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M. Antwan Campbell, MPA, Ed:K-12 Region II Representative
CEUs can be considered the lifeblood of Affiliate Chapters. Many members ask, “do I have enough? Where can I learn more information about this specific topic? Will this count towards licensure?” In the past few years, the landscape of professional development has changed tremendously. We are able to attend workshops from all over the world and in many time zones; yet we still have that one burning question of “will I receive CEUs for this?”
In Region 2, many of our Affiliate Chapters are offering more workshops and professional development opportunities than ever before.
There has been a robust number of offerings concerning Power, Privilege, and Oppression topics in order to address the -isms that afflict our profession as a whole and individually. In order to heal we first must be open minded and ready to learn and adjust our own biases towards and cultural misunderstandings of each other.
We are keeping all of this in mind as we prepare for our ultimate professional learning opportunity at this year’s RID conference in Baltimore, MD, July 26-30, 2023. The theme for this year is “Are you Ready?” Region 2 is ready. Are you?
Decision Date Member Name
November 1, 2022 Deborah Rice
CPC Violations
2. Professionalism, 3. Conduct, 4. Respect for Consumers and 6. Business Practices
Sanctions cannot be imposed upon non-members. EPS will readdress if membership renewed.
November 8, 2022 Deborah Pomeroy 2. Professionalism, 4. Respect for Consumers and 6. Business Practices Membership Terminated
November 8, 2022 Deborah Pomeroy 2. Professionalism, 3. Conduct, and 6. Business Practices Membership Terminated