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Community Impact Q&A


COURTNEY JEANS Intervention specialist at North Canton City Schools


Question: Where do you work currently?

Answer: I work in North Canton City Schools, running the Transition U program located at Walsh University.

Question: What is your job title here?

Answer: Intervention Specialist — Moderate/Intensive

Question: How long have you been employed with your current job?

Answer: This is my eighth year running the Transition U program, my 10th year teaching

Question: What were your previous jobs in the industry?

Answer: During my first two years, I was employed in the district as an Individual Small Group Instructor, co-teaching various subjects.

Question: Educational background.

Answer: I obtained both my Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees at Kent State University. I am licensed to teach as a K-12 Intervention Specialist (Moderate/Intensive). My Master’s degree is in Intervention Specialist (Moderate/Intensive) with the Transition to Work Endorsement.

Question: What do your day-to-day job responsibilities include?

Answer: I spend time at Hoover each morning working with the teachers and students who run the school’s coffee shop, called Hot Spot. Then my day consists of teaching various life skills lessons and activities to my students, such as budgeting/money management, time management, nutrition, social skills, grocery shopping, cooking, employability training, etc. Tuesdays and Thursdays are considered “workdays,” where students use SARTA Proline to get to and from work. We currently have two amazing worksites the students go to for a couple of hours that allow them to work on developing employability skills. Fridays are our grocery shopping days, where we go to a local grocery store and students purchase items to pack their lunches for the following week.

Question: What is the inspiration behind why you work in this field?

Answer: My inspiration goes back to middle school, during “Eighth Grade Career Day.” That day, I shadowed a family friend who, at the time, was an Adaptive Physical Education Teacher at a specialized Early childhood program in Stark County. I was tossing a ball back and forth with a student, and he started talking to me. I later found out that was the first time his teachers ever heard him speak. It was a defining moment that impacted my life greatly and made choosing a career path very easy. Years later, after I became a teacher, it all came full circle, and I had the privilege of seeing him again and working with him at the high school.

Question: What part of your job are you most passionate about?

Answer: I love watching my students’ confidence in themselves build over time. From their first day in the program to the day they graduate, there is this momentum of confidence building that takes place in each of them that I hope never stops.

Question: What advice would you give to someone new to your field?

Answer: To give yourself some grace when you have tough days. Also, take the time to learn from your colleagues who have more experience.

Question: What is your favorite success story you have seen?

Answer: I think each time we celebrate students and have a graduation ceremony is a success story in itself. Whether the students are heading into employment or found a program that suits their needs, it is worth celebrating their new beginning.

Question: Do you feel like you’re making a difference in your job and why?

Answer: I do. However, it is not by my effort alone because I have amazing Educational Assistants. Also, this collaboration between North Canton City Schools and

Walsh University is one of a kind. Providing such a unique opportunity for students to continue to work on developing various daily living skills and employability skills before making that transition out of school.

Question: What advice would you give to parents in your field to help navigate?

Answer: The last few years of your students’ educational career can be daunting, to say the least. But you do not have to navigate this transition period alone. Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) and The Board of DD are great resources to invite to IEP meetings in high school.

Question: What has been the biggest factor in your career success?

Answer: I am blessed to work and collaborate with some amazing people on a daily basis. My Educational Assistants, past and present, have played a huge role in the success of this program, and they never get enough credit for all they do. I am also grateful for the support the program has received from the school district and Walsh University.

Question: What is your favorite nonprofit organization or volunteer opportunity?

Answer: I have always loved Gigi’s Playhouse! It is on my list to hopefully volunteer there someday!

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