Sponsor CONNECT issue 1 vol 2 (July)

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Issue 1 Vol. 2

Conference Season Has Arrived Conference Season Has Arrived


Standards and Practices Division

Ryan Butts Director of Standards and Practices

Ashley Holladay

Certification Coordinator

Carol Turner

Professional Development Manager

Tressela Bateson EPS Coordinator


Professional Development Department Carol Turner, Professional Development Manager Ashley Holladay, Certification Coordinator Contact information Email: cmp@rid.org Voice: 703-838-0030, option 7

Professional Development Committee Richard Laurion, PDC Chair Dawn Duran Janine Schug

Kathleen Lanker Lisa Weems Mary Darragh MacLean, CIT Representative Shalene Germani


6 7 8 11 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 4

From the Desk of Sponsor Renewal for FY 2019

Independent Study Audit Wrap-Up 2018 Regional Conference PDC Forums Power, Privilege, and Oppression CEU Requirement Conference Motions Questions of the Month Quick Tips New RID Approved Sponsors Ask the PDC CMP Coordinator Change Form Sponsor Resource Corner

FROM THE DESK Message from the Professional OF Development Department

Summer has arrived which means sunshine, hot weather, and conferences! This year we have the Region Conferences beginning in July for Region I, III, IV, and V. This issue will focus on what you can expect from the PDC at the Region Conferences and the Power, Privilege, and Oppression CEU requirement motion that was passed at the 2017 LEAD Together Conference. For all of our RID approved sponsors we want the Sponsor CONNECT to keep you informed, engaged, and above all else CONNECTED. Carol Turner Professional Development Manager


FY 2019 Sponsor Renewal Payment for the FY 2019 sponsor fee was due June 30, 2018. If you have not paid already, here are your payment options: •Mailed payment: To renew by check or money order, complete and detach the payment slip of the renewal form and submit to: RID, Attn; Professional Development Dept, 333 Commerce Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. The check should be made payable to RID. To prevent processing delays, please include Sponsor Name and “FY 2019 CMP Sponsor Fee” with checks and money orders. •Online payment: log on to the account (myaccount.rid.org) and click on “My Orders.” When submitting payment information, please ensure that the billing address matches the information listed with the credit card company.

A late fee will be assessed if the sponsor fee is not paid by July 31, 2018 along with suspension. Sponsorship will be revoked if the fee is not paid by September 30, 2018.

Sponsor Fees Organization:


Late Fee: $100

Affiliate Chapter: $225

Late Fee: $50


Late Fee: $50


Reminder: If a workshop is canceled, there were no participants, or no participants needed CEUs, email cmp@rid.org so we can make a note in the workshop and can deactivate it in our system. Deactivating the activity has no effect on the workshop but is helpful when pulling data and ensuring participants are credited with their CEUs. 7

Independent Study Audit Wrap-Up By: Shalene Germani, PDC Member


The PDC and the Educational Auditor Team would like to thank all sponsors for their Independent Study submissions. We have been reviewing them in the months of May and June; Sponsors can expect to receive their results in the month of July. In addition to your own results, you might be interested to know the overall outcomes of the audit. Of the thirty sponsors who process Independent Studies and provided samples for the audit: •

20 earned a Pass: No Action Required (69%)

8 Did not Pass: Corrective Action Plan Required (28%)

1 earned a Suspension: (Did not submit materials) (3%)

In the review of the materials submitted, the Educational Auditor Team was impressed with some excellent research topics! All sponsors have a strong understanding of appropriate content areas (Professional Studies vs. General Studies). We also saw thorough documentation to support learning objectives in many of the Independent Studies. At the same time, we noted some common challenges in Independent Study activities that are worth discussing with all of you in the Approved Sponsor network:

Writing measurable objectives: This is an area that continues to be a challenge for instructors and sponsors. As a reminder, strong learning objectives define the knowledge that participants will gain as a result of the activities of the event. For an example, “Participants will discuss the tenets of the Code of Professional Conduct” would be better written in specific and measurable terms such as “Participants will be able to list and describe at least 5 tenets of the Code of Professional Conduct.” Calculating CEUs : Complex Independent Studies may include a mix of direct contact hours, and noncontact hours. Using a 1 to 0.1 ratio for direct contact hours (with a definition and examples) is appropriate. Using a 1 to 0.05 ratio may be more appropriate for noncontact hours. The credit applied through CEUs should be clearly identified as a ratio to be awarded according to the work/time invested. For example, if a participant submits ten hours of work, the log might segment these ten hours as 2 hours in an online workshop (which would qualify for the traditional 1 hr. to 0.1 CEU) and 8 hours of independent work such as reading or doing research, which should be calculated at a different ratio -- 1 hr. to 0.05 CEUs (or whatever value the sponsor deems appropriate). 9

Sponsors do not have to use a “one ratio fits all activities” approach to calculating CEUs for an Independent Study. Including a log: A detailed log including the type of activity is necessary to evaluate whether the CEUs have been calculated correctly. Considering that some hours are contact hours and others noncontact, it is important that the participant’s log include an explanation of the activity that took place during each time period.

Academic Coursework Pass


Fail/ Suspended






Fail/ Suspended

Mentoring sessions: When the participant earning CEUs is the mentor, documentation should focus on the participants’ learning as a mentor, not a summary of the learning made by the mentee.




Information on many of these topics can be found in the online Auditor and Sponsor Training Modules. CEUs are available! If you have any questions regarding the Independent Study Audit, please don’t hesitate to contact Carol Turner at cmp@rid.org.



Fail/ Suspended




Sponsor Initiated Activity

Thank you again for your service and dedication to the continued skill development of our members!

Independent Study Pass


Fail/ Suspended





2018 Regional Conferences PDC Forums By: Kathleen Lanker, PDC Member


Have you ever wondered who are those PDC Committee members? Or how do I process an Independent Study? And what’s happening with the convention motions that were recently discussed at the National Conference: earning CEUs for ProBono interpreting; required courses on Power, Privilege and Oppression; or, limits on earning CEUs online? At each Regional Conference, there will be an opportunity for Sponsors and members to meet members of the Professional Development Committee (PDC) and hear what has been happening with audits, and, supporting and training Sponsors. In addition to updates and responding to questions, the PDC will provide a training on how to more effectively support and oversee members' Independent Study (I.S.) and the requirements involved. Recently Sponsors who process I.S. were audited. The PDC noticed, from the results of this process, the Standards & Criteria may not be as well understood as was our hope. The Committee wants to take this opportunity to meet with Sponsors at the Regional Conferences to discuss the inner workings of an I.S. As you already know, there are four types of activities that members can avail themselves of to document the studies supporting their certification. They are: Sponsored

Initiated Activities (SIA) (i.e., workshops), PINRA (Participant Initiated Non-RID Activities (i.e., events by another organization), Academic Coursework, and lastly, Independent Study. An I.S. is often the best option when a participant has an area of study that is not common or readily available through the traditional options. This leaves members to create the learning strategies and environment for their research and acquisition of knowledge or skills in the target content. For example, you have a member (Lydia) who wants to learn more about whispering in ASL. There are no webinars, workshops, courses, conferences or conventions that touch on this topic. But Lydia is determined to understand this area of skill and has been able to find other resources (e.g., articles, videos) on the topic. Or you have a member (Xavier) who wants to present on the topic of Forensics and the Deaf Population. A topic that Xavier has knowledge and background in and he wants to share in an effective way with his interpreting colleagues and earn PS CEUs. Lydia and Xavier are examples of how members can utilize the I.S. activity to increase their knowledge and skills or expand their own understanding through individualized continuing education and earn CEUs at the same time. An I.S. is sometimes one of the most effective ways for members to 12

increase their knowledge on a topic. What is important for Sponsors to remember is that members must use the I.S. form to express the what, why and how of their learning process. What will be studied? Why is this topic important to the interpreting process? And, how will members apply what was the learned knowledge and skills obtained? Many members are unsure of how to express what knowledge they want to gain or what skills they will acquire. Too often, members use feeling or thinking words to describe what they intend to do. The Sponsor needs to help them visualize where they are now and what they foresee as the endpoint. It is important to go back and figure out how they will get from one point to the next. What activities or learning processes will they engage to acquire the new insight or competence. Then, how will they demonstrate to you, the Sponsor, what they have gained, achieved, and hoped for. To determine if the objectives are measurable or not, consider if you will be able to easily identify if the objective was completed or accomplished at the end of their study. If it was, then the learning objective was sufficiently measurable.

the I.S., is how to calculate the credit (CEU) for it. Calculating I.S. credits (CEUs) are not handled in the traditional sense and are not necessarily awarded a 1 to 1 equivalent (1-hour for 0.1 credit). The member may be required to put in double or triple the amount of time to earn a CEU since the process of the study is self guided discovery and processing. I.S. is by nature individually designed to meet the needs of one person. Therefore, that individual must justify why reading a book, writing a paper, performing a task would earn the credit being proposed . In the traditional workshop, an instructor has boiled down all the critical elements and designed the delivery to maximize learning. None of this is leading to an I.S., the distillation becomes the activities of the participant, exploring and experimenting with the learning process. This is often very important and meaningful work, but it is not effort which should be rewarded 1 to 1 credit. It is important for the Sponsor to work closely with the I.S. participant to evaluate the work that needs to be done and to consider a value for the individual's investment.

The next stumbling block is that many individuals writing an I.S., as well as the Sponsors overseeing the 13

Region I July 2-7, 2018 Hartford, CT Region I Conference Website Wednesday, July 4 4:15pm-5:30pm

Region V July 11-14, 2018 Vancouver, WA Region V Conference Website Friday, July 13 6:00pm-7:30pm

Region III August 2-5, 2018 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Region III Conference Website Thursday, August 2 10:00am-11:30am


Power, Privilege, and Oppression CEU Requirement By: Lisa Weems, PDC Member


At the 2015 RID National Conference, a motion was presented to the membership that 1.0 of the required 6.0 CEUs under the content area of Professional Studies be training related to topics of power, privilege, and oppression. The motion was passed by the membership with a vote of 188 votes in favor, 89 against, and 15 abstentions. Immediately following the 2015 conference a CEU workgroup was formed to define the new continuing education requirements as well as developing criteria for meeting the new standards. The committee consisted of one board member, one member of the PDC, as well as Deaf and Hearing representatives from RID Councils. The workgroup was specifically tasked to identify language that reflects what power, privilege, and oppression is. After a period of research and development, the committee developed a category definition to reflect the educational goals established by the motion. In addition, the CEU workgroup identified topics that are to be considered as compliant with the new standards. The topics provided a guideline of activities which can be classified under power, privilege, and oppression according to the newly developed standards. The full list of guidelines can be viewed by clicking here. Sponsors will need to familiarize themselves with the language

determining CEU eligibility, being mindful that the boundaries of each category remain somewhat flexible. Sponsors, therefore, should not be limited by exactly what is written. Concurrently, RID endeavored to uphold the national standard by designing the 2017 Lead Together Conference activity and training to forward the national agenda of cultivating an organizational culture that both honors and practices diversity and inclusion. The

conference included relevant presentations with subsequent group discussions constructed to explore attitudes and practices in the context of power, privilege, and oppression toward solution strategies in terms of standards, education, programs, and policy. These solution strategies were presented to RID to establish a foreground upon which the aforementioned changes can be established. We are in the throes of experiencing 16

the thrust of change. Sponsors are already approving activities nationwide for a myriad of topics under the new category. The PDC is also working to develop and provide Sponsors with specific training modules focused on how to appropriately categorize an activity as consistent with the standards for the power, privilege, and oppression category. Further, the PDC is currently in the process of developing education modules that will be offered to the membership. It is important to note that although the motion has been passed, the requirement is not completely in place. Our current database does not have the functionality to track this specific requirement of CEUs for certification renewal. RID Headquarters is working with our

database company to implement this capability. Once the functionality has been implemented, sponsors will be able to categorize new activities as power, privilege, and oppression; power, privilege, and oppression; member’s transcripts will then reflect documentation relevant to these specific continuing education credits. RID headquarters and the PDC are here to support and answer any questions you have regarding operations and which activities qualify as power, privilege, and oppression.


Conference Motions The Regional Conferences have begun so lets recap a few of the motions from the past National Conferences that affect the Certification Maintenance Program and potentially your work as an RID Approved Sponsor. 2013 RID National Conference C2013.05 As part of the Certification Maintenance Program, interpreters must submit documentation of 20 hours of pro bono work/volunteer service every four years. Motion by Chris Grooms to refer Motion D to the Professional Development Committee carries. At this time there has been no new development. 2015 RID National Conference Motion H Rollover CEUs: in order to encourage interpreters' ongoing development, RID should accept the concept of ĘşRollover CEUsĘş. President Whitcher declares the motion to be moot. 2015 RID National Conference C2015.05

Move that 1.0 of the required 6.0 CEUs under the content area of Professional Studies be training related to topics of Power, Privilege, and Oppression. Be it further moved that the content area of Professional Studies include as a fourth category the topic of Power, Privilege and Oppression. Be it further moved that the PDC will work with representatives from the Diversity Council, Deaf Advisory Council, Council of Elders and Member Section leaders, to identify the scope of topics to be included under the Professional Studies category of Power, Privilege, and Oppression. Motion Carries 2017 RID National Conference CM2017.07 CEUs earned from online trainings be limited to 25% of the overall required total number of CUEs required to maintain certification. For specialist certifications, not more than 49% of CEUs for certification maintenance may be earned online. Motion Failed 18

The section is dedicated to questions asked by sponsors through the CMP Sponsor Google group that have appeared more than once or need a detailed answer.

Q: As a sponsor, is it possible for me to process CEUs for an already approved webinar?

A: If any sponsor initiated activity is already approved by another sponsor, you may not process those CEUs as a PINRA. PINRAs are to be used if a RID member plans to attend another organization’s workshop, conference, formal in-service training or activity that is not approved.

Q: What are some tips to determine legal CEUs when I am unsure? A: It is best to have the individual provide you a Justification Statement for approving legal CEUs. This can be a couple of paragraphs or a full paper. The intent is to clearly identify to the Sponsor the reason for having this workshop and the value it has as an educational program being considered for legal CEUs. There are several questions that should be answered in the Justification statement. 1. Why is this educational pursuit important for the legal interpreter’s professional development? 2. How will the legal interpreter use the information gained? 3. . Is this workshop designed to address an immediate or time limited issue or long term learning for the interpreter? 4. Is the information of a unique nature or necessary for development of the legal specialization? Please expand on that - Why or why not? 5. What new information is offered that a competent SC:L does not already know?


Quick Tips CSV File Issues CSV stands for Comma Separated Values, and are very commonly used with databases like ours to store/input data. This is the type of file that you’ll need to use when uploading CEUs through your portal for a workshop that is being processed as a Sponsor Initiated Activity. We have received concerns and complaints that a CSV file “just won’t upload” or the sponsor receives an error when trying to upload a CSV file (beyond the standard member ID number and last name mismatch error). We’ve found that the solutions are almost always relatively simple. First, check your column headings! They need to match exactly what is provided in the sample template (located in the CMP Sponsor Google folder). If they don’t match, the system will not be able to understand the information and presto! - instant jumbled up error message! If the column headings aren’t the issue, the next solution that we’ve found that resolves 99% of errors after the column headings issue is to copy and paste the information (including column headers) into a brand new Excel sheet and save as a CSV file, then upload that file. One more thing to note is the system is sometimes a little picky about the length of file names. Keep it to less than 100 characters, and you shouldn’t have any trouble. If you’ve checked and tested these options and it’s still not working, please let us know. You can email us at cmp@rid.org with a copy of the file you’re trying to upload attached so we can take a look. Awarding Presenter CEUs For presenter CEUs, you need to set up a second activity plan in the system, using the same information that is on the activity plan for the participants' CEUs, with the exception of the content area, presenter CEUs should always be General Studies. At the end of the activity title, "presenter" should be put in parentheses to help indicate it is a presenter workshop. Once you've created the activity plan, the system will assign it its own workshop ID, which you would use on a CSV file to upload the presenter CEUs. 20

New RID Approved Sponsors

South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind Division of Outreach Services South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind - Statewide Division of Outreach Services offers services and programs for individuals who are deaf/hard of hearing, blind/visually impaired, or sensory multi-disabled, their families and the professionals who serve them. Outreach provides services and resources in every county of the state. Outreach programs include: •Early Intervention •Vision Outreach •Hearing Outreach •Deaf-Blind Project •Braille Production Center •Instructional Resource Center •Statewide Interpreting Services •ASL Programs

The Described and Captioned Media Program Their mission is to promote and provide equal access to communication and learning through described and captioned educational media. The ultimate goal of the DCMP is for accessible media to be an integral tool in the teaching and learning process for all stakeholders in the educational community, including students, educators and other school personnel, parents, service providers, businesses, and agencies. Monica Romney Monica Romney is the founder and Executive Director of a mentoring organization which focuses on the skill and career development of interpreters from graduation and beyond, not merely for the edification of interpreters, but for the betterment of the entire Deaf community. The organization will soon expand to offer direct native mentoring services to Deaf children and their families to address the language deprivation issue (and all related issues) in our community.


Ask the PDC

Have questions for the PDC? To have your CMP related questions answered email cmp@rid.org and see if your question is in the next Sponsor CONNECT.


CMP Coordinator Change Form If there has been a change in your administration, please click the image below to submit the new information.



Standards and Criteria https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_NUO3AhS85kT2FaQzZmTlpGY1E

CMP Sponsor Handbook https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_NUO3AhS85kUE42Wkk3VXRSNUk

Database Instructions https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_NUO3AhS85kaURGa1p1TmhTbHM

RID Auditor & Sponsor Training https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_NUO3AhS85kZmdVY1hCalRqdG8

CSV File https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_NUO3AhS85kdWpDd2dvTENlLUE

VIEWS Articles from the PDC https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_NUO3AhS85kTDM4cEJCdDJMVG8


The integrity of RID Certification requires a commitment to life-long learning. It is the mission of the Certification Maintenance Program (CMP) to ensure the quality and effectiveness of educational opportunities provided for certified members, to establish standards for professional development and to provide a framework for certification maintenance, which will guarantee full and fair participation for all certified members. (Motion 96.07)

It is the mission of the Associate Continuing Education Tracking (ACET) program to promote professional advancement through a culture of lifelong learning. (Motion 96.08)

Professional Development Department

703-838-0030, option 7


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