3 minute read


The North is at the forefront of climate change. Communities living near and above the Arctic Circle are among the fi rst to experience the eff ects of global warming fi rst-hand. Traditional ways of living are threatened by the disappearance of land ice, the rising sea temperature and the increasingly unpredictable weather patterns. Livelihoods built on the cycle of the seasons are in danger and cultural values are at risk of disappearing forever.

As the media tells us that humanity is now facing its biggest challenge yet, the constant bombardment of dooming narratives leaves most individuals feeling either overwhelmed, guilty and anxious or in denial and stuck in passivity. Cue fi lm! Non-fi ction fi lms can contribute to a larger global understanding foundational to the continuous fi ght against climate injustice.


Films have the potential to not only raise awareness, but make a concrete impact when seen by the right audiences. Many fi lmmakers have successfully walked the path from cinema to impact by launching an impact campaign alongside the release of their fi lm. Nordic storytellers specifi cally have the power to use their fi lms to infl uence the global climate debate and change behaviour and policy. Thus, Impact of the North was born. Six environmental documentaries in production have been selected to participate in a two-day workshop designed to support the fi lmmakers in further developing their impact strategy and connect them to relevant players in the fi lm industry and beyond.

On October 6th the selected participants will follow a closed workshop by Think-Film Impact Production. COO Amy Shepherd and Senior Impact Strategist Thomas Walsh will lead an interactive session in which the fi lmmakers work on their strategies. On October 7th the six projects will be pitched during Impact Day.

Films have the potential to stimulate positive change in society through storytelling by reaching the right audiences. To support this promising potential RIFF has created Impact Day to bring attention to the power of fi lm. Besides the pitches, Impact Day consists of two panels: Stories with Impact and Backlash: What the F

is Going On?!

Finally, through extended Impact Talks we discuss the role of storytelling in the context of human rights and further explore the issues portrayed in the fi lms selected for A Diff erent Tomorrow.



Think-Film Impact Production is a market-leading impact media company with specialist expertise at the intersection of fi lm and social change. World in 2050 Innovation Olympics 2020 prize-winners, and co-pioneers with Cannes Marché du Film of impACT in 2021, Think-Film works with worldleading fi lm, television, VR, AR and music projects empowering art to deliver socio-political impact at the highest levels of international governance.

Amy Shepherd is the COO of Think-Film and is a highly experienced creative strategist with an extensive professional background in international law, politics and social justice advocacy. A graduate of Cambridge University and Utrecht University, she trained fi rst as a barrister and later worked for a number of international NGOs before fi nding a home for her analytical and creative talents in fi lm impact. Amy’s fi lm impact credits include The Territory, Navalny, The Scars of Ali Boulala and iHuman.


Thomas Walsh is the Senior Impact Strategist at Think-Film Impact Production and has been working in impact media since 2017. He brings his experience and passion to fi lmmakers to design creative impact campaigns that connect with key audiences and achieve real political outcomes in diff erent arenas. He has worked on over 20 impact fi lm and multimedia projects at diff erent stages of development, including award-winning productions and a diverse range of mediums, styles and issues.


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