedicated team of 90 volunteer firefighters, the department relies on the selfless contributions of individuals who prioritize community welfare above all else.
The role of a volunteer firefighter is demanding and requires significant sacrifice. Many of the department’s members juggle multiple jobs while committing to their life-saving roles. Multari himself exemplifies this dedication, once having to leave a family birthday celebration to answer a fire call.
Community support is everything,” Multari says.
“Without it, we can’t do the job that we do.
Tim Baker/Herald

“He gets up from his family dinner and goes to help other people,” Howard says.“That’s a testament to what we do around here and to Mike’s dedication.”
The department’s reliance on volunteer firefighters underscores the importance of community involvement.
“Community support is everything,” Multari says.“Without it, we can’t do the job that we do.”
To carry on this vital work, the department continuously seeks new volunteers. In addition to the intrinsic rewards of serving the community, volunteers benefit from local tax incentives and educational perks. Students enrolled in Nassau County Community College or State University of New York institutions who volunteer can obtain tuition reimbursement, adding a tangible benefit to their altruistic efforts.
Despite these incentives, Multari stresses that the role isn’t for everyone. “It takes a special kind of person,” he explains.“When that bell goes off, you have to drop everything and respond.” This unique blend of readiness
Continued on page 22

Junior firefighters Nino Vitaliano, Ryan Persaud, and Nicolas Colore and Max Brunhuber participate in a practice drill with Captain Robert Fineo outside of the Franklin Square Historical Museum.
Firefighter Mohindra Arunasalam says he is "surrounded by family" when he is with the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department doing drills.
and resilience is what defines the spirit of the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department.
For those inspired by the department’s legacy and interested in joining their ranks, more information is available at FSMFD. org. Prospective volunteers must be between 18 and 55 years old, reside within the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District, and pass a physical exam.
As the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department looks forward to the next century of service, the community’s support and the dedication of its volunteers will undoubtedly continue to be the bedrock of its success.

Firefighters David Fitzgerald and James Carlin are always ready to answer the call.
Junior firefighters Nino Vitaliano, Ryan Persaud and Max Brunhuber practice drills every weekend with the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department.

From basement dreams to
stage lIghts
By Nicole Wagner
In a world where career paths often meander and evolve, Michelle Fabrizio, of Franklin Square, discovered her calling when she was just 4-years-old. Unlike many who grapple with career indecision, Michelle’s path to becoming a singer was clear from the start — her childhood was steeped in music, thanks to her father, Terry Fabrizio, who crafted his own musical haven in their basement.
Terry Fabrizio founded his studio Trezi Music Productions in 1989, transforming their basement into a busy music studio. Over the decades, he has recorded jingles for a variety of local clients, from car dealerships to the Long Island Aquarium, and even worked on an Eskimo Pie commercial featuring a young Michelle. His early foray into music was marked by analog tape; Terry acknowledges how digital recording has since reshaped the industry.
“The introduction of digital recording was revolutionary,” Terry says.“You can now revisit and revise work months later, something we couldn’t do in the early days.”
Terry's own musical journey began when he was 15-years-
I think the performing aspect and seeing how the audience reacts to my songs is really fulfilling,” Michelle says. “I think it’s really reignited my passion for it.
Tim Baker/Herald
Terry Fabrizio, of Franklin Square, jams out on the guitar.
Michelle Fabrizio in the recording studio in the basement of the Fabrizio home.

old with a guitar in hand. His passion for music naturally flowed to Michelle, who now boasts a dedicated following of 1,118 monthly listeners on Spotify. Her 2020 album,“Find Your Fire,” captured the attention of her fans and showcases her evolving artistry.
By November 2023, Michelle’s musical ambitions had taken a dynamic turn. She began performing with a fivepiece band, a new chapter that added layers to her artistry. Her bandmates — Maria Despina of Oyster Bay on bass, Ivan Ivin of Ukraine on guitar, Myles Branble of Hempstead on drums, and her father Terry also on guitar — were all found through BandMix.com. These eclectic talents bring a unique synergy to her performances.
“The performing aspect and seeing how the audience reacts to my songs is really fulfilling,” Michelle says.“I think it’s really reignited my passion for it.”
Michelle notes that performing live offers a distinct form of communication.
"It’s just a different way of communicating those lyrics to them. And it makes the audience understand them in a different way as compared to in the studio.”
For fans eager to experience her latest work, Michelle’s newest single — a cover of Shawn Mendes’“Mutual” — is available on both Spotify and Apple Music. As she continues to carve her niche in the music industry, Michelle Fabrizio’s journey from a basement studio to the spotlight serves as an inspiring testament to following one’s passion, no matter how early it begins.

Michelle Fabrizio and her father Terry Fabrizio, an audio engineer, check sound levels on a song.
Michelle Fabrizio, who goes by Michelle Fabre as a musician, sings in her home studio.

Lutheran Church of Elmont
1840 Atherton Ave. (516) 437-2891
Pastor: the Rev. John McKenzie
Bethel International Church 1851 Hempstead Turnpike
Pr. T. T. Thomas
Pr. Kurien Thomas
Bible Baptist Church
779 Elmont Road (516) 837-0465
Pastor: Carl Lubin
One Church
657 Meacham Ave. (516) 354-9840
Rev. Cecil Matthew
Christian Ministries Fellowship 1540 Hempstead Turnpike (516) 355-2709
Elmont Jewish Center (Orthodox)
500 Elmont Road (516) 488-1616
Rabbi: Chaim Blachman
Elmont Temple Church 682 Elmont Road (516) 285-5050
Pastor: Stafford Byers
Emmanuel Baptist Church 1880 Pelham St. (516) 354-1332 ebc@ebceny.org
India Gospel Assembly 439 Meacham Ave. (516) 775-6846
Elder: K.A. George IndiaGospelAssembly.com
Mahanaïm French Seventh Day Adventist Church
277 Hempstead Turnpike
Pastor: Yrvain Jean-Philippe (516) 775-1207
Muhammadi Masjid Islamic Center 681 Elmont Road (516) 285-3439
St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church 631 Elmont Road (516) 354-0715
St. Gregorios Orthodox Church 175 Cherry Lane Floral Park 11001 (516) 775-2281
Vicar: Rev. Gregory Varghese
St. John’s United Methodist Church of Elmont 2105 Stuart Ave. Valley Stream 11582
Minister: David T. Ball
Temple B’nai Israel (Reform) 711 Dogwood Ave. West Hempstead 11552 (516) 354-1156
Rabbi: Samuel Kehati
Franklin Square
Ascension Lutheran Church of Franklin Square
145 Franklin Ave. (516) 352-1263
Bethel Assembly of God Church 194 Court House Road (516) 326-3215 office@bethelagny.org
Episcopal Church of St. James the Just 858 Roosevelt St.
Grace Baptist Church 798 Hempstead Turnpike (516) 564-1038
Pastor: Rev. Kent R. Sager
Congregation Shaaray Shalom 711 Dogwood Ave. West Hempstead 11552 (516) 481-7448
Rabbi: Arthur Vernon shaarayinfo@gmail.com
Orthodox Presbyterian Church of Franklin Square 971 Sobo Ave. (516) 437-3210
Pastor: Rev. Lloyd Sterrett
St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church 54 Nassau Blvd. West Hempstead 11552 (516) 483-8650
Pastor: Mary Button
St. Basil Malankara Orthodox Church 17 Randolph Ave. (516) 326-4394
Vicar: the Rev. Thomas Paul
St. Catherine of Sienna Roman Catholic Church 990 Holzheimer St., Franklin Square (516) 352-0146
Rev. Douglas R. Arcoleo
Wesley United Methodist Church (516) 481-1797 619 Fenworth Blvd.
Pastor: the Rev. Nelson Ngoy
Melissa Baptiste/Herald
Abey Thomas, Sunil Paulose, Georgy Varughese, Cecil Mathew and Joseph Varghese welcome all to One Church Elmont.

325 Hempstead tpke Corp.
Julie Marchesella Merrick NY 11566 (631) 245-3782
718 Solar
Dale Davids 23 Locustwood Blvd, Suite 160 (347) 709-8686
A Cut Above
John Gigante
1410 Hempstead Tpke. (516) 437-9189
American Computer Consultants
Jose Voyard 212-55 Jamaica Ave. Queens Village, NY 11428 (718) 740-0442
Annabel Bazante l aw
Annabel Bazante 524 Lucille Ave. (516) 216-1787
A&S Bagels
Gregory Scoleri
761 Hempstead Tpk Franklin Square NY 11010 (516) 326-9288
Apple Bank
Gweneita Scott 1693 Hempstead Tpk (516) 437-5966
Michael Greenberg 55 Maple Ave, Suite 300 Rockville Centre, NY 11570 (516) 220-7194
Caring Shepherd HHC Agency
Michele Eliassaint 66 Norfolk Dr. West (866) 446-5858 caringshepherdhhc@gmail.com
Drew Revella 2150 Hempstead Tpk drew.revella@centerplate.com
Coldwell Banker American Homes Elisette Ocampo 721 Franklin Ave. Franklin Square NY 11010 (516) 825-6511
Charmayne's Florist & Cake Supply
Charmayne Buchanan 240-01 Linden Blvd. (516) 285-5078 helavaconia@aol.com
Corissa Ventures Corp
Justin Smith 809 Bauer St. (516) 424-6820
Cross County medical Care
Marie-Alexe Belotte 804 Meacham Ave. (516) 255-1885
Curewell Pharmacy
Hashmath Khan
1785 Dutch Broadway (516) 872-8700
Elmont Chamber of Commerce
All businesses are in Elmont, NY 11003 unless noted

Photos courtesy Julie Marchesella Members of the Elmont Chamber of Commerce are invited to attend bimonthly meetings to network.
D'Anna's Pizza
Sal 1743 Hempstead Tpk (516) 352-3289
Dematteis organizations
Bonnie Russell
820 Elmont Rd (516) 285-5500 bjr@dematteisorg.com
Dime Community Bank
Catherine Clark
81 Russell Ave. (516) 850-9506
Dunkin Donuts
Dutch Broadway
Jose 1791 Dutch Broadway Dunkin Donuts - Hemp. Tpk 219 Hempstead Tpke. (516) 328-6757
E. l .George Funeral Services
Ephraim George 769 Elmont Rd (516) 285-0080
Elmont Fire Department
George Pechacek 95 Lehrer Ave. (516) 354-2533
Elmont Funeral Home
James Soviero 1529 Hempstead Tpke. (516) 437-2100
Elmont Public library
Sheila Seward 700 Hempstead Tpke. (516) 354-5280 ex218 sseward@elmontlibrary.org
Joey Chong 1975 Linden Blvd. 800-519-3976
Exit Realty United
Joann Seeno 1603 Hempstead Tpk (516) 352-4600
Fidelis Care n ew York
Rudy Cano 180 Post Ave. Wetbury NY 11590 (516) 334-6588 rcano@fideliscare.org
First Flag Realty Yissel Mauricio 809 Bauer Street, (516) 850-2796
Franklin Square / Elmont Herald
Rhonda Glickman 2 Endo Blvd. Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 569-4000 ext 250 liherald.com
Gateway Youth outreach
Pat Boyle 534 Elmont Rd (516) 328-1550
Kids Care Pediatrics
Stuart Feinstein 2266 Dutch Broadway (516) 775-0493 info@kids-care.com
King Umberto's Ciro Ceserano 1343 Hempstead Tpke. (516) 352-8391
Krauss Funeral Home
Joseph Camolli 1097 Hempstead Tpk Franklin Square NY 11010 (516) 352-2080
krauss1097@yahoo.com fnrldrktr99@aol.com
l IJ Valley Stream
Jason Tan
900 Franklin Ave. Valley Stream, NY 11580 (516) 256-6501
lisa DP Realty Inc. Lisa Dellipizzi 891 Center Dr. Franklin Square, NY 11010 (516) 319-3647
Continued from previous page
martin de Porres
Edward Dana 621 Elmont Rd (516) 502-2840
mauro Electrical Contractor
Guy Mauro 1349 News Ave. (516) 437-6948
mr Flavors Ice Cream
Leon Williams Jr 2126 Oakwood Pl. (720) 291-1176
nangle Healthy living
Suzanne Nangle
205 Travis Ave. (516) 902-9151
new York life
Robson Point Du Jour 96 Norfeld Blvd (347) 476-8225
new York Racing Assoc.
Vanessa Rodriguez P.O. Box 90 Jamaica NY 11003 (718) 659-2272
nuHealth l ong Island 161 Hempstead Tpk
Pamphile Insurance Brokerage
Wesley Pamphile
70 East Sunrise Hwy, Suite 500
Valley Stream NY 11581 (516) 323-8558
Rob Lewis
50 Sterling Rd (917) 837-2103
Race track Chaplaincy n Y Humberto Chavez 2150 Hempstead Tpk (516) 488-6000 x4063 rtcany@aol.com
Red Snapper Seafood Kitchen
Sylvester Gbewonyo 799 Elmont Rd (516) 812-9155
Richner Printing and mailing Services
Michael Karff 2 Endo Blvd. Garden City NY 11530 (516) 569-4000 x288 mkarff@richnerprinting.com
Right at Home
Kevin Campion
752A Hempstead Tpk. Suite 201 Franklin Square NY 11010 (516) 307-8070
Road Flex Courier, llC
Jean Elie (516) 209-2768
Salvatores of Elmont
Anna Arrigo 312 Meacham Ave., (516) 488-8484
Elmont Chamber of Commerce
businesses are in Elmont, NY 11003 unless noted

Elmont Chamber of
Darth Vader during Halloween festivities at Elmont
nesses to join the Chamber.
Sapienza Bake Shop
Andrew Sapienza
1376 Hempstead Tpk (516) 352-5232
Senior Security Advisers
Patricia Losito 3601 Hempstead Tpk., Suite 300 Levittown NY 11756 (516) 520-5700 x205 plosito@seniorsecurity.com
Splendid International Childcare
Margalyda Ferrando 39 Clement Ave., 212-882-1854
Star Auto Glass
Joe, Rich, Joe Jr. Ruscillo 95 Meacham Ave. (516) 437-0211 starglass1@aol.com
Starbucks 640 Franklin Ave. Franklin Square NY 11010 (516) 256-5668
Stat m D Urgent Care Center
Laura Ramos
2090 Jericho Tpk New Hyde Park NY 11040 (516) 352-7828 info@statmd.net
Stop 20 Diner
Gus Serafis
1336 Hempstead Tpk (516) 358-7142
Summit Physical t herapy
Randolph Bendo 1763 Dutch Broadway (516) 812-6145 summitpt@aol.com
t he Bulletin
Scott Cushing 139 Tulip Ave. Floral Park NY 11002
t ilebar
John Tudisco 58 Remsen Ave. Valley Stream, NY 11580 (516) 388-9100
t imely Signs
Gene Goldsmith 2135 Linden Blvd. (516) 285-5339
Vinyett Clothing
Brandon Quarles 237-07 Linden Blvd. (516) 246-5146 brandonq@vinyettclothing.com
Photos courtesy Julie Marchesella
Commerce President Julie Marchesella joins Stormtroopers and
Memorial Library to recruit busi-

Town of Hempstead Supervisor
Don Clavin (R)
1 Washington St. Hempstead, N.Y. 11550 (516) 489-6000 donclavin@hempsteadny.gov
Town of HempsTead

Town Clerk
Kate Murray (R) 1 Washington St. Hempstead, N.Y. 11550 (516) 489-5000 ext. 3046 kmurray@hempsteadny.gov
nassaU CoUnTY

Nassau County Executive
Bruce Blakeman (R) 1550 Franklin Ave. Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (516) 571-3131

Nassau County Comptroller
Elaine Phillips (R) 240 Old Country Road Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (516) 571-2386

Nassau County Legislator 3rd District
Carrié Solages (D) 1550 Franklin Ave., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (516) 571-6203

Nassau County District Attorney
Anne Donnelly (R) 262 Old Country Road, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (516) 571-3800

Nassau County Clerk
Maureen O’Connell (R) 240 Old Country Road Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (516) 571-2664

Nassau County 8th District
John J. Giuffrè (R) 1550 Franklin Ave. Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (516) 571-6200

United States Senator
Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D)
780 3rd Ave., Suite 2601
New York, N.Y. 10017 (212) 688-6262
United States Senate
478 Russell Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 224-4451

Councilman - 2nd District
Thomas Muscarella (R) 1 Washington St. Hempstead, N.Y. 11550 (516) 812-3179 tmuscarella@hempsteadny.gov

Governor Kathy Hochul (D)
State Capitol Building Albany, N.Y. 12224 (518) 474-8390

Councilwoman - 3rd District
Melissa Miller (R) 1 Washington St., wHempstead, N.Y. 11550 (516) 812-3523 melimil@hempsteadny.gov

State Comptroller
Thomas P. DiNapoli (D) 110 State St., Albany, N.Y. 12236 (518) 474-4044

State Senator 7th district
Jack Martins (R) 173 Mineola Blvd., Suite 201 Mineola, NY 11501 (516) 746-5924
Room 608 LOB Albany, NY 12247 (518) 455-2677

State Assemblyman 19th District
Ed Ra (R) 825 East Gate Boulevard Garden City, N.Y. 11530 (516)535-4095 444 Albany, N.Y. 12248 (518) 455-4643

State Senator 6th District
Kevin Thomas (D) 990 Stewart Ave., Suite LL45A
Garden City, N.Y. 11530 (516) 739-1700
Room 947 LOB Albany, N.Y. 12247 (518) 455-3260

State Assemblywoman 22nd District
Michaelle Solages (D) 1690 Central Court Valley Stream, N.Y. 11580 (516) 599-2972
736 Albany, N.Y. 12248 (518) 455-5560

United States Senator
Charles E. Schumer (D)
757 3rd Ave., Suite 1702
New York, N.Y. 10017 (212) 486-4430
United States Senate
313 Hart Senate, Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 224-6542

United States Representative 4th District
Anthony D'Esposito (R)
229 7th Street, Suite 102
Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 739-3008
1508 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-5516

Franklin Square Chamber of Commerce
1991 Solutions inc
Brett Spielberg
18 Catherine Ave.
718 Consulting inc (Solar Dealer)
Dale Davids
325 Hempstead Tpk., Suite 160 Elmont, NY 11003 (347) 709-8686
a & S Bagels
Gregory Scolieri 761 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 326-9288
a ble Center for Training
Brian Higgins
510 Hempstead Tpk. West Hempstead, NY 11552 (866) 225-3697
accurate Driving School inc.
Junior Landauro 1147 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 328-2022
accurate Printing
Riyaz Remtulla 1049 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 775-8060
aCS Camera & Pro Video
Sergio Zayas 1015 Jericho Tpk., New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (908) 400-1064
Tony Genova 994 Southern Dr. (516) 321-0369
alpine restaurant
Theodore Delis 11 Franklin Ave. (516) 354-5770
a merica l odge #2245 Sons & Daughters of i taly
Andrew Monteleone P.O. Box 337 (516) 784-9142
a nnabel Bazante l aw, PllC
Annabel Bazante 524 Lucille Ave., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 216-1787
a nt The real e state Guy Anthony Grosso 340 Trinity Place, Malverne, NY 11565 (516) 426-7498
a rdito & a rdito ll P
Joseph Ardito
659 Franklin Ave. (516) 825-0500

Keith Rossein/Herald
Jim Raffone, founder of JAR of Hope, and CKO kickboxing owner Jennifer Settino organized a kickboxing marathon to raise money for muscular dystrophy research.
a rmando's Hair Design
Armando & Joseph Campbell
362 Dogwood Ave. (516) 385-1094
instagram.com/armandos_hair_stylist/ a rsh Pharmacy inc.
Jyoti Kaur
727 R Franklin Ave. (516) 218-2680
atlas Plumbing and Heating
Anthony Oppedisano
1225 Franklin Ave., Suite 325, Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 881-5875
a xzons Home Care
Renata Hercules
70 East Sunrise Highway, Suite 500, Valley Stream, NY 11581 (866) 429-9667
Bagel Doctor West (Kahloon Bagel Corp)
Hamid Ahmad
380 Franklin Ave. (516) 932-0620
Baldessari & Coster ll P
Albert Coster
84 Covert Ave., Stewart Manor, NY 11530 (516) 326-2582 bandcllp.com
BeforeYouBook i t.com
Christian Svoboda
600 Franklin Ave. #484, Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 650-8018
Bellini Hair Bar
Evelina Verdolino
438 Dogwood Ave. (516) 481-4855
facebook.com/BelliniHairBar/ Berck Dermatology llC
Donna Giaccone
560 Northern Boulevard, Suite 202, Great Neck, NY 11021 (516) 773-6660
Best Cellular authorized aT&T retailer
Mike Sacco
180 Franklin Ave. (516) 326-0005
bestbeepers.com/ordereze/default. aspx
Bianco electric inc.
Ben Bianco
281 Lehrer Ave., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 612-9699
biancoelectric.com/locations/elmont-ny/ Body and Brain Yoga & Taichi Maryann Kreischer 943 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 673-4140
bodynbrain.com/franklinsquare Borgese a rchitecture & Construction
Francesco Borgese
350 Cornwell Ave., Malverne, NY 11565 (516) 322-2602
Broadway Bound Dance Center of Garden City
Debra Tavernese
66 New Hyde Park Road, Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 616-1601
broadwayboundgc.com/ Bubble Truck l ong island
Vivienne Maldonado
325 Paul Place, West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 507-0122
Calabrese & a ssociates, CPa
Chris Calabrese
659 Franklin Ave. (516) 417-8421
Capo ristorante Panino e Vino Paul Capoziello
700A Franklin Ave. (516) 216-5177
All businesses are in Franklin Square,, NY 11010 unless noted Continued
Franklin Square Chamber of Commerce
All businesses are in Franklin Square,, NY 11010 unless noted
Continued from previous page
Capogna Orthodontics
John Capogna
41 New Hyde Park Road, Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 673-4888
Carnival Parties
James Gavilanes
151 New Hyde Park Rd (800) 578-0494
Caruso & Boughton realty
Peter Caruso
900 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 775-4000
vlshomes.com/brokers/CBRI/ Celebrity Dental
Joey Zaghi
660 Dogwood Ave. (516) 481-1446
Cervoni realty Corp
Joseph Cervoni 550 Lucille Ave., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 488-5898
Chris Cross entertainment inc.
Anthony Cross 1055 Oaks Drive (718) 762-7699
CkO Franklin Square
Jennifer Settino 893 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 884-8757
Clear Skin inc.
Lola Intagliata 537 Hempstead Tpk., West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 481-6500
Coldwell Banker a merican Homes
Lorianne Quagliozzi 1069 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 825-6511
Community l eague of Garden City South, inc.
Margaret Kelly P.O. Box 7229, Garden City, NY 11560 (516) 852-7988
communityleagueofgardencitysouth. wordpress.com/ Congregation Shaaray Shalom
Larry Rosenberg 711 Dogwood Ave., West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 481-7448
shaarayshalom.org/ Consultation Treatment Services
Cathy Menzies
99 Tulip Ave., Suite 305, Floral Park, NY 11001 (631) 466-7053
CoolBrits llC
David Rose
53 Wellington Rd South, West Hempstead, NY 11552 (347) 740-7486
Country a rts in Flowers
Nick Flouskakos
535 Hempstead Tpk., West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 483-3363
Croxley's ale House & e atery
Jeff Piciullo
129 New Hyde Park Rd (516) 326-9542
croxley.com/location/franklin-square/ Custom automotive, inc.
Orlando Adames
1276 Hempstead Tpk., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 437-4074
Cusumano Consulting
Joe Cusumano
961 Second Ave. (516) 305-4649
D'Joys event Hall
Dana McDowell
519 Meacham Ave., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 437-4871
Dennis auto Center
299 Nassau Blvd. So., Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 486-3543
Dental Care affiliates, P.C.
Anthony Calvo 9 New Hyde Park Rd (516) 354-9200
Desirable Details
Maria Papadopoulus 277 Franklin Ave. (516) 828-6656 desirabledetails.com
Dirosa Haircare
Rosa Hawkins 868 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 488-8038
DJ's Home improvements
Vita Burdi 1494 Rosser Ave, Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 775-8696 djshome.com
Dogwood liquors
Jancy Zhao
678 Dogwood Ave. (917) 213-8095
Skylar Wang
506 Hempstead Tpk., West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 750-8838 domoishi.com
Doodyman To The rescue, inc.
Lance Belcher 593 Hempstead Tpk., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 354-8336
Dynamic Physical Therapy, PC
Mike Hadjiyane 936 Roosevelt St (516) 355-0547
e astern n ew York Youth Soccer
Laura M. Francis 167 Nassau Blvd., Garden City South, NY 11530 (516) 766-0849
eberhard-Voellm nurseries
Liz Desiderio
500 Franklin Ave. (516) 354-2484
edesma Greek Delicacies & Mezze
Vassilis Triantopoulos 763 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 216-1993
elmont Funeral Home inc.
James M. Soviero 1529 Hempstead Tpk., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 437-2100
e xit realty united Roe Orlando 1603 Hempstead Tpk., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 697-2929
Filomena's restaurant
Frank Testani 1039 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 437-4919
First Class Orthodontics
Steven J. Boral
380 Dogwood Ave. (516) 292-6484
Flags by Matt
Matthew Bittner
475 Willis Ave., Williston Park, NY 11596 (718) 781-6228
instagram.com/flagsbymatt/ Flushing Bank
Karen Casavecchia
1122 Franklin Ave., Garden City, NY 11552 (516) 471-3100
Fly High Dance and Fitness (Fly High Fit)
Geeta Palombo 229 Nassau Blvd, West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 246-9327 flyhighfit.com
Franklin Square Chamber of Commerce
All businesses are in Franklin Square,, NY 11010 unless noted
Continued from previous page
FOS living Organic Hair Salon
Eugenia Verdis
13 Nassau Blvd.,
Garden City South, NY 11530 (516) 481-5900
Four Seasons realty
Lynne Maimone Koszalka
166 7th St.,
Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 721-4444
Foxx Dental of Franklin Square, PC
Michele Rennard
157 New Hyde Park Rd. (516) 282-9988
Franklin a ssociates of, n Y inc.
Frank Franzi
747 Carlyle Ave. (516) 455-5062
Franklin Funeral Home inc
Bruno Caracciolo
42 New Hyde Park Rd (516) 775-9491
Franklin kitchen & Bath
963 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 358-6888
Franklin Social n Y
Michele Carucci
368 Dogwood Ave. (516) 539-1100
Franklin Square
Civic a ssociation, inc.
Frank Culmone PO Box 175 (516) 424-1098
Franklin Square Civilian Patrol
Carl Gerrato PO Box 96 (516) 805-1126
Franklin Square Fire District
Chris Mollish 833 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 779-4445
Franklin Square / elmont Herald
Rhonda Glickman 2 Endo Blvd., Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 569-4000 ext 250 liherald.com
Franklin Square Historical Society
Bill Youngfert PO Box 45 (516) 775-7260 fshistoricalsociety.org
Franklin Square Pharmacy, inc.
Joe LiPera 925 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 328-7777

Franklin Square Public library
Aviva Kane
19 Lincoln Rd (516) 488-3444
Franklin Square VFW Post 2718
John McManamy 68 Lincoln Rd (516) 354-9393 vfw.org
Frankly Thai
Frank Perrone 959 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 616-4393
FraSca Design Group
Frank Scarpa 156 Mineola Blvd., Mineola, NY 11501 (516) 483-5128
Fun Time Pottery
Anemone Vesita Mahadeo
700 Franklin Ave. (516) 872-2400
Garden Care Center
Thomas Meehan 135 Franklin Ave. (516) 775-2100
Garden World
Seth Fiddle
500 Franklin Ave. (516) 437-2030 nygardenworld.com
George Parsons roofing & Siding, inc.
George O. Parsons
540 Franklin Ave. (516) 736-1446
Gibraltar Home improvements
Gilbert Ortiz
483 Franklin Ave. (516) 408-2500 gibraltarhi.com
Giuffre l aw Offices, P.C.
John J. Giuffre 52 Covert Ave. Stewart Manor, NY 11530 (516) 358-5300 giuffrelaw.com
Glow4kids Inna Vernov glow4kids.com
Gonzos Mexican Grill
Joe Gonzalez 257 Nassau Blvd., Garden City South, NY 11552 (516) 505-3205 gonzosgrill.com
Greek Brothers
Giannis Metekidis 691 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 307-8832 greek-brothers.com
Guacamole Mexican Grill
Guilder Munoz 885 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 216-5439 guacmex.com
Halal n Out
Sandy 20 Meacham Ave., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 233-1300
Hartford Funding lTD
Anthony DelIItalia 867 First Ave., Franklin Square, NY 11010 (516) 865-2623
High Grade auto repair inc
Luigi Aquino Perez
377 Franklin Ave. (516) 326-2449
introspect investigations uS a Tom O’Neill
752-A Hempstead Tpk. (516) 292-4130 introspectusa.com
Edwin Chavez/Herald
Community members gather at the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony hosted by the Community League of Garden City South.
Franklin Square Chamber of Commerce
All businesses are in Franklin Square,, NY 11010 unless noted
Continued from previous page
iron Monkey Strength
Jason Giles
677 Franklin Ave. (516) 517-6021
island Dental a ssociates
Sabrinna Romero
639 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 565-6565
island Mason Supply
Nicole Natale
631 Woodfield Rd, West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 226-3456
i Ta kitchen Garden City
Jenna Hall 9 Nassau Blvd., Garden City South, NY 11530 (516) 485-4848
itakitchen.com/location/ita-restaurant-garden-city/ i talmosaico inc
Giuseppina Brugellis
46 Lucille Ave, Elmont, NY 11003
i vy rehab Physical Therapy
Vance Wernert
206 New Hyde Park Rd (516) 738-5599
Jemtel Medical PC
Gregory Ajemian 1046 Esther St (516) 775-9292
Jericho Mortgage a ssociates
Leonard A. Spitale 358A Jericho Tpk., Syosset, NY 11791 (516) (866) 3000
John Savoretti realty
John Savoretti
957 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 327-6400
Joseph Parenti, CPa PC
Joseph Parenti
West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 539-9830
Joseph Petrosino new York life a gent, ri CP
Joseph Petrosino
520 Broadhollow Rd, Melville, NY 11747 (516) 601-3360
Jovia Financial Credit union
Khary Pitt
648 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 561-0030 jovia.org
JS electric & Construction, inc.
Joseph Scarantino
169 New Hyde Park Road (516) 770-8888
k & W liquors, inc
Karen M. Falkowski
163 New Hyde Park Rd (516) 326-7721
keller Williams l egendary
Linda Chen 925 Hempstead Tpk. Ste 438 (516) 328-8600
kingdom kleaning
Valerie Brea
949 Van Buren Ave. (516) 402-7145 kingdomklean.com
k nights of ColumbusTwelve a postles
Angelo PO Box 520 kofc5001.org
k rauss Funeral Home, inc.
Stephen Graziano 1097 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 352-2080
l i . Tae kwon Do and Hapkido
Tom Festa
830 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 354-0676
l a Gustosa Food Products and imports
Roseann Rohrssen
402 Franklin Ave., Franklin Ave., NY 11010 (516) 354-2992
l aw Office of l eslie Sultan
Leslie Sultan 1225 Franklin Ave., Suite 325 Garden City, NY 11530 (917) 740-5789 sultanattorney.com
li Valle Grill & restaurant
Jaime Parra 1204 Hempstead Tpk. (347) 321-3146
facebook.com/Li.vallerestaurant/ lisa Dp real e state inc.
Lisa DelliPizzi
891 Center Drive (516) 319-3647
little enrico's Pizzeria
Michele Galo
191 Franklin Ave. (516) 216-5800
l odico's i talian Market
e astern Meat Farm
Rich Lodico
721 Franklin Ave. (516) 872-3450
l ong island Jewish Valley Stream
northwell Health
Lissa Nelson
900 Franklin Ave., Valley Stream, NY 11580 (516) 256-6142 northshorelij.com/hospitals/home
l ong island reach
Joseph Smith
340 Dogwood Ave. (516) 889-2332
l oTurco & Co.
Ed LoTurco 1040 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 358-9455
lTC Global Mid atlantic a gency
Susan Malise 381 Campus Rd (516) 481-0365
luxury Motor Club
Michael Kohan 790 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 214-4900
M & r entertainment
Marie Granato
128 Hunnewell Ave., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 263-9695
Malverne Cinema & a rt Center
Henry and Anne Stampfel
350 Hempstead Ave., Malverne, NY 11565 (516) 599-6966
Marito's Fine Foods & Beverages
Mario Morillo
391 Peninsula Blvd., Hempstead, NY 11550 (516) 280-8896
Martin de Porres School for e xceptional Children
Joseph Trainor
621 Elmont Road, Bldg. B, Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 502-2840
Marvelous Mouse Travels
Gina Mignone
294 Cleveland St (516) 281-6821
Masonry repairs by Michael
Michelangelo Aquino
696 Byron Ave. (516) 382-5500
Metz kitchen & Bath inc
Giovanni Logozzo 802 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 326-2593
Mid Valley Collision
Linda Sucari 1175 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 775-5000
Midnight Fuel
Danny Candullo PO Box 442 (516) 775-9297
Franklin Square Chamber of Commerce
businesses are in Franklin Square,, NY 11010 unless noted
939 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 216-1073
Minuteman Press of Bellerose
Fred Morante
248-02 Union Tpk., Bellerose, NY 11426 (718) 343-5440 minutemanbellerose.com
M l l awn Care
Martin LaGrande 536 Cameron St Elmont, NY 11033 (516) 250-1442
Morton Civic a ssociation
Joe Romeo & Domenico Ciaccio 672 Dogwood Ave., Box 120 (516) 870-6007
Movin' On Sounds & Security inc.
Bruce Cirillo 636 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 489-2350
Multi Media Communications
Chris Mollish 190 Adams Ave., Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 669-2100
Murph's restaurant
Ann Angelillo 935 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 358-0548
MV automotive inc.
Mauricio Villatoro 90 Franklin Ave. (516) 616-0900
nassau Pediatric a ssociates
Daniel Camillery
380 Dogwood Ave. (516) 481-3660
new Generation karate
Dave and Kristal Herman
184 New Hyde Park Road (516) 488-8700
newsday Media Group
Steve Tangella
6 Corporate Center Dr. Melville, NY 11747 (516) 641-9232
no limits Construction
Domenico Spinzo
855 Third Ave. (516) 375-6652
non-Stop Safety Training and Consultants llC
Vanessa Chapman (917) 337-7237

Lifelong Franklin Square resident MaryAnne Grey, an executive director of the Franklin Square Civic Association, is proud to have sponsored a Hometown Hero banner for her father James Muscarello who served in World War II.
north Star Homes, inc.
Johnson John 1325 Franklin Ave., Suite 255 Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 283-2307
n Y Party Works llC
Theresa Jacobs
45 W. Jefryn Blvd, Deer Park, NY 11729 (631) 501-1414
n Y Physical Therapy & Wellness
Ray Alam 820 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 358-8911
Olivetto Pizzeria & ristorante
Anthony Capogna
190 New Hyde Park Rd (516) 352-4190
One in a Million inc.
Sasan Shavanson 51 Franklin Ave., Valley Stream, NY 11580 (516) 829-1111
One- a Cleaning and Maintenance Services
Carlos Peleaz
354 Fairway Dr. (855) 200-9376
Oro Puro ii
Teddy Matozzo 1033 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 328-7376
Party Play Cafe
James Gavilanes
151 New Hyde Park Rd (800) 578-0494
Patsy's entertainment
Patti Toron
Franklin Square, NY 11010 (516) 455-9279
PDP Technology inc.
Paul Daddino
925 Armand Street, Bellmore, NY 11710 (516) 526-7007
Perry's Flooring a merica
David Harrison
465 Franklin Ave (516) 354-1777
Petillo-Petillo accounting Services
Louis Petillo
250 Nassau Boulevard South Garden City South, NY 11530 (516) 538-7870
Philip C. Fracassa, M.D. 393 Franklin Ave., Suite 104 (516) 352-1380
Pike's Wine & liquor
Alex Flasinski 645 Hempstead Tpk., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 352-8674
Plattduetsche Home Society
Steven Kordisch 1150 Hempstead Tpke. (516) 352-4252
Posh Deli
968 Hempstead Tpke (516) 629-7455
Prince umberto Maria Caliendo 721 Franklin Ave. (516) 872-9049
quality Tools inc.
Frank Cutolo 809 Adele St (516) 351-7877
ralph's i talian ices
Mike 531 Franklin Ave. (516) 352-7282
Courtesy MaryAnne Grey
Franklin Square Chamber of Commerce
All businesses are in Franklin Square,, NY 11010 unless noted
Continued from previous page
rapid response urgent Care
Rochelle Falk
600 Franklin Ave. (516) 872-6337
richner Printing and Mailing Services
Michael Karff
2 Endo Blvd., Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 569-4000 ext 288 mkarff@richnerprinting.com
ridgewood Savings Bank
Elizabeth Martinez
1010 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 775-1010 ridgewoodbank.com
rite konnection inc.
Mireille Jumeau
479C Hempstead Tpk., Elmont, NY 11033 (516) 464-6202 ritekonnection.com
romeo's Pizzeria & restaurant
(The San Martino Inc)
Pietro & Silvestro
322 Dogwood Ave. (516) 481-6630
romeospizzafranklinsquare.com ruse
Jess Abruzzo
51 New Hyde Park Rd
Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 305-4657
rustica Brick Oven Cafe
Enrico Viti
1 Nassau Blvd., Garden City South, NY 11530 (516) 292-2197
Saint Catherine of Sienna r .C. Church
Douglas R. Arcoleo
33 New Hyde Park Rd (516) 352-0146
Salon Blu llC
Fabrizia Borgese
346 Hempstead Ave., Malverne, NY 11565 (516) 667-6191
Salvatore's of elmont
Vito & Anna Cortesiano
312 Meacham Ave., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 488-8484
Samantha Photography and Video
Bethpage, NY 11714 (516) 461-8660
Sand Castle
Venue Loula
505 Franklin Ave. (516) 354-7263
Sandy's Party Glitters inc
Tracey Fox
829-831 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 352-3032
Sapienza Bake Shop
Andrew Sapienza 1376 Hempstead Tpk., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 352-5232
Scheideler electrical, inc.
Anthony Lennon 481 Franklin Ave. (516) 354-1666
Scholastic Promotions ltd. awards & More
505 Uniondale Ave., Uniondale, NY 11553 (516) 538-0705
Scott J. ratner MD, PC
407 Franklin Ave. (516) 616-0808
Scott Pitz
Mortgage l oan Originator
1600 Stewart Ave., Suite 701 Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 998-5998
Select e xterminating
Robert Alarco
149 New Hyde Park Rd (516) 775-6655
Send in the Clowns entertainment
50 Nassau Terminal Rd
New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (516) 354-1515
Pankaj Shah
449 Hempstead Tpk. West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 565-4456
Simon & Company Contracting
169 New Hyde Park Rd (516) 524-0448 simonandcompanycontracting.com/ renovations
SJG Construction Corp
John Damato
856 Second Ave. (516) 791-2704
Sonner a gency inc.
William Sonner
212 Commonwealth St (516) 782-7857
St. a ndrew's lutheran Church
Eleanor Poppe
54 Nassau Blvd, Garden City South,, NY 11530 (516) 483-8650 standrewswh.org
Star auto Glass
Joe Ruscillo 95 Meacham Ave., Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 437-0211
Star Service Station inc - Mobil Bittu Bhullar 228-20 Merrick Blvd. Laurelton, NY 11413 (718) 276-7014
Steve Candon State Farm insurance a gency
Steve Candon 932 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 488-3333
Stonebridge Mosaics inc. Giuliano Brugellis 127 Dupont St Plainview, NY 11803 (516) 491-7785
Tabernacle Of Victory Pentecostal Church
Ludlow Haynes 915 Hempstead Tpke. (516) 849-9625
Tasty Frosty i ce Cream Haas Yildirim 9 Cleveland Ave., Bay Shore, NY 11706 (631) 428-0084
Tati Jo's Bistro
Marie Jacques 185 Franklin Ave. (516) 270-2833
tatijos.com/ Taubs Carpet & Tile Corp. Michael Giannini 893 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 437-5100
TD Bank - lisa O'Connell 690 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 481-0087
Team Gomez at e XP realty Harpreet Bhullar 70 East Sunrise Hwy., Suite 500 Valley Stream, NY 11581 (516) 522-0571
TexPak inc.
Steve Kunreuther
130 New Hyde Park Rd. (516) 326-7720
The Flower Shoppe Paul 14 New Hyde Park Rd (516) 354-4291
The lip Chic & Facialist Sandy Izzo 9 James St (917) 771-6513
Franklin Square Chamber of Commerce
All businesses are in Franklin Square,, NY 11010 unless noted
Continued from previous page
The little Gym of West Hempstead
Kayla M. Saltalamacchia
490 Hempstead Tpk. West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 406-8368
The romeo Team at John Savoretti realty
Joseph Romeo 957 Hempstead Trunpike (516) 870-6007
The Sarrica Group, inc.
Santino Sarrica 1078 Oaks Dr. (516) 277-0812 thesarricagroup.com
The Sweet life Bake Shop
Nicole Minor 988 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 519-8444 tslbakeshop.com
The u PS Store
Morgan Sternlicht
672 Dogwood Ave. (516) 292-0990
locations.theupsstore.com/ny/franklin-square/672-dogwood-ave Thriftway Card and Gift
Paul Epstein
668 Dogwood Ave. (516) 481-9680
T n T liquidators
Larry Talt
984 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 216-5998 tntliquidators.com
Tony's Tacos
Julia Scotto 677 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 407-3500 tonystaco.com
Top Tier athletic a pparel
Richard A. Hall
PO Box 5484, Bay Shore, NY 11706 (516) 317-2026
Treemendous Florists by Flora linda
Lauren Talt
323 Nassau Boulevard South Garden City South, NY 11530 (516) 481-8733
Tropical Smoothie Cafe
West Hempstead
Lonette Green
474 Hempstead Tpk. Unit 6A West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 427-5109
Trotters Bar & Grill
Nick Altilio
1050 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 355-5681
Tulip Caterers
Vinny Giordano
1020 Tulip Ave. (516) 326-8081
Two Champs Boxing
Casey Ericson
57 Madison Ave (516) 355-8152
Valley Bank Market
Adrienne Greene
339 Nassau Blvd.
Garden City South, NY 11530 (516) 481-3900
Valley Caterers
Hank Martensen
560 Franklin Ave.
Franklin Square, NY 11010 (516) 561-6191
Vida Coffee Shop
Fabian Martinez 882 Hemsptead Tpk. (516) 865-9011
Vision l ong island
li Main Street alliance
Eric Alexander 24 Woodbine Ave. Northport, NY 11768 (631) 804-9128
WHCC Security Services
Ed Lezcano
510 Hempstead Tpk., Suite 201 West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 809-8480
Wild Fork Foods
Tatiana Auguste 603 Hempstead Tpk. West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 987-2207
Winston Varghese 180 Franklin Ave. (516) 870-8040 willfixit.info
Woofie's Mid nassau County
Steve Lauro 301 Concord Ave. West Hempstead, NY 11552 (516) 620-2055
Word Of Mouth DJ entertainment
Charles Porcasi 184 Hunnewell Ave. Elmont, NY 11003 (516) 428-2277 facebook.com
Word Of Mouth Dj entertainment
Zef's Pizza Firetruck Zef Noci zefspizza.com

Rei Wolfsohn/Herald
Historian Paul van Wie, Franklin Square Historical Society President Nancy Youngfert, Barbara Kalb, board chair Pat Realmuto, Sergio Corese and secretary Bill Youngfert celebrate at the 43rd annual Franklin Square Historical Society Anniversary Dinner.

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