EUMUSC.Net is an information and surveillance network of 22 institutions across 17 countries, supported by the European
. Driving musculoskeletal health for Europe
Community (EC Community
Action in the Field of Health 2008-2013) and EULAR
DrivingDriving musculoskeletal musculoskeletal health health for Europe for Europe
. Driving musculoskeletal
health for Europe
Musculoskeletal conditions (MSC’s) are the single biggest
individuals in 22 organisations across 17 countries,
cause of physical disability in the EU, with 1 in 4 adults
working with and through EULAR. It is focused on raising
at some point during their lifespan experiencing chronic
the awareness of musculoskeletal health and harmonising
restrictive musculoskeletal pain (Eurobarometer, 2007).
the care of rheumatic and musculoskeletal conditions
As well as significant human impact, MSC’s have a huge
across Europe.
economic impact, including strain on health care systems and work loss.
The EUMUSC.NET project is organised into a series of interrelated Work Packages, which will result in a unified,
The effective prevention or management of these
relevant and systematic web-based information resource
conditions is neither equitable nor a priority within most
that is
EU Member States. As a consequence, musculoskeletal health throughout Europe is not being achieved, resulting
The EUMUSC.NET project is establishing a standard
in enormous yet avoidable disability.
of information, accessible to patients, healthcare
EUMUSC.NET is a 3-year project that began in February
professionals and policy informers alike relating to:
2010, which aims to address and overcome these
• the impact that MSC’s have on individuals and society,
problems. Supported by the European Community (EC
• the Standards of Care that patients should be receiving,
Community Action in the Field of Health 2008-2013),
• Health Care Quality Indicators to show whether these
the project is a network of institutions, researchers and
standards are being provided
• identified barriers and facilitators that affect the local implementation of Standards of Care • good practice that can be highlighted and relayed throughout Europe • recommendations to improve the delivery of Standards of Care across the EU Member States At the heart
• Recognising the importance of integrating musculoskeletal health policy with those of other chronic diseases as well as those relating to social, education, transportation and housing in order to initiate a reduction in interactive burden as well as cohesive and comprehensive wellbeing.
of the project lies the ability to increase the political salience of reducing the burden of musculoskeletal
From 2013 onwards the project will hand over the
conditions on both individuals and society.
website, including online data collection and monitoring tools to EULAR to create a live, long-term and relevant
This includes:
surveillance and information network for musculoskeletal
• Recognising the importance of musculoskeletal health
health across Europe.
• Promoting the execution of evidence based strategies • Giving priority for research and programmes that will lead to better musculoskeletal health taking into account health inequalities • Keeping people at work despite their musculoskeletal condition.
Driving musculoskeletal health for Europe
EUMUSC.Net is an information and surveillance network of 22 institutions across 17 countries, supported by the European Community (EC Community Action in the Field of Health 2008-2013) and EULAR
Supported by the Second Programme of Community Action in the Field of Health (2008-2013) DG SANCO, European Commission