Sponsor CONNECT issue 1 vol 1 (April)

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Issue 1 Vol. 1

It’s a Celebration! Celebrating the first issue of the Sponsor CONNECT


The integrity of RID Certification requires a commitment to life-long learning. It is the mission of the Certification Maintenance Program (CMP) to ensure the quality and effectiveness of educational opportunities provided for certified members, to establish standards for professional development and to provide a framework for certification maintenance, which will guarantee full and fair participation for all certified members. (Motion 96.07)

It is the mission of the Associate Continuing Education Tracking (ACET) program to promote professional advancement through a culture of lifelong learning. (Motion 96.08)


Standards and Practices Division

Ryan Butts Director of Standards and Practices

Ashley Holladay

Certification Coordinator

Carol Turner

Professional Development Manager

Tressela Bateson EPS Coordinator


Professional Development Department Carol Turner, Professional Development Manager Ashley Holladay, Certification Coordinator Contact information Email: cmp@rid.org Voice: 703-838-0030, option 7

Professional Development Committee Richard Laurion, PDC Chair Dawn Duran Janine Schug

Kathleen Lanker Lisa Weems Mary Darragh MacLean, CIT Representative Shalene Germani


Issue 1 vol. 1

6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Message from the Professional Development Department Audit Wrap-Up Sponsor Renewal for FY 2019 CEU Tracking for Conference‌. The Future 2017 Expiring Cycles Questions of the Month Quick Tips New RID Approved Sponsors Ask The PDC CMP Coordinator Change Form Sponsor Resources


Message from the Professional Development Department

Today we are excited to reveal the first issue of the Sponsor CONNECT! The Sponsor CONNECT is a quarterly publication specifically for RID approved sponsors to communicate important information regarding sponsorship and the certification maintenance program. The Sponsor CONNECT is a re-envisioning of the sponsor bulletin that was distributed to RID approved sponsors periodically. The sponsor bulletin was first released in 2010 as a helpful resource for CMP policies and procedures. Since the first sponsor bulletin, changes occurred that hindered the release of the resource guide since 2013. In FY 2018, one of the Professional Development Department’s goal was to begin constructing a new version of the sponsor bulletin. As the number of RID approved sponsors grow and new CMP Coordinators come in, it is so important to ensure that everyone is kept up to date and connected to RID HQ and fellow RID approved sponsors. For all of our RID approved sponsors we want the Sponsor CONNECT to keep you informed, engaged, and above all else CONNECTED. Carol Turner Professional Development Manager 6

Audit Wrap-Up The PDC will be wrapping up the last audit this summer. We thank you for your patience and hard work during the new audit process. This new audit process was implemented in October 2015 in which each activity (academic coursework, PINRA, sponsor initiated activity, and independent study) was audited separately. The audit schedule was as follows: Academic Coursework: October 2015 PINRA: March 2016 Sponsor Initiated Activity: February 2017 Independent Study: January 2018 The PDC received many great submissions throughout the audits, but as with any audit, the PDC found common patterns of errors that were present in the submissions. For academic coursework and PINRAs there were miscalculations of CEUs, missing justification statements, missing course/activity descriptions, and missing elements on forms. When processing academic coursework please remember to include with your paperwork proof that the course is CHEA accredited. A common trend with sponsor initiated activities were weak educational objectives. Objectives should describe what participants will be able to do as a result of the education as opposed to the activities that will take place during the event. In addition, there were incomplete promotional materials; the Standards and Criteria lists seven elements that must be included in all promotional materials advertising your approved events. For PS versus GS and Justification Statements, it is permissible to award PS credit for an event that does not fall into one of the specified PS categories listed in the Standards and Criteria on pages 9 - 10, but it does require the participant to submit a Justification Statement. The PDC hopes that the feedback that was received will support sponsors in continuing to provide valuable guidance to members.

Audit Results Pass




Academic Coursework










Sponsor Initiated Activity






Sponsor Renewal for FY 2019 The FY 2019 sponsor renewal is fast approaching. Renewal forms have been sent to the email address that is in your sponsor account. If you have not received a renewal form, please email cmp@rid.org. Here are the ways to pay the annual sponsor fee: •Mailed payment. To renew by check or money order, complete and detach the payment slip of the renewal form and submit to: RID, Attn; Professional Development Dept, 333 Commerce Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. The check should be made payable to RID. To prevent processing delays, please include Sponsor Name and “FY 2019 CMP Sponsor Fee” with checks and money orders. •Online payment. To renew with a MasterCard or VISA payment through the Sponsor account, log on to the account (myaccount.rid.org) and click on “My Orders.” When submitting payment information, please ensure that the billing address matches the information listed with the credit card company.

Sponsor Fees Organization:


Late Fee: $100

Affiliate Chapter:


Late Fee: $50



Late Fee: $50

June 30 – Dues should be paid for the upcoming fiscal year. July 15 – A reminder e-mail will be sent to those who have not yet paid their dues. July 31 – Final deadline for all dues before late fees are assigned to the unpaid Sponsors’ accounts. August 1 – If dues have not been paid, sponsorship will be suspended until paid in full, including fees. ($50 late fees for individuals and affiliate chapters and $100 late fees for organization.) Suspension means that no new activities can be processed, but the Sponsor can continue with events already submitted. September 30 – Sponsorship will be revoked if dues and late fees are not paid in 8 full.

CEU Tracking for Conference… The Future In the past, RID HQ has produced and provided barcodes to be used for CEU tracking at conferences. Barcodes have been used for RID National Conferences since 2003 until the transition to scanners and then most recently to electronic CEU tracking. The barcodes were then offered to sponsors to use for conferences that they sponsor as an alternative to using activity report forms.

This system at the time was generally convenient for RID HQ staff, sponsors and conference organizers rather than using activity report forms. Years later, the system ended up becoming unmanageably cumbersome and inefficient for RID HQ staff, who were responsible for creating barcodes, then receiving all of the barcode tracking sheets and processing them. Depending on the size of the conference and the number of workshops, this process could take anywhere from 6 - 16 hours. With the trend toward efficiency, we at HQ have investigated alternative options to barcode tracking for CEUs, and now recommend to any sponsor handling CEUs for a conference that electronic CEU tracking be used. Electronic CEU tracking can be envisioned in many ways, but the simplest and most efficient solution we’ve found that can be used by any and everyone is to create electronic forms that conference participants fill out to claim their CEUs. RID HQ has employed this type of CEU tracking for both National and Regional conferences, and found that it is extremely efficient and user-friendly! What our version looks like is this: 1. We create a form, usually using Google Forms, with information tailored specifically to that conference. The form asks for the member’s information including first and last name, member ID number, email address, and member type (certified or associate). It also includes questions about the workshops attended - “Did you attend XYZ workshop at 9am on Friday, 4/13?” and so on for all of the workshops offered at the conference. If there are workshops that occur concurrently, the participant can select the workshop they attended from a dropdown list provided. 9

CEU Tracking for Conference…The Future 2. The link for the form is shared with conference attendees via email. 3. The conference attendee completes the form, validates it (“By checking this box I hereby certify that the information provided in the form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that in the event that the above information is found to be falsified, I will be subject to disciplinary action.”), then submits it. 4. We export the submissions to an Excel spreadsheet and manipulate it to extract the information we need so CEUs can be awarded, then input the data into our CSV file. 5. Upload the CSV file...and that’s it! Done! We’ve put together a brief “walkthrough” of how to create a Google Form to be used to process CEUs; you can view it by clicking this link https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xlNxix_mb6LABDHQT_4tRSNGsXmo_T9 g If you have any questions about the process, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be very willing to assist! Please note that while we recommend the use of Google Forms, there are other options that are available, and you, the sponsor, are free to determine what works best for you and the conference you are sponsoring. As with any change, there may be some growing pains, but ultimately, we’ve found electronic CEU tracking to be very efficient and user-friendly! If you have any questions, please contact us at cmp@rid.org.


2017 Expiring Cycle December 31, 2017 saw the ending of another certification cycle. Last year there were 2,710 Certified members whose cycles ended. Thank you to everyone for having their CEUs uploaded by the February 15th deadline. Because of this, the Professional Development Department was able to notify members of their pending revocation before sending out the official letters. This step is important so that we can rectify any issues before the official revocation letter is mailed. The revocation process can be daunting and alarming for members. To combat this, multiple notifications are sent to members beginning in June to let them know that their cycle is coming to an end and what their options are. If a member feels as if they will not meet the CEU requirement or they have not met it by December 31, they have four options: 1. Extension Request Submission by December 31 (no fee) 2. Extension Request Submission between January 1-June 30 (fee) 3. Reinstatement Request 4. Retest An important note to remember when uploading CEUs for members is to ensure the correct activity and CEU amount is uploaded to the members account. Also, if there are any changes that you need the Professional Development Department to make to the activity (i.e. CEU amount or content area), please be sure to contact the member to inform them that a change has been made and to check their transcript. There were a few instances where members believed that they had met the CEU requirement but there was a change made to their transcript that they were unaware of. If you have any questions regarding the processes to do not hesitate to contact us. 11

‘s of the Month The section is dedicated to questions asked by sponsors through the CMP Sponsor Google group that have appeared more than once or need a detailed answer. : For discussion groups, would the facilitator be treated as a presenter when awarding CEUs or as the participant? Do we still put this person down as the presenter even though they are just leading the discussion?

: The facilitator would be considered in the position of a presenter even though they are not instructing imparting information. In that case the facilitator’s name would be put into the presenter field on the all the necessary forms. As for earning CEUs for this, they would earn GS for their presentation. One of the roles of a presenter is, that they monitor the participants during the learning to determine if the educational objectives are being met. The facilitator also monitors the participants’ interactions and will step in to provide guidance when needed. The act of monitoring is using tools or instruments to impart knowledge or employ guidance. Some examples of tools can be: keeping the participants on topic, noting the amount of speaking time to give others a chance to speak, stopping the discussion on a scenario/question to start a new one, asking a participant to assist when another needs clarification, and more. ________________________________________________________________________ : Can a presenter/instructor earn CEUs for presenting and developing the content? If they can, how should it be processed? : Yes a presenter/instructor can earn CEUs for presenting and developing content. These two activities are not mutually exclusive; the presenter/instructor may earn CEUs for either or both the development and presentation. Credit will be given only once during the cycle for each activity presented. When earning CEUs for presenting an RID approved activity, all the presenter needs to do is notify the sponsor that they would like to earn CEUs for presenting their activity. This is due to the paperwork for the sponsor initiated activity already being submitted for approval. The CEUs will be processed the same as the participants except that the presenter will receive general studies (GS) CEUs for presenting. Remember that credit will be given only once during the cycle for each activity presented. When developing the content an Independent Study should be used to approve and process the CEUs. The presenter/instructor must outline their educational objectives in composing the Independent Study which is the basis for their future presentation. Keep in mind that this is about the presenter's position to the activity. The presentation is not being taught to the presenter, but to the participants. The presenter already knows the topic and is imparting that knowledge to the participants. Therefore, the individual is now the presenter, using their teaching/instructing skills which are not listed under what qualifies for Professional Studies (PS) content. 12

Member Portal Compatibility The member portal is most compatible with Google Chrome or Internet Explorer! If you’re trying to enter CEU information or an activity plan through your account and it’s just not working the way you expect it to, be sure that you’re using Google Chrome. This will eliminate a large number of issues, but if you encounter an error or are given some kind of warning, please remember to take a screenshot and let us know what you were doing when you received the error (cmp@rid.org) so we can investigate and advise. Start and End Dates There is occasionally an issue when entering PINRAs, Academic Coursework, and Independent Studies, especially with activities that span more than one year (i.e. begins 12/1/2017 and ends 3/1/2018), and the activity ends up appearing on the member’s transcript dated with the start date, rather than the end date of the activity. We are investigating a resolution for this with our database company, but in the meantime, the workaround is that you (the sponsor) can enter the start date and the end date for the activity as the same date (the end date). For example, for an Academic Coursework activity that began 12/1/2017 and ended 3/1/2018, when you are entering the activity information in the system, in both the “Start Date” and “End Date” fields, you should enter 3/1/2018. Please be sure that your paperwork reflects the correct start and end dates, but to ease confusion and issues that affect a member’s certification cycle, this is our recommended resolution until we have a permanent fix for the database. We will keep you posted! Workshop Titles When thinking about what to title a workshop it is nice to have realistic, meaningful titles that describe what the workshop will be about. As sponsors who may not be the host of the workshop as well, this feat might be a little difficult. For some interpreters, the title of the workshop is the only thing that employers have as reference to determine the interpreter’s specific skills and training. Often during contract negotiations, contract compliance, CV reviews of staff for RFPs - the transcripts of the interpreters who will be serving a specific contract are required to be included as part of the submission. This could be for a university, a hospital, a state agency, etc. who want to ensure that interpreters have specific skills and training. It could be perceived that those specific workshops do not lend the field the gravitas that is needed, nor does it prove that an interpreter has subject area knowledge. Please be mindful of workshop titles when you receive sponsor initiated activity submissions. 13

New RID Approved Sponsors RID opened up the sponsor application process in 2016, and we received over 50 applications! Here are the new sponsors that were approved between 2016 and 2017.

Alana Calhoun

Interpreter Education Online

Service Bridges, Inc.

CODA Brothers Interpreting


Alabama RID

TCS Interpreting, Inc.

Interpreting Etc

Amy Kroll

ASL Interactive

Deaf Talk LLC

Jenna Cassell

Resolute Interpreting

Carol Patrie

Iowa State RID

The Medical University of South Carolina

Wink Mohawk Valley Community College SAW Interpreting

Interpreters of the Deaf, LLC Ginevra Deianni

Alabama Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Moraine Valley Community College RISE Interpreting, Inc. Sign Enhancers, Inc.

Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services

Beyond Interpreting


National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes

Language Access Network Zaboosh 14

Ask the PDC

Have questions for the PDC? In the Sponsor CONNECT the PDC will answer your questions pertaining to the Certification Maintenance Program. To have your questions answered email cmp@rid.org and see if your question is in the next Sponsor CONNECT.


CMP Coordinator Change Form If there has been a change in your administration, please click the image below to submit the new information.


SPONSOR RESOURCES Standards and Criteria https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_NUO3AhS85kT2FaQzZmTlpGY1E

CMP Sponsor Handbook https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_NUO3AhS85kUE42Wkk3VXRSNUk

Database Instructions https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_NUO3AhS85kaURGa1p1TmhTbHM

RID Auditor & Sponsor Training https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_NUO3AhS85kZmdVY1hCalRqdG8

CSV File https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_NUO3AhS85kdWpDd2dvTENlLUE


Professional Development Department

703-838-0030, option 7


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