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Region V Report

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Krystal Sanders, Region V Representative

Krystal Sanders, CDI Region V Representative

I may be biased, but I will say it again and again: RID’s 2021 national conference was the best yet. We addressed audism head on; I have never seen this happen on a national level and I look forward to future discussions. Seeing the many great presenters and presentations in the conference took us on a journey inside our hearts, minds, and actions. The conference was a starting point for the members to know where they can go from this point and beyond.

The RID national board that served from 2020 to 2021 was the first of its kind. When we look at a diamond through its facets, you get different perspectives, each perspective as beautiful. When you think about how diamonds are made, you’ll understand how this board succeeded.

Here are a smattering of gems from Region V:

Oregon - ORID

The current ORID president was able to attend the 2021 RID virtual conference and is bringing back the call to action from the national level to the local Oregon affiliate chapter. Instead of shying away from the critical conversations which need to happen surrounding change and RID we intend to continue to foster spaces which support the ongoing potential for change in our field on a systemic and individual level. As President Jonathan Webb emphasized in his closing remarks “RID is US” and it is time to hold up the mirror and do the work. ORID has three out going board members, VP Samantha Serna-3 years served, MAL2 Laurielle Middleton-Aviles-4 years served, and Interim Secretary Sandy Pascual-1 year served. The two incoming board members are VP Josh Diaz and MAL2 Christina Healy. -Elise Mongeon, ORID President

Southern California - SCRID

Many SCRID members attended this year’s national conference, made more accessible in many ways by its online structure. We’ve heard wonderful feedback about the authenticity of the sessions, and their relevance in exploring the facets of our own organization while seeking authentic healing from impacts of racism, audism, and other -isms. In bringing home this message, SCRID has begun hosting a talking circle/ member forum as a space for members to gather and explore these issues within our own interpreting experiences and local organization. Our first meeting was powerful. How can it not be when we hear from our close peers that every teamed assignment is a risk, not knowing how they will be treated by their team?! We know we have a long way to go to create and hold space in which all feel welcome and safe and look forward with anticipation to ongoing discussions and healing actions


brought forth through them. -Stephanie Webb, SCRID President

Sacramento Valley - SaVRID

SaVRID’s commitment to ensure more Deaf involvement in our meetings, every general meeting from now on will be At the first general meeting in September, the board will elicit feedback from Deaf community members and Interpreters regarding advice they want to give our local Interpreting agencies. The board will also ask which town hall topics people would like to discuss at our subsequent general meetings. Then, Deaf and hearing will be separated: Deaf community will discuss their experiences working with Interpreters. At the same time, interpreters will begin planning for SaVRID’s first Deaf appreciation party. Hopefully these actions encourage open, meaningful, and collaborative discussions. -Corey Brasier, SaVRID President

Northern California - NorCRID

NorCRID’s president found the discussions at the conference insightful and hopes they were inspiring to those who haven’t engaged in volunteer leadership.

The NorCRID Board is looking for a new President to replace Sheridan and had recently formed a Bylaws committee to flatten the board and provide a lower bar for entry to Affiliate chapter leadership. We are also planning the annual NorCRID conference on November 6&7 which will be held virtually again. -Sheridan Laine, NorCRID President

San Diego - SDCRID

In SDCRID they are still in the process of filling vacant board positions. New additions so far are Vice President Leah Brown and Secretary Paul Gabriola. They just approved a BIPOC Rep position and are looking to fill that and our Deaf Rep position soon. Their Board Retreat is in August, so stay tuned for the plan of action in the next VIEWs.

Washington State - WSRID

WSRID had three people from the board attend, all felt that it was powerful and deeply impactful. Claudia Kienholz, director of WSRID, said “The content will take more time to digest but applies to everything we are doing at WSRID- the board, committees, communication, structure, actions- all of it. Throughout the conference we were all invited to step up, to engage, to be our best selves. Every plenary and session that I attended was thought provoking. Every presenter and panelist raised questions, answered questions, validated what we are trying to do, invited us to keep going, think deeper, work harder. “

In closure, with this final report as Region V Representative Sanders, I bid thee farewell for just a spell. -Anna Mansell Karagiannis, WSRID President

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