2023 Upshift Summer Newsletter

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We’re making Illinois better through biking! What’s Inside: • Strategic Plan and New Committees • BikeSafetyQuiz and Ride Illinois Safely • State and Federal Advocacy Update • Event Recap and Invitations • RATs and Community Engagement • Many Ways to Support Ride Illinois Learn more and get involved at rideillinois.org Upshift Summer 2023

First Gear

Ride Illinois staff enjoys developing our summer newsletter, Upshift. It’s one of few opportunities each year to pause and reflect on the organization’s accomplishments from the recent past. The articles that are included in this issue of Upshift offer some updates, a bit of inspiration, and an outline of tangible goals that will lead to a more bike-friendly Illinois. Advocacy is arduous work but we know that, with your support and involvement, there will be much to celebrate in the future. Pedal on!

Some of the time and effort of nonprofit organizations has an internal focus. The Ride Illinois staff and Board of Directors dedicated a serious amount of time on strengthening the organization from within. Results include a new strategic plan, two new committees, new and updated policies, professional development and training, reserve funds, and more. While internal accomplishments may not make headlines or go viral on social media, they are extremely important to the health of the organization and the real potential for positive change. As a result of recent, meaningful internal work, I’m excited about the impact we can have for the fine people of Illinois!

You’ve probably read that up to 60% of household trips are less than three miles from home. Most people could make some of those trips by bike or on foot. To shift some of those trips from a motor vehicle to a bicycle, we need to focus on changing our behavior. That being said, I’m very excited about our new ‘I Can Bike There’ campaign because the underlying goal is behavior change. Instead of reaching for the car keys for your next errand, ask yourself, “can I bike there?” Chances are that, at least some of the time, the answer will be yes. Learn more and share your story at icanbikethere.org

Whether you maintain your membership, volunteer at an event, request and share our materials, or chat about Ride Illinois with neighbors, there are more ways than ever for you to make Illinois better through biking. Figure out what works best and let’s get rolling!

Strategic Plan Summary and Goals

The development of Ride Illinois’ new strategic plan required many collaborative meetings and strategy sessions. The strategic planning committee consisted of several board members, staff, and a strategic planning consultant with decades of experience.

During their meeting on April 29th, the Ride Illinois Board of Directors adopted a new strategic plan that will guide our advocacy, education, and awareness efforts for the foreseeable future.

Ride Illinois’ #1 goal is to greatly reduce, and ultimately eliminate, bicyclist fatalities in Illinois. We’re focused on steps to achieve that goal, which will require positive change and collaboration at the local, state, and federal level. Learn more about the new strategic plan at rideillinois.org/new-strategic-plan.

Two New Committees

The Ride Illinois Board of Directors established two new, important committees at their July meeting.

The Advocacy committee will develop policy and legislative priorities at state and federal levels. The committee will work to improve policy and infrastructure so that biking becomes a practical and safe transportation option for Illinois residents.

The Education committee will develop priorities related to education of the general public, provide guidance for programs and resources related to education and develop a road map for the next 3-5 years of our Ride Illinois Safely program.

Effective committees keep the organization focused on the present and future of Ride Illinois. Our committees consist of members of the Ride Illinois Board, as well as members in good standing. More information about all committees, including an application, can be found at rideillinois.org/committees

Ride Illinois 2 rideillinois.org Welcome

Collaboration with IDOT

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is developing a Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Safety Assessment, as required by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Ride Illinois presented at four IDOT meetings to share examples and impacts of our programs that focus on bicyclist safety.

Recommendations for Secretary of State

Ride Illinois, with input from other advocacy orgs and partners, submitted a list of 25 recommendations focused on vulnerable road user safety to the new Illinois Secretary of State, Alexi Giannoulias, including:

• Update the driver’s exam to include a greater focus on people outside of motor vehicles

• Offer continuing education to motorists who aren’t required to take the written test to renew their license

• Reduce the statewide default speed limit in urban areas to 20 mph or 25 mph

• Lower the threshold of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for impaired driving

IDOT is developing an Active Transportation Plan to improve infrastructure and safety for bicyclists, pedestrians, and vulnerable road users. The project includes community engagement activities that seek input from Illinois residents. Understanding current conditions - the good and the bad - is key to developing strategies and solutions to improve safety for people who get around on foot and by bike.

More information is available at walkrollillinois.com

2023 National Bike Summit

Advocates from Illinois participated in meetings with members of Congress during the 2023 National Bike Summit in Washington D.C. at the end of March. The National Bike Summit takes place annually and is organized by the League of American Bicyclists.

We’ve requested a follow-up meeting with Secretary Giannoulias and are anxiously awaiting next steps.

State and Federal Legislation

Favorable legislation will make it easier and safer to get around by bike in Illinois. Ride Illinois continues to support the following state legislation:

• HB2131: establish a zero fatalities task force

• HB3089, HB3447, SB1700, SB2015: develop an e-bike rebate or incentive program for IL residents

• HB3530: lower default speed limit in urban areas

• SB2278: design intersections that are safer for pedestrians and bicyclists

• SR50: support for rail-trails in Illinois

In addition, Ride Illinois has voiced support for the following legislation at the federal level:

• HR1685, S881: tax break to purchase e-bikes

• HR1668: remove barriers to Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding

• Dear Colleague Letter: include vulnerable road users when testing truck side guards

Update: Great American Rail Trail

The Illinois delegation was led by Dave Simmons and Elizabeth Adamczyk. Seven meetings were held on Lobby Day, March 29, to voice our support for bills and acts that will make riding a bike safer and easier in communities across the country.

Ride Illinois continues to work with Rails-to-Trails Conservancy and others to develop a strategy to fund and construct a “rail with trail” connection between the I&M Canal and Hennepin Canal Trails. Connecting these trails will create a contiguous route and will have a positive impact on tourism, active transportation, and the communities along the route.

rideillinois.org 3 Ride Illinois Advocacy

Engaging with the Community

The wonderful people we encounter at community events is a highlight of our outreach and awareness efforts. Ride Illinois enjoys engaging with Illinois residents from all walks of life at the events we attend!

Regional Action Teams

Our Regional Action Team members, aka RATs, offer their time and knowledge to make Illinois better through biking. Since the program launched in 2020, more than 60 individuals have joined our Regional Action Teams (RATs). RAT volunteers have been present at many events and have offered additional assistance on important tasks. The time and energy that our volunteers offer help to expand Ride Illinois’ reach and impact throughout the state.

In July, we assisted with the 2023 Bicycle Pilgrimage with our friend, Pastor Jeb. The 10-mile community ride included a fantastic lunch and prayer for peace.

In June, we attended Roll N Peace X. Think Outside Da Block uses bicycling as the plan of action to address the public safety, mental health and wellness of the Englewood community. We assisted Working Bikes with their bike giveaway and helped with minor bike repairs before the ride.

Increasing the number of volunteers involved in our RAT program is a priority, especially in the NW, central, and south regions. Our volunteers enjoy chatting with adults and children, sharing information and swag, and being a positive presence in the community.

Visit rideillinois.org/advocacy/regional-action-teams to learn more about our Regional Action Team program.

Request Ride Illinois Materials

Other community engagement activities in 2023 include the Chicago Winter Bike Swap, Ride of Silence, International Women’s Day - Together We Ride. We’ve also enjoyed the opportunity to attend bike rodeos and expos offered by other organizations.

Next up is Boxing Out Negativity’s Street Love Ride on Chicago’s West Side on August 19. It’s one of those “can’t miss” events! Ride Illinois enjoys planning and volunteering at this annual community event.

Check out our Ride, Advocacy & Education Calendar at rideillinois.org/events/calendar for upcoming community events and Ride Illinois appearances.

Ride Illinois has developed a wide range of materials used to educate the public and share the many benefits of riding a bike, such as BikeSafetyQuiz cards, Benefits of Biking cards, and ‘I Can Bike There’ stickers. Materials are available at no cost to individuals, organizations, municipalities, and others. Visit

rideillinois.org/safety/request-materials to request or download and print materials to share at an event or with your community. Ride Illinois 4 rideillinois.org Awareness

Public Safety Campaign

With funding from IDOT, Ride Illinois is running another public safety campaign. The videos and images have been viewed by over 2 million people on social media. Our Road Safety Refs invite you to increase your know-how – whether you drive, ride, or both!

Ride Illinois Safely Program

The Ride Illinois Safely program offers education courses for adults and children across Illinois. Course options include Bicycle Friendly Driver, Bike Safety Tips for Older Adults, Bike Safety Tips for Kids and others! Since the program began, more than 40 requests for courses have been submitted. Learn more at rideillinois.org/safety/education.

Head on over to rideillinois.org/advocacy/publicsafety-campaigns to view (and share) all of our ads.

BSQ Mini-Grant Program Success

Our BikeSafetyQuiz Mini-Grant program offers Illinois schools $2 for each student that completes our BikeSafetyQuiz. Funding is provided by IDOT. There was an incredible increase in participation in the 2022-2023 year with more than 64,000 students completing a quiz focused on bicyclist safety. Wow!

Ride Illinois works exclusively with League Cycling Instructors (LCIs) to fulfill Ride Illinois Safely course requests. LCIs are well-versed in the Smart Cycling content and techniques and have been certified by the League of American Bicyclists.

Individuals interested in becoming a LCI, plus current LCIs looking to become more actively involved with our education efforts, are invited to contact us at education@rideillinois to learn more.

Safe Bike/Walk Curriculum for Schools

Many things that children learn in school become skills and healthy habits they can rely on as adults. Teaching safe biking and walking skills in Illinois schools will be beneficial to the children, their families, and their community. These valuable skills will empower children to safely and confidently ride a bike and walk in their communities.

Due to the success of the Mini-Grant program, we must raise an additional $15,000 to compensate the schools that have not yet been reimbursed. Donations in any amount are appreciated! To contribute to this campaign, visit rideillinois.org/safety/bsqgrants

Ride Illinois’ new strategic plan includes developing safe biking (and walking) curriculum for K-12 schools in Illinois as a key priority to focus on. We are working with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to highlight the merits of approved curricula to teach these life-long skills in Illinois schools. Our current focus is identifying funding to develop the curriculum and reviewing established curriculum in other states.

rideillinois.org 5 Ride Illinois Education

Annual Member Meeting

Thanks to all who attended the 2023 Ride Illinois Annual Member Meeting on April 29th. During the meeting, we recapped recent and future advocacy, education and awareness efforts. Also, the board shared a summary of the new strategic plan.

In addition, members in attendance elected three new directors to the Board of Directors. The Board is committed to Ride Illinois’ mission to make Illinois better through biking. We’re excited about the future!

Drive Less, Bike More Challenge

Ride Illinois has partnered with the League of American Bicyclists for the “Drive Less, Bike More” Challenge. The Challenge continues through the end of the year with a national goal of converting 2 million trip miles from motor vehicles to bicycles. Visit drivelessbikemore.com to join the 2023 challenge.

2023 Let’s Ride, Illinois

The third annual Lets Ride, Illinois event takes place from September 8-17. This fun event encourages adults and children from Rockford to Cairo (and all places in between) to enjoy a casual bike ride and experience their community with neighbors. The associated community bike rides must be free of

Grand Illinois Bike Tour

The Grand Illinois Bike Tour takes place in a different part of the state each year. Proceeds from this fundraiser support Ride Illinois’ ongoing advocacy, awareness, and education efforts.

2023 Recap

The 2023 Grand Illinois Bike Tour loop toured northwest Illinois including the Mississippi River and the Quad Cities. The route started and ended at Kewanee High School with overnights in Moline, Savanna and Rock Falls. Riders from 19 states and Canada participated this year.

2024 Preview

Join us at next year’s GIBT which will take place June 9-14, 2024 using a route that resembles a figure eight. The route will start and stop in Maroa, with overnights in Springfield, Forsyth, and Champaign. Registration opens on November 1.

Rides associated with Let’s Ride, Illinois should take place during the 10-day period in September. Our 2023 goal is 30 or more rides. Help us reach that goal by planning a ride in your community! Learn more at rideillinois.org/events/lets-ride-illinois-2023

Ride Illinois 6 rideillinois.org Events

Support Ride Illinois and Our Mission

Ride Illinois’ mission is “to make Illinois better through biking.” Individual contributions fund our important work on behalf of all people who ride a bike in the Land of Lincoln. Learn about the many ways one can support nonprofit bike advocacy at rideillinois.org/join-support


All are encouraged to share information about Ride Illinois with their personal and professional networks. We appreciate your support!

Not a Ride Illinois member or your membership has lapsed?! Visit rideillinois.org/join-support or scan the QR code to the right to join or renew today!

You are invited to use and share the code UPSHIFT2023 to save $5 off any annual membership.

Share the Road Specialty License Plates

The Share the Road license plates deliver a key message while raising money for Ride Illinois’ education programs. A Share the Road plate on your vehicle will help spread an important message. Learn more at rideillinois.org/share-the-road-license-plates.

Corporate Members


Contributions from generous businesses and corporations allow Ride Illinois to expand existing programs and develop additional programs and resources. Learn more about all of our Corporate Members at rideillinois.org/corporate-members.

Generous Corporate Members

Legacy Giving

Ensure that Ride Illinois’ important work continues well into the future. Ride Illinois Legacy Society members make a lasting financial commitment to nonprofit bike advocacy in Illinois by including Ride Illinois in their will or living trust. More information is available at rideillinois.org/legacy-giving.

Learn more at rideillinois.org/corporate-members Annual Corporate Memberships begin at just $125. We strive to build mutually-beneficial partnerships with our Corporate Members. Business owners interested in supporting nonprofit bike advocacy in Illinois should contact dave@rideillinois.org

Let’s Keep in Touch

Below are ways to contact Ride Illinois and keep tabs on our year-round efforts to make everyday trips by bike better and safer in Illinois, including:

• E-mail: info@rideillinois.org

• Phone: (630) 216-9282

• Website: rideillinois.org

• Facebook: facebook.com/rideillinois

• Instagram: @rideillinois

• Twitter/X: @rideillinois

• LinkedIn: ride-illinois

• YouTube: youtube.com/@rideillinois

Photo Credits

Front cover: photos by Dave Simmons, except (bottom right) photo by Brian Gannon Page 2: both photos by Dave Simmons Page 3: both photos by Dave Simmons Page 4: (top left) both photos by Dave Simmons; (bottom left) photos by Dave Simmons; (top right) photos by Kellie Williams and Dave Simmons Page 5: (top left) images provided by KindlePoint, Inc; (top right); photos by Elizabeth Adamczyk and Dave Simmons Page 6: (bottom left) photos by Sharon Kaminecki and Bob Van Valzah; (bottom right) photos by Paula Matzek and Dave Simmons Page 7: (bottom left) Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
rideillinois.org 7 Ride Illinois
Back cover: all photos from icanbikethere2 Instagram account

Your Ride Illinois membership has lapsed Visit rideillinois.org/join-support

Scan to share your story!

‘I Can Bike There’ Campaign

Ride Illinois, Working Bikes and Pointz have collaborated on an exciting campaign centered on the simple, empowering phrase, “I can bike there.” The campaign aims to educate the public and encourage them to use their bikes for everyday trips and explore new routes, while celebrating those who already use their bicycle as a practical, sustainable mode of transportation. Illinois residents are encouraged to submit their photos and stories about their everyday trips by bike. Learn more and share your story at icanbikethere.org.

Leicester Rd #314 Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
scan the code to renew or join

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