Case Statement 2013

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lititz christian 2013

Equipping Minds, Enriching souls, Empowering lives

Lititz Christian School partners with Christian families to provide a biblical, academic education which prepares students to honor Jesus Christ in scholarship, vocation, and lifestyle.

A Letter From The Administrator Dear Parents and Patrons, Honoring God’s ordained authority to teach children, Lititz Christian School has been

continue to hold fast to Dr. Young’s passion for children and the unchanging

educating and discipling students, infant through grade 12, for the past 34 years.

need to raise them with a Christian education in an environment that fosters discipleship.

Thousands of lives have been impacted by the biblical view provided since its inception. Personally, I am one of those individuals whose life was changed. It was 25 years ago that Lititz Christian allowed me the

We are fortunate to have the support of church leadership and professional counsel who are desirous of the long-term success, ministry, and viability of Lititz Christian School. Our hope is that Lititz Christian can maintain spiritual integrity,

opportunity to discover my love for teaching. As a result, my own

“IMPACT THE WORLD FOR CHRIST” children have graduated from or are currently attending Lititz Christian, and I have begun my second decade in what I consider to

Much of the success of Lititz Christian is due to the strong support of the people of Grace Church and the vision established by its founder, Dr. Jerry Young. We

self-sustaining, while continuing to impact the world for Christ. My hope is that, through the following pages, you will grasp the vision of Lititz Christian School and become a part of our mission to equip, enrich, and empower students for the Kingdom of God.

Rick Bernhardt Senior Administrator





131 1 Equipping Minds - Accreditation - Intermediate school - spanish programs

5 Enriching souls - Faculty Discipleship - Three-peat - Fine Arts - International Students

13 9 Empowering lives - CAR: Reaching BEyond BOrders - STudent Outreach

13 Looking back

17 Looking ahead


LC is dedicated to providing an excellent education for students, preparing them for a life of continual learning and application. Our goal is that LC will equip students for their present and future in knowledge, attitude, integrity, and passion. Our prayer is that the biblical truths taught at LC will equip

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men� C O L O S S I A N S 3 : 2 3


Equip | e-’kwip: (verb): to supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose; to prepare someone mentally

ACADEMIC PROFILE Since 1978, LC has been dedicated to supplying and preparing students with an education that will serve

task that God has for their lives. The LC student body, totaling 312 students, includes infants through grade 12. LC is a coeducational, college preparatory,



ministry, representing over 79 churches. Graduates of LC are required to have completed a total of 26 credits in the following subjects: Bible, English, Social Studies, Science, Math, Physical Education, Health, and Electives. Weighted classes that are recognized






Geometry, Physical Science, Algebra II, Chemistry, Spanish III & IV, Physics, Advanced Biology, Pre-Calculus, A.P. Calculus, and A.P. English. Since

students attend college or specialty schools. With a faculty that is passionate about the current and future success of students, LC continues to make great efforts to provide an excellent education in an


This year of change and growth is highlighted by our growing partnership with Keystone STARS and our recent accomplishment From the time children are born, their growth reminds us of the miracles that continue to happen every day. Many changes have taken place over the past year in the Early Learning Center. In light of these changes, the core mission remains the same: to glorify God by providing quality, Christ-centered, early childhood education dedicated to children’s spiritual, social-emotional, physical, and cognitive development. ELC is ACSI accredited, offering part-time and full-time






of attaining STAR 2 status. Keystone STARS is a state-wide quality initiative program aimed at improving early childhood educational programs and focuses on health and safety issues, professional development for staff and directors, and early childhood curriculum. Our experienced faculty is passionate about nurturing and loving each child in the ELC. Growth is healthy; our children remind us of this truth daily. As we look toward the future and

6:30am-6:00pm. as an early learning center and ministry.

Testimonial Lori Mickel Faculty


Teaching at LCS has been a journey for the past 29 years. I have seen many changes, many turns in the road behind and before LC. Yet I love seeing how God remains faithful, working through various situations as He molds and shapes the lives of our students as they grow academically, socially, emotionally, and, most importantly, spiritually. I have so enjoyed being a small part of God’s plan throughout these years. He has remained faithful and He needs to continue to be the focal point in our lives and this ministry. My prayer and heart’s desire is that we would continue to seek God’s wisdom and truth, trusting Him with all and in all that we do.

equippingMinds minds equipping Intermediate School Our mission to equip students is relevant to their present and future, their time attending LC and the journey that will follow. The Intermediate School (grades 5 - 6) of Lititz Christian initiates a gradual transition to middle school life. Beginning in grade 5, students change classes for major subjects, instructed by a team of three teachers who collaborate to develop an instructional program that meets the student’s needs. Our goal is that students will thrive equipped for the academic challenges and social pressures of middle school. We believe a smaller community of learners and teachers fosters growth of positive relationships, improves student performance, and facilitates the development of responsibility and organizational skills for future learning.

Spanish Programs Today, foreign languages are essential to quality education as God opens doors world- wide to those willing to serve Him in a variety of capacities. In 2011, the elementary students were introduced to the Spanish language program, which has quickly become one of our student’s favorite classes. All grades receive one or two periods of grade level Spanish each week. Teaching students to speak a secondary language, like Spanish, is a vital part of equipping them for success in their future careers, missions, and their everyday lives. Beginning this learning at the elementary level only adds to our mission to provide student with a quality education, one that equips and empowers students to cross over the boundaries of language.

Tim Willard Former Student Author of VENEER

In a culture where cynicism has become the dominant philosophy, where belief stands under attack on a daily basis, Christians must stand as a beacon of what authentic faith looks like. It is also incumbent upon educators to equip students with the tools for right living. Lititz Christian School (LCS) has an opportunity to lead out in this regard. By leading students through a book like Veneer: Living Deeply In A Surface Society, among other books of similar subject matter, LCS has taken a step to help students understand what it means to live an authentic life that boldly proclaims Christ--not only through proclamation of His Word but by living it. I was fortunate to have coached both Junior High and Varsity women's watched the maturation of a back-to-back champion team, I also observed

young women seize the opportunity to distinguish themselves through their on-court play but even more so in their commitment and service to one another. They lived deeply with one another and showed a watching public that the size of a school does not matter. Rather, it is the depth of a person's soul that sets them apart and enables them to rise to their full potential. It is that soul that has been entrusted to LCS to form in the Way most glorious. Academic excellence is of utmost importance, but only when then can we see the wonder of what His world has to offer. And there it is, to show a cynical world the power of a soul renewed; a soul born again.


Parents, teachers, administration, and supporters of LC value the quest each student embarks upon as they search for purpose and identity. LC enriches souls academic programs where students explore their passions and utilize their talents. Beyond the curriculum and Christ-centered education, LC understands the importance of discipleship and investing in the lives and hearts of the students.

others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.�

P H I L I P P I A N S 2 : 2 - 5


Enrich | en’rich | (verb): to improve or enhance the quality or value of.

ELC We are a Christian Early Learning Center, teaching about God through a Bible focused program and a staff who nurtures each child through love. We believe that every child deserves the heritage of the knowledge of God and His Son, and without it, education is not complete. It is our desire to see each child grow mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. The trust of parents and the commitment of a dedicated staff create a family atmosphere that fosters a safe environment where learning and growing is fun. The ELC serves the community of parents who are seeking childcare as well as schooling for their children. We are pleased and proud to provide a staff that is well trained in caring for and educating children. ACSI, Keystone Stars, and guidance from the PA learning standards help us to maintain a level of excellence and accountability that make our center exceptional.


THREE-PEat Winning the CCAC championship title for the 3rd year in a row, the LC girl’s volleyball team has not been a stranger to success. A talk with head coach Denise Kennedy will show that the gold

Faculty Discipleship

Education by itself is ordinary. Mentoring,





and to

inspiring individuals to pursue

more than just talent. Individual players earned honors within the conference, district, and state. Throughout the regular season and playoffs, the team record was 54-2. But win or lose, Coach Kennedy’s proudest memories

from this year are of watching the girls grow in their relationships with God and each other. Coach Kennedy has watched this particular group of girls mature into young women who understand that even a volleyball match can bring glory to God. The team chose Philippians 2:2-5 to serve as a reminder of their ultimate goal throughout the season. Being of one mind, of one spirit, and putting the interest of others above your own: it’s a

great verse for team unity. It’s also a great life verse. Athletics can teach us to work hard and to build trust with one another as we work towards the same common goal. They can shape who we become as a person. In retrospect, Coach Kennedy knows the highlight of this season is that the 2011 CCAC champs have earned much more than a gold medal.

growth, learning, and Christ with each new morning. In today’s culture, too small of an emphasis is placed on discipleship. The administration,



coaches at LC are compelled by God to invest in the lives of students and passionate to see them draw closer to Jesus Christ and others. Leading by example: this is a concept that our faculty understands. Every individual involved in the students’ lives at LC are on their own journey to know God more and willing to come alongside students to “spur [them] on toward love and good deeds” (Heb. 10:24). Our desire, as a ministry, is that our students’ lives will be enriched by a faculty who are committed to their calling to teach and disciple.

Since our daughters were very young, we have hosted several Japanese girls who were students at Lititz Christian. Through these

Testimonial Bill and Jo Scheidt

host parents


opportunities, our daughters now have a larger world view and know more about cultures outside of their own. Our oldest is now formally learning the Japanese language and wishes to pursue a career as an interpreter. Lititz Christian enabled her to be credited with these instructions and has provided an environment where both she and our international friends have thrived. We thank God for such wonderful opportunities.

EnrichingMinds SOuls equipping Fine arts History reveals how the arts are able to penetrate into our hearts and minds; they have the strength

students interested in further education of the arts. Students have opportunity to share their talents through various concerts and events, such as: a Christmas concert, Arts and Acadmeics

vessel of corruption. We are passionate about teaching and encouraging students to use their musical

Festival, Grandparents Day, and weekly chapels. A unique aspect of LC is that the majority of our

and artistic gifts to glorify God. LC offers opportunities for students to participate in choir, band,

events are inclusive to students of all ages, due to the size of our school. This allows opportunity for

string ensemble, drama, and art. Academically, elective classes such as music theory are offered to

students to build relatioinships with students outside of their own grade level.

International Students More than 50 international students from all over the world have impacted LC families, faculty, and students for the past 15 years. Building relationships is at the heart of our mission to enrich souls. Horizons are expanded as LC and international students are given the opportunity to live, learn, and grow together. We treasure the lasting affect our international students have had on our lives. LC students have been

students and families have traveled overseas to visit our international students in their home countries. And international students have returned to the U.S. to visit those whom they built friendships with during their stay here. As our LC family and our international students are blessed by building relationships with one another, our prayer is that doors will continue to be opened for each student to learn more about the relationship they can have with Jesus Christ.

foreign language, international business, and humanities. A number of LC

the biblical principles that were instilled in me as a student. I've never been afraid to act with audacious faith. And my leadership

Ben Former Arment Student

is modeled on the characteristics of my teachers. Now that I'm a father of three boys of my own, I understand the importance of a strong education that is founded on biblical principles. And if I lived anywhere close to Lititz, you can bet they'd attend there. This school is a gift that needs resources to thrive, to impact another generation for Christ. You are in a unique position to help make that happen. My prayer is that you will.�


Our prayer of expectation is that through equipping and enriching, those impacted by LC would be empowered to go. Whether in the local community or to the ends of the earth, we desire to continue to

students participate in local service projects through their church, school, and community, in addition to global service opportunities. May the Lord continue to use LC as a vessel, teaching individuals how to strive to make every relationship and each day a testimony of the gospel.

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 T I M O T H Y 3 : 1 4 - 1 7


Empower /em-’pou(- )r/ (verb): to give (someone) the authority or power to do something; to make (someone) stronger e

ling their life and claiming their rights.

TENNESSEE Trip In Eastern Tennessee, Wears Valley Ranch equips, enriches,






situations through providing them with Christian homes, education and counseling. Driven by their passion to see “every person inspired to follow Christ, healed from the past, and equipped to reach his or her full potential.” Ross McCracken, LC’s 8th grade Bible teacher, spent two years at the Ranch as a mentor. As a result of the Lord guiding Ross to LC, a door was opened for LC 8th graders to spend their school year praying for and writing letters to the children at the Ranch. The relationships that developed through letter writing have left a beautiful impact on both groups of students.

At the

climax of this incredible opportunity, the 8th graders were able to spend four days on the Ranch,

and worshipping with their new friends, and serving through completing work projects. As God continues to open doors, our prayer is that students at LC will be empowered to pursue those opportuni-

Christ wherever He may lead.


CAR: Reaching Beyond Borders LC shares our vision for Equipping, Enriching, and Empowering lives with our sister school by the same Spirit, Grace Church and Lititz Christian are each blessed to play a part in changing the lives of about 200 children who once lived without hope. LC helps to support our sister school, providing meals, educational materials, and teacher compensation. God is using one small school to impact a community on the other side of the world. This opportunity empowered by the teaching of God’s word.

As an LC 2012 graduate, I know that LC has prepared me for the future. In addition to my education at LC, I was able to take online classes through

Testimonial Rachel Peters recent alumni


all of the teachers were so accommodating and encouraging through all of my struggles and challenges. During my senior year, I was able to participate in the open campus program, provided with the opportunity to observe and help in 4th and 5th grade classrooms. This was such an incredible experience as I was able to see the "teacher" side of the classroom before even getting to college. Not only do I already have ideas for my future classroom, but I also built awesome relation-

ships with the teachers I came in contact with. Because I had enough credits, Mr. Bernhardt allowed me to pilot the "work release" program. Instead of sitting study hall, I had the opportunity to work three days a week during school hours. It was a great experience. The faculty at LC tries their absolute best to propel each student into his/her own future as successfully as possible. I will truly miss all of the support and love I received from all of my teachers during my time at Lititz Christian.

Empowering Lives equipping Minds

STudent outreach Outreach and serving others is more than a special

students are able to serve a community of people

occasion. It is a lifestyle. At LC, we believe it is

whose lives are rich in history. Here lies hope of

never too early to empower our students to

Jesus through words and actions from one

experience the joy of serving others as we follow

generation to another.

Christ. This past year, our elementary students

between age differences is important in teaching

volunteered with Global Aid Network (GAIN), an

the unity of Christ. Our elementary students help

outreach ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ.

support the high school seniors prepare for their

These service opportunities teach students that

spring mission trip. In return, the seniors work in

relating to others with the love of Christ can be

the elementary classrooms throughout the school

done through acts of service that run deeper than

year building relationships with the younger

words. While at GAIN, students worked to sort and

student through tutoring, games, and mentoring.

package relief kits for people in disaster-ridden

Our desire is to empower students to believe that





Closing the distance


their time to rise up and share God’s love is now;

students become vessels of Christ’s love to

that God can and will use them, even at their young

residents in retirement homes. With warm smiles

age, to impact others near and far.

as they offer small gifts, songs and conversation,

ALYSSA WEAVER Former Student

Had it not been for Pastor Young, the role he played in my father’s salvation, and his vision for Lititz Christian School, I would not be who I am today, nor blessed with the opportunity to work closely with the people involved in the ministry of LC for this project. When Rick Bernhardt asked if I would be willing to help, I accepted, honored to take part in returning praise to God for how He has used LC to impact thousands of lives for Christ. LC is not perfect; no myself serve is perfect. His gospel is the treasure found in jars of clay. By learning the truth of the Bible and seeing it lived out in the lives of my mentors, I was constantly inspired to seek Christ and grow in my own relationship with Him. Two years ago, I spent a summer in an Andean village in

Peru on a mission’s trip. Throughout that summer, I was reminded that my most powerful testimony comes through being the aroma of Christ through my daily lifestyle, even during the moments when nobody is watching. LC is the Because of the teachers, coaches, and students I built relationships with at LC, I truly know what it means to be discipled. They were and continue to be more than teachers or coaches that I used to know. Their impact on my life is something that will constantly turn my heart to praise. It is a beautiful example relationship with God.”


Dr. Young served as the founder and senior pastor of Grace Church with his wife, Young with a vision; that Grace Church every day of the week; a school that would equip students with a Christian education. And praise be to God for bringing Dr. Young’s

vision to completion. Lititz Christian was founded in 1978, beginning with grades 1-4. As the LORD continued to bless Lititz Christian, Dr. Young’s vision grew; in 1991, Morningstar, currently known as Lititz Christian Early Learning Center was founded to provide care and education for younger

Testimonial Loreen Young 13

graduated in 1996. Since December 2010, Dr. Young has been at home with his Savior. Today, Loreen resides in Arizona, but her love for Grace Church and Lititz Christian School is steadfast. 34 years ago, the LORD honored Dr. Young, his pure and humble heart, and his obedience to God’s calling to

minister to children. Our prayer for Lititz Christian, Grace Church, and the surrounding community is that we would follow Dr. Young’s example: to faithfully discipleship and teaching Biblical truth.

and Lititz Christian grew from his intense love and desire to see children have a Christian education.”

looking back Groundbreaking for the 6,900 square feet. The Christian School began with 44 students in kindergarten through fourth grade.

Gymnasium Renovations Completed Keystone Stars, Level One

9th grade added

8th grade added

11th grade added

ACSI and Middle States Association Accreditation

Elementary Spanish program started

1978 1982 1983 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 2001 2004 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012

Groundbreaking for the second educational wing, 8,900 square feet added 4-7 grade. MorningStar Christian Daycare, Preschool & Kindergarten (Early Learning Center) established

Full Day Kindergarten launched

Fine arts wing and renovation of the elementary wing

10th grade added

The high school classrooms addition 12th grade added

Expanded Math and Science Departments

Keystone Stars Level Two, First overseas senior missions trip, inception of Intermediate School (Grades 5-6)


seed money

1,000,000 900,000

We trust that God’s faithfulness is revealed that provides security for the future. “Seed embrace and support the mission of Lititz

money” totaling $1,000,000 would provide the

Christian. As we enter our 35th year of service,

quality programming our community expects


it is our desire to continue harvesting the blessings of Dr. Young’s vision while planting

are excited to report that we have been blessed

new seeds for future growth and sustainability.

by an individual who has committed half of the


amount desired. foundations upon which Lititz Christian was built. Today, in a struggling economy, these foundations continue to be essential as we seek made by our teachers leaves me humbled and personally grateful, as many of them have taught my own children.

Our new lead

pastor, Ivanildo Trindade, and the Board of Elders have communicated their faith in the school as we continue to serve as a ministry of Grace Church.

Our commitment

to parents who have chosen Christian education Christ-centered education at a reasonable cost.

The “seed money” will make a difference in the lives of our students as we continue to equip,


enrich, and empower them to reach their highest potential while taking ownership of their academic and spiritual growth. “Seed


money” allows us to build relationships, disciple students, and prepare them to impact their world for Christ.


I invite you to prayerfully consider a partnership with Lititz Christian School. Please contact me


personally, I would be happy to share my vision.

200,000 Rick Bernhardt



looking Ahead Scholarships


given through EITC Credit Program

70k 60 50 40 30 20 10

300 250 200 150 100 50














FINANCIAL SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES Annual Fund: This is our largest fundraiser each year. This fund helps to cover the gap between tuition and expenses. Monies in this fund support many aspects of Lititz Christian School, such as; Athletics: The LC athletic program provides opportunities for physical and character development through competitive sports. Your gift helps pay for league fees, coaching staff, and uniforms. Faculty: development for our outstanding teachers. Library: Your gift will purchase library books and help to keep our media center current. Technology: Contributions will help support current lease expenses and upgrades to classroom technology. Fine Arts: Your gift will help to continue the development of programming that produces artists and performers that glorify God. *All Annual Fund gifts are unrestricted

LC Seed Fund: *All LC Seed gifts are unrestricted

EITC/Scholarships: The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program allows businesses to apply for up to $300,000 per year in EITC tax credits and up to $150,000 per year in pre-K EITC tax credits.


INVESTORS What could be greater than investing in the life of a young person? God’s message

As an educator, I love to teach and I believe in life-long learning. As a Christian and a member of the Board of Education at LCS for many years, I believe that teaching children about Christ and the TRUTH of the Bible is what Christians are called to do. I have been able to work toward these goals by serving with a team to hire talented, motivated, and dedicated Christian teachers to work daily with the LCS children as they work toward “hav(ing) the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Colossians 2:2b-3)

(Luke12:34; Matt.6:21, NIV). Lititz Christian School challenges students to develop their knowledge, gifts, talents, and abilities in a Christ- Centered environment where caring and compassionate teachers, administrators, and support staff get to know students on a foundational level. Through an extraordinary academic program, Lititz Christian teachers work with students and parents to develop the mind, body, and spirit of each student, motivating them to use their gifts to honor and glorify God. As a parent and supportive business owner, my investment in the work of Lititz Christian School enables students to articulate their faith in a diverse and dynamic

Christians to support and guide him through these times. LCS offers opportunities in many areas to share your God-given gifts. Join me and connect to LCS and

freedom to learn in an academic environment where they can share and grow in their faith. As a public school teacher and business owner, it is rewarding to know my only in their academic life, but eternity.



another in love.” This perfect directive encourages us to lovingly serve and do our part to pass on our Christian heritage to our children, our next generation.

HENRY WEBER “Before the ages began”…God had a purpose and a plan for Henry Weber. No man could have ever seen how the threads of Henry’s life would come together and result in his tremendous impact on the success of Lititz Christian. He was a farm boy with a Mennonite background; he’s been a pilot, he’s dreamed of becoming a missionary doctor overseas. He has served as an elder at Grace Church for 17 years. Through all the twists and turns of his full life, Henry has learned that God’s plan is better than any plan of his own. He continues to see how God has been shaping him for a holy purpose. Sit and talk with Henry and you will hear him constantly return to his faith and trust in God’s plan. “God has given to me, and I want to give back,” shares Henry. A smile crosses his face as he leans in after sharing the ups and downs he has encountered in years past; “I examples of how he learned to walk by faith, even when others advised him against taking the risks. Yet he counted the cost of faith, put in the time and the work, and relied on God. The next thing he says is 2 Timothy 1:9: “[God], who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of His own purpose and grace, which He gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began…”


This verse shows a lot about Henry’s passion for Christian education. He loves watching young people equipped with a foundational Christian education. His desire is that Lititz Christian will continue to be a place where students will learn to follow God’s plan just as he did. Henry is a “hands-on” kind of man. Through the history of Lititz Christian, he has played a role in building and improving Lititz Christian facilities, student scholarships, and founding the high school. His generosity allowed for the remodeling of the gymnasium and he was there every day until the project was completed. “When you see something coming together and succeeding, you know that the Lord doing at LC as he can. He loves attending the musicals and plays. And he has never missed a graduation ceremony. We, at LC, are not just grateful for how God has used Henry to bless our ministry or his loyalty and passion for Christian education. We are encouraged by his passion for a beautiful partnership between Grace Church and Lititz Christian through this time of transition. He is a trust in God. He models that willing spirit we are called to have as God uses us for his great purpose and plan.


Administration Rick Bernhardt Jamie Esbenshade Sherry McConaghay

Board of Education Rodney Bert Cindy Gelgot Barry Brooks Jeff Gerard John Eccleston Judy Moore Michael Van Belle

Faculty & Staff Suzan Bitner Josh Antes Betsy Echternach Cindy Layton Sue Elsner Janet Leisey Linn Falvey Karen Miller Jen Felty Barb Murlatt Janina Fisher Natalie Schaeffer Paula Garman Steve Ziegfeld Jill Green Nancy Hackman Dorene Brandt Allyson Harmon Kim Byers Anna Hilton Jen Flahive Lincoln Hokenbrough Liz Velkly Beth Hoover Rebecca White Cindy Kachel Carolyn Kensinger Elaine Bendinsky Erika Lauson Jay Hall Eric Lewis Marlin Weaver Emily Lepley Brett Markey Paige Allshouse Dane Martin Laura Beaverson Lori Mickel Angie Brewer Ryan McCracken Kati Burkholder Ross McCracken Christi Dearborn Jill Printzenhoff Dawn Fitzwater Liz Robyn Brenda Fox Susan Roller Jenn Fry Kay Schell Melissa Hershey Joan Sciscento Stephanie Hoover Kim Spotts Denise Kennedy Anna Urquhart Shari Ober Ken Wenger Natalie Schaeffer Sharon Winters Chelsea Seiverling Sue Shamberger Kathy Smith Jenna Swope Kari Weiss

Visionary Rick Bernhardt Chief Editor Alyssa Weaver Graphic Designer Samuel Bernhardt Photography Coordinator Betsy Echternach Publisher Triangle Press

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501 W. Lincoln Ave. Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-9578

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