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April 2024 Special Needs Living Magazine
Reducing Provider’s Anxiety
TruCare provider services

IN EARLY 2023 , TruCare Provider Services received a service inquiry from an SSA (Service & Support Administrator) from Huron County, Ohio. Their inquiry was about TruCare’s Remote Support Services and how remote monitoring could help a young man named “Ben.” Ben resides with his mom, “Jean” in a small town in Huron County. Ben has been diagnosed with Prader Willi syndrome; a condition caused by a mutation of chromosome 15. A condition that affects 10,000 to 30,000 people worldwide, causes an individual to have an insatiable appetite, potentially leading to dangerous weight gain.
For years, Jean, along with staff members from school, and assistance from a daytime provider, has been able to help Ben manage his intake. Ben needs constant monitoring and periodic assistance. Since the completion of high school, Jean has missed lengthy periods of work, had the assistance of a provider during the day, and tried to manage his access to food with door locks and a privately purchased digital camera. Ben was clever and could sneak in and out of the house and into the kitchen through windows and gain access to food. Ben knows that eloping from his home is to his detriment, however, the desire was so insatiable he continued to do so.
TruCare met with Ben, Jean, and his SSA to discuss the situation and to devise a solution. Initially, you could feel the stress in the room and see the anxiety on Jean’s face. This had been an ongoing problem and we were selected to be the solution. During the discussion, it was determined that Ben felt secure in his home and that he becomes very irritated when his ISP (Individual Service Plan) is not followed. As Ben gets older, he has gained an increased desire for autonomy and hopes to live on his own someday. Ben experienced periods of loneliness and was eager to have companionship. TruCare further
explored Ben’s specific needs, while analyzing the layout of Ben’s home. The decision was made that additional digital cameras, door & window sensors were necessary to help Jean provide a safe and controlled environment for Ben. TruCare’s remote monitoring support team was in place to provide remote monitoring as needed by Jean and Ben. In tears, she implied she would get back to her day-to-day life knowing Ben was safe and able to mature into his.

TruCare’s specialization is to locate the appropriate technology that can help an individual in their existing residence, providing the necessary assistance for persons with physical and behavioral disabilities. Our tech support team consulted with Ben’s SSA to acquire the technology for the support he needs.
A new model was created in Ben and Jean’s home. A hybrid model where a care provider during the day, and Remote Monitoring during the night, enables Ben to live more autonomously and gives him the assistance he needs to live a healthy life. Jean, on the other hand, can continue with her career to provide for her family, have time to develop her relationship with her boyfriend, go out with her sister
for the first time in ten years, and know that Ben is not eloping and is not eating to excess. After the innovative technology was installed, instructions were given on how to operate the equipment. Ben was introduced to the monitoring staff and an individual response plan was initiated for day-to-day interaction.

The Remote Monitoring staff will be able to respond in a manner agreed upon by the SSA and Jean, decreasing anxiety for Jean and allowing Ben to live more independently. Ben went on and on about his favorite remote monitoring representative.
Information on social networking was provided to Ben to help meet others in his community and the smooth transition to technology has left Jean grateful knowing her son is safe and independent enabling him to flourish.