Long Beach Herald 02-13-2025

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serving Point Lookout & East Atlantic Beach

Polar Bears brave the cold


He’s the newest member of the ‘zipper club’

Scott Hanson, of Long Beach, was skiing at Killington, in Vermont, on New Year’s Eve. He’s a member of the Sperry Ski Club, a group of Long Islanders who have a lodge on the mountain, and he was celebrating the holiday with his fellow club members.

Hanson, 68, has always been active, and loves to play pickleball in addition to being an avid skier. While on the slopes, however, he started to feel winded, out of breath. He chalked it up to not having skied in a few years. So he didn’t think much of it, and on New Year’s Day he drove home.

About a week later, Hanson began to feel faint, and once again had difficulty breathing, as if someone was putting immense pressure on his chest. He knew something wasn’t right, so he called his

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Council approves new fitness equipment for rec center

At its meeting on Feb. 4, the City Council approved the purchase of new fitness equipment for the Long Beach Recreation Center, to replace outdated and frequently malfunctioning machines. This is the facility’s first major equipment upgrade in over a decade.

“The equipment that’s there now is, like, right-after-Sandy equipment,” recreation center Commissioner Joseph Brand said. “Treadmills are not supposed to last that long. They have, but they get to a usable lifespan where, now, to put

more money into them — even the guy that works on it says it’s just not worth it. So the timing of this couldn’t have been any better.”

The new equipment, which includes upgraded cardio and weight-training machines, was acquired with a Community Development Block Grant, at no direct cost to the city or residents.

The state Office of Community Renewal manages the federal block grant program in New York state. The federal program provides financial assistance to eligible municipalities for community projects, and is available to cities, towns and

villages with populations under 50,000 and counties with populations under 200,000. It focuses on improving affordable housing, enhancing public facilities and expanding economic opportunities.

Many of the Magnolia Boulevard facility’s cardio machines have long surpassed their expected lifespan, with five units taken out of service in the past few weeks, according to City Manager Dan Creighton. The new equipment is expected to be more durable, an important factor given its heavy daily use.

“And there’s a couple of weight room components that

were added in that’ll be new amenities that are definitely needed in the weight room as well,” Brand said. “So I think the customers will be happy, and we left a little wiggle room in case they’re not.”

The purchase included treadmills as well as elliptical and weight-training machines, all with extended warranties. Most

of the cardio machines have three-year parts-and-labor warranties, and some equipment frames will have coverage for up to 10 years. Additionally, the city has secured a maintenance plan with a technician who is familiar with the rec center’s needs, to help ensure long-term reliability.

Hanson’s children were by his side during his three-week-long cardiac drama, including his daughters Kristin, left, and Heather McNally. He was finally able to go home on Feb. 4.
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First major upgrade for gym in over a decade

TJoseph Brand commissioner, Recreation

“We kind of used him as a neutral third party when we received the equipment,” Brand said of the technician. “He looked at all of it, and made recommendations to switch out elliptical machines for another machine, which we did. So if he’s the one that’s going to be doing a lot of the work on them in the future, when they start to show wear and tear and age, I think at least he’s comfortable with the equipment we’re purchasing.”

The city plans to salvage and repurpose any of the replaced equipment that remains functional, potentially expanding the total number of available machines. Some of the worn-out units, however, will only be usable for spare parts.

“This important investment in our City’s recreation facilities is yet another example of our team’s commitment to improving the quality of life for our residents,” council Vice President Chris Fiumara said in a social media

post made by the city. “Voting to approve this investment in our rec center is yet another step forward. It builds on significant facilities upgrades we made at our ice arena, including a new paint job and netting,

renovated bathrooms and a new Pro Shop and Concession. And the best part is that this improvement at the rec is at no cost to taxpayers thanks to a generous grant that the administration worked to secure.”

The installation of the new equipment is expected to take four to six weeks. The cardio room will likely be closed for a day or two for a refresh and installation of the new equipment.

Hundreds — even thousands — turned out, and even had the chance to pose with a polar bear.

L.B.’s polar bears splash for the 25th year

On a very chilly day on Feb. 9, community members packed the beach and boardwalk for the annual Long Beach Polar Bear Splash, defying the elements and the water while testing their fortitude and raising money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Both new plungers and seasoned veterans made up the sleuth on Laurelton Boulevard, crowding the sand while dry beforehand and shivering and cold afterward. The splash itself lasts only a few moments but the anticipation, excitement and nervousness can make it feel like an eternity to some.

“The Polar Bear Splash is what Long Beach is all about,” City Councilman Mike Reinhart said in past interview. “One part community, one part generosity and a little touch of the best kind of craziness, this event has done so much good for so many kids who really need it. Congrats to the Polar Bears on their 25th year and thank you for bringing the community together for such a great cause.”

Long Beach’s Polar Bear Splash has become the biggest community fundraiser for Make-A-Wish, averaging about $500,000 in donations each year. Most proceeds come from the purchase of polar bear apparel, most notably sweatshirts. However, the donations allow for the foundation to give their greatest gift — hope.

Back in 1998, two good friends wanted to do a New Year’s Day plunge with the Coney Island Polar Bears for one of their birthdays. They couldn’t make it. So, they took the plunge on their own the next month, on Super Bowl Sunday, in their own city, Long Beach.

The two friends, Kevin McCarthy and Pete Myers, said they invited their neighbors to join them the next time. To their surprise, nearly 20 people showed up at the beach with them the following year. So, for fun, Meyers began making everyone sweatshirts with polar bears on them. Shortly after, the tradition gained a new meaning.

Two of Meyers’s neighbors, Mike and Patty Bradley, lost their son Paulie to leukemia at age 4 in 1997. They loved the polar bear sweatshirts and asked Meyers and McCarthy if they could begin selling them and donate the proceeds to Make-A-Wish in honor of their son in 2001.

Since then, the splash has grown,with more swimmers and supporters joining each year. The Long Beach Polar Bears have helped grant so many wishes, ensuring that other children get to experience the joy that Paulie was never able to.

Tons of the Long Beach community came out for the annual splash.

The day not only acts as a fun community event, but as a day to remember those the community has lost.

Despite the snow and frigid temperature, residents of all ages braved the water.

Bob Arkow/Herald photos
Even the youngest community members found joy in the painfully cold splash.

Brenda Siegal, 84, of L.B.

Brenda (Weisenberg) Siegal, born March 19, 1940, in Long Beach, New York, passed away peacefully on Feb. 9, surrounded by her loving family. Brenda’s 84 years were a testament to a life lived with passion and love. Brenda attended Long Beach High School, where she was the head majorette and was known for her “pep, poise and personality,” as quoted in her yearbook. She went on to attend Ithaca College and Adelphi University, earning a bachelor’s degree in social work, followed by a Master of Social Work and her ACSW.

In 1962, Brenda married the love of her life, Howard “Howie” Siegal, with whom she shared 60 beautiful years of marriage until his passing in 2021. Together, they raised four children in a home filled with love, laughter, music and Jewish food. In 2020, Brenda and Howie returned to the beach, moving into a condo on the Long Beach boardwalk.

The Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (MAPT)

For those who don’t qualify for long-term care insurance or can’t afford it, the Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (“MAPT”) can protect your assets from the high cost of long-term care in your home or in a facility.

The MAPT sets up two roadblocks that Medicaid cannot break through. First, you cannot be your own trustee. Usually, one or more of the adult children act as trustee.

Secondly, you, as the creator of the MAPT, are entitled to the income only, not the principal. If you don’t have access to the principal (your home or other assets in the trust), then Medicaid doesn’t have access to the principal. The MAPT makes good sense for assets you’re not going to spend –like your home and investments you’re not using. As we often say, if you don’t need it to live on, then why not protect it for your family instead of losing it to pay for long-term care.

When you apply for Medicaid for nursing home care, if you’ve transferred any assets in the past five years, you are ineligible. The full protection of the trust only takes place five years



after you establish the trust. This is why you want to plan ahead. Proposed new rules, often delayed but constantly looming, would also require you to have the MAPT in place two and half years in advance to be eligible for care in your own home.

The MAPT does not affect your lifestyle. You still receive your pension, social security checks, minimum distributions on your retirement plans, interest and dividends. You have the exclusive right to use and enjoy your home. You keep all your property tax exemptions. You can sell your house, buy a new one, or invest the proceeds, which remain in the trust, still protected.

The MAPT is also flexible. You can change trustees and you can change who you leave it to.

Although the MAPT is an irrevocable trust, not only does it have the flexibility mentioned above, but in New York there is a mechanism to revoke an irrevocable trust. All that is required is for all parties, you and your children, to sign. We even have a workaround just in case one of the children refuses to sign.

A lifelong social worker and dedicated professional, Brenda served as the Director of Social Services at the Tides Nursing Home in Long Beach. Her career went beyond mere duty, as she passionately worked to improve the lives of those in her care, and was a voice for those without one. Additional-

ly, Brenda was a proud leader of Hadassah, serving as president of the Tzipora Long Beach chapter, where she was dedicated to supporting the State of Israel. Brenda’s positivity was brimming. She had an unyielding sparkle in her eye and a contagious smile. She cherished and nurtured countless lifelong friendships, spreading her love with intention (and her delicious mandel bread).

She is survived by her cherished children and their spouses: Hilary (Bruce Berger), Bonnie (Jeff Stevens), Andrew (Jodi Ackers-Siegal), and Kenny (Gwen Snyder Siegal); eight grandchildren, Charlotte (married to Charles Conaty), Jordan, Ilana, Brandon, Noah, Sophie, Phoebe, and Ava; her brother, Harvey Weisenberg; and sister-in-law, Elaine Matthews. Brenda lived life truly dedicated to her relationships with each member of her beloved extended family of cousins, nieces and nephews. Brenda’s legacy of love, strength, and joy will forever inspire those who knew her. As Brenda would remind us, “Life Is Not a Dress Rehearsal.” Donations in Brenda’s memory may be made to Hadassah (c/o Bev Lieb, 79 Ivy Ln. Lido Beach, NY 11561).

Island Harvest food drive underway in L.B.

In conjunction with the Long Island Village Clerks and Treasurers Association, the Office of the Clerk for the City of Long Beach is holding its annual MARCH ON HUNGER Food Drive for Island Harvest. The City will be accepting donations through Wednesday, March 12 in the City Clerk’s office on the third floor of City Hall.

Suggested food items include canned vegetables, meats, fish, fruit, soup, sauces, pasta, cereals, dry milk, almond or soy milk, baby formula, spices, coffee, tea and nutritional beverages. They are also accepting personal care items and personal hygiene items. Any and all donations can go a long way in helping others in need.

or email info@trustlaw.com

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Brenda (WeisenBerg) siegal


MacArthur Senior Basketball

A THREE-YEAR STARTER looking for his first AllCounty selection, Kondyra reached a milestone Jan. 27 in MacArthur’s 79-72 defeat to Long Beach. As part of a 42-point performance, he recorded her 1,000th career point. He hit seven three-pointers in what was his third 40-plus point game of the season. The AllConference honoree in 2023-24 iis averaging 25 points per game this winter to rank among Nassau County’s top five scorers.



Tyasia Buxton, V.S. Central, 94 pounds

Harley Eidens, Long Beach, 100

Presley Eidens, Long Beach, 107

Gabrielle Severin, Bethpage, 114

Haley Gonzales, Hicksville, 120

Olivia Rausenberger, MacArthur, 126

Taylor Brock, Kennedy, 132

Jessica Marzano, Bethpage, 138

Gabriella Schechtman, Kennedy, 145

Keishara Tulloch, Uniondale, 152

Isabella Steffa, Seaford, 165

Eyslin Turcios, V.S. North, 185

Naomi Gonzalez, V.S. North, 235

Nominate a “Spotlight Athlete”

High School athletes to be featured on the Herald sports page must compete in a winter sport and have earned an AllConference award or higher last season. Please send the following information: Name, School, Grade, Sport and accomplishments to Sports@liherald.com.

Girls wrestling takes center stage

History was made Feb. 2 when Nassau County hosted its first-ever girls’ wrestling tournament at Bethpage High School with more than 100 entrants from over 20 districts.

Champions were crowned in 13 weight classes, ranging from 94 to 235 pounds, before a jam-packed crowd. Uniondale had the largest contingency with 22 participants as coach Tim Godoy said interest exploded after fall sports concluded.

“It’s been a really fun season and this tournament is great to see,” Godoy said. “I recruited some kids I coach in soccer and badminton and it just kind of took off from there. Last year we had two girls wrestling. By the end of the first week of practice this November, we had 30.”

Bethpage coach Sean Severin coordinated the one-day tournament and was thrilled to see everything run smooth. His daughter, Bethpage junior Gabrielle, captured the

Kennedy senior Gabriella Schechtman, who competed for MacArthur’s team, won the title at 145 pounds.

114-pound title which made a historic day that much more special.

“I was super happy with how good the event turned out,” Sean Severin said. “It drew a really big crowd and the girls brought the energy. It’s going to be a great stepping stone for the growth of the sport in Nassau County.”

Long Beach, which for more than four decades has fielded one of the premier wrestling programs in the county, has four girls competing this season including eighth-grade twins Presley and Harley Eidens. All four made the finals with the Eidens’ both winning championships.

“This is unbelievable opportunity for all the female wrestlers in Nassau,” said Long Beach coach Ray Adams, whose daughter, Reese, competes for Calhoun but missed her junior season with a knee injury that required surgery. “Our youth program, the Gladiators, started a girls program a few years ago and it keeps growing,” he said.

Adams credited 2020 graduate Lina Diamond with being the trailblazer for the budding Long Beach girls program. Presley Eidens, who also plays lacrosse and volleyball, said she started wrestling about two-and-ahalf years ago and grapples with her sister every day in practice. Freshmen Arianna Balsamo (152) and Sofia Calle (165) are also workout partners. “They’ve all improved every match,” Adams noted.

Valley Stream Central junior Tyasia Buxton said she joined wrestling to bring additional discipline into her

life. She just took up the until four months ago but has come a long way in a short time, coach Chris Carbajal said. Buxton captured the 94-pound crown.

“Really proud of her,” Carbajal said. “She made a commitment and stuck to it all season.”

Buxton credits a good deal of her success to scraping against boys almost exclusively this season. “I’ve taken my losses, but I learned a lot and I’m better for it,” she said. “It feels great to win. I gave it my all and didn’t give up.”

Lynbrook junior Dani Zhanay is one of the county’s most-experienced wrestlers. She’s been competing for eight years, coach Rich Renz said, after starting with the Titans youth league. “She loves competing and has a lot of skill,” Renz explained.

Uniondale sophomore Brianna Marquez is one of a

handful of soccer players who decided to give wrestling a try at the urging of Godoy. She was runner-up to Presley Eidens at 107. The Knights crowned one champion — sophomore Keishara Tulloch at 152.

“All the girls are amazing and the wrestling community has been really supportive,” Marquez said. “We all push each other harder every day. It’s definitely something I can see myself continuing to do.” Valley Stream North crowned a pair of champs with juniors Eyslin Turcios winning at 185 and Naomi Gonzaez emerging victorious at 235. Kennedy saw senior Gabriella Schechtman win at 145 and eighth-grader Taylor Brock finish first at 132. All 13 county champs along with six second-place finishers advance to the girls state tournament Feb. 27 in Albany.

Terry Uellendahl/Herald photos Valley Stream Central’s Tyasia Buxton captured the 94-pound crown.

Scott Hanson survives massive heart attack

daughter Heather McNally, one of his six children.

She told him to call 911. Shortly afterward, an ambulance arrived at his home on New York Avenue.

“When they got there, I said, ‘I can walk on my own,’” Hanson recounted. “I didn’t want anyone fussing over me. So I got in the ambulance on my own, laid on the stretcher and off we went. I said, ‘No lights and sirens, let’s just keep it on the q.t.’ And then it all went horribly wrong from there.”

When the ambulance arrived at Mount Sinai South Nassau hospital, in Oceanside, Hanson underwent an EKG and other tests, and what they revealed shocked him and his family: He had suffered a massive heart attack, and the right side of his heart was completely blocked. The attack also tore a hole in his heart — huge in medical terms, 8 centimeters long and 5 centimeters wide. Surgeons installed a balloon pump in his heart, and transferred him to Mount Sinai in Manhattan for further treatment.

“In his case, he sort of was lingering on and was what we call ‘completing the heart attack,’ so the muscle was actively dying,” Dr. Robin Varghese, director of cardiovascular critical care at Mount Sinai, explained. “What happened is, the muscle became so weak, he tore a hole inside his heart.”

The right side of the heart carries the blood without oxygen and the left side carries it with oxygen, and the two flows are not supposed to mix. Hanson’s attack affected the wall of muscle in between, which became so weak that, at one point when the heart squeezed, it ripped open and blood started moving in the wrong direction. The mortality rate for this condition, Varghese said, is 50 to 75 percent.

That would get anyone’s attention, but it hit the Hanson family especially hard. In 2019, Hanson lost his wife of 35 years, Noreen, who suffered cardiac arrest and was in a coma for 54 days. The family didn’t have the best experience with doctors at the time, and so last month, Hanson’s children were frightened.

“As a daughter, and knowing everything that happened to our mom, and having gone through all that, we were in an utter panic,” Heather said. “‘How is this happening again? How could this be? How could this happen to our family two times? Are we going to lose him?’ We were really scared and nervous.”

Varghese explained to the family that Scott’s heart muscles were so weak that if surgeons tried to sew the hole closed immediately, the sutures wouldn’t hold.

So they first removed the balloon pump and replaced it with an Impella, a slightly more powerful pump, to help the blood flow and decrease the volume

that was moving in the wrong direction. Hanson spent two weeks in the ICU, and on Jan. 21 it was time for surgery.

“After two weeks, we got him in the best shape as we could, and then we decided to go head to the operating room and repair this hole in the heart,” Varghese said. “That was an eight- or nine-hour surgery. We opened up the whole heart, found the hole and patched the hole. Normally, these holes are 1 to 2 centimeters. We did a bypass for him, we repaired one of the valves in the heart and then we came out of the operating room with that pump still in. By God’s grace, he did well over the next couple days.”

Hanson’s recovery was slow and a little painful, but as the days passed he started to show progress. He began walking on his own, and eventually worked his way up to 1,000 steps a day. On Feb. 4, he marked a major milestone in his recovery: He went home.

“We didn’t have any of those feelings that we did with our mom this time,” Heather said. “We knew right away that we were in the right place, and we had the right people on our side. They saved our dad’s life.”

Hanson is still recovering, and another of his children, Kristin, has moved back home with him for the time being to help as he continues to recover. He’s walking around, and is showing great progress. He’s been doing so well that he’s starting to get the itch to play pickleball again.

“Everybody in that hospital was supportive,” Hanson said. “Typically the wound looks like a zipper on your chest. So now I’m a member of the very exclusive zipper club.”

Courtesy Hanson Family
Scott Hanson, of Long Beach, underwent openheart surgery to repair the damage done by a heart attack that could have taken his life.

Legislators sue over county’s ‘illegal militia’

Nassau County Democratic legislators and civil rights attorneys filed a lawsuit against the county last week, branding County Executive Bruce Blakeman’s creation of special sheriff’s deputies an “illegal militia.”

“Bruce Blakeman’s militia is not about public safety — it’s political theater at the expense of Nassau County residents,” Legislator Seth Koslow, ranking member of the Legislature’s Public Safety Committee, said. “There is no justification for creating an unaccountable and illegal force that answers only to the county executive.”

Legislator Scott Davis criticized the measure as unnecessary, citing Nassau’s ranking as one of the safest counties in the country, and called for an increase in properly trained law enforcement officers as an alternative to the volunteer deputy program. The county currently employs over 2,500 officers who have undergone rigorous training.

In the event that the county’s existing law enforcement and crisis volunteers are insufficient, the county has the ability to call for assistance from law enforcement agencies in neighboring counties.

The lawsuit alleges that the county’s application process for the program requires minimal qualifications, including ownership of a pistol license and no

Democratic Nassau County legislators filed a lawsuit in State Supreme Court last week against the county and County Executive Bruce Blakeman’s creation of a special sheriff’s deputy program. Legislators Carrié Solages, far left, Scott Davis, Seth Koslow, Debra Mulé, Arnold Drucker and Minority Leader Delia DeRiggi-Whitton gathered to announce the suit on Feb. 5.

“misdemeanor convictions within the previous five years.” For each day of activation during an emergency, a volunteer would receive a stipend of $150, which exceeds the hourly rate of pay limit that deputies may receive without legislative approval.

The lawsuit cites a Newsday investigation that found that 25 people had enlisted in the program as of last Sep -

tember, six of whom were not able to be found through background checks. The plaintiffs allege that the county’s program appears to require significantly less training than its regular police training.

Carey Dunne, an attorney from the Free and Fair Litigation Group, argued that this poses a risk to the general public.

“County Executive Blakeman’s mili-

tia endangers public safety in Nassau County and the health of our democracy nationwide,” Dunne said. “Our lawsuit alleges an authoritarian power grab in the heart of suburban America. We cannot let the abuse of executive power go unanswered.”

Legislator Debra Mulé alleged that special sheriff’s deputies are an illegal group that should not be funded with taxpayer money, and that the county executive should be compelled to comply with public record laws.

“We filed formal Freedom of Information Law requests to get answers, and Blakeman ignored them,” Mulé said. “Even the county budget hides how much money is being funneled into this program. If this militia is such a great idea, why is he hiding it from the public?”

Blakeman is the first defendant in the case, alongside Nassau County Sheriff Anthony LaRocco. Blakeman was adamant in his opposition to the lawsuit and his support of the volunteer unit.

“Debra Mulé and Scott Davis are a disgrace for bringing this frivolous action and defaming the volunteers, many of whom are retired military and law enforcement, who have agreed to pitch in in the event of an emergency,” Blakeman said in a statement. “The antisemitic statements, denigrating these good citizens by labeling them as Nazi brownshirts, disqualify them for public service.”

A decade of Professional Youth Theatre

Long Beach’s Professional Youth Theatre is celebrating a decade of fostering young performers with a lineup of productions for its tenth anniversary season.

“I can’t believe it’s been 10 years,” PYT Co-Founder Brooke Robyn Dairman said. “I’m so proud of the growth of the program and how it’s become a fixture in the community. The residents of Long Beach have really supported us, even through tough times, like the pandemic, when we were producing outdoor shows in a parking lot.”

Kicking off the year, the theatre staged “The Little Mermaid” from Jan. 26 through Feb. 2, and for the senior production of “Bonnie & Clyde,” which ran from Feb. 8 to 10 at the PYT Ballroom Theater on East Walnut Street. The milestone season will continue with “Into the Woods” in June and “Grease” in July.

“The Little Mermaid” production featured a junior cast of students ages 8 to 13 under the direction of Dairman, with musical direction by Thomas Riley. The production included nearly 40 young actors, many from the barrier island, with others traveling from towns across Nassau County. To provide multiple students with the opportunity to perform principal roles, PYT rotated lead performers throughout the eight-show run. When not in a leading role, students joined the ensemble, participating in larger group numbers.

“We frequently double, triple or even quadruple-cast our productions because of the abundance of talent that we train here at PYT,” Dairman said. “Students learn the valuable skill of performing in two tracks — both their principal role and their ensemble role. It’s very important to us that students learn the importance of being part of an active and

engaged ensemble.”

Since it’s founding, PYT has provided young actors across Long Beach and Nassau County opportunities to train and perform in professional-caliber productions. The anniversary season reflects the organization’s commitment to its students, many aspiring to pursue theater in college or professionally.

The upcoming senior production of “Bonnie & Clyde” will showcase 17 students ages 13 to 18. Directed and choreographed by Broadway actor and PYT resident acting teacher Laura Stracko, with musical direction by PYT Associate Director Lauren Barchi. The production presents a challenging score and dramatic storyline; the 2011 Broadway musical has since gained popularity in regional and community theater. Set and lighting design will be done by PYT’s resident designer Pierre Morita, along with professional sound design by Aaron Hollon.

With a full year of productions ahead, PYT’s 10th anniversary season highlights the organization’s dedication to providing young performers with opportunities to gain experience and develop their talents. As students prepare for upcoming performances, PYT continues to be an active part of the Long Beach arts community.

“To celebrate our anniversary, we kicked off our performance season by reviving the very first show we ever produced back in 2015, ‘The Little Mermaid,’” Dairman said. “Back then, it was a cast of 14 kids, and now we have 39 kids on stage. We’re also bringing back our popular summer camp program for kids ages 6 to 17, and we’ll be producing a show at the end of camp that we’ve never done before — Grease. We can’t wait.”

To purchase tickets and learn more information on PYT, visit ProfessionalYouthTheatre.com.

July’s show will be ‘Grease,’ a musical PYT has never done in the past.
A record turnout of nearly 70 kids attended auditions for June’s production of ‘Into the Woods.’
Photos courtesy Brooke Robyn Dairman
PYT partners with the Dance Loft to provide dance training to young performers.
‘The Little Mermaid’ featured 39 actors, all aged between 8 and 13.



of the Brothers

Dinosaurs and epic roars

Dig into the mysteries of our favorite

et ready to embark on Jurassic Quest, one of the largest immersive dinosaur experiences in North America. The traveling prehistoric adventure, which combining archaeology with the latest tech, returns to Nassau Coliseum with its herd this weekend, Feb. 15-17.

Journey back 165 million years — to a time when mighty dinos ruled the Earth. The arena transforms into the TriassicJurassic and Cretaceous periods with life-like dinosaurs to observe and interact with during, that’s sure to spark the imagination.

“We bring dinosaurs to people in a way that’s fun, interactive and educational that you can’t find anywhere else,” says Jurassic Quest dinosaur expert Sarah Menard, better known as “Safari Sarah,” one of the expert “dino trainers.”

“You can go to a museum to see dinosaurs, but you’re only going to see fossils. You’re going to see educational things, but it’s not going to be as interactive or fun as maybe bouncing on a giant dinosaur inflatable would be,” she says.

There are plenty of opportunities to dig into the excitement. Hop on rideable dinosaurs, engage in hands-on science and art activities, enjoy thrilling dinosaur shows, observe real-life artifacts — and that’s only the start.

All of this — enhanced by carefully chosen vegetation, immersive sound effects, dynamic lighting, and interactive electronics — will make you feel like you’ve truly stepped into another time.

“One of my favorite things to see is whenever kids walk in their jaws drop, and then their parents walk in right after them and they do the same exact thing,” Safari Sarah adds.

Expect to see all your favorite dinos and meet new ones, including the formidable Triceratops, towering longnecks, fierce raptors, and of course, the infamous Tyrannosaurus Rex — standing proud at 20 feet tall as the ultimate apex predator.

prehistoric pals

• Feb. 15-16 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Feb. 17, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

• Tickets start at $22 (Use code QUEST15 for 15 percent off admission); available at jurassicquest.com or on-site

• Nassau Coliseum, 1255 Hempstead Turnpike Uniondale

where they can channel their

where they can channel their inner paleontologist, and study replicated and real fossils like T-Rex teeth, a triceratops horn and life-size dino skull.

“They can learn not only how fossils are made, but they can make fossils themselves, and at the end of the day, they get to walk away with a dinosaurshaped fossil,” Safari Sarah says.

On display, you’ll find real artifacts like Megalodon and dinosaur teeth, horseshoe crabs, and maybe even a dinosaur skull.

Friends of the Brothers returns to the Landmark stage with their dynamic tribute to the Allman Brothers. Their powerful celebration featuring musicians closely associated with the original band, continues the brotherhood with passion, committed to the ideals of every night being special and unique. Guitarist/singer Junior Mack has fronted Jaimoe’s Jasssz Band for 12 years and starred in the acclaimed Broadway show “Lackawanna Blues.” Guitarist Andy Aledort played with Dickey Betts for 12 years while singer/guitarist Alan Paul is the author of “One Way Out,” the definitive, best-selling Allman Brothers biography based on 25 years of reporting on and interviewing the band. Their firsthand experience with the Allman Brothers and their deep knowledge of the repertoire, its roots and heritage allows them to play with an unrivaled depth, backed by a band of inspirational, veteran players. Rock on!

Saturday, Feb. 15, 8 p.m. $38, $33. Jeanne Rimsky Theater at Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main St., Port Washington. Tickets available at landmarkonmainstreet.org or call (516) 767-6444.

Every dinosaur is created in collaboration with top paleontologists to create accurate depictions. As more is learned about these prehistoric creatures, their features are updated to reflect the most authentic depiction of dinosaurs in their prime.

This year, you may see some different feather placement and colors added to the pack.

“We actually know that feathers were a lot more prominent than we originally thought. There are even some paleontologists that think that the T-Rex had feathers,” Safari Sarah explains.

While we may think of dinosaurs in their largerthan-life forms, they, of course started out young — and “small.” Meet the baby dinos, Cammie the Camarasaurus, Tyson the T-Rex, and Trixie the Triceratops, three lovable hatchlings ready to play with new friends!

“They all have their own personalities. They’re all kinds of tricksters and will steal your hat or your phone from you. They’re cute little buddies,” Safari Sarah says.

“The famous question we get is ‘Is this really real?”’

There’s much to explore at each activity station, including an opportunity to become a Utahraptor trainer for the largest raptor in the world. The team instruct families on different commands and tricks to use that they can try out for themselves.

Kids will also want to check out the fossil dig,

For those looking for some self-guided fun, there’s

For those looking for some self-guided fun, there’s a scavenger hunt-style activity that the whole family can explore. Go on “The Quest,” a scavenger hunt-style activity where budding paleontologists can become Jr. Park Rangers, and learn all about the dinosaurs and time periods with the help of a fun and fact-filled video tour.

and learn all about the dinosaurs and time periods with the help the

And the youngest adventurers have a spot all their own. Little dino-lovers can roam the ‘Triceratots’ soft play area, taking a well-deserved break from the excitement.

While dinosaurs connect us to the past, they also connect all of this

While dinosaurs connect us to the past, they also connect all ages to a sense of wonder.

“If a parent can step outside of their ‘common sense’ and get into ‘wow, this is a real science,’ it really opens it up for their children as well, ” Safari Sarah says.

From a child’s toy to life-like moving creatures, atmosphere

From a child’s toy to life-like moving creatures, dinosaurs unearth new — but actually very old — possibilities.

“Studying dinosaurs is a gateway science,” Safari Sarah explains. “It opens it up to all these different sciences that talk about our Earth or the atmosphere or the stars. Things that have always been around since the beginning of time.”

His ‘Bronx Tale’ Chazz Palminteri is back on the Paramount stage, with his solo version of “A Bronx Tale.” The powerful one-man stage play depicts his bruising childhood, which included witnessing a gangland killing in the Bronx when he was nine years old. Palminteri plays 18 characters and brings them all to life in his autobiographical play. His friends, enemies and family all come alive on stage. It became a hit after he wrote it in 1989 and the most sought after property since “Rocky.” This is the original show he wrote and performed that made him an in-demand character actor and served as the basis of the acclaimed movie and Broadway musical. Bronx-born and raised, Palminteri was a natural choice to continue the long line of prominent Italian actors in the film industry.

Sunday, Feb. 16, 7:30 p.m., $99.50, $89.50, $79.50, $59.50, $49.50. The Paramount, 370 New York Ave., Huntington. Visit ticketmaster.com or paramountny.com for tickets.

Photos courtesy Jurassic Quest
Trainer Safari Sarah (at left) knows her way around a dinosaur herd. These prehistoric creatures — of all shapes and sizes — roar to life at Jurassic Quest.

Your Neighborhood


Kevin James

You know him, you love him, and now you can catch Kevin James when his “Owls Don’t Walk” tour arrives at the Paramount, Sunday, March 2, 7:30 p.m. The standup comic and beloved sitcom star brings his latest material out on the road in 2025. In this this unfiltered special James’ delivers his hot takes on everything from parenting to marriage and getting older. As only Kevin can, he covers a range of topics from motivating children to put down their video games, to why he doesn’t trust technology, and how many tater tots he can fit in his mouth. James sure has come a long way since his early standup days on the Long Island comedy scene. After being discovered at the 1996 Montreal Comedy Festival, he signed a network development deal to create his own sitcom. “The King of Queens” premiered in 1998 and ran for nine seasons, earning him an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series. From there, his acting career blew up — in film and television. He also starred in, and executive produced The Crew, a sitcom set in the world of NASCAR and is currently developing a single camera comedy (both for Netflix).

Of course, he’s always eager to return to his standup roots. He had concluded his previous tour, “Irregardless,” at The Paramount in November2023, in a benefit event for The Alonso Foundation, a nonprofit group founded by Mets first baseman Pete Alonso and his wife, Haley, to help combat bullying, cyberbullying, animal abuse and other societal ills. So if you love the King of Queens’ hilarious, spot-on takes on jobs, relationships, and the petty annoyances of everyday life, then don’t miss your chance to hear his newest jokes live $99.50, $79.50, $69.50, $49.50. The Paramount, 370 New York Ave., Huntington. (800) 745-3000 or Ticketmaster.com or ParamountNY.com.

Mah Jongg club

Do you play Mah Jongg and want to meet other community members who play? Join in the game, at Long Beach Library, Wednesdays at 11 a.m. in the auditorium. Practice your skills and have fun while you do it. Bring your own Mah Jongg tiles. 111 W. Park Ave. For more information, visit LongBeachPL.com or call (516) 432-7201.

City Council Meeting

Long Beach City Council meets on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 7 p.m. It will take place on the sixth floor of city hall and on YouTube. For more information, visit LongBeachNY.gov. 1 W Chester St.

Art explorations

Converse, collaborate and create at Family Saturdays at Nassau County Museum of Art. The drop-in program continues, Saturday, Feb. 15,noon-3 p.m. Kids and their adult partners talk about and make art together. While there, enjoy reading and play in the Reading Room, and contribute to The Lobby Project, a collaborative art installation. Registration required. 1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. Visit nassaumuseum. org to register or call (516) 484-9337.

Lunar New Year Celebration

Artists in Partnership, Inc. and the Long Beach Public Library will present a Celebration of the Lunar New Year of 2025, the Year of the Snake, Sunday, Feb. 16, 2 p.m. Bring the family for this fun-filled, interactive afternoon featuring a Taiko Drum Troupe performance and Martial Arts demonstration by members of the RYU SHU KAN Japanese Arts Center. The afternoon continues with a performance of traditional dance and the Lion Troupe by the children from the Chinese Center on Long Island. For more information, visit AIP4Arts.org or LongBeachPublicLibrary.org.

Zoning Board Meeting

The City of Long Beach Zoning Board meets on Thursday, Feb. 20, at 7 p.m., in Community Hall on the sixth floor at City Hall. 1 W Chester St. For more information, visit LongBeachNY.gov.

Ask the tech guy

Do you have questions about your computer or laptop? Want to learn more about Zoom, streaming movies, or downloading ebooks to your device? Join Long Beach Library’s Tech Guy, every Wednesday, 2-3 p.m. to get answers to your pressing tech questions. 111 W. Park Ave. For information, visit LongBeachPL.org.

Hundreds Attend The R.E.A.L. Awards

Event celebrates professionals driving growth and community development

RichnerLIVE hosted its fourth annual R.E.A.L. Awards on Jan. 29, honoring the outstanding entrepreneurs, professionals and visionaries shaping Long Island’s real estate industry.

This event, at the Heritage Club at Bethpage, recognized individuals who have excelled in their fields and dedicated themselves to community advocacy and development.

“We strive to spotlight these developments and the people and organizations behind them week in and week out,” Stuart Richner, president and publisher of Richner Communications Inc., said. “Your work is vital for our shared growth and prosperity.”

The ceremony emphasized the deep connection between real estate and local communities, highlighting how industry leaders contribute to the region’s growth and well-being. The event celebrated the accomplishments of professionals whose efforts go beyond building structures; they lay the foundation for thriving neighborhoods and economic prosperity.

The evening began with a lively cocktail hour, where attendees mingled and connected with friends and colleagues. The networking session set the tone for the night, allowing industry leaders to celebrate their shared achievements and contributions to the local real estate landscape.

“It’s always an honor to be honored,” said Sheldon Shrenkel, CEO and executive director of the Nassau County Industrial Development Agency, said. “We appreciate the recognition, and to be together with all these other wonderful people in similar professions.”

After dinner, the awards ceremony was hosted by five-time Emmy Awardwinning investigative reporter Kristin Thorne. The honorees were recognized for their achievements, and came to the stage to accept their awards.

“It is always an honor to be celebrated multiple times by fellow architects and industry organizations,” Willy Zambrano, founder and design principal at Zambrano Architecutal Design, said. “However, recognition from another professional field is truly invaluable, particularly when it comes from a local news outlet. I’m elated to receive the Architectural Design Excellence award from this event.”

Keynote speaker Mike Florio, CEO of the Long Island Builders Institute, addressed the growing challenges in Long Island’s real estate market, emphasizing how rising construction costs, insurance premiums and restrictive zoning regulations are making homeownership increasingly difficult. Despite these obstacles, Florio highlighted the region’s desirability, and the need for collaborative efforts among developers, policymakers and local businesses to create sustainable, mixed-use communities that accommodate evolving demographic needs while ensuring

economic stability.

“To achieve these goals, we must take this conversation beyond a solution,” Florio said. “Everyone inside understands the challenges we face, but we need to reach a broader audience. Too often, the highest voices in the room are the small but local minority that is resistant to change.”

The annual Herald R.E.A.L. Awards served as a reminder of the vital role real estate professionals play in shaping Long Island’s future, not only through development but also through advocacy and community engagement. The evening brought together industry leaders to celebrate their achievements, foster connections and discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead.

A portion of the proceeds from the

evening benefited General Needs Ltd., a nonprofit organization that is committed to supporting homeless veterans. Founded in May 2015, General Needs provides essential services to veterans in emergency shelters in Brooklyn and Queens and across Long Island. The organization operates entirely through community support, ensuring that all donations directly assist those in need.

For a full list of honorees and photos, visit richnerlive.com/realestate.

Robert Esposito, founder of Relocators Service Inc. and author, “Nobody Move!” with Stuart Richner

Tim Baker/Herald photos
Honoree Nicholas Ceccarini with friends and family of Weatherstone Mortgage Corp
Hundreds cheer on our 2025 honorees
Keynote Speaker Mike Florio, Long Island Builders Institute
Holden Leeds/Herald photos
Honoree Kevin D. Boone, Keller Williams Realty of Greater Nassau
Honoree Christina Volz and Nancy Cuite, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
Honoree Sheldon L. Shrenkel, Nassau County IDA
Father/son honorees Kenneth and Stanley Schuckman, Schuckman Realty
Honoree Brendan D’Loren of Terwilliger & Bartone and Stuart Richner
Cocktail hour filled with 2025 honorees and their guests ahead of the ceremony
Honoree Tiffany Balanoff, Douglass Elliman
Honorees Vito Giannola, Provident Bank and Dee Dee Brix, Compass
Tim Baker/Herald photos
Honoree Willy L. Zambrano, Zambrano Architectural Design, LLC
Honoree Joseph Farkas, Metropolitan Realty Associates, LLC

Public Notices















Pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly entered on July 19, 2024.

I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at public auction at the North Side Steps of the Nassau Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on February 25, 2025 at 2:00 PM premises known as 157 W Chester Street, Long Beach, NY 11561.

Please take notice that this foreclosure auction shall be conducted in compliance with the Foreclosure Auction Rules for Nassau County, and the COVID 19 Health Emergency Rules, including proper use of masks and social distancing.

All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York. Section 59, Block 69 and Lot 50, 51, 52.

Approximate amount of judgment $872,190.65 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment. Index #602521/2019.

Ronald J. Ferraro, Esq., Referee, Aldridge Pite, LLPAttorneys for Plaintiff - 40 Marcus Drive, Suite 200, Melville, NY 11747 151077



MARY MARKS, RON MARKS AKA RON EVAN MARKS, ET AL., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered September 16, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on March 3, 2025 at 2:00PM, premises known as 47 East Beech Street,

Long Beach, NY 11561. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the City of Long Beach, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 59, Block 99, Lot 61-64. Approximate amount of judgment $1,405,702.49 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #600924/2018. Fay Mattana, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC 1775 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 19-005692 83791 151237


Printed in this publication can be found online. To search by publication name, go to: www.newyorkpublicnotices.com

TO PLACE AN AD CALL 516-569-4000 x 232

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU, BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR MORTGAGE ASSETS MANAGEMENT SERIES I TRUST, Plaintiff, vs. ANY AND ALL KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE ESTATE OF HERBERT DONOHUE, ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to an Order Confirming Referee Report and Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered on December 2, 2024, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the front steps on the north side of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on March 11, 2025 at 2:00 p.m., premises known as 750 Lido Blvd, Unit 62 B, Long Beach, NY 11561. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the City of Long Beach, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 60, Block 91 and Lot 4 aka 4U together with a 0.4604 percent interest as a tenant in in the Common Elements. Approximate amount of judgment is $480,619.59 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #609092/2022. Kenneth Robinson, Esq., Referee Greenspoon Marder, 1345 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 2200, New York, NY 10105, Attorneys for Plaintiff 151387


Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, duly entered 04/03/2019, I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at public auction, on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 on 3/19/2025 at 2:00PM, premises known as 159 E Chester St, Long Beach, New York 11561, And Described As Follows:

ALL that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the City Of Long Beach, County Of Nassau And State Of New York. Section 59 Block 108 Lot 65, 66, And 67. The approximate amount of the current Judgment lien is $477,177.88 plus interest and costs. The Premises will be sold subject to provisions of the aforesaid Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale; Index # 607220/2017 If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, the then Court Appointed Referee will cancel the Foreclosure Auction. This Auction will be held rain or shine.

Brian Davis, Esq., Referee. MCCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, LLC, 10 Midland Avenue, Suite 205, Port Chester, NY 10573

Dated: 1/30/2025 File Number: 560-2175 CA 151591


SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU, U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, vs. GLORIA MICHELL, ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered on September 29, 2008 and an Order duly entered on May 2, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the front steps on the north side of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on March 18, 2025 at 2:00 p.m., premises known as 26 East Market Street a/k/a 26 Market Street, Long Beach, NY 11561. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the City of Long

Beach, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 59, Block 96 and Lot 218. Approximate amount of judgment is $647,819.24 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #023192/2007.

Melissa Levin, Esq., Referee Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC, 10 Bank Street, Suite 700, White Plains, New York 10606, Attorneys for Plaintiff 151587


To place a notice here call us us at 516-569-4000 x232 or send an email to: legalnotices@liherald.com


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC, -againstDANIEL ANGEL, IF LIVING, AND IF SHE/HE BE DEAD, ET AL. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau on February 15, 2024, wherein LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC is the Plaintiff and DANIEL ANGEL, IF LIVING, AND IF SHE/HE BE DEAD, ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at public auction RAIN OR SHINE at the NASSAU COUNTY SUPREME COURT, NORTH SIDE STEPS, 100 SUPREME COURT DRIVE, MINEOLA, NY 11501, on March 18, 2025 at 2:00PM, premises known as 345 EAST HUDSON STREET, LONG BEACH, NY 11561; and the following tax map identification: 59-136-61 & 62. ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE CITY OF LONG BEACH, COUNTY OF NASSAU AND STATE OF NEW YORK

Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No.: 606278/2022. John P. Clarke, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC, 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES. 151583

PUBLIC AND LEGAL NOTICES… Printed in this publication can be found online. To search by publication name, go to: www.newyorkpublicnotices.com TO PLACE AND AD CALL 516-569-4000 x 232

Rosemary Wagner with her greatgranddaughter and namesake, Rosie, showcasing some matching outfits.

A full century of family, joy and a lasting impact

Longtime Long Beach community member Rosemary Miley Wagner celebrated her 100th birthday earlier this month. Family, community involvement and enduring connections have helped shape Wagner’s life so far.

“Who would have thought back in our early days in the Bronx that the two of us would be together as you head into triple digits,” Wagner’s sister, Virginia Kilduff, said. “I think of all that we have witnessed in our lives from listening to our radio shows to now reading and texting on our iPads, sharing our many milestones, both good and bad. We are blessed to have our children and grandchildren and celebrate our many great-grandchildren together. There isn’t anyone else I’d rather share my life with than my best friend and big sister Rosemary.”

Born and raised in the Bronx, Wagner contributed to the World War II effort as a New York Telephone switchboard operator before eventually settling in Long Beach with her husband, John, in 1975.

Both joy and heartbreak have shaped a devoted mother of six, Wagner’s life. Her oldest son, William, died while serving in Vietnam in 1968, a loss that deeply impacted her and led to her becoming a familiar sight at the head of the Long Beach Memorial Day parade as the Grand Marshall, representing Gold Star families. Two years ago, she endured the death of her son Richard, a Long Beach lifeguard, after his battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS.

Wagner’s presence in the Long Beach

community extends far beyond her family. She was a member of St. Ignatius Martyr Church, where she lent her voice to the choir for years, she also participated in the Mother’s Club and Catholic Daughters. With 14 grandchildren and a soon-to-be 12th great-grandchild, she is the cornerstone of a large and loving family.

Wagner, a beach-loving, porch-sitting, Giants-supporting centenarian, has been a source of inspiration through her resilience, infectious joy and unconditional love. Her impact has touched three generations, all of which she and her husband of 62 years began building together in 1946.

“Rosemary may be 100 years old, but no one would ever guess it,” Wagner’s granddaughter, Erica O’Rourke, said.

“She is witty, tech-savvy, and energetic. She loves reading on her Kindle, tackling crossword puzzles, and cheering on her grandchildren’s sports through YouTube. She is continually learning, growing, and embracing new adventures.

To know Rosemary Wagner is to be blessed,” she continued. “She is a rare soul, leaving lasting impressions on everyone she meets. Her kindness, strength and love are felt by all who have had the privilege to know her. And if you want to learn the secret of longevity, meet her up on the boardwalk as she can be found there on most weekends — even in the winter.”

Her influence reaches beyond her family, leaving a lasting impact on the Long Beach community. Whether leading the Memorial Day Parade, sharing her voice in song or spending time doing her favorite activities, she has become a familiar and cherished presence in the city she calls home.


Full Time/Part Time

Richner Communications, publisher of Herald community newspapers has an excellent opportunity for a FT/PT Customer Service Clerk in our busy Circulation Department. Basic customer service and administrative responsibilities include: heavy computer work, answering phones, making phone calls, entering orders, faxing, filing, etc. STRONG knowledge of EXCEL a must! Knowledge of DATABASE maintenance or postal regulations a big plus. Qualified Candidates must be computer literate, able to multitask, dependable, reliable, organized, energetic, detail oriented and able to work well under deadlines.

Salary Range is $16.50 per hour to $23 per hour. For consideration, please send resume & salary requirements to: careers@liherald.com


Schedule. Few Hours. For Disabled Middle-Aged Man. $16/hr. Long Beach Area 516-474-4556.


Full Time and Part Time

Positions Available!

Busy Print Shop in Garden City is Hiring Immediately for Full Time and Part Time Drivers. Must Have a Clean License and BoxTruck Driving Experience. Hours Vary, Salary Ranges from $17 per hour to $21 per hour Night Availability is a Must. Please Email Resume to careers@liherald.com or Call (516)569-4000 x239


Company Car/ Bonuses. Clean Driving Record Required, Will Train. Retirees Welcome! $22 - $27/ Hour Bell Auto School 516-365-5778 Email: info@bellautoschool.com


Part Time & Full Time. The award-winning Herald Community Newspapers group, covering Nassau County's North and South Shores with hard-hitting news stories and gracefully written features, seeks a motivated, energetic and creative editor/reporter to join our dynamic (and awesome) team! This education and general assignment reporting position offers a unique experience to learn from some of the best in the business. Historically, reporters who have launched their careers with us have gone on to The New York Times, Newsweek, Newsday, the New York Daily News, New York Post, CNN, BBC, NBC News and The Daily Mail, among many others. We look for excellent writers who are eager to learn, enhance their skills, and become well-established and respected journalists in our industry. Salary range is from $20K to $45K To apply: Send a brief summary in the form of a cover letter describing your career goals and what strengths you can bring to our newsroom, along with a resume and three writing samples to jbessen@liherald.com

FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER : Proficiency Quickbooks, 2/ 3 Days/ Week, Flexible. $20-$30/ Hr. Send resume cbc@catalinabeachclub.com Call 516-239-2150


Long Island Herald has IMMEDIATE openings for a FULL-TIME & PART-TIME mailroom/warehouse helper in Garden City.

We are a busy print shop looking for motivated and reliable individuals to assist in various duties in the shop. Forklift experience is a plus and heavy lifting is required. Hours vary, so flexibility is key. Salary Ranges fromo $16.50 per hour to $20 per hour. Email resumes or contact info to careers@liherald.com



Inside Sales

Looking for an aggressive self starter who is great at making and maintaining relationships and loves to help businesses grow by marketing them on many different advertising platforms. You will source new sales opportunities through inbound lead follow-up and outbound cold calls. Must have the ability to understand customer needs and requirements and turn them in to positive advertising solutions. We are looking for a talented and competitive Inside Sales Representative that thrives in a quick sales cycle environment. Compensation ranges from $34,320 + commissions and bonuses to over $100,000 including commission and bonuses. We also offer health benefits, 401K and paid time off. Please send cover letter and resume with salary requirements to ereynolds@liherald.com Call 516-569-4000 X286


Richner Communications, One of the Fastest Growing Media, Event and Communications Companies on Long Island is Seeking a Sales/Marketing Candidate to Sell our Print Media Products and our Digital, Events, Sponsorships. Earning potential ranges from $34,320 plus commission and bonuses to over $100,000 including commissions and bonuses. Compensation is based on Full Time hours Eligible for Health Benefits, 401k and Paid Time Off. Please Send Cover Letter and Resume with Salary Requirements to rglickman@liherald.com or Call 516-569-4000 X250

PRINTING PRESS OPERATORS FT & PT. Long Island Herald has IMMEDIATE openings for Printing Press Operators in Garden City. We are a busy print shop looking for motivated and reliable individuals to assist in various duties in the shop. Hours vary, so flexibility is key. Salary Ranges from $20 per hour to $30 per hour. Email resumes or contact info to careers@liherald.com

RECEPTIONIST/ P/T: SEASONAL, Warm, Friendly, Excellent People Skills, Office Work/ Customer Service. $16-$24/



Nailing down the permits

Q. We completely rebuilt in 1996, and are ready to retire and sell. Our real estate agent told us they checked our permit records and it was never signed off. Although it’s a long story, our first contractor went to jail and destroyed our original permit papers. The second contractor never got a plumbing permit or electrical sign-offs, even though they had people do the work. Is this going to be a big problem to get everything signed off, because we want to sell within the year to take advantage of the market right now? What can you advise?

A. Sounds like you went through a lot. Most people tell me they could write a book about their experience. You need to see your building department records and get copies of the signed and sealed plans. Many municipalities keep records either in paper form, which you may have to pay for copies of, or microfilm or computer files.

Then speak with your inspector to find out what they think needs to be done. Most will be very helpful, and allow for the process to continue, asking you to hire a plumber to get a permit, which involves your notarized signature so you know it’s being done. In way too many cases, the plumber or contractor says it was done when it really wasn’t, so most municipalities require the owner’s signature on permit applications so the building department and owner are aware that the process is being done and is not false.

The plumber needs to see your bathrooms, kitchen, heating equipment and any other plumbing to be sure it meets the plumbing code (and building code). The same process must be done with an electrician, but most building departments ask for a certification from a private agency, not your electrician, since most building departments don’t have an electrical inspector. The reason for this is that one of the two leading causes of fire is electrical (the other being use of the kitchen) so your local government wants nothing to do with the liability for fire safety.

You’ll find that almost everyone in this process wants to avoid responsibility as much as possible. You may have to either call for an inspection agency yourself or, if you suspect that there could be questionable electrical work, hire a licensed electrician to inspect and correct before hiring an agency to detect, if you elect. The private agency charges a few hundred dollars, usually, depending on the number of rooms and outdoor items, like air conditioning condensers, pool equipment and landscape lights, which must also be inspected. After all this is done, you may be able to get a final inspection and a sign-off and certificate from your building department, unless … your building department makes you get plans and a new survey redrawn and updated to the most recent code, which is complicated, time-consuming and expensive — in the thousands of dollars — before you can get a final inspection. Allow plenty of time.

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Trump’s whirlwind first three weeks

president Trump is back, and with his return, the golden age of America has begun. After four years of economic decline, border chaos and radical leftist policies, we finally have a leader in the White House who puts America first.

The Senate has already confirmed five of Trump’s exceptional cabinet nominees: Marco Rubio as secretary of state, Pete Hegseth as defense secretary, John Ratcliffe as CIA director, Kristi Noem as homeland security secretary, and Scott Bessent as treasury secretary. These appointments are just the beginning of a government that works for the American people, not against them. The president is making good on his promises. One of Trump’s first actions was declaring a national emergency at our southern border. He ended the disastrous “catch and release” policy and resumed construction of the border wall, making it clear that America will no longer tolerate illegal immigration. His administration has already taken aggressive steps to deport violent criminals, gang members

Nand suspected terrorists who were allowed to remain under the previous administration.

When the Colombian government refused to accept deported criminals, Trump swiftly imposed sanctions and tariffs. Within hours, Colombia relented. This is what American strength looks like.

HTrump has also made significant strides toward restoring America’s energy independence. One of his boldest moves was working to shut down harmful wind turbine projects, which threaten both our landscapes and the lives of wildlife, especially here on Long Island. The new administration has prioritized unleashing American energy production by rolling back restrictive regulations, which will lead to lower costs for American families and bolster the economy. Under his leadership, the U.S. is less reliant on foreign energy sources than at any time in recent history, ensuring both national security and economic stability.

e’s ended the left’s effort to reshape America through government overreach.

Most notably, Trump welcomed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the first foreign dignitary he met with after his inauguration, symbolizing the strong ties between our nations. The president’s actions have led to the release of four Israeli hostages held by Hamas, underscoring America’s commitment to Israel’s security and peace in the region.

On the economic front, Trump is tackling the damage left by four years of reckless spending, overregulation, and a war on American energy. He has ordered federal agencies to roll back burdensome regulations, unleash domestic energy production and taken immediate steps to lower costs for struggling families. Under the previous administration, inflation skyrocketed, wages stagnated, and American businesses suffered under mountains of red tape. Trump is already working to reverse this damage, putting America back on the path to prosperity.

that rewards hard work and excellence. Additionally, he signed an executive order affirming a basic truth: There are only two sexes — male and female. After years of government-enforced insanity, Trump has restored reality to federal policy.

Unlike his predecessor, Trump is once again proving to be the most transparent and accessible president in American history. He holds frequent news conferences, engages directly with the public, and speaks honestly with the American people.

In a groundbreaking move, the White House is expanding press access beyond the legacy media. Independent journalists, podcasters and new media voices will now have the opportunity to report from the briefing room, ensuring that Americans receive news from sources they trust. This administration understands that millions of people no longer rely on the traditional media, and it is adapting to the new reality.

On the global stage, the president has cemented strong relationships with our allies, particularly with Israel. His administration has worked tirelessly to support Israel, including facilitating the release of hostages, demonstrating unwavering support for our partner in the Middle East.

One of the most significant actions the president has taken is putting an end to the radical left’s attempt to reshape America through government overreach. He has directed all federal agencies to eliminate illegal diversity, equity and inclusion programs, restoring a merit-based system

The president’s first weeks back in office have demonstrated that the U.S. is on a new course — one of strength, prosperity and common sense. The radical left’s failed policies are being dismantled, our borders are being secured, criminals are being deported and the economy is being revitalized.

America is back, and our golden age has just begun.

Ari Brown represents the 20th Assembly District.

High anxiety is gripping many Americans

ot that anxiety is funny, but sometimes it helps to laugh at ourselves.

In 1977, Mel Brooks did just that, with his movie “High Anxiety,” starring Brooks as a wildly neurotic shrink and Cloris Leachman as his mustachioed, militaristic nurse at the Psycho-Neurotic Institute for the Very, Very Nervous.

Now, either you think that’s funny or you’re already writing me a letter. But I speak from experience. I’m an anxious person, and according to the American Psychiatric Association, 40 percent of Americans said last year that they were more anxious than the year before.

I was an anxious kid, and teen, and adult. I come by my anxiety honestly, from my nervous parents and grandparents. Most days, I do breathing exercises before I open my eyes in the morning. How do you know if you have anxiety? Do you have a pulse and a moral conscience? You’re in.

Officially, according to psychothera-

pist Linda Hubbard in an article on the Mayo Clinic website, you might have trouble concentrating, you may feel tense or restless, or experience muscle tension or headaches or lightheaded or sleeplessness.

AAnxiety treatment has become big business. As I write this — case in point — I just got a pop-up ad from an online health letter selling “proven stress-busting techniques.” The barrage of anti-anxiety messaging is endless. We have to be careful consumers. I offer these words to commiserate and say you are not alone. These are troubling times, and nearly everyone I know is feeling some stress or anxiety. It is permissible now to discuss these feelings openly, and there is relief in sharing.

nd its treatment is big business. Anti-anxiety messaging is endless.

“shell-shocked,” and ostracized. Now antianxiety tactics and treatments are freely marketed and talked about and posted. Today’s society and culture have produced more anxiety, and more discussions of anxiety online, on TV and in social media. Anxiety has become monetized, from advertisements for medications to promotions for apps that control anxiety and foods and selfhelp books that promise to ease our emotional pain. Since the pandemic, we have had good reason to feel anxious. Our peace of mind is under attack, by everything from rising waters and emerging viruses to political dysfunction and the assault on our democratic values.

work, sometimes and to some degree. For those of us whose anxiety is triggered by the confederacy of dunces who have taken the political stage in Washington, eventually we can vote, but day to day, we can turn off the cacophony of news and social media that surely make us feel worse. I read a few newspapers to keep informed, but I no longer watch much TV, unless it makes me laugh (in a good way). Throw everything at the problem and see what works. But don’t try to tough it out. Be selective in using the internet. Let social media be your tool and not the other way around.

Each of us, in our own lives, can find reasonable and healthy ways to reduce anxiety. Many of them are free, like turning away from devices and toward people. When we need professional help, we can find it. Medications work for millions of people.

There is no real history tracking anxiety. Maybe Shakespeare was anxious; he did create Hamlet, one of the most deeply anxious characters in literature. Maybe cowboys who rode the range felt stress about the roundups. Perhaps our storied astronauts suffered these symptoms. It’s worse to suffer in silence, but that was always the expectation, especially for men. Soldiers who suffered debilitating anxiety in World War I were considered

I am a foot soldier in the struggle with anxiety. What works for me? I walk outdoors as often and as far as I can, weather permitting. The steps, one by one, for a mile or two, seem to ease tension.

I bought one of the apps that promise to reduce anxiety. It offers really boring stories read by monotonic narrators, which help you unwind and even fall asleep. The app also features yoga exercises and various sounds like rain on a roof and light piano music and ocean waves. In my own experience, all of these

It doesn’t hurt to have a laugh or two each day. Comedians like Sarah Silverman and the late Robin Williams carved careers out of their struggles with anxiety. The Apple TV series “Shrinking” has some laugh-out-loud moments. Maybe start by streaming a copy of “High Anxiety” and checking into the Psycho-Neurotic Institute for the Very, Very Nervous for a few hours.

Copyright 2025 Randi Kreiss. Randi can be reached at randik3@aol.com.


The concern about a county civilian militia

the recent controversy surrounding Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman’s creation of an armed civilian unit has sparked intense debate.

Blakeman unveiled a plan last March to deputize gun-owning residents for what he termed “the protection of human life and property during an emergency.”

Democratic lawmakers in Nassau County have now taken legal action, filing a lawsuit in State Supreme Court against what they describe as an “illegal, taxpayer-funded civilian militia.” The concerns focus on not only the legality of the initiative, but also on Blakeman’s refusal to provide clear and essential details about the program.

While opinions on the concept of a civilian militia may vary, what should trouble every resident, regardless of political affiliation, is the disturbing lack of transparency surrounding this initiative. It is not merely the existence of the militia that is at issue, but the secrecy and lack of accountability with which it has been formed and implemented.

As representatives of the people, these lawmakers have a duty to ensure that government actions are conducted openly and lawfully. Their inability to obtain basic information about this unit — who is being recruited, what their training entails, the weapons they will carry, and the total cost to taxpayers — should alarm everyone, regardless of where they stand on the issue of deputizing civilians.

State law in New York is explicit in


defining who can wield police powers: only professional, sworn law enforcement officers. By contrast, the county’s unit consists of volunteers who are required only to be licensed gun owners and complete 12 hours of classroom and firearms training.

This falls far short of the rigorous training required of sworn officers, raising critical concerns about competency and public safety. If these volunteers are granted the authority to use deadly force and make arrests, then their selection, training and oversight should be subject to the highest levels of scrutiny.

Blakeman has attempted to dismiss the lawsuit as “frivolous” and an attack on the volunteers, many of whom are retired military and law enforcement personnel. But his response sidesteps the central issue. No one is questioning the dedication or service history of these individuals. What is being questioned is the manner in which the program has been conceived and implemented — behind closed doors, without legislative approval, and without adequate public oversight.

The county has stated that these deputies will only be deployed in emergencies to protect critical infrastructure, not to patrol streets or manage protests. But without a transparent, codified framework governing their deployment, there are no guarantees that those boundaries will be respected. History has shown that when emergency powers are granted without sufficient oversight, they can be misused or expanded beyond their original intent.

Has Peter King forgotten Jan. 6?

To the Editor:

I just read Peter King’s column in last week’s Herald, “An inauguration that was decidedly different,” and it made me sick. But King is correct in stating that this inauguration was different. Unlike President Trump four years ago, President Biden was there to facilitate a peaceful transfer of power. There was no denial of who won the election. Biden upheld our country’s grand tradition.

On Jan. 6, 2021, police officers were killed and injured by people doing Mr. Trump’s bidding. The lives of Vice President Mike Pence, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and all of the members of Congress were at risk. The brave Capitol Police did their duty to protect them, and the thanks they get is a president pardoning their attackers and the people they protected turning their backs on them.

I’d warn Mr. King: Trump’s presidency is a moment in time, but eventually it will pass, and history will not be kind to those like you. Your grand-

Nassau County is not lacking for law enforcement resources. With roughly 2,600 sworn officers, the Nassau County Police Department is the 12th-largest local police force in the country. There is also an existing structure for civilian involvement — the Nassau County Auxiliary Police and the County Community Emergency Response Team, both of which operate unarmed and under professional supervision. Given these resources, what specific gap is the militia intended to fill?

County residents deserve answers. How were these individuals selected? What specific criteria were used? What safeguards exist to ensure their proper conduct? What is the financial burden on taxpayers? Until these questions are answered, the program lacks legitimacy. The lack of transparency is not a partisan issue — it is a fundamental issue of governance. When taxpayer money is being used to fund an initiative that involves armed civilians exercising government-sanctioned power, full disclosure should — must — be the bare minimum. If the program is truly necessary, it should withstand public scrutiny and meet the highest standards of accountability.

Blakeman and his administration must provide the information being sought by community members and lawmakers alike. Without this transparency, concerns about the legality and safety of the program will only continue to grow. The people of Nassau County deserve to know exactly what is being done in their name and with their money. Anything less is unacceptable.


Long Island gets shortchanged on transportation funding

over a decade ago, the Long island Regional Planning council recognized a critical issue: Long island’s transportation funding and planning processes were failing to meet the growing demands of our region. in response, we proposed the creation of a dedicated nassau-suffolk Metropolitan Planning organization. Unfortunately, that never happened. now, 10 years later, the situation has worsened, and investment in transportation on Long island continues to be shortchanged.

Long island’s share of transportation funding has steadily declined, a trend that has become more alarming over time. today, the region receives just 6 percent of the money allocated by the new York Metropolitan transportation council, which primarily serves the interests of new York city. Long island is forced to compete for resources with the city, leaving our region underfunded and unable to meet its infrastructure needs. this funding disparity is particularly troubling given Long island’s economic significance. As new York state’s secondlargest economic engine, Long island

plays a crucial role in its financial health. each year, Long island sends nearly $15 billion more in tax payments to Albany than it gets back, and an additional $27 billion to Washington. the state’s tax imbalance with Long island has doubled over the past decade, worsening an already unsustainable situation. if left unaddressed, it threatens Long island’s economy and its ability to sustain residents’ high quality of life. the consequences of this inequity are visible in our daily lives. congested highways, deteriorating bridges and inadequate public transportation aren’t just inconvenient; they hinder economic growth, erode quality of life and compromise public safety. crucial projects aimed at addressing these issues — from modernizing the Long island Rail Road to alleviating notorious traffic bottlenecks — remain sidelined due to a lack of funding and prioritization. the current system is failing, and the need for change has never been more urgent. one of the most effective ways to address this problem is by establishing a nassau-suffolk MPo, which would allow Long island to apply directly for federal transportation funds. it would bypass the bureaucratic delays at the state level, ensuring that funding is allocated to


projects that best meet our region’s needs. smaller areas, such as ithaca, have had their own MPos for years and have benefited significantly from direct access to funding. Long island, with a population of nearly 3 million and an economy that rivals that of many states, deserves to be treated with the same attention and respect.

nd crucial projects remain sidelined due to a lack of funding and prioritization.

the need for a nassausuffolk MPo extends beyond simply fixing roads and bridges. it’s about taking control of our region’s future and ensuring that its transportation infrastructure supports longterm economic growth and innovation. in today’s global economy, transportation is the backbone of a thriving region. Without a dedicated MPo, Long island’s potential for growth is stifled, and the region risks falling further behind in an increasingly competitive landscape.

the Long island Regional Planning council first raised this issue because we understood the long-term consequences of continued disinvestment. over the past decade, those consequences have become painfully clear. our transportation infrastructure is deteriorating, and other critical areas of need, such as affordable housing and the modernization of water systems, roads, bridges and power grids, remain neglect-


kids will have to explain why their grandfather sided with a man who tried to take down democracy instead of standing up to him.

Rest assured, many of us will never forget what happened on Jan. 6. We will continue to fight the good fight. At the same time, career politicians like Mr. King will sacrifice their integrity (if they ever had any) to support a man who wants to be king.

Vincent MAstRotA Sea Cliff

Whose golden age?

to the editor:

After reading congressman emeritus King’s op-ed, i have reservations about his lauding President t rump. i wrote trump before he took office, saying that it would be groundbreaking if he became the president of all the people. His legacy would be the destruction of the partisanship that is slowly strangling the UsA. i received a very hopeful reply signed by the president-elect.

As of today, i realize this was a dream. i and many like me, ordinary hardworking Americans, have been scammed.

King defends most of t rump’s and his minions’ draconian attacks on the very roots of what’s left of our republic. Revenge, and creating turmoil and anxiety, are the order of the day. Religion is being weaponized, and censorship, which trump says we will now be free of, is being spread through the agencies of government, right down to teachers in our schools.

Being poor, with skin of a different tone, dispossessed or a peaceful immigrant, is no longer acceptable. t he norm will soon become the knock on the door, the presentation of “your papers” and a disappearance in the night. History proves that while we’re not there yet, we are heading down this slippery slope.

King writes of trump’s new “golden age.” o n that term we agree, but we define it differently. the only gold i see is his greedy cadre of rich men grabbing all the power they can lay their hands on. t hey know that power breeds money. t hey are pigs at the trough.

King writes that the functions he attended in Washington were filled with “extraordinary excitement, enthusiasm and hope.” Yet the president is but three weeks in office, and many who supported him are reacting

ed. these issues require both state and federal support, and Long island’s fair share of transportation funding is a critical first step in addressing them. thankfully, there is hope for change. thanks to the leadership of state sen. Monica Martinez and Assemblyman steve stern, legislation has been introduced to establish a nassau-suffolk MPo this is a significant step toward securing that transportation funding. it would give our region the ability to prioritize projects that are critical to our local economy and residents, ensuring that Long island’s transportation needs are no longer overshadowed by the priorities of new York city or other areas of the state.

the establishment of a nassau-suffolk MPo wouldn’t be just a policy change — it would be a commitment to the future of our region. Long island deserves safe roads, efficient public transit and infrastructure that supports economic growth and opportunity. We have waited long enough. the time for action is now.

Long island has the potential to be a leading force in the state’s economy, but that potential cannot be realized without the right infrastructure. establishing a nassau-suffolk MPo is a critical step in ensuring that Long island receives the resources it needs to thrive. it’s time for our region to earn its fair share.

John D. Cameron Jr. is chairman of the Long Island Regional Planning Council.

adversely to the confusion, disappointment and the “shock and awe” of his policies and his erratic statements. Many are feeling buyer’s remorse.

King is an intelligent man who did much for his constituents when he served the public. it is difficult to comprehend how he cannot sense that this president is quickly on his way to

becoming a clear and present danger to the republic King served. King and i probably both pray, in our own ways, for the same things, a better country and a peaceful world. it’s good to dream!

Framework by Tim Baker
At the annual month-long celebration of Black history — Freeport
MARK c nUccio Bellmore
JoHn D. Cameron Jr.

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