The Lifecycle of Business

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The Lifecycle of Business

4–6 April 2014 Faith in Business Spring Conference Ridley Hall, Cambridge


‘For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven’ These profound words from the Old Testament surely apply to the lifecycles of organisations as well as to people’s careers. We need God’s wisdom and discernment to know the appropriate time to initiate each significant stage: seed idea and start-up; growth and expansion; maturity and often decline, which may lead either to rebirth or death. We will explore all these different stages of a company’s Alpha to Omega from a Christian perspective, drawing on the wisdom of a team of lively speakers with a wealth of relevant experience:

The conference will be of particular interest to those who run their own business, are company directors or offer consultancy services. But it will provide food for thought and action for Christians involved in business at many different levels. Since work matters to God and it matters to us, we all need deeper understanding of the business lifecycle and fresh inspiration to play our part in its outworking. Faith in Business conferences are always stimulating, encouraging and enjoyable events. Come and join us this spring!

The Business Lifecycle: An Overview — Bjorn Mathiesen Unlocking Growth — Ravi Gidoomal and David Cross You’re Only as Old as You Think You Are — Courtland and Matthew Clarkson Handling Company Closure — Ian Hancock Where Business Fits in God’s Big Picture — Sally Orwin Lee The Four Journeys — Gillian Stamp For more details, pricing and to book your place visit: Janine Stewart Faith in Business Ridley Hall Cambridge CB3 9HG T: 01223 741071 E: Charity No. 311456

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