Numbers Become Art E-BOOK

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STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP “Numbers become Art” 2014-1-IT02-KA201-003537_1

Coordinator Istituto Omnicomprensivo Polo Valboite Liceo Artistico Cortina d'Ampezzo ITALY

Partners Tartu Kunsti Sckool Tartu ESTONIA Lycée Professionnel “Toulouse Lautrec” Albi FRANCE Balassi Bálint Nyolcévfolyamos Gimnázium Budapest HUNGARY Marijampolės profesinio rengimo centras Marijampole LITHUANIA Centro Zalima Cordoba SPAIN

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The material in this Ebook reflects the views of the authors only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Ebook Pedagogical Cards & Students' Portfolios

Table of Contents

The Project .......................................................................................................................... 1 Handbook of Good Practices ............................................................................................... 2

Pedagogical Cards .............................................................................................................. 3 ESTONIA ................................................................................................................ 4 FRANCE ................................................................................................................. 8 HUNGARY ............................................................................................................ 13 ITALY .................................................................................................................... 20 LITHUANIA ........................................................................................................... 30 SPAIN ................................................................................................................... 35

Students' Portfolios ............................................................................................................ 41 ESTONIA .............................................................................................................. 42 FRANCE ............................................................................................................... 48 HUNGARY ............................................................................................................ 59 ITALY .................................................................................................................... 61 LITHUANIA ........................................................................................................... 77 SPAIN ................................................................................................................. 105

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The Project

The project 'Numbers become Art' (acronym Be.Art) is an experimentation on flexible and innovative education and the use of ICT. It develops a pedagogical pathway by taking into account a problem common to many educational systems in Europe, and shared by the project partners, concerning the learning/teaching of Maths and other scientific subjects. Starting from the awareness of the difficulties many students have when approaching them, the project wants to offer a different view on how numbers can be dealt with and become matter for creating visual art. It offers an interesting innovative approach to arise confidence and look at maths, biology and natural sciences with different eyes. Additionally, it may ease their learning and teaching by creating a closeness between apparently distant areas of study. The experimentation provides pedagogical instruments and solutions which can be appreciated by teachers and trainers and facilitate their job as it helps provide equal opportunities to those students who present specific difficulties. The transformation of abstract data or tables into a piece of work of visual art can be, for students and teachers, a useful means to overcome resistance and convey motivation and beneficial outcomes as it involves a creative process. Moreover, the use of ICT/Infographics will be enlarged and improved being it the means by which purely theoretical data are transformed into images. In the project's attainment, this will ease the critical assimilation of the value of numbers and digital information. All in all, the 'scientific subjects-visual art' approach wants to consitute a peculiar method of joining creativity and effectiveness based on the experimentation of a didactic practice aiming at building up and testing an innovative pedagogical module which considers the transformation of abstract figures, data and scientific information into a visual product linked to image/visual art.


Handbook of Good Practices Pedagogical section


The case studies, that create and describe the project, have been supported by a pedagogical experimentation carried out by the partner schools all along the two years of the project's span. The activities developed have been oriented onto a pedagogical/didactic methodology that has produced a number of Pedagogical cards useful as both instruments of work and control. The elaboration of the pedagogical cards has provided a continual monitoring of the development of the activities by the partners, the creation of an operative work methodology in the field, the build up a Handbook of Good Practices to share with teachers, trainers, students and educational operators. The Handbook of Good Practices is made up of a selection of pedagogical cards to be used as operative models and be adjusted to different pedagogical needs in different thematic areas.


In this section there can be found various typologies of Students' portfolios created by the students who have taken part in the Be. Art project. The student's portfolio is a tool that can be used in different ways and have different meanings according to the objectives fixed. In the Be.Art project the portfolio has been employed to fulfil the following purposes:  to facilitate the ongoing assessment of the project phases step by step;  to document the students' experiences;  to evaluate their personal engagement and improvement as regards some specific learning areas in a period of time and in the long run;  to favour each one's personal reflection on their experiences and on the work carried out;  to facilitate, in particular, the control and the assessment of knowledge, competence and skill as related to their development in a short and long period of time;  to stimulate their creativity by reflecting on what they have done and will be able to do.




Pedagogical Card

Tartu Kunsti Sckool Tartu ESTONIA





Pedagogical Cards Lycée Professionnel “Toulouse Lautrec” Albi FRANCE


Project “Numbers become Art� Period : December 2014- April 2015 Report Country Title of the case study Subject/s involved No.of students involved

France The Golden Section in Architecture History / Mathematics / Arts 8 students

No. of students with difficulties in the Maths/Sciences fields

6 students who have difficulties in adapting mathematical model : they can't figure out how mathematics can be used in a concrete situation 2 students who are interested in nontraditional method

Activities developed Descrition of the activities developed (Data survey, information, data processing, etc.)

- Finding out the Fibonnacci Continuation and the Golden Section through a short film clip. To adapt theirs knowledges on the ICT's practice to create this continuation and to definie its characteristics - Linking the study of the cathedral architectural plan to the Golden Section To adapt the proportionnality notions to the old measurement techniques of the builders

Description of the methodology employed Little group of students (group work, front lesson, outdoor activities, Watching a film clip seminars, etc.) Practising Excel Description of the results achieved

Difficulties faced (if any)

Experience a non-traditional concept to realise that they can use the traditional mathematic method Achieving autonomy in Excel practice To find the working methods by themselves






Pedagogical Cards

Balassi Bálint Nyolcévfolyamos Gimnázium Budapest HUNGARY








Pedagogical Cards

Istituto Omnicomprensivo Polo Valboite Liceo Artistico Cortina d'Ampezzo ITALY




Photo: Annamaria Castellan


Photo: Annamaria Castellan Photos Polaroid: students







Pedagogical Cards MarijampolÄ—s profesinio rengimo centras Marijampole LITHUANIA


Project “Numbers become Art� Period : December 2014- April 2015 Report Country


Title of the case study

Suduva Manors

Subject/s involved


No.of students involved


No. of students with difficulties 15 in the Maths/Sciences fields Activities developed Descrition of the activities developed (Data survey, information, data processing, etc.)

Interview. Work stages: 1. Preparation. Foresee persons who will be interviewed, align time and place of the interview with them, agree on the topic, for example "GelgaudiĹĄkis Manor" and for what purpose the interview will be taken and published. 2. Formulation of question. Consider whether it will be an interview in writing or oral. Our students interviewed orally, talked to people. Questions to control the interview. Be able to ask targeted questions student is forced to know about the history of the manor. If he becomes interested in the topic, questions arise themselves, he might ask during the interview. 3. Technical tools and interview process: voice recorder, camera, pen, paper. Write down answers,







save it in the phone / voice recorder. Photography or video materials. Work in pairs. Students are recommend conducting interviews in pairs. Both students add to each other's work. Work in pairs gives confidence, creativity and teaches to work in team. Students feel better in a new situation. The text of the interview. Depending on the purpose that interview material (articles, statistics, essays, creative work, etc.) will be used, text of an interview is edited. It can be printed in a newspaper as the interview, can be used only as statistical material, or as a motivational, emotional basis for creative work and so on. Application of information technologies. During the interview a photograph or video may be made, they are processed with computer programs. A respondent is asked for the permission to be filmed or taken photos. Interview presentation and dissemination. The final edited interview is presented to the public. In this particular case – to the project work group, Centre community and Website. Assessment of students work. Before taking the interview it is agreed how students work will be evaluated: a formal mark, the project travel as encouragement, etc.

Description of the Group work (teachers + students, students + students), methodology employed (group outdoor activities (to find respondents outside of school), work, front lesson, outdoor creatives writing, interview writing, photography activities, seminars, etc.) Description of the results achieved Difficulties faced (if any)

Respondents are found Topic of the interview - Gelgaudiškis Manor " is discussed  Think over the questions in advance so that you can make the conversation and ask all the things you want. It takes time.  Good reaction. One should be ready to respond quickly, react to the conversation if it turns to other direction, the development of dialogue.  Communication, public speaking - not all are extroverts and easy to communicate, this method is not for everyone to fit and enjoy.  Technical conversation recording equipment - to take care of in advance.  Ability to use information technology: not all students have the same level of skills.  Interview presentation – it should be agreed with the respondent that the finished text of an interview


he would be shown to him before the publishing, in order to avoid problems or mistakes. Notes

Project “Numbers become Art� Period : December 2014- April 2015 Report Country


Title of the case study

Suduva Manors

Subject/s involved


No.of students involved


No. of students with difficulties 15 in the Maths/Sciences fields Activities developed Descrition of the activities developed (Data survey, information, data processing, etc.)

Dissemination Event. Work stages: Writing the script: to foresee what will be represented (contents), who will be the guests of the event, who will be the presenters of the event, who will be invited to the event. Distribution of roles - who is responsible for what. Coordinator - one person: team roles are distributed according to one’s personal skills. To foresee the time for specific tasks. To foresee and prepare the venue. Places for moderators, guests, audience. Decide upon style of the event: businesslike or entertainment. Sponsors and / or their supporters, if foreseen prizes / gifts. Documentation of the event - filming, photographing, downloading to Facebook, online, in other media. To foresee specific person responsible for it.

Description of the Team work (teachers + students, students + students), methodology employed (group outdoor activities (to find and invite guests,


work, front lesson, outdoor activities, seminars, etc.)

correspondents of media) documentation of the event



Description of the results achieved

9. Dissemination event 10. Information about the event in the press, TV, internet, FB before and after (invitation and report).

Difficulties faced (if any)

1. Time synchronization. If the event has a lot of guests, it is necessary to retain the time limit and harmonize all the convenient time. 2. To present the programme to the guests before the event - to hedge against surprises. 3. Technical tools – sound aparature, video, photo. 4. Duration - take into account the audience / participants contingent, to maintain focus on the entire time of the event. 5. Less boring speeches 6. Be prepared for improvisation.



Pedagogical Cards

Centro Zalima Cordoba SPAIN


Pedagogical Card 1

Project This project invites students to explore different mathematical proportions and how they relate to architecture. In relation to Cordoba, the students must discuss the unique Cordovan proportion and where this proportion can be found in the city. The students have to present the information, their photographs and videos in a creative and original format, employing the various technological tools available to them. Learning Objectives • Gain basic presentation skills (presentation structure, time management, public speaking). • Improve their English written, speaking and translation skills. • Learn the importance of this particular proportion and how it relates to the artwork and monuments in Cordoba. • Learn how to relate mathematical formulas to artwork and architecture. Pupil Skills Historical interpretation, creativity, analysis of mathematical formulas, implementation of technological resources, presentation in a foreign language, working in a group.


How does it work? 1. The students receive an introduction to the task as well as detailing how they will be evaluated in Spanish and English. They are then given a presentation in English about the Cordovan proportion in order to give them a foundation. Every week, as well as being given time in class to dedicate to their presentations, they will engage in small, complimentary English activities related to the Roman, Arab and Christian eras in Cordoba's history to provide them with ideas, vocabulary and information. 2. Pupils organize themselves into groups of 4-5 students and divide the work load as they see fit. 3. They visit the various monuments and historical sites which still exist and are accessible to the public. They take photos or make videos to document their findings which are associated with the Cordovan proportion. 4. Students prepare a presentation to demonstrate their understanding of the artwork and monuments influenced by the Cordovan proportion. They must ensure that their presentation is within the 10-12 minute time limit and their work is focused on the mathematic and aesthetic qualities of the various monuments. 5. Students present their work and are given immediate feedback.

Mission Statement This project is essentially about making a creative, original and interesting presentation utilizing the English language which focuses on the importance and influence of the Cordovan proportion on the artwork and architecture found within Cordoba.

End Product A 5 minute original presentation (using programs such as Book Creator, Tiny, Keynote, Prezi, Adobe Photoshop, PowerPoint, iMovie, Apps by Apple, Music´s Editor, Inspiration Maps...), in English, that details the mathematical explanation of the Cordovan proportion and how it has influenced a unique style of architecture in the city. They must have original photography and/or videos.

Heritage Institutions For instance: the Mezquita, the Roman Bridge, aqueducts, gardens, Cappuccino´s Square, Cappuccino´s church,… 37


Pedagogical Card 2

Workshop This workshop invites students to summarize the data they have compiled and the resources they have created about Cordovan proportion. The pupils have to present the information in a creative and original infography, employing the various technological tools available to them. Learning Objectives - Develop the ability to synthesize on a topic they have previously worked on. - Gain basic skills on what creating an infography implies through the online software Piktochart ( and iPad apps. - Improve their English and translation skills. - Revisit the importance of this particular proportion and how it relates to the artwork and monuments in Cordoba.

Pupil Skills Creativity, implementation of technological resources, expressing ideas in a foreign language and working in a group.

How does it work? 1. The students receive an introduction to the task as well as detailing how they will be evaluated in Spanish and English. 2. Pupils organize themselves into groups of 4-5 students and divide the work load as they see fit. 3. They revisit the various works they previously created which are associated with the Cordovan proportion. 4. Students prepare an infography to demonstrate their understanding of the Cordovan proportion. They must ensure that their work is focused on the main ideas of the project. 5. Students present their infography and are given immediate feedback.


Mission Statement This project is essentially about making a creative, original and interesting infography utilizing the English language which focuses on summarizing the importance and influence of the Cordovan proportion on the artwork and architecture found within Cordoba.

End Product An original infography (using programs such as Piktochart, and apps such as Inspiration Maps), w r i t t e n in English, that sums up the explanation of the Cordovan proportion and how it has influenced a unique style of architecture in the city.

Infographies created by the pupils The infographies created by the students are part of the final product and show how numbers were transformed into art.




Students' Portfolio

Tartu Kunsti Sckool Tartu ESTONIA







Students' Portfolio Lycée Professionnel “Toulouse Lautrec” Albi FRANCE












Students' Portfolio

Balassi Bálint Nyolcévfolyamos Gimnázium Budapest HUNGARY


Click here to access the Adventures with Light 2 BLOG


Students' Portfolio

Istituto Omnicomprensivo Polo Valboite Liceo Artistico Cortina d'Ampezzo ITALY



















Students' Portfolio MarijampolÄ—s profesinio rengimo centras Marijampole LITHUANIA










Emirita Valiukevičiūtė PVg 14-1 group Marijampole VET centre, Lithuania

DIARY October 15, 2014 I have learnt about BEART project from my Lithuanian language teacher Jurgita Schroeder and history teacher Edita Sėdaitienė. They encouraged me to participate in the project. I like to get involved in new activities, because many things are interesting to me; I think it is the way I want to learn more about my native land. When during the first project meeting I heard that taking part in the project I should be promoting my country's name, then I really decided that I wanted to participate. January 27, 2015 I and other members of the team started to collect information about Gelgaudiškis and Zypliai manors. It was very interesting because I learned about the history of the manor and of the then living people's lives. Since my grandparents live in Gelgaudiškis town, I have prepared an interview, but I will tell about it more later. Grandparents told me about the various legends of the mansion, what was in that place earlier, how everything looked like, they told me about governors of the estate and even about a secret underground tunnel. Therefore, I have prepared this interview with great pleasure. I felt great and very interested. For more information was looking on the Internet. The summary of all information I collected I made slides. This work took me rather a long time and required a lot of effort, but I wanted that it would be interesting and different from the other participants. Doing all this I felt very well because I had a lot of fun to contribute to BEART project. Each member of the team presented their works, when we went on tour to the manors. April 17, 2015. Our team went on excursion, where we had a great time. We were on Gelgaudiškis and Zypliai manors. We saw how estates and parks look like. I really liked this trip because it was very interesting. First, we went to Zypliai mansion, where we were greeted by the guide. She showed us the interior of the manor and other buildings, talked about the history of the manor, its current managers. Later we went to the park, which I liked, most of all "Island of kisses" and 400 years old, and an impressive oak.

After that we went to Komar estate, where we also met the guide. She showed us the mansion and told us the history of the manor and told about the architecture of the estate and the managers. Later, the guide invited us to an educational lesson, which was the manor banquet hall and then we danced the dances of 19 century. After that we went to the observation tower, from which you could see Vytėnai Castle, Nemunas river valley and very beautiful forests. Then the guide hospitably invited us to taste the estate cheese, cocoa and donuts. Most memorable to me was amazing manor ceiling decoration, an enchanting view, seen from the tower and the educational dance lesson and upon arrival brought to face yet unseen anywhere maple alley. I was very pleased with this tour and the fact that I was a part of BEART project. I returned home in excellent mood, with good experiences and learned many interesting things.


September 20,2015 I and the history teacher Edita SÄ—daitienÄ— went to Be.Art project meeting in Estonia. We are representing our team and Lithuania, it was a great honor for me. I had a lot to prepare for this meeting and gathered all my courage to publicly present our work done in the project. The mere preparation of presentation has improved my Lithuanian language skills and English. In Estonia, I met many interesting people. They presented their activities, works to the public in English and we painted the triptych in which the numbers had to become art. It was a great experience, which I think will be useful in the future. During the meeting, I also learned about the Estonian town of Tartu. I saw the interesting places where I had not been. I felt great and very interested. Tartu Art School has been doing graffiti works, where we used photoshop. We also worked with Infogrammes, it was a completely new thing about which I have not heard anything. Although the project meeting was not long, but the time we spent, there was a meaningful and purposeful. I knew that what I saw, I will tell my friends, pass on the experience of doing infogrames. Within a few days, I learned a lot, improved my English, made new friends, learned how to create infogrames have received an enormous amount of information about everything. I felt my human self-esteem and level of education was growing. 3rd October, 2015 Me and my girlfriend, who is also involved in the project, started to create art, where we tried to turn into numbers into art. It was the most creative activity throughout the project, which I liked, because we were able to freely express ourselves through art. We worked a lot and the whole month, but the results were excellent. Design teacher Richard Vainas helped and advised.. We used many techniques: graphics, compositions, and triptych. As well as all members of the team have done work with photoshop. After intensive work, we presented our creative works for the school community. We have prepared a presentation and exhibition. 21st October, 2015 Several members of the team, including myself, have prepared a presentation in our school. We described what we did during the entire time of being in this project, what new lesson we have learned, why it is worth to participate in projects. Also, we have presented all our creative works that have been painted, made graphically and by photoshop. I felt brave speaking in front of all the people sitting there, because I had already publicly spoken in Estonia. I'm proud of myself, for I did and learnt so much. Just improved myself as a person. I am very glad, I think, that such projects develop participants and there should be more of them.














Vida Rudzikaitė Group PVg14-1 Marijampole VET centre

DIARY January 27, 2015 On this day we had the first meeting of the project team. I learned about the activities in the new project from the Lithuanian language teacher. I joined to this project a little later. My classmates as well as the teacher encouraged me to take part in it. Later the history teacher, saying that this is a great opportunity to see and learn many interesting facts about the mansions, encouraged me too. The desire to expand my horizons, improve my skills, were the things that made me to decide to participate in the international activities. March 4, 2015 From today we begin to gather information about the manors, estates, which we choose ourselves or the teachers suggested. I choose to gather information about Zypliai Manor Park. While collecting this information, I learned many new and surprising facts. I was shocked when I learnt about the lord of manor who could hang his peasants, servants for disobedience. This fact has hit me that in the past people were treated mercilessly, there were no moral norms or humanism. There were still many more other interesting things to choose and later to present them to the team members. Collecting information did not take long, I liked to go deeper and accumulate material to make it into the story. Later I sent all the material to the teachers for revision and printing, to be sure that everything is fine. All the collected material was good. I was lucky, I was pleased with myself, because I managed to do the job on time. I learned to speak for myself in order I could tell the auditorium without looking at the paper, and I managed to do it. Yes, I improved my communication skills. I think that this will be useful during my exams and also in future professional activities. April 17, 2015 Most of project team went on an excursion to Gelgaudiškis and Zypliai Manors. The trip took all day. It was interesting that before approaching to the one and the other estate, westudents had to tell our collected information about estates. Everyone could choose those facts which, in his opinion, was the most interesting, the most surprising. When my turn to speak came I was a bit shy and afraid. Naturally, I had tremor – a big team of my friends we listening to my story. But when I told them what I learned, not looking to the written text, I felt pleased with myself. It was just great. Zypliai made enormous impression on me- the estate itself, and especially I liked frog collection collected by a certain woman. There were a lot of them there and all frogs were different. It was amazing. Besides I liked meeting with the mayor of Zypliai Vidas Cikana who came to see us. We learnt that he was the person who decided to revive the Manor to a new life. The meeting with him was interesting, but very amusing and entertaining. In Gelgaudiškis manor I liked the educational lesson and entertainment. In this mansion the guide has taught us ancient dances- we danced like real inhabitants of manors used to dance in 19 and beginning of 20 century. I really liked, it was fun and funny.


Very nice view opened up when we got on the estate roofs and floor constructions, we saw River Nemunas and the wonderful landscape. I was very pleased this tour, I learned a lot of interesting things. I felt really happy with everything that we have done, even though the weather outside was quite cool and even then began to rain. However, our mood was not ruined by the weather. September 15, 2015 Today we gathered all the project work team to discuss what we've done over the last time, we also discussed about the future work. In fact we collected historical, visual information material about Suduva manors, we had a great deal of material. I was little concerned about the idea that we had to remake all material into infogrammes. It was a completely new thing for me and my friends, so we attentively listened to our teachers' advices, analized the samples that they showed us and generated ideas on how to make infogrammes about Suduva estates. One idea was to create infogrammes using mathematical calculations of mansion parks. We did infogrammes as we imagined: some used the information technologies, others relied on their own hands and just painted or drawed. For me it was a new experience and I really had to inquire about it, how could this work be done on the computer. I liked to work in a team, because I was able to ask my friends or teachers or even ask for help. October 6, 2015 The presentation of work and discussion was an opportunity to present our mission as possinblemore original and interesting. I was bolder, that I was able to use a computer and speak according to the prepared slides. While preparing the report I had to remember the basic requirements for the preparation of the power-point/ the slides. By the way, I understood that these skills will be needed in preparation for my maturity exam. I must recognized that the task required a lot of extra time, but it was interesting to "play" with numbers, mathematics and mathematics never looked interesting or easy for me before. But in the creative work, those numbers appeared as a means to create something new and interesting. I am glad that after delivery of my report (which required some courage), I was able to answer questions asked by friends, to respond to various comments. It was nice to hear some praise from friends and schoolmates. October 11, 2015 Project managers informed that the presentation of our project would be in the center for the community of our institution. I had to get ready for all: to present the work carried out, talk about what was done, the problems we faced. It was very important to talk about what were the benefits of the international project for each individual. Team members shared the task again and primarily we discussed what to do. Later we agreed to show the benefits for us, and we were waiting for teacher’s observations and advice. For me it is quite difficult to think that I will have to speak publicly before an audience. Besides we knew that there would be many guests. Therefore, first of all I knew very well I needed to think about what I speak, prepare and what is not least important – to make a good presentation of our committed work. To calm down and get stronger mentally... This was my teacher's advice for me and it helped. I rehearsed my public speech a few times before a mirror at home. October 21, 2015 We worked as a team and prepared the exhibition of students‘ works in information centre of our VET centre. Teachers have helped a lot, but the team and I again had a new experience, because we felt as if something very important was organized. And we were waiting for the visitors, eager for evaluations. A responsible moment was public


presentation of our whole team. During rehearsals I could be proud of myself, because I knew what I speak, I understood perfectly the subject. While preparing for the upcoming reports I gathered some sort of material about the project. In anticipation of the day when delivery begins, I was very brave. And then the day came. I got a little nervous and excited. Of course after rehearsals it was much easier to appear in public. I am glad that I was lucky to gain attention of the audience and my story was listened very carefully by all. I realized it was a very good experience for me, because it was an improvement of me as a student; carrying out various tasks in a team and individually, and also I overcame many fears and gained confidence in myself. Speaking in front of the audience gave me a lot of benefits in preparation for Lithuanian speaking as promotion of language skills, I factually broadened my Lithuanian vocabulary. After the event, I was pleased with myself. Teachers were enjoying our achievements - the assessment of our work was very good.


Emilija Švabovičiūtė PVg 14-1 Tarptautinio projekto „Be Art skaičiai virsta menu“ Erazmus + dalyvės Dienoraštis 2015-01-27 Pirmasis projektinis susitikimas buvo netikėtas ir įdomus. Jis vyko Marijampolės profesinio rengimo centre, lietuvių kalbos kabinete. Apie šį projektą aš sužinojau iš lietuvių ir istorijos mokytojų, kurios ir suteikė visą informaciją apie jį. Mokytojos suteikė visą informaciją, kurią mes turėjome žinoti. Labai sudomino suvalkiečių dvarai, todėl ir nusprendžiau apie juos sužinoti daugiau ir dalyvauti šiame projekte. Labai didelį paskatinimą gavau iš savo klasiokės kuri ir įtikino įsitraukti į šį projektą. 2015-Kovas-Balandis. Visą informaciją rinkau internetiniame puslapyje apie pasirinktą dvarą. Važiuodami į ekskursiją mes, visi mokiniai, kalbėjom apie dvarus ir skaitėme surinktą informaciją apie savo dvarą. Aš pasirinkau Zyplių dvarą, nes jo istorija man pasirodė įdomi. Napoleonas Bonapartas Veliuonos seniūnijos dalį kairiajame Nemuno krante – Lukšių, Sintautų, Plokščių bei Ilguvos parapijas – atidavė kunigaikščiui Juozapui Poniatovskiui, kuriam mirus 1813 m. valdas paveldėjo jo sesuo Teresei Tiškevičienei. Visa valda (155 kaimai ir apie 300 valakų girios) vadinosi bendru Zyplių turtų vardu, o patys Zypliai buvo dvarelis su apie 60 margų žemės (dabar Senieji Zypliai). Naujoji savininkė Zyplių net nematė, nes nuolat gyveno Paryžiuje. Apie 1845–1855 m. pritrūkusi pinigų, dvarą pardavė Polocko gubernijos dvarininkui Jonui Bartkovskiui. Šis pasistatė naują dvarą netoli Lukšių ir pavadino jį Naujaisiais Zypliais. Vieta, kurioje pastatyti rūmai, vadinosi Palankiais – dvarininkas stengęsis taikiai sugyventi su vietos žmonėmis. Jonui Bartkovskiui mirus, dvaras atiteko podukrai Joanai Volfersaitei-Kučinskienei, kuri dvare negyveno ir į dvarą buvo atvykusi tik du kartus (statant ir šventinant bažnyčią). Vėliau Zypliai atiteko Liudvikai Ostrovskienei, Naujuosius Zyplius pardavusiai grafui Tomui Potockiui, kuris 1891–1901 m. iš pagrindų pertvarkė dvaro sodybą – vienaaukščiams rūmams pristatė dviaukščius korpusus, sukūrė vakarinę parko dalį, nutiesė parką ribojančius kelius-alėjas. Restauruoti dvaro rūmai Apie 1897 m. nuo garo mašinos sudegė visi mediniai ūkiniai pastatai, vietoj jų buvo atstatyti plytų mūro. 1912 m. Varšuvoje grafas staiga mirė ir buvo pervežtas į Zyplius. Po jo mirties iki Antrojo pasaulinio karo dvarą valdė grafo žmona. 1919 m. iš Seinų čia perkelta kunigų seminarija, dar vėliau atidaryta žemės ūkio mokykla. Karo ir pokario laikotarpiu veikė ligoninė, buvo kolūkio kontora, apylinkės vykdomasis komitetas.


Lukšių miestelio seniūno Vido Cikanos rūpesčiu 2002 m. pradėti dvaro tvarkymo ir atstatymo darbai. 2012 m. atidaryti restauruoti dvaro rūmai. 2014 m. buvusioje dvaro vežiminėje įsikūrė Zanavykų muziejus. Šiuo metu dvare eksponuojama daug meno dirbinių: paveikslų, rankdarbių, medžio, akmens skulptūrų, keramikos, kalvystės, stiklo dirbinių, vyksta koncertai, spektakliai, plenerai, stovyklos. Per metus dvarą aplanko apie 10 tūkst. svečių. Dvaro pastatus supa 21 ha ploto parkas. Jame auga nemažai vertingų rūšių medžių: platanalapiai ir sidabriniai klevai, paprastieji ir raudonieji ąžuolai, baltosios ir balzaminės tuopos, europiniai ir Sukačiovo maumedžiai, juodosios pušys, sidabriniai kėniai, karpotieji ir plaukuotieji beržai, kalninės guobos, kamštiniai skirpstai. 2015-04-17. Štai čia yra Zyplių dvaras apie kurį aš rinkau informaciją.

Štai taip atrodė Senųjų Zyplių dvaras.


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