MoRPH Volume 1 Issue 1

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MoRPH Minds of Rutgers on Public Health

Fall 2012

Volume 1 IsSUE 1

In This Issue

Social Media and Risk Communication


Indoor Tanning and Its Link To Cancer


Recent Storms and Risk Communication


Mobile Health as a Program Prevention Method for Diabetes


Importance of Surge Capacity During Katherine Ficalora Public Health Response

Social Media and Risk Communication


isk Communication is not a new concept—it is, at its basis, a major part of public health and all forms of prevention. Risk Communication, however, is changing with the progress of technology and the advent of social media as well as social networking sites. The advantages to using social media for Public Health that must be understood for effective risk communication. Social media can be used to reach a target audience. This is its most important benefit. For example, certain issues such as motor vehicle accidents, substance abuse, and sexually transmitted disease are on the rise for the younger population demographic. Social media usually attracts many young users, informing the youth on this issue is made easier by using social media. Social media also helps to manage the always-low Public Health budget. The United States spends around $7,000 on healthcare per person, which is more than any other country. For every dollar spent on healthcare, 1 cent is spent on prevention programs. Social media services are essentially free, and they have the potential to loosen up budgets for public health education. One of the biggest benefits that comes from social media is the ability to see an almost immediate public reaction to risk communication measures. Conversation changes the public’s role from an audience to an active participant. Evaluation of risk

communication programs is made easier, and adjustments can be made more effectively. There are drawbacks to using social media for public health risk communication that must be understood as well. There is a lack of control over messages posted on social media websites. By studying Twitter, it has been found that that users of the website only give a fleeting amount of attention before moving on to the next. If a message is not perfectly crafted, or attention grabbing, it may be easily lost and ignored by the audience. In addition, websites like Twitter and Facebook limit the amount of characters that each message can contain, leaving little room necessary risk communication guidelines. Excluding groups is a possibility when using social media. For example, younger populations are easier to target since they are the primary users of social media. Outside of that population, social media use is very low, and it would be harder to target other age groups. In addition, different social networking sites are popular in different areas. Social media is one of the simplest, yet informal forms of communication, and many users distrust the information found of social medial sites. This is because of its ability to be consistently changed. In addition, studies have shown that there is a sharp decline over the trust of large organizations and government institutions.


Implementing Electronic Records in Public Health


Rise of Heroine Use Amongst Young Populations Suburbs


The Implications of Hookah Usage In Young Adults


The NJEHA and the Industrial Recovery Act


Building Community Resilience


Did you know that over 20,000 people currently like the APHA on Facebook? 1

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