Holden Leeds/Herald
Rev up those engines
At the Bellmore LIRR station adjacent to Sunrise Highway was the Friday Night Car Show that runs through fall. Kelly Gardner checked out a lifted truck. Story, additional photos, Page 3.
Holden Leeds/Herald
At the Bellmore LIRR station adjacent to Sunrise Highway was the Friday Night Car Show that runs through fall. Kelly Gardner checked out a lifted truck. Story, additional photos, Page 3.
By HERNESTo GAlDAMEZ hgaldamez@liherald.com
The Rev. Riley Lynch has been settling into his role as the new pastor of the Calvary Protestant Church in Baldwin after making a transition from his former life in Alabama.
The 30-year-old pastor began his new post on Aug. 4 after he was appointed in April to lead the 150-year-old church, at 2801 Park Ave.
Lynch is now focusing on the future of Calvary while integrating his unique vision —and even his experience — into his new role.
“I sense it will take a lot of leadership to lead them into the next 150 years,” he said. “I sense
that I can do that with God’s help, of course.”
But his vision didn’t always involve becoming a minister, he said. He holds a bachelor’s degree in sports management from Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina, and initially considered a career in the sports industry.
Originally from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Lynch attended the University of Dallas to play college basketball for its Division III team. He transferred to Winthrop after his first year to advance to Division I. However, the transition didn’t go as he had planned, describing the experience as an “identity crisis.”
“I wrapped up so much of who I was as a per-
By HERNESTo GAlDAMEZ hgaldamez@liherald.com
Chris Borzor, of North Baldwin, was reflecting on his performance in the Paris Olympics last week while still enjoying the sights and sounds of the City of Love.
The 25-year-old represented his native Haiti in the 100meter dash on Aug. 3, but did not qualify for the second round after finishing in fifth place in the eighth and final preliminary heat, with a time of 10.28 seconds.
On Aug. 9, Borzor, who gained prominence for his sprinting at Uniondale High School and then at the University of Cincinnati and the University of Southern California, told the Herald that he had fulfilled a lifelong dream despite the outcome.
Borzor went up against a couple of the world’s fastest men in his heat, including 2021 Olympics silver medalist Fred Kerley — who went on to win the bronze medal in the 100 on Aug. 4 — and Great Britain’s record holder in both the 100 and 200 meters, Zharnel Hughes.
I t was a blessing trying to qualify for the second round.
“They are some really good sprinters,” Borzor chuckled. “Coming into the race, I knew I had to give it my best, but it was a tough heat to qualify for because I had some of the fastest runners in the whole world.”
cHRIS BoRZoR North Baldwin
“I feel good,” he said. “It was a blessing trying to qualify for the second round. I was happy with it — I can’t get mad because I’m just blessed to be here. I tried my best, but next time I’ll be way more prepared and ready.”
A member of the class of 2018 at Uniondale High, Borzor excelled in the 100, 200, and 400-meters as well as the long jump. As a senior, he finished fifth in both the 100 and 200 in the New York State Public High School Athletic Association Track and Field Championships.
While running for Cincinnati, he met Nadine Faustin-Parker, who had run for the Haitian national team in 2000, 2004 and
Continued on page 18
Mothers looking for a hospital at which to give birth should consider the quality indicators used by U.S. News & World Report ® to determine institutions deemed High Performing for Maternity care.
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Learn more at southnassau.org/maternity, or call 877-SOUTH-NASSAU.
It’s another summer of warm weather, smiles and Friday Night Car Shows.
Driving past the Bellmore Long Island Rail Road on any given Friday evening between late spring and early fall, chances are, you’ve seen the parking lot adjacent to Sunrise Highway filled with cars.
The beloved car show is a staple for the Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores, and weather permitting, attendees are sure to find a wide selection of automotives, whether it be vintage vehicles and buses, or newer models, like sports cars.
The chamber has been sponsoring the event since 2011, and now it hosts it in conjunction with Town of Hempstead. The show begins every Friday night, unless specified otherwise, at 6 p.m. Those who stop by are sure to find plenty of vehicles — and plenty of people — from all over the South Shore of Nassau County, and the rest of Long Island.
In the lots, courtesy is given to railroad commuters, and all vehicles on display must be street legal. The Chamber asks that no one places lawn chairs in driving lanes or parked spaces, and that drivers restrain from cruising around the lot. There’s no double parking and no alcoholic beverages permitted.
If you’re into cars, or just looking for something different to do on a warm, Friday night, the show has something for everyone. Throughout August, shows are slated for Aug. 9, 16, 23 and 30, and in September, on Sept. 6, 12, and 20. There will be no car show during the 2024 Family Street Festival, which is slated to take place this year from Sept. 26 to 29.
Car shows are open from 6 to 10 p.m.
Spectators can enter of charge. The admission fee for cars is $5. For more information, visit Bellmore Chamber. com.
— Jordan Vallone
By NICOLE FORMISANO nformisano@liherald.com
Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in America — and it’s time it got a little more diverse.
“You don’t really see a lot of African Americans playing pickleball,” said Annette Dennis, president of the African American Pickleball Association. “And when you do see people outside in the park, or even in some of the clubs, and you don’t see people that look like you, you kind of shy away.”
Michael Atherley, of West Hempstead, set out to change that. He and his wife Desiree have been playing pickleball for four years, and wanted to introduce it to more people of color.
“What we’ve found from it is a great social sport,” said Atherly, 61, who serves as treasurer of the organization. “We’ve been able to forge some friendships from there, and had some really great interactions with people in the community we would not have known otherwise. So we just felt that would be great to have within our own community, those of color.
“And maybe it would be something that would galvanize the community, and join us together and get rid of some of those stigmas and fears that we may have with each other.”
The pair approached Dennis, who’s been playing for eight years, and the African American Pickleball Association, or
by playing pickleball. People of color are underrepresented in the sport — and the African American Pickleball Association has set out to change that.
AAPA for short, was born. In only five months, they’ve gathered more than 60 members, and hundreds more on Facebook.
The organization held a special event at Pickleball Plus, in West Hempstead, to celebrate Juneteenth. Neighbors enjoyed sandwiches and refreshments, group warm up and cool down exercises, and a raffle for a basket of pickleball equipment, donated by Onix Salva, a Malverne High School alum who now runs an athletic training company.
They filled eight pickleball courts — some were for well-seasoned players that were looking for a challenge. Others were for intermediate players that wanted to build up their skills. But most were for people who perhaps had never picked up
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a pickleball paddle in their lives, but thought it looked fun and wanted to learn more. That’s the beauty of the sport, Atherley and Dennis both said.
“When I was learning, people who had been playing were very helpful in teaching,” Atherley said. “And everyone I’ve come into contact with playing pickleball has been so friendly. And even though it can be competitive, everybody’s in it just to play and get exercise, and really are trying to help the next person get better.”
Perhaps best of all is that pickleball makes sports accessible again. It’s popular among all ages. The Juneteenth event, for example, saw everyone from younger adults to seniors.
“I just love the fact that I’m active, I get my steps in, I can hold my own without
having to be a rock star,” Dennis, 65, said. “I can find people to play at my level and then the game is competitive. It’s just so much fun. I’m addicted.”
“It’s such a social event for a lot of people who may have played sports in their youth, and as they get older, they’re not really playing much,” Atherley said. “So it’s really a way of not just socially but, as far as health wise, getting people more active.”
The organization has introduced many new people to the social and health benefits of pickleball. That’s their favorite part, both Dennis and Atherley said — watching someone pick up a paddle for the first time and go from a beginner to a fellow pickleball lover in the span of an hour.
“I love to see when they love it,” Dennis said. “And then they get excited and they have a little rally, and the rally lasts a couple of shots back and forth, and then they’re clapping their hands, they go up and they’re all excited and whatnot. And I’m like — yep, they’re hooked.”
And now, what started as an idea between friends has snowballed. People from out of state — as far as Anchorage, Alaska — are reaching out to AAPA to see about starting their own local chapter.
For more information, visit the African American Pickleball Association Facebook page.
By TONY BELLISSIMO tbellissimo@liherald.com
Are you ready for some football?
Next Monday, all 53 Nassau County public high school football programs can begin preparations for the upcoming season, scheduled to open Friday, Sept. 6 with six games leading up to the first full slate the following week.
Aside from eight-time defending Nassau Conference II champion Garden City moving to Conference III, perhaps the biggest news during the offseason was the decision to add an 11 a.m. kickoff slot to Conferences II and IV for the 2024 campaign, and potentially Conferences I and III next year, due to a shortage of officials.
“At this time we don’t have enough officiating crews to cover so many games at the same time,” said Section VIII football coordinator Matt McLees. “We’re at about 16-17 crews. Moving some games to 11 a.m. and others to 3 p.m. allows us to double up certain crews on Saturdays.”
One team largely affected by the earlier start time is Sewanhaka. Not only is head coach George Kasimatis’ squad debuting the school’s new nickname, the Ravens, half of its games will begin in the morning. Fortunately, Kasimatis noted, three of the four 11 a.m. kickoffs are at home. “We travel to Roosevelt in Week 2 and it’ll be interesting,” he said.
Massapequa (Conference I), Garden City (II), South Side (III) and Seaford (IV) won county titles last season, however the landscape has changed with Trojans moving to Conference III. Carey, the new top seed in II, seeks its first county title since going back-to-back in 2013-14 and opens at home versus Glen Cove Sept. 14.
Garden City’s first taste of Conference III football is Sept. 6 at Bethpage. Seaford, which must fend off conference newcomers Wantagh and Plainedge, opens at home Sept. 13 against Island Trees.
Massapequa, which last season was awarded the Rutgers Cup, presented annually to the most outstanding team in Nassau, opens at Oceanside Sept. 6 in game originally scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 10.
Teams choosing to play a full game scrimmage can do so once 10 practices are completed, McLees said, making Aug. 30 the first potential date. Teams can hold joint practices as soon as Aug. 24 and are permitted to play 7 on 7 and also run 10 plays (11 on 11) in full gear. “It’s not a scrimmage by definition but teams can accomplish a lot with the joint practice,” he added.
Nine teams switch conferences
Along with Garden City, eight other teams have switched conferences for the
Sept. 6: Massapequa at Oceanside
Sept. 14: Sewanhaka at Baldwin
Sept 20: Elmont at South Side
Sept. 21: Massapequa at Uniondale
Sept. 28: Calhoun at Mepham
Oct. 5: Oceanside at Freeport
Oct. 10: MacArthur at Carey
Oct. 10: Plainedge at Wantagh
Oct. 10: South Side at Garden City
Oct. 25: Wantagh at Seaford
upcoming season based on enrollment figures: Baldwin, Elmont, Manhasset, Herricks, Wantagh, Plainedge, Roosevelt and Glen Cove. Baldwin returns to Conference II where it spent the 2022 campaign and is seeded No. 10 this season. The Bruins, under new head coach Mike Robinson, open at home on their new turf field Sept. 14 against Sewanhaka. Elmont is the No. 3 seed in Conference III, whilst Manhasset is No. 7. Herricks is seeded eighth in Conference I. Longtime Conference III powers Wantagh and Plainedge are in Conference IV and will meet face to face Oct. 10 at Wantagh. Roosevelt, not long ago a member of IV, bounced to II and opens at New Hyde Park.
The sixth week of the season (fifth for many Conference III teams) will be played on Thursday, Oct. 10 due to Yom Kippur. Games will kick off as early as 2:15 p.m. (Elmont at Sewanhaka) and as late as 6 p.m.
Local coaching changes
Baldwin, East Meadow, Freeport, Mepham, Seaford all boast new sideline bosses.
Robinson is a Baldwin graduate who spent the past two seasons coaching the Bruins’ JV team after six years as a varsity assistant. Keith Lizzi takes over from Vin Mascia at East Meadow, the No. 6 seed in Conference I. Longtime Freeport assistant Jimmy Jones succeeds the legendary Russ Cellan at Freeport. The seventh-ranked Red Devils open at Massapequa. Tom Mazeika is the new head coach at Mepham, the No. 5 seed in Conference II, opens at home versus MacArthur. Seaford and new head coach Mike McHugh kick off defense of the Conference IV title at home against Island Trees.
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Just when it seems like you have gotten into your summer groove, it’s time to get back into your school routine, which can be cause both relief and stress at the same time for parents and students alike. Even if your kids are fairly adaptable, big changes like heading back to school after a summer of limited scheduling can be stressful.
Head off potential problems as you transition into the busy back-to-school season to get everyone back on the schooltime track.
Rather than rushing into school season all at once, try to plan your schedule ahead of time. Easing into school season can make for a much smoother transition.
This means gradually tapering off later bedtimes and enforcing an earlier wake up call. If meal times have gotten lax, it’s also a good idea to start working back toward your school-time schedule.
From weekly meetings to extracurricular activities and weekend sports, try using lists and charts to stay organized. Especially as kids grow older and their activities lists and school deadlines expand, keeping track of everyone can become a real chore.
Find a place in the house where you can post calendars and lists that everyone can see. Try color-coding by child or type of
activity (school, work, sports, etc.) for extra organization.
Many kids struggle in school simply because they can’t manage the paperwork: field trip permission slips didn’t make it out of the book bag, completed homework
doesn’t make it back into the book bag.
Create one designated place to drop off book bags and gear, collect important school papers for signatures and communicate family announcements and plans. Establish another place for homework that’s always clean, stocked with supplies,
inviting, well-lit and away from TV and other distracting devices. Add comfortable seating at a table or desk. This will also be where you double-check for teacher notes and assignments and repack the book bag. Remember to have them clean up each night!
List Family Goals
Have each person in the family list out his or her goals for this school year. They can be small or challenging, but it can give everyone something to strive for.
It’s also a good way to remind kids about family values like encouraging one another and making time to support everyone’s individual interests.
Don’t wait until the last minute to search for school supplies like notebooks, pencils and paper or the bigger ticket items like backpacks. Seeking out necessary items ahead of time can alleviate the stress of not being able to find what you need, and spreading out purchases over time can eliminate a major one-time hit to the family budget.
Photo: Getting kids ready for a new school year is about more than updating their wardrobe or organizing carpools with fellow parents. Reacclimating everyone in the family to the routine of school after a relaxing summer is a significant undertaking,
saving about $1,800 a year in energy costs with LED
—Guy Brogna, All Music Inc, Plainview
Meet Guy. He’s a local small business owner, rock bassist, and fan of LEDs. It didn’t hurt that he got $5,900 in rebates to replace his store’s old lighting with energy-efficient fixtures.* He says his store and his guitars look great in the new LED glow. And, with the monthly energy cost savings, he couldn’t be happier.
*Rebates and savings will differ with every energy efficiency project.
Claim filed after animals were not returned to Wantagh shelter
By CHARLES SHAW cshaw@liherald.com
The Town of Hempstead is taking legal action to recover four dogs from an animal sanctuary in Florida, claiming the organization violated the town’s agreement plan to care for them. The dogs were originally placed in the town animal shelter in Wantagh.
On July 26, the town filed a lawsuit against PawsEver Home, a nonprofit facility in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to recover the dogs, which were transferred to the sanctuary by the town six months ago. The Town of Hempstead had given the dogs to PawsEver to provide them a better life after years of unsuccessful adoptions. But in a June 17 letter addressed to Michael Breitsprecher, the sanctuary’s president, the town informed the sanctuary that it had terminated its agreement with PawsEver, and demanded that all town animals in its possession be returned.
The Florida rescue began caring for the dogs after Breitsprecher signed an agreement in February to become a “placement partner” with the town animal shelter. The partnership,
Going forward, the Town has instituted additional safeguards in our screening process for potential rescue partners to further protect the wellbeing of the dogs and cats in our care.
DE vinE
of Hempstead director of communications
according to the agreement, is “a collaborative program designed to provide dogs and cats a second chance in a loving home and to increase the save rate for the Town of Hempstead’s lost, abandoned, and surrendered animals.”
But Brian Devine, the town’s director of communications, said the town had cut ties with the shelter after discovering information about numerous legal proceedings initiated against PawsEver.
“Despite our numerous demands, PawsEver Home has refused to return the four dogs that were initially placed under their care based on the fraudulent information they provided to the Town during the screening process,” Devine said in a statement. “As such, the town has sued this organization to retrieve these dogs.”
The four dogs are Lenny, a Labrador retriever mix; Dexter, a retriever mix; Wally, a terrier mix; and Tucker, a hound.
According to the lawsuit, it was discovered that the Florida sanctuary was facing eviction after failing to pay its landlord $8,850 in rent, plus late fees, since February, which has left the facility unable to provide sufficient care and shelter for the dogs.
PawsEver had not responded to requests seeking comment before the Herald went to press on Monday.
As part of its agreement with the Florida shelter, the town shelter reserved the right to investigate and “reclaim any animal in the (placement partner organization’s) custody,” the suit states, “upon the discovery of evidence or allegations of inappropriate
or insufficient care of an animal placed with a partnering organization.”
The suit alleges that PawsEver’s eviction would put the animals’ wellbeing in serious jeopardy because, if the sanctuary fails to make a settlement payment to its landlord, the sanctuary, and the town’s dogs, “would be forcibly removed from the premises.”
The lawsuit comes after a News12 investigation in May, which found 13 infractions of animal welfare laws against Breitsprecher, which included “operating illegal animal boarding facilities without permits, violating dangerous dog regulations and hindering animal control investigations.” In addition, News12 reported that Florida court records revealed an incident in which animal-control officers investigated Breitsprecher for having a U-Haul filled with over 20 dogs in crates and no ventilation.
“Going forward, the Town has instituted additional safeguards in our screening process for potential rescue partners to further protect the wellbeing of the dogs and cats in our care,” Devine’s statement read.
Baldwin High School students Jordyn Faria, Justin Funkenberg, Gabrielle Gorgue, Logan Kirshner, Samaya Lindo-Smellie, Ethan Questelle, Solomon Ruff, and Jasmin Tiong-Smith won PSEG Long Island’s Fifth Annual Energy Conservation PSA Contest.
The ten Baldwin High School students, along with twenty-five others from various districts, received certificates commemorating their achievements, along with Amazon gift cards and tickets to the Long Island Children’s Museum. Additionally, their teachers were awarded funds to host a class party in celebration.
“We are so proud of these young students who created PSAs to educate others on clean energy concepts, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and conserving energy. It was great to share in these kids’ special moments
Howard Hanna Coach Realtors (HHCR) has announced that Baldwin Realty will be joining its brokerage. Founded in 1954 by Bill Walcot and currently owned by Marilyn Sandroni, Baldwin Realty is a real estate firm based in Baldwin.
“We believe that this acquisition benefits HHCR by allowing us to work with an incredibly dedicated team of highly professional real estate associates who have a strong commitment to, and knowledge of Nassau County. We in return will provide the agents of Baldwin Realty the resources required to meet client expectations in the very competitive residential real estate market,” Vice President of Howard Hanna Coach Realtors, L.P. Finn, wrote in a news release. “Marilyn brings to our firm over 4 decades of real estate experience. Her broad base of relationships and passion for the real estate industry make her an excellent fit for HHCR.”
Sandroni and six other sales associates will operate from HHCR’s branch office located at 314 Sunrise Highway, Rockville Centre.
“I look forward to an exciting new chapter and continuing the legacy of my company. I see great opportunities for our excellent sales team to expand professionally and enjoy the many benefits that Howard Hanna | Coach Realtors has to offer,” stated Marilyn. “This was the best move for us, our clients and customers, by far.”
The Hanna Family of Companies provides real estate, title, insurance, and mortgage services across 13 states. Howard Hanna has nearly 500 offices and 15,000 sales associates and staff. For more information, visit CoachRealtors.com.
and to meet and thank the teachers who implemented the coursework with them,” Michael Voltz, director of energy efficient and renewable energy, wrote in a news release.
The lessons covered the benefits of renewable energy options, which the students incorporated into their video PSAs. The high school program involved 347 students participating in the coursework, with three winning videos selected based on a strict grading rubric.
“It was an honor to meet these young conservation advocates and watch their creative videos with them in person,” wrote Michael Presti, PSEG Long Island’s director of customer experience and marketing and cohost of the event. “It was wonderful to have their parents and teachers join us as we unveiled the stu-
dents’ work at the Long Island Children’s Museum.”
Sponsored by PSEG Long Island, the I Am Em-Powered program is offered free to students in the company’s service area—Nassau and Suffolk counties and the Rockaways. This STEM-related coursework includes lessons on energy conservation, efficiency, and renewable energy, aligning with current school curricula.
PSEG Long Island provides educational resources through its Community Partnership Program, reaching tens of thousands of young learners with information about energy.
—Cameron Brown
By Melissa Berman
With the theme “(WE) are UNSTOPPABLE” running through the day, RichnerLIVE’s second annual Women’s Summit, at the Crescent Beach Club in Bayville, brought together thought leaders, innovators and barrier-breaking women for conversations.
Nearly 300 people attended to hear 27 speakers on various topics — women’s leadership, impact and inclusion, financial fitness, social media — as well as a number of panels. There were 24 vendor booths and multiple raffle prizes at the Aug. 6 event.
Amy Amato, executive director of RichnerLIVE, opened the keynote lunch session with a message that set the tone for the speakers.
“When we envisioned this year’s summit, we were inspired by the resilience, determination and unwavering spirit that women across Long Island exhibit every single day,” Amato said. “Whether in the boardroom, classroom, homes or communities, women are breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings, and proving time and time again that nothing can hold us back.”
The summit featured wellness activities in the morning before the sessions began — beach yoga, breathwork and reiki, color analysis and meditation.
Four-time Emmy award-winning reporter and anchor Antoinette Biordi, of News12, hosted the keynote lunch panel session.
“I really believe that conversations about women’s empowerment, leadership and mentorship deserve to be heard,” Biordi said. “Everyone here can do something to lift each other up, and for the next generation as well.”
Keynote speaker Carrie Kerpen, founder of the Whisper Group, an exit readiness advisory practice for womenowned businesses, discussed why speaking at the summit was important for her and women in business.
“I think that the pressure that we are under as women in the workplace is causing us to lose touch with what we really want, and we are losing the ability to hear our own intuition and connect with our own intuition,” Kerpen said.
The one area, according to Kerpen, in which women need to improve is getting the appropriate value for their business when it is sold or they leave.
“My hope is to help women business owners take their lifestyle businesses and turn them into life-changing assets to build generational wealth,” she said.
Another keynote speaker, Lindsay Kaplan, co-founder of CHIEF, described how failure is a part of one’s success path.
“We have a tendency as humans to blame failure on ourselves just as much as we often attribute success to ourselves, and timing, luck, and being in the right place at the right time,” Kaplan said. “We are constantly looking at those around us, and it creates this inferiority. We need to focus on our own growth and define happiness for our own terms.”
Stuart Richner, CEO of Richner Com-
munications, said he was impressed by the turnout, and the participants’ dedication to enhancing their business skills.
“Seeing nearly 300 accomplished, dynamic, professional women here is truly inspiring,” Richner said. “Your presence at this RichnerLIVE event demonstrates your commitment to empowering one another and making a positive impact on society.”
The event supported the Moxxie Mentoring Foundation with a portion of the net proceeds, furthering the Heralds’ and RichnerLIVE’s commitment to women’s empowerment. The principal sponsors of the event were T-Mobile for Business, AT&T, Cona Law, the Stefan’s Group, National Grid Ventures, and Nassau University Medical Center. Please visit www. richnerlive.com/2024-wesummit/to view all sponsors and photos.
son and as a basketball player, and when that didn’t work out, I was kind of left with, ‘Who am I?’” he said. “The Lord had other plans for my life.”
While in college, he associated himself with friends who were passionate Christians and followers of Jesus. He joined Park Baptist Church in South Carolina in 2015, which opened doors to him that he didn’t see coming.
“I made some really good friends who were just passionate Christians,” he said. “They were following Jesus their whole life, and they invited me to their church in a pretty low season of my life. I got to serve that church and preached my first sermon there, and they sent me off to seminary after I graduated with my undergraduate degree.”
After graduating at Winthrop, he committed to the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He recalled that time as one of learning and training mentally and spiritually while working part-time jobs to make ends meet.
“I did work on the campus a bit, more ministry-focused, and I coached basketball through seminary,” he said. “I always had my eyes towards after that season of life. Once I got my education, I would begin to look for, you know, fulltime vocational ministry positions. By God’s grace, that’s how it worked out.”
Lynch comes to Baldwin after serving for three years as the pastor for Bush Baptist Church in Troy, Alabama — his first real experience in a ministry post-college.
“I do hope to replicate the philosophy of how I do ministry,” he said. “I’m very open-handed and need to learn what
people need here, what people are like here, and how we can get more involved in the community.”
Lynch teased an upcoming event: the “Neighborhood Night” on Sept. 9, which falls on the Saturday after Labor Day. This event aims to increase community involvement with the church.
Preaching from the church’s pulpit for the first time on Aug. 4, he read from the Book of Hebrews, and Lynch said the community was “really warm” and “receptive.”
“It felt good to be here finally,” he said. “Now, the real work begins.”
More than just a
By Danielle Schwab
Old Westbury Gardens lush grounds fill once again with those unmistakable bagpipe sounds and spectacle during a revamped edition of its annual summer festival. This year the popular event’s scope has expanded to celebrate the vibrant traditions of Long Island’s thriving Celtic communities.
Besides those pipers, traditional competitions and highland dancing — along with plenty of entertainment and assorted activities for lads and lasses — there’s much end of summer revelry to enjoy. Everyone will be fully occupied all day, next Saturday, Aug. 24.
This year Old Westbury Gardens staff is hosting solo (without participation from longtime co-hosts Long Island Clan MacDuff). The result is an energized refresh.
“Rather than focusing just on the culture of Scotland, we [wanted to] expand it a little bit so that we could avail ourselves of all of the great Irish bands and step dancers and all of these those things that span both the Scottish and the Irish cultures,” says Maura Brush, Old Westbury Gardens CEO and director.
Pipe and drum bands will fill the air with stirring music transporting attendees to those rolling hills of Ireland and Scotland. An extensive diverse lineup of musical and Irish dance entertainment complements these bands that participate yearly.
Headlining the festival this year, Derek Warfield and The Young Wolfe Tones bring the classic tradition of Irish balladry into a new age. Lead singer, the famed songwriter-storyteller Derek Warfield, is a legend of the Irish music scene who enjoyed phenomenal success for some 40 years with the Wolfe Tones. He’s now gathered some of the finest Irish musicians and singers together to reinvigorate beloved Irish tunes. They bring their musical tradition forward with a reverence for Ireland’s past and the energy and optimism of a new generation.
“Their sound is what so many people probably expect to hear when they come to Old Westbury Gardens,” Brush says.
• Saturday, Aug. 24, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
• $25, $22 seniors, $12 children, $12 members; advance purchase required
• 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury
• Tickets and information available at OldWestburyGardens.org or (516) 333-0048
Harper’s Ferry, a popular local Irish-American folk band also participates, with their appealing mix of traditional and modern Irish tunes combined with Americana and classic rock.
“Our band members are all native Long Islanders with a deep appreciation for local historical sites, especially Old Westbury Gardens,” says s Harper’s Ferry frontman Martin Kearn. “We see each performance as a blessing to spread our passion for Irish and Scottish heritage with the community.”
Other performers include bagpiper-percussionist Jessie Ofgang and soloist Charlie Zahm, who entices audiences with his instrumental prowess and rich baritone. Both have their own unique twist on bringing Celtic culture to melody.
“Their instruments are meant to be played outside in the green fields and we just have the perfect place,” Brush enthuses.
And, of course, it wouldn’t be a Celtic festival without some rhythmic Irish step dancing. The skilled dancers from four distinguished Irish dance academies will impress with their incredible footwork.
As is tradition, what are known as the Highland Games remain one of the festival’s main elements.The games continue to test athletes’ strength in heavyweight contests that date back
That pitchfork requires some coordination to successfully loft the 20 lb. burlap bag stuffed with straw over
pipers and drummers prepare to
centuries, especially the caber toss.
The caber is a long, tapered pine pole or log. The “tosser” balances it vertically by holding the smaller end and then runs forward and tosses it so that it turns in the air with the larger end striking the ground first. Ideally, the pole strikes in a strictly vertical position, and the athletes are scored based on how closely the throw lands at a 12 o’clock position.
Think of it as throwing a telephone pole according to Brush. “It’s a giant log that gets thrown, and then the distance is measured, and whoever throws the throws it the furthest is the winner,” she says.
For the experienced competitor, these logs can be heavier than 125 pounds and longer than 20 feet long.
Tossing the Sheaf and Putting the Stone also attract attention. Tossing the Sheaf involves flinging a bale of hay over a horizontal pole with a large pitchfork. Putting The Stone, is similar to the traditional Olympicstyle shot put, but uses a large stone.
Want to get in on the competition? Visitors are encouraged to go for it.
“There are professionals that will be coming but there are opportunities for amateurs to sign up and participate as well,” Brush adds.
After all that exertion, folks are bound to work up an appetite. Take a moment and check out the food offerings, including fish and chips and Scottish shortbread.
It’s always a fun-filled family day with other unique experiences, including a Birds of Prey exhibition, British automobile showcase, and even curling hosted by the Long Island Curling Club. Kids will enjoy plenty of activities, including a version of the caber toss with lightweight “cabers” and an old-fashioned tug of war.
All involved are eager to welcome both older and newer generations, to preserve the fetival’s rich history.
“We’re not just relying on those who have always come, but also want people who are checking it out for the first time. This can become a new tradition for them,” Brush says.
The 1970s and ‘80s come alive when Double Vision brings their “Foreigner Experience” to the Paramount stage. Whether you’re a lifelong Foreigner enthusiast or a newcomer eager to experience the magic, Double Vision promises a night of electrifying entertainment. The spirit of rock ‘n’ roll lives on, one unforgettable performance at a time, with this group of talented musicians and die-hard Foreigner fans. Double Vision has perfected the art of bringing to life the unforgettable hits that have defined generations. From “I Want to Know What Love Is” to “Cold as Ice,” their renditions are a harmonious blend of passion, precision, and nostalgic energy. Drawing inspiration from Foreigner’s unmistakable sound and stage presence, Double Vision delivers a performance that pays homage to the band’s legacy while infusing their own charisma and enthusiasm.
Saturday, Aug. 17, 8 p.m. $60, $40, $25, $20. The Paramount, 370 New York Ave., Huntington. Tickets available at Ticketmaster.com or ParamountNY.com.
Enjoy an evening of foot-stomping fun with the music of the Zac Brown Tribute Band. Get ready to sing along to all your favorite Zac Brown Band hits, from “Chicken Fried” to “Toes” and everything in between. Founded in 2012, ZBTB is the premier tribute to the chart-topping Zac Brown Band. With 13 numberone singles and three Grammy wins, the Zac Brown Band is one of the hottest names in the music business; ZBTB is the first and most authentic tribute to their recorded music and live show. Not only does ZBTB capture the sound and creativity of ZBB, but they bring a similar atmosphere of family to their shows while engaging the audience in a way that is all their own. With classics like “Enter Sandman” and “Ants Marching”, as well as, modern hits like “There’s Nothing Holding Me Back” and “Little Lion Man” in the set, there’s something for everyone at a ZBTB show
Friday, Aug. 16, 7 p.m. Free admission. Harry Chapin Lakeside Theatre, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. For information, visit NassauCountyNY.gov.
Disco fever
Boogie along with Disco Unlimited, Saturday, Aug. 24, 7-9 p.m., at Harry Chapin Lakeside Theatre, Eisenhower Park. When Disco Unlimited hits the stage, you are instantly transported to a time when Saturday nights meant white suits, platform shoes and your very best dance moves. And dance you will — when you experience the magic created when the boogie begins.
Capturing a time in music that to this day has not been matched, the exhilarating band will draw you in with their powerful vocals, tight harmonies and dance grooves all coupled with a synchronized stage and light show that creates an unforgettable concert experience — the best of disco nights. Close your eyes and you will truly believe you are listening to the original artists. Hear the best of Tavares, France Jolie, The Trammps, Harold Melvin’s Blue Notes, Yvonne Elliman, Anita Ward, Deney Terrio, George McCrae, Bonnie Pointer, Melba Moore, Maxine Nightingale, Carol Douglas, and so much more. Joe Cool, Sista Soul, Funky Sista, Strat Cat, Wild Jerry and The MacDaddy comprise this group of unique and experienced musicians who love and live this era of music. As always, bring seating. For information, visit NassauCcountyNY.gov/parks.
It’s a bug’s life at the Center for Science Teaching & Learning, Sunday, Aug. 18, 10-11:30 a.m. Kids are of all ages are invited to explore bugs at Tanglewood Preserve during the hands-on drop-off program. Kids will meet exotic invertebrates from around the world and find out what makes each one special, then search the preserve’s grounds to see what bugs live in our backyard. Registration required. 1450 Tanglewood Road, Rockville Centre. Register at ctsl.org or call (516) 764-0045.
Baldwin Public Library hosts Music for Aardvarks, an interactive series tailored for children ages 4 months to 4 years, accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Held every Wednesday in August, at 10 a.m., in the Community Room, these interactive sessions offer singing, dancing, musical storytelling, and jam sessions with instruments, promising a fun-filled experience for all. Registration required. 2385 Grand Ave. For more information and to register, visit BaldwinPL.org.
Theatre Playground returns to Long Island Children’s Museum with “Dramatic Play!,” Monday, Aug. 19, 1 p.m., taught by Lisa Rudin, Director of Theatre Playground. In this interactive, theater-inspired workshop, children will act out an original story and help choose how it unfolds. Music, props, and sound effects create a theatrical world where participants are immersed in the story.
Children express themselves as they create characters, explore different worlds, stretch their imaginations and build self-confidence.Costumes encouraged. $5 with museum admission. Museum Row, Garden City. (516) 224-5800 or LICM.org.
Kids in grades 6-12 can cool off with video games in the Teen Zone at Baldwin Public Library, Mondays, noon-1 p.m. Play against others. All games are rated E for Everyone. Registration not require; first come first serve. 2385 Grand Ave. Visit BaldwinPL.org for more information.
• Own
• Reliable transportation.
Bring the kids to Old Westbury Gardens for a Seasonal Sprouts session, Wednesday, Aug. 21, 11 a.m.-noon. Children (ages 4 to 6) can tour the gardens with guided activities exploring smells, sight, sound, and touch, even taste in planting a tasty veggie. $8 per child, $15 adult. Registration required. Old Westbury Gardens, 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. For information, visit OldWestburyGardens.org or contact (516) 333-0048.
Maximize your Social Security benefits with confidence by participating in an informative session at Baldwin Public Library, Tuesday, Aug. 20. Discover how to secure additional benefits you’ve earned and are entitled to, and learn the best time to start collecting Social Security based on your unique situation. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights tailored to your needs. Registration required. 2385 Grand Ave. To register and for more information, visit baldwinpl.org or call (516) 223-6228.
Enjoy a film outdoors on Eisenhower Park’s big screen, Wednesday, Aug. 21, dusk, at the Harry Chapin Lakeside Theatre. See last year’s summer sensation “Barbie.” Starring Margot Robbie as the title character and Ryan Gosling as Ken, the film follows them on a journey of self-discovery through Barbieland and the real world following an existential crisis. It is also a commentary regarding patriarchy and the effects of feminism. Eisenhower Park, Lakeside Theatre, East Meadow. For information, visit NassauCountyNY.gov.
Rock out at Zocial’s Decades of Rock event, at Sonny’s Canal House in Baldwin Harbor, Saturday, Aug. 17, 8 p.m. It’s sure to be an epic night celebrating the best rock hits from the ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s. Don’t miss out on unforgettable music, great vibes, and an electric atmosphere. 1 Jefferson Place. Visit sonnyscanalhouse.com for more.
Get in on the action with I. FLY Trapeze, Long Island’s only flying trapeze and circus arts school. Families will enjoy “Wild West Circus,” Saturday, Aug. 17, at 8 p.m., at Eisenhower Park. I.FLY Trapeze puts spectators up close to the aerialists who perform amazing feats of athleticism and agility 25 feet in the air. Performances include Chains, Silk and Lyra, with comedy and on the grounds acts with Balancing and Baton, also a Flying Trapeze Finale. Next to the Nassau County Aquatic Center off Merrick Ave., East Meadow. Free parking available in lot 1A adjacent to the trapeze. For more information, visit IFlyTrapeze.com.
Children ages 3-8, can join Girl Scouts for storytime, Saturday, Aug. 17, 1-3 p.m. The scouts will read stories and lead a craft at the Baldwin Community Garden. 1980 Grand Ave.
Items on The Scene page are listed free of charge. The Herald welcomes listings of upcoming events, community meetings and items of public interest. All submissions should include date, time and location of the event, cost, and a contact name and phone number. Submissions can be emailed to thescene@liherald.com.
On exhibit
Nassau County Museum of Art ‘s latest exhibition
“Seeing Red: Renoir to Warhol,” reveals the many meanings, connotations, and associations of this powerful color in art. Evoking strong emotion, red can represent the human condition. Its myriad variations have come to signify authority as well as love, energy and beauty. Red warns us of peril and commands us to stop, but it can also indicate purity and good fortune. Red boldly represents political movements and religious identities. From the advent of our appreciation for this color in antiquity to its continued prominence in artistic and popular culture, this exhibition will span various world cultures through a range of media.
It features more than 70 artists, both established and emerging, ranging from the classical to the contemporary. American portraitists such as Gilbert Stuart imbued red in their stately paintings of prominent individuals to conjure authority. Robert Motherwell, Ad Reinhardt, and other major abstract painters displayed a deep fascination with red in their commanding compositions that evoke a sense of chromatic power. And, of course, Andy Warhol is known for his bold and imposing silkscreened portrait of Vladimir Lenin saturated in bright red to his signature Campbell’s Soup Cans. On view through Jan. 5. Nassau County Museum of Art, 1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. (516) 484-9337 or NassauMuseum.org.
Grab your lunch and join Nassau County Museum of Art Docent Riva Ettus for her popular “Brown Bag Lecture” at the museum, Thursday, Sept. 5, 1 p.m. She’ll discuss the current exhibition, “Seeing Red: Renoir to Warhol.” Participants are invited to ask questions at the end of the in-depth program and also participate in a guided exhibition tour following the lecture. No registration required, but limited seating. Nassau County Museum of Art, 1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. (516) 484-9337 or NassauMuseum.org.
Cool off with a movie on Baldwin Public Library on Baldwin Public Library’s big screen, Friday, Aug. 16, 1:30-4:30 p.m. See the 2024 action thriller “The Beekeeper,” rated R and starring Jason Statham as Mr. Clay, a former operative for a secretive global organization. His brutal campaign for vengeance takes on national stakes after he is revealed to be a former operative of a powerful and clandestine organization known as “Beekeepers.” 2385 Grand Ave. Visit BaldwinPL.org for more information.
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Continued from page 1
2008. She was his undergrad coach.
Faustin-Parker set up an interview for Borzor with Haitian team officials, at which he expressed his interest in running for the team.
Last June, in the North American, Central American and Caribbean Athletics Association New Life Invitational in Nassau, Bahamas, he broke the Haitian national record in the 100 with a time of 10.14 seconds, earning him a spot on the country’s Olympic team.
Although his mindset was to win, Borzor had something else in mind: his country.
“The goal out here is to come out and win, but I knew it would be difficult,” he said last week. “But to go out there and just put on a show for my country, just to be able to represent — I did that.”
Asked what was next, Borzor said he planned to take a month off to give his body a break before resuming training for the World Athletics Championship in Tokyo next year.
finished in fifth place
in 10.28 seconds, and did not qualify for the second round.
Reflecting on his journey, Borzor encouraged aspiring athletes to stay committed to their goals.
“If you want to go to the Olympics,
definitely pursue that,” he said. “Don’t give up; work hard like I’ve been doing, and anything is possible. That’s how I see it.”
Plaza Elementary School student Alanna C. placed second in the nationwide scholastic contest, America’s Field Trip, which celebrates the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence signing .
Prompted by the question, “What does America mean to you?” thousands of students from across the country were encouraged to reflect and write about their home’s significance. As a second-place winner, Alanna received a $500 cash award.
“We’re grateful for all of the students, teachers, and families who engaged around America’s Field Trip – one of the first big steps on our long journey together to the Semiquincentennial. As we
advance toward July 4th, 2026, America’s Field Trip will only get bigger, engaging thousands of students around our collective history and giving them a platform to actively participate in envisioning our future,” America250 Chair Rosie Rios wrote in a news release.
“The meaningful experiences these students will gain beyond the classroom by visiting iconic American sites will inspire them and all the lives they touch to advance the nation’s long history of innovation,” Jayee Koffey, Global Head of Enterprise Execution and Chief Corporate Affairs Officer for Bank of New York, wrote. “We congratulate these students and their families and are honored to be part of their journey.” — Cameron Brown
The Nassau County Department of Health announced that a feral cat was found in Cedarhurst by the Town of Hempstead and has tested positive for rabies. Analysis was performed by the New York State Department of Health’s laboratory. This marks the first reported case of rabies in Nassau County since 2016, when a raccoon was identified with the disease.
“We urge all residents to avoid contact with feral and wild animals and to ensure their pets are up to date with their rabies vaccinations,” Nassau Health Commissioner Irina Gelman said in a news release. “The detection of rabies in our county after several years of no reported cases is a stark reminder of the ongoing risk, and it’s crucial that we take proactive measures to protect our community.”
IIn an effort to protect pets and prevent the spread of rabies, Nassau County Department of Health has partnered with the Town of Hempstead to offer free rabies vaccinations for dogs, cats and ferrets. Open to all Nassau County residents, the vaccination clinic will be held on Saturday, Aug. 24, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter located at 3320 Beltagh Avenue in Wantagh.
dogs, cats, ferrets, horses, and livestock. Vaccination protects pets if they are exposed to rabid animals. Pets too young to be vaccinated should be kept indoors and allowed outside only under direct observation.
■ Keep family pets indoors at night. Don’t leave them outside unattended or let them roam free.
■ Do not feed unknown animals and discourage them from seeking food near your home.
■ Advise family members against approaching any unknown animal – wild or domestic – especially those acting unusually.
t’s crucial that we take proactive measures to protect our community.
IrIna Gelman Nassau Health Commissioner
“The Town of Hempstead is proud to partner with Nassau County for this rabies clinic, which will help not only safeguard our pets but also shield our communities from a deadly and preventable disease,” Hempstead Town Supervisor Don Clavin said in a news release.
Dogs must be on a leash at all times and cats and ferrets must be in enclosed carriers. It is recommended for dogs, cats, and ferrets older than four months to receive their first two shots one year apart and additional booster shots every three years thereafter.
Rabies is a viral disease that is spread to humans and pets primarily through bites, scratches, or salivary contact from an infected animal.
To protect from exposure to possible rabies:
■ Don’t feed or touch wild animals, stray cats, or dogs.
■ Ensure pets are up to date on rabies vaccinations, including
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: bevitalize, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York, (SSNY) on 5/16/24. NY Office location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of the process to: 1502 Victoria St Baldwin, NY 11510
Purpose: To engage in any lawful act or activity 147913
■ If a wild animal is on nearby, let it wander away and bring children and pets indoors. Contact a nuisance wildlife control expert who will remove the animal from the property for a fee.
■ Do not touch dying or dead animals. If they must be moved, use a shovel, wear heavy rubber gloves and double bag the carcass.
New York State law requires all dogs, cats and domesticated ferrets to be vaccinated against rabies. If an unvaccinated pet or one that’s overdue for its vaccination comes in contact with a rabid or suspected rabid animal, the pet must either be euthanized or strictly quarantined for up to six months. However, if a vaccinated animal comes into contact with a wild animal, it needs only a booster vaccination which must be administered within five days of exposure. To protect families and pets, it is essential that animals have upto-date rabies vaccination.
Individuals bitten or scratched by any animal should immediately contact their physicians or seek medical help at a hospital emergency room and then call the Nassau County Department of Health at 516-227-9663. Additionally, residents are asked to report any dead, sick or abnormal acting animals by emaiing rabies@nassaucountyny.gov for possible collection and rabies testing.
For additional information on rabies visit the Nassau County Department of Health website.
—Nicole Wagner
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: AB Social Health Management, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York, (SSNY) on 05/30/2024. NY Office location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of the process to:2322 Grand Ave, Baldwin, NY 11510
Purpose: To engage in any lawful act or activity. 147988
LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT: COUNTY OF NASSAU WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR CARRINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2006-FRE2 ASSET-BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, Plaintiff, v. JOSE LOPEZ AKA JOSE M. LOPEZ, ET AL, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE IN FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT In pursuance of a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the Office of the County Clerk of Nassau County on March 22, 2024, I, Peter L. Kramer, Esq., the Referee named in said Judgment, will sell in one parcel at public auction on August 28, 2024 at North Side Steps of the
Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Ct. Dr., Mineola, NY 11501, at 02:00 PM the premises described as follows: 1112 Pacific Street Baldwin, NY 11510 SBL No.: 54-370-729 ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau, State of New York. The premises are sold subject to the provisions of the filed judgment, Index No. 615211/2022 in the amount of $710,437.19 plus interest and costs. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the Court System’s COVID-19 mitigation protocols and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 500 Bausch & Lomb Place Rochester, NY 14604 Tel.: 855-227-5072 148126
LEGAL NOTICE SUPREME COURTCOUNTY OF NASSAU Marleni Carrasco, Plaintiffs, -against- Dante Ortiz and Grand Bank, N.A., Defendants. Index No. 605952/2023 TO ALL CREDITORS NOT PARTIES TO THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION WHO HAVE LIENS ON THE UNDIVIDED SHARE OR INTEREST OF ANY PARTY: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that each and every person not a party to the above entitled action who, at the date of the order dated June 3, 2024 appointing the undersigned referee to inquire as to creditors, had a lien upon any undivided share or interest of a party in the property hereinafter described, is hereby required to appear before the undersigned at 2280 Grand Avenue, Suite 202, Baldwin, New York 11530, on or before September 15, 2024, to prove such lien and the true amount due or to become due by reason thereof. The property herein is described in the
complaint as follows: 1641 Oak Street, North Baldwin, New York 11510. DATED: July 12, 2024. Referee: Jerry Merola, Esq. 2280 Grand Ave, Ste 202, Baldwin, NY 11510. Tel: 516-887-1975 148117
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE BOARD OF APPEALS Pursuant to New York State Town Law Article 16, New York State Public Officers Law Article 7, and the Town of Hempstead Building Zone Ordinance, NOTICE is hereby given that the BOARD OF APPEALS of the Town of Hempstead will hold a public hearing in the Old Town Hall, 350 Front Street, Room 230, Second Floor, Hempstead, New York on 08/21/2024 at 9:30 A.M. to consider the following applications and appeals:
THE FOLLOWING CASES WILL BE CALLED STARTING AT 9:30 A.M. 539/24. BALDWINAkram Sayah & Zabih Sayah, Renewal of grant to maintain 2-family dwelling., S/E cor. Parkview Pl. & Wateredge Ave., a/k/a 60 Parkview Pl. ALL PAPERS PERTAINING TO THE ABOVE HEARING ARE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION AT THE BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN HALL, 1 WASHINGTON STREET, HEMPSTEAD, NY 11550. This notice is only for new cases in Baldwin within Town of Hempstead jurisdiction. There are additional cases in different hamlets, towns and villages on the Board of Appeals calendar. The full calendar is available a t https://hempsteadny.gov/ 509/Board-of-Appeals The internet address of the website streaming for this meeting is https://hempsteadny.gov/ 576/Live-Streaming-Video
Interested parties may appear at the above time and place. At the call of the Chairman, the Board will consider decisions on the foregoing and those on the Reserve Decision calendar and such other matters as may properly come before it. 148432
SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU Mortgage Assets Management, LLC, Plaintiff AGAINST Nassau County Public Administrator, as the Limited Administrator of the Estate of James McCrory; et al., Defendant(s)
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered July 12, 2024 I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at public auction at the North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on September 11, 2024 at 2:00PM, premises known as 1354 Short Place, Baldwin, NY 11510. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being at Baldwin, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau, State of NY, Section: 36 Block: 236-1 Lot: 32 and 255. Approximate amount of judgment $696,646.80 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index# 001173/2014. The auction will be conducted pursuant to the COVID-19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of Foreclosed Property established by the 10th Judicial District. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.” Christine Grillo, Esq., Referee LOGS Legal Group LLP f/k/a Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) 430-4792
Dated: July 26, 2024 148307
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Eat-in kitchen with granite countertops and pantry. Formal dining room. Updates include cathedral ceiling and skylight. Security system. Taxes: $14,116
$749,000 Benton Road. Split Level. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Partial finished basement. Eat-in kitchen with granite countertops. Formal dining room. Den/family room. Patio with overhang. Taxes: $10,662.33
Franklin Square $676,200 Anderson Avenue. Ranch. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Partial finished basement. Generously sized eat-in kitchen, Formal dining room. Rear extension for den/fourth bedroom. Updates include new heating system, central air conditioning. Nice size yard with paver patio. 2 car garage. Convenient location near shopping.
Taxes: $12,471
Freeport $845,000
Ann Drive East. Ranch. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Eat-in kitchen. Open layout. Updates include vaulted ceiling.
Taxes: $11,143.48
Hewlett Harbor $3,900,000
Thixton Drive. Estate. 9 bedrooms ,8.55 bathrooms. Gourmet eat-in kitchen with granite countertops and pantry. Formal dining room. Den/family room, home office, exercise room/sauna, also wet bar and guest quarters. First floor bedroom. Cathedral ceiling and skylight. Security system. Magnificent one-of-a-kind 1,2000 square foot home with stunning views of the water and adjacent to the golf course.
Taxes: $106,213.42
Long Beach $910,000
Atlantic Avenue. Colonial. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms. Eatin kitchen with granite countertops. Open layout. Formal dining room. Den/family room and sauna/steam room. Updates include cathedral ceiling and skylight.
Taxes: $15,561.70
Malverne $845,000
Horton Street. Ranch. 3 bedrooms,1.5 bathrooms. Eat-in kitchen. Open layout. Master bedroom with walk-in closet. Taxes: $15,205
Merrick $1,200,000
Judith Drive. Splanch, 5 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms. Finished basement. Eat-in kitchen with granite countertops and pantry. Open layout. Formal dining room. Den/family room, home office and exercise room. Ensuite master bedroom with walkin closet. Updates include cathedral ceiling and skylight. Taxes: $21,990.26
Oceanside $469,000
Royal Avenue. Cottage. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Eat-in kitchen with granite countertops. Open floor plan. Taxes:
Q. We are near the end of our building project, which included a second floor and removing walls between our kitchen and living room. Our contractor hasn’t been answering the phone, and we learned that our building permit is still “open,” and remains that way until the contractor follows through, as our contract states. We are so frustrated, because it took much longer than we were promised, we spent much more than expected staying in a cheap hotel (if you call it that) and we moved back in even though, technically, we are told it is illegal. Our electrician and plumber, we now learn, didn’t get permits signed off, either, even though they gave their names and licenses to the building department. The building inspector says the construction doesn’t match the plans, and updated plans must be submitted for us to even be considered finished. What can you tell us about how to move forward and finish this off?
A. Spoken words and contracts used to mean something. I prefer to believe they still do, but I am seeing parties ignoring their commitments and, worst of all, not even having the decency to communicate. I try to warn clients to have a contingency plan for worst-case scenarios.
In my long career, I have seen only two projects come in on budget, one commercial and one residential. What both had in common was that they both had an experienced construction manager on the job. That cost the owner more — much more — but in the end, the plans were followed to the letter, the sign-offs were all done, the certifications were issued and the occupancy took place on the day it was scheduled to. Considering the other 4,500-plus projects I’ve done, that is a sad record.
At this point you have no choice. The plans that were not followed require re-measuring, and the plans need to reflect the changes. In many circumstances I have witnessed, this is easier said than done, because if the construction changes ignored structural load paths, hidden conditions now buried behind wall coverings or code violations, the architect or engineer of record is not obligated to just go along with the defective work. Unfortunately, this unfairly strains the relationship with the architect or engineer.
The missing-in-action construction professionals, your licensed contractor, licensed plumber and licensed electrician, have obligations, not the least of which is to communicate with you, but the authorities giving the licenses and your building authority rarely protect you, often telling you that it is a “civil matter.” So much for consumer protection, because you are stuck and will need to decide who you can hire to take over the electrical sign-off, the plumbing sign-off and finally, after those are done and the plans have been modified and reapproved, then you will need to call for the final inspection yourself. Follow-up can be time-consuming, but it may be the only way around the situation. Good luck!
© 2024 Monte Leeper
Readers are encouraged to send questions to yourhousedr@aol.com, with “Herald question” in the subject line, or to Herald Homes, 2 Endo Blvd., Garden City, NY 11530, Attn: Monte Leeper, architect.
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Taking an evening off from Donald Trump, Kamala Harris and the frenzied world of politics in general, I recently sat down with my 20-year-old grandson Jack, who is staying with us for the summer, to bingewatch the HBO Max four-part special on Pete Rose, “Charlie Hustle.”
Every baseball fan, as well as many people who aren’t even sports fans, is aware of Pete Rose — either because of his truly outstanding 24-year major league career as a player, plus several years as a manager, or for the swirl of controversy that has surrounded him since he left baseball over three decades ago.
Rose came up to the major leagues with the Cincinnati Reds in 1963 and played there until 1978, and again from 1983 until 1986, after stints with the Philadelphia Phillies and Montreal Expos. He also managed the Reds until 1989, following two seasons as player-manager. During his playing career, he set records that should have guaranteed his permanent placement in baseball’s version of Mount Rushmore, the Hall of Fame in
one hundred people serve in the United States Senate. They represent the entire political spectrum, from far left to far right. There are definitely zealots, such as Bernie Sanders, the Democrat from Vermont, and Tom Cotton, the Arkansas Republican, and then there are the middle-of-the-road members, such as Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, and Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska.
Then there is Sen. Ted Cruz, the Texas Republican.
I single out Cruz because he stands head and shoulders above all the other senators, for all the wrong reasons. Cruz is running for re-election this year, but this discussion has nothing to do with his current campaign. An article in a Long Island weekly newspaper isn’t going to sink the re-election efforts of this very strange public official.
For those who follow the action in the Senate, Cruz has the distinction of being the most disliked member of the body, on both sides of the aisle. How did
upstate Cooperstown.
Rose had more hits — 4,256 — and played in more games — 3,562 — than any player in major league history. He was selected for 17 All-Star games, won three batting titles and was named the National League’s Most Valuable Player once and the World Series MVP once. His entire list of achievements could fill this column and more.
Those achievements are virtually unmatched in the history of baseball, and dwarf those of many players in the Hall of Fame. If ever there should have been a sure thing for baseball immortality, it was Pete Rose.
Should his ban from baseball, and the Hall of Fame, continue? Opinions differ.
Probably the easiest way to describe Rose the person, however, is that as great a ballplayer as he was, he was that much of a jerk. He was a degenerate gambler. He bet not just on horses, greyhounds and at casinos, but also, despite almost two decades of denials, on baseball, which has been that sport’s cardinal sin since the 1919 World Series, when players on the Chicago White Sox — the infamous “Black Sox” — threw the World Series and were banned from baseball for life.
Generations later, after an extensive investigation, Commissioner Bart Gia-
matti concluded that Rose had gambled on baseball and banned him for life. There was no evidence, however, that Rose ever bet against his own team, which was what doomed the Black Sox. Soon after his banishment from baseball, Rose was charged by the IRS with tax evasion and sentenced to five months in federal prison. Most jarring to him was the Hall of Fame’s decision not to admit any player who had been banned for life.
In the years since, Rose has been like a man without a country. He has made good money at autograph shows, sports forums and media appearances. But he has been almost desperate for Hall of Fame membership. In his 2000 book, “My Prison Without Bars,” he finally admitted to betting on baseball, while still insisting he had never bet against his own team.
The debate has raged among baseball fans about Rose’s Hall of Fame eligibility. My son Sean, who was with me at Shea Stadium on July 25, 1978, when Rose tied the National League 37-consecutive-game hitting streak record, thinks that enough time has passed to end the lifetime ban and allow Rose into the Hall of Fame. My grandson Jack, who played a lot of good baseball in his teenage
years, agrees, as do I. The “Charlie Hustle” documentary, however, made us rethink. In it, allegations are made by a longtime associate that Rose engaged in cocaine deals to finance his gambling habit. There was an accusation by a woman claiming sexual involvement with Rose 40 years ago, when she was underage. Though corroborating evidence hasn’t been made public, there was an out-of-court settlement, and Rose became his own worst enemy when he answered a female reporter’s inquiry on the matter with a stupid sexist comment.
In most of the documentary, Rose comes across as friendly and carefree, like a Huckleberry Finn or a Little Rascal. But then there are jarring, crude comments and proof that he is a chronic and habitual liar, which takes away much of that rustic charm.
Jack now thinks Rose’s bans from baseball and the Hall of Fame should continue. Sean and I concluded that the baseball ban should continue, but he should be allowed entry into the Hall, provided that his plaque makes clear that the honor is only for his achievements on the field.
The debate continues.
Peter King is a former congressman, and a former chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security. Comments? pking@ liherald.com.
he get into this unique situation? His career track is similar to many other senators. He’s a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School. He was known as an excellent debater, and his criminal law professor, Alan Dershowitz, said Cruz was “off-the-charts brilliant.”
He got his first taste of politics in 1999, when he went to work on the George W. Bush presidential campaign. He practiced law, and then decided to run for the Senate in 2013. With the help of the Tea Party movement, Cruz became the first Hispanic American from Texas to be elected to the Senate. All seemed normal up to that point, but as time passed, he became more and more irritating to his fellow senators. By 2013 he had earned the distinction of being called a “wacko bird” by his colleague the late Sen. John McCain.
went so far as to publish a “Compendium of People Who Hate Ted Cruz.” His former roommate called him “a nightmare of a human being.”
H e called Trump a ‘pathological liar,’ but guess who ‘Lyin’ Ted’ supports now?
What has made Cruz so disliked? In 2013 he staged a 21-hour talking marathon on the Senate floor against the Affordable Care Act. During his talkathon, he read Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham,” a bedtime story that he claimed to have read to his two daughters. That event translated into a shutdown of the federal government for 16 days, costing taxpayers grief and millions of dollars.
trip to Cancun. That winter, Texas was caught in a serious winter freeze. The state’s power grid had failed, and millions of Texans were without heat or power. In the middle of the crisis, Cruz travel to Cancun with his family to get away from the state’s misery. He was caught by cameras at the airport, ready to board his flight.
He claimed he planned the vacation for his children, and he was only flying to Cancun and coming right back. His wife’s texts described their home as “FREEZING,” and it was clear that it was a trip to get away from the cold while his constituents were suffering.
The barbs weren’t just from fellow senators. The Dallas Observer wrote that Cruz “defied the odds to become the most unpopular member of the U.S. Senate, a body of people whose collective approval rating falls below approval ratings for hemorrhoids, traffic jams, root canals and Nickelback.” Rolling Stone
In 2016, Cruz decided to run for president. One of his opponents was Donald J. Trump. The contest between the two was as ugly as you could imagine. They attacked each other’s wives, citizenship and integrity. Trump called Cruz “Lyin’ Ted,” mocked his wife’s appearance and falsely suggested that his father was involved in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Cruz called Trump a “sniveling coward,” a “pathological liar” and “utterly amoral.” But by the end of the primaries, Cruz had endorsed Trump. No commentary on Cruz would be complete without mentioning his 2021
As for his legislative record, it includes such things as opposing gun laws even though his state had suffered mass killings, and calling the Supreme Court’s legalization of gay marriage a form of “tyranny.”
There is so much more to say about this man and his character. But the best way to end this is to say that I bet even my fellow columnist Peter King dislikes Ted Cruz.
Jerry Kremer was an assemblyman for 23 years, and chaired the Assembly’s Ways and Means Committee for 12 years. He now heads Empire Government Strategies, a business development and legislative strategy firm. Comments about this column? jkremer@liherald.com.
as summer winds down, many Long Island families face a bittersweet milestone: sending a child off to college for the first time. This transition marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, filled with excitement, anxiety and a mix of emotions for both parents and students.
For parents, the challenge lies in striking a delicate balance between supporting your child’s independence and maintaining a nurturing presence. Here is some key advice to help you navigate this new terrain:
1. Embrace the change. Remember that this transition is a natural and positive step in your child’s development. Your role in his or her life is evolving, not diminishing. Celebrate this milestone and the opportunities it brings.
2. Prepare practically, not just emotionally. Ensure that your child has the necessary life skills before she leaves. Can she do laundry, manage a budget, and cook a simple meal? These practical abilities will boost her confidence and self-reliance.
3. Discuss expectations clearly. Have open conversations about academics, finances and communication. How often will you check in? What GPA do you expect him to maintain? Establishing clear guidelines can prevent misunderstandings down the road.
4. Encourage campus involvement. Urge
To the Editor:
your child to take part in orientation activities and join clubs or organizations. These connections can ease homesickness and help her find her place in her new community.
5. Be a supportive listener. Your child will likely experience ups and downs. Resist the urge to immediately solve his problems. Instead, offer a sympathetic ear and guide him toward finding his own solutions.
6. Respect your child’s privacy. While it’s tempting to check in constantly, remember that she needs space to grow. Trust that you’ve prepared her well and allow her to make her own decisions — and mistakes.
7. Take care of yourself. This transition affects you, too. Connect with other parents going through the same experience, take up a new hobby, or consider volunteering. Your well-being matters.
8. Plan for visits wisely. Schedule campus visits, but be mindful of your child’s new routines and commitments. Family Weekend can be a great opportunity to reconnect, and see him in his new environment.
9. Embrace technology. Familiarize yourself with video calling platforms and texting. These tools can help maintain closeness despite the physical distance.
10. Prepare for changes at home. If you have younger children, be aware that family dynamics may change. Include
Re Peter King’s column “There’s just no predicting what will happen next” (Aug. 1-7): I live in southwest Nassau County, so never had the opportunity to have Congressman King on a ballot. It would have been unlikely for me to support him, because I’m a registered Democrat, and have moved from mid-left to further over as the years have passed. About to turn 80, I’ve got quite a rearview mirror, as does King.
I never saw him as a hack politician — he explained his positions clearly, with passion for what he believed was best for us all. He always had my respect. King’s vote against President Bill Clinton’s impeachment still stands in the forefront of my mind. His position took political guts.
In his piece, King laid out the flaws in President Biden’s bid for another term, along with numerous elements surrounding the aftermath of the June 27 debate. The dynamics of the race have changed dramatically in the days since Biden’s withdrawal. Former President Trump has sunk to new lows in
the kids in discussions, and find ways to make this transition positive for everyone.
11. Stay informed, but don’t hover: Familiarize yourself with campus resources, but encourage your child to seek help independently when needed. Knowing when to step back is crucial.
12. Expect growth and change. Your child will likely return home with new perspectives, habits, and possibly even a changed appearance. Embrace these changes as signs of her personal growth.
Remember, this transition is as much about your growth as a parent as it is about your child’s journey to adulthood. It’s an opportunity to redefine your relationship and watch with pride as he spreads his wings.
For those feeling overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone. Our communities are full of parents who have walked this path before you. Reach out to friends, family members or local support groups for advice and comfort.
As your child embarks on this new adventure, take comfort in knowing that the strong foundation you’ve provided will serve her well. The values you’ve instilled, and the love and support you’ve offered over the years will guide her as she navigates this exciting new chapter of her life.
All of us at the Herald wish you and your college-bound students a smooth transition filled with growth, learning and new beginnings.
amajor societal shift always brings questions. The shift we are making to renewable energy is on a scale rarely seen in history, and questions are welcome and a part of the process of understanding. What are renewable energies? Why is the energy industry trending toward these energy forms? What are the options for Long Island when it comes to renewable energy? What are the risks? What are the benefits? It is clear that there needs to be more information and education about the industry.
Renewable energy is the energy derived from natural sources that are replenished on a human time scale — sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, water currents and geothermal heat. They are abundant, and produce little or no emissions. The sources that have been harnessed so far by humans are solar, hydropower, geothermal, and wind, and Long Island has a unique opportunity, because of its location, to harness offshore wind. Why do we need renewable energy?
Climate change is no longer deniable, and Long Island is affected by sea level rise, flooding, stronger storms and more rain. The number one reason: fossil fuels. The largest contributor to the thickening of our atmosphere, trapping carbon dioxide, is the burning of oil, gas and coal. The fastest way to stop climate change is to stop using fossil fuels. An easy answer — not really, which is why I’m writing this — is transitioning to renewable energy to power our lives.
we have a unique opportunity, because of our location, to harness its power.
Long Island sits just north of a continental shelf called the New York Bight, with shallow seas, strong winds and a large, dense population close to the coastline. The shallow water allows for structures to be built without the complications and expense of deep diving to build them. The strong winds help turbines turn consistently, producing energy needed to power homes, charge electric vehicles and operate businesses. And with a dense population close to the coast, energy can be delivered over a shorter distance without much loss of power, and at lower costs.
You may ask, why offshore wind? Why not solar or onshore wind? Solar power is being generated on Long
gender and race bashing. Though not unpredictable for him, his behavior must be coupled with the remarkable positions brought forward by his running mate, J.D. Vance. Together it’s quite a package.
I’m interested to learn how King feels about the Trump side of the campaign, because he said little on that front. My impression is that, whereas he supported Trump in the past, it would be a difficult lever for him to pull this time, and that he just might sit this one out. I’m curious about how King feels about the direction in which Trump/Vance want to take the country. What outcome does King want for us?
Thanks to King for being a quality congressman on the other side. He served when civil discourse was the norm, when rivalries were highly respectful, such as Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill. The very best to King.
WeISS Hewlett
As King wrote, it was ‘almost as if it had been planned’
To the editor:
While Vice President Harris calls Donald Trump a threat to democracy, it was the Democrats who subverted it by negating the votes of millions of registered Democrats who chose President Biden in the primaries. The bloodless coup, which forced the president to withdraw from the race under unusual circumstances,
Island, but not on the scale that we need to power the number of homes here. According to the Census Bureau, Long Island has just under 8.5 million housing units. That is where offshore wind comes in to meet our energy needs. There is growth in solar power through ground mounts, or on existing structures that don’t require open space, but it still doesn’t have the capacity to generate the power we need. And onshore wind requires large plots of land, which are few and far between in downstate New York.
Renewable energy is the only way for our future. We are seeing more cases of asthma, warming of the oceans, rising sea levels, stronger seasonal storms, and economic volatility due to the excessive use of fossil fuels to produce power. Moving to renewable energy will clear air pollution and slow the warming of the oceans, protecting ocean life, and slow the rising sea levels that threaten coastal communities. In turn, cooler water bodies will decrease the frequency of seasonal storms that flood our streets and erode our beaches. Offshore wind provides a stable and reliable energy source without the volatility of rising fuel prices. It also cre-
allowed a privileged few to choose a new candidate, who, at the time, had a low approval rating. Any rational person knows that Biden should never have been allowed to run in the primaries for a second term. That would have led to meaningful Democratic primaries that were not a sham!
MeL YOuNg, MD Lawrence
To the editor:
Re Jerry Kremer’s column “When Joe was born, they threw away the mold” (Aug. 1-7): glad to see that Kremer has such a high regard for our president, and that their interactions have been so positive. good for Jerry.
That said, I, and others (I’m not a MAgA, nor am I a fan of Trump) certainly have a different view from Kremer’s.
I find it hard to comprehend the idea that “no one … can match (Biden’s) talent for getting things done on a bipartisan basis” and his “history-making achievements.” From the economy, to the millions of people flooding our border with no plan in place to handle them, to the debacle in Afghanistan, to gas price and mortgage rates, and of course the lies about his mental status from Kremer’s party, not sure he can convince us of Biden’s greatness.
PAuL FACeLLA Long Beach
ates thousands of good-paying jobs to build, maintain and operate its facilities. Beyond those working in the industry, utility stability is how offshore wind will benefit all of Long Island.
Most of the Island’s population now relies on fossil fuel generation to power their homes, workplaces, community centers and infrastructure. This means that electricity bills fluctuate with global geo-political events, because we are buying the fuel to run the power plants connected to our electric grid, mostly from other countries. With offshore wind, there is no need to buy “fuel.” The fuel is infinite, and not a commodity that’s for sale. The wind blows no matter what. This means that the costs of delivering electricity are fixed.
I want to see the renewable energy that we need come to Long Island. I want to ensure that we are delivering safe, reliable, responsible and clean energy to residents. Not only is this a critically needed change, but it will also improve our communities by stopping rising costs, and creating an economic engine with the added benefits of clean air, clean waters and fixed utility costs.
Melissa Parrott is the deputy executive director of Renewable Energy Long Island.