Vskills Certified ASP.Net Programmer Brochure

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Certified ASP.NET Programmer VS-1025

Certified ASP.NET Programmer

Certified ASP.NET Programmer Certification Code VS-1025 Microsoft ASP. NET Programming Certification allows organizations to strategize their IT policy and support to easily connect disparate business systems. It is a development and run-time environment for developing web sites and web based business applications. It plays a big role in integrating legacy systems of a company with newer IT strategic applications. The technology is based on Microsoft’s Dot Net framework. Currently there is a huge demand for ASP.NET professionals. This certification will concentrate on ASP.NET techniques that are used in developing various Web based Applications. A Vskills Certified BizTalk professional could have employment opportunities in all IT companies.

Why should one take this certification? This Course is intended for professionals and technical graduates seeking career in Software industry and wanting to excel in chosen areas. It is also well suited for those who are already working and would like to take certification for further career progression. Indian IT industry is moving up the value curve, and today’s scenario demands more specialization and that is where a certification of this type will add value.

Who will benefit from taking this this certification? This course benefits students who wish to make a career in software industry. This course is also beneficial for professionals already working and want to acquire knowledge in this segment of industry. Students will be ready for jobs from day 1 since this is a high demand skill in software companies. Professionals already in the software sector looking for job switch will also benefit from the certification..

Test Details: • • •

Duration: 60 minutes No. of questions: 50 Maximum marks: 50, Passing marks: 25 (50%); There is no negative marking in this module.

Fee Structure: Rs. 2,000/- (Includes all taxes)


Certified ASP.NET Programmer Companies that hire Vskills Certified ASP.NET Programmer ASP .NET is in great demand and major IT companies in India hire them. There are a lot of boutique niche companies, specializing in Integration Services, who are constantly hiring knowledgeable professionals. International job consultants also are constantly looking for ASP .NET Specialists for overseas jobs. The skill is also greatly in demand in super specialized government projects.


Certified ASP.NET Programmer

Table of Content 1. Introducing to ASP.Net & .Net Framework 3.5 1.1 Microsoft’s .NET 3.5 Framework 1.2 ASP.NET 3.5 1.3 ASP.NET Features 1.4 JavaScript and Client-Side Code 1.5 ASP.NET AJAX 1.6 Dynamic HTML 1.7 Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.7 MVC 1.8 ADO.NET 1.9 SQL Server 1.10 Internet Information Services

2. C# Language Basics 2.1 Case Sensitivity 2.2 Commenting 2.3 Statement Termination 2.4 Blocks 2.5 Variables & Data Types 2.6 Variable Operations 2.7 Conditional Logic 2.8 The if Statement 2.9 The switch Statement www.vskills.in

Certified ASP.NET Programmer 2.10 Loops 2.11 The for Loop 2.12 The foreach loop 2.13 The while loop

3. Creating an Asp.net Website 3.1 Visual Studio IDE 3.2 Adding an ASP.NET control 3.3 Previewing a page in the browser 3.4 Adding controls to the VWDE Toolbox

4. Creating MyMoviesCollection Web Project 4.1 What is SQL? 4.2 Using a SQL Server Express Database 4.3 Adding a database to the project 4.4 Adding a table to the database 4.5 Generating a Data-Driven Web Page 4.6 Using the database to build a Web page 4.7 Previewing and reviewing the database-generated page

5. Managing Data and Other CRUD 5.1 CRUD 5.2 Working with Smart Tags and Designers 5.3 Enhancing the GridView Control 5.4 Sorting, editing, and deleting with the GridView 5.5 Formatting the date display


Certified ASP.NET Programmer 5.6 Introducing the FormView Control 5.7 Adding a FormView control to the page 5.8 Changing the FormView control’s templates 5.9 Using the FormView control to insert a row 5.10 Analyzing problems with the date input 5.11 Validating the date input 5.12 Fixing the Page Title 5.13 Improving Performance with the AJAX Update Panel

6. Handling User Input and Events 6.1 Accepting Data in a TextBox Control 6.2 Creating a regular text box 6.3 Accepting passwords (somewhat) securely 6.4 Capturing text with MultiLine mode 6.5 Allowing creativity with rich text 6.6 Pushing for Choices with the RadioButton Control 6.7 Collecting RadioButtonList Controls 6.8 Adding list items with a Collection editor 6.9 Capturing the survey choice 6.10 Checking CheckBox and CheckBoxList Controls 6.11 For Each and the collection 6.12 Using the DropDownList Control 6.13 Understanding Namespaces 6.14 Displaying the color name and showing the color


Certified ASP.NET Programmer 6.15 Understanding ASP.NET Forms

7. Fetch and Present Data with SqlDataSource 7.1 Connecting to SQL Server Express 7.2 Finding a copy of the Northwind database 7.3 Adding the Northwind database to your application 7.4 Connecting to the database 7.5 Using the SqlDataSource Control 7.6 The Command attributes in the markup 7.7 Consuming Data with the DetailsView Control 7.8 Using Parameters in Queries 7.9 Getting a parameter value from a TextBox control 7.10 Returning the country names with no repeats 7.11 Filling a drop-down list with data from a SqlDataSource 7.12 Changing the parameter source 7.13 Obtaining a parameter from a Session variable 7.14 Passing a parameter on a query string 7.15 Creating a Master/Detail Page 7.16 Designing the page layout 7.17 Fetching data for the master 7.18 Fetching data for the details 7.19 Configuring the GridView and DetailsView controls

8. Design ListView and Other Templated Controls 8.1 Understanding Templated Controls


Certified ASP.NET Programmer 8.2 Repeating yourself with the Repeater 8.3 Rolling Your Own with the ListView Control 8.4 Generating the DataContext 8.5 Configuring the LinqDataSource 8.6 Setting up the ListView 8.7 Displaying data with ItemTemplate 8.8 Editing records with EditItemTemplate 8.9 Adding records with InsertItemTemplate 8.10 Advising users there’s no data with EmptyDataTemplate 8.11 Using the ItemSeparatorTemplate 8.12 Making a horizontal list with flow 8.13 Using the DataPager with a ListView

9. Enhancing Pages with AJAX Control Toolkit 9.1 Introducing the AJAX Control Toolkit 9.2 Automatically Completing Data As the User Types 9.3 Creating the data lookup Web service 9.4 Creating the data lookup page 9.5 Enhancing a text box with the TextBoxWatermarkExtender 9.6 Adding style to a watermark 9.7 Guiding Input with a Masked Text Box 9.8 Creating a masked input 9.9 Using masks and custom characters 9.10 Choosing Dates with a Calendar


Certified ASP.NET Programmer 9.11 Positioning Content to Stay on Top 9.12 Creating a floating style 9.13 Adding Panel controls to make <div>s 9.14 Adding the AlwaysVisibleControlExtender on a page

10. Site Security Using Authentication Authentication and Membership 10.1 Understanding Authentication 10.2 Preparing a Site for Membership 10.3 Creating the Membership Database 10.4 Configuring forms authentication 10.5 Creating and enabling a role 10.6 Implementing Registration and Login 10.7 Creating the Registration page with CreateUserWizard 10.8 Creating the Login page 10.9 Creating the Password Recovery page 10.10 Configuring the SMTP (Mail) settings 10.11 Creating a Change Password page 10.12 Providing a Login/Logout link 10.13 Adding an Administration Area 10.14 Adding the Admin folder and a page 10.15 Building the Membership List page 10.16 Applying Roles and Security 10.17 Understanding access rules 10.18 Adding an administrator


Certified ASP.NET Programmer 10.19 Confirming the role-based security 10.20 Securing individual pages

11. Handling Exceptions 11.1 Understanding Exceptions and Their Messages 11.2 Global Error Handling 11.3 Catching and E-Mailing Exceptions 11.4 Using Try...Catch in Risky Situations 11.5 Executing a Statement, Finally 11.6 Some Common Error Messages and Where to Look 11.7 System.NullReferenceException 11.8 Are you missing an assembly reference? 11.9 ‘Button1_Click’ is not a member of ‘ASP.default2_aspx’

12. Application Deployment 12.1 Use the Copy Web Site Tool 12.2 Connecting via FTP 12.3 Connecting by using the FrontPage extensions 12.4 Connecting via the file system 12.5 Transferring files in the Copy Web tool 12.6 Use the SQL Publishing Wizard 12.7 Creating a database script 12.8 Creating a remote database from a script 12.9 Copy a SQL Express Database 12.10 Fix the @#$%*& SQL Connection


Certified ASP.NET Programmer 12.11 Choose an ASP.NET-Friendly Host 12.12 Gather Troubleshooting Info 12.13 Precompile If You’re Code Shy 12.14 Encrypt Connection Information 12.15 Some tips which helps you in building your application


Certified ASP.NET Programmer

Course Outline 1. Introducing to ASP.Net & .Net Framework 3.5 Explanation of basics about Microsoft’s .NET 3.5 Framework and ASP.NET 3.5 ASP.NET Features explanation covering postback, web forms, web services, event handler, page and ASP .Net application lifecycle JavaScript and Client-Side Code explanation Basics of AJAX and ASP.NET AJAX What is Dynamic HTML Extensible Markup Language (XML) and their advantages Illustration of MVC and ADO.NET concept covering SQL Server and Internet Information Services

2. C# Language Basics What is C# and its case sensitivity Comments in C# How to terminate statements in C# C# Blocks Variables, Data Types and Variable Operations in C# Conditional Logic by the if Statement and the switch Statement Loops in C# by the for, foreach and while Loop

3. Creating an Asp.net Website Explanation of Visual Studio IDE and its components Adding an ASP.NET control Previewing a page in the browser Adding controls to the VWDE Toolbox

4. Creating MyMoviesCollection Web Project SQL basics and using a SQL Server Express Database Adding a database to the project and a table to the database Generating a Data-Driven Web Page Previewing and reviewing the database-generated page

5. Managing Data and Other CRUD What is CRUD? Working with Smart Tags and Designers Enhancing the GridView Control and sorting, editing, and deleting with GridView Steps for formatting the date display www.vskills.in

Certified ASP.NET Programmer FormView Control basics Steps for Adding a FormView control to the page Steps to Change the FormView control’s templates Using the FormView control to insert a row Analyzing problems with the date input and validating it Fixing the Page Title problem Improving Performance with the AJAX Update Panel

6. Handling User Input and Events Accepting user input in a TextBox Control by creating a regular text box Accepting passwords (somewhat) securely Capturing text with MultiLine mode Getting rich text input RadioButton Control usage Grouping RadioButtonList Controls Adding list items with a Collection editor CheckBox and CheckBoxList Controls usage in C# For Each usage in the collection Using the DropDownList Control Understanding Namespaces Displaying the color name and showing the color Understanding ASP.NET Forms

7. Fetch and Present Data with SqlDataSource Connecting to SQL Server Express and Getting and adding to application, a copy of the Northwind database Connecting to the database by using the SqlDataSource Control Using command attributes in markup Consuming Data with the DetailsView Control Giving Parameters in Queries Getting a parameter value from a TextBox control Filling a drop-down list with data from a SqlDataSource Changing the parameter source Obtaining a parameter from a Session variable Passing a parameter on a query string Creating a Master/Detail Page Designing the page layout Fetching data for the master and the details Configuring the GridView and DetailsView controls

8. Design ListView and Other Templated Controls What are Templated Controls? Explaining usage of Repeater www.vskills.in

Certified ASP.NET Programmer Customizing ListView Control Getting the DataContext Configuring the LinqDataSource Setting up the ListView Using ItemTemplate, EditItemTemplate, InsertItemTemplate, EmptyData Template and the ItemSeparatorTemplate Making a horizontal list with flow Using the DataPager with a ListView

9. Enhancing Enhancing Pages with AJAX Control Toolkit Basics of the AJAX Control Toolkit and how to automatically Complete data As the User Types Creating Web service for data lookup and its page Using TextBoxWatermarkExtender for enhancing a text box Watermark styling Custom input by Masked Text Box and Using a masked input, masks and custom characters Dates selection with a Calendar control Always on Top Content positioning Using a floating style <div>s generation by adding Panel controls Utilizing the AlwaysVisibleControlExtender on a page

10. Site Security Using Authentication and Membership Explaining the concept of Authentication Site preparation for Membership and creating membership database Steps to configure forms authentication Creating and enabling roles of users and implementing registration and login Using CreateUserWizard for creating the Registration page and Login page How to creating the Password Recovery page and Change Password page SMTP (Mail) settings Configuration Providing a Login/Logout link Building an Administration Area, Admin folder and a admin page and the membership List page Applying Roles and Security on the application What are access rules Checking the role-based security and securing individual pages

11. Handling Exceptions Basics of Exceptions and Their Messages Global Error Handling and catching and e-mailing of exceptions Using Try...Catch and Finally Common Error Messages and their probable sources www.vskills.in

Certified ASP.NET Programmer Resolving errors like System.NullReferenceException, missing an assembly reference, and ‘Button1_Click’ is not a member of ‘ASP.default2_aspx’

12. Application Deployment Steps to use the Copy Web Site Tool How to Connect via FTP, the FrontPage extensions and the file system Using the Copy Web tool Steps to use the SQL Publishing Wizard Creating a database script and remote database from a script Steps to Copy a SQL Express Database Error resolution in SQL Connection and how to gather Troubleshooting Info Encrypting Connection Information Tips for building application


Certified ASP.NET Programmer

Sample Questions 1.

Which control is not supported by ASP.Net?

A. B. C. D.

TextBox Drop Down List Label DateTimePicker


What are the full form of CRUD?

A. B. C. D.

Create, Return, Update, Delete Create, Return, Update, Drop Create, Remove, Update, Drop Create, Retrive, Update, Delete


Which Template is used in List View to display data?

A. B. C. D.

DisplayItemTemplate DataTemplate ListTemplate ItemTemplate


Where do you set authentication mode in the ASP.NET application?

A. B. C. D.

You can set authentication mode using weB.config file You can set authentication mode using global.asax file You can set authentication mode using cookies You can set authentication mode using Web Service


What is the structure of exception handling?

A. B. C. D.

Try, Finally and Catch Try, Catch and Finally Catch, Try and Finally Catch, Finally and Try

Answers: 1 (D (D), 2 (D (D), 3 (D (D), 4 (A (A), 5 (B (B)


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