Courtesy Benjamin
Hewlett High School seniors Benjamin Halimi, far left, Dylan Butler, Ariel River, Lucas Kim and Ibrahim Qazi co-founded the Youth Outreach Program to help raise awareness of community issues.
With eyes on issues, five teens start Youth Outreach program
By MELISSA BERMAN mberman@liherald.com
Five Hewlett High School seniors recently co-founded the Youth Outreach Program, an organization whose aim is to focus on issues that are important to young people in communities in Nassau County and beyond.
Co-founders Dylan Butler, Benjamin Halimi, Lucas Kim, Ibrahim Qazi and Ariel River have been close friends for years. They launched the initiative in August, and started to make a difference in Hewlett right away, they said.
“One of the main reasons we founded this was because recently, in our school, a beloved teacher was unjustly removed from
his position, and we, the students, didn’t have a say or ability to change this,” Qazi said. “I also saw how many students got together to thank him and try to fight this situation. It felt like, with the right awareness and organization, our small student body could come together for the right cause.”
Qazi and his friends realized that there are many local issues impacting young people that deserve more attention.
“Our goal is to make a meaningful impact by reaching as many young people as possible,” Butler said. “This means recruiting volunteers to get involved in numerous events, and encouraging writers to share

New plans for Hewlett High science rooms
By PARKER SCHUG pschug@liherald.com
New plans for the botched Hewlett High School science classroom renovations were unveiled at a Board of Education work meeting in Woodmere on Oct. 9.
The board, administration members and school architect had gathered for a special meeting in early September, after late-August walk-throughs of completed renovations revealed surprising and disappointing results.
We wanted to make sure we had the 10 rooms the way the board is OK with, and then we can do more accurate pricing.
Board trustees saw wooden, stationary lab tables — too large for an adequate number to fit in a classroom — and no advanced technology, a picture very different from what they envisioned when the plan was presented, several trustees said.
RALPH MARINO JR. Hewlett-Woodmere Superintendent
“The object of this is to see how we can get to where we want to get,” board President Debra Sheinin told district Superintendent Ralph Marino Jr.; Hewlett High Principal Alexandra Greenberg; Science Department Chair Brian Terry; Kim Parahus, director of school facilities and operations; and Joe Grillo, of JAG Architects, at the September meeting. “We’re not talking about personnel, and we’re not here to point fingers. We want to fix what we can and have these great, state-of-theart science rooms that the community and the board thought that you were promoting.” Grillo, who took responsibility for misleading renderings presented in August 2022 — which included state-of-the-art technology and a futuristic design, with large interactive flat-screen monitors, metal, collaborative lab tables and mobile options for classroom resources — shared the proposed solutions for each classroom in a slide show at last week’s meeting.
Ten classrooms in the high
Hablamos Español
Kevin Kelley highlights disappearing Spanish-colonial homes
By MELISSA BERMAN mberman@liherald.com
Atlantic Beach residents made their way to the Long Beach Historical Society to hear about the history of the homes in their area.
The presentation was led by Atlantic Beach resident, Kevin Kelley, on Oct. 9. He is a retired journalist who leads tours in Manhattan for the NY Outdoors Club.
Kelley’s program focused on the Mediterranean-style architecture in 15 homes.
Jeanne Brown, president of the Long Beach Historical Society, expressed her gratitude for Kelley approaching them to do this presentation.
“We have been wanting to include Atlantic Beach and East Atlantic Beach for quite some time, this is our first excursion west,” Brown said.
Kelley opened up the presentation with background information about himself, and his relationship with Atlantic Beach.
“When I first came here, I was 10-years old, even then I noticed there were these really lovely houses, Spanish-colonial style houses in AB,” Kelley said. “They were very decorative, very bright, very beachy, they seemed to fit in perfectly with the environment there.”
After living in Vermont for 30 years, Kelley returned in 2016 to live in his

mother’s home that was built in 1942.
“Coming back, I realized, I saw that many of those houses were gone, the Spanish-colonial style houses were gone they don’t exist anymore, they’ve been demolished or refurbished to the point
where the original architecture is unrecognizable,” Kelley added.
Kelley said that the Spanish-colonial style houses are going extinct and at he is grateful to be giving this presentation.
His presentation opened up with an aerial photo of Atlantic Beach in 1927 from the Long Beach Historical Society. The photo shows the Atlantic Beach Bridge connecting the Five Towns to sand that was built on to make the Atlantic Beach community.
“Atlantic Beach has always been shaped by the Atlantic Ocean tides and by major storms,” Kelley said. “By the teens of the 20th century, Atlantic Beach was becoming a more stable barrier island, it was constantly shifting and constantly moving around.”
Sixty-years ago, Mediterranean-style stucco homes with tile roofs, lent a distinctive and picturesque identity to the village at the west end of the barrier island, Kelly said.
“The section of the village east of the bridge is where most of the Spanishcolonial style homes were concentrated, the section of the village west of the bridge consists mainly of homes built during and after World War II, most of them were simple bungalows,” Kelley added.
What originally was built to be summer homes, ended up being year-round homes where residents are proud to live, Kelly said.
“Spanish-colonial homes remain in the eastern part of AB were built in the 20’s and 30’s and feature architectural components, characteristics of the Spanish-colonial style,” Kelley said.

Melissa Berman/Herald
Atlantic Beach resident, Kevin Kelley, hosted a presentation on the history of Atlantic Beach homes at the Long Beach Historical Society, on Oct. 9.
Musicians celebrate Hispanic heritage at
By MELISSA BERMAN mberman@liherald.com
Woodmere Middle School celebrated Hispanic Heritage month with a special performance from Argentinean musicians, organized by the PTA.
Each grade had an assembly about the background of Hispanic Heritage month and listened to classic South American music on Oct. 8
Hispanic Heritage month is from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, because it corresponds with the independence days from multiple countries.
“Our wonderful PTA put this presentation together for you, in order to learn a little about music, culture and art,” said John Andruszkiewicz, principal at Woodmere Middle School said to students.
Walso have a cultural Hispanic recess that the PTA does outside,” said Nicole Eliopoulous, PTA cultural arts representative. “We brought churros, tortilla chips, played music and had activities and we do this so they can learn a little more.”
The musicians — Alejandro Avilés, Pedro Giraudo, Sami Merdinian, Emilio Solla and Rodolfo Zanetti taught the students about their culture and explained the different styles of music.
e have the chance to show the music of Argentina, the more traditional music, but played in a more modern way.
EMILIo SoLLA, ArgenTineAn MusiCiAn
This is the third year these musicians have performed at the middle school for Hispanic Heritage month, and each year they feature different styles of music.
“We love that it’s a little bit of the culture, and playing for the students, we
“For me I love this, our district is very diverse, I love that we can bring different things to them and show them a little bit of each culture,” Eliopoulous said.
Avilés was the emcee for he assembly and interacted with he students asking if they knew any information about Argentina, including what the capital is and what music style they are known for.
“We have the chance to show the music of Argentina, the more traditional music, but played in a more modern way,” Solla said. “The music from Bueños Aires and the country side are very different so we

at Woodmere Middle School, on Oct. 8.
try to kind of give an example of each rhythm and play short pieces.”
In between sets, the musicians talked about their instruments and how different ways of playing impact the sound that comes out.
Solla, who is a Latin Grammy winner, expressed the most thrilling part about playing for the students is sharing his culture.
“The most important part of it for me is to be able to convey what I do from a different culture than what they know,” Solla said. “It’s a path to make them grow up with a sense of openness, make them more tolerant and to not have prejudice. Representing the music of my country is very important.”
Aiding the Jewish community with self-defense
By MELISSA BERMAN mberman@liherald.com
Woodmere native Asher Troppe founded the Jewish Defense Fund in 2023, offering free self-defense training to combat rising anti-Semitism and empower the Jewish community.
Troppe became involved in advocacy in 2021.
The JDF is a non-profit organization focused on the continuity and security of the Jewish nation, according to Troppe.
“Seeing anti-Semitism break out in New York City, our home here, it woke me up and made me feel like our community was in danger,” Troppe said.
JDF offers many programs to address the modern challenges that the Jewish people face daily, Troppe said. Their main focus and core program is their personal defense program.
The personal defense program offers free self-defense training to Jewish people. Non-Jewish allies are welcome to join the class and participate as well.
JDF held its inaugural self-defense class in May at Warren Levi Martial Arts & Fitness, in Cedarhurst. It had over 50 community members in attendance and was led by UFC fighter, Natan Levy.
Levy has always loved martial arts and started practicing at 15-years old, he said. Since the Oct. 7 attack, and the recent surge in anti-Semitism, he wants

Jews around the world to feel more confident and have pride in their identity, while becoming stronger.
“It means a great deal to me to be able to help my community or any person who is viciously targeted by bullies,” Levy said. “I’m thankful for the opportunity and trust they put in me and hope I can keep on teaching the best
mental and physical tools to defend themselves becoming strong and proud Jews who will never be a victim.”
Along with this self-defense class, the Young Jewish Professionals group in Manhattan, were offered a free Krav Maga class for their network. It is turning into an ongoing series of classes with this group.
Krav Maga is an Israeli self-defense practice that was designed for the defense force.
“People have so much fun, there’s so many laughs and smiles in the group classes, people feel empowered and they learn some skills,” Troppe said. “It’s really nice to see that.”
Levy believes that every person should know how to defend themselves and their family.
“Starting at a young age is recommended but not necessary, by training martial arts you are not only less likely to be bullied but you are also less likely to become a bully yourself,” Levy said.
He is thankful for the opportunity to teach martial arts with the JDF and hopes to keep making an impact and lead more classes, Levy said.
This semester at MIT, Jewish students and staff members were given the opportunity to take a Krav Maga class. This will be an ongoing program throughout the years and expand onto other college campuses.
This college program is not only led by JDF, but in collaboration with volunteers and another non-profit group, Legion Alpha that helped with logistical support.
“This is teaching them the skills and empowering them while making them feel safer on campus and having an awesome time doing it,” Troppe said. “That makes me really happy.”
Melissa Berman/Herald
Argentinean musicians Emilio Solla, Latin Grammy winner, left, Pedro Giraudo, Alejandro Avilés, Sami Merdinian and Rodolfo Zanetti performed classic music from Argentina for the students
Courtesy Asher Troppe
The Jewish Defense Fund held the first free personal defense program for Jewish residents in Cedarhurst at Warren Levi Martial Arts & Fitness, led by UFC fighter Natan Levy, on May 23.
Tax credit initiative is saving newspapers
Special to the Herald
Earlier this year, the Nassau Herald joined over 200 other local newspapers in New York State to launch the Empire State Local News Coalition, which successfully advocated for a state tax credit to support jobs in local newsrooms across the state.
Now, the fruits of this effort are paying off.
Spurred by the Newspaper and Broadcast Media Jobs Program — the nation’s first tax credit incentivizing hiring at local media outlets — three new local newspapers launched earlier this month in areas previously impacted by newsroom closures in Westchester and on Long Island.
Two of the three Westchester communities that lost their newspapers earlier this year saw the founding of the Rivertowns Dispatch (Ardsley, Hastings-On-Hudson, Dobbs Ferry, Irvington) and The Recorder (Bedford, Lewisboro, Pound Ridge). A third newspaper, the Floral Park Villager, debuted on Long Island in a community that lost its own weekly paper during the Covid-19 pandemic, further demonstrating the program’s ability to revive local journalism and reestablish connections within these communities.

the successful printing of the Bedford Recorder’s first issue.
ties of Hastings-on-Hudson, Irvington, Ardsley & Dobbs Ferry, New York after our old local newspaper closed earlier this year. We launched the Rivertowns Dispatch because we believe starting with a shared set of facts makes for richer community life, and that newspapers can be fun as well as useful. We are thrilled for the passage of the New York Newspaper and Broadcast Media Jobs Program because it makes it easier for us to hire full-time, quality journalists to share the news and information our communities want and need. We are so grateful to the Empire State Local News Coalition for its advocacy in bringing urgency to the challenges facing New York’s local media industry.”
“When we support local journalism, our communities win,” said Zachary Richner, founder of the Empire State Local News Coalition and director of Richner Communications, which owns the Long Island Herald newspapers.

“The launch of new local, independent news outlets in Westchester and Long Island is a testament to the momentum created by New York’s passage of the

Estate Planning for the Estranged Child (Part
tale about an estranged child. Naturally, they are at a loss as to what to do about the situation when it comes to leaving that child an inheritance.
Years ago, the famous advice columnist Ann Landers wrote that her all time most requested column for reprint was on this very subject. Ann wrote that an inheritance should be considered a gift and that if the gift is not deserved one should not be expected. While that may have been good advice at the time and perhaps still is in most cases, like many things it is more complicated today.
In practice, we find that many of these once loving sons and daughters have married individuals with borderline or narcissistic personality disorders. Their spouses are manipulative and controlling. They seek to separate the loving son or daughter from their family so as to better control their spouse. The estranged child knows from experience that going against the wishes of their narcissistic spouse is like throwing gasoline on a fire —
so they go along to get along.
Why does this happen? The manipulator has an enormous advantage over the clients’ son or daughter. The manipulator is a professional, having been this way all their life, honing their skills. The estranged son or daughter is an amateur — they have no experience in being manipulated. It may take years for them to even understand they are being manipulated and then more years, if ever, to build up defenses to the manipulation.
When young children are involved, the estranged child well knows the adverse consequences of having any normal relationship with their children should they seek a divorce from the narcissist.
Our advice is to try to understand and be compassionate with an estranged son or daughter in this situation. An Inheritance Protection Trust (IPT), that may only be used for them and your grandchildren, managed by either a sibling or a professional, may be the answer to such a heart-rending situation.
nation’s first tax credit for hiring at local media outlets. We started the Empire State Local News Coalition after some of these very communities lost vital news sources earlier this year and are thrilled by this resurgence in a shockingly short amount of time.”
The Empire State Local News Coalition, which represents over 200 New York newspapers, was instrumental in advocating for the program’s inclusion in the State budget, which offers a 50 percent refundable tax credit on the first $50,000 of each employee’s salary, with a cap of $300,000 per business over three years. The passage of this bill aims to help combat the state’s rapid decline in local journalism in New York. The state has lost nearly half of its newspapers and thousands of media jobs over the past two decades.
Publishers of the new newspapers shared their optimism and positive outlook for their industry in light of the Newspaper and Broadcast Media Jobs program. Allison Schulte, publisher of the Rivertowns Dispatch stated, “We launched the Rivertowns Dispatch to bring back local news to the communi-
Lloyd Trufelman, co-founder and publisher of The Recorder, highlighted the critical role of local news in preserving democracy: “The launch of The Recorder, a nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom, shows New Yorkers recognize that a healthy democracy depends on access to reliable, quality news sources to stay informed.” Trufelman expressed hope that similar policies would continue to bolster nonprofit news outlets and support a diversified local news ecosystem.
On Long Island, Meg Morgan Norris, publisher of the Floral Park Villager, emphasized the program’s importance in the decision to launch the new paper. “The loss of Floral Park’s longtime newspaper, the Gateway Bulletin, during the Covid-19 pandemic was devastating for this tight-knit community. With the tax credit, there is a path to long-term fiscal stability for outlets like ours,” Norris said.
As local journalism continues to face evolving challenges, the Empire State Local News Coalition and the Nassau Herald remain committed to advocating for long-term sustainability in the industry so that communities like Cedarhurst, Hewlett, Inwood, Lawrence and Woodmere have trusted local news sources. These new publications mark a hopeful step forward in the resurgence of local media across New York, with the coalition pushing for continued legislative support to ensure the long-term sustainability of local journalism.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: Press ”7” E-mail: circ@liherald.com
Courtesy Empire State Local News Coalition
Co-founders Lloyd Trufelman, Karen Sabath and Ed Baum celebrate
Ari Brown is Fighting Hate & Keeping Us Safe!

“Ari” Brown is ghting hate and keeping our communities safe. In fact, he has sponsored legislation aimed at stopping hate and prosecuting terrorists and other criminals.
Sponsoring legislation that defunds colleges that allow anti-Semitic and other terrorist demonstrators to run rampant, harassing and terrorizing students.
Working to expand the number of o enses that can be prosecuted as hate crimes.
Supporting legislation to enhance police resources in order to keep our neighborhoods safer.
Fighting to x the broken “cashless bail” laws.

Vote by Absentee Ballot

East Meadow 8th grade Soccer
NEW TO VARSITY soccer but no stranger to finding the scoresheet, Tesoriere is a big reason East Meadow is on the verge of earning the Nassau Conference AAA/AA4 crown with 11 wins through its first 12 games. Heading into this week’s action, the eighth-grader ranked tied for the county lead in goals with 22. She’s recorded eight multi-goal games and netted hat tricks against Valley Stream Central (both meetings), Hewlett and Glen Cove.
Thursday, Oct. 17
Boys Soccer: Baldwin at Mepham 4:30 p.m.
Boys Soccer: Sewanhaka at Carey 4:30 p.m.
Boys Soccer: V.S. Central at Long Beach 5 p.m.
Boys Soccer: Kennedy at South Side 5 p.m.
Girls Soccer: Uniondale at Freeport 5 p.m.
Boys Volleyball: Wantagh at Lawrence 5:30 p.m.
Boys Volleyball: Calhoun at South Side 6:45 p.m.
Boys Volleyball: Clarke at Plainedge 6:45 p.m.
Girls Soccer: Lawrence at V.S. South 7 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 18
Football: Hewlett at South Side 6 p.m.
Football: East Meadow at Oceanside 6 p.m.
Football: Baldwin at Jericho 6 p.m.
Football: Island Trees at West Hempstead 6 p.m.
Football: C.S. Harbor at Plainedge 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 19
Football: North Shore at Wantagh 11 a.m.
Football: Lynbrook at Garden City 1 p.m.
Football: Clarke at V.S North 2 p.m.
Football: Farmingdale at Freeport 2 p.m.
Football: Westbury at Uniondale 3 p.m.
Football: Bethpage at Kennedy 3 p.m.
Football: Port Washington at Massapequa 3 p.m.
Nominate a “Spotlight Athlete”
High School athletes to be featured on the Herald sports page must compete in a fall sport and have earned an AllConference award or higher last season. Please send the following information: Name, School, Grade, Sport and accomplishments to Sports@liherald.com.
Chemistry lifts Lawrence’s level
Lawrence girls’ volleyball coach Christolia Butler won’t hesitate to name the No. 1 reason the Golden Tornadoes are one win from matching their 2023 total whilst avenging two of the 12 defeats from last season already.
“Our chemistry is better,” Butler said. “We brought back a good amount of kids and a lot of them are playing club volleyball. We came into the season at a better starting point and I’m really happy with the improvement.”
Lawrence won three of its first nine matches against its Conference 5 rivals, including a five-set marathon victory over Valley Stream North and a pair of confidence-building four-set wins over neighboring Hewlett and Malverne.
“I’m really proud of them,” Butler said. “They practice hard and want to be better than the day before. There’s a different atmosphere and I’m excited to see how we can finish up.”
Opening with back-to-back home losses and facing a perennial conference title contender Valley Stream North next was daunting, but the Golden Tornadoes went on the road and pulled out a stunning 15-25, 25-22, 25-20, 15-25, 15-13 win over the Spartans.
“That was a wild match and probably our best win so far,” Butler said.
Senior outside hitter and captain Kristelene Cribbs (5 kills) led the offense along with right-side Gina Pasaquariello (9 assists, 4 aces), and junior libero Arbi Corbita had 10 digs.
Cribbs is a three-year varsity player and returning captain. “She’s a great leader for the program and helps out the younger kids at the middle school with coach [George] Klein,” Butler said of Cribbs, who leads the team in kills and plays every rotation. “She’s our go-to hitter with a powerful swing and is also a strong server and passer.”
Cribbs was also instrumental in the win over Hewlett Sept. 24, picking up 11 kills, 6 digs and 4 aces as Lawrence earned its first home triumph. Primary

setter Kennedy Mowatt dished out 19 assists and Corbita led the defensive effort with 14 digs.
Mowatt, a freshman, didn’t begin the season as the starting setter but emerged after a few weeks, Butler said. “She went from middle school to varsity but you wouldn’t know it,” the coach noted. “She’s level-headed and knows how to spread out the offense. It’s exciting to have her running the offense for the next three years after this.”
Eighth-grade outside hitter Jordan Gajadhar also made the jump from middle school to varsity and is a big part of Lawrence’s two-way game. “She
makes smart decisions,” Butler said. In the middle, senior Heather McHale and junior Hailey Brancacclo are key offensive weapons. The coach praised McHale’s tremendous court awareness, and the strong serving of Brancaccio who had four of the team’s 15 aces in the win over Malverne. Corbita began the season as a hitter but quickly moved to libero, the same position she plays in club. “She takes charge in the back row and is all over the court,” said Butler, who also noted the contributions of senior captain utility player Madelyn Ramos and junior outside hitter Kelley Orellana.

Derrick Dingle/Herald
Junior libero Arbi Corbita has made a smooth transition from hitter to lead Lawrence’s defensive effort.

Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick seeks a second term
By BRENDAN CARPENTER bcarpenter@liherald.com
Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick was elected to represent Senate District 9 in 2022. Now she’s seeking re-election to a second term.
Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, 58, began her career in public service well before becoming a senator. She’s spent time as a trustee in the Village of Malverne — where she lives — as Malverne’s police and fire commissioner, and as the village’s deputy mayor and budget director. Her late husband, Jim, was the inspiration for launching her political career, and her memories of him continue to drive her.
“He was the commissioner of emergency management for Nassau County, and he died very suddenly in 2011,” she said. “I was appointed to the Malverne Village Board, and I took his spot as a trustee. It launched my political career. He had a mission of public service, of helping people, and he truly is an inspiration.”
She’s proud of the work she’s done so far, but has things she would also like to tackle in a second term. One of them is supporting police.
Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick says police need more funding, training, and trust based on their training. She feels her experience as Malverne’s police commissioner gives her insight and experi-

ence that makes her valuable in offering them support. Along those lines, one of the issues that motivated her to run two years ago, which is still a major discussion point, is bail reform and judges’ discretion, and she wants to
continue to work on it.
“One of the first bills I proposed was allowing judges to have discretion,” she said. “I understood that there was a need for the bail laws to change, and I applauded that, but I think they went
too far. So we need to bring it back a little bit toward the middle, so to speak, and give judges discretion.”
She also wants to support small businesses. She says they should be allowed to go on without increased utility rates and increased taxes from the state. “Small businesses are the backbone of our community. It’s very important to support small businesses,” she said.
She also hopes to offer more support to veterans, more mental health support in schools, and to stop Nassau County from becoming a “sanctuary county” for illegal immigration. She’s also not opposed to offshore wind energy options, but thinks they have to be implemented in a more efficient way than previously attempted. Above all else, though, Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick wants people to know who she is.
“I’m a real person, I’m a mom, I’m a business owner, I’m a person who’s lived here my whole life,” she said. “I am trying to help people, listen to their concerns. I do not vote on standard party lines; I vote based on what I think my district needs. My door is always open. If you need help, please come to me.”
Lynch’s campaign ‘has been an eye-opener’
By BRENDAN CARPENTER bcarpenter@liherald.com
James Lynch is a longtime psychiatrist, helping those struggling with severe mental illness. He has an understanding of what it’s like to be poor, at risk of homelessness and underserved. That made him want to help even more.
Lynch, 59, moved to Stewart Manor in 2007. He spent time as a trustee and deputy mayor for the village, and enjoyed it, but decided he wanted to do more. He thought of Senate District 9, and threw his hat into the ring. Now, he has seen and met people he hadn’t known before, and it has opened his eyes.
“I’ve gone to places in my district that I have not known at all, streets I’ve not known at all, talked to people I’ve not known at all,” Lynch said. “This whole thing has been an eye-opener.” He hopes to “end one party domination” in Nassau County politics. He hopes to join their ranks, and hold them accountable.
“I’d like to see a change in the tone and the dynamics that don’t exist in Nassau County,” he said. “I don’t think some people are serving us as well as they should.”
Lynch plans to combat climate

Tim Baker/Herald
Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick’s challenger, James Lynch, has been active locally as well, as a trustee and deputy mayor of Stewart Manor.
change and the effects it has had on local communities. He supports the development of wind farms, but said he
understands there’s work to be done in terms of community response. He has met with resident of communities —
such as Long Beach — who have pushed back against wind farms, and after meeting with them, he said they have agreed be open to potential wind farms in the future.
He also plans to work to keep taxes from increasing. That’s easier said than done, but he says he is in support of instituting tax caps for homeowners and businesses.
“I support a tax cap,” he said. “Nassau County, Town of Hempstead, my school district, has a tax cap. New York state government, that’s a separate thing to deal with, but that’s how you solve it. It’s only slowing the rate of increase; it’s not stopping or lowering it. So I expect my taxes to stay the same.” Lynch is also against the development of the Sands Casino, and wants to create more jobs around our local universities. Some of the best ideas come from students, he says, and those ideas should be built up and given more opportunities to thrive. He wants to improve the livelihoods of those in the next generation, and wants voters to know he plans to work for everyone.
“I’m a public servant,” he said. “I love where I live, and I’d like to make it better for my kids, not for me. I’m hoping to turn the tide, and I’m not a politician. I’m hoping that that resonates with people.”
Tim Baker/Herald
State Sen. Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick once served as a Malverne village trustee and as the village’s police and fire commissioner, inspired by her late husband, Jim.

Parker Schug/Herald
Joe Grillo, of JAG Architects, presented the updated plans for the Hewlett High School science room renovation at the Board of Education work meeting on Oct. 9.
Board of Education trustees are happy with new plan
school, which house biology, chemistry, earth science, physics and science research classes, will be effectively rerenovated, replacing the work done over the summer.
Some of the alterations Grillo presented last week, included the addition of metal tables, some mobile and others with connected gas and water access, reconfigured or repainted rooms, the installation of new display boards, and the replacement of stools and desks with more comfortable, functional options. Some of the furniture that had been installed, he said, would be repurposed.
Board Trustee Judy Menashe confirmed that all new furniture would comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Cheryl May, the board’s vice president, said that the number of desks should be consistent with the number of students in each room at reasonable capacity, so that in future years, the district will not need to keep adjusting.
When Sheinin asked about the cost of the updates, she was given no exact number.
“We wanted to make sure we had the 10 rooms the way the board is OK
with,” Marino said, “and then we can do more accurate pricing.”
The renovations were first discussed in August 2022, and later approved as part of an $18.3 million capital project that also encompassed science classroom renovations at Woodmere Middle School, a redesign of the Hewlett High School auditorium and the installation of new artificial turf on the high school football field.
The high school science classrooms were last renovated in 2004, Parahus said at a meeting in 2023, when the project was introduced to the community.
School board Trustee Judy Menashe said at the September meeting that $5.2 million had been earmarked for the renovations, and Sheinin noted that $3 million had been spent thus far.
The next steps will be discussed at future meetings, but much of the renovation work will not take place until next summer, the administrators, architect and board agreed.
“There’s also tremendous disruption to instruction,” Greenberg said, if they were to tackle the updates now.
Have an opinion about the high school renovation plans? Send a letter to pschug@liherald.com.

Making ‘Christmas Dreams’ come true
Peninsula Kiwanis is getting an early start on good deeds for the holiday season.
The organization hosted the annual Christmas Dream Pancake Breakfast at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Inwood on Oct. 6.
The morning of food fare, raffles and conversation raised money for Peninsula Kiwanis’ Christmas Dream event, where the group distributes holiday gifts to children in need.
The tradition, in its 34th year, helps kids get their hands on hundreds of toys, coats, gloves, hats and hygiene products.
— Parker Schug

Victor Liotta of Peninsula Kiwanis, flipped pancakes at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Inwood for the organization’s fundraiser breakfast.
Henry Orozco, left and Mateo Orozco stopped by Our Lady of Good Counsel, for bagels and banter at the Peninsula Kiwanis Christmas Dream breakfast.
Alice Moreno/Herald Photos
Peninsula Kiwanis members Domenick Curra, left, Frank Miestro and Michael Gliner were servers at the annual Christmas Dream Pancake Breakfast to raise money for their holiday gift giving tradition.
Sean Koehler, left, Denise Carroll, Danny Mancini, Kathy Koehler and Gayle Saldutti indulged in some pancakes in support of the Peninsula Kiwanis Christmas Dream event.
Peninsula Kiwanis President Michael Gliner, right, served guests pancakes to raise money for the organizations Christmas Dream annual event.
‘Our goal is to make a meaningful impact’
their stories and raise awareness about the issues that matter most to them.”
The group’s website, The-Youth-Outreach.org, features articles and podcasts from students and volunteers who want to spread information on issues they believe are important. The titles include “The Rise of Homelessness on Long Island,” “Any Care for Any Person: Emblem Health Neighborhood Care,” and “Addressing the Mental Health Crisis on Long Island: The Work of the Long Island Crisis Center.”
“We also wish for actual change to be a product of our organization,” Qazi said. “We try to accomplish this by volunteering, publishing articles about issues with charities and organizations that can help, and posting on our social media about different issues and organizations we want to bring attention to.”
Youth Outreach shares additional articles and podcasts on its Instagram and TikTok accounts, @the.youthoutreach.
The five friends volunteered at their first community-service event in August, the Emblem Health Neighborhood Care gathering in Brooklyn.

Butler said he wants to help others feel seen and heard in their darkest hours of need. “It’s about using my resources and time to uplift voices that often go unnoticed, and being part of something bigger than myself,” he said. “Whether it’s providing support to senior citizens or giving students a platform to express their concerns, knowing that my actions create lasting change is deeply fulfilling.”
Qazi said he believes that making a difference in the community is one of the most important things people can do.
“In a changing world, where so many issues are occurring at a rapid pace, being passive is not an option,” he said. “We must take action to be the change we want to see in our community.”
The seniors invite young people in the area to contribute by writing short articles about issues they’re passionate about, to which the five can add the names of charities or other organizations that are focused on those issues.
“We helped fundraise from friends and family, took some school supplies and we helped donate 550 school supplies items to kids there,” Halimi said. In the future, they hope to work with food drives and homeless shelters, and to support the Chron’s & Colitis Foundation.
“It means a lot to do this,” Halimi

said. “I just wanted to make a platform to give a voice to the youth, and that’s what we’re doing here.”
“I also believe the youth is especially important in creating this change, because we’re the future of our communities,” Qazi said. “If we can promote a positive mindset in the youth to solve problems, bring attention to local issues, and come together as a group to help and care for their community, we can ensure that our community will be in good hands in the future.”

Courtesy Benjamin Halimi
Dylan Butler, far left, Benjamin Halimi, Lucas Kim and Ariel River volunteering at the Emblem Health Neighborhood Care event in Brooklyn on Aug. 23.
Curran talks taxes, crime and affordability
By DANIEL OFFNER doffner@liherald.com
Assemblyman Brian Curran is looking to extend his tenure as the representative for New York’s 21st Assembly District in next month’s election. A lifelong resident of Lynbrook, he took office in 2022, after narrowly defeating thenincumbent Judy Griffin by a margin of just 138 votes.
During his time in office, Curran has been active in negotiating a new inflation factor for foundation aid funding, which is essential for public school districts across the state. His efforts were particularly vital when Gov. Kathy Hochul’s executive budget proposal threatened to reduce aid and eliminate the “save harmless” program, potentially impacting schools in East Rockaway and Oceanside. Additionally, Curran has successfully advocated for funding to expand universal pre-K programs and enhance public safety and mental wellness initiatives.
At a roundtable discussion hosted by the Herald on Oct. 4, Curran identified his top priorities as taxes, crime, affordability, and quality-of-life issues. He highlighted concerns over rising utility costs, child care expenses, and inflation, which he believes have significantly impacted residents’ financial stability.
Curran pointed to recent utility rate hikes by National Grid, Liberty Water, and PSEG, attributing them to policies established in Albany, particularly the
2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. He criticized the act for its “unrealistic” timeline and expectations, stating, “Everybody wants clean water, air, and environment. I think it was a bad plan with the best of intentions, but it’s a bad plan.”
Addressing other local issues, Curran expressed concerns over increasing airplane noise and congestion pricing. He noted that air traffic over his district has surged, with the FAA reporting a fourfold increase in flights compared to the previous year. “They couldn’t explain why,” he said, emphasizing the frustration among residents. Curran has supported legislation for a health study on airplane noise, although he noted that findings have yet to be released.
On school safety, Curran advocates for increased funding for resource officers.
“You should always have a presence at the school that can detect, alert, and respond to emergencies,” he asserted. He has collaborated with local mayors to secure grants for upgrading school security systems.
Curran has long opposed congestion pricing, which would impose a $15 fee on drivers entering Manhattan below 60th Street, calling it an unfair burden on middle-class workers. He criticized the law for its lack of exemptions for firefighters, police and teachers, saying, “That’s going to cost them close to $3,500 a year.” He also expressed his disappointment over the fact that Hochul’s decision to pause

Tim Baker/Herald
Assemblyman Brian Curran discussing his goals, if he is re-elected next month, during a recent Herald roundtable.
the implementation of the pricing plan came after the expenditure of $200 million in taxpayer funds. “That really is a spit in the face of the taxpayer,” he said.
He acknowledged that property taxes on Long Island have always been high, but noted that in the last decade, New York has lost more than a million residents to outward migration.
“We’ve led every state in that category for three out of the last four years,” he said, “to the point where even Governor Hochul said we can’t ignore this anymore.” He said he plans to continue to advocate for expanding STAR exemp -
tions, which help reduce school taxes for homeowners, particularly seniors.
Curran also addressed bail reform, which he opposed in 2018, citing concerns raised by police and district attorney organizations. “I never questioned the intent of the people trying to pass that bill,” he said. “If you look at it, bail, in and of itself, is a rich-poor issue.” He said that he understands that it is fundamentally unfair if a person who can pay bail gets out, while a poorer individual arrested on the same charges cannot. “But what they did in 2019 … took the entire bail system and just threw it out.” He said that after four attempts at fixing the legislation, Albany should provide judges more discretion to determine whether to set bail for offenders deemed a danger to the community.
“Public safety has to come first,” he said.
In addition to these issues, Curran discussed mental health initiatives and infrastructure funding. He also opposed Hochul’s 2023 proposal to require the construction of 2,500 housing units around LIRR stations within three years, arguing that local zoning regulations should guide such projects instead of state mandates.
Griffin focuses on education and equal rights
By DANIEL OFFNER doffner@liherald.com
Former State Assemblywoman Judy Griffin is looking forward to her rematch with the incumbent, Brian Curran. After she lost the race in 2022 by a slim 138-vote margin, she hopes to reclaim her seat in Albany.
Griffin has lived in Rockville Centre for more than 30 years, initially working in the financial industry before taking on roles as a lifestyle coach and corporate wellness educator. In 2016, she served as director of community outreach for former State Sen. Todd Kaminsky. Two years later, in 2018, she became the first Democrat to win the seat in more than 40 years. She served two terms before being unseated by Curran.
During her time in office, Griffin secured more than $8 million in funding from the state for local police and fire departments, schools, libraries, veterans’ halls, and non-profit organizations in her district. If elected, she hopes to continue her work as an advocate for education, mental health initiatives, reproductive rights, and local law enforcement.
Foundation aid, one of the largest sources of funding for public school districts, will likely be a major concern for Nassau County residents following Gov. Kathy Hochul’s 2024-25 executive budget proposal, which, if it were approved,
would have reduced the anticipated aid increase by more than $400 million statewide, leaving schools to face more than $23 million in proposed cuts.
“When the governor is delivering the State of the State and putting out a budget, to me, that is not the time to say ‘We’re going to reimagine foundation aid,’” Griffin said during a Herald roundtable discussion. Instead, she emphasized an idea for a more collaborative approach between state lawmakers, the governor’s staff and various stakeholders, meeting before the legislative session begins in January to discuss foundation aid.
Griffin also championed the establishment of health and wellness centers within school districts in Baldwin and Freeport, which provide support for both physical and mental well-being.
“It’s so helpful for students and families,” she said. “With so many working families it makes it more difficult … I think in today’s world, kids can get lost in the shuffle.”
In regard to public safety and criminal justice, the GOP has been very critical of bail reform — a state law passed in 2019 ending the use of cash bail for misdemeanors and minor offenses. Republicans criticize the law, arguing that it has created a “revolving door” for the convicted. Griffiin challenged this narrative for weaponizing criminal justice reform, and said she remains committed to ensuring
equality in the legal system.
“First of all, I find that much of what the GOP says on this issue is not even true,” she said. “That’s not saying we don’t need to look at things and make sure we have the safest communities possible. But there’s a lot of rhetoric behind this.” Griffin said she has worked closely with police unions and the District Attorneys Association on a series of revisions to make sure the law appropriately categorizes non-violent offenses. She also played a big role in the Red Flag Gun Law, which aims to prevent individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others from obtaining firearms, and the “teacher gun law,” ensuring that educators would never be compelled to carry weapons in schools.
She is a staunch supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment, which she previously co-sponsored and voted for in 2022. She emphasized that it not only affirms fundamental rights, but also provides legal protection against discrimination of marginalized communities.
Griffin said her commitment to reproductive rights is evident in her support for the state’s codification of Roe v. Wade in 2019.
“It is possible that (Donald) Trump could be our new president, and if he invokes the Comstock Act, which could make anything used for abortion — equipment, medicine, any of it — banned across our country,” Griffin said. She said

Tim Baker/Herald Former state Assemblywoman Judy Griffin discussed her stance on state issues during a Herald roundtable on Oct. 2.
she is concerned about how restrictions on reproductive health could jeopardize women’s health and wellbeing.
Regarding housing, she said that while there is a great need, it is also something that needs to be addressed strategically, providing suburban municipalities the ability to weigh in. Griffin believes we can build a better future for Nassau County by fostering collaboration and addressing disparities.

Jordan Wright (AD-70) Stefani Zinerman (AD-56) Michael Benedetto (AD-82) George Latimer (CD-16)
Learning about the Holocaust through art
Lawrence High School art students, under the guidance of Janet Ganes, created Holocaust inspired artwork that will be on display at the Peninsula Public Library all throughout October.
Ganes has been teaching about the Holocaust for 20 years. As a child of survivors, teaching about the Holocaust through art became a passion of hers.
She takes her students on field trips to museums in New York that focus on the Holocaust.
The members of the Art Honor Society at Lawrence made the pieces on display. By studying artifacts and videos of testimony, students gained a deeper understanding of history.
Ganes’ artwork that is inspired by her field trips to the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center in Glen Cove, are also on display. Her pieces encompass stories handwritten by her mother, Fanny Lust, a Holocaust survivor.
— Melissa Berman

Courtesy Peninsula Public Library Art teacher, Janet Ganes, teaches her students about the Holocaust and shares her mother’s story as inspiration for their artwork.
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LWA remembers Oct. 7 with peaceful ceremony
On the first anniversary of the Oct. 7 attack, Lawrence Woodmere Academy held a moment of silence under the American flag, on campus to honor the lives lost on Oct. 7, and the many impacted in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.
Students displayed rocks that they painted in art class to symbolize unity and foster a sense of community.
The rocks adorned symbols of peace, and lay under the American flag. Hank Williams, head of school, sent a letter to students to encourage discussions around peace and global mindfulness, before Rosh Hashanah. — Melissa Berman

Courtesy Lawrence Woodmere Academy
Alyssa Daidone, assistant principal at LWA, left with students gathered under the American flag for a moment of silence on the anniversary of Oct. 7.

Ogden Elementary kicks off autumn
Pumpkins, leaves and scarecrows, oh my! Fall has officially started at Ogden Elementary School.
Ogden Elementary hosted their “It’s Fall Y’all” celebration for students and families from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., on Oct. 8.
The event offered arts, crafts, face painting, a petting zoo, pony rides, and pumpkin decorating.
Dinner was included with a ticket to the event and students enjoyed hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs and kosher pizza, along with some sweet treats like apple cider, cookies, cotton candy and popcorn.
Parents paid $30 for their first child’s registry and $20 for each additional child. Adults could attend for $10 each to accompany the kids.
The celebration featured a dj, a photo opportunity with fall scenery and props and a pedal car obstacle course.
Fire fighters from the Hewlett Fire Department stopped by to meet students.
— Melissa Berman

Courtesy Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools
Camila Checo, left, Adrian Akturk, Adrian Flores, and Eli Binyaminov pet a baby goat from Long Island Pony Parties and Petting Zoo at Ogden Elementary’s ‘It’s Fall Y’all’ event, on Oct. 8.
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David Friedman speaks to One Israel Fund donors
Even a year out from the tragic Hamas attacks in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, aid organizations are still seeing high level needs of Israeli communities.
Cedarhurst’s One Israel Fund, an group focused on the areas Judea and Samaria, thanked donors for a successful year with special guest, David Friedman at the TWA Hotel at John. F Kennedy Airport on Sept. 19.
David Friedman, former United States ambassador to Israel, signed copies of his new book, “One Jewish State: The Last Hope to Resolve the Israeli-Palestine Conflict,” and spoke as part of the appreciation dinner.
“Over the past 11 plus months, we have not only raised more money than ever before in our history, but we have truly changed the face and dynamic of those communities,” Scott Feldman, executive vice president of One Israel Fund, said, addressing donors.
Friedman spoke about his background and his new book which highlights why the phrase “One Jewish State” should be the guiding force for Israel’s future.
“I wanted to create sort of the intellectual heft to the to the arguments,” Friedman said.
For more information on the organization or to get involved, visit OneIsraelFund.org.
— Parker Schug

Parker Schug/Herald
David Friedman, former United States ambassador to Israel, signed copies of his new book and spoke as part of the One Israel Fund Donor appreciation dinner at the TWA Hotel at John F. Kennedy Airport.

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Back to the basics:
Building with BLOCKS
Young imaginations reach new heights at ‘Block Party’
By Danielle Schwab
From a futuristic spaceship to a giant castle, there’s no limit to what can be created with blocks and a little creativity.
Young “builders” are invited to show off their skills at “Block Party,” a free-play exhibit for all ages to enjoy.
But be sure to visit soon — Long Island Children’s Museum’s seasonal exhibit is short-lived. It runs through Nov. 3.
“This new exhibit for the museum is so open-ended and encourages so many different modalities of learning and types of play within the space,” says Ashley Niver, the museum’s director of education.
While kids may play with smaller blocks at home, these big foam blocks come in larger-than-life proportions — so visitors can make their biggest creations yet.

Steve Martin and Martin Short

• Now until Nov. 3
• $17 museum admission, $16 seniors 65 and older
• View the LICM events calendar at licm.org for additional information or call (516) 224-5800
• Long Island Children’s Museum, Museum Row, Garden City

“These are structures that they can build, that they can climb on, they can go through or under. They can use a lot of dramatic play with this since it’s all just open-ended play, which is what we love,” Niver says. “So there’s a lot of processes happening during this kind of play, and it really invites a lot of collaboration between the adults and the kids as well as peer-to-peer, to work together.”
From long, bendable cylinders to the stackable rectangles, the blocks can be used as the catalyst for an endless assortment of building projects. The results are limitless.
The blocks are all blue, intentionally so. The single block color creates a blank canvas for endless creative possibilities. By eliminating the distraction of multiple colors, children can immerse themselves fully in their designs, focusing on construction and creativity without worrying about matching hues. Thus children are able to immerse themselves fully in play, according to Niver.
“When you have a lot of visual distraction, it’s actually harder for kids to unleash their imagination and learn and have that creative output be as successful,” she explains. “So basically, having them all in one color allows a better opportunity for that to flourish.”
Prompts throughout the exhibit space guide the builders, if some inspiration for their block masterpieces is needed. Build a shelter for a real (or imaginary) pet or perhaps a robot that actually works. The exhibit even challenges everyone to see how high you can build.
For smaller creations, a table of hand-held blocks is available to play with as well.
“The appeal of this exhibit lies in its immersive quality,” Niver says. “While children are accustomed to playing with small blocks that fit in the palm of their hand, here they encounter a larger-than-life experience.”
Once the build is done, it’s time to put young imaginations to the test! Kids can put the spotlight on their creations and produce interesting shadows on the wall for interactive storytelling.
The exhibit was created in conjunction with “Worldwide Day of Play,” an initiative of Nickelodeon with the Association of Children’s Museums to get families engaged with their environment through screen-free play while fostering the benefits of skill-building activities.
“Block Party’” encourages children to develop their motor skills, enhance their muscle strength
“We think it’s really important for the kids to disconnect because they don’t have as many opportunities to do that these days. I find that screens are becoming so much more prevalent, and they’re so accessible in different areas,” Niver says.
“To really set the scene and just bring it down to the basics of building blocks, it’s so beneficial to them for their development, with a lot of social emotional learning happening.”
This is the first exhibit to be installed after the museum’s Fall Fix Up — the annual two-week closing period every September when the museum conducts maintenance and exhibit refresh, along with staff training.
“We go over different aspects of learning and play and try to educate our staff and empower them for when we reopen. We make sure that we reopen in a really impressive way for our visitors, to welcome them back,” Niver adds.
At the Block Party, no dream is too big, so it’s time to get building — one block at a time.
Photos courtesy LICM
Museum visitors are invited to an oversized “block” party where giant lightweight blocks turn playtime into extraordinary adventures. Stack them, crawl through them or team up to make dream designs come true. Construct castles, mazes, fantastical creatures or secret hideaways.
Icons, collaborators and dos amigos Steve Martin and Martin Short have a relationship that’s evolved in unexpected ways since their SNL days. Their comic prowess has surely reached new heights since their involvement in Hulu’s smash hit “Only Murders in the Building.” The pair takes another comic turn as special guests at Tilles Center’s 2024 Gala. These two funnyman display their impeccable talents as “The Dukes of Funnytown!” — a show that redefines the form in unexpected and profound ways, from two of the most influential and acclaimed talents of the past century. Their humor is often subversive, but it is always a joyous self-deprecating romp from two comedy masters driven to make each other laugh as much as the audience.
Saturday, Oct. 19, 8:30 p.m. Tickets start at $70. Tilles Center for the Performing Arts, LIU Post campus, 720 Northern Boulevard, Brookville. Tickets available at tillescenter.org or (516) 299-3100.

Anthony Rodia
Anthony Rodia lets loose with his “Totally Reliable” tour. A firstgeneration Italian-American, Rodia came out of the womb making people laugh. In his 20s he tried a few open mics, but ultimately took a different career path as finance manager of a luxury car dealership. In 2019, Rodia returned to comedy and left his day job to become a full-time stand-up comic. He hit the ground running and performed 100 shows in just nine months, and within three years gained a massive fan base online and around the country. In a short time, Anthony gained over 900,000 social media followers and his YouTube videos have amassed over 22 million views. Rodia’s comedy pulls from his real life and razor-sharp observations on marriage, parenthood and just about everything else.
Saturday Oct. 19, 7 and 9:30 p.m.
$89.50, $79.50, $69.50, $59.50, $49.50. The Paramount, 370 New York Ave., Huntington. Tickets available at ticketmaster.com or paramountny.com.
THE Your Neighborhood
Rock the Dock

Ambrosia, John Ford Coley and Peter Beckett (The Voice of Player), will come together for a magical night performing all of their 1970s and ‘80s Billboard Top 40 Hits, on the Tilles Center stage, Friday, oct. 25, at 8 p.m. Yacht Rock the Dock shines the spotlight on the original artists, with Elliot Lurie, as they reinvigorate their many beloved tunes. Enjoy Ambrosia’s everlasting hits including “How Much I Feel,” “You’re the Only Woman” and “Biggest Part of Me.” John Ford Coley, most known as half of the Grammy-nominated duo England Dan and John Ford Coley, performs many memorable hits, including “I’d Really Love to See You Tonight,” “Love Is The Answer” and “Nights Are Forever Without You.”Peter Beckett, Player’s original lead singer and songwriter. was voted by Billboard Magazine as Best New Single Artist in 1978 for Player’s hit “Baby Come Back.,” while Elliot Lurie is best known as the vocalist for Looking Glass, and sang lead on the band’s hit single “Brandy.”
These songs are the soundtrack to a generation. Today’s so-called smooth yacht rock music scene would not be yacht rock without the contributions of these Grammy winning artists. What emerged primarily from southern California during one of the greatest periods of music is a classic rock radio staple across the U.S. You cannot turn on the radio without hearing many of these songs every day. As younger generations of music fans fall in love and embrace these classic rock/soft rock hits, everyone realizes that these songs are becoming bigger now than at any time since their heyday, which by common consent stretched between 1976 and 1983. Get ready to Rock the Dock! Tickets start at $35. Tilles Center for the Performing Arts, LIU Post campus, 720 Northern Boulevard, Brookville. Tickets available at TillesCenter.org or (516) 2993100.

‘The Birthday Party’
Looking for something to do this Halloween season that isn’t just for kids? Visit Sands Point Preserve for an exclusive, immersive theatrical production, “The Birthday Party,” held in a secluded, opulent mansion, Friday and Saturday, oct. 18-19, oct. 25, oct. 31, and Nov. 1. For those who attended Archie’s last “Birthday Party,” rest assured, there are new surprises in store.
Guests will be blindfolded and escorted to a secret location on the property, Villa Vanitas, to celebrate the enigmatic Lord Archibald Axel Von Finkelshorn Chatterton’s 30th birthday. He is a witless charmer on the cusp of a life-changing revelation, and everyone’s invited to witness his journey on a night that promises to be unforgettable and delightfully unpredictable. Cocktail attire preferred. $175 per person. Sands Point Preserve, 127 Middle Neck Road. For information, visit SandsPointPreserveConservancy. org or call (516) 571-7901.

Spooky Fest is back
A Halloween experience not to be missed, Spooky Fest is an outdoor adventure perfect for families, whether you want to be scared — or prefer seasonal fun of the non-scary kind. Join in the fun at the Center for Science, Teaching and Learning, every Friday, Saturday and Sunday throughout October. Along the way in the updated and beautifully lit up Enchanted Walk you will see dinosaurs, aliens and friendly witches, costumed characters and more, including the Mystical Garden. Get your fortune told, make a craft and dance with the Halloween DJ, along with face painting and the Amazing Glow tent. For those who want to a scare, venture into the Haunted Woods, where zombies and dinosaurs hang out. Admission starts at $22. 1450 Tanglewood Road, Rockville Centre. Visit CSTL.org for call (516) 7640045 for more information.

Chamber concert
Immerse yourself in the rich harmonies and lyrical beauty of a piano trio and solo vocal works, with Old Westbury Gardens ensemble-in-residence Poetica Musica, Saturday, Oct. 19, 8 p.m., with pre-concert talk at 7:30 p.m.
Cellist Eugene Moye, violinist Erik Wyrick, pianist Yasmin Alami, and mezzo-soprano Eleanor Valkenburg perform works by Debussy, Mendelssohn and Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel. $30, $25 members, seniors, students. Old Westbury Gardens, 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. For information visit oldwestburygardens.org or call (516) 333-0048.
Rock Hall’s Annual Country Fair
It’s not too early to start thinking about this local tradition. Join in Rock Hall 38th Annual Rock Hall Country Fair, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 19-20, 11 a.m.5 p.m. Enjoy entertainment and fall fun. Visit with colonial historians, explore the harvest market, craft vendors, antique cars, farm animals and pony rides. There is also a children’s craft area, pumpkin patch, “make your own” scarecrow and much more. Featured entertainer Will Shaw does juggling comic act. Free admission and parking. All fair proceeds benefit the Friends of Rock Hall. Rock Hall Museum, 199 Broadway, Lawrence.
Adelphi’s Best of Broadway: Decades

Jump into the dazzling world of Broadway as Adelphi’s talented students bring to life the magic of shows that opened 10, 20, 30 or more years ago, Sunday, Oct. 20, 4 p.m. Enjoy modern and classic Broadway hits from shows like “Suffs” (2024); “Beautiful: The Carole King Musical” (2014); “Sunday in the Park with George” (1984) and “Anything Goes” (1934).
Adelphi University Performing Arts Center, 1 South Ave., Garden City. (516) 877-4000 or Adelphi.edu/pac.
Breakfast Connect
Want to network your business? Attend the Breakfast Connect group’s get together every Wednesday, 8-9 a.m. The breakfast meeting is free and open to everyone in the community. Hewlett Fire Department at the Benjamin J. Moleno Hall, 25 Franklin Ave., Hewlett. For more information call or text Andrew Leibowitz at (516) 790-4829.
Having an event?

Art explorations
Converse, collaborate and create at Family Saturdays at Nassau County Museum of Art. The drop-in program continues Saturday, Nov. 2, noon-3 p.m. Get inspired by the art and objects in the galleries and then join educators at the Manes Center to explore and discover different materials to create your own original artwork.
Kids and their adult partners connect while talking about and making art together. A new project is featured every week. $20 adult, $10 child. Registration required. Nassau County Museum of Art, 1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. Visit NassauMuseum.org for more information and to register or call (516) 484-9337.
Items on The Scene page are listed free of charge. The Herald welcomes listings of upcoming events, community meetings and items of public interest. All submissions should include date, time and location of the event, cost, and a contact name and phone number. Submissions can be emailed to thescene@liherald.com.
On exhibit
Nassau County Museum of Art ‘s latest exhibition
“Seeing Red: Renoir to Warhol,” reveals the many meanings, connotations, and associations of this powerful color in art. Evoking strong emotion, red can represent the human condition. Its myriad variations have come to signify authority as well as love, energy and beauty. Red warns us of peril and commands us to stop, but it can also indicate purity and good fortune. Red boldly represents political movements and religious identities. From the advent of our appreciation for this color in antiquity to its continued prominence in artistic and popular culture, this exhibition spans various world cultures through a range of media.

It features more than 70 artists, both established and emerging, ranging from the classical to the contemporary. American portraitists such as Gilbert Stuart imbued red in their stately paintings of prominent individuals to conjure authority. Robert Motherwell, Ad Reinhardt, and other major abstract painters displayed a deep fascination with red in their commanding compositions that evoke a sense of chromatic power. And, of course, Andy Warhol is known for his bold and imposing silkscreened portrait of Vladimir Lenin saturated in bright red to his signature Campbell’s Soup Cans. On view through Jan. 5. Nassau County Museum of Art, 1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. (516) 484-9337 or NassauMuseum.org.

On stage
See Anton Chekhov’s “The Seagull,” presented by Nassau Community College Theater and Dance Department, opening Friday, Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m.; also Saturday, Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, Oct. 27, 2 p.m.; Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 29-30, 7;30 p.m. Delve into the lives of Arkádina, a famous — but fading — actress, and that of her lover, Trigórin, a well-known author. They arrive at her brother Sórin’s country estate for the summer, just as son Konstantín is staging an experimental new play he’s written and directed, starring his girlfriend, Nína. Chekhov’s first successful naturalist play follows the lives of young artists as they navigate life. Thematically, it’s a study of the arts and the artist, the lack of real satisfaction to be found there, the pretense and mediocrity that pervade the practice, and yet the power and mystery that are possible. Nassau Community College’s Little Theatre, Garden City. Tickets $12; NCC students free

Public Notices

Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered July 5, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on November 6, 2024 at 2:00PM, premises known as 1106 Rosedale Rd, North Woodmere (Town of Hempstead), NY 11581. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being near Valley Stream, in the Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 39, Block 511, Lot 33. Approximate amount of judgment
$963,932.08 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #006017/2014. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 mitigation protocols and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine”. Keith Lavallee, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC 1775 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 18-005649 82470 149240
LEGAL NOTICE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF HEWLETT HARBOR PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Zoning Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Hewlett Harbor will hold a public hearing at Village Hall on October 23, 2024 at 7:00PM. A ZOOM link to the meeting is available on our website a t www.hewlettharbor.gov. All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard on the following applications for variance relief: Eduard Isakov – 15 Thixton Drive Hewlett Harbor, NY 11557 –(continuation) is requesting to install an inground pool, pool equipment and AC units (ductless). This dwelling is in a residential AB district. Applicant requests relief from Village zoning codes:
• Zoning Code 145-19 states lot coverage is the percentage of the total area of a zoning lot covered by impervious materials. The maximum permitted in an AB zone is 25%. Applicant is seeking 38.9%.
• Zoning Code 145-25A states accessory structures (pool equipment and AC units) shall not be nearer to any property line than 20 ft in a residence AB district.
Applicant is requesting a 15 ft 1 inch side yard setback for the pool equipment, and an 18 ft side yard setback for the AC units.
David and Eryka Kadosh1181 Harbor Road Hewlett Harbor, NY 11557 – (continuation) are requesting to complete a 1203 sq. ft. Interior Renovation; total will be 1501 sq. ft. addition to existing. This dwelling is in a residential AB district. Applicants request relief from the following Village zoning codes:
• Zoning Code 145-2 Usage and Definitions of Height/Setback Plane states: The height/setback planes for a given zoning lot are a series of theoretical inclined planed through which no part of a dwelling structure shall penetrate. Applicant proposes to violate the side and frontyard sky plane.
• Zoning Code 145-10.2 states:a flat roof shall not exceed 32 ft.;plans propose 32.5 ft.(exceeds code by 4.5 ft)
• Zoning Code 145-10.3 Street Wall states: The street wall shall be limited to a maximum of 21 ft. at the front-yard setback. The street wall may be allowed to be increased by 1 ft for each additional 10 ft. in setback. The maximum height is 25 ft; applicant is requesting a 32.6 ft street wall height.
• Zoning Code 145-19 states: maximum building area shall not exceed 30%; the plans propose 39.7%. Existing building area is 26.3%. Plans propose a 9.7% increase in building area.
• Zoning Code 145-19 states: side yard setback is 15ft.; plans propose 14.5 ft. (exceeds code by 6 inches)
• Zoning Code 145-19 states: side yard aggregate is 35 ft.; plans propose 29.5 ft. (exceeds code by 5.5 ft.)
Meital Rosso – 1117 Harbor Road Hewlett Harbor, NY 11557 – is requesting to build a circular driveway. This dwelling is in a residential AB district. Applicant requests relief from Village zoning codes:
• Zoning Code 145-19 states maximum lot coverage shall not exceed 21%. Applicant is requesting 39.99 %. (Zoning Code 145-2 defines lot coverage as “the percentage of the total area of a zoning lot
covered by impervious materials.”)
• Zoning Code 145-19 states building area in an AB zone should be a maximum of 25%.
Applicant is requesting 27.66% BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS
Tommy MontemaranoBuilding Superintendent Dated: Hewlett Harbor, New York October 4, 2024 149421
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Boulevard Associates LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on May 17, 2004. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to 930 Broadway, Woodmere, N.Y. 11598. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE OF LSF9 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST, Plaintiff AGAINST HEINRIC ROSENBLUM AKA HEINRICH ROSENBLUM, SARA HAMER AKA SHERRI SARA HAMER, ET AL., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered April 16, 2024, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on November 13, 2024 at 2:00PM, premises known as 9 Park Circle, Cedarhurst, NY 11516. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being at Cedarhurst, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 39 Block 122 and Lot 69. Approximate amount of judgment $699,167.91 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #606257/2023. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 mitigation protocols and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine”. Adrienne Flipse Hausch, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC 1775 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 22-000053 82406 149374
New York Giants
a difference in
5 Towns organizations
It’s the season of giving but Rock and Wrap It Up! is facilitating community support, year round.
Recently, Barry Ringelheim and the New York Giants made generous donations to Rock and Wrap It Up! and the Five Towns Kiwanis Club.
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: SADA Developers LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on December 5, 2007. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to 930 Broadway, Woodmere, N.Y. 11598. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Westchester 2 Retail Developers LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on April 11, 2008. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to 930 Broadway, Woodmere, N.Y. 11598. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: 110 Fulton Group LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on November 21, 2006. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to 930 Broadway, Woodmere, N.Y. 11598. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity
Ringelheim’s $500 donation and the Giants’ donation of over $10,000 in clothing, shoes and uniforms will support various groups that the organizations give to, Syd Mandelbaum, founder of Rock and Wrap It Up! said.
Veteran’s who shop at a farmer’s

Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Crescent Bathgate LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on June 6, 2007. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to 930 Broadway, Woodmere, N.Y. 11598. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Polite Hewitt LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on December 6, 2007. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to 930 Broadway, Woodmere, N.Y. 11598. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
market, facilitated through Mandelbaum’s organization and Ukrainian groups that Kiwanis and Rock and Wrap It Up! help, will reap the benefits of these kind acts, Mandelbaum said. To learn more about Rock And Wrap It Up! visit RockAndWrapitUp.org.
For more information on the Five Towns Kiwanis, visit TinyURL. com/5e6cn4r6.
— Parker Schug
a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered herein and dated December 11, 2018, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on November 19, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. premises situate, lying and being at Lawrence, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Lawrence Avenue, distant 161.52 feet northerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Lawrence Avenue with the northerly side of Spring Street; being a plot 128.71 feet by 50 feet by 108.75 feet by 53.84 feet. Section 40 Block 32 Lot 113. All bidders must wear a face mask/shield at all times and social distancing must be observed by all bidders at all times. Bidders who do not comply with the face mask and/or the social distancing mandate will be removed from the auction.
Said premises known as 280 LAWRENCE AVENUE, LAWRENCE, NY 11559 Approximate amount of lien $629,669.70 plus interest & costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment and Terms of Sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the
Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Index Number 010770/2014. RALPH MADALENA, ESQ., Referee
David A. Gallo & Associates LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 47 Hillside Avenue, 2nd Floor, Manhasset, NY 11030 File# 5025.1027 {* NASSAU HER*} 149477
20 Lot 35 and 36. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate lying and being at Lawrence, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $383,964.81 plus interest, fees, and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No 603624/2022.
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT NASSAU COUNTY U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR VELOCITY COMMERCIAL CAPITAL LOAN TRUST 2018-2, Plaintiff against ILYUSHA KHAIMOV, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF RAKHMIN KHAIMOV, DECEASED, et al Defendant(s) Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Stern & Eisenberg, P.C., 20 Commerce Drive, Suite 230, Cranford, NJ 07016 and 1131 Route 55, Suite 1, Lagrangeville, NY 12540.
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered June 28, 2024, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on October 28, 2024 at 4:00 PM. Premises known as 266 Randall Avenue, Lawrence, NY 11559-1231. Sec 40 Block
During the COVID-19 health emergency, Bidders are required to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect at the time of the sale including but not limited to wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Should a bidder fail to comply, the Referee may refuse to accept any bid, cancel the closing and hold the bidder in default. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.” Darice Guzman Piotrowski, Esq., Referee File # NY202300000275-1
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Out Of Town/Real Estate
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An architect for a sunroom?
Q. I’m buying a sunroom for my breakfast room on the back of my split-level house, about 8 feet off the ground. I’m being told by the contractor that I need an architect and sealed plans. Since it’s basically a kit of parts that will go on my existing deck, why do I need this? It seems like a lot of extra expense the sunroom people didn’t tell me about. If I already have a permit for the deck, it should be allowed, right? I haven’t bought the sunroom yet. I’m just trying to be sure I know the whole story before I do this, probably by spring, when the weather is better for construction. Any advice would be helpful.
A. Do things once, the best way. A deck isn’t habitable, but a sunroom is, and a permit is required. Plans have to show structural support, energy and building code compliance. Rain, moisture and ice are your primary concerns.

You need the whole story without the sales part. Just like any purchase, issues you might not expect are still important, like finding out what kind of oil to add to your snow blower before the engine seizes or that windows without factory tinting can allow ultra-violet sunlight rays to fade your carpet. As an architect for a largely popular sunroom manufacturer in the 1980s and ’90s, I experienced many issues with their construction.
Pre-engineered panel systems are designed by the company, hopefully by engineers, and should come with plans, from the manufacturer, that can be sealed and signed by their in-house engineer. If not, plans may need to be drawn from scratch by an architect or engineer that you hire so those plans can be integrated with your house. Integrated means that the company generally just sells you a product and doesn’t necessarily give any indication of how to support the unit or how to attach the unit system to your house so that it won’t leak or move.

This is the general failing of the system, since, as I experienced with most of the installations, the part I could detail was free of leaking or movement, but the units themselves leaked nearly every time. We could detail how the edges of the unit could be sealed and redundantly weather-stripped and flashed, but the frames around the glass and wall edges would unseal and leak. I even met with the corporate president/owner and identified the specific problems. Promises to correct leak issues were made but not kept, and eventually I gave up.
I looked at a two-year-old system while discussing other work for a home recently. The owner described the back-and-forth misery he and his family were experiencing with their sunroom and the company. Even 25 years after I gave up, the same company is still doing things the same way. You need a detail-oriented architect and installer, even if you think you don’t. The cost of doing things twice is much greater. Good luck.
Ask The Architect

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We badly need congestion pricing
Ibelieve congestion pricing is an absolute necessity, for several reasons. First of all, traffic in the metropolitan area is an absolute nightmare. You can’t get into New York City in a reasonable amount of time unless you leave at 5 a.m. or after 9 p.m. most days from any direction — Long Island, Westchester, Connecticut or New Jersey.

Once you get to Manhattan, traffic is so bad that you can walk faster than you can drive. I know, because I work on the Upper East Side and often walk to appointments and meetings. It’s faster than waiting endlessly in a taxi or Uber.
The rafts of Citi Bikes, bike lanes, bus-only lanes and outdoor restaurants built during and after the coronavirus pandemic make Manhattan more intolerable for driving than ever before. According to a TomTom report, New York tops the list of cities with the worst traffic in America. The average commuter spent just under 25 minutes driving about six miles in 2023.
Secondly, our mass transit system has been allowed to deteriorate over the decades, because politicians have always kicked the can down the road. The Second Avenue subway was originally proposed over 100 years ago. Today, three stations have been built, and the extension to Harlem has been put off, because congestion pricing, which was supposed to help pay for it, has been halted.
IThe 7 Subway line was to have had a stop in Hell’s Kitchen, the “10th Avenue station,” to alleviate passenger congestion on the West Side and serve the growing neighborhood, but that, too, was killed for lack of funds and political will.
regional train service and rehabilitating the century-old subway system. The more comfortable and convenient the train system, the more people will use it, and the more drivers will opt out of the maddening rush to get to the city.
f only we could come up with a way to charge people based on their net worth.
Much of the current subway system is antiquated, some of it was damaged by saltwater intrusion during Superstorm Sandy, and the signal system is a hazard unto itself, slowing the system down and causing accidents. So how do we resolve our urban traffic nightmare? There is no doubt that rail lines into Manhattan should be the No. 1 priority. They move the most people at the fastest speeds into and out of the city. Congestion pricing would be of enormous benefit in funding better
Now, there are valid reasons why congestion pricing is unfair. If I’m a millionaire, I don’t care about paying $15 to drive below 60th Street, but if I make $50,000 a year, it’s putting a huge dent in my wallet. Box trucks or moving vans would pay $24, large trucks $36, which would make goods and services cost more for New Yorkers.
It’s unfortunate that we can’t devise a methodology that could charge people based on their net worth. If a license tag could be connected to an IRS filing, we could charge wealthy people a different rate than those of more modest means.
Beyond a system like that, we must resurrect the congestion pricing program to start to reduce traffic into Manhattan, and use those funds to upgrade MTA trains, subways and buses. If we do nothing, we will have wasted $500 million installing the apparatus to track vehicular traffic into the city, while
doing nothing to reduce traffic and pollution and build a city for the future. It is also unconscionable that fare evasion cost the MTA an estimated $690 million in 2022, including $315 million from buses and $285 million from subways — 10 percent of the MTA’s annual budget.
And beyond the dollars and cents, New York City now ranks as one of the most ozone-polluted cities in the world thanks to the millions of cars, trucks and buses in stop-and-go gridlock traffic, with drivers endlessly circling for parking spaces and taxis, Ubers and Lyfts driving nonstop, looking for their next fare.
So how to move the massive number of people in the metropolitan area from destination to destination? Make the best use of the advanced train system that enlightened people built 120 years ago, and that provided 2 billion rides in 2023, on over hundreds of miles of track, picking up and dropping off people at 472 stations. But you can’t build out and upgrade the system without money, and congestion pricing is the ticket.
Jim Paymar is a veteran New York television anchor and reporter who has worked at CNBC, WNBC and WABC. He anchors a podcast, “The Big Shift with Jim Paymar.”
How to talk to young people about elections

Every four years, citizens of the United States have the privilege of voting in the presidential election. It is one of the most sacred and awesome responsibilities of being an American citizen. Reflecting on the ideals set forth in the Constitution, it is crucial that we engage our students in conversations about the election process to help them understand and appreciate the significance of voting. Although discussing politics in public schools can be uncomfortable for some, particularly in today’s polarized environment, remaining silent on these issues is actually detrimental. Educators have a responsibility to help develop young people into informed, active participants in the democratic process and, hopefully, the next generation of civic leaders.
As a former high school social stud-
ies teacher, I believe the election season is the perfect opportunity to make learning more relevant by bringing textbooks to life. There are so many invaluable skills students can learn during local and national election cycles. First, they should be taught about the election process. Many of our students come from other countries, including those that do not have participatory democracies. Teachers can use the upcoming elections as a time to provide a refresher on the branches of government and how elections function in the U.S.
We need to help students understand the significance of voting.
developed guidelines for identifying news media bias, which includes differentiating news from opinion, understanding that bias is a spectrum and recognizing our own biases. These are all extremely valuable skills that students will benefit from even after the election cycle has passed.
Additionally, we can teach students how to navigate the media landscape and identify bias in the media. With the widespread use of social media as primary news sources, it is often difficult for young people and adults alike to differentiate fact from fiction or evaluate the credibility of a news source.
The News Literacy Project, an organization devoted to ensuring that all students are skilled in news literacy,
Another critical skill students can develop when learning about elections is how to consider different perspectives. With the explosion of the internet and social media algorithms, it is very likely that young people who get their news from online media sources are never confronted with opinions or values that are different from their own. In order for students to successfully navigate life after high school and become leaders in the global workforce, however, they must be able to listen to the opinions of others, seek to understand a variety of perspectives and engage in civil discourse and debate. These skills are essential for navigating real-world challenges.
Finally, teaching about elections
offers an excellent opportunity to discuss with young people the importance of voting. As educators, we counter voter apathy by teaching students about the historical struggle for voting rights in this country, particularly for historically marginalized groups, such as women and African-Americans. These discussions may evoke strong emotions, but they are vital to helping students understand why voting matters and how our country has evolved.
We should remind students of the importance of taking part in local elections in addition to the national presidential elections. We should also explore ways for young people to practice exercising the right to vote in school, and provide opportunities for them to voice their opinions on local issues in the community.
This is a really exciting and pivotal time in our country, with history unfolding before our eyes. It is our duty to ensure that the next generation is not only witnessing these moments, but is engaged with and prepared to shape them.
Monique Darrisaw-Akil, Ed.D., is superintendent of the Uniondale Union Free School District.
lOri harWiTT
Web: www.liherald.com
sHeraLd editoriaL
The Mets are a case study in grit
ports often provide the most visible examples of overcoming the odds. Take, for example, the New York Mets, who, in late May, suffered a crushing loss to the Los Angeles Dodgers, leaving them 11 games under .500. Many fans and baseball insiders had all but written them off, but the Mets didn’t quit.
Instead the ball club made strategic lineup changes and, most important, held firm in their belief that they were still a great team. The result? A remarkable turnaround that put them 30 games over .500 and propelled them into this week’s National League Championship series.
Pitcher Jim Abbott is another powerful example of overcoming adversity. Born without a right hand, Abbott faced enormous challenges from an early age, but refused to let his physical difference define or limit him. He eventually reached the major leagues, and not only pitched at the highest level, but tossed a no-hitter for the Yankees in 1993.
This lesson isn’t just for athletes. Struggling students can reassess their study habits, ask for extra help, and find the support they need. A professional facing new challenges at work can seek out training, lean on colleagues for advice, and even turn frustration into motivation. Teachers, mentors and coaches thrive on helping others succeed, so seeking help isn’t a weakness — it’s a smart move.
Climate change should be on voters’ minds
To the Editor:
As the election draws closer, we cannot ignore the growing impact of climate change on our communities. Hurricane Helene and now Hurricane Milton, along with dozens of wildfires this past summer, are all clear warning signs of a very real climate crisis.
This issue deserves more attention than it has received so far this election cycle. During the presidential debate, only one brief question was asked about climate at the very end.
The fact is, the climate crisis impacts us all, no matter where we live or how much money we make. Americans are being told to flee their homes and risk losing everything. Meanwhile, Big Oil continues to put profits over people by prioritizing fossil fuels that continue to destroy our environment.
We cannot afford to lose any more time in the fight against the climate crisis. We need leaders — at the federal, state and local level — who believe in the science of climate change and are
Overcoming adversity isn’t just about persistence, but is about a mindset of constant learning and growth. Whether you’re falling behind in school, at work or on a sports team, the temptation to surrender can be overwhelming. But those who thrive amid adversity don’t see challenges as walls; they see them as steppingstones to progress.
If you’re a student struggling to grasp difficult concepts, feeling like you’re always two steps behind, it’s easy to lose hope. At work, new technologies and methodologies might feel like waves crashing over you, leaving you disoriented. And for an athlete, the weight of defeat can make the rest of the season feel like an uphill climb that’s no longer worth making.
So how does a person, or a team, regroup and find success after falling behind?
While determination is key, succeeding isn’t just about plowing through. It’s about strategic adaptation. It’s about identifying what’s important, what’s holding you back, and making meaningful changes — sometimes inspired by others, and sometimes by digging deep into yourself.
The first step often is simply asking for help. And that’s nothing to be ashamed of. We’ve all been there!
Adversity isn’t a dead end. It’s a detour that offers new pathways to growth and success, but only if we’re willing to stay the course, make adjustments, and push beyond the initial
impulse to give up. And real-life stories of overcoming adversity can be powerful sources of inspiration, because they demonstrate that success is often born from struggle, resilience and perseverance.
J.K. Rowling’s journey to becoming the world-famous author of the Harry Potter series is a classic example. Before Harry Potter became a household name, Rowling was a struggling single mother living on welfare. She wrote the first Harry Potter book in coffee shops, often battling self-doubt and rejection. No fewer than 12 publishers rejected the manuscript before Bloomsbury finally took a chance on it.
Thomas Edison, one of history’s greatest inventors, failed over a thousand times before making the first light bulb work. When asked about his repeated failures, Edison famously said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” His relentless drive and ability to see failure as a learning opportunity helped him change the world.
Real-life stories such as these are just a sample of what people can achieve while illustrating that the journey to success is rarely smooth. At press time, the Mets had come back to tie the NLCS with the Dodgers at one game apiece. The team has shown its fans what it means to push through, learn, adapt, and remain focused on the next game all season long. Here’s hoping that inspiring lesson will continue.

Blakeman’s actions bring serious risks for first responders
in recent months, nassau County executive Bruce Blakeman has pursued a number of controversial measures that, in addition to likely being unconstitutional, bring with them a number of unintended consequences that will negatively impact our police and first responders.

the most glaring of those actions is Blakeman’s provisional emergency special deputy sheriff program. known more commonly as the “militia,” this misguided initiative has sparked tremendous concern in a number of local police departments. even as the first classes of “militia” cadets have now graduated and are in the process of being activated, our concerns about their training, how they will be identified, and how and when these “deputies” can and will be deployed remain unaddressed by the Blakeman administration, which continues to stonewall
the County legislature’s Democratic minority and the public.
the republican majority’s public mask ban, which Blakeman eagerly signed into law, is another piece of legislation that puts our police officers in highly precarious situations. Under this measure, it’s up to an officer to determine the “intent” of a person wearing a mask. this would expose our officers to thorny constitutional and medical privacy issues under the Fifth amendment and HIPaa laws. Moreover, there’s the risk that a sick person could feel pressured to remove their mask, thereby exposing the officers and the public to Covid or some other airborne disease. to address concerns about constitutionality and practicality, the minority caucus proposed a more narrowly tailored mask law — the Masked Crime accountability act — that would reduce the burden on our law enforcement officers by focusing specifically on punishing those who use masks while committing crimes. While our bill is a clearer
Hdeterrent to crime, the republican majority pushed through its version of the law without considering public concerns or the potential consequences.
ow will a police officer verify a claim of an exception to the mask ban?
For both of these measures, there is the issue of how effectively they can be enforced, if at all. the same goes for Blakeman’s banning of transgender female athletes using county sports facilities, which, like the mask ban, is being challenged in court. How is an officer, having been called to one of the situations created by these laws, expected to proceed? How rigorously should an officer attempt to verify someone’s claim that they qualify for an exemption under the mask ban? How can an officer navigate a heated confrontation over claims that a young athlete is violating the ban on trans athletes? are we going to start interrogating athletes over their gender identity? It’s all a recipe for disaster, and even more lawsuits against the county — litigation that you, the taxpayer, will end up footing the bill for.
With budget season now upon us, I
willing or can be convinced to take bold action before it’s too late. So I urge everyone: When you cast your ballot next month, think of our planet and the people that call it home.
MartIn MelkonIan Uniondale
The MTA’s capital plan doesn’t have a chance
to the editor:
long Island rail road riders should be concerned that the Metropolitan t ransportation authority’s $68 billion, five-year, 2025-2029 Capital Plan isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. Gov. kathy Hochul claims she can find additional state and federal funding to make up for the missing $15 billion in congestion pricing revenue from the current $51 billion 2020-2024 capital plan. She promises the same for making up the $33 billion shortfall in the proposed plan. t his leaves the M ta with a record $48 billion shortfall in funding! the plan will be dead on arrival.
a llocation of funding for advancing toward a state of good repair in all capital asset categories should be a higher priority than any system expansion projects. Funding for the $7.7 billion Second avenue Subway Phase 2 and the $5.5 billion Brooklyn/Queens Interboro express light rail Connector would be better spent on repair projects. Metro north railroad’s $3.1 billion Bronx east Penn Station access project should be put on hold. Forget about the $7.5 billion Second avenue Subway Phase 3, the 125th Street Crosstown extension, as well.
Don’t be surprised in 2025 when both the governor and the legislature reduce the proposed $68 billion plan by billions. I predict it will end up somewhere in the $50s billion range, to deal with more realistic future funding availability.
larry Penner Great Neck
Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer who previously served as a director of the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 New York Office of Operations and Program Management.
Election Letters to the Editor policy
In the interest of fairness and transparency during the election season, we will not publish letters in the Oct. 31-Nov. 6 issue, the final one before Election Day, that criticize a candidate or a specific issue. This is to ensure that no last-minute submissions are published without sufficient opportunity for rebuttal. Readers are encouraged to send letters to execeditor@liherald.com.
believe it is essential to analyze these controversial measures through another lens — police overtime. When we consider possible impacts on law enforcement professionals, we must factor in how these measures could further burden our officers and increase their workloads — especially as we ponder other proposals that could elevate overtime costs. Before the county clears the way for a casino or any other major development or legislative initiative that could be a significant driver of overtime, we would be wise to commission a thorough evaluation.
Specific to the casino, initial projections of $1.8 million being sufficient to cover the resulting overtime — which is just one quarter of 1 percent of our current overtime budget — seem farfetched. a rigorous review would go a long way toward revealing the true and accurate costs, so that law enforcement agencies serving not only the county, but also its cities and villages, can budget wisely and gear their training resources toward addressing every one of these new endeavors.
Delia DeRiggi-Whitton represents Nassau County’s 11th Legislative District and is the minority leader of the Legislature.

Framework by Harriet Katz
On a trip to Ohio, visiting the Cleveland Botanical Garden.