B.Arch Architectural Portfolio National University of Singapore

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B.Ar chYear2


B: 01

Ar chi t ect ur ePor t f ol i o


by Rifqi Ashraf Bin Rosali In response to the disjointed circulation between the urban residences of Ghim Moh and Holland Village, and the nature of the greenway, the architecture forces the user to go through a series of landscapes and gardens (both man-made and natural) to experience the lush greenery that green corridor has to offer. The architecture also serves as a threshold between the busy (Buona Vista) and the peaceful zones of the green corridor (East Sussex). The weak current thresholds has been transformed to a series of spaces that heightens the user’s experience in each space, hence enhancing the feeling of a threshold between the two zones.

buona vista

east sussex

Parti Diagram

Axonometric Diagram


1st Storey Plan

2nd Storey Plan

Exterior Render

Meditation Room


Medicinal Garden


Texture Garden




Process Axo



BUSY Process Axo

Process Sketches

Wonder:Wander by Rifqi Ashraf

Gadgets such as smartphones and tablets have played a vital role in our lives transforming the way we perform daily tasks, from the way we work to the way we socialize. With the widespread use of technology, there has been an ongoing concern of gadgets affecting a child’s cognitive and physical development skills. Technology has progressed so rapidly in the last decade, that families and educators have hardly noticed how influential it can be. In the digitalized world, children are spoon fed with entertainment by flashy images and games from technology desensitizing them from the natural environment. This redefined kindergarten concept aims to bring back the sense of curiosity and wonder in them by changing the spirit of learning, shifting students away from sealed concrete boxes to places they can get their hands dirty. Learning and play are not exclusive to each other hence the whole architecture aims to be its classroom while being a large play space for them. Spaces revolve around the idea of wayfinding using repurposed elements that the site had to offer such as the industrial relics the power station left behind. Giving them the freedom to wander to promote a sense of wonder. This space encourages children to participate in sports, community farming and other outdoor activities in a safe space as opposed to learning through gadgets which are introduced in other schools. When school hours are over, the public are free to roam and use a large part of the public facilities, connecting the nearby communities.

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