Teeing it up for charity

By NIColE FoRMISANo nformisano@liherald.com
For years, Circle of Hope has been meeting in the Lynbrook Public Library so its members can work through the grief of losing a loved one. Now they face uncharted territory — what do they do when their leader herself, Angela Mendola, has died?
“Angela had topics, would bring out things we never knew we were feeling, and deal with those feelings,” said Faye Pakula, who joined the group two years ago after losing her husband to pancreatic cancer. “She really was wonderful.”
The Lynbrook Mayor’s Golf Outing on Monday raised money for the Lynbrook Community Chest. Above, from left, Marc Losquadro, Brian Stanton, Ralph Romanelli and Matt Fauerbachn. Below, Lynbrook Mayor Alan Beach, far right, presents Police Chief Brian Paladino with an honoree plaque, with Jeff Greenfield at near right. Story, more photos, Page 10. I think we feel like we’d have another loss. Another loss of Angela.
“They were able to provide me comfort,” Grillo said. “I don’t know what it would have been like had I been alone.”
Mendola was the kind of person who did everything with warmth. When the Herald worked with her on a story last summer, she welcomed this nervous young reporter into the Circle of Hope with open arms. Over the course of the meeting, members talked honestly about the messy, complicated and unglamorous experience of grief. Mendola met it unflinchingly, headon and with a candor that didn’t sacrifice kindness. It made grief less scary, somehow, to know that as big as it can be in one’s heart, it would never scare her off.
Mendola was a role model to her daughters, Laura Jean Bonacore and Grillo. As an adult, she went back to school, at Molloy University, to finish her undergraduate degree, and earned a master’s from Ford -
Mendola, 84, died on July 5 after a heart attack. The members of Circle of Hope, which was sponsored by Our Lady of Peace R.C. Church until recently, knew something was wrong when she didn’t show up at their weekly Friday meeting on July 5 — she never missed a meeting. They contacted her daughter, Christine Mendola Grillo. They came to the house and waited outside. And they were there when Grillo found her.
Continued on page 19
As a highlight of their studies in business and economics within the social studies curriculum, fifth-grade students at Rhame Avenue and Centre Avenue Schools in East Rockaway hosted Entrepreneur Day.
For months, the students have been diligently preparing for this event. Each student designed and created an original product, developing a comprehensive business plan to market and sell their creations.
This interdisciplinary project encompassed various skill areas, including creating business cards, composing advertis-
ing jingles, and designing logos, slogans, and websites for their products.
In addition, the students manufactured their products and prepared to sell them.
Parents and community members were invited to explore each student’s store in June and purchase products using a QR code scanned with their cell phones.
Entrepreneur Day was a resounding success, providing an enjoyable and invaluable real-world experience for our students.
— Ben Fiebert
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By JORDAN VALLONE jvallone@liherald.com
This November, voters in New York will have the opportunity to vote on an amendment to the state’s constitution, aimed at ensuring equal rights to all under law.
The current equal protection clause in the state’s constitution already prohibits discrimination based on “race, color, creed or religion.” The amendment will allow New York voters to include additional classifications that people cannot be discriminated against, such as ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, sex, pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
The decision to include the amendment on this year’s ballot came in midJune. New York’s Attorney General Letitia James said it was “a huge victory in our efforts to protect our basics rights and freedoms.”
“The ERA was advanced to protect access to abortion care, enshrine this basic right in our constitution, and protect people from discrimination,” she said. “We will continue to do everything in our power to protect these rights and ensure everyone can live safely and freely in the great State of New York.”
Advocacy groups at both the state and local level are beginning to spread the word about what the amendment entails. The League of Women Voters of Central Nassau recently held an “Appetizer & Postcard Party,” aimed at educating neighbors on what the ERA is.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights. It empowers voters and defends democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation at various levels of government, and there are several chapters on Long Island.
Susan Cushman, the advocacy chair for the Central Nassau division, said the idea was to bring people together at the Appetizer & Postcard Party, so the community and members of the league could learn about the amendment, and if they support it, write postcards that were mailed to addresses, provided by New Yorkers for Equal Rights, a coalition that supports the amendment.
At the event, which took place at the Baldwin Diner last month, attendees wrote on their postcards: “On Nov. 5, don’t forget to ‘flip the ballot’ and vote on the new NY ERA for all New Yorkers.”
The event was successful, and 500 postcards were written.
Cushman, a professor at Nassau Community College, where she teaches English and women’s and gender studies, said the amendment is not an abortion access measure.
“Pregnancy outcomes suggests that if women have unexpected issues or problems with their pregnancy, they’re not going to be criminalized for it,” she said. “They have access to services that include protecting their future fertility.
The League of Women Voters has been spreading word about the Equal Rights Amendment that will appear on the November ballot in New York. Attendees at a meeting last month wrote out postcards, which were sent to addresses provided by New Yorkers for Equal Rights, a coalition that supports the amendment.
That’s really important for people to understand.”
Cushman said she feels people are supportive to the amendment, once they learn what it entails. But, she added, that is the problem — not many people even know about it. Several new people joined the league at its last meeting, Cushman said, it served an important educational purpose for other attendees.
“I do think people are receptive to it,” Cushman said of the amendment, “and I agree that people generally don’t know a lot about it. They think we already have a New York ERA, and that’s enough.
“We want to take action, we want to spread the word — and that’s why we thought the postcard party would be such a great idea,” she went on. “We could put it on our website, or we could email people, but it doesn’t bring a community together.”
On November’s ballot, the amend -
ment will be the first proposal on the ballot, labeled as Prop 1. The current ERA, Cushman said, does not cover the full scope that the new one would, if approved by voters in November.
“That’s why when I try to explain it to people, it’s a pro-health care measure,” she said. “It’s not just about women in pregnancy outcomes — it also protects your discrimination in these other areas, like age, ability, LGBT issues. It’s the 21st century. It’s time to have a stronger New York Equal Rights Amendment.”
Voters interested in learning more about the Equal Rights Amendment, the League of Women Voters of East Nassau will hold a meeting on Aug. 21 at 7 p.m. at the Levittown Public Library. The library is at 1 Bluegrass Lane, Levittown. For more about the league, and to find local chapters, visit LWV.org.
The amendment is aimed at ensuring equal rights to all under law. Those who attended the event last month filled out 500 postcards.
■ In New York, residents are protected from discrimination based on race, color, creed, or religion, according to the equal protection clause in the state’s constitution.
■ The Equal Rights Amendment, which will be listed on ballots as Prop 1 in November, will expand the scope of protection. If approved by voters, it will also prohibit discrimination based on ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, sex, pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
Tally-Ho Engine Company 3 of the Lynbrook Fire Department recognized
“Protecting Your Future” has been Ettinger Law Firm’s slogan since we began in 1991. These words have deep meaning to us and our clients. Following are the eight ways an Ettinger Elder Law Estate Plan protects your future:
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teers for their 50 years of service and an outgoing captain. From left were
Kenny Olson, Bill Dauscher, Assemblyman
McLaughlin and Mayor Alan Beach.
A pair of 50-year members of TallyHo Engine Company 3 of the Lynbrook Fire Department was honored for their half-century of volunteer service, along with the outgoing captain at a dinner at the Ocean Beach Club in Atlantic Beach.
Bill Dauscher and Bill McLaughlin are the 50-year members and Kenny Olson is the outgoing caption. Assemblyman Brian Curran, Lynbrook Village Mayor Alan Beach and Trustee Mike Hawkhurst were among the guests who celebrated the honorees.
Advanced Auto Parts opened a store in Lynbrook on Sunrise Highway. General manager at Advance Auto Parts Eddie Berkeley cut the ribbon.
■ WEB SITE: www.liherald.com/lynbrook or www.liherald.com/eastrockaway
■ E-MAIl: Letters and other submissions: lyn-ereditor@liherald.com
■ EDITORIAl DEPARTMENT: Ext. 265 E-mail: lyn-ereditor@liherald.com
Iremember a storybook wedding at the Waldorf Astoria that I attended many years ago. The bride was radiant; the groom was beaming. She was exuberant as she spoke about her new husband as a special person who “is wonderful, caring, sensitive and makes me feel so good about myself.” He in turn, was passionate as he spoke about his new wife as a remarkable woman who “is loving, bright, beautiful and my best friend.”
It was a wondrous evening. This couple was glowing. They felt mutually appreciated, valued, esteemed, treasured, safe and loved. How superb, fantastic! We were witnessing couple heaven!!
And then, some crass woman on the reception line muttered (in much too loud a voice) “Just wait. She’ll wise up and see. Marriage is for the man’s benefit. Women get the raw end of the deal.” Her mate took the bait. “What do you mean for the man’s benefit? Women suck men dry. Marriage is a woman’s game. He’ll turn into a pansy soon enough.”
pointment. She may speak about him as “selfish, uncaring, egocentric”; he may speak about her as “controlling, manipulating, never satisfied.” Instead of gazing into each other’s eyes, now they sit in silence as they gaze at the TV.
Nagging differences may blossom into full-blown annoyances. He wants to watch the games on the weekends; she wants to go shopping with him. He can’t sleep unless the TV is on; she needs quiet to doze off. He orders from a menu without regard to cholesterol or cost; she focuses on diet and dollars. Romantic partners all right---like Michael Jordan and Mother Teresa! If romantic love is fading from your relationship, don’t panic!
Everyone rolled their eyes. They motioned to this couple to shut up. They were spoiling the moment. Romantic weddings appeal to the deepest instinct in all of us who still believe in fairytale love that’s magical and wondrous. Romantic love is nature’s anesthesia, a time of infinite hope, when lovers are fully conscious of their passion and devotion toward one another, unconscious of the difficulties that are yet to surface.
Why, oh why was this crass couple intruding on the moment? And yet, many people in the room knew what they were talking about. Romantic love changes. The anesthesia wears off!
As change begins, starry-eyed lovers don’t wish to acknowledge it. Despite themselves, they get annoyed about things they previously glossed over. Still, they’re patient with one another, minimizing differences and apologizing for their judgments. “He’s tired”; “She had a hard day.” Problems are emerging, but so what, they tell themselves. No relationship is perfect!
As time elapses, however, romantic love typically recedes further from consciousness. Awakening from anesthesia, both husband and wife feel less tolerant of behavior that triggers anger, hurt, and disap-
Just because you’re in another stage of love does not mean all is lost. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to see if you can love this imperfect person, for whom he or she really is, not for whom you imagined your spouse was. Instead of feeling betrayed, dwelling on the reality that “you’re not the person I thought you were,” do what you can to grow the relationship.
Remember, you were under nature’s anesthesia at the beginning of your relationship. You wanted to believe that the two of you were like one. Your life together began as a romance novel, now it feels like a case study in a marriage help book. Bummer!
Though the snags in your relationship are difficult to manage, I hope you don’t end up being like that crass cynical couple at the wedding. Sure, you’d love to magically wish away any relationship troubles, but listen up!
Your current struggle with your spouse presents a fuller picture of who you both really are. Though these struggles may be the last thing your conscious mind desires, unconsciously, it may be just what you need to heal, expand, grow and truly accept your spouse for who he/she is.
Linda Sapadin, Ph.D., psychologist, coach, and author specializes in helping people improve their relationships, enhance their lives, and overcome debilitating anxiety, procrastination, and depression. Visit her website at PsychWisdom.com.
By TONY BELLISSIMO tbellissimo@liherald.com
Are you ready for some football?
Next Monday, all 53 Nassau County public high school football programs can begin preparations for the upcoming season, scheduled to open Friday, Sept. 6 with six games leading up to the first full slate the following week.
Aside from eight-time defending Nassau Conference II champion Garden City moving to Conference III, perhaps the biggest news during the offseason was the decision to add an 11 a.m. kickoff slot to Conferences II and IV for the 2024 campaign, and potentially Conferences I and III next year, due to a shortage of officials.
“At this time we don’t have enough officiating crews to cover so many games at the same time,” said Section VIII football coordinator Matt McLees. “We’re at about 16-17 crews. Moving some games to 11 a.m. and others to 3 p.m. allows us to double up certain crews on Saturdays.”
One team largely affected by the earlier start time is Sewanhaka. Not only is head coach George Kasimatis’ squad debuting the school’s new nickname, the Ravens, half of its games will begin in the morning. Fortunately, Kasimatis noted, three of the four 11 a.m. kickoffs are at home. “We travel to Roosevelt in Week 2 and it’ll be interesting,” he said.
Massapequa (Conference I), Garden City (II), South Side (III) and Seaford (IV) won county titles last season, however the landscape has changed with Trojans moving to Conference III. Carey, the new top seed in II, seeks its first county title since going back-to-back in 2013-14 and opens at home versus Glen Cove Sept. 14.
Garden City’s first taste of Conference III football is Sept. 6 at Bethpage. Seaford, which must fend off conference newcomers Wantagh and Plainedge, opens at home Sept. 13 against Island Trees.
Massapequa, which last season was awarded the Rutgers Cup, presented annually to the most outstanding team in Nassau, opens at Oceanside Sept. 6 in game originally scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 10.
Teams choosing to play a full game scrimmage can do so once 10 practices are completed, McLees said, making Aug. 30 the first potential date. Teams can hold joint practices as soon as Aug. 24 and are permitted to play 7 on 7 and also run 10 plays (11 on 11) in full gear. “It’s not a scrimmage by definition but teams can accomplish a lot with the joint practice,” he added. Nine teams switch conferences
Along with Garden City, eight other teams have switched conferences for the
Sept. 6: Massapequa at Oceanside
Sept. 14: Sewanhaka at Baldwin
Sept 20: Elmont at South Side
Sept. 21: Massapequa at Uniondale
Sept. 28: Calhoun at Mepham
Oct. 5: Oceanside at Freeport
Oct. 10: MacArthur at Carey
Oct. 10: Plainedge at Wantagh
Oct. 10: South Side at Garden City
Oct. 25: Wantagh at Seaford
upcoming season based on enrollment figures: Baldwin, Elmont, Manhasset, Herricks, Wantagh, Plainedge, Roosevelt and Glen Cove. Baldwin returns to Conference II where it spent the 2022 campaign and is seeded No. 10 this season. The Bruins, under new head coach Mike Robinson, open at home on their new turf field Sept. 14 against Sewanhaka. Elmont is the No. 3 seed in Conference III, whilst Manhasset is No. 7. Herricks is seeded eighth in Conference I. Longtime Conference III powers Wantagh and Plainedge are in Conference IV and will meet face to face Oct. 10 at Wantagh. Roosevelt, not long ago a member of IV, bounced to II and opens at New Hyde Park.
Thursday games Oct. 10
The sixth week of the season (fifth for many Conference III teams) will be played on Thursday, Oct. 10 due to Yom Kippur. Games will kick off as early as 2:15 p.m. (Elmont at Sewanhaka) and as late as 6 p.m.
Local coaching changes
Baldwin, East Meadow, Freeport, Mepham, Seaford all boast new sideline bosses.
Robinson is a Baldwin graduate who spent the past two seasons coaching the Bruins’ JV team after six years as a varsity assistant. Keith Lizzi takes over from Vin Mascia at East Meadow, the No. 6 seed in Conference I. Longtime Freeport assistant Jimmy Jones succeeds the legendary Russ Cellan at Freeport. The seventh-ranked Red Devils open at Massapequa. Tom Mazeika is the new head coach at Mepham, the No. 5 seed in Conference II, opens at home versus MacArthur. Seaford and new head coach Mike McHugh kick off defense of the Conference IV title at home against Island Trees.
saving about $1,800 a year in energy costs with LED
—Guy Brogna, All Music Inc, Plainview
Meet Guy. He’s a local small business owner, rock bassist, and fan of LEDs. It didn’t hurt that he got $5,900 in rebates to replace his store’s old lighting with energy-efficient fixtures.* He says his store and his guitars look great in the new LED glow. And, with the monthly energy cost savings, he couldn’t be happier.
*Rebates and savings will differ with every energy efficiency project.
By DiAnne Crown
The easy flow of conversation and discovery between parents and their young children invariably seems to stop early in elementary school. Why? Preschoolers and kindergartners find it difficult to remember the details and summarize a day’s experiences.
Older children may want to turn off school and think about something else, be too tired to talk or be upset about something they think will upset you. And youths are not only looking for the boundaries between what’s theirs and what’s yours; they may be even more concerned that you’ll judge, overreact or take over their concern or need. Here’s what we did to get the conversation started — and keep it going.
Start When They’re Babies
Build trust when your children are infants. When they cry, pick them up. When they babble, answer them. When they reach for you, reach back with a loving touch. When they want to crawl into bed with you, share special rocking time. Go outside and watch an excavator for a few minutes. Read a favorite story. Or play chase. Say yes. You will build lifelong love and trust with your children.
For those fortunate enough to have it, an opportune talk time is immediately after school at pickup, when the events of the day are freshest. Start as early as preschool or kindergarten. Let your children share during the drive home. You’ll both benefit. You’ll hear news of the day, and your young ones will have regular opportunities to practice sequencing and organizing information into a short report. Active, respectful listening will develop your children’s willingness to share and include details.
For an easier time learning about the social aspect of your children’s day at school, get to know their friends through play dates. Then you can ask about specific friends and situations. “Did you and Lucy play together at recess today?” could branch into their successes or problems on the playground that day, any new students in class and so on.
Pay attention to teacher websites, homework, backpack items, sporting events and
what other parents are talking about at school. And build on prior days’ conversations, perhaps asking, “What’s new with your group mythology project?” Starting with specific known topics is more productive than the open-ended “How was your day?”
Make lunch together, and talk about the day ahead. Keep a communication board on the refrigerator or by the back door, and run through the checklist of homework, permission slips, gym clothes and game schedules together. This will build your children’s sense of routine and readiness and provide good topics for table talk later.
Play Together
Do what your children like, whether it’s a favorite video game, ball toss, board game or funny YouTube video. Fun experiences build memories, keep you connected, open the door for conversations on other topics and often become perennial favorites as your children grow up.
Give Your Full Attention
Listening and being present are important elements of communication. In an article by Claire Gagne on the Today’s Parent website, therapist and author Jennifer Kolari says: “When you’re really connected, your body is leaning in and your phone is down. You’ll find that if you do a really good job in those moments, they will come to you for the hard stuff.” If you ignore or brush off your children when they’re rattling on about the latest video game or a guest speaker who came into the classroom that day, Kolari says, you’re losing an opportunity to show you are a good listener.
Utilize Car Rides
Occasionally, talking side by side behind the windshield can be easier for teens than talking eye to eye. Listen to music; share stories of the day; and talk about any topics of interest or concern. Make sure these are twoway conversations, not one-way interrogations, says Gagne. This way, you’ll get much more value out of your daily commute.
Just when it seems like you have gotten into your summer groove, it’s time to get back into your school routine, which can be cause both relief and stress at the same time for parents and students alike. Even if your kids are fairly adaptable, big changes like heading back to school after a summer of limited scheduling can be stressful.
Head off potential problems as you transition into the busy back-to-school season to get everyone back on the schooltime track.
Rather than rushing into school season all at once, try to plan your schedule ahead of time. Easing into school season can make for a much smoother transition.
This means gradually tapering off later bedtimes and enforcing an earlier wake up call. If meal times have gotten lax, it’s also a good idea to start working back toward your school-time schedule.
From weekly meetings to extracurricular activities and weekend sports, try using lists and charts to stay organized. Especially as kids grow older and their activities lists and school deadlines expand, keeping track of everyone can become a real chore.
Find a place in the house where you can post calendars and lists that everyone can see. Try color-coding by child or type of
activity (school, work, sports, etc.) for extra organization.
Many kids struggle in school simply because they can’t manage the paperwork: field trip permission slips didn’t make it out of the book bag, completed homework
doesn’t make it back into the book bag.
Create one designated place to drop off book bags and gear, collect important school papers for signatures and communicate family announcements and plans. Establish another place for homework that’s always clean, stocked with supplies,
inviting, well-lit and away from TV and other distracting devices. Add comfortable seating at a table or desk. This will also be where you double-check for teacher notes and assignments and repack the book bag. Remember to have them clean up each night!
List Family Goals
Have each person in the family list out his or her goals for this school year. They can be small or challenging, but it can give everyone something to strive for.
It’s also a good way to remind kids about family values like encouraging one another and making time to support everyone’s individual interests.
Buy Supplies Ahead
Don’t wait until the last minute to search for school supplies like notebooks, pencils and paper or the bigger ticket items like backpacks. Seeking out necessary items ahead of time can alleviate the stress of not being able to find what you need, and spreading out purchases over time can eliminate a major one-time hit to the family budget.
Photo: Getting kids ready for a new school year is about more than updating their wardrobe or organizing carpools with fellow parents. Reacclimating everyone in the family to the routine of school after a relaxing summer is a significant undertaking,
Tues. Sept. 3 - Wed. Sept. 11 10:00am - 4:00pm Sat. Sept. 7, 9:30am - 2:00pm
By DANIEL OFFNER doffner@liherald.com
Lynbrook’s movers and shakers hit the links at the Inwood Country Club on Monday for the mayor’s annual Golf Outing.
The annual event, co-sponsored by the Lynbrook Chamber of Commerce, raises money for the Lynbrook Community Chest — a charitable nonprofit organization, which uses its donations to provide financial assistance to struggling families in the community.
“It’s really a great chance for us to get together and show how much we love our village and how much we care about those in our village,” Lynbrook Mayor Alan Beach said at this year’s event. “It really assists them in their troubled times that they’re able to go to the community chest and get some financial help. We really appreciate all the generosity that everyone has given us.”
Rina Beach, the mayor’s wife and chair of the Lynbrook Community Chest, said that organization relies heavily on the annual golf outing to provide much of the funding necessary to help those residents dealing with financial or economic hardships.
“We do have donors, of course,” she explained. “We also work very closely with the Our Lady of Peace Social Ministry and other organizations in order to elevate the lives of people who need it.”
Jeff Greenfield, chairman of the annual Mayor’s Golf Outing committee, said that this year’s fundraiser had the largest turnout in the history of the event.
“It means a lot to me that we will be able to be generous to the Community Fund and the veterans groups that the committee decides to give money to,” Greenfield said. “And I thank the success of the outing to two great honorees, our Police Chief Brian Paladino and the First Central Savings Bank, which have both been very generous in their support.”
Lynbrook Police Chief Brian Paladino has lived in Lynbrook practically all his life. He moved into his childhood home on Earle Avenue in 1974 at 18 months old. His mother, Gail, had lived many places throughout her
childhood and wanted to make sure her family would have a different experience in a community they could call home.
Paladino was overwhelmed to learn that he had the honor of being selected as citizen of the year by the Mayor’s Golf Outing committee, not just because he is a terrible golfer, but because it fulfills his mother’s dream of making Lynbrook their home.
Since 1999, the First Central Savings Bank has evolved from a simple concept into what it is today — a vibrant, thriving, all-inclusive community bank that has continued to provide friendly, personalized service across nine of its branches in Queens and Long Island.
The company is committed to enriching its communities, driving local economic growth and cultivating lasting relationships by putting the best interests of clients first. These values are both a summary of how its individual employees and its branches view their responsibility to each other, to the community and to the world at-large.
Michael Caldwell, vice president and business development officer, and Michael Serao, executive vice president and chief administrative officer, have
Lynbrook Police Chief Brian Paladino, just about a lifelong village resident, was one of the outing’s two honorees, along with First Central Savings Bank.
continued to both be very active in the Lynbrook community, where they support various charities and civic organizations.
During the evening reception, Beach presented both Paladino and representatives of First Central Savings Bank with citations for their service to the community.
While the exact amount raised at this year’s golf outing was not available as of press time on Tuesday, the village will present a check to Lynbrook Community Chest at its next board meeting on Aug. 19.
By Melissa Berman
With the theme “(WE) are UNSTOPPABLE” running through the day, RichnerLIVE’s second annual Women’s Summit, at the Crescent Beach Club in Bayville, brought together thought leaders, innovators and barrier-breaking women for conversations.
Nearly 300 people attended to hear 27 speakers on various topics — women’s leadership, impact and inclusion, financial fitness, social media — as well as a number of panels. There were 24 vendor booths and multiple raffle prizes at the Aug. 6 event.
Amy Amato, executive director of RichnerLIVE, opened the keynote lunch session with a message that set the tone for the speakers.
“When we envisioned this year’s summit, we were inspired by the resilience, determination and unwavering spirit that women across Long Island exhibit every single day,” Amato said. “Whether in the boardroom, classroom, homes or communities, women are breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings, and proving time and time again that nothing can hold us back.”
The summit featured wellness activities in the morning before the sessions began — beach yoga, breathwork and reiki, color analysis and meditation.
Four-time Emmy award-winning reporter and anchor Antoinette Biordi, of News12, hosted the keynote lunch panel session.
“I really believe that conversations about women’s empowerment, leadership and mentorship deserve to be heard,” Biordi said. “Everyone here can do something to lift each other up, and for the next generation as well.”
Keynote speaker Carrie Kerpen, founder of the Whisper Group, an exit readiness advisory practice for womenowned businesses, discussed why speaking at the summit was important for her and women in business.
“I think that the pressure that we are under as women in the workplace is causing us to lose touch with what we really want, and we are losing the ability to hear our own intuition and connect with our own intuition,” Kerpen said.
The one area, according to Kerpen, in which women need to improve is getting the appropriate value for their business when it is sold or they leave.
“My hope is to help women business owners take their lifestyle businesses and turn them into life-changing assets to build generational wealth,” she said.
Another keynote speaker, Lindsay Kaplan, co-founder of CHIEF, described how failure is a part of one’s success path.
“We have a tendency as humans to blame failure on ourselves just as much as we often attribute success to ourselves, and timing, luck, and being in the right place at the right time,” Kaplan said. “We are constantly looking at those around us, and it creates this inferiority. We need to focus on our own growth and define happiness for our own terms.”
Stuart Richner, CEO of Richner Com-
munications, said he was impressed by the turnout, and the participants’ dedication to enhancing their business skills.
“Seeing nearly 300 accomplished, dynamic, professional women here is truly inspiring,” Richner said. “Your presence at this RichnerLIVE event demonstrates your commitment to empowering one another and making a positive impact on society.”
The event supported the Moxxie Mentoring Foundation with a portion of the net proceeds, furthering the Heralds’ and RichnerLIVE’s commitment to women’s empowerment. The principal sponsors of the event were T-Mobile for Business, AT&T, Cona Law, the Stefan’s Group, National Grid Ventures, and Nassau University Medical Center. Please visit www. richnerlive.com/2024-wesummit/to view all sponsors and photos.
More than just a
By Danielle Schwab
Old Westbury Gardens lush grounds fill once again with those unmistakable bagpipe sounds and spectacle during a revamped edition of its annual summer festival. This year the popular event’s scope has expanded to celebrate the vibrant traditions of Long Island’s thriving Celtic communities.
Besides those pipers, traditional competitions and highland dancing — along with plenty of entertainment and assorted activities for lads and lasses — there’s much end of summer revelry to enjoy. Everyone will be fully occupied all day, next Saturday, Aug. 24.
This year Old Westbury Gardens staff is hosting solo (without participation from longtime co-hosts Long Island Clan MacDuff). The result is an energized refresh.
“Rather than focusing just on the culture of Scotland, we [wanted to] expand it a little bit so that we could avail ourselves of all of the great Irish bands and step dancers and all of these those things that span both the Scottish and the Irish cultures,” says Maura Brush, Old Westbury Gardens CEO and director.
Pipe and drum bands will fill the air with stirring music transporting attendees to those rolling hills of Ireland and Scotland. An extensive diverse lineup of musical and Irish dance entertainment complements these bands that participate yearly.
Headlining the festival this year, Derek Warfield and The Young Wolfe Tones bring the classic tradition of Irish balladry into a new age. Lead singer, the famed songwriter-storyteller Derek Warfield, is a legend of the Irish music scene who enjoyed phenomenal success for some 40 years with the Wolfe Tones. He’s now gathered some of the finest Irish musicians and singers together to reinvigorate beloved Irish tunes. They bring their musical tradition forward with a reverence for Ireland’s past and the energy and optimism of a new generation.
“Their sound is what so many people probably expect to hear when they come to Old Westbury Gardens,” Brush says.
• Saturday, Aug. 24, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
• $25, $22 seniors, $12 children, $12 members; advance purchase required
• 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury
• Tickets and information available at OldWestburyGardens.org or (516) 333-0048
Harper’s Ferry, a popular local Irish-American folk band also participates, with their appealing mix of traditional and modern Irish tunes combined with Americana and classic rock.
“Our band members are all native Long Islanders with a deep appreciation for local historical sites, especially Old Westbury Gardens,” says s Harper’s Ferry frontman Martin Kearn. “We see each performance as a blessing to spread our passion for Irish and Scottish heritage with the community.”
Other performers include bagpiper-percussionist Jessie Ofgang and soloist Charlie Zahm, who entices audiences with his instrumental prowess and rich baritone. Both have their own unique twist on bringing Celtic culture to melody.
“Their instruments are meant to be played outside in the green fields and we just have the perfect place,” Brush enthuses.
And, of course, it wouldn’t be a Celtic festival without some rhythmic Irish step dancing. The skilled dancers from four distinguished Irish dance academies will impress with their incredible footwork.
As is tradition, what are known as the Highland Games remain one of the festival’s main elements.The games continue to test athletes’ strength in heavyweight contests that date back
centuries, especially the caber toss.
The caber is a long, tapered pine pole or log. The “tosser” balances it vertically by holding the smaller end and then runs forward and tosses it so that it turns in the air with the larger end striking the ground first. Ideally, the pole strikes in a strictly vertical position, and the athletes are scored based on how closely the throw lands at a 12 o’clock position.
Think of it as throwing a telephone pole according to Brush. “It’s a giant log that gets thrown, and then the distance is measured, and whoever throws the throws it the furthest is the winner,” she says.
For the experienced competitor, these logs can be heavier than 125 pounds and longer than 20 feet long.
Tossing the Sheaf and Putting the Stone also attract attention. Tossing the Sheaf involves flinging a bale of hay over a horizontal pole with a large pitchfork. Putting The Stone, is similar to the traditional Olympicstyle shot put, but uses a large stone.
Want to get in on the competition? Visitors are encouraged to go for it.
“There are professionals that will be coming but there are opportunities for amateurs to sign up and participate as well,” Brush adds.
After all that exertion, folks are bound to work up an appetite. Take a moment and check out the food offerings, including fish and chips and Scottish shortbread.
It’s always a fun-filled family day with other unique experiences, including a Birds of Prey exhibition, British automobile showcase, and even curling hosted by the Long Island Curling Club. Kids will enjoy plenty of activities, including a version of the caber toss with lightweight “cabers” and an old-fashioned tug of war.
All involved are eager to welcome both older and newer generations, to preserve the fetival’s rich history.
“We’re not just relying on those who have always come, but also want people who are checking it out for the first time. This can become a new tradition for them,” Brush says.
The 1970s and ‘80s come alive when Double Vision brings their “Foreigner Experience” to the Paramount stage. Whether you’re a lifelong Foreigner enthusiast or a newcomer eager to experience the magic, Double Vision promises a night of electrifying entertainment. The spirit of rock ‘n’ roll lives on, one unforgettable performance at a time, with this group of talented musicians and die-hard Foreigner fans. Double Vision has perfected the art of bringing to life the unforgettable hits that have defined generations. From “I Want to Know What Love Is” to “Cold as Ice,” their renditions are a harmonious blend of passion, precision, and nostalgic energy. Drawing inspiration from Foreigner’s unmistakable sound and stage presence, Double Vision delivers a performance that pays homage to the band’s legacy while infusing their own charisma and enthusiasm.
Saturday, Aug. 17, 8 p.m. $60, $40, $25, $20. The Paramount, 370 New York Ave., Huntington. Tickets available at Ticketmaster.com or ParamountNY.com.
Enjoy an evening of foot-stomping fun with the music of the Zac Brown Tribute Band. Get ready to sing along to all your favorite Zac Brown Band hits, from “Chicken Fried” to “Toes” and everything in between. Founded in 2012, ZBTB is the premier tribute to the chart-topping Zac Brown Band. With 13 numberone singles and three Grammy wins, the Zac Brown Band is one of the hottest names in the music business; ZBTB is the first and most authentic tribute to their recorded music and live show. Not only does ZBTB capture the sound and creativity of ZBB, but they bring a similar atmosphere of family to their shows while engaging the audience in a way that is all their own. With classics like “Enter Sandman” and “Ants Marching”, as well as, modern hits like “There’s Nothing Holding Me Back” and “Little Lion Man” in the set, there’s something for everyone at a ZBTB show
Friday, Aug. 16, 7 p.m. Free admission. Harry Chapin Lakeside Theatre, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. For information, visit NassauCountyNY.gov.
Disco fever
Boogie along with Disco Unlimited, Saturday, Aug. 24, 7-9 p.m., at Harry Chapin Lakeside Theatre, Eisenhower Park. When Disco Unlimited hits the stage, you are instantly transported to a time when Saturday nights meant white suits, platform shoes and your very best dance moves. And dance you will — when you experience the magic created when the boogie begins.
Capturing a time in music that to this day has not been matched, the exhilarating band will draw you in with their powerful vocals, tight harmonies and dance grooves all coupled with a synchronized stage and light show that creates an unforgettable concert experience — the best of disco nights. Close your eyes and you will truly believe you are listening to the original artists. Hear the best of Tavares, France Jolie, The Trammps, Harold Melvin’s Blue Notes, Yvonne Elliman, Anita Ward, Deney Terrio, George McCrae, Bonnie Pointer, Melba Moore, Maxine Nightingale, Carol Douglas, and so much more. Joe Cool, Sista Soul, Funky Sista, Strat Cat, Wild Jerry and The MacDaddy comprise this group of unique and experienced musicians who love and live this era of music. As always, bring seating. For information, visit NassauCcountyNY.gov/parks.
It’s a bug’s life at the Center for Science Teaching & Learning, Sunday, Aug. 18, 10-11:30 a.m. Kids are of all ages are invited to explore bugs at Tanglewood Preserve during the hands-on drop-off program. Kids will meet exotic invertebrates from around the world and find out what makes each one special, then search the preserve’s grounds to see what bugs live in our backyard. Registration required. 1450 Tanglewood Road, Rockville Centre. Register at ctsl.org or call (516) 764-0045.
Participate in the 5th Annual John Mannone Fluke Tournament Help, Saturday, Aug. 17, 7 a.m.-4 p.m., at the Hewlett Point Yacht Club. Funds raised support the Tunnel To Towers Foundation. $75 fee, includes barbecue, beer and soda after last weigh-in; also raffles and 50/50 with cash prizes. Open only to recreational fisherman. 75 Seawane Road, East Rockaway. For more information contact Cliff Candiotti at (516)-5576158.
The East Rockaway School District Board of Education meets, on Tuesday, Aug. 20, at 7 p.m., at East Rockaway Jr./Sr. High School. 443 Ocean Ave. For more information, call (516) 887-8300.
Enjoy the vibe at Lazy Lobster, with great food and great sounds, Friday, Aug. 16, 8 p.m. Listen to hits from the ‘80s with Common Ground. 10 Front St., East Rockaway.
Stop by East Rockaway Kiwanis car show, every Monday. Car enthusiasts display their classic cars beginning at 6 p.m. with music entertainment by DJ Ken Kojak, who spins doo-wop classics and oldies. Weekly raffles games, prizes, and giveaways will be at the event.
All proceeds are donated to the East Rockaway Schools Graduation scholarship fund and other Kiwanis community non-for-profit partners. 13 Weeks Main St., next-door to the Post Office. Any questions, call Michaelene at (516) 7219657.
Bring the kids to Old Westbury Gardens for a Seasonal Sprouts session, Wednesday, Aug. 21, 11 a.m.-noon. Children (ages 4 to 6) can tour the gardens with guided activities exploring smells, sight, sound, and touch, even taste in planting a tasty veggie. $8 per child, $15 adult. Registration required. Old Westbury Gardens, 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. For information, visit OldWestburyGardens.org or contact (516) 333-0048.
Lynbrook Chamber of Commerce car shows are back on Atlantic Avenue, every Thursday! Come enjoy a nice evening out in Lynbrook. Check out the cars and have dinner in one of Lynbrook’s local restaurants. Spectators are free! Showing a car? It’s $5. Staging starts at 5:30 p.m., at 14 St. James Place between Forest and Earl. For more information, visit LynbrookUSA.com or call (516) 242-4649.
Enjoy a film outdoors on Eisenhower Park’s big screen, Wednesday, Aug. 21, dusk, at the Harry Chapin Lakeside Theatre. See last year’s summer sensation “Barbie.” Starring Margot Robbie as the title character and Ryan Gosling as Ken, the film follows them on a journey of self-discovery through Barbieland and the real world following an existential crisis. It is also a commentary regarding patriarchy and the effects of feminism. Eisenhower Park, Lakeside Theatre, East Meadow. For information, visit NassauCountyNY.gov.
East Rockaway Public Library hosts family bingo, on Wednesday, Aug. 21, 7-7:45 p.m. Come and enjoy a night of fun and prizes. Ages 4 and up with a caregiver can participate. To register visit EastRockawayLibrary.org. 477 Atlantic Ave.
Get in on the action with I. FLY Trapeze, Long Island’s only flying trapeze and circus arts school. Families will enjoy “Wild West Circus,” Saturday, Aug. 17, at 8 p.m., at Eisenhower Park. I.FLY Trapeze puts spectators up close to the aerialists who perform amazing feats of athleticism and agility 25 feet in the air. Performances include Chains, Silk and Lyra, with comedy and on the grounds acts with Balancing and Baton, also a Flying Trapeze Finale. Next to the Nassau County Aquatic Center off Merrick Ave., East Meadow. Free parking available in lot 1A adjacent to the trapeze. For more information, visit IFlyTrapeze. com.
The Lynbrook Village Board meets, Monday, Aug. 19, 7 p.m., at Lynbrook Village Hall. 1 Columbus Dr. For more information, call (516) 599-8300.
Items on The Scene page are listed free of charge. The Herald welcomes listings of upcoming events, community meetings and items of public interest. All submissions should include date, time and location of the event, cost, and a contact name and phone number. Submissions can be emailed to thescene@liherald.com.
Nassau County Museum of Art ‘s latest exhibition
“Seeing Red: Renoir to Warhol,” reveals the many meanings, connotations, and associations of this powerful color in art. Evoking strong emotion, red can represent the human condition. Its myriad variations have come to signify authority as well as love, energy and beauty. Red warns us of peril and commands us to stop, but it can also indicate purity and good fortune. Red boldly represents political movements and religious identities. From the advent of our appreciation for this color in antiquity to its continued prominence in artistic and popular culture, this exhibition will span various world cultures through a range of media. It features more than 70 artists, both established and emerging, ranging from the classical to the contemporary. American portraitists such as Gilbert Stuart imbued red in their stately paintings of prominent individuals to conjure authority.
Robert Motherwell, Ad Reinhardt, and other major abstract painters displayed a deep fascination with red in their commanding compositions that evoke a sense of chromatic power. And, of course, Andy Warhol is known for his bold and imposing silkscreened portrait of Vladimir Lenin saturated in bright red to his signature Campbell’s Soup Cans. On view through Jan. 5. Nassau County Museum of Art, 1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. (516) 484-9337 or NassauMuseum.org.
Grab your lunch and join Nassau County Museum of Art Docent Riva Ettus for her popular “Brown Bag Lecture” at the museum, Thursday, Sept. 5, 1 p.m. She’ll discuss the current exhibition, “Seeing Red: Renoir to Warhol.” Participants are invited to ask questions at the end of the in-depth program and also participate in a guided exhibition tour following the lecture. No registration required, but limited seating. Nassau County Museum of Art, 1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. (516) 484-9337 or NassauMuseum.org.
Cool off with a movie on Lynbrook Public Library’s big screen, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2 p.m. Enjoy the 2024 blockbuster ‘Dune: Part Two’ starring Timothee Chalamet as Paul Atreides who unites with Chani, played by Zendaya, while seeking revenge against the conspirators who destroyed his family. Rated R. 2 hours and 45 minutes. Registration is not required. 56 Eldert St.
Volunteers from Surfer’s Way accompanied an ESY student from Rhame Avenue School into the ocean to surf.
Students from East Rockaway school district’s Extended School Year program at Rhame Avenue Elementary School experienced the thrill of surfing at a special clinic hosted by the nonprofit organization Surfer’s Way in Long Beach on July 16.
The young surfers, from kindergarten through second grade, braved the waves in tandem with experienced adult surfers, showcasing remarkable courage and excitement. Their triumphant smiles as they emerged from the water radiated with confidence and pride in their accomplishment.
Surfer’s Way, a Long Beach-based nonprofit, is dedicated to providing chil-
dren with special needs the opportunity to enjoy the exhilaration and freedom of surfing. They offer free summer clinics at Riverside Beach, bringing joy and adventure to many young lives.
“This was our first time participating in a Surfer’s Way clinic, and we will definitely be back,” Alexis Freudenberg, a teacher with the ESY program, said.
Following their surfing adventure, the students continued their beach day with fun in the sand and pizza generously provided by Surfer’s Way.
For more information about Surfer’s Way, visit SurfersWay.org.
— Ben Fiebert
Volunteers from Surfer’s Way showed a student from Rhame Avenue Elementary School how to stand on a surfboard.
ham University at age 43. She was then able to pursue her calling, becoming a social worker. She eventually had seven grandchildren, and was about to be a great-grandmother.
“She was constantly evolving,” Grillo said. “She never gave up.”
Mendola had been running bereavement support groups for the past seven years — but they took on new meaning for her in 2020, when her husband of 61 years, Anthony Mendola, died of complications of Covid-19. The pair had met at a skating rink in 1958, when Angela was 18, and had been a team ever since. Anthony’s death was traumatic. He had no prior health problems, and his family felt that he had been suddenly ripped from them. Angela was still leading the Circle of Hope — but without telling anyone there, she had become a grieving member, too.
angela mendola spent the last seven years of her life helping people through grief. now they have to use her wisdom in dealing with the death of mendola herself.
get uncomfortable, or think the healing process should be over by a certain point. But that isn’t the case within the Circle of Hope.
“She was trying to evolve again,” Grillo said. “And I think in doing that, in bringing the bereavement group together, she was also healing her own grief.”
“It helped her just as much,” her daughter added. “I saw a whole change in her. I didn’t think I could learn any more about her, but it was amazing, over the last four years, to watch her just create a whole new life with these neighbors.”
For the first year after her husband’s death, Pakula said, Mendola didn’t even bring up his loss in the Circle of Hope. She didn’t want the discussion to become about her — but, nevertheless, the group began to heal her, and she began to open up more and more. She was both a leader and a member. She showed by example that it’s OK for grief to be complicated and nonlinear.
The Circle of Hope was invaluable for everyone who came. Some lost parents. Some lost spouses. Some lost children. Perhaps the most important understanding that the group shares — and Mendola emphasized — is that there is no timeline on grief. It does not disappear. It changes from an open wound to a scar, and sometimes back again. And that, too, is OK.
“They just get it,” Pakula said. “Not everybody understands — and they just understand. Because we’re all feeling what we’re feeling.”
People outside the group don’t want to hear about grief, Pakula said. They
“When you go there, you can say anything you want,” Pakula said. “Some people will say, ‘This might sound stupid.’ And we’ll all go, ‘No! I feel the exact same way. I felt like that, too.’”
But now the group is at a crossroads. Without Mendola, a certified social worker, leading them, Our Lady of Peace R.C. Church says it can no longer sponsor the group. And the Lynbrook library is reluctant to allow them to keep meeting without a sponsor. Last year, members got a flower pot with a plaque engraved with their loved ones’ names. Now that flower pot has been moved to some hidden corner. That’s how Circle of Hope members feel — that they’ve been cast aside.
“We’re all very upset,” Pakula said. “We just want to stay together and meet every week.”
“If the library won’t approve of us meeting there, we don’t know what we’re going to do,” she added.
“I think we feel like we’d have another loss,” Pakula said. “Another loss of Angela.”
In the meantime, the members are working through the grief of their loss together — and though Mendola has died, they’re still finding solace in the wisdom that she dedicated the last years of her life giving them.
Organizations that are interested in sponsoring the group or providing a new meeting location can get in touch with the Circle of Hope by contacting the Herald at nformisano@liherald.com.
angela mendola, 84, died last month after a heart attack. She kept the Circle of Hope bereavement support group active, often encouraging them to go to shows, restaurants and movies or on other fun outings.
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, Plaintiff AGAINST JAMES MANTHOS, LINDA MANTHOS, ET AL., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered December 11, 2014, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on August 26, 2024 at 2:00PM, premises known as 27 Second Street, Lynbrook, NY 11563. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Lynbrook, in the Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 38, Block 241, Lot 25, A/K/A Section 38, Block 241, Lots 25-27. Approximate amount of judgment $756,633.90 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #013847/2013. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 mitigation protocols and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine”. Ellen Durst, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC 1775 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 00-295303 81529 148109
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE STRUCTURED ASSET INVESTMENT LOAN TRUST SERIES 2005-6, Plaintiff AGAINST ERIC EISENLAU, MARK FAUSER, Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered June 7, 2016, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on September 9, 2024 at 2:30PM, premises known as 5 John Street, East Rockaway, NY 11518. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being at East Rockaway, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section: 42, Block: 89, Lot 104. Approximate amount of judgment $368,273.90 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #012428/2012. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 mitigation protocols and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine”. Steven Keats, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC 1775 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 00-293459 81663 148292
Pursuant to New York State Town Law Article 16, New York State Public Officers Law Article 7, and the Town of Hempstead Building Zone Ordinance, NOTICE is hereby given that the BOARD OF APPEALS of the Town of Hempstead will hold a public hearing in the Old Town Hall, 350 Front Street, Room 230, Second Floor, Hempstead, New York on 08/21/2024 at 9:30 A.M. to consider the following applications and appeals:
THE FOLLOWING CASES WILL BE CALLED STARTING AT 9:30 A.M. 545/24. NR EAST ROCKAWAY - James & Joann Krudis, Variances, lot area occupied, front yard average setback, side yard, side yards aggregate, rear yard, maintain porch roof-over open porch & deck all attached to dwelling., E/s West Blvd., 116’ S/o Court St. W, a/k/a 35 West Blvd. ALL PAPERS PERTAINING TO THE ABOVE HEARING ARE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION AT THE BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN HALL, 1 WASHINGTON STREET, HEMPSTEAD, NY 11550. This notice is only for new cases in East Rockaway within Town of Hempstead jurisdiction. There are additional cases in different hamlets, towns and villages on the Board of Appeals calendar. The full calendar is available at https://hempsteadny.gov/ 509/Board-of-Appeals
The internet address of the website streaming for this meeting is https://hempsteadny.gov/ 576/Live-Streaming-Video
Interested parties may appear at the above time and place. At the call of the Chairman, the Board will consider decisions on the foregoing and those on the Reserve Decision calendar and such other matters as may properly come before it. 148442
LEGAL NOTICE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION, -againstCARLOS DURANGO, ET AL. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau on December 6, 2023, wherein PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION is the Plaintiff and CARLOS DURANGO, ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction RAIN OR SHINE at the NASSAU COUNTY SUPREME COURT, NORTH SIDE STEPS, 100 SUPREME COURT DRIVE, MINEOLA, NY 11501, on September 10, 2024 at 2:00PM, premises known as 49 STRATFORD RD, LYNBROOK, NY 11563; and the following tax map identification: 42-187-17, 18 & 19. ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ERECTED, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF LYNBROOK, TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD, COUNTY OF NASSAU AND THE STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No.: 004724/2016. Theresa Ann Driscoll, Esq.Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES. 148354
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2 bedrooms, 2
Partial finished basement. Eat-in kitchen with granite countertops. Formal dining room. Den/family room. Patio with overhang. Taxes: $10,662.33
Franklin Square $676,200 Anderson Avenue. Ranch. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Partial finished basement. Generously sized eat-in kitchen, Formal dining room. Rear extension for den/fourth bedroom. Updates include new heating system, central air conditioning. Nice size yard with paver patio. 2 car garage. Convenient location near shopping.
Taxes: $12,471
Freeport $845,000
Ann Drive East. Ranch. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Eat-in kitchen. Open layout. Updates include vaulted ceiling.
Taxes: $11,143.48
Hewlett Harbor $3,900,000
Thixton Drive. Estate. 9 bedrooms ,8.55 bathrooms. Gourmet eat-in kitchen with granite countertops and pantry. Formal dining room. Den/family room, home office, exercise room/sauna, also wet bar and guest quarters. First floor bedroom. Cathedral ceiling and skylight. Security system. Magnificent one-of-a-kind 1,2000 square foot home with stunning views of the water and adjacent to the golf course.
Taxes: $106,213.42
Long Beach $910,000
Atlantic Avenue. Colonial. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms. Eatin kitchen with granite countertops. Open layout. Formal dining room. Den/family room and sauna/steam room. Updates include cathedral ceiling and skylight.
Taxes: $15,561.70
Malverne $845,000
Horton Street. Ranch. 3 bedrooms,1.5 bathrooms. Eat-in kitchen. Open layout. Master bedroom with walk-in closet. Taxes: $15,205
Merrick $1,200,000
Judith Drive. Splanch, 5 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms. Finished basement. Eat-in kitchen with granite countertops and pantry. Open layout. Formal dining room. Den/family room, home office and exercise room. Ensuite master bedroom with walkin closet. Updates include cathedral ceiling and skylight.
Taxes: $21,990.26
Oceanside $469,000
Royal Avenue. Cottage. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Eat-in kitchen with granite countertops.
Q. We are near the end of our building project, which included a second floor and removing walls between our kitchen and living room. Our contractor hasn’t been answering the phone, and we learned that our building permit is still “open,” and remains that way until the contractor follows through, as our contract states. We are so frustrated, because it took much longer than we were promised, we spent much more than expected staying in a cheap hotel (if you call it that) and we moved back in even though, technically, we are told it is illegal. Our electrician and plumber, we now learn, didn’t get permits signed off, either, even though they gave their names and licenses to the building department. The building inspector says the construction doesn’t match the plans, and updated plans must be submitted for us to even be considered finished. What can you tell us about how to move forward and finish this off?
A. Spoken words and contracts used to mean something. I prefer to believe they still do, but I am seeing parties ignoring their commitments and, worst of all, not even having the decency to communicate. I try to warn clients to have a contingency plan for worst-case scenarios.
In my long career, I have seen only two projects come in on budget, one commercial and one residential. What both had in common was that they both had an experienced construction manager on the job. That cost the owner more — much more — but in the end, the plans were followed to the letter, the sign-offs were all done, the certifications were issued and the occupancy took place on the day it was scheduled to. Considering the other 4,500-plus projects I’ve done, that is a sad record.
At this point you have no choice. The plans that were not followed require re-measuring, and the plans need to reflect the changes. In many circumstances I have witnessed, this is easier said than done, because if the construction changes ignored structural load paths, hidden conditions now buried behind wall coverings or code violations, the architect or engineer of record is not obligated to just go along with the defective work. Unfortunately, this unfairly strains the relationship with the architect or engineer.
The missing-in-action construction professionals, your licensed contractor, licensed plumber and licensed electrician, have obligations, not the least of which is to communicate with you, but the authorities giving the licenses and your building authority rarely protect you, often telling you that it is a “civil matter.” So much for consumer protection, because you are stuck and will need to decide who you can hire to take over the electrical sign-off, the plumbing sign-off and finally, after those are done and the plans have been modified and reapproved, then you will need to call for the final inspection yourself. Follow-up can be time-consuming, but it may be the only way around the situation. Good luck!
© 2024 Monte Leeper
Readers are encouraged to send questions to yourhousedr@aol.com, with “Herald question” in the subject line, or to Herald Homes, 2 Endo Blvd., Garden City, NY 11530, Attn: Monte Leeper, architect.
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Taking an evening off from Donald Trump, Kamala Harris and the frenzied world of politics in general, I recently sat down with my 20-year-old grandson Jack, who is staying with us for the summer, to bingewatch the HBO Max four-part special on Pete Rose, “Charlie Hustle.”
Every baseball fan, as well as many people who aren’t even sports fans, is aware of Pete Rose — either because of his truly outstanding 24-year major league career as a player, plus several years as a manager, or for the swirl of controversy that has surrounded him since he left baseball over three decades ago.
Rose came up to the major leagues with the Cincinnati Reds in 1963 and played there until 1978, and again from 1983 until 1986, after stints with the Philadelphia Phillies and Montreal Expos. He also managed the Reds until 1989, following two seasons as player-manager. During his playing career, he set records that should have guaranteed his permanent placement in baseball’s version of Mount Rushmore, the Hall of Fame in
one hundred people serve in the United States Senate. They represent the entire political spectrum, from far left to far right. There are definitely zealots, such as Bernie Sanders, the Democrat from Vermont, and Tom Cotton, the Arkansas Republican, and then there are the middle-of-the-road members, such as Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, and Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska.
upstate Cooperstown.
Rose had more hits — 4,256 — and played in more games — 3,562 — than any player in major league history. He was selected for 17 All-Star games, won three batting titles and was named the National League’s Most Valuable Player once and the World Series MVP once. His entire list of achievements could fill this column and more.
Those achievements are virtually unmatched in the history of baseball, and dwarf those of many players in the Hall of Fame. If ever there should have been a sure thing for baseball immortality, it was Pete Rose.
Should his ban from baseball, and the Hall of Fame, continue? Opinions differ.
Probably the easiest way to describe Rose the person, however, is that as great a ballplayer as he was, he was that much of a jerk. He was a degenerate gambler. He bet not just on horses, greyhounds and at casinos, but also, despite almost two decades of denials, on baseball, which has been that sport’s cardinal sin since the 1919 World Series, when players on the Chicago White Sox — the infamous “Black Sox” — threw the World Series and were banned from baseball for life.
Generations later, after an extensive investigation, Commissioner Bart Gia-
matti concluded that Rose had gambled on baseball and banned him for life. There was no evidence, however, that Rose ever bet against his own team, which was what doomed the Black Sox. Soon after his banishment from baseball, Rose was charged by the IRS with tax evasion and sentenced to five months in federal prison. Most jarring to him was the Hall of Fame’s decision not to admit any player who had been banned for life.
In the years since, Rose has been like a man without a country. He has made good money at autograph shows, sports forums and media appearances. But he has been almost desperate for Hall of Fame membership. In his 2000 book, “My Prison Without Bars,” he finally admitted to betting on baseball, while still insisting he had never bet against his own team.
The debate has raged among baseball fans about Rose’s Hall of Fame eligibility. My son Sean, who was with me at Shea Stadium on July 25, 1978, when Rose tied the National League 37-consecutive-game hitting streak record, thinks that enough time has passed to end the lifetime ban and allow Rose into the Hall of Fame. My grandson Jack, who played a lot of good baseball in his teenage
years, agrees, as do I. The “Charlie Hustle” documentary, however, made us rethink. In it, allegations are made by a longtime associate that Rose engaged in cocaine deals to finance his gambling habit. There was an accusation by a woman claiming sexual involvement with Rose 40 years ago, when she was underage. Though corroborating evidence hasn’t been made public, there was an out-of-court settlement, and Rose became his own worst enemy when he answered a female reporter’s inquiry on the matter with a stupid sexist comment.
In most of the documentary, Rose comes across as friendly and carefree, like a Huckleberry Finn or a Little Rascal. But then there are jarring, crude comments and proof that he is a chronic and habitual liar, which takes away much of that rustic charm.
Jack now thinks Rose’s bans from baseball and the Hall of Fame should continue. Sean and I concluded that the baseball ban should continue, but he should be allowed entry into the Hall, provided that his plaque makes clear that the honor is only for his achievements on the field.
The debate continues.
Peter King is a former congressman, and a former chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security. Comments? pking@ liherald.com.
he get into this unique situation? His career track is similar to many other senators. He’s a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School. He was known as an excellent debater, and his criminal law professor, Alan Dershowitz, said Cruz was “off-the-charts brilliant.”
Then there is Sen. Ted Cruz, the Texas Republican. I single out Cruz because he stands head and shoulders above all the other senators, for all the wrong reasons. Cruz is running for re-election this year, but this discussion has nothing to do with his current campaign. An article in a Long Island weekly newspaper isn’t going to sink the re-election efforts of this very strange public official. For those who follow the action in the Senate, Cruz has the distinction of being the most disliked member of the body, on both sides of the aisle. How did
went so far as to publish a “Compendium of People Who Hate Ted Cruz.” His former roommate called him “a nightmare of a human being.”
e called Trump a ‘pathological liar,’ but guess who ‘Lyin’ Ted’ supports now?
He got his first taste of politics in 1999, when he went to work on the George W. Bush presidential campaign. He practiced law, and then decided to run for the Senate in 2013. With the help of the Tea Party movement, Cruz became the first Hispanic American from Texas to be elected to the Senate. All seemed normal up to that point, but as time passed, he became more and more irritating to his fellow senators. By 2013 he had earned the distinction of being called a “wacko bird” by his colleague the late Sen. John McCain.
The barbs weren’t just from fellow senators. The Dallas Observer wrote that Cruz “defied the odds to become the most unpopular member of the U.S. Senate, a body of people whose collective approval rating falls below approval ratings for hemorrhoids, traffic jams, root canals and Nickelback.” Rolling Stone
What has made Cruz so disliked? In 2013 he staged a 21-hour talking marathon on the Senate floor against the Affordable Care Act. During his talkathon, he read Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham,” a bedtime story that he claimed to have read to his two daughters. That event translated into a shutdown of the federal government for 16 days, costing taxpayers grief and millions of dollars.
In 2016, Cruz decided to run for president. One of his opponents was Donald J. Trump. The contest between the two was as ugly as you could imagine. They attacked each other’s wives, citizenship and integrity.
Trump called Cruz “Lyin’ Ted,” mocked his wife’s appearance and falsely suggested that his father was involved in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Cruz called Trump a “sniveling coward,” a “pathological liar” and “utterly amoral.” But by the end of the primaries, Cruz had endorsed Trump.
No commentary on Cruz would be complete without mentioning his 2021
trip to Cancun. That winter, Texas was caught in a serious winter freeze. The state’s power grid had failed, and millions of Texans were without heat or power. In the middle of the crisis, Cruz travel to Cancun with his family to get away from the state’s misery. He was caught by cameras at the airport, ready to board his flight.
He claimed he planned the vacation for his children, and he was only flying to Cancun and coming right back. His wife’s texts described their home as “FREEZING,” and it was clear that it was a trip to get away from the cold while his constituents were suffering.
As for his legislative record, it includes such things as opposing gun laws even though his state had suffered mass killings, and calling the Supreme Court’s legalization of gay marriage a form of “tyranny.”
There is so much more to say about this man and his character. But the best way to end this is to say that I bet even my fellow columnist Peter King dislikes Ted Cruz.
Jerry Kremer was an assemblyman for 23 years, and chaired the Assembly’s Ways and Means Committee for 12 years. He now heads Empire Government Strategies, a business development and legislative strategy firm. Comments about this column? jkremer@liherald.com.
as summer winds down, many Long Island families face a bittersweet milestone: sending a child off to college for the first time. This transition marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, filled with excitement, anxiety and a mix of emotions for both parents and students.
For parents, the challenge lies in striking a delicate balance between supporting your child’s independence and maintaining a nurturing presence. Here is some key advice to help you navigate this new terrain:
1. Embrace the change. Remember that this transition is a natural and positive step in your child’s development. Your role in his or her life is evolving, not diminishing. Celebrate this milestone and the opportunities it brings.
2. Prepare practically, not just emotionally. Ensure that your child has the necessary life skills before she leaves. Can she do laundry, manage a budget, and cook a simple meal? These practical abilities will boost her confidence and self-reliance.
3. Discuss expectations clearly. Have open conversations about academics, finances and communication. How often will you check in? What GPA do you expect him to maintain? Establishing clear guidelines can prevent misunderstandings down the road.
4. Encourage campus involvement. Urge
To the Editor:
your child to take part in orientation activities and join clubs or organizations. These connections can ease homesickness and help her find her place in her new community.
5. Be a supportive listener. Your child will likely experience ups and downs. Resist the urge to immediately solve his problems. Instead, offer a sympathetic ear and guide him toward finding his own solutions.
6. Respect your child’s privacy. While it’s tempting to check in constantly, remember that she needs space to grow. Trust that you’ve prepared her well and allow her to make her own decisions — and mistakes.
7. Take care of yourself. This transition affects you, too. Connect with other parents going through the same experience, take up a new hobby, or consider volunteering. Your well-being matters.
8. Plan for visits wisely. Schedule campus visits, but be mindful of your child’s new routines and commitments. Family Weekend can be a great opportunity to reconnect, and see him in his new environment.
9. Embrace technology. Familiarize yourself with video calling platforms and texting. These tools can help maintain closeness despite the physical distance.
10. Prepare for changes at home. If you have younger children, be aware that family dynamics may change. Include
Re Peter King’s column “There’s just no predicting what will happen next” (Aug. 1-7): I live in southwest Nassau County, so never had the opportunity to have Congressman King on a ballot. It would have been unlikely for me to support him, because I’m a registered Democrat, and have moved from mid-left to further over as the years have passed. About to turn 80, I’ve got quite a rearview mirror, as does King.
I never saw him as a hack politician — he explained his positions clearly, with passion for what he believed was best for us all. He always had my respect. King’s vote against President Bill Clinton’s impeachment still stands in the forefront of my mind. His position took political guts.
In his piece, King laid out the flaws in President Biden’s bid for another term, along with numerous elements surrounding the aftermath of the June 27 debate. The dynamics of the race have changed dramatically in the days since Biden’s withdrawal. Former President Trump has sunk to new lows in
the kids in discussions, and find ways to make this transition positive for everyone.
11. Stay informed, but don’t hover: Familiarize yourself with campus resources, but encourage your child to seek help independently when needed. Knowing when to step back is crucial.
12. Expect growth and change. Your child will likely return home with new perspectives, habits, and possibly even a changed appearance. Embrace these changes as signs of her personal growth.
Remember, this transition is as much about your growth as a parent as it is about your child’s journey to adulthood. It’s an opportunity to redefine your relationship and watch with pride as he spreads his wings.
For those feeling overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone. Our communities are full of parents who have walked this path before you. Reach out to friends, family members or local support groups for advice and comfort.
As your child embarks on this new adventure, take comfort in knowing that the strong foundation you’ve provided will serve her well. The values you’ve instilled, and the love and support you’ve offered over the years will guide her as she navigates this exciting new chapter of her life.
All of us at the Herald wish you and your college-bound students a smooth transition filled with growth, learning and new beginnings.
We’re finally championing all athletes, not just the men
when legendary quarterback Tom Brady announced his retirement (for the first time), I was the editor in chief of my college’s news magazine, the campus slate, at the New York Institute of Technology. We covered a wide range of subjects, driven by the interests of our reporters, and one of my staff writers asked me if he could write something summarizing his thoughts on what it was like to watch “the greats” — the famed athletes of his childhood — retire. I liked the idea, and it came together nicely. although I wasn’t the biggest sports fan in my youth, I could relate to the story.
But for me, the epitome of athleticism didn’t come in the form of an epic home run or, in Brady’s case, so many game-winning touchdowns. For me it was the whoosh of a soccer ball hitting the net at the back of the goal. like millions of other youth around the u s., I grew up playing soccer, and some of my fondest memories from my
adolescence and teenage years are of my days on the field.
so when I think of the greats, I don’t think of people like Derek Jeter or Brady. I think of women like abby Wambach, Megan Rapinoe, Hope solo, Tobin Heath and carli lloyd, among many others.
In this country, female athletes don’t get the same attention, or respect, as their male counterparts, and that’s almost understandable. Men’s sports have built entire industries from the ground up over the past century.
But there is much to be said about how hard women have worked to make sure they can have their moments of glory. Kathrine switzer famously ran the Boston Marathon before women were allowed to; thousands have fought the wage gap that still affects sports today; and, of course, superstars like serena Williams have cemented the idea that women athletes deserve the spotlight, too.
w hen I think of the greats, I think of Megan Rapinoe, not Tom Brady.
that over the past few years, the u s women’s soccer team has gone through changes. They performed poorly at last year’s World cup, losing early in the tournament to sweden. and in the lowest of moments for some of our players, many of whom are previous World cup winners and Olympic gold medalists, they were not welcomed back to our country with open arms.
Instead they were hit with this: “WOKe eQuals FaIluRe,” which Donald Trump posted to his Truth social account last summer.
“Nice shot Megan, the usa is going to hell!” (This was in reference to a penalty kick Rapinoe missed in the game against sweden.)
I’m old enough to have thick skin, to read things like Trump’s comments and brush them off with an eye roll. But I can’t help but think about the little girls whose shoes I was once in. I think it’s fair to say they’d be genuinely affected by seeing something like what Trump wrote. I think about how difficult it must be for them to see their heroes, their greats, subjected to cruelty.
The Paris Olympic games wrapped up las weekend. There were many female athletes, not just soccer players, representing our country. Their successes and their setbacks — their journeys — were so important. We need to remember that.
It’s always nice to see our athletes win, and our teams bring home gold. But if they don’t? Think about what you say before you say it, and think about who you’re saying it to.
Women’s soccer isn’t the same, and I’m not sure at what point it became cool to tear down some of our country’s best athletes, but alas, it is our reality. all teams, in every sport, have their ups and downs, and I’d agree with many
gender and race bashing. Though not unpredictable for him, his behavior must be coupled with the remarkable positions brought forward by his running mate, J.D. Vance. Together it’s quite a package.
I’m interested to learn how King feels about the Trump side of the campaign, because he said little on that front. My impression is that, whereas he supported Trump in the past, it would be a difficult lever for him to pull this time, and that he just might sit this one out. I’m curious about how King feels about the direction in which Trump/Vance want to take the country. What outcome does King want for us?
Thanks to King for being a quality congressman on the other side. He served when civil discourse was the norm, when rivalries were highly respectful, such as Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill. The very best to King.
WeIss Hewlett
As King wrote, it was ‘almost as if it had been planned’
To the editor:
While Vice President Harris calls Donald Trump a threat to democracy, it was the Democrats who subverted it by negating the votes of millions of registered Democrats who chose President Biden in the primaries. The bloodless coup, which forced the president to withdraw from the race under unusual circumstances,
It should come as a surprise to no one that conservative america hates the women’s national team. Why? simply because for decades, its players have expressed “progressive” opinions about equal pay, social justice and lgBTQ rights, among other things that are largely unliked by the far right.
When the women are winning, the keyboard warriors are quiet. But when they lose? Well of course it’s because of their political and social beliefs.
allowed a privileged few to choose a new candidate, who, at the time, had a low approval rating. any rational person knows that Biden should never have been allowed to run in the primaries for a second term. That would have led to meaningful Democratic primaries that were not a sham!
Mel YOuNg, MD Lawrence
To the editor:
Re Jerry Kremer’s column “When Joe was born, they threw away the mold” (aug. 1-7): glad to see that Kremer has such a high regard for our president, and that their interactions have been so positive. good for Jerry.
That said, I, and others (I’m not a Maga, nor am I a fan of Trump) certainly have a different view from Kremer’s.
I find it hard to comprehend the idea that “no one … can match (Biden’s) talent for getting things done on a bipartisan basis” and his “history-making achievements.” From the economy, to the millions of people flooding our border with no plan in place to handle them, to the debacle in afghanistan, to gas price and mortgage rates, and of course the lies about his mental status from Kremer’s party, not sure he can convince us of Biden’s greatness.
Paul Facella Long Beach
as we cheer for female athletes, let’s remember that their worth isn’t measured solely by their victories, but also by their power to inspire. let’s be careful in what we say, and ensure that our words foster encouragement, not disillusionment, for the next generation of greats.
Jordan Vallone is a senior editor who writes for the Bellmore, East Meadow and Merrick Heralds. Comments? jvallone@liherald.com.
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