Servicesround upfortheawscloudplatform

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Services round­up for the AWS cloud platform Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leading cloud platform provider, offering over 250 applications and services to deploy, maintain, monitor and run applications in the cloud. However, before deciding whether AWS is the best cloud provider for you and your business, it's essential to learn about its capabilities for computing, networking, storage and other components of cloud. So let’s take a closer look. AWS compute AWS offers a variety of compute instances that allow companies to quickly scale up or scale down based on need. Two of the most popular AWS computing services are Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon Elastic Load Balancing. ● Amazon EC2 targets system admins and developers. These IT experts use EC2 to quickly acquire and “boot” computing instances in the cloud. In terms of pricing, EC2 has a free service that includes up to 750 hours of Linux or Windows EC2 service hours per month for one year. ● AWS' Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) service automatically distributes applications across AWS EC2 instances for better fault tolerance and minimal human intervention. The ELB service includes a free package with up to 15GB of data processing and 750 hours of service monthly for a year. AWS storage AWS offers a variety of low cost storage choices, many of which have pay­as­you­go options for added flexibility. Among the most popular storage choices there are: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Elastic Block Store (EBS) and Amazon CloudFront. ● Amazon S3 is a fully redundant storage offering that can handle any amount of data at any moment from anywhere on the Web. It can be used for backup, archiving and disaster recovery, as well as content storage, distribution and data analysis storage. ● AWS' EBS service offers persistent block level storage for EC2 instances. With available encryption and automatic replication, Amazon presents EBS as a highly available, highly secure option to scale EC2 storage. ● Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery service aimed at developers and businesses. It works with other AWS applications, including CloudWatch, to facilitate content delivery with low latency, high data transfer speeds and no commitments. AWS networking AWS offers a range of networking services, including private network connections to the cloud, scalable DNS and tools to create logistically isolated networks. Popular networking services include the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Amazon Direct Connect.

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