Š2015Ri gel Net wor ks ,Al l r i ght sr eser v ed. www. r i gel net wor ks . c om
Oneoft hel eadi ngconsul t i ngcompanybasedi nVi ct or i a,Aust r al i awi t hacombi nedexper i enceof mor et han15year s,pr ovi desanonl i nebusi nessser vi ces,consul t i ngandgener alassi st ancet o smal l -andmedi umsi zedbusi nesses.
Formos tpar tofi t sbus i nes s ,ourc l i entwasdependenton emai l sandc al l s .Res pons et i mei sc r uc i al andi t sc us t omer s l i k et obeac k nowl edgedev eni ft hei rr eques ti snotf ul f i l l ed. Al ongwi t ht hi s ,r epor t i ngwasanot herar eat hatt het eam want edt oi mpr ov e.Theywant edt omoni t orper f or manc e ac r os shel pdes kmodul es
Thecl i entwant edt o of f er24* 7suppor tt oi t s cust omer s.
Ri gelNet wor ks’ hel pdesksuppor tof f er edt r ai nedpr of essi onal swhower epr of i ci enti n handl i ngi ncomi ngr equest s,assi gni ngt hem t ot hecor r ectt eam memberandaddi ng i nst r uct i onst ot heknowl edgebase.Ouri nt er f acei suser f r i endl yandhel pedt hem t osave t hei rval uabl et i me.
Š2015Ri gel Net wor ks ,Al l r i ght sr eser v ed. www. r i gel net wor ks . c om
Our20memberhel pdeskt eam atRi gelNet wor ksof f er sI Tsuppor tandser vi cet omor et han 5000cust omer soft hecl i ent Wi t hmostoft het eam’ spr oduct i vet i mespentonanal yzi ngandcl osi ngt i cket s,i tt ookl onger t hannecessar yt odet er mi net her ootcauseandt or esol vet i cket s.Our24* 7hel pdeskmade sur et hatal lt het i cket swer eser vedwi t hi n10mi nut es. Theabi l i t yt oassi gnt i cket st ospeci f i cuser saut omat i cal l yhel pedor gani zeandmoni t ort he ent i r esuppor tpr ocess.Thi sal somadei teasi ert okeepat r ackofi ndi vi dualcust omeri ssues andt het i met or esol veeachoneoft hem
Mul t i pl edummyor der swer epl acedont hecl i ent ’ swebsi t e–100xt i cket swer er ecei vedi na si ngl eday . Ri gelNet wor ks’ ser vi ceengi neer swer equi ckt of i gur eoutt hatt heseor der swer epl acedbya compet i t orandsuggest edmeasur est ocount ersuchdummyor der s.
Ther ewas35% i ncr easei nt heROIf ort hecl i entduet oourhi ghl yr esponsi vet eam andal l r oundsuppor t . Apr operdocument at i onandknowl edgebaseofal lt het i cket s,al l ocat edt echni ci ans,andot her det ai l s. I mpr ovedt ur n-ar oundt i meandt hei ncr easei ncust omersat i sf act i onr at ei sar ef l ect i on oft hi s.
©2015Ri gel Net wor ks ,Al l r i ght sr eser v ed. www. r i gel net wor ks . c om