Also serving Amityville, North Amityville, Amity Harbor, Copiague, and East Massapequa

Chapter 2 Pages 10 and 11

Copiague Chamber of Commerce members recently gathered for an informational meeting to hear the latest news from S.C. Police and Babylon Town Supervisor Richard Schaffer.
Copiague Chamber members meet Supervisor Richard Schaffer guest speaker
By CHRISTIE LEIGH BABIRAD cbabirad@liherald.com
The Copiague Chamber of Commerce held a dinner meeting last week at Angelo’s Little Italy in Amityville. The event, held on Tuesday, August 27, provided members an opportunity to discuss local business matters, hear from town officials, and receive updates from the Suffolk County Police Department.
Babylon Town Supervisor Richard Schaffer and Town Clerk Geri Compitello addressed the group, providing insights into ongoing town initiatives. Also in attendance were members of the Copiague Fire Department and Suffolk County Police Department representatives Dara Caramanico-Broyles and Nicholas Schieda.
A significant portion of the meeting focused
on the county’s response to the drug epidemic.
Officer Schieda provided a sobering update on recent incidents, including a robbery at Tanner Park and a burglary related to a landscaping business on Ralph Avenue in Babylon. However, the most alarming statistic discussed was the number of overdoses reported this year.
“We have approximately 600 overdoses in the county so far this year,” Schieda reported, prompting gasps from attendees. While the figure is high, it represents a significant decrease from last year’s 1,100 cases. Additionally, overdose deaths have decreased from 128 last year to 119 this year. Schieda emphasized that addressing the epidemic remains a priority for

ASD seeking volunteers
School Board establishing ad hoc budget committee
By CAROLYN JAMES cjames@liherald.com
The Amityville School District is forming a citizens advisory budget committee to assist the board in monitoring, revising and formulating the school’s budget. The decision to establish the committee came as a result of input from residents over the past year as the district wrestled with a $3.6 million deficit, and from newly elected board members Wendy Canestro, Caroline Fanning and Megan Messmann who urged the board to act on it this year.
Amityville School Board
President Lisa Johnson agreed that forming the committee is the right move for the district.
“This will help us regain the trust of the community as well as help us through the process of formulating a new budget next year,” she said. “The more people we have sharing important information about the budget with the community, the better, because the goal is to have everyone participate in the process.”
The vote to establish the committee was unanimous.
I think forming a citizens budget committee is a step in the right direction,” said Canestro. “Having additional input from the stakeholders is important and I am hopeful this will yield
results. “
The guidelines for the committee were formulated by Carl Fraser, the district’s financial consultant after the board outlined them at a recent meeting. Fraser returned them to the board, which made corrections and adjustments to them. They are expected to be posted on the district’s website along with applications forms which can be filled out online or downloaded.
The board approved modifications to the guidelines at its August 28 meeting, emphasizing that applicants do not have to have a financial degree or background but must be residents of the district.
“We are looking for residents from all walks of life who are willing to volunteer their time,” said Johnson.”
“It’s a good start but I would like to see the committee expanded to include all community members who express interest to optimize community engagement,” said Canestro. “I believe voters should be able to ask budget questions in real time.”
“I am hoping that creating a budget advisory committee… will work. To increase community engagement and pride in the
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Photo Credit/Herald
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Amityville native serves with U.S. Navy in the Pacific NW
By Alvin Plexico, Navy Office of Community Outreach
Seaman Veneisha Meade serves the U.S. Navy at Naval Station Everett in the Pacific Northwest. Meade graduated from Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School in 2016 and said the skills and values needed to succeed in the Navy are like those she found in school and in her hometown of Amityville.
Navy ships and one Coast Guard vessel. The base enhances the nation’s ability to accomplish strategic objectives by supporting U.S. Navy and Coast Guard forces, according to Navy officials.
Meade serves a Navy that operates far forward, around the world and around the clock, promoting the nation’s prosperity and security and has many opportunities to achieve accomplishments during military service.

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Today, and every day, we honor and remember the lives lost and the lives changed forever on September 11, 2001.

Suffolk County Legislature Minority Leader
Jason A. Richberg
44 Station Drive, Wyandanch InfoDO15@suffolkcountyny.gov 631-854-1111
“Growing up, I learned it’s important to be your own person and not to follow your peers,” said Meade. “You have to follow your own dreams and follow your own path.”
Meade joined the Navy one year ago. Today, Meade serves as a quartermaster.
“I joined the Navy because I wanted to give my kids security,” said Meade. “I also wanted to go to school and didn’t want to worry about where the money would come from or how my kids would be fed. I felt like the Navy was the best way for me to get to my end goals.”
Naval Station Everett, one of only two Navy-owned deep-water ports on the West Coast, is home to the command staffs of Carrier Strike Group 11 and Destroyer Group 9, six U.S.
“I’m proud to finally start school, which will help me achieve my goal of being a nurse,” said Meade. “I’m currently working toward a bachelor’s of nursing degree with Purdue Global University.”
Meade can take pride in serving America through military service.
“Serving in the Navy gives me a sense of purpose,” said Meade. “I feel like what I do in the Navy is important.”
Meade is grateful to others for helping make a Navy career possible.
“I want to send a shoutout to my aunt, Rusheida Wallace,” added Meade. “She’s a commanding officer in the Navy and pushed me to explore the opportunities available in military service. I also want to thank my mom, Kayon Perkins, and my children, Jayden, and Jaylaa.”
St. Martin of Tours Church holding religious education classes
St. Martin of Tours Church in Amityville will be offering religious education classes for grades 1 through 8.
Classes meet once a week and sacrament preparation is offered fro all ages, including high school level.
Religious education begins in grade 1 and First Communion and First Reconciliation is a two-year preparation. Sacraments are received at the end of the second year. All are welcome to register. Online forms can be found at stmartinamityville.com/religious-education/
St. Martin of Tours Church is located at 41 Union Avenue, Amityville.

Photo by Alvin Plexico
Seaman Veneisha Meade of Amityville

New Teachers welcomed in Copiague School District
On August 26 and 27, two dozen new teachers embarked on their journey with the Copiague School District during an inspiring two-day orientation. They received a warm welcome from Superintendent Dr. Kathleen Bannon, First Vice President of the Copiague School District Board of Education Brian J. Sales, and Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Todd J. Andrews, who each spoke about the district’s vibrant community and cherished culture.
“Our students need us, and you will make a difference every single day,” Dr. Bannon said. “It is incumbent upon you to make that difference every day.”
Sales added, “This orientation is a start to help you learn about Copiague and to ensure your success. The only way our students are successful is if you are successful. Take full advantage of the next few days, ask questions, and remember we are here throughout the entire year for resources, questions, or help.”
The new teachers were introduced to their respective building principals and engaged in various presentations focused on creating a nurturing learning environment for Copiague students. Principal Joseph Buccello of Deauville Gardens East Elementary School led a bus tour to help them acclimate to the area and community. As the orientation concluded, teachers returned to their buildings to meet their new colleagues, marking the beginning of their impactful journey in the Copiague School District

Photos Courtesy of Copiague School District
Copiague new teachers 1: New teachers take time to pose for a group photo as they prepare to embark on their careers in Copiague Schools
Photos Courtesy of Copiague School District
Copiague Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kathleen Bannon welcomes the district’s new teachers to the 2024-25 school year.
Photos Courtesy of Copiague School District
Board of Education VP Brian Sales addressed the teachers telling them the district will there throughout the year to support their efforts.
Amityville welcomes back staff members
New school year to focus on building bridges and breaking barriers
Building Bridges was the theme of the Amityville School District’s Superintendent Conference Aug. 28. The district welcomed all staff members back to the start of the 2024-25 school year Memorial High School, setting the tone for a year focused on collaboration, inclusivity and progress.
Superintendent Dr. Gina Talbert kicked off the day by acknowledging the challenges the district faced last school year.
“I am here to ask you to join me in taking the first steps toward a better year,” said Dr. Talbert. “We may not have the same rhythm as last year, but I believe that together, we can find a new harmony— one that is built on trust, resilience and a shared commitment to our students and to each other.”
Board of Education President Lisa Johnson also echoed these sentiments in her address to the staff and warmly welcomed all in attendance.
Dr. Talbert then outlined a series of goals for the upcoming school year centered on core academic areas, school culture and climate, parental and family engagement, and finance and budgeting. She also encouraged all staff members to identify their primary goals as educators, recognize any barriers in achieving these goals and reflect on what they can do to build a bridge from these roadblocks.
The district, in collaboration with all staff, looks forward to a year of growth and success ahead and thanks all employees for their continued dedication.

Photos courtesy/ Syntax
Amityville Village hosting free concert
On Friday, September 13, , 8 to 10 p.m. Amityville Village is hosting a free Radio Flashback Concert at Amityville Beach, James A. Caples Park Parking lot. The event includes a ‘70s & ‘80s Rock N’ Roll tribute with stage light show. Bring chairs and coolers. Raf -
fle tickets will be sold for a chance to win a Michael Kelly electric guitar. The raffle is to benefit AFD Cares and the Amityville Fire Department. For information, call Village Hall 631-264-6000.
O’Bay waives adoption fees at town’s animal shelter through September
The Town of Oyster Bay’s Animal Shelter will waive adoption fees throughout the month of September, hoping, said town officials, to encourage residents looking for a new pet to check out the dogs and cats living in the town shelter and waiting for their forever home.
“Our shelter staff has a wonderful reputation for providing great care to the pets housed there and has a long history of uniting those looking for a fur-ever companion,” said Oyster Bay town Clerk Richard LaMarca.
During the month of September, the shelter will waive the general adoption fees of $80 per dog and $84 per cat. All usual adoption services will be provided, including the spaying, or neutering of the animal, vaccination and microchipping.
Residents interested in viewing the animals available for adoption can call the shelter to make an appointment or visit www.oysterbaytown.com.
“In addition to free adoption month, the Town will be hosting a free rabies vaccination clinic at the animal shelter September 14 from 10 a.m. to noon. No reservations are necessary. Microchip services will also be
available for a $25 fee.
“If a pet is ever lost, they can be taken to a vet clinic or animal shelter where they will be scanned for a microchip ID and returned to their rightful owner,” said LaMarca
The Town of Oyster Bay Animal Shelter is at 150 Miller Place in Syosset. The shelter is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Residents interested in visiting the shelter can call to make an appointment. To view photos of some of the animals available for adoption, visit the Town’s website, www.oysterbaytown.com or call (516) 677-5784 for more information.
Once dogs reach four months of age, owners are required to obtain an annual dog license and verification tag. The general license fee is $15 for an unneutered or unspayed dog and $10 for a neutered or spayed dog. There is no fee for licensing a guide dog, hearing dog, service dog, war dog, detection dog or police dog. Fees for senior citizens are $5. To obtain an application for a dog license, please call Town Clerk Richard LaMarca’s office at (516) 624-6324.
Schaffer speaks at Copiague Chamber
the county.
In response, Supervisor Schaffer detailed the town’s efforts to combat addiction. The town has revitalized its drug and alcohol counseling program, now named the Beacon Family Wellness Center.
“We chose this name to highlight the importance of involving the entire family in addiction recovery,” Schaffer explained. The center, located at the Town Hall Annex in North Babylon, has expanded its capacity from 200 to 900 patients annually.
Plans are also underway to establish a second Beacon Family Wellness Center at the former Sayonarra motel on Route 110, Farmingdale. This new facility will include additional counselors and improved accessibility via public transportation along Route 110.
“We’re collaborating with Northwell and South Oaks to provide comprehensive inpatient services,” Schaffer added. He shared that construction of the new center is expected to start in 2025, with a goal to open by early 2026.
In addition to discussing the wellness centers, Supervisor Schaffer introduced the town’s Clean Program, aimed at reducing litter on roadways and highways through both cleanup efforts and educational initiatives.
“Since April, we’ve collected 150 tons of litter,” he noted. Every Saturday, town crews are active in picking up trash, including significant efforts along Sunrise Highway, complemented by new signage to deter littering. “We’re working to change attitudes towards littering,” Schaffer stated.
In addition, the Supervisor noted that the Town has applied, and hopes to receive a $4 million grant to be used to enhance and promote more community events such as festivals, fairs and concerts.
Copiague Chamber of Commerce President Donna Farina also provided updates on upcoming events. She highlighted the Laps for Love Walk on October 5 at
Babylon Town Hall, which will support the Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition. Looking ahead to the holiday season, Farina mentioned the chamber’s plans to decorate the hamlet with lights and holiday displays. She also expressed gratitude for members who contributed to two recent projects including a backpack giveaway for students and a peanut butter and jelly collection drive.
Farina concluded by reminding residents of a major Chamber initiative which includes work on cleaning up areas in front of stores and buildings and other open areas.
“We aim to enhance the appearance of our town,” Farina said. “Our goal as the Copiague Chamber of Commerce is to promote local businesses and support our community in every way possible.”
For more information about the Copiague Chamber of Commerce, please visit copiaguechamber.org or call (631) 226-2956.
Budget committee forming in ASD
district,” said Messmann. “The committee will help community members to share their experiences and talents to help steer the district to a stable. Financial future.”
To review the guidelines and to fill out or download an application to be considered for the committee, go to the Amityville School District website at amityvilleschools.org. Click under Board of Education on the top right-hand side and scroll down to budget committee. For questions or more information, call the Superintendent’s office at 631-565-6019.
The following are a list of public meetings and special events for the coming week: Please note: All meetings are subject to change without notice.
•Amityville Rotary Club Meeting: 8 a.m., Brownstones Coffee, 55 Merrick Road, Amityville. For more information, please call (516)-659-3489 or email amityvillerotaryclub@gmail.com
•Suffolk County Police, 1st Precinct Community Meeting: 7 p.m., West Babylon Public Library, 211 Route 109, West Babylon. For more information, please call (631)-854-8100.
•Village of Amityville Planning Board Meeting: 6 to 9 p.m., Village Hall, 21 Ireland Place, 3rd Floor, Amityville. For more information, please call (631)-2646000.
• The Long Island Dahlia Society: 9 a.m., Bayard Cutting Arboretum, 440 Montauk Hwy., Great River. All are welcome. Come and learn how to care for your dahlias. For more information call (631)972-8829 (leave message) or visit www.longislanddahlia.org
•Copiague School District Board of Education Meeting: 7 p.m., Everett E. Newmann III Administrative Offices at Copiague Middle School, 2650 Great Neck Road, Copiague. For more information, please call (631)-842-4015
•Town of Babylon Planning Board Meeting: 7 p.m., Town Board Room, Babylon Town Hall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst. For more information, please call (631)-957-3103.
•Emotional Health Recovery and Support Group: 7:30 to 9 p.m., Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9592, 55 Hickory Lane, Levittown. Free weekly, in-person meeting of Emotions Anonymous, a 12-step support group for anyone experiencing emotional difficulties. For more information, call Steve at (631)-3320552 or Jill at (516)-220-7808. All calls are confidential.
•Town of Babylon Accessory Apartment Review Board Meeting: 6 p.m., Town Board Room, Babylon Town Hall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst. For more information, please call (631)-957-7468. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11
• Emotional Health Recovery and Support Group: 7:30 to 9 p.m. Free weekly, virtual meeting of Emotions Anonymous, a 12-step support group for anyone experiencing emotional difficulties. For more information, call Steve at (631)-332-0552 or Jill at 516-220-7808. All calls are confidential.
• The Long Island Dahlia Society: 9 a.m., Bayard Cutting Arboretum, 440 Montauk Hwy., Great River. All are welcome. Come and learn how to care for your dahlias. Tubers will be available for sale starting in April. For more information call (631)972-8829 (leave message) or visit www.longislanddahlia.org
Calendar items are printed for non-profit organizations, as space permits, or when an event, service or information is being sponsored by a profit-making organization without charge to readers. Submit items to us at Richner Communications, attn: Beacon Editor, 2 Endo Blvd., Garden City, NY 11530; or email: dconsola@liherald.com at least twothree weeks prior to the publication date in which the item must appear. Sorry, but openended requests without the specific dates of the events are not acceptable. While we make every attempt to accommodate each request, we cannot guarantee publication of any items. For more information, call 516-569-4000.
Hofstra eyes return to national stage
By ANDREW COEN sports@liherald.com
Hofstra men’s soccer reached big heights in 2023, advancing to the NCAA Tournament’s third round stage for the second time in three years, but longtime head coach Richard Nuttall felt plenty was left on the table during the historic run.
The Pride led third-seeded North Carolina by a goal late in the second half before surrendering the equalizer with under five minutes remaining and eventually losing in penalty kicks following two scoreless overtimes. The heartbreaking loss was a big missed opportunity for Hofstra, who with a win would have hosted 11th-seeded Oregon State in the Elite Eight with a chance to punch a ticket to the prestigious College Cup.
“We are proud of what we accomplished, but we felt it was a lost opportunity,” said 35th-year head coach Richard Nuttall. “The reality is though we are punching way above our weight for what we are and I think we are the best midmajor in the country that is not a state school.”
Nuttall lost many key pieces from last year’s 14-3-5 team, but returns 12 players including All-America defender Pierce Infuso, a Merrick native who has returned for a fifth season as a graduate student. The Bellmore-JFK product was a third-team All-America honoree last season and an All-Coastal Athletic Association (CAA) First-Team selection.
“He is rock steady and does what he has to do,” Nuttall said of Infuso. “He is getting a lot of looks from MLS clubs and I believe that he has the ability to play at that level when he leaves here.”
Graduate student midfielder Roc Charles gived Hofstra an additional fiveyear veteran with Infuso returning for an extra year of eligibility. The Spain native is a co-captain with Infuso and scored a goal in Hofstra’s 4-1 win at American on Aug. 25.
Hofstra’s offense will be looking for new producers this season following the loss of leading leading scorers Ryan Carmichael and Eliot Goldthorp, who were both selected in the Major League Soccer

Super Draft. Also scoring in the American win with Charles were Pablo Hempelmann-Perez, Jacob Woznicki and Gabriel Pacheco with Laurie Goddard tallying an assist.
Woznicki, a graduate student who previously played at Stonehill College, then tallied two goals in Hofstra’s 2-0 win against Providence on Aug. 29.
Senior forward Teddy Baker, an England native, is expected to rejoin the team soon from injury after registering 11 points last season.
The backline led by Infuso, Pacheco, Eoin Farrell and Jack O’Malley posted a clean sheet in a season-opening 0-0 tie with Fordham on Aug. 22. Senior goalie Filippo Dadone, who replaced two time All-CAA keeper Wessel Speel in net, made five saves for his first career shutout.
Hofstra, which began the season ranked 17th nationally, was picked first in the CAA preseason coaches poll and is aiming for its fourth straight conference title, which would earn another automatic bid into the 48-team NCAA Tournament.
High expectations for Pride
The Hofstra women’s soccer team’s bid for its own three-peat last year and sixth CAA title in seven seasons fell short with

a heartbreaking overtime loss to Monmouth in the conference semifinals last November.
The Pride returned plenty of talent from last season’s 12-5-1 season and are fueled to write a better ending this fall. Hofstra was picked to finish second in the CAA behind Monmouth
“As much as it hurt, I think it was a valuable learning moment,” said 19thyear head coach Simon Riddiough of last year’s CAA semifinal defeat. “People sometimes underestimate the difficulty of winning championships.”
Hofstra lost last year’s leading scorer Wiktoria Fronc and will likely be relying on a scoring by committee this season rather than one dominant player, according to Riddiough. Potential offensive weapons who have emerged early this season include Millie Davies, Mathilde Braithwaite, Aimee Hodgson, Thorhildur Thorhallsdottir and Ellie Gough.
The bulk of last season’s defense is back in Olivia Pearse, Louise Hayden and
All-America defender Pierce Infuso, a Merrick native and graduate student, is one of a dozen returning players for the Pride.
Gabriella Marte. Pearse, a former standout at Seaford High School, proved to be a reliable leader of the backline with her tenacious play early in the season before a foot injury sidelined her in late August with timetable for a return to the field uncertain.
“I love her intensity and tenacity and her physicality,” Riddiough said. “I’m proud of the way she’s developed as a person as well and she’s becoming a really wonderful all round student athlete.”
The starting goalie spot was up for grabs entering the season following the departure of Skylar Kuzmich, who started in net for five seasons. Freshman Synne Danielsen of Norway and senior Mackenzie Sullivan of Arizona have both seen time in net so far.
Hofstra enters September unbeaten at 1-0-3 with a 2-1 win against Yale and ties against Ivy League contenders Brown and Columbia on its resume. The Pride kicks off the CAA schedule on Sept. 19 at home against College of Charleston at 7 p.m.
Former Seaford standout Olivia Pearse leads a talented and experienced Hofstra defensive corps.
Photos courtesy Hofstra Athletic Communications


The Jackie Mason Musical

By Karen Bloom

Do you enjoy spending time outside to take full advantage of the season? While we transition into fall, there’s no reason to give up on summer’s blossoms just yet. Colors abound and late summer delghts linger on — for a while longer.
With your favorite book, a nice container or cup of your favorite (iced) beverage and a gorgeous bunch of flowers on your patio table, you can brighten up your days on your deck, patio or balcony — or even inside — and enjoy it all with a capital E.
Color explosion
Fall approaches with plenty of color
Floral décor that lasts

Many (bulb) flowers are still available in all sorts of unbelievable colors and shapes. Of course you could always buy a beautiful ready-made bouquet. But why do that? Create a spectacular summer bouquet yourself with loose flowers, leaves, and branches Display it on your tables — indoors and out — and enjoy the beautiful colors of typical summer bloomers like dahlias, gladioli and lilies.
Be creative with your planters to reflect your style and personality. Start out by choosing a sturdy vase or pot that is suitable for outdoor use. Or go for smaller vases scattered around the table to set a playful atmosphere.
Cut off the bottom of the flower stems diagonally, to help the flowers absorb water better and stay fresh longer. You’ll want to place your vase with flowers in the shade for best results. Regularly water your flowers to keep them fresh. Of course, on warmer days — and we’ll still have some of those remaining — you may need to do this every day. Also, if necessary, use rocks or sand to stabilize the vase and prevent it from toppling in windy weather. Complete the look of your patio table with a few cozy candles, lanterns or other seasonal items.
Nature thrives in the home garden
Thanks to their long flowering period, you can enjoy your florals for weeks or even months. Summer-flowering bulbs often attract pollinating insects as well, and thus contribute to biodiversity in your garden. Remove wilted flowers to extend the flowering period. Some summer bulbs, such as gladioli and dahlias, can be dug up after flowering and stored frost-free. You can then plant them again the following spring.
Certainly, there are so many choices. As you start to think about ideas for next year, that will add to your floral assortment, think beyond the summer bulbs gladioli, dahlias, lilies, and begonias. You might want to check out other unusual bulbous plants such as calla (Zantedeschia), pineapple lilies (Eucomis), freesias (Freesia) or blazing star (Liatris)
If you’ve planted lilies, you’ve got something special to delight your family and friends. If not,

consider doing so. The majestic blooms of lilies create an elegant look, whether on the balcony, terrace, or indoors. The variety of colors, from pure white and creamy yellow to deep red and purple, make them a great match for any style and taste. With their compact growth habit, potted lilies are perfect for use outdoors and indoors.
A bouquet of lilies always looks fabulous. With their rich range of colors, shapes, and fragrances, you’ll have plenty of choices every time, whether for yourself or to give as a gift.
And they move with the seasons. Lilies combine beautifully with seasonal flowers. Try lilies in combination with typical spring bloomers in spring, and with dahlias and gladioli in (late) summer. In fall and winter, for example, a bouquet of lilies with some added branches looks great (and will last a long time). In other words: you can vary endlessly with lilies.
Little rays of happiness
Flowers instantly bring color into your home, but also do so much more. They make people happy. And you will notice this straight away.
The simple act of putting them in the vase will trigger a dose of happy hormones. In fact, flower arranging has been shown to reduce stress. Taking a good look at every single one of the flowers before arranging them in a vase (and don’t forget to smell them!) will get you feeling all Zen.
Keep summer’s colors going as we transition into fall and enjoy the season’s last moments around your home.
Laughs abound on the Landmark stage,The show, based on the playwright’s 10-year whirlwind romance with comedy legend Jackie Mason, featuring a hilarious cast of characters. It begins at a deli in Miami Beach in 1977, where Mason — then a 46-year-old comedian — spots college girl Ginger (played by Jackie and the playwright’s real life daughter Sheba Mason in the Off-Broadway production). Along for the ride is her overbearing mom, Mrs. Olivier, and five more off-beat characters. Soon Jackie is wooing Ginger each winter whenever he’s in South Florida churning up laughs with the South Beach set. The trouble is, he’s also wooing a ravishing young Latina server, and also someone else. Come along and join in on Mason’s romantic misadventures as Broadway stardom emerges and Sheba is born.
Friday, Sept. 7, 8 p.m., and Saturday, Sept. 8, 3 p.m. Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main St., Port Washington. Visit LandmarkOnMainStreet.org for tickets and information, or call (516) 767-6444.

Classical Mystery Tour
Imagine The Beatles playing in concert with a symphony orchestra. What would that have sounded like? Find out for yourself when Classical Mystery Tour performs, joined by the Massapequa Philharmonic. The four musicians who comprise the CMT band look and sound just like The Beatles, but Classical Mystery Tour is more than just a rock concert. The full show presents some two dozen Beatles tunes sung, played, and performed exactly as they were written. Hear “Penny Lane” with a live trumpet section; experience the beauty of “Yesterday” with an acoustic guitar and string quartet; enjoy the rock/ classical blend on the hard edged “I Am the Walrus.” From early Beatles music on through the solo years, Classical Mystery Tour is the best of The Beatles like you’ve never heard them: totally live.
Saturday, Sept. 21, 8 p.m. Tickets start at $35. Tilles Center for the Performing Arts, LIU Post campus, 720 Northern Boulevard, Brookville. Tickets available at TillesCenter.org or (516) 299-3100.
Killer Queen
Queenmania keeps on rockin’ as Killer Queen returns to the Paramount stage, Thursday, Sept. 19, at 8 p.m., with their homage to the beloved band.
Formed in the UK in 1993, Killer Queen played their first public shows at London University, following in the footsteps of the real Queen who had their first shows there 22 years earlier. By 1995 Killer Queen’s UK popularity had grown to such an extent they secured a residency in London’s Strand Theatre attracting nationwide BBC coverage — the first tribute to have a show in the West End. Even though the band never had any connection to Queen officially their reputation continued to grow both in the UK and abroad.

In 1999 they returned from a tour of Europe and Russia for an awards ceremony hosted by Suggs from Madness. He announced they had won the award for “Worldwide Best Tribute Band” Fronted by Patrick Myers as Freddie Mercury, critics have described Myers’ resemblance to Freddie Mercury as “spooky;” his uncanny likeness was further proven when he recorded a #1 hit single singing as Freddie Mercury on Fat Boy Slim’s record “The Real Life.” Their expert musicianship, extraordinary energy, and accurate portrayal of the world’s greatest live band has rightfully earned them the title of Queen Royalty! Thrilling sell-out audiences across the globe the band recreates the high energy, powerful phenomenon that was Queen live. This quality, combined with Myers’ powerful threeand-a-half octave tenor range, expert musicianship and dynamic stage presence, has captivated audiences the world over. $54.50, $44.50, $39.50, $29.50. The Paramount, 370 New York Ave., Huntington. Tickets available at Ticketmaster.com or ParamountNY.com.
Hempstead House tour
Sands Point Preserve is the backdrop to explore the elegant Gold Coast home that’s the centerpiece of the estate, Wednesday, Sept. 11, noon-1 p.m.; also Sept. 25. Visit the grand rooms inside the massive 50,000-square-foot Tudor-style mansion, the former summer residence of Gilded Age financier Howard Gould and later Daniel and Florence Guggenheim. Tours are limited in size and tend to sell out. Arrive early to purchase tickets. $10. Sands Point Preserve, 127 Middle Neck Road. For information, visit SandsPointPreserveConservancy.org or call (516) 571-7901.
Intermediate English
The English as a Second Language Vocational Program at the Copiague Library empowers nonnative English speakers with the language proficiency and practical communication skills needed for success in the workplace. Participate on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 10:30 a.m.1:30 p.m., part of an ongoing series. This program aims to enhance students’ English language abilities in professional contexts, enabling them to pursue vocational and career opportunities confidently. 50 Deauville Blvd., Copiague. To register, call (631) 691-1111 or go to copiaguelibrary.org.
Tribute concert Plaza

Theatricals continues its tribute series, Sunday, Sept. 15, 2:30 p.m., with “Mirror of Mathis.” Vocalist-impressionist David Robbins thrills audiences with his 90-minute tribute to Johnny Mathis. His uncanny likeness and vocals that sound just like Mathis will leave you spellbound. Singing along with Johnny Mathis since he was a youngster, by age 12 he was imitating Mathis and has been doing it ever since, delighting all. He performs at the Elmont Library Theatre, 700 Hempstead Tpke., Elmont. $40, $35 seniors. Elmont. For tickets, call (516) 5996870 or visit PlazaTheatrical.com.
One-On-One Citizenship Appointments
Amityville Public Library is offering one-on-one informational appointments to discuss the general citizenship process and how to prepare for the citizenship test during September and October. Please note that no legal advice is given or offered at appointments. To make an appointment, call Mary at (631) 691-1619 ext. 117. 19 John St.


Bring the kids to Old Westbury Gardens for another storybook adventure, Saturday, Sept. 7, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Stroll the gardens and listen to Jen Arena’s “Acorn Was A Little Wild!” Later create a unique take home craft.
The stroll starts at the Beech Tree (next to Westbury House), ending at the Thatched Cottage. For ages 3-5. Old Westbury Gardens, 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. For information visit OldWestburyGardens.org or contact (516) 333-0048.
Religious education classes
St. Martin of Tours Church offers religious education classes for grades 1 through 8. Classes meet once a week and sacrament preparation is offered for all ages, including high school level. Religious education begins in grade 1 and First Communion and First Reconciliation is a twoyear preparation. Sacraments are received at the end of the second year. All are welcome to register. Online forms can be found at stmartinamityville. com/religious-education. 41 Union Ave.

Art explorations
Converse, collaborate and create at Family Saturdays at Nassau County Museum of Art. The drop-in program returns for a new season, Saturday, Sept. 21, 9, noon-3 p.m. Get inspired by the art and objects in the galleries and then join educators at the Manes Center to explore and discover different materials to create your own original artwork.
Kids and their adult partners connect while talking about and making art together. A new project is featured every week. $20 adult, $10 child. Registration required. Nassau County Museum of Art, 1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. Visit NassauMuseum.org for more information and to register or call (516) 484-9337.
Having an event?

National scholarship program
Now through Sept. 30, applications are being accepted for the spring 2025 semester for the Hope For The Warriors Military Spouse and Caregiver Scholarship Program. Since 2006, Hope For The Warriors has awarded Military Spouse and Caregiver Scholarships twice a year.
The nationwide program recognizes and rewards post9/11 spouses and caregivers for their strength, fidelity and resolve despite adversity as they assume critical roles in the financial well being of their families. Scholarships vary from $1,800 to $2,500 and are applied toward higher education at an accredited U.S. university, college, or trade school. To receive an application and learn about all scholarships offered for the spring 2025 semester, visit hopeforthewarriors. org and connect to services.
Items on The Scene page are listed free of charge. The Herald welcomes listings of upcoming events, community meetings and items of public interest. All submissions should include date, time and location of the event, cost, and a contact name and phone number. Submissions can be emailed to thescene@liherald.com.
On exhibit
Nassau County Museum of Art ‘s latest exhibition
“Seeing Red: Renoir to Warhol,” reveals the many meanings, connotations, and associations of this powerful color in art. Evoking strong emotion, red can represent the human condition. Its myriad variations have come to signify authority as well as love, energy and beauty. Red warns us of peril and commands us to stop, but it can also indicate purity and good fortune. Red boldly represents political movements and religious identities. From the advent of our appreciation for this color in antiquity to its continued prominence in artistic and popular culture, this exhibition will span various world cultures through a range of media.

It features more than 70 artists, both established and emerging, ranging from the classical to the contemporary. American portraitists such as Gilbert Stuart imbued red in their stately paintings of prominent individuals to conjure authority. Robert Motherwell, Ad Reinhardt, and other major abstract painters displayed a deep fascination with red in their commanding compositions that evoke a sense of chromatic power. And, of course, Andy Warhol is known for his bold and imposing silkscreened portrait of Vladimir Lenin saturated in bright red to his signature Campbell’s Soup Cans. On view through Jan. 5. Nassau County Museum of Art, 1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. (516) 484-9337 or NassauMuseum.org.
Art League of L.I. exhibit
In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Art League of Long Island presents “Retrospect - The Individual Art of Collaboration in Reconstructive Surgery.” The exhibit delves into the interplay between personal artistry and collaborative efforts in the context of breast reconstruction, showcasing how the healing process can transcend medicine to become an inspiring narrative of restoration and personal resilience. This unique exhibition explores the intersection of medicine and art through the lens of two accomplished breast reconstruction surgeons, Dr. Ron Israeli and Dr. Jonathan Bank, whose careers and artistic endeavors are deeply intertwined.
The works on display show the multifaceted nature of artistic expression in medicine and surgery. Their work emphasizes the importance of collaborative creativity in the healing process, offering viewers a unique perspective on the emotional and physical aspects of breast reconstruction. On view Sept. 28 through Oct. 18. Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery at Art League of Long Island, 107 East Deer Park Road, Dix Hills. Visit artleagueli.org for more information.

Chapter 2
A Little Wit, Whimsy and Wisdom—With A Few Wrinkles
Welcome to the first edition of an exciting new section in the Amityville Record, Massapequa Post and Babylon Beacon. It is the brainchild of four local residents— Jo Pettit, Phyllis Singer, Dolores Conroy and Jean Patman—who are in the next phase of their lives and wanted to share some of what they have learned along the way with the community.
Join them as they offer thoughts and perceptions on how they are making the later years purposeful, active, educational and fun! And send us your thoughts and perceptions in return.
Withstanding the sands of time
A steadfast group has long guarded the summer beach crowd
On a long sweep of soft sand leading to sparkling waves stands the Amityville Beach, barely touched by time even though it’s close to 85 years old. The guardians of its galaxy are a small group of men and women who have also grown older but remain unrelenting in giving their all every single summer’s day.
Bill Kretz, by profession a teacher and coach, has spent his summers at the Amityville Beach complex since 1978, working his way from pick-up boy to lifeguard to assistant director of the recreation program.
“Back when,” he recalls of the beginning years, “I was actually in charge of turning the lights off and on.”
From Bill’s point of view, not much has changed over the years except there are now additional buildings and several existing structures have been moved around. For almost 50 years, Bill has worked summers at the complex and has watched hundreds of children grow up from year to year.
Asked why he comes back to work so steadily, Bill points to the water of the Great South Bay and says, “Look at all this!”
In 1982, the recreation program was expanded to include sailing instruction and Terrylynn Bayon became the first instructor. She used her own 1964 Seaford Skiff, built by renowned boat builder Paul Ketcham, to give sailing lessons to area children.
Terrylynn, a computer teacher by profession, is now the Director of Recreation. She is very popular with the children she instructs and their families as well. “My favorite part of the job is seining in the shallow waters for tiny fish with the small children,” Terrylynn says. “They race to dump their silvery catch in the beach aquarium while learning to handle the little creatures carefully.”
She says she hasn’t seen much change over the years as far as her students go. It appears that she is among the most approachable people at the beach. It is not uncommon to see children – and adults-- seeking her out for attention or information, which she freely gives.
John O’Toole began working at the beach in the early 90s and recalls a brief period when budget crunches required Village residents to pay a $30 fee to use the beach. “The number of people who
regularly visited the beach dropped significantly,” he says. “And as soon as the fee was discontinued, the beach population grew radically!”
John also recalls that part of his job was shopping for groceries to stock the snack bar. He had no complaint with the various chores the staff was required to perform, because he says that meeting and caring for a continuous string of new people in such a pleasant place was worth a few menial tasks.
“I can no longer remember where I read the article,” John adds with pride, “but while I was employed at the beach a survey was published that named our beach area one of the best and most beautiful municipal parks on the East Coast.”
Jerry Pollock began working at the beach as a pick-up boy in the mid-90s and remembers being very happy to receive $1.25 an hour. He has been a lifeguard for 37 years and fondly reminisces about some of the activities that took place. A race called the “Regretta” (so named because of the hilarity it caused) was deemed the best. It was a race from the shore to the fence barrier with homemade crafts that kids would build from cardboard boxes or plastic tubs. With spectators screaming encouragement, many fell apart along the way but many somehow made it to the barrier. “Few were unscathed but all were laughing,” he remembers.
Now retired from teaching and coaching, Jerry spends much of the summer months assisting the beach director. He points out that some people come to the beach not for the sand and splash but to sit and talk with him. That, he said, is one of the best parts of his job.
The Amityville Beach complex is located on a patch of land once owned by the Alfred J. Vanderbilt family. The village bought it from the family in 1939, and set about making it a recreation area. It opened in 1940 and today it is known as the James A. Caples Memorial Park, named in honor of an Amityville resident and former Suffolk County police commissioner. A Fire Department training area and boat launch are at the northern part of the complex and at the southern tip sits the beach plus volleyball nets, ball fields, pavilions, a dog park and race tracks.
There is one person who was there almost at the beginning, and he still

has many fond memories of those early summers.
Bill Lauder, the Amityville village historian who recently celebrated his 102nd birthday, began working as a lifeguard at the beach three years after it opened
Bill smiles a lot recalling those early days. He remembers driving to work each day in his 1927 Ford coupe. Rose, his girlfriend (who became his wife), would swim across the bay from Amity Harbor to spend her days with him. Bill recalls

the pavilion had no kitchen back then, but to its west there was a snack bar where hot dogs and snacks were sold.
“It was a safe and friendly gathering place and was well-attended,” he says. The best part, he adds: “No one suffered any serious injuries or fatalities! I guess we did our jobs well!”
Photos / Jo Pettit
Bill Lauder and Al Rieser
Terrylynn Bayon and Billy Kretz
Jerry Pollock, seated and John O’Toole standing
Summertime, and the reading is easy
By Susan Benard-Handler
“Long Island” Scribner $28.99
“Long Island,” the sequel to Colm Tóibín’s acclaimed novel “Brooklyn,” revisits Eilis Lacey two decades after the events of the first book. Eilis, now married to Tony and living on Long Island, navigates the complexities of middle age, familial expectations, and personal identity.
The story delves into Eilis’s life with Tony, their children, and the broader dynamics of her extended ItalianAmerican family.
“Long Island” is a worthy continuation of Eilis’s story, providing a deeper exploration of her character and the enduring impact of her decisions.
“What a Shell Can Tell” Phaidon Press $19.95
“What a Shell Can Tell” by Helen Scales is an engaging and educational book that delves into the fascinating world of shells and the creatures that inhabit them. Aimed primarily at elementary to middle-school-aged children, the book uses a friendly question-and-answer format to explore the diverse forms and functions of shells.
The book begins by explaining the basics of what a shell is and the role it plays in protecting mollusks, the softbodied animals that create and live within these shells. It covers various aspects of shells, including their shapes, colors, and patterns, which can provide clues about the shell’s age, habitat, and the life of the mollusk that inhabited it.
One of the highlights of the book is its ability to engage young readers through hands-on observation and reasoning, encouraging them to look closely at shells they might find on their own beach adventures.
“Mona of the Manor”
Harper Collins $28.95
“Mona of the Manor” by Armistead Maupin is the 10th installment in the beloved “Tales of the City” series. Set in the early 1990s, the novel follows Mona Ramsey, now Lady Roughton, who resides at Easley House in the Cotswolds after the death of her gay husband, Lord Teddy. To manage the upkeep of the manor, Mona and her adopted son Wilfred run it as a bed and breakfast.
The novel retains Maupin’s characteristic warmth and humor, blending new adventures with nostalgic elements from previous books. The depiction of Mona’s struggles and the colorful cast of characters create a delightful yet poignant reading experience, making it a fitting conclusion to the long-running series.
But you don’t have to read the series to enjoy this book on its own.

A Little Wit, Whimsy and Wisdom—With A Few Wrinkles Chapter

Living on the water, nature’s amazing wonderland
By Dolores Conroy
Living on the water for me has been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate in and merge with nature. The Great South Bay is a beautiful and invigorating environment and home to its own unique creatures, is own weather and its very own wind.
Morning or night, winter or summer, the constant movement of water continually changes the surrounding scenery making it seem as though I’m living in a motion picture with the speed slowed down.
The late morning sun often shines on tips of the current, a twinkling carpet of diamonds, and the Bay shimmers with light. At night, its salty smell and lapping sound against the bulkhead are 100 milligrams of natural tranquilizer. I swim in it, eat out of it and joyride on top of it. All of which is mainly done in the summer when it begs to be explored.
Not too far is fabulous and picturesque Fire Island with its 20 different communities, multiple beach fronts for swimming and a diversity of bird, animal and plant life to see while hiking. It is over 2,200 years old and was formed by the tail end of huge half mile walls of glacial ice. The big low spot
became the Bay.
Boating along the coasts of the Bay has the advantage of seeing it all in a day. Boaters however always need to be vigil navigating its shallow waters, which range from only 3-4 feet to 20 feet. Fishermen and clammers can often be seen in autumn and even winter working for a catch.
Deep water flows under The Robert Moses Bridge and people often like to fish there. The bridge is designed like a sculpture with elegant curves and lacy arches. When the sun begins to set and reaches a halfway point, it looks like a pearl in the middle of the art deco bracelet the bridge resembles.
People often ask, “But what about floods, hurricanes and storms?” The stock answer is: “That’s the price of admission.” To me living on the water is the greatest show on earth., Every quality of its sounds, sights and smell heightens my awareness, revealing there are no greater miracles than those that occur in my own backyard.
Dolores Conroy is a therapist who finds peace in the strangest places
Earline V. Jefferson, 95, longtime Amityville resident
cjames@liherald.com “That sense of responsibility stayed with her throughout her life.”
Earline V. Jefferson who lived in Amityville for most of her adult life, died July 13, 2024. She was 95 years old and described by her family as a woman who harbored a strong affection for Amityville and believed strongly in giving back to the community she loved.
“She loved everything about Amityville: the parades and the shopping and al the events,” said her granddaughter Luna Jefferson. “She moved out of Amityville once, but quickly moved back because she said she missed all of those things and the sense of community that Amityville offered.”

Mrs. Jefferson was a member and taught Sunday School at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Amityville. She was a member of the Amityville Historical Society, the Amityville Senior Citizens, HSJ Ladies Auxiliary and Babylon Historical Society and the Hunter Squires Jackson Post American Legion Ladies Auxiliary.
She was also a woman who thought of others.
“When my grandmother was growing up, she saw how her mother reached out and helped those in need,” said Luna.
Mrs. Jefferson was born in Harlem, to Earl and Gertrude (Bloomfield) Chatfield. She moved to Amityville in her early 30s and worked for the New York Telephone Company for 33 years rising from the position as a cleaning lady to an administration assistant in Manhattan.
Her friend and fellow member of the American Legion, Jackie Jackson remembers her as a strong leader who knew how to manage people. “She was
treasurer of the American Legion Auxiliary, and she was very good at the job,” said Jackson. “She just knew how to deal with people in a caring way.”
147 Park Ave., Amityville Office Tel. 631-264-0763

Rev. Thomas W. Cusanelli
WORSHIP SERVICES: Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Thursday Worship 7:30 p.m.
Accessible to the Physically Challenged “The Friendly Church” www.stpaulsamityville.com

She was also a member and volunteer of a breast cancer coalition for decades.
Continued on page 24
C. Powell • Wesley A.
Family Owned and Operated for Five Generations
Broadway, Amityville, NY 11701 (Route 110, Just North of Merrick Road, In the Heart of the Historical District)
Handicapped Accessible Pre-Need Information Available


175 Broadway, Amityville 631-264-0004

Fr. Randolph Jon Geminder, Rector www.facebook.com/ StMarysAmityville
Sunday: Matins 7:30 am Low Mass: 8:00 am Sung Mass 10:00 am (With Nursery & Church School) Tuesday thru Saturday
30 Locust Ave., Amityville 631-789-2569
Rev. Akio Iyoda, Pastor SUNDAY
Worship Service • 11:00 am “Here you are a stranger but once” Handicapped Accessible • ROMAN CATHOLIC
Rev. Gerard Gordon Pastor Masses : Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 Noon, and 5:00 pm Church: www.stmartinschurch.org School: www.smtschool.org 37 Union Ave. Amityville, NY 11701 • 631-264-0124
MORTGAGE ASSETS MANAGEMENT, LLC, Plaintiff AGAINST LAWRENCE I DAVIDSON INDIVIDUALLY AND AS SURVIVING JOINT TENANT WITH RIGHTS OF SURVIVORSHIP OF STELLA MARIA DAVIDSON, ET AL., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered May 28, 2024, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Babylon Town Hall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst, NY 11757 on September 27, 2024 at 10:00AM, premises known as 3 North Emerald Lane, Amityville, NY 11701. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being at Amityville, in the Town of Babylon in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, District: 0100 Section: 174.00 Block: 03.00 Lot: 086.000. Approximate amount of judgment $249,475.63 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #201555/2022. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in acco rdance with the District and SUFFOLK County Auction Plan in effect at this time. Richard Lavorata Jr., Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC 1775 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 22001731 81863 24-505. 8/28, 9/4, 11, 18
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered on June 27, 2024, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Babylon Town Hall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, North Lindenhurst, NY 11757 on September 18, 2024 at 11:30 a.m., premises known as 72 East June Street, North Lindenhurst, NY 11757.
Public Notices — Your right to know
All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Babylon, County of Suffolk and State of New York, District 0100, Section 128.00, Block 01.00 and Lot 082.000. Approximate amount of judgment is $144,604.53 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #611399/2020.
Thomas A. Abbate, Esq., Referee
Friedman Vartolo LLP, 85 Broad Street, Suite 501, New York, New York 10004, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Firm File No. 232037-1 24-490 8/14, 21, 28 , 9/4
Wells Fargo Bank, NA, Plaintiff AGAINST
John Ikhihibhojere; Bola Asemota; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered April 10, 2023, and Amended August 16, 2023, I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at public auction at the Babylon Town Hall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst, NY 11757 on September 12, 2024 at 3:00PM, premises known as 508 Albany Avenue, Amityville, NY 11701. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being at Amityville, in the Town of Babylon, County of Suffolk, State of NY, District: 0100 Section: 173.00 Block: 01.00 Lot: 134.000. Approximate amount of judgment $632,544.52 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index# 624177/2017. The auction will be conducted pursuant to the COVID-19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of Foreclosed Property established by the 10th Judicial District. Pamela J. Greene, Esq., Referee LOGS Legal Group LLP f/k/a Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC
Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) 430-4792
Dated: June 28, 2024
For sale information, please visit www.Auction.com or call (800) 280-2832
24-491 8/14, 21. 28, 9/4
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 7, 2021, wherein HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS, INC., MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, MANA SERIES 2007-A3 is the Plaintiff and KAHN GRANT, ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the BABYLON TOWN HALL, 200 EAST SUNRISE HIGHWAY, NORTH LINDENHURST, NY 11757, on September 18, 2024 at 2:30PM, premises known as 56 EAST SMITH STREET, AMITYVILLE, NY 11701; and the following tax map identification: 0100169.00-02.00-051.000.
ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE LYING AND BEING AT AMITYVILLE, TOWN OF BABYLON, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No.: 603622/2019. James A. Pascarella, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES.
24-496. 8/14, 21, 28, 9/4
Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No.: 011467/2010. Robert Macedonio, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All fore-closure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION
24-497. 8/21, 28, 9/4, 11
NOTICE OF SALE U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE RMAC TRUST, SERIES 2016CTT, Plaintiff AGAINST Ryszard Kozikowski, Anna Chelstowska and Czeslaw Chelstowski, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Babylon Town Hall, on September 20, 2024 at 9:00AM, premises known as: 99 Wilson Ave., Amityville, NY 11701 aka 99 Wilson Avenue Amity Harbor, NY 11701. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Babylon and County of Suffolk and State of New York, District 0100, Section 182.00, Block 02.00, Lot 019.002. SALE WILL NOT RESULT IN CLEAR TITLE TO PURCHASER and is subject to a lien in favor of DCFS Trust 4600 Touchton Road, Building 200, Suite 400, Jacksonville, FL 32246, that was not extinguished by the foreclosure. SALE IS ALSO SUBJ ECT TO PENDING LITIGATION IN THE FORECLOSURE ACTION, INCLUDING AN APPEAL. This litigation shall not be a valid basis for the refund of purchaser’s deposit regardless of whether or not purchaser is able to obtain title insurance. NO ADJOURNMENTS OF CLOSING WILL BE AGREED TO BY PLAINTIFF. STRICT ADHERENCE TO TERMS OF SALE WILL BE REQUIRED. Ernest T. Bartol, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 81799 24-499. 8/21, 28, 9/4, 11
Pursuant to provisions of Local Law # 9 of the
Babylon Town Code, notice is hereby given that the Town of Babylon Accessory Apartment Review Board will hold a public hearing in the Town Board Meeting Room in the East Wing of Town Hall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst, New York on Tuesday eve, ¬¬¬¬September 10th, 2024. Public hearings begin 6:00pm.
1. Ferdos A. Bablu 188 E. 6th Street Deer Park, NY 11729
2. Lorraine Jerome Life Estate C/O Marissa Kohlbrenner 10 Harding Ave Lindenhurst, NY 11757
3. Motahar & Runa Hossain 304 W. 2nd Street Deer Park, NY 11729
4. Shivjit Nakai 25 Nantucket Lane Deer Park, NY 11729
5. Ian & Meaghan Cullen 415 Venetian Blvd Lindenhurst, NY 11757
All interested persons should appear at the above time and place by order of Sandra Thomas, Chairperson, Accessory Apartment Review Board, Town of Babylon, North Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, New York. Amityville Record: Wednesday, September 4th, 2024 24-509. 9/4
In accordance with Notfor-Profit Corporation Law §1513-a, Beth Moses Cemetery Corporation, located at 1500 Wellwood Ave, West Babylon, NY 11704, is commencing the process to declare abandoned and reacquire certain unused gravesites on the grounds of INDEPENDENT SOCHOTZOWER YOUNG MEN’S SICK SUPPORT SOCIETY. Contact information: Beth Moses Cemetery Corporation c/o John Nolan (631-249-2290) September 2024 24-512. 9/4, 11, 18
SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Plaintiff, -against- LEROY R. HAMILTON AS HEIR OF THE ESTATE OF BEATRICE HAMILTON; ANNETTE LAVERN PRICE AS HEIR OF THE ESTATE OF BEATRICE HAMILTON; COMMUNITY CONSTRUCTION CORP.; KINGS COUNTY LAFAYETTE TRUST COMPANY; THE DARTMOUTH PLAN, INC.; UNITED STATES OF AMERICAINTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF BEATRICE HAMILTON, any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may claim to have an interest in, or general or specific lien upon the real property described in this action; such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants,
Public Notices — Your right to know
executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; and JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE #1 through #7, the last seven (7) names being fictitious and unknown to the Plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or parties, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the mortgaged premises described in the Complaint, and JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE #1 through #7, the last seven (7) names being fictitious and unknown to the Plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or parties, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the mortgaged premises described in the Complaint, Defendants. INDEX # 628335/2023 Original filed with Clerk 11/13/2023 Plaintiff Designates Suffolk County as the Place of Trial. The Basis of Venue is that the subject action is situated Suffolk County. Premises: 79 S 32nd St Wyandanch, NY 11798. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED
DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff’s Attorney(s) within 20 days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); the United States of America may appear or answer within 60 day of service hereof; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The supplemental summons and amended complaint are being filed pursuant to Court order dated August 13, 2024. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this Summons and Complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and
filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATIONAND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Dated: Uniondale, New York, August 14, 2024 Respectfully submitted, Pincus Law Group, PLLC. By: Lili Roarke, Esq., Attorneys for Plaintiff, 425 RXR Plaza Uniondale, NY 11556, 516-699-8902 24-504. 8/28, 9/4, 11, 18
RESIDENCE UNKNOWN, AND CANNOT AFTER DILIGENT INQUIRY BE ASCERTAINED BY THE PLAINTIFF, ARLICIA ROBINSON AKA ARLICIA S. ROBINSON A/K/A ARLICIA S. AGARD, et al Defendant(s) Attorney for Plaintiff(s) McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC, 28 Corporate Drive, Suite 104, Halfmoon, NY 12065. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered January 5, 2024, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at Babylon Townhall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst, NY 11757 on October 2, 2024 at 9:00 AM. Premises known as 254 Albany Avenue, Amityville, NY 11701. District 0100 Sec 169.00 Block 02.00 Lot 032.000. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Babylon, North of the Village of Amityville, County of Suffolk and State of New York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $578,901.22 plus interest, fees, and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No 615235/2018. The foreclosure sale will be conducted in accordance with 10th Judicial District's Covid-19 Policies and foreclosure auction rules. The Referee shall enforce any rules in place regarding facial coverings and social distancing.
Sabita Hajaree-Ramsaran, Esq., Referee File # 21-001073-01 24-503. 8/28, 9/4, 11,18
NOTICE is hereby given that the BOARD OF APPEALS of the Village of Amityville will hold a Public Hearing in the Court Room of Village Hall, 21 Ireland Place, Amityville, NY at 7:00 P.M. on THURSDAY, September 19th, 2024, to consider the following applications: Application of Bing Jing Gao. Applicant seeks a variance to install a 5 foot fence on a waterfront parcel pursuant to Section 183-139 A. (1) of the Village of Amityville Code. Premises located on the Southwest corner of Macdonald Avenue and Farragut Place in a “Residential BB” District known as 1 Farragut Place a/k/a SCTM# 101-141-47.1.
Application of Anthony
Augello. Applicant seeks renewal of a previously approved special exception for a mixed use dwelling pursuant to Section 183-82 A. (10) (a) of the Village of Amityville Code. Premises located on the Southeast corner of Greene Avenue and Ketcham Avenue in a “Business 2” district known as 195 Ketcham Avenue, a/k/a SCTM# 101-5-2-37.
Application of Tuyet Van Nguyen. Applicant seeks renewal of a previously approved special exception for a non-owner occupied two-family dwelling pursuant to Section 183-43 C. (6) of the Village of Amityville Code. Premises located on the Northeast corner of Oak Street and Wellington place in a “Residential B” District known as 66 Oak Street, a/k/a SCTM# 101-4-3-22.
Application of Lucy Pellegrino. Applicant seeks a variance to erect a 6 foot masonry wall in the front yard where 5’ high is the maximum height allowed pursuant to Section 183139 A. (2) of the Village of Amityville Code. Premises located on the west side of Grand Central Avenue approximately 1,592 feet South of Dewey Avenue in a “Residence A” District known as 347 Grand Central Avenue a/k/a SCTM# 101-14-1-24.
Application of Dennis Vogel. Applicant seeks a variance to erect a 6 foot vinyl fence on a waterfront parcel pursuant to Section 183-139 A. (1) of the Village of Amityville Code. Premises located on the East side of Grand Central Avenue approximately 110 feet South of Macdonald Avenue in a “Residential A” District known as 254 Grand Central Avenue a/k/a SCTM# 101-14-2-41.
Application of Chris Ross on behalf of Elizabeth Gandalfo. Applicant seeks a variance to maintain a 6 foot vinyl fence pursuant to Section 183-139 A. (1) of the Village of Amityville Code. Premises located on the East side of Forrest Place approximately 105 feet North of Terry Avenue in a “Residential B” District known as 97 Forrest Place a/k/a SCTM# 101-6-3-22.
Application of Todd Brice. Applicant seeks renewal of a previously approved special exception for a nonowner occupied two-family
dwelling pursuant to Section 183-83 of the Village of Amityville Code. Premises located on the West side of South Ketcham Avenue approximately 170 feet South of Morris Street in a “B-3 Business” District known as 217 South Ketcham Avenue a/k/a SCTM# 101-11-1-14. Application of AJG Associates, LTD on behalf of Virginia M. D’Andrea Revocable Trust. Applicant seeks multiple variances associated with the proposed construction of two (2) Multiple Dwellings. Variance 1 is a Use Variance to erect two (2) Multiple Dwellings in the Historical District pursuant to Section 183-68 of the Village of Amityville Code. Variance 2 is a Use Variance to erect two (2) Multiple Dwellings in the Residential A District pursuant to Section 183-9 of the Village Code. Variance 3 is to increase the allowed height from 32 feet to 34 feet on the Rear Building pursuant to Section 183-72 of the Village Code. Variance 4 is to reduce the required front yard setback on the Front Building from the existing front yard average to less than 1 foot pursuant to Section 183-75 of the Village Code. Variance 5 is to reduce the required side yard setback on the Rear Building from 12 feet to 3.6 feet pursuant to Section 183-76 of the Village Code. Variance 6 is to reduce the required rear yard setback on the rear building from the proposed building height of 34 feet to 10 feet pursuant to Section 183-76 of the Village Code. Premises located on the West side of Broadway approximately 36 feet South of Avon Place partially in a “Historical” District and partially in a “Residential A” District known as 137-157 Broadway a/k/a SCTM # 101-5-9-2.
By order of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Village of Amityville Catherine Murdock, Clerk/Treasurer 24-507 8/28, 9/4
The Town of Babylon Rental Review Board will hold a Public Hearing at The Town of Babylon, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst, New York (East Wing Board Room) on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 6:00pm NEW APPLICATION
1. Sicha Fausto 45 Scott Ave. Deer Park NY 11729
SCTM NO: 0100-118-136.001
2. Ana Cepaeda 65 Verrazano Ave. Copiague NY 11726
SCTM NO: 0100-1971-31
3. Sasha Bernard 421 Venetian Blvd. Lindenhurst NY 11757
SCTM NO: 0100-227-5-84
4. Rahuldeep Singh 51 S. Crescent Dr. E. Farmingdale NY 11735
SCTM NO: 0100-47-3-30 RENEWALS
1. Barbara Pettigrew 326 Walker St. West Babylon NY 11704
SCTM NO: 0100-1412-5.001
2. Mary Jones 35 Pecan St. Wyandanch NY 11798
SCTM NO: 0100-80-2-81 24-510. 9/4
NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on November 30, 2023, wherein U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF9 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST is the Plaintiff and HENRY THOMAS JR., ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the BABYLON TOWN HALL, 200 EAST SUNRISE HIGHWAY, NORTH LINDENHURST, NY 11757, on October 8, 2024 at 2:00PM, premises known as 17 PINE ROAD, AMITYVILLE, NY 11701; and the following tax map identification: 0100099.00-01.00-040.000.
Public Notices — Your right to know
Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No.: 602719/2020. Robert A. Macedonio, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES.
24-511. 9/4, 11, 18, 25
Notice of Formation of JUNAID RAJANI DDS, PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/8/24. Office location: Suffolk County. SSNY designated as agent of PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The PLLC, c/o Junaid Rajani, 120 Broadway B, Amityville, NY 11701. Purpose: to practice the profession of Dentistry.
24-498 . 8/21, 28, 9/4, 11, 18, 25
Notice of formation of Lawrence “10” Wayne Enterprises, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State (SSNY) on 07/30/2024. offc located in Suffolk County. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC to 10 Leonard Place Amityville, NY 11701. Purpose: any lawful purpose.
24-489 8/14, 21, 28, 9/4, 11, 18
24-500. 8/21, 28, 9/4, 11
INDEX NO.: 622154/2018
Date Filed: October 18, 2023
DSBL #: 0100-174.0004.00-002.000
Plaintiff designates SUFFOLK County as the place of trial; venue is based upon the county in which the mortgaged premises is situate.
Citibank, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. Suffolk County Public Administrator as Administrator of the Estate of John C. Abrams a/k/a John Abrams; John C. Abrams, Jr. a/k/a John Abrams, Jr. Individually and as heir of the Estate of John C. Abrams a/k/a John Abrams; Juanita M. Abrams a/k/a Martha J. Abrams as Heir and Distributee of the Estate of John C. Abrams a/k/a John Abrams; Barry Abrams as Heir and Distributee of the Estate John C. Abrams a/k/a John Abrams, if living and if he be dead, his heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees, and successors in interest of any of the aforesaid defendants and all heirs-at-law, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees, and successors in interest of any of the aforesaid classes of person, if they or any of them be dead, and their respective husbands, wives or widows, if any, and all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to plaintiff, except as herein stated; Avery Abrams as Heir and Distributee of the Estate John C. Abrams a/k/a John Abrams; Unknown Heirs of The Estate of John C. Abrams a/k/a John Abrams, and all the heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees and successors in interest of any of the aforesaid defendants, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees and successors in interest of any of the aforesaid classes of person, if they or any of them be dead, and their respective husbands, wives or widows, if any, and all of whom and whose names and places of residence are un-
known to plaintiff, except as herein stated; United States of America o/b/o Internal Revenue Service; New York State Department of Taxation and Finance; Clerk of the Suffolk County District Court Traffic and Parking Violations Agency; Clerk of the Suffolk County District Court; Commissioner of Taxation and Finance; John Doe #1 through #6, and Jane Doe #1 through #6, the last twelve names being fictitious, it being the intention of Plaintiff to designate any and all occupants, tenants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises being foreclosed herein.
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the attorneys for the Plaintiff within 20 days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York). In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Amended Complaint.
THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure $198,251.00 and interest, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on March 10, 2006 in Liber M00021251, Page 816, covering premises known as 36 Somerset Road East, Amityville, New York 11701, DSBL #: 0100-174.00-04.00002.000.
The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. The Plaintiff also seeks a deficiency judgment against the Defendants and for any debt secured by said Mortgage which is not satisfied by the proceeds of the sale of said premises.
TO the Defendants Barry Abrams as Heir and Distributee of the Estate John C. Abrams a/k/a John Abrams, if living and if he be dead, his heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees, and successors in interest of any of the aforesaid defendants and all heirs-atlaw, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees, and successors in interest of any of the aforesaid classes of person, if they or any of them be dead, and their respective husbands, wives or widows, if any, and all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to plaintiff, except as herein stated, the foregoing Supplemental Summons with Notice is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. Paul M. Hensley, J.S.C. of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Suffolk, dated and filed July 30, 2024 and filed August 2, 2024.
Dated: August 27, 2024
/s/ Christhie M. Montero
Christhie M. Montero, Esq.
McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC
420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 840
New York, New York 10170
Phone: 347.286.7409
Fax: 347-286-7414
Attorneys for Plaintiff, Citibank, N.A. HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS IN FORECLOSURE NEW YORK STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT WE SEND YOU THIS NOTICE ABOUT THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME. IF YOU FAIL TO RESPOND TO THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT IN THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR HOME. PLEASE READ THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT CAREFULLY. YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONTACT AN ATTORNEY OR YOUR LOCAL LEGAL AID OFFICE TO OBTAIN ADVICE ON HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF. SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE. The State encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid office, there are government agencies and non-profit organizations that you may contact for information about possible options, including trying to work with your lender during this process.
To locate an entity near you, you may call the tollfree helpline maintained by the New York State Banking Department of Financial Services at 1-800-342-3736 or visit the Department's website at www.dfs.ny.gov. FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS
Be careful of people who approach you with offers to "save" your home. There are individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in order to unfairly profit from a homeowner's distress. You should be extremely careful about any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you until they have completed all such promised services. 24-513 9/4, 11, 18, 25
Pursuant to Chapter 186, Site Plan Review, and Chapter 213, Zoning, of the Babylon Town Code and Section 276 of the Town Law, notice is hereby given that the Town of Babylon Planning Board will hold public and/or informational hearings(s) at the Babylon Town Hall, Town Board Room, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst, New York, on the Monday, September 9, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. prevailing time or as soon thereafter as can be heard to consider the following application(s): PUBLIC HEARING/MINOR SUBDIVISION
JOB# 24-20B; Matthew Walczuk/MSM Florida LLC: SCTM# 0100-19601-013 and 0100-196-01014: Zone Residence C:
SEQRA – Unlisted Action, Uncoordinated Review: Applicant proposes to reconfigure (subdivide) two (2) lots totaling 16,404sf, into two (2) 8,202sf lots in order to erect two (2) new single family dwellings.: Property is located on the south side of Scudder Avenue, 885.72’ east of Great Neck Road, Copiague, Suffolk County, Town of Babylon, New York JOB# 24-19B; 7/11 Farmers Realty Corp.: SCTM# 0100-154-04049.006 and 0100-154-04049.005: Zone Residence B:
SEQRA – Unlisted Action, Uncoordinated Review: Applicant proposes to legally maintain the subdivision of a 21,056sf lot into one 10,451.04sf lot and one 10,606.09sf lot in order to erect a new two-story single family dwelling on Lot #2 and legally maintain the existing single family dwelling Lot #1.: Property is located on the south side of Farmers Avenue, 185.49’ west of N. Indiana Avenue, Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, Town of Babylon, New York
All interested persons should appear at the above time and place by order of Patrick Halpin, Chairperson of the Planning Board, Town of Babylon, North Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, New York
Public Notices — Your right to know
Amityville Record: 09-0424 24-514. 9/4
Pursuant to Chapter 213, Article II of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Babylon, notice is hereby given that the Town of Babylon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing at TOWN BOARD ROOM
(Located in the East Wing) at Babylon Town Hall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst, New York on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2024
6:00 p.m.
1. Application #24163 of Chester M. Hazel, 24 Fulton Street, West Babylon, NY. Permission to diminish front yard setback from 30’ to 21’. All in connection with the erection of proposed second floor addition, a twostory addition and a front portico. Property located on the south side of Fulton Street, 278.78’ east of Straight Path, West Babylon, NY.
Zoning District: Residence B
6:05 p.m.
2. Application #24164 of Linda Pavlicko, 112 Bond Street, West Babylon, NY. Permission to increase building area from 20% to 25.57% (over by 613.1 sq. ft.); diminish distance to north side lot line from 8’ to 1.3’ (for accessory building (shed)); diminish distance to south side lot line from 6’ to 5’ (for pool); diminish distance to rear lot line from 6’ to 5’ (for pool). All in connection with legally maintaining an above ground swimming pool, two (2) sheds, and a rear yard paver patio. Property located on the west side of Bond Street, 200’ north of Barnum Street, West Babylon, NY.
6:10 p.m.
3. Application #24167 of Michael and Veronica Romero, 301 West 18th Street, Deer Park, NY. Permission to increase total building area from 30% to 57.2% (over by 2,041.84 sq. ft.); increase total building area of the rear yard from 45% to 82.4% (over by 1,295.2 sq. ft.); diminish distance to rear lot line from 2’ to 0’ (for pavers); diminish distance to north side lot line from 2’ to 0’ (for pavers); in-
crease area of the front yard used as a driveway from 40% to 44% (over by 83.6 sq. ft.). All in connection with legally maintaining masonry pavers, an in-ground swimming pool and the expansion of a driveway. Property located on the east side of West 18th Street, 301’ south of Oakland Avenue, Deer Park, NY.
Zoning District: Residence C
6:15 p.m.
4. Application #24165 of Abdus Sabur, 110 Adams Street, Deer Park, NY. Permission to diminish front yard setback from 30’ to 27.6’ (for front portico); diminish rear yard setback from 40’ to 32.3’ (for basement entrance). All in connection with legally maintaining a modified front portico and an outside cellar entrance and egress window for a finished basement with threepiece bathroom. Property located on the south side of Adams Street, 100’ west of Ocean Avenue, Deer Park, NY.
Zoning District: Residence B
6:20 p.m.
5. Application #24160 of Abril Martinez-Arraya (applicant)/Target Corporation (property owner), 1 North Lexington Avenue, White Plains, NY. Permission to increase number of
signs per parcel from one (1) to two (2); increase area of ground sign from 32 sq. ft. to 104.04 sq. ft.; increase area of ground sign from 32 sq. ft. to 138.04 sq. ft.; increase height of ground sign #1 from 15’ to 25’; increase height of ground sign #2 from 15’ to 25’. All in connection with legally maintain two (2) nonconforming ground signs (previously approved for five (5) years; expired January 5, 2011). Property located on the east side of Broadhollow Road, 208’ north of Milbar Boulevard, east Farmingdale, NY.
Zoning District: Industry G
Subject Premises: 2121 Broadhollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 1173
Dated: Babylon Town Hall
Lindenhurst, New York
AUGUST 27, 2024 24-515. 9/4
someone stops advertising, someone stops selling. When someone stops selling, someone stops buying. When someone stops buying, someone stops making. When someone stops making, someone stops working. When someone stops working, someone stops earning. When someone stops earning, everything stops.
Free and reduced school meal policy
The following school districts are offering free and reduced price meals for students meeting eligibility guidelines, as set down by the Federal government. Households which currently include children who receive food stamps or Aid to Dependent Children or Food Distribution Program, Indian Reservations, must complete an application listing the child’s name, a food stamp or other number and signature of an adult household member to participate. Households with annual incomes of no more than $19,578 one person, to $65,536 for 8 people, (for each additional member, add $6,994) are eligible for free lunch-breakfast-milk.
In addition, households with annual incomes of no more than $27,861 one person, to $97,532 for 8 people, (for each additional member, add $9,953) are eligible for reduced price lunch-breakfast.
No child may be discriminated against because of race, gender or sexual orientation, color, national origin, age or handicap. If any member of a household believes that they have been discriminated against, they should write to the USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 or call 202-690-7442 program.intake@usda.gov.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: program.intake@usda.gov.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. To receive an application, call your local school district:
Amityville: 631-565-6000
Copiague: 631-842-4015 X530 (All students in Copiague get free and reduced lunch; no applications necessary)
Massapequa: 516-308-5000
Plainedge: 516-992-7450
Farmingdale: 516-434-5251
Western Suffolk BOCES 631-549-4900
Nassau BOCES 516-396-2207
A complete copy of the policy is on file in the office of the School Food Authority District Administrator, where it may be reviewed by interested persons.
Family Fall Festival
Saturday, October 5
Boyd-Caratozzolo Funeral Home in Deer Park will be hosting a fall festival for the entire family on Saturday, October 5 and the festival organizers are currently seeking kid specific vendors i.e., sensory supplies, freeze dried candy, slime, bows and desserts.
If you are interested in participating as a vendor, please email Lindsay.packard@dignitymemorial. com
Boyd-Caratozzolo Funeral Home is located at 1785 Deer Park Avenue, Deer Park.

Assistant Director for Special Education Services
Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools (HWPS) is located on the south shore of Long Island and is consistently ranked as one of the highest performing Districts on both state and national levels. The District educates approximately 2800 Pre-K through 12th grade students across five schools. Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools is dedicated to providing all students with enriching and exciting educational experiences in caring, student-centered environments.
We are seeking an innovative, experienced, and collaborative administrator to provide support and guidance to the District's P-12 special education programs.
Required qualifications: NYSED certification in administration (SDA/SDL).
Preferred qualifications: Minimum eight years' experience as a building level/district administrator; requires extensive knowledge of current special education law, non-public school mandates, and STACs; experience chairing CSE meetings, budget process, and supervision and observation of staff; the ability to communicate effectively with students, parents, staff, and community members.
Interested candidates must apply on OLAS by September 20, 2024 at:
Completed OLAS application must include: cover letter, resume, and letters of recommendation. Equal Opportunity Employer 1268222
Help Wanted
Full Time and Part Time
Positions Available!
Busy Print Shop in Garden City is Hiring Immediately for Full Time and Part Time Drivers. Must Have a Clean License and BoxTruck Driving Experience.
Hours Vary, Salary Ranges from $17 per hour to $21 per hour Night Availability is a Must. Please Email Resume to careers@liherald.com or Call (516)569-4000 x239
Company Car/ Bonuses. Clean Driving Record Required, Will Train. Retirees Welcome!
$20 - $25/ Hour Bell Auto School
Email: info@bellautoschool.com
Part Time & Full Time. The award-winning Herald Community Newspapers group, covering Nassau County's North and South Shores with hard-hitting news stories and gracefully written features, seeks a motivated, energetic and creative editor/reporter to join our dynamic (and awesome) team! This education and general assignment reporting position offers a unique experience to learn from some of the best in the business. Historically, reporters who have launched their careers with us have gone on to The New York Times, Newsweek, Newsday, the New York Daily News, New York Post, CNN, BBC, NBC News and The Daily Mail, among many others. We look for excellent writers who are eager to learn, enhance their skills, and become well-established and respected journalists in our industry. Salary range is from $20K to $45K To apply: Send a brief summary in the form of a cover letter describing your career goals and what strengths you can bring to our newsroom, along with a resume and three writing samples to mhinman@liherald.com


Herald Community Newspapers is seeking a motivated and knowledgeable Email Marketing Expert to join our team. If you have a passion for crafting effective email campaigns and a knack for data-driven decision-making, this role is for you!
Set up and manage email campaigns from start to finish. Analyze data to identify target audiences and optimize email strategies. Craft compelling email content, including writing effective subject lines. Monitor and report on campaign performance.
Degree in Marketing, Business, or related field. Strong understanding of data analysis and marketing principles. Experience with email marketing is preferred but not required.
POSITION DETAILS: Flexible: Part-time or Full-time. Salary range: $16,640 to $70,000, depending on experience and role.
Join our dynamic team and help us connect with our audience in meaningful ways! Apply today by sending your resume and a brief cover letter to lberger@liherald.com
Immediate Opening at our Garden City Location DESIRED SKILLS: Electrical * Welding * Carpentry Mechanical * Plumbing Part Time/Fulltime (benefits available with full time) $18-$30 per hour based on experience Richner Communications, Inc 2 Endo Blvd Garden City, NY 11530 Send resume to careers@lixtherald.com or Call 516-569-4000 ext 211

Public relations/communications firm is seeking a photographer to cover school district events at schools in Riverhead and other eastern Suffolk County communities. Most assignments are during the school day with some evenings and weekend shoots. $75 per hour (travel time at 50%).
Photography is for pictures to accompany press releases to local papers, in school district newsletters and on school district social media pages. Call or email for details: redelson@zeccmail.com or 516.205.1951. In the subject line of email or if leaving a phone message, indicate Riverhead/Suffolk photographer inquiry. PHOTOGRAPHER WANTED
MAILROOM/ WAREHOUSE HELP Long Island Herald has IMMEDIATE openings for a FULL-TIME & PART-TIME mailroom/warehouse helper in Garden City. We are a busy print shop looking for motivated and reliable individuals to assist in various duties in the shop. Forklift experience is a plus and heavy lifting is required. Hours vary, so flexibility is key. Salary Ranges fromo $16 per hour to $20 per hour. Email resumes or contact info to careers@liherald.com
Inside Sales
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Photography is for pictures to accompany press releases to local papers, in school district newsletters and on school district social media pages. Call or email for details: redelson@zeccmail.com or 516.205.1951. In the subject line of email or if leaving a phone message, indicate Riverhead/Suffolk photographer inquiry. PHOTOGRAPHER WANTED RIVERHEAD AND EASTERN SUFFOLK COUNTY
Public relations/communications firm is seeking
Public relations/communications firm is seeking a photographer to cover school district events at schools in Riverhead and other eastern Suffolk County communities. Most assignments are during the school day with some evenings and weekend shoots. $75 per hour (travel time at 50%).

Public relations/communications firm is seeking a photographer to cover school district events at schools in Riverhead and other eastern Suffolk County communities. Most assignments are during the school day with some evenings and weekend shoots. $75 per hour (travel time at 50%).
photographer to cover school district events at schools in Riverhead and other eastern Suffolk County communities. Most assignments are during the school day with some evenings and weekend shoots. $75 per hour (travel time at 50%).

Photography is for pictures to accompany press releases to local papers, in school district newsletters and on school district social media pages. Call or email for details: redelson@zeccmail.com or 516.205.1951. In the subject line of email or if leaving a phone message, indicate Riverhead/Suffolk photographer inquiry.
Photography is for pictures to accompany press releases to local papers, in school district newsletters and on school district social media pages. Call or email for details: redelson@zeccmail.com or 516.205.1951. In the subject line of email or if leaving a phone message, indicate Riverhead/Suffolk photographer inquiry.

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Richner Communications, One of the Fastest Growing Media, Event and Communications Companies on Long Island is Seeking a Sales/Marketing Candidate to Sell our Print Media Products and our Digital, Events, Sponsorships. Earning potential ranges from $33,280 plus commission and bonuses to over

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Preparing to sell in an area that flooded

Q. We live in an area that was flooded, and have a few items to take care of before we sell. My husband put in a deck when we first moved in, around 1982. It has been there so long, but the real estate people told us it still needs a permit. It’s only 24 inches off the ground. They also mentioned that it’s too close to our back property line, but we’re next to a waterway and have no neighbors behind us. Is that still the same problem? Our fences are new and so are the front steps, which we rebuilt to add planters and a bench. What can you tell us about what we should do before we sell?
A. Take a lovely vacation and relax, enjoy yourself and then prepare for a lot of minutia that will likely delay your ability to sell, unless you negotiate the price down for a buyer who can persuade a lender that they will take over the list of items you mentioned. In situations like this, there are many peripheral issues.

For example, the waterway may be either a local or state jurisdiction that limits how close you can build to a “protected” environment. As if that’s not enough, your municipality is one of the few that has many outstanding requirements that it claims it notified every homeowner about right after Hurricane Sandy. Prepare for the ambush of having to get a “proof of loss statement from the National Flood Insurance Program.”
I have heard time and time again, “Oh, we had no damage,” which is great, since the national clearinghouse that compiles records about every property will prove that. If it turns out that there was a large payout from private insurance or public funding, the NFIP letter will show that more is needed, including recent building plans, a possible plumbing permit, electrical inspection and documents to close out a repair permit — yes, even from over a decade ago.
When I arrive at a home and have to go into detail about how many requirements there are and how strict they’ve become, I always think of our custodian in elementary school. His name was Gus, and I remember his large, round face and how disgusted he was when he was called to a classroom where a child had thrown up lunch from the cafeteria. I identify with Gus, because mopping up these not-so-simple messes, the ones that someone told you were simple, is getting more complicated the longer people wait.
This doesn’t seem to be the case in every jurisdiction, mostly the largest ones. Many decks built long ago don’t meet recent code standards, and there’s no such thing as “grandfathered.” The hours spent explaining these things, and then reexplaining them when a handyperson doesn’t install the correct connectors or takes a shortcut with a required footing support, add up to more cost and animosity. Good luck!
Ask The

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Your lawn may be killing you — and many other creatures
You know those little yellow flags stuck on lawns in your neighborhood? Think of them as tombstones.
Those markers signify a recent application of pesticides, a broad category of chemicals designed to kill insects, weeds and fungi. There’s some evidence that they can kill animals and people, too.

Roundup, one of the most common herbicides, has been banned or restricted in some states and countries due to fears of its impact on human health and the environment. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is listed by the World Health Organization as a probable carcinogen.
Pesticides like this one are being applied with abandon on Long Island’s lawns, endangering the Island’s only aquifer while threatening the health of its human residents as well as the birds, bees and household pets that share our biosphere.
“Several types of cancer, immune-
response deficiencies, neurological diseases and birth defects have been associated with exposure to lawn chemicals,” a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication states.
Suffolk County registered by far the heaviest doses of pesticides used among New York counties in 2021 — 6.5 million pounds, according to the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation. Nassau ranked as the sixth most chemically doused county, with 1.6 million pounds of pesticides used to keep homeowners’ grass weed- and bug-free.
PSociety of the United States, which included Trepanier’s comment in a report last year.
“Rates of lymphoma in pets of pesticide users are significantly higher than occurrences in the pets of non-chemical users,” the Mid-America Research Council added.
esticides are being applied with abandon on Long Island’s yards.
In reporting on the DEC finding, Newsday observed, “Far too much pesticide is poured to attain lawns that could be mistaken for putting greens, with far too little concern for the environment, experts say.”
Research shows clear links between herbicide exposure and non-Hodgkin lymphoma and bladder cancer in humans, Lauren Trepanier, professor of internal medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, says. Both of those cancers are also common in dogs, notes the Human
Pretty much no living things — except lawn grass — co-exist well with pesticides. Butterflies, lightning bugs and honeybees, along with every other type of insect, are killed by chemicals that are advertised as fatal to mosquitoes.
In fact, scientists say we’re in the throes of an “insect apocalypse.” And if present death rates continue, they add, there won’t be any insects left alive a century from now. That will be bad news not only for the bugs themselves, but also for birds, flowers and food. Insects are responsible for pollinating 75 percent of all flowering plants, including about onethird of the crops consumed by humans.
Birds are experiencing just as precipitous a population decline as bugs. A study published in 2019 by Science, a research journal, found that 3 billion North American birds have died off
since 1970 — a loss of nearly 30 percent of their total numbers.
Pesticides kill birds both directly and indirectly. Birds ingest poisonous chemicals when they mistake pesticide granules for food, the New York Audubon Society points out. The Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute adds, “Birds that eat insects are literally at a loss when insecticides cause a drop in the number of insect prey available, especially when they have young to feed.”
But here’s some good news: The damage pesticides are doing to suburban environments, and the entire planet, can be greatly mitigated if homeowners like those on Long Island make a simple choice. They can replace their lawns (which are pretty to look at but otherwise useless) with shrubs, trees and native plant species that are well adapted to the local climate and pests. And they can save lots of time and money as well if they give Mother Nature the chance to reproduce benignly.
Kevin J. Kelley was a congressional staff member in the 1980s, and is a retired journalist and journalism professor who worked for newspapers in New York, Vermont and Kenya and taught at St. Michael’s College in Vermont. He lives in Atlantic Beach.
Reading about local schools? Consider yourself lucky.
I’ve been in the local news business a long time. Not long enough to remember the first handwritten newspaper, distributed in Venice in 1566, or the first printed news sheets, published in Germany in 1605, but I go back.
I can recall cutting and pasting printed stories on boards, each one a page of the paper. If the story didn’t fit, you just cut a paragraph or two from the bottom.

Thus the importance of the first sentence or two, known as the lede, and the first three paragraphs, which basically told the story.
We used typewriters and yellow paper to write, which my editor would periodically rip up, declaring, “You have no right to desecrate the language of Shakespeare.” She was a stickler. We had no computers — until the morning we came in to work and found that our Smith Coronas had been replaced by Kaypros.
I was hired away from the late South Shore Record, owned by the indomitable Florence Schwartzberg, by Leatrice Spa-
nierman, a brilliant editor and a natural newspaperwoman. Leatrice, who recently celebrated a fabulous birthday, was socially, intellectually and emotionally intertwined with the Herald brand. We turned out big local papers in those days at our Lawrence headquarters.
Our team wrote 10 to 20 local stories every week, and our motto was, “Everything that happens anywhere in the world has a Five Towns angle.” And it was true. If a ship hit an iceberg in Antarctica, for sure there was someone who knew someone on board.
Way too many American towns and cities have lost newspapers in recent years.
Local lowlifes freaked out more if they landed in the Nassau Herald police blotter than if their mug shot had appeared in The New York Times, because their kids might see the paper. We journalists lived and worked in town. Our reporters went to all the village and school board meetings. We covered football games and charity balls. Everything was copy.
This is all to say that local newspapers are essential to a functioning democracy, and I am grateful to have enjoyed this golden age of local journalism. This is also to say that across the country, small papers are closing. As reported on CBS News recently, “Accord-
ing to an Associated Press analysis of data compiled by the University of North Carolina, more than 1,400 towns and cities in the U.S. have lost a newspaper over the past 15 years. The loss of a reliable local news source has many consequences for the community. One of them is the inability to watchdog the actions of government agencies and elected officials.”
This is also to say, stay true. Subscribe to and read and advertise in our papers. We need to mind what’s going on in our schools, and to do that we need reporters to monitor the board meetings, and to do that we need to pay them.
The local paper covers everything from potholes to parades. If you want the scoop on former Congressman George Santos, read about it in the Herald. Are you concerned about County Executive Bruce Blakeman’s idea for a kind of armed militia to prepare for emergencies? The ongoing debate over a casino license for the county? These stories need to be covered in our local newspapers, and we need the staff and the readership to support our efforts.
The dailies look at news through a wide-angle lens; our focus is more intense.
The North Shore Coalition Against Substance Abuse’s annual golf outing was in one of our papers last week, and I saw a story out of Freeport about Petros Mestheneas, who was named Firefighter of the Year. And to prove my point about there being a local angle to every story in the world, Boston’s new archbishop is a Valley stream native and a former auxiliary bishop of Rockville Center.
In the Nassau Herald, Melissa Berman wrote the quintessential local news story about a 100-year-old oak tree that was cut down to build a parking lot. It’s a terrific local story, with ties to larger issues of overdevelopment and housing needs vs. parking needs.
In recent Heralds there was coverage of the county’s Jimmy Buffett tribute at Eisenhower Park, the clam-eating contest in Island Park and the Chabad Hebrew School of Merrick, Bellmore and Wantagh accepting enrollments for the new school year. There were obituaries of Ana Mercedes Hernandez, Joseph C. Smetana, Robert “Bob” Heggy and Joyce Marino Corso.
The obituaries are the guiding light of local newspapers, reflecting the past of the community and its people, reminding us of the special ties that bind friends and neighbors together.
Copyright 2024 Randi Kreiss. Randi can be reached at randik3@aol.com.
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HeraLd editoriaL
As schools reopen, drivers know the drill
“school’s Open — Drive Carefully” has been the annual refrain in a back-to-school safety-awareness campaign that is now nearly 80 years old. But it’s worth repeating every September.
Driving carefully in and around school zones is crucial in the effort to ensure the safety of children, parents and school staff. School zones are areas in which there are likely to be children crossing streets, walking along sidewalks, riding bikes and meandering as only kids do. They are less aware of traffic dangers, and their presence necessitates heightened caution from drivers.
A study by Safe Kids Worldwide found that 25,000 children are injured every year in school zone accidents nationwide. The Transportation Research Board found that vehicles near schools account for 43 percent of all pedestrian accidents involving children ages 5 to 9.
And it’s no surprise that speeding is a significant factor in school-zone accidents. The risk of a pedestrian fatality increases dramatically with vehicle
Curran’s wrong about the ‘war on women’
To the Editor:
speed. The American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that someone on foot who is struck by a vehicle traveling 25 mph has a 25 percent chance of sustaining serious injury or dying, but that risk increases to 50 percent if the vehicle is traveling just 10 mph faster. School zones commonly have speed limits of 20 mph or less, so adhering to those limits is vital to minimize those risks.
Distracted driving is another major concern near schools. A study by the National Safety Council found that distracted drivers cause one in every four car crashes nationwide. In school zones, texting or talking on a phone or fiddling with dashboard technology can have catastrophic consequences for a child who may suddenly dart into the street or cross without warning.
School zones are most congested during drop-off and pick-up times. According to the National Center for Safe Routes to School, parents driving their children to school account for 25 percent of morning traffic. The volume increases the likelihood of accidents, particu-
In his recent column, “The real war on women in New York,” Assemblyman Brian Curran suggests that “the fate of women’s reproductive health” in New York will not be affected whether or not Prop 1, the New York Equal Rights Amendment, passes in November. Simply put, this is not true, and echoes the same reassurances we heard right before Roe v. Wade was overturned.
Prop 1 is in fact our crucial opportunity to ensure that the fate of reproductive health care is secure in New York. It’s an opportunity we cannot let go to waste.
Prop 1 will guarantee access to reproductive health care — including abortion, birth control, and in vitro fertilization — in the New York Constitution so it is permanently shielded from government interference.
Before Roe v. Wade was overturned, many of us took for granted that our reproductive freedom would always be protected. Since then, reproductive health care like abortion, contraception, and IVF has been under attack across the country. While New Yorkers may assume that we are insulated from these battles, the reality is that the state law covering our reproductive rights can be repealed or changed based on who is in the State Legislature or the governor’s mansion. That’s why we need to pass Prop 1: to cement our reproductive rights in the State Constitution so they can’t be rolled back by politicians down the line.
Further, Prop 1 will close loopholes in the Constitution that could allow government discrimination
larly when drivers are in a rush. Along with potential injuries, there are legal consequences for school-zone scofflaws, starting with hefty fines for speeding in those zones, often doubled or tripled during school hours. And here on Long Island, red-light cameras have been installed at busy intersections near schools, and more buses are being equipped with cameras to catch one of the most potentially dangerous vehicular infractions of all, passing a stopped bus with its red lights flashing — in either direction.
Whether you’ve seen “Schools Open — Drive Carefully” for dozens of years or are a new driver, common sense dictates that following that single instruction is key to helping ensure that children arrive at school safely and return home safely each day, along with the administrators, teachers and other staff to whom we entrust them. Do your part by slowing down and keeping your eyes on the street and the crosswalks — in other words, giving school zones your undivided attention when you’re at the wheel.

against people based on their age, disability, ethnicity, whether they are pregnant, or whether they’re LGBT — because those in power shouldn’t be able to take advantage of any New Yorker, especially the most vulnerable among us.
All New Yorkers deserve the freedom to control our own bodies, lives and futures. Prop 1 puts the power to stand up for these freedoms in the voters’ hands.
SAShA AhujA Campaign director,
New Yorkers for Equal Rights
Long Islanders can’t fight climate change alone
To the Editor:
Every time someone writes a column against fossil fuels, such as Lauren Krueger’s “To beat the heat on Long Island, we must fight fossil fuels,” I cannot believe what I’m reading. It’s total nonsense! Nothing that the united States does will impact climate change, global warming or whatever else you want to
Offshore wind is the answer for Long Island
Amajor societal shift always brings questions. The shift we are making to renewable energy is on a scale rarely seen in history, and questions are welcome and a part of the process of understanding. What are renewable energies? Why is the energy industry trending toward these energy forms? What are the options for Long Island when it comes to renewable energy? What are the risks? What are the benefits?

It is clear that there needs to be more information and education about the industry.
Renewable energy is the energy derived from natural sources that are replenished on a human time scale — sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, water currents and geothermal heat. They are abundant, and produce little or no emissions. The sources that have been harnessed so far by humans are solar, hydropower, geothermal, and wind, and Long Island has a unique opportunity, because of its location, to harness offshore wind.
Why do we need renewable energy?
Climate change is no longer deniable, and Long Island is affected by sea level rise, flooding, stronger storms and more rain. The number one reason: fossil fuels. The largest contributor to the thickening of our atmosphere, trapping carbon dioxide, is the burning of oil, gas and coal. The fastest way to stop climate change is to stop using fossil fuels. An easy answer — not really, which is why I’m writing this — is transitioning to renewable energy to power our lives.
We have a unique opportunity, because of our location, to harness its power.
Long Island sits just north of a continental shelf called the New York Bight, with shallow seas, strong winds and a large, dense population close to the coastline. The shallow water allows for structures to be built without the complications and expense of deep diving to build them. The strong winds help turbines turn consistently, producing energy needed to power homes, charge electric vehicles and operate businesses. And with a dense population close to the coast, energy can be delivered over a shorter distance without much loss of power, and at lower costs.
You may ask, why offshore wind? Why not solar or onshore wind? Solar
call it, and “beat the heat on Long Island.” Nothing!
According to Google, as of November 2023, the top five countries, by percentage of carbon emissions, were: China, 30.9 percent; the U.S., 13.5 percent; India, 7.9 percent; Russia, 4.7 percent; and Japan, 2.9 percent. China and India are responsible for almost three times the carbon emissions of the U.S. In addition, China continues to put new coal-fired electric generating plants online. China is laughing at us!
China gets nearly 60 percent of its electricity from coal, the U.S., 16 percent. If the U.S. gets rid of fossil fuels for our cars and electrical generation facilities, it will have a very limited effect, or no effect, on beating the heat on Long Island. All it will do is drain our wallets and pocketbooks, and make some people feel good. “Look at me! I’m saving the environment!”
Vance, and Trump, demean military service
To the editor:
Nothing raises this veteran’s ire
power is being generated on Long Island, but not on the scale that we need to power the number of homes here. According to the Census Bureau, Long Island has just under 8.5 million housing units. That is where offshore wind comes in to meet our energy needs. There is growth in solar power through ground mounts, or on existing structures that don’t require open space, but it still doesn’t have the capacity to generate the power we need. And onshore wind requires large plots of land, which are few and far between in downstate New York.
Renewable energy is the only way for our future. We are seeing more cases of asthma, warming of the oceans, rising sea levels, stronger seasonal storms, and economic volatility due to the excessive use of fossil fuels to produce power. Moving to renewable energy will clear air pollution and slow the warming of the oceans, protecting ocean life, and slow the rising sea levels that threaten coastal communities. In turn, cooler water bodies will decrease the frequency of seasonal storms that flood our streets and erode our beaches.
Offshore wind provides a stable and
reliable energy source without the volatility of rising fuel prices. It also creates thousands of good-paying jobs to build, maintain and operate its facilities. Beyond those working in the industry, utility stability is how offshore wind will benefit all of Long Island.
Most of the Island’s population now relies on fossil fuel generation to power their homes, workplaces, community centers and infrastructure. This means that electricity bills fluctuate with global geo-political events, because we are buying the fuel to run the power plants connected to our electric grid, mostly from other countries. With offshore wind, there is no need to buy “fuel.” The fuel is infinite, and not a commodity that’s for sale. The wind blows no matter what. This means that the costs of delivering electricity are fixed.
I want to see the renewable energy that we need come to Long Island. I want to ensure that we are delivering safe, reliable, responsible and clean energy to residents. Not only is this a critically needed change, but it will also improve our communities by stopping rising costs, and creating an economic engine with the added benefits of clean air, clean waters and fixed utility costs.
Melissa Parrott is the deputy executive director of Renewable Energy Long Island.
more than candidates who demean veterans, and by extension, those on active duty. On Aug. 8, the Republican vice presidential nominee, J.D. Vance, accused Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz — with little evidence — of “stolen valor,” saying he lied about seeing combat “in war.” Then Vance drew a comparison between his four years of service, during which he was a combat correspondent in the Marine Corps, and Walz’s 24 years of service, during which he achieved the highest enlisted rank in the Army National Guard. Neither Walz nor Vance has seen, as Vance says, “any real fighting.” In either case, their choice to serve was commendable and should not be a topic of criticism. The underlying issue is the one that deserves every patriot’s attention: the disdain for those in uniform by the draft dodger at Mar-A-Lago. There is well-cited evidence of former President Donald Trump demeaning veterans, including remarks made about the sacred grounds of U.S. military cemeteries in Normandy, France, and Arlington, Virginia. He categorizes us as suckers and losers. He is the last person this apolitical veteran would choose to be commander in chief of our

armed forces.
William Keller is a 21-year Navy veteran
who served in Vietnam and on six ships, two of which he commanded. He was also a professor of national security affairs at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island.
FRAMEWoRk by Tim Baker
The hats were courtesy of Let’s Sing Taylor — Eisenhower Park, East Meadow
Sydney Norton Thorne, Amityville HS Graduate, at 70
By CAROLYN JAMES cjames@liherald.com
Sydney Norton Thorn, 70, an Amityville High School graduate died Aug. 29, 2024, in Cambridge, Massachusetts with her husband, Peter, and daughter, Margot, by her side. She was described by her family as a remarkably compassionate person, who dedicated her life to helping others.
“She touched many people with her unique ability to provide infinite support, love, and guidance to those around her,” said her brother Townsend Thorn of Amityville.
Her husband of 30 years described her as a person who made everyone feel comfortable and safe in her presence, attributes that helped the many people she helped over the years as a social worker.
“We both had difficult jobs as social workers, so it was wonderful to be able to go home and feel her warmth and love and understanding at the end of the day,” he said.
Ms. Thorn was born November 18, 1953, in Amityville, to William and Barbara Thorn. She attended Amityville High School before heading to Ohio Wesleyan, and then finished her undergraduate degree at the University of
New Mexico in Albuquerque.
She graduated from Smith College with a master’s in social work in 1982 and began her lifelong career as a clinical social worker, providing therapy, first primarily for children and adolescents, and later with adults who had experienced trauma, becoming an early practitioner of EMDR therapy.

In 1994, she married Peter Pollard, her loving husband of 30 years, and they welcomed their daughter, Margot in 1996. Ms. Thorn considered being Margot’s mom to be the richest experience of her life, said her family.
A lover of animals and deeply inspired by nature, Ms. Thorn grew up on the water, and throughout her life relished scuba diving in the ocean, and swimming in lakes, rivers and her flower-surrounded, backyard pool sanctuary.
But her adventurous spirit did not stop there. She was also an avid birder and traveled to South Africa, Peru, Ec-
SC comptroller exams continuous recruitment training
The Suffolk County Accountant Trainee, Accountant, Auditor Trainee, and Auditor civil service exams have been converted into continuous recruitment training and experience examinations. Candidates can now apply for these four exams at any time!
The minimum qualification for the Accountant Trainee and Auditor Trainee positions is graduation from a college with federally authorized accreditation or registration by NY State with a bachelor’s degree, which includes, or is supplemented by, at least twenty-four (24) credits in Accounting.
The Accountant and Auditor titles require the same education mentioned above, as well as two (2) years of experience as an accountant or auditor. Please note, that graduate level education and/or possession of a NYS Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license can substitute for one (1) or two (2) years of experience. Details can be
found at the Suffolk County Civil Service Exam e-
If interested, you may submit an online application to the Suffolk County Department of Civil Service. Jobseekers who meet the minimum qualifications will receive a rating based on an evaluation of their training and experience against the background of the duties of the position. These approved candidates will remain eligible for appointment for a maximum of one (1) year. Suffolk County employment offers stability, room to grow and excellent benefits. For more information, please see: www.suffolkcountyny. gov/Departments/Civil-Service
“Converting these four titles into continuous recruitment is a terrific accomplishment that will assist all Suffolk County Departments in talent acquisition on a much timelier basis,” said S. C. Comptroller John M. Kennedy.
A.G. Berner HS Class of 1974 reunion set for October 12
The A.G. Berner High School Class of 1974, 50 Year Reunion will be taking place on Sat., Oct., 12 from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. at Captain Bill’s in Bay Shore. The cost is $100 per person. For tickets
and more information, please email berner1974reunion@gmail.com , call Maureen Sweeney-Oehl at 516-234-1679 or Nancy Viglietta-Campbell 631-252-3527. Captain Bill’s is located at 122 Ocean Ave., Bay Shore.
uador, and more on exciting bird-watching expeditions. She had many treasured pets throughout her life. From beloved dogs and horses to reptiles and rodents, her compassion stretched well beyond humans as she cared for creatures, great and small.
She was also an enthusiastic traveler, visited many countries, states, and national parks with her family, backpacked around much of Europe in her youth, and even recently, continued to find joy in traveling, refusing to let illness interfere. With her most recent trip to Iceland, just a few months ago, she checked off a long-time item on her bucket list, to see the Northern Lights.
She and her husband lived in Massachusetts and were part-time residents of Washington D.C., where the couple relished their time, especially during the New England winters. She spent many days in D.C. passionately perusing the Library of Congress, attending congressional hearings, and visiting a seemingly non-stop schedule of museum exhibits
and events. Year round, she and her husband would frequent the botanical gardens and Arboretum to enjoy daily walks, delighting in the annual appearance of the cherry blossoms, lilacs, azaleas, and wisteria, said her family.
“We know that she will be forever at our sides when we swim, ride, walk or sit, savoring the natural world,” said her daughter.
Ms. Thorn is survived by her husband, Peter Pollard of Hatfield, Massachusetts, and daughter, Margot Pollard of Brooklyn, as well as her three siblings: Katie Thorn of San Jose, California; William Thorn and his wife Carol of Arlington; Townsend Thorn, and his wife Kathleen of Amityville; her brother-in-law, Jay Pollard, and his wife, Nancy Pollard; her sister-in-law, Penny Pollard, and her spouse Eileen Monahan, and many beloved nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and great-nephews.
The family plans to hold a Celebration of Life at a later date.
Arrangements were under the direction of the M.B. Kilmer Funeral Homes. In lieu of flowers, donations in Ms. Thorn’s name can be made to the Southern Poverty Law Center, 400 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL 36104; or the Equal Justice Initiative, 122 Commerce Street, Montgomery, AL 36104; or any charity of your choice that serves people who have been marginalized.
Earline V. Jefferson
Continued from page 12
Even in her 90s, Mrs. Jefferson maintained a strong sense of independence.
“If there is one word to describe my grandmother, it is ‘hip,’” said her grandson Patrick.
He and Luna spoke about how their grandmother taught herself to use the computer and cell phones, not hesitating to call them up when she needed some technical advice.
“She always wanted to stay on top of things,” said Patrick, who added that Mrs. Jefferson was active and independent right up until the time of her death.
“She was our best friend,” said Luna. “We were always together.”
Mrs. Jefferson was predeceased by
her sons Richard and Patrick, her sister Debra Chatfield and aunt Hannah Gaskins.
In addition to her grandchildren Patrick and Luna, she is survived by her other grandchildren, Laverne, Richard O’Neka, Patrick and Tito, as well as by 12 great grandchildren and six great, great grandchildren; a brother Keith Chatfield and a sister Denise Chatfield Bond.
Funeral arrangements were under the direction of the Powell Funeral Home, 67 Broadway, Amityville where a memorial service was held by the HSJ Ladies Auxiliary. The Rev. Thomas Cusanelli conducted the funeral service there followed by interment in Pinelawn memorial Cemetery.
Kiwanis renewal for Hometown Heroes’ Banners
The Kiwanis of Lindenhurst announce that it’s time to renew your banners for the Hometown Heroes Banner Program.
To renew the display of your Hometown Heroes for 2025, the cost is $100 if you submit payment by the deadline of
October 15. After the deadline, the cost will be $125.
Proceeds go toward local children’s and veterans’ organizations. To renew and for more information, please visit lindenhurstkiwanis.org/renew or call (631)-388-7891.