3 minute read
November 2022 Special Needs Living Akron/Canton
I AM EXCEPTIONAL. Seeing Possibilities Instead Of Seeing Limits
I AM EXCEPTIONAL, written by Elaine Bender, shares a beautiful scripture-based message that highlights the truth that in God’s eyes, whatever our special needs might be, seen or unseen, we are all His creation and made in His image with special gifts and abilities.
“When we look at everyone through the eyes of God’s Word, we see possibilities and not limits.” I AM EXCEPTIONAL uplifts special needs children by demonstrating, through its beautiful message and life-affirming illustrations, how they are created with special gifts and abilities. Though the book is written in a way that makes it easy for a child to identify himself in it, it’s also a valuable resource for educators, therapists, and families by encouraging inclusion.
Many people with special needs are looked upon as limited or unable to contribute within their realm of influence, but that perspective dismisses the truth. I AM EXCEPTIONAL establishes a foundation for children to know and understand that all of us are created in the image of God and needed to fulfill His plan. Through our weaknesses, whether seen or unseen to those around us, God can display His strength.
God is the Creator of all people, and He needs each one of us to serve Him. We are all needed by God to show others how to live for Him.
Whether we can’t see, have limited mobility, a hearing impediment, or any other disability, all God’s children see and hear the Shepherd, and He works through them every day. I AM EXCEPTIONAL is a reminder for everyone that what counts is on the inside; what truly matters is in our hearts, and it is our weaknesses that display God’s strength.
We are all special and needed to fulfill God’s plan, this includes someone with special needs.
Through having her son and serving in the special needs ministry in her church, she saw the gifts each child had, not the limits that the world may see. “I loved being a part of sharing God with them, in a unique way they could understand,” she recalls. She could see the potential God had for each one and in the back of her mind, had a feeling God wanted her to share with others. This is what led her to write I AM EXCEPTIONAL. Elaine Bender continues to write and speak, and loves being in the community with her son, Grady. “If you don’t have personal experience with someone who has special needs, you may not be sure how to interact. I love questions and see that as a positive response for acceptance and inclusion. Our world is better with our son in it.” Visit www.elainebender.com to learn more or to purchase a copy of her book.