Rotary International District 3054 - District Directory 2019-20

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Mark Maloney

Bina Desai

BINA DESAI 3054 twi er@Rotary3054, twi er@binadesai12ďŹƒce

District Governor Rotary Interna onal District 3054 District Governor OďŹƒce 2019-20 : 402, Shashwat Appts., Judges Bunglow Rd., Bodakdev, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015 M. : 9898020090 E. :

My Strong Support

Bina Desai District Governor 2019-20

Bina & Ashish Desai with Son Shashwat and Daughter Nirja

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Blessings Forever

Late Shri Kan bhai Desai and Late Manjulaben Desai

Bina Desai District Governor 2019-20

Shri Piyushbhai Trivedi and Late Vasan ben Trivedi

With gra tude I dedicate my Rotary journey and this year to my dear parents Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Proud Moment

Bina Desai District Governor 2019-20

DG Rtn Bina & Ashish with RI President Rtn. Mark Daniel Maloney & Gay at Interna onal Assembly, San Diego, USA

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Cherished Moments

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Index Sr. No.

Pg. No.

Par culars


Rotary Zone Map






Rotary Mobile App



Our Leaders : Profiles & Messages


Founder of Rotary: Paul Harris


The First Four Rotarians


Father of The Rotary Founda on


Guiding Principles of Rotary



Events, RI And District Cita on, Goals & Awards



Leading From The Front



Our Pillars



District Administra on Commi ees



RID 3050 Service Trust



RID 3050 Charitable Society - SSSS



SSSS : Rules & Regula on



Rotary's Six Areas of Focus



Club Service Avenue



Voca onal Service Avenue



Community Service Avenue



Interna onal Service Avenue



District Network Resource



New Genera on Service Avenue



The Rotary Founda on



District Literacy Commi ee



District Wins Commi ee



Zone Leaders



Club Leaders



Rotaract Movement : RID 3054


Let’s build a legacy... together!

13-28 29 30-31 32

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Index Sr. No.

Pg. No.

Par culars


Interna onal Award Recipients



RID3054 - Arch Klumph Society Members


Club Tool Kit



Rotary Informa on




Rotary Milestones



History Of Rotary Emblem



Important Rotary Websites


Rotary T-E-A-C-H Program



Rotary WinS Program



RID 3054 By-laws



Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on



Standard Rotary Club By-laws



Rotary Classifica on Principle



RI South Asia Office + RI HQ + Rotary News Trust


Licenced Vendors Of Rotary Merchandise


District Governors 2019-20



District Governors 2020-21



DG Office Bibliography

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403-404 405

423 451-473

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary Zone Map

Zones 4, 5, 6 & 7 and District 3054


Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Editorial Dear Fellow Rotarians,

Bhanu Gupta

Dharmendra Joshi

Dr. Kalpesh Shah Dr. Amish I. Patel

Rakesh Gupta

Kalpan Shah

Chaitanya Rana Shubham Singh

It is with immense pleasure that we place before you the District Directory of RID 3054 for the Rotary year 201920. It was indeed joie-de-vivre to shoulder the responsibility of this publica on. We have tried to make the directory simple, different and user-friendly. It has been a tough task to compile details of district with 6000+ membership and 127 + clubs. In spite of all sincere efforts and burning midnight oil, there may be errors in edi ng and prin ng for which you may pardon us. We hope you will make maximum use of it. We wish that this directory will serve its purpose and prove to be an effec ve means of communica on between all Rotarians of all clubs of RID 3054. The compila on of this directory has been a long and arduous task. It was as exci ng as challenging. We wish to evince gra tude towards those who have worked indefa gably to make this form a masterpiece. This task would not have taken place without the District Publica on Team. We express our feeling of grateful to PDG Harshad Udeshi for helping us with classifica on. Special thanks to Shaifali Desai for the Cover Page Design. We sincerely thank Mr. Shailesh Desai and his team of 'Hi Scan' and Mr. Bhavesh Sarawalia for this beau ful piece of publica on. We take the opportunity to specially thank all those who have worked behind the curtains for comple ng this publica on. Special Thanks to Rotaractors of Rotaract club of Kankaria for his regular help and support. We would like to place on paper, our deep sense of gra tude to our DG Rtn. Bina Ashish Desai, for reposing faith and trust in us to publish this directory. Wish you a wonderful 2019-20. Rotary Regards,

Rtn. Bhanu Gupta (Addl. Dist. Secretary – Publica on Commi ee) Let’s build a legacy... together!

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary Mobile App

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governor’s Profile

Bina Desai 2019-20 Rotary Club of Kankaria (Ahmedabad)

A gri y individual and persistent worker, the first woman District Governor of RID 3054, Rtn. Bina Desai's st re n gt h s a re C o m m u n i ca o n a n d S t rate g i c Management skills. A postgraduate in Microbiology, Rtn. Bina trained herself as a Pharmaceu cal chemist and is now a Pharmaceu cal consultant, with a social conscience, and has been keeping herself ac vely involved in social and service organisa ons working at the grass root level for the welfare of deprived children, among others. Rtn. Bina's deep concern for children belonging to the underprivileged sec on of society led her to be an ac ve part of Visamo Kids' Founda on since its incep on in 2002. As a Trustee at Avirat Founda on, Rtn. Bina also conducts ac vi es related to youth development, women's empowerment and the development of villages. Her Rotary career started as a member of Rotaract Club of Kankaria. She was invited to become a Rotarian in 2009 by Rotary Club of Kankaria (Ahmedabad). She was first woman President of the club in 2013-14. During her year as the President, Rtn. Bina ini ated various sustainable community service projects worth Rs. 1 crore (approx.) and she is also credited with the establishment of Rotary Vedic Women Empowerment Centre. This Centre trains needy women and empowers them with skills to work, earn & support their families. As the First Lady during 2012-13, Rtn. Bina mo vated other member-spouses from the District to form groups for collec ng books - under the "Hamari Asha" and set up 15 libraries by the end of her spouse's tenure. Rtn. Bina and PDG Ashish are blessed with two children. Their son, Shashwat, is a civil engineer and daughter, Nirja, is an architect. Shashwat has been the PDRR in 2016-17 and President of Rotaract South Asia MDIO for 2018-19. Ashish and Bina are Major donors. With interests such as travelling, listening to music, reading, understanding human behaviour as well as psychology, she is commi ed to build a legacy in the year 2019-20.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governor’s Message My Dear Legacy Builders, Rotary gree ngs to you… It gives me immense pleasure to present this District Directory to you all. It is a directory For Rotarians, By Rotarians and of Rotarians – a worthy and purposeful compila on, and useful for all.

Bina Desai 2019-20 Rotary Club of Kankaria (Ahmedabad)

Clubs should use it to greet each other, on their Charter Day, remember our Charter President, connect with fellow Presidents, and help connect our club’s President Elect with his counterparts. You must use it to meet and greet fellow Rotarians and visit clubs when you are travelling. You must use it for business networking as you get to know the Classifica on of each one listed in the directory. It should also be used to know and connect with Rotary leaders of our district, Rotarians on important assignments. The Directory also contains informa on about RI & DG Cita ons, District goals, Rotary Awards, Areas of Focus, Rotary Month Celebra ons, District Events and many more, which is useful to each club and Rotarian. Friends, the Rotary is all about great connec ons – connec ons between Rotarians, and connec on of Rotary with the community. And that’s exactly what RI President Mark Maloney means when he says, “Rotary Connects the World”. Let us ask the ques on to ourselves and try to get the answer, how many did we connect to, and how many did we help Rotary connect to? As we begin 2019-20, let us resolve that at the end of the year, we shall have a posi ve balance in our favour, in club membership, in club contribu ons, in partnerships, in number of beneficiaries of Rotary projects, in the number of our Rotary friends, in adding to public image of Rotary, and in our sa sfac on of being a Rotarian. Friends, I am confident, together, we can do wonders. And that is what I expect from you. Join me in reaching the goals. Join me in making this year different. Join me in celebra ng the 100th year of Rotary in India. by helping in contribu ng 100 Crores worth of Rotary service to the community in our district . Let’s Build A Legacy- Together... Bina Desai

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI President’s Profile

Mark Daniel Maloney 2019-20 Rotary Club of Decatur Alabama, USA

Mark Daniel Maloney is a principal in the law firm of Blackburn, Maloney, and Schuppert LLC, with a focus on taxa on, estate planning, and agricultural law. He re p re s e nt s l a rge fa r m i n g o p e ra o n s i n t h e Southeastern and Midwestern United States, and has chaired the American Bar Associa on's Commi ee on Agriculture in the sec on of taxa on. He is a member of the American Bar Associa on, Alabama State Bar Associa on, and the Alabama Law Ins tute. He has been ac ve in Decatur's religious community, chairing his church's finance council and a local Catholic school board. He has also served as president of the Community Founda on of Greater Decatur, chair of Morgan County Meals on Wheels, and director of the United Way of Morgan County and the Decatur-Morgan County Chamber of Commerce. A Rotarian since 1980, Maloney has served as an RI director; Founda on trustee and vice chair; and aide to 2003-04 RI President Jonathan Majiyagbe. He also has par cipated in the Council on Legisla on as chair, vice chair, parliamentarian, and trainer. He was an adviser to the 2004 Osaka Conven on Commi ee and chaired the 2014 Sydney Conven on Commi ee. Prior to serving as a district governor, Maloney led a Group Study Exchange to Nigeria. He also served as Future Vision Commi ee vice chair; regional Rotary Founda on coordinator; Founda on training ins tute moderator; Founda on permanent fund na onal adviser; member of the Peace Centers Commi ee; and adviser to the Founda on's Water, Sanita on, and Hygiene in Schools Target Challenge Commi ee.


Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI President’s Message Dear fellow Rotarians, When Gay and I began prac cing law, we joined my fatherin-law, Gilmer Blackburn, in his law firm. He had been prac cing law in Decatur, Alabama, for more than 25 years and, in that me, had also served for six years as the mayor of our city. One of the first things he taught us when we joined the firm — something he never stopped teaching, by word and by example — was the importance of paying what he referred to as our “civic rent.”

Mark Daniel Maloney 2019-20 Rotary Club of Decatur Alabama, USA

He considered paying your civic rent an obliga on similar to paying your taxes or contribu ng to your place of worship. You benefit from being here, and those benefits are not free. You need to give something back for the privilege of being part of your community. Organisa ons like Rotary allow us to pay our civic rent to our local and global communi es. And when we join Rotary - when we work to keep the organisa on itself strong, when we give back through Rotary with our abili es, our me, and our resources - we are declaring that we know that our presence in this world carries with it the obliga on to serve. All of the service that Rotary does, all of the lives we change, all of the children in the world who will never, ever get polio - all of this happens because we, joining together through Rotary, are strong. Because Rotarians, with the family of Rotary, have risen to the challenge and with each passing year strive to make our world a be er place. As a global organisa on with over 1.2 million members, Rotary Connects the World. You help make that connec on last and ensure both Rotary’s legacy and its future. Kindest regards,

Mark Daniel Maloney Rotary Interna onal President, 2019-2020

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI President Elect's Profile Holger Knaack, a member of the Rotary Club of Herzogtum Lauenburg-Molln, Germany. A Rotary member since 1992, Knaack has served Rotary as treasurer, director, moderator, member and chair of several commi ees, representa ve for the Council on Legisla on, zone coordinator, training leader, and district governor. Holger Knaack 2020-21 Rotary Club of Herzogtum Lauenburg-Molln, Germany

He is an endowment/major gi s adviser and co-chair of the Host Organiza on Commi ee for the 2019 Rotary Interna onal Conven on in Hamburg. Knaack is the CEO of Knaack KG, a real estate company. He was previously a partner and general manager of Knaack Enterprises, a 125-year-old family business. He is a founding member of the Civic Founda on of the City of Ratzeburg and served as president of the GoltClub Gut Grambek. Knaack is also the founder and chair of the Karl Adam Founda on. Knaack and his wife, Susanne, are Major Donors to The Rotary Founda on and members of the Bequest Society. To build a stronger membership, Knaack says Rotary must focus on increasing the number of female members and transi oning Rotaractors into Rotarians. Knaack believes that the People of Ac on campaign offers new public awareness possibili es for Rotary. "This campaign conveys our global image while s ll respec ng differences in regions and cultures," he says.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Blessings Dear Bina, I am happy to know that district 3054 is coming up with its directory under the leadership of Mrs. Bina Desai for the year 2019-20. I have known district 3054 personally as one of the most picturesque, colorful and historic Rotary districts in India. The district has had some very special and outstanding Rotarians and since it comprises of 2 of the most ac ve states of India, Gujarat and Rajasthan, it is always vibrant and dynamic.

Kalyan Banerjee 2011-12 Past RI President Rotary Club of Vapi

I wish DG Binaben a wonderful year as she leads the district to Build a Legacy together. Warm Regards, Kalyan Banerjee Past RIP, Vapi

Dear Bina, I am pleased to know that district 3054 is coming up with its directory for the Rotary year 2019-20. I would like to share with you the priori es of Rotary: • Increase Rotary's Impact • Expand Rotary's reach • Enhance par cipants' engagement • Increase the ability to adapt

Padmashri Sushil Gupta PRID - Past TRF Trustee Rotary Club of Delhi Midwest

All the above four priori es put together; can do wonders for Rotary in its membership drive and Service to the humanity. I am posi ve that your district will help in making Rotary more mature and vibrant by ensuring the above four priori es. I wish the team of RI District 3054 a great success in the Rotary Year 2019-20. I am also sure that each and every member of the District will live up to the mo o "Rotary Connects the World", under the leadership of President Mark Daniel Maloney and DG Bina Desai. Best wishes, Sushil Gupta

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI Director’s Profile

Dr. Bharat Pandya Zone 4 & 7 2019-21 Rotary Club of Borivali

Dr Bharat Pandya graduated from the pres gious Seth GS Medical College, KEM hospital, Mumbai and is prac cing as General & Laparoscopic surgeon for last 30 years. He is a Fellow of Interna onal College of Surgeons and has been conferred Fellowship by Associa on of Surgeons of India. He has served on the Board of Management of Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS), a Government of India sponsored Voca onal Training Ins tute for 6 years. He was the Governor of D 3140 in 2006-07. During his year as DG, D 3140 contributed over $ 2 million to The Rotary Founda on and for first me in history of TRF an Indian District - D 3140 - became number 1 in TRF contribu ons in the en re Rotary world. He has served Rotary as Regional RI Membership Coordinator(RRIMC), Rotary Interna onal Training Leader twice in 2009 & 2010, GETS Chair twice, Member of India Na onal PolioPlus Commi ee (201115) & GETS Trainer (8 mes). He has served on the R I Membership Commi ee, RI Sydney Conven on Promo on Commi ee and as Dist. 3140 COL Representa ve in 2013. He has been RI President's Representa ve at District conferences in India, Nepal, Pakistan & Philippines. Bharat & Madhavi are commi ed to The Rotary Founda on and are Level II Major Donors. He has been conferred Cita on of Meritorious Service and the Dis nguished Service Award by The Rotary Founda on and Rotary's highest award "Service Above Self. Dr Madhavi is a Gynecologist. She was the charter President of Inner Wheel Club of Borivali. She was District Chairperson of Inner Wheel District 314 for 2017-18.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI Director’s Message Dear Bina, I am happy to share some thoughts with you all through your district directory. The most important opportunity for service is today. The new Rotary year brings new opportuni es & new responsibili es. The true strength of Rotary is the Rotarians working sincerely in their clubs and communi es. Dr. Bharat Pandya Zone 4 & 7 2019-21 Rotary Club of Borivali

Each Rotarian has a different skill set and experience. Let us use it all posi vely and construc vely to reach out to touch and improve our communi es and our world. I urge 3054 Rotarians and Rotary clubs to focus on Membership growth, reten on and carry out needbased, meaningful service projects. This is the Centennial year of Rotary in India; so Think Big, Dream Big and Achieve Big. I compliment DG Bina Desai and her Team for their ini a ve in bringing out this directory. This directory will be a useful communica on tool for Rotarians to work for a Be er Rotary. I am sure that under the Leadership of DG Bina Desai D 3054 will keep scaling newer heights in Rotary service. My best wishes to DG Bina, Ashish & the Rotary Family of 3054 for the year 2019-20. Remember, 'Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others, without ge ng a few drops on yourself.' Dare To Dream and Do your Best. Be The TORCHBEARERS as Rotary CONNECTS the World. Enjoy Rotary Enjoy Yourself.

Dr. Bharat Pandya RI Director 2019-21

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI Director’s Profile A graduate in Pharmaceu cal Sciences from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Kamal is currently the Managing Director of his family owned Banking, Financing and Construc on Business. Member of Rotary Club of Dhanbad, served as the Governor of District 3250 in 2005-06. He currently serves Rotary Interna onal as Director 2019-21. Kamal Sanghavi Zone : 5 & 6 2019-21 Rotary Club of Dhanbad

He served Rotary Interna onal as Interna onal Training Leader twice, Member RI Rotaract Interact Commi ee & R.I. Leadership Development and planning commi ee, RRFC, RPIC, Chair Rotary Ins tute, Chair Rotary South Asia Summit, Chair GETS, Chair Presiden al conference, Coordinator mul district pets etc, etc. He has represented Rotary Interna onal Presidents as their representa ve 7 mes to USA, Pakistan, Australia, Philippines etc A pioneer of Voca onal Training Centers, polio correc ve surgery camps and ar ficial limb camps . He inked the "Aman Ki Asha" Agreement between Pakistan and India for Healing Li le hearts Program for opera ng Pakistani children in India for Heart Diseases. He has cofounded the Shelter Kits program and Rotary India Literacy Mission . For his selfless service, he has been awarded the Service Above Self Award and Four Avenue Service Award by Rotary Interna onal. TRF has bestowed the Cita on for Meritorious Service and Dis nguished Service Award on him. He is a level 2 major donor and bequest society member. Married to Rtn. Sonal an architect and has two sons Khwab and Raavishu.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI Director’s Message Sonal joins me in congratula ng you and your team. New order is being created , bringing with it new hues of colour, freshness , commitment and vigor.

Kamal Sanghavi Zone : 5 & 6 2019-21 Rotary Club of Dhanbad

The District Directory is one of the most important publica ons for all the Rotarians of the district . I am sure yours for the year 2019-20, will meet all the criterias as an useful resource for Rotarians to stay in touch with each other , networking and informa on of district events and projects . It is me for you and your team to ghten your belts to dedicate yourselves in service to the world. The needs in the world are greater and more diverse than ever before. The challenges we face making the world equitable, more just , over broad range of human needs, amount indeed to a steep mountain climb. Yet the climbing must be done. The future of Rotary is in our hands, So let us seize the opportunity to convert Dreams into reality and carry out R.I.President Elect , Mark Maloney’s program in the coming year, making a difference by bringing Peace Through Service to the lives of less fortunate around us by Being An Inspira on and Connec ng the World in doing so . With best wishes for an even ul Rotary year . Sincerely.

PDG. Kamal Sanghvi RIDE 2019-21

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

TRF Trustee’s Message Dear Fellow Rotarians, Thirty years ago in March 1989, Bri sh Scien st and Web Legend, Tim Berners-Lee then working at C.E.R.N., created what we know as the World Wide Web. I find it very appropriate therefore, that R.I.President Elect Mark Maloney's Presiden al Theme for 2019-20 is 'Rotary Connects the World". Gulam A. Vahanvaty 2018-22 Rotary Club of Bombay

Networking and Connec ng are the 'buzzwords' of the Informa on Age, but I believe that the essence of Mark's message is that Rotary offers "connec ons" to people all over the world. However, there is an essen al difference between the World Wide Web and Rotary. While the Internet connects computers all over the World, Rotary uses the same computers to connect "service-minded" people all over the World. We are on the verge of making the world Polio Free. Our service project ini a ves in our Founda on's six Areas of Focus are truly making a difference to the community. It has long been my belief that 'Working Together Works", and that if Rotarians across the Rotary world connect and work together, we shall surely achieve our avowed mission of "Doing Good in the World"! R.I. 3054 is one of our prime districts. DGE Bina, PDG Ashish and I have had a long associa on and I am confident that with Bina at the helm and the excellent Team that she has put together, Rotary Year 2019-20, will be a year to cherish. I wish Bina, Ashish and the Team all the very best as they venture forth and ensure that Rotary "Connects The World". With Best Wishes and Regards,

Gulam A Vahanvaty, Trustee - TRF

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governor Elect’s Profile DGE Rtn. Rajesh Agarwal is a successful business professional dealing with the distribu on of electrical equipment and manufacturing of electrical panels. His zeal to give back has egged him on to always strive for serving the community and for which he finds that his being in Rotary has empowered him to fulfill his ambi on of doing just that. Rajesh Agrawal 2020-21 Rotary Club of Kota

Rtn. Agarwal joined the Rotary Club of Kota in 2000 (RID 3050) and went on to becoming the Club President in 2009-10. During his tenure, he may be credited for having executed various significant projects such as blood-dona on, facilita ng highest growth in Membership, Polio correc on surgery camps, providing ar ficial limbs to the needy, establishing a women's Voca onal Training Centre and the Rotary Glaucomadetec on Centre, among others. For such exemplary contribu on to the community, Rtn. Agarwal was felicitated by the District Administra on with the Best President award for the year 2009-10. The following years saw him rising in Rotary ranks as he took on the mantle of Assistant Governor in 2010-11; Dist. Co-Chairman for Blood Dona on in 2011-12; Dist. Vice Chairman for Interna onal Service in 2012-13; Dist. Chairman for Membership Extension in 2013-14 and 2014-15; Chairman, District Conference in 2015-16; Dist. Chairman, New Genera on in 2016-17; Dist. Chairman for Voca onal Service in 2017-18; and, Dist. Chairman, Global Awards for 2018-19. A sports enthusiast, Rtn. Agarwal has played Basketball and Cricket at the University Level and, is also a Marathon Runner as well as Cyclist. Married to Vandana Agarwal, the couple is blessed with two children. Their son, Tanmay, holds a B. Tech. and has joined the family business and the daughter, Aastha, is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Law at Nirma University, Ahmedabad. Rtn. Rajesh Agarwal also has the proud dis nc on of being a MPHF Level-2.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governor Nominee’s Profile Born on 15th September, 1960 at Ajmer (Rajasthan), Rtn. Er. Ashok Mangal is an Engineering Graduate in Electrical branch from N. I. T. Surat and graduated at a young age of less than 21 years.

Ashok Mangal 2021-22 Rotary Club of Palanpur

He got an appointment in campus interview only in UGVCL Engineer as a Graduate Appren ce Trainee and reached up to the highest post of Chief Engineer, and re red recently on 30th September 2018. Under his leadership UGVCL has received six na onal level awards. Joined Rotary Club of Palanpur in 1998 and since then taking ac ve part in various ac vi es. He was awarded as an outstanding Rotarian of the club in 1998-99. He was the Editor of club bulle n "ROPAL" con nuously for 10 years. He became the President of the club in the year 2005-06. He was an Assistant Governor in the year 2008-09 and was the District Chairman for Rotary Informa on, in the year 2009-10 & 2010-11. His weekly Rotary Informa on mail "Saturday Night Rotary" was appreciated by each and every Rotarian. He was the District Chairman for Rotaract, in the year 2012-13 & 2013-14 and ac vated all the Rotaract clubs in a very big way. Ashok is ac ve in various other social ac vi es as well. He has served as the Secretary of Agrawal Samaj Palanpur for 8 years ll 2006. He is member of Akhil Bharat Agrawal Sammelan and VP of Gujarat Pradesh Agrawal Mahasabha. He had very ac vely worked for the Engineers Associa on of UGVCL also. He has also served in Shivam, a Parent's associa on of Vidhyamandir English Medium School con nuously for 15 years in various capaci es. Happily married with Pushpa and blessed with a daughter Himakshi. Pushpa is also ac vely involved in the Inner Wheel Club of Palanpur and was the President of the Inner Wheel club in the year 2007-08. Daughter Himakshi has done M. C. A. She was the Charter President of Rotaract Club of Palanpur Diamond City.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Innerwheel Chairman’s Profile Known for her popular and affec onate personality, Rachna Sanghi is an old associate of the Rotary family. A graduate from Lady Shri Ram College, she has been an entrepreneur all her life, running her family business out of Jodhpur. She did a program from IIM-U in 2013. She founded a charitable trust in the memory of her father-inlaw, statesman and parliamentarian Shri N. K. Sanghi.

Rachna Sanghi District Chairman 2019-20 District 305

A member of Inner Wheel since 1984, she was the President of her club in 2007-08 and received the Best President award. During the same year she founded Inner Wheel Club Jodhpur Charitable Trust, managing it ll date. She’s a ended various events including Golden and Diamond Jubilee celebra ons at Jodhpur and Delhi, Triennial Conference at Kolkata and Pune, various Intercity and Literacy meets, the Swarna Manjari at Varanasi, Mul District Rally at Amritsar, to name a few. Her vision, for her chairmanship, includes working for slum development, conserva on of water, figh ng a ba le against plas c, improving the quality of educa on in government schools, and promo ng of Indian heritage among the youth. She loves reading books and believes it is the best gi to give.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Rotaract Representa ve’s Profile Imran Jat is the District Rotaract Representa ve of Rotary Interna onal District 3054. He has been a part of Rotaract since past one decade. He has been an ac ve Rotaractor from Rotaract Club of Mundra, currently his home club is Rotaract Club of SRK Ins tute where he is pursuing his Masters in Social Work. Imran in his Rotaract career has earned a very reputed name across the District. He has served the District at various posi ons.

Imran Jat RI District 3054 District Rotaract Representa ve Rotaract Club of SRK Ins tute

Sergeant at Arms at RC Mundra Club president RC Mundra Club advisor RC Mundra Special aide to DRR 2016-2017, 2017-2019 Distrct Conference Chairman 2017-18 AVICHAL District Conference Chairman 2019-20 PHOENIX He has bagged many awards towards his services few of them are: 1. Fabulous Rotaractor of the year 2009 2. Best Rotaractor of the year 2014 3. Fabulous Rotaractor of the year 2015 4. Luminous Rotaractor of the year 2018 Imran Jat being a renowned businessman in Mundra, is the Director of Royal Group of Companies. He has been suppor ng district through his par cipa on both physically & financially. He has been awarded by various other district for his sponsorship in social projects.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Founder of Rotary Rotary started with the vision of one man — Paul P. Harris. Harris was born on 19 April 1868 in Racine, Wisconsin, USA. At age 3, he moved to Wallingford, Vermont, where he grew up in the care of his paternal grandparents. He a ended the University of Vermont and Princeton University and received his law degree from the University of Iowa in 1891. Paul P. Harris Rotary Club of Chicago

In 1896, Harris se led in Chicago and opened a law prac ce. Four years later, he met fellow a orney Bob Frank for dinner on Chicago's North Side. Harris persuaded several business associates to discuss the idea of forming an organiza on for local professionals. In February 1907, Harris was elected the third president of the Rotary Club of Chicago. Toward the end of his presidency, he worked to expand Rotary beyond the city. By 1910, Rotary had expanded to several other major U.S. ci es. Harris recognized the need to form a na onal associa on with an execu ve board of directors. In August 1910, Rotarians held their first na onal conven on in Chicago, where 16 exis ng clubs unified as the Na onal Associa on of Rotary Clubs (now Rotary Interna onal). The new associa on unanimously elected Harris as its president. Harris died on 27 January 1947 in Chicago at age 78, a er a prolonged illness. Before his death, he made it known that he preferred contribu ons to The Rotary Founda on in lieu of flowers. Upon news of his death, Rotary created the Paul Harris Memorial Fund as a way to solicit these dona ons. Rotarians were encouraged to commemorate the late founder of Rotary by contribu ng to the fund, which would be used for purposes dear to Harris' heart. In the 18 months following his death, The Rotary Founda on received $1.3 million, which helped support the Founda on's first program — scholarships for graduate study abroad.

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The First Four Rotarians

The first four Rotarians. From left: Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, Hiram E. Shorey, Paul P. Harris.

On 23rd February, 1905, Paul P. Harris, Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, and Hiram E. Shorey gathered in Loehr's office for what would become known as the first Rotary club mee ng. Harris' desire for camaraderie among business associates brought together these four men and eventually led to an interna onal organiza on of service and fellowship. Each of the first four Rotarians, and Harry L. Ruggles, who is o en called the "fi h Rotarian," brought different professional perspec ves to the organisa on.

Rotary's founder, Harris, was born in Racine, Wisconsin, USA, on 19th April, 1868. He was raised by his paternal grandparents in Vermont and a ended the University of Vermont, Princeton, and the University of Iowa. Harris, a lawyer, was Rotary president from 1910 to 1912 and a member of the Rotary Club of Chicago un l his death on 27th January, 1947. Paul Harris

Loehr, a mining engineer, was born on 18th October, 1864 in Carlinville, Illinois, USA. He was a Rotarian for only a few years, never holding office at the club or interna onal level. But that first Rotary mee ng was held in his office, Room 711 of the Unity Building in downtown Chicago. He died in Chicago on 23rd May, 1918. Gustavus Loehr

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

The First Four Rotarians

Shorey, a merchant tailor, served as recording secretary during the club's first year. He was a Rotarian for only a few years, too. He was born in Maine, USA, in August 1862 and died in March, 1944. Hiram E. Shorey

Silvester Schiele.

Harry L. Ruggles

Schiele, a coal dealer, served as the Chicago club's first president in 1905 and Rotary Interna onal's treasurer from July to December 1945. Born in Terre Haute, Indiana, USA, in June 1870, Schiele a ended Terre Haute Business College and served in the U.S. Army during the Spanish- American War. He was the president of the Schiele Coal Company from 1902 un l his re rement in 1939. He and Harris became lifelong friends and lived near each other on the South Side of Chicago. Schiele died on 17th December, 1945 and is buried near Harris at Mount Hope Cemetery. Originally from Michigan, Ruggles was a graduate of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, and joined Rotary at its second mee ng. He was the treasurer of the Chicago club during its first year, the club president from 1908 to 1910, and a Rotary director from 1912 to 1913. He is known for having introduced singing to Rotary club mee ngs. His prin ng company, H.L. Ruggles & Co., printed the first issue of The Na onal Rotarian and the first Rotary songbook. He died on 23rd October, 1959, an honorary member of seven clubs in addi on to his home club, The Rotary Club of Chicago.

Step back in me to the first Rotary mee ng on 23 February 1905. Paul Harris met with three acquaintances in Room 711 of the Unity Building in Chicago.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Father of The Rotary Founda on For a man best known as the father of The Rotary Founda on, Arch C. Klumph was modest about his role in its crea on.

Arch C. Klumph

In 1928, he listed three accomplishments that gave h i m " m o r e s a s fa c o n t h a n a n y o t h e r contribu ons to Rotary" — and launching the Founda on wasn't amongst them. Instead, he emp h a s ized h is ro l e i n w r i n g Ro ta r y ' s Cons tu on in 1915, which he asserted "gave Rotary Interna onal its first centralised power and made all the Objects and fundamentals of Rotary universal." He also took pride in establishing a endance reports and in being the first to insist on founding an European branch office of Rotary Interna onal. K l u m p h wa s b o r n i n t h e s m a l l to w n o f Conneautville, Pennsylvania, USA, on 6th June, 1869. He became a founding member of the Rotary Club of Cleveland in 1911. As a club president in 1913, he advocated for the club to build a reserve that would ensure its means to do future good work. Five years a er he became a Rotarian, Klumph was elected to serve as Rotary's president for 1916-17. He defined six points of ac on, including the establishment of an endowment, which would later become The Rotary Founda on: Through Klumph's simple yet profound statement, the Rotary Endowment Fund was born. In 1928, the name formally changed to The Rotary Founda on, and a Board of Trustees was established, with Klumph serving as the first trustee chair from 1928 to 1935. Klumph died on 3rd June, 1951 at age 82, but his influence lives on through The Founda on.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Fundamentals of Rotary Mo o : Service Above Self Vision Statement Together, we see a world where people unite and take ac on to create las ng change across the globe, in our communi es, and in ourselves.

Mission The mission of Rotary Interna onal is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professionals, and community leaders. See the RI Strategic Plan.

Object of Rotary

Avenues of Service

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in par cular, to encourage and foster :

We channel our commitment to service at home and abroad through five Avenues of Services, which are the founda on of club ac vity. • Club Service focuses on making clubs strong. A thriving club is anchored by strong rela onships and an ac ve membership development plan. • Voca onal Service calls on every Rotarian to work with integrity and contribute their exper se to the problems and needs of society. • Community Service encourages every Rotarian to find ways to improve the quality of life for people in their communi es and to serve the public interest. • Interna onal Service exemplifies our global reach in promo ng peace and understanding. We support this service avenue by sponsoring or volunteering on interna onal projects, seeking partners abroad, and more. • Youth Service recognises the importance of empowering youth and young professionals through leadership development programs such as Rotaract, Interact, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, and Rotary Youth Exchange.

First : The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; Second : High ethical standards in business and professions; the recogni on of the worthiness of all useful occupa ons; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupa on as an opportunity to serve the society; Third : The applica on of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; Fourth : The advancement of interna onal understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

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Core Values Core Values Rotary’s core values represent the guiding principles of the organiza on's culture, including what guides members’ priori es and ac ons within the organiza on. Values are an increasingly important component in strategic planning because they drive the intent and direc on of the organiza on's leadership. Service We believe that our service ac vi es and programs bring about greater world understanding and peace Service is a major element of our mission. Through the plans and ac ons of individual clubs, we create a culture of service throughout our organiza on that provides unparalleled sa sfac on for those who serve. Fellowship We believe that individual efforts focus on individual needs, but combined efforts serve humanity The power of combined efforts knows no limita on, mul plies resources, and broadens our lives and perspec ves. Fellowship leads to tolerance and transcends racial, na onal, and other boundaries. Diversity We believe Rotary unifies all people interna onally behind the ideal of service We encourage diversity of voca ons within our membership and in our ac vi es and service work. A club that reflects its business and professional community is a club with a key to its future. Integrity We are commi ed to and expect accountability from our leaders and fellow members, both in the results of our efforts and in the processes we use to accomplish our goals. We adhere to high ethical and professional standards in our work and personal rela onships We are fair and respec ul in our interac ons, and we conscien ously steward the resources entrusted to us. Leadership We are a global fellowship of individuals who are leaders in their fields of endeavor We believe in the importance of leadership development and in leadership as a quality of our members. As Rotarians, we are leaders in implemen ng our core values. All of these core values are reflected in the Object of Rotary and The Four-Way Test, which we use in our daily lives They inspire us to foster and support the ideal of service for developing and maintaining high ethical standards in human rela ons.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary’s Code of Conduct As a Rotarian, I will 1. Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and ac vi es 2. Use my voca onal experience and talents to serve in Rotary 3. Conduct all of my personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an example to others 4. Be fair in all dealings with others and treat them with the respect due to them as fellow human beings 5. Promote recogni on and respect for all occupa ons which arc useful to society 6. Offer my voca onal talents: to provide opportuni es for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in my community 7. Honour the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or reflect adversely on Rotary or fellow Rotarians 8. Not seek from a fellow Rotarían a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional rela onship

Photograph of the Rotarians who dra ed the Rotary Code of Ethics. Le to right (standing): Dr. Frank Murphy, John Knutson, Thomas Ho on, all of Sioux City, Iowa, Seated : August Williges, of Sioux City, J. R. Perkins, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Jim Whi more, of Sioux City, Iowa.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

4-Way Test & It’s History The Four Way Test Of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? More than 60 years ago, in the midst of the Great Depression, a US. Rotarian devised a simple, four-part ethical guideline that helped him rescue a beleaguered business. The statement and the principles it embodied also helped many others find their own ethical compass. Soon embraced and popularized by Rotary interna onal, The Four-Way Test today stands as one of the organiza on's hallmarks. It may very well be one of the most famous statements of our century. Herbert J. Taylor, author of the Test, was a mover, a doer, a consummate salesman and a leader of men. He was a man of ac on, faith and high moral principle. Born in Michigan, USA, in 1893, he worked his way through Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. A er gradua on, Herb went to France on a mission for the YMCA and the Bri sh Army welfare service and served in the US. Navy Supply Corps in World War I. In 1919, he married Gloria Forbrich, and the couple set up housekeeping in Oklahoma, USA, where he worked for the Sinclair Oil Company. A er a year, he resigned and went into insurance, real estate and oil lease brokerage With some prosperous years behind him, Herb returned to Chicago, Illinois, in 1925 and began a swi rise within the Jewel Tea Company. He soon joined the Rotary Club of Chicago. In line for the presidency of Jewel in 1932, Herb was asked to help revive the near-bankrupt Club Aluminum Company of Chicago. The cookware manufacturing company owed $400,000 more than its total assets and was barely staying afloat. Herb responded to the challenge and decided to cast his lot with this troubled firm. He resigned from Jewel Tea, taking an 80 percent pay cut to become president a Club Aluminum. He even invested $6,100 of his own money in the company to give it some opera ng capital. Looking for a way to resuscitate the company and caught in the Depression's doldrums, Herb, deeply religious, prayed for inspira on to cra a short measuring s ck of ethics for the staff to use. As he thought about an ethical guideline for the company, he first wrote a statement of about 100 words but decided that it was too long. He con nued to work, reducing it to seven points. In fact, The Four-Way Test was once a Seven-Way Test. It was s ll too long, and he finally reduced it to the four searching ques ons that comprise the Test today. Next, he checked the statement with his four department heads: a Roman Catholic, a Chris an Scien st, an Orthodox Jew and a Presbyterian. They all agreed that the Test's principles not only coincided with their religious beliefs, but also provided an exemplary guide for personal and business life. And so, "The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do" was born. Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Strategic Plan As we stand on the cusp of elimina ng polio, we find ourselves poised for our next challenge. The me is right to move toward realizing a new vision that brings more people together, increases our impact, and creates las ng change around the world. To achieve the vision of Rotary Interna onal and The Rotary Founda on, we have set four priori es that will direct our work over the next five years.

Increase Our Impact People of Ac on are effec ve problem-solvers. Ÿ Eradicate polio and leverage the legacy Ÿ Focus our programs and offerings Ÿ Improve our ability to achieve and measure impact Let’s seek out new ways to translate our exper se into making a difference—in our communi es and across the globe. Let’s prove that our impact on the world has only just begun.

Expand Our Reach People of Ac on ac vate and inspire one another. Grow and diversify our membership and par cipa on Create new channels into Rotary Increase Rotary's openness and appeal Build awareness of our impact and brand Let’s build connec ons and opportuni es that will allow people who share our drive to do the same. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Enhance Par cipant Engagement People of Ac on strive to understand the needs of others. Support clubs to be er engage their members Develop a par cipant-centered approach to deliver value Offer new opportuni es for personal and professional connec on Provide leadership development and skills training Let’s recommit to pu ng the needs, expecta ons, and growth of our par cipants at the center of all we do. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Increase Our Ability to Adopt People of Ac on are inven ve, entrepreneurial, and resilient. Build a culture of research, innova on, and willingness to take risks Streamline governance, structure, and processes Review governance to foster more diverse perspec ves in decision-making Let’s stay true to ourselves and stay ahead of change in our next 115 years. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Events Date

Event Type


Proposed Location

12 Jan. 2019 to Interna onal Assembly 19 Jan. 2019 22 Feb. 2019 to 24 Feb. 2019


13 Apr. 2019 to 14 Apr. 2019 14 Apr. 2019

Training for President Ahmedabad & Secretary District Grant Seminar



04 May 2019 to 05 May 2019

Training for Incoming Udaipur oďŹƒcers

01 Jun. 2019 to Interna onal Conven on 05 Jun. 2019

Interna onal Event

Hamburg, Germany

28 Jul. 2019

Awareness Seminar


4 Aug. 2019

Zones of Rajasthan


11 Aug. 2019

Zones of Gujarat


Zones of Gujarat & Rajasthan

Ahmedabad, Patan, Bhuj, Udaipur, Pali, Dausa, Kota, Jaipur

01 Sep. 2019

Awareness Seminar


08 Sep. 2019

Zones Of Gujarat


22 Sep. 2019

Zones Of Rajasthan


29 Sep. 2019

Zones Of Gujarat


13 Oct. 2019

Zones Of Rajasthan


21 Dec. 2019 to 22 Dec. 2019

District Event


18 Aug. 2019

New Member Orienta on

13 Feb. 2020

Celebra on of 100 years of Rotary in India



23 Feb. 2020

Celebra on of Rotary Day

District Event


05 Jun. 2020 to Interna onal Conven on 10 Jun 2020

Interna onal Event

Honolulu, Hawai

21 Jun 2020

District Event


District Awards Func on

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Major District Events

22nd - 24th February 2019 Host: RC Kota Location: Ranthambore

Friendship | Fellowship Service Let’s build a legacy... together!


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District Conference

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Ready Reckoner Calender July, 2019 1st July 28th July

December, 2019

Doctors' Day CSR Meet at Gandhinagar

21st & 22nd Dec 25th Dec

August, 2019 11th Aug

January, 2020

“Abhivridhhi” – Membership & Public Image Seminar (Gujarat), Mehsana Bakri Id Independence Day & Raksha Bandhan “Abhivridhhi” – Membership & Public Image Seminar (Rajasthan), Kota Janmashtami

12th Aug 15th Aug 18th Aug

24th Aug

29th Sep 29th Sep

February, 2020

21st Feb 23rd Feb

24th Oct 27th Oct 28th Oct 29th Oct

* District Events

World Thalassemia Day Ramzan Id

June, 2019 5th to 10th Jun 14th Jun

Id -E-Milad World Diabi es Day World Toilet Day

Rotary Interna onal Conven on, Honolulu World Awareness Day for Blood Dona on “Aabhar” – District Awards Func on, Udaipur Interna onal Yoga Day

21st Jun 21st Jun

Interna onal Day

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Preven on of Blindness Week Ramnavmi Mahavir Jayan Hanuman Jayan World Health Day

May, 2020 8th May 24th May

November, 2019 10th Nov 14th Nov 19th Nov

Interna onal Women's Day Holi & Dhule World Kidney Day World Disabled Day World Water Day World TB Day

April, 2020 1st to 7th Apr 2nd Apr 6th Apr 7th Apr 7th Apr

Na onal Voluntary Blood Dona on Day Gandhi Jayan World Teachers' Day Dusshera World Sight Day “Anudaan” – TRF & Polio Seminar (Rajasthan), Jaipur UN Day Diwali New Year Day Bhai Duj

2nd Oct 5th Oct 7th Oct 10th Oct 13th Oct

World Cancer Day 100 Year Celebra on of Rotary in India – Presiden al Conference, Kolkata Mahashivratri 100 Year Celebra on of Rotary in India – District Celebra on, Jaipur

March, 2020 8th Mar 10th Mar 12th Mar 15th Mar 22nd Mar 24th Mar

October, 2019 1st Oct

Makar Sankrant Day Republic Day

4th Feb 14th to 16th Feb

CSR Meet at Jaipur Ganesh Chaturthi / Samvatsari Na onal Teachers' Day “Aaradhana” – TEACH & WINS Seminar (Gujarat), Bhuj Interna onal Literacy Day Muharram “Aaradhana” – TEACH & WINS Seminar (Rajasthan), Jaipur “Anudaan” – TRF & Polio Seminar (Gujarat), Palanpur World Heart Day

8th Sep 10th Sep 22nd Sep

RYLA, Deesa

10th to 12th Jan 14th Jan 26th Jan

September, 2019 1st Sep 2nd Sep 5th Sep 8th Sep

“Viraasat” – District Conference, Ahmedabad Christmas

Fes vals


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI President’s Cita on 2019-2020 Rotary Cita on - For Rotary Clubs The Rotary Cita on recognise Rotary clubs that support our strategic priori es by comple ng certain ac vi es. Clubs have the en re Rotary year to achieve the cita on’s goals. Rotary can automa cally verify many of your club’s achievements as long as you keep your club and member informa on up-to-date in My Rotary. To be eligible for the Rotary Cita on, clubs need to begin the year as ac ve clubs that are in good standing and remain so throughout the year. Achievements will be compared with membership figures from 1st July, 2019 and will be recognized a er the 1st July, 2020 numbers are final, on 15th August 2020.

UNITE PEOPLE Achieve at least 5 of the following goals: • Appoint an ac ve club membership commi ee comprised of no less than five members and report the chair to Rotary Interna onal • Achieve a net gain in membership • Maintain or improve your club's reten on of current and new members: o Improve your club's reten on rate by 1 percentage point or o If your club's reten on rate was 90 percent or more in 2018-2019, maintain it • Achieve a net gain in female members or members under the age of 40 • Conduct a study of your members' occupa ons, and work to align your membership with the mix of businesses and professions in your community • Sponsor or co-sponsor a new Rotary club or Rotary Community Corps • Sponsor or co-sponsor an Interact or Rotaract club • Host an event for Rotary alumni, and highlight Rotary's networking opportuni es • Sponsor a Youth Exchange student or RYLA par cipant

TAKE ACTION Achieve at least 5 of the following goals: • Appoint an ac ve club Founda on commi ee comprised of no less than five members and report the chair to Rotary Interna onal • Increase the number of members involved in service projects • Contribute at least $100 per capita to the Annual Fund of The Rotary Founda on • Hold an event to raise funds for, or to increase awareness of, Rotary's work toward polio eradica on • Conduct a significant local or interna onal service project in one of Rotary's six areas of focus • Post successful club projects, with details about ac vi es, volunteer hours, and funds raised, on • Con nue or establish a partnership with a corporate, governmental, or nonLet’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI President’s Cita on governmental en ty and work on a project together • Use Rotary's brand guidelines, templates, People of Ac on campaign materials, and related resources • Arrange for the club's members to talk with the media to tell your club's and Rotary's story

2019-2020 Rotary Cita on - For Rotaract Clubs The Rotary Cita on for Rotaract Clubs recognise clubs that support our strategic priori es by comple ng certain ac vi es. Clubs have the en re Rotary year to achieve the cita on’s goals. To be eligible for the Rotary Cita on, Rotaract clubs need to be cer fied by Rotary Interna onal and endorsed by the district governor before 1st July, 2019. Clubs will report their achievements by submi ng a nomina on form by 15th August, 2020.

UNITE PEOPLE Achieve at least 3 o he following goals: • Achieve a net gain of one member • Have at least 50 percent of members add their skills and interests in their profiles on My Rotary • Establish or maintain a twin club rela onship • Host an ac vity or event during World Rotaract Week (the anniversary of Rotaract); invite the media and tell your club's, and Rotary's, story • Par cipate in a networking event or social ac vity with your sponsor Rotary club

TAKE ACTION Achieve at least 3 of the following goals: • Achieve an average minimum PolioPlus contribu on of $25 per member • Hold an event to raise funds for, or to increase awareness of, Rotary's work toward polio eradica on • Partner with your sponsor Rotary club on a significant local or interna onal service project in one of Rotary's six areas of focus • Post successful club projects, with details about ac vi es, volunteer hours, and funds raised, on • Use Rotary's brand guidelines, templates, People of Ac on campaign materials, and related resources

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RI President’s Cita on 2019-2020 Rotary Cita on - For Interact Club The Rotary Cita on for Interact Clubs recognise clubs that support each of our strategic priori es by comple ng certain ac vi es. Clubs have the en re Rotary year to achieve the cita on’s goals. To be eligible for the Rotary Cita on, Interact clubs need to be cer fied by Rotary Interna onal and endorsed by the district governor before 1st July, 2019. Also before 1st July, an adult adviser to the club needs to provide his or her name and contact informa on to Rotary. Sponsor Rotary club officers or Interact club advisers will report the achievements by submi ng a nomina on form by 15th August, 2020.

UNITE PEOPLE Achieve at least 2 of the following goals: • Hold a mee ng that introduces members to Rotary programs for young leaders, such as RYLA and Rotary Youth Exchange • Collaborate with your sponsor Rotary club or adviser to develop and par cipate in a career day or mentoring ac vity • Engage with your sponsor Rotary club or adviser to connect gradua ng Interactors with university- or community-based Rotaract clubs • Hold an ac vity during World Interact Week (the anniversary of Interact); invite the media and tell your club's, and Rotary's, story TAKE ACTION Achieve at least 3 o he following goals: • Plan and carry out a project for Global Youth Service Day • Hold an event to raise funds for, or to increase awareness of, Rotary's work toward polio eradica on • Partner with your sponsor Rotary club or adviser on a significant local or interna onal service project in one of Rotary's six areas of focus • Ask your sponsor club or adviser to post successful club projects, with details about ac vi es, volunteer hours, and funds raised, on • Use Rotary's brand guidelines, templates, People of Ac on campaign materials, and related resources

2019-2020 Rotary Cita on - With Presiden al Dis nc on This year, clubs can receive the Rotary Cita on with Presiden al Dis nc on when they achieve the Rotary Cita on plus one to three addi onal goals.

FOR ROTARY CLUBS Achieve these goals in addi on to earning the Rotary Cita on to receive SILVER (1 goal), GOLD (2 goals), or PLATINUM (3 goals) dis nc on Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI President’s Cita on • Connect leaders. Achieve a net gain of five or more members • Connect families. Organize a family-oriented service project that connects families of your members, youth program par cipants, and others • Connect professionally. Ini ate or con nue a leadership, personal, or professional development program to enhance members' skills • Connect community. Show how your club's members are People of Ac on by promo ng your club and its service ac vi es on social media at least four mes per month

FOR ROTARACT CLUBS Achieve these goals in addi on to earning the Rotary Cita on to receive SILVER (1 goal), GOLD (2 goals), or PLATINUM (3 goals) dis nc on • Connect leaders. Achieve a net gain of five or more members • Connect families. Organise a family-oriented service project that connects families and friends of your members, youth program par cipants, and others • Connect professionally. Ini ate or con nue a leadership, personal, or professional development program to enhance members' skills • Connect community. Show how your club's members are People of Ac on by promo ng your club and its service ac vi es on social media at least four mes per month

FOR INTERACT CLUBS Achieve these goals in addi on to earning the Rotary Cita on to receive SILVER (1 goal), GOLD (2 goals), or PLATINUM (3 goals) dis nc on • Connect leaders. Ini ate or con nue a leadership development program to enhance members' skills • Connect families. Organise a family-oriented service project that connects families of your members and others • Connect academically. Work with your sponsor Rotary club or adviser to explore local Rotary club and other scholarship opportuni es that are available to your club's members, and present these opportuni es to the club • Connect community. Show how your club's members are People of Ac on by submi ng a video that promotes your club and its service ac vi es to the annual Interact Video Awards

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District Goals : 2019-20 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 3054 MEMBERSHIP 100% clubs to earn RI Cita on 80% clubs to earn RI Cita on with Silver Presiden al Dis nc on 60% clubs to earn RI Cita on with Gold Presiden al Dis nc on 50% clubs to earn RI Cita on with Pla num Presiden al Dis nc on 100% clubs to be on Rotary Central with updated Member list & Club Goals 10% net Increase in Membership with no club below 20 members 95% Reten on of membership on 1st July 2019 5 New Rotary clubs in non-Represented areas 10 Satellite clubs in district


PARTNERS IN ROTARY Ÿ Rotaract: 75% Rotary clubs of District should have at least ONE Rotaract Club Ÿ Interact: 75% Rotary clubs of District should have at least ONE Interact Club Ÿ RCC: 50% Rotary clubs of District should have at least ONE RCC ROTARY FOUNDATION: Total Target: 500,000 USD Ÿ Permanent Fund: (350,000 USD) Annual Giving: (150,000 USD) Ÿ Endowment: 2 Ÿ Major Donor: 10 Ÿ AKS: 2 Ÿ MPHF: 100 Ÿ Benefactor: 5 Ÿ PHF: 100 Ÿ Polio Fund: 65000 USD Ÿ RFSM: 50 Ÿ Per Capita: 10 USD SERVICE PROJECTS: Target: Total project worth 100 Cr Ÿ 25 New permanent Sustainable Projects in the district Ÿ 50,000 units of Blood to be collected for Blood Banks Ÿ 250 villages to be Adopted for Avoidable Blindness Ÿ 100 WinS projects Ÿ 100% clubs to par cipate in TEACH Ÿ

PUBLIC IMAGE: Ÿ 50% clubs should have their own ac ve FB Page Ÿ Every club to have minimum 4 stories in Media (Print + Electronics) Ÿ Every club to celebrate Ÿ Rotary Day – 23rd February Ÿ World Polio Day – 24th October Ÿ Every club should post at least one project on Rotary showcase quarterly

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governor Cita on 2019-20 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 3054 The District Governor Cita on recognises Rotary clubs that support District Goals and Rotary's strategic priori es by achieving and comple ng certain ac vi es. Clubs have the following DG Cita on Goals:

UNITE PEOPLE: Mandatory Ac vity: Registra on on Rotary Central Par cipa on in PETS – SETS, District Training Assembly – District Conference


Achieve 5 of the following Goals: Ÿ Clubs to be on Rotary Central with their total membership list and club Goals Ÿ 10% of net increase as of 1st July 2019 Ÿ 5% increase in women membership Ÿ Maintain 95% reten on of membership as of 1st July 2019 Ÿ Maintain classifica on Roster of filled and unfilled membership Ÿ Sponsor an Interact club / Rotaract club Ÿ Sponsor a Rotary Community Corps (RCC) Ÿ Sponsor or par cipate in Rotary Friendship Exchange or Interna onal Youth Exchange Ÿ Hos ng of a District Event / Zonal Event

TAKE ACTION: Mandatory Ac vity: Ÿ Contribu on to Rotary Founda on – Minimum of 100 USD Ÿ Minimum one major Service Project in a year Ÿ Minimum one project details uploaded on Rotary Showcase with photographs Achieve 5 of the following ac vity: 5% increase in club's contribu on to Rotary founda on Minimum 100 USD contribu on to Rotary's Polio Fund Minimum collec on of 100 bo les of blood Organising / Par cipa on in “Avoidable blindness” camps in adopted villages Par cipa on in TEACH & WinS ac vi es Having an Ac ve FB page / Website of club Celebrate Rotary Day / World Polio Day Having a Rotary story in print Media / Electric Media Use of Rotary's brand guidelines, templates, People of Ac on Campaign material


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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI Awards & Recogni ons Members of the Rotary community work hard to create a posi ve change at home and around the world. And because of this, they're making clubs stronger, communi es be er, and peace possible. Thank them for their dedica on and valuable contribu ons by recognising them with one of the following awards.

RECOGNISE A ROTARIAN Avenues of Service Cita on Honour a club member who par cipates in service ac vi es in each of the five Avenues of Service: Club, Voca onal, Community, Interna onal, and Youth. Who can nominate: Club presidents Deadline: All Year Club Builder Award Present a cer ficate to up to 10 deserving Rotarians from your district, who have significantly supported and strengthened their Rotary clubs. Who can nominate: District governors Deadline: All Year Rotary Founda on Cita on for Meritorious Service Honour members who have been ac vely involved in service ac vi es related to The Rotary Founda on, such as serving on a Founda on commi ee, par cipa ng in a grant-funded project, or suppor ng a Rotary Peace Fellow. Who can nominate: District governors Deadline: Nov.-Dec. Rotary Founda on Dis nguished Service Award The Dis nguished Service Award is the Founda on's highest service recogni on and is given to Rotarians who have demonstrated exemplary service to the Founda on. Recipients must have received the Cita on for Meritorious Service four years prior to be eligible for this award. Who can nominate: Rotarians Deadline: 31st Jan. Rotary Founda on District Service Award Present a cer ficate to the Rotarians in your district who are making a difference through the Founda on's programs. Who can nominate : District governors Deadline : All Year

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI Awards & Recogni ons RI Service Above Self Award Rotary's highest honour recognises up to 150 Rotarians each year who demonstrate their commitment to helping others by volunteering their me and talents. Who can nominate: Current and immediate past district governors and current and past RI directors. Deadline: 31st October Service Award for a Polio-Free World This award recognises outstanding contribu ons to our polio eradica on efforts. Each year, we give up to 10 regional service awards per WHO region to worthy recipients. We also give 10 interna onal awards to people whose work has had widespread impact. Who can nominate: Rotarians Deadline: 1st October Voca onal Service Leadership Award This award is given to Rotarians who have used their occupa on to make an impact in the community, demonstrated integrity in their profession and in Rotary, and undertaken at least one of six ac vi es outlined in the award guidelines that we outline in the nomina on form. Who can nominate: District governors Deadline: 1st November

RECOGNIZE A ROTARY CLUB Membership Development Award Honour a club, district, or zone that achieved superla ve success in membership growth and reten on. Presiden al Cita on Clubs that are growing stronger, crea ng posi ve change in our communi es, and enhancing our public image, deserve recogni on. The Presiden al Cita on is one way to acknowledge their work. Significant Achievement Award Recognise a club in your district whose project has addressed a significant problem or need in your community (interna onal projects are not eligible). You can nominate one club per district each year. Who can nominate: District governors Deadline: 15th March

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI Awards & Recogni ons RECOGNISE OUR PARTNERS IN SERVICE Family and Community Service Award This award recognises individuals or organisa ons that are helping families in your community, as well as Rotarian family members who make posi ve contribu ons to a Rotary club. Who can nominate: Club presidents Deadline to achieve all goals : 1st April Presiden al Cita on for Interact Clubs Recognise Interact clubs that are mee ng our president's challenges to make a posi ve dierence Who can nominate: Sponsor Rotary club president Deadline: 15th April (for repor ng qualifying clubs to RI) Presiden al Cita on for Rotaract Clubs Honour Rotaract clubs that are mee ng our president's challenges to be ac ve and engaged. Deadline to achieve all goals: 1st April Rotaract Outstanding Project Award Recognise clubs that are making an impact through their excep onal community or interna onal service projects. Who can nominate: Rotaractors Deadline: 1st February Rotarian Spouse/Partner Service Award Honour spouses and partners of club members for showing their commitment to Rotary through exemplary humanitarian service. Who can nominate: District governors Deadline : 1st March Rotary Alumni Associa on of the Year AwardThis award recognises one outstanding alumni associa on each year that has increased awareness of our alumni's impact on our organisa on. Who can nominate: Regional Rotary Founda on coordinators Deadline: 15th September

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI Awards & Recogni ons Rotary Award for Excellence in Service to Humanity This award recognises non-Rotarians who have demonstrated exemplary humanitarian service consistent with Rotary's ideals, and who might otherwise go unrecognised. Who can nominate: District governors Deadline: 31st March Rotary Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award This award recognises one outstanding Rotary alumnus each year whose humanitarian service and professional achievements demonstrate the impact of Rotary's programs. Who can nominate: Regional Rotary Founda on coordinators Deadline: 15th September World Interact Week Recogni on Recognise Interact clubs that celebrate the founding of the first club during World Interact Week, which occurs each year during the week of 5th November. Ac vi es can range from working on a joint project with a Rotary club to invi ng poten al members to a club mee ng or project. Who can nominate: Sponsoring Rotary club or district Interact chair Deadline: All Year World Rotaract Week Recogni on Recognise Rotaract clubs that celebrate the founding of the first club during World Rotaract Week, which occurs each year during the week of 13th March. Ac vi es can range from partnering with an interna onal Rotaract club to publicizing Rotaract in your local media. Who can nominate: Sponsoring Rotary club or district Rotaract chair Deadline: All Year Rotary 2018-19 through Service Projects Volunteer Hours - 45 Million Cost - $850,000,000

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Awards & Trophies The clubs of District 3054 during the Rotary year, irrespec ve of their rural or urban loca on have risen as one force to show that they love Rotary and care for the community at large. Those who did outstanding work will be recognised at the District Awards Func on. The following are the awards in the dierent categories. I. CLUB SERVICE 1.1 Best Bulle n (Below 50 members club) 1.2 Best Bulle n (Above 50 members club) 1.3 Best A endance (Below 50 members club) 1.4 Best A endance (Above 50 members club) 1.5 Best Internal Extension (For Membership Growth) 1.6 Best Public Rela on Program during the year.

IV. INTERNATIONAL SERVICE 4.1 Best Interna onal Service 4.2 Outstanding Rotary Founda on Ac vity 4.3 Highest Contribu on to TRF (Individual) 4.4 Highest Contribu on to TRF (Club) V. New Genera on 5.1 Best Interact Club 5.2 Best Rotaract Club 5.3 Best Youth Service Project (Sponsored by RC Kankaria) VI. LITERACY AWARDS 6.1 Best Teach Aci vity 6.2 Best Teachers Training Ac vity 6.3 Best E-Learning Ac vity 6.4 Best Adult Educa on Ac vity 6.5 Best Child Development Ac vity 6.6 Best Happy School Ac vity 6.7 Best WINS Ac vity

II. VOCATIONAL SERVICE 2.1 Best Voca onal Service Award III. COMMUNITY SERVICE 3.1 Highest Eye Care Opera ons 3.2 Best Polio Plus Ac vity 3.3 Best RCC Award 3.4 Best Medical Project 3.5 Highest Blood Dona on Units (Club) Sponsored by RC Patan 3.6 Best Community Service (above 50 members club) 3.7 Best Community Service (below 50 members only) Sponsored by RC Unjha 3.8 Best Permanent Project 3.9 Best Project with other organisa on 3.10 Best Environment Ac vity 3.11 Best Swachhata Abhiyan Award

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VII. GENERAL 7.1 Best Club (below 50 members club) 7.2 Best Club (above 50 members club) 7.3 Best President (below 50 members club) 7.4 Best Secretary (below 50 members club) 7.5 Best President (above 50 members club) 7.6 Best Secretary (above 50 members club)


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Awards & Trophies 7.7 Best District Officer 7.8 Best Assistant Governor 7.9 Outstanding Lady Rotarian 7.10 Outstanding New Rotarian 7.11 Best Environment Ac vity by Spouse 7.12 Highest A endance at the Conference (below 50 members) 7.13 Highest A endance at the Conference (above 50 members) VII. DISTINGUISHED AWARDS 8.1 PDG Bagmal Baxi Gold Medal (Sponsored by RC Deesa) 8.2 Rtn. I. H. Desai Best Voca onal Service Award (Sponsored by RC Bhuj) 8.3 Rtn. V.V. Kala Excellence Award in Healthcare 8.4 Rtn. Hiralal Parekh Preven on & Awareness of Cancer (Sponsored by RC Gandhidham)

AWARD FILING IN DISTRICT 3054 The District Awards & Recogni on are awarded to the clubs and individual to recognise the "grassroot" efforts of individual Clubs & Rotarians in the society. Awards are an instrument to highlight the achievements of those who work with singleminded devo on and demarcate the path to the summit of excellence for others. Awards are necessary to create milestones and monuments for posterity to move forward and rise up to mark. Ac vi es in each of the five avenues-Club, Voca onal, Community, Interna onal and Youth services, are eligible. The nomina on of a candidate to receive various awards will be made by the club. Few aspects of the awards are revised on an annual basis by the District. Recogni on for a job well done is the underlying purpose of this RID 3054 awards program. Whether at the club, District or RI level outstanding achievements deserve public recogni on. An Award is more than a "thank you", it serves as an inspira on to Rotarians, to our clubs in the District, and to the community at large. A well- administered awards program increases the effec veness of the members by bringing successful projects to the a en on of all. Winning an award brings pres ge to members of the Clubs and reflects the District Spirit. Taking part in the filling encourages sound record-keeping prac ces and good organisa on. Your real reward will be the valuable experience you win by submi ng a scrapbook. • Awards shall be granted only a er receiving entry in prescribed format. • Last date for submi ng Awards will be announced in GML. • A Hardcopy of the scrapbook at District office address will be pre-condi on. • Please go through the award manual to be sent to you by Email before filing the Award for rules & regula ons.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

How to Add a Project To Rotary Showcase

Rotary Showcase

1 2

To add your project, signs in to My Rotary and under Take Ac on, click Rotary Showcase.

Click Add A New Project

Add a New Project

Enter informa on about your project



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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI Leaders from India

Late Ni sh Laharry RI President - 1962-63 Calcu a

Name Sir Frederick James Shapoorjee B. Billimoria B. T. Thakur Shapoorjee B. Billimoria Ni sh Laharry Krishna Prasad Edul C. Edujee Soli S. Pavri Rajendra K. Saboo Manohar L. Manchanda Sudarshan Aggarwal M. K. Panduranga Se y T. Ramesh U. Pai Kalyan Banerjee O. P. Vaish Dr. P. C. Thomas Sushil Gupta Ashok Mahajan Y. P. Das Shekhar Mehta P. T. Prabhakar Dr. Manoj Desai C. Basker Bharat Pandya Kamal Sanghvi Let’s build a legacy... together!

City Chennai Bombay Calcu a Bombay Calcu a Delhi Nagpur Bombay Chandigarh Faridabad Delhi Bangalore Manipal Vapi Delhi Ooty Delhi Mumbai Ambala Kolka a Chennai Baroda Karur Mumbai Dhanbad 58

Assignment RI Director RI Director RI Vice President RI Vice President RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director RI Director

Period 1933-34 1942-43 1946-47 1949-50 1954-55 1961-63 1973-75 1977-79 1981-83 1984-86 1987-89 1991-93 1992-94 1995-97 1999-2001 2001-03 2003-05 2007-09 2011-13 2011-13 2013-15 2015-17 2017-19 2019-21 2019-21

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Regional Rotary Leaders for RID 3054 Rotary Co-ordinator (RC) PDG Dr. Ashok Gupta (RID 3054) Email : Add. : The IIS University, Gurukul Marg, SFS, Mansarovar, Jaipur, Rajathan 302020 Mobile : 9829800007

Assistant Rotary Co-ordinator (ARC) PDG Vijay Gupta (RID 3090) Email : Add. : D-14, Calibre Market, Rajpura, Punjab 140401 Mobile : 9417039722 / 9779307722

Regional Rotary Founda on Co-ordinator (RRFC) PDG Vijay Jalan (RID 3141) Email : Add. : 1802-C Oberoi Springs, Off Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai Maharasthra 400053 Mobile : 9820058881

Assistant Regional Rotary Founda on Co-ordinator (ARRFC) PDG Dr. N. Subramanian (RID 3011) Email : Add. : 11/10, Nehru Enclave East, Kalkaji Extension, New Delhi 110019 Mobile : 9810044291

Rotary Public Image Co-oridnator (RPIC) PDG Deepak Shikarpur (RID 3131) Email : Add. : J30, Swapnashilp Co-Op. Soc., Next to Gandhi Lawns, Ganeshnagar, Kothrud, Pune, Maharasthra 411038 Mobile : 9822044533

Assistant Rotary Public Image Co-oridnator (ARPIC) PDG S.P.S. Grover (RID 3070) Email : Add. : 26, Link Road, Lajpatnagar, Jalandhar, Punjab 144001 Mobile : 9872666177

Endowment & Major Gi Advisor (EMGA) PDG Vinod Bansal (RID 3011) Email : Add. : D-6/7, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110057 Mobile : 9811044990

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Our Pride : Rotary Leaders from RID 3054 Rotary Co-ordinator (RC) RI Commi ee - Basic Educa on & Literacy Major Gi Ini a ve PDG Dr. Ashok Gupta Email : Mobile : 9829800007

Na onal WINS Commi ee Member RI Commi ee - Basic Educa on & Literacy Major Gi Ini a ve PDG Ramesh Agrawal Email : Mobile : 9829050862

Na onal Commi ee Member : Mission Taipei PDG Ashish Desai Email : Mobile : 9825320090

Assistant Rotary Co-ordinator (ARC) PDG Ajay Kala Email : Mobile : 9829050255

Assistant Rotary Public Image Co-oridnator (RPIC) PDG Nirmal Singhvi Email : Mobile : 7300046868

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Roll of Honour Year 1937-38

Dist. 89


F. E. James


Calcu a



Feroze Sethna




Shapoorji Billimoria




A. G. Gardiner




Dr. D. M. Desai




S. B. Mukerjee




D. B. N. Limaye




Sir Sultan Chinoy




Sardar D. T. K. Mody




I. R. Bhagat




Dr. A. P. Mehta




B. J. G. Shastri




Jitendra Mehta




B. N. Bhandari




A. R. Wadia




Bhagwa P. Mehta




Chandrakant Parekh




Yusu Chinoy




Dr. Govind S. Wagle




Manilal K. Parekh




Kan lal C. Munshaw




Dr. Govind S. Wagle




Harsukh S. Sanghvi




S. L. Sogani




Vaikunth B. Shastri




Hakim M Ansari




K. P. Narayanan




Ra lal K. Patell




Suman T. Shah




Naginbhai C. Patel




Babubhai R. Solanki




Dr. Mahesh N. Katju




Thakorbhai H. Patel


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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Roll of Honour Year




Ishwar G. Shah




Jus ce B. P. Beri




Dr. Ganpat B. Mohile




P. I. Dubey




Pramod P. Singhal




Chandmal Lodha




Naveetbhai Patel

Ahmedabad South



Abbas Ali Abbasi




Bishan Nath Consul




Dr. V. K. Gangwal




M.L. Munot




Ratanprakash Gupta

Ahmedabad South



Bagmal F. Baxi




Mahendra P. Fadia




Ratanprakash Gupta

Ahmedabad South



P. S. Murdia




J. M. Shah




B. B. Bhargava




Dr. S. S. Bhandawat




Kuldeep S. Sethi




S. K. Jain

Ajmer Jaipur



Jst. S. N. Bhargava




Dr. D. R. Chhatbar




Dr. Y. S. Kothari




Virendra Bapna




Vinod Bha a




Mohan N. Shah




Sumer Kumar Jain




Dr. Ravi Bhargava




Ashok Gupta

Jaipur Round Town



Sharad P. Shah




Sa sh Ajmera




Dr. Shashank Rathod

Ahmedabad Metro


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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Roll of Honour Year




Bharat M. Dholakia




Ajay Kala

Jaipur Round Town



Arun Prakash Gupta




Joitabhai Patel

Ahmedabad Mid Town



Dr. Arun Parikh




Nirmal Singhvi




Dr. Harshad Udeshi




C. M. Birla




Dr. Jayprakash Vyas




Kran Mehta




Ratnesh Kashyap

Jaipur South



Ashish Desai

Kankaria (Ahmedabad)



Dr. Gyaneshwar Rao

Bhuj Flamingo



Anil Agarwal

Jaipur Mid Town



Jagdish B. Patel




Ramesh Agrawal

Jaipur Round Town





Lalit Sharma

Ahmedabad North



Pradhuman Kumar Patni




Dinesh Kumar Thacker




Ramesh Choudhary




Maullin Patel




Capt. Neeraj Sogani (Retd.)

Jaipur Central



Bina Desai

Kankaria (Ahmedabad)



Rajesh Agrawal




Ashok Mangal


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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


The Rotary leaders who have laid the founda on and brought RID 3054 to current level. They are the guiding force to achieve greater heights.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Council of Governors 1983-84

Ravin Da ari Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Former Prin ng D.O.B. : 12 Dec E-mail : jrda Address : RaviJyot, Bungalow No.1, Yogashram Society, Vasna, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat


: Late Usha ::: 9414044461

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpa : 19 Feb : 22 Jun : 9352507222

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Late Jyo : : : 9825225497

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Devi : 1 Nov : 30 Nov : 9414070822

Mohan Shah Club : Bhuj CL : Life Insurance D.O.B. : 12 Aug E-mail : Address : Raliyat Ganga, 187, Vijay Nagar Hospital Road, Bhuj-Kutch 370001, Gujarat


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Dr. Yashwant Singh Kothari Club : Udaipur CL : Agriculture Machinery Distributor D.O.B. : 14 Nov E-mail : Address : Rajasthan Agriculture Depot, 27-28 Bus Stand Road, Opp. Surajpole, Udaipur, Rajasthan


: Jyo : 6 May : 4 Dec : 9924097909

Jus ce Surendra Nath Bhargava Club : Jaipur East CL : Law (Jus ce) D.O.B. : 11 Feb E-mail : jus Address : 20/46, Renu Path, Ambedkar Marg Mansarovar, Jaipur 302030, Rajasthan


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Sumer Kumar Jain Club : Jaipur CL : Transporta on D.O.B. : 20 Jun E-mail : Address : Santosh Roadways, Mo Dungari Road, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Council of Governors 1996-97

Dr. Ravi Bhargava Club : Kota CL : Medicine, Cardiology D.O.B. : 7 Nov E-mail : Address : l-F-24, Vigyan Nagar, Kota 324005, Rajasthan


: Vijaya : 3 Dec : 15 May : 9829800007, 9982600007

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ila : 1 Aug : 1 May : 9429736365

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bina : 23 Jan : 17 Jan : 9824023126

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Meena : 20 Jul : 2 Jun : 9825225054

Dr. Shashank Rathod Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Medicine - Ophthalmology D.O.B. : 3 Nov E-mail : Address : Eye Care Hospital, Polytechnic Road Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Sharadbhai Shah Club : Mehsana CL : Law - General Prac ce D.O.B. : 29 Jul E-mail : Address : 5-6 Anmol Villa -2, Ramosana Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat


: Chandra : 10 Aug : 17 Nov : 9829035880

Dr. Ashok Gupta Club : Jaipur Round Town CL : Educa on Administra on D.O.B. : 7 Nov E-mail : Address : The IIS University, Gurukul Marg SFS, Mansarovar, Jaipur 324005, Rajastrhan x


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Bharat Dholakia Club : Bhuj CL : Commercial Law D.O.B. : 3 Jan E-mail : Address : Shardamani B/h GAIMS, Camp Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Council of Governors 2002-03

Ajay Kala Club : Jaipur Round Town CL : Mfg. & Exp. of Gem & Jewellery D.O.B. : 13 Nov E-mail : Address : 303, Panchratna Complex, 3937,MSB Lane, Johari Bazar, Jaipur 302003, Rajasthan


: Sharada : 8 Nov : 1 May : 9426015285

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bina : 6 Jun : 7 May : 9426418688

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Veena : 8 Aug : 10 Jul : 7300046868

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhavna : 1 Jan : 19 Nov : 9825236390

Nirmal Kumar Singhvi Club : Udaipur CL : Tax Prac ce (CA) D.O.B. : 3 February E-mail : Address : 201, Vinayak Complex, Wing-A Durga Nursery Road, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Dr. Arun Parikh Club : Himmatnagar CL : Medicine Physician D.O.B. : 26 May E-mail : Address : Harsiddhnagar, Opp. Town Hall, Himatnagar 383001, Gujarat


: Sunita : 19 Nov : 21 Dec : 9829050255

Joitabhai Patel Club : Ahmedabad Mid Town CL : Govt Administra on (Retd) D.O.B. : 13 May E-mail : Address : A-6 Saundarya Apartment, Nr. Arjun Tower, Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Dr. Harshad Udeshi Club : Mandvi Kutch CL : Medicine: General Prac ce D.O.B. : 13 Oct E-mail : Address : Pra-Siddhi, Mandalia Street, Mandvi, Kutch 370465, Gujarat

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Council of Governors 2008-09

C. M. Birla Club : Kota CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 5-Oct E-mail : Address : 'Vishwas' 1-D, New Colony, Gumanpura, Kota 324007, Rajasthan


: Dr. Neeta : 27-Dec : 19-Nov : 9824012876

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rashi : 27-Nov : 14-Oct : 9829053300

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bina : 12-Mar : 5-Dec : 9825320090

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Alka : 3-Jun : 16-Jan : 9825225405

Ashish Desai Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Edu. - University Administra on D.O.B. : 25-May E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Judges Bunglow Road Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Ratnesh Kashyap Club : Jaipur South CL : Export- Natural Stones D.O.B. : 11-Feb E-mail : Address : 4/65,Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan


: Veena : 29-Nov : 30-Jan : 9414090941

Dr. Jayprakash Vyas Club : Sabarma (Ahmedabad) CL : Medicine-Paediatrics D.O.B. : 6-May E-mail : Address : Childern Hospital, Mahalaxmi Apt., Ramnagar, Sabarma , Ahmedabad, Gujarat


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Dr. Gyaneshwar Rao Club : Bhuj Flamingo CL : Surgery-General D.O.B. : 23-Apr E-mail : Address : Bunglow No.1, Near Accord Hospital, Mundra Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Council of Governors 2013-14

Anil Agarwal Club : Jaipur Mid Town CL : Handicra s- Exports D.O.B. : 18-Sep E-mail : Address : E-224, Ganesh Park, Ambabari, Jaipur 302023, Rajasthan


: Indira : 1-Feb : 23-May : 9825061321

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Manju : 1-Jul : 2-Dec : 9829050862

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Usha : 28-Jul : 22-Jan : 9825112060

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mamta : 18-Feb : 30-Apr : 9414190330 8112236503

Lalit Sharma Club : Ahmedabad Riverfront CL : Financial Consultancy D.O.B. : 24-Mar E-mail : Address : 31, World Business House, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Ramesh Agrawal Club : Jaipur Round Town CL : Corporate Management D.O.B. : 20-Oct E-mail : Address : 3-NA-1, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan


: Seema : 12-Oct : 19-Nov : 9829059134

Jagdish Patel Club : Visnagar CL : M.S.& Alloy Steel Bright Bars Mfg D.O.B. : 6-May E-mail : Address : 1, Indrapuri Society, Ambavadi, Nr Gayatri Temple, Visnagar, Mehsana 384315, Gujarat


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Pradhuman Kumar Patni Club : Kota CL : Commercial Liaison D.O.B. : 15-Oct E-mail : Address : 203, Orient Prem, 120, Shak Nagar, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Council of Governors 2016-17

Dinesh Kumar Thacker Club : Gandhidham CL : Distribu on : FMCG-Pharmaceu cal D.O.B. : 10-Oct E-mail : Address : 14, Royal Park, Plot No.368-369-377 Ward 3B, Adipur, Kutch 370205, Gujarat


: Pushpa : 16-Nov : 18-Feb : 9314412336

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sonal : 28-Jul : 12-Dec : 9824039739

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bindu : 6-Nov : 11-May : 9829011760 8829011760

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ashish : 25-May : 5-Dec : 9898020090

Capt. Neeraj Sogani (Retd.) Club : Jaipur Central CL : Automobile Servicing D.O.B. : 18-Dec E-mail : Address : 12, Everest Colony, Lal Kothi, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Maullin Patel Club : Mehsana CL : Stock Investment D.O.B. : 7-Dec E-mail : Address : F/13, Meghrath Complex, Sta on Road, Pilajiganj, Mehsana 384001, Gujarat


: Pra ma : 30-May : 17-May : 9825699122

Ramesh Choudhary Club : Udaipur CL : Building Material Processing D.O.B. : 25-Jul E-mail : Address : 37, Dhabhai ji Ki Bari, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Bina Desai Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Social Service D.O.B. : 12-Mar E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Judges Bunglow Rd., Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Council of Governors 2020-21

Rajesh Agrawal Club : Kota CL : Trading of Elec. Engi. Equipment D.O.B. : 13-Dec E-mail : Address : "Shashwatam", A-68/R, R. K. Puram, Kota, Rajasthan


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vandana : 27-Oct : 23-Nov : 9414188811

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpa : 28-Oct : 1-Jun : 9429422422

Ashok Mangal Club : Palanpur CL : Engineering - Electrical D.O.B. : 15-Sep E-mail : Address : 48, Gayatri Nagar Society, Opp. Hanuman Tekri, Abu Highway, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Our Expecta on District Committee 1. A endance in District Events; A end District Training Assembly & District Conference; and other related District Events. 2. Communica on: a. With Clubs: • Send at least 2 paper/email communica ons to clubs in the year: First, before 31st August, introducing yourself, guiding them with the purpose and sugges ng various projects that can be taken up and informing them of the District Goals related to your commi ee. Second, in January, as a follow-up asking for informa on/report on ac vi es done by clubs; asking if they need any help in organising such ac vi es; sharing informa on about few unique/major ac vi es taken up by clubs in the district and other parts of India/world related to your commi ee. • Mo vate club Presidents and/or related Club Directors/Commi ee Chairman to organise projects under your commi ee through SMS/WhatsApp and ensure they send you the Ac vity Report. • Insist and help Club Presidents to upload the report and photographs of such projects on Rotary Showcase. b. With District: • Regularly communicate with your Service Avenue Chairman & Resource Person seeking guidance on fulfilling your responsibility and upda ng them about projects being taken up by clubs under your commi ee by email/phone. • Regularly communicate with your Commi ee Members informing them about their role and the contribu on they can make to the commi ee; and keep them mo vated to help you make follow-up with clubs, and a end District Events. Also do not forget to send them a copy of your general communica on to clubs. Men oning their names in your communica ons shall be an icing on the cake. • Compile and send Reports of ac vi es done by various clubs under your commi ee on a quarterly basis to the District Office, par cularly if it falls under RI/DG Cita on. • Inform the DG of any major/unique ac vity under your commi ee being planned/ executed by any club of the district so that the DG can specifically address/men on/ visit/a end during the Official Visit or as per the convenience of schedules. Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Our Expecta on Additional District Secretaries 1. A endance in District Events: A end District Team Training Seminar; District Training Assembly & District Conference; and other related District Events. 2. Communica on: a. With District Commi ee Chair: • Regularly communicate with your Service Avenue Chairman & Commi ee Chairmen to help them reach out to clubs and keep them mo vated to help you make follow-up with clubs. b. With Clubs: • Communicate with clubs to gather informa on about Club Commi ee Chairman related to your area of assignment, and be a bridge between the DG, Clubs and related District Commi ee • Follow-up on clubs to gather informa on about the ac vi es under your area of assignment on a mely basis and provide it to DG Office/Publica ons team for prin ng in GML. c. With District Governor: • Help DG/DG Office reach out to clubs in co-ordina ng projects/ events/ac vi es specifically related to your area of assignment and compile reports.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Our Expecta ons District Service Avenue 1. A endance in District Events: A end District Team Training Seminar; District Training Assembly & District Conference; and other related District Events. 2. Communica on: a. With Clubs: • Send at least 4 paper/email communica ons to clubs in the year First, before 31st July, introducing yourself, guiding them with the purpose and importance of your Service Avenue, sugges ng which Club Commi ees would fall under your Service Avenue; and sugges ng various projects that can be taken up by clubs under those commi ees; emphasising the importance of sending you the report of their ac vi es under your commi ee immediately on comple on of the project; and informing them of about District Goals related to your Service Avenue. Second, in October/November, highligh ng projects to be done under your Service Avenue and included in RI & DG Cita on; asking if they need any help and showing willingness to resolve any issues being faced by them in organising such ac vi es; sharing informa on about few unique/major ac vi es taken up by clubs in the district and other parts of India/world related to your commi ee. Third, in January, congratula ng clubs for organising projects under your Service Avenue, and asking them to send report to you for the first half; mo va ng them to keep ac ve and showing willingness to help and guide them in achieving RI & DG Cita on. Fourth, in April, giving a final boost of mo va on and apprecia ng them for all the ac vi es through the year; reques ng them to share the Annual Report with actual expenses incurred/volunteer hours spent/number of beneficiaries for ac vi es under the Service Avenue with their President Elect; and finally, mo vate them to file their nomina on for District Awards. • Collect informa on about Contact Details of Club Commi ees and their Chairmen under your Service Avenue and share that informa on with relevant Commi ee Chairman under you, reques ng them to contact them. • Insist and help Club Presidents to upload the report and photographs of such projects on Rotary Showcase. b. With District: • Regularly communicate with your Service Avenue Resource Person seeking guidance on fulfilling your responsibility and upda ng him about projects Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Our Expecta on being taken up by clubs under your Service Avenue by email/phone. • Regularly communicate with your Commi ee Members & Commi ee Chairmen informing them about their role and the contribu on they can make; and keep them mo vated to help you follow-up with clubs, and a end District Events. Also do not forget to send them a copy of your general communica on to clubs. Men oning their names in your communica ons shall be an icing on the cake. • Compile and send Reports of ac vi es done by various clubs under your commi ee on a quarterly basis to the District Office, par cularly if it falls under RI/DG Cita on. • Inform the DG of any major/unique ac vity under your commi ee being planned/ executed by any club of the district so that the DG can specifically address/men on/ visit/a end during Official Visit or as per the convenience of schedules.



Top 20 Reasons to Join A Rotary Club 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Friendship Business Development Personal Growth Leadership Development Citizenship in the Community Continuing Education Fun Public Speaking Skill Citizenship in the world Assistance when Traveling Entertainment

Let’s build a legacy... together!

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


Develop Social Skill Family Program Vocational Skills The development of Ethics Cultural Awareness Prestige Nice People The absence of “official creed” The Opportunity to Serve

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEES The top leaders who will make sure that RID 3054 func ons in smooth mode throughout the year. They are the key persons to make a difference and achieve the goals.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Administra on Commi ee District Administra on Bina Desai

District Governor

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : NGO Management D.O.B. : 12-Mar E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Judges Bunglow Rd., Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Capt. Neeraj Sogani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Immediate Past District Governor

Club : Jaipur Central CL : Automobile Servicing D.O.B. : 18-Dec E-mail : Address : 12, Everest Colony, Lal Kothi, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Rajesh Agrawal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpa : 28-Oct : 1-Jun : 9429422422

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vijaya : 3-Dec : 15-May : 9829800007

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sharada : 8-Nov : 1-May : 9426015285


Club : Ahmedabad Mid Town CL : Govt Administra on (Retd) D.O.B. : 13-May E-mail : Address : A-6 Saundarya Apartment, Nr. Arjun Tower, Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Club : Jaipur Round Town CL : Educa on Administra on D.O.B. : 7-Nov E-mail : Address : The IIS University, Gurukul Marg SFS, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajastrhan

PDG Joitabhai Patel

: Vandana : 27-Oct : 23-Nov : 9414188811

District Governor Nominee

Club : Palanpur CL : Engineering - Electrical D.O.B. : 15-Sep E-mail : Address : 48, Gayatri Nagar Society, Opp. Hanuman Tekri, Abu Highway, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

PDG Dr. Ashok Gupta

: Bindu : 6-Nov : 11-May : 9829011760

District Governor Elect

Club : Kota CL : Trading of Elec. Engi. Equipment D.O.B. : 13-Dec E-mail : Address : "Shashwatam", A-68/R, R. K. Puram, Kota, Rajasthan

Ashok Mangal

: Ashish : 25-May : 5-Dec : 9898020090


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Administra on Commi ee District Administra on PDG Dr. Gyaneshwar Rao

District Trainer

Club : Bhuj Flamingo CL : Medicine - Surgery D.O.B. : 23-Apr E-mail : Address : Bunglow No.1, Near Accord Hospital, Mundra Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Dharmendra Joshi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dip : 30-Jun : 8-Dec : 9426088322

Chairman Council of Assistant Governors

Club : Jaipur Marugandha CL : Educa on Administra on D.O.B. : 27-Aug E-mail : Address : 20/63, Kaveri Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan

Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Dr. Alka : 3-Jun : 16-Jan : 9825225405

District Secretary

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Corporate Training D.O.B. : 26-Aug E-mail : Address : B-8, Rajdeep Park Flats, Baliakaka Road, Near Mira Talkies, Shahalam, Ahmedabad 380028, Gujarat

Dr. Raakhi Gupta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pankaj : 14-Jun : 28-Jan : 9783300009

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Training Team District Training Team PDG Dr. Gyaneshwar Rao

District Trainer

Club : Bhuj Flamingo CL : Medicine : Surgery D.O.B. : 23-Apr E-mail : Address : Bunglow No.1, Near Accord Hospital, Mundra Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

PDG Ratnesh Kashyap

: Divya : 26-Dec : 26-Jan : 9825028982

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Arti : 6-Mar : 13-Mar : 9427306466

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rajiv : 20-Aug : 10-Dec : 9413352729

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Priyanka : 14-Aug : 4-Feb : 9352922627

Assistant Trainer

Club : Kota CL : Medicine : ENT Surgery D.O.B. : 28-Dec E-mail : Address : Anandam ENT Hospital, 1 A 7, SFS, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Assistant Trainer

Club : Kota CL : So Skills Trainer Mo vator D.O.B. : 15-Apr E-mail : Address : S. S. Dairy, Sta on Road, Kota 324002, Rajasthan

Dr. Vikrant Mathur

: Rashi : 27-Nov : 14-Oct : 9829053300

Assistant Trainer

Club : Mehsana CL : Corporate Trainer D.O.B. : 14-Aug E-mail : madhusudanbrahmbha Address : Opp. Telephone Exchange Pilagiganj, Mehsana 384001, Gujarat

Pragya Mehta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Assistant Trainer

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Digital Marke ng D.O.B. : 4-Oct E-mail : Address : B-903, Vaibhav Deluxe Tower, Premchand Nagar Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Madhusudan Brahmbha

: Dr. Alka : 3-Jun : 16-Jan : 9825225405

Team Trainer

Club : Jaipur South CL : Export - Natural Stones D.O.B. : 11-Feb E-mail : Address : 4/65, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Bhanu Gupta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Addi onal District Secrataries Addi onal District Secretaries Amit Chauhan

Addl. Dist. Secretary : TRF

Club : Bhuj Wallcity CL : Plas c Moulding D.O.B. : 28-Sep E-mail : Address : 493, Raval Wadi, Near Ghanshyam Wadi, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Hitesh Pathak

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Membership

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Mfg. & Mktg - Household Appliances D.O.B. : 12-Feb E-mail : Address : 10/A, Asopalavnagar Society, Isanpur road, Ghodasar, Ahmedabad 380050, Gujarat

Jignesh Shah

Sanjay Kacholia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hema : 13-Dec : 26-Nov : 9825070704

: Madhuri : 22-Nov : 24-Feb : 9829037577

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Public Image

Club : Ahmedabad North CL : Media & Communica ons Consultancy D.O.B. : 30-Nov E-mail : Address : A-103, Sundivine-2 Appts, Nr. Sagun Castle Tower, Satellite Park Road, Jodhpur Char Rasta, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rekha : 16-Feb : 17-Feb : 9909964643

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Publica on

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Digital Marke ng D.O.B. : 4-Oct E-mail : Address : B-903, Vaibhav Deluxe Tower, Premchand Nagar Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Bela : 30-Dec : 23-Jan : 9824119666

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Club Administra on

Club : Kota Central CL : Tractor Retailing D.O.B. : 23-Mar E-mail : Address : Aastha 731, Pratap Nagar, Kota 324007, Rajasthan

Bhanu Gupta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Service Projects

Club : Ahmedabad Majesty CL : Interior Designer - Architecture D.O.B. : 3-Feb E-mail : Address : 1101/A, Synergy Tower, Corporate Road, Prahaladnagar, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Shailesh Goyal

: Smita : 7-Aug : 6-Jul : 9825442574


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Divya : 26-Dec : 26-Jan : 9825028982

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Addi onal District Secrataries Addi onal District Secretaries Kapil Bhavsar

Addl. Dist. Secretary : District Events

Club : Ahmedabad Prahladnagar CL : Mfg : Water Treatment Plant D.O.B. : 7-Nov E-mail : Address : A/1 Shiv Industrial Park, Ambica Tube Compound, Vatva Vinzol Over Bridge, Vatva, Ahmedabad 382445, Gujarat

Dr. Manisha Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Beena : 11-Feb : 26-Nov : 9376006111

: : : : 9783307195

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Communica on

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Catering D.O.B. : 29-Aug E-mail : Address : 1, Bhagwan Apartment, 11, Asopalavnagar, Ghodasar, Anandwadi Bus Stop, Ahmedabad 380050, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Rotary News

Club : Jaipur Marugandha CL : Higher Educa on D.O.B. : 1-Oct E-mail : Address : C-187, Gyan Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Shivbahadur Singh Thakur

: Pri : 16-Feb : 10-Jul : 9426217937

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Governor's OďŹƒcial Visit

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Mfg. : Chemicals D.O.B. : 2-Mar E-mail : Address : 32, Anand Society, Part-1, Opp. Jaymala Society, Ghodasar, Ahmedabad 380050, Gujarat

Rimika Singhvi

: Dr. Urmil : 25-Sep : 20-Jan : 9825020796

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Goals, DG & RI Cita on

Club : Anjar CL : Electronics : Home Appliances D.O.B. : 15-Jan E-mail : Address : 31, Yogeshwar Nagar-2, Anjar-Kutch 370110, Gujarat

Ravi Thakkar

: Ragini : 22-Sep : 28-Apr : 9825068857

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Club Repor ng

Club : Ahmedabad Airport CL : Medical : Pathologist D.O.B. : 23-Oct E-mail : Address : B 21 Aryaman Bunglows, Opp. Anandniketan School, Shilaj, Ahmedabad 380059, Gujarat

Raja Daxini

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Savitri : 5-Sep : 4-May : 9825006259

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Addi onal District Secrataries Addi onal District Secretaries Dr. Shobha Khandelwal

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Club Central

Club : Mehsana CL : Medicine : Anaesthesiology D.O.B. : 5-Jan E-mail : Address : A/8 Radhakrishan Township, Near Ramosana Flyover, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Dr. Ila Joshi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Addl. Dist. Secretary : New Genera on

Club : Jaipur Marugandha CL : Food & Nutri on D.O.B. : 20-Mar E-mail : Address : 1/240, SFS, Agarwal Farm, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan

Jigar Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ravin : 12-Dec : 4-Dec : 9924098424

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Devendra : 15-Dec : 29-May : 9829118586

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Polio

Club : Gandhidham CL : Medicine : Pediatrics D.O.B. : 28-Jun E-mail : Address : Plot No - 208, Sector 1A, Gandhidham 370201, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Sangita : 4-Apr : 20-Feb : 9825071704

Addl. Dist. Secretary : RI Focus Area

Club : Udaipur Meera CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 19-Sep E-mail : Address : 27-F, Sukhadia Circle, New Fetehpura, Near Hotel Fountain, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Dr. Naveen Thacker

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Partner In Service

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Offset Prin ng & Packaging D.O.B. : 6-May E-mail : jrda Address : 1 Ravijyot, Yogashram Society, Nr. Ayojan Nagar, Vasna, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat

Dr. Madhu Sareen

: Lalit : 29-Mar : 24-Nov : 9783307091

Addl. Dist. Secretary : Fellowship

Club : Ahmedabad Supreme CL : Trading - Plas c Raw Material D.O.B. : 14-Feb E-mail : Address : 9, Shrush Bunglows, Nr. Ashwamegh 48, Satelite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Jyo Da ari

: Dr. Mahesh : 8-Aug : 4-Feb : 9824255251


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpa : 1-Jul : 27-Nov : 9426217314

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Addi onal District Secrataries Addi onal District Secretaries Vikram Thakkar

Addl. Dist. Secretary : TEACH

Club : Deesa CL : Industry : Dall Mill D.O.B. : 21-Dec E-mail : Address : 27, Sunrise Park -2, Nr. Patel Society, Deesa 385535, Gujarat

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sita : 21-Feb : 20-Nov : 9737057711

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

100 Years of Rotary in India Celebra on Rotary 100 Years Celebra on PDG Dr. Ashok Gupta


Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Educa on Administra on D.O.B. : 7-Nov E-mail : Address : The IIS University, ICG Campus, SFS, Gurukul Marg, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan

IPDG Capt. Neeraj Sogani

: Bindu : 6-Nov : 11-May : 9829011760

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sunita : 19-Nov : 21-Dec : 9829050255

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kamlesh : 18-Feb : 7-Dec : 9829014745

Asst. Governor

Club : Jaipur Central CL : Construc on D.O.B. : 8-Jan E-mail : Address : 80, Shri Gopalpura Byepass, Tonk Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Club : Jaipur Round Town CL : Mfg. & Exp. of Gem & Jewellery D.O.B. : 13-Nov E-mail : Address : 303, Panchratna Complex, 3937,MSB Lane, Johari Bazar, Jaipur 302003, Rajasthan

Girdharilal Shekhawat

: Vijaya : 3-Dec : 15-May : 9829800007

Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur central CL : Automobile Servicing D.O.B. : 18-Dec E-mail : Address : 12, Everest Colony, Lalkothi, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

PDG Ajay Kala 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Finance Commi ee District Finance Commi ee PDG Nirmal Singhvi 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Udaipur CL : Tax Prac ce (CA) D.O.B. : 3-Feb E-mail : Address : 201, Vinayak Complex, Wing-A, Durga Nursery Rd., Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Nrupesh Shah 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Veena : 8-Aug : 10-Jul : 7300046868

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Financial Consultant D.O.B. : 2-Dec E-mail : Address : 26, Prakru kunj Society, Nr. Shreyash Founda on, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

Sanjay 2005-06 Pabuwal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ami : 5-Dec : 12-Dec : 9825006563

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Central CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 30-Dec E-mail : Address : H-74, Jhakeshwar Marg, Bani Park, Jaipur 302016, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Seema : 4-Oct : 21-Apr : 9829015668

through your valued donation.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Publica on Commi ee Publica on Commi ee Bhanu Gupta

Addi onal District Secretary

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Digital Marke ng D.O.B. : 4-Oct E-mail : Address : B-903, Vaibhav Deluxe Tower, Premchand Nagar Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Dr. Kalpesh Shah

: Hetal : 1-Feb : 4-Dec : 9898083430

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rashmi : 6-Oct : 10-May : 9825311138

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9099044347

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9510064385


Club : Rotaract Kankaria Ahmedabad CL : Interna onal Marke ng D.O.B. : 6-Jul E-mail : Address : 75, Smru Vihar Society, P D Pandya College Road, Ghodasar, Ahmedabad 382440, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Financial Analyst D.O.B. : 4-Apr E-mail : Address : 64, Suman Sajani Society, Nr. Jayant Park, Ghodasar, Ghodasar kans Road, Ahmedabad 380051, Gujarat

Rtr. Shubham Singh 2005-06

: Sumira : 26-Mar : 16-Jul : 9227207666


Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Educa on & Management D.O.B. : 14-Jan E-mail : Address : 2-B, Sitabagh Society, Nr. Jaihind High School, Maninagar, Ahmedabad 380008, Gujarat

Kalpan2005-06 Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Club : Ahmedabad Mahanagar CL : Medicine : VR Eye Surgeon D.O.B. : 9-Oct E-mail : Address : 404, Chirayu Complex, Vishwakunj, N. N. Road, Paldi, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat

Rakesh2005-06 Gupta

: Divya : 26-Dec : 26-Jan : 9825028982


Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Medicine : Radiology D.O.B. : 13-Jul E-mail : Address : 5, Saumil Bungalow, O. Judges Bung. Rd. Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat

Dr. Amish I. Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Sergeants at Arms District Sergeants at Arms Kapil Bhavsar 2005-06


Club : Ahmedabad Prahaladnagar CL : Mfg. : Water Treatment Plant D.O.B. : 7-Nov E-mail : Address : A/1, Shiv Indl. Estate, Old Ambica Tube, Compound, Vatva-Vinzol Overbridge, Vatva, Ahmedabad 382445, Gujarat

Rakesh2005-06 Mistry

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hetal : 6-May : 6-Feb : 9825005949

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9099044347


Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Financial Analyst D.O.B. : 4-Apr E-mail : Address : 64, Suman Sajani Society, Nr. Jayant Park, Ghodasar, Ghodasar kans Road, Ahmedabad 380051, Gujarat

Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Ragini : 22-Sep : 28-Apr : 9825068857


Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Furniture Contractor D.O.B. : 15-Dec E-mail : Address : Vishwakarma Estate, Nr. Maninagar Rly. Sta on, Maninagar, Ahmedabad 380008, Gujarat

Kalpan2005-06 Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

DG’s Special AIDEs DG’s Special AIDEs Ravi Mehta

For Rajasthan

Club : E-Club Bhankhrota Jaipur CL : Banking (Retd.) D.O.B. : 16-Jul E-mail : Address : 68, I.D.S.M.T. Colony, Pushkar, Ajmer 305022, Rajasthan

Rajiv Nahar

: Bhanupratap : 7-Mar : 29 Jan : 9587771777

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hiral : 22-Mar : 8-Feb : 9913609887

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Milan : 27-Oct : 22-Nov : 9825031609

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vishrambhai : 5-Feb : 1-Jun : 9428080476

For Gujarat

Club : Mundra Kutch CL : Social Work D.O.B. : 4-Jan E-mail : Address : 19/20, Laxmi Society, Barol Road, Mundra, Kutch 370421, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

For Gujarat

Club : Unjha CL : Civil Contractor D.O.B. : 12-Jul E-mail : Address : 25, Dipali Colony, B/h. Saptarshi Flat, Nr. Eye Hospital, Unjha 384170, Gujarat

Chhaya Gadhvi

: Sunanda : 10-Sep : 8-Jul : 9829050705

For Gujarat

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 19-Oct E-mail : Address : J/14, Khodiyar Nagar Society, Nr. P. D. Pandya College, Vatva GIDC, Ahmedabad 382445, Gujarat

Bhavik Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

For Rajasthan

Club : Udaipur Panna CL : D.O.B. : 6-Jul E-mail : Address : F-3 & 4, Haridas Ji Ki Magri, Hotel Trident Road, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Jimesh Gajjar

: Savita : 13-Nov : 28-Jun : 8949393941

For Rajasthan

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Produc on Specialist Genset D.O.B. : 7-Jan E-mail : Address : R G Corpora on, 26, Purohitji ka Bagh, M I Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Tarika Singh

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Grievance Commi ee District Grievance Commi ee Bina Desai

District Governor

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : NGO Management D.O.B. : 12-Mar E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Judges Bunglow Rd., Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Capt. Neeraj Sogani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Immediate Past District Governor

Club : Jaipur central CL : Automobile Servicing D.O.B. : 18-Dec E-mail : Address : 12, Everest Colony, Lal Kothi, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

PDG Joitabhai Patel

: Sharada : 8-Nov : 1-May : 9426015285

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vandana : 27-Oct : 23-Nov : 9414188811

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpa : 28-Oct : 1-Jun : 9429422422

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dip : 30-Jun : 8-Dec : 9426088322


Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Corporate Training D.O.B. : 26-Aug E-mail : Address : B-8, Rajdeep Park Flats, Baliakaka Road, Near Mira Talkies, Shahalam, Ahmedabad 380028, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Club : Palanpur CL : Engineering - Electrical D.O.B. : 15-Sep E-mail : Address : 48, Gayatri Nagar Society, Opp. Hanuman Tekri, Abu Highway, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Dharmendra Joshi

: Bindu : 6-Nov : 11-May : 9829011760


Club : Kota CL : Trading Elec. Engi. Equipment D.O.B. : 13-Dec E-mail : Address : "Shashwatam", A-68/R, R. K. Puram, Kota, Rajasthan

DGN Ashok Mangal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Club : Ahmedabad Midtown CL : Govt. Administra on (Retd.) D.O.B. : 13-May E-mail : Address : A-6, Saundarya Apartment, Nr. Arjun Tower, Gha odia, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat

DGE Rajesh Agrawal

: Ashish : 25-May : 5-Dec : 9898020090


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3050 : Service Trust DG Bina Desai


Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : NGO Management D.O.B. : 12-Mar E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Judges Bunglow Rd., Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

DGE Rajesh Agrawal

: Pushpa : 28-Oct : 1-Jun : 9429422422

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhavna : 1-Jan : 19-Nov : 9825236390

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Indira : 1-Feb : 23-May : 9825061321

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mamta : 18-Feb : 30-Apr : 9414190330 8112236503


Club : Kota CL : Commercial Liasion D.O.B. : 15-Oct E-mail : Address : 203, Orient Prem, 120 Shak Nagar, Kota 324009, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Club : Visnagar CL : M.S.& Alloy Steel Bright Bars Mfg D.O.B. : 6 May E-mail : Address : 1, Indrapuri Society, Ambavadi, Nr Gayatri Temple, Visnagar, Mehsana 384315, Gujarat

PDG Pradhuman Kumar Patni

: Vandana : 27-Oct : 23-Nov : 9414188811


Club : Mandvi Kutch CL : Medicine: General Prac ce D.O.B. : 13-Oct E-mail : Address : Pra-Siddhi, Mandalia Street, Mandvi-Kutch 370465, Gujarat

PDG Jagdish Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

District Governor Nominee

Club : Palanpur CL : Engineering - Electrical D.O.B. : 15-Sep E-mail : Address : 48, Gayatri Nagar Society, Opp. Hanuman Tekri, Abu Highway, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

PDG Dr. Harshad Udeshi

: Ashish : 25-May : 5-Dec : 9898020090

Vice Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Trading Elec. Engi. Equipment D.O.B. : 13-Dec E-mail : Address : "Shashwatam", A-68/R, R. K. Puram, Kota, Rajasthan

DGN Ashok Mangal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3050 : Service Trust PDG Ramesh Choudhary


Club : Udaipur CL : Building Material Processing D.O.B. : 25-Jul E-mail : Address : 37, Dhabhai ji Ki Bari, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpa : 16-Nov : 18-Feb : 9314412336

Execu ve Commi ee of RID 3050 Charitable Society appointed for a period of 5 years w.e.f 1.4.2018 to 31.3.2023 1 PDG Ashish Desai


2 PDG Dr. Arun Parikh


3 PDG Joitabhai Patel

Vice Chairman

4 PDG Dr. Harshad Udeshi

Vice Chairman

5 PDG Lalit Sharma


6 DG Bina Desai

Ex-Officio (District Governor)

7 IPDG Neeraj Sogani

Ex-Officio Member

8 DGE Rajesh Agrawal

Ex-Officio Member

9 DGN Ashok Mangal

Ex-Officio Member

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3050 Charitable Society - SSSS PDG Ashish Desai


Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Edu. - University Administra on D.O.B. : 25-May E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Judges Bunglow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

PDG Dr. Arun Parikh

: Sharada : 8-Nov : 1-May : 9426015285

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhavna : 1-Jan : 19-Nov : 9825236390

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Usha : 28-Jul : 22-Jan : 9825112060

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bindu : 6-Nov : 11-May : 9829011760

Ex. OďŹƒcio Member

Club : Jaipur Central CL : Automobile Servicing D.O.B. : 18-Dec E-mail : Address : 12, Everest Colony, Lal Kothi, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Club : Ahmedabad Riverfront CL : Financial Consultancy D.O.B. : 24-Mar E-mail : Address : 31, World Business House, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

IPDG Capt. Neeraj Sogani

: Bina : 6-Jun : 7-May : 9426418688

Vice Chairman

Club : Mandvi Kutch CL : Medicine: General Prac ce D.O.B. : 13-Oct E-mail : Address : Pra-Siddhi, Mandalia Street, Mandvi-Kutch 370465, Gujarat

PDG Lalit Sharma

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Vice Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Mid Town CL : Govt Administra on (Retd) D.O.B. : 13-May E-mail : Address : A-6 Saundarya Apartment, Nr. Arjun Tower, Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat

PDG Dr. Harshad Udeshi

: Bina : 12-Mar : 5-Dec : 9825320090


Club : Himmatnagar CL : Medicine : Family Physician D.O.B. : 26-May E-mail : Address : Harsiddhnagar, Opp. Town Hall, Himatnagar 383001, Gujarat

PDG Joitabhai Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3050 Charitable Society - SSSS DG Bina Desai

Ex. Officio Member

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : NGO Management D.O.B. : 12-Mar E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Judges Bunglow Rd., Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

DGE Rajesh Agrawal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ashish : 25-May : 5-Dec : 9898020090

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vandana : 27-Oct : 23-Nov : 9414188811

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpa : 28-Oct : 1-Jun : 9429422422

Ex. Officio Member

Club : Kota CL : Trading Elec. Engi. Equipment D.O.B. : 13-Dec E-mail : Address : "Shashwatam", A-68/R, R. K. Puram, Kota, Rajasthan

DGN Ashok Mangal

Ex. Officio Member

Club : Palanpur CL : Engineering - Electrical D.O.B. : 15-Sep E-mail : Address : 48, Gayatri Nagar Society, Opp. Hanuman Tekri, Abu Highway, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

I’ll look back on this and smile because this was

LIFE and I decided to live it. Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

SSSS : Rules & Regula ons 1. The Scheme is called “Super Social Security Scheme” (Known as SSSS) 2. This Scheme is being promoted by ROTARY INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 3050 CHARITABLE SOCIETY for the mutual benefit of Rotary members of RID 3054 & 3053. Life membership of this charitable society is mandatory to become a member of Super Social Security Scheme. Life membership fee is Rs. 500 one me. 3. Only Rotary member with valid RI ID is eligible for membership at the me of joining the scheme and has to con nue ac ve membership of Rotary for TEN (10) more years. 4. The members of SSS Scheme will mutually contribute as a gesture of Friendship & Fellowship of Rotary spirit. 5. The management control and supervision of the scheme and all acts necessary for carrying out the objects of this scheme shall be vested in a body called Execu ve Commi ee. The Execu ve Commi ee will consist of Chairman Two Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The DG, DGE, DGN and DGND of RID 3054 will be Exofficio members. 6. The Chairman shall be in overall control and supervision of the scheme and shall preside over all the mee ngs. The Secretary or Treasurer will collect fraternity contribu on from the members and will pay to the nominees of the deceased member. The Treasurer will keep the accounts of the scheme. 7. The age of the member should not be more than 62 years at the me of joining the scheme. 8. New Member shall have to pay joining fee Rs. 100/- as Admission fee & Rs. 1500/- as Deposit and administra ve charges of Rs.100 every year. 9. Each member shall pay Ÿ¢h¢æÁ¢çH ²¢ïx¢Î¢Ý of Rs. 100/- per death by number of deaths every year within the first quarter of next year beginning from 1st April onwards i.e. before 30th June every year. Member shall have to pay therea er of Rs. 100/delayed month as delay fees. However, such Annual charges / dues for any year will have to be paid before 30th September of the year, failing which the membership will stand as terminated automa cally without any No ce. 10. The offices bearers of the scheme shall collect Ÿ¢h¢æÁ¢çH ²¢ïx¢Î¢Ý from the members, already sent to the nominee of the deceased member during last financial year. The Execu ve Commi ee is empowered to change the Admission fees, Annual Service charges and Deposit for Ÿ¢h¢æÁ¢çH ²¢ïx¢Î¢Ý as and when required. 11. Member has to nominate a person(s) for collec on of the Ÿ¢h¢æÁ¢çH ²¢ïx¢Î¢Ý. Change of Nominee will be allowed only a er proper procedure. In the event of death, nominee or the club President has to submit claim to the execu ve commi ee. The Ÿ¢h¢æÁ¢çH ²¢ïx¢Î¢Ý shall be paid to the nominee @ Rs. 100/- per members of the scheme or

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

SSSS : Rules & Regula ons any fix amount as and when decided by execu ve commi ee within one month from the date of receiving the claim. 12. The official Administra ve and financial year of the scheme will be from 1st April of a calendar year to 31st March of next calendar year. 13. The Annual General Mee ng (AGM) of the members shall be held every year. The Secretary will issue no ce and inform the members regarding AGM Time & Place. The chairman or in his absence DG shall preside at the mee ng of the AGM. If the Chairman and DG are absent the member’s present may elect any member to preside over the mee ng. 14. The accounts of the scheme will be audited within 90 days at the end of every accoun ng year by the auditors appointed by Administra ve Commi ee. Such audited accounts together with report will be sent to all the members of the Society and shall be presented at Annual General Mee ng for approval. 15. The funds credited in the account of the members, corpus fund and/or other surplus will be invested as per the decision taken by the execu ve Commi ee. All the Funds of the Super Social Security Scheme of RID 3050 shall be deposited with na onalized banks, Scheduled Banks, Postal Schemes, Bonds/Debentures for state and Central Govt. Unit Trust of India having provision of guaranteed return and assurance of safety of principle. 16. All the communica on regarding scheme will be done thru club administra on only.

Because, we care for you... Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

ROTARY’S SIX AREAS OF FOCUS Solving real problems, take real commitment with vision. For more than 110 years, Rotarians have used their passion, energy and vision to take ac on on sustainable projects. From literacy to peace, water to health, we are always working to be er our world, and we stay commi ed to the end. Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million friends, leaders and problem solvers who see a world where people unite and take ac on to create l a s n g c h a n ge - a c ro s s t h e g l o b e , i n o u r communi es and in ourselves.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus PDG Jus ce S. N. Bhargava

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur East CL : Law (Jus ce) D.O.B. : 11-Feb E-mail : jus Address : 20/46, Renu Path, Ambedkar Marg, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302030, Rajasthan

Gopal Sapra

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Late Usha : : : 9414044461

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Raj : 11-Apr : 17-May : 9414187058

Resource Person

Club : Kota CL : Mfg. : PVC Pipes D.O.B. : 22-Jul E-mail : Address : Dada Bari, Kota 324007, Rajasthan

Dr. Santosh Shivnani

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Balotra CL : Medicine : General D.O.B. : 3-Aug E-mail : Address : Nihal Clinic, Sadar Bazar, Balotra 344022, Rajasthan

Ravindra Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rajni : 2-Jul : 12-Sep : 9214413505

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Visnagar CL : Bussiness D.O.B. : 1-Apr E-mail : Address : 45, Jawahar Society, Visnagar 384315, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Laxmiben : 1-Jun : 29-Apr : 9825264242

Foundation Grants The Foundation awarded $86,677,399 in funding to 1,306 grants during fiscal year 2018. Here is a breakdown of causes the grants supported.

Preventing disease $35,660,986


Providing clean water $18,761,791

Supporting education $10,998,136

Growing local economies $10,503,910



Saving mothers & children

Promoting peace

Let’s build a legacy... together!




Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus Basic Educa on and Literacy PDG Sumer Kumar Jain

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur CL : Transporta on D.O.B. : 20 Jun E-mail : Address : Santosh Roadways, Mo Dungari Road, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Dr. Pradeep Singh Gour

Dr. Sharad Rathore

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Neeta : 7-Oct : 28-Nov : 8290003555

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Marugandha CL : Social Service D.O.B. : 4-Dec E-mail : Address : 149, Hari Marg, Civil Lines, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9783307221

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Idar CL : Educta on - Administra on D.O.B. : 5-Aug E-mail : Address : Swetdwip Bunglows, Daljit Nagar, Railway Sta on Road, Idar 383430, Gujarat

Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Devi : 1-Nov : 30 Nov : 9414070822

Resource Person

Club : Kota North CL : Educa on - Administra on D.O.B. : 21-Sep E-mail : Address : Director, Lawrence And Mayo Educa on Group, Sector A, Srinathpuram, Kota 324010, Rajasthan

Prof. Karuna Trivedi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9898490814

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus Disease Preven on and Treatment PDG Dr. Ravi Bhargava

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Medicine : Cardiology D.O.B. : 7-Nov E-mail : Address : l-F-24, Vigyan Nagar, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Dr. G. L. Rathi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9314140063

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Unjha CL : Medical Rural Prac ce D.O.B. : 22-Aug E-mail : Address : Jay Vijay Society, Opp. Bank of Baroda, Unjha 384170, Gujarat

Dr. B. M. Bairva

: Chandra : 10-Aug : 17-Nov : 9829035880

Resource Person

Club : Sikar CL : Medicine : Surgeon D.O.B. : 14-Mar E-mail : Address : Rathi Hospital, Sanwli Road, Sikar, Rajasthan

Dr. A. J. Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kusum : 10-Mar : 20-Feb : 9825489202

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Tonk CL : Medicine : General Prac oner D.O.B. : 15-Aug E-mail : Address : Amar Deep, Krishi Mandi, Jaipur Road, Tonk 304001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rajeswari : 1-Jul : 20-May : 9414045003

Prevent Tuberculosis

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus Community Economic Development PDG Ravin Da ari

Committee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Former Prin ng D.O.B. : 12-Dec E-mail : jrda Address : RaviJyot, Bungalow No.1, Yogashram Society, Vasna, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat

Pradeep Kothari

: Savita : 4-Sep : 18-Feb : 9314505571

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kusum : 30-Aug : 27-May : 9825039307

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 8-Aug E-mail : Address : 87/2-A, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Medicine : Orthopedic D.O.B. : 24-Jul E-mail : Address : 65, Krishna Society, Rotary Bhavan Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

S. S. Gaur

: Jyo : 6-May : 4-Dec : 9924097909

Resource Person

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Foreign Travels D.O.B. : 7-Aug E-mail : Address : Goodearth Travels Group India Pvt.Ltd., Godlick Mansion, M. I. Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Dr. Gunvant Kan lal Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


: Kamala : 9-May : 20-Jun : 9910064884

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus Maternal and Child Health PDG Dr. Jayprakash Vyas

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Sabarma Ahmedabad CL : Medicine : Pediatrics D.O.B. : 6-May E-mail : Address : Children Hospital, Mahalaxmi Apartment, Ramnagar, Sabarma , Ahmedabad 380005, Gujarat

Dr. Prakash Doshi

: Leena : 26-Aug : 19-Feb : 9825035920

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rajendra : 15-Aug : 11-Dec : 9414794684

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Idar CL : Medicine : genecology D.O.B. : 8-Dec E-mail : Address : Trimur Hospital, Behind ST Stand, Idar 383430, Gujarat

Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Bapunagar CL : Medicine : Gynaecologist D.O.B. : 6-Jan E-mail : Address : S-172-173, Mahaveer Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302018, Rajasthan

Dr. B. T. Patel

: Dr. Neeta : 27-Dec : 19-Nov : 9824012876

Resource Person

Club : Ahmedabad Airport CL : Medicine : General D.O.B. : 30-Oct E-mail : Address : M-504, Shilalekh Society Subhash Bridge Corner, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat

Dr. Prabha Luhadia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sharda : 22-Apr : 23-May : 9374023231

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus Peace Building & Conflict Preven on PDG Sharad Shah

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Law - General Prac ce D.O.B. : 29-Jul E-mail : Address : 5-6, Anmol Villa -2, Ramosana Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Pushpa Kothari

Dilip Thakkar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Yashwant Singh : 14-Nov : 22-Jun : 9462190621

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhuj CL : Hospitality Management D.O.B. : 21-Jun E-mail : Address : 9 D, Vijaynagar, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Panna : 8-Aug : 31-Aug : 9925171057

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Abu Road CL : Educa on Administra on D.O.B. : 4-Mar E-mail : Address : Director, St. John's School, Shan van, Abu Road 307510, Rajasthan

Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Ila : 1-Aug : 1-May : 9429736365

Resource Person

Club : Udaipur Meera CL : Planta on Nursery D.O.B. : 19-Feb E-mail : Address : Rajasthan Agriculture Depot, 27-28, Bus Stand Road, Opp. Surajpole, Udaipur, Rajasthan

K. A. Shyamkumar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Uma Shyam : 5-May : 27-Feb : 9649311113

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus Water and Sanita on PDG Ramesh Choudhary

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Udaipur CL : Building Material Processing D.O.B. : 25-Jul E-mail : Address : 37, Dhabhai ji Ki Bari, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Mahesh Patel

: Devika : 13-Dec : 23-Apr : 9825069706

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9461444244

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad CL : Civil Construc on D.O.B. : 11-Mar E-mail : Address : Pravesh, Ground Floor, 10, Mahadevnagar Society, Stadium Road, Near Sardar Patel Statue, Ahmedabad 380014, Gujarat

Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Bapunagar CL : Engineering : Irrega on D.O.B. : 3-Dec E-mail : Address : B-189-B, University Marg, Bapu Nagar, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Snehal Patel

: Pushpa : 16-Nov : 18-Feb : 9314412336

Resource Person

Club : Palanpur City CL : Chemical Manufacturer D.O.B. : 10-Jan E-mail : Address : "Guru Chhaya", Opp. Bala Hanuman Mandir, Nava Laxmipura, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Pramod Kumar Bhargava

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Asha : 8-Jul : 18-Dec : 9824056964

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


District Club Service provides support to clubs through collabora ve ini a ve, resources and advice. It focuses primarily on club administra on, club programs, fellowship, support to club secretaries and treasurers and the enhancement of our Rotary. Club Service works hand in hand with membership development and communica ons.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue PDG Bharat Dholakia

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Bhuj CL : Commercial Law D.O.B. : 3-Jan E-mail : Address : Shardamani, B/h. GAIMS, Camp Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Satyendra Pahariya

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpa : 22-Oct : 27-Nov : 9314970007

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Visnagar CL : Oil Seeds Traders D.O.B. : 19-Apr E-mail : Address : 15, Vivekanand Society, Near Railway Sta on, Visnagar 384315, Gujarat

Aditya Kumar Jain

: Meena : 20-Jul : 2-Jun : 9825225054

Resource Person

Club : Jaipur CL : Outbound Tourism D.O.B. : 6-Oct E-mail : Address : G801, Udb Harmony, Jaipur Ajmer Expressway, Mahapura, Opp. Pink Pearl Water Resort, Jaipur 302026, Rajasthan

Rahul Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Manisha : 24-Aug : 6-Jul : 9825042439

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Administra on Sr. Management D.O.B. : 24-Sep E-mail : akj Address : 1-GA-2, Dadabari, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nita : 4-Dec : 4-Feb : 9799022767

What is a Classifica on Roster? A Classifica on Roster is a list of filled and unfilled classifica ons in a Rotary Club, meaning it is a list showing available classifica ons or relevant ac vi es of business in a community from which a Rotary Club can invite prospec ve Rotarians. Such a list is either made by brainstorming or from a list of businesses listed in a Chamber of Commerce Business Directory or headings on a local Yellow Page Directory. Matching such a list with the primary business ac vity of each member of the club will provide the Filled and Unfilled Classifica on Roster of the club. Such a list needs to be updated every year and the total classifica on list is recommended to be reviewed and updated every 3 years to make change

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue A endance Promo on Ishwar Panjwani

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Midtown CL : Financial Consultant D.O.B. : 12-Dec E-mail : Address : 403, Swara Resi., Nr. Kalash Resi., Chandlodia, Ahmedabad 382481, Gujarat

Vikram S. Sheth

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kavita : 24-Apr : 1-Feb : 9825877710

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad CL : Bearings Distribu on D.O.B. : 1-Jul E-mail : Address : "14/1, Vanshree Society, Opp. Udgam School, Drive in Cinema Road, Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat

ASK Sherwani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Seema : 21-Dec : 21-Jun : 9824015364

Commi ee Vice - Chairman Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : E- Club Bhankhrota Jaipur CL : Indian Informa on Service D.O.B. : 2-Jun E-mail : Address : E453, Shastri Nagar, Ajmer 305001, Rajasthan

: Shahjahan : 3-Aug : 30-Oct : 9799952652

Ballo ng & Creden als Commi ee PDG Joitabhai Patel

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Mid Town CL : Govt. Administra on (Retd) D.O.B. : 13-May E-mail : Address : A-6, Saundarya Apartment, Nr. Arjun Tower, Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat

Alok Agrawal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Deepali : 28-Oct : 25-Jan : 9829061894

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhuj Flamingo CL : Medical Technologist D.O.B. : 31-Dec E-mail : Address : Unitech Laboratory, Hospital Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Sharada : 8-Nov : 1-May : 9426015285

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Transformer Manufacturing D.O.B. : 28-Dec E-mail : alok@u Address : Shiv Niketan, B-189(A), University Marg, Bapu Nagar, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Milind Vaidya

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rajshri : 2-Feb : 29-Nov : 9426217501

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Charter Day Celebra on Dr. Ritu Vaishnav

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Udaipur Udai CL : Educa onalist D.O.B. : 10-Feb E-mail : Address : 43/44, Mahaveer Colony, Bedla Road, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Ni n Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Patan CL : Food Products. Manufacturer D.O.B. : 4-Sep E-mail : Address : 4, Krishna Tenaments, Near New Kalika Temple, Rani ki Vav Road, Patan 384265, Gujarat

Dr. Pri Lal

: Naveen : 7-Jul : 9-Feb : 9166977710

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shilpa : 20-May : 2-Feb : 9824081790

Commi ee Vice - Chairman Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : E-Club Bhankhrota Jaipur CL : Medicine : Opthalmologist D.O.B. : 26-May E-mail : drpree Address : C/o Dr. Mamta Batra, A-63 Malviya Nagar, Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan

: Dr. Sunder : 1-Dec : 30-Apr : 9461304108

ClassiďŹ ca on K. L. Maheshwari

Commi ee Chairman Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : MEP Consultant D.O.B. : 9-Oct E-mail : Address : 15/B, Hirabaug Society, Maninagar, Ahmedabad 380008, Gujarat

Mohammad Ul Baqir Master

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Palanpur CL : Distributors Petro Product D.O.B. : 28-May E-mail : Address : M. A. Master and Co., Highway Petrol Pump, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Padam Dugar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rashida : 1-Jan : 1-Jun : 9825071852

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur CL : Marble & Granite Trading D.O.B. : 2-Feb E-mail : Address : 303, Panch Ratan Complex, Bedla Road, Udaipur 313004, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Indira : 10-Jul : 18-Feb : 9426051890


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Lata : 1-Jan : 18-Feb : 9352500031

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Club Leadership Plan Balwant Singh Chirana

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Sikar CL : School Educa on D.O.B. : 12-Jan E-mail : Address : Vidya Bhara Campus, Civil Lines, Sikar 332001, Rajasthan

Umang Bha

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dheeraj Kanwar : 27-Apr : 30-Oct : 9414037875

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Prahladnagar CL : Risk Management Consultant D.O.B. : 20-Jan E-mail : Address : B-203 Heritage Skyz, B/h. HDFC Bank, 100’ Ring Rd., Nr. Prahladnagar garden, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Nagendra Chaudhary

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Swa : 20-Apr : 11-Dec : 9824022269

Commi ee Vice - Chairman Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Jaipur Central CL : Real Estate Developer D.O.B. : 30-Sep E-mail : Address : 232, Himatnagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan

: Neelam : 25-Jul : 17-Jan : 9414046417

Club Administra on Shailesh Mehta

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Palanpur CL : Diamond Mfg. D.O.B. : 29-Aug E-mail : Address : Gathaman Gate, Kotwali Seri, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Rajkumari Gandhi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Praveen : 5-Sep : 6-Dec : 9166778844

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mandvi Kutch CL : Retailing Electronics Appliances D.O.B. : 27-Aug E-mail : Address : City Centre, Near Azad Chowk, Mandvi-Kutch 370465, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Madhuben : 1-Oct : 14-Dec : 9824231687

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Meera CL : Exporter-Importer of Gem & Jewellery D.O.B. : 5-Sep E-mail : Address : Rajasthan Gems, Akru Complex, 4, New Fatehpura, Saheliyo Ki Bari, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Akshay Mehta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Minal : 21-Jun : 24-May : 9825284246

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue District Awards PDG Joitabhai Patel

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Mid Town CL : Govt. Administra on (Retd) D.O.B. : 13-May E-mail : Address : A-6, Saundarya Apartment, Nr. Arjun Tower, Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat

PDG Ashish Desai

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sharada : 8-Nov : 1-May : 9426015285

Commi ee Vice - Chairman Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Educa on- University Administra on D.O.B. : 25-May E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Nr. Kalgi Flats, Judges Bunglow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

PDG Ramesh Agrawal

: Bina : 12-Mar : 5-Dec : 9825320090

Commi ee Vice - Chairman Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Jaipur Round Town CL : Corporate Management D.O.B. : 20-Oct E-mail : Address : 3-NA-1, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

: Manju : 1-Jul : 2-Dec : 9829050862

District Bylaws PDG Jus ce S. N. Bhargava

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur East CL : Law (Jus ce) D.O.B. : 11-Feb E-mail : jus Address : 20/46, Renu Path, Ambedkar Marg Mansarovar, Jaipur 302030, Rajasthan

DGN Ashok Mangal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpa : 28-Oct : 1-Jun : 9429422422

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Trading of Elec. Engi. Equipment D.O.B. : 13-Dec E-mail : Address : "Shashwatam", A-68/R, R. K. Puram, Kota, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Late Usha : : : 9414044461

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Palanpur CL : Engineering - Electrical D.O.B. : 15-Sep E-mail : Address : 48, Gayatri Nagar Society, Opp. Hanuman Tekri, Abu Highway, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

DGE Rajesh Agrawal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vandana : 27-Oct : 23-Nov : 9414188811

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue District Conference Resolu on PDG Dr. Harshad Udeshi

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Mandvi Kutch CL : Medicine: General Prac ce D.O.B. : 13-Oct E-mail : Address : Pra-Siddhi, Mandalia Street, Mandvi, Kutch 370465, Gujarat

Pratap Chaudhary

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhavna : 1-Jan : 19-Nov : 9825236390

Commi ee Vice - Chairman Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Visnagar CL : Dairy Management D.O.B. : 1-Apr E-mail : Address : 7, Vasant Park Society, Sta on Road Visnagar 384315, Gujarat

Dr. Vikrant Mathur

: Shantaben : 1-Jun : 22-May : 9879581175

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Medicine : ENT Surgery D.O.B. : 28-Dec E-mail : Address : Anandam Ent Hospital, 1 A 7, SFS, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Priyanka : 14-Aug : 4-Feb : 9352922627

District Membership Commi ee PDG Ashish Desai

Commi ee Chairman Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Educa on- University Administra on D.O.B. : 25-May E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Nr. Kalgi Flats, Judges Bunglow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Dr. Bhadresh Shah

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Sabarma CL : Medicine : Anesthesiologist D.O.B. : 28-May E-mail : Address : 12, Mandar Society, Near Kothari Tower, Ramnagar, Sabarma , Ahmedabad 380005, Gujarat

Himanshu Goyal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jolly : 30-Nov : 27-Feb : 9825288988

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Royal CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 24-Jun E-mail : Address : C-94, Lalkothi Scheme, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Bina : 12-Mar : 5-Dec : 9825320090

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


: Shipra : 17-Apr : 19-Apr : 9829555874

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue District Event Promo on Dr. Jayesh Suthar 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Sidhpur CL : Medicine - Pediatrician D.O.B. : 7-Feb E-mail : Address : 38, Vijay Laxmi Society, Dethli Cross Road, Sidhpur 384151, Gujarat

Atul Pandya 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mundra Kutch CL : I.T. D.O.B. : 19-Jan E-mail : Address : Angel Computers, Prashant Chambers, Baroi Road, Mundra 370421, Gujarat

Prakash Chand Sanghi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 7046862992

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9510064385

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Rotaract Pali CL : Catering (Restaurant) D.O.B. : 9-Sep E-mail : Address : B-1, Metro plaza, Adarsh Nagar, Pali 306401, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Rekha : 5-May : 13-Dec : 9828551483

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Rotaract Kankaria Ahmedabad CL : Interna onal Marke ng D.O.B. : 6-Jul E-mail : Address : 75, Smru Vihar Society, P D Pandya College Road, Ghodasar, Ahmedabad 382440, Gujarat

Rtr. Tapesh Kanthed 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Rotaract Gandhidham CL : Business D.O.B. : 18-Dec E-mail : Address : B-142, Shak nagar, Gandhidham, Kutch, Gujarat

Rtr. Shubham Singh 2005-06

: Nira : 26-Apr : 1-Oct : 9879600255

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Bapunagar CL : Electronic Equipments Manufacturing D.O.B. : 8-Jul E-mail : prakashsanghipc@redi Address : C-73, Siwad Area, Mangal Marg, Bapu Nagar, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Rtr. Ayush Sharma 2005-06

: Heena : 3-May : 5-May : 9825773513


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 7778823000

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Elec on Commi ee PDG Sharad Shah 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Law - General Prac ce D.O.B. : 29-Jul E-mail : Address : 5-6 Anmol Villa -2, Ramosana Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

PDG Ashish Desai 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ila : 1-Aug : 1-May : 9429736365

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Educa on- University Administra on D.O.B. : 25-May E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Nr. Kalgi Flats, Judges Bunglow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

PDG Ratnesh Kashyap 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bina : 12-Mar : 5-Dec : 9825320090

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur South CL : Export Natural Stones D.O.B. : 11-Feb E-mail : Address : 4/65, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rashi : 27-Nov : 14-Oct : 9829053300

Family Of Rotary Kalpesh2005-06 Shah

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Engineering Civil D.O.B. : 9-Dec E-mail : Address : 8, O.N.G.C Housing Society, T.B.Hospital Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Haresh2005-06 Patni

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur CL : General Insurance D.O.B. : 1-Jul E-mail : Address : 13, Van Vihar Colony, Kir Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Mahesh2005-06 Mandania(Soni)

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vandana : 8-May : 1-Jul : 9829015986

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhuj Flamingo CL : Land Developer D.O.B. : 1-Jun E-mail : Address : Golden Palace Apartment, 3Rd Floor/17, Opp.Gebcolony, Vijay Nagar, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Smita : 29-Sep : 13-Dec : 9825094056


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Gita : 12-Oct : 24-May : 9925236052

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Fund Raising Idea Bank Kishan 2005-06 Kacholia

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Tractors, tyres & Granite Proc. D.O.B. : 12-Jul E-mail : Address : Shree, 102/1, Shak Nagar, Dushera Scheme, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Gajendra Jodhawat 2005-06

: Sunita : 27-May : 19-Nov : 9309486677

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur CL : Timber And Plywood D.O.B. : 14-Mar E-mail : Address : Rakesh Timber Traders, Hospital Road, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Manisha Shah 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kanta : 7-Jul : 9-Feb : 9829020040

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Emerald CL : Media D.O.B. : 3-Aug E-mail : Address : 5, Samta Bunglows, Opp. Someshwara -2, Jodhpur Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Suresh : 20-Aug : 23-Jan : 9426181666

Gree ngs Manu Thapar 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Transport business D.O.B. : 3-Jun E-mail : Address : C-105, Elanza Crest, B/s Sigma Corporates, Sindhu Bhavan Rd., Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat

Shalini 2005-06 Bhatnagar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Raghav : 14-Feb : 20-Nov : 9468513312

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhuj CL : Tex les D.O.B. : 3-Dec E-mail : Address : The Raymond Shop, 12 Anand Colony, Nr. Santoshimaa Temple, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Gouri : 1-Jun : 20-Feb : 9825016932

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Udai CL : Ar st D.O.B. : 20-Feb E-mail : Address : 28, Subhash Nagar, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Bhupesh Thacker 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nirupama : 21-Mar : 16-Jan : 9825225081

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Interna onal Conven on Promo on Prashant Ajmera 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Interna onal investment lawyer D.O.B. : 14-May E-mail : Address : 5, Shivam Complex, IIIrd Floor, Nr. H.L. Commerce College, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat

Sunil Chawla 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hemali : 18-Sep : 18-May : 9898698184

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Airport CL : Travel Agents D.O.B. : 21-Sep E-mail : Address : 302, Sahajanand Park, Near Rajasthan Park, Shahibaug Road, Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat

Sanjay 2005-06 Kaushik

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Komal : 11-Oct : 24-May : 9824003901

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Royal CL : Tour Operators D.O.B. : 7-Jan E-mail : Address : B 37, Godara Colony, Kha pura Road, Jhotwara, Jaipur 302012, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rekha : 7-Dec : 28-Jun : 9829008958

Membership Reten on Commi ee Rajaram Rathi 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Gandhidham CL : Trader - Salt D.O.B. : 31-Aug E-mail : rrrathi@redi Address : Shree Sadan, 207/12-B, Gopal Puri Road, Gandhidham, Kutch 370201, Gujarat

Krishna2005-06 Kumar Mehta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pree : 6-Apr : 11-Jun : 9314886158

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Insurance Loss Assessment and Valua on D.O.B. : 12-Oct E-mail : Address : UL/15 Apollo Enclave, Opp. Jain Temp, Modhera Cross Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Basan : 27-Dec : 17-May : 9824214901

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur South CL : Builder and developer D.O.B. : 23-Aug E-mail : Address : 70, Hathroi Fort, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Ajay Sharma 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Indu : 23-Sep : 6-Dec : 9825070534

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue New Club Development DGE Rajesh Agrawal 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Trading of Elec. Engi. Equipment D.O.B. : 13-Dec E-mail : Address : "Shashwatam", A-68/R, R. K. Puram, Kota, Rajasthan

Pavan Chaplot 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Tex les D.O.B. : 6-Oct E-mail : Address : A 502, Kala rth Appartments, Near Prerna rth Jain Temple, Jodhpur Gam, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Shashank Jain 2005-06

: Vandana : 27-Oct : 23-Nov : 9414188811

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shabnam : 17-Sep : 19-Feb : 9825785396

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Expor ng D.O.B. : 1-Jan E-mail : Address : 15, Mansukh Marg, ShivShak Nagar, Kinap Road, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Richa : 20-Apr : 21-Nov : 9829057237

New Member Orienta on PDG Bharat Dholakia 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Bhuj CL : Commercial Law D.O.B. : 3-Jan E-mail : Address : Shardamani, B/h. GAIMS, Camp Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Dr. K. C.2005-06 Sharma

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Dausa CL : Medicine D.O.B. : 1-Feb E-mail : drkcdausa@redi Address : Jeevan Hospital, Near New Bus Depot, Agra Road, Dausa 303303, Rajasthan

Vinay Toprani 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shakuntala : 12-Oct : 22-Apr : 9414035454

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mandvi Kutch CL : Computer Service D.O.B. : 2-Aug E-mail : Address : Pathshala Building, Nr. Lohana Mahajan wadi, Talav Gate, Mandvi-Kutch 370465, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Meena : 20-Jul : 2-Jun : 9825225054


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhavna : 13-Jun : 18-Dec : 9825289435

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Public Image PDG Ratnesh Kashyap 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur South CL : Export Natural Stones D.O.B. : 11-Feb E-mail : Address : 4/65, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Anubha2005-06 Jain

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur CL : Journalist D.O.B. : 13-Dec E-mail : Address : B-20 Ganesh Marg, Bapu Nagar, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Manish2005-06 Kedia

: Rashi : 27-Nov : 14-Oct : 9829053300

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9929160977

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Prahladnagar CL : Mfg. of Water Treatment Plants and Chemicals D.O.B. : 15-Mar E-mail : manishkedia@redi Address : B-42, Royal Orchid, Corporate Road, Nr. Prahlad Nagar Garden, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Poonam : 19-Jul : 22-Apr : 7046150376

RI & DG Cita on Prem Bomb 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Chemicals D.O.B. : 4-Jul E-mail : Address : 27, Maru nanan Society, Opp. Dena Bank, Ambli-Bopal Road, Bopal, Ahmedabad 380058, Gujarat

Deepak2005-06 Sharma

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pallavi : 8-Dec : 4-Dec : 9799222444

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Vasna CL : Business D.O.B. : 1-Jan E-mail : Address : 10/76, Swatantra Senaninagar, B/h Prag nagar, Naranpura, Ahmedabad 380013, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Anshu : 29-Sep : 5-Mar : 9327055770

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Marke ng Consultant - Real Estate D.O.B. : 3-Aug E-mail : Address : J 47, Ganesh Path, Tagore Nagar, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan

Nirav Shah 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bina : 29-Jun : 20-Nov : 9327051913

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue RI Awards & Recogni ons Anjali Bha 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Fashion Designing D.O.B. : 6-Jan E-mail : Address : 601, 7th Floor Mihir Tower, Opp. Hirabhai Towers, Jawarchowk, Maninagar, Ahmedabad 380008, Gujarat

R. K. Singh 2005-06

: Pinkan : 5-Dec : 25-Nov : 9825136171

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Elite CL : Tours & Travels D.O.B. : 10-Oct E-mail : Address : Bikaner House, Bhadeser Chowk, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Dr. Samir Babaria 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sunder : 2-Mar : 28-Feb : 9414147404

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Adarsh Ahmedabad CL : Medicine : Orthopedic Surgeon D.O.B. : 12-Nov E-mail : Address : Shyamal Orthopedic Hospital, 202, Twinkle Complex, B/s. Dhananjay Tower, 100’ Anandnagar Rd., Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Sneha : 13-Nov : 22-Feb : 9824264496

RI Theme Promo on Dr. Nameeta Rajvanshi 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur Marugandha CL : Medicine : Homoeopathic D.O.B. : 12-Feb E-mail : Address : 1/14, SFS, Agrawal Farm, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan

Sunil Shah 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jyo : 25-Apr : 24-Nov : 9979928899

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhilwara CL : Property Broking D.O.B. : 22-Jul E-mail : Address : 1st Floor, 41, Heera Panna Market, Bhilwara, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Rajkumar : 1-Aug : 14-Jul : 9414443311

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Civil law D.O.B. : 29-Jul E-mail : Address : 7-8, Anmol Villa-2, Opp. Ramosana Road, Mehsana 302020, Gujarat x

Sushil Sisodia 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sandhya : 4-Jul : 4-Feb : 9829196505

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Rotary Central Awareness & Promo on Dr. Shobha Khandelwal 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Medicine : Anaesthesiology D.O.B. : 5-Jan E-mail : Address : A/8 Radhakrishan Township, Near Ramosana Flyover, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Arvind2005-06 Kumar Batra

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Mahesh : 8-Aug : 4-Feb : 9824255251

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Central CL : E-Marke ng D.O.B. : 17-Jan E-mail : Address : 209-A, Windsor Plaza, Sansar Chandra Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Raja Daxini 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sunita : 20-Nov : 1-Dec : 9214001400

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Anjar CL : Business of Electronics Home Appliances D.O.B. : 15-Jan E-mail : Address : 31, Yogeshwar Nagar-2, Anjar-Kutch 370110, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pri : 16-Feb : 10-Jul : 9426217937

Rotary Designated Month Mehul2005-06 Rathod

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Law- Prec cing Advocate, High Court D.O.B. : 21-May E-mail : Address : A/32, Gardencity Bunglows, Green Woods, S. P. Ring Road, Near Vaishnodevi Circle, Ahmedabad 382481, Gujarat

R. P. Gupta 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Manju : 9-Jul : 8-May : 9784596434

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Adipur CL : General Insurance D.O.B. : 21-Nov E-mail : Address : H. No. D.A.Z. 81 Adipur, Kutch 370205, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Bhavna : 14-Jan : 20-Jan : 9825326368

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Mansarovar CL : Educa on Administra on D.O.B. : 15-Sep E-mail : Address : C-39, Lajpat Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Rita Kella 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


: : : : 9825461982

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Rotary Fellowship Nirmal 2005-06 Kunawat

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Udaipur CL : Taxa on D.O.B. : 19-Sep E-mail : Address : 65, Panch Sheel Marg, Near Town Hall, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Bharat 2005-06 Desai

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Prahladnagar CL : Re red Banker D.O.B. : 5-Aug E-mail : Address : C-13, Vishal Residency, Anandnagar-Ramdevnagar Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Yadvendra Singh Bha 2005-06

: Asha : 2-Jul : 24-May : 9829008331

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Raksha : 20-May : 4-Dec : 9879581603

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Heights CL : Metallurgist D.O.B. : 6-Jan E-mail : ysbha Address : 17A- Bichun Bagh, Sansar Chandra Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anurekha : 16-May : 30-Apr : 9314014874

Rotary Global Reward PDG Ajay Kala 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur Round Town CL : Mfg. & Exp. of Gem & Jewellery D.O.B. : 13-Nov E-mail : Address : 303, Panchratna Complex, 3937, MSB Lane, Johari Bazar, Jaipur 302003, Rajasthan

Anita Chaudhary 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mahendra : 24-Mar : 26-Jan : 7665000550

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Airport CL : Amway Business Owner D.O.B. : 7-Nov E-mail : Address : B/9, Priyadarshini Society, B/h Sudharm Bhavan, (B/h Hotel Shahibaug), Shahibaug Road, Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Sunita : 19-Nov : 21-Dec : 9829050255

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Padmini Kota CL : Entrepreneur D.O.B. : 28-Aug E-mail : Address : 2-GA-5, Dadabari, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Suresh 2005-06 Thakkar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Panna : 9-Apr : 21-Feb : 9426604963

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Rotary Informa on Laxmiprasad Vora 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Anjar CL : Road Engineering D.O.B. : 6-Dec E-mail : Address : 224, Bha a Colony, Anjar-Kutch 370110, Gujarat

Dr. O. P.2005-06 Saxena

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Greater CL : Educa on : Teaching D.O.B. : 10-Mar E-mail : Address : 17/202, Parishram Apt., Nr. Shivranjani Crossing, Satellite Rd., Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Pree Mehta 2005-06

: Panna : 9-Oct : 17-Nov : 9426495378

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vijay Laxmi : 20-Jun : 20-May : 9898837378

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur South CL : Financial Consultant D.O.B. : 6-Apr E-mail : pree Address : 70, Hathroi Fort, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Krishna : 23-Aug : 11-Jun : 9352668506

Rotary Leadership Ins tute Dr. Seema Singh 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Udaipur Meera CL : Higher Educa on Administra on D.O.B. : 28-May E-mail : Address : "Neel House" 5-A, Haridas Ji Ki Magri, Near Mulla Talai Circle, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Mita Agrawal 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sanjeev : 20-Jun : 6-Nov : 9314460966

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Law - Civil And Criminal D.O.B. : 31-Jul E-mail : bharatsura Address : Bhak Bunglows, Marchant Park, B/h Jain Marchant Society, Paldi, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Himmat : 25-Nov : 10-Mar : 9829042866

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Corporate Trainer D.O.B. : 12-Nov E-mail : Address : 1-E-3, SFS Doctor's Enclave, Talwadi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Bharat 2005-06 Sur

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhavna : 24-Nov : 30-Dec : 9825048680

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Rotary Week Celebra on Ashok2005-06 Patni

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur Central CL : Mfg. : Construc on Machines D.O.B. : 10-Apr E-mail : Address : 301, Pink Tower, Opp. Nehru Garden, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Anurag2005-06 Banthia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Gunmala : 29-Aug : 18-Jun : 9829018650

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur South CL : Home Maker D.O.B. : 4-Mar E-mail : Address : A-1, Ganesh Marg, Hawa Sarak, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Dr. Khushboo Khamar 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mahendra : 30-Sep : 1-Dec : 9829068283

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Supreme CL : Medicine : Den st D.O.B. : 19-Oct E-mail : Address : M B Dental Home, A-311, Orchid Centre, Opp Safal Parisar I, South Bopal, Ahmedabad 380058, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Parth : 24-Dec : 18-Dec : 9726580845

Service To New & Weak Club DGE Rajesh Agrawal 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Trading of Elec. Engi. Equipment D.O.B. : 13-Dec E-mail : Address : "Shashwatam", A-68/R, R. K. Puram, Kota, Rajasthan

Sameer Trivedi 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Gandhinagar CL : Security and Manpower Recruitment D.O.B. : 6-Dec E-mail : Address : B/183/184, Sector 26, Gandhinagar 382028, Gujarat

Sunil Mor 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ranju : 15-Jan : 8-Feb : 9825283855

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Sikar CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 13-Jul E-mail : Address : Sunil Mor & Co., 303-304, Bhaskar Mega Mall, Opp. SBI, Sta on Road, Sikar, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Vandana : 27 10 : 23-Nov : 9414188811


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Manju : 12-Dec : 12-Feb : 9414039265

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Spouse Involvement Vijaya Gupta 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur Marugandha CL : Educa on Administra on D.O.B. : 3-Dec E-mail : Address : 54, Taru Chhaya Nagar, Near Gem Stone Park, Tonk Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Monica2005-06 Singhatwadia

: Dr. Ashok : 7-Nov : 15-May : 9783877777

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Meera CL : School Administra on D.O.B. : 18-Jul E-mail : Address : 8, Old Fatehpura, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Shabnam Chaplot 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sandeep : 17-Jul : 8-Jul : 9636862756

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Tex le Business D.O.B. : 17-Sep E-mail : Address : A/502, Kala Tirth, Nr. Prerna Tirth Jain Temple, Jodhpur Gam, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pavan Kumar : 6-Oct : 19-Feb : 9998655649

Strategic Planning DGN Ashok Mangal 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Palanpur CL : Engineering - Electrical D.O.B. : 15-Sep E-mail : Address : 48, Gayatri Nagar Society, Opp. Hanuman Tekri, Abu Highway, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Gopal Jain 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Urmila : 5-Mar : 18-Jun : 9414178983

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhuj Flamingo CL : Law (Revenue) D.O.B. : 23-Sep E-mail : Address : Advocate Chamber, Mahadev Gate, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Pushpa : 28-Oct : 1-Jun : 9429422422

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Taxa on D.O.B. : 9-Feb E-mail : Address : 86, Pratapnagar, Near B.V.P. Hospital, Dada Bari, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Vimal Mehta 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Alja : 8-Nov : 14-Dec : 9426214671

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Turning Rotaractors into Rotarians Pawan 2005-06 Jain Sangam

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Malpura Green CL : Brokership in Oil Seed D.O.B. : 24-Nov E-mail : Address : Agarwal Brokers, Sanjay Market, Malpura (Tonk) 304502, Rajasthan,

Ghela Ahir 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mamta : 22-Sep : 18-Jun : 9414257977

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Gandhidham CL : Trading : Tyre D.O.B. : 13-Apr E-mail : Address : Bharat Tyres, Shop No. 1&2 Sai Commercial Complex, Nr. Hotel Chandan, Gandhidham 370201, Gujarat

Hemant2005-06 Jain

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Manju : 1-Mar : 15-May : 9825227266

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Dungarpur CL : General Law Prac ce D.O.B. : 31-Jul E-mail : Address : Opposite Civil Court, Mahaveer Nagar, Dungarpur 314001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anita : 18-May : 19-Apr : 9414723143

Women Membership Development Sonal Patel 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Home Maker D.O.B. : 28-Jul E-mail : Address : 13, Kalhaar Exo ca, Nr. Hearth Party Plot, B/h. Shukan Palace Homes, Nr. Science City, Sola, Ahmedabad 380060, Gujarat

Sarla Mundra

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anil : 12-Dec : 3-Feb : 9414186734

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Mahanagar CL : Jewellery Designer D.O.B. : 23-Feb E-mail : Address : C-201, Tulip Citadel, Nr. Shreyas Tekra, Manekbaug, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Maullin : 7-Dec : 12-Dec : 7016384117

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Padmini Kota CL : Home Maker D.O.B. : 26-Dec E-mail : Address : 524 A, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Pinakini Chokshi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pankaj : 12-Dec : 6-Mar : 9825910662

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Service Avenue Fund Raising Sub Commi ee PDG Mohanbhai 2005-06N. Shah

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Bhuj CL : Life Insurance D.O.B. : 12-Aug E-mail : Address : Raliyta Ganga" 187, Vijay Nagar, Hospital Road Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Saunil Vakil 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Late Jyo : 10-Apr : 24-Jan : 9825225497

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Investment Consultant D.O.B. : 22-Nov E-mail : Address : 31, Ashwamegh Bungalow-3, Satellite Road, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Dr. M. S. Singhvi 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jaimini : 24-Jul : 27-Feb : 9825019112

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur CL : Mining Ind. Mineral D.O.B. : 13-Jul E-mail : Address : 172, Fatehura, Sukhadia Circle Udaipur 313004, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Usha : 18-apr : 13-Jul : 9414156150

150 Years Celebra on of Mahatma Gandhi PDG Joitabhai Patel 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Mid Town CL : Govt Administra on (Retd) D.O.B. : 13-May E-mail : Address : A-6 Saundarya Apartment, Nr. Arjun Tower, Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat

Piyushbhai Desai

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9824097009

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Gandhinagar CL : Town Planning D.O.B. : 11-Oct E-mail : Address : Plot No. 1540/2, Sector 5B, Opp. AEC Sub-sta on, Gandhinagar 382004, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Sharada : 8-Nov : 1-May : 9426015285

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad CL : Manufacturing : Tea D.O.B. : 5-Dec E-mail : Address : Punit Bungalow, Nr. Mithakhali, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

Mahendra Bhavsar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sarojben : 8-Nov : 20-Feb : 9825463835

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Each Rotarian is an important link between his profession and Rotary. They establish high standards with moral ethical values and follow four way test by volunteering professional skills to serve others.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Voca onal Service Avenue Jyo Maheshwari

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur midtown CL : Investor D.O.B. : 22-Jul E-mail : jyo Address : 309, Amrapali Plaza, E-2, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan

Dr. Azim Sheth

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hamidabanu : 24-Jan : 28-May : 9978531246

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Gandhinagar CL : Manufacturing LED System D.O.B. : 21-Jan E-mail : Address : E-236, GIDC, Electronic Estate, Opp. Devi Electronics, Sector-26, Gandhinagar 382028, Gujarat

Deepak Sukhadia

: Indu : 21-Jul : 24-Sep : 9571588099

Resource Person

Club : Bhuj CL : Medicine - Family Physician D.O.B. : 19-Dec E-mail : Address : Gowal Sheri, Vaniya Val, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Rahul Mehta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nita : 30-Jul : 21-Jan : 9825042439

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Heritage CL : Business D.O.B. : 10-Nov E-mail : Address : Road No.3, Durga Nursery Road, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nimisha : 19-Nov : 4-Nov : 9928355488

Expanding your Business relationship through Rotary

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Voca onal Service Avenue Career Guidance And Training Sandeep Singhatwalia

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Udaipur Mewar CL : Educa on - School D.O.B. : 17-Jul E-mail : Address : The Universal School, 8 Old Fatehpura, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Sunil Toke

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Monika : 18-Jul : 8-Jul : 9982966396

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Mfg. of Cas ng Iron D.O.B. : 30-Apr E-mail : Address : 57, Part-A, Radhika Park Society, Express Way, Nr. Jasodanagar, Ahmedabad 380026, Gujarat

Shikha Bhadada

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sunita : 5-Apr : 28-May : 9825272386

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhilwara Solitaire CL : College Educa on D.O.B. : 23-Oct E-mail : Address : Kanchan Devi Girls College, Pansal Road, Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rtn Naveen : 21-Apr : 16-Jan : 9829169304

Employer - Employee Rela ons Dharam Chand Mehta

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur Heights CL : Newspaper Distribu on D.O.B. : 25-Aug E-mail : Address : B-87-A, Aditya Apartment, Surya Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Anubhav Ladia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Puja : 27-Jan : 12-Dec : 9352526000

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mount Abu CL : Hotelier D.O.B. : 29-Dec E-mail : Address : Hotel Saraswa , Opp. Polo Ground, Mount Abu 307501, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Hemlata : 2-Jul : 8-Jul : 9829065400

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Heritage CL : Synthe c Yarn D.O.B. : 11-Jan E-mail : Address : SRSL House, N.H.08, Pulla Bhuwana Road, Udaipur 313004, Rajasthan

Kashyap Jani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Archana : 6-Mar : 4-Dec : 9829321321

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Voca onal Service Avenue Enterpreneurship Development Kamal Jain

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Gandhinagar CL : Finance D.O.B. : 5-Jun E-mail : Address : Madhu Perk Plot No.110, Sector 8B, Gandhinagar 382007, Gujarat

Sunit Hapani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Madhu : 24-sep : 11-feb : 9824016611

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Global turnkey project D.O.B. : 3-Oct E-mail : Address : 4th Floor, Sarthik Square, Nr. GNFC Info Tower, S.G. Road, Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat

Vandana Prakash

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ami : 24-Jan : 31-Aug : 8866002001

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur South CL : Home Maker D.O.B. : 7-Feb E-mail : Address : B-135, Sunder Niwas, Rajendra Marg, Bapunagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rajendra : 1-Aug : 10-Jul : 9928362202

Four Way Test Ashwin Jain

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Gandhidham CL : Ennginnering Machines sales D.O.B. : 2-Dec E-mail : Address : Plot no 69, sector 1A, Gandhidham 370201, Gujarat

Rangesh Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Dahegam CL : Chemist D.O.B. : 17-Mar E-mail : Address : 20, Atul Society, Dahegam 382305, Gujarat

Umedsinh Chauhan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mina : 14-Feb : 11-May : 9898554572

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 5-Dec E-mail : Address : 147, Navratna Complex, Bedla Road, Fatehpura, Udaipur, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Archana : 1-Nov : 25-May : 9825225529


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rajinder : 5-Mar : 5-Mar : 9414158424

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Voca onal Service Avenue Legal Aid Commi ee Avnish Thacker

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Bhuj CL : Lawyer D.O.B. : 28-May E-mail : Address : 40, Vijay Nagar, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

J. K. Singhi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Metro CL : Lawyer D.O.B. : 16-Aug E-mail : Address : Amolak, 17 Vivek Vihar Near Vidhyaashram School, Jaipur 302015

Rajesh Kanani

: Kajal : 11-apr : 24-jan : 9825226585

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Asha : 3 Nov : 25 Nov : 9413340433

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Airport CL : Lawyer D.O.B. : 28-Sep E-mail : Address : 408, Aakru , Nr. Stadium Circle, Navrangpura Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Tejal : 3-Jan : 9-Dec : 9825044084

Moral Ethics In Rotary PDG Dr. Gyaneshwar Rao

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Bhuj Flamingo CL : Medicine : Surgery D.O.B. : 23-Apr E-mail : Address : Bunglow No.1, Near Accord Hospital, Mundra Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Dr. Mahesh Mulani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Krishna : 28 Dec : 1 Jul : 9824549413

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Sumerpur CL : Agricultural D.O.B. : 30-Mar E-mail : Address : Kisan Trolly works, Sta on Rd., Opp. Power House, Sumerpur, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Dr. Alka : 3-Jun : 16-Jan : 9825225405

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Radhanpur CL : Lawyer D.O.B. : 2-Oct E-mail : Address : 14, Jalaram Society, Radhanpur, Patan 385340, Gujarat

Kishanlal Kachwaha

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shashi : 10-Jul : 23-Feb : 9829121153

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Voca onal Service Avenue Skill Development P. M. Bhardwaj

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur Bapu Nagar CL : Service D.O.B. : 13-Feb E-mail : Address : 71-B, Harikishan Somani Marg Harhroi, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Ashutosh Dave

: Reena : 1-Jul : 27-Nov : 9414077887

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Voca onal Skill Development D.O.B. : 12-Jan E-mail : Address : 100/43, Divyajivan flats, Vakilwadi, Nr.L G Hospital, Maninagar, Ahmedabad 380008, Gujarat

Sweety Chhabra

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bina : 31-Oct : 25-Dec : 9099988452

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Meera CL : Aura Expert D.O.B. : 16-Jan E-mail : Address : Chhabra Niwas, Opp. M.B. College, NICC, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mahendra : 22-Feb : 15-Nov : 9352506888

Voca onal Awards Hemal Sheth

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Mahanagar CL : Mfg. Chemical D.O.B. : 21-Jun E-mail : Address : B-801, Shapath-4, Opp. Kaarnava Club, SG Road, Ahmedabad 380051, Gujarat

Anil Mundra

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sarla : 26-Dec : 3-Feb : 9414186518

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad CL : Elevator Manufacturing D.O.B. : 14-Nov E-mail : Address : D-1 Akash Apartment, Gulab Tower Road, Off Sola Road, Bhuyangdev, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Bhavna : 4-Jan : 1-Dec : 9824044994

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Trading - Automobile D.O.B. : 5-Sep E-mail : Address : 524-A, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Paresh Dixit

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ujjwala : 7-Jul : 10-Dec : 9909912817

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Voca onal Service Avenue Voca onal Fellowship Arvind Kabra

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Supreme CL : Business Ceo D.O.B. : 3-May E-mail : Address : 44-45, Sumadhur Society, B/h. Ocean Park Bldg, Nehru Nagar, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Daljeet Singh Bhandari

: Rekha : 7-Feb : 23-Jan : 9825009267

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Metro CL : Petro Chemical Marke ng D.O.B. : 2-Apr E-mail : Address : C-113, Lalkothi Scheme, Behind Vidhan Sabha, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

K. I. Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Renu : 28-Jul : 25-Nov : 9928882880

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Midtown CL : Manufacturing - Chemical Industry D.O.B. : 1-Jun E-mail : Address : 11, Manichandra Society, Part IV, Mem Nagar, Ahmedabad 380052, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Tara : 23-Feb : 15-May : 9825006522

Voca onal Networking Mahendra Chaudhary

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Consultancy in Civil Engineering D.O.B. : 24-Mar E-mail : Address : 2 Ga 5 , Dadabari, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Arihant Jain

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Capital CL : Civil Contractor D.O.B. : 5-Jul E-mail : Address : D-6/336, First Floor, Chitrakoot, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan

Hetal Doshi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dimple : 9-Nov : 31-Oct : 8233335540

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Prahladnagar CL : Mfg. - Plas c Bag D.O.B. : 27-Jun E-mail : Address : 202, Ujas Appts. Paldi, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Anita : 28-Aug : 26-Jan : 9829035435


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhavika : 31-May : 24-Nov : 9426341292

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

“It’s simple. The more members we have, the more people we can help. A stronger membership base will result in stronger communities.” Gary CK Huang Rotary International Past President


Rotary is dedicated to make the world a be er place to live. Rotarians are dedicated people to make a dierence by bringing relevant service projects for community, mainly for health, educa on and environment to bring las ng improvements.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Mahesh Bhanshali

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Deesa CL : Diamond Mfg. D.O.B. : 10-Mar E-mail : Address : Bhansali Trust, Gandhi-Lincoln Hospital, Nr. Sardar Garden, Deesa 385535, Gujarat

Dr. M. L. Agarwal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Aruna : 24-Aug : 9-Jul : 9825020868

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Marke ng Electrical Goods D.O.B. : 24-Feb E-mail : Address : A-37, Tulsi Bunglows, B/h. Sai Krishna Hospital, Radhanpur Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Shubhkaran Nahata

: : : : 9825127755

Resource Person

Club : Kota North CL : Consultant : Mental Health D.O.B. : 17-Jun E-mail : Address : 1-B-31, SFS , Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Pravin Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kokilaben : 28-Jun : 11-May : 9426701567

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur CL : Petroleum Product Distributor D.O.B. : 1-Oct E-mail : Address : 34, Krishna Vihar, Gopalpura Bye Pass, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sharmila : 9-Jan : 26-Jun : 9950166399

ROTARY's FIRST COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT In 1907, the Rotary Club of Chicago, under the leadership of Rotary Interna onal Founder Paul Percy Harris, ini ated the first Rotary public service project : crea ng a public comfort sta on (also known as 4 public toilet).

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Aids Awareness & Preven on Dr. Bipin Shah 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Dahegam CL : Medicine : Gyanecology D.O.B. : 13-May E-mail : drbkshah@india Address : Chandan Maternity Hospital, 6, Jaya Apartment, 1st Floor, Modasa Road, Dahegam 382305, Gujarat

Dr. Pranav Vaishnav 2005-06

: Sunita : 31-Dec : 14-Dec : 9825313642

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mandvi Kutch CL : Medicine : Pediatrics D.O.B. : 8-Dec E-mail : Address : Navjivan Children Hospital, 8- Swami Vivekanandnagar, Mandvi, Kutch 370465, Gujarat

Dr. Madhav Singh 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Neelam : 17-May : 23-May : 9825225133

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Srimadhopur Sunrise CL : Medicine : General D.O.B. : 16-Jan E-mail : Address : Madhav Singh Hospital, Srimadhopur, Sikar 332715, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hanumani Devi : 4-Aug : 15-Mar : 9252533184

Avoidable Blindness Dr. Jayesh Bavishi 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Palanpur City CL : Medicine : Ophthalmology D.O.B. : 21-Jul E-mail : Address : Bavishi Hospital, Doctor House, Near Railway Over Bridge, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Dr. Kishore Asnani 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Chandrakanta : 31-Aug : 12-Dec : 9825436294

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur CL : Medicine : Opthalmology D.O.B. : 5-Dec E-mail : Address : Dr. Kothari's Eye Hospital, Patel Circle, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Dr. Nisha : 14-Jul : 14-Jul : 9328324525

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Deesa CL : Medicine : Ophthalmology D.O.B. : 10-Jul E-mail : Address : Mohan Eye Hospital, Vaibhav Complex, Deesa 385535, Gujarat

Dr. Anil2005-06 Kothari

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Sudha : 11-Jul : 7-Nov : 9414158657

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Blood Dona on Babulal2005-06 Prajapa

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Patan CL : Medical-Lab Technologist D.O.B. : 15-Jan E-mail : bk_prajapa Address : 11/B, Krushna Park Society, Nr. First Railway Nala, Patan, Gujarat

Dipesh2005-06 Thacker

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Daxa : 25-May : 23-Apr : 9824250171

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhuj Capital CL : Real Estate Development D.O.B. : 4-Mar E-mail : Address : Kalakru Engineers, Flat No. G/01, Akshay Raj Appt., Bankers Colony, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Dr. Ved2005-06 Prakash

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Neha : 30-Dec : 7-May : 9825229199

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota Roundtown CL : Medicine : General D.O.B. : 30-Apr E-mail : Address : Dr. Encleve, 1A 12SFS, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Saroj : 18-Apr : 12-May : 9414188106

Cancer Detec on & Preven on Dr. Devendra Patel 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad CL : Medicine : Oncology Surgery D.O.B. : 15-Sep E-mail : Address : Gangabaug, Dr. V S Marg, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Dr. Deepak Garg 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Rashmi : 19-Aug : 28-Apr : 9414039646

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhuj Flamingo CL : Transport D.O.B. : 7-Dec E-mail : Address : 18, Ganesh Kunj, Bhanushalinagar, Bhuj-Kutch 370001, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Uma : 5-Nov : 20-Apr : 9825122723

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Sikar CL : Medicine Prac ce D.O.B. : 3-Feb E-mail : Address : Garg Nursing Home & Gastro Care, Near SBI, Sta on Road, Sikar, Rajasthan

Manoj 2005-06 Thakkar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Meena : 31-Oct : 3-Jul : 9825226595

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Community Health & Hygiene Dr. Anantprakash 2005-06 N. Dikshit

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Patan CL : Medicine : Ophthalmology D.O.B. : 11-Feb E-mail : Address : 5, "Suyagna", Saravodayanagar Society, Deesa Road, Patan 384265, Gujarat

Dr. K. D.2005-06 Gupta

: Ashaben : 14-Jul : 31-May : 9825760695

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ranthambore Sawai Madhopur CL : Medicine : General D.O.B. : 8-Sep E-mail : Address : Vatsalya Hospital, Near Railway Bridge, Sawai Madhopur 322001, Rajasthan

Dr. Dhiraj Mehta 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Girish : 20-Oct : 13-Dec : 9414030650

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Medicine-Surgery D.O.B. : 23-Jan E-mail : Address : 7, Vasuki Society, Opp. Vasana Bus Stand, Vasana, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Yogini : 18-Dec : 4-Feb : 9824019682

Consumer Awareness Uday Mawani 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Riverfront CL : Consultancy : Consumer Rights D.O.B. : 25-Apr E-mail : Address : 39, Paramdham Society, Bopal, Ahmedabad 380058, Gujarat

Amar Singh Kavia 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Bhar : 9-Feb : 4-Feb : 9414037789

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Midtown CL : Law : General Prac ce D.O.B. : 4-Jan E-mail : Address : 101, Venugopal, Nr. Bhuj Bank, Mithakhali Six Road, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380052, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: : : : 9978271171

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Sikar CL : Insurance Administra on D.O.B. : 20-Aug E-mail : Address : Kavia Bhawan, Kailash Nagar, Piprali Road, Sikar 332001, Rajasthan

Manish2005-06 Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shetal : 1-Jul : 21-Feb : 9825064560

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue CSR Commi ee Jitendra2005-06 Patel

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Gandhinagar CL : Educa on : Administra on (Higher Educa on) D.O.B. : 5-Jul E-mail : Address : Director, Unique Interna onal School, Near Bus Stand, Idar 383430, Gujarat

Mitesh2005-06 Dharamshi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dixie : 12-Oct : 6-Dec : 9979077555

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Gandhidham CL : Shipping Services D.O.B. : 4-May E-mail : Address : Parekh Marine, C-8 Shak Nagar, Post Box 200, Gandhidham 370201, Gujarat

Rajendra Prakkash 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dip : 1-Jul : 21-Dec : 9825226557

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur South CL : Real Estate Development D.O.B. : 1-Aug E-mail : Address : B-135A, Sunder Niwas, Rajendra Marg, Bapunagar, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vandana : 7-Feb : 10-Jul : 9829066673

Cultural & Heritage Dhanrajbhai Thakkar

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Patan CL : Educa on (Private School) D.O.B. : 31-Jan E-mail : Address : 46, Gayatri Duplex, Chitrakut Society, Nr. Gayatri Temple, Patan 384265, Gujarat

Mayank Bha a

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pra gya : 14-Dec : 29-Jan : 9799966007

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Anjar CL : Insurance : General D.O.B. : 17-May E-mail : Address : 24-25/B, Sahaj, Vardhaman Nagar, Anjar 370110, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Sangita : 1-Jun : 1-Feb : 9998946658

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaisalmer Swarnnagri CL : Hotel Management D.O.B. : 25-Dec E-mail : Address : Hotel Priya, CVS Colony, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

Chandrakant Palan 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpa : 24-Apr : 31-Jan : 9427274673

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Disaster Management J. P. Maheshwari

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Palanpur City CL : Manufacturing of Kra Paper D.O.B. : 16-Apr E-mail : Address : 131 Shiv Mahal, Opp.Bihari Baug, Palanpur Abu Highway, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Milan Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhar : 11-Jan : 27-Nov : 9879266999

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Travel Agency - Holiday Tours D.O.B. : 6-Apr E-mail : Address : G. 14 Hemkoot Building, Opp. Capital Commercial Center, Nehrubridge, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat

Punamaram Solanki

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Parinda : 8-Jun : 11-May : 9825060550

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jalore CL : Real Estate Consul ng D.O.B. : 1-Jul E-mail : Address : Shop No.10, City Centre Complex, Jalore 343001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Me Devi : 23-Feb : 22-Apr : 9414397825

Energy Conserva on & Alternate Energy Promo on Dr. Sudhir Kumar Calla

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur Bapunagar CL : Medicine : ENT Surgeon D.O.B. : 20-Sep E-mail : Address : B-129, Pearl Prem Apartment, Flat 501, Rajendra Marg, Bapunagar, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Yogesh Pagaria

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Mewar CL : Manufacturing : Windows D.O.B. : 24-Apr E-mail : Address : 6-7, Rishabh Vihar, New Ashok Nagar, 100 Ft. Rd., Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Jagat Karani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sonal : 25-Dec : 19-Feb : 9414156685

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Capital Gandhinagar CL : Land Development D.O.B. : 21-Jan E-mail : Address : Karani Villa, plot No. 277, Sector 29, Gandhinagar 382029, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Dr Sudha : 30-Jun : 19-Nov : 9414063658


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Chetna : 21-jan : 28-dec : 9824011211

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Environment Protec on Samir Choksi

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Prahladnagar CL : Consultancy : Indutrial Pollu on Control D.O.B. : 11-Sep E-mail : Address : 9, Paras Bunglow-1, Opp. AUDA Garden, Prahaladnagar, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Dhiraj Mehta

: Nayna : 11-Jun : 13-Feb : 9824034495

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ambaji CL : Wholeseller - Marble D.O.B. : 30-Apr E-mail : Address : "Shyam Nikunj", 91, Yogeshwar Nagar, Danta Road, Ambaji 385110, Gujarat

Manoj Sharma

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rekha : 28-Feb : 5-Feb : 9427086099

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Dudu CL : Business D.O.B. : 1-Jul E-mail : Address : Jugal Niwas, Mahaveer colony, Dudu 303008, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Santosh : 18-Oct : 5-Jun : 9875194600

Go Green Campaign Surendra Sharma

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Dudu CL : Lawyer D.O.B. : 15-Apr E-mail : Address : Chamber No. 6 , Court Campus, Dudu 303008, Rajasthan

K. R. Khan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Tonk CL : Marke ng Life Saving Drugs D.O.B. : 31-Jan E-mail : Address : Nutan Medical & Gen. Agency, Opp. Tagore Talkies, Nr. Panchba , Qafia Bazar, Tonk 304001, Rajasthan

Navinchandra Mistry

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jibin : 1-Jul : 30-Sep : 9414048410

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kalol City CL : Building Design Consultancy D.O.B. : 2-Feb E-mail : Address : 6-9-50, Ramwadi, Suthar's Street, Near Vakharia Building, Kalol, Gandhinagar 382721, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Beena : 12-Dec : 6-Dec : 9414297482


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nilu : 25-May : 21-Apr : 9824512180

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Government Grants & Policies Dr. Sudip Kumar Nanda

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Capital Gandhinagar CL : Government Administra on Service D.O.B. : 1-Feb E-mail : Address : Plot no 528/2, Near CH2 circle, Sector-8, Gandhinagar 382007, Gujarat

Jaswant Gandhi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sanjugta : 1-Sep : 21-Feb : 9978406114

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Gandhinagar CL : Government Administra on Service D.O.B. : 26-Apr E-mail : Address : Plot No. 311/1, Sector-7A, Gandhinagar 382007, Gujarat

Dr. Parmesh Chandra

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kusum : 11-Sep : 21-May : 9978405819

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Central CL : Government Administra on Service (Retd.) D.O.B. : 25-Sep E-mail : Address : Plot No. 1 & 2, Adinath Nagar, Opp. World Trade Park, JLN Marg, Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Jaishree : 11-Jan : 11-Feb : 9829018100

Human Resource Development Dr. Devendra Kothari

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur CL : Consultancy : Popula on & Development D.O.B. : 17-Sep E-mail : Address : 203 Pearl Mount View 14 A Vijay Path, Tilak Nagar Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Harish Kalyani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Adipur CL : Higher Educa on D.O.B. : 16-Apr E-mail : h.kalyani@redi Address : 376, Ward 2-B, Adipur, Kutch 370205, Gujarat

Ravi Naredi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Manju : 8-Nov : 31-Oct : 9898260188

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhilwara CL : Stock & Bond Brokerage D.O.B. : 13-Aug E-mail : Address : Naredi Investment P. Ltd., Dalai Tower, Pratap Talkies Corner, Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: : : : 9829119868


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anju : 13-Aug : 30-Nov : 9829046070

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Life Style Disease Awareness Dr. Neeta Vyas

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Sabarma Ahmedabad CL : Medicine - Physiotherapy D.O.B. : 27-Dec E-mail : Address : 29/A, "Akshar", Adjacent To Balaji Bunglow, Abu Street, Ramnagar, Sabarma , Ahmedabad 380005, Gujarat

Rekha Kabra

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jayprakash : 6-May : 19-Nov : 9328277119

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Supreme CL : Past Life Regression Therapy D.O.B. : 7-Feb E-mail : Address : 44-45 Sumadhur Society, B/h. Ocean Park Bldg, Nehru Nagar, Ambawadi Vistar, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Raghunandan Vashistha

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Arvind : 3-May : 23-Jan : 9825353637

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Dudu CL : Banking - Services D.O.B. : 3-Sep E-mail : Address : C- 410, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpa : 1-Jul : 8-May : 9413370488

Na onal TB Control Siddharth Manakiwala

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad CL : General Insurance D.O.B. : 17-Aug E-mail : Address : B-5, Neelamber Complex, St.Xavier'S College Corner, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat

O. P. Bansal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rekha : 6-Jun : 19-May : 9414271252

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Radhanpur CL : Medicine : General D.O.B. : 1-Jun E-mail : Address : Ashirvad Hospital, Highway Cross Roads, B/h. Indraprasth Hotel, Radhanpur, Patan 385340, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Rajeshwari : 28-Jan : 30-Apr : 9825577966

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Pride CL : Medicine : Surgeon D.O.B. : 13-Sep E-mail : Address : 303 The Grand Geejgarh, Hawa Sarak, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan

Dr. Pravin Oza

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Madhuben : 2-Sep : 22-May : 9825094851

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Organ Dona on Dr. Rohit Joshi

Commi ee Chairman

Club : E-Club of Galaxy 3051 CL : Medicine : Urologist And Transplant Surgeon D.O.B. : 19-May E-mail : Address : Aarna Hospital, Nr. Parimal Underbridge, Paldi, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat

Renu Singh

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Shital : 3-Oct : 28-Jan : 9824090609

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Royal CL : Naturopathy Prac ce D.O.B. : 14-Aug E-mail : Address : 20-37, Renu Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan

Veena Parikh

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Prithviraj : 14-Aug : 4-Mar : 9414150290

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Manufacturing Engineering Parts D.O.B. : 29-Dec E-mail : Address : C-1109, Titanium City Center, 100’ Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

:::: 9824039374

Road Safety Awareness Prof. (Dr.) Pravin Kanabar

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Supreme CL : Medicine : Orthopedics D.O.B. : 1-Nov E-mail : Address : 1, Mithila Society, Next to Manekbaug Post Office, B/h Manek Baug Hall, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015

Ram Gopal Agrawal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpa : 22-Oct : 18-Feb : 9829036679

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Majesty CL : Manufacturing : Chemical and Dyes Stuff D.O.B. : 20-Aug E-mail : Address : D-504, Indraprasdha 5, B/h. HDFC Bank, Anand Nagar, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Lt. Bhanuma : : : 9824016707

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota Roundtown CL : Contractor : Civil D.O.B. : 9-May E-mail : Address : 52/A, R. K. Puram, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Kaushal Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anjana : 20-Dec : 10-May : 8301396202

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Rotary Community Corps Shamjibhai Gor

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Vijapur CL : Educa on - Secondary (Retd.) D.O.B. : 23-Jul E-mail : Address : 47, Dhanlaxmi Society Opp. Gayatri Mandir, Vijapur 382770, Gujarat

Mafatlal Fosi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pushpaben : 9-Jul : 6-May : 9825346025

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Palanpur CL : Distribu on : Pharmaceu cals D.O.B. : 1-Jun E-mail : Address : Plot No.1, Becherpura, Shak nagar, Behind S.T. Workshop, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Anand Solanki

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shantaben : 1-Jun : 14-May : 9825081906

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Pali CL : Auto Sales D.O.B. : 29-Jan E-mail : Address : Hotel Priya, CVS Colony, Jaisalmer, Pali- Marwar, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kanya : : 4-May : 8696674450

Rural Development Nandlal Goyal

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Gandhidham CL : Event Management D.O.B. : 8-Jul E-mail : Address : Plot No 131, Ward 3/A, Adipur, Kutch 370205, Gujarat

Manoj Kumar Jain

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Dudu CL : Trading D.O.B. : 19-Jan E-mail : Address : Plot 640, Flat G-2, Rani Sa Nagar, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan

Madhavlal Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Manisha : 14-Jan : 8-Jul : 9414930625

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Vadali CL : Cinema Exhibi on D.O.B. : 2-Dec E-mail : rcv3050@redi Address : Navkar Hospital, Nr. Old SBI, Vadali 383235, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Premlata : 5-Apr : 30-Apr : 9825225769


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kankuben : 1-Jun : 10-Apr : 9426891644

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Save The Girl Child Dr. Priyanka Mathur

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Padmini Kota CL : Audiometrist D.O.B. : 14-Aug E-mail : Address : 1-A-7, Talwandi, SFS, Near HDFC Bank, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Sangeeta Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Vikrant : 28-Dec : 4-Feb : 9352222627

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Asmita CL : Social Service D.O.B. : 4-Apr E-mail : Address : 9, Shrus Bunglow, Part 1, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat

Kavita Modi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jigar : 14-Feb : 20-Feb : 9879833376

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Meera CL : Marble Retailer D.O.B. : 3-Mar E-mail : Address : 9-A, Polo Ground, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pradeep : 30-Jul : 24-Jun : 9829247329

Senior Ci zen Welfare Naresh Modi

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad CL : Hotel Management D.O.B. : 23-Nov E-mail : Address : Hotel Chamber, Nr. Nagri Hospital, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

Dinesh Vyas

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Gayatri : 1-Jul : 31-May : 9784269091

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mehsana Milk City CL : Medicine : Gynecology D.O.B. : 20-Aug E-mail : Address : Devanshi Maternity and surgical Hospital, Highway, Opp. HDFC Bank, Mehsana, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Renuka : 2-Nov : 18-Jul : 9825628878

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kherwara CL : Educa on : Administra on D.O.B. : 5-Aug E-mail : Address : 14,Swas k Colony, Behind Biss Dukan, N.H. 8, Kherwara 313803, Rajasthan

Dr. P. R. Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Padma : 30-Dec : 16-May : 9825035080

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Service to Specially Abled S. L. Gangwal

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 5-Sep E-mail : Address : Arihant, S-23, Mangal Marg, Bapu Nagar, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Devidas Bhanushali

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad North CL : Chemical Distribu on D.O.B. : 8-Jan E-mail : Address : 305, Sangita Complex, Opp. Doctor House, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

Rohit Jain

: Sushila Devi : 2-may : 9-mar : 9460186559

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Heena : 12-May : 22-May : 9825007119

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur CL : Management Consultancy D.O.B. : 9-Sep E-mail : Address : E-37-38, Flat G-2, Nandini Residency, Saraswa Nagar, Opp. Jawahar Circle, Near Airport Terminal 2, Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9828630707

Signature Projects Hardik Shah

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Trading : Cosme c D.O.B. : 20-Jun E-mail : Address : 902/905 Noopur Tower, Opp. Shreeji Enclave, Near Anandnagar Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Amrut Prajapa

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kokila : 6-Dec : 3-May : 8160095795

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Balotra CL : Prin ng Service D.O.B. : 4-Oct E-mail : Address : Seemant Times Bhawan, Nahata Hospital Road, Balotra 344022, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Tejal : 17-Sep : 29-Nov : 9327094980

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kalol CL : Manufacturing Tobacco Product D.O.B. : 5-Jul E-mail : Address : 31, Vardhmam Nagar Society, Kalol, Gandhinagar 382721, Gujarat

Pramendra Bafna

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kavita : 2-Oct : 22-Feb : 9414107950

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Spiritual Awareness O. P. Modi

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur Pinkcity CL : Real Estate Developer D.O.B. : 24-Jan E-mail : Address : Okay Plus House, 72, Kiran Path, Sura Nagar (West), Civil Lines, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan

Atul Parikh

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Banking D.O.B. : 12-Dec E-mail : Address : 14, Bank of Baroda Society; Nr. P T College, Narayan Nagar Rd., Paldi, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat

Nirmala Sewani

: Snehlata : 10-Sep : 2-Mar : 9829057901

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Samixa : 8-Mar : 29-Apr : 9825011548

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur South CL : Medita on Therapist D.O.B. : 23-Feb E-mail : Address : Panigrah, Opp. Rambagh Polo Club, Bhawani Singh Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9810442788

Sports Promo on Vinod Garg

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur South CL : Project Management Consultancy Training D.O.B. : 15-Sep E-mail : Address : 34/8136, Rangoli Gardens, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur 302034, Rajasthan

Dwital Parikh

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Akanshika : 8-Sep : 25-Jan : 9825156498

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota Central CL : Alternate Medicine - Naturopathy D.O.B. : 11-Sep E-mail : Address : 3A-27 Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Sapna : 13-May : 1-Jul : 9314502099

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Narol CL : Petroleum Dealing D.O.B. : 16-Sep E-mail : Address : Shree Gokulesh Petroleum, Opp. Transport Nagar, Nr. Narol Circle, Narol, Ahmedabad 382405, Gujarat

Dr. Kapil Tuteja

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shalini : 11-Mar : 1-Dec : 9414177955

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Swachata Abhiyan Rajan Dalal

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Prahladnagar CL : Physical Fitness Specialist D.O.B. : 16-Nov E-mail : Address : B 33, Shaligram 3, Opp Maru Hill Bunglows, Satellite, Prahladnagar, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Shankarlal Kabra

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Meena : 23-Jul : 19-Jan : 9824097074

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ambaji CL : Jewellery Retailing D.O.B. : 7-Aug E-mail : Address : Shop no. 52, Flyover bridge, Ambaji Temple, Ambaji 385110, Gujarat

Mahesh Maliwal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sangeeta : 14-May : 25-Nov : 9426391280

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Chi orgarh CL : Business D.O.B. : 9-Oct E-mail : mmaliwal_jp1@redi Address : 34, Sukh Shan Nagar, Bhilwara Road, Chi orgarh 312001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kiran : 29-Jul : 22-Nov : 9829246665

Thalassemia Awareness & Preven on Dr. Maulik Bakshi

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Medicine : Pediatrics D.O.B. : 20-Sep E-mail : Address : 401 Shaili Apartment, New Sharda Mandir Rd, Paldi, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat

Dr. Anil Khatri

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Uma : 31-Dec : 23-Oct : 9428498101

Commi ee Vice - Chairman Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Kota Roundtown CL : Medicine : Gynaecology D.O.B. : 14-Aug E-mail : Address : 1-B-31, SFS, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Shubha : 20-Jun : 21-Feb : 9327013103

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Airport CL : Medicine : Pediatrics D.O.B. : 7-Dec E-mail : Address : Jeevandeep Hospital, 3/4, Madhav Baugh Appt., Shahibaug, Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat

Dr. Aruna Agrawal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


: Dr. M. L. Agrawal : 17-Jun : 9-Jul : 9414152526

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Urban Development Devang Shah

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Airport CL : Architecture Consultancy D.O.B. : 26-Dec E-mail : Address : 803 - Harikrupa Tower, Ellisbridge, Nr. Gujarat College, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

Bhuvnesh Agarwal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bijal : 25-May : 6-Dec : 9924119785

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Mansarovar CL : Pharma Distribu on D.O.B. : 27-Dec E-mail : Address : 117/456 Agarwal Farm, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan

Hansal Shukla

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Divya : 11-Sep : 15-Feb : 8560996375

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Emerald CL : Town Planning Consultancy D.O.B. : 14-Sep E-mail : Address : 26/2, L Colony, Neharunagar, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9909914146

Water Conserva on & Management Dr. Sushil Kumar Jain

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur CL : Water Management Consultancy D.O.B. : 11-Dec E-mail : Address : Jai Niketan, 5-Jha-2, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 302005, Rajasthan

Jayant Thacker

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Roshni : 22-Apr : 27-Nov : 9925026153

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Midtown CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 3-Jun E-mail : Address : K-152, Kishan Nagar, Shyam Nagar, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Makulika : 5-Jan : 5-Jul : 9829067474

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhuj Wall City CL : Building Construc on D.O.B. : 24-Nov E-mail : jayan Address : Mansi Nana Workda, Waniya Wad, Bhuj-Kutch 370001, Gujarat

Sushma Bajaj

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: K. P. Bajaj : 1-Jul : 4-Dec : 9828117080

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Community Service Avenue Women Welfare And Literacy Beenu Rao

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Business and Social Service D.O.B. : 13-Sep E-mail : Address : 13, Urvashi Bunglows, Ramosana Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Uma Shyam

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hemveer Singh : 25-jun : 10-dec : 8980023329

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Majesty CL : Educa onalist D.O.B. : 5-May E-mail : Address : St.John's School,Post Box No.7, Shan van P.O., Abu Road 307510, Rajasthan

Sunita Kacholia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: K. A. Shyam : 3-Apr : 27-Feb : 9514154144

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Padmini Kota CL : Educa onist D.O.B. : 27-May E-mail : Address : 202, Akansha opulence, 138 Shak nagar, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: KK Kacholia : 12-Jul : 9-Dec : 9829977752

Interna onal Women’s Day Breakfast Sunday 8th March 2019 | Ahmedabad

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

INTERNATIONAL SERVICE AVENUE This set of people will ensure that the Rotary brand stays interna onal and gains as much credibility world-wide as it possibly can. Their focus will be on how they can think local but act global when it comes to promo ng the cause of humanity and doing good in the world. They are people who promote world understanding and peace who are instrumental in crea ng brand Rotary worldwide.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Interna onal Service Avenue PDG Dr. Harshad Udeshi

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Mandvi Kutch CL : Medicine: General Prac ce D.O.B. : 13-Oct E-mail : Address : Pra-Siddhi Mandalia Street, Mandvi, Kutch 370465, Gujarat

Dr. Mukesh Bavishi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr Vidula : 4-Dec : 10-Feb : 9898926262

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad North CL : Pharmaceu cal Manufacturer and Exporters D.O.B. : 8-May E-mail : Address : 34, Surel Bunglows, Near Judges Bunglows, Bodakdev Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat

Devkumar Godika

: Bhavna : 1-Jan : 19-Nov : 9825236390

Resource Person

Club : Ahmedabad Majesty CL : Gynec Surgery D.O.B. : 10-Oct E-mail : Address : 70 Nikita Park Opp. H.B. Kapadia School, Memnagar, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat

Deepak Padia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jyo : 16-Jan : 7-Dec : 9825064093

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Heights CL : Jewellary Tool D.O.B. : 18-Apr E-mail : Address : Rajasthan Tool and Spares, 11, Sudarshanpura, Ind. Area, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Late Shaguntala : : : 9829059388

Rotary wins Best NonproďŹ t Act for its polio eradication work (in the Hero Awards of the One Billion Acts of Peace campaign)

Jamal a Member from @RotaryRassin s club paints an incredible portrait in Hamburg Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Interna onal Service Avenue Group Cultural Exchange Dr. Kalpesh Shah

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Medicine : Radiologist D.O.B. : 13-Jul E-mail : Address : 5, Saumil Bungalow, O. Judges Bung. Rd. Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat

Pradip Agarwal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sumira : 26-Mar : 16-Jul : 9227207666

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Sabarma (Ahmedabad) CL : Insurance consultant D.O.B. : 18-Aug E-mail : Address : C-201, Saral-90, Nr Balaji Residency, Asharam Chokdi, Motera, Ahmedabad 380005, Gujarat

Salila Bhansali

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anita : 26-Aug : 20-Jan : 9825480012

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Heights CL : Consultant D.O.B. : 12-May E-mail : Address : 506, B Wing, City Pulse, Sawai Ram Singh Road, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sanjay : 28-Aug : 20-Jun : 9829266732

Interna onal Youth Exchange Bhanu Gupta

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Digital Marke ng D.O.B. : 4-Oct E-mail : Address : B 903, Vaibhav Deluxe Tower, Premchand Nagar Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Arpit Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Business - Travel D.O.B. : 19-Oct E-mail : Address : 17, Parivar Soc. Part-1, B/H. Satyagrah Chhavani, Premchandnagar Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Neeraj Agrawal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rujuta : 23-Jul : 6-Dec : 9825323855

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Mansarovar CL : Real Estate Developer D.O.B. : 21-May E-mail : Address : P- 45, Madhuban West-Iind, Kisan Marg, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Divya : 26-Dec : 26-Jan : 9825028982


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Seema : 13-Apr : 22-May : 9828089451

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Interna onal Service Avenue Rotary Friendship Exchange Chandresh Nagar

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Business Electrical and Machinery Parts D.O.B. : 21-Mar E-mail : Address : Nagar Engineering Works, Katewa Bhavan, 193, M.I. Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Dr. Deepak Dantara

: Jasmeet : 15-Nov : 30-Nov : 9413337970

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Physician-Doctor D.O.B. : 10-Apr E-mail : Address : 5, Maurya, Opp Ayojannagar, Shreyas Crossing, Paldi, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat

Kapoor Chand Jain

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dip : 23-Sep : 10-Aug : 9825011855

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Mewar CL : Travel Trade D.O.B. : 15-May E-mail : Address : 709-E, Arjun Nagar, Sector 11, Hiran Magri, Udaipur 313002, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kailash Devi : 17-Oct : 5-Nov : 9414167944

Sister Club Leena Doshi

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Airport CL : Hospital Management D.O.B. : 26-Aug E-mail : Address : M-504, Shilalekh Flats, Opp. Police Stadium, Shahibuag, Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat

Kamlesh Talesara

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sadhana : 12-Dec : 26-Nov : 9414166976

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Trading in ferrous n non ferrous D.O.B. : 24-Dec E-mail : Address : L-803, 9th Floor, Shilalekh Society, Opp Police Stadium, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Dr. Prakash : 30-Oct : 16-Feb : 9925035920

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Elite CL : Yoga & Medita on D.O.B. : 11-Jan E-mail : Address : 393 Hiran Magri, Sector No. 11, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Rakesh Mehta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rekha : 15-Jun : 3-Dec : 9427314506

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Network Resource Dr. Harshad Udeshi - District Interna onal Service Chair Club Email Mobile Address

: Mandvi Kutch : : 9825236390 : Pra-Siddhi, Mandalia Street, Mandvi Kutch 370465, Gujarat

DG Bina Desai Club Email Mobile Address

: Kankaria (Ahmedabad) : : 9898020090 : 402, Shashwat Appt., Bodakdev, Judges Bunglow Road, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

DGE Rajesh Agarwal Club Email Mobile Address

: Kota : : 9414188811 : Shashwatam, A-68/R, R. K. Puram, Kota 324009, Gujarat

DGN Ashok Mangal Club Email Mobile Address

: Palanpur : : 9429422422 : 48, Gayatri Nagar Society, Abu Highway, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

IPDG Neeraj Sogani Club Email Mobile Address

: Jaipur Central : : 9829011760 : 12, Everest Colony, Lal Kothi, Tonk Rd., Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Ramesh Agarwal - DRFC/Cadre Member 3054 Club Email Mobile Address

: Jaipur Round Town : : 9829050862 : 3-NA-1, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Lalit Sharma - Annual Fund Sub-Commi ee, Stewardship Sub Comm. Club Email Mobile Address

: Ahmedabad Riverfront : : 9825112060 : 31, World Business House, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Network Resource Ashish Desai - Grants Sub Commi ee Club Email Mobile Address

: Kankaria (Ahmedabad) : : 9825320090 : 402, Shashwat Appt., Bodakdev, Judges Bunglow Road, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Dharmendra Joshi - Alumini Sub Commi ee Club Email Mobile Address

: Kankaria (Ahmedabad) : : 9426088322 : B-8, Rajdeep Park Flats,Baliakaka Road, Near Mira Talkies, Shahalam, Ahmedbad 380028, Gujarat

Imran Jat - DRR Club Email Mobile Address

: Mundra : : 9979407145 : Hasanpir bazar, Mundra, Kutch 370421, Gujarat

Chandra Palmer - TRF Sta for Rotary Grants Club Email Mobile Address

: RI HQ : : +1-847-866-3183 : Evanston, USA

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

NEW GENERATION SERVICE AVENUE Rotary youth exchange builds peace. Students learn new language, discover another culture and truly become global ci zens. Exchange of students, 15-19 years old are sponsored by Rotary Clubs in more than 100 countries. Through New Genera on service Rotarians help young people to become Next Genera on visionary leaders.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

New Genera on Service Avenue PDG Ashish Desai

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Educa on- University Administra on D.O.B. : 25-May E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Nr. Kalgi Flats, Judges Bunglow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

PDG Pradhuman Kumar Patni

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mamta : 18-Feb : 30-Apr : 9414190330

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Film Exhibi on & Distribu on D.O.B. : 22-Mar E-mail : Address : 22-23, Barwara House Colony, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan

Shashwat Desai

: Bina : 12-Mar : 5-Dec : 9825320090

Resource Person

Club : Kota CL : Commercial Laison D.O.B. : 15-Oct E-mail : Address : 203 Orient Prem, 120 Shak Nagar, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Manoj Bansal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vandana : 5-Jul : 25-Jan : 9314822914

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Manufacturing -Ready Mix Concrete Industry D.O.B. : 15-Feb E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Nr. Kalgi Flats, Judges Bunglow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9099200000

YOUTH EXCHANGE Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

New Genera on Service Avenue Inter District Youth Exchange Jayesh Shah

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Bhuj CL : Fuel Oil Distribu on D.O.B. : 21-May E-mail : Address : 13, Ambika Society, Hospital Road, Bhuj-Kutch 370001, Gujarat

Navinchandra Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Unjha CL : Mustard Comission Agent D.O.B. : 12-Nov E-mail : Address : 25, Divya Colony Society, Unjha 384170, Gujarat

Pree Sogani

: Meena : 8-Sep : 30-Apr : 9825227919

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhagava ben : 12-Feb : 9-May : 9426521366

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Meera CL : Educa onist D.O.B. : 27-Mar E-mail : pree @wi Address : 301, Prayas Appartment, B/h. Hotel Rajkamal Interna onal, Bhuwana, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Deepen : 9-Jul : 30-Jan : 7976555800

Interact Nita Vyas

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Hospital Management D.O.B. : 19-Mar E-mail : Address : "Dhwarani", 61, Anmol Sahara-2, Sahara Township, Radhanpur Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Ajitkumar Agrawal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Renuben : 8-Oct : 4-Feb : 9712177777

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur CL : Prin ng & Publica on D.O.B. : 13-Oct E-mail : Address : F-42, Sunder Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Dr. Rakesh : 20-Feb : 27-Jan : 9825038633

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Palanpur Diamondcity CL : Automobiles Dealer D.O.B. : 29-Mar E-mail : Address : 60, Old Market Yard, Opp. SBI, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Moses Philomenon

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Aroma : 3-Aug : 17-Dec : 9414044379

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

New Genera on Service Avenue New Genera on Service Exchange Alok Agarwal

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Transformer Manufacturing D.O.B. : 28-Dec E-mail : alok@u Address : B-189/A, Road No. 9(F), VKI Area, Jaipur 302013, Rajasthan

Jignesh Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Deepali : 28-Oct : 25-Nov : 9829061894

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Majesty CL : Interior Designer D.O.B. : 3-Feb E-mail : Address : 1101/A, Synergy Tower, Corporate Road, Prahaladnagar, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Jaswinder Saroya

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hema : 13-Dec : 26-Nov : 9825070704

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Medicine : Ophthonology D.O.B. : 25-Aug E-mail : Address : B-324,Indra Vihar, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Archana : 13-Nov : 27-Dec : 9829036236

Rotaract PDG Ashish Desai

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Educa on- University Administra on D.O.B. : 25-May E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Nr. Kalgi Flats, Judges Bunglow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Mohan Parashar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jalore CL : Audi ng & Finance D.O.B. : 5-Mar E-mail : Address : M Parashar & Co., Chartered Accountants, New Bus Stand Road, Jalore 343001, Rajasthan

Parag Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anita : 5-mar : 13-jul : 9414152896

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Mahanagar CL : Educa on : Teaching D.O.B. : 1-Mar E-mail : Address : B 904, Ratnakar 4, Satellite, Prerna rth Derasar Road, Vejalpur, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Bina : 12-Mar : 5-Dec : 9825320090


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nital : 3-Jun : 19-Jan : 9825026247

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

New Genera on Service Avenue RYLA Pragya Mehta

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kota CL : So Skills Trainer Mo vator D.O.B. : 15-Apr E-mail : Address : S. S. Dairy, Sta on Road, Kota 324002, Rajasthan

Deepak Pandya

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rajiv : 20-Aug : 10-Dec : 9413352729

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Plas c Engineer D.O.B. : 2-Aug E-mail : Address : 21, Karnava Complex, Narol Cross Roads, Near Ambica Hotel, Narol, Ahmedabad 382405, Gujarat

Pritam Kumar Goswami

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Archita : 14-Nov : 16-Feb : 9825036235

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 27-Jul E-mail : Address : 157, Aditya Awas Colony, New Gopal Vihar Police Line, Kota 324001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vineeta : 20-Mar : 13-Nov : 9352600623

Rotary Alumni Associa on - ROTEX 3054 Prachi Chopra


Club : ROTEX Club 3054 CL : D.O.B. : 4-Jan E-mail : Address : D-401/402, Shilalekh Society, Opp. Police Stadium, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat

Aakansksha Sharma

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 8758637208

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 8460411152


Club : ROTEX Club 3054 CL : D.O.B. : 11-Apr E-mail : Address : 117/F2, Ruskmani Apartment, Anand Va ka Soc., Sector 22, Gandhinagar 382021, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Dhruv : 20-May : 29-Jan : 9099778001


Club : ROTEX Club 3054 CL : D.O.B. : 4-Oct E-mail : Address : D/903, Kedar Towrer, Opp. Rajasthan Hospital, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat

Vatsal Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Most Financially Sound Largest Most Powerful Network Service Organisa on Whose ag is recognised in more Countries than any other ag in the world

Every minute of every day Rotary: * Feed someone * Houses someone * Vaccinates someone

* Performs surgery on someone * Comforts someone * Provides clean water to someone

THIS IS ROTARY! Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

THE ROTARY FOUNDATION The Rotary Founda on transforms our gi s into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. During the past 100 years, the founda on has spent more than $3 billion on life changing and sustainable projects. It’s two main arms are fund raising and programs.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

The Rotary Founda on (TRF) PDG Ramesh Agrawal

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Corporate Management D.O.B. : 20-Oct E-mail : Address : 3-NA-1, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

PDG Mohanbhai N. Shah

: Late Jyo : : : 9825225497

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anurag : 4-Mar : 1-Dec : 9829068282

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Construc on Building D.O.B. : 17-Dec E-mail : Address : 3, Sagar Sarita Society, Near Dairy, Highway Mehsana 302006, Gujarat

Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur South CL : Engineering industry D.O.B. : 30-Sep E-mail : Address : A-1, Ganesh Marg, Hawa Sarak, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan

Sandipkumar Sheth

: Manju : 1-Jul : 2-Dec : 9829050862

Resource Person

Club : Bhuj CL : Insurance Life D.O.B. : 12-Aug E-mail : Address : “Raliyta Ganga" 187, Vijay Nagar, Hospital Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Mahendra Banthia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shilpa : 20-Aug : 26-Apr : 9825012995

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

The Rotary Founda on (TRF) Annual Funds Sub-Commi ee PDG Lalit Sharma

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad River Front CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 24-Mar E-mail : Address : 31, World Business House, Nr. Parimal Garden, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

Kamal Tongia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Usha : 28-Jul : 22-Jan : 9825112060

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Distribu on Kitchen Appliances D.O.B. : 5-Nov E-mail : Address : Flat No. 104, R-9, Yudhishthar Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur 380006, Rajasthan x

Naimish Ravani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Neera : 10-Nov : 11-Feb : 9829053434

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Supreme CL : Real es - Health Care D.O.B. : 19-Nov E-mail : Address : 503, Iscon Elegance, Nr. Shapath - V, S. G. Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hemal : 2-May : 29-Jan : 9879688811

District Grants Sub-Commi ee PDG Ashish Desai

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Educa on- University Administra on D.O.B. : 25-May E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt., Nr. Kalgi Flats, Judges Bunglow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Parag Fatehpuria

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Varsha : 19-Sep : 9-May : 9978111041

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Marugandha CL : Educa on Administra on D.O.B. : 27-Aug E-mail : Address : 20/63, Kaveri Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Bina : 12-Mar : 5-Dec : 9825320090

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Supreme CL : Educa onist D.O.B. : 26-Jun E-mail : Address : B-7/33, Goyal Intercity, Near SAL Hospital, Drive In Road, Thaltej, Ahmedabad 380059, Gujarat

Dr. Raakhi Gupta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pankaj : 14-Jun : 28-Jan : 9783300009

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

The Rotary Founda on (TRF) Endowment Fund Sub-Commi ee PDG Maullin Patel

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Stock Investment D.O.B. : 7-Dec E-mail : Address : F/14, Meghrath Complex, Opp. City Bus Stand, Sta on Road, Pilaji Ganj, Mehsana 384001, Gujarat

Sanjay Kala

: Sonal : 28-Jul : 12-Dec : 9824039739

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Gems Stone & Jwellary D.O.B. : 26-Oct E-mail : Address : K-Tower, Near Jai Club, Mahaveer Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Mahesh Khushwaha

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sarita : 13-Jul : 13-Nov : 9829010411

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Builder D.O.B. : 17-Nov E-mail : Address : 22, Vrundavan Bunglows-3, Near Zebar School, Thaltej Shilaj Road, Thaltej, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rajini : 13-Jan : 10-Jan : 9824029164

FCRA Awareness Rutvij Shah

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 19-Jul E-mail : Address : 23, Golden Tulip Bunglows, Shreyas Tekra, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Ashish Birla

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: An ma : 7-Jul : 15-Jun : 9982800666

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Mahanagar CL : CA Financial Consultancy D.O.B. : 30-Jul E-mail : Address : 58, White House, Panchwa , Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Ami : 7-Feb : 11-Oct : 9825528581

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Service Provider D.O.B. : 6-Jan E-mail : Address : Vishwas, 1-D, New Colony, Gumanpura, Kota, Rajasthan

Devang Doctor

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ishwari : 5-Sep : 11-Dec : 9825029354

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

The Rotary Founda on (TRF) Paul Harris Society Da atraya Firake

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kankaria Ahmedabad CL : Non -Ferrous Foundry D.O.B. : 18-Jan E-mail : da Address : 57, Murlidhar Society -1, Vatva, Ahmedabad 382440, Gujarat

Hansraj Chaudhary

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udipur Mewar CL : Offset Prin ng D.O.B. : 19-Feb E-mail : Address : 11-12, Guru Ramdas Colony, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Vishram Gadhvi

: Asha : 23-Oct : 13-May : 9426180355

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Poonam : 6-Apr : 1-Dec : 9829042722

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mundra CL : Law Civil D.O.B. : 5-Feb E-mail : Address : Taluka Panchayat Road, Mundra-Kutch, Mundra 370421, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Chhaya : 4-Jan : 1-Jun : 9825354338

Polio Surviellance Dr. Devendra Sareen

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Udaipur CL : Medicine - Pediatrics D.O.B. : 15-Dec E-mail : Address : 27-F, Near Sukhadiya Circle, New Fatehpura, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Dr. Alka Rao

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Gyaneshwar : 23-Apr : 16-Jan : 9825227945

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bundi CL : Agriculture D.O.B. : 10-Oct E-mail : Address : Raghukul Bhadur Singh Marg, Bundi 323001, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Madhu : 19-Sep : 29-May : 8890400500

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhuj Flemingo CL : Medicine - Pediatrics D.O.B. : 3-Jun E-mail : Address : Bunglow No.1, Near Accord Hospital, Mundra Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Vijayrajsingh Hada

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hem Kanwar : 6-Mar : 5-Jun : 9414175222

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

The Rotary Founda on (TRF) Polio/MR PDG Joitabhai Patel

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad Midtown CL : Govt. Administra on (Retd.) D.O.B. : 13-May E-mail : Address : A-6, Saundarya Apartment, Nr. Arjun Tower, Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat

Dr Ar Bhadauria

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sharada : 8-Nov : 1-May : 9426015285

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ranthambhore Sawai Madhopur CL : Professor In English D.O.B. : 16-Feb E-mail : ar Address : Bhadauria Niketan, Near Girls Sr. Sec.School, Sawaimadhopur 322021, Rajasthan

Haresh Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mrigendrasingh : 20-Nov : 28-Nov : 9414287605

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Visnagar CL : Real Estate Developer D.O.B. : 18-Mar E-mail : Address : Pooja Developers, 202-204 First Floor, Sona Complex, Kansa Cross Road, Visnagar, Mehsana, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Urvashi : 11-Jun : 14-Mar : 9825052711

Rotary Alumni Sub-Commi ee Dharmendra Joshi

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Coorporate Training D.O.B. : 26-Aug E-mail : Address : B-8, Rajdeep Park Flats, Baliakaka Road, Near Mira Talkies, Shahalam, Ahmedabad 380028, Gujarat

Dr. Shail Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Unjha CL : Consultant General Surgeon D.O.B. : 6-Apr E-mail : Address : Maitri Hospital, Dhar Complex, Opp. Eye Hospital, Unjha 384170, Gujarat

Dr. Bhavesh Parekh

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vandana : 30-Mar : 17-Feb : 9825267670

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kankaria Ahmedabad CL : Medicine : Oncology D.O.B. : 8-Apr E-mail : Address : 202, Mohini Appt., S.M. Compound, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Dip : 30-Jun : 8-Dec : 9426088322


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Urvi : 28-Jul : 23-Jan : 9825034353

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

The Rotary Founda on (TRF) Rotary Peace Fellowship PDG Pradhuman Kumar Patni

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Commercial Liaison D.O.B. : 15-Oct E-mail : Address : 203 Orient Prem, 120 Shak Nagar, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Anil Singh

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad North CL : Mobile Commerce D.O.B. : 1-Jul E-mail : Address : B-720, Gopal Palace, Nehru Nagar, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Kailash Chandra Sirpuria

: Mamta : 18-Feb : 30-Apr : 9414190330

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anupama : 26-Nov : 3-Mar : 9726599555

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Pink city CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 1-Oct E-mail : Address : Plot No.10, Shalimar Bagh, Chitrakur Marg, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Premila : 16-Aug : 6-Dec : 9928012610

Scholarship PDG C. M. Birla

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 5-Oct E-mail : Address : "Vishwas", 1-D, New Colony, Gumanpura, Kota 324007, Rajasthan

Dev Vrat Jaithalia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9829060300

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Bhuj Flemingo CL : Mining and Geology D.O.B. : 5-Jun E-mail : rasanandarout2007@redi Address : 25-A, Bhanushali Nagar, Mundra Road, Bhuj-Kutch 370001, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Veena : 29-Nov : 30-Jan : 9414090941

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Emerald CL : Asset Management D.O.B. : 9-Sep E-mail : Address : A-801, Felicity Emerald, Swej Farm - New Sanganer Road, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan

Rasanad Rout

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Suchitra : 17-Jun : 12-Mar : 9426731730

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

The Rotary Founda on (TRF) Stewardship Sub-Commi ee PDG Lalit Sharma

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Ahmedabad River Front CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 24-Mar E-mail : Address : 31, World Business House, Nr. Parimal Garden, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

Rajeev Sogani

: Usha : 28-Jul : 22-Jan : 9825112060

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 28-Dec E-mail : Address : R Sogani & Associates, R-20, Shree Dham, Yudhishthar Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur 302005, Rajasthan

Shailesh Gandhi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mona : 29-Aug : 25-Dec : 9828120992

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Taxa on - Income Tax D.O.B. : 2-Jul E-mail : Address : 29 B, Vinaynagar Society, Rotary Bhavan Road Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhavna : 15-Apr : 11-Aug : 9825016830

Voca onal Training Team Dr. Vikrant Mathur

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Medicine : ENT Surgery D.O.B. : 28-Dec E-mail : Address : Anandam ENT Hospital, 1 A 7, SFS, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Dr. Parthiv Mehta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shru : 7-Sep : 8-Nov : 079-26854849

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Jaipur South CL : Engineering And Manufacturing D.O.B. : 15-Aug E-mail : Address : C-2/123, Chitrakoot Scheme, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Priyanka : 14-Aug : 4-Feb : 9352922627

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kankaria Ahmedabad CL : Medicine : Chest Specialist D.O.B. : 26-Aug E-mail : Address : Mehta Hospital, "Sidhachal" Nr. Door Darshan, Thaltej, Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat

Rajesh Khatri

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ritu : 11-Nov : 19-Oct : 9828077610

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

The Rotary Founda on (TRF) VTT Selec on PDG Dr. Gyaneshwar Rao

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Bhuj Flamingo CL : Medicine : Surgery D.O.B. : 23-Apr E-mail : Address : Bunglow No.1, Near Accord Hospital, Mundra Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Dr. Upendra Vasavada

: Dr. Alka : 3-Jun : 16-Jan : 9825225405

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Medicine -Gynecology D.O.B. : 27-Mar E-mail : Address : 21 A, Vinay Nagar, Rotary Bhavan Rd., Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

PDG Pradhuman Kumar Patni

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jyotsna : 19-Jun : 23-May : 9898022096

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kota CL : Commercial Liaison D.O.B. : 15-Oct E-mail : Address : 203, Orient Prem, 120, Shak Nagar, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mamta : 18-Feb : 30-Apr : 9414190330 8112236503

Voca onal training teams are groups of professionals who travel abroad either to teach local professionals about a par cular ďŹ eld or to learn more about their own. Terms can be funded by district grants and global grants.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054






Teacher support


Adult literacy

Child develop -ment

Happy schools

District Literacy Commi ee District Literacy Commi ee PDG Jagdish Patel 2005-06

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Visnagar CL : Manufacturing - M.S. Alloy Steel Bright Bars D.O.B. : 6-Jun E-mail : Address : 1, Indrapuri Society, Near Gayatri Temple, Ambavadi, Visnagar 384315, Gujarat

Nita Vyas 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sonal : 26-Aug : 2-Jul : 9879577790

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Prerana : 6-Aug : 22-Dec : 9825458347

Chairman - Teacher Development (Gujarat)

Club : Adipur CL : Professional D.O.B. : 27-Sep E-mail : Address : TRS-91, Ward 4A, Adipur, Kutch 370205, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Happy School (Gujarat)

Club : Palanpur City CL : Photography Services D.O.B. : 20-Dec E-mail : Address : ‘Jaydeep', B/H Civil Hospital, Nagarpalika Road, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Kamal Karamchandani

: Anjana : : 18-May : 9879597714

Chairman - E-learning (Gujarat)

Club : Ahmedabad Vasna CL : Educa on - So ware Development D.O.B. : 18-Dec E-mail : Address : C-905, Sarjan Towers, Gurukul Road, Memnagar, Ahmedabad 380052, Guajrat

Nikunj 2005-06 Vyas

: Dr. Rakesh : 20-Feb : 27-Jan : 9825038633

Chairman - Child Development (Gujarat)

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Civil Engineer D.O.B. : 28-Jul E-mail : Address : A-1002, Samprat-II, Opp. Rajpath Club, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Rohit Mehta 2005-06

: Indira : 1-Feb : 23-May : 9825061321

Chairman - Adult Literacy (Gujarat)

Club : Mehsana CL : Hospital Management D.O.B. : 19-Mar E-mail : Address : "Dhwarani" 61, Anmol Sahara-2, Sahara Township, Radhanpur Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Dinesh Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rashmi : 11-Jun : 21-Nov : 9898612391

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Literacy Commi ee District Literacy Commi ee Mukesh2005-06 Jhanwa

Chairman - Teacher Development (Rajasthan)

Club : Udaipur Royal CL : Educa on : Teaching D.O.B. : 8-Sep E-mail : mukesh Address : HN 2, North Tambawadi Nagar, Ayad-Thokar Rd., Udaipur, Rajasthan

Bhagwa2005-06 lal Mehta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Paras : : 28-May : 9214430531

Chairman - Adult Literacy (Rajasthan)

Club : Udaipur CL : Trading : Minerals & Stones D.O.B. : 26-Jul E-mail : Address : 48, Flora Complex, Bhuwana, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Sudhir Jain

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sadhana :: 4-May : 9414156718

Chairman - E-learning (Rajasthan)

Club : Jaipur Ci zen CL : Service LIC D.O.B. : 14-Apr E-mail : Address : A-1, Krishnanagar-2, Lal Kothi, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Mahendra Vijayvargiya 2005-06

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sangeeta : 9-Dec : 27-Nov : 9829012639

Chairman - Child Development (Rajasthan)

Club : Kota Central CL : Business D.O.B. : 4-May E-mail : Address : 9-A, Vallabh Nagar,

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kamna : 22-Mar : 20-Jan : 9829038307

Kota 324007, Rajasthan

Jaykishore Jaju 2005-06

Chairman - Happy School (Rajasthan)

Club : Jaipur Midtown CL : Business D.O.B. : 23-Sep E-mail : Address : Subhashish, Plot No.12-13, Rathore Nagar, Queens Road, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Neeta : 28-Aug : 20-Jan : 9829053031

T-E-A-C-H At A Glance 68786





Teacher Support


Adult Literacy

Child Development

Happy School

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District WinS Commi ee District WinS Commi ee PDG Maullin Patel

Commi ee Chairman

Club : Mehsana CL : Stock Investment D.O.B. : 7-Dec E-mail : Address : F/13, Meghrath Complex, Sta on Road, Pilajiganj, Mehsana 384001, Gujarat

Nigam Chaudhari

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Visnagar CL : Architecture D.O.B. : 28-Apr E-mail : Address : 401, kala Aagar Shopping Hub, Nr. Satadhar cross roads, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat

Ashish Choradia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rtn. Pragna : 15-Jan : 15-Feb : 9825068022

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Udaipur Elite CL : Ba ery & UPS Distribu on D.O.B. : 26-Mar E-mail : Address : 27 Adhinath Nagar, Fathepura, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Sonal : 28-Jul : 12-Dec : 9824039739


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Priyanka : 2-Mar : 2-Nov : 9352500554

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054




YOU MAKE MISTAKES. Because if you are making mistakes, THEN YOU ARE : making new things, TRYING NEW THINGS, learning living, PUSHING YOURSELF, changing yourself, CHANGING YOUR WORLD.


Neil Raiman



Each zone is a vital part of Rotary District and ably led by Assistant Governor. He/She is an important link between club and district. They keep the Rotary flag flying high and guide club leaders.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 1 Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad Asmita, Ahmedabad Elite, Ahmedabad Prahladnagar, Ahmedabad Vasna Assistant Governor : Navroz Tarapore : Ahmedabad Club : Engineering and Mfg. Pumps CL D.O.B. : 26-Oct E-mail : Address : C-1, 39/ 5, GIDC Naroda, Ahmedabad 380030, Gujarat Navroz

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Monaz : 4-Dec : 27-Dec : 9825009716

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shital : 28-Mar : 11-Dec : 9825418187


Dr. Tejas Mehta

Zone Trainer

Club : Ahmedabad Vasna CL : Medicine Ophthalmology D.O.B. : 2-Jun E-mail : Address : “Krushnashray”, 7, Vasuki Society, Opp. Vasna Bus Stop, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat

Rajesh Acharya

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Ahmedabad Elite Club : Patent A orney CL D.O.B. : 10-Dec E-mail : Address : H. K. Avenue, 19, Swas k Society, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat

Varsha Prajapa

: Kamlesh : 12-Apr : 20-Apr : 9428735213

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rupal : 28-Oct : 10-Mar : 9825060116

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Ahmedabad Vasna CL : Manufacturing (Pharma Boxes) D.O.B. : 10-Mar E-mail : Address : G/105, Vishwas City 3, Vandematram Road, Gota, Ahmedabad 382481, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

Club : Ahmedabad Vasna CL : Fire System D.O.B. : 30-Jul E-mail : Address : B-20, Santosa Green Land, S. P. Ring Road, Bhadaj Circle, P .O. Rakanpur, Dist. Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Jayesh Parmar

: Harsha : 6-Dec : 10-Feb : 9825037723

Chairman - Membership

Club : Ahmedabad Asmita CL : Distribu on Audio and Video equipment D.O.B. : 7-May E-mail : Address : 15 Shreshth Bunglows, B/h H P Petrol pump, Motera , Ahmedabad 380005, Gujarat

Deven Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Heena : 9-Dec : 22-Nov : 9586016200

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 1 Hema Shah

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Ahmedabad Asmita CL : Interior Designer D.O.B. : 13-Dec E-mail : Address : 1403/04, Binori Mable, Opp. Pinacle Business park, Corporate road, Prahladnagar, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Mukesh Mehta

: Janki : 21-Aug : 13-Dec : 7567305087

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kusum : 15-May : 22-Apr : 9825500322

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Chhaya : 01-Jan : 07-Nov : 9824015415

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9924121579

Chairman - Polio

Club : Ahmedabad Prahladnagar CL : Manufaturing Fire figh ng equipments D.O.B. : E-mail : Address : 10, Prarthana Vihar, Opp. Ambawadi Area P.O., Behind Manekbagh Hall, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Ahmedabad Prahladnagar CL : Manufaturing Fire figh ng equipments D.O.B. : 14-Sep E-mail : Address : 10, Prarthana Vihar, Opp. Ambawadi Area P.O., Behind Manekbagh Hall, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Ninad Sherawala

: Smita : : 3-Dec : 9712950076

Chairman - WinS

Club : Ahmedabad CL : Advocate - General law D.O.B. : 8-Jan E-mail : Address : Sachinanda Ku r, 37, Sabarma Society, Dharmanagar, Sabarma , Ahmedabad 380005, Gujarat

Gaurang Sherawala

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Ahmedabad CL : Transporter D.O.B. : 4-Jul E-mail : Address : 30, Ashopalav Bungalow, Nr. Gram Panchayat Office, Thaltej, Ahmedabad 380059, Gujarat

Ramkrishna Dave

: Jignesh : 3-Feb : 26-Nov : 7878970703

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Ahmedabad Elite CL : Retd. Air force Officer D.O.B. : 12-Aug E-mail : Address : HK Avenue, 19, Swas k Society, Nr. Shrey Hospital, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat

Hiten Vasant

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 2 Aadarsh Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad Majesty, Ahmedabad Narol, Ahmedabad River front, Kankaria Ahmedabad Assistant Governor : Vipul Shukla : Kankaria Ahmedabad Club : Cement Sheets marke ng CL D.O.B. : 25-Mar E-mail : Address : C/5, Indralok at, On Canal, Ghodasar, Ahmedabad 380050, Gujarat Vipul

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Prashansha : 10-Jul : 1-Mar : 9824030596

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anshu : 29-Sep : 05-Mar : 9825039603


Rajesh Thakkar

Zone Trainer

Club : Ahmedabad Riverfront CL : Decorator D.O.B. : 04-Jul E-mail : Address : 21, Devku r Bunglows, Opp. Ambli Gam, Near Swagat Plaza, Ambli-Bopal Road, Ahmedabad 380058, Gujarat

Sunny Parekh

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Ahmedabad Mejesty Club : Chartered Accountant CL D.O.B. : 6-Jul E-mail : Address : 201, Abhijyot, Near Avan Bunglows, Bileshwar Mahadev Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Vishal Bha

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Krina : 13-Aug : 26-Feb : 9825761041

Chairman - Membership

Club : Kankaria Ahmedabad CL : Civil Engineer D.O.B. : 2-Oct E-mail : rtnvishalbha Address : 3 & 4, Ronak Apts, Nr Maniasha Society, Maninagar East, Ahmedabad 380008, Gujarat

Sacchidanand Parekh

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jolly : 14-Jun : 22-Feb : 9879014747

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Ahmedabad Riverfront Club : Tex le Consultancy CL D.O.B. : 7-Jan E-mail : Address : 4, Shalin Bunglows, Coorporate Road,

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sarla : 2-May : 1-Jul : 9427522073

Prahaladnagar, Vijapur, Guajrat

Jignesh Gandhi

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Ahmedabad Majesty CL : Adver sing Agency D.O.B. : 7-Oct E-mail : Address : GIRIRAJ, B-14, Satellite Plaza, Mansi Circle, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Leena : 1-Jul : 11-Dec : 9327002923

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 2 Chaman Chandak

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Kankaria Ahmedabad CL : So ware Consultant D.O.B. : 10-Dec E-mail : Address : D-301, Karnava apartment-3, Bhairavnath-Isanpur road, Maninagar, Ahmedabad 380008, Gujarat

Nipun Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Kankaria Ahmedabad CL : Pes cides ( Manufacturing and Apllica ons) D.O.B. : 3-Nov E-mail : Address : 10/B, Asopalav Society, Nr. Anandwadi Bus Stop, Jaymala, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Mukund Jani

: Jyo : 5-Dec : 15-Feb : 9426020446

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vipra : 23-Dec : 11-Feb : 9824021851

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhoomi : 4-Jun : 4-Dec : 9428800567

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Falguni : 7-Jan : 8-May : 9825851905

Chairman - Polio

Club : Aadarsh Ahmedabad CL : Financial Informa on D.O.B. : 13-Jul E-mail : Address : 205, Doshiwala Ni Pole, Simadhar Swami No Khancho, Kalupur, Ahmedabad 380002, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Aadarsh Ahmedabad CL : Timber And Plywood Business D.O.B. : 5-Nov E-mail : Address : Shree Hareshwar Saw Mill, La bazar-3, B/h. Gitamandir, Ahmedabad 380022, Gujarat

Nrupesh Shah

: Janki : 27-Sep : 5-Jul : 9879001517

Chairman - WinS

Club : Ahmedabad Narol CL : Petroleum Dealing and Transporta on D.O.B. : 23-Dec E-mail : Address : 25, Yogashram Society, B/h. Manekbaug Society, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Nimesh Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Ahmedabad Narol CL : Dyes and chemical trading D.O.B. : 15-Dec E-mail : Address : 4, Shantam Apartment, 38, Jagabhai Park, Kankaria, Maninagar, Ahmedabad 380008, Gujarat

Rajiv Parikh

: Indira : 1-Jan : 6-Jul : 9327024373


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 3 Ahmedabad Emerlad, Ahmedabad Greater, Ahmedabad Mahanagar, Ahmedabad South, Ahmedabad Supreme Assistant Governor : Sarju Mehta : Ahmedabad Mahanagar Club : Chartered Accountant CL D.O.B. : 24-Dec E-mail : Address : B/ 801, Ratnaakar 4, Prerna rth Road, Ahmedabad 380051, Gujarat Sarju

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dipika : 24-Sep : 27-Nov : 9825304708

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ritu : 14-Mar : 25-Feb : 9825097858


Dipesh Mehta

Zone Trainer

Club : Ahmedabad Supreme CL : Computer Engineering D.O.B. : 29-Nov E-mail : Address : B 1004 Sagar Samrat Appt., Old Sharda Mandir Road, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

Dilip Subhedar

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Ahmedabad Greater Club : Engineering CL D.O.B. : 24-Aug E-mail : Address : L-12, Chandrapuri Flats, Behind Govt. Colony, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380052, Gujarat

Nilesh Dalia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Membership

Club : Ahmedabad Mahanagar CL : Business Iron & Steel D.O.B. : 11-Jul E-mail : ayushconstruc Address : F/904 Tulip Citadel, Shreyas Tekra, Ambavadi, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Abhay Rathod

: Nimisha : 17-Mar : 13-Aug : 9377713680

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Indira : 1-Jun : 21-May : 9825074035

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Ahmedabad South CL : Social Ac vist D.O.B. : 9-Nov E-mail : Address : 252, Manekbaug Society, Gate No. 11, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Ahmedabad Supreme Club : Builder & Real Estate Developer CL D.O.B. : 14-Apr E-mail : Address : 36, Manor Residency, Meghns Bungalow, Bopal, Ahmedabad 380058, Gujarat

Darshita Shah

: Dip : 2-Feb : 19-Feb : 9427016148


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9824236684

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 3 Daxesh Raval

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Ahmedabad Emerald CL : Professional Photographer D.O.B. : 23-Apr E-mail : Address : 30 Mukesh Park Society, Under Jivraj Bridge, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Soniya Vinod

: Payal : 19-Jan : 28-Jun : 9825023764

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Manju : 23-Nov : 30-May : 9825877842

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Parul : 27-Aug : 17-Dec : 9376651109

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Shaifali : 18-Jan : 25-Jan : 9825066428

Chairman - Polio

Club : Ahmedabad Mahanagar CL : Medicine : Pediatrician D.O.B. : 9-Nov E-mail : Address : Anuradha Children Hospital, 401, Chirayu Complex, Vishwakunj, Paldi, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Ahmedabad Supreme CL : Civil Engineer D.O.B. : 3-Feb E-mail : ya Address : B/113, Savita Govind Plaza, Nr. Judges Bunglow, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Dr. Amit Gupta

: Vinod : 20-Jun : 7-Dec : 9824315800

Chairman - WinS

Club : Ahmedabad Greater CL : D.O.B. : 14-Jun E-mail : Address : 7, Paramdham Society, Bopal, Ahmedabad 380058, Gujarat

Ya n Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Ahmedabad Mahanagar CL : Pharma Bulk Drug Supplier D.O.B. : 24-Sep E-mail : Address : 9, Meera Appt., I/S, Sanaskaar Bhar Society, Ankur Road, Naranpura, Ahmedabad 380013, Gujarat

R. K. Malaviya

: Urmila : 30-Jul : 1-Dec : 9824989996

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Ahmedabad Emerald CL : Lawyer D.O.B. : 1-Sep E-mail : Address : I-501, sector-7, Sun City, South Bopal, Ahmedabad 380058, Gujarat

Bijal Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 4 Ahmedabad Metro, Ahmedabad North, Ahmedabad West, Cosmopolitan Ahmedabad, E-Club of Galaxy 3051 Assistant Governor : Mehul Shah



: Ahmedabad Metro Club : Lawyer CL D.O.B. : 4-Mar E-mail : Address : 1104-1106, Satyam-64, Opp. High Court, S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad 380060, Gujarat

Vijay Dave

Ashutosh Shukla

: Rita : 1-Jul : 4-Apr : 9879104476

Chairman - Membership Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vidhi : 29-May : 16-Jan : 8866004550

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Ahmedabad North Club : Synthe c Yarn Mfg. CL D.O.B. : 7-Apr E-mail : Address : 302, Shakuntal, Opp C N Vidyalaya, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Urmila : 9-Dec : 11-Dec : 9825024887

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Ahmedabad Metro : Orthopedician (Trauma Surgeon) CL D.O.B. : 2-Jun E-mail : Address : 7, Sadma society, Nr. St. Kabir school, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Rekha : 4-Jan : 24-May : 9825021073

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Ahmedabad North CL : Business - Telecom D.O.B. : 2-Feb E-mail : Address : 66, Nijripunj Society, Part-2, Radhaswami Road, Ranip, Ahmdedabad 382480, Gujarat

Dr. Mukesh Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Cosmopolitan Ahmedabad Club : Mfg : Heat Exchanger CL D.O.B. : 5-Oct E-mail : Address : 4, Vasuma Hills, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

G. S. Baldva

: Nilima : 2-Oct : 11-Feb : 9825092400

Zone Trainer

Club : E-Club Of Galaxy 3051 CL : Retd. Govt.oďŹƒcer D.O.B. : 22-Apr E-mail : Address : E-102, Indraprasth-8 Near Surdhara Circle, Beside Tulip Bungalows, Thaltej, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Amar Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bakula : 12-Nov : 12-Dec : 9825090223

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 4 Praveen Agrawal

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Packed Juice Manufacturing D.O.B. : 21-Aug E-mail : Address : B-32, Shaligram 3, Prahlad Nagar, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Manoj Garg

: Beena : 25-Apr : 25-Dec : 9824030951

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Meenu : 27-Mar : 12-Mar : 9426302538

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kalpana : 21-Dec : 26-Jun : 9825069969

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Amisha : 10-Mar : 10-Dec : 9712860601

Chairman - Polio

Club : E-Club Of Galaxy 3051 CL : Medicine : Radiology D.O.B. : 13-Jul E-mail : Address : Samarpan Hospital, Samarpan Tower, 132 Ft Ring Road, Naranpura, Ahmedabad 380013, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Cosmopolitan Ahmedabad CL : Trading - Tex le Fabrics D.O.B. : 15-Nov E-mail : Address : 609, Devpath Complex, B/h Lal Bungalow, O C.G. Road, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

Dr. Hitesh Raval

: Meenakshi : 15-Nov : 9-Feb : 8866016200

Chairman - WinS

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Trading- Dyes & Chemical D.O.B. : 11-Jan E-mail : Address : D-404, Gangotri Ap ., Opp. Hem Ap ., Lad Society Road, Nehru Park, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Praveen Pareekh

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Ahmedabad Metro CL : Microtone Marke ng - Insula on D.O.B. : 19-Feb E-mail : Address : 9, Nirjan Soc., opp. Ayogan Nagar, Nr. Shreyash Overbridge, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat

Rakesh Bhargava

: : : : 9974088700

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Ahmedabad West CL : Dyes and Chemicals D.O.B. : 10-Apr E-mail : Address : 106, Akru Heights, Opp. Chandan Party Plot, Jodhpur Gam, Sa elite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Chetan Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 5 Ahmedabad Airport, Ahmedabad Mid Town, Ahmedabad Suryoday, Sabarma Ahmedabad Assistant Governor : Kamlesh Prajapati



: Sabarma Ahmedabad Club : Business CL D.O.B. : 12-Apr E-mail : Address : 15, Shresth Bunglows, B/h. HP Petrol Pump, Motera Road, Motera, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Dr. Urmil Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Shalini : 25-May : 4-May : 9327013779

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jayvanta : 18-Jun : 11-Mar : 9825020844

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Ahmedabad Suryoday CL : HDPE Woven Fabric Manufacturer D.O.B. : 8-Jan E-mail : Address : 19, Divine Bungalows, Science City Road, Nr. JBR Arcade, Sola, Ahmedabad 380060, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Manjula : 1 Jun : 8-May : 9825006178

Chairman - Membership

: Ahmedabad Airport Club : Chartered Accountant CL D.O.B. : 25-Dec E-mail : phkhandelwal@redi Address : A-702, Iscon riverside, Opp. Police Stadium, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat

Mahendra Patel

: Dr Manisha : 23-Apr : 20-Jan : 9825066939

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Ahmedabad Airport CL : Medicine - Den stry D.O.B. : 2-Jun E-mail : Address : B-21, Aryaman bunglows, Thaltej Shilaj Road, Ahmedabad 380059, Gujarat

Pursho am Khandelwal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Ahmedabad Suryoday Club : Builder and Developer CL D.O.B. : 1-Feb E-mail : Address : C-14, Divine Highway Society, JBR Lane, Science City Road, Sola, Ahmedabad 380060, Gujarat

Dr. Arvind Agrawal

: Varsha : 7-Mar : 20-Apr : 9428735213

Zone Trainer

Club : Ahmedabad Airport CL : Medicine - Cardiology D.O.B. : 25-Sep E-mail : Address : B 21 Aryaman Bungalow. Opp. Anandniketan School, Thaltej Shilaj Road Shilaj, Ahmedabad 380059, Gujarat

R. P. Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hasuma : 8-Jan : 4-Dec : 9898012161

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 5 Prakash Mehta

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Sabarma Ahmedabad CL : Audio Visual Equipments D.O.B. : 2-Jan E-mail : Address : 1, Devbhoomi Apartment Kapoor Building, Ram Nagar, Sabarma , Ahmedabad 380005, Gujarat

Sumanbhai Shah

Mahendra Jain

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9426076618

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Premlata : 2-Jan : 8-Jul : 9426725054

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vimala : 30-Oct : 19-Feb : 9825042730

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Ahmedabad Airport CL : Real Estate Consultant D.O.B. : 16-Feb E-mail : Address : J 504, Neelkanth Park 1, Ghoda Camp Road, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat

Dhiraj Patel

Chairman - WinS

Club : Ahmedabad Midtown CL : Management - Industry D.O.B. : 7-Jun E-mail : Address : 30 Veundavan Bungalow, Sola Road, Near Gulab Tower, Thaltej, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat

Maheshbhai Patel

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Ahmedabad Midtown CL : Colours and Chemicals D.O.B. : 15-Dec E-mail : Address : 105, NIDc, Bhambaria Kuwa, Lambha Mandir Road, Narol, Ahmedabad 380005, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kailashben : 14-Jun : 11-Mar : 9825039731

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kundan : 27-Feb : 9-Dec : 9426015083

Chairman - Polio

Club : Ahmedabad Midtown CL : Civil Engineer Construc on D.O.B. : 15-Nov E-mail : Address : 19, Chandramukhi society, Nr. Memnagar Talav, Memnagar, Ahmedabad 380052, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Trup : 14-Mar : 10-Mar : 9825780829

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Sabarma Ahmedabad CL : Financial Advisor D.O.B. : 18-Jan E-mail : Address : 302, Shan Avenue, Above S.B.I., Ramnagar, Sabarma , Ahmedabad 380005, Gujarat

Amrish Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 6 Capital Gandhinagar, Gandhinagar, Kadi, Kalol City, Mehsana Assistant Governor : Urmil Ved : Gandhinagar Club : Corporate Law Consultancy CL D.O.B. : 19-Feb E-mail : Address : Plot No. 348/1, Sector 7A, Gandhinagar 382007, Gujarat Urmil

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Gopi : 9-Apr : 5-May : 9825027657

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Yashodhara : 12-Nov : 28-Jan : 9979854114


Rajendra Shah

Zone Trainer

Club : Mehsana CL : Lawyer D.O.B. : 19-Dec E-mail : Address : 1, Anmol Villa-3, Ramosana Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Mehul Mehta

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Gandhinagar Club : Marke ng : Aerospace CL D.O.B. : 23-Dec E-mail : Address : F-301, Vedika Habitat, Opp. BAPS Girls School, Randesan Road, Kudasan, Gandhinagar 382421, Gujarat

Arvind Rana

Rambhai Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nita : 26-Nov : 29-Nov : 8849448775

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Mehsana Club : Chemical Manufacturer CL D.O.B. : 1-Jun E-mail : Address : 3, Nayanpark Society, B/h Rajkamal Petrol Pump, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Krishnaben : 1-Jun : 21-Mar : 9825006620

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Mehsana : Medicine : Dental CL D.O.B. : 22-Nov E-mail : Address : 17/B, Harinagar society, Near Simandhar Jain Temple, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Mamtaben : 7-Sep : 2-Feb : 9825073624

Chairman - Membership

Club : Capital Gandhinagar CL : Journalisim D.O.B. : 11-Jul E-mail : Address : O-501, Shukan Sky, Nr. City Pulse Cinema, Kudasan, Gandhinagar 382421, Gujarat

Dr. Dhiren Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sangita : 31-Oct : 25-May : 9924586859

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 6 Bankim Mehta

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Kalol City CL : So ware Development : SAP D.O.B. : 18-Oct E-mail : Address : G-2 Vimal Appartment. Opp. Doctor House, Kalol 382721, Gujarat

Jagjitsingh Multani

: Alpa : 6-Oct : 17-Nov : 9824349878

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Beena : 23-Jul : 22-Feb : 9726164054

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhavna : 15-Apr : 11-Aug : 9825016830

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hetalba : 24-Sep : 14-Dec : 9925071151

Chairman - Polio

Club : Capital Gandhinagar CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 28-Aug E-mail : Address : Plot 517/1, Sector 28, Gandhinagar 382028, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Mehsana CL : Taxa on : Income Tax D.O.B. : 02-Jul E-mail : Address : 29 B, Vinaynagar Society, Rotary Bhavan Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Yuvrajsinh Vaghela

: Parmeshwari : 19-Nov : 1-Mar : 9879860048

Chairman - WinS

Club : Capital Gandhinagar CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 25-Nov E-mail : Address : 207, 2nd Floor, Suman Tower, Sector 11, Gandhinagar 382011, Gujarat

Shailesh Gandhi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Kadi CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 31-May E-mail : Address : Principal's Quarters, S. V. Campus, Kadi 382715, Gujarat

B. K. Chavda

: Hetal : 6-Feb : 22-Apr : 9725647127

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Gandhinagar CL : Govt. Service State D.O.B. : 10-Mar E-mail : Address : Plot No 26/1, Kisannagar, Sector - 26, Gandhinagar 382028, Gujarat

Dr. Kapil Trivedi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 7 Deesa, Patan, Patan City, Radhanpur, Sidhpur Assistant Governor : Dr. Munirhusen Ajmeri : Radhanpur Club : Medicine : Physician CL D.O.B. : 1-Jan E-mail : Address : Shifa Clinic, Rajgaddhi, Radhanpur 385340, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sheetal : 26-May : 14-Feb : 9825697863

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Parul : 3-Nov : 25-Feb : 9898116594

Munirhusen Sheetal

Kalpesh Choksi

Zone Trainer

Club : Patan CL : Jwellary Designing D.O.B. : 2-Oct E-mail : Address : 10, Shlok Villa, Nr. Vraj Alligans, B/h. Honda Ac va Showroom, T.B Three Road Patan 384265, Gujarat

Yogeshkumar Prajapa

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Patan Club : Educa on : Administra on CL D.O.B. : 4-Jan E-mail : yb_prajapa Address : 3, Karmabhoomi Tenaments, Telephone Exchange Road, Patan 384265, Gujarat

Prabhudas Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Membership

Club : Sidhpur CL : Advocate D.O.B. : 1-May E-mail : Address : 31, Bhaikaka Society, Nr. Swaminarayan Temple, Sidhpur 384151, Gujarat

Nanakbhai Thakkar

: Madhuben : 2-Nov : 16-Feb : 9879721663

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nirmala : 1-Jun : 22-Dec : 9375881363

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Patan City : water management CL D.O.B. : 15-Sep E-mail : Address : C/o Vandana Stone and Marble, Verai Chakla, Patan 384265, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Deesa Club : Medicine-wholesale CL D.O.B. : 1-Jan E-mail : Address : Punam Distributor, Sadbhav Complex Part-2, Basement Shop No.1, Opp. Gayatri Mandir Highway, Deesa 385535, Gujarat

Ramesh Patel

: Jasuma : 25-May : 25-Jun : 9825392281


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9727726847

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 7 Ashwin Joshi

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Patan CL : News Media Editor D.O.B. : 6-Oct E-mail : Address : 38, Praga Society, Gungadi Road, Patan 384265, Gujarat

Haresh Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Patan CL : Auto Parts-Retails D.O.B. : 13-Jan E-mail : Address : 14/Greencity, Opp. Rajvee Bunglows, Khalaksha Pir Road, Patan 384265, Gujarat

Dr. Hetal Gohel

Jagdish Kotak

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Dikesh : 16-Oct : 25-May : 9825999322

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dip : 2-Mar : 22-Feb : 9638085885

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Siddhpur CL : Business D.O.B. : 3-May E-mail : Address : 38, Vijay Laxmi Society, Dethli cross road, Sidhpur 384151, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Jayesh : 7-Feb : 5-May : 8469402498

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sangeeta : 27-Nov : 12-Jul : 9825067844

Chairman - Polio

Club : Deesa CL : Medicine : Surgery D.O.B. : 19-Nov E-mail : Address : 1, Doctor's Quarters, Gandhi Lincoln Hospital, Deesa 385535, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Nimisha : 26-Oct : 28-Dec : 9998962176

Chairman - WinS

Club : Radhanpur CL : Real Estate D.O.B. : 20-May E-mail : Address : 37, Chamunda Society, Opp. Himmat Vidyanagar, Radhanpur, Gujarat

Dr. Jagdish Soni

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Deesa CL : Medicine : Pediatrics D.O.B. : 7-Sep E-mail : Address : Bhar Hospital, Near Gayatri Mandir, Highway Deesa 385535, Gujarat

Heena Suthar

: Jashoda : 13-Dec : 17-May : 9427060609


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 8 Mehsana Milk city, Unjha, Vijapur, Visnagar, Visnagar Roundtown Assistant Governor : Alkesh Panchal



: Visnagar Roundtown Club : Mfg. Bank Security Equipment CL D.O.B. : 8-Aug E-mail : Address : 3/a Aurovilla Bunglows, Opp.Essar Petrol Pump, Kansa, Visnagar 384315, Gujarat

Govind Patel

Mukesh Patel

: Seema : 25-Oct : 9-Feb : 9426281518

Chairman - Membership Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rekha : 20-Jul : 16-May : 9825198556

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Visnagar Roundtown Club : Bussiness CL D.O.B. : 1-Jan E-mail : Address : Vishwas Medical Corpora on, Opp. Jyo Hospital, Visnagar 384315, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Diptee : 25-Aug : 12-May : 9898529697

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Unjha : Jeera Saraf Commission Agent CL D.O.B. : 19-Jul E-mail : Address : Brahaman Sheri, Pandyano Madh, Near Swaminarayan Temple, At. Unjha Ta Unjha, Dist. Mehsana 384170, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Kamlaben : 30-Dec : 5-Feb : 9898246826

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Vijapur CL : Seed produc on organisa on D.O.B. : 2-Jul E-mail : Address : 5, Bansidhar Society, Visnagar Road, Vijapur 382770, Gujarat

Harshad Pandya

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Visnagar Club : Civil Engineer CL D.O.B. : 13-Dec E-mail : Address : 44, Chandanpark Society, Visnagar 384315, Gujarat

Bipin Patel

: Kiran : 22-Sep : 16-Jul : 9825581444

Zone Trainer

Club : Unjha CL : Psyllium Seeds Distribu on D.O.B. : 23-Mar E-mail : Address : 24, Diva Colony, Unjha 384170, Gujarat

Prahladbhai Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Niru : 7-Aug : 24-Feb : 9824659095

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 8 Kalpesh Patel

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Visnagar CL : Cold Storage D.O.B. : 7-May E-mail : Address : 45 Jawahar Society, Visnagar 384315, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Ja n Raval

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Vijapur CL : Investment Consultant D.O.B. : 19-Dec E-mail : rwl_ja Address : K.B. Investment, Near Post OďŹƒce, Ladol Road, S.N. Post, Vijapur, Mehsana, Gujarat

Kaushik Patel

: Chetna : 28-May : 16-Feb : 9879585050

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bhagava ben : 10-Oct : 17-Mar : 9825370002

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Savita : 6-Oct : 13-May : 9825061352

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anil Kumar : : 18-Nov : 9376334556

Chairman - Polio

Club : Mehsana Milkcity CL : Jeweller D.O.B. : 5-Sep E-mail : Address : 12, Nilkanth Nagar Society, Nagalpur, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Unjha CL : Business D.O.B. : 6-Oct E-mail : Address : Babulal Govindbhai Patel, D- 294, New Market Yard, Near B.V.P. Hospital, Unjha 384170, Gujarat

Jagru Patel

: Poonam : 8-Feb : 6-Jun : 9898408554

Chairman - WinS

Club : Visnagar CL : Jewellery Retailer D.O.B. : 24-Dec E-mail : Address : 31, Jawahar Society, Opp. Visnagar Sevasadan, Visnagar 384315, Gujarat

Gopal Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Unjha CL : Bussiness D.O.B. : 17-Feb E-mail : Address : 5, Dhanji Nagar, First Line, Unjha 384170, Gujarat

Prakash Choksi

: Hetal : 14-Feb : 19-Feb : 9825169873


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 9 Abu Road, Ambaji, Mount Abu, Palanpur, Palanpur City, Palanpur Diamond City Assistant Governor : Kalpesh Modi



: Palanpur Diamond City Club : Edible Oil Distribu ng CL D.O.B. : 7-Aug E-mail : Address : Siddheshwari, Near Nagar Palika, College Compound, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Girishbhai Raval

: Asha : 11-Dec : 5-Jun : 9649883883

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Madhu : 7-Jul : 4-May : 9825046351

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Usha : 21-Apr : 6-Jun : 9824266516

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Palanpur : Engineer (Structure) CL D.O.B. : 24-Jul E-mail : Address : Mehul Park, Opp. Circuit House, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Palanpur Diamond City Club : Confec onery Mfg. CL D.O.B. : 12-Jul E-mail : Address : 13, Swagat City, Deesa Highway, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Mehul Patel

: Anuradha : 24-Apr : 27-Feb : 9824013518

Chairman - Membership

Club : Palanpur CL : Distribu on of Electronics & Home Appliances D.O.B. : 7-Jan E-mail : Address : 4-5, Arogyadham, Nagarplika road, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Ashok Khandelwal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Abu Road Club : Business CL D.O.B. : 11-Dec E-mail : Address : Plot No. D-382, RIICO Housing Colony, RIICO, Abu Road, Rajasthan

Dinesh Akhani

: Jigna : 28-Aug : 8-Dec : 9979869982

Zone Trainer

Club : Palanpur City CL : Insurance - Life D.O.B. : 11-Jan E-mail : Address : Guru Sadan Complex, Gathaman Gate, Nr. LIC Branch 1, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Bhagwan Agrawal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Raxa : 12-May : 13-May : 9426004787

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 9 Dr. Shailesh Patel

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Palanpur Diamond City CL : Medicine : Pathology D.O.B. : 30-Oct E-mail : Address : Guru Greencross pathology laboratory, 2nd Floor, Guru Ashirvad Complex, College road, Opp. sarkari, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Mahesh Shah

: Durga : 3-Apr : 19-Apr : 9428195465

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Arunaben : 21-May : 28-Jun : 9824088978

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anita : 16-May : 7-May : 9414152500

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Suraj Kanwar : 10-Aug : 10-May : 9426175839

Chairman - Polio

Club : Ambaji CL : Administra on - State D.O.B. : 18-Mar E-mail : Address : 20, Gajanand Society, Ambaji 385110, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Mount Abu CL : Hotelier D.O.B. : 3-Jul E-mail : reserva Address : Hotel Hiltone, Mount Abu, Rajasthan

Mohan Singh Gaden

: Usha : 20-Nov : 7-Feb : 9427535385

Chairman - WinS

Club : Palanpur City CL : Distribu on : Cement D.O.B. : 10-Aug E-mail : Address : 1, Vraj Bhoomi, Opp Kunvarba School, Dairy Road, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Vinod Agarwal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Palanpur city CL : Medicine : Radiology D.O.B. : 1-Jan E-mail : Address : ‘Khushbu’ Nr English Medium School, Shak nagar-2, Mansarovar Road, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Kanubhai Agrawal

: Pinky : 4-Dec : 27-Apr : 9825400679

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Palanpur City CL : Medicine Distributor D.O.B. : 24-Mar E-mail : Address : Vasant Pharma Distributors, 101, 102 Vasant Pharma Complex, Panchratna, Amir Road, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat

Dr. Ashok Maheshwari

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 10 Dahegam, Himatnagar, Idar, Kalol, Mansa, Vadali Assistant Governor : Vasant Patel : Dahegam Club : Tmt Bars Manufacturer CL D.O.B. : 8-May E-mail : Address : Vinayak Park, Dahegam 382305, Gujarat Vasant

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Urmila : 28-dec : 27-jan : 9909930057

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kantaben : 4-Dec : 2-Dec : 9825462623


Gandabhai Patel

Zone Trainer

Club : Himmatnagar CL : Medicine : Pathology D.O.B. : 6-Jan E-mail : Address : 4/A Pannapark Society, Gayatri Mandir Road, Mahavirnagar, Himatnagar 383001, Gujarat

Bhak bhai Prajapa

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Kalol Club : Bricks Manufacturing CL D.O.B. : 1-Jun E-mail : Address : 14 Shastrinagar Society, Near Ambica Bus Stop, Highway, Kalol 382721, Gujarat

Dr. Snehal Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Membership

Club : Idar CL : Medicine : Anesthesia D.O.B. : 13-Jul E-mail : Address : 13, Labdhi Green 2 Society, Valasna Road, Idar, Gujarat

Dinesh Gajjar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Daxaben : 21-Sep : 9-Feb : 9824169293

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Dahegam : Travel Agent CL D.O.B. : 14-Feb E-mail : Address : 57A.Axardham Township, Opp. G.I.D.C., A'bad Rd., Daheham 382305, Gujarat z Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Sneha : 3-Oct : 27-Jun : 9925036817

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Kalol Club : Mfg. Wood Ind. CL D.O.B. : 30-Jul E-mail : Address : 16, dharmnath Society, Opp. Technical School, Kalol 382721, Gujarat

Vishnubhai Bha

: Madhuben : 1-Jun : 27-Apr : 9327933888


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Minaben : 1-May : 7-Dec : 9898161416

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 10 Amit Bhavsar

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Vadali CL : Medical Store D.O.B. : 22-Mar E-mail : Address : Nr. Old Post Office, Vadali 383235, Gujarat

Lalbhai Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Mansa CL : Engineering - Civil D.O.B. : 1-Sep E-mail : Address : 21 Satyam society, Mansa 382845, Gujarat

Baldev Patel

: Kusumben : 1-Jun : 10-May : 9825109854

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vina : 22-Oct : 21-Apr : 8140230111

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pra ma : 7-Jun : 11-Dec : 9825095372

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Purva : 29-May : 11-Jun : 9825450079

Chairman - Polio

Club : Dahegam CL : Medicine : Surgery D.O.B. : 11-Jul E-mail : Address : H-2, Sahjanand Complex, Nanodi Road, Dahegam 382305, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Himmatnagar CL : Electronic Distributors D.O.B. : 16-Feb E-mail : kumar.corpora Address : Kumar's, Kumar House, Durga Mill Compound, Himatnagar 383001, Gujarat

Dr. Bhagyesh Patel

: Minaben : 2-May : 30-Apr : 9825234055

Chairman - WinS

Club : Mansa CL : Manufacturing : Cold Drink D.O.B. : 23-May E-mail : Address : Wind-Son Bo ling (Bonny), Mansa, Gujarat

Dilipbhai Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Kalol CL : Mfg. Chemical D.O.B. : 25-May E-mail : Address : 12, Amikunj Society, Opp. Technical School, Kalol, Gandhinagar 382721, Gujarat

Hasmukh Patel

: Sheetal : 4-Dec : 29-Jan : 8000120403


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 11 Anjar, Bhachau, Bhuj Wallcity, Mundra Kutch Assistant Governor : Sunil Jobanputra : Anjar Club : Land Developar CL D.O.B. : 13-May E-mail : Address : 103-104 Dev Nagar, Anjar-Magpar Rd., Anjar 370110, Gujarat Sunil

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Malini : 11-Sep : 21-Oct : 9428898602

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nirmala : 1-Aug : 6-May : 9909967440


Kanjibhai Sorathia

Zone Trainer

Club : Anjar CL : Construc on D.O.B. : 28-Jun E-mail : Address : 53, Kailashnagar, Bhuj Road, Anjar, Kutch 370110, Gujarat

Sachin Ganatra

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Mundra Club : Business-Mobile Shop CL D.O.B. : 19-Nov E-mail : Address : Shreeji Fonzon.In, 5-6, Panjarapole Complex, Nr. Bus Sta on, Mundra 340421, Gujarat

Shirish Haria

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jayshree : 16-Oct : 13-Mar : 9374603032

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Mundra : Land Developer CL D.O.B. : 23-Jun E-mail : Address : Oswal Street, No. 6, Ko Jain Sthanak, Mundra - Kutch 370421, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Pragna : 29-Sep : 23-May : 9426916170

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Bhuj Wallcity Club : Business - Event Management CL D.O.B. : 27-Mar E-mail : Address : Shilpa Bungalow, No.6, Patel Colony, Lal Tekari, Near Gurudvara, Bhuj, Kutch 370001, Gujarat

Bhupendra Mehta

: Kavita : 14-Mar : 21-Feb : 9879598089

Chairman - Membership

Club : Anjar CL : Minerals D.O.B. : 10-Oct E-mail : Address : 370, Jain Colony, New Anjar, Anjar 370110, Gujarat

Bimal Morabia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nilima : 27-Jan : 9-Feb : 9825214599

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 11 Dilip Gor

Chairman - Public Image Club : Mundra CL : Distribu on : FMCG D.O.B. : 2-Mar E-mail : Address : Vivekanand Soc., Mundra, Kutch 370421, Gujarat

Faruk Khatri

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Anjar CL : Retail : Tradi onal Merchandise D.O.B. : 5-Mar E-mail : Address : Plot No.199-B , TP 3, Khatri Chowk, Anjar 370110, Gujarat

Pritesh Thacker

Sandip Chudgar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kiran : 12-May : 3-Mar : 9825086953

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Daxa : 4-Jun : 18-Feb : 9426977123

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Bhuj Wallcity CL : Mfg : Construc on Machinery D.O.B. : 10-Aug E-mail : Address : 26 Hill View Residency, MES, Madhapar Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kalpna : 14-Dec : 4-Oct : 9099001081

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Julie : 3-May : 20-Feb : 9925107090

Chairman - Polio

Club : Bhuj Wallcity CL : Consul ng Civil Engineer D.O.B. : 26-Nov E-mail : Address : Shop No.3, Shiv Rachana, Ambe Maa Temple Street, Hospital Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Sabana : 10-Jul : 14-Nov : 9925977028

Chairman - WinS

Club : Anjar CL : Accountancy D.O.B. : 9-Jun E-mail : Address : H.NO-390, Jain Colony, Anjar 370110, Gujarat

Sa sh Davda

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Bhuj Wallcity CL : Medical lab Technologist D.O.B. : 5-Apr E-mail : Address : Riddhi Lab, 4, Bhavani Complex, Near Jiya Hospital, Hospital Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Bharat Lohar

: Dip : 27-Sep : 10-Feb : 9825040972


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 12 Bhuj, Bhuj Capital, Bhuj Flamingo, Mandvi Kutch Assistant Governor : Arun Vachharajani


: Bhuj Flamingo Club : Law Income Tax CL D.O.B. : 19-Oct E-mail : Address : Plot No 82/84, Maru Plot, Sanskar Nagar, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat Shobhana

Dr. Kaushik Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jayshree : 13-Jan : 18-Nov : 9825226932

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

:::: 9879755655

Chairman - Service Project

: Bhuj Flamingo Club CL : Lawyer - Insurance and Consumer D.O.B. : 14-Mar E-mail : Address : 173, Jalaram Society, Hospital Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Mumtaz : 28-Jun : 2-Jun : 9825229435

Chairman - Membership

: Bhuj Flamingo Club : Service (Income tax) CL D.O.B. : 17-Oct E-mail : Address : 6, Zulelal Society, Near DSP Office, Bhuj-Kutch 370001, Gujarat

Sunita Bhansali

: Kinjal : 5-Jan : 17-Aug : 9825355422

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Bhuj CL : Accoun ng and Audi ng D.O.B. : 29-Aug E-mail : Address : PLOT 30 , "MANIDWEEP", Himatnagar Society, Bhuj-Kutch 370001, Gujarat

Shailesh Chauhan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Mandvi Kutch Club : Law-revenue CL D.O.B. : 30-Jun E-mail : Address : Rayma & Rayma Advocates, Opp. Jain Dharamshala, Mandvi-Kachchh 370465, Gujarat

Tilak Keshwani

: Shobhana : 15-Dec : 27-May : 9825227709

Zone Trainer

Club : Mandvi CL : Medicine - Surgery D.O.B. : 2-Dec E-mail : Address : ‘Rashmi’, 4th Lane, Madhav Nagar, Babawadi, Mandvi-Kutch 370465, Gujarat

Hasan Rayma

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

:::: 9825902846

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 12 Parag Thacker

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Bhuj CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 10-Jan E-mail : Address : “Ashish”, 8, Nagrik Society, Hospital Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Darshana Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Mandvi Kutch CL : Law Civil D.O.B. : 7-Jan E-mail : Address : B/h. jainpuri, Meghji Thobhan Marg, Mandvi-Kutch 370465, Gujarat

Sunil Mankad

: Rita : 8-Oct : 12-Dec : 9426714700, 7359667000

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Asha : 9-Dec : 10-Jun : 9825253021

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Falguni : 3-Mar : 29-Jan : 9825326740

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Alka : 6-Sep : 6-May : 9825255629

Chairman - Polio

Club : Bhuj Capital CL : Govt. Construc on D.O.B. : 4-Jul E-mail : sahilconstruc Address : 42, sanskarnagar, Ganesh niwas, Nr. Garbi chowk, Bhuj-Kutch 370001, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Mandvi Kutch CL : Law- Civil D.O.B. : 3-Dec E-mail : Address : 7, Ganatra Chambers, Mandvi-Kutch 370465, Gujarat

Ramdevsinh Jadeja

: : : : 9825375777

Chairman - WinS

Club : Bhuj Capital CL : Business D.O.B. : 12-Dec E-mail : Address : 5 & 6, Amrut Chamber, Sta on road, Bhuj-Kutch 370001, Gujarat

Nehal Ganatra

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Bhuj CL : Lab. Techonologist D.O.B. : 12-Aug E-mail : Address : 'SOOR' 190-A, Nr. Swaminarayan School, Sanskar Nagar, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Dharmesh Vyas

: Maya : 9-May : 2-Aug : 9825537890


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 13 Adipur Kutch, Gandhidham, Gandhidham Midtown, Toral Bhuj Assistant Governor : Anup Ghiria



: Gandhidham Club : Insurance Consultant CL D.O.B. : 31-Dec E-mail : Address : Off no 101, Rajkamal-II, Plot no 342, Ward 12/B, Opp. Axis Bank, Gandhidham 370201, Gujarat

Mithalal Dave

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Versha : 30-Jun : 1-Dec : 9825729808

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Maya : 10-Aug : 13-Mar : 9824430925

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Toral Bhuj : Commercial Ar st CL D.O.B. : 4-Sep E-mail : Address : 10, Lotus Colony, Opp. GK General Hospital, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Himanshu : 10-Oct : 21-Jan : 9879360099

Chairman - Membership

: Gandhidham Club : Manufacturing CL D.O.B. : 21-May E-mail : Address : Plot No. 45, Ward 12/C, Lilashah Nagar, Gandhidham 370201, Gujarat

Bhavna Shah

: Bhaara : 7-Sep : 29-May : 9427249693

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Gandhidham CL : Real Estate Consultant D.O.B. : 21-Aug E-mail : Address : Plot No. 147, Ward 12C, Lilashah Nagar, Gandhidham, Kutch, Gujarat

K. C. Agrawal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Toral Bhuj Club : Teaching CL D.O.B. : 18-Mar E-mail : Address : 12/C, Sanidhya B/h Ekta Super Market, Opp. Hill Garden, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Ravin Madiyar

: Dip : 28-Nov : 20-May : 9825291108

Zone Trainer

Club : Adipur CL : Teaching D.O.B. : 18-Oct E-mail : Address : 23/N Ma Sarswa Professors Colony 4B, Adipur 370205, Gujarat

Rita Adhyaru

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Rashmi : 11-Oct : 30-Nov : 9825858700

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 13 Priya Bonde

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Adipur CL : Teaching D.O.B. : 26-Aug E-mail : Address : "Venus", House no.12 , Plot no.46, Ward 4B, Nr. Excelsiour School, Adipur-Kutch 370205, Gujarat

Anuj Sharma

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Gandhidham CL : Hotelier D.O.B. : 4-Oct E-mail : Address : Plot-11, Sharma Resort, Survey No.98, Galpadar, Gandhidham 370201, Gujarat

Manju Kalyani

: Harish : 16-Apr : 21-Oct : 9426217810

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nita : 4-Nov : 10-May : 9909948338

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Leena : 24-Jul : 25-Feb : 9825093732

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Santosh : 15-Apr : 27-Apr : 9825228974

Chairman - Polio

Club : Gandhidham CL : FMCG Distributorship D.O.B. : 22-Sep E-mail : Address : Plot No. 37, Sector 1, Olso, Gandhidham 370201, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Gandhidham CL : Taxa on D.O.B. : 24-Apr E-mail : Address : Plot 259, Ward 12 B, opp. Hotel President, Total Commercial Centre, Gandhidham 370201, Gujarat

Raghuvir Goyal

: Sonia : 5-Jun : 9-Jul : 9979677333

Chairman - WinS

Club : Adipur CL : Taxa on D.O.B. : 10-Mar E-mail : Address : 1st Floor, Vikram-III , Plot No. 155, Sector- 1-A, Gandhidham, Kutch 370201, Gujarat

Sameer Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Adipur CL : Teaching D.O.B. : 8-Nov E-mail : Address : Ward 2B, Plot 376, Adipur (Kachchh) 370205, Gujarat

Alkesh Mody

: Ravi : 3-Apr : 11-Oct : 9825537787


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 14 Dungarpur, Udaipur, Udaipur Mewar, Udaipur Vasudha Assistant Governor : Manik Nahar : Udaipur Club : Ceramics CL D.O.B. : 20-Dec E-mail : Address : 7 Pancharathna Complex, Bedla Road, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan Manik

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rajani : 24-Sep : 8-Mar : 9314430666

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sarla : 13-Jan : 04-Jul : 9829040186


Sushil Banthia

Zone Trainer

Club : Udaipur CL : Timber Processing D.O.B. : 20-Mar E-mail : Address : Lucky Timber, Suppliers, St. Paul School Crossing, Bhupalpura, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Nakshatara Talesara

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Udaipur Club : Diamond Tools mfg. CL D.O.B. : 18-Sep E-mail : Address : 172/12, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Anil Mehta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Membership

Club : Udaipur Mewar CL : Food Grain D.O.B. : 31-Mar E-mail : Address : 1-B, Ashoknagar main road, Mehta Bhavan, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Anil Chajjad

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pra bha : 27-Feb : 17-Apr : 9414162611

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Udaipur Club : Business - BNI CL D.O.B. : 14-Aug E-mail : Address : Surya Kiran, 3-Salumber House, Ambavgarh, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Dr. Narendra Dhing

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sangita : 7-Mar : 17-Jan : 9414169111

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Udaipur : Educa on : Teaching CL D.O.B. : 6-Aug E-mail : Address : 413, sector 3, Hiran Magari, Udaipur 313002, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Sushma : 31-May : 28-Apr : 9829040698


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Indira : 30-Jun : 23-Apr : 9414168690

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 14 Dr. Lokesh Jain

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Udaipur Mewar CL : Educa onal Administra on D.O.B. : 14-May E-mail : Address : 21-G, Sarvaritu Vilas, Nr. Mograwari, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Shakuntala Porwal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Udaipur Vasudha CL : Service D.O.B. : 3-Dec E-mail : Address : Road No. J 440 Bhopalpura, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Girish Pandya

: Bhagwa : 15-Aug : 29-May : 9414105346

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Savitri : 23-Mar : 20-Nov : 9414158546

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Narmada : 25-Sep : 19-Apr : 9414104668

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr Vijay Laxmi : 7-Jun : 1-Jan : 9928913030

Chairman - Polio

Club : Udaipur Mewar CL : Doctorc D.O.B. : 5-Aug E-mail : Address : B- 402, Udai Towers, New Flora, Pula, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Dungarpur CL : Electronic Dealing D.O.B. : 12-Mar E-mail : Address : Panch ratna Complex, Dungarpur 314001, Rajasthan

Dr. Arun Kumar Bapna

: Parmeshwar : 5-Mar : 12-Aug : 9414168235

Chairman - WinS

Club : Udaipur CL : Stoneware pipe Manufacturer D.O.B. : 18-Feb E-mail : mtaya@redi Address : 50, Taya Bhawan, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Manmohan Bhawsar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Dungarpur CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 7-Mar E-mail : Address : 2/147 RHB, Shivaji Nagar, Dungarpur 314001, Rajasthan

Mahendra Taya

: Sharmila : 20-Apr : 04-Dec : 9829009390


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 15 Banswara, Udaipur Meera, Udaipur Panna, Udaipur Royal Assistant Governor : Yashwant Mandawara : Udaipur Royal Club : Prin ng CL D.O.B. : 15-Mar E-mail : Address : 124 Chetak Marg Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan Yashwant

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Radhika : 4-Dec : 6-Dec : 9414167455

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Reena : 5-Aug : 16-May : 9414101259


Mukesh Jain

Zone Trainer

Club : Banswara CL : Financial Consultants D.O.B. : 10-Sep E-mail : Address : 659/6a Bahubali Colony, Near Dig. Jain Temple Banswara 327001, Rajasthan

Bhanu Pratap Singh

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Udaipur Panna Club : Real Estate & Mining CL D.O.B. : 7-Mar E-mail : Address : F-3, 4, Haridasji ki magri, Udaipur, Rajasthan,

Brij Rajkumari Rathore

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shyam Singh : 28-Dec : 24-Apr : 9414174971

: Neeraj : 28-Mar : 19-Nov : 9314664412

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Banswara : Mining CL D.O.B. : 11-Apr E-mail : Address : 136, Mohan Colony, Nr. Central Bank of India, Banswara 324001, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Udaipur Meera Club : business CL D.O.B. : 2-Oct E-mail : shradhaga Address : Ga ani Square, Hari Das Ji Ki Magri, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Nimesh Mehta

: Tarika : 6-Jul : 29-Jan : 9783322111

Chairman - Membership

Club : Udaipur Meera CL : Business D.O.B. : 28-Dec E-mail : Address : 319, Ambamata Scheme, Police Thana Road, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Shradha Gattani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Seema : 5-Dec : 23-Jan : 9414102780

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 15 Abhinav Mantri

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Udaipur Royal CL : Architect / Designer D.O.B. : 17-Jul E-mail : Address : A-23, Saheli Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Dr. Mamta Dhupia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Udaipur Meera CL : Psychologist D.O.B. : 14-Feb E-mail : Address : 128-vivek Nagar, opposite park, Hiran Magri, Sector-3, Udaipur 313002, Rajasthan

Dr. Gajendra Purohit

: Swarnlata : 5-Apr : 23-Jun : 9414785397

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. C.K.Pamecha : 12-Mar : 3-Sep : 9460492129

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Asha : 16-Mar : 2-Dec : 9414101754

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ekta : 19-Jun : 19-Feb : 9828142098

Chairman - Polio

Club : Udaipur Panna CL : Professional Photographer D.O.B. : 13-Jan E-mail : Address : 6A, Laxmi Marg, Amal Ka Kata, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Banswara CL : Engineer & Valuaer D.O.B. : 16-Mar E-mail : Address : O. Shop No.11, Dahod Road, Chetak Complex, Charminar Tower, Banswara, Rajasthan

Rakesh Sen

: Pavan Kumar : 16-Jun : 15-Feb : 9828143089

Chairman - WinS

Club : Udaipur Meera CL : Hospital Administra on D.O.B. : 2-Jan E-mail : Address : 46/3, Shriram Hospital, Madhuban, Udaipur 313004, Rajasthan

Naresh Kothari

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Udaipur Royal CL : Teaching D.O.B. : 15-Feb E-mail : Address : 24 East Samta Nagar B/h. MDS School, Hiran Magri, Sec-03, Udaipur 313002, Rajasthan

Ratan Pamecha

: Ankita : 20-Mar : 29-Jan : 9414164206


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 16 Kherwada, Udaipur Elite, Udaipur Heritage, Udaipur Udai Assistant Governor : Ashish Banthia



: Udaipur Heritage Club : Timber Trading CL D.O.B. : 5-Jun E-mail : Address : H S 10, Sector 5, Hiran Magri, Vasant Vihar, Udaipur 313002, Rajasthan

Deepak Sukhadia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Neelam : 9-Jul : 2-Dec : 7665020022

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Madhu : 6-Sep : 24-Feb : 9829107451

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Udaipur Elite : Business CL D.O.B. : 23-Oct E-mail : Address : 27, New Manglam Complex, Shobhagpura, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Sonal : 4-Sep : 14-Feb : 9414160060

Chairman - Membership

: Udaipur Heritage Club : Business CL D.O.B. : 2-May E-mail : Address : 25-A, Saheli Nagar, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Akshay Kumar Jain

: Nimisha : 19-Nov : 04-Nov : 9928355488

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Udaipur Heritage CL : Hotel Management D.O.B. : 17-Jul E-mail : Address : 37, A–Block, Shikarwadi Colony, Goverdhan Vilas, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Sanjeev Jodhawat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Udaipur Udai Club : Real Estate CL D.O.B. : 12-Nov E-mail : Address : B 96 lane 14 Shak Nagar, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Gajendra Suyal

: Mamta : 2-Mar : 20-Jan : 9828044186

Zone Trainer

Club : Udaipur Heritage CL : Business D.O.B. : 10-Nov E-mail : Address : Road No.3, Durga Nursery Road, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Rajesh Chugh

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anita : 18-Dec : 16-Oct : 9414168317

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 16 Naveen Vaishnav

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Udaipur Udai CL : Hotel Management D.O.B. : 7-Jul E-mail : Address : 43/44 Mahaveer Colony Bedla Road, Near Choudhary Complex, Post Badgaon, Udaipur 313011, Rajasthan

Jayesh Parikh

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Udaipur Heritage CL : Business- Tex les D.O.B. : 19-Sep E-mail : Address : 2-A, Sardarpura, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Kailash Chandra Diwakar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Radhika : 26-Sep : 1-Jun : 9829040216

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Radhika : 29-Aug : 16-Jan : 7727029898

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Poonam : 17-Aug : 20-May : 9351459558

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Udaipur Udai CL : Banker D.O.B. : 26-Dec E-mail : Address : 56, Mahaveer Colony, Bedla Road, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Ramesh Modi

Chairman - WinS

Club : Udaipur Elite CL : Editor D.O.B. : 8-Nov E-mail : Address : Flat No. 104, Venice Apartment, Meeranagar, B-Block, Udaipur 313004, Rajasthan

Sudhir Doogar

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Udaipur Elite CL : Trading - Industrial Electrical Goods D.O.B. : 12-Jul E-mail : Address : 210, Sagar Darshan Apartment, Devali, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

R. Ranjan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sarita : 24-Nov : 9-May : 9829541656

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sulami : 21-Mar : 29-Nov : 9636407523

Chairman - Polio

Club : Kherwara CL : Social Worker D.O.B. : 25-Aug E-mail : rranjanoďŹƒ Address : Mission Compound, Udaipur 313803, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Dr. Ritu : 10-Sep : 9-Feb : 9680377710


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 17 Bhilwara, Bhilwara Solitaire, Chi orgarh Assistant Governor : Naveen Bhadada



: Bhilwara Solitaire Club : Educa on - Administra on CL D.O.B. : 21-Apr E-mail : Address : Kanchan Devi Girls College, Pansal Road, Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan

Narendra Choradia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kamlesh : 11-Feb : 4-Feb : 9784798440

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kanta Devi : 1-Sep : 10-May : 9352111231

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Chi orgarh : Automobiles CL D.O.B. : 21-Jun E-mail : Address : Shubham Automobiles, Main Road, Chandriya, Chi orgarh 312021, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Khya : 30-Nov : 25-Jun : 9414114675

Chairman - Membership

: Bhilwara Club : Management : Tex le Industry CL D.O.B. : 6-Dec E-mail : Address : SURBHI, 5-A-25/1, R.C. Vyas Colony, Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan

Mahaveer Jain

: Meena : 9-Jan : 12-Feb : 9829245551

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Chi orgarh CL : Hotel Management D.O.B. : 9-Feb E-mail : Address : 61, 62 panna dhay colony, Chi orgarh 312001, Rajasthan

Shyam Bagrodia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Bhilwara Club : Hotelier CL D.O.B. : 28-Mar E-mail : Address : C/O Hotel Landmark, Basant Vihar, Nr. Circuit house, Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan

Lalit Khandelwal

: Shikha : 23-Oct : 16-Jan : 9829039304

Zone Trainer

Club : Chi orgarh CL : Industrialist D.O.B. : 2-Sep E-mail : Address : H-165-167, New RIICO Ind. Area, Chanderiya, Chi orgarh 312001, Rajasthan

Sanjay Hiran

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Prabha : 13-Jun : 8-Feb : 9829246013

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 17 Raghuveer Jain

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Chi orgarh CL : Journalism D.O.B. : 27-Apr E-mail : ashpub@redi Address : Vaibhav, Bhilwara Road, Chi orgar, Rajasthan

Mamta Modani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Bhilwara Solitaire CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 8-Aug E-mail : Address : B-81, Shastri Nagar, Bhilwara, Rajasthan

Subhash Sethi

: Sapna : 26-Dec : 21-Apr : 9414113107

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Surbhi : 25-May : 22-Jun : 9414260280

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anita : 22-Feb : 27-Jan : 9414109401

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mrudangi : 11-Jul : 9-Feb : 9414021502

Chairman - Polio

Club : Bhilwara Solitaire CL : Medicine : Surgery D.O.B. : 29-May E-mail : Address : Chamber-2, Ramsnehi Hospital, Nehru Road, Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Chi orgarh CL : Service D.O.B. : 23-Jun E-mail : Address : A-1, Madhav Nagar, BCW, Chi orgarh 312001, Rajasthan

Dr. Apoorva Shastri

: ShriNiwas : 9-Mar : 15-Feb : 9829245411

Chairman - WinS

Club : Bhilwara Solitaire CL : Educa onalist D.O.B. : 1-Aug E-mail : Address : A-92, Vijay Singh Pathik Nagar, Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan

V. K. Hamirvashiya

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Bhilwara CL : Business Tex le D.O.B. : 5-Mar E-mail : Address : D-18, Basement, Tex le Market Pur Road, Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan

Animesh Parakh

: Parasdevi : 18-Jun : 1-Jul : 9414111254


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 18 Balotra, Jaisalmer Golden city, Jaisalmer Swarnanagari, Jalore, Pali, Sumerpur Assistant Governor : Dhanraj Chopra



: Balotra Club : Cloth Industries CL D.O.B. : 22-Feb E-mail : Address : Marudher Keshri Mills, E-58, III Phase Indl. Area, Balotra 344022, Rajasthan

Om Banthia

: Gopi : 15-Jan : 19-Jan : 9414107875

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nirmala : 19-Aug : 18-Jun : 9461522309

Zone Trainer

Club : Balotra CL : Accoun ng D.O.B. : 11-Dec E-mail : om_banthia@redi Address : Sewaku r, Nr.Gandhi Park, Balotra, Rajasthan

Harikrishna Vaishnav

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Sumerpur Club : Electric Engineer CL D.O.B. : 24-Jul E-mail : Address : Angirash Bhavan, 2 N Saket Colony, Supmerpur 306902, Rajasthan

Manak Chopra

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Savita : 12-Dec : 18-Jun : 9829128832

Chairman - Membership

Club : Balotra CL : Color-chem Distribu on D.O.B. : 13-Feb E-mail : Address : E-75, Industria Area, Balotra 344022, Rajasthan

Mangilalji Gandhi

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mohini : 29-Jul : 28-Apr : 9414108080

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Pali Club : Mfg : Tex le CL D.O.B. : 10-Nov E-mail : Address : 108, Nehru Nagar, Pali, Rajasthan

Gautam Kawar

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Basan Devi : 5-Jun : 19-Apr : 9829020984

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Pali : Mfg : Tex le CL D.O.B. : 19-Nov E-mail : praga Address : 46, Tilak Nagar, Pali 306401, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sunita : 1-Jun : 1-Dec : 9314021841

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 18 Mahendra Vyas

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Jaisalmer Swarnnagri CL : Gas Agency D.O.B. : 10-Mar E-mail : Address : 702, J.N. Vyas Colony, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

Dinesh Mehta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Pali CL : Jewellery Business D.O.B. : 4-May E-mail : Address : 11, Solankiyon ka bas, Opp. Dhola Chotra, Pali 306401, Rajasthan

Sunita Bha a

: Pramod : 10-Dec : 12-Jul : 9166079500

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. P.C. Garg : 24-Sep : 11-Nov : 9414149445

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shailja : 26-Feb : 17-Nov : 9414151650

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anita : 15-Aug : 18-May : 9414120350

Chairman - Polio

Club : Pali CL : Tex le Process House D.O.B. : 11-Oct E-mail : Address : Kesarkunj, b-25, Veer Durgadas Nagar, Pali- Marwar, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Jalore CL : Civil Engineering D.O.B. : 6-Oct E-mail : Address : Rajendra complex, Hardeo Joshi Circle, Jalore 343001, Rajasthan

Pravin Kothari

: Sohani Devi : 21-Aug : 23-Nov : 9870038880

Chairman - WinS

Club : Jaisalmer Swarnnagri CL : Pharmasist D.O.B. : 19-Aug E-mail : Address : Surkri , B/h. Bha a Bagichi, Hanuman Circle, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

C. P. Purohit

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Jaisalmer Golden City CL : Counsultancy D.O.B. : 10-Mar E-mail : pramodbha Address : Shreejee Kunj, 636, Taraliya Para, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

Anju Garg

: Ganga Devi : 10-Jan : 21-Apr : 9414149355


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 19 Dudu, Malpura City, Malpura Green, Tonk Assistant Governor : Arvind Vijayvergia : Tonk Club : Tax consultant CL D.O.B. : 25-Aug E-mail : Address : Mehandi Bagh, Tonk 304001, Rajasthan Arvind

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ritu : 4-Oct : 25-Feb : 9414201306

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Laxmikanta : 13-Mar : 30-Jun : 9414439708


Madhusudan Parik

Zone Trainer

Club : Malpura Green CL : School Managment D.O.B. : 8-Nov E-mail : imjnrk@redi Address : Adarsh Nagar, Malpura 304502, Rajasthan

Ashok Kakkar

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Tonk Club : Civil Engineer Retd. CL D.O.B. : 13-Feb E-mail : Address : 7, Civil Lines, Tonk 304001, Rajasthan

Om Prakash Sharma

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Membership

Club : Malpura Green CL : Govt Service D.O.B. : 5-Jan E-mail : Address : Tiwari Sadan -Govindam Plaza, Navin Mandi, Malpura 304502, Rajasthan

Sobhagya Singh Kachhwaha

: Urmila : 2-Jun : 21-Feb : 9414439334

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Gayatri : 3-Nov : 1-Dec : 9414028774

Chairman - Service Project

: Dudu Club CL : Trading D.O.B. : 17-Jul E-mail : Address : Metha Market, Nr. Bus Stand, Dudu 303008, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Malpura City Club : Chartered Accountant CL D.O.B. : 1-Apr E-mail : Address : Mridul Honda, Jodhpur House, Bus Stand, Malpura 304502, Rajasthan

Vinod Mehta

: Anju : 2-Feb : 1-Oct : 9351219925


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Neera : 5-Apr : 18-Jun : 9829270400

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 19 Rajendra Tiwari

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Malpura City CL : Advocate D.O.B. : 1-Apr E-mail : Address : Shri Govindam Plaza, Navin Mandi, Malpura 304502, Rajasthan

Arun Kabra

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Malpura Green CL : Teaching D.O.B. : 7-Jul E-mail : Address : 22, Brijlal Nagar, Malpura 304502, Rajasthan

Kamlesh Singodia

: Sunita : 7-Feb : 3-Aug : 9887008833

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Beena : 3-Mar : 5-May : 9414061737

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Patang Devi : 1-Jan : 28-Jun : 9829270455

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Rohini : 12-Aug : 7-Mar : 7567305087

Chairman - Polio

Club : Malpura City CL : Medicine : Physician D.O.B. : 1-Jul E-mail : Address : RDMH, Subashcircle, Malpura, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Dudu CL : Business D.O.B. : 5-Jul E-mail : Address : Kothari Bhawan, Naraina Road, Dudu 303008, Rajasthan

Dr. Rakesh Jain

: Sharmila : 12-Jun : 13-Jul : 9252443024

Chairman - WinS

Club : Dudu CL : Grain Merchant D.O.B. : 20-Jan E-mail : Address : C/o Rohan Trading Company, Narania Road, Dudu 303008, Rajasthan

Paras Kothari

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Tonk CL : Educa on : Administra on D.O.B. : 2-Apr E-mail : Address : Panchkuiya Darwaza, Purani, Tonk 304001, Rajasthan

Rajkumar Jain

: Gayatri : 3-Nov : 1-Dec : 9414425092


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 20 Chomu, Ringas, Sikar, Sri Madhopur Sunrise Assistant Governor : Dr. Jitendra Kacholia : Sikar Club : Medicine : Surgery CL D.O.B. : 24-Apr E-mail : Address : Royal Residency, Opp. Collector Residence, Sikar 332001, Rajasthan Jitendra

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rtn. Dr. Divya : 20-Mar : 24-Jan : 9351251006

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Alka : 12-Dec : 12-Feb : 9414038300


Laxmikant Biyani

Zone Trainer

Club : Sikar CL : Cloth Retailing D.O.B. : 28-Jun E-mail : Address : M/s Sagar, Near Tabela Gate, Ja ya Bazar, Sikar, Rajasthan

Ramesh Bidwatka (Goyal)

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Sikar Club : Timber Trading CL D.O.B. : 4-Mar E-mail : Address : Goyal Timber Trading Company, Kotawali road, Sikar 332011, Rajasthan

Rajendra Kasera

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Champa : 10-Jul : 28-Feb : 9829219656

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Sikar : Medicine : Den stry CL D.O.B. : 14-Nov E-mail : Address : Dr. Navrangrai Dental Hospital, Nr. Clock Tower, Sikar 332001, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Radha : 17-Mar : 28-Nov : 9414037240

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Sikar Club : Medicine : Surgery CL D.O.B. : 29-Sep E-mail : Address : Navjeevan Hospital & Research Centre, East of Basant Vihar, Sikar 332001, Rajasthan

Dr. Prakash Chand Soni

: Ranjana : 8-Jul : 28-May : 9829219705

Chairman - Membership

Club : Sri Madhopur Sunrise CL : Machinary Wholesale D.O.B. : 3-Feb E-mail : Address : Rajendra Machinery Store, Nr. P&B, Khandela Bazar, Srimadhopur 332715, Rajasthan

Dr. S. L. Soni

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mamta : 27-May : 7-Jul : 9928442024

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 20 Dilip Jhala

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Ringus CL : Govt. Service D.O.B. : 15-Aug E-mail : Address : Shyam Jee ka Mohalla, Jhala House Town, Ringus, Sikar 332404, Rajasthan

Dr. Divya Kacholia

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Sikar CL : Medicine : Gynecologist D.O.B. : 20-Mar E-mail : Address : Royal Residency, Opp. Collector Residence, Sikar 332001, Rajasthan

Sanjeev Johnson Franklin

Dr. Sunil Agrawal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ratna : 11-Jan : 22-Feb : 9602233860

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Reema : 1-Jan : 23-Nov : 8302222120

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Chomu CL : Consultant Property D.O.B. : 9-Oct E-mail : Address : Ward no.21, Plot no 286, Dusro ki dhani, Kaladera, Chomu 302006, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sunita : : 9-Oct : 9928580067

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Krishna : 1-Jul : 1-May : 8769996344

Chairman - Polio

Club : Ringus CL : Cloth Business D.O.B. : 18-Feb E-mail : Address : Ravindra Cloth Store, Chopar Bajar, Ringus, Sikar 332404, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Rtn. Dr. Jitendra : 24-Apr : 24-Jan : 9414036986

Chairman - WinS

Club : Chomu CL : Medicine Prac ce D.O.B. : 4-Jan E-mail : Address : 172, Gomes Defence Colony, 3rd Avenue Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan

Ravindrakumar Jogani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Sri Madhopur Sunrise CL : Educa onist D.O.B. : 24-Apr E-mail : Address : C/O Li le Angels Public School, Srimadhopur, Sikar 332715, Rajasthan

Om Prakash Yadav

: Kamlesh : 26-Sep : 25-May : 9829777501


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 21 E-Club Bhankharota Jaipur, Jaipur, Jaipur East, Jaipur Metro, Jaipur Midtown, Jaipur South Assistant Governor : Arvind Sharma



: Jaipur Midtown Club : Infrastructure Management CL D.O.B. : 10-Sep E-mail : Address : 23, Madhuban Colony, Kisan Marg, Nr. Pink City Honda Car Showroom, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Ishwinder Singh

: Amrita : 18-Oct : 25-Dec : 9829017377

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Anita : 19-Nov : 14-Apr : 9414496779

Chairman - Membership

Club : Jaipur CL : Ar san Jeweller D.O.B. : 16-Jun E-mail : Address : 402 A, Ram Janki Vihar, Shiv Marg, Bani Park, Jaipur 302016, Rajasthan

K. L. Jain

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Club Administra on

: E-Club Bhankharota Jaipur Club : Animal Nutri on CL D.O.B. : 24-Jun E-mail : Address : House No. 4, Harbilas Sharda Marg, Near City Palace, Civil Line, Ajmer, Rajasthan

Manoj Singh Baid

: Vimla : 3-Mar : 5-Feb : 9829064999

Zone Trainer

Club : Jaipur Midtown CL : Stone Processing D.O.B. : 2-Nov E-mail : Address : 11, Mahavir Marg, Sangram Colony, C-Scheme, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Dr. Girish Mathur

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Suman : 15-Aug : 17-May : 9462000964

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on : Jaipur East Club : Business Administra on CL D.O.B. : 4-Apr E-mail : Address : "Arunodaya" 7/8, SP-5, Bhabha Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Rajendra Batwara

: Aruna : 2-Sep : 28-06 : 9829056261

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Jaipur East : Metal Retailers CL D.O.B. : 15-Feb E-mail : Address : G-2, Sapphire Jagan Apt., H-25, Tulsi Marg, Bani Park, Jaipur 302016, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Prabha :: 12-Dec : 9829060908

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 21 Rajendra Poddar

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Jaipur Midtown CL : Manufacture - Leather Sheath D.O.B. : 3-Mar E-mail : Address : Mayur Leather Products Ltd., G-60-62 & 67-69, Jaitpura Industrial Area, Sikar Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Govind Gupta

: Neha : 24-Mar : 17-Jun : 9928064255

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: D. S. Bhandari : 2-Apr : 25-Nov : 9314900636

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Bimla Devi : 30-Aug : 6-Dec : 9414064891

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shakuntala : 6-Apr : 11-Dec : 9829063121

Chairman - Polio

Club : Jaipur South CL : Educa on - Administra on D.O.B. : 20-Jun E-mail : Address : Raghukul, 81, Rajbhavan Road, Civil Lines, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Jaipur CL : Glass wholesale and retail D.O.B. : 8-Sep E-mail : Address : D-276/c Todarmal Marg, Banipark, Jaipur 302016, Rajasthan

Ashok Dhoot

: Poonam : 16-Nov : 6-Feb : 8949401644

Chairman - WinS

Club : Jaipur Metro CL : Training - English Speaking D.O.B. : 28-Jul E-mail : Address : E-295, Lal Kothi Scheme, B/h. Vidhan Sabha, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Gopi Krishan Agrawal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Jaipur Midtown CL : Aluminium Extrusion D.O.B. : 23-Feb E-mail : Address : Kanushree Innova on Pvt. Ltd., Landmark, II Floor, S-16/A, Mahaveer Marg, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Renu Bhandari

: Amita : 3-Aug : 8-Jul : 9829011959

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Jaipur South CL : Retailing D.O.B. : 9-Mar E-mail : Address : Flat No.402, Deepbandhu Anukampa Residency, Kabiar Marg, Jaipur 16, Rajasthan

Sudhir Singhal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 22 Jaipur Ci zen, Jaipur Majesty, Jaipur North, Jaipur Pinkcity, Jaipur Roundtown, Jaipur Royal Assistant Governor : Dr. Pushpa Sharma : Jaipur Pinkcity Club : Educa on : Teaching CL D.O.B. : 5-Apr E-mail : Address : 75, Bhagat Va ka 2nd, Civil Lines, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan Pushpa

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Prakash : 14-Jan : 13-Jul : 9001882200

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Seema : 9-Jun : 30-Apr : 9829011339


Rajendra Agrawal

Zone Trainer

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Mfg : Jewellery D.O.B. : 5-May E-mail : Address : Shree Rameshwaram, 237, Sokinyo Ka Rasta, Kishanpole Bazar, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Prakash Sharma

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Jaipur Pinkcity Club : Advocate CL D.O.B. : 14-Jan E-mail : Address : 75, Bhagat Va ka 2nd Civil Lines, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan

Vipin Gangwal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Membership

Club : Jaipur Majesty CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 18-Nov E-mail : Address : Arihant, 23, Mangal Marg, Bapu Nagar, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Rajesh Sharma

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jaya : 13-Dec : 18-Feb : 9928776661

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Jaipur North : Real Estate Developers CL D.O.B. : 2-Aug E-mail : Address : F-54, Lal Bahadur Nagar (West), 4th Avenue Corner, Jaipur 302018, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Deep : 20-Jun : 11-Dec : 9424079641

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Jaipur Roundtown Club : Hotelier CL D.O.B. : 7-Dec E-mail : Address : 1, Hotel Amar Palace Karni Vihar, Main Ajmer Road (Near Delhi – Ajmer Highway Junc on), Heerapura, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan

Naresh Mehta

: Rtn. Pushpa : 5-Apr : 13-Jul : 9983673438


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Neetu : 20-Jun : 28-Jan : 9414068268

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 22 Parag Rungta

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Jaipur Roundtown CL : Financial Service D.O.B. : 17-Apr E-mail : Address : Sahakar Marg, Bhawani Singh Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Hemendra Sharma

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Jaipur Royal CL : Automobile Servicing D.O.B. : 3-Sep E-mail : Address : B-4, Satyendra colony, Laxmi Nagar, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan

Sunil Suklecha

: Seema : 14-Oct : 24-Nov : 9829056762

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kanchan : 11-Nov : 15-Feb : 9829012667

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Neetu : 24-Apr : 2-Dec : 9829047933

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Archana : 17-Dec : 12-Jan : 9828582554

Chairman - Polio

Club : Jaipur North CL : Real Estate and Colonizer D.O.B. : 15-Mar E-mail : Address : 95, Pawan Parisar, Nagrik Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302011, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Jaipur Ci zen CL : Mfg. : Readymade Garments D.O.B. : 10-Aug E-mail : Address : 'ARIHANT', A-42, Nu-Lite Colony, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302018, Rajasthan

Somendra Sharma

: Gayatri : 9-Nov : 2-Dec : 9694822000

Chairman - WinS

Club : Jaipur Royal CL : Prac cing chartered Accountants D.O.B. : 3-Aug E-mail : rkgupta45@redi.com Address : 9, Mahatma Gandhi Nagar, DCM, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan

Ashok Jain Cotler

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Jaipur Majesty CL : Gem & Jewellery D.O.B. : 6-Sep E-mail : Address : C-173, Gyan Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Rakesh Kumar Gupta

: Amita : 9-Nov : 3-Mar : 9828020036


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 23 Dausa, Jaipur Bapunagar, Jaipur Central, Jaipur City, Jaipur Heights Assistant Governor : Dr. Harish Bhardwaj : Jaipur Bapunagar Club : Medicine : Dentistry CL D.O.B. : 16-Feb E-mail : Address : A-9 Malviya Nagar, Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan Harish

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rekha : 29-Mar : 21-Nov : 9829473838

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sangeeta : 5-Jul : 24-Aug : 9829051571


Dr. Surendra Kala

Zone Trainer

Club : Jaipur Central CL : Medicine : ENT Surgeon D.O.B. : 12-Aug E-mail : akswas Address : B 276, Gopalpur Byepass, Triveni Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Akhilesh Kumar Jain

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Jaipur Bapunagar Club : Govt. Service CL D.O.B. : 15-Mar E-mail : Address : S-86 Adinath Nagar, Opp. World Trade Park, JLN Marg, Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan

H. P. Kucchal

: Archana : 1-Aug : 14-Dec : 9829053981

Chairman - Membership

Club : Jaipur Central CL : Govt. Service (Retd.) D.O.B. : 1-May E-mail : Address : 73, Hari Bagh, Gaurav Nagar Civil Lines, Raj Bhawan road, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan

Suman Somani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mithlesh : 13-May : 5-Jul : 9314866088

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Jaipur Heights Club : Trading : Electronics CL D.O.B. : 5-Nov E-mail : Address : Vasundhara, 158, M.I. Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Shalini Varshney

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Usha : 26-Jan : 22-Nov : 9829266730

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Jaipur Bapunagar : Cer ďŹ ed Financial Planner CL D.O.B. : 31-Oct E-mail : Address : 2-ch27, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Yogesh : 31-Mar : 20-Feb : 9351792638

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 23 Jaswinder Seghal

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Jaipur Central CL : TV Radio Journalist D.O.B. : 2-May E-mail : Address : 277-A, Raja Park, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Sanjay Jain

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Jaipur Central CL : Engineer - Civil D.O.B. : 10-Oct E-mail : Address : 41-A, Vidyut Nagar-B, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan

Dr. C. L. Meena

: Prem : 9-May : 12-Jan : 9414073717

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sudhir : 20-Sep : 19-Nov : 9828150658

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sapna : 6-Apr : 6-Jul : 9928480169

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Urmila : 1-May : 20-May : 9460138799

Chairman - Polio

Club : Dausa CL : Real Estate Business D.O.B. : 1-May E-mail : Address : Karni Nagar, Agra Road, Dausa 303303, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Jaipur City CL : Business D.O.B. : 6-Sep E-mail : Address : E-201, Amba Bari, Near Shiv Park, Jaipur 302030, Rajasthan

Jugal Singh

: Dr Meenakshi : 21-Feb : 15-Nov : 9413340533

Chairman - WinS

Club : Jaipur Bapunagar CL : Educa on Administra on D.O.B. : 30-Jan E-mail : Address : B129 Pearl Prem Apt at No. 501, Rajendra Marg, Bapunagar, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Deepak Gupta

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Dausa CL : Educa on - Administra on D.O.B. : 1-Jan E-mail : Address : B-81, Somnath Nagar, Dausa 303303, Rajasthan

Sudha Calla

: Varinder : 25-Dec : 3-Feb : 9829022916


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 24 Jaipur Sanskar, Jaipur Emerald, Jaipur Kohinoor, Jaipur Marugandha Assistant Governor : Dr. Rupa Mathur : Jaipur Gurukul Club : Educa onal Administrator CL D.O.B. : 28-Dec E-mail : Address : B-41, Prabhu Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan Rupa

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Alok : 16-Oct : 29-Oct : 9783307198

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ajay : 13-Nov : 21-Dec : 9829011159


Sunita Kala

Zone Trainer

Club : Jaipur Marugandha CL : Jewellary Export D.O.B. : 19-Nov E-mail : Address : C - 139, Dayanand marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Narendra Ta wala

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Jaipur Emerald Club : Jeweller CL D.O.B. : 10-Jan E-mail : ta Address : 142-B Vasundhara Colony, Gopal Pura By-pass, Jaipur 302018, Rajasthan

Meeta Patel

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Membership

Club : Jaipur Marugandha CL : Bonsai Ar st D.O.B. : 21-Dec E-mail : Address : 13, First Floor, Jai Shree Nagar, Sector 5, Malviya Nagar, Lt Amit Bharadwaj Marg, Jawahar Circle, Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan

Pramila Surana

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mahendra : 24-Nov : 2-Mar : 9414078278

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Jaipur Kohinoor : Automobile Business CL D.O.B. : 14-May E-mail : lalmorani@redi Address : Opp. gandhinagar Rly. Sta on, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Late Bhavesh : : : 9829066977

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Jaipur Marugandha Club : Administra on CL D.O.B. : 9-Jul E-mail : Address : C-403, Setu Path, Pradhan Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan

Dr. Lal Morani

: Vandana : 6-Nov : 18-Apr : 9829061262


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Reshma : 14-Sep : 20-Nov : 9829222044

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 24 Radha Kashyap

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Jaipur Marugandha CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 25-Nov E-mail : Address : S-8 Janta Colony, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Mona Sogani

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Jaipur Marugandha CL : Art & Culture D.O.B. : 29-Aug E-mail : Address : C-186, Gyan Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Deepali Agrawal

: Alok : 28-Dec : 25-Nov : 9929603844

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Taramani : 2-May : 19-Apr : 9829796549

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Rani : 1-Sep : 27-Apr : 9829065042

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr Ranjana : 27-Jul : 18-Nov : 9352090137

Chairman - Polio

Club : Jaipur Kohinoor CL : Medicine : Physician D.O.B. : 10-Apr E-mail : Address : KTR 3&4 Mahatna Gandhi nagar, DCM, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Jaipur Emerald CL : Exports : Carpets D.O.B. : 18-Jul E-mail : Address : J-234 Mahaveer Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Dr. V. K. Jain

: Rajeev : 28-Dec : 25-Dec : 9982800666

Chairman - WinS

Club : Jaipur Emerald CL : Exporter : Marble and Granite D.O.B. : 21-Feb E-mail : Address : Radhey Kunj, A 151, Prince Road, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan

Girwar Singh

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Jaipur Marugandha CL : Home Maker D.O.B. : 28-Oct E-mail : alok@u Address : B-189/A University Marg, Bapu Nagar, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan

Dr. Gopal Krishna Sharma

: Manish : 5-Aug : 27-Jan : 9783307182


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 25 Jaipur Capital, Jaipur Gurukul, Jaipur Mahanagar, Jaipur Mansarovar, Jaipur Pride Assistant Governor : Dr. Manisha Patni : Jaipur Marugandha Club : Educa on : Teaching CL D.O.B. : 15-Aug E-mail : Address : 6/359 SFS Agarwal Farm, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan Manisha

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sanjay : 18-Nov : 28-Apr : 9783307131

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Late Dilip Kumar : : : 9461672633


Usha Pugalia

Zone Trainer

Club : Jaipur Capital CL : Vehicle Financer D.O.B. : 26-Nov E-mail : Address : D-6/336, First Floor, Chitrakoot, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan

Dr. Mani Bha a

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Jaipur Gurukul Club : Educa on Accoun ng CL D.O.B. : 25-Mar E-mail : mani.bha Address : 4/31 Surya Path, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Gurjeet Singh Chawla

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Membership

Club : Jaipur Mansarovar CL : Management Admin D.O.B. : 12-Aug E-mail : Address : 119/180, Agarwal Farm, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan

Prof. K. S. Sharma

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vidya : 1-Apr : 14-May : 9783300015

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Jaipur Mansarovar : Teaching CL D.O.B. : 19-Oct E-mail : Address : B-19, Shak Nagar, Tonk Road, Opp. Kamal And Company, Jaipur 302018, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Rajbala : 20-Aug : 21-Nov : 9928377455

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Jaipur Gurukul Club : Educa on : Teaching CL D.O.B. : 23-Sep E-mail : Address : Department of Physics, IIS (Deemed to be University), Gurukul Marg, SFS, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan

Manish Agrawal

: : : : 8003095264


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Meena : 23-Nov : 8-Jun : 9829115543

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 25 Pratap Singh Sirohi

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Jaipur Mahanagar CL : Lawyer D.O.B. : 9-Mar E-mail : Address : 82 Harikishan Somani Marg, Hathroi Fort, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan

Dr. Vishal Udavat

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Jaipur Mahanagar CL : Medicine : Ophthalmology D.O.B. : 23-Aug E-mail : Address : A 42 Shrirampura Housing Society, Civil Lines, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan

Dr. Nisha Yadav

: Rakesh : 15-Aug : 10-Jun : 9783307161

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Pooja : 2-Jul : 2-May : 9413383444

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Urmila : 2-Nov : 30-Nov : 9414240806

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vimla : 10-Aug : 12-Dec : 9214053777

Chairman - Polio

Club : Jaipur Pride CL : Legal D.O.B. : 7-Aug E-mail : Address : 242-A, Vivek Vihar, N.S. Road, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Jaipur Pride CL : Civil Engineer D.O.B. : 20-Feb E-mail : Address : 106/162, Vijaya Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan

Jyo swaroop Garg

: Ena : 18-Oct : 17-Apr : 9414203325

Chairman - WinS

Club : Jaipur Capital CL : Business D.O.B. : 10-May E-mail : Address : E-14 G2, Pawan va ka Apartment, Hanumanagar EXT., Jaipur 302012, Rajasthan

Om Prakash Goyal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Jaipur Gurukul CL : Educa on : Teaching D.O.B. : 30-Aug E-mail : nisha.kumar@icďŹ Address : K-5 Krishnapuri, Sector 14, Malvianagar, Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan

Bajranglal Midha

: Santosh : 25-Mar : 16-Apr : 9414073160


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 26 Kota, Kota North, Kota South, Padmini Kota, Ranthambhore Sawai Madhopur Assistant Governor : Manu Paliwal


: Kota Club : Manufacturing of RCC Pipes CL D.O.B. : 26-Feb E-mail : Address : House No.2-T-5, Nr. Water Tank, Dadabari Extension Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Dr. Shashi Agarwal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Kavita : 2-Oct : 20-May : 9414180427

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Vandana : 27-Jul : 24-Apr : 9829231223

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Kota South : Businessman CL D.O.B. : 2-Apr E-mail : Address : Venus Garments, Kothri Road, Gumanpura, Kota 324007, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Rahul : 29-Apr : 14-Nov : 8107606000

Chairman - Membership

: Kota Club : Mfg - PVC Goods CL D.O.B. : 5-Oct E-mail : Address : 121, Vallabh Bari, Kota 324007, Rajasthan

Om Prakash Sahni

: Anil Kumar : 27-Dec : 15-Jun : 9829903655

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Club : Kota North CL : Chemical Mfg. & Service Provider D.O.B. : 21-Oct E-mail : Address : Villa No. 250, Block 21, Devashish City, Gramin Police Line, Borkhera, Kota 324001, Rajasthan

Sanjay Sharma

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Padmini Kota Club : Fine Jewellery Mfg CL D.O.B. : 25-Apr E-mail : Address : 732, Pratap Nagar, Dada badri, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Anand Khandelwal

: : : : 9414188855

Zone Trainer

Club : Padmini Kota CL : House Maker D.O.B. : 24-Apr E-mail : Address : 758, Pratapnagar, Dadabari, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Piyusha Nya

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Suman Sahni : 6-Dec : 19-Oct : 9460488588

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 26 S. C. Jain

Chairman - Public Image Club : Kota CL : Contractorship - Gov. 'AA' Class D.O.B. : 14-Jan E-mail : Address : 363-C, Talwandi, Kota, Rajasthan

Deepak Bansal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Kota North CL : Trading in Industrial Products D.O.B. : 25-Feb E-mail : deepak.bansal7@redi Address : R-7, Royal City, Aditya Awas Extn., Bajrang Nagar, Kota 324001, Rajasthan

Kamla Singh Gaur

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ruchi : 16-Nov : 16-Apr : 9414185630

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shivraj Singh : 8-Aug : 20-Jun : 9414186466

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Deepshikha : 16-Oct : 17-Apr : 9413380662

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Padmini Kota CL : Social Service D.O.B. : 9-May E-mail : Address : 87/2, A Sector, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Sharad Yadav

Chairman - WinS

Club : Ranthambhore Sawai Madhopur CL : Lawyer D.O.B. : 5-Oct E-mail : Address : 62, Balmandir Colony, Sawai Madhopur 322001, Rajastahan

Kailash Jain

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Ranthambhore Sawai Madhopur CL : Lawyer D.O.B. : 3-Mar E-mail : Address : B/h. Hotel Ranthambore Regency, Vigyan Nagar, Ranthambhore Road, Sawai Madhopur 322001, Rajasthan

Dr. Rajeev Narang

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Lt. Munni lata : 1-Mar : 13-Feb : 9414030888

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Anshu : 13-Sep : 15-Apr : 9414270261

Chairman - Polio

Club : Kota CL : Medicine : Radiology D.O.B. : 13-Jan E-mail : Address : 109, Shak Nagar, Kota 324009, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

: Neena : 6-Sep : 8-Dec : 9414182845


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 27 Brijnagar Jhalawar, Bundi, Kota Central, Kota Roundtown Assistant Governor : Sumit Gandhi : Kota Central Club : Industry (Manufacturing) CL D.O.B. : 2-Jun E-mail : Address : B 54, Near Radha Krishna Mandir, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan Sumit

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ankita : 30-Aug : 22-Apr : 9828305358

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Manju : 13-Sep : 5-May : 8561921629


Rituraj Dadhich

Zone Trainer

Club : Bundi CL : Govt. Service D.O.B. : 4-Nov E-mail : rr_dadhich@redi Address : 1-J-22 Vikas Nagar, Bundi 323001, Rajasthan

Sanjeev Kothari

Chairman - Club Administra on

: Kota Central Club : Warehousing Insurance CL D.O.B. : 9-Oct E-mail : Address : 1-CH-26-27, Dadabari, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Vimalchand Jain

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Membership

Club : Kota Roundtown CL : Chemist D.O.B. : 14-May E-mail : Address : 1-B, 29 SFS, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan

Manoj Raniwala

: Urmila : 1-Aug : 16-Jun : 9413828800

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Renu : 27-Jul : 18-Nov : 9829037171

Chairman - Service Project

Club : Bundi : Electrical Trading CL D.O.B. : 3-Jun E-mail : Address : Patodi Bhawan, Guru nanak colony, Bundi 323001, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - The Rotary Founda on

: Kota Central Club : Business - Natural Stone Exporter CL D.O.B. : 13-Oct E-mail : Address : Raniwala House, 132, Sta on Road, Kota 324002, Rajasthan

Mahesh Patodi

: Chinkal : 15-Apr : 6-May : 9816630089


Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sarla : 3-Jan : 17-May : 9414256552

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Leaders : Zone 27 Vipin Dhupia

Chairman - Public Image

Club : Brijnagar Jalawar CL : Marke ng : Cement D.O.B. : 4-Jun E-mail : Address : Arihant Enterprises, Nr. Sun Temple, Main Market, Jhalrapatan city, Jhalawar 326023, Rajasthan

Sarvapreet Sabarwal

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - New Genera on

Club : Kota Central CL : Distribu on Auto Parts D.O.B. : 25-Nov E-mail : dashmesh.2010@redi Address : B-9, New Colony, Gumanpura, Kota, Rajasthan

Sanjay Agarwal

Krishna Maheshwari

: Amarpreet : 21-Sep : 1-Oct : 9414190196

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Swa : 9-Jun : 13-May : 9825216078

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Neeresh : 11-Jun : 14-Dec : 9414179696

Chairman - WinS

Club : Kota Roundtown CL : Mfg : Stone Greet and Civil Contractor D.O.B. : 10-Jul E-mail : Address : 24, Basant Vihar Special, Kota 324009, Rajasthan

Mahendra Kumar Jain

Chairman - Area of Focus

Club : Bundi CL : Auto Mobile Bussiness D.O.B. : 11-Aug E-mail : Address : 1 H 1, Vikas Nagar, Bundi 323001, Rajasthan

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Seema : 7-Jul : 19-Apr : 9414175016

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Neha : 12-Jun : 16-Nov : 9414176177

Chairman - Polio

Club : Bundi CL : Business D.O.B. : 24-Aug E-mail : Address : Shukhdham, 6 GayatriNagar, Civilines, Bundi 323001, Rajasthan Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Chairman - Literacy

Club : Brijnagar Jalawar CL : Crusher Business D.O.B. : 13-Jul E-mail : Address : F 85, Forest Road, Jhalawar 326001, Rajasthan

Sandip Chandwani

: Rachana : 4-Mar : 22-Jun : 9772112345


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054




Rotary Clubs are members of Rotary Interna onal. Actual ac on and community work happens at club level. Club leaders and members are the real People of Ac on!

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Aadarsh Ahmedabad PRESIDENT

Nirav Patel CL : Mfg. : Medical Lab Disposables D.O.B. : 5-May Add. : 28, Harekrishna Complex, B/h. City Gold Cinema, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Mina 4-Aug 22-May 9426021606

Himanshu Patel CL : Wholesale : Grains D.O.B. : 11-Jun Add. : 94, Patel Vas, Vasna Gam, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Manisha 25-Aug 18-Jan 9825555002

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Samir Babaria Sponsor Club : District Sponsor :2 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Vipul Shukla : 85453 Club No. Chartered on : 25 Aug 2013 : 14 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :1 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Himanshubhai Patel : 9825555002 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Friday : 8:00 PM


Mukesh Kumar Agarwal CL : Manufacturing - Building Material D.O.B. : 14-Aug Add. : H.N.21, Agarwal Colony, Abu Road 307026, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Anita 16-Jun 24-Jan 9414769172

Mahesh Garg CL : Trading : Construc on Material D.O.B. : 19-Jul Add. : Krishna Timber, Manpur, Abu Road 307026, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together!

krishna Ranjan 25-Apr 27-Jan 9414153515


CHARTER PRESIDENT R. K. Ladia ji Sponsor Club : Mount Abu :9 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Kalpesh Modi : 58453 Club No. Chartered on : 22 May 2002 : 44 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Mukesh Garg : 9414428484 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Srijan Inn Day Time

: Alternate Saturday : 8:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Adipur Kutch PRESIDENT

Mahamad Sharif Khatri CL : Business D.O.B. : 1-May Add. : House No 3, Plot No 81, Sai Simaran Society, Ward 4B, Adipur, Kutch 370205, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Shahenaz 12-Jun 17-Mar 9978557007

Tarun Solanki CL : So ware And Web Development D.O.B. : 18-Jun Add. : T.D.X. 109, Barwadi, Adipur, Kutch 370205, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Jalpa 25-Dec 14-Feb 9978984951

CHARTER PRESIDENT Bharat Desai Sponsor Club : Gandhidham : 13 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Anup Ghiria : 68355 Club No. Chartered on : 16 Mar 2005 : 45 Members : Sampark Bulle n :1 Rotaract :3 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Rajesh Thacker : 9724316215 Mobile MEETING PLACE Mata Lachhmi Charitable Trust, Adipur Day Time

: Saturday : 6:30 PM


Sadhna Jain CL : Educa on - Higher Secondary D.O.B. : 1-Aug Add. : 3, Vatsal Apartments, Nehru Park, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : 9879267113

Dr. Ujwala Mavlankar CL : Medicine - Den st D.O.B. : 25-Oct Add. : 17, Maharashtra Society, Opp. Mithakhali Bus Stop, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together!

den Dileep 18-Mar 2-Jun 9898471701


CHARTER PRESIDENT Ganesh V. Mavalankar Sponsor Club : Self Created :1 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Navroz Tarapore : 15075 Club No. Chartered on : 15 Jul 1936 : 58 Members : RCA News Bulle n :1 Rotaract :4 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dhiren Shah : 9725010850 Mobile MEETING PLACE Sports Club of Ahmedabad Day Time

: Tuesday : 7:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Ahmedabad Airport PRESIDENT

Sanjay Raja CL : Law : Educa on D.O.B. : 16-Aug Add. : 37, Niharika Bunglows, Opp. Himmatlal Park, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat






Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Shital 28-May 1-Dec 9898312197

Satyanarayan Samdani CL : Manufacturer : Ice Cream D.O.B. : 18-Nov Add. : C/501, Neelkanth Riverview, Nr. Gayatri Temple, Airport Road, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat Email : Spouse : Suman D.O.B. : 6-Feb Anni. : 30-Jan Mobile : 9898170701

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Prakash Doshi Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad Metro :5 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Kamlesh Prajapa : 55396 Club No. Chartered on : 25 Apr 2001 : 50 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dhiren Vora : 9426083326 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Metropole Day Time

: Saturday : 8:00 PM

Ahmedabad Asmita PRESIDENT

Asha Desai CL : Brand Influencer D.O.B. : 1-Jul Add. : B-909-910, Mondeal Square, B/s. Iscon Elegance, S.G. Highway Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat


Kshi j


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Rtn. Kshi j 18-Sep 16-Apr 9824255514

Rakhee Khandelwal CL : Business Consultant D.O.B. : 7-Aug Add. : G101 Orange Avenue, Maple 1, Thaltej Shilaj Road, Ahmedabad , Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Saurabh 7-Oct 25-Nov 9558802532


CHARTER PRESIDENT Sangita Shah Sponsor Club : District sponsored :1 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Navroz Tarapore : 89362 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 24 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Varsha Prajap : 9428735213 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Flexible : 3:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Ahmedabad Elite PRESIDENT

Ashok Bha CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 28-Nov Add. : B 603, Signature-2, Nr. Sarkhej-Sanand Circle, Ahmedabad 382210, Gujarat






Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Swa 12-Aug 8-Feb 9879500202

Pooja Acharya CL : Patent A orney D.O.B. : 29-Mar Add. : 19 H. K. Avenue, H. K. Acharya & Company, Swas k Society, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat Email : Spouse : Omkar D.O.B. : 10-Dec Anni. : 6-Dec Mobile : 9016809115

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Rajesh Acharya Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad Vasna :1 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Navroz Tarapore : 82942 Club No. Chartered on : 25 Feb 2010 : 15 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Ashok Bha : 9879500202 Mobile MEETING PLACE Karnava Club Day Time

: Saturday : 7:30 PM

Ahmedabad Emerald PRESIDENT

Nishith Mehta CL : Advocate D.O.B. : 27-Aug Add. : B/801, Iscon Park, Opp. Star Bazaar, Nr. Sundarvan, Satellite Main Road, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Shilpa 11-Sep 18-Oct 9825014169

Hiren Shah CL : Real Estate Consultant D.O.B. : 11-May Add. : A /3, Mrunal Appartment, Opp. Bhimnath Temple, Paldi, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Reshma 10-May 4-Dec 9327769255


CHARTER PRESIDENT Hansal Shukla Sponsor Club : District sponsored :3 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sarju Mehta : 87900 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 26 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :1 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Suresh Shah : 9328229003 Mobile MEETING PLACE VIP Hall, Ahmedabad Ha Day Time

: Friday : 7:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Ahmedabad Greater PRESIDENT

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. O. P. Saxena Sponsor Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) :3 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sarju Mehta : 58643 Club No. Chartered on : 23 May 2002 : 25 Members : e-bulle n Bulle n :1 Rotaract :1 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT L. B. Kushwah : 9427314057 Mobile MEETING PLACE L. J. Commerce College

Dr. Sarwesh Kumar Shrivastava CL : Tex le Technology D.O.B. : 22-Jan Add. : C/23, Satellite Centre, Nehru Park, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat






Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Lata 11-Mar 20-May 9998530707

Shyamlal Gandhi CL : Chemical Manufacturing D.O.B. : 17-Dec Add. : 705, Surya Mandir Tower, Nr. Premchand Nagar, Bodakdev, Judges Bungalow Road, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat Email : Spouse : Jayaben D.O.B. : 6-Jan Anni. : 20-Apr Mobile : 9879012144

Day Time

: Friday : 7:30 PM

Ahmedabad Mahanagar PRESIDENT

Rajiv Padia CL : Management Consultancy D.O.B. : 29-Apr Add. : D-803, Dhananjay Tower, Anandnagar Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Reeta 18-Mar 9-Dec 9727749790

Dhwaneet Mehta CL : Autospares D.O.B. : 12-Jun Add. : Arcus-11, Sky City, Nr. Apple Woods, Shela, Ahmedabad 382210, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Nirali 8-Dec 2-Dec 9638443844


CHARTER PRESIDENT Anil Raval Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad West :3 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sarju Mehta : 55197 Club No. Chartered on : 28 Mar 2001 : 38 Members : Setu Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :4 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Wispmac Shah : 9925246556 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Rezza, C.G. Road, Ahmedabad Day Time

: Friday : 8:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Ahmedabad Majesty PRESIDENT






CHARTER PRESIDENT Mukesh Bavishi CL : Merchandise : Co on Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad Midtown D.O.B. : 2-Dec :2 Zone Add. : A - 83, 'Savita Govind Plaza', Opp.Pride Plaza Hotel, Nr. Judges ASST. GOVERNOR Bunglows Cross Road, Bodakdev, Vipul Shukla Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat : 69934 Club No. Email : Spouse : Dolly Chartered on : 29 Jun 2005 D.O.B. : 21-Nov : 30 Members Anni. : 29-Nov : Mann Bulle n Mobile : 9327006840 :2 Rotaract Nilesh Gandhi :2 Interact :1 RCC CL : Prin ng & Packaging D.O.B. : 3-Feb PRESIDENT ELECT Add. : 37, Ajay Industrial Estate, Dudheshwer, Rtn. Ashok Maheshwari Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat : 9327007400 Mobile MEETING PLACE Email : adinathprintpacksolu Rota ng Spouse : Nipa D.O.B. : 11-Oct : Friday Day Anni. : 27-Nov Mobile : 8980816551 : 8:00 AM Time

Sanjay Dalal

Ahmedabad Metro PRESIDENT

Dr. Sanjeev Mehta CL : Medicine : Pathology D.O.B. : 28-May Add. : 8 Malay Soc., Nr. Shreyas Crossing, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat






Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Kalyani 4-Aug 13-Feb 9925223244

Rujuta Shah CL : Travel Adventure D.O.B. : 23-Jul Add. : 17, Parivar Soc. Part-1, B/h. Satya Grah Chhavani, Premchandnagar Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat Email : Spouse : Arpit D.O.B. : 19-Oct Anni. : 6-Dec Mobile : 9427622050

Let’s build a legacy... together!


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Shashank Rathod Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad South :4 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Mehul Shah : 31650 Club No. Chartered on : 29 May 1996 : 106 Members : Metrorian Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Arpit Shah : 9825323855 Mobile MEETING PLACE Sports Club Day Time

: Thursday : 7:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Ahmedabad Midtown Arvind Patel


CL : Revenue Consultancy D.O.B. : 1-May Add. : 73, Thirthnagar Society Part-1, Memnagar, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat Arvind


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Rajshree Nayana 7-Jan 21-May 9824068689

Bipin Patel



: : : : :

CL : Pathologist D.O.B. : 24-Apr Add. : B 72 Umed Park Soc., Opp. Kala Sagar Mall, Nr. Satadhar Bus Stop, Sola Road, Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat Email : Spouse : Rajshree D.O.B. : 5-Sep Anni. : 1-Feb Mobile : 9925024474

CHARTER PRESIDENT K. I. Patel Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad West :5 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Kamlesh Prajapa : 52185 Club No. Chartered on : 26 May 1999 : 21 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :2 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dr. Bipin Patel : 9825024474 Mobile MEETING PLACE 703, Elite, Nr. Sapath Hexa, S.G.Highway, Sola, Ahmedabad

Day Time

: Saturday : 8:00 PM

Ahmedabad Narol PRESIDENT




Sanjay Bha CL : Distribu on Industrial Paints D.O.B. : 6-Feb Add. : B/103, Pearl Apartment, Opp. Shak Vidhyalaya, Nr. Shyamal Cross Road, Satelite, Ahmedbad 380015, Gujarat Email : sbha Spouse : Manisha D.O.B. : 14-Dec Anni. : 27-Jan Mobile : 9426014863

Mihir Parikh CL : Trading : Plywood D.O.B. : 31-Dec Add. : 5/2 Chandraprkash Soc., B/h. Apsara Cinema, Kankariya, Ahmedabad 380022, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Nimisha 20-May 27-Nov 9825186755


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dwital Parikh Sponsor Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) :2 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Vipul Shukla : 85424 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 15 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Mihir Parikh : 9825186755 Mobile MEETING PLACE Gokulesh Petrol Pump, Narol, Ahmedabad Day Time

: Saturday : 4:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Ahmedabad North PRESIDENT

Dr. Darshan Shah CL : Pharmaceu cal Marke ng D.O.B. : 8-Sep Add. : Apurva Darshan, Mansarovar Road, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Mamta 8-Dec 8-Dec 9537421111

Himanshu Patel CL : Wholesaler - Grocery D.O.B. : 28-Jul Add. : I-904 Praga , Savvy Swaraj Phase 2, New S.G. Road, Jagatpur, Ahmedabad 382470, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Rita 26-Jan 18-Mar 9979876474

CHARTER PRESIDENT Guatam Shah Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad :4 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Mehul Shah : 15076 Club No. Chartered on : 17 Apr1977 : 24 Members : Vision Bulle n :1 Rotaract :5 Interact :8 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Parag Brahmbha : 8283480477 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Devadi Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:00 PM

Ahmedabad Prahladnagar PRESIDENT

Dr. Sanjay Vakil CL : Educa on : College D.O.B. : 11-Oct Add. : 5, Hetal Apprtment, Narayanpark Society, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Dipa 4-Sep 14-May 9824019103

Luckyraj Sinh Zala CL : Hardwar & Network Solu on D.O.B. : 20-Mar Add. : C-81, Madhuvan park, Payal Bagar Road, Naroda, Ahmedabad 382330, Gujarat

Luckyraj Sinh


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Sapna 20-May 21-May 9925187889


CHARTER PRESIDENT Rajan Dalal Sponsor Club : Kankaria Ahmedabad :1 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Navroz Tarapore : 78973 Club No. Chartered on : 30 Apr 2008 : 30 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :1 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Raman Enviornro, Prahladnagar Ahmedabad Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:30 AM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Ahmedabad Riverfront PRESIDENT

S. K. Sharma CL : Pharmaceu cal Marke ng D.O.B. : 19-Aug Add. : 72 Samvid Tower, Camp Road, Opp. Brahmakumaries, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad 380004, Gujarat

S. K. Sharma



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Manju 22-Jul 7-May 9825034503

Harshad Jani CL : Acooun ng and Management D.O.B. : 22-Apr Add. : Plot No. 734/1A, Opp. Rangmanch, Sector 22, Gandhinagar 382021, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Hinaben 1-Oct 12-Jun 9426339891

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Ashok Tala Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad North :2 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Vipul Shukla : 88852 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 12 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Sachidanand Pareek : 9327091401 Mobile MEETING PLACE Whisteling Medows Resorts Day Time

: Friday : 8:00 PM

Ahmedabad South PRESIDENT

Rushikesh Jhaveri CL : Iron & Steel D.O.B. : 16-Sep Add. : 2, Nandkrupa, 27/A, Shan nandan Society, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Shilpa 4-Apr 22-Feb 9825005599

Inaxi Bhavsar CL : Home Maker D.O.B. : 29-Nov Add. : D-4, Utsav Appt., Nr. Hirabaug Railway Crossing, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad 380006, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together!

Jitendra 2-Jul 2-Feb 9712231576

CHARTER PRESIDENT Mahendra Kanaiyalal Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad :3 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sarju Mehta : 15077 Club No. Chartered on : 21 Jan 1968 : 18 Members :Bulle n :0 Rotaract :3 Interact :1 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Orient Club, Nr. Gujarat College, Ahmedabad Day Time


: Friday : 8:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Ahmedabad Supreme PRESIDENT

Dr. Paras Shah CL : Medicine D.O.B. : 6-Mar Add. : Orchid Centre, Opp. Safal Parishar, South Bopal, Ahmedabad 380058, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Dr. Archana 20-Nov 6-Dec 9898932000

Dhruvin Kothari CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 25-Nov Add. : 300, Merlin Sapphire, Nr. Atlanta Tower, Gulbai Tekra, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Nisha 10-Oct 7-Dec 9428079403

CHARTER PRESIDENT Arvind Kabra Sponsor Club : District sponsored :3 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sarju Mehta : 83312 Club No. Chartered on : 17 Jun 2010 : 87 Members : Supreme News Bulle n :2 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Puneet Mehra : 9909002774 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Friday : 8:00 PM

Ahmedabad Suryoday PRESIDENT




Rohit Patel CL : Project Consultancy D.O.B. : 10-Jul Add. : 9, Kunj Bungalows, Opp. AMC Zonal Office, B/h. Sola water Tank, Science City Rd., Ahmedabad 380061, Gujarat Email : Spouse : Panna D.O.B. : 20-Jul Anni. : 22-Jan Mobile : 9825063281

Rakesh Mehta CL : Human Resource D.O.B. : 24-Sep Add. : D-303, Malabar County II, B/h. Nirma University, Off. S.G. Highway, Tragad, Ahmedabad 382470, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Tejal 5-Jan 5-Dec 9825061803


CHARTER PRESIDENT Pravinkumar T. Patel Sponsor Club : District sponsored :5 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Kamlesh Prajapa : 83347 Club No. Chartered on : 24 Jun 2010 : 31 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Rakesh Mehta : 9825061803 Mobile MEETING PLACE Babylon Club, Off S. P. Ring Rd., Nr. Science City Day Time

: Flexible : 7:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Ahmedabad Vasna Jigar Shah


CL : Business D.O.B. : 21-Aug Add. : B-1403/04, Unique Aashiyana, Nr. Silver Harmony, Gota, Ahmedabad 382481, Gujarat Jigar


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Anjali 16-Dec 8-Jul 9376196150

Parag Parekh


CL : Insurance Advisor D.O.B. : 26-Oct Add. : A-403, Nilkanth Residency, Nr. Annapurna Hotel, Jashodanagar, Ahmedabad 382445, Gujarat Parag


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Manisha 29-Jan 12-Jun 9824548365

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Tejas Mehta Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad Metro :1 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Navroz Tarapore : 58534 Club No. Chartered on : 17 May 2002 : 22 Members : RCA Vasna Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Himanshu Patel : 9825555002 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Flexible : 8:30 PM

Ahmedabad West PRESIDENT

Kalpesh Shah CL : Rental Cars D.O.B. : 13-Sep Add. : F-8, Shardul Appt., Nr. Shyamal Row House, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Beena 6-Apr 10-Apr 9824246688

Rajendra Nagar CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 15-Sep Add. : J 107, Nandanvan 4, Satellite, Jodhpur Gam, B/h Prerna Tirth Bungalows II, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Anshu 23-Mar 23-Jan 9824096968


CHARTER PRESIDENT Kanubhai Patel Sponsor Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) :4 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Mehul Shah : 24368 Club No. Chartered on : 20 Feb 1987 : 64 Members : Four Point Rotary Bulle n :3 Rotaract :1 Interact :2 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Kiran Patel : 9825795150 Mobile MEETING PLACE Physiotherapy Centre, 73 Nalanda Complex, Premchandnagar Rd., Ahmedabad 380015

Day Time

: Friday : 8:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Ambaji PRESIDENT

Champak Lohar CL : Trading : Marble Art D.O.B. : 5-Apr Add. : Kishore Marble Art, Opp Kubharia Jain Temple, GIDC Road, Ambaji 385110, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Divyaben 21-Mar 15-Nov 9426066024

Kishorbhai Joshi CL : Hotelier D.O.B. : 16-Aug Add. : Hotel Riddhi Siddhi, Dreamland Cinema, Nr. SBI Bank, Opp. ST Stand, Ambaji 385110, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Alkaben 16-Aug 20-Feb 9898250984

CHARTER PRESIDENT Fatehlal Dhakad Sponsor Club : Palanpur :9 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Kalpesh Modi : 15081 Club No. Chartered on : 11 Aug 1982 : 14 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Hall, Ambaji Day Time

: Tuesday : 5:30 PM


Pravin Sorathia CL : Trading : Agri. Equipment D.O.B. : 30-Nov Add. : 107, Yogeshwar Nagar-1, Nr. Yogeshwar Mahadev, Hospital Road, Anjar, Kutch 370110, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Kumud 25-Aug 8-Jul 9998575091

Rajesh Somaiya CL : Business D.O.B. : 10-Sep Add. : Somaiya Stores, 9, Meter Road, Cutlery Bazar, Anjar 370110, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Hina 29-Jan 25-Apr 9824284795


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. C. N. Mehta Sponsor Club : Bhuj : 11 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sunil Jobanputra : 22143 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Oct 1984 : 42 Members : Bulle n :2 Rotaract :6 Interact :4 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Hirel Shah : 9825512214 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Hall, Opp. GEB Office, New Anjar, Anjar-Kutch Day Time

: Friday : 9:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Balotra PRESIDENT

Gautam Mehta CL : Business D.O.B. : 3-May Add. : Vimal Scop Product Industrial Area, Balotra 344022, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Madhu Devi 5-Jul 5-May 9414107886

Mahendra Kumar Chopra CL : Trading - Colour & Chemicals D.O.B. : 17-Aug Add. : Sarvodaya Tex les, E-23, Industrial Area, First Phase, Balotra 344022, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Seema 23-Jul 15-Jan 9414108300

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Santosh Singh Sponsor Club : Jodhpur : 18 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dhanraj Chopra : 50477 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 1997 : 80 Members : Surbhi Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :5 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Kamlesh Golecha : 9414108808 Mobile MEETING PLACE Bhansali Rotary Bhavan Day Time

: Friday : 7:30 PM


Sunil Mehta CL : Finance Consultant D.O.B. : 14-Apr Add. : Ra Talai, Shyampura, Banswara 327001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Nidhi 2-Jul 9414651058

Ni n Mehta CL : Leasing and Finance D.O.B. : 5-Oct Add. : Banswara Leasing and Finance Company, Azad Chock, Banswara 327001, Rajasthan

Ni n


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together!

ni Sonal 9-Apr 10-Feb 7597994455


CHARTER PRESIDENT Ravi Varma Sponsor Club : Udaipur : 15 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Yashwant Mandawara : 22635 Club No. Chartered on : 07 Feb 1980 : 31 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Bhachau PRESIDENT

CHARTER PRESIDENT P. P. Shah Sponsor Club : Gandhidham : 12 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sunil Jobanputra : 28472 Club No. Chartered on : 15 Jan 1992 : 16 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :3 Interact :5 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Vanraz Singh Jadeja : 9824591191 Mobile MEETING PLACE Navchetan Andhjan Mandal

Vanrajsinh Jadeja CL : Banking D.O.B. : 11-Nov Add. : Shri Navchetan Andhjan Mandal, Opp. Custom check Post, N.H 8 A, Bhchau , Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Vilashba 13-Jan 31-May 9825491191

Natubha Sodha CL : Medicine : Retail D.O.B. : 18-Dec Add. : 20, Vardhaman nagar, B/h. H.D.D. Kanya Vidhayalay Bhachau 370140, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Hansaba 23-Jun 5-May 9825250505

Day Time

: Monday : 8:00 PM


Ajay Kumar Jain CL : Trading and Manufacturing : Tex le D.O.B. : 9-Mar Add. : B-425, Shastri Nagar, Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Anita 25-Dec 21-Feb 9461046015

Manish Mundra CL : Trading : Mining Parts D.O.B. : 2-Oct Add. : 25/20, Adarsh Mohalla, Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Ritu 1-Jan 19-May 9414114562

Let’s build a legacy... together!




CHARTER PRESIDENT Pawan Bansal Sponsor Club : Udaipur : 17 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Navin Bhadada : 21764 Club No. Chartered on : 17 Apr 1984 : 29 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT :Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Landmark Day Time

: Flexible : 7:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Bhilwara Solitaire PRESIDENT

CHARTER PRESIDENT Shikha Bhadada Sponsor Club : : 17 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Navin Bhadada : 85804 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 40 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT :Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng

Surbhi Parakh CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 25-May Add. : A-92, Vijay Singh Pathik Nagar, Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Animesh 1-Aug 22-Jun 9413861790

Dr. Poonam Naruka CL : Doctor D.O.B. : 19-Sep Add. : Naruka House, Subhas Nagar, Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Kuldeep 20-Sep 9-Dec 9828515201

Day Time

: Saturday : 8:00 PM


Ni n Sanghvi CL : Law : Taxa on D.O.B. : 16-Oct Add. : 2Nd Floor, Ramaiya Complex, Maher Ali Chowk, Waniyawad, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat

Ni n



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Smitaben 4-Dec 18-Dec 9825269254

Abhijit Dholakia CL : Investment Management D.O.B. : 27-Dec Add. : Shardamani, Nr Ramkrishna Colony, Opp. GAIMS, Camp Area, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Shweta 27-Oct 25-Nov 9879526054


CHARTER PRESIDENT Ew. F. Weab Sponsor Club : Baroda : 12 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Arunbhai Vachharajani : 15086 Club No. Chartered on : 19 May 1943 : 69 Members : Bulle n :2 Rotaract :9 Interact : 11 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dr. Urmil Hathi : 9825825172 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bhawan Hospital Road Bhuj Kutch Day Time

: Friday : 8:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Bhuj Capital PRESIDENT

Pulin Pavani CL : Online Marke ng D.O.B. : 29-Mar Add. : Plot No 61 Bhak Park, New Rawalwadi, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Payal 22-Sep 26-Feb 9825590915

Manish Sanya CL : Clearing & Forwording D.O.B. : 14-Apr Add. : 16, Van Vihar Society, Nr. Vyamshala, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Leena 31-Jan 18-May 9825227982

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dipesh Thacker Sponsor Club : Bhuj Flamingo : 12 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Arunbhai Vachharajani : 82390 Club No. Chartered on : 15 May 2009 : 24 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :1 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Manish Sanya : 9825227982 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Hall Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:00 AM

Bhuj Flamingo PRESIDENT

Ashokbhai Acharya CL : Financial Advice D.O.B. : 7-Dec Add. : 31. Orient Colony, Opp. V. D. Highschool, Bhuj, Kutch 370001, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Renukaben 8-Sep 6-Oct 9825272204

Divyesh Vora CL : Tyre and ba ery dealing D.O.B. : 1-Jul Add. : 116B Prasadi Plot, Nr. Ayodhya Appt., Sanskarnagar, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Falguniben 25-Jul 29-Nov 9898244220


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Gyaneshwar Rao Sponsor Club : Bhuj : 12 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Arunbhai Vachharajani : 66154 Club No. Chartered on : 21 Jul 2004 : 46 Members : Wings Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :1 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Jayant Limbachiya : 9898189608 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Hall, Bhuj Day Time

: Thursday : 8:15 AM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Bhuj Wallcity PRESIDENT

Dharmesh Mehta CL : Builders And Land Developing D.O.B. : 2-Mar Add. : R.Mehta Builders, Ramyakala, Nr. Poojan Hospital, Hospital Road, Bhuj 370001, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Hemangi 10-Jul 3-Feb 9825461771

Dwijesh Acharya CL : Restaurant D.O.B. : 23-May Add. : Flavors Restaurant, Opp. Commerce College, Mirjapar Rd., Bhuj 370001, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Pooja 24-Mar 10-Nov 9099080998

CHARTER PRESIDENT Sa sh Davda Sponsor Club : Bhuj : 11 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sunil Jobanputra : 71954 Club No. Chartered on : 08 Feb 2006 : 83 Members : Wall City Times Bulle n :2 Rotaract :2 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Da u Trivedi : 9825225762 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Ilark, Sta on Rd., Bhuj Day Time

: Tuesday : 8:30 PM

Brijnagar Jhalawar PRESIDENT

Avinash Shukla CL : Pharmaceu cal : Marke ng D.O.B. : 26-Jun Add. : Hospital Road, B/h. Axis Bank, Jhalawar 326001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Vaishali 3-Jan 18-Feb 9414193954

Sourabh Jain CL : Trading : FMGC Products D.O.B. : 14-Jul Add. : Opposite to hotel indraprastha residency Jhalawar 326001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Shivangi 18-Nov 14-Apr 9414595604


CHARTER PRESIDENT D. S. Jhala Sponsor Club : Kota : 27 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sumit Gandhi : 29830 Club No. Chartered on : 19 Nov 1993 : 32 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Vijay Mehta : 9950102997 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Saturday : 8:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Bundi PRESIDENT

Laxmi Chandra Gupta CL : Print : Offset & Flex D.O.B. : 9-Jun Add. : Gupta Offset Printers, Lanka Gate Rd., Bundi 323001, Rajasthan

Laxmichandra Gayatri


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Gayatri 14-Sep 27-Feb 9829170922

Naresh Jindal CL : Manufacturing : Rice D.O.B. : 25-Jul Add. : Naval Rice Mill, Silor Road, Bundi 323001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Manju 1-Jan 14-Mar 9214356590

CHARTER PRESIDENT Shyam Bahedaya Sponsor Club : Kota : 27 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sumit Gandhi : 26905 Club No. Chartered on : 26 Jan 1990 : 60 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Hasam Bhai : 9414175823 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:00 PM

Capital Gandhinagar PRESIDENT

Dr. Ankur Parmar CL : Medicine : Den stry D.O.B. : 21-Dec Add. : Plot No.269, Sector 1/C, Nr. Gayatri Mandir, Gandhinagar 382009, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Sonali 23-Jun 23-Nov 9825486411

Parth Thakkar CL : Media D.O.B. : 5-Apr Add. : Block No.32/4, GH Type, Sector-28, Gandhinagar 382028, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Bhavana 14-Sep 25-Jan 9825608744


CHARTER PRESIDENT Jagat Karani Sponsor Club : Gandhinagar :6 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Urmil Ved : 69275 Club No. Chartered on : 18 May 2005 : 11 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Suman Tower, 2nd floor , Gandhinagar. Day Time

: Wednesday : 7:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Chi orgarh PRESIDENT

Pawan Jakhe ya CL :D.O.B. : 21-Dec Add. : 122/4, Gandhinagar, Chi orgarh 312001, Rajasthan


Email Shashi Kanta Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


: : : : :

pkjakhe Shashi 23-Jun 7-Dec 9414109359

Yogesh Mandhana CL : Business D.O.B. : 9-Mar Add. : Paradise Marble Ltd., F-86-87, RIICI Ind. Area, Chanderia, Chi orgarh 312001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Sumitra 22-Aug 31-Jan 9314084600

CHARTER PRESIDENT S. S. Agrawal Sponsor Club : Kota : 17 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Navin Bhadada : 21487 Club No. Chartered on : 12 Dec 1983 : 41 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dr. Lalit Janiyani : 9829225517 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Physiotherapy Centre Day Time

: Friday : 7:00 PM


Buddhiprakash Agrawal CL : Manufacturing Medicine D.O.B. : 11-May Add. : Agrawal Colony, Reengus Road, Chomu, Jaipur 303702, Rajasthan

Buddhipraskash Seema


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Seema 15-Oct 4-Jun 9829120055

Dr. Sunil Agrawal CL : Medicine : Paediatrics D.O.B. : 1-Jan Add. : 172 Goms Defence Colony, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Dr Reema Goyal 1-Jan 23-Nov 8302222120


CHARTER PRESIDENT Shri Prabhudayal Agrawal Sponsor Club : : 20 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Jitendra Kacholia : 87005 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 :9 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Buddhiprakash Agrawal : 9829120055 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: :


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Cosmopolitan Ahmedabad PRESIDENT

Saket Sarraf CL : Architect D.O.B. : 18-Dec Add. : A-52, Galaxy Tower, Nr. Hotel Grand Bhawa , Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Parul 5-Nov 23-Dec 9724310703

Soumitra Banerjee CL : Pharmaceu cal Consultancy D.O.B. : 26-Jan Add. : Prayag Tower, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Neeru 15-Aug 21-Jun 9879206494

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Manoj Kapoor Sponsor Club : :4 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Mehul Shah : 85320 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 27 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Apurva Gandhi : 9879208999 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Suba Star, Bodakdev Day Time

: Wednesday : 7:30 PM







CHARTER PRESIDENT J. M. Panchal CL : Insurance Agency Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad D.O.B. : 9-Feb : 10 Add. : Vishwakarma Hardware & Agri. Stores, Zone Dahegam 382305, Gujarat ASST. GOVERNOR Vasant Patel : 21349 Club No. Email : Spouse : Kanchan Chartered on : 07 Oct 1983 D.O.B. : 3-Feb : 40 Members Anni. : 6-May : Today Dahegam Rotary Bulle n Mobile : 9879173776 :1 Rotaract Narendra Patel :2 Interact :6 RCC CL : Manufacturing : Paver Blocks D.O.B. : 2-Jul PRESIDENT ELECT Add. : 11, Bansidhar Society, Ni nbhai R. Patel Near Nehru Chokdi, : 9825037148 Mobile Dahegam 382305, Gujarat MEETING PLACE Email : Rotary Hall, Dahegam Spouse : Bhagwa D.O.B. : 26-Feb : Tuesday Day Anni. : 28-Apr Mobile : 9825898758 : 8:30 AM Time

Bharatkumar Panchal

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Dausa PRESIDENT

Naval Khandelwal CL : Service D.O.B. : 23-Sep Add. : 140/15, Near Manclub, Shiv Colony, Dausa 303303, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Varsha 6-Jun 13-Dec 9414334949

Rajendra Khandelwal CL : Industrialist D.O.B. : 11-Nov Add. : Vinayak Nagar, Opp. Pannu Petrol Pump, Dausa 303303, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Savita 4-Jul 19-Nov 9413891127

CHARTER PRESIDENT Ramesh Khandelwal Sponsor Club : Jaipur Main : 23 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Harish Bhardwaj : 65875 Club No. Chartered on : 24 Jun 2004 : 38 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :2 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Sanjay Jain : 9414284028 Mobile MEETING PLACE Shivam Lab, Nr. District Hospital, Lalsot Road, Dausa Day Time

: Flexible : 8:00 AM


Dr. Champak Jhalmora CL : Medicine : Den stry D.O.B. : 29-Aug Add. : We Care Dental Clinic, Highway, Opp. Gayatri Mandir, Deesa 385535, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Vasuben 10-Nov 8-May 9427372910

Arun Agrawal CL : Manufacturing : Cement Accessories D.O.B. : 1-Jun Add. : 3, Seagram Bungalows, Shivnagar Rd., Deesa 385535, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Pushparani 15-Jul 30-Dec 9227132178


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. H. V. Rathod Sponsor Club : Palanpur :7 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Munirhussein Ajmeri : 15090 Club No. Chartered on : 19 Jun 1965 : 69 Members : Bulle n :3 Rotaract :4 Interact :6 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Shan Lal Thakkar : 9825535957 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Hall, Near Old Bus Stand Day Time

: Wednesday : 7:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Dudu PRESIDENT

CHARTER PRESIDENT Ramsanai Purohit Sponsor Club : Jaipur Pink City : 19 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Arvind Vijayvargiya : 54812 Club No. Chartered on : 01 Jan 2001 : 36 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :2 Interact :8 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Mahesh Sharma : 9214028158 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Mahaveer Bhawan

Tarun Kumar Kumawat CL : Hotelier D.O.B. : 28-Aug Add. : 11 Ganga Vihar Colony, Bagru, Dudu 303007, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Geeta 15-Oct 11-Dec 7737829365

Mukesh Sharma CL : Law D.O.B. : 15-Jul Add. : Mahaveer Colony, Dudu 303008, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Poonam 27-Jul 14-Feb 9829570878

Day Time

: Wednesday : 7:00 PM


Prakash Panchal CL : Automobile Retailing D.O.B. : 25-Mar Add. : P. P. Associates, Nr. S.B.I. College Rd., Dungarpur 314001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Veena 26-Jan 9-Feb 9414105678

Pawan Jain CL : Mfg. & Dist. of Submersible Pump D.O.B. : 10-Feb Add. : New Mahaveer Electricals, Dungarpur 314001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Kanak 7-Sep 30-Jan 9414102292


CHARTER PRESIDENT J. C. Shah Sponsor Club : Kankaria Ahmedabad : 14 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Manik Nahar : 23380 Club No. Chartered on : 11 Feb 1986 : 20 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :2 Interact :6 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT :Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bhavan, Gandhi Ashram, Udaipur Road Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders E-Club of Bhankharota (Jaipur) PRESIDENT

Dr. Ramesh Kumar Gupta CL : Medicine : Surgery D.O.B. : 24-Nov Add. : Flat B-102, ARG City, B/h. Ashok Udyan, Jaipur Road, Ajmer 305023, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Dr. Saroj Bala 24-Oct 21-Sep 9829403403

Col. R.S. Rathore CL : Retd. : Army D.O.B. : 8-Jul Add. : House No. 1187/28, Goila House, Adarsh Nagar, Ajmer 305001, Rajasthan

R.S. Rathore

Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : 9784650406

CHARTER PRESIDENT Abhishek Gupta Sponsor Club : Jaipur Round town : 21 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR A. K. Sharma : 86852 Club No. Chartered on : 10 Jun 2015 : 24 Members : Manu Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :1 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Sunil Tayal : 9214663889 Mobile MEETING PLACE Abhinandan Garden Day Time

: Sunday : 11:00 AM

E-Club of Galaxy 3051 PRESIDENT

Jignesh Shah CL : Medical Store D.O.B. : 23-Jan Add. : A/2, Umang Parivar Soc., Nr. Kalupur Bank, Vasna, Ahmedabad 380007, Gujarat






Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Kajal 21-Jun 7-Dec 9825021013

Chirag Leuva CL : Social Service D.O.B. : 1-Nov Add. : B/12 Laxmikunj Society, Opp. Vaikunthdham Mandir, BRTS Road, Danilimda, Ahmedabad 380028, Gujarat Email : Spouse : Tejal D.O.B. : 18-Aug Anni. : 25-Apr Mobile : 9998259791

Let’s build a legacy... together!


CHARTER PRESIDENT Manisha Shah Sponsor Club : :4 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Mehul Shah : 87006 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 15 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Friday : 7:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Gandhidham PRESIDENT

Jagdish Nahta CL : Manufacturing : Salt And Chemical D.O.B. : 29-Aug Add. : Nahta House, BBZ North, 56, Zanda Chowk, Gandhidham 370201, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Rakhi 20-Mar 4-Feb 9825255845

Vinesh Tejwani CL : Solar Power Plant D.O.B. : 15-Mar Add. : Krish, Bungalow No:2, Vastu Villas, Plot No:179/180, Ward 7D, Gandhidham 370201, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Pallavi 13-Mar 6-Feb 9099277377

CHARTER PRESIDENT P. N. Saxena Sponsor Club : Bhuj : 13 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Anup Ghiria : 15092 Club No. Chartered on : 15 Apr 1958 : 137 Members : Sambandh Bulle n :1 Rotaract :4 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Ghela Ahir : 9825227266 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bhavan Plot No. 125 Sector 8, Rotary Marg Gandhidham

Day Time

: Saterday : 8:00 PM

Gandhinagar PRESIDENT

Dr. Dharmendra Patel CL : Educa on - College D.O.B. : 25-Mar Add. : A/103, Sarthak Safal, B/h. Shan nagar, K Road, Vavol, Gandhinagar 382016, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Apexa 28-Jul 15-Feb 9428482182

Bharat Jain CL : Academics D.O.B. : 26-jun Add. : D-101, Siddhidhata Astha, Kudasan Por Road, Kudasan, Gandhinagar 382421, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Aashisha 16-jan 13-feb 9601999024


CHARTER PRESIDENT Prashant Bha Sponsor Club : Visnagar :6 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Urmil Ved : 23786 Club No. Chartered on : 28 Jun 1986 : 53 Members : Patnagar Bulle n :1 Rotaract :4 Interact :6 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Kuldeep Jain : 9909976956 Mobile MEETING PLACE Physiotherapy Center, Sector-22, Gandhinagar Day Time

: Tuesday : 9:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Himmatnagar PRESIDENT




Praful Vyas CL : Manufacturing Katha D.O.B. : 17-Dec Add. : 2 Shyaml, Gokuldam Society, Berna Road, Opp. Reliance mall, Mahavir Nagar, Himatnagar 383001, Gujarat Email : Spouse : Bhara D.O.B. : 10-Apr Anni. : 20-May Mobile : 9825010117

Paresh Padiya CL : Wholeselling D.O.B. : 6-Sep Add. : 12, Ashtha Buglow, Nr. Sabar Cebal, Himatnagar 383001, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Mayaben 13-Jun 20-Feb 9925042314

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Arun Parikh Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad South : 10 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Vasant Patel : 23580 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Apr 1986 : 35 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :2 Interact :4 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Amritbhai Patel : 9427691144 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Physiotherapy centre Khed Tasya Road, Day Time

: Thursday : 8:30 PM


Subhash Patel CL : Technician D.O.B. : 21-Apr Add. : Sarvoday Pathology Laboratory, Idar 383430, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Tarlika 14-Nov 18-Feb 9909955387

Bhargav Patel CL : Ph.D D.O.B. : 9-Dec Add. : At and post Lalpur, Ta. Idar, Sabarkantha, Lalpur 383410, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Hasika 7-Apr 2-Feb 9825032906


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. B. T. Patel Sponsor Club : Himmatnagar : 10 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Vasant Patel : 52341 Club No. Chartered on : 30 Jun 1999 : 16 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Tuesday : 5:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaipur Sudhir Gupta


CL : Catering D.O.B. : 19-Feb Add. : 12, Sangram Colony, Mahavir Marg, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Neelam 18-Apr 15-Feb 9829064713

Navin Kothari


CL : Jewellery D.O.B. : 7-Mar Add. : O-6, Hospital Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Anjali 7-Jul 12-Feb 9314068393

CHARTER PRESIDENT Sir V. T. Krishnamachari Sponsor Club : Ajmer : 21 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR A. K. Sharma : 15099 Club No. Chartered on : 17 Mar 1947 : 92 Members : Sampark Setu Bulle n :2 Rotaract : 44 Interact :5 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Pradeep S. Rajawat : 9414041832 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Hall, Rotary Marg, Church Rd., M. I. Road, Jaipur Day Time

: Tuesday : 5:00 PM

Jaipur Bapu Nagar PRESIDENT

Vipan Bahl CL : I.T. - Computers & Telecommunica on D.O.B. : 7-Nov Add. : A-34, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Dolly 28-Nov 12-Dec 9828113447

RadheyShyam Gupta CL : Finance - Accountancy D.O.B. : 4-Nov Add. : D-13, Indra Puri Colony, Lal Kothi, Near Vidhaan Sabha, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Usha 5-Jun 27-Apr 9414779184


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Sudhir Calla Sponsor Club : Jaipur : 23 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Harish Bhardwaj : 73485 Club No. Chartered on : 21 Jun 2006 : 91 Members : Drish Bulle n :4 Rotaract : 11 Interact :2 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Ravi Shanker Sharma : 9414063600 Mobile MEETING PLACE Ins tu on of Engineers Day Time

: Sunday : 5:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaipur Capital PRESIDENT

Sa sh Tyagi CL : Pest Control consultant D.O.B. : 7-Jan Add. : 2J-4, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan

Sa sh



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

sa Rekha 8-Dec 5-Nov 9460147566

Sanjay Bansal CL : Jewellery D.O.B. : 10-Dec Add. : 119 Mangal Vihar, Gopalpura Bypass, Jaipur, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Radha 30-Apr 28-Jun 9829083862

CHARTER PRESIDENT MPHF Dilip Pugalia Sponsor Club : Jaipur Round Town : 25 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Manisha Patni : 82580 Club No. Chartered on : 26 Jun 2009 : 10 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dr. S. K. Joshi : 8764150333 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Saturday : 7:00 PM

Jaipur Central PRESIDENT

Dr. Deepa Mathur CL : Business - Export D.O.B. : 22-Nov Add. : 601, B19, Rajendra Marg, Bapunagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302015




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Avdhesh 1-Nov 6-Dec 9829061546

Ar Dubey CL : Post Graduate D.O.B. : 9-Sep Add. : Sb-112, Lal Kothi, Bapu Nagar, Tonk Rd., Nr. Mo ons Jewellers Tower, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302015



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together!

ar Manoj 1-Feb 17-Feb 9799599108


CHARTER PRESIDENT H. P. Kucchal Sponsor Club : Jaipur South : 23 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Harish Bhardwaj : 53336 Club No. Chartered on : 22 Mar 2000 : 78 Members : Sarthak Bulle n :2 Rotaract :0 Interact :1 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : 9829061546 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Indiana Classic Day Time

: Wednesday : 7:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaipur Ci zen PRESIDENT

Amit Agrawal CL : Business D.O.B. : 13-Dec Add. : 25, Shrirampura Colony, Civil Lines, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Sonil 28-Sep 19-Apr 9829017766

Sunil Kumar Jain CL : Law : Administra on High Court D.O.B. : 15-May Add. : 107 Mahaveer Nagar-2nd, Maharani Farm, Durgapura, Jaipur 302018, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

rtnsunilbil Reena 9-Nov 3-Mar 9829263159

CHARTER PRESIDENT Sudhir Jain Sponsor Club : Jaipur North : 22 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Pushpa Sharma : 88795 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 114 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Pramod Jain : 9829054766 Mobile MEETING PLACE Laddu Waloki Bagechi Day Time

: Friday : 7:00 PM


Rajesh Soni CL : Business D.O.B. : 7-Mar Add. : Raj Solar Fountains, 116, Navjeevan Complex, Sta on Road, Jaipur 302016, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Pushpa 8-Aug 12-Dec 9829013686

Rakesh Soni CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : Add. : 202 Krishnam, Paschim Vihar, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Seema 16-Aug 12-Dec 9820673833


CHARTER PRESIDENT Deepak Gupta Sponsor Club : Jaipur Mahanagar : 23 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Harish Bhardwaj : 84735 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 20 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Prahlad Rana : 9309254397 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Grand Chanakya Day Time

: Saturday : 8:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaipur East PRESIDENT

Sudhirkumar Paliwal CL : Mining and Real estate D.O.B. : 22-Aug Add. : D 404 Pearl Green Acres, Shri Gopal Nagar, Gopalpura Bypass, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Aruna 3-Jul 25-Feb 9829013110

Anand Maharwal CL : Op cals D.O.B. : 5-Jul Add. : 223, Bichun Market, Kishanpole Bazar, Jaipur, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Bhavna 5-Jul 9829013931

CHARTER PRESIDENT J. N. Pathak Sponsor Club : Jaipur : 21 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR A. K. Sharma : 15100 Club No. Chartered on : 19 Jan 1973 : 28 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :2 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Day Time

: :


Jaipur Emerald PRESIDENT

Padmashree Arjun Prajapa CL : Sculpture D.O.B. : 9-Apr Add. : 19, Church Road, Officers Campus, B/h. Sanskar School, Sirsi Road, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Kamla Devi 26-Aug 15-May 9829013401

Ayushman Mehta CL : Healthcare - So ware D.O.B. : 28-Jun Add. : A-151, Prince Road, Vidhyut Nagar, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Twinkle 9-Mar 30-Jun 9929111325


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Gopal Krishna Sharma Sponsor Club : District sponsored : 24 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Rupa Mathur : 88957 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 25 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dhruv Das Agarwal : 9314504253 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Grand Chanakya, M. I. Road, Jaipur Day Time

: Wednesday : 7:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaipur Gurukul PRESIDENT

Dr. Shilpi Rijhwani CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 5-Oct Add. : 14/201, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Dr. Puneet 28-Sep 22-Jul 9783307282

Dr. Radhika Sharma CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 19-Aug Add. : S B, 170, Rajendra Marg, Bapunagar, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Abhishek 16-May 29-Oct 9783307183

CHARTER PRESIDENT Prof. K. S. Sharma Sponsor Club : Jaipur Marugandha : 25 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Manisha Patni : 88164 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 340 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dr. Smita Purohit : 9783307302 Mobile MEETING PLACE IIS University Campus Day Time

: Flexible : 3:00 PM

Jaipur Heights PRESIDENT

Usha Somani CL : Franchisee Managing D.O.B. : 26-Jan Add. : 603, Le Grand Apartment, Plot 7, Subash Nagar, JDA Scheme, Jaipur 302016, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Suman 11-May 22-Nov 9571696731

Pradeep Kumar Jain CL : Contrac ng : Civil Construc on D.O.B. : 13-May Add. : 140, Shree Vihar IV Avenue, Durgapura, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302018, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Nilima 13-Oct 5-Feb 9829060012


CHARTER PRESIDENT Suman Somani Sponsor Club : District sponsored : 23 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Harish Bhardwaj : 83976 Club No. Chartered on : 21 Jun 2011 : 64 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Pankaj Haritwal : 9829060027 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Mauriya Veste Palace Day Time

: Friday : 7:30 AM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaipur Kohinoor Sunder Lal Vidhani


D.O.B. Add.



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Tax And Financial Investment Consultancy : 20-Jan : A-7, 3rd Floor GTC Mall, Near Yadgaar Police Control Room, Ajmeri Gate, Jaipur 302003, Rajasthan : : Kalpana : 25-Nov : 2-May : 9828167441

Kailash Gupta


CL : Service D.O.B. : 1-Sep Add. : F-33A, Prem Nagar, Kha pura Road, Jhotwara, Jaipur 302012, Rajasthan Kailash


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Indra 6-Jun 16-Apr 9414325301

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Ajay Agarwal Sponsor Club : Jaipur metro : 24 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Rupa Mathur : 83459 Club No. Chartered on : 10 Sep 2010 : 25 Members : Kohinoor Sandesh Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Hari Kishan Agarwal : 9982687390 Mobile MEETING PLACE Jee Hospital New Sanganer Road Jaipur Day Time

: Saturday : 7:30 PM

Jaipur Mahanagar PRESIDENT

Santosh Choudhary CL : Social Worker D.O.B. : 25-Mar Add. : 82, Harikishan Somani Marg, Hathroi Fort, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Pratap Singh 9-Mar 16-Apr 8058629080

Rajendra Pal Singh CL : Retd. Banker D.O.B. : 30-Sep Add. : Singh House, 10, Shreeji Nagar, Durgapura, Jaipur 302018, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Rekha Singh 10-Jul 24-Jun 9694841125


CHARTER PRESIDENT Pratap sinh Sirohi Sponsor Club : Jaipur Metro : 25 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Manisha Patni : 83682 Club No. Chartered on : 01 Feb 2011 : 18 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Rajendra Pal Singh : 9694841125 Mobile MEETING PLACE Kesar Banquet Hall Day Time

: Saturday : 6:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaipur Majesty PRESIDENT

Seema Jain CL : Business & Crea ve Ar st D.O.B. : 11-Oct Add. : C-102, Sethi Colony, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Rajendra Kumar 4-Aug 1-Mar -

Dip Gangwal CL : D.O.B. : 20-Jun Add. : S-23, Mangal Marg, Bapunagar, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Vipin 18-Nov 11-Dec 9649730658

CHARTER PRESIDENT Vipin Gangwal Sponsor Club : Jaipur : 22 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Pushpa Sharma : 82738 Club No. Chartered on : 21 Oct 2009 : 42 Members : Apanathwa Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Govind Mi al : 9414042045 Mobile MEETING PLACE Woods Villa Day Time

: Sunday : 9:30 AM

Jaipur Mansarover PRESIDENT

Om Prakash Gupta CL : Banking D.O.B. : 24-Aug Add. : A-105, Shivgyan Enclave, Goutam Marg, Nirman Nagar. Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan

Om Prakash



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Nirmala 1-Aug 10-Dec 9769633993

Rakesh Mittal CL : Trading : Construc on Material D.O.B. : Add. : C-25, Indraprasth Colony, Model Town, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: rakesh_mi : Sapna : : : 9828950611

Let’s build a legacy... together!


CHARTER PRESIDENT R. P. Rajoria Sponsor Club : Jaipur : 25 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Manisha Patni : 53208 Club No. Chartered on : 01 Mar 2000 : 33 Members : Mansarovar Vision Bulle n :0 Rotaract :2 Interact :4 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Naresh Gupta : 9413331474 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Hawa Mahal Day Time

: Monday : 7:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaipur Marugandha PRESIDENT

Dr. Deepika Singh CL : Tourism Management D.O.B. : 1-Oct Add. : 21, Shan vihar, Kalyanpura, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Prakash Singh 18-Feb 15-Feb 9783307074

Rachna Bhargava CL : Administra on D.O.B. : 19-Mar Add. : 72/277, Kshipra Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Anand 17-Jan 15-Oct 9982770001

CHARTER PRESIDENT Pramila Surana Sponsor Club : Jaipur Round Town : 24 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Rupa Mathur : 51263 Club No. Chartered on : 03 Jun 1998 : 39 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dr. Manju Nair : 9783300005 Mobile MEETING PLACE 54 Taruchhaya Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur Day Time

: Tuesday : 5:00 PM

Jaipur Metro PRESIDENT

Dr. Shital Prasad Kansal CL : Medicine : Homeopathy D.O.B. : 28-Oct Add. : Jhilya House, Old Amer Road, Jaipur 302002, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Mithlesh 15-Aug 12-Jun 9414251006

Vikas Sharma CL : Marke ng - Plas c Raw Material D.O.B. : 17-Mar Add. : SP 11, Bhabha Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Bhavna 21-Sep 14-Dec 9829067654


CHARTER PRESIDENT D. S. Bhandari Sponsor Club : Jaipur East : 21 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR A. K. Sharma : 64654 Club No. Chartered on : 25 Feb 2004 : 31 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Suresh Mishra : 9829067883 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Indiana Classic Day Time

: Friday : 7:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaipur Midtown PRESIDENT

Rajeev Pabuwal CL : Desi. & Mfg. Luxury Metalwares D.O.B. : 7-Jul Add. : B -24, Near Gate # 4, Keshav Path, Suraj Nagar West, Civil Lines, Jaipur 302006, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Tulika 11-Oct 8-Dec 9829063838

Sanjay Saboo CL : Mfg. : Condutors & Cables D.O.B. : 29-Sep Add. : A-62, Shri Ram Marg, Shyam Nagar, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Seema 24-Jan 2-Dec 9829068686

CHARTER PRESIDENT J. N. Pathak Sponsor Club : Jaipur : 21 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR A. K. Sharma : 22024 Club No. Chartered on : 29 Jun 1984 : 120 Members : Chetna Bulle n :0 Rotaract :6 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Prabhat Duggar : 9829010782 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Sarovar Premier, Lal Kothi, Jaipur Day Time

: Thursday : 6:30 PM

Jaipur North PRESIDENT

Y. P. Singh

CL : Business D.O.B. : 20-Jul Add. : The Vision House, Plot no 60, Khudabadi Sonara Marg, Sindhi Colony, Banipark, Jaipur 302016, Rajasthan Y.P. Singh Babli Kanwar Email : Spouse : Babli Kanwar D.O.B. : 20-May Anni. : 28-Jan Mobile : 9829012964


K. S. Dhillon CL : Social Worker D.O.B. : 5-Jul Add. : E-404, SDC Green Park, Janta Colony, Jaipur 335024, Rajasthan

K. S. Dhillon


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Jitender Kaur 13-Sep 25-Mar 9636360123


CHARTER PRESIDENT Nalin Shrimal Sponsor Club : Jaipur Metro : 22 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Pushpa Sharma : 82643 Club No. Chartered on : 10 Jul 2009 : 73 Members : Prayas Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dr. Rajiv Jain : 9829262723 Mobile MEETING PLACE Youth Hostel, Janpath Day Time

: Sunday : 11:30 AM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaipur Pink City PRESIDENT

CHARTER PRESIDENT M. K. Goyal Sponsor Club : Jaipur : 22 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Pushpa Sharma : 53335 Club No. Chartered on : 15 Mar 2000 : 41 Members : Pink City Parivar Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :6 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Binod Agarwal : 9352315302 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bhavan

Sudhanshu Goyal CL : Business D.O.B. : 27-Jun Add. : C-94, Lal Kothi Scheme, B/h. Vidhan Sabha, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Ruchi 3-May 2-Dec 9414061829

Saurabh Jain CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 2-Jul Add. : Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Anuja 27-Jun 11-Mar 9982662211

Day Time

: Saturday : 7:00 PM

Jaipur Pride PRESIDENT

Rajendrakumar Agrawal CL : Business D.O.B. : 2-Mar Add. : 83, Devinagar, New Sanganer Road, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan

Rajendra Pushpadevi


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Pushpadevi 12-Oct 24-Jun 9887077737

Shyam Sunder Vijaya CL : Electric Service D.O.B. : 10-Aug Add. : 330, Vivek Vihar, New Sanganer Road, Sodala, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan

Shyam Sunder


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Asha 10-Aug 29-Nov 9783300501


CHARTER PRESIDENT Vijay Kishan Modi Sponsor Club : Jaipur Pink City : 25 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Manisha Patni : 73240 Club No. Chartered on : 01 Jun 2006 : 26 Members : Pride Vision Bulle n :0 Rotaract :3 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Kamal Raj Singhvi : 9414078345 Mobile MEETING PLACE Dr. Goyal’s Path Lab Day Time

: Saturday : 7:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaipur Round Town PRESIDENT




Jasmeet (Honey) Nagar CL : Tex le : Fashion Designing D.O.B. : 15-Nov Add. : G-4, Nagar House, Adjoining Hotel Hilton, Hawa Sadak, Nandpuri Market, Geejgarh Vihar Colony, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan Email : Spouse : Chandesh D.O.B. : 21-Mar Anni. : 30-Nov Mobile : 9983338822

Suneel Du CL : Financial Services : Stock Broker D.O.B. : Add. : 4, Vishnupath Satyavihar, Lal Kothi, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: suneeldu : Anita : : : 9414063537

CHARTER PRESIDENT Prabhu Mandhana Sponsor Club : Jaipur East : 22 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Pushpa Sharma : 26906 Club No. Chartered on : 26 Jan 1990 : 214 Members : Manthan Bulle n :1 Rotaract :3 Interact : 19 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Abhishek Sonthalia : 9782602345 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Wednesday : 7:30 PM

Jaipur Royal PRESIDENT

Prabodh Chand Jain CL : Banking D.O.B. : 3-Sep Add. : 34/412, Pratap Nagar, Sanganer, Jaipur 302033, Rajasthan

Prabodhchand Aruna


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Aruna 7-Jul 18-Jun 9057987066

Harish Khatri CL : Banking & Financial Consultantancy D.O.B. : 1-Oct Add. : 6/389, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur 302039, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Archana 17-Dec 18-Feb 9013966655


CHARTER PRESIDENT Man Mohan Mehra Sponsor Club : Jaipur Heritage : 22 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Pushpa Sharma : 81868 Club No. Chartered on : 31 Mar 2009 : 85 Members : Bulle n :2 Rotaract :1 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Hemendra Sharma : 9829014959 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bhawan or any residence Day Time

: Saturday : 7:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaipur Sanskar PRESIDENT

Amit Gupta CL : Natural Stone Trading D.O.B. : 23-Oct Add. : 54, Taru Chaya Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302029, Rajasthan Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile



: : : : : 9829016362

Jitendra Agarwal CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 19-Oct Add. : D-31, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur 302021, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Kusum 21-Sep 30-Nov 9928911009

CHARTER PRESIDENT Amit Gupta Sponsor Club : Jaipur Marugandha : 24 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Rupa Mathur : 89515 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 21 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Apex Mall Day Time

: Saturday : 7:00 PM

Jaipur South PRESIDENT

Ramesh Bhandari CL : Corporate Management D.O.B. : 30-Aug Add. : 302, Pearl Mountview, A-14, Vijay Path, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Ela 29-Jul 31-Jan 9636000248

Ankur Gupta CL : Consultantancy D.O.B. : 15-May Add. : 34, Sangram Colony, Mahaveer Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Varsha 6-Sep 27-Nov 9352970001


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Omkar Saxena Sponsor Club : Jaipur East : 21 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR A. K. Sharma : 24846 Club No. Chartered on : 29 Jun 1987 : 101 Members : Darpan Bulle n :3 Rotaract :5 Interact :2 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Vimal Singhvi : 9828168455 Mobile MEETING PLACE Clark's Hotel Day Time

: Thursday : 7:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jaisalmer Golden city PRESIDENT

Pramod Kumar Bha a CL : Chartered Accountancy D.O.B. : 10-Dec Add. : 636, Talariya Para, Jaisalmer 345001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

pramodbha Sunita 10-Mar 12-Jul 9414149211

Premendra Singh Rajawat CL : Hotel Management D.O.B. : 22-Jun Add. : Ranisar Colony, Near Air Force Sta on, Jaisalmer 345001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Pramila 29-May 16-Feb 9414149110

CHARTER PRESIDENT Pramod Bha a Sponsor Club : Jaipur Central : 18 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dhanraj Chopra : 89598 Club No. Chartered on : 10 Sep 2018 : 66 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT R. C. Vyas : 9414001745 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Brys Fort Day Time

: Saturday : 6:00 PM

Jaisalmer Swarnanagari PRESIDENT

Vikram Singh Bha CL : Hotel Management D.O.B. : 9-Jun Add. : Nachna Haveli, Gandhi Chowk, Jaisalmer 345001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Meghna 31-Mar 27-Jan 9414149311

Pankaj Khatri CL : Share Broking D.O.B. : 5-Sep Add. : 641, Gandhi Colony, Opp. Mata ji ka Mandir, Jaisalmer 345001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Reshma 7-Aug 12-Dec 9414150048


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dilip Pungaliya Sponsor Club : Bikaner : 18 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dhanraj Chopra : 63500 Club No. Chartered on : 01 Oct 2003 : 22 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :2 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Neeraj Bha a : 9414149858 Mobile MEETING PLACE Priya Hotel, CVS Colony, Jaisalmer Day Time

: Saturday : 6:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Jalore PRESIDENT

Rajendra Kumar Jain CL : Business D.O.B. : 9-Aug Add. : Rajendra Electricals, Manpura Colony, One way road, Jalore 343001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Punita 30 Jun 1-Dec 9414152750

Rameshwar Goyal CL : Data Filling D.O.B. : 17-Jun Add. : 3rd Phase Ind. Area, Bhinmal Road, Jalore 343002, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Indu 31-Mar 28-Nov 9414153793

CHARTER PRESIDENT Pushpraj Bohra Sponsor Club : Sumerpur : 18 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dhanraj Chopra : 30107 Club No. Chartered on : 20 Apr 1994 : 20 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :2 Interact :6 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Doongar Singh Nandlawat : 9414151423 Mobile MEETING PLACE Parashail Compound Day Time

: Saturday : 7:30 PM


Dr. Vijaykumar Chavda CL : Computer (e-Commerce) D.O.B. : 30-May Add. : 32-A Suncity, Opp. S V Campus, B/h. Railway Sta on, Kadi 382715, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : 9824215396

Chirag Thakar CL : Business D.O.B. : 24-Jun Add. : 22, Rajdeep Society, Raj City, Kadi 382715, Gujarat Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

info@vikran Vaishali 3-Jul 28-Jan 9099977561

Let’s build a legacy... together!




CHARTER PRESIDENT Ajay Gor Sponsor Club : Mehsana :6 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Urmil Ved : 88220 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 22 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Ketan Atulbhai Patel : 9327135045 Mobile MEETING PLACE S. V. Campus Day Time

: Friday : 9:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Kalol PRESIDENT

Baldev Patel CL : Manufacturing Chemical D.O.B. : 10-Dec Add. : 15/B Kranava Socitey, Panchwa , Kalol 382721, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Rakshaben 6-Jan 5-Jan 9824574891

Jaswant Gajjar CL : Business D.O.B. : 14-Oct Add. : 11 Shree Nagar Society, Near Sharvoday Hospital, Kalol 382721, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Giraben 21-Feb 4-May 9327933555

CHARTER PRESIDENT Anubhai M. Shah Sponsor Club : Visnagar : 10 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Vasant Patel : 15105 Club No. Chartered on : 20 Apr 1959 : 62 Members : Seva Bulle n :0 Rotaract :6 Interact :2 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Rasik Hariyani : 9909544499 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Hall, Kalol Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:00 PM


Chirag Raval CL : Industry Administra on D.O.B. : 11-Jul Add. : 44 Samarth Banglow, Nr. Garden City, Panchwa Area, Kalol 382721, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Payal 18-Jun 26-May 8200758746

Nirav Mistri CL : Execu on Technology D.O.B. : 30-Aug Add. : 22,Chitakut Society Part-2, Opp. Jay Veer Society, Panchva Area, Kalol 382721, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Nirmal 20-Jan 24-Jan 9687667134


CHARTER PRESIDENT Navin R. Mistry Sponsor Club : Kalol :6 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Urmil Ved : 67134 Club No. Chartered on : 24 Nov 2004 : 21 Members : Rotary Harmony Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :2 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Ronak Prajapa : 9510009888 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Suman School, Kalol Day Time

: Friday : 8:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Kankaria Ahmedabad PRESIDENT




Hemendra Shah CL : Furniture Retailing D.O.B. : 5-Nov Add. : Harin Furniture, GF-A Raj Ratna Arcade, B/h Maninagar, BRTS Stand, Maninagar, Ahmedabad 380008, Gujarat Email : Spouse : Devyani D.O.B. : 22-May Anni. : 26-Feb Mobile : 9898286200

Jagdish Ashtekar CL : Manufacturing & Marke ng : Pharma D.O.B. : 19-Oct Add. : 1, Radhe Apartment, 32, Prankunj Society, Kankaria, Ahmedabad 380028, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Apeksha 28-Jun 16-Dec 9824060795

CHARTER PRESIDENT Amolakh Sarda Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad South :2 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Vipul Shukla : 15106 Club No. Chartered on : 05 Apr 1972 : 77 Members : Radar Bulle n :6 Rotaract :6 Interact :5 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dr. Snehal Kale : 9824095580 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bhavan, Maninagar Day Time

: Monday : 8:00 PM


Kapildev Upadhyay CL : Medicine : Homeopethy D.O.B. : 31-Dec Add. : Upadhyay Clinic, Kherwada 313803, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Anjana 20-Jun 16-May 9636993309

Dhanpal Jain CL : Retail : Electric Goods D.O.B. : 1-Nov Add. : Mayu Electricals, Old Bus Stand, Kherwada 313803, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together!

kar Bhar 12-Sep 20-May 9460505868


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. S. K. Samar Sponsor Club : Dungarpur : 16 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Ashish Banthia : 29580 Club No. Chartered on : 16 Jun 1993 :7 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :2 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dr. Kapil Dev Upadhyay : 9636993309 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Kota PRESIDENT

Sunil Bafna CL : Manufacturing : Electronics D.O.B. : 26-Jul Add. : A-481, Indra Vihar, Kota 324005, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Usha 9-Aug 13-Mar 9414188388

Sanjay Jain CL : Book Distribu on D.O.B. : 24-Dec Add. : Dadabari Extn., Kota 324009, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Garima 31-May 6-May 9829038026

CHARTER PRESIDENT R. N. Choudhary Sponsor Club : Jodhpur : 26 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Manu Paliwal : 15110 Club No. Chartered on : 20 Feb 1959 : 460 Members : Anjali Bulle n :0 Rotaract : 18 Interact : 20 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT B. L. Gupta : 9829035744 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Binani Sabhaghar, Kota Day Time

: Sunday : 10:30 AM

Kota Central PRESIDENT

Jinesh Sethi CL : Pharmaceu cals D.O.B. : 5-May Add. : 2-B-5, Vigyan Nagar, Kota 324005, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Deepali 22-Dec 23-Jan 9414933865

Mukesh Kumar Jain CL : Educa on : Administra on D.O.B. : 5-May Add. : Flat no. 108, City Centre Heights, Canal Road, Bajrang Nagar, Kota 324001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Kumud 6-Jan 30-Apr 8005835212


CHARTER PRESIDENT Anil Nya Sponsor Club : Kota Round Town : 27 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sumit Gandhi : 67955 Club No. Chartered on : 09 Feb 2005 : 100 Members : Central’s Inspire Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dr. IPS Suri : 9829035819 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel G20 Inn, Kota Day Time

: Saturday : 8:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Kota North Dr. Rakesh Nagar


CL : Medicine : Den stry D.O.B. : 14-Aug Add. : 282 Basant Vihar, Kota 324009, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Neetu 2-Jul 11-Mar 9414183388

Vinod Mamgain


CL : Trading Engineering Goods D.O.B. : 12-Feb Add. : H.No. 52, Lane No.8, Sarasws Colony, Kota 324002, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Ila 7-Jun 5-Sep 8875011334

CHARTER PRESIDENT Sher Singh Kothari Sponsor Club : Kota : 26 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Manu Paliwal : 15111 Club No. Chartered on : 07 Apr 1980 : 68 Members : Sankalp Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Tejinder Singh : 9460076468 Mobile MEETING PLACE Kota North, Club Bldg., Basant Vihar, Kota Day Time

: Saturday : 8:30 PM

Kota Roundtown PRESIDENT

Suresh Chandra Kabra CL : Law : Taxa on D.O.B. : 27-Sep Add. : 351, 1st Floor, Shopping Centre, Kota 324007, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Geeta 23-Nov 18-Jun 9414190220

Anil Gaur CL : Journalist & Educa on D.O.B. : 1-Nov Add. : 6-D-12, Mahavir Nagar Extension, Kota, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Kusum 11-Nov 30-Jan 9414179767


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. V. P. Gupta Sponsor Club : Kota : 27 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sumit Gandhi : 55412 Club No. Chartered on : 02 May 2001 : 39 Members : Sewapath Bulle n :0 Rotaract :4 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Anupama Agnihotri : 9413108294 Mobile MEETING PLACE 351, 1st Floor Shopping Centre, Kota Day Time

: Saturday : 8:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Kota South PRESIDENT

Mukesh Gupta CL : Lawyer D.O.B. : 19-Mar Add. : 143 Guman Pura, Kota 324005, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Lalita 30-May 9-May 9829165468

Hemlata Gupta CL : Finance D.O.B. : 5-Nov Add. : 10-G-11, Mahaveer Nagar 3, Kota 324005, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Subhash 25-Oct 17-May 8209431571

CHARTER PRESIDENT Mukesh Gupta Sponsor Club : Kota Central : 26 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Manu Paliwal : Club No. Chartered on : : 23 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Geeta Dadhich : 9352622110 Mobile MEETING PLACE 143, Guman Pura, Kota Day Time

: Saturday : 8:00 PM

Malpura City PRESIDENT

Ajit Singhi CL : Tex le Marchant D.O.B. : 14-Jan Add. : MDT Subash Circle, Malpura 304502, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Sudha 30-Jun 14-Feb 9414439981

Abhishek Sharma CL : Retail Plywood & Hardware D.O.B. : 9-Aug Add. : Vishal Plywoods, Malpura 304502, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Laxmi 30-Nov 25-Jul 9166578797


CHARTER PRESIDENT A. A. Suman Sponsor Club : Kishangarh : 19 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Arvind Vijayvargiya : 73982 Club No. Chartered on : 30 Aug 2006 : 19 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Ram Babu Vyas : 9414440204 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Hospital, Malpura Day Time

: Sunday : 7:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Malpura Green PRESIDENT

Vijendra Sharma CL : Service : Government D.O.B. : 1-Sep Add. : Near Veterinary Hospital, Naveen Mondi, Tonk, Malpura 304502, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Sunita 19-Dec 18-Apr 9950186070

Manoj Kumar Jain CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 1-Jul Add. : Kasturba Colony, Brij Lal Nagar, Malpura 304502, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Sangeeta 9-Jul 20-Jan 9667180150

CHARTER PRESIDENT Madhusudan Pareekh Sponsor Club : Kishangarh : 19 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Arvind Vijayvargiya : 82913 Club No. Chartered on : 10 Feb 1910 : 25 Members : Sewadeep Bulle n :1 Rotaract :1 Interact :2 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Sita Ram Swami : 9571958284 Mobile MEETING PLACE Agarwal Broker, Malpura Day Time

: Sunday : 7:15PM

Mandvi Kutch PRESIDENT






CHARTER PRESIDENT Prabhulal Zaveri CL : Sugar & Jaggery Merchandise Sponsor Club : Bhuj D.O.B. : 2-Jan : 12 Add. : Bunder Road, Nr.Punjab Na onal Bank, Zone Mandvi Kutch 370465, Gujarat ASST. GOVERNOR Arunbhai Vachharajani : 15115 Club No. Email : Spouse : Hetal Chartered on : 12 Sep 1979 D.O.B. : 12-Mar : 48 Members Anni. : 2-Dec : Bulle n Mobile : 9978736999 :2 Rotaract Tejas Vasani :8 Interact :4 RCC CL : Agricultural Marke ng D.O.B. : 12-Oct PRESIDENT ELECT Add. : 52/Sundervan 2, Nr. College, Pra k H. Shah Mandvi Nagalpar Road, : 9824412102 Mobile Mandvi 370465, Gujarat MEETING PLACE Email : Dhramsinh Nenshi Rotary Hall, Spouse : Leena Bhutadawadi, Mandvi Kutch D.O.B. : 13-May : Wednesday Day Anni. : 3-Aug Mobile : 9825622016 : 8:30 PM Time

Bhavin Ganatra

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Mansa PRESIDENT






CHARTER PRESIDENT Kasubhai Patel CL : Steel Trading Sponsor Club : Mehsana D.O.B. : 24-Aug : 10 Zone Add. : Krushna Steel Corpora on, Opp. Ambica Society Part-1, ASST. GOVERNOR Mansa 382845, Gujarat Vasant Patel : 15116 Club No. Email : Spouse : Sunitaben Chartered on : 19 Sep 1975 D.O.B. : 13-Oct : 19 Members Anni. : 30-Jan : Bulle n Mobile : 9426592103 :0 Rotaract Vishnubhai Patel :1 Interact : 52 RCC CL : Business D.O.B. : 1-Jun PRESIDENT ELECT Add. : Vijay Playwood Centre, Masijid Chowk, Vishnubhai Patel Mansa 382845, Gujarat : 9426351498 Mobile MEETING PLACE Email : Rotary Physiotherapy Centre, Spouse : Sitaben Mansa D.O.B. : 15-Feb : Thursday Day Anni. : 30-Mar Mobile : 9426351498 : 7:30 PM Time

Manojkumar Patel


Atulkumar Pandit CL : Prin ng & Packaging D.O.B. : 21-Apr Add. : 21, Vrajbhumi Bunglows, B/h. Avsar Party Plot, Modhera Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Damini 25-Dec 16-May 9426633955

Hemveersingh Rao CL : Pharmaceu cal Manufacturing D.O.B. : 25-Jun Add. : 13, Urvashi Bunglows, Ramosna Road, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat

Hemveersingh Beenu

Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Beenu 13-Sep 10-Dec 9227941041


CHARTER PRESIDENT Prafull Patel Sponsor Club : Jamnagar :6 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Urmil Ved : 15117 Club No. Chartered on : 27 Jan 1961 : 119 Members : Spark Bulle n :1 Rotaract :9 Interact : 36 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Vasant Prajapa : 9825061316 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bhavan, Rotary Bhavan Rd (Jail Road) Mehsana-384002

Day Time

: Friday : 8:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Mehsana Milk city PRESIDENT

Bharat Patel CL : Business D.O.B. : 31-Jan Add. : 8 Nilkanth Nagar Society, Nagalpur, Near College, Mehsana 384002, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Savita 25-Aug 19-Feb 9376334556

Padma Patel CL : Beauty Parlour D.O.B. : 21-Jul Add. : 64 Snehkunj Society, Urban Bank Rd., Mehsana 384002, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Dr. Pashabhai 9-Jun 21-May 9978645080

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. P. R. Patel Sponsor Club : Mehsana :8 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Alkesh Panchal : 29952 Club No. Chartered on : 01 Jan 1994 : 10 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Snehkunj, Mehsana Day Time

: Thursday : 8:30 PM


Deepak Kumar Singhal CL : Business D.O.B. : 18-Feb Add. : Main Bazar, Mount Abu 307501, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Pushpa 6-Dec 8-Dec 9414449784

Kuldeep Singh Sadhwani CL : Business D.O.B. : 16-Sep Add. : Gurukrupa Handicra s, Mount Abu 307501, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Mal 21-Jan 10-Mar 9461001946


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Raj Dhawan Sponsor Club : Palanpur :9 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Kalpesh Modi : 22528 Club No. Chartered on : 29 Jun 1985 : 19 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :2 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Anand Pavar : 7728954079 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Wednesday : 6:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Mundra PRESIDENT

Mahavirsinh Jhala CL : Port Administra on D.O.B. : 4-Mar Add. : B7/1, Shan van Colony, Nana Kapaya, Mundra 370421, Gujarat

Mahavirsinh Prafullaba


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Prafullaba 1-Apr 25-Apr 7984947456

Manoj Tanna CL : Educa on : Management D.O.B. : 19-Feb Add. : Plot no.51-56, Shreeji Nagar, Baroi road, Mundra, Kutch 370421, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Rakhi 11-Jan 21-Jan 9099932146

CHARTER PRESIDENT Vallabhdas Kapadiya Sponsor Club : Mundra : 11 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Sunil Jobanputra : 28407 Club No. Chartered on : 12 Dec 1991 : 40 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :2 Interact :6 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Manoj Tanna : 9099932146 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Hall, Mundra Day Time

: Saturday : 7:00 PM

Padmini Kota PRESIDENT

Saroj Lahoty CL : Homewife D.O.B. : 19-Oct Add. : 84/3 Madhuram, Shak Nagar, Kota 324009, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Bhuwenesh 2-Jun 2-Jun 9529702277

Ranjana Sethi CL : Housewife D.O.B. : 20-Jan Add. : 663 Pratap Nagar, Kota 324008, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Bhuvnesh 10-Mar 18-Nov 9784678499


CHARTER PRESIDENT Kamla singh Gaur Sponsor Club : Kota : 26 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Manu Paliwal : 69377 Club No. Chartered on : 25 May 2005 : 90 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :8 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Jyo Bihani : 9929606937 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bhavan, Kota Day Time

: Flexible : 11:30 AM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Palanpur PRESIDENT

Bhikhabhai Patel CL : CA, Accountant Addi onal Service D.O.B. : 1-Apr Add. : 26, Beverly Hills, Nr.Meera Agro Products, Deesa Highway, Jodnapura, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Shardaben 3-Nov 9-May 9408701750

Digesh Patel CL : General Insurance Advisor D.O.B. : 23-Jun Add. : At-Jodnapura, Po-Chadotar, Deesa Highway, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Neetaben 18-Jun 8-Feb 9429197381, 9408701750

CHARTER PRESIDENT HH Shri Iqbalmohmadkhanji Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad :9 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Kalpesh Modi : 15123 Club No. Chartered on : 29 May 1947 : 58 Members : Ropal Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :5 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Jitendra Patel : 9925142470 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Hall, Laxman Tekri, Palanpur Day Time

: Friday : 8:00 PM

Palanpur City PRESIDENT

Sanjiv Joshi CL : Drug Retail Distributor D.O.B. : 15-Jul Add. : Ciko Chemist Gadhvala, Nr. Kir Stambh, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Karishma 23-Jan 19-May 9426065700

Keyur Bachani CL : Prin ng D.O.B. : 1-Jan Add. : 28, G.I.D.C. C/o.B.B.B. Works, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Anita 21-May 28-Nov 9824502776


CHARTER PRESIDENT Kanubhai Agrawal Sponsor Club : Deesa :9 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Kalpesh Modi : 70937 Club No. Chartered on : 19 Oct 2005 : 72 Members : Samarpan Bulle n :1 Rotaract :4 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Yashwant Bachani : 9824079973 Mobile MEETING PLACE Arogya Dham, College Compound Road Day Time

: Tuesday : 8:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Palanpur Diamond City PRESIDENT

Mahendra Gupta CL : Hotelier D.O.B. : 16-Apr Add. : Sardar Patel Society, B/h. Circuit House, Highway, Palanpur 385210 Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Nivedita 22-Sep 2-Jun 9824036026

Surekha Patel CL : Educa on : Teaching D.O.B. : 4-Jan Add. : 1, Vinayak Park, Jampura Palanpur 385001, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Prakash 8-Jul 13-Mar 9428023071

CHARTER PRESIDENT Hasmukh Modi Sponsor Club : Ambaji :9 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Kalpesh Modi : 68455 Club No. Chartered on : 23 Mar 2005 : 45 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :1 Interact :2 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Sanjay Gupta : 9712991916 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Hall, Palanpur Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:00 PM


Ashok Kumar Lodha CL : Manufacturing : Tex le Processor D.O.B. : 1-Jul Add. : A/3, Veer Durga Das Nagar, Pali 306401, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Ranjeeta 23-Oct 17-Apr 9414120720

Rajendra Kumar Surana CL : Trading : Dyes & Chemical D.O.B. : 20-Mar Add. : 53, Nehru Nagar, Pali 306401, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Seema 17-Jan 21-Jan 9414121800


CHARTER PRESIDENT H. C. Pandey Sponsor Club : Jodhpur : 18 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dhanraj Chopra : 15124 Club No. Chartered on : 08 May 1974 : 63 Members : Bulle n :2 Rotaract :1 Interact :9 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Amar Chand Vohra : 9414124933 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bhavan, Pali Day Time

: Saturday : 8:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Patan PRESIDENT

Ghemarbhai Desai CL : Educa on : Special Teaching D.O.B. : 1-Dec Add. : 184, Tirupa nagar, Nr. Nirmal Nagar, Chanasama Road, Patan 384265, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Champaben 1-Sep 13-Mar 9879875298

Ramesh Thakkar CL : Business & Social Work D.O.B. : 1-Jun Add. : B-204, Radhe Flat, Opp. Shiv Ganga Banglows, Telephone Arena Road, Patan 384265, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Jayotsanaben 1-Jun 11-Feb 9974606362

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. D. R. Chatbar Sponsor Club : Radhanpur :7 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Munirhussein Ajmeri : 15125 Club No. Chartered on : 15 Mar 1974 : 54 Members : Aarsi Bulle n :1 Rotaract : 33 Interact : 40 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Deepak Khamar : 7878968181 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bhavan, Patan Day Time

: Tuesday : 8:30 PM


Dr. Riddhi Agrawal CL : M.B.A., Ph.D. D.O.B. : 24-Jun Add. : 21- Slok Villa, Nr. Jal Bhavan, T. B. Cross Road, Patan 384265, Gujarat






Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Manish 5-Jul 11-Dec 9924159729

Dr. Ashutosh Pathak CL : Educa on : College D.O.B. : 4-Aug Add. : 6 Panchva Tena., Nr. 132 KV GEB Substa on, Chanshma Highway, Gayatri Mandir Road, Patan 384265, Gujarat Email : Spouse : Falguni D.O.B. : 5-Dec Anni. : 29-Nov Mobile : 9376720940

Let’s build a legacy... together!


CHARTER PRESIDENT Ramesh Patel Sponsor Club : Patan :7 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Munirhussein Ajmeri : 30988 Club No. Chartered on : 31 Aug 1995 : 15 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :4 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Ashutosh Pathak : 9376720940 Mobile MEETING PLACE Pravinaben Rotary Hall, Nr. First Railway Under Bridge, Patan

Day Time

: Thursday : 8:30 AM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Radhanpur PRESIDENT

CHARTER PRESIDENT Mahesh Mulani Sponsor Club : Patan :7 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Munirhussein Ajmeri : 83056 Club No. Chartered on : 07 Apr 2010 : 27 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Tane Singh Sodha : 9825071961 Mobile MEETING PLACE Himmat Vidyanagar College, Radhanpur

Kamlesh Tanna CL : Trading D.O.B. : 23-Sep Add. : 29, Jalaram Society, Opp. Post Office, Radhanpur 385340, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Rekha 27-Oct 7-Mar 9898427354

Kalpesh Thakkar CL : Para Medicine D.O.B. : 18-Sep Add. : 33, Nandanvan Bunglows, Radhanpur 385340, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Arpita 21-Jan 14-Apr 9879124415

Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:00 PM

Ranthambhore Sawai Madhopur PRESIDENT

Kailash Chand Khandelwal CL : Business D.O.B. : 30-Jun Add. : 3, Maharana Pratap Colony, Sawaimadhopur 322001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Rekha 2-Oct 7-Dec 9414030214

Bhupendra Sharma CL : Distribu on : Petroleum D.O.B. : 21-Sep Add. : Plot No.7, Gautam Colony, B/h. Akashwani Sawaimadhopur, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Rekha 18-Sep 22-Feb 9950254747


CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. K. D. Gupta Sponsor Club : Kota Round Town : 26 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Manu Paliwal : 58641 Club No. Chartered on : 23 May 2002 : 23 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Lokendra Jain : 9413482169 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Saturday : 7:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Ringus CHARTER PRESIDENT Shivlal Meena CL : Mfg.: Fiber Pillow Sponsor Club : Shrimadhopur Sunrise D.O.B. : 23-Oct : 20 Zone Add. : B/h. Gopinath Temple, Ringas 332404, Rajasthan ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Jitendra Kacholia : 86051 Club No. Email : Vijay Vijay Laxmi Spouse : Vijay Laxmi Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 D.O.B. : 1-Jan : 20 Members Anni. : 23-Jan : Bulle n Mobile : 9829435311 :0 Rotaract Dr. Bhanwar Singh Takhar :1 Interact SECRETARY :0 RCC CL : Physiotherapy D.O.B. : 8-Jan PRESIDENT ELECT Add. : Aarogyam Physio Centre, Renwal Road, Ringas 332012, Rajasthan : Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Bhanwar Gulab devi Email : Spouse : Gulab devi D.O.B. : 5-Oct : Sunday Day Anni. : 30-Apr Mobile : 9414832655 : 7:00 PM Time


Vijay Kumar Khuteta

Sabarma Ahmedabad PRESIDENT




Dr. Priyen Shah CL : Medicine : Laproscopic Surgeon D.O.B. : 29-Nov Add. : Khushi Surgical And Orthopedic Hospital, 205, Trade Square Center, Opp. Torrent Power House, Sabarma , Ahmedabad 380005, Gujarat Email : Spouse : Dr. Avani D.O.B. : 6-Aug Anni. : 18-Feb Mobile : 9825138105

Dr. Manan Shah CL : Medicine : ENT Surgeon D.O.B. : 17-Apr Add. : Dhruvi ENT Hospital, Baronet Complex, Sabarma , Ahmedabad 380005, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Dr. Ami 23-Jan 25-Jan 9825097832


CHARTER PRESIDENT Late Sri Vadilal Kamdar Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad :5 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Kamlesh Prajapa : 15129 Club No. Chartered on : 12 Nov 1968 : 55 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :3 Interact :4 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Kunal Pareek : 9904154422 Mobile MEETING PLACE House of Friendship, Rotary Hall, Sabarma . Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Sidhpur PRESIDENT

Dr. Hemang Parikh CL : Medicine : Gynecology D.O.B. : 17-Jan Add. : Harsh Matetnity Home, Jadiya Veer, Near Dena Bank, Sidhpur 384151, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Amiben 14-Aug 21-May -

Dasharathbhai Patel CL : Insurance D.O.B. : 26-May Add. : 44, Vijaylaxmi Society, Dethali Road, Highway Road, Sidhpur 384151, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Madhuben 1-Jun 1-May 9825132814

CHARTER PRESIDENT A. K. Trivedi Sponsor Club : Palanpur :7 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Munirhussein Ajmeri : 15134 Club No. Chartered on : 12 Apr 1975 : 25 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :2 Interact :5 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotal Siddharth, Sidhpur Day Time

: Thursday : 8:30 PM


Dr. Ankush Rathi CL : Medicine D.O.B. : 19-Jan Add. : Rathi Surgical Clinic, Basant Vihar, Sikar 332001, Rajasthan






Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Anita 27-Dec 22-Feb 8875777702

Sanjay Kumar Kumawat CL : Charter Accountant D.O.B. : 5-Feb Add. : Sanjay Kumawat & Co, Chartered Accountants, 1st Floor, Opp. Shekhawa Janana Hospital, Sta on Road, Sikar 332001, Rajasthan Email : Spouse : Nirmala D.O.B. : 21-Feb Anni. : 11-Dec Mobile : 9829185306

Let’s build a legacy... together!


CHARTER PRESIDENT Kailash Dhoot Sponsor Club : Srimaddhopur Sunrise : 20 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Jitendra Kacholia : 27459 Club No. Chartered on : 29 Jun 1990 : 36 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :1 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT :Mobile MEETING PLACE Vidya Bhar School Day Time

: Saturday : 7:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Srimadhopur Sunrise PRESIDENT

Purusho am Kumar Sharma CL : Accountancy D.O.B. : 14-Aug Add. : C/o Sri Shyam Plaza, Sta on Road, Srimadhopur, Sikar 332715, Rajasthan

Purusho am Pushpa


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Pushpa 1-Jul 16-Apr 9929771561

Shan lal Soni CL : Jewellers D.O.B. : 1-Feb Add. : VPO Kotri Simarala, Tehsil Shrimadhopur Sikar 332715, Rajasthan

Shan lal


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Bimlesh 20-Feb 30-Nov 9460192289

CHARTER PRESIDENT Rajendra Prasad Kasera Sponsor Club : Sikar : 20 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dr. Jitendra Kacholia : 84045 Club No. Chartered on : 30 Jun 2011 : 17 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :4 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Chodhary Nathu Ram Bhamu Rotary Bhawan Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:00 PM


Narpat Mehta CL : Fabrica on D.O.B. : 1-Aug Add. : Shri Rajendra Steels, Main Market, Sumerpur 306902, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Rekha 21-Sep 28-Apr 9414464095

Parasmal Jain CL : Cycle Dealing D.O.B. : 21-Dec Add. : Vikas Stores, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Main Market, Sumerpur 306902, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Ratan 27-Dec 27-Nov 9829099760


CHARTER PRESIDENT M. C. Bhandari Sponsor Club : Pali : 18 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Dhanraj Chopra : 15137 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 1981 : 18 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :1 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Narpat Mehta : 9414464095 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rota ng Day Time

: Thursday : 8:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Tonk PRESIDENT

Gaurav Saini CL : Pharmacy D.O.B. : 3-Oct Add. : Sonnet Distributors, Saadat Hospital Road, Tonk 304001, Rajasthan


Vijiya Laxmi Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile


: : : : : Vijiya Laxmi 18-Jul 9-Dec 9829728688

Babulal Verma CL : Banking D.O.B. : 15-Jul Add. : 1/13 RHB Colony, Tonk 304001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Sunita 1-Jan 10-May 9785739437

CHARTER PRESIDENT S. P. Sharma Sponsor Club : Jaipur Round Town : 19 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Arvind Vijayvargiya : 51243 Club No. Chartered on : 27 May 1998 : 16 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Regional Sr. Secondary School, Tonk Day Time

: Sunday : 11:00 AM







CHARTER PRESIDENT Kusum Manek CL : Educa on Sponsor Club : Bhuj D.O.B. : 3-May : 13 Zone Add. : 46, Siddhivinayak Nagar, Madhapar Road, Madhapar, ASST. GOVERNOR Bhuj 370020, Gujarat Anup Ghiria : 53206 Club No. Email : Spouse : Kamal Chartered on : 01 Mar 2000 D.O.B. : 29-Jun :5 Members Anni. : 17-Aug : Bulle n Mobile : 9427219787 :0 Rotaract Pooja Thacker :0 Interact :1 RCC CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 14-Jun PRESIDENT ELECT Add. : The Raymond, Shop 12, Anand Colony, Nr. Santoshi Ma Temple, :Mobile Bhuj 370001, Gujarat MEETING PLACE Email : Rotary Hall, Bhuj Spouse : Vishal D.O.B. : 31-Dec : Saturday Day Anni. : 2-May Mobile : 9428293570 : 5:00 PM Time

Premlata Nehalani

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Udaipur PRESIDENT

Dr. Pradeep Kumavat CL : Educa onal Administra on D.O.B. : 3-Dec Add. : Alok Sansthan, Hirenmagri, Sector 11, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Kanta 10-Jun 2-Dec 9414158880

Sanjay Bhatnagar CL : Government Service D.O.B. : 8-May Add. : 68, Shahi Complex, Sector-13, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Alka 13-Apr 17-Feb 9414157112

CHARTER PRESIDENT S. D. Ujjwal Sponsor Club : Jodhpur : 14 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Manik Nahar : 15140 Club No. Chartered on : 13 Oct 1958 : 171 Members : Udai Bulle n :0 Rotaract :9 Interact :7 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Mahendra Taya : 9414158546 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bajaj Bhavan, Udaipur Day Time

: Thursday : 7:00 PM

Udaipur Elite PRESIDENT

Sarita Doogar CL : Sarvice D.O.B. : 24-Nov Add. : 210, Sagar Darshan Apartment, Dewali, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Sudheer 12-Jul 9-May 9928686814

Shubra Gupta CL : Tex le Trading D.O.B. : 31-Oct Add. : 32/5 New Fatehpura, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Pradeep 7-Jul 7-Feb 9001242932


CHARTER PRESIDENT Yashwant Mandawra Sponsor Club : Udaipur : 16 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Ashish Banthia : 75928 Club No. Chartered on : 02 May 2007 : 41 Members : Elite Times Bulle n :1 Rotaract :1 Interact :1 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Ramesh Mehta : 9829789278 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Gorbandh Palace Day Time

: Saturday : 8:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Udaipur Heritage Jitendra Talesara


CL : Manufacturing : Furniture & Doors D.O.B. : 3-Feb Add. : 640 Hiran Magri, Sector 11, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Shilpa 12-Feb 21-May 9414165729

Shaelesh Singhal


CL : Construc on (Infrastructure Project) D.O.B. : 15-Jan Add. : 12 Patel Circle, Kishanpole Road, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Shikha 1-Apr 4-May 9414156242

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. Deepak Sharma Sponsor Club : Udaipur : 16 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Ashish Banthia : 79893 Club No. Chartered on : 30 Jul 2008c : 56 Members : Horizon Bulle n :1 Rotaract :5 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Dhirendra Sachan : 9352505700 Mobile MEETING PLACE Hotel Paras Mahal Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:00 PM

Udaipur Meera Harsha Kumawat


D.O.B. Add.


Ya ndra


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Overseas Edu. Consul. and So Skill Trainer : 18-May : 34, Usha Villa, B/h. Hotel Ram Niwas, Hiran Magri, Sector 11, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan : hkumawat@alokinterna : Ya ndra : 25-Oct : 27-Jan : 9785170800

Kavita Srivastava CL : Social Service D.O.B. : 27-Aug Add. : 302 Shivam Apartment, Swaroop Sagar, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Anuj Kumar 14-Nov 10-Dec 9785573549


CHARTER PRESIDENT Late Dr. Pankajam Sunderam Sponsor Club : Udaipur : 15 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Yashwant Mandawara : 28593 Club No. Chartered on : 13 Mar 1992 : 80 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract : 10 Interact :5 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Vijay Laxmi Galundia : 9413763681 Mobile MEETING PLACE Field club, Fatehpura, Udaipur Day Time

: Monday : 5:00 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Udaipur Mewar PRESIDENT

Chetan Jain CL : Real Estate Broker Consultant D.O.B. : 9-Nov Add. : 225/18, Sardarpura, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Seema 21-Aug 11-Nov 9829042343

Dinmay Choudhary CL : Manufacturing : Plywood & Furniture D.O.B. : 24-Jun Add. : 37, Mahaveer Colony, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Himanshi 25-Jun 1-Dec 9414470772

CHARTER PRESIDENT H. R. Choudhary Sponsor Club : Udaipur : 14 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Manik Nahar : 58447 Club No. Chartered on : 15 May 2002 : 56 Members : Mewar Speaks Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :1 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Suresh Jain : 9414166510 Mobile MEETING PLACE 10-11, Guru Ramdas Colony, Udaipur Day Time

: Saturday : 7:30 PM

Udaipur Panna PRESIDENT





CHARTER PRESIDENT Bhanupratap Singh Dhaibhai CL : Hair Dressing Sponsor Club : Udaipur Meera D.O.B. : 3-Aug : 15 Zone Add. : 103, Hitawla Near Lok Kala Mandal, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan ASST. GOVERNOR Yashwant Mandawara : 87628 Club No. Email : Spouse : Asha Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 D.O.B. : 8-Sep : 23 Members Anni. : 2-Feb : Bulle n Mobile : 9414162461 :0 Rotaract Rajesh Sharma :0 Interact :0 RCC CL : Fashion Designer D.O.B. : 23-Dec PRESIDENT ELECT Add. : Crea on 396A I one Road, Bhopalpura, Rajesh Sharma Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan : 9828338838 Mobile MEETING PLACE Email : rscrea Prabhat Spa, Spouse : Nr. Lok Kala Mandal D.O.B. : : Saturday Day Anni. : Mobile : 9828338838 : 7:00 PM Time

Ashok Palliwal

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Udaipur Royal PRESIDENT

Prateek Hinger CL : Charter Accountant D.O.B. : 9-Oct Add. : B-603, Udai Apartment, 100 Feet Road, Shobhagpura, Udaipur, 313001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Kri 12-Dec 20-Jun 7597333999

Mukesh Sharma CL : Furniture Showroom D.O.B. : 11-Feb Add. : Shri Vishwakarma Furniture, Ayad Road, Near Five Star Garden, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Seema 6-Jun 5-Feb 9352503898

CHARTER PRESIDENT Yashwant Mandawra Sponsor Club : Udaipur Elite : 15 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Yashwant Mandawara : 87974 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 28 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Mukesh Sharma : 9352503898 Mobile MEETING PLACE Manglam Fun Square Day Time

: Wednesday : 7:00 PM

Udaipur Udai PRESIDENT

Purusho am Dubey CL : Store Management D.O.B. : 28-Feb Add. : 204, Sanyog Appt. UB Building, Navartan, Bhuwana, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan

Purusho am Nilanchali


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Nilanchali 14-Jul 11-Mar 9300330003

Deepesh Hemnani CL : Restaurant D.O.B. : 26-Feb Add. : 21-22, Joity Nagar, 100 Road, Shoubag Pura, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Harshita 14-Oct 24-Mar 9509669999


CHARTER PRESIDENT Shalini Bhatnagar Sponsor Club : Udaipur Meera : 16 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Ashish Banthia : 85346 Club No. Chartered on : 04 June 2018 : 20 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :8 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Vipul Mohan : 9116001999 Mobile MEETING PLACE Aishwarya College Day Time

: Thursday : 6:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Udaipur Vasudha PRESIDENT

Surbhi Dhing CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 14-Sep Add. : 16, J. P. Nagar, Sector 8, Hiran Mangri, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Anish 22-Sep 8-Nov 9602958555

Meena Mandot CL : Environment D.O.B. : 19-Jun Add. : Flat No. 202, Everest Ashiyana, Navratan Complex, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Ajit 21-Jun 11-Feb 9799143544

CHARTER PRESIDENT Shakuntala Porwal Sponsor Club : Udaipur : 14 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Manik Nahar : 89494 Club No. Chartered on : 04 Jun 2018 : 29 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :0 Interact :0 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Meena Mandot : 9799143544 Mobile MEETING PLACE Field Club Day Time

: Wednesday : 11:30 AM


Milan Patel CL : Home Maker D.O.B. : 27-Oct Add. : 25,Dipali Colony, Nr. Eye Hospital, B/h. Saptarshy Flats, Unjha 384170, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Bhavik 7-Dec 22-Nov 9825156599

Sachinkumar Patel CL : Home Maker D.O.B. : 21-Oct Add. : Shan kunj, Madhavbag Society, Nr. Kalyan Society, Visnagar Road, Unjha 384170, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together! Nimishaben 2-Oct 11-Dec 9824080430


CHARTER PRESIDENT Pratapsinh Brahmbha Sponsor Club : Unjha :8 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Alkesh Panchal : 15141 Club No. Chartered on : 07 Jun 1960 : 45 Members : Rotary Jyot Bulle n :0 Rotaract :8 Interact : 12 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Bhavik Patel : 9825031609 Mobile MEETING PLACE Narayanbhai Bhagat Rotary Bhavan, B/h Unjha Nagarpalika, Unjha

Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:15 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Vadali PRESIDENT

Shaileshbhai Patel CL : Business D.O.B. : 13-Jul Add. : Shree Umiya Vijay Saw Mill, Highway, Vadali 383235, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Ila 1-Jun 3-May 9724020536

Ra lal Patel CL : Constuc on D.O.B. : 20-Jun Add. : At - Kothikampa, Vadali 383235, Gujarat

Ra lal


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Shardaben 5-Apr 12-May 9427688915

CHARTER PRESIDENT Dr. M. J. Patel Sponsor Club : Himmatnagar & Idar : 10 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Vasant Patel : 57631 Club No. Chartered on : 13 Feb 2002 : 18 Members : Bulle n :0 Rotaract :1 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT : Mobile MEETING PLACE Shyam Cinema House Day Time

: Wednesday : 8:30 PM


Jayesh Patel CL : Financer D.O.B. : 9-Dec Add. : 26-27, Tirupa Bungalows, Visnagar Road, Vijapur, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Itnaben 10-Aig 12-Mar 9099668211

Shan lal Shah CL : Retail Jewellery D.O.B. : 11-Jul Add. : 1/B, Shan villa, Shukan-I, TB Hospital Road, Vijapur 382870, Gujarat

Shan lal


Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : :

Let’s build a legacy... together!

shan Taraben 9-May 12-Nov 9428852486


CHARTER PRESIDENT S. V. Shah Sponsor Club : Visnagar :8 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Alkesh Panchal : 15142 Club No. Chartered on : 28 Jun 1979 : 38 Members : Bulle n :1 Rotaract :6 Interact : 22 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Rameshchandra Patel : 9825288065 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bhavan, Vijapur Day Time

: Tuesday : 8:30 PM

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leaders Visnagar PRESIDENT

Alkeshkumar Patel CL : FMCG Distribu on D.O.B. : 12-Jul Add. : 16, Indraprastha Bungalow, Mehsana Road, Visnagar 384315, Gujarat




Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Jagru 28-Sep 9-Feb 9825090201

Shaileshkumar Patel CL : Educa on D.O.B. : 25-May Add. : House No :4/11/40, Ganpa 's Street, Nr. Savala Darwaja, Visnagar 384315, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Aasha 9-Apr 9-Feb 9898129810

CHARTER PRESIDENT Raisaheb Girdharlal Sponsor Club : Ahmedabad :8 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Alkesh Panchal : 15143 Club No. Chartered on : 11 Jun 1948 : 84 Members : Sukarma Bulle n :1 Rotaract :9 Interact : 31 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Vishnubhai Patel : 9879522721 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Hall, Opp. Nootan High school, Visnagar Day Time

: Friday : 8:30 PM

Visnagar Roundtown PRESIDENT

Ra lal Patel CL : Banking D.O.B. : 1-Jun Add. : B/2, Natraj Banker's Society, Kheralu Road, Visnagar 384315, Gujarat

Ra lal



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Surekhaben 22-Dec 17-Feb 9925042033

Lalitkumar Patel CL : Business : So ware and Hardware D.O.B. : 8-Sep Add. : 17/B, Ashishnagar Society, Mehsana Road, Visnagar 384315, Gujarat



Email Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : : Heena 5-Mar 28-Jul 9924618871

CHARTER PRESIDENT Hiren Patel Sponsor Club : Visnagar :8 Zone ASST. GOVERNOR Alkesh Panchal : 52188 Club No. Chartered on : 26 May 1999 : 32 Members : Beyond 2000 Bulle n :1 Rotaract :1 Interact :3 RCC PRESIDENT ELECT Rakesh Patel : 9601285597 Mobile MEETING PLACE Rotary Bhavan Day Time

: Tuesday : 9:00 PM

*Gandhidham Midtown Informa on not received. Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Rotaract Organisa on District Rotaract Organisa on Rtr. Imran Jat

Zone Chairman

Club : SRK Ins tute CL :D.O.B. : 18-Jan E-mail : Address : Hasanpir bazar, Mundra, Kutch 370421, Gujarat

Rtr. Shashwat Desai

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Kankaria (Ahmedabad) CL : Manufacturing -Ready Mix Concrete Industry D.O.B. : 15-Feb E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Appts, Opp. A thi Restaurant, B/H Kalgi Flats, Judges Bungalow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat

Rtr. Ayush Sharma

: : : : 7046862992

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jagruti : 29-Jun : 22-Feb : 9727328108

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: : : : 9662727472

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dimpal : 8-Apr : 22-Feb : 9825272691

District Treasurer

Club : Mundra CL : D.O.B. : 28-May E-mail : Address : Arihant Trading Company, Main Bazar, Mandvi Chok, Bandar Road, Mundra, Kutch 370421, Gujarat Let’s build a legacy... together!

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Addi onal District Secretary

Club : Bhuj Midtown CL : D.O.B. : 28-Apr E-mail : Address : 25, Matru Chhaya, Opp. GEB Colony, Vijay Nagar Area, Bhuj-Kutch 370001, Gujarat

Rtr. Dhaval Mehta

: : : : 9099200000

Zone Chairman

Club : Gandhidham CL : D.O.B. : 11-Feb E-mail : Address : Plot No. 327, Ward 5/A, Adipur (Kutch), Gandhidham 370210, Gujarat

Rtr. Saheli Shah

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Commi ee Vice - Chairman

Club : Rotaract Gandhidham CL : D.O.B. : 18-Dec E-mail : Address : B-142, Shak nagar, Gandhidham, Kutch, Gujarat

Rtr. Jay Balasara

: Jilani : 1-Jun : 20-Feb : 9979407145


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

DRR of Our District Name of DRRs

Club Name

Rtr. Arun Prakash Gupta Rtr. Dr. H. P. Shukla

Bikaner Kankaria

Rtr. Hasmukh Joshi Rtr. Sudhir Gupta Rtr. Ramesh Saraf

Ahemdabad South Jaipur Sri Ganganagar

Rtr. Anil Agrawal Rtr. Ashok Kumar Nahta Rtr. Bharat Maidh Rtr. Avinash Mathur Rtr. Ajaykumar Choksi Rtr. Pawan Shankar Goswami Rtr. Ashish Desai Rtr. Ratnesh Saxena

Jaipur Mid Town Sardarshahar Deesa Bikaner Ahmedabad South Lakshar Gwalior

DRR in Rotaract District Theme the Year District 1978-79 RID 305 1979-80 RID 305 Leadership for service Not for power 1980-81 RID 305 Time for Ac on 1981-82 RID 305 Serve through Rotaract 1982-83 RID 305 Pleasure And Sa sfac on Through Service 1983-84 RID 305 Smile, serve and grow 1984-85 RID 305 Serve To Develop 1985-86 RID 305 Help Needy 1986-87 RID 305 Plan In Prac ce 1987-88 RID 305 Rotractor, Enlightant Innerpower. 1988-89 RID 305 Peace Through Understanding

Kankaria Kishangarh

1989-90 1990-91

Rtr. Dharmendra Joshi Rtr. Rajiv Nahar Rtr. Neeraj Arya

Kankaria Jaipur East Ashok Ajmer Midtown

1991-92 1992-93 1993–94

Rtr. Anjali Bha Rtr. Shiralee Shah Rtr. Jitendra Kumar Patel Rtr. Vimal Gupta Rtr. Mayank Joshi Rtr. AtuI Jain Rtr. Bhavesh Choksi Rtr. Jigar Bhavsar

Kankaria Ahmedabad Visnagar Gwalior Jaipur Sagwara Gwalior A’bad South Gandhinagar

1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02

Rtr. Kalpesh Patel Rtr. Trikam Ahir Rtr. Shivgovind Agrawal Rtr. Dhawal Shah Rtr. Sanjay Patel Rtr. Vaishali Dholakia Rtr. Nilesh Patel

Visnagar Anjar Jaipur Main Himatnagar Visnagar Bhuj Midtown Unjha

2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

Rtr. Mehul Shah Rtr. Amit Vijay Rtr. Jiten Thacker Rtr. Ja n Rawal Rtr. Sumit Gupta Rtr. Manasvi Thapar Rtr. Kalpesh Ahuja Rtr. Shashwat Desai Rtr. Ronnie Vaishnav Rtr. Ayush Sharma Rtr. Imran Jat

Bhuj Boys Malpura Bhuj RC Vijapur RC Palanpur A’bad West Adipur Kankaria A’bad Mandvi Kutch Gandhidham Mundra

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Let’s build a legacy... together!


RID 3050 Each One - Teach One RID 3050 Devo on with emo on through blood dona on RID 3050 Involve, Improve, Inspire RID 3050 Voyage Of Friendship RID 3050 Dedica on Devo on Determina on In what you do. RID 3050 Step Towards The Common Man RID 3050 There is always room at the top RID 3050 Always Have A Dream. RID 3050 Advanture in Service RID 3050 Think Posi ve Act Posi ve RID 3050 Together We Can do Miracles RID 3050 Explore New Horizon RID 3050 Don't walk the common way, Be crea ve and rise away RID 3050 Be a Rotaractor RID 3050 Fly Free over the Skys RID 3050 Grow Beyond ... Its Within ! RID 3050 Service above self RID 3050 Grow Together RID 3050 Help Build A Be er Future RID 3050 Together We Can - Together We Will RID 3050 Enjoy Rotaract RID 3050 You have it in your self RID 3050 Let’s Be the Change RID 3050 Ini ate, Inovate, Collaborate RID 3051 Be Responsible RID 3051 Believe it ! Be it ! RID 3051 Be You RID 3051 Lead - Inspire - Change RID 3054 Co-Rise RID 3054 Lets Pursue Excellence RID 3054 Race to Pinnacle Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Interna onal Award Recipients Service Above Self Award Recipients Club




Dr. Yashwant S. Kothari




PDG Dr. D. R. Chhatbar




Dr. Prakash Golecha

Jaipur East



Bagmal F. Baxi




Ajay Kala

Jaipur Round Town



Dr. Ravi Bhargava




Dr. Arun M. Parikh




Dr. Ashok Gupta

Jaipur Round Town



Bharat M. Dholakia




Dr. Shashank Rathod

Ahmedabad Metro



Pradhuman K. Patni




Nirmal Singhvi




Dr. Sushil Kumar Jain




Ghanshyam Lal Devra

Kota North



Joitabhai Patel

Ahmedabad Mid Town



Mohanbhai N. Shah




Suresh Poddar

Jaipur Mid Town



Ashish Desai

Kankaria (Ahmedabad)



Ratnesh Kashyap

Jaipur South



Dr. Harshad L. Udeshi




Ramesh Agrawal

Jaipur Round Town



Anil Agrawal

Jaipur Mid Town



Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Interna onal Award Recipients TRF Cita on for Meritorious Service Recipients Club




Dr. D. R. Chhatbar




Justice S. N. Bhargava

Jaipur East



Pratap Murdia




Mohan N. Shah




Dr. Ashok Gupta

Jaipur Round Town



Dr. Ravi Bhargava




Dr. Arun Parikh




Bharat Dholakia




Ajay Kala

Jaipur Round Town



Joitabhai A. Patel

Ahmedabad Mid Town



Ramesh Agrawal

Jaipur Round Town



Dr. Shashank H. Rathod

Ahmedabad Metro



Dr. Jayprakash Vyas

Sabarmati (Ahmedabad)



Ratnesh Kashyap

Jaipur South



Ashish Kantilal Desai

Kankaria (Ahmedabad)



Nirmal Kumar Singhvi




Suresh Poddar

Jaipur Mid Town



Dr. Gyaneshwar Rao

Bhuj Flamingo



C. M. Birla




Lalit Sharma

Ahmedabad North



Anil Agarwal

Jaipur Mid Town



TRF Dis nguished Service Award Recipients 1996-97

P. S. Murdia



Dr. D. R. Chhatbar



Dr. Ashok Gupta

Jaipur Round Town


Mohan N. Shah



Bharat Dholakia



Dr. Ravi Bhargava



Ajay Kala

Jaipur Round Town


Joitabhai A. Patel

Ahmedabad Mid Town

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3054 - Arch Klumph Society Members

Suresh Poddar Jaipur Mid Town

PDG Dr. Ashok Gupta Jaipur Round Town

PDG Maullin Patel Mehsana

PDG Ramesh Agrawal Jaipur Round Town

Arch Klumph Society members support The Rotary Founda on for a variety of reasons, but they share one common a ribute. Each member of the society has a personal commitment to Doing Good in the World. Through that commitment and the leadership of the society’s members, the Founda on is able to con nue its work toward a more humane and peaceful world. The society is made up of more than 600 members from around the world, and it con nues to grow.

Let’s build ld a legacy... ld leg le gacy ttogether!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Use this tools to make your club stronger, your projects be er, and Rotary more visible in your community and around the world.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Tool Kit Every Rotary Club has to organise a number of func ons and mee ngs. There is certain Protocol to be observed to recognise dignitaries to show them love and respect of the organisa on. A proper observance of protocol enhances the pres ge of the concerned club and also brings decorum. Few hints on PROTOCOL are given below : • Any Rotary club mee ng should be presided over by the President of the club. The mee ng should be called to order by the President and not by the Master of Ceremonies. • Any Rotary district mee ng will be presided over by the Serving District Governor. He will call the mee ng to order. • The Protocol to be observed in order of precedence of gree ngs is District Governor, Past District Governors (Seniority wise), District Governor Elect, District Governor Nominee, District Officers, Serving Presidents, Past Presidents, Presidents - Elect and so on. • The General Rule is Current posi on takes precedence over past posi on; Past posi on take precedence over future posi on. Accompanying spouses will have the same rank. • Once Protocol is observed in a mee ng ini ally, the subsequent speakers need not repeat the Protocol. This will help save me and also avoid possible foul up of Protocol. • If the Mayor or the First Ci zen of the town is present in a mee ng, he should be invited to the dias and should be recognised first. • In any Rotary mee ng if the Serving Governor is present, as the Chief Guest, he should speak last. A er the speech of the Governor there should be no further speeches. The only item a er his speech should be acknowledgments announcements and Vote of Thanks. Let’s build a legacy... together!

• During the Official visit of the Governor to the Club, there should be no other Chief guest, Governor being the only one. Clubs are discouraged to have more than ONE Chief Guest at the installa on func on or such other Rotary func on or during Governor's Official Visit. • Rotary Club mee ngs (except training or informa ve sessions), irrespec ve of whether they are regular mee ngs of the club, installa on mee ng, or mee ng of the Club during Governor's visit should be concluded, as far as possible, within one hour. Clubs are advised to finalise such programmes in consulta on with their respec ve GGR. • It is a prac ce followed in most clubs to recognise the dignitaries / invited guests present by welcoming them with flowers. Such a Recogni on of their presence should not interfere with the proceedings of the mee ng. The recogni on of those who come in a er the welcome ini ally (as per the agenda) should be carried out together in the end & not from me to me as they come in. • Care should be taken to ensure that the standards & values of Rotary are not diluted or compromised at mee ngs. As a service organisa on austerity in our conduct and sincerity of purpose should be in tune with our social roles. • The func on of Master of Ceremony, if at all necessary, should be limited only to announce the items of the agenda to be followed. He/She is not expected to make comments on the speeches or assure anything on behalf of the club, which should only be the preroga ve of the presiding officer. Presiding Officers should not devalue themselves by allowing Master of Ceremonies to take over the proceedings and themselves observing a secondary role.


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary Protocol and Decorum Every Rotary Club has to organise a number of func ons and mee ngs. There is certain Protocol to be observed to recognise dignitaries to show them love and respect of the organisa on. A proper observance of protocol enhances the pres ge of the concerned club and also brings decorum. Few hints on PROTOCOL are given below : Ÿ Any Rotary club mee ng should be presided over by the President of the club. The mee ng should be called to order by the President and not by the Master of Ceremonies. Ÿ Any Rotary district mee ng will be presided over by the Serving District Governor. He will call the mee ng to order. Ÿ The Protocol to be observed in order of precedence of gree ngs is District Governor, Past District Governors (Seniority wise), District Governor Elect, District Governor Nominee, District Officers, Serving Presidents, Past Presidents, Presidents - Elect and so on. Ÿ The General Rule is Current posi on takes precedence over past posi on; Past posi on take precedence over future posi on. Accompanying spouses will have the same rank. Ÿ Once Protocol is observed in a mee ng ini ally, the subsequent speakers need not repeat the Protocol. This will help save me and also avoid possible followup of Protocol. Ÿ If the Mayor or the First Ci zen of the town is present in a mee ng, he should be invited to the dias and should be recognised first. Ÿ In any Rotary mee ng if the Serving Governor is present, as the Chief Guest, he should speak last. A er the speech of the Governor there should be no further speeches. The only item a er his speech should be acknowledgement announcements and Vote of Thanks. Let’s build a legacy... together!







During the Official visit of the Governor to the Club, there should be no other Chief guest, Governor being the only one. Clubs are discouraged to have more than ONE Chief Guest at the installa on func on or such other Rotary func on or during GOV. Rotary Club mee ngs (except training or informa ve sessions), irrespec ve of whether they are regular mee ngs of the club, installa on mee ng, or mee ng of the Club during Governor's visit should be concluded, as far as possible, within one hour. Clubs are advised to finalise such programmes in consulta on with their respec ve GGR. It is a prac ce followed in most clubs to recognise the dignitaries / invited guests present by welcoming them with flowers. Such a Recogni on of their presence should not interfere with the proceedings of the mee ng. The recogni on of those who come in a er the welcome ini ally (as per the agenda) should be carried out together in the end & not from me to me as they come in. Care should be taken to ensure that the standards & values of Rotary are not diluted or compromised at mee ngs. As a service organisa on austerity in our conduct and sincerity of purpose should be in tune with our social roles. The func on of Master of Ceremony, if at all necessary, should be limited only to announce the items of the agenda to be followed. He/She is not expected to make comments on the speeches or assure anything on behalf of the club, which should only be the preroga ve of the presiding officer. Presiding Officers should not devalue themselves by allowing Master of Ceremonies to take over the proceedings and themselves observing a secondary role. Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

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Designated Month


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Inventory


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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Hand Over Checklist

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Financial Obliga on 2019-20 1. Semiannual dues (for 6 months) per member: US$ 34.00 for each semiannual period 2. Council on Legisla on Levy per member (billed in July Invoice): US$1.00 3. The Rotarian magazine subscrip on for paper copy: US$12 for six months 4. The Rotarian magazine subscrip on for digital copy: US$6 for six months (Please note GST is applicable at the prevailing rate (18% currently) on item no.1 & 2 above for club. GST is not applicable to magazine subscrip on). Ÿ Clubs in India to make the payment in favour of 'Rotary Interna onal South Asia Office' by way of payable at par cheque or demand dra payable at New Delhi. Ÿ Address: Rotary Interna onal South Asia Office, Pullman/Novotel Commercial Tower, First Floor, Asset No.2, Hospitality District, Aerocity (Near IGI Airport), New Delhi – 110037 Ÿ Clubs in India have the op on of remi ng club dues by way of NEFT/RTGS as per the club specific virtual account details given in the club invoice. Ÿ Amount should be paid in Indian rupees at the prevailing RI Exchange rate (please visit h ps:// for current RI exchange rate). RI Exchange rate may vary from month to month. 5. Members joining in-between period will be charged pro-rata dues for every complete month of membership and will be billed in the subsequent invoice. Ÿ Formula for pro-rata dues: (RI Dues for one month X Number of complete month of membership) + GST Ÿ A new member who joins on 1 August 2019: Prorata dues of him which will be billed in Jan 2020 Invoice will be as follows: Pro rata dues for one month = USD34/6 = USD5.67 USD 5.67 X 5 (for 5 months) = USD 28.35 plus GST Ÿ A new member who joins on 2 August 2019: Prorata dues of him which will be billed in Jan 2020 Invoice will be as follows: USD 5.67 X 4 (for 4 months) = USD 22.68 plus GST 6. If members subscribe to Regional Rotary Magazine, subscrip on payment should be made directly to 'Rotary News Trust' in Chennai. Currently, the Regional Magazine subscrip on is Rs.420 for one year (per member for clubs in India). Address for Regional Magazine related ma ers: Rotary News Trust Dugar Towers, 3rd Floor,34, Marshalls Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008. Phone: +91 44 4214 5666 Fax: +91 44 2852 8818 E-mail: Website:h p://

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Financial Obliga on 2019-20 7. Clubs also need to remit “District Dues” for each member of the club @ Rs. 530.00 per member, to be paid to, “Rotary District 3054 Finance Commi ee”. Ÿ Kindly note that only clubs who have fully paid District Dues before the date of Elec on of DGN shall be en tled to vote. Ÿ Also note that as per RID 3054 By Laws, a club which does not pay District Dues shall not be en tled to any Awards for the year, and no District Designa ons or Appointments in the subsequent following year. The payment would be payable at Ahmedabad for all Clubs in Gujarat & Rajasthan. The payment would be payable in name of : Account Name: Rotary District 3054 Service Trust NOTES 1. It is mandatory to subscribe to either “The Rotarian” or “The Rotary News”. 2. The exchange rate is evaluated on monthly basis. The current rate can be obtained from the Rotary Website or from Rotary Interna onal South Asia Office, New Delhi-110001. 3. Every club will receive a one page invoice that clearly states the amount due. The payment cycle is 4 months. 4. Clubs will be terminated for non-payment of dues, 4 months a er due date. 5. If a club is terminated it can be reinstated within 5 months from termina on date if it pays its outstanding financial obliga ons, provides a current membership list and pays a reinstatement fee of US$30 per member.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Invoice

... as of 1 January 2019

Jan 2020

1 May 2019

July 2019

1 Nov 2018

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Invoice

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Invoice

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

GOV Check List 1. Mee ng with the President, Secretary and President-elect Following records should be kept ready. 1. Club Charter 2. Club Cons tu on and Bylaws 3. (a) Copy of Semi Annual invoice of 1st July 2019/1st January 2020 and the receipt for payment of RI dues. (b) Receipts for payment of District dues. (c) Receipts for subscrip ons, of "Rotary News/Rotary Samachar" 4. Roster of filled and unfilled classifica ons. 5. Club's commi ee plans. 6. A endance Register and minutes of (a) Board Mee ngs (b) General Body Mee ngs (c) Club Assemblies (d) Commi ee Mee ngs. 7. The Club's plans and objec ves in all avenues of service. 8. Budget for 2019-20 9. Club Accounts for 2018-19 10. Accounts for Charitable Trust for 2018-19, if any 11. Rotary Founda on Contribu on Records. 12. Club Bulle ns 13. Manual of Procedure (MOP) 14. Inventory Register 15. List of major achievers of your club members and/or family members. 2. Club Assembly-dura on between 30 to 60 minutes. 1. Plan the Club Assembly for discussing the Club's important business. 2. Take full advantage of District Governor's presence for any guidance. 3. All Directors and Chairmen are expected to par cipate in the discussions rela ng to their plans for the year 2019-2020. 3. Club Mee ng 1. Plan the mee ng for about an hour. 2. At the regular mee ng of Governor's Official Visit avoid any "Guest of Honour", "Special Guest", "Keynote Speaker" etc. SOME REQUEST BY THE GOVERNOR Because of very large size of District, the schedule of Governor for the en re year is very ght. Please do not ask for any change in date of visit.

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

GOV Calender September, 2019

July, 2019 Saturday, 13rd Sunday, 14th Thursday, 18th Friday, 19th Wednesday, 24th Thursday, 25th Friday, 26th Saturday, 27th

Ambaji Kadi Himmatnagar Kalol City Deesa Siddhpur Palanpur Kadi

Sunday, 29th Monday, 30th

October, 2019 Friday, 1st Friday, 11th Saturday, 12th Sunday, 13th Friday, 18th Saturday, 19th

August, 2019 Thursday, 1st Friday, 2nd Friday, 2nd Saturday, 3rd Sunday, 4th Monday, 5th Tuesday, 6th Thursday, 8th Friday, 9th Saturday, 10th Sunday, 11th Friday, 16th Saturday, 17th Sunday, 18th Tuesday, 20th Wednesday, 21st Thursday, 29th Friday, 30th Friday, 30th Saturday, 31st Saturday, 31st

Dungarpur Kherwada (M) Udaipur Elite (E) Udaipur Panna Chi od Banswara Visnagar roundtown Mansa Vijapur Dahegam Mehsana Milkcity (E) Bundi Kota Roundtown Padmini Kota (E) Ahmedabad Ahmedabad North Jaipur Midtown Jaipur Gurukul (M) Jaipur (Main) (E) Jaipur Capital (M) Jaipur East (E)

Gandhinagar Ahmedabad Mahanagar Ahmedabad Midtown Ahmedabad Elite Mundra Mandvi Gandhidham Midtown (M) Adipur (E) Gandhidham (E) Ahmedabad Asmita Ahmedabad Riverfront Udaipur Brijnagar Jhalawar Kota South(M) Kota North (E) Ranthmabhore (E) Ringus Chomu Sikar

December, 2019

Jaipur Kohinoor (M) Jaipur Bapunagar(E) Tonk Anjar Toral Bhuj (M) Bhuj Capital(E) Bhuj (E) Cosmopoliton Ahmedabad Aadarsh Ahmedabad Jaipur south Jaipur City (M) Jaipur North (E) Dudu Jaipur Ci zen (E) Sabarma Ahmedabad Visnagar Unjha

Let’s build a legacy... together!

Ahmedabad Greater Jaipur Heights Jaipur Pinkcity Jaipur Royal Ahmedabad Emerald Ahmedabad Narol

November, 2019 Tuesday, 5th Friday, 8th Saturday, 9th Tuesday, 12th Thursday, 14th Friday, 15th Saturday, 16th Saturday, 16th Sunday, 17th Tuesday, 19th Wednesday, 20th Thursday, 21st Friday, 22nd Saturday, 23rd Saturday, 23rd Sunday, 24th Thursday, 28th Friday, 29th Saturday, 30th

September, 2019 Sunday, 1st Sunday, 1st Monday, 2nd Friday, 6th Saturday, 7th Saturday, 7th Sunday, 8th Wednesday, 11th Friday, 13th Thursday, 19th Friday, 20th Friday, 20th Saturday, 21st Sunday, 25th Wednesday, 27th Friday, 27th Saturday, 28th

Palanpur Daimondcity Kankaria Ahmedabad

Sunday, 1st Friday, 6th Saturday, 7th Sunday, 8th Thursday, 12th Friday, 13th Saturday, 14th Sunday, 15th Friday, 27th Friday, 27th Friday, 27th Saturday, 28th Saturday, 28th Sunday, 29th Sunday, 29th


Srimadhopur Sunrise Jaisalmer Swarnanagari Jaislamer Golden City Balotra Ahmedabad Metro Ahmedabad South Ahmedabad Majesty Ahmedabad Prahladnagar Jaipur Sanskar Jaipur Marugandha (M) Jaipur Roundtown (E) Jaipur Kohinoor (M) Jaipur Central (E) Jaipur Metro (M) Jaipur Emerald(E)

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

GOV Calender January, 2020 Friday, 3rd Saturday, 4th Saturday, 4th Sunday, 5th Thursday, 9th Friday, 10th

Why Join Rotary?

Palanpur City Sumerpur (M) Jalore (E) Pali Ahmedabad Airport Ahmedabad West

R ealisa on of “Service Above Self”

February, 2020 Friday, 7th Saturday, 8th Sunday, 9th Tuesday, 18th Wednesday, 19th Thursday, 20th Saturday, 22nd Sunday, 23rd Thursday, 27th Friday, 28th Saturday, 29th Saturday, 29th

O pportuni es to be involved with

Udaipur Kota Central Kota E-Club of Galaxy3051 Ahmedabad Vasna Ahmedabad Suryodaya Jaipur Majesty Jaipur Pride Udipur Mewar Udaipur Royal Bhilwara (M) Bhilwara Solitare (E)

community and interna onal projects

T eam up with other volunteers to make a difference

A pprecia on of your contribu on R espect, fellowship and fun Y our skills and talents are shared

March, 2020 Sunday, 1st Sunday, 1st Monday, 2nd Thursday, 5th Friday, 6th Saturday, 7th Saturday, 7th Wednesday, 18th Thursday, 19th Thursday, 19th Friday, 20th Saturday, 21st Saturday, 22nd Friday, 27th Saturday, 28th Saturday, 28th Sunday, 29th

Udaipur Heritage Udaipur Vasudha Udaipur Meera Radhanpur Mehsana Patan City (M) Patan (E) Kalol Idar (M) Vadali (E) Capital Gandhinagar Abu Road Mount Abu Ahmedabad Supreme Bhachau Bhuj Wall City Bhuj Flamingo

April, 2020 Thursday, 2nd Friday, 3rd Saturday, 4th Saturday, 4th Sunday, 5th Monday, 6th

Jaipur Mansarovar Jaipur Mahanagar Malpura(M) Malpura Green(E) E Club Bhankhrota (E) Dausa (E)

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Oath Proforma of Oath for the President I, .................................................................., do solemnly pledge that I will faithfully execu ve the office of president of the Rotary Club of ............................................... and that I will to the best of my ability support the District Governor and Rotary Interna onal and that I will uphold the cons tu on and bylaws of Rotary Interna onal and this Club. May God help me.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Club Leadership Plan The Club Leadership Plan is the recommended administra ve structure for Rotary clubs. It is based on the best prac ces of effec ve Rotary clubs. As each Rotary club is unique, the Club Leadership Plan is flexible enough to support the individual needs of clubs around the world. It is not mandatory for any club to adopt the Club Leadership Plan. The Club Leadership Plan encourages and u lizes the following best prac ces of Rotary clubs worldwide : Offer regular and consistent training. Develop long-range goals that address the elements of an effec ve club. Set annual goals that support long-range goals. Make sure that all club members feel involved and informed. Keep the lines of communica on open, both in the club and with the district. Ensure con nuity in leadership from year to year. Customize the bylaws to reflect club opera ons. Provide regular fellowship opportuni es. Ac vely involve all club members. The goal of the Club Leadership Plan is to create an effec ve club that pursues the Object of Rotary, carrying out ac vi es along each Avenue of Services. Effec ve clubs are able to achieve the Object of Rotary by : Sustaining or increasing their membership base. Implemen ng successful projects that address the needs of its community and communi es in other countries. Suppor ng the Rotary Founda on through both financial contribu ons and program par cipa on. Developing leaders capable of serving in Rotary beyond the club level. The five pillars of the Club Leadership Plan for organiza onal structure are Membership Public Rela ons Administra on Service Projects The Rotary Founda on

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Master Key to a Vibrant Club Efficient club administra on is the Master Key to achieving the following : Is your club fun and energe c ? Does it stand out and make you proud ? Does it have its own iden ty ? Is it known for a signature ac vity ? Is its membership diverse, open to ideas and fully involved ? Is your club everything you want it to be ? Does your club meet the basic requirements of an effec ve club ? 1. Who are responsible for club administra on ? a. Board of Directors (BOD) and club officers b. Club administra on commi ee. 2. What are the responsibili es of BOD and club officers ? The Board of Directors : The governing body of the club shall be the board cons tuted as the bylaw may provide. a. Authority : The board shall have general control over all officers and commi ees and for good cause, may declare any office vacant. b. Board Ac on Final : The decision of the board in all club ma ers is final, subject only to an appeal to the club. c. Who are Club officers ? The club officers shall be a president, the immediate past president, a president-elect, and one or more vice presidents, all of whom shall be members of the board, and a secretary, a treasurer, and a sergeant-at-arms, who may or may not be members of the board as the bylaws shall provide. d. Role of President, Secretary, Treasurer. I. President: It shall be the duty of the president to preside at mee ngs of the club and the board. and to perform other du es as ordinary pertains to the office of president. ii. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep membership records; Record a endance at mee ngs; send out no ces of club, board, and commi ee mee ngs; Record and preserve the minutes of such mee ngs; Report as required to RI for financial obliga ons; Report changes in membership; Provide the monthly a endance report, which shall be sent to the district governor within 15 days of the last mee ng of the month; Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Master Key to a Vibrant Club





Collect and remit RI official magazine subscrip ons; and Perform other du es as usually pertain to the office of secretary. iii. Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to have custody of all funds, accoun ng monthly & annually and/or at any other me upon demand by the board, and to perform other du es as pertain to the office of treasurer. Upon re rement from office, the treasurer shall turn over to the incoming treasurer or to the president all funds, books of accounts, or any other club property & inventory. What are the responsibili es of the club administra on commi ee ? a. Develop commi ee goals to achieve club's annual and long range goals. b. Organize weekly mee ngs and special programs. c. Produce club bulle n and maintain club website. d. Help the club secretary track the club a endance. e. Promote fellowship among club members. f. Conduct any other ac vi es associated with the effec ve opera on of the club. What are the different recommended sub-commi ees of Club administra on ? a. Club programs. b. Club bulle n and website. c. A endance. d. Fellowship. What are the different types of mee ngs in Rotary ? Weekly mee ngs, Club assemblies, BOD mee ngs, Project mee ngs, AGM, Fellowship mee ngs, Installa on, OCV, Fireside mee ngs, etc. What makes an effec ve and good club mee ng ? Each mee ng shall have an agenda, president & secretary shall come prepared. Rotate the responsibili es of arranging programs among commi ee members. Observe special dates, weeks and months. Prepare con ngency plans in case the scheduled programs are cancelled. Conduct the mee ng in a dignified and professional manner with good me management. A pleasing venue with good refreshments. Have 2 to 3 mee ngs in a month with guest speakers. Provide 2 to 3 minutes of Rotary informa on in every mee ng. Announce forthcoming club program/projects, District Programs/Projects and important District and RI News/Events. The Sergeant-At-Arms has the important role of making the mee ng effec ve, ensuring that new members and guests are made comfortable.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Master Key to a Vibrant Club Encourage a endance of spouses and children, and Inner Wheel Club members, Rotaract, Interact, Senior Ci zens, other partnering organisa ons etc. Make it a point to recognize personal achievements of members and their family, Maintain a correct list of Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries. 7. What is the purpose of a club assembly ? A club assembly is an opportunity for all the club members. What are the things you can discuss in the club assemblies ? Review your club's strengths and weaknesses. Set goals and develop ac on plans. Understand how the ac on plans are implemented. Coordinate commi ee ac vi es. Par cipate in discussions that s mulate crea ve ideas for projects. Learn more about Rotary and its programs. Relevant topics for discussion include Annual and long range goals Service projects and club ac vi es Membership growth and reten on strategies. Rotary programs New members in par cular should be encouraged to a end these assemblies to learn more about the club. Eec ve clubs typically hold four to six club assemblies in a year. Many clubs hold monthly club assemblies. 8. What should the club bulle n and website aim to communicate ? Announce weekly club mee ngs Provide schedule of upcoming club ac vi es Discuss club goals, plans, and projects Report highlights of club and district mee ngs Foster fellowship by highligh ng special events in members' lives Address cri cal issues facing the club and Rotary Interna onal Promote club service projects and member par cipa on Sources of informa on for the club bulle n and Website include : Club board members and commi ee chairs Governor's monthly le er Assistant governor and district commi ees Club, district, and RI and TRF mee ngs The Rotarian or Rotary regional magazines Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Master Key to a Vibrant Club Rotary World and other RI publica ons Rotary website - Consider sending the club bulle n to club members by e-mail or producing an online version to post on your club's website. Use the guidelines below when crea ng club bulle ns and Websites : Include your club name, city, state/province, and country; and your club's RI district number in the bulle n heading. Publish it weekly. Incorporate photos of club members and events. Use your club name with any use of the Rotary name, emblem, or logos. 9. Has your club adopted Club leadership Plan ? How can it help you to make your club more vibrant ? Although it is not mandatory for every club to adopt CLP, every Rotary Club, new or old, can benefit from standardizing its administra ve procedures based on the best prac ces. CLP can help clubs realize many benefits : All members have a chance to voice their opinions on the club's future. Simplified club opera ons allows more focus on services & fellowship. Greater involvement develops future club and District leaders. Con nuity between appointments and the club goals eases the annual leadership transi on. Five Mandatory Commi ees : Club Administra on Membership Public Rela ons Service Projects The Rotary Founda on Implemen ng the Plan Develop long range goals that address the elements of an effec ve club. Use the planning guide for effec ve Rotary clubs to set annual goals that are in harmony with your club's long range goals. Conduct club assemblies that involve members. Ensure that communica on between club leaders, members & district leaders. Provide for con nuity in leadership, including the concept of succession planning, to ensure development of future leaders. Amend club bylaws to reflect the club commi ee structure and roles and responsibili es of club leaders, specially a er each COL mee ng. Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Master Key to a Vibrant Club Provide opportuni es to increase fellowship among club members. Ensure that every member is ac ve in a club project or func on. Develop a comprehensive training plan. Tradi on v/s Innova on. 10. Which are the informa on resources available for effec ve Club administra on ? Club President's Manual (222-EN), Component of the Club Officers' Kit (225-EN) Club Secretary's Manual (229-EN), Component of the Club Officers' Kit (225-EN) Club Treasurer's Manual (220-EN), Component of the Club Officers' Kit (225-EN) Manual of Procedure (035-EN) - Policies & procedures of Rotary Interna onal & its Founda on, issued every three years following the Council on Legisla on. It contains the RI cons tu onal documents. Recommended Rotary Club Bylaws and Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on. Office Directory (007-EN)-Contact informa on for RI and Founda on officers, commi ees, resource groups, and Secretariat staff; worldwide lis ng of districts and governors; alphabe cal lis ng of clubs within districts, including contact informa on. Planning Guide for Effec ve Rotary Clubs - Club assessment and goal se 'ng tool used to plan the club administra on commi ee goals. RI Visual Iden ty Guide (547-EN) - Guidelines for the design of publica on at all levels of Rotary and the proper use of the Rotary Marks. Strategic Planning Guide - Online tool for clubs to create a vision with suppor ng long range and annual goals. Running a Club - Aimed at helping club leaders gather informa on about effec ve club opera ons. Rotary Code of Policies and Rotary Founda on Code of Policies - revised following each Board or Trustees mee ng. All above available at Governor's Monthly Le er - Newsle er sent by the district governor (or published on a district website) District Directory - Lis ng of district leaders and Rotary World - Newsle er published quarterly for Rotary club and district leaders. The Rotarian (or Rotary regional magazine) - RI's official monthly magazine, which reports on club and district projects, RI Board decisions and RI mee ngs. In addi on, 31 Rotary regional magazines in 25 languages serve Rotarians around the world.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

The Membership Process

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Rotary Glossary Ac ve Member An ac ve member is one who has been elected to membership under a business or professional classifica on a n d e n j o y s a l l t h e o b l i ga o n s , responsibili es, and privileges of membership as provided in the RI Cons tu on and Bylaws. Areas of Focus The causes that Rotary focuses on include Peace and conflict preven on, disease preven on and treatment, water, sanita on and hygiene, maternal and child health, basic educa on and literacy, and community economic development. Club and District Support (CDS) Rotary staff who are knowledgeable about specific regions and specialize in member support, training, and Rotary policies and procedures. Cons tu onal Documents The governing documents of RI are the RI Cons tu on, the RI Bylaws, and the Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on. These documents can be amended only by the Council on Legisla on. Council on Legisla on (COL) A mee ng where representa ves from Rotary's 530 or more districts vote on policy that affect clubs worldwide. It takes place every three years. Council on Resolu ons A mee ng held online every year to vote on proposed resolu ons, which express opinions and make recommenda ons to the RI Board. District Conference An annual celebra on of district accomplishments and a mee ng where

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district decisions are made. Open to all members in the district. District Designated Fund (DDF) Money districts use to fund projects: 50 percent of its contribu ons to Annual Fund-SHARE from three years prior, plus 50 percent of any spendable earnings available from its contribu ons to Endowment Fund-SHARE. District Governor (DG) An officer of RI who works with a district team to run and lead the district, mo va ng and training clubs and connec ng them with resources. District Governor-Elect (DGE) The person chosen to serve as district governor for the upcoming year. District Governor-Nominee (DGN) The person who will serve as governor in two years. Districts are required to name their governors 24 months in advance. They then become district governors-nominee. The year before they take once, they are district governors-elect. District Membership Commi ee The commi ee that iden fies strategies for strengthening membership and promotes them to clubs in the district. District Rotary Founda on Commi ee Chair (DRFC) The chair of the commi ee that teaches clubs about the Founda on and inspires them to support its programs and ac vi es. District Training Assembly A training event where incoming club leaders are prepared for their roles. End Polio Now Zone Coordinators Regional leaders who serve as a 330

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary Glossary resource for local polio eradica on efforts. Endowment/Major Gi s Adviser (E/MGA) A regional leader who serves as a source of exper se on major gi s and Endowment Fund ma ers. Family of Rotary The family of Rotary includes all nonRotarians who are affected by Rotary's efforts, including alumni of Rotary programs and those who benefit from Rotary projects. General Secretary The head of the Secretariat, the general secretary manages staff at Rotary Interna onal World Headquarters and Rotary's interna onal offices. Governors - Elect Training Seminar (GETS) An annual training event where incoming district governors are trained for their roles by their regional leaders. Honorary Member Also referred to as honorary Rotarians, these members have the right to visit any Rotary club, but they cannot vote or serve as club officers. Clubs can elect people to honorary membership who have dis nguished themselves in humanitarian efforts or have otherwise exemplified Rotary's values. Interact Clubs for young people ages 12-18 who want to connect with others in their community or school. Members have fun while carrying out service projects and learning about the world. Interact clubs are sponsored by Rotary clubs. Interna onal Assembly An annual interna onal training event Let’s build a legacy... together!

where incoming district governors, known as governors-elect, from all Rotary districts are trained together. Manual of Procedure A concise version of Rotary's policies and procedures, updated every three years a er the Council on Legisla on. Official Directory A publica on with informa on about R o t a r y ' s B o a r d , Tr u s t e e s , a n d commi ees, as well as lis ngs of zones, alumni associa ons, Rotary Fellowships, and Rotarian Ac on Groups. An online edi on includes contact informa on of the more than 35,000 Rotary clubs. Paul Harris Fellow A person who has contributed $1,000 to The Rotary Founda on's Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or approved Founda on grants. The Founda on recognizes fellows with a Paul Harris Fellow medallion, lapel pin, and cer ficate. Paul Harris Society Members of the Paul Harris Society commit to give at least $1,000 each year to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or approved Founda on grants. PolioPlus The program launched by Rotary Interna onal in 1985 to tackle global polio eradica on through the mass vaccina on of children. Presidents-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) A district-level seminar that trains incoming club presidents on their role and responsibili es. Quorum The minimum number of par cipants who must be present when a vote is 331

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Rotary Glossary taken. Rotary's recommended bylaws set it as one-third of the club's members for club decisions and a majority of the directors for club board decisions. zRegional Leaders Regional Rotary Founda on coordinators, Rotary coordinators, Rotary public image coordinators, and endowment/major gi s advisers. Regional Rotary Founda on Coordinator (RRFC) A regional leader who supports and promotes the Founda on's grants and its fund raising for programs, such as PolioPlus and the Rotary Peace Centers. RI Director A Rotarian who serves on the RI Board for a two-year term. Each director is nominated by a club in his or her zone but is elected at the conven on by all the clubs, meaning that each director represents all clubs in the administra on of Rotary. RI President The member who serves as the leader of the organiza on for one year. RI President-Elect The member who will serve as the leader of the organiza on for the upcoming year. Rotaract Clubs for young people ages 18-30 in universi es and communi es worldwide that organize service ac vi es, develop their leadership and professional skills, and have fun. Rotaract clubs are sponsored by Rotary clubs but manage and fund their clubs independently. Rotarian An ac ve member of a Rotary club. Let’s build a legacy... together!

Rotarian Ac on Group (RAG) An autonomous group of Rotarians, family members, program par cipants and alumni who are experts in a par cular field, such as micro credit or water and sanita on, and advise clubs and districts on service projects. Rotary Alumni People who have par cipated in the following programs: Interact, Rotaract, R o t a r y Yo u t h E x c h a n g e , N e w Genera ons Service Exchange, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), Rotary Peace Fellowships, Rotary Scholarships (funded by global grants or district grants), voca onal training teams, and other programs. Rotary Cita on An award earned by clubs that accomplish a number of goals set by the RI president. Rotary Community Corps (RCC) A group of non-Rotarians who share our commitment to service, plan and carry out projects in their communi es, and support local Rotary club projects. Rotary Coordinator (RC) A regional leader, appointed by the RI president, who offers support and prac cal strategies for boos ng club membership and keeping members engaged. Rotary Fellowships Interna onal groups that share a voca onal or recrea onal interest. An example is the Interna onal Skiing Fellowship of Rotarians. Rotary Friendship Exchange A self-funded interna onal exchange opportunity for Rotary members, spouses, and non-Rotarians. 332

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary Glossary Rotary Global Rewards A member benefits program that gives Rotarians and Rotaractors special offers on goods and services, including entertainment, travel, business s e r v i c e s , i n s u ra n c e , a n d reta i l . Rotarians can also post offers to dining, the program. Rotary Interna onal (RI) Refers to the organiza on as a whole, not including The Rotary Founda on. Rotary Interna onal in Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI) An independent unit of Rotary Interna onal, subject to certain approvals by the RI Cons tu on. Rotary Interna onal Conven on The annual gathering held in a different world city each year to celebrate Rotary's accomplishments, hear updates and inspiring stories, and learn more about Rotary. Rotary Public Image Coordinator (RPIC) A regional leader appointed by the RI president, because of their exper se in public rela ons, journalism, and communica ons, to advise clubs on public image. Rotary Senior Leaders C u r re nt , i n co m i n g , a n d p a st R I presidents, directors, and Rotary Founda on trustees. Rotary Year 1 July-30 June. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) A leadership development program for students or young adults that is organised by a club, a district, or mul ple districts. Let’s build a legacy... together!

Secretariat The staff of Rotary Interna onal and The Rotary Founda on, which works at Rotary Interna onal World Headquarters and Rotary's interna onal offices and is led by the general secretary. SHARE The system that transforms contribu ons to The Rotary Founda on into grants and programs. The Rotary Founda on (TRF) The charitable arm of Rotary, created for humanitarian and educa onal purposes, leads the charge in ending polio and promo ng peace. Rotarians and friends of Rotary support the Founda on's works through grants, and takes on other ork through voluntary contribu ons. The Founda on works to end polio, funds global ini a ves. Trustee A member of the Board of Trustees of The Rotary Founda on, appointed by the RI president-elect. Voca onal Training Team A team of professionals who travel abroad to build their own capacity or the capacity of the community they visit. Zone A grouping of clubs, established by the RI Bylaws and defined by the RI Board, for the purpose of elec ng members of the nomina ng commi ee for president of Rotary Interna onal and for the nomina on of directors.


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary Basics

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Rotary Basics

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

A rac ng members through online tools & flexibility op ons Through this ar cle I wish to share how clubs can use the flexibility op ons now available post 2016 Council On Legisla on and harness the power of social media to a ract members especially younger ones. Dual membership in Rotary and Rotaract clubs Rotaractors can simultaneously hold separate membership in a Rotaract club and a Rotary club. Partner with your Rotaract club by a ending their mee ngs and interview its members and mo vate them to join the main Rotary club. The interview and interac on with Rotaractors will help understand the perspec ve of younger members. This will help the club to b ra i n st o r m m e t h o d s to d e fi n e t h e recruitment process.

Ja nder Singh, Manager RI South Asia Office, New Delhi

tradi onal a endance requirements may do so. Rule of 85. Rotarians can be excused from a endance if the combined total of their years of membership in one or more clubs plus their age equals at least 85, with their years of membership totaling at least 20.

Club Mee ngs


Ability to change mee ng schedules. Clubs can now vary their mee ng days and mes, and can cancel mee ngs, as long as they meet at least twice a month. However, any club that wishes to adhere to the tradi onal requirements regarding mee ngs and cancella ons may do so.

E-clubs and Rotary clubs. The dis nc on between tradi onal clubs and e-clubs was eliminated. While references to e-clubs have been removed from Rotary's cons tu onal documents, e-clubs may con nue to name and promote themselves as Rotary clubs that meet exclusively or primarily on-line.

In-person and online mee ng par cipa on. Clubs can have in-person mee ngs, online mee ngs, allow online par cipa on for an inperson mee ng, or switch between any of these formats.

In order to cater to new members the clubs can now cater to issues concerning limited me, long distances and physical mee ng loca on is now not a constraint. Even though it may not seem significant having these varied mee ng op ons and flexibility in a endance requirements have a huge impact on whether a club is able to recruit new members. A good exercise is to interview new members and ask them what they hope to do as a member. This will provide an unbiased informa on on what the members are looking for while joining Rotary.

A endance Ability to change rules. Clubs may relax or ghten a endance requirements and termina on policies for non-a endance. However, clubs are s ll expected to forward a endance reports to the governor. Any club that wishes to con nue adhering to the Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

A rac ng members through online tools & flexibility op ons Membership

determined by the club.

Rules and qualifica ons. Clubs may determine their own rules or requirements for transferring members, dual membership, and honorary members. They're also free to con nue following the tradi onal provisions for these members. The only mandatory qualifica ons for membership are that Rotarians must be adults who have demonstrated good character, integrity and leadership; have a go o d re p u ta o n i n t h e i r b u s i n e s s , profession and community; and are willing to serve in their community and around the world.

However, only ac ve members may be co n s i d e re d fo r o ffi c e a n d co u nt i n determining a club's vo ng strength.

New membership types Clubs may offer associate, corporate, family, or other membership types. Clubs offering these addi onal types would report these members to Rotary as "ac ve" for purposes of inclusion on the club invoice. Other financial obliga ons (club dues, meal costs, etc.), a endance requirements, and service expecta ons for these members are

Clubs need to explore word-of-mouth publicity to reach to larger group of audience. Efforts should be made to stay connected with the speakers that address the club mee ngs, visitors and former members. The speakers and visitors be kept informed and connected to the club by sharing the club's newsle er. They should be added to the club's social media accounts. These are valuable resource to connect with their sphere of contacts, family members and professional bodies. Invite the large group to club's next event and create a conversa on to engage with these poten al members. Clubs are encouraged to u lize the treasure trove of informa on resources available "Learning & Reference" area in My Rotary. This contains informa on and orienta on material by various roles (including new member) and by various topics.

Our top priority is ERADICATING POLIO. Thanks to Rotary and our interna onal partners, the number of polio cases has dropped 99 percent worldwide since 1988. But as long as polio threatens even one child, children everywhere are at risk. Rotary has contributed more than US$1 billion to the fight to end polio. Rotarians work relessly to leverage this investment, ac ng as advocates among communi es and with government leaders to keep them focused on eradica on. Rotary's partners include UNICEF, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preven on, the World Health Organiza on, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Founda on. Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Rotary Website

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Rotary Website

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How to create a my Rotary account

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How to create a my Rotary account

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Time Lines - Club Invoice July 2018 Invoices will be available at MyRotary by the mid of July 2018. Hard copy of the invoice will be sent to clubs which have not opted out of paper invoice. Clubs are required to pay the balance upon receipt of the invoice. The clubs are subject to termina on for nonpayment of dues 120 days a er the club invoice is issued. You are authorized to pay member dues if you are a Rotary club president, secretary, execu ve secretary/director, treasurer, membership chair, or Rotary Founda on chair and your posi on is reported with RI. Find your club invoice in the Club Finances sec on of Club Administra on. Clubs in India can make payment either by way of cheque/demand dra in favour of "Rotary Interna onal South Asia Office" or by way of NEFT/RTGS to the virtual account men oned in the invoice. Please note the virtual accounts are club specific. The amount should be paid at the prevailing RI exchange rate. If you make the payment by cheque, please men on your club's name& number and the invoice number on the reverse of it. Mail the bo om por on of the invoice and your cheque to the address on the invoice. Clubs outside India may either make the payment to respec ve fiscal agent or by online. Find your Daily Club Balance Report in the Club Finances sec on of Club Administra on. The informa on in this report is updated regularly and will reflect recent payments and member adjustments. District governors and assistant governors can also view this report. If you have reported the email addresses of your club officers and/or your club's permanent email address, you will receive an email no fica on when your invoice is ready to be viewed online. You will receive the paper invoice if you have not reported club officers' names and email addresses or if you have not

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opted out of receiving the paper invoice. Select Edit invoice preferences in the Club Finances sec on of Club Administra on. You can change your delivery op on before 1 January or 1 July for each invoice period. Your club invoice is calculated by the number of members in Rotary's database on 1 January and 1 July. You should register new members and remove terminated members within 30 days, or by 1 January or 1 July, whichever is sooner. Membership is calculated based on a member's admission or termina on date, and not the date the change was entered. For example, if a club officer removes a member from the club's membership list on 28 December, but enters 27 January for the effec ve date, that member will s ll be included on the club's January invoice because they are s ll an ac ve member on 1 January. Clubs are billed for all ac ve members as of 1 January and 1 July and are required to pay the amount that appears on the invoice. It is essen al to keep your club's member data current so you receive a correct invoice. You must make updates to your magazine subscrip on informa on by 1 January and 1 July. Report subscrip on changes (switching from The Rotarian to an approved regional magazine or vice versa, or a change in delivery format, including bulk distribu on) to Data Services at and to the regional magazine's office, if applicable. The subscrip on to the chosen publica on will con nue for the en re billing period. You can update your club membership in Club Administra on or email RI Data Services at Club officers can find their official member list by going to the Club Reports sec on of Reports.


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How to access Rotary Club Central

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Club Mee ng, Protocol & Decoram Fellowship Mee ng called to order / Benedic on / Welcome (Chief Guest / Visi ng Rtn. / Others) BD / WA / Members or their family achievements Rotary info capsules / Club resolu ons if any Projects / District events, RI News Introduc on of the Speaker Address of the Speaker Ques ons-Answers (op onal) Announcements Vote of Thanks (VOT) Adjustment me Na onal Anthem (Always with lead singer or play CD for lead) Adjournment Total

30 min 07 min 03 min 07 min 03 min 25 min 05 min 03 min 02 min 04 min 01 min 60 min

Important Notes : • The President must call the mee ng to order and adjourn. • Person introducing or giving VOT should be pre-decided. • Restrict Rotary ma ers to 20 minutes. • Maintain protocol in welcoming. • Crisp agenda. Typewri en and clipped order. No shuffling of papers. • Club banner with RI Theme must be prominently placed. • Benedic on is as per club's tradi ons. • Display of 4 way test is recommended.

Sea ng Protocol GOV

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Rotary Interna onal Time Line 1905

On 23rd February, 1905, Paul P. Harris, Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, and Hiram E. Shorey gathered in Loehr's office for what would become known as the first Rotary club mee ng.


The Rotary Club of Chicago performs one of its earliest service projects. In 1907, the club organizes a mee ng of civic organiza ons to discuss the need for comfort sta ons, or public toilets, to improve sanita on in Chicago.


Sixteen Rotary clubs in the United States join together to create the Na onal Associa on of Rotary Clubs of America (now Rotary Interna onal). Rotary founder Paul Harris is elected as its first president.


He Profits Most Who Serves Best was approved as the Rotary mo o at 1911 Rotary Conven on in Portland. Rotary formally approves two official mo oes in 1950: Service Above Self and He Profits Most Who Serves Best. In 2010, the la er is changed to One Profits Most Who Serves Best in 2010.


Rotary becomes an interna onal organiza on when a club is chartered in Winnipeg, Canada, in April 1912. To reflect this growth, the Na onal Associa on of Rotary Clubs changes its name to the Interna onal Associa on of Rotary Clubs at the 1912 Rotary Conven on. The name changes to Rotary Interna onal in 1922.


At the 1917 conven on, Arch C. Klumph, then president, proposes establishing an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world,” which becomes a precursor to The Rotary Founda on. The Rotary Founda on is formally named and a Board of Trustees created in 1928.


Rotary expands to South America with the chartering of a club in Montevideo, Uruguay, on February, 1919. The first club in Asia is chartered in Manila, Philippines, on 1st June, 1919.


The Rotary Club of Melbourne becomes the first club chartered in Australia on 1st April, 1921. Rotary reaches Africa with the chartering of the Rotary Club of Johannesburg, South Africa, on 1st July, 1921.


The Founda on's first program supports scholarships for graduate study abroad. It will be known by many names, most notably Rotary Founda on Fellows and Ambassadorial Scholars. In 2013, scholarships will be incorporated into new grant models.


Paul Harris Fellow recogni on is established in 1957 to show apprecia on for and encourage substan al contribu ons to the Founda on.


The first Interact club is chartered 5 November 1962 at Melbourne High School, Florida, USA, a few months a er the program was approved by the RI Board of Directors. Interact offers service opportuni es for intermediate and secondary school age youth.


The Rotary Founda on begins suppor ng club and district service projects through grants. Since, 2013, this support has taken the form of District and Global Grants.


The Rotaract Club of University of North Carolina-Charlo e, USA, becomes the first Rotaract Club chartered on 13 March 1968.


Rotary adopts the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA). Events teach leadership, communica on, and problem solving skills to secondary school students through young professionals.

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Rotary Interna onal Time Line


Rotary Interna onal begins its fight against polio in 1979 with a mul -year grant project to immunize children in the Philippines. This project helps set the stage for Rotary's PolioPlus program that launched in 1985.


Rotary is a founding member of the Global Polio Eradica on Ini a ve (GPEI) in 1988.


In 1999, the Trustees approve the crea on of the Rotary Centers for Interna onal Studies in peace and conflict resolu on, now known as Rotary Peace Centers. An inaugural class of Rotary Peace Fellows begins studies the 2002.


Rotary creates the Arch Klumph Society to recognize individuals, couples, and organiza ons that have contributed $250,000 or more to The Rotary Founda on.


New district, global and packaged grants unable Rotarians around the world to respond to the worlds greatest needs and founda on has received contribu on totalling more than $4 Billion.


In 2017, the Founda ons turns 100, and that was celebrated by Rotarians 24.3 million hours of volunteering and 30,000+ service projects carried out with contribu on of $304 million.

Great leaders don’t set out to be a Leader... They set out to make a difference. Its never about the role-always about the goal.

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Rotary in India Ÿ

CALCUTTA is the home town for the first Rotary club in the India.


R.J. Combes, the manager of a steel products company while on a business trip to U.S.A. was so impressed by the "Friendship, fellowship, and service" aspects of the movement called Rotary that he wanted to introduce the idea to his friends in Calcu a also.


The first mee ng was held on 26 September, 1919.


The new club was chartered on the New Year day of 1920 All the 20 charter members were non-Indians.


The first Indian member was S.C.Rudra who was inducted in 1921.


In 1921 itself Sir Surendranath Banerjee was made an honorary member.


The first Indian to become the club secretary was Ni sh C. Laharry (1926)


A.F.M. Abdul Ali was the first Indian to adorn the collar of a club president.


Except for the lone club chartered in Lahore (in Pakistan now) in 1927, for about a decade India had to be content with only one club, i.e. R.C. of Calcu a.


James Wheeler Davidson of Calgary, Canada(Marco Polo of Rotary) arrived on Indian shores with a firm determina on to spread Rotary in India. Jim Davidson planted Rotary in Bombay as well as Madras(now Chennai) in 1923.


On 10 May 1929, thirty charter members, all non-Indians assembled and elected C.G. Armstrong Chairman of Madras Port Trust as the charter president.


Even though Davidson organized a Rotary in Delhi also in 1929, in a couple of years the club had to be closed down. It was revived in 1939.


In 1930 two clubs were formed - Etah and Meerut.


In 1933 Rotary branched out to Amritsar and to Bangalore in 1934.


By 1936 Ahmedabad, Baroda, Jamshedpur, Poona and Sholapur had Rotary clubs.


Three clubs were chartered in 1937, Lacknow, Surat and Cochin.


Asansol, Madurai and Rajkot clubs were formed in 1938. Another three clubs at Agra, Salem and Jabalpur came into existence the next year.


Dehra Dun and Dharwad invited Rotary in 1940. The next year Rotary moved to Bhopal, Mithapur, Belgaum, and Nilgiris. Nilgiris clubs extended Rotary to Coimbatore in 1943. Visakhapatnam and Navsari clubs were already func oning. Patna club with 36 charter members was also formed the same year.


Other clubs of 1943 origin were Kakinada, Vijayawada, Bhuj, Pa ala, Kanpur, Allahabad, Guntur, Kolhapur and Patna. Tirunelveli club was also chartered in 1943.


Rotary clubs of Nagpur, Bharuch, Satara, Mysore and Bhavnagar were formed in 1944.

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Rotary in India Ÿ

In the two years that followed Cu ack, Dhanbad, Aloka, Nasik, Ratlam, Moradabad, Faizabad, Gadag, Indore, Jaipur, and Gorakhpur were added to the Rotary India map. Tirunelveli club took Rotary to Tu corin also in 1946.


As many as ten clubs were chartered in 1947. They were: Godhra, Gwalior, Palanpur, Nadiyad, Ambala, Mussoorie, Lucknow(2), Ahmednagar, Hubli, Vellore and Howrah.


Up to 1931-32, Rotary clubs in India were non-districted. From 1932 to1935 clubs in India, Burma and Ceylon were grouped under provisional District A. On 1 July 1935 District 89 was formed with clubs in Afghanistan, Burma, Ceylon and undivided India.


The first district governor was Sir Frederick E James (1935-36). Sir Phiroz Sethna followed him the next year. Sir F. E. James had to be once again at the saddle due to the sudden death of Phiroz Sethna.


The first conference of Provisional District "A" was held in 1932 at Calcu a with a total registra on of 39. The 1934 conference was held at Bombay and 1936 at Bangalore. Up to 1936, R.I. president was not represented at the conferences and there was no conference in 1934-35.


The first conference of Rotary District was in Madras in 1936-37 under the governorship of Sir F.E.James.


In 1939 District 89 was bifurcated to create District 88 also which consisted of Afghanistan, Burmah and part of undivided India. B.T. Thakur, Col. Warren Boulton and again B.T. Thakur were the D.G.s between 1939 and 1942.


Growth of Rotary in independent India was sluggish. In seven years (up to 1954) only 54 clubs could be added.


In 1968-69, Pakistan became a separate district.


The extension of Rotary in the second half of eigh es broke all the previous records.


In the first half of nine es also Rotary con nued to grow well. In 1996 there was remarkable growth of Rotary in India, thanks to Calgary Challenge. As many as 133 clubs were chartered in 1996. In 1995 the number of new clubs was only 74. In the first quarter of 1997, there were 1,791 clubs in India with a total membership of 68,043. As per latest figures(May'19), there are 38 districts with 3823 clubs & 1,51,142 rotarians including 18,844 women Rotarians. It is remarkable as general trend for membership in Rotary is either steady or on decline, India is showing remarkable growth.

Redistric ng or re-zoning is a process adopted by Rotary Interna onal, used from me to me, for administra ve convenience. Commen ng from 1st July 2019, districts in India will be divided into 4 Zones with 2 Rotary Interna onal Directors.

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Rotary in India The 1st regional oďŹƒce of South Asia was established in Bombay in 1934 & was later shi ed to Singapore in 1939, ll it eventually closed down in 1948. RI South Asia service centre was set up in Delhi on 1 Oct. 1984.

GROWTH OF ROTARY IN INDIA Year 1920 1930 1940 1947 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2019 (May)

Clubs 1 5 28 71 88 273 432 897 1595 2077 3051 3823

Members 24 257 1239 3302 3475 9656 16467 31597 55971 71531 111528 151142

Chart 1 : Growth of Rotary in India

Fill the brain with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out of that will come great work Swami Vivekanand

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Rotary Milestones: RID 3054 The Rotary District 3054's journey at a glance: YEAR

1931-32 1936-37 1944-45 Districts 89

1949-50 Districts 51 1952-53 Districts 51

1957-58 Districts 51 1962-63 Districts 305

1970-71 Districts 305

1972-73 Districts 305

1984-85 Districts 305

1991-92 Districts 3050 1994-95 Districts 3050

2013-2017 2017


as Provisional District A comprising whole of India Same as Provisional District albeit with minor changes Included Bombay Presidency comprising Kutch, Centralprovinces excluding Jabalpur District, Hyderabad (DecCan), Kathiawar and Western Indian States Previous district 89-complete Rajputana was in this District Bombay State that por on north of the northern boundaries o he district of Thana. Nasik and East Khandesh, Northern and Western boundaries of the state of Madhya Pradesh, West of Eastern boundary of the state of Madhya Bharat and south of the northern boundary of the state of Rajasthan Same as previous District 51 Gujarat state, Maharashtra state, that por on including the district of west Khandesh, Madhya Pradesh, that por on west of the eastern boundaries of the District of Nimar (in Which Khargon is located) Indore, Sehore, Raisen Hills, Guna, Shivpuri, Da a, Bhind and the state of Rajasthan Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, those por ons north of line running from Dwarka on the west (including Dwarka) to the western boundary of the District of Bhopal, the tropic of cancer and north of the northern boundaries of the Districts of Bhopal and Raisen and West of the western boundary of the District of Sagar in Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, those por ons north of the line running from Dwarka on the West (including Dwarka) to the point where the western boundary of the District of Bhopal crosses the tropic of Cancer, and north of the District of Bhopal and Bhilsa Redistric ng took place as under with eect from 1st July, 1984, clubs transferred from District 3050 to districts men oned below: 304: Jorora, Lunawada, Mandsuar, Neemuch, Ratalm, Santrampur, Shajapur. 305: Dharangadhra, Jamnagar, Kapadwanj, Mithapur, Morbi, Surendra Nagar, Halvad. 309: Hanumangarh, Sangaria, Sri Ganganagar, Suratgarh The RI District 305 Changed to District 3050 from 1st July, 1991 The RI District 305 includes club (State wise). Those clubs con nue to be in District 3050 which are in the revenue district men oned below: GUJARAT: The revenue district of Banaskantha, Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Kutch, Mehsana, Patan, Sabarkhanta. MADHYA PRADESH: Bhind, Ashoknagar, Gwalior, Morena, Shivpuri, Guna. RAJASTHAN: Ajmer, Alwar, Banswara, Baran, Barmer, Bharatpur, Bhilwara, Bikaner, Bundi, Chi orgarh, Sardarshar, Dungarpur, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Jalore, Jhalawar, Jodhpur, Kota, Pali, Rajsamand, Sikar, Sirohi, Tonk, Udaipur. The district trifurcates into 3051, 3052 and 3053 Two districts 3051 & 3052 have unified and became 3054 from 1st July 2017

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History of Rotary Emblem ROTARY HISTORY How Rotary’s emblem evolved Rotary Club of Chicago emblem, circa 1906. The Rotary wheel, unchanged since 1924, was redesigned many mes in the early years of the organiza on. A Rotary Club of Chicago emblem that featured a wagon wheel influenced early logos of other clubs and Rotary Interna onal. Early club emblem In 1905, Montague M. Bear, an engraver and member of the Rotary Club of Chicago, sketched a wagon wheel with 13 spokes as a club emblem. When fellow club members began to complain that the design was sta c and lifeless, Bear added flourishes that made the wheel appear to ride on a bed of clouds. Unfortunately, some Rotary Club of members felt the clouds looked like dust, defying Chicago emblem, the laws of physics by being kicked up on both circa 1906. sides of the wheel. Bear responded by superimposing a banner with the words “Rotary Club” over the clouds. Early associa on emblem In 1911, Secretary Chesley R. Perry recommended that “ac on be taken by the Na onal Associa on to establish the wheel as the basic part of the emblem of every Rotary club.” Clubs were invited to submit designs to an emblem commi ee before the 1912 conven on in Duluth, Minnesota, USA. The Duluth conven on provided some defini on. “The emblem consists of the basic principle of a wheel with gears cut on the outer edge. ... The spokes are to be so designed as to indicate strength; the object of the gears, or cogs, being two-fold: First to relieve the plainness of the design, and Second, to symbolize power.” The word “Rotary” appeared at the top and “Interna onal Associa on” at the bo om. (Rotary became an interna onal organiza on in 1912.) Clubs were encouraged to use a similar design, placing the name of their city at the bo om instead of “Interna onal Associa on.” The number of spokes and cogs was Let’s build a legacy... together!


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History of Rotary Emblem unspecified. As a result, many varia ons on the emblem were in use by 1918.

A standard emblem To address the growing number of emblems, the Board appointed Charles Mackintosh, of the Rotary Club of Chicago, Illinois, USA, and Oscar Bjorge, of the Rotary Club of Duluth, Minnesota, USA, to the commi ee charged with standardizing the Rotary emblem. Bjorge dra ed an emblem with six spokes and 24 cogs, giving it a sturdy appearance. In this design, the number of teeth and spokes was intended to reflect a real, working gearwheel. The number of spokes and cogs did not reflect any specific aspect of Rotary’s history or its programs, and this is s ll true today.

Oscar Bjorge’s design for the Rotary emblem, as published in the January 1920 issue of The Rotarian.

In November 1919, the Board adopted Bjorge’s design and a detailed descrip on, and the 1921 conven on formally approved them. For many years, descrip ons of the emblem simply referred to an ar cle called “Redesigning the Rotary Wheel” in the January 1920 issue of The Rotarian, which announced the Board’s decision. By 1924, Bjorge’s design had been modified to include a keyway. This addi on has been a ributed to Will R. Forker, of the Rotary Club of Los Angeles, California, USA. He was reported to have said Bjorge’s design made no provision for the transfer of power to or from a sha , rendering the wheel idle. Forker perceived Rotary as a “living force,” and inser ng a keyway into the hub made the new wheel a “real worker.”

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History of Rotary Emblem In January 1924, the Board formally approved the emblem that was then in use. Not all wri en descrip ons were updated immediately, however. To clear up any confusion caused by the various decisions about the emblem between 1912 and 1929, a standard descrip on of the exis ng design, with a keyway, was approved by the 1929 conven on. A mark of excellence For many years, the wheel stood alone as our logo. Although the words “Rotary Interna onal” are embedded in the wheel, they’re hard to read from a distance. So in 2013, Rotary expanded the official logo to include the word “Rotary” next to the wheel. The Rotary wheel remains our mark of excellence. In addi on to being part of the official logo, it may be enlarged for greater impact and used separately but near the logo. Using the emblem The Rotary emblem, like Rotary’s name and other logos, is a registered trademark. Clubs, districts, and Rotary En es are welcome to use the Rotary The Rotary emblem today. emblem subject to the guidelines for the use of the Rotary Marks as set forth by the RI Board of Directors. These guidelines govern the use of the Rotary Marks on all merchandise, promo onal materials, and publica ons, including domain names and websites. For current guidelines on size and placement, see Rotary’s voice and visual iden ty guidelines. Clubs can download the logo and find templates to create club logos in our Brand Center.

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Important Websites

Rotary Interna onal


RI District 3012


Rotary India Literacy Mission


Rotary India South Asia Office (RISAO)


India Polio Plus Commi ee


Rotary News


Rotary Global History Fellowship


TRF Grants


Library of Graphics for Rotarians


Rotarians on the Internet Fellowship

- .org

Community of the Rotarians by the


Rotarians and for the Rotarians Rotary Leadership Ins tute (RLI)

- www.rotaryleadershipins

RI's slideshows on Rotary

- onal/slideshows

Rotary Global History Fellowship

- www.rgh

Rotary Video Channels

- na onal

Computer User Fellowship of Rotarians -

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Rotary's T-E-A-C-H Program The Rotary India Literacy Mission is an ini a ve of Rotary South Asia Society for Development and Coopera on. RILM's objec ves are Total literacy and Quality Educa on in India. RILM has designed a comprehensive program “T-E-A-C-H” where T stands for Teacher Support, E for E-learning, A for Adult Literacy, C for Child Development and H for Happy Schools. Teacher Support program aims to improve the professional abili es and performances of teachers through training, recogni on to outstanding teachers and supplemen ng the efforts of teachers through volunteer teachers in schools. The E-learning program of RILM aims at improving the quality of teaching and learning through the use of Curriculum based audio visual modules in local languages. The Adult Literacy program seeks to impart func onal literacy to non-literate adults (15+ ages) across India through a primer developed by RILM. The other component of Adult Literacy is Skill Development where we are providing training to 30,000 widows across India over a period of 5 years. The Child Development program of RILM, also known as Asha Kiran …a ray of hope is to bring /send out of school children back to schools. The program is currently being implemented in 13 states of India in partnership with 30 Non-Government Organiza ons. Under Happy School program, selected Govt./Govt.-aided primary and elementary schools are provided with /upgrade specific infrastructural facili es to create a joyful teaching learning experience. Our milestones over the last four years: Ver cal Teacher Support

Adult Literacy Child Development

Total Achievement 68,786 teachers trained & felicitated with NBA 15,286 schools provided with E-learning facility 87,870 adults reached 37,436 children in the program

Happy School Library

2,758 Happy Schools created 3004 created across India


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Inner Wheel achievement 14,000 approx. 1500 approx. 15,000 approx. 13,000 children sponsored with a dona on of Rs.2.75 Crore 1,300 approx. 584 approx. as reported

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Rotary's T-E-A-C-H Program The progress that we have been able to make ll now has largely been because of the huge support at the grassroots level by Rotarians and Inner Wheel members add to this the support that we receive from the government at both na onal as well as state level resulted in MoUs with different governments. At the state level we already have understanding with Government of Maharsahtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and soon to be with Government of Haryana for the E-learning program of RILM. Through these partnerships we will be able to reach out to 1, 39,000 schools and touch lives of 2, 78, 00,000 students. Our Adult Literacy program has also been collec ng accolades from the Government. Sri Prakash Javadekar, Minister, Human Resource Development and Ms. Rina Roy, Secretary Educa on, MHRD have praised our effort in implemen ng the Disha Primer (a primer developed by RILM to teach an adult illiterate) and has been adopted by the Government for their na onal adult literacy program to be announced in September. The T-E-A-C-H program has received acclama on from the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi. Three successive educa on ministers of India have commended this program. In fact the current Educa on Minister of India Mr. Prakash Javadekar launched 5000 libraries under the T-E-A-C-H program on Interna onal Literacy Day 2016. Every year RILM organizes a training program for its Na onal Commi ee Members, “Ignite” to ensure proper implementa on, monitoring and assessment of the T-E-A-C-H program. A Literacy Summit is also organized each year which is a ended by nearly 2500 Rotarians and Inner Wheel members. Important partnerships are forged here and stalwarts from the field of literacy a end this summit as speakers. The Literacy Hero Awards is an integral part of this summit where the awardees are selected by eminent jury members and also through public vo ng. The T-E-A-C-H program has been a major public image building exercise for Rotary in India. One example was the celebra on of Interna onal Literacy Day where Rotarian and Inner Wheel members took part in various ac vi es related to T-E-A-C-H to spread awareness on Literacy. More than 175 newspapers carried news of T-E-A-C-H ac vi es that the Clubs had undertaken. With the enthusiasm of the Rotarians in India and with stalwarts in the field of literacy joining hands to work with us, we are hopeful to make a posi ve impact in the literacy scenario.

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Rotary WinS Program The WASH in Schools Target Challenge is a pilot program developed by Rotary Interna onal to mo vate Rotary clubs to develop sustainable WASH, and educa on projects using the exper se and resources available through two of Rotary's areas of focus: basic educa on and literacy and water and sanita on. The program runs from January 2016 to June 2020 in five countries, all chosen for their strong, ac ve involvement in school sanita on efforts: Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, India, and Kenya. The pilot project is conceptually structured using a three-star (three-level) implementa on and recogni on approach, measuring outcomes such as number of schools with sustainable WASH facili es, numbers of students involved, school a endance increase, and behavioral criteria. This ini a ve challenges Rotarians to work within two areas of focus (Basic Educa on & Literacy and Water & Sanita on) by undertaking WASH projects in Government schools that structure both the infrastructure needs and creates behavioral change resul ng in greater educa onal outcomes. Recogni on Levels: A Three-Star Approach The pilot challenges the Rotary clubs to work together with schools for WASH to reach three levels of achievements. The first two levels (Rotary One Star and Rotary Two Stars) set benchmarks for water and sanita on facility upgrades, hygiene educa on, and teacher training, along with key behavior-change components; the third level (Rotary Three Stars) emphasizes incorpora on into government ini a ves and enhancements to the curriculum. Successful comple on of a Rotary One Star project will earn clubs district level recogni on; comple on of the Rotary Two and Three Star requirements will earn recogni on from Rotary Interna onal and UNICEF. To guide the clubs and districts in India a na onal level recogni on commi ee has been formed with 14 members from various districts in India led by PDG Ramesh Aggarwal as its Chair to guide Rotarians about the recogni on process and validate applica ons for the One Star recogni ons. Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Rotary WinS Program Ro ta r y C l u bs i n I n d i a i n Ac ons: The WASH in Schools Target Challenge which perfectly aligns with Swachh Vidyalaya, na onal program, is now our flagship program. Rotary clubs in India are now ac vely engaged in implemen ng WASH in the Government s c h o o l s a c ro s s I n d i a i n fulfilment of our commitment to provide WASH in Schools in government schools across India. Since 2016, considerable progress has been made by Rotary clubs across all the states in over 30000 schools with the support of state educa on departments and their district level officials. With the interven on of Rotary, a large number of schools now have improved gender segregated sanita on, group handwashing and safe drinking water facili es. A large number of Rotarians and their partners in service have been trained and sensi zed on Swachh Vidyalaya and on the use of behavior change methodologies. They are now engaged in training teachers, school management commi ees, child cabinets, parents and students on handwashing, opera on and maintenance, MHM and good hygiene prac ces to make the program sustainable. During this Rotary Year 2019-20, the Rotary districts in India have commi ed to implement WinS in over 15000 schools across the country. Taking into account the huge enthusiasm in Rotary Clubs across India, we are confident that we will surpass our goal of 15,000 schools. Water, sanita on and hygiene in schools refers to a combina on of technical and human development components that are necessary to develop and support appropriate health and hygiene behavior among children leading to a healthy school environment. The technical components include drinking water, handwashing, toilet and soap facili es in the school compound for use by children and teachers. The human development components are the ac vi es that promote condi ons within the school and the prac ces of children that help to prevent water, hygiene and sanita on related diseases. Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary WinS Program Key Elements of WASH in Schools: Ÿ

Upgrada on of sanita on facili es in schools including the construc on of child friendly separate toilets for boys and girls wherever required and repairs of exis ng sanita on facili es.


Sufficient group handwashing facili es with soap for students wherein groups of 1012 students can wash hands at the same me.


Child friendly Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) facili es including private space for changing and disposal of menstrual waste.


Daily provision of child-friendly and sustainable safe drinking water and adequate water for handwashing.


Provision for regular supply of cleaning materials & consumables to ensure that the WASH facili es are clean and well maintained.


Ac vi es and programs for staff & school children to promote the correct use & maintenance of facili es.


Behavior Change Communica on (BCC) messages integrated in regular curriculum


Strengthening of Child Cabinet/ School Management Commi ee (SMC) to lead WASH ini a ves.


Training teachers, SMC, Panchayat, Child Cabinet, parents etc. on the importance of WASH, MHM educa on, effec ve facilita on, financing, managing and monitoring of WinS program.

GROUP HANDWASHING Group Handwashing is a path breaking innova on that can poten ally improve the educa on and health outcomes of 110 million children who have m i d - d ay m e a l d a i l y, a c ro s s I n d i a . G ro u p Handwashing ensures that all children wash hands in 'groups', stand facing each other, exchange posi ve messages, make 'eye to eye' contact and enjoy the process. Handwashing with soap before the government-supplied Mid-day Meal (MDM) is important because children are most energe c, enthusias c and open to new ideas and change. As powerful agents of behavioral change, children can take lessons they have learned at school back home to teach their parents, siblings and elders on good hygiene behaviors such as handwashing with soap.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary WinS Program The handwashing sta ons are simple, scalable and sustainable, and rely on usage of minimum water, while the facili es are developed using local materials. The Mission ins tu onalizes group hand washing with soap sessions before the mid-day meals are served, which is supervised by teachers, DM cooks and also by Child Cabinet members. FAST FACTS: Ÿ

Washing hands with soap at two cri cal mes – a er using the toilet and before ea ng food – reduces the incidence of diarrhea by an average of 30 per cent.


Handwashing with soap can reduce the incidence of acute respiratory infec ons (ARIs) by more than 20 per cent.


Handwashing promo on in schools can play a role in reducing the number of days children miss school.


Handwashing with soap is one of the most cost-effec ve interven ons to prevent diarrhea-related deaths and disease.


By washing hands with soap children get the nutri onal benefits intended, rather than inges ng bacteria, germs and viruses.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054



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cle cle-1 cle -2 cle -3 cle -4 cle -5 cle -6 cle -7 cle - 8 cle -9 cle -10 cle -11 cle-12 cle -13 cle-14 cle-15 cle-16 cle -17

Par culars Preamble Defini ons District Officers District Leadership Plan Rotaract and Interact Training District Conference Council of Governors / College of Governors (COG) District Mee ngs Le erhead District Fund District Elec on Awards and Recogni ons Extension Grievance Commi ee District Assets / Records Procedure for Amendments

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3054 BY-LAWS Ar cle 1

Preamble These bylaws will be called as District Bylaws of Rotary Interna onal District 3054. These bylaws are being established to provide recommenda ons and guidelines to strengthen the func on of the District but nothing in these bylaws shall be contrary to any recommenda ons, policy, defini on or guidelines issued by the Board of Directors of Rotary Interna onal, or to the cons tu on and bylaws of Rotary Interna onal as amended from me to me. Nor are these intended to impair or impede the role of District Governor in performance of his responsibili es as provided in the cons tu on and bylaws of Rotary Interna onal.

Ar cle 2

Defini ons 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Club R.I. R.I.D. Governor Member Year Past President

8. PDG

9. COG 10. COL

Ar cle 3 Sec on 1:

: : : : : : :

A Rotary Club in Dist. 3054 Rotary Interna onal. Rotary Interna onal District. The Governor of RID 3054 An ac ve member of a Rotary Club. Rotary Year. 1st July to 30th June. A member who has served as President of a club for a full term or be a charter president of a club having served the full term from the date of charter to 30 June, provided that this period is for at least six months. : Past District Governor who served for a full term as Dist. Governor and con nues as a member of any club. : College of Governors / Council of Governors. : Council on Legisla on.

District Officers The officers of the district shall include the following: District Governor Nominated by the District as herein provided, and elected at the Rotary Interna onal conven on, he/she shall perform all du es and responsibili es as laid down in the bye-laws of Rotary Interna onal, and as delegated to him/her from me to me by the District Conference /

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


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District Training Assembly. He/she shall be ex-officio chairman of all the District Commi ees. District Governor Elect / Nominee Nominated by the District as herein provided, he / she shall be ex-officio member of all the commi ees of the District, and shall be responsible for du es as may be delegated to him/her by the District Governor / District Conference / District Training Assembly. District Secretary a) Appointment by the District Governor to serve during his/her term of office, the District Secretary must be a past president of a Rotary Club, and shall be responsible for maintaining the district records, the prepara on and circula on of the minutes of College of Governors and other mee ngs including the District Conference as directed by the District Governor. b) The records maintained by him/her shall include: i) Locali es of clubs. ii) Bylaws as adopted by clubs. iii) Resolu ons adopted at the District Conference iv) Copies of the Semi Annual and Annual reports of the District Governor v) District Governor's Monthly Le ers. c) He/she shall pass on all the records to the succeeding governor within 15 days of the comple on of office, that is, before July 15. District Treasurer Appointed by the District Governor to serve during his/her term of office, the District Treasurer shall be a Rotarian, preferably a Chartered Accountant and at least a Past President who is well versed in maintaining accounts. He/she shall be responsible for collec on of District Dues, and for making payments authorized by the District Governor.

Ar cle 4:

District Leadership Plan

Sec on 1:

A. Assistant Governors The District Governor shall administer the District by appoin ng Assistant Governors as in charge of respec ve zones as created by the Governor. For District 3054, the Governor will divide the District in minimum 15 and maximum 30 zones, each served by one Assistant Governor. He/she will ensure that no Assistant Governor would be assigned less than 5 clubs and more than 12 clubs.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3054 BY-LAWS Sec on 2:

Sec on 3:

Sec on 4:

It is the preroga ve of the District Governor to appoint / remove / change Assistant Governor. The Assistant Governor shall maintain close rapport with Governor, Chairmen and Key persons of various commi ees. To be eligible for appointment as Assistant Governor in any of the Zones, a Rotarian must fulfill the following requirements at the beginning of his term as AG: a) He / she has been a Rotarian in good standing in clubs for at least five years and an ac ve Past President. b) He / she has served as President in a Rotary Club for a complete term. c) He / she is not a Past District Governor, or District Governor Nominee. d) He / she has demonstrated outstanding performance at the District level. e) He / she has the willingness and ability to accept the responsibili es of Assistant Governor. f) He / she has the poten al for future leadership in the District. Role of Assistant Governor The publica on 244-EN-(716), Assistant Governors Training Manual and standardized District Leadership Plan give many details but following are some of the responsibili es which Assistant Governor is supposed to shoulder in addi on to the special condi ons imposed in the District 3054 bylaws: a) To a end the Assistant Governor’s Training Seminar and the District Training Assembly. b) To a end the President – Elect Training Seminar. c) To work with the District Governor to develop goals for the district. d) To meet with and assist the incoming Presidents of the clubs in their assigned area before beginning of the Rotary year to discuss the club goals and review the Summary of Club Plans and Objec ves. e) To visit each club in his / her assigned area regularly with a minimum of one visit each quarter of the Rotary year. f) To conduct the Club Assembly associated with District Governor’s official visit. g) To hold regularly scheduled mee ngs (preferably monthly but not less than quarterly) with Club Presidents and Secretaries to discuss the business of the clubs and resources available to them, along with goals, programs, and objec ves of the District and R.I. h) To schedule and plan for the visit of the District Governor to the area, the purpose of which should be to enhance Rotary’s objects.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


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i) To keep the District Governor posted on progress within the assigned clubs and suggest ways to enhance Rotary’s image in the respec ve communi es. j) To encourage clubs to follow through on requests and recommenda on of the District Governor. k) To a end and ac vely promote a endance at the District Conference and other District mee ngs. l) To monitor each club’s performance with respect to service projects.. Addi onal condi ons in the District 3054 District Leadership Plan a) The Assistant Governor shall have maximum 3 terms with at least a gap of one year between two such appointments. b) The District Governor / Incoming Governor shall not appoint any person as Assistant Governor who was a member of the Nomina ng Commi ee that selected the said District Governor / Incoming Governor or was the President during the year of his/her elec on if the elec on had taken place in that year. B. District Commi ees and Appointments The District Governor shall appoint the following Standing Commi ees along with any other Commi ees he/she may deem necessary as per R.I. guidelines received from me to me for implemen ng the various programs of Rotary and administra on of the District. 1. Elec on Commi ee 2. Membership Development Commi ee 3. Public Rela ons Commi ee 4. Voca onal Service Commi ee 5. Rotaract Commi ee 6. Interact Commi ee 7. Polio Plus Commi ee 8. Rotary Founda on Commi ee 9. Youth Exchange commi ee. 10. World Community Service Commi ee 11. Group Cultural Exchange Commi ee 12. Rotary Volunteers Commi ee 13. District History Commi ee 14. District Finance Commi ee 15. Legisla ve Commi ee. Every Commi ee shall work in accordance with the terms of reference defined in Manual of Procedures (MOP), Code of Policies (COP) and TRF

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


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Code of Policies. The incoming District Governor should appoint the commi ee for his/her year latest by 30th April. The Commi ees shall submit their plans of ac on to him/her 15 days before the District Assembly where he/she shall unfold the plans for his/her year. The District Rotaract Representa ve shall be a member of the District Rotaract Commi ee during the tenure of office.

Rotaract and Interact 5 A Rotaract Rotaract is an important part of Rotary ac vi es and the District Rotaract Commi ee shall guide and coordinate all Rotaract ac vi es as per policy of Rotary Interna onal. The District Rotaract Representa ve shall be selected as per guidelines issued by Rotary Interna onal from me to me, and will be a member of the District Rotaract Commi ee. Rotary Clubs are encouraged to help Rotaract ac vi es, but are not obliged to provide funds for their projects. Rotaract Clubs should not solicit funds from Rotary Clubs or Rotaract Clubs without the permission of the Rotary club President at local level, and without the permission of the District Governor at the District level. Past, present and incoming R.I. Officers shall be encouraged to par cipate at District and Mul ple District Func ons, provided these mee ngs have the wri en approval of the District Rotaract Commi ee and the District Governor. 5 B Interact District Interact Commi ee shall guide and coordinate all Interact ac vi es as per policies of Rotary Interna onal. Dist. Governor will appoint a Chairman for Interact Commi ee and can further appoint 3 to 4 members to assist the Chairman. Rotary Clubs are encouraged to help Interact on regular basis, but are not obliged to provide funds for their projects. Interact Clubs should not solicit funds without the permission of the sponsoring Rotary club at local level, and without the permission of the District Governor at the district level. All Rotary clubs shall invite Interactors to the important events of their clubs as well as District. The District Governor in consulta on with District Interact Chairman will appoint District Interact Representa ve for his/her year.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3054 BY-LAWS Ar cle 6:


Sec on 1:

Following important training seminars will be held every year before the beginning of each Rotary Year. i) Assistant Governor Training Seminar (AGTS) ii) District Officers Training Seminar (DOTS)/District Team Training Seminar (DTTS). iii) President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) iv) Secretary Elect Training Seminar (SETS) v) District Training Assembly It will be compulsory for all the Assistant Governors, Presidents Elect and Secretaries elect and all District officers to undergo respec ve trainings as prescribed by Rotary Interna onal. It will also by compulsory for all Clubs Commi ee Chairpersons to a end the Dist. Training Assembly. To begin with, District Governor together with the DGE & DGN will prepare a panel of trainers for impar ng training at different levels. Preferably, only such trainers, who have been trained and cer fied, shall be invited as faculty during district level training programs. District may consider a 3-year term for the panel members to maintain con nuity. In the beginning the panel members shall be appointed on a staggering term basis - 2 members (3 years), two members (2 years) 2 members (1 year). This way, each year two panel members will re re and the incoming Governor shall appoint 2 members to the panel for 3 years and so on. This however shall not impede or interfere with the working of the District Trainer, appointed by the District Governor. Whenever necessary, District Trainer shall take help of professional trainers to ensure that the District leaders at club and zone level are given the best exposure to training.

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Ar cle 7:

District Conference

Sec on 1:

District Conference is the General Assembly of the District and thus is the most important District event where R.I. President deputes his/her representa ve as an observer. The host club and venue of the District Conference shall be decided by the District Governor. The District Governor shall chair this Conference and he/she will appoint a Convener and Secretary for the same. All important issues, including the elec ons if any shall be decided by the delegates (clubs) present in this conference. The Conference will be

Sec on 2: Sec on 3: Sec on 4:

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Sec on 5:

minimum 2 days and maximum 3 days. The agenda will be finalized by the Governor as per the guidelines of Rotary Interna onal. District conference shall be held annually. The conference dates shall not conflict with the district assembly, the interna onal assembly or the interna onal conven on.

Ar cle 8

Council of Governors / College of Governors (COG)

Sec on 1:

The District Governor, DGE, DGN and past officers of Rotary Interna onal who are members of Rotary Clubs in the District shall cons tute the Council of Governors, with the District Governor as Chairman. The Council of Governors will meet at least 2 mes in a year. Out of these mee ngs, one shall be held a er the return of Governor Elect from the Interna onal Assembly but before or during the District Training Assembly and one COG mee ng shall be held at the me of District Conference in which RIP Representa ve will be invited. At Council mee ngs, with the excep on of RIP Representa ve during Conference, no outside guest, PDG of another District or any Rotary Dignitary will be invited. However, District Secretary General will be allowed to sit during the Council mee ngs. He/she will take notes but would not be permi ed to par cipate in discussions. The District Budget, accounts and all ma ers which need the approval of the District shall first be circulated to the COG, who may make appropriate recommenda ons to the District Governor, if necessary. The responsibili es of the Council will be to help and guide the Governor in the running of the District. It can not give orders or direc ons to the Governor and shall remain only an advisory body. It will not impede the rights and authority of the Governor, as prescribed by the Rotary Interna onal. Thus the Council will only make recommenda ons, unanimous or through majority vote, and shall not take any decisions on behalf of District or District Governor.

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Ar cle 9:

District Mee ngs District Mee ngs such as but not limited to District Conference, TRF Seminar , Polio Meet, Membership Conference, Intercity Meets etc. will always be presided by the District Governor. If for any reasons, due to a last minute emergency, the District Governor is not able to a end these mee ngs, DGE or any Past District Governor as authorized by the Dist. Governor and no fied in wri ng shall preside over such mee ngs:

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3054 BY-LAWS For all District mee ngs, without prejudice to the protocol s pulated by Rotary Interna onal through the Manual of Procedures, following protocol shall be followed: i) Conference / Seminar / meet Chairman ii) Counselor iii) President, Host Club. iv) Recep on Commi ee Chairman v) District Chairman of the program vi) Secretary of the Meet vii) Any other officer appointed / invited for the purpose.

Ar cle 10:

Le erhead Except for the current, past and incoming officers of Rotary Interna onal, or those Rotarians who have been appointed by the R.I. President or the R.I. Board to serve Rotary Interna onal, no Rotarian, even though serving as a club officer, or a District Commi ee Chairman shall use the Rotary Interna onal Le erhead. The District Chairman can, however, use District le er-head with Rotary emblem while communica ng with Rotarians.

Ar cle 11:

District Fund

Sec on 1:

District Fund shall be established to be used for purpose hereina er men oned, and administered as per provisions contained herein. The District Fund shall be used for the followings: a) To contribute towards the Presidents-elect and Secretaries-elect Training Seminar the District Training Assembly and the District Conference and other Training program to the extent provided in the District Budget. b) To meet the expenses for District Publica on as provided in the District Budget. c) To meet part of the expenses on training and orienta on of the District Rotaract Representa ve as per recommenda ons of Rotary Interna onal. d) To meet any other expenses as may be approved and provided in the District budget. e) To meet travel expenses for to and fro journey by train in AC two- er for the District representa ve a ending the mee ng for selec on of R.I. Director Nominee.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Sec on 2:

f) To meet the expenses of District awards. a) The District fund shall be managed by a commi ee appointed by the District Governor and shall be headed by a Past District Governor. There will be two more members of this commi ee. One of these two members will be a senior Rotarian with qualifica on of Chartered Accountancy and shall be called Treasurer. These appointments will also be done by the District Governor. b) The incoming District Governor shall prepare an es mate of the income for District Fund based on the per capita District dues and the proposed expenses during the year in the form of a District Budget. This budget shall be circulated by him / her to all the clubs, at least 4 weeks before the District Training Assembly or in the COG mee ng before Dist. Training Assembly. This will then be formally presented to the District Training Assembly by the Finance Commi ee Chairman for approval by simple majority of the clubs present in the Assembly at that me. c) The Guidelines issued by previous District Finance Commi ee in the respec ve years and approved by the College of Governors shall be adopted by the District Finance Commi ee and if any specific changes are required the same shall be got approved from the College of Governors. d) The District Finance Commi ee, with the approval of District Governor shall appoint an Auditor, who should preferably be a Rotarian from the District who should also be present at the me of adop on of budget at the District Assembly. e) At the end of the Rotary year, the outgoing District Governor and the District Treasurer shall compile the accounts, and present the same for review to the District Finance Commi ee latest by 10th August. The District Finance Commi ee should review and pass these on to the auditors. The audited accounts should reach the District Finance Commi ee by 10th September. Within two weeks the District Finance Commi ee shall return the same to District Governor along with its report. The District Governor shall send a copy of the same along with the report of the District Finance Commi ee to every club in the district latest by September 30. These accounts shall be presented, discussed if necessary, and formally adopted at the District Conference. f) In the event of the District Governor not submi ng any accounts to the District Finance Commi ee by 10th September, the Chairman of the District Finance Commi ee shall circulate this informa on to all

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


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the clubs in the District. Also if the District Finance Commi ee fails to review and return the audited accounts within two weeks, the District Governor can circulate these to the District without the report of the District Finance Commi ee. District Dues a) Every club in the District shall pay per capita dues for every member at a rate as approved by the District in accordance with these bylaws. For the present, unless amended in future, the exis ng such per capita dues are Rs.440.00 per member per year, irrespec ve of number of days of membership in a year, and a rise of 10% on exis ng dues every year. When the per capita dues reaches Rs.500.00, it will be reviewed by the District Finance Commi ee. b) The District Dues will be payable by the clubs in one installment on the basis of the club membership as on July 1st. If there is an increase in membership during the year, the club shall pay addi onal dues for new members at the prevailing rate. c) The District Governor shall collect the dues and shall be the custodian of the District Fund. d) In the event of a club failing to pay the District Dues for a period of six months, or more, the District Governor shall inform Rotary Interna onal who may order suspension / termina on of services to the club as per R.I. Bylaws. Collec on of funds at District and club level. a) A club must take permission in wri ng from the District Governor before solici ng funds from other clubs or from Rotarians who are members in other clubs. b) In gran ng such permission, the District Governor must ensure that the funds are for the cause of Rotary at the District level even when it is by way of sponsorships, and intended to be u lized for publica on of directories, souvenirs, or for similar purposes. c) All clubs making such collec ons shall maintain a separate account of the amounts collected and how the same are u lized, and periodically furnish the details to the District Governor and the District Finance Commi ee. d) Whenever such permission is given, the District Governor shall collect the details of collec ons and the u liza on of funds within a reasonable me, and pass on the same to the District Finance Commi ee.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


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Ar cle 12: Sec on 1: Sec on 2:

e) In the event of the District Finance Commi ee not being sa sďŹ ed for any cause whatsoever, it is free to make suitable recommenda ons to the district. Collec on of Funds by District Governor or District Governor Elect / District Governor Nominee. Any funds, other than those which are a part of the District Fund, which are collected by the District Governor or District Governor Elect/ District Governor Nominee for any Rotary cause whatsoever, shall be duly accounted for, and details provided to the District Finance Commi ee, and duly included in the District fund account. Failure to submit District accounts: In the event of the District Governor failing to submit the accounts before the District Finance Commi ee in me, or in not ge ng the same audited within me, the college of Governors may recommend to the Rotary Interna onal Board for appropriate ac on against the Governor.

District Elec ons: A. Elec on of DGN Selec on of DGN will be made through the process of a Nomina ng Commi ee. Procedure of Forma on of District Nomina ng Commi ee. a) The Nomina ng Commi ee shall consist of 13 members out of which 11 will be elected members and 2 members will be co-opted from the Council of Governors. b) From the Council of Governors, IPDG will be the Chairman of the District Nomina ng Commi ee and the second member from the Council of Governors will be appointed by the DG and DGE jointly. In case they do not arrive at a consensus a Past District Governor in the order of seniority, will the nominated on the Commi ee. If any member so appointed is unable to sit on the Commi ee, his chance would be considered as having been forfeited and the next senior most Past District Governor will be nominated in his place. c) The remaining 11 members will be chosen as under: a. From clubs having a membership of 37 or less (3 Nos) b. From clubs having membership between 38 and 62. (3 Nos) c. From clubs having membership between 63 and 100 (3 Nos) d. From Clubs having Membership 101 and above (2 Nos.) d) The Quorum should be of 9 (nine) members for the nomina ng Commi ee

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3054 BY-LAWS e) The Nomina ng Commi ee so cons tuted will serve during the year for which it has been formed and its term of office shall cease when the Commi ee members elect the DGN, sign and submit their report through the Chairman to the District Governor. f) Qualifica ons: To be eligible for selec on as a member of the Nomina ng Commi ee, the incumbent must fulfill the following qualifica ons. I. He/she should be a Rotarian of good standing in a club within the District for at least 5 years as on 1st July of the year in which he/she is offering to be a member of the Nomina ng Commi ee. ii. He/she has served a club in the District as President for one full term or as a charter President of the club for not less than six months. iii. He/she has served a District Commi ee as chairman for minimum 2 years or as chairman for 1 year and the member for 3 years or a member for 4 years. iv. He/she is not a si ng Assistant Governor or Secretary General. v. He/she has a ended a minimum of 2 District conferences and 2 District Assemblies during the last 4 years. vi. He/she should not have served as a member of the Nomina ng Commi ee in 2 preceding years. vii. Only those clubs, who have paid their RI invoices/ ROTARY INTERNATIONAL DUES (RI INVOICE), Magazine Dues and Dist. dues would be allowed to propose the candidate(s) for the Nomina ng Commi ee. The dues should have been paid before 30th September of the current year. viii. No club which suggests/proposes a name of any member for selec on of DGN shall be eligible to have any member of his club on the Nomina ng Commi ee. g) Selec on / Elec on of Nomina ng Commi ee Member. 1) District Governor shall no fy each club, by 31 July for invi ng nomina ons for the membership of Nomina ng commi ee outlining eligibility, qualifica ons, and procedures. 2) Each club will discuss the issue in its scheduled General Mee ng and if the General house passes a resolu on for proposing a candidate from the club, the proposal, along with the resolu on shall be forwarded by the club to the Dist. Governor by as per the declared schedule 3) The last date of withdrawal shall be as per the declared schedule Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054









a er which the District Governor shall circulate, within three days, the list of all the candidates for whom the nomina ons have been received and cer fy that only those candidates have been listed who fulfill all the condi ons, criteria and qualifica ons. If there are more than s pulated candidates for the Nomina on Commi ee members in each group, then the procedure of ballo ng be done by DG amongst the groups as men oned above. The District Governor, at the same me, shall nominate IPDG as the Chairman of the District Governor Nomina ng Commi ee and also no fy the name of the PDG appointed in consulta on with DG and DGE jointly. The Chairman of the Nomina ng Commi ee shall then convene a mee ng of the Nomina ng Commi ee, not later than one day before the Dist. The conference, in which all the eligible, qualified and elected candidates shall be invited. The Chairman, Nominated PDG and all the elected candidates will assemble 30 minutes before the scheduled mee ng. This way, a full Nomina ng Commi ee of 11 elected members plus 2 nominated members shall be cons tuted. All those 11/13 members, at this stage, shall be given the detailed profiles ( IN PRESCRIBED FORM) of all the DGN candidates as received from respec ve clubs and will be asked to proceed for a mee ng straightaway to a closed room. This mee ng, as per the discre on of the Chairman, may be given sufficient me to deliberate during which no member will be permi ed to leave the room. All mobile phones will be Switched Off and deposited with the Chairman of the nomina ng Commi ee before proceeding to the Commi ee Mee ng. All the 13 members will have to give ranking from number 1 to number n (no. of candidates) so that a proper and scien fic evalua on can be done. For example if there are 7 candidates, all the 13 members will give 7 points to the candidate whom they think is the best and 1 point to the one whom they consider as the weakest. In this manner they will allot points to each Candidate. One form can be made as per MOP /RI Rules The vo ng thus organized would be on secret ballot basis. All the ballots will then be mixed and opened one by one. In the end, a tabula on sheet shall be completed and the candidate securing

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Sec on 3:

highest score will be the choice of the Nomina ng Commi ee. 11) The tabulated result will be signed by each member and the same shall be forwarded to the District Governor. A er the District Governor has perused the result, the chairman would seek formal approval of the District Governor to declare the result to the selected candidate and his / her club. 12) Each member of the Nomina ng Commi ee shall pledge himself to keep the delibera ons of the Commi ee and the informa on exchanged during the Commi ee mee ng, strictly confiden al. Procedure of Selec on of District Governor Nominee. a) By the 31st July, The District Governor shall no fy, invite clubs to submit proposals for District Governor Nominee, so as to reach the District Governor latest by September 15. b) The proposal shall be submi ed to the District Governor in the form of a resolu on adopted at a regular mee ng of the club naming the suggested candidate, and cer fied by the club President and Secretary, along with 13 copies of his / her bio data in the form sent by the District Governor, alongwith the wri en consent of the candidate. c) The last date of withdrawal of such nomina ons shall be 30th September, a er which, within 15 days, the District Governor shall circulate the names of all the eligible candidates to the Clubs. d) The District Governor shall keep the copies of the bio-data of all the candidates( IN PRESCRIBED FORM) for the District Governor Nominee ready for the members of the Nomina ng Commi ee and to be handed over during the course of the mee ng. e) The Nomina ng Commi ee shall meet, as explicitly men oned in Sec on 2 above, not later than the preceding day of the inaugural func on of the District Conference and carryout the procedure of selec on, as described in detail in sec on 2. f) In making the selec on, in an excep onal case, when the Commi ee unanimously feels that no candidate proposed by the clubs is suitable, it may nominate a candidate outside the list of proposed candidates also whom it considers the best suited and most qualified. However, before announcing, his/her consent as well as that of the club and President should be obtained. Within 15 days, the club should submit its resolu on passed in the General house to the District Governor. If club fails in submi ng the resolu on with in s pulated me, the decision of the Nomina ng Commi ee stands

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Sec on 4:

cancelled. Eligibility of the Club and the candidate MUST BE CHECKED before making such an announcement. g) The Commi ee will be obliged to take a decision in one mee ng without adjournments/breaks. h) If for any reason, whatsoever, the Commi ee is unable to meet or arrive at a decision, the District Governor will decide to carry out the process of selec on through e-vo ng or ballot by mail as per R.I. Bylaws. i) The Criteria for selec on of the best candidate shall bea) Qualifica ons as prescribed in R.I. Bylaws. b) Ability, physical and otherwise, to fulfill the du es of the District Governor. c) Rotary Career and work done at the club level. d) Contribu on at the Dist. level e) Knowledge of Rotary. f) Civic and voca onal achievements g) Founda on Contribu on h) Leadership quali es. j) In the event of death or inability of selected candidate to hold the post of DGN the Nomina ng Commi ee shall cer fy the selec on of candidate who has scored the second highest at the Commi ee mee ng and such candidate shall deem to have been selected as DGN. In case of challenge to the decision of the Nomina ng Commi ee, the challenging and the elec on procedure as laid down in the Manual of Procedure and Code of RI policies will have to be strictly followed. The same is reproduced hereinbelow for reference. Challenging Candidates. Any club in the district which has been in existence for at least one year as of the beginning of that year may also propose a challenging candidate for governor-nominee provided this club has previously suggested such candidate to the nomina ng commi ee. A club in existence for less than one year as of the beginning of that year may propose a challenging candidate provided such candidate is a member of that club and the challenging candidate must have been duly suggested to the nomina ng commi ee. The name of the challenging candidate shall be submi ed pursuant to a resolu on by the club adopted at a regular mee ng. The club must file the resolu on with the governor by the date determined by

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Sec on 5:

Sec on 6 :

Sec on 7:

Sec on 8:

the governor. Such date shall be not more than 14 days a er publica on of the announcement of the selec on for governor-nominee by the governor. Concurrence to Challenges. The governor shall inform all clubs through a form prescribed by RI of the name of any challenging candidate who has been proposed as specified above. The governor shall also inquire whether any club wishes to concur with the challenge. A club must file a resolu on of the club adopted at a regular mee ng to concur with a challenge. Such resolu ons must be filed with the governor by the date determined by the governor. Only challenges that have been concurred to by at least 5 other ELIGIBLE clubs which have been in existence for at least one year as of the beginning of that year or 20 ELIGIBLE percent of the total number of clubs as at the beginning of that Year in the district which have been in existence for at least one year as of the beginning of that year, whichever is higher, and only when such resolu ons by the club were adopted at a regular mee ng in accordance with the club bylaws as determined by the governor shall be considered valid. A club shall concur with only one challenging candidate. Absence of Challenging Candidate. The governor shall declare the candidate of the district nomina ng commi ee to be the governor-nominee where no such challenging nomina on has been received by the established date. Such declara on shall be made to all clubs in the district within 15 days of the deadline. Challenging Nomina ons. The governor shall no fy, within seven days following the deadline, all clubs in the district where a valid challenging nomina on has been received by the deadline. Such no ce shall include the name and qualifica ons of each such challenging candidate, the names of the challenging and concurring clubs and state that such candidates will be balloted upon by e-vo ng or alterna vely by ballot-by-mail or alterna vely at the district conference if the challenge remains effec ve up to the date set by the governor. Lack of Valid Challenging Nomina on. Where no valid challenging nomina on is received, the governor shall declare the candidate of the district nomina ng commi ee as governornominee. The governor shall no fy all clubs in the district of such nominee within 15 days.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3054 BY-LAWS Sec on 9:

Ballot at District Conference for Elec on of Governor-nominee. The ballot at the district conference will follow as closely as possible the provisions for a ballot-by-mail. All votes from a club with more than one vote shall be cast for the same candidate failing which the votes from such club shall be deemed to be spoiled votes. Each club shall designate one elector to cast all of its votes. Sec on 10: Selec on Through e vo ng or Ballot-by-Mail of Governor. A district shall select its nominee for governor in e-vo ng or ballot-bymail without the assistance of a nomina ng commi ee where circumstances require such ac on under subsec on 13.020.1. or when permission is given by the board. Sec on 11:  Procedure. The governor shall mail to the secretary of every club in the district an official call for nomina ons for governor. All nomina ons must be made in wri ng and signed by the president and secretary of the club. A club may suggest only one of its own members as a candidate for governornominee. Nomina ons must be in the hands of the governor by a date fixed by the governor. Such date shall be at least one month a er the call for such nomina ons. No ballot shall be required and the governor shall declare such candidate to be the governor-nominee where only one candidate is suggested by a club. Sec on 12: Club Nomina on of Two or More Candidates. Where there are two or more candidates, the governor shall no fy all clubs in the district of the name and qualifica ons of each such candidate and that all such candidates for governor-nominee will be selected through an e-ballot or ballot by-mail. Sec on 13: E-vo ng E-vo ng is preferred in case of elec on of DGN. The same shall be carried by in the manner which may be provided by Rotary Interna onal or South Asia Branch Office. In case this is not possible for reasons beyond control then the following procedure will be adopted. Sec on 14: Ballot-by-Mail Specifica ons. The governor shall prepare one ballot for each club, giving the name of any candidate selected by the district nomina ng commi ee. The ballot shall then list in alphabe cal order the names of any candidates received by the governor. Where there are more than two candidates, ballo ng shall be by the single transferable ballot system. The governor shall mail a copy of said ballot signed by all members of the ballo ng commi ee to each club with instruc ons that the completed ballot be returned to and Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Sec on 15:

Sec on 16:

Sec on 17:

Sec on 18:

received by the governor. The ballots shall be returned by a date fixed by the governor. Such date shall be no less than 15 days or more than 30 days following the date of the governor’s mailing of the ballots to the clubs. Club Vo ng. Each club shall be en tled to at least one vote. Any club with a membership of more than 25 shall be en tled to one addi onal vote for each addi onal 25, or major frac on thereof, of its members. Such membership shall be determined by the number of members in the club as of the date of the most recent semiannual payment preceding the date on which the vote is to be held. However, any club whose membership in RI has been suspended by the board shall not be en tled to par cipate in the vo ng. If a club is en tled to cast more than one vote, the club shall cast all votes for the same candidate. The name of the candidate for whom the club has cast its vote(s) shall be verified by the secretary and president of the club and forwarded to the governor in a sealed envelope provided therefor. Ballo ng Commi ee. The governor shall determine and announce the place, date, and me for coun ng of ballots and shall appoint a commi ee of three members to arrange a place and otherwise take charge of valida ng and coun ng the ballots. Valida on of ballots shall be undertaken separately from the coun ng of the ballots. The commi ee shall make other arrangements to safeguard the secrecy of the ballots as necessary. Arrangements shall be made so that candidates or a representa ve of each of them may be present to observe the coun ng of the ballots. All sealed envelopes containing the ballots from each club shall be opened in the presence of the candidates or their representa ves. Majority or Tie Vote. The candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared governor nominee for that district. If two candidates each receive 50 percent of the votes in an elec on and one of the candidates is the nominee of the nomina ng commi ee, the nominee of the nomina ng commi ee shall be declared the governor-nominee. If neither of the candidates is the nominee of the nomina ng commi ee, the governor shall select one of the candidates as the governor-nominee. Report of Ballo ng Commi ee. The ballo ng commi ee shall promptly report the results of the ballot to the governor as soon as a candidate receives a majority vote. The report

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Sec on 19:

shall contain the number of the votes cast for each candidate. The governor shall promptly no fy the candidates of the results of the ballot. The ballo ng commi ee shall retain all ballots cast for a period of 15 days following the governor’s no fica on to the candidates. Such ballots shall be open to inspec on by a representa ve of any club during such period. The chairman of said commi ee shall destroy such ballots following the 15-day period. Cer fica on of Governor-nominee. The governor shall cer fy the name of the governor-nominee to the general secretary within ten days a er such nominee has been declared the nominee.

Sec on 20: Rejec on or Suspension of Governor-nominee. a) Failure to Meet Qualifica ons. Any nominee for governor who does not meet the prescribed qualifica ons and requirements shall be rejected and shall not be presented by RI General Secretary to the conven on for elec on. b) Suspension of Nomina on. Notwithstanding the receipt of a signed statement from a governornominee, the RI board may suspend such nomina on where it has cause to believe that the nominee would be unable to fulfill sa sfactorily the du es and responsibili es of the office as provided in the bylaws. The governor and nominee shall be informed of such suspension and the nominee shall be given an opportunity to submit to the RI Board, through the governor and the RI General Secretary, addi onal informa on with reference to the nominee’s ability to assume the du es and responsibili es of the office of governor. The board shall consider all per nent circumstances including such informa on as may be submi ed by the nominee and either reject the nomina on of the nominee by a two-thirds vote or withdraw the suspension. c) Rejec on of Nominee. The RI General Secretary shall advise the governor of the district concerned where the nomina on of the nominee has been rejected by the RI Board. The RI General Secretary shall provide the reasons for such rejec on and the governor shall so advise such nominee. Where me permits, the governor shall conduct a ballot-by-mail in the district to select another nominee for governor in accordance with the provisions of the bylaws. Where a district fails to select an acceptable and qualified nominee for governor, such nominee shall Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054


Sec on 21:

be selected in accordance with sec on 13.070 of Manual Procedure and Sec on 24 of District 3054 Bye Laws. Special Elec ons. Where a district fails to select a nominee for governor or where a nominee for such office becomes disqualified for elec on or otherwise becomes unable or unwilling to serve and another nominee is not selected by the district prior to the annual elec on of officers at the conven on, the governor shall reini ate the nomina ng procedures in accordance with sec on 13.020. Similarly, where a district’s nominee is elected at the conven on, but becomes disqualified or otherwise unable or unwilling to serve at least three months prior to the interna onal assembly, the governor shall reini ate the nomina ng procedures star ng with sec on 13.020. In either event, the board shall elect the Rotarian so nominated to serve as governor-elect. Therea er, if a governor-elect becomes disqualified or unable or unwilling to serve the board shall elect a Rotarian qualified under sec on 15.070. to fill the vacancy. Provided, however, if either a governor-elect or governor nominee becomes unable or unwilling to serve as governor, and the selec on process for his or her successor has been duly completed by the district, then the successor shall automa cally fill the vacancy if he or she is willing to do so, subject to the required elec on either by the conven on or the board.

Ar cle 13:

Awards and Recogni ons

Sec on 1:

Awards and recogni ons are among most effec ve tools for mo va on. District will endeavor to create a spirit of healthy compe on among the clubs as well as Rotarians through awards and recogni ons. District Governor shall appoint an Awards Commi ee with a senior Rotarian as its Chairman. District Governor shall enlist all the awards in his/her District Directory with deadlines covering District awards and R.I. Awards. District will bring out an awards manual as a standard reference publica on by Rotarians and clubs. Individual Rotarians through their clubs can also offer to sponsor special awards in the name of their rela ons to be given as District awards on annual basis. For this purpose, they will park a Fixed Deposit of Rs.1.00 lakh in the name of the District, interest of which will be u lized for giving away the awards. If it also consists of a running trophy, the proposer will replenish it, if it is claimed permanently by someone. District Governor

Sec on 2: Sec on 3: Sec on 4: Sec on 5:

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3054 BY-LAWS will cons tute a Sub-Commi ee consis ng of 3 Past District Governors to evaluate and approve such proposals, when received.

Ar cle 14:


Sec on 1: Sec on 2:

For growth of membership, a healthy extension is important. Notwithstanding the authority vested in the District Governor by R.I., District Governor shall formally bring all proposal for star ng new clubs to the no ce of DGE and DGN and invite their comments before giving final approval and forwarding to R.I. District Governor, before appoin ng GSR will take a commitment in wri ng from the so appointed GSR that he/she shall diligently mentor and service the club for at least 3 years with full concentra on and then on need based basis. If a club gets terminated within 3 years of its charter, the responsibility will be assigned to the GSR and such GSR will not be eligible to a) become a GSR for 5 years. b) show in his bio-data that he had started a new club.

Sec on 3:

Sec on 4:

Ar cle 15:

Grievance Commi ee

Sec on 1:

District will have a Grievance Commi ee which will be chaired by IPDG, DG, DGE and DGN will be ex-officio members. DG will appoint 3 more Past Governors on this Commi ee Dist. Secretary General will be the Secretary of the Commi ee. No clubs of the District would approach R.I. or Court of Law for any grievance before approaching the Grievance Commi ee. All clubs can refer their grievances to this Commi ee in wri ng with suppor ng documents. If need be, the commi ee may call concerned people for personal hearing before giving a decision. The Grievance Commi ee shall also work for resolving the elec on related complaints as far as possible. The clubs, before making an elec on complaint to the elec on Review Commi ee appointed by R.I. will forward their complaint to the District Grievance Commi ee. Since the elec on complaints are me bound, this commi ee shall meet within 4 days of receipt of such a complaint. They will try to sort out the issue within the District, if possible. However, if the ma er involves serious viola ons and the responsible person is not prepared to amicable se lement, this Commi ee can either return the complaint to complainant to approach R.I.'s Elec on Review Commi ee

Sec on 2: Sec on 3:

Sec on 4: Sec on 5:

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RID 3054 BY-LAWS or can also forward directly to R.I. In such case other procedures, including the furnishing of bond etc. will be the responsibility of the complainant.

Ar cle 16

District Assets / Records

Sec on 1:

A complete list of Assets and Records shall be prepared, which shall be updated every year between 15-30 June. Outgoing Governor, while relinquishing or handing over the charge to incoming Governor shall complete the above records and would hand over the same along with assets and awards to him and obtain receipt.

Sec on 2:

Ar cle 17: Sec on 1:

Sec on 2:

Sec on 3: Sec on 4:

Sec on 4:

Procedure for Amendments Any club in good standing of the District can propose an amendment in the bylaws in wri ng. Such proposal would need a resolu on of the General Assembly of the club, and shall be signed by the Secretary and President of the club. All such proposals for amendment shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of Rs.5000/- to cover the administra ve expenses for processing and pu ng to the clubs for vote. Such proposals must be received by the District Governor at least 90 days before the commencement date of District Conference. If there are only 2/3 proposals, the District Governor shall circulate these to all the clubs, 45 days before the District Conference and a one hour slot will be allo ed for this purpose in the agenda. A er discussions the items will be put to vote. The amendments would require ⁄ majority of the delegates present in the hall at the me of vo ng. If the proposals are too many, the Dist. Governor may convene an extra ordinary mee ng of all the clubs by giving 45 days no ce and the decision can be taken by adop ng same process as applicable for the District Conference. With the change in Rotary Interna onal Cons tu on and By-laws, these by-laws may be considered automa cally amended to confirm with them.”

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on *Cons tu on of the Rotary Club of ________________________________ Ar cle 1 Defini ons As used in this cons tu on, unless the context otherwise clearly requires, the words in this ar cle shall have the following meanings: 1. Board: The Board of Directors of this club. 2. Bylaws: The bylaws of this club. 3. Director: A member of this club’s Board of Directors. 4. Member: A member, other than an honorary member, of this club. 5. RI: Rotary Interna onal. 6. Satellite club A poten al club whose members shall also be members of this (when applicable): club. 7. Year:

The twelve-month period which begins on 1 July.

Ar cle 2 Name The name of this organiza on shall be Rotary Club of ___________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ (Member of Rotary Interna onal) (a) The name of a satellite of this club (when applicable) shall be Rotary Satellite Club of_______________________________________________________________ (A satellite of Rotary Club of_) Ar cle 3 Purposes The purposes of this club are to pursue the Object of Rotary, carry out successful service projects based on the Five Avenues of Service, contribute to the advancement of Rotary by strengthening membership, support The Rotary Founda on, and develop leaders beyond the club level. Ar cle 4 Locality of the Club The locality of this club is as follows:_ Ar cle 5 Object The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in par cular, to encourage and foster: First. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; Second. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recogni on of the * The bylaws of Rotary Interna onal provide that each club admi ed to membership in RI shall adopt this prescribed standard club cons tu on. Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on

Third. Fourth.

worthiness of all useful occupa ons; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupa on as an opportunity to serve society; The applica on of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; The advancement of interna onal understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

Ar cle 6 Five Avenues of Service Rotary’s Five Avenues of Service are the philosophical and prac cal framework for the work of this Rotary club. 1. Club Service, the first Avenue of Service, involves ac on a member should take within this club to help it func on successfully. 2. Voca onal Service, the second Avenue of Service, has the purpose of promo ng high ethical standards in businesses and professions, recognizing the worthiness of all dignified occupa ons, and fostering the ideal of service in the pursuit of all voca ons. The role of members includes conduc ng themselves and their businesses in accordance with Rotary’s principles and lending their voca onal skills to club-developed projects in order to address the issues and needs of society. 3. Community Service, the third Avenue of Service, comprises varied efforts that members make, some mes in conjunc on with others, to improve the quality of life of those who live within this club’s locality or municipality. 4. Interna onal Service, the fourth Avenue of Service, comprises those ac vi es that members do to advance interna onal understanding, goodwill, and peace by fostering acquaintance with people of other countries, their cultures, customs, accomplishments, aspira ons, and problems, through reading and correspondence and through coopera on in all club ac vi es and projects designed to help people in other lands. 5. Youth Service, the fi h Avenue of Service, recognizes the posi ve change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development ac vi es, involvement in community and interna onal service projects, and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding. Ar cle 7 Excep ons to Provisions on Mee ngs and A endance The bylaws may include rules or requirements not in accordance with ar cle 8, sec on 1; ar cle 12; and ar cle 15, sec on 4, of this cons tu on. Such rules or requirements shall supersede the rules or requirements of these sec ons of this cons tu on; a club, however, must meet at least twice per month.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on rules or requirements of these sec ons of this cons tu on. Ar cle 10 Membership [See ar cle 9 for excep ons to sec ons 2 and 4 - 8 of this ar cle.] Sec on 1 — General Qualifica ons. This club shall be composed of adult persons who demonstrate good character, integrity, and leadership; possess good reputa on within their business, profession, and/or community; and are willing to serve in their community and/or around the world. Sec on 2 — Kinds. This club shall have two kinds of membership, namely: ac ve and honorary. Sec on 3 — Ac ve Membership. A person possessing the qualifica ons set forth in ar cle 5, sec on 2 of the RI cons tu on may be elected to ac ve membership in this club. Sec on 4 — Satellite Club Membership. Members of a satellite club shall also be members of the sponsor club un l such me as the satellite club shall be admi ed into membership of RI as a Rotary club. Sec on 5 — Dual Membership. No person shall simultaneously hold ac ve membership in this and another club other than a satellite of this club. No person shall simultaneously be a member and an honorary member in this club. Sec on 6 — Honorary Membership. (a) Eligibility for Honorary Membership. Persons who have dis nguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals and those persons considered friends of Rotary for their support of Rotary’s cause may be elected to honorary membership in this club. The term of such membership shall be as determined by the board. Persons may hold honorary membership in more than one club. (b) Rights and Privileges. Honorary members shall be exempt from the payment of dues, shall have no vote, and shall not be eligible to hold any office in this club. Such members shall not hold classifica ons, but shall be en tled to a end all mee ngs and enjoy all the other privileges of this club. No honorary member of this club is en tled to any rights and privileges in any other club, except for the right to visit other clubs without being the guest of a Rotarian. Sec on 7 — Holders of Public Office. Persons elected or appointed to public office for a specified me shall not be eligible to ac ve membership in this club under the classifica on of such office. This restric on shall not apply to persons holding posi ons or offices in schools, colleges, or other ins tu ons of learning or to persons who are elected or appointed to the judiciary. Members who are elected or appointed to public office for a specified period may con nue as such members in their exis ng classifica ons during the period in which they hold such office. Sec on 8 — Rotary Interna onal Employment. This club may retain in its membership any member employed by RI. Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on Ar cle 8 Mee ngs Sec on 1 — Regular Mee ngs. [See ar cle 7 for excep ons to the provisions of this sec on.] (a) Day and Time. This club shall hold a regular mee ng once each week on the day and at the me provided in the bylaws. A endance may be in person, through an online mee ng, or using an online connec on for members whose a endance otherwise would be precluded. Alterna vely, a club shall hold a mee ng once each week or during the week(s) chosen in advance by pos ng an interac ve ac vity on the club’s website. The la er type of mee ng shall be considered as held on the day that the interac ve ac vity is to be posted on the website. (b) Change of Mee ng. For good cause, the board may change a regular mee ng to any day during the period commencing with the day following the preceding regular mee ng and ending with the day preceding the next regular mee ng, or to a different hour of the regular day, or to a different place. (c) Cancella on. The board may cancel a regular mee ng if it falls on a legal holiday, including a commonly recognized holiday, or during the week which includes a legal holiday, including a commonly recognized holiday, or in case of the death of a club member, or of an epidemic or of a disaster affec ng the whole community, or of an armed conflict in the community which endangers the lives of the club members. The board may cancel not more than four regular mee ngs in a year for causes not otherwise specified herein provided that this club does not fail to meet for more than three consecu ve mee ngs. (d) Satellite Club Mee ng (When Applicable). If provided in the bylaws, a satellite club shall hold regular weekly mee ngs at a place and at a me and day decided by its members. The day, me and place of the mee ng may be changed in a similar way to that provided for the club’s regular mee ngs in sec on 1(b) of this ar cle. A satellite club mee ng may be cancelled for any of the reasons enumerated in sec on 1(c) of this ar cle. Vo ng procedures shall be as provided in the bylaws. Sec on 2 — Annual Mee ng. (a) An annual mee ng for the elec on of officers shall be held not later than 31 December as provided in the bylaws. (b) A satellite club (when applicable) shall hold an annual mee ng of its members before 31 December to elect officers for the general governance of the satellite club. Sec on 3 — Board Mee ngs. Wri en minutes should be provided for all board mee ngs. Such minutes should be available to all members within 60 days of said mee ng. Ar cle 9 Excep ons to Provisions on Membership The bylaws may include rules or requirements not in accordance with Ar cle 10, sec ons 2 and 4 - 8 of this cons tu on. Such rules or requirements shall supersede the Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on Ar cle 11 Classifica ons Sec on 1 — General Provisions. (a) Principal Ac vity. Each member shall be classified in accordance with the member’s business, profession, or type of community service. The classifica on shall be that which describes the principal and recognized ac vity of the firm, company, or ins tu on with which the member is connected or that which describes the member’s principal and recognized business or professional ac vity or that which describes the nature of the member’s community service ac vity. (b) Correc on or Adjustment. If the circumstances warrant, the board may correct or adjust the classifica on of any member. No ce of a proposed correc on or adjustment shall be provided to the member and the member shall be allowed a hearing thereon. Sec on 2 — Limita ons. This club shall not elect a person to ac ve membership from a classifica on if the club already has five or more members from that classifica on, unless the club has more than 50 members, in which case, the club may elect a person to ac ve membership in a classifica on so long as it will not result in the classifica on making up more than 10 percent of the club’s ac ve membership. Members who are re red shall not be included in the total number of members in a classifica on. The classifica on of a transferring or former member of a club, or a Rotaractor or Rotary alumnus as defined by the board of directors of RI, shall not preclude elec on to ac ve membership even if the elec on results in club membership temporarily exceeding the above limita ons. If a member changes classifica on, the club may con nue the member’s membership under the new classifica on notwithstanding these limita ons. Ar cle 12 A endance [See ar cle 7 for excep ons to the provisions of this ar cle.] Sec on 1 — General Provisions. Each member should a end this club’s regular mee ngs, or satellite club’s regular mee ngs if provided in the bylaws, and engage in this club’s service projects, other events and ac vi es. A member shall be counted as a ending a regular mee ng if the member is present in person or using an online connec on for at least 60 percent of the mee ng, or is present and is called away unexpectedly and subsequently produces evidence to the sa sfac on of the board that such ac on was reasonable, or par cipates in the regular mee ng posted on the club’s website within one week following its pos ng, or makes up for an absence in any of the following ways: (a) 14 Days Before or A er the Mee ng. If, within fourteen (14) days before or a er the regular me for that mee ng, the member (1) a ends at least 60 percent of the regular mee ng of another club, of a satellite club mee ng of another club, or of a provisional club; or (2) a ends a regular mee ng of a Rotaract or Interact club, Rotary Community Corps, or Rotary Fellowship or of a provisional Rotaract or Interact club, Rotary Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on Community Corps, or Rotary Fellowship; or (3) a ends a conven on of RI, a council on legisla on, an interna onal assembly, a Rotary ins tute for past and present officers of RI, a Rotary ins tute for past, present, and incoming officers of RI, or any other mee ng convened with the approval of the board of directors of RI or the president of RI ac ng on behalf of the board of directors of RI, a Rotary mul zone conference, a mee ng of a commi ee of RI, a Rotary district conference, a Rotary district training assembly, any district mee ng held by direc on of the board of directors of RI, any district commi ee mee ng held by direc on of the district governor, or a regularly announced intercity mee ng of Rotary clubs; or (4) is present at the usual me and place of a regular mee ng or satellite club mee ng of another club for the purpose of a ending such mee ng, but that club is not mee ng at that me or place; or (5) a ends and par cipates in a club service project or a club-sponsored community event or mee ng authorized by the board; or (6) a ends a board mee ng or, if authorized by the board, a mee ng of a service commi ee to which the member is assigned; or (7) par cipates through a club website in an interac ve ac vity requiring an average of 30 minutes of par cipa on. When a member is outside the member’s country of residence for more than fourteen (14) days, the me restric on shall not be imposed so that the member may a end regular mee ngs or satellite club mee ngs in another country at any me during the travel period, and each such a endance shall count as a valid make-up for any regular mee ng missed during the member’s me abroad. (b) At the Time of the Mee ng. If, at the me of the mee ng, the member is (1) traveling with reasonable directness to or from one of the mee ngs specified in sub-subsec on (a)(3) of this sec on; or (2) serving as an officer or member of a commi ee of RI, or a trustee of The Rotary Founda on; or (3) serving as the special representa ve of the district governor in the forma on of a new club; or (4) on Rotary business in the employ of RI; or (5) directly and ac vely engaged in a district-sponsored or RI- or Rotary Founda on-sponsored service project in a remote area where making up a endance is impossible; or (6) engaged in Rotary business duly authorized by the board which precludes a endance at the mee ng. Sec on 2 — Extended Absence on Outposted Assignment. If a member will be working on an outposted assignment for an extended period of me, a endance at the mee ngs of a designated club at the site of the assignment will replace a endance at the regular mee ngs of the member’s club, provided there is a mutual agreement Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on between the two clubs. Sec on 3 — Excused Absences. A member’s absence shall be excused if (a) the absence complies with the condi ons and under circumstances approved by the board. The board may excuse a member’s absence for reasons which it considers to be good and sufficient. Such excused absences shall not extend for longer than twelve months. However, if the leave is for a medical reason or a er the birth, the adop on, or foster care of a child that extends for more than twelve months such leave may be renewed by the board for a period of me beyond the original twelve months. (b) the aggregate of the member’s years of age and years of membership in one or more clubs is 85 years or more, the member has been a member of one or more clubs for at least 20 years, and the member has no fied the club secretary in wri ng of the member’s desire to be excused from a endance and the board has approved. Sec on 4 — RI Officers ’Absences. A member’s absence shall be excused if the member is a current officer of RI or a Rotarian partner of a current officer of RI. Sec on 5 — A endance Records. When a member whose absences are excused under the provision of subsec on 3(a) of this ar cle fails to a end a club mee ng, the member and the member’s absence shall not be included in the a endance records. In the event that a member whose absences are excused under the provisions of subsec on 3(b) or sec on 4 of this ar cle a ends a club mee ng, the member and the member’s a endance shall be included in the membership and a endance figures used to compute this club’s a endance. Ar cle 13 Directors and Officers and Commi ees Sec on 1 — Governing Body. The governing body of this club shall be the board cons tuted as the bylaws may provide. Sec on 2 — Authority. The board shall have general control over all officers and commi ees and, for good cause, may declare any office vacant. Sec on 3 — Board Ac on Final. The decision of the board in all club ma ers is final, subject only to an appeal to the club. However, as to a decision to terminate membership, a member, pursuant to ar cle 15, sec on 6, may appeal to the club, request media on, or request arbitra on. If appealed, a decision of the board shall be reversed only by a two-thirds vote of the members present, at a regular mee ng specified by the board, provided a quorum is present and no ce of the appeal has been given by the secretary to each member at least five (5) days prior to the mee ng. If an appeal is taken, the ac on taken by the club shall be final. Sec on 4 — Officers. The club officers shall be a president, the immediate past president, a president-elect, a secretary, and a treasurer, and may include one or more vice presidents, all of whom shall be members of the board. The club officers shall also include a sergeant-at-arms, who may be a member of the board as the bylaws shall Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on provide. Club officers shall regularly a end satellite club mee ngs. Sec on 5 — Elec on of Officers. (a) Terms of Officers other than President. Each officer shall be elected as provided in the bylaws. Except for the president, each officer shall take office on 1 July immediately following elec on and shall serve for the term of office or un l a successor has been duly elected and qualified. (b) Term of President. The president shall be elected as provided in the bylaws, not more than two (2) years but not less than eighteen (18) months prior to the day of taking office and shall serve as president-nominee upon elec on. The nominee shall take the tle of president-elect on 1 July in the year prior to taking office as president. The president shall take office on 1 July and shall serve a period of one (1) year or un l a successor has been duly elected and qualified. (c) Qualifica ons. Each officer and director shall be a member in good standing of this club. A candidate for the office of president shall have served as a member of this club for at least one year prior to being nominated for such office, except where service for less than a full year may be determined by the district governor to sa sfy the intent of this requirement. The president-elect shall a end the district presidents-elect training seminar and the district training assembly unless excused by the governor-elect. If so excused, the president-elect shall send a designated club representa ve who shall report back to the president-elect. If the president elect does not a end the presidents-elect training seminar and the district training assembly and has not been excused by the governor-elect or, if so excused, does not send a designated club representa ve to such mee ngs, the president-elect shall not be able to serve as club president. In such event, the current president shall con nue to serve un l a successor who has a ended a presidents-elect training seminar and district training assembly or training deemed sufficient by the governor-elect has been duly elected. Sec on 6 — Governance of a Satellite Club of This Club (When Applicable). A satellite club shall be located in the same locality as this club or in the surrounding area. (a) Satellite Club Oversight. This club shall provide such general oversight and support of a satellite club as is deemed appropriate by the board. (b) Satellite Club Board. For the day-to-day governance of a satellite club, it shall have its own annually elected board drawn from its members and comprising the officers of the satellite club and four to six other members as the bylaws shall provide. The highest officer of the satellite club shall be the chair and other officers shall be the immediate past chair, the chair-elect, the secretary and the treasurer. The satellite board shall be responsible for the day-to-day organiza on and management of the satellite club and its ac vi es in accordance with Rotary rules, requirements, policies, aims and objec ves under the guidance of this club. It shall have no authority within, or over, this club. © Satellite Club Repor ng Procedure. A satellite club shall, annually, submit to the Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on president and board of this club a report on its membership, its ac vi es and programs, accompanied by a financial statement and audited accounts, for inclusion in this club’s reports for its annual general mee ng and such other reports as may, from me to me, be required by this club. Sec on 7 — Commi ees. This club should have the following commi ees: • Club Administra on • Membership • Public Image • Rotary Founda on • Service Projects Addi onal commi ees may be appointed as needed. Ar cle 14 Dues Every member shall pay annual dues as prescribed in the bylaws. Ar cle 15 Dura on of Membership Sec on 1 — Period. Membership shall con nue during the existence o his club unless terminated as hereina er provided. Sec on 2 — Automa c Termina on. (a) Membership Qualifica ons. Membership shall automa cally terminate when a member no longer meets the membership qualifica ons, except that (1) the board may grant a member moving from the locality of this club or the surrounding area a special leave of absence not to exceed one (1) year to enable the member to visit and become known to a Rotary club in the new community if the member con nues to meet all condi ons of club membership; (2) the board may allow a member moving from the locality of this club or the surrounding area to retain membership if the member con nues to meet all condi ons of club membership. (b) How to Rejoin. When the membership of a member has terminated as provided in subsec on (a) of this sec on, such person, provided such person’s membership was in good standing at the me of termina on, may make new applica on for membership, under the same or another classifica on. (c) Termina on of Honorary Membership. Honorary membership shall automa cally terminate at the end of the term for such membership as determined by the board. However, the board may extend an honorary membership for an addi onal period. The board may revoke an honorary membership at any me. Sec on 3 — Termina on - Non-payment of Dues. (a) Process. Any member failing to pay dues within thirty (30) days a er the prescribed me shall be no fied in wri ng by the secretary at the member’s last known address. If the dues are not paid on or before ten (10) days of the date of Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on no fica on, membership may terminate, subject to the discre on of the board. (b) Reinstatement. The board may reinstate the former member to membership upon the former member’s pe on and payment of all indebtedness to this club. However, no former member may be reinstated to ac ve membership if the former member’s classifica on is in conflict with ar cle 11, sec on 2. Sec on 4 — Termina on - Non-a endance. [See ar cle 7 for excep ons to the provisions of this sec on.] (a) A endance Percentages. A member must (1) a end or make up at least 50 percent of club regular mee ngs or satellite club mee ngs, or engage in club projects, other events and ac vi es for at least 12 hours in each half of the year, or a propor onate combina on of both; (2) a end at least 30 percent of this club’s regular mee ngs or satellite club mee ngs, or engage in club projects, other events and ac vi es in each half of the year (assistant governors, as defined by the board of directors of RI, shall be excused from this requirement). If a member fails to a end as required, the member’s membership may be subject to termina on unless the board consents to such non-a endance for good cause. (b) Consecu ve Absences. Unless otherwise excused by the board for good and sufficient reason or pursuant to ar cle 12, sec ons 3 or 4, each member who fails to a end or make up four consecu ve regular mee ngs shall be informed by the board that the member’s non-a endance may be considered a request to terminate membership in this club. Therea er, the board, by a majority vote, may terminate the member’s membership. Sec on 5 — Termina on - Other Causes. (a) Good Cause. The board may terminate the membership of any member who ceases to have the qualifica ons for membership in this club or for any good cause by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the board members present and vo ng, at a mee ng called for that purpose. The guiding principles for this mee ng shall be ar cle 10, sec on 1; The Four-Way Test; and the high ethical standards that one should hold as a Rotary club member. (b) No ce. Prior to taking any ac on under subsec on (a) of this sec on, the member shall be given at least ten (10) days’ wri en no ce of such pending ac on and an opportunity to submit a wri en answer to the board. The member shall have the right to appear before the board to state the member’s case. No ce shall be by personal delivery or by registered le er to the member’s last known address. (c) Filling Classifica on. When the board has terminated the membership of a member as provided for in this sec on, this club shall not elect a new member under the former member’s classifica on un l the me for hearing any appeal has expired and the decision of this club or of the arbitrators has been announced. However, this provision shall not apply if, by elec on of a new member, the number of members under the said classifica on would remain within provided Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on limita ons even if the board’s decision regarding termina on is reversed. Sec on 6 — Right to Appeal, Mediate or Arbitrate Termina on. (a) No ce. Within seven (7) days a er the date of the board’s decision to terminate or suspend membership, the secretary shall give wri en no ce of the decision to the member. Within fourteen (14) days a er the date of the no ce, the member may give wri en no ce to the secretary of the inten on to appeal to the club, request media on, or to arbitrate as provided in ar cle 19. (b) Date for Hearing of Appeal. In the event of an appeal, the board shall set a date for the hearing of the appeal at a regular club mee ng to be held within twenty-one (21) days a er receipt of the no ce of appeal. At least five (5) days’ wri en no ce of the mee ng and its special business shall be given to every member. Only members shall be present when the appeal is heard. (c) Media on or Arbitra on. The procedure u lized for media on or arbitra on shall be as provided in ar cle 19. (d) Appeal. If an appeal is taken, the ac on of the club shall be final and binding on all par es and shall not be subject to arbitra on. (e) Decision of Arbitrators or Umpire. If arbitra on is requested, the decision reached by the arbitrators or, if they disagree, by the umpire shall be final and binding on all par es and shall not be subject to appeal. (f) Unsuccessful Media on. If media on is requested but is unsuccessful, the member may appeal to the club or arbitrate as provided in subsec on (a) of this sec on. Sec on 7 — Board Ac on Final. Board ac on shall be final if no appeal to this club is taken and no arbitra on is requested. Sec on 8 — Resigna on. The resigna on of any member from this club shall be in wri ng, addressed to the president or secretary. The resigna on shall be accepted by the board if the member has no indebtedness to this club. Sec on 9 — Forfeiture of Property Interest. Any person whose club membership has been terminated in any manner shall forfeit all interest in any funds or other property belonging to this club if, under local laws, the member may have acquired any right to them upon joining the club. Sec on 10 — Temporary Suspension. Notwithstanding any provision of this cons tu on, if in the opinion of the board (a) credible accusa ons have been made that a member has refused or neglected to comply with this cons tu on, or has been guilty of conduct unbecoming a member or prejudicial to the interests of the club; and (b) those accusa ons, if proved, cons tute good cause for termina ng the membership of the member; and (c) it is desirable that no ac on should be taken in respect of the membership of the member pending the outcome of a ma er or an event that the board considers should properly occur before such ac on is taken by the board; and Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on (d) that in the best interests of the club and without any vote being taken as to his or her membership, the member’s membership should be temporarily suspended and the member should be excluded from a endance at mee ngs and other ac vi es of this club and from any office or posi on the member holds within the club; the board may, by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the board, temporarily suspend the member as aforesaid for a reasonable period of me not to exceed 90 days and on such further condi ons as the board determines. A suspended member may appeal or refer to media on or arbitra on the suspension as provided in ar cle 15, sec on 6. During the suspension, the member shall be excused from fulfilling a endance responsibili es. Prior to the expira on of the suspension period, the board must either proceed to terminate the membership of the suspended Rotarian or reinstate the suspended Rotarian to full regular status. Ar cle 16 Community, Na onal, and Interna onal Affairs Sec on 1 — Proper Subjects. The merits of any public ques on involving the general welfare of the community, the na on, and the world are of concern to the members of this club and shall be proper subjects of fair and informed study and discussion at a club mee ng for the enlightenment of its members in forming their individual opinions. However, this club shall not express an opinion on any pending controversial public measure. Sec on 2 — No Endorsements. This club shall not endorse or recommend any candidate for public office and shall not discuss at any club mee ng the merits or demerits of any such candidate. Sec on 3 — Non-Poli cal. (a) Resolu ons and Opinions. This club shall neither adopt nor circulate resolu ons or opinions, and shall not take ac on dealing with world affairs or interna onal policies of a poli cal nature. (b) Appeals. This club shall not direct appeals to clubs, peoples, or governments, or circulate le ers, speeches, or proposed plans for the solu on of specific interna onal problems of a poli cal nature. Sec on 4 — Recognizing Rotary’s Beginning. The week of the anniversary of Rotary’s founding (23 February) shall be known as World Understanding and Peace Week. During this week, this club will celebrate Rotary service, reflect upon past achievements, and focus on programs of peace, understanding, and goodwill in the community and throughout the world. Ar cle 17 Rotary Magazines Sec on 1 — Mandatory Subscrip on. Unless, in accordance with the bylaws of RI, this club is excused by the board of directors of RI from complying with the provisions of this ar cle, each member shall, for the dura on of membership, subscribe to the Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on official magazine or to the magazine approved and prescribed for this club by the board of directors of RI. Two Rotarians residing at the same address have the op on to subscribe jointly to the official magazine or the Rotary magazine approved and prescribed by the board for their club or clubs. The subscrip on shall be paid on such dates as established by the board for the payment of per capita dues for the dura on of membership in this club. Sec on 2 — Subscrip on Collec on. The subscrip on shall be collected by this club from each member in advance and remi ed to the Secretariat of RI or to the office of such regional publica ons as may be determined by the board of directors of RI. Ar cle 18 Acceptance of Object and Compliance with Cons tu on and Bylaws By payment of dues, a member accepts the principles of Rotary as expressed in its object and submits to and agrees to comply with and be bound by the cons tu on and bylaws of this club, and on these condi ons alone is en tled to the privileges of this club. Each member shall be subject to the terms of the cons tu on and bylaws regardless of whether such member has received copies of them. Ar cle 19 Arbitra on and Media on Sec on 1 — Disputes. Should any dispute, other than as to a decision of the board, arise between any current or former member(s) and this club, any club officer or the board, on any account whatsoever which cannot be se led under the procedure already provided for such purpose, the dispute shall, upon a request to the secretary by any of the disputants, either be resolved by media on or se led by arbitra on. Sec on 2 — Date for Media on or Arbitra on. In the event of media on or arbitra on, the board shall set a date for the media on or arbitra on, in consulta on with disputants, to be held within twenty-one (21) days a er receipt of the request for media on or arbitra on. Sec on 3 — Media on. The procedure for such media on shall be that recognized by an appropriate authority with na onal or state jurisdic on or be that recommended by a competent professional body whose recognized exper se covers alterna ve dispute resolu on or be that recommended by way of documented guidelines determined by the board of RI or the trustees of The Rotary Founda on. Only a member of a Rotary club may be appointed as mediator(s). The club may request the district governor or the governor’s representa ve to appoint a mediator who is a member of a Rotary club and who has appropriate media on skills and experience. (a) Media on Outcomes. The outcomes or decisions agreed between the par es as a result of media on shall be recorded and copies held by each party, the mediator(s) and one copy given to the board and to be held by the secretary. A summary statement of outcomes acceptable to the par es involved shall be prepared for the informa on of the club. Either party, through the president or secretary, may call for further media on if either party has retracted significantly Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on from the mediated posi on. (b) Unsuccessful Media on. If media on is requested but is unsuccessful, any disputant may request arbitra on as provided in sec on 1 of this ar cle. Sec on 4 — Arbitra on. In the event of a request for arbitra on, each party shall appoint an arbitrator and the arbitrators shall appoint an umpire. Only a member of a Rotary club may be appointed as umpire or as arbitrator. Sec on 5 — Decision of Arbitrators or Umpire. If arbitra on is requested, the decision reached by the arbitrators or, if they disagree, by the umpire shall be final and binding on all par es and shall not be subject to appeal. Ar cle 20 Bylaws This club shall adopt bylaws not inconsistent with the cons tu on and bylaws of RI, with the rules of procedure for an administra ve territorial unit where established by RI, and with this cons tu on, embodying addi onal provisions for the government of this club. Such bylaws may be amended from me to me as therein provided. Ar cle 21 Interpreta on Throughout this cons tu on, the terminology “mail,” “mailing,” and “ballot-by-mail” will include u liza on of electronic mail (e-mail) and internet technology to reduce costs and increase responsiveness. Ar cle 22 Amendments Sec on 1 — Manner of Amending. Except as provided in sec on 2 of this ar cle, this cons tu on may be amended only by the council on legisla on in the same manner as is established in the bylaws of RI for the amendment of its bylaws. Sec on 2 — Amending Ar cle 2 and Ar cle 4. Ar cle 2 (Name) and Ar cle 4 (Locality of the Club) of the cons tu on shall be amended at any regular mee ng of this club, a quorum being present, by the affirma ve vote of not less than two-thirds of all vo ng members present and vo ng, provided that no ce of such proposed amendment shall have been mailed to each member and to the governor at least ten (10) days before such mee ng, and provided further, that such amendment shall be submi ed to the board of directors of RI for its approval and shall become effec ve only when so approved. The governor may offer an opinion to the board of directors of RI regarding the proposed amendment.

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Standard Rotary Club By-Laws STANDARD ROTARY CLUB BYLAWS Bylaws of the Rotary Club of _______________________________________ Club bylaws supplement the Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on and establish common club prac ces. The bylaws in this document are recommenda ons. Customize them to reflect your club's prac ces, and confirm that they are not in conflict with the RI Cons tu on and Bylaws, the Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on (except where permi ed), and the Rotary Code of Policies. Ar cles that your club is required to include are noted below.

Ar cle 1 Defini ons 1. Board: The club's board of directors 2. Director: A member of the club's board of directors 3. Member: A member of the club, other than an honorary member 4. Quorum: The minimum number of par cipants who must be present when a vote is taken: one-third of the club's members for club decisions and a majority of the directors for club board decisions 5. RI: Rotary Interna onal 6. Year: The 12-month period that begins on 1 July Your club may choose how it defines a quorum for vo ng purposes.

Ar cle 2 Board The governing body of this club is its board of directors, consis ng of, at a minimum, the president, immediate past president, president-elect, secretary, and treasurer. The Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on requires a club's bylaws to include ar cle 2. The officers listed above are required to be members of the club board. Your club's board may have addi onal members, such as the vice president, the president-nominee, sergeant-atarms, or other directors. If your club has satellite clubs, list their club board members in this ar cle, also.

Ar cle 3 Elec ons and Terms of Office Sec on 1 — One month before elec ons, members nominate candidates for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and any open director posi ons. The nomina ons may be presented by a nomina ng commi ee, by members from the floor, or both. Sec on 2 — The candidate who receives a majority of the votes for each office is declared elected to that office. Sec on 3 — If any officer or board member vacates his or her posi on, the remaining members of the board will appoint a replacement. Sec on 4 — If any officer-elect or director-elect vacates a posi on, the remaining members of the board-elect will appoint a replacement. Sec on 5 — The terms of office for each role are: President—one year Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Standard Rotary Club By-Laws Vice President —______ Treasurer —______ Secretary —______ Sergeant-at-arms —______ Director —______ The Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on requires that your club's bylaws specify an elec on process. If a nomina ng commi ee is used, include details of how it is appointed. The term of office for a club president is specified as one year in the Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on.

Ar cle 4 Du es of the Officers Sec on 1 — The president presides at club and board mee ngs. Sec on 2 — The immediate past president serves as a director on the club board. Sec on 3 — The president-elect prepares for his or her year in office and serves as a director. Sec on 4 — The vice president presides at club and board mee ngs when the president is absent. Sec on 5 — A director a ends club and board mee ngs. Sec on 6 — The secretary keeps membership and a endance records. Sec on 7 — The treasurer oversees all funds and provides an annual accoun ng of them. Sec on 8 — The sergeant-at-arms maintains order in club mee ngs. See Rotary club leader manuals for details on the roles of club officers.

Ar cle 5 Mee ngs Sec on 1 — An annual mee ng of this club is held no later than 31 December to elect the officers and directors who will serve for the next Rotary year. Sec on 2 — This club meets as follows: _______________. Reasonable no ce of any change or cancella on of the regular mee ng will be given to all club members. Sec on 3 — Board mee ngs are held each month. Special mee ngs of the board are called with reasonable no ce by the president or upon the request of two directors. The Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on requires club bylaws to include ar cle 5, sec on 2.

Ar cle 6 Dues Annual club dues are _______. Annual club dues include RI per capita dues, a subscrip on to The Rotarian or a Rotary regional magazine, district per capita dues, club fees, and any other Rotary or district per capita assessment. The Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on requires club bylaws to include ar cle 6. Ar cle 7 Method of Vo ng The business of this club is conducted by voice vote or a show of hands except in the elec on of officers and directors, which is conducted by ballot. The board may also provide a ballot for a vote on some resolu ons. Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Standard Rotary Club By-Laws Include satellite club vo ng procedures here.

Ar cle 8 Commi ees Sec on 1 — Club commi ees coordinate their efforts to achieve the club's annual and long term goals. Each club should have the commi ees listed in ar cle 13, sec on 7, of the Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on. Sec on 2 — The president is an ex officio member of all commi ees and, as such, has all the privileges of membership. Sec on 3 — Each commi ee's chair is responsible for the regular mee ngs and ac vi es of the commi ee, supervises and coordinates its work, and reports to the board on all commi ee ac vi es. Ar cle 9 Finances Sec on 1 — Before each fiscal year starts, the board prepares an annual budget of es mated income and expenditures. Sec on 2 — The treasurer deposits club funds in a financial ins tu on or ins tu ons designated by the board, divided into two accounts: one for club opera ons and one for service projects. Sec on 3 — Bills are paid by the treasurer or another authorized officer and approved by two other officers or directors. Sec on 4 — A qualified person conducts a thorough annual review of all financial transac ons. Sec on 5 — Club members will receive an annual financial statement of the club. Sec on 6 — The fiscal year is from 1 July to 30 June. Ar cle 10 Method of Elec ng Members Sec on 1 — A member proposes a candidate for membership to the board, or another club proposes one of its transferring or former members. Sec on 2 — The board approves or rejects the candidate's membership within 30 days and no fies the proposing member of its decision. Sec on 3 — If the board approves the candidate's membership, the prospec ve member is invited to join the club. A process to address objec ons raised by current members may also be included here.

Ar cle 11 Amendments These bylaws may be amended at any regular club mee ng. Changing the club bylaws requires sending wri en no ce to each member 10 days before the mee ng, having a quorum present for the vote, and having two-thirds of the votes support the change. Changes to these bylaws must be consistent with the Standard Rotary Club Cons tu on, the RI Cons tu on and Bylaws, and the Rotary Code of Policies.

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Rotary Classifica on Principle The Rotary Classifica on Principle Virtually all membership in Rotary is based upon a "classifica on." Basically a classifica on describes the dis nct and recognized business or professional service that the Rotarian renders to society. The principle of Rotary classifica on is somewhat more specific and precise. In determining the classifica on of a Rotarian it is necessary to look at the "principal or recognized business or professional ac vity of the firm, company or ins tu on" with which an ac ve member is connected or "that which covers his principal and recognized business or professional ac vity." It should be clearly understood that classifica ons are determined by ac vi es or services to society rather than by the posi on held by a par cular individual. In other words, if a person is the president of a bank, he or she is not classified as "bank president" but under the classifica on "banking." It is the principal and recognized ac vity of a business or professional establishment or the individual's principal and recognized business or professional ac vity that determines the classifica on to be established and loaned to a qualified person. For example, the permanently employed electrical engineer, insurance adjustor, or business manager of a railroad company, mining company, manufacturing concern, hospital, clinic, etc., may be considered for membership as a representa ve of the par cular work he or she may be doing personally or as a representa ve of the firm, company or ins tu on for which the professional service is being done. The classifica on principle also permits businesses and industries to be separated into dis nct func ons such as manufacturing, distribu ng, retailing and servicing. Classifica ons may also be specified as dis nct and independent divisions of a large corpora on or university within the club's territory such as a school of business or a school of engineering. The classifica on principle is a necessary concept in assuring that each Rotary club represents a cross sec on of the business and professional service of the community. In 1995 the Council on Legisla on permi ed the admission of re red people who had never been in Rotary but would have been qualified. These individuals can be admi ed as past service members and are the only Rotarians without a current or former classifica on. Few common examples of classifica ons: The classifica on of a “Teacher” would be Educa on – School, or Educa on – University; The classifica on of a “ENT Doctor” would be Medicine Prac ce – ENT; The classifica on of a “Bank Manager” would be Banking – Management; The classifica on of a CA would be Accoun ng Service – Management The classifica on of an owner of a “Car Showroom” would be Auto Sales – Cars

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI South Asia Office, RI Head Quarter & Rotary News Trust Office Address : Pullman/Novotel Commercial Tower, First Floor, Asset No.2, Hospitality District, Aerocity (Near IGI Airport), New Delhi 110037 Telephone No.: (91-11) 42250101-05 Office Timings : 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Lunch ming: 1:00-1:30 pm) Open on all days except Saturdays, Sundays & Declared Holidays Abha Mathur Execu ve Secretary ( 42250115 *

Rajeev Ranjan Head-South Asia ( 42250115 *

Club & District Support (CDS) Ja nder Singh Head-Club & District Support ( 42250102 * Ja

Bhupinder Bindra Correspondent, CDS ( 42250124 *

Joseph Thomas Sr. Coordinator, CDS ( 42250126 *

Charanjit Makin Correspondent, CDS ( 42250125 *

Daman Baweja Coordinator, CDS ( 42250122 *

Sonu Ram Assistant-CDS ( 42250153 *

The Rotary Founda on (TRF) Sanjay Parmar Head-The Rotary Founda on ( 42250104 *

Nida Hasan Program Officer-India WASH in Schools Target Challenge ( 42250145 *

Shakuntala Raha Manager-Fund Development & Donor Services ( 42250147 *

Bhawna Verma Sr. Program Associate-CSR ( 42250172 *

Ashwini Sharma Sr. Coordinator-Donor Services ( 42250143 *

Nelson Abraham Coordinator-Grants ( 42250116 *

Roy Oommen John Sr. Coordinator-Grants & RF(I) ( 42250146 *

Ree Mondal Coordinator-CSR Grants ( 42250161 * Ree

Sumit William Coordinator-Grants ( 42250150 *

Manju Joshi Correspondent-Donor Services ( 42250148 *

Hema Gupta Sr. Coordinator-Annual Giving ( 42250149 *

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

RI South Asia Office, RI Head Quarter & Rotary News Trust Financial Services (FS) Rashi Varshney Head-Financial Services ( 42250103 *

Ruma Mondal Correspondent-Membership & Dues Processing ( 42250139 *

Subhash Agarwal Coordinator-Corporate Accoun ng & Maintenance ( 42250134 *

Mukesh Kumar Choubey Correspondent-RI(I) Receivables ( 42250169 * Neha Sharma Correspondent-RI Payables & Repor ng ( 42250137 *

Neelu Kaushik Coordinator-RF(I) Receivables & Systems ( 42250135 *

Simranjeet Kaur Assistant, Financial Services ( 42250117 *

Sumit Sharma Correspondent-RI Receivables & Dues Processing ( 42250133 * Rahul Chitkara Correspondent-RF(I) Payables & Repor ng ( 42250136 *

Legal & Stewardship Rajesh Anand Team Leader-Stewardship & Legal ( 42250144 *

Winson Mathew Coordinator-Stewardship ( 42250157 *

RI Travel Services (RITS) Bejoy Samuel Manager-RITS ( 9911564503 *

Communica on & Public Rela ons Jyo Rai Sr. Coordinator, Communica on & PR ( 42250173 * Jyo

HR & Administra on (incl. Publica ons) Shamik Mani Head-HR & Administra on ( 42250111 *

Shikha Gehlot Assistant-Front Office ( 42250101 *

Ajay Goyal Team Leader-HR & Administra on ( 42250105 *

Ramchander Assistant-Administra on ( 42250114 *

Abhishek Saxena Assistant-Administra on & Publica ons ( 42250113 * Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Licenced Vendors of Rotary Merchandise Be er Services Mumbai, India Phone: 91 22 649 1143 Fax: 91 22 2649 8201 Website: Email: be er@be

Sache & Company, M/S / Sache India Ajmer, India Phone: 91 1463 242217 Fax: 91 1463 244320 Website: www.sache .org Email: sache

BK AD GIFTS Tamilnadu, India Phone: 94431 57569 Email:

Sunrise Adver sers Jalandhar, India Phone: 91-181-6570962/5010962 Fax: 91-181-2200964 Email:

Mohan Plas c Industries Delhi, India Phone: 91 11 2385 8130 Fax: 91 11 2385 2657 Website: Email: mohanplas

Tej Brothers New Delhi, India Phone: 011-23254884 / 23254885 Fax: 011- 23286145 Website: Email:

Naveen Enterprises Bangalore, India Phone: 91 80 6593848 Fax: 91 80 26594623 Email:

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

DISTRICT GOVERNORS 2019-20 & 2020-21 RI Zone 4, 5, 6 & 7

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2019-20 District 2981

N. Manimaran Club : Thanjavur South CL : Builder D.O.B. : 19-Nov E-mail : Address : No. 41-B, IV Cross, Arulananda Nagar, Thanjavur 613007, Tamil Nadu

District 2982

: N. Parvathy : 1-Oct : 4-Mar : 9443373156

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shakila : 4-Oct : 19-Jun : 9843172552

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ritu : 2-Jan : 18-Feb : 9811058196

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Reena : 1-Oct : 27-Jan : 98110 89981

Suresh Bhasin Club : Delhi CL : Investment & Real Estate Consultant D.O.B. : 1-Oct E-mail : Address : C-3/1, Second Floor, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110057

District 3012

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Dr. A. Zameer Pasha Club : Trichirapalli Midtown CL : Surgeon D.O.B. : 16-Jul E-mail : Address : Shanawaz Hospital, Post Box # 941, A-20, Main Road, Thillaninagar, Trichy, Tamil Nadu

District 3011

: M. Ezhil : 3-May : 28-Aug : 9443353364

A.K. Natesan Club : Komarapalayam CL : Educa on Administra on D.O.B. : 30-Mar E-mail : Address : Nh544, Pallakapalayam, Sankari West Post, Komarapalayam Taluk Namakkal Dist, Erode, T.N.

District 3000

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Er. Deepak Gupta Club : Ghaziabad CL : Engineering Goods Manufacturing D.O.B. : 13-Apr E-mail : Address : KA 18, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad 201002 (UP)

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2019-20 District 3020

M. Veerabhadra Reddy Club : Kakinada Central CL : Aqua Feeds D.O.B. : 21-Jun E-mail : Address : D. No. 3-27, Vijaya Gardens, Sarpavaram Junc on, Kakinada 533005, Andhra Pradesh

District 3030

: Ashwini : 22-Dec : 3-May : 9422247857

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sunita : 19-Aug : 11-Dec : 9425014898

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Hema : 24-Mar : 2-Dec : 8527115959

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ashish : 25-May : 5-Dec : 98980 20090

Harish Kumar Gaur Club : Bhiwadi CL : HR Consultancy D.O.B. : 14-Jan E-mail : Address : 1104, Tower-23, Orchid Patels, Sector 49, Sohna Road, Gurugram 122018, Haryana

District 3054

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Dhiran Datta Club : East Bhopal CL : Hosiery Trading D.O.B. : 25-Oct E-mail : dg3040dhiranda Address : 63, Sector 1, Shak Nagar, Bhopal 462024, Madhya Pradesh

District 3053

: Bhavani : 11-Jan : 30-Apr : 98481 60554

Rajendra Madhukar Bhamre Club : Malegaon Midtown CL : Builder and Developers D.O.B. : 8-May E-mail : Address : Matoshree' Indraprastha Colony, Nr. TV Cntr, Malegaon Camp Dist., Nashik, Malegaon, MH.

District 3040

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Bina Ashish Desai Club : Kankaria - Ahmedabad CL : Social Service D.O.B. : 12-Mar E-mail : Address : 402, Shashwat Apt, Near Kalgi Flats, Judges, Bunglow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380015 Gujarat

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2019-20 District 3060

Anish Shah Club : Bulsar CL : Distribu on of Polymers D.O.B. : 12-Sep E-mail : Address : Shah N H Estate, Vallabhbhai Patel Road, Valsad 396001, Gujarat

District 3070

: Archana : 1-Sep : 18-Sep : 98160 31399

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Ritu : 19-Nov : 19-Nov : 9812051666

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Tripta : 21-Jun : 7-Feb : 9812034700

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nidhi :: 4-Dec : 9837037127

Rajeev Garg Club : Sirsa CL : Brick Manufacturing, Grain Trading D.O.B. : 4-Nov E-mail : Address : H.No.15/611, Bansal Colony, Gali No.1, Prof. Ganeshi Lal Wali Gali, Sirsa 125055, Haryana

District 3100

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Jitendra Dhingra Club : Kurukshetra CL : Rice Milling D.O.B. : 27-Jan E-mail : Address : #67, Sector 7, Urban Estate, Kurukshetra 136118, Haryana

District 3090

: Swa : 3-May : 4-Dec : 98200 02540

Sunil Nagpal Club : Palampur CL : Informa on Technology D.O.B. : 7-Dec E-mail : Address : NIIT Palampur Centre, Opposite New Bus Stand, Palampur 176061, HP

District 3080

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Hari Gupta Club : Meerut Stars CL : Busi. Fleet Owner, Daily Cargo Service D.O.B. : 8-Sep E-mail : aatyalogis Address : 26 Transport Nagar, Main Road, Near Shekho Petrol Pump, Meerut 250002

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2019-20 District 3110

Kishor Katru Club : Bareilly Central CL : Business - Automobile Fianncier D.O.B. : 2-Jan E-mail : Address : 201, Civil Lines Sharab Godam Road Kachhari, Bareilly 243001, UP

District 3120

: Poonam : 19-Sep : 18-Feb : 89603 95617

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Jayashree : 4-Apr : 29-Apr : 98508 23421

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sunita : 24-Apr : 20-Feb : 98230 30456

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Romi : 18-Dec : 21-Apr : 9820054271

Suhas Laxmanrao Vaidya Club : Farmer - Nurserymen - Landscape CL : Aurangabad Elite D.O.B. : 23-Nov E-mail : Address : Sukul', 279, Samarth Nagar, Pallawankur Nurseries, Varad Ganesh Mandir Rd, Aurangabad 431001, MH

District 3141

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Ravee Dhotre Club : Poona North CL : Storage Manufacturing D.O.B. : 24-Feb E-mail : Address : 59/20, Navasahydri Society, Karvenagar, Pune 411052, Maharashtra

District 3132

: Sangeeta : 20-Feb : 8-Jul : 94122 90101

Sanjay Agrawal Club : Kashi CL : Electrical Goods Distribu on D.O.B. : 20-Jun E-mail : Address : Sanjay Electricals, CK-65/370, Badi Piyari, Varanasi 221001, UP

District 3131

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Harjit Singh Talwar Club : Bombay Mulund Valley CL : Prin ng Ink Manufacturing D.O.B. : 28-Mar E-mail : Address : D-1002, Marathon Cosmos, Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Mulund (W), Mumbai 400080, Maharashtra

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2019-20 District 3142

Dr. Mohan Chandavarkar Club : Thane North CL : Medical Prac ce - OBGYN D.O.B. : 3-Jul E-mail : Address : Apeksha Hospital, Drug Society, Samatanagar, Pokharan Road No 1, Thane 400606, Maharashtra

District 3150

: Annapurna : 10-Apr : 4-Apr : 78931 53150

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Shikha : 5-Mar : 25-Dec : 98452 84414

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sandhya : 23-Mar : 7-May : 9448003286

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Annie : 3-Nov : 28-Oct : 9448062569

Dr. Girish R. Masurkar Club : Bagalkot CL : Ophthalmology D.O.B. : 10-May E-mail : Address : Banashankari Eye Hospital, Mahaveer Road, Bagalkot 587101, Karnataka

District 3181

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Nayan S. Patil Club : Davangere South CL : Educa onalist D.O.B. : 16-Dec E-mail : Address : Modern School, 3rd Cross, Vinayaka Extension, Vidyanagar, Davangere 577005, Karnataka

District 3170

: Veena : 18-Mar : 7-Apr : 9821054982

Pandi Srivannarayana Rao Club : Guntur Vikas CL : School Administra on D.O.B. : 5-Dec E-mail : Address : St. Xavier Public School, Main Road, Nallapodu, Guntur 522005, Andhra Pradesh

District 3160

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Joseph Mathew Club : Mysore West CL : Teaching D.O.B. : 28-Sep E-mail : Address : 105, Behind Old Post OďŹƒce, 5A Main Rd, 1st Stage, Brindavan, Extension, Mysore 570020, Karnataka

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2019-20 District 3182

Ramesh B.N. Club : Hassan CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 24-Dec E-mail : Address : 2861 A, Shankar Mu Road, K.R. Puram, Hassan 573201, Karnataka

District 3190

: Dr. Roopa : 3-Feb : 5-Dec : 98459 78706

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Sujata : 17-Sep : 26-Nov : 98460 31667

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Latha : 4-Feb : 22-Feb : 98422 05125

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Deepthi Bhanu : 26-Oct : 12-Dec : 94472 76576

A. Karthikeyan Club : Cochin Tirupur Metan Town CL : Educa onal Management D.O.B. : 4-Dec E-mail : Address : A.V.P. Trust Public School (CBSE), 8/111, Gandhinagar (POST), Tirupur 641603, T.N.

District 3211

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

R. Madhav Chandran Club : Cochin Downtown CL : IT Networking D.O.B. : 3-Oct E-mail : Address : Leela, Amala Bhavan Cross Road, Kochu Kadavanthra, Kochi 682020, Kerala

District 3202

: Usha : 18-Aug : 26-Oct : 94484 68958

Dr. Sameer Hariani Club : Bangalore Southwest CL : Den st D.O.B. : 16-Aug E-mail : Address : Dazzle, Sai Prabhu No.8, Sirur Park, B. Street, Sheshadripuram, Bangalore 560020, Karnataka

District 3201

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Shirish Kesavan Club : Cochin Quilon CL : Administra on - Public Sector D.O.B. : 4-Oct E-mail : Address : Anaswara, No.3, Vikas Nagar, Pa athanam, Kollam 691021, Kerala

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2019-20 District 3212

Dr. S. Sheik Saleem Club : Courtallam Central CL : Educa on - Collegiate Teaching (Rtd.) D.O.B. : 2-Mar E-mail : Address : 58/33, Sham Nivas, East Mosque Street, Sengo ai 627809, Tamil Nadu

District 3220

Amirtha 13-Apr 13-Jul +94-777686960

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Nalini : 22-Dec : 7-Sep : 96775 11717

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Manjula : 15-Sep : 9-Mar : 98400 48300

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Dr. Charis : 26-Oct : 9-Oct : 94369 61669

G. Chandramohan Club : Madras North West CL : Manufacturing Automobile Parts D.O.B. : 15-Sep E-mail : Address : New Dolphin Machining Sol., D-1/B, P.O. Rd, Amba ur Indl. Estate, Chennai 600058, T.N.

District 3240

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Sridar Balaraman Club : Vellore Fort CL : Bakery Products Manufacturers D.O.B. : 16-Apr E-mail : Address : DVP Bakery, 105 Long Bazaar, Vellore 632004, Tamil Nadu

District 3232

: Shamla : 21-May : 21-Feb : 94435 08231

Sebastian Karunakaran Club : Colombo West CL : IT Special Projects D.O.B. : 21-Aug E-mail : Address : 233/18, Lake Garden, Rajagiriya, Colombo, Sri Lanka

District 3231

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Dr. Debashish Das Club : Shillong CL : Pediatrician D.O.B. : 7-Aug E-mail : Address : The Children's Hospital Pohkseh, Shillong 793006, Meghalaya

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2019-20 District 3250

Gopal Khemka Club : Patna Mid Town CL : Healthcare D.O.B. : 10-Jan E-mail : Address : Kataruka Niwas, 6th Floor, South Gandhi Maidan, Patna 800001, Bihar

District 3261

: Rajjo : 11-Apr : 11-Dec : 98930 03000

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Aparna : 24-Oct : 26-Jan : 99370 66669

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Mamta : 5-May : 9-Oct : 98300 20808

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

: Gita : 19-Nov : 16-Feb : +9779856020089

Ajay Agarwal Club : Calcu a Millennium CL : Newspaper Publishing D.O.B. : 4-Oct E-mail : Address : 5, Tilak Road, Kolkata 700029, West Bengal

District 3292

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

CA Debasish Mishra Club : Bhubaneswar Royal CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 13-Nov E-mail : Address : 307, 3rd Floor, Block A, Nirmala Plaza, Forest Park, Bhubaneswar 751009, Odisha

District 3291

: Avita : 24-Apr : 7-Feb : 99555 35222

Ranjeet Singh Saini Club : Raipur Royal CL : High Tension Electricals D.O.B. : 1-Aug E-mail : Address : C-38, New Bombay Market, G.E. Road, Ranipur 492001, Cha sgarh

District 3262

Spouse D.O.B. Anni. Mobile

Kiran Lal Shrestha Club : Pokhara CL : Tex le Manufacturer D.O.B. : 30-Jul E-mail : Address : Mahendra Pul Pokhara Lekhnath Metro, Kaski 33700, Nepal

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2020-21 District 2981

R. Balaji Babu Club : Mayiladuthurai Delta CL : Real Estate D.O.B. : 3-Aug E-mail : Address : 4/6, Maruthi Nagar, 2nd Cross Street, Mayiladuthurai, Nagaipa nam 609001 (TN)

District 2982

Spouse : B. Alamelu Anni. : 12-Jun Mobile : 99444 91050

K.S. Venkatesan Club : Chinnasalem Spouse : Sree Priya CL : Ediable Oil Manufacturing Anni. : 13-Mar D.O.B. : 27-Mar Mobile : 94433 86679 E-mail : Address : 19A, T.V.K Nagar, Chinnasalem 606201, Villupuram Dt. Tamil Nadu

District 3000

A.L. Chokkalingam Club : Pudukko ai Spouse : C. Bhavani CL : Chemist Anni. : 11-Sep D.O.B. : 29-Jun Mobile : 98658 72769 E-mail : 97502 03000 Address : Leena Illam, 79, Kambar Street, Charles Nagar-2, Pudukko ai 622005, Tamil Nadu

District 3011

Sanjiv Rai Mehra Club : New Delhi CL : Audit & Tax Consultancy D.O.B. : 22-Oct E-mail : Address : C-584, New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110025

District 3012

Spouse : Rita Anni. : 5-Dec Mobile : 98100 15663

Alok Gupta Club : Ghaziabad Shatabdi CL : Manufacturer of Tapes & Labels D.O.B. : 25-Nov E-mail : Address : A-26, Sec-35, Near City Center, Noida

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Spouse : Shivani Anni. : 4-Sep Mobile : 98100 09641

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2020-21 District 3020

Satish Babu Muttavarapu Club : Vijayawada Midtown CL :D.O.B. : 24-Mar E-mail : Address : Mo lal Oswal Securi es Ltd, D.No.399-34, FF, SVS Temple Street, Labbipet, Vijayawada 520010

District 3030

Shabbir Shakir Club : Nagpur CL : Photography Equipment Distribu on D.O.B. : 12-Jun E-mail : Address : 741, Nelson Square, Nagpur 440013, Maharashtra

District 3040

Spouse : Sarthika Anni. : 27-Oct Mobile : 94250 53611

Dharmveer Singh Bhadoria Club : Gwalior City CL : Businessman (Food Industry) D.O.B. : 29-Mar E-mail : Address : 104, Jeevandeep Apartment, Rajnigandha Enclave, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior 474005, Madhya Pradesh

District 3054

Spouse : Jumana Anni. : 10-Feb Mobile : 93731 02622

Gajendra Singh Narang Club : Indore Dynamic CL : Real Estate Management D.O.B. : 11-Feb E-mail : Address : Narang House, 25, Aditya Nagar, Near Vishnupuri, Indore 452017, MP

District 3053

Spouse : M. Mahathi Anni. : 29-May Mobile : 98481 16686

Spouse : Tara Anni. : 8-Jun Mobile : 94251 26990 81090 15828

Rajesh Agarwal Club : Kota CL : Trading - Elect Engg- Equipment D.O.B. : 13-Apr E-mail : Address : 68-A, R.K. Puram, Kota 324010, Rajasthan

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Spouse : Vandana Anni. : 23-Nov Mobile : 94141 88811

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2020-21 District 3060

Prashant Harivallabh Jani Club : Wadhwan City CL : Financial Consultant D.O.B. : 22-Aug E-mail : Address : Capital House, Near Brahm Samaj, Bhavan, Kothari Balmandir Rd, Surendranagar 363001, GR

District 3070

CA Davinder Singh Club : Amritsar CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 15-Feb E-mail : Address : 8, Queen's Road, Opp. Hotel Country Inn, Amritsar 143001, Punjab

District 3080

Spouse : Rekha Anni. : 19-Nov Mobile : 94161 00624

Vijay Arora Club : Ferozepur Can . CL : Educa on Administra on D.O.B. : 2-Mar E-mail : Address : # 430-Kir Nagar, Ferozepur City, Punjab 152002

District 3110

Spouse : Dolly Anni. : 29-Jan Mobile : 98140 53744

Ramesh Bajaj Club : Panipat CL : Exports D.O.B. : 2-Dec E-mail : Address : 624, Model Town, Panipat 132103, Haryaana

District 3090

Spouse : Hita Jani Anni. : 24-Jan Mobile : 98255 06111

Spouse : Sunita Anni. : 3-Feb Mobile : 98156 21022 81462 30022

Dinesh Chandra Shukla Club : Kanpur West CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 21-Jul E-mail : Address : 24/56, Birhana Road, Kanpur 208 001, U ar Pradesh

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Spouse : Saroj Anni. : 10-Feb Mobile : 98390 32619

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2020-21 District 3120

Karunesh Kumar Srivastava Club : Barabanki CL : Hospital Service D.O.B. : 6-Feb E-mail : Address : 5/227-228, Avas Vikas Colony, Barabanki 225001, U ar Pradesh

District 3131

Spouse : Kanchan Anni. : 1-Nov Mobile : 94530 13641 94150 49956

Rashmi Vinay Kulkarni Spouse : Vinay Club : Pune Parva Anni. : 28-Apr CL : Architect Mobile : 98224 37320 D.O.B. : 15-Jul E-mail : Address : 484/7, “Unique”, Mitramandal Colony, Parva , Pune 411009, Maharashtra

District 3132

Harish Motwani Club : Beed Midtown CL : Pharmaceu cal Distribu on D.O.B. : 24-Feb E-mail : Address : Pra k Enterprises, Behind Anand Hospital, Jalna Road, Beed 431122, Maharashtra

District 3141

Spouse : Renu Anni. : 26-Apr Mobile : 93701 32226

Sunnil J. Mehra Spouse : Shilpi Club : Bombay Pier Anni. : 1-Feb CL : Packaging: Manufacturers Mobile : 98193 98838 D.O.B. : 9-May E-mail : Address : 1506 B, Raj Grandeur, Hiranandani, Gardens, Behind Hiranandani Hospital, Powai, Mumbai 400076, MH

District 3142

Dr. Sandeep Bapu Kadam Spouse : Dr. Ranjana Club : Thane North End Anni. : 17-Apr CL : Medicine: Pediatrics Mobile : 99300 16444 D.O.B. : 25-Mar E-mail : Address : Tushar Nursing Home, Krishna Towers, FF, Ghodbunder Rd, Kapurbawadi, Thane-West, Thane 400607, Maharashtra

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2020-21 District 3150

N.V. Hanmanth Reddy Club : Armoor CL : Business D.O.B. : 30-Jun E-mail : Address : H.No: 5-16, Post: Perkit, Mandal: Armoor, Dist: Nizamabad 503224

District 3160

Chinnapa Reddy Bhujuti Club : Nandyal Mid Town CL : Engineer D.O.B. : 1-Dec E-mail : Address : H.No.30/178-B, Gopal Nagar, Nandyal 518501, Kurnool (DT) Andhra Pradesh

District 3170

Spouse : Nalla Vijitha Anni. : 8-Dec Mobile : 94406 95551 88017 50555

Spouse : Mahalakshmi Anni. : 17-Mar Mobile : 94409 03456

Sangram Vishnu Patil Spouse : Utkarsha Club : Kolhapur Midtown Anni. : CL : Engineering Export Mobile : 26-Feb D.O.B. : 13-Sep E-mail : 98220 42926 Address : Krutarth Bunglow, Survey No.140/A, Plot No.A/2, Nrusingh Saraswa Nagar, Green Park, Kolhapur 416003

District 3181

M. Ranganath Bhat Club : Mangalore Metro CL : Tyre retailing D.O.B. : 22-Feb E-mail : Address : 3-32-2732, Maya, Kadri Kambla Road, Near Haribhak Aparts., Bejai P.O., Mangalore 575004, Karnataka

District 3182

Spouse : Rajani Anni. : 3-Mar Mobile : 98455 35121

B. Rajarama Bhat Club : Kallianpur CL : Poultry Farming D.O.B. : 26-May E-mail : Address : Century Farms, Po: Shivalli, via Kunjibe u, Udupi Ta. & Dist. Udupi 576102, Karnataka

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Spouse : Varadamba Anni. : 13-Jul Mobile : 98450 09747

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2020-21 District 3190

B.L. Nagendra Prasad Club : Bangalore Peenya CL : Land Dev., Const., Rentals & Leasing D.O.B. : 3-Nov E-mail : Address : #175, 6th Cross Gandhinagar, Bangalore 560009, Karnataka

District 3201

Jose Chacko Madhavassery Club : Perumbavoor CL : Engineering Civil D.O.B. : 18-May E-mail : josechackom@redi Address : Madhavassery House, T.B. Road, Perumbavoor 683542, Ernakulam, Dist. Kerala

District 3202

Spouse : Mary Anni. : 27-May Mobile : 98460 53757

Dr. Hari Krishnan Nambiar Club : Kasargod CL : Dental Surgeon D.O.B. : 1-Nov E-mail : Address : Stylo Complex, Bank Road, Kasargod 671121, Kerala

District 3211

Spouse : Meera Anni. : 1-Feb Mobile : 96111 35397

Spouse : Dr. Smitha Anni. : 24-Apr Mobile : 94470 89488

Dr. Thomas Vavanikunnel Spouse : Dr. Omana Club : Palai Anni. : 29-Apr CL : Sonologist Mobile : 94472 31317 D.O.B. : 5-Sep E-mail : Address : Vavanikunnel, Monastery Link Road, Palai 686575, Ko ayam District, Kerala

District 3212

PNB Murugadoss Club : Virudhunagar Elite CL : Chartered Accountant D.O.B. : 18-Sep E-mail : Address : 14/1, N. N. Road (Opp. to YMCA Hall), Virudhunagar 626001, Tamil Nadu

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Spouse : Devi Anni. : 9-Jun Mobile : 98430 52833

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2020-21 District 3220

Lokuge Don Ajith Weerasinghe Club : Negombo CL : Marke ng D.O.B. : 10-Jul E-mail : Address : Kandawala, Thimbirigaskatuwa, Sri Lanka

District 3231

K. Pandian Club : Vellore Mid Town CL : Auditor D.O.B. : 7-Jul E-mail : Address : Pandian & Co, Auditors, 43/13, Filter Bed Rd, Ganesh Complex, Vellore 632001, Tamil Nadu

District 3232

Spouse : Samudri Anni. : 14-Jan Mobile : (+94) 71 2732679

Spouse : P. Jothie Anni. : 29-Apr Mobile : 98430 87177 97509 87177

Muthu Palaniappan Shunmugam Spouse : Kamala Club : Madras Central Aadithya Anni. : 15-Sep CL : Real Estate - Residen al Mobile : 98410 72520 D.O.B. : 12-May E-mail : Address : Che nadd Housing, No.1, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai 600083, Tamil Nadu

District 3240

Subhasish Chatterjee Club : Siliguri CL : So ware Development D.O.B. : 18-Jun E-mail : Address : Narsimah Nilayam, 2-41/16/2, Prashanth Nagar, Plot # 62, Police Colony Road, Kothaguda, Hyderabad 500084, Telangana

District 3250

Spouse : Beauty Anni. : 3-Jul Mobile : 76740 14040 98300 66930

Rajan Gandotra Club : Dhanbad CL : Real Estate Development D.O.B. : 7-Dec E-mail : Address : Gandotra House, 41 Babulal Gali, Jora Phatak Road, Dhanbad 826 001, Jharkhand

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Spouse : Anju Gandotra Anni. : 23-Oct Mobile : 94311 21634 79790 36300

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Governors : 2020-21 District 3261

Fakir Charan Mohanty Club : Rourkela Mid-Town CL : Chemical Manufacturing D.O.B. : 17-Feb E-mail : Address : D 3/1, Civil Township, Rourkela 769004, Odisha

District 3262

Spouse : Ara Anni. : 18-Jun Mobile : 94370 46277

Saumya Ranjan Mishra Spouse : Sarita Club : Bhubaneswar Confluence Anni. : 13-Jul CL : Law Prac ce (Taxa on & Mercan le) Mobile : 94370 30232 D.O.B. : 25-Dec E-mail : Address : "Swas k" Behind Hind Cinema PO SCB Medical College, Ranihat, Cu ack 753007, Odisha

District 3291

Sudip Mukherjee Club : Calcu a Lansdowne CL : Chemical & Food Proc. Equip. Mfg. D.O.B. : 1-Oct E-mail : Address : 2/2B, Nundy Street, Kolkata 700029, West Bengal

District 3292

Spouse : Sumita Anni. : 31-Jan Mobile : 98310 76498

Rajib Pokhrel Club : Kathmandu Metro CL : Financial Services D.O.B. : 30-Mar E-mail : Address : Rotary District Office, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal

Spouse : Anupama Anni. : 9-Jun Mobile : (+977) 9851021675

Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it !

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

District Office

District Secretary

Addl. District Secretary

Rtn. Dharmesh Joshi ( : +91 94260 88322

Rtn. Thakur S. B. Singh ( : +91 98250 06259

* :

* :

Office Execu ve

Chaitanya Rana ( : +91 94285 99305 * :

DG Office Address 402, Shashwat Apartments, Nr.Kalgi Flats, Opp. A thi Dining Hall, Judges Bungalow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad-380015. Gujarat, INDIA Email : Mobile : +91 9428599305

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Auro safes......

..... to ensure your peace of mind

“F.H. House,” Opp. New Market yard, VISNAGAR - 384315. GUJARAT. Tele : (02765) 232138 Mo. 98795 85900, 98255 81444 Email :



Survey No.175/1, Near Shubham Petroleum, On the way to APSEZ, Nana Kapaya, Mundra - Kachchh - 370 421 Tel. 02838- 297298, Mob. : +91 97120 29993, Email :, Regd. Office : “Shubham” Near ST Stand, Mundra - Kachchh 370 421.


Available Grades Fe 500 / Fe 500 D (8 mm - 32 mm available) on demand Quality, Supply and Service

E-mail : /




PDG Jagdish Patel Rtn. Divyesh Patel HARAMBA

Haramba Steels Pvt. Ltd.

Mfg. of M.S & Alloy Steel Bright Bars in Round, Square, Hexagonal, Flat in Diff. Shape & Section. Fact:Gorwala Estate, 3 K.M. Milestone, Visnagar-Mehsana Road, Visnagar, Gujarat Mobile: 9825061321, 9879452245 | E-mail:

Mahalaxmi Steel Traders Stockiest & Dealers: M.S & Alloy Steel Black, Bright Bars in Round, Square, Hexagonal & Flate Off: G 9-10, Raghuvir Ind. Estate, Nr. Rudrax Complex, Odhav Road, Ahmedabad Phone: (O) 079-22977466 Mobile: 9879452245 | E-mail:




































k from

Rotary Club of

Aadarsh Ahmedabad TEAM


RID - 3054


nWITH BEST COMPLIMENTSn From GUJARAT AMBUJA EXPORTS LTD. “Ambuja House”, Opp. Sindhu Bhavan Sindhu Bhavan Road, Bodakdev Ahmedabad-380059







Works DAHEJ ROAD, VILLAGE-JOLWA, DIST-BHARUCH, GUJARAT. PH:02641-257373, 254265,254266






m m


nWITH BEST COMPLIMENTSn From Utkrnati Solutions Rtn. Shivbahadursingh Thakur Rtn. Karansingh Thakur





(Manufacturer & Exporter of Quartz Engineered Stone)

Corporate office NCCL House G-1/90-93, Sukher Industrial Park, Phone No.0294-2440307 Fax : 2440310



Udaipur-313 004.

WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS From HARISH PROCESSORS PVT. LTD. Manufacturer & Exporter of Calcium Carbonate & Master Batches


Shed No.A-304-305, Marshalling Yard, Kandla Special Economic Zone, Gandhidham (Kutch), Gujarat 370 230 INDIA Phone : +91-2836-252436 Email :



Jaymal Kot Akhil Bhartiya Rajput Seva Sadan “Jaymal Kot” (Nr. Brahma Temple), Pushkar, Dist.-Ajmer Mo.9460546999, 9784650406


Purthvi Tyres Exclusive Dealers


Sunil B. Ahir : 98796 10743 NH 8/A, Of ice No. 10, 11, 12, Survey No.74/3, Vill : Padana, Gandhidham-370 240 Email :






Shri Ram Salt Supply Supplier of Industrial & Edible Salt

Shree Ram House, 1st Floor, Plot No. T.C.X.-20 South, Behind OBC Bank, Gandhidham (Kutch) 370 201 Tel. : +91-2836-234878 FAX : +91-2836-225490 E-mail :



Ar. Pranab Singh Thakur +91 942 819 8494

Ar. Nirja Desai +91 992 512 0090 Ground Floor, Shashwat Appt., Opp. Atithi Dining Hall, B/h.Kalgi Flats, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 380015

212, Navneet Darshan, Old Palasia, Greater Kailash Road, Indore - 452018

PAM BROTHERS Project Management Consultancy Builder & Engineers

Pratik Desai +91 9879789892 Ashish Desai +91 9825320090 Milan Desai

+91 9879301565

G/F, Shashwat Apt., B/h. Kalgi Apt., Judges Bungalow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 380015







596, Nav Jyoti Press Road, Chhawani Chauraha, Kota-7 (Raj.), INDIA Tel. (0744) 2360860, 2360840 (O). Mob. 94141-86041 Fax 91-744-2360840 E-mail :


Bibliography Name

Club Name

Contact No.

Pg. No.

A. J. Patel Dr. Aakansksha Sharma Abhay Rathod Abhijit Dholakia Abhinav Mantri Abhishek Sharma Aditya Kumar Jain Ajay Kala Ajay Kumar Jain Ajay Sharma Ajit Agrawal Ajit Singhi Akhilesh Kumar Jain Akshay Kumar Jain Akshay Mehta Alka Rao Dr. Alkesh Mody Alkesh Panchal Alkeshkumar Patel Alok Agrawal Amar Patel Amar Singh Kavia Amish I. Patel Dr. Amit Agrawal Amit Bhavsar Amit Chauhan Amit Gupta Amit Gupta Dr. Amrish Patel Amrut Prajapa Anand Khandelwal Anand Maharwal Anand Solanki Anantprakash N. Dikshit Dr. Anil Agarwal Anil Chajjad Anil Gaur Anil Khatri Dr. Anil Kothari Dr. Anil Mehta Anil Mundra Anil Singh Animesh Parakh Anita Chaudhary

Unjha Ahmedabad Supreme Bhuj Udaipur Royal Malpura City Kota Jaipur Roundtown Bhilwara Mehsana Palanpur Diamond City Malpura City Jaipur Bapunagar Udaipur Elite Mandvi Kutch Bhuj Flemingo Adipur Visnagar Roundtown Visnagar Jaipur Roundtown Ahmedabad North Sikar Ahmedabad Mahanagar Jaipur Ci en Vadali Bhuj Wallcity Jaipur Sanskar Ahmedabad Mahanagar Ahmedabad Midtown Kalol Kota North Jaipur East Pali Patan Jaipur Midtown Udaipur Kota Roundtown Ahmedabad Airport Udaipur Udaipur Mewar Kota Ahmedabad North Bhilwara Solitaire Padmini Kota

9825489202 8758637208 9825074035 9879526054 9414164206 9166578797 9799022767 9829050255 9461046015 9825070534 9712177777 9414439981 9829053981 9414168317 9825284246 9825227945 9909948338 9825581444 9825090201 9829061894 8866004550 9414037789 9898083430 9829017766 8000120403 9825442574 9829016362 9825066428 9426015083 8160095795 9414180427 9829013931 8696674450 9825760695 9829059134 9414169111 9414179767 9428498101 9414158657 9414162611 9414186518 9726599555 9414260280 7665000550

100 163 184 250 209 279 106 60, 68, 85, 120 249 115 161 279 224 210 109 169 205 194 298 107, 162 186 139 87 263 199 81 272 185 189 148 230 264 146 139 70 206 278 150 137 206 132 171 213 120

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Bibliography Name

Club Name

Contact No.

Pg. No.

Anjali Bha Anju Garg Ankur Gupta Ankur Parmar Dr. Ankush Rathi Dr. Anubha Jain Anubhav Ladia Anuj Sharma Anup Ghiria Anurag Banthia Apoorva Shastri Dr. Arihant Jain Arpit Shah Ar Bhadauria D.

9825136171 9414149445 9352970001 9825486411 8875777702 9929160977 9352526000 9979677333 9825291108 9829068283 9414021502 8233335540 9825323855 9414287605

118 215 272 253 289 117 129 205 204 122 213 133 155 170

Ar Dub y Arun Agrawal Arun Kabra Arun Kumar Bapna Dr. Arun Parikh Dr. Arun Vachharajani Aruna Agrawal Dr. Arvind Agrawal Dr. Arvind Kabra Arvind Kumar Batra Arvind Patel Arvind Rana Arvind Sharma Arvind Vijayvergia Asha Desai Ashish Banthia Ashish Birla Ashish Choradia Ashish Desai

Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Jaisalmer Swarnanagari Jaipur South Capital Gandhinagar Sikar Jaipur Udaipur Heritage Gandhidham Gandhidham Jaipur South Bhilwara Solitaire Jaipur Capital Ahmedabad Metro Ranthambhore Sawai Madhopur Jaipur Central Deesa Malpura Green Udaipur Mewar Himmatnagar Bhuj Flamingo Kota Roundtown Ahmedabad Airport Ahmedabad Supreme Jaipur Central Ahmedabad Midtown Capital Gandhinagar Jaipur Midtown Tonk Ahmedabad Asmita Udaipur Heritage Kota Udaipur Elite Kankaria (Ahmedabad)

9799599108 9227132178 9252443024 9928913030 9426418688 9825227709 9414152526 9327013779 9825009267 9214001400 9824068689 8849448775 9829064999 9414201306 9824255514 9828044186 9982800666 9352500554 9825320090

Ashok Bha Ashok Dhoot Ashok Gupta Dr. Ashok Jain Cotler Ashok Kakkar Ashok Khandelwal Ashok kumar Lodha Ashok Maheshwari Dr.

Ahmedabad Elite Jaipur South Jaipur Roundtown Jaipur Ci en Tonk Palanpur Diamond City Pali Palanpur city

9879500202 9829063121 9982600007 9829047933 9351219925 9824266516 9414120720 9428195465

262 256 217 207 68, 93 202 150 188 133 119 242 190 220 216 238 210 168 177 60, 69, 93, 110, 111, 113, 158, 160, 162, 167 239 221 59, 60, 67, 78, 85 223 216 196 285 197

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Bibliography Name

Club Name

Contact No.

Pg. No.

Ashok Mangal



Ashok Palliwal Ashok Patni Ashokbhai Acharya Ashutosh Dave Ashutosh Pathak Dr. Ashutosh Shukla Ashwin Jain Ashwin Joshi ASK Sherwani Atul Pandya Atul Parikh Atulkumar Pandit Avinash Shukla Avnish Thacker Ayush Sharma Rtr. Ayushman Mehta Azim Sheth Dr. B. K. Chavda B. M. Bairva Dr. B. T. Patel Dr. Babulal Prajapa Babulal Verma Bajranglal Midha Baldev Patel Balwant Singh Chirana Bankim Mehta Beenu Rao Bhadresh Shah Dr. Bhagwan Agrawal Bhagwa lal Me ta Bhagyesh Patel Dr. Bhak bhai Pajapaa Bhanu Gupta Bhanu Pratap Singh Bhanwar Singh Takhar Dr. Bharat Desai Bharat Dholakia Bharat jain Bharat Lohar Bharat Patel Bharat Sur Bharatkumar Panchal

Udaipur Panna Jaipur Central Bhuj Flemingo Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Patan City Cosmopolitan A’bad Gandhidham Patan E-Club Bhankhrota Jaipur Mundra Kutch Ahmedabad Metro Mehsana Brijnagar Jhalawar Bhuj Gandhidham Jaipur Emerald Bhuj Capital Gandhinagar Tonk Idar Patan Tonk Jaipur Capital Kalol Sikar Kalol City Mehsana Sabarma (Ahmedabad) Abu Road Udaipur Dahegam Kalol Ahmedabad West Udaipur Panna Ringus A’bad Prahladnagar Bhuj Gandhinagar Bhuj Wallcity Mehsana Milk city Ahmedabad Metro Dahegam

9414162461 9829018650 9825272204 9099988452 9367620940 9879104476 9825225529 9427060609 9799952652 9879600255 9825011548 9426633955 9414193954 9825226585 7046862992 9929111325 9978531246 9726164054 9414045003 9374023231 9824250171 9785739437 9413383444 9825109854 9414037875 9725647127 8980023329 9825288988 9649883883 9414156718 9825450079 9327933888 9825028982 9783322111 9414832655 9879581603 9825225054 9601999024 9099001081 9376334556 9825048680 9879173776

72, 78, 90, 91, 94, 110, 123, 157 294 122 251 132 286 186 130 193 107 112 149 281 252 131 112 264 128 191 100 102 138 291 229 199, 275 109 191 152 111 196 176 199 198 80, 81, 87, 155 208 288 120 67, 106, 116 259 201 282 121 255

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Bibliography Name

Club Name

Contact No.

Pg. No.

Bhargav Patel Bhavesh Parekh Dr. Bhavik Patel Bhavin Ganatra Bhavna Shah Bhikhabhai Patel Bhupendra Mehta Bhupendra Sharma

9825032906 9825034353 9825031609 9978736999 9825858700 9408701750 9825214599 9950254747

260 170 89 280 204 284 200 287

Bhupesh Thacker Bhuvnesh Agarwal Bijal Shah Bimal Morabia Bina Desai

Idar Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Unjha Mandvi Kutch Toral Bhuj Palanpur Mundra Ranthambhore Sawai Madhopur Bhuj Jaipur Mansarovar Ahmedabad Mahanagar Bhuj Wallcity Kankaria (Ahmedabad)

9825225081 8560996375 9825023764 9374603032 9898020090

Bipin Patel Bipin Patel Bipin Shah Dr. Brij Rajkumari Rathore Buddhiprakash Agarwal C. L. Meena Dr. C. M. Birla C. P. Purohit Chaman Chandak Champak Jhalmora Dr. Champak Lohar Chandra Palmer

Visnagar Roundtown Ahmedabad Midtown Dahegam Udaipur Meera Chomu Dausa Kota Jalore Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Deesa Ambaji RI HQ

Chandrakant Palan Chandresh Nagar Chetan jain Chetan Shah Chhaya Gadhavi Chirag Leuva Chirag Raval Chirag Thakar Daljeet Singh Bhandari Darshan Shah Dr. Darshana Shah Darshita Shah Dasharathbhai Patel Datatraya Firke Daxesh Raval Deepa Mathur Dr.

Anjar Jaipur Roundtown Udaipur Mewar Ahmedabad Metro Mundra Kutch E-Club of Galaxy 3051 Kalol City Kadi Jaipur Metro Ahmedabad North Mandvi Kutch Ahmedabad South Sidhpur Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Ahmedabad Emerald Jaipur Central

9898529697 9925024474 9825313642 9414174971 9829120055 9414073717 9414090941 9414151650 9327024373 9427372910 9426066024 +1-847-8663183 9427274673 9413337970 9829042343 9824030951 9428080476 9998259791 8200758746 9099977561 9928882880 9537421111 9825375777 9824236684 9825132814 9426180355 9824989996 9829061546

114 151 185 200 71, 78, 90, 91, 94, 157 194 242 137 208 254 225 69, 171 215 183 256 247 158

Let’s build a legacy... together!


140 156 294 187 89 258 275 274 133 243 203 184 289 169 185 262

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Bibliography Name

Club Name

Deepak Bansal Deepak Dantara Dr. Deepak Garg Dr. Deepak Gupta Deepak Kumar Singhal Deepak Padia Deepak Pandya Deepak Sharma Deepak Shikarpur Deepak Sukhadia Deepali Agrawal Deepesh Hemnani Deepika Singh Dr. Dev Vrat Jaithalia Devang Doctor Devang Shah Deven Shah Devendra Kothari Dr. Devendra Patel Dr. Devendra Sareen Dr. Devidas Bhanushali Devkumar Godika Dhanpal Jain Dhanraj Chopra Dhanrajbhai Thakkar Dharam Chand Mehta Dharmendra Joshi Dharmendra Patel Dr. Dharmesh Mehta Dharmesh Vyas Dhiraj Mehta Dhiraj Mehta Dr. Dhiraj Patel Dhiren Shah Dr. Dhruvin Kothari Dhwaneet Mehta Digesh patel Dilip Gor Dilip Jhala Dilip Subhedar Dilip Thakkar Dilipbhai Shah Dinesh Akhani Dinesh Gajjar

Kota North Ahmedabad Metro Sikar Jaipur City Mount Abu Ahmedabad North Ahmedabad Metro Jaipur Roundtown

Let’s build a legacy... together!

Contact No.

9414185630 9825011855 9414039646 9928480169 9414449784 9825064093 9825036235 9799222444 9822044533 Udaipur Heritage 9928355488 Jaipur Marugandha 9929603844 Udaipur Udai 9509669999 Jaipur Marugandha 9783307074 Jaipur Emerald 9829060300 Ahmedabad Mahanagar 9825029354 Ahmedabad Airport 9924119785 Ahmedabad Vasna 9825060116 Jaipur 9829119868 Ahmedabad 9825122723 Udaipur 8890400500 Ahmedabad North 9825007119 Jaipur Heights 9829059388 Kherwara 9460505868 Balotra 9414107875 Patan 9998946658 Jaipur Heights 9829065400 Kankaria (Ahmedabad) 9426088322 Gandhinagar 9428482182 Bhuj Wallcity 9825461771 Bhuj Capital 9825253021 Ambaji 9427086099 Ahmedabad Metro 9824019682 Ahmedabad Midtown 9825042730 Mehsana 9924586859 Ahmedabad Supreme 9428079403 Ahmedabad Mahanagar 9638443844 Palanpur 9429197381 Mundra 9825040972 Ringus 9829777501 Ahmedabad Greater 9427016148 Bhuj 9925171057 Himmatnagar 9825095372 Palanpur 9825046351 Kalol 9824169293


Pg. No. 231 156 138 225 282 154 163 117 59 128, 210 227 295 268 171 168 151 180 143 138 169 148 154 276 214 140 129 79, 90, 158, 170 259 252 203 142 139 189 190 245 241 284 201 219 184 103 199 196 198

Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Bibliography Name

Club Name

Contact No.

Pg. No.

Dinesh Kumar Thacker Dinesh Mehta Dinesh Patel Dinesh Thacker Dinesh Vyas Dinmay Choudhary Dipesh Mehta Dip Gang al Divya Kacholia Dr. Divyesh Vora Dwijesh Acharya Dwital Parikh Faruk Khatri G. L. Rathi Dr. G. S. Baldva Gajendra Jodhawat Gajendra Purohit Dr. Gajendra Suyal Gandabhai Patel Gaurang Sherawala Gaurav Saini Gautam Kawar Gautam Mehta Ghela ahir Ghemarbhai Desai Girdharilal Shekhawat Girish Mathur Dr. Girish Pandya Girishbhai Raval Girwar Singh Gopal Jain Gopal Krishna Sharma Dr. Gopal Patel Gopal Sapra Gopi Krishan Agrawal Govind Gupta Govind Patel Gunvant Patel Dr. Gurjeet Singh Chawla Gyaneshwar Rao Dr.

Gandhidham Pali Ahmedabad West Bhuj Capital Kherwara Udaipur Mewar Ahmedabad Supreme Jaipur Majesty Sikar Bhuj Flemingo Bhuj Wallcity Ahmedabad Narol Anjar Sikar Ahmedabad North Udaipur Udaipur Royal Udaipur Heritage Himmatnagar A’bad Prahladnagar Tonk Pali Balotra Gandhidham Patan Jaipur Central E-Club Bhankhrota Jaipur Dungarpur Palanpur City Jaipur Emerald Kota Jaipur Emerald Unjha Kota Jaipur Jaipur South Unjha Mehsana Jaipur Mansarovar Bhuj Flamingo

9825699122 9870038880 9879597714 9825229199 9784269091 9414470772 9825097858 9649730658 9414036986 9898244220 9099080998 9825156498 9925977028 9314140063 9825024887 9829020040 9414785397 7665020022 9825462623 9824015415 9829728688 9314021841 9414107886 9825227266 9879875298 9829014745 9414496779 9414105346 9824013518 9829065042 9414178983 9829796549 9825061352 9414187058 9414064891 8949401644 9898246826 9825039307 9928377455 9825225405

H. P. Kucchal Hansal Shukla Hansraj Chaudhary

Jaipur Central Ahmedabad Emerald Udipur Mewar

9314866088 9909914146 9829042722

71 215 175 138 147 294 184 267 219 251 252 149 201 100 186 114 209 210 198 181 291 214 248 124 286 85, 225 220 207 196 227 123 227 195 98 221 221 194 101 228 69, 79, 80, 131, 173 224 151 169

Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

Bibliography Name

Club Name

Contact No.

Pg. No.

Hardik Shah Haresh Patel Haresh Patel Haresh Patni Harikrishna Vaishnav Harish Bhardwaj Dr. Harish Kalyani Harish Khatri Harsha Kumawat Harshad Jani Harshad Pandya Harshad Udeshi Dr.

Ahmedabad West Visnagar Patan Jaipur Sumerpur Jaipur Bapunagar Adipur Jaipur Royal Udaipur Meera Ahmedabad Riverfront Unjha Mandvi Kutch

9327094980 9825052711 9998962176 9829015986 9829128832 9829473838 9898260188 9013966655 9785170800 9426339891 9824659095 9825236390

Hasan Rayma Hasmukh Patel Heena Jayeshbhai Suthar Hema Shah Hemal Sheth Hemalata Gupta Hemang Parikh Dr. Hemant Jain Hemendra Shah Hemendra Sharma Hemveersingh Rao Hetal Doshi Hetal Gohel Dr. Himanshu Goyal Himanshu Patel Himanshu Patel Hiren Shah Hiten Vasant Hitesh Pathak Hitesh Raval Dr. Ila Joshi Dr. Imran Jat Inaxi Bhavsar Ishwar Panjwani Ishwinder Singh J. K. Singhi J. P. Maheshwari Jagat Karani Jagdish Ashtekar Jagdish Kotak Jagdish Nahta

Mandvi Kutch Mansa Siddhpur Ahmedabad Asmita Ahmedabad Mahanagar Kota South Sidhpur Dungarpur Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Jaipur Royal Mehsana A’bad Prahladnagar Deesa Jaipur Royal Aadarsh Ahmedabad Ahmedabad North Ahmedabad Emerald Ahmedabad Kankaria (Ahmedabad) E-Club Of Galaxy 3051 Jaipur Marugandha Mundra Ahmedabad South Ahmedabad Midtown Jaipur Midtown Jaipur Metro Palanpur City Capital Gandhinagar Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Radhanpur Gandhidham

9825229435 8140230111 8469402498 7878970703 9824044994 8209431571 9414723143 9898286200 9694822000 9227941041 9426341292 9825999322 9829555874 9825555002 9979876474 9327769255 7567305087 9824119666 9712860601 9783307091 9979407145 9712231576 9825877710 9829017377 9413340433 9879266999 9824011211 9824060795 9638085885 9825255845

148 170 193 113 214 224 143 271 293 244 194 68, 91, 93, 111, 154, 157 202 199 193 181 132 279 289 124 276 223 281 133 193 111 236 243 240 181 81 187 83 158 244 107 220 131 141 141 276 193 259

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Jagdish Patel Jagdish Soni Dr. Jagjitsingh Multani Jagru atel Jashwant Gajjar Jasmeet Nagar Jaswant Gandhi Jaswinder Saroya Jaswinder Seghal Ja n R val Jayant Thacker Jayesa Bavishi Dr. Jayesh Parikh Jayesh Parmar Jayesh Patel Jayesh Shah Jayesh Suthar Dr. Jaykishore Jaju Jayprakash Vyas Dr. Jigar Shah Jigar Shah Jignesh Gandhi Jignesh Shah Jignesh Shah Jimesh Gajjar Jinesh Sethi Jitendra Agarwal Jitendra Kacholia Dr. Jitendra Patel Jitendra Talesara Joitabhai Patel

Visnagar Deesa Gandhinagar Mehsana Milk city Kalol Jaipur Roundtown Gandhinagar Kota Jaipur Central Vijapur Bhuj Wall City Palanpur City Udaipur Heritage Ahmedabad Vasna Vijapur Bhuj Sidhpur Jaipur Midtown Sabarma (Ahmedabad) Ahmedabad Supreme Ahmedabad Vasna Ahmedabad Majesty Ahmedabad Majesty E-Club of Galaxy 3051 Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Kota Central Jaipur Sanskar Sikar Gandhinagar Udaipur Heritage Ahmedabad Midtown

9825061321 9825067844 9879860048 9376334556 9327933555 9983338822 9978405819 9829036236 9829022916 9898408554 9925026153 9328324525 9829040216 9586016200 9099668211 9825227919 9825773513 9829053031 9824012876 9825071704 9376196150 9327002923 9825070704 9825021013 9913609887 9414933865 9928911009 9351251006 9979077555 9414165729 9426015285

Jugal Singh Jus ce S.N. Bhagava Jyo D aari Jyo Mahes wari Jyo s aroop Garg K. A. Shyamkumar K. C. Agrawal K. C. Sharma Dr. K. D. Gupta Dr.

Dausa Jaipur East Ahmedabad Metro Jaipur midtown Jaipur Pride Abu Road Gandhidham Dausa Ranthambhore Sawai Madhopur Ahmedabad Midtown

9460138799 9414044461 9924098424 9571588099 9214053777 9649311113 9824430925 9414035454 9414030650

70, 91, 175 193 191 195 275 271 143 162 225 195 151 137 211 180 297 161 112 176 69, 102 83 246 182 81, 162 258 89 277 272 218 140 293 68, 78, 90, 93, 107, 110, 125, 170 225 66, 98, 110 83 128 229 103 204 116 139



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K. L. Jain K. L. Maheshwari K. R. Khan K. S. Dhillon K. S. Sharma Kailash Chand Khandelwal

Jaipur East Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Tonk Jaipur North Jaipur Gurukul Ranthambhore Sawai Madhopur Udaipur Udai Jaipur Pinkcity Jaipur Kohinoor Ranthambhore Sawai Madhopur Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Patan Palanpur Diamond City Visnagar Mehsana Ahmedabad West Ahmedabad Metro Radhanpur Gandhinagar Adipur Jaipur Roundtown Padmini Kota Sabarmaa (Ahmedabad Tonk Udaipur Elite Radhanpur Anjar Palanpur City A’bad Prahladnagar Kadi Kota Central Kherwara Udaipur Mewar Idar Mount Abu Ahmedabad Majesty Unjha Mandvi Udaipur Meera Udaipur Meera Palanpur City Ahmedabad Supreme

9829056261 9426051890 9414048410 9636360123 9783300015 9414030214

220 108 142 269 229 287

7727029898 9928012610 9414325301 9414030888

211 171 266 231

9099044347 9898116594 9979869982 9825169873 9825094056 9824246688 9227207666 9879124415 9824016611 9898612391 9829053434 9414186466 9428735213 9887008833 9414166976 9898427354 9909967440 9824088978 9825068857 9824349878 9414177955 9636993309 9414167944 9898490814 9829321321 8301396202 9879585050 9825355422 9829247329 9785573549 9824502776 9726580845

87, 88 192 196 195 113 246 87, 155 287 130 175 167 231 188 217 156 287 200 197 82, 88 191 149 276 156 99 129 145 195 202 147 293 284 122

Kailash Chandra Diwakar Kailash Chandra Sirpuria Kailash Gupta Kailash Jain Kalpan Shah Kalpesh Choksi Kalpesh Modi Kalpesh Patel Kalpesh Shah Kalpesh Shah Kalpesh Shah Dr. Kalpesh Thakkar Kamal Jain Kamal Karamchandani Kamal Tongia Kamla Singh Gaur Kamlesh Prajapa Kamlesh Singodia Kamlesh Talesara Kamlesh Tanna Kanjibhai Sorathia Kanubhai Agrawal Kapil Bhavsar Kapil Trivedi Dr. Kapil Tuteja Dr. Kapildev Upadhyay Kapoor Chand Jain Karuna Trivedi Kashyap Jani Kaushal Shah Kaushik Patel Kaushik Shah Dr. Kavita Modi Kavita Srivastava Keyur Bachani Khushboo Khamar Dr. Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Kishan Kacholia Kishanlal Kachwaha Kishorbhai Joshi Kishore Asnani Dr. Krishna Kumar Mehta Krishna Maheshwari Kuldeepsingh Sadhwani Lal Morani Dr. Lalbhai Patel Lalit khandelwal Lalit Sharma

Kota Sumerpur Ambaji Deesa Jaipur South Kota Roundtown Mount Abu Jaipur Kohinoor Mansa Chitorgarh Ahmedabad Riverfront

9309486677 9829121153 9898250984 9825436294 9314886158 9414179696 9461001946 9829222044 9825234055 9784798440 9825112060

Lalitkumar Patel Laxmi Chandra Gupta Laxmikant Biyani Laxmiprasad Vora Leena Doshi Lokesh Jain Dr. Luckyraj Sinh Zala M. L. Agarwal Dr. M. S. Sanghvi Dr. Madhav Singh Dr. Madhavlal Patel Madhu Sareen Dr. Madhusudan Brahmbha Madhusudan Parik Mafatlal Fosi MahamadSharif Khatri Mahaveer Jain Mahavirsinh Jhala Mahendra Banthia Mahendra Bhavsar Mahendra Chaudhary Mahendra Gupta Mahendra Jain Mahendra Kumar Chopra Mahendra Kumar Jain Mahendra Patel Mahendra Taya Mahendra Vijayvargiya Mahendra Vyas Mahesh Bhanshali Mahesh Garg Mahesh Khushwaha

Visnagar Roundtown Bundi Sikar Anjar Ahmedabad Airport Udaipur Mewar A’bad Prahladnagar Kota North Udaipur Sri Madhopur Sunrise Vadali Udaipur Meera Mehsana Malpura Green Palanpur Adipur Kutch Chitorgarh Mundra Kutch Jaipur South Gandhinagar Kota Palanpur Diamond City Ahmedabad Airport Balotra Bundi Ahmedabad Suryoday Udaipur Kota Central Jaisalmer Swarnanagari Deesa Abu Road Kankaria (Ahmedabad)

9924618871 9829170922 9414038300 9426495378 9925035920 9829009390 9925187889 9825020868 9414156150 9252533184 9426891644 9829118586 9427306466 9414439708 9825081906 9978557007 9829246013 7984947456 9829068282 9825463835 9829035435 9824036026 9426725054 9414108300 9414175016 9898012161 9414158546 9829038307 9414149355 9825127755 9414153515 9824029164

114 131 247 137 115 233 282 226 199 212 70, 93, 157, 167, 172 298 253 218 121 156 207 243 136 125 137 146 83 80 216 146 237 212 283 166 125 133 285 189 248 233 188 207 176 215 136 236 168

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Mahesh Maliwal Mahesh Mandania(Soni) Mahesh Mulani Dr. Mahesh Patel Mahesh Patodi Mahesh Shah Maheshbhai Patel Mamta Dhupia Dr. Mamta Modani Manak Chopra Manan Shah Dr. Mangilalji Gandhi Mani Bha a D. Manik Nahar Manish Agrawal Manish Kedia Manish Mundra Manish Patel Manish Sanya Manisha Patni Dr. Manisha Shah Manisha Shah Dr. Manju Kalyani Manmohan Bhawsar Manoj Bansal Manoj Garg Manoj Kumar Jain Manoj Kumar Jain Manoj Raniwala Manoj Sharma Manoj Singh Baid Manoj Tanna Manoj Thakkar Manojkumar Patel Manu Paliwal Manu Thapar Maulik Bakshi Dr. Maullin Patel Mayank Bha a Meena Mandot Meeta Patel Mehul Mehta Mehul Patel Mehul Rathod

Chitorgarh Bhuj Flamingo Radhanpur Palanpur City Bundi Palanpur City Ahmedabad Midtown Udaipur Meera Bhilwara Solitaire Balotra Sabarma (Ahmedabad) Pali Jaipur Gurukul Udaipur Jaipur Mansarovar A’bad Prahladnagar Bhilwara Ahmedabad Midtown Bhuj Capital Jaipur Marugandha Ahmedabad Emerald Ahmedabad Airport Adipur Dungarpur Jaipur Roundtown Ahmedabad West Dudu Malpura Green Kota Central Dudu Jaipur Mundra Kutch Bhuj Flamingo Mansa Kota Ahmedabad West Ahmedabad Metro Mehsana Jaisalmer Swarnanagari Udaipur Vasudha Jaipur Marugandha Gandhinagar Palanpur Ahmedabad Metro

9829246665 9925236052 9824549413 9825069706 9414256552 9427535385 9825039731 9828143089 9829245411 9414108080 9825097832 9829020984 8003095264 9314430666 9829115543 7046150376 9414114562 9825064560 9825227982 9783307131 9426181666 9825020796 9426217810 9414104668 9314822914 8866016200 9414930625 9667180150 9829037171 9875194600 9462000964 9099932146 9825226595 9426592103 9414188855 9825016932 9327013103 9824039739 9799966007 9799143544 9829066977 9825073624 9426004787 9825326368

150 113 131 104 232 197 189 209 213 214 288 214 228 206 228 117 249 139 251 228 114 82 205 207 160 187 146 280 232 142 220 283 138 281 230 114 150 71, 168, 177 140 296 226 190 196 119

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Mehul Shah Mihir Parikh Milan Patel Milan Shah Milind Vaidya Mita Agrawal Mitesh Dharamshi Mithalal Dave Mohammad Ul Baqir Master Mohan Parashar Mohan Singh Gaden Mohanbhai N. Shah Mona Sogani Monika Singhatwadia Moses Philomenon Mukesh Bavishi Dr Mukesh Gupta Mukesh Jain Mukesh Jhanwa Mukesh Kumar Agarwal Mukesh Mehta Mukesh Patel Mukesh Shah Dr. Mukesh Sharma Mukesh Sharma Mukeshkumar Jain Mukund Jani Munirhusen Ajmeri Dr. N. Subramanian Dr. Nagendra Chaudhary Naimish Ravani Nakshatara Talesara Nameeta Rajvanshi Dr. Nanakbhai Thakkar Nandlal Goyal Narendra Choradia Narendra Dhing Dr. Narendra Patel Narendra Ta ala Naresh Jindal Naresh Kothari Naresh Mehta Naresh Modi Narpat Mehta

Ahmedabad Metro Ahmedabad Narol Unjha Ahmedabad Metro Bhuj Flamingo Kota Gandhidham Adipur Palanpur Jalore Ambaji Bhuj Jaipur Marugandha Udaipur Meera Jaipur Ahmedabad Majesty Kota South Banswara Udaipur Royal Abu Road Ahmedabad Elite Visnagar Ahmedabad Metro Dudu Udaipur Royal Kota Central Ahmedabad Narol Radhanpur

9825092400 9825186755 9825156599 9825060550 9426217501 9314460966 9825226557 9427249693 9825071852 9414152896 9426175839 9825225497 9982800666 9636862756 9414044379 9898926262 9829165468 9414101259 9214430531 9414769172 9712950076 9426281518 9825090223 9829570878 9352503898 9414277493 9426020446 9825697863 9810044291 9414046417 9879688811 9829040698 9414443311 9375881363 9825225769 9829245551 9414168690 9825898758 9829061262 9214356590 9414101754 9414068268 9825628878 9414464095

186 243 296 141 107 121 140 204 108 162 197 66, 125 227 123 161 154 279 208 176 236 181 194 186 257 295 277 183 192 59 109 167 206 118 192 146 212 206 255 226 253 209 222 147 290

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Jaipur Central Ahmedabad Supreme Udaipur Jaipur Marugandha Deesa Gandhidham Chitorgarh Udaipur Dahegam Jaipur Emerald Bundi Banswara Jaipur North Ahmedabad Sumerpur


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Natubha Sodha Naval Khandelwal Naveen Bhadada Naveen Thacker Dr. Naveen Vaishnav Navin Kothari Navinchandra Mistry Navinchandra Patel Navroz Tarapore Neeraj Agrawal Neeraj Sogani Capt.

Bhachau Dausa Bhilwara Solitaire Gandhidham Udaipur Udai Jaipur Kalol City Unjha Ahmedabad Jaipur Mansarovar Jaipur Central

9825250505 9414334949 9829039304 9426217314 9680377710 9314068393 9824512180 9426521366 9825009716 9828089451 9829011760

Neeta Vyas Dr. Nehal Ganatra Nigam Chaudhari Nikunj Vyas Nilesh Dalia Nilesh Gandhi Nimesh Mehta Nimesh Patel Ninad Sherawala Nipun Patel Nirav Mistri Nirav Patel Nirav Shah Nirmal Kunawat Nirmal Singhvi Nirmala Sewani Nisha Yadav Dr. Nishith Mehta Nita Vyas Ni n Me ta Ni n atel Ni n Sang vi Nrupesh Shah Nrupesh Shah O. P. Bansal O. P. Modi O. P. Saxena Dr. Om Banthia Om Prakash Goyal Om Prakash Sahni Om Prakash Sharma Om Prakash Yadav

Sabarma (Ahmedabad) Mandvi Kutch Visnagar Palanpur City Ahmedabad Mahanagar Ahmedabad Majesty Banswara Aadarsh Ahmedabad A’bad Prahladnagar Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Kalol City Aadarsh Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Vasna Udaipur Udaipur Jaipur South Jaipur Gurukul Ahmedabad Emerald Mehsana Banswara Patan Bhuj Ahmedabad Metro Aadarsh Ahmedabad Jaipur Pride Jaipur Pinkcity Ahmedabad Greater Balotra Jaipur Pride Kota South Malpura Green Chomu

9328277119 9825326740 9825068022 9825458347 9377713680 8980816551 9414102780 9428800567 9924121579 9879001517 9687667134 9426021606 9327051913 9829008331 7300046868 9810442788 9783307161 9825014169 9825038633 7597994455 9824081790 9825269254 9825006563 9825851905 9414271252 9829057901 9898837378 9461522309 9414240806 9460488588 9414439334 9928580067

249 256 212 83 211 261 142 161 180 155 71, 78, 85, 90, 93, 157 144 203 177 175 184 241 208 183 181 183 275 236 117 120 60, 68, 86 149 229 239 161, 175 248 108 250 86 183 144 149 121 214 229 230 216 219

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OmPrakash Gupta P. M. Bhardwaj P. R. Patel Dr. Padam Dugar Padma Patel Padmashri Arjun Prajapa Pankaj Khatri Parag Fatehpuria Parag Parekh Parag Rungta Parag Shah Parag Thacker Paras Kothari Paras Shah Dr. Parasmal Jain Paresh Dixit Paresh Padiya Parmesh Chandra Dr. Parth Takker Parthiv Mehta Dr. Pavan Chaplot Pawan Jain Pawan Jain Sangam Pawan Jakhe a Pinakini Chokshi Piyusha Nya Piyushbhai Desai Pooja Acharya Pooja Thacker Poonam Naruka Dr. Prabha Luhadia Dr. Prabhudas Patel Prabodhchand Jain Prachi Chopra Pradeep Kothari Pradeep Kumawat Dr. Pradeep Singh Gour Dr. Pradhuman Kumar Patni

Jaipur Mansarovar Jaipur Bapunagar Mehsana Milk City Udaipur Mehsana Milk city Jaipur Emerald Jaisalmer Swarnanagari Ahmedabad Supreme Ahmedabad Vasna Jaipur Roundtown Ahmedabad Mahanagar Bhuj Dudu Ahmedabad Supreme Sumerpur Ahmedabad Himmatnagar Jaipur Central Capital Gandhinagar Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Ahmedabad West Dungarpur Malpura Green Chiorgarh Ahmedabad Mahanagar Padmini Kota Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Elite Toral Bhuj Bhilwara Solitaire Jaipur Bapunagar Siddhpur Jaipur Royal Jaipur Roundtown Udaipur Kota North Kota

Pradip Agarwal Pradip Kumar Jain Praful Vyas Pragya Mehta Prahladbhai Patel Let’s build a legacy... together!

Contact No.

Pg. No.

9769633993 267 9414077887 132 9825035080 147 9352500031 108 9978645080 282 9829013401 264 9414150048 273 9978111041 167 9824548365 246 9828020036 223 9825026247 162 9825537890 203 9829270455 217 9898932000 245 9829099760 290 9909912817 132 9925042314 260 9829018100 143 9825608744 253 079-26854849 172 9825785396 116 9414102292 257 9414257977 124 9414109359 254 9825910662 124 8107606000 230 9824097009 125 9016809115 239 9428293570 291 9828515201 250 9414794684 102 9879721663 192 9057987066 271 9099778001 163 9314505571 101 9414158880 292 8290003555 99 9414190330 70, 91, 160, 171, 173 Sabarma (Ahmedabad) 9825480012 155 Jaipur Heights 9829060012 265 Himmatnagar 9825010117 260 Kota 9413352729 80, 163, 231 Vijapur 9825198556 194


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Prakash Chand Sanghi Prakash Chand Soni Dr. Prakash Choksi Prakash Doshi Dr. Prakash Mehta Prakash Panchal Prakash Sharma Pramendra Bafna Pramila Surana Pramod Kumar Bhargava Pramod Kumar Bha a Pranav Vaishnav Dr. Prashant Ajmera Pratap Chaudhari Pratap Singh Sirohi Prateek Hinger Praveen Agrawal Praveen Pareekh Pravin Kanabar Dr. Pravin Kothari Pravin Oza Dr. Pravin Patel Pravin Sorathia Pree Lal D. Pree Me ta Pree So ani Prem Bomb Premendra Singh Rajawat Premlata Nehalani Pritam Kumar Goswami Pritesh Thacker Priya Bonde Priyanka Mathur Dr. Priyen shah Dr. Pulin Pavani Punamaram Solanki Purshotam Khandelwal Purushotam Dubey Purushotam Sharma Pushpa Kothari Pushpa Sharma Dr. R. K. Singh R. P. Gupta R. P. Patel

Jaipur Bapunagar 9828551484 Sikar 9928442024 Visnagar 9825370002 Ahmedabad Airport 9825035920 Sabarma (Ahmedabad) 9825780829 Dungarpur 9414105678 Jaipur Pinkcity 9983673438 Balotra 9414107950 Jaipur Marugandha 9414078278 Jaipur Bapunagar 9461444244 Jaisalmer Golden city 9414149211 Mandvi Kutch 9825225133 Ahmedabad Metro 9898698184 Visnagar 9825070349 Jaipur Mahanagar 9414073160 Udaipur Royal 7597333999 Ahmedabad West 9974088700 Cosmopolitan A’bad 9825069969 Ahmedabad Supreme 9824016707 Pali 9414120350 Radhanpur 9825094851 Mehsana 9426701567 Anjar 9998575091 E-Club Bhankhrota Jaipur 9461304108 Jaipur South 9352668506 Udaipur Meera 7976555800 Ahmedabad West 9327055770 Jaisalmer Golden city 9414149110 Toral Bhuj 9427219787 Kota 9352600623 Bhuj Wallcity 9825086953 Adipur 9825537787 Padmini Kota 9352222627 Sabarma (Ahmedabad) 9825138105 Bhuj Capital 9825590915 Jalore 9414397825 Ahmedabad Airport 9825020844 Udaipur Udai 9300330003 Sri Madhopur Sunrise 9929771561 Udaipur Meera 9462190621 Jaipur Pinkcity 9001882200 Udaipur Elite 9414147404 Jaipur Mansarovar 9784596434 Ahmedabad Suryoday 9825006178

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Pg. No. 112 218 195 102 189 257 222 148 226 104 273 137 115 111 229 295 187 187 145 215 144 136 247 108 121 161 117 273 291 163 201 205 147 288 251 141 188 295 290 103 222 118 119 188

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R. Ranjan R. S. Rathore Col Raakhi Gupta Dr. Rachna Bhargava Radha Kashyap RadheShyam Gupta Radhika Sharma Dr. Raghunandan Vashistha Raghuveer Jain Raghuvirl Goyal Rahul Mehta Rahul Shah Raja Daxini Rajan Dalal Rajaram Rathi Rajeev Narang Dr. Rajeev Pabuwal Rajeev Sogani Rajendra Agrawal Rajendra Batwara Rajendra Kasera Rajendra Khandelwal Rajendra Kumar Jain Rajendra kumar Surana Rajendra Nagar Rajendra Poddar Rajendra Prakkash Rajendra Shah Rajendra Tiwari Rajendrakumar Agrawal Rajendrapal Singh Rajesh Acharya Rajesh Agrawal

Kherwara 9636407523 E-Club Bhankhrota Jaipur 9784650406 Jaipur Marugandha 9783300009 Jaipur Marugandha 9982770001 Jaipur Marugandha 9783307182 Jaipur Bapunagar 9414779184 Jaipur Gurukul 9783307183 Dudu 9413370488 Chitorgarh 9414111254 Gandhidham 9825228974 Gandhinagar 9825042439 Visnagar 9825042439 Anjar 9426217937 A’bad Prahladnagar 9824097074 Gandhidham 9824214901 Kota 9414270261 Jaipur Midtown 9829063838 Jaipur Roundtown 9828120992 Jaipur Roundtown 9829011339 Jaipur East 9829060908 Sri Madhopur Sunrise 9414037240 Dausa 9413891127 Jalore 9414152750 Pali 9414121800 Ahmedabad West 9824096968 Jaipur Midtown 9829011959 Jaipur South 9829066673 Mehsana 9979854114 Malpura City 9414425092 Jaipur Pride 9887077737 Jaipur Mahanagar 9694841125 Ahmedabad Elite 9825037723 Kota 9414188811

Rajesh Chugh Rajesh Kanani Rajesh Khatri Rajesh Sharma Rajesh Sharma Rajesh Somaiya Rajesh Soni Rajesh Thakkar Rajiv Nahar Rajiv Padia

Udaipur Udai Ahmedabad Airport Jaipur South Jaipur Roundtown Udaipur Panna Anjar Jaipur City Ahmedabad Riverfront Jaipur Roundtown Ahmedabad Mahanagar

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9414160060 9825044084 9828077610 9928776661 9828338838 9824284795 9829013686 9825039603 9829050705 9727749790

Pg. No. 211 258 79, 167 268 227 261 265 144 213 205 128 106 82, 119 150 115 231 269 172 222 220 218 256 274 285 246 221 140 190 217 270 266 180 72, 78, 90, 91, 94, 110, 116, 122, 157 210 131 172 222 294 247 263 182 89 240

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Pg. No.

Rajiv Parikh Rajkumar Jain Rajkumari Gandhi Rakesh Bhargava Rakesh Gupta Rakesh Jain Dr. Rakesh Kumar Gupta Rakesh Mehta Rakesh Mehta Rakesh Mistry Rakesh Mital Rakesh Nagar Dr. Rakesh Sen Rakesh Soni Rakhee Khandelwal Ram Gopal Agrawal Rambhai Patel Ramdevsinh Jadeja Ramesh Agrawal

Ahmedabad Narol Dudu Udaipur Meera Ahmedabad West Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Idar Jaipur Royal Ahmedabad Metro Ahmedabad Suryoday Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Jaipur Mansarovar Kota North Udaipur Panna Jaipur City Ahmedabad Asmita Kota Roundtown Mehsana Bhuj Capital Jaipur Roundtown

9824021851 9414061737 9166778844 9426302538 9825311138 7567305087 9829012667 9427314506 9825061803 9825005949 9828950611 9414183388 9828142098 9820673833 9558802532 9829036679 9825006620 9825255629 9829050862

Ramesh Bhandari Ramesh Bidwatka (Goyal) Ramesh Choudhary Ramesh Kumar Gupta Dr. Ramesh Modi Ramesh Patel Ramesh Thakkar Rameshwar Goyal Ramkrishna Dave Rangesh Shah Ranjana Sethi Rasanad Rout Ratan Pamecha Ra lal atel Ra lal atel Ratnesh Kashyap Ravi Bhargava Dr. Ravi Mehta Ravi Naredi Ravi Thakkar Ravin Dafari Ravin Madiyar Ravindra Patel Ravindrakumar Jogani

Jaipur South 9636000248 Sikar 9829219705 Udaipur 9314412336 E-Club Bhankhrota Jaipur 9829403403 Udaipur Elite 9351459558 Patan 9727726847 Patan 9974606362 Jalore 9414153793 Ahmedabad 9825500322 Dahegam 9898554572 Padmini Kota 9784678499 Bhuj Flemingo 9426731730 Udaipur Meera 9460492129 Vadali 9427688915 Visnagar Roundtown 9925042033 Jaipur South 9829053300 Kota 9829035880 E-Club Bhankhrota Jaipur 8949393941 Bhilwara 9829046070 Kankaria (Ahmedabad) 9376006111 Ahmedabad Metro 9924097909 Gandhidham 9825729808 Visnagar 9825264242 Ringus 8769996344

183 217 109 187 87 198, 217 223 156 245 88 267 278 209 263 238 145 190 203 60, 70, 110, 166, 157 272 218 71, 92, 104 258 211 192 286 274 181 130 283 171 209 297 298 69, 80, 113, 117 67, 100 89 143 82 66, 101 204 98 219

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Pg. No.

Rekha Kabra Renu Bhandari Renu Singh Riddhi Agrawal Dr. Rimika Singhvi Rita Adhyaru Rita Kella Ritu Vaishnav Dr. Rituraj Dadhich Rohit Jain Rohit Joshi Dr. Rohit Mehta Rohit Patel Rujuta Shah Rupa Mathur Dr. Rushikesh Jhaveri Rutvij Shah S C Jain S. K. Sharma S. L. Gangwal S. L. Soni Dr. S. P. S. Grover S. S. Gaur Sacchidanand Parekh Sachin Ganatra Sachinkumar Patel Sadhna Jain Saket Sarraf Salila Bhansali Sameer Shah Sameer Trivedi Samir Babaria Dr. Samir Choksi Sandeep Singhatwalia Sandip Chandwani Sandip Chudgar Sandipkumar Sheth Sangeeta Shah Sanjay Agarwal Sanjay Bansal Sanjay Bhatnagar Sanjay Bha Sanjay Dalal Sanjay Hiran

Ahmedabad Supreme Jaipur Metro Jaipur Royal Patan City Jaipur Marugandha Toral Bhuj Adipur Udaipur Udai Bundi Jaipur E-Club of Galaxy 3051 Ahmedabad Vasna Ahmedabad Suryoday Ahmedabad Metro Jaipur Gurukul Ahmedabad South Ahmedabad Metro Kota Ahmedabad Riverfront Jaipur Sikar Kota Ahmedabad Riverfront Mundra Unjha Ahmedabad Cosmopolitan A’bad Jaipur Heights Gandhidham Gandhinagar Aadarsh Ahmedabad A’bad Prahladnagar Udaipur Mewar Bundi Anjar Mehsana Ahmedabad Asmita Brijnagar Jhalawar Jaipur Capital Udaipur Ahmedabad Narol Ahmedabad Majesty Bhilwara

9825353637 9314900636 9414150290 9924159729 9783307195 9879360099 9825461982 9166977710 8561921629 9828630707 9824090609 9879577790 9825063281 9427622050 9783307198 9825005599 9825528581 9414182845 9825034503 9460186559 9829219656 9872666177 9910064884 9427522073 9879598089 9824080430 9879267113 9724310703 9829266732 9825093732 9825283855 9824264496 9824034495 9982966396 9414176777 9426977123 9825012995 9879833376 9825216078 9829083862 9414157112 9426014863 9327006840 9414114675

144 221 145 286 82 204 119 108 232 148 145 175 245 242 226 244 168 231 244 148 218 59 101 182 200 296 237 255 155 205 122 118 142 129 233 201 166 147 233 262 292 242 241 212

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Sanjay Jain Jaipur Central Sanjay Jain Kota Sanjay Kacholia Kota Central Sanjay Kala Jaipur Roundtown Sanjay Kaushik Jaipur Royal Sanjay Pabuwal Jaipur Central Sanjay Raja Ahmedabad Airport Sanjay Saboo Jaipur Midtown Sanjay Sharma Kota Sanjay Vakil Dr. A’bad Prahladnagar Sanjaykumar Kumawat Sikar Sanjeev Franklin Sri Madhopur Sunrise Sanjeev Jodhawat Udaipur Heritage Sanjeev Kothari Kota Central Sanjeev Mehta Dr. Ahmedabad Metro Sanjiv Joshi Palanpur City Santosh Choudhary Jaipur Mahanagar Santosh Shivnani Dr. Balotra Sarita Doogar Udaipur Elite Sarju Mehta Ahmedabad Mahanagar Sarla Mundra Padmini Kota Saroj Lahoty Padmini Kota Sarvapreet Sabarwal Kota Central Sarweshkumar Shrivastava Dr. Ahmedabad Greater Sa sh D vda Bhuj Wallcity Sa sh yagi Jaipur Capital Satyanarayan Samdani Ahmedabad Airport Satyendra Pahariya Jaipur Saunil Vakil Ahmedabad Metro Saurabh Jain Jaipur Pinkcity Seema Jain Jaipur Majesty Seema Singh Dr. Udaipur Meera Shabnam Chaplot Ahmedabad West Shail Patel Dr. Unjha Shailesh Chauhan Bhuj Flamingo Shailesh Gandhi Mehsana Shailesh Goyal Ahmedabad North Shailesh Mehta Palanpur Shailesh Patel Dr. Palanpur Diamond City Shailesh Singhal Udaipur Heritage Shaileshbhai Patel Vadali Shaileshkumar Patel Visnagar Shakuntala Porwal Udaipur Vasudha Shalini Bhatnagar Udaipur Udai Let’s build a legacy... together!


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9413340533 9829038026 9829037577 9829010411 9829008958 9829015668 9898312197 9829068686 9829231223 9824019103 9829185306 9602233860 9829107451 9816630089 9925223244 9426065700 8058629080 9214413505 9928686814 9825304708 9414186734 9529702277 9414190196 9998530707 9925107090 9460147566 9898170701 9314970007 9825019112 9982662211 9214317617 9829042866 9998655649 9825267670 9879755655 9825016830 9909964643 9824231687 9825400679 9414156242 9724020536 9898129810 9414168235 9468513312

225 277 81 168 115 86 238 269 230 243 289 219 210 232 241 284 266 98 292 184 124 283 233 240 201 262 238 106 125 270 267 121 123 170 202 172, 191 81 109 197 293 297 298 207 114

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Shalini Varshney Shamjibhai Gor Shankarlal Kabra Shan lal Shah Shan lal Soni Sharad Rathore Dr. Sharad Shah Sharad Yadav

Jaipur Bapunagar Vijapur Ambaji Vijapur Sri Madhopur Sunrise Jaipur Marugandha Mehsana Ranthambhore Sawai Madhopur Jaipur Roundtown Ahmedabad Metro Padmini Kota Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Bhilwara Solitaire Jaipur Gurukul Anjar Jaipur Metro Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Mehsana Udaipur Meera Club Kankaria Jaipur Udaipur Elite Bhilwara Jaipur Pride Ahmedabad Greater Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Malpura City Jaipur North Ahmedabad Metro Ahmedabad Emerald Cosmopolitan A’bad Brijnagar Jhalawar Bhilwara Idar Jaipur Bapunagar Jaipur Pinkcity Udaipur Elite Jaipur Jaipur Ci en Jaipur Bapunagar Jaipur Midtown Jaipur East

9351792638 9825346025 9426391280 9428663065 9460192289 9783307221 9429736365 9413380662

224 146 150 297 290 99 67, 103, 113 231

9414154084 9824023126 9829903655 9099200000 9829169304 9783307282 9426916170 9414251006 9825006259 9824255251 9314664412 9510064385 9950166399 9001242932 9352111231 9783300501 9879012144 9825577966 9824056964 9414028774 9828582554 7016384117 9824315800 9879206494 9414595604 9414113107 9909955387 9828150658 9414061829 9829541656 9829064713 9829012639 9414063658 9928064255 9829013110

116 67 230 160 129 265 200 268 82 83, 119 208 87, 112 136 292 212 270 185, 240 144 104 216 223 124 185 255 252 213 260 225 270 211 261 176 141 221 264

Shashank Jain Shashank Rathod Dr. Shashi Agarwal Dr. Shashwat Desai Shikha Bhadada Shilpi Rijhwani Shirish Haria ShitalPrasad Kansal Dr. Shivbahadur Singh Thakur Shobha Khandelwal Dr. Shradha Gatani Shubham Singh Rtr. Shubhkaran Nahata Shubra Gupta Shyam Bagrodia Shyam Sunder Vijaya Shyamlal Gandhi Siddharth Manakiwala Snehal Patel Sobhagya Singh Kachhwaha Somendra Sharma Sonal Patel Soniya Vinod Soumitra Banerjee Sourabh Jain Subhash Sethi Subhashbhai Patel Sudha Kalla Sudhanshu Goyal Sudhir Doogar Sudhir Gupta Sudhir Jain Sudhir Kumar Calla Dr. Sudhir Singhal Sudhirkumar Paliwal Let’s build a legacy... together!


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Sudip Kumar Nanda Dr. Suman Somani Sumanbhai Shah Sumer Kumar Jain Sumit Gandhi Sunder Lal Vidhani Suneel Du Sunil Agrawal Dr. Sunil Bafna Sunil Chawla Sunil Jobanputra Sunil Kumar Jain Sunil Mankad Sunil Mehta Sunil Mor Sunil Saklecha Sunil Shah Sunil Toke Sunit Hapani Sunita Bhansali Sunita Bha a Sunita Kacholia Sunita Kala Sunny Parekh Surbhi Dhing Surbhi Parakh Surekha Patel Surendra Kala Dr. Surendra Sharma Suresh Chandra Kabra Suresh Thakkar Sushil Banthia Sushil Kumar Jain Dr. Sushil Sisodia Sushma Bajaj Sweety Chhabra Tapesh Kanthed Rtr. Tarika Singh Tarun Kumar Kumawat Tarun Solanki Tejas Mehta Dr. Tejas Vasani Tilak Keshwani Uday Mawani

Capital Gandhinagar Jaipur Heights Sabarma (Ahmedabad) Jaipur Kota Central Jaipur Kohinoor Jaipur Roundtown Chomu Kota Ahmedabad Airport Anjar Jaipur Ci en Bhuj Banswara Sikar Jaipur Majesty Mehsana Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Ahmedabad Metro Bhuj Flamingo Jaisalmer Golden City Padmini Kota Jaipur Marugandha Ahmedabad Majesty Udaipur Vasudha Bhilwara Solitaire Palanpur Diamond City Jaipur Central Dudu Kota Roundtown Ahmedabad Airport Udaipur Jaipur Bhilwara Jaipur Midtown Udaipur Meera Club Pali Uaipur Panna Dudu Adipur Kutch Ahmedabad Vasna Mandvi Kutch Bhuj Ahmedabad Riverfront

9978406114 9829266730 9426076618 9414070822 9828305358 9828167441 9414063537 8302222120 9414188388 9824003901 9428898602 9829263159 9426714700 9414651058 9414039265 9829056762 9979928899 9825272386 8866002001 9825902846 9166079500 9829977752 9829011159 9825761041 9602958555 9413861790 9428023071 9829051571 9414297482 9414190220 9426604963 9829040186 9829067474 9829196505 9828117080 9352506888 7778823000 9587771777 7737829365 9978984951 9825418187 9825622016 9825226932 9978271171

143 224 189 66, 99 232 266 271 219, 254 277 115 200 263 203 248 122 223 118 129 130 202 215 152 226 182 296 250 285 224 142 278 120 206 151 118 151 132 112 89 257 237 180 280 202 139

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Ujwala Mavlankar Dr Uma Shyam Umang Bha Umedsinh Chauhan Upendra Vasavada Dr Urmil Shah Dr. Urmil Ved Usha Pugalia Usha Somani V. K. Hamirvashiya V. K. Jain Dr. Vandana Prakash Vanrajsinh Jadeja Varsha Prajapa Vasant Patel Vatsal Patel Ved Prakash Dr. Veena Parikh Vijay Dave Vijay Gupta Vijay Jalan Vijay Kumar Khunteta Vijaya Gupta Vijaykumar Chavda Dr. Vijayrajsingh Hada Vijendra Sharma Vikaram Singh Bha Vikas Sharma Vikram Sheth Vikram Thakkar Vikrant Mathur Dr. Vimal Mehta Vimalchand Jain Vinay Toprani Vinesh Tejwani Vinod Agarwal Vinod Bansal Vinod Garg Vinod Mamgain Vinod Mehta Vipan Bahl Vipin Dhupia Vipin Gangwal Vipul Shukla

Ahmedabad 9898471701 Ahmedabad Majesty 9514154144 Ahmedabad Prahladnagar 9824022269 Udaipur 9414158424 Mehsana 9898022096 Ahmedabad Airport 9825066939 Gandhinagar 9825027657 Jaipur Capital 9461672633 Jaipur Heights 9571696731 Chitorgarh 9414109401 Jaipur Kohinoor 9352090137 Jaipur South 9928362202 Bhachau 9825491191 Ahmedabad Asmita 9428735213 Dahegam 9909930057 8460411152 Kota Roundtown 9414188106 Kankaria (Ahmedabad) 9824039374 E-Club Of Galaxy 3051 9825021073 9417039722 9820058881 Ringus 9829435311 Jaipur Marugandha 9783877777 Kadi 9824215396 Bundi 9414175222 Malpura Green 9950186070 Jaisalmer Swarnanagari 9414149311 Jaipur Metro 9829067654 Ahmedabad 9824015364 Deesa 9737057711 Kota 9352922627 Bhuj Flamingo 9426214671 Kota Roundtown 9413828800 Mandvi Kutch 9825289435 Gandhidham 9099277377 Mount Abu 9414152500 9811044990 Jaipur South 9314502099 Kota North 8875011334 Dudu 9829270400 Jaipur Bapunagar 9828113447 Brijnagar Jhalawar 9772112345 Jaipur Majesty 9424079641 Kankaria (Ahmedabad) 9824030596

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Pg. No. 237 152 109 130 173 188 190 228 265 213 227 130 249 180 198 163 138 145 186 59 59 288 123 274 169 280 273 268 107 84 80, 111, 172 123 232 116 259 197 59 149 278 216 261 233 222 182

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Pg. No.

Vishal Bha Vishal Udawat Dr. Vishnubhai Bha Vishnubhai Patel Vishram Gadhvi Y. P. Singh Yadvendra Singh Bha Yashwant Mandawara Yashwant Singh Kothari Dr. Ya n atel Yogesh Mandhana Yogesh Pagaria Yogeshkumar B. Prajapa Yuvrajsinh Vaghela

Kankaria (Ahmedabad) Jaipur Mahanagar Dahegam Mansa Mundra Jaipur North Jaipur Heights Udaipur Royal Udaipur Ahmedabad Supreme Chitorgarh Udaipur Mewar Patan Capital Gandhinagar

9879014747 9414203325 9898161416 9426351498 9825354338 9829012964 9314014874 9414167455 9352507222 9376651109 9314084600 9414156685 9825392281 9925071151

182 228 198 281 169 269 120 208 66 185 254 141 192 191

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Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

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Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

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Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

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Let’s build a legacy... together!


Directory 2019-20 | District 3054

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