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Region I Report
Jason Farr, Region I Representative
Jason Farr, NIC Region I Representative
Region I Leadership has selected Massachusetts RID as the host for the Region I Conference in 2022 who will be working alongside our Conference Planning Committee. More information to be shared soon!
I would like to thank those leaders whose terms have recently concluded, as they warmly welcome new community leaders. For New York City Metro RID, this includes Erika Murray of NYC Metro RID, who will be replaced by newly elected President Tim Smith. Over in Central New York RID, I would like to especially thank Board members Trish Schwartz and Grace Cogan for their unwavering support during a challenging two years, and welcome President Brenda Lee Brown. Heading up north to Maine, after four terms President Meryl Troop has passed to the baton to new Executive Team members Tristen Evah Hellewell and Tristen Downey.
Beyond elections, there are even more exciting things happening in Region I Affiliate Chapters. Genesee Valley Region RID’s (GVRRID) in depth “Get to Know Stuff” workshop series is starting up again, providing attendees with an opportunity to look behind the scenes on various topics and develop a greater understanding to help enhance interpreting. PARID, MassRID, and I co-hosted a workshop this past May titled “What Does it Take to Show Up?” focusing on Asian and Pacific Islander (API/ AAPI) ASL Interpreters while exploring ways we can support other API in our profession. We also explored what it looks like when our allies support AAPI inclusion and anti-racism work within their own local and cultural communities. To support their local community during the pandemic, I would like to recognize New Hampshire RID for their partnership with Greater Nashua Mental Health as they offered COVID relief support, including sharing information regarding vaccinations. Of course this update would not be complete without also recognizing Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire RID’s support for the recently held World Refugee Day.
A few weeks ago, we wrapped up the RID 2021 National Conference where we gained such a wealth of practical information. In particular, my biggest takeaways from this conference would be five points, evolving around the question “who is RID?”
RID is each of us: Individual members, the Board of Directors, Committees, Councils, Task Forces, and Affiliate Chapters.
RID is what we want it to be: Collectively we have created RID: standards, qualifications, positions.
RID is what we allow it to be: What behaviors are acceptable, and what behaviors deserve to be called out?
RID is what it is when we show up, and it is what it is when we
don’t: What does that mean to show up for others, and what do you need to unpack in order to be able to show up?
WE are what makes RID.
As my time ends as Region I Representative this Aug 31, 2021, I want to share some goals and hopes I would like to see continue
• I would like to see our Affiliate Chapters do a better job of recognizing their volunteers by looking into ways to support these members. Some ACs do this very well, while others have an opportunity to see what this looks like for them
• During my two years as Region I Representative, I have witnessed an increase in Affiliate Chapter collaborations and do hope we as a Region continue working on co-sponsoring workshops, events, and other opportunities for AC members to get to know one another.
• The Region I Presidents Council has been meeting monthly, more than what is required, providing a space for AC Presidents in the Region to connect. This has shown to be a big benefit for those who are able to attend, while being flexible to those who may not be able to attend each month.
• I want Affiliate Chapters to recognize they have so much impact on the local interpreting and deaf communities.
• Members to understand their individual impact and opportunity to give back to this organization, this profession, and to the communities we serve. Many of us recognize that professional interpreting is much more than showing up to interpret for an assignment, but includes using our skills and our knowledge to advance the profession.
As I wrap up my final Region Report, I would especially like to thank those colleagues who have continued to show up for me during my service. Of course this list is not exhaustive, being mindful of the time limitations.
First I would like to thank the entire RID Board of Directors, 2019-2021 for welcoming me with my appointment as Region I Representative to the vacant role in 2019, as well as those members who supported me during the election in 2020.
Thank you to President Dr. Jonathan Webb: Once in a while a person shows up who influences a shift in society, a shift in our thinking, and a shift in our approach. I have been fortunate enough to experience this while serving alongside Dr. Webb.
I would also like to thank Member-at-Large LaTanya Jones and Secretary Kelly Decker, both of whom have been a constant support, practically every week, providing a warm welcome and team environment during my time of service.
Additionally, I would like to thank the Region I Presidents Council, all those who have volunteered to serve as Affiliate Chapter Presidents during both years.
My involvement with RID leadership began with NYC Metro RID, where I got my start under the leadership of (former) President Jose Gomez, Jr., (former) Vice Presidents Lydia Callis, Candace Davider, Andrea Alefhi, and Treasurer Jon Lamberton. The leadership discussions with each of these leaders were what guided me in my role as your Representative. Thank you to each of these past and current leaders for your wisdom, for sharing your heart, and for giving me the spirit to do the work over the last two years.
Finally, a big thank you to the New York City Deaf Community for welcoming me into your lives each day. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
NYC Metro RID welcomes it's new board members Tim Smith (President), Elizabeth Lauria (Vice President), and Andria Alefhi (Director at Large). The NYC Board would like to thank Erika Murray for her dedication, passion, and service to the NYC Deaf/ Interpreter communities. Metro RID is currently looking for an Associate Representative. -Tim Smtih, NYC Metro RID President
Pennsylvania - PARID
May of 2021 worked with Region 1 Rep Jason Farr and MassRID to host the panel workshop "What Does It Look Like To Show Up?" featuring AAPI Deaf and Hearing Interpreters. PARID is preparing for our upcoming conference. The conference will be held Nov 6-7 in State College, PA. We have a call for interpreters for this conference. If interested, you can apply by September 1, on the PARID website. PARID has also been working closely with the Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ODHH) to provide workshops specifially for Deaf participants that want to become CDIs. That training ran from May 7-June 27. ODHH and PARID will also provide a workshop for the CASLI Generalist Knowldege exam on September 11. Both workshops were offered free and funded by the ODHH in PA. PARID is starting to plan our workshops for the remainder of 2021 and the 2022 year. -Megan Toomey, PARID President
Vermont - VTRID
VTRID members are busy planning the annual BBQ for the Deaf Community. It couldn’t be held last year, so we’re excited for this first community event since the pandemic began, on August 21st!
VTRID has restarted work with community partners toward the development of educational interpreter licensure in Vermont. We want to ensure that Deaf children have the best access to their education with high quality interpreting services. Recently, VTRID members worked together to
update our Mission Statement. Our Executive Committee also wants to be working with members soon to revisit our bylaws, website, and overall values & practices as an organization. We are acknowledging that in order to stop perpetuating oppression & harm derived from white supremacy culture (such as racism, audism, vidism, ableism), we need a reframe that can better guide our policies & actions. -Lisa Bixler, Janet Dickinson, & Elizabeth Fox, VTRID Presidents
Genesee Valley Region - GVRRID
We welcome Emily Call to our board as our new treasurer and thank Eric Severson, our secretary, for also being willing to step up to take on some of the Vice President responsibilities. Thank you to Don Heinz and Alyssa Vaisey for their service to the board these last few months as they served as interim VP and treasurer. GVR is currently trying to find someone to take over as professional development chair. We thank our recent chair, Lola Johnston, for her commitment to her role during her tenure and the incredible workshops she led us to providing. -Eliza Fowler, GVRRID President
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