200+ Delicious & Healthy Recipes for your NutraMilk

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HEALTHY RECIPES for your from

Nuts, Seeds, Grains & More by Rita Rivera



Nuts, Seeds, Grains & More

by Rita Rivera

Copyright Š 2017 Brewista & Rita Rivera www.TheNutraMilk.com All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without express written permission from the publisher. Please direct inquiries to info@TheNutraMilk.com. Printed in China Author: Rita Rivera Publisher: Brewista, Inc. Photographer: Braedon Photography Designer: Diane Rigoli Editor: Amy Theobald Ross


CONTENTS Welcome to the NutraMilk Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Foreword g Dr. Ed Bauman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Introduction g Rita Rivera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5



Handling Nuts & Seeds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


Milk Storage & Shelf Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


Recipe Ingredients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8



General Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Making Nut, Seed, Grain & Legume Milks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


Making Nut & Seed Butters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


Making Dips & Spreads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


Making Smoothies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


Measurements & Timing Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15



Nut Milks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


Coconut Milks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129


Seed Milks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145


Grain & Legume Milks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165


Nut Butters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187


Seed Butters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225


Smoothies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231


Smoothie Bowls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261


Savory Dips & Spreads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267


Coffee & Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285


Treats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301

WELCOME TO THE NUTRAMILK CLUB Congratulations on your purchase. Visit our website and sign up to become part of our global club! www.TheNutraMilk.com

Our mission at NutraMilk is to provide you with many new choices to nourish your body and to delight your taste buds. The NutraMilk will prepare milks and more from a variety of nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes. Pure and delicious butters and spreads, from savory to sweet! Once you join, watch for our emails in which we share recipes, interviews, blog posts, videos, and so much more. We look forward to hearing from you. Contact the NutraMilk kitchen and let us know some of your favorite recipes and post questions for our in-house nutritionist.

Cheers To Your Health! The NutraMilk Team


FOREWORD by Dr. Ed Bauman FOR THE PAST FORTY YEARS, I HAVE BEEN A HOLISTIC NUTRITION EDUCATOR, CHEF, and integrative medicine professional. Three Food Facts of Life stand out for me: 1. we are what we eat; 2. the commercial food and farming system is de-natured and not health promoting; and 3. we take responsibility for our health by growing and eating as much S.O.U.L. (seasonal, organic, unprocessed, and local) as we can. I call this Eating for Health™. Like nearly everyone I have known, I was raised on milk. I wasn’t breastfed, for reasons unbeknownst to me. I was given formula, followed by pasteurized, homogenized milk from infancy until I left my home in Washington D.C. to go to college. In addition to milk by the glass and on cereal, I had several servings a day of milk products in the form of butter, cheese, cottage cheese, and ice cream. With the knowledge I have now, it is not surprising that I was allergic, congested, constipated, and had a craving, bordering on addiction, for dairy products. This was mightily reinforced by the plethora of commercials and product placements I was seeing on television—milk moustaches on my favorite sporting heroes, doctors saying milk makes us strong and powerful, with good bones, teeth, and nerves. By the early 1970s, macrobiotics—a traditional food system from Japan—was introduced to the West by Michio Kushi, as was a sprout-based, raw food diet by Ann Wigmore. I studied with both of these different, and rather opposite, nutrition mentors. What they shared in common was the disease prevention and possible curative benefit of eating seasonal, local, whole foods that are largely plant-based. They also eschewed eating conventionally grown meat, dairy, sugar, and refined processed food. It was at this time that I started making and enjoying fresh, homemade nut milk. I found it to be delicious, nutritious, fine in sauces, soups, smoothies, dressings, and even custards, ice cream, and naturally fermented beverages. Since those days, I have been blessed with good health, as well as a sense of practicality, purpose, and passion. I have been able to create many valuable and innovative health and community projects ranging from Community Food Buying Clubs, Home Comfort Restaurant, the Berkeley Holistic Health Center Vitality Fasting Retreats, Bauman College: Holistic Nutrition + Culinary Arts, and now Bauman Wellness: Consulting, Education, and Advocacy for creating a Food and Health Care System that is accessible and affordable for all.


A common theme in the Eating for Health™ model that I designed to be an alternative to the USDA models is that nuts, seeds, and healthy fats and oils are at the center of eating well to support healthy brain, nerve, endocrine, and cell membrane health. There has been a great deal of misinformation on the subject of food, healing, and nutrition. My goal is to provide non-dogmatic, evidence-based information from which people are empowered to make conscious choices. Plant-based milks are a valuable alternative to conventional dairy, which has become a common source of inflammation, allergy, and intolerance for many. Even for those who have no problems with dairy products, plant-based milks offer another excellent option to include in your diet. Nuts and seeds are the premier source of magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin E, healthy fats, fiber and protective phytonutrients, and plant sterols. They are very good choices for people with metabolic issues, such as obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes. Nuts and nut milk are heart healthy, strengthening to the vascular system, and wonderful foods to help the adrenal glands manage stress. Learning to make your own organic, plant-based milk is a powerful way to demonstrate that: 1. you are what you eat; 2. you do not have to depend on the commercial food and the farming system; and 3. you take responsibility for your health, by eating and drinking for health. The recipes in this book offer a health-changing array of delicious recipes, with health-promoting nuts, seeds, grains, herbs, and spices to blend and prepare on a daily basis. I salute your well-being. May you share the many recipes that this book offers with friends, family, and associates, near and far, for many years to come. SALUD! – Dr. Ed Bauman Founder and President, Bauman College Director, BaumanWellness.com


INTRODUCTION By Rita Rivera WHEN I FIRST BECAME INTERESTED IN PLANT MILKS ABOUT 15 YEARS AGO, THERE were almost no options in the marketplace—you either made your own milk at home or you could purchase a carton of rice milk at your local health food store. Fast forward to present day, things have changed dramatically over the years for people seeking access to convenient and healthy alternatives to dairy milks. The emergences of plantbased milks in our markets, both fresh and in shelf stable cartons, have skyrocketed. My passion for plant-based milks was fueled by the remarkable changes I experienced in my health and digestion after eliminating dairy from my diet. I saw an opening in the marketplace for fresh-pressed almond milks, and I began my company, MilksAlive, in northern California to produce and deliver freshly prepared almond milk blends to customers in the Bay Area. I’m thrilled to be working with the NutraMilk company and to be a part of their vision to make it easy and fun to prepare delicious and nutritious plant-based milks at home. The NutraMilk machine makes it simple for you and your family—with the press of a button—to always have fresh plant milks available! With 200+ recipes in our book, you will discover new combinations to explore and expand your culinary delights. Your intuition, creativity, and joy are your best assets to bring into the kitchen. Many of these recipes can be “tweaked” to satisfy your taste profile by adding a little more of this or a little less of that. Have fun! – Rita





THE BASICS HANDLING NUTS AND SEEDS Nuts and seeds can go rancid when exposed to long periods of improper storage. Make sure that your nuts and seeds are in well-sealed containers and stored in a cool, dry location without exposure to sunlight. Nuts and seeds that are high in fats should be refrigerated.

IF YOU CHOOSE TO SOAK YOUR NUTS AND SEEDS When making milk in your NutraMilk, you may use soaked nuts and seeds. However, when making butter in your NutraMilk, the nuts and seeds must be dry, without any moisture. If your nuts and seeds have been soaked, the Butter cycle will be shorter than recommended times listed.

MILK STORAGE AND SHELF LIFE Use your NutraMilk storage container or a mason jar. Refrigerate immediately and it should stay fresh for up to 6 days. Without an emulsifying agent, the milk will naturally separate, so give it a good shake. If you would like to use a healthy emulsifying agent, I recommend adding a non-GMO sunflower lecithin.


RECIPE INGREDIENTS You may or may not be familiar with some ingredients that I use in my recipes. You can find most of them at your local health food store, or there are many resources to find them online.

AGAVE Agave plants thrive in the volcanic soils of southern Mexico with over 100 species that come in many sizes and colors. The agave plant, most well known for producing tequila, also produces a sap that is processed and used as a sweetener.

CAROB The carob tree is characteristic of the Mediterranean region and is found all over the Middle East. The carob tree produces a pod that contains the carob bean, also known as the locust bean. The carob beans are dried and then made into a powder. Carob powder can be found raw or roasted and has a wonderful subtle flavor that resembles chocolate and is often used as a substitute for chocolate.

CACAO/CHOCOLATE POWDER The “chocolate tree” or cacao tree, indigenous to Central and South America is now grown in tropical climates worldwide. Our beloved chocolate is made from the cacao beans of the cacao tree. According to FDA guidelines, cocoa powder and cacao powder are simply different terms for the same powder and are nearly interchangeable. However, “cacao powder” specifically refers to low heat, unsweetened powder. Cocoa powder may be processed with high heat and or chemicals and may still contain a small amount of cocoa butter.


COCONUT PALM SUGAR Coconut palm sugar is made from a nutrient-rich sap that is tapped from the coconut blossoms of the coconut palm tree. This sap is low glycemic, containing amino acids, minerals, vitamin C, and B vitamins. It resembles brown sugar.

GOJI BERRY (OR WOLFBERRY) Goji berries are rich in antioxidants and have been used by herbalists for thousands of years in China, Tibet, and India. When dried, the goji berry looks like a red-orange raisin and can be found growing in temperate and subtropical regions of China, Mongolia, and Tibet.

LECITHIN Lecithin, composed of choline and inositol, is found in all living cells as a major component of cell membranes. Lecithin acts as an emulsifier, keeping the ingredients mixed together, preventing separation. I recommend the powdered form and always certified organic, non-GMO!

MACA Maca is a cruciferous root vegetable that resembles a turnip or a large radish and grows in extreme conditions at very high altitudes in Peru and Ecuador. Native cultures have used maca for thousands of years. It is known for its ability to increase energy and stamina and to stimulate and balance hormonal activity in both men and women. Maca has a very rich nutrient profile with numerous phytochemicals, amino acids, beneficial fatty acids, and vitamins.

MESQUITE POWDER The mesquite tree is found around the world and is native to deserts. This heat- and drought-tolerant tree produces a malty, subtle, caramel-flavor bean pod, which is ground into a meal.


Mesquite is a slow-acting carbohydrate and helps balance and control blood sugar absorption. Mesquite is mineral-rich, including trace minerals and approximately 15% protein.

SALT Pink Himalayan salt is one of my favorite salts to use, but you may substitute with any salt of your choosing.

STEVIA Stevia is part of the sunflower family, native to subtropical and tropical regions, and is widely grown for its sweet leaves. Try taking a bite from the leaf of a stevia plant— you can taste the sweetness! Stevia extracts have up to 300 times the sweetness of sugar and have a low effect on blood glucose levels.

XYLITOL Xylitol is a naturally occurring carbohydrate found widely in fruits and vegetables and is used as a sweetener. For commercial purposes, xylitol is made from birch tree bark or from corn husks. Xylitol tastes and looks like sugar but it has 40% fewer calories and does not raise insulin or affect blood sugar levels. If you purchase xylitol produced from corn, purchase organic xylitol.

CAUTION Some people have allergies to certain nuts and seeds. Consult with your physician if you have any concerns. Plant-based milks may not be appropriate for infants.





USING YOUR NUTRAMILK GENERAL INFORMATION Please read through your NutraMilk manual to assist you in the care and handling of the appliance. Important to remember that the blade is sharp and both the blade and the butter can become hot when the machine has been running for several minutes or longer. All milk recipes, unless otherwise stated, call for nuts and seeds in their raw state— unsalted and unprocessed. When preparing most butters, you have a choice to make butter from raw or roasted nuts.

FOR MAKING MILK: Minimum/Maximum Amount of Nuts and Liquid to be Used in Your NutraMilk For Dry Ingredients g Minimum amount of dry ingredients: 1 cup (8 oz/227 g) g Maximum amount of dry ingredients: 3 cups - 5 cups (24 oz/681 g – 40 oz/1135 g) *

* For harder nuts like almonds, the maximum is 3 cups (24 oz/681 g) * For softer nuts like cashews, the maximum is 5 cups (40 oz/1135 g)

For Liquid Ingredients g Minimum amount of liquid ingredient: 3 cups (710 mL) g Maximum amount of liquid ingredient: 2 quarts (1.893 L)

FOR MAKING BUTTER: Minimum/Maximum Amount of Dry Ingredients in Your NutraMilk g g

Minimum amount of dry ingredients: 2 cups (16 oz/454 g) Maximum amount of dry ingredients: 3 cups - 5 cups (24 oz/681 g – 40 oz/1135 g) * * For harder nuts like almonds, the maximum is 3 cups (24 oz/681 g) * For softer nuts like cashews. the maximum is 5 cups (40 oz/1135 g)


MAKING NUT, SEED, GRAIN AND LEGUME MILKS General Instructions for making milk in your NutraMilk: g

You can use dry or soaked nuts and seeds in their raw state.


If you choose to soak your nuts or seeds for making milk, the Butter cycle will be shorter than recommended times listed.


All recipes call for dry measurements of nuts or seeds.


Minimum ratio of nuts or seeds for making milk is 1 cup (8 oz/227 g) to 1 quart (946 mL) of liquid.


Kept refrigerated in a container with a tight-fitting lid, the milk should stay fresh for up to 6 days.


Natural separation will occur, just give it a good shake before serving. You can also use non-GMO sunflower lecithin as an emulsifier—generally, 1 Tablespoon to a quart (946 mL) works well.


Most of the milk recipes call for a minimum of 1 cup (8 oz/227 g) of dry nuts or seeds and a minimum 3-4 cups (710 – 946 mL) of liquid. I suggest that you begin with our basic recipe. You will also find that the proportions can be forgiving as you adjust to your preferences.

Keep in mind that using less water will make a fuller bodied and flavored milk and using more water will make a less bodied and less flavorful milk. g

When using vanilla in a recipe, pure organic extract, ground, or fresh vanilla beans are all good choices and can be adjusted to taste. My general reccomendation when using vanilla extract is ½ to ¾ teaspoon per one quart (946 mL). For ground or fresh vanilla beans, use 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per one quart (946 mL).


When using bananas, make sure to consume the milk the same day you make it.


Many of these milk blends use dried fruit for sweetness and for flavor. When making the recipes that use dried fruit, there will be sediment in the base of your NutraMilk container with yummy bits of dried fruit that are left after the Dispense cycle.


Here are some options to incorporate the leftover goodness: g

Use a spatula to scoop out the material, add it to the milk, and mix well


Use it as a “layer” in parfaits with chia and or acai


Place it on top of your morning cereal or in your oatmeal

MAKING NUT AND SEED BUTTERS When making nut butters in your NutraMilk, it’s important that the nuts or seeds are dry. Any moisture content will impact the creaminess of the butter. A humid environment can also affect your Butter cycle time. Follow our guidelines (see page 16) and add more time, if necessary, to make creamier butters. Keep in mind that if you prefer to soak your nuts or seeds, make sure they are dry before making butter. You can lightly roast them, or dehydrate them, to remove moisture content. We do not recommend placing wet fruits or moist dried fruits in with nuts or seeds for making butter. Extra moisture will require a much longer Butter cycle time. Note of Caution: Be aware that running the NutraMilk for several minutes can make both the blade and the butter hot. Be careful!

MAKING DIPS AND SPREADS When making dips and spreads, the Butter cycle is short. You should set the NutraMilk Butter cycle for 1 minute and run in short bursts counting the seconds. When adding small amounts of liquid into the NutraMilk container, add the liquid by pouring away from the mesh filters and towards the center of the blades. If any of the liquid has come through the mesh filters, after removing your mixture, tip the NutraMilk container (remove the spigot) and let the liquid run through and add that directly to your spread.


MAKING SMOOTHIES When using frozen fruit in your NutraMilk, make sure they are cut into small chunks before freezing. Place any frozen fruit evenly around the blade. When dispensing the smoothie, remove the spigot to allow for better flow of the drink, which has a thicker consistency than the milks. After the drink has come through the dispenser, there may be some smoothie left in the NutraMilk container—if so: g

Carefully remove the blade and the container from the stand


Pour out remaining smoothie


While pouring, stabilize the inner container with your hand so it doesn’t fall

Some recipes call for “frozen coconut milk cubes.” Use whole fat coconut milk and pour the milk into ice cube trays and freeze. After the Dispense cycle, depending on the recipe, there may be delicious bits of fruit left in the NutraMilk container that did not go through the screen. To use the leftovers in the container: g g

Scoop the yummy bits into your smoothie Scoop the yummy bits and add them to a smoothie bowl along with chia seeds, acai, or on top of your oatmeal or granola



Find the ingredient of choice



Decide if you are using 1 cup or 2 cups (or gram equivalent) of nuts, seeds, grains, or legumes

Place ingredients in the NutraMilk container


Press the Butter Cycle with recommended time



For 1 cup (see gram equivalent)

For 2 cups (see gram equivalent)


Cups to Grams

Set Butter Cycle for:

Set Butter Cycle for:


1 cup (150 g)

6-7 minutes

8-9 minutes


1 cup (135 g)

1 minute

1-2 minutes


1 cup (150 g)

2-3 minutes

2-3 minutes


1 cup (135 g)

6-7 minutes

6-7 minutes


1 cup (135 g)

1-2 minutes

2-3 minutes


1 cup (137 g)

1-2 minutes

3-4 minutes


1 cup (110 g)

2-3 minutes

3-4 minutes


1 cup (130 g)

3 minutes

3-4 minutes


1 cup (105 g)

1-2 minutes

3-4 minutes


see coconut chapter


1 cup (125 g)

2-3 minutes

3-4 minutes


1 cup (135 g)

5-6 minutes

6-7 minutes


1 cup (135 g)

5-6 minutes

6-9 minutes


1 cup (110 g)

4-5 minutes

6-7 minutes


1 cup (110 g)

4-5 minutes

6-7 minutes


1 cup (107 g)

1 minute

1 minute


1 cup (175 g)

not recommended

30 sec-1 minutes


1 cup (185 g)

1-2 minutes

2-3 minutes




Find the ingredient of choice


Minimum measurement is 2 Cups (use chart for the gram equivalent)


Place ingredients in the NutraMilk container


Press the Butter Cycle with recommended time



BUTTER RAW: 2 cups (see gram equivalent)

BUTTER ROASTED: 2 cups (see gram equivalent)


Cups (Grams)

Set Butter Cycle for:

Set Butter Cycle for:


2 cups (300 g)

12-13 minutes

5-6 minutes


2 cups (270 g)

2 minutes

1-2 minutes


2 cups (300 g)

5-6 minutes

3-4 minutes


2 cups (270 g)

15-16 minutes

4-5 minutes


2 cups (270 g)

4-5 minutes

1 minute


2 cups (274 g)

2-3 minutes

2 minutes


2 cups (220 g)

3-4 minutes

2 minutes


2 cups (260 g)

5-6 minutes

4-5 minutes


2 cups (210 g)

5-6 minutes

2 minutes


see coconut chapter

3-4 minutes

not recommended


2 cups (250 g)

5-6 minutes

not recommended


2 cups (270 g)

14-15 minutes

8-9 minutes


2 cups (270 g)

10-11 minutes

7-8 minutes


2 cups (220 g)

15-16 minutes

7-8 minutes


2 cups (220 g)

15-16 minutes

7-8 minutes







Many of these almond milk blends use dried fruit for sweetness and for flavor. When making the recipes that use dried fruit, there will be sediment in the base of your NutraMilk container with yummy bits of dried fruit that are left after the Dispense cycle. Here are some options to incorporate the leftover goodness: g

Use a spatula to scoop out the material, add it to the milk, and mix well


Use it as a “layer� in parfaits with chia and or acai


Place it on top of your morning cereal or in your oatmeal

ALMOND MILKS 20 Simple Almond Milk

45 Raspberry Almond Milk

22 Date Almond Milk

46 Strawberry Almond Milk

23 Honey Almond Milk

48 Blueberry & Blackberry Almond Milk

24 Vanilla Almond Milk

49 Prune Almond Milk

25 Chocolate Almond Milk

50 Prune & Candied Ginger Almond Milk

27 Chocolate Peppermint Almond Milk

51 Goji Berry & Orange Almond Milk

28 Mesquite Chocolate Malt Almond Milk

52 Goji Berry & Cranberry Almond Milk

29 Carob Almond Milk 30 Carob Malted Almond Milk 31 Pineapple Ginger Almond Milk

54 Tumeric & Cinnamon Almond Milk

33 Pineapple Orange Apricot Almond Milk

55 Almond Carrot Milk 56 Almond Carrot Pineapple Milk

34 Orange Blossom

57 Kale Apple Almond Milk

35 Maple Cinnamon Almond Milk 36 Cranberry Almond Milk

57 Kale Apple & Fresh Ginger Almond Milk

37 Apple Almond Milk

58 Kale Celery Apple Almond Milk

38 Apple Lime Almond Milk

58 Kale Celery Lemon Apple & Ginger Almond Milk

40 Pear & Candied Ginger Almond Milk

59 Kale Spinach Apple Almond Milk

41 Maple Orange Almond Milk

61 Kale Spinach Apple Ginger Almond Milk

43 Sweet & Sour Gooseberry Almond Milk

62 Kale Spinach Apple Lime Almond Milk

44 Raisin Cinnamon Almond Milk

www.TheNutraMilk.com 19

SIMPLE ALMOND MILK This basic recipe is perfect as a starting point to adapt to your tastes and needs. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


DATE ALMOND MILK Dates are mild and enhance sweetness rather than adding a complex flavor to Simple Almond Milk. If you prefer even sweeter milk, experiment with adding more dates. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place almonds and dates in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


HONEY ALMOND MILK Adding honey is another way to sweeten the basic Simple Almond Milk recipe. There are many types of honey, from lavender to orange blossom. Play around with some of your favorites. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 Tablespoons honey Place almonds and honey in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


VANILLA ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 Tablespoons light unflavored agave 1½ Tablespoon coconut butter

3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (or 1/8 teaspoon fresh or ground bean) pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place all ingredients (except the water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CHOCOLATE ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 3 Tablespoons light unflavored agave 2 Tablespoons cacao or chocolate powder 1½ Tablespoon coconut butter

3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (or 1/8 teaspoon fresh or ground bean) pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place all ingredients (except the water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CHOCOLATE PEPPERMINT ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 3 Tablespoons light unflavored agave 2 Tablespoons cacao or chocolate powder 1½ Tablespoon coconut butter 1 Tablespoon fresh mint leaves

3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (or 1/8 teaspoon fresh or ground bean) Âź teaspoon peppermint oil pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place all ingredients (except the water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


MESQUITE CHOCOLATE MALT ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 3 Tablespoons light unflavored agave 2 tablespoons cacao or chocolate powder 1½ Tablespoon coconut butter 1½ Tablespoon maca powder 1½ Tablespoon mesquite powder

3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (or 1/8 teaspoon fresh or ground bean) pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place all ingredients (except the water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CAROB ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2½ Tablespoons light unflavored agave 2 Tablespoons raw or toasted carob powder 1½ Tablespoon coconut butter

3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (1/8 teaspoon fresh or ground bean) pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place all ingredients (except the water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CAROB MALTED ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2½ Tablespoons light unflavored agave 1½ Tablespoon coconut butter 1½ Tablespoon maca powder 1½ Tablespoon mesquite powder

3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (or 1/8 teaspoon fresh or ground bean) ½ Tablespoon raw or toasted carob powder pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place all ingredients (except the water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


PINEAPPLE GINGER ALMOND MILK For a sweeter pineapple flavor, use the full quart of juice (946 mL) and omit the water. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 3 cups pineapple juice (710 mL) 1 cup water (237 mL) 1½ Tablespoon fresh chopped ginger (to taste) Place almonds and ginger in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add pineapple juice and water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


PINEAPPLE ORANGE APRICOT ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 3 cups pineapple juice (710 mL)

½ cup water (118 mL) ½ cup fresh orange juice (118 mL) ¼ cup rough chopped dried apricots (43 g) 1½ teaspoon orange zest Place almonds, apricots, and orange zest in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add pineapple juice, orange juice, and water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!


ORANGE BLOSSOM Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2½ Tablespoons light unflavored agave 2 Tablespoons orange zest 1½ Tablespoon coconut butter

¾ teaspoon vanilla extract (or 1/8 teaspoon fresh or ground bean) pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place almonds, agave, orange zest, vanilla, coconut butter, and salt (optional) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


MAPLE CINNAMON ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 Tablespoons maple syrup

½ teaspoon cinnamon (or to taste) Place almonds, maple syrup, and cinnamon in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CRANBERRY ALMOND MILK Most dried cranberries that you find in the markets are sweetened. If you can find unsweetened cranberries, they give this recipe a nice tartness! Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1 cup dried cranberries (125 g) Place almonds and cranberries in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!


APPLE ALMOND MILK Using one cup of water in addition to the apple juice cuts the sweetness and provides a more subtle flavor. If you prefer a sweeter apple flavor, use a quart of apple juice (946 mL) and leave out the water. Seasonal pear juice can also be substituted. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 3 cups apple juice (710 mL) 1 cup water (237 mL) Place almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add apple juice and water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


APPLE LIME ALMOND MILK This milk has a lovely flavor. Try pouring over crushed ice, or adding a sprig of mint. If you want more sweetness, use a full quart of apple juice (946 mL) and leave out the water. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 3 cups apple juice (710 mL) 1 cup water (237 mL) 1Âź Tablespoon lime zest 1Âź Tablespoon lime juice Place almonds and lime zest in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add apple juice, water, and lime juice. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. TIP: When using a small amount of zest, I use a potato peeler to take off the lime rind (avoiding the pith, which is bitter) and press that into a measuring spoon.


PEAR & CANDIED GINGER ALMOND MILK If you would like to substitute fresh ginger, try using ž Tablespoon. Use the full quart of pear juice (946 mL) for more sweetness and leave out the water. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 3 cups pear juice (710 mL) 1 cup water (237 mL) 1½ Tablespoon candied ginger Place almonds and ginger in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add pear juice and water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!


MAPLE ORANGE ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL)

Âź cup maple syrup (60 mL) 1 teaspoon of orange zest

½ teaspoon of orange extract Place almonds, maple syrup, orange extract, and orange zest in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SWEET & SOUR GOOSEBERRY ALMOND MILK Gooseberries are a dried tart berry also known as golden berry. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1 cup dried gooseberries (140 g) 2 Tablespoons honey Place almonds, gooseberries, and honey in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!


RAISIN CINNAMON ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1 cup raisins (135 g)

½ teaspoon cinnamon Place almonds, raisins, and cinnamon in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!


RASPBERRY ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1½ cup fresh raspberries (300 g) 1½ Tablespoon honey Place almonds and honey in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add raspberries. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!


STRAWBERRY ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1½ cup fresh strawberries (250 g) 1½ Tablespoon date sugar Place almonds and date sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add strawberries. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!


BLUEBERRY & BLACKBERRY ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL)

¾ cup fresh blueberies (120 g) ¾ cup fresh blackberries (120 g) 1½ Tablespoon date sugar Place almonds and date sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add berries. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!


PRUNE ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1 cup rough chopped prunes (140 g) 1 Tablespoon honey Place almonds, prunes, and honey in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!


PRUNE & CANDIED GINGER ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1 cup rough chopped prunes (140 g)

Âź cup candied ginger (38 g) Place almonds, prunes, and ginger in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!


GOJI BERRY & ORANGE ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 3 cups water (710 mL) 1 cup fresh orange juice (237 mL)

½ cup goji berries (42 g) 1½ teaspoon orange zest Place almonds, goji berries, and orange zest in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water and orange juice. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!


GOJI BERRY & CRANBERRY ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL)

½ cup goji berries (42 g) ½ cup dried cranberries (63 g) Place almonds, goji berries, and cranberries in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop out the yummy leftover bits from the bottom of the NutraMilk container!


TUMERIC & CINNAMOM ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1 Tablespoon fresh chopped tumeric root 1 Tablespoon cinnamon 2 teaspoons honey

3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Âź teaspoon stevia Place all ingredients (except the water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


ALMOND CARROT MILK You can use a full quart of carrot juice (946 mL) for this recipe too! Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 3 cups carrot juice (710 mL) 1 cup water (237 mL) Place almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add carrot juice and water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


ALMOND CARROT PINEAPPLE MILK For this single serving, great tasting, and nutritious milk, first prepare Almond Carrot Milk. Yield 2 cups / 474 mL

1 Cup Almond Carrot Milk (237 mL) (see page 55 for recipe) 1 Cup pineapple juice (237 mL) Mix well.


ALMOND MILK & NUTRIENT-RICH GREENS In the following recipes, you can substitute chard or other leafy greens. Get ready for a nutrient-dense, power-packed and delicious beverage!

There are two ways to prepare your almond milk & greens recipes. g You

can make an almond milk blend and juice your greens, then mix them together

g Or,

You can use the NutraMilk for all ingredients to prepare the milk

KALE APPLE ALMOND MILK Yield 6 cups / 1.419 L

1 quart Apple Almond Milk (946 mL) (see page 37 for recipe) 2 cups juiced kale (473 mL) Mix well.


1 quart Apple Almond Milk (946 mL) (see page 37 for recipe) 2 cups of juiced kale (473 mL) 1½ Tablespoon fresh ginger Juice the kale and ginger together. Add to milk and mix well.



1 quart Apple Almond Milk (946 mL) (see page 37 for recipe) 1½ cups of juiced kale (355 mL)

½ cup juiced celery (118 mL) 1½ Tablespoon fresh ginger Juice the kale, celery, and ginger together. Add to milk and mix well.


1 quart Apple Almond Milk (946 mL) (see page 37 for recipe) 1½ cups juiced kale (355 mL)

½ cup juiced celery (118 mL) 1 large lemon, juiced 1½ Tablespoon fresh ginger Juice the kale, celery, ginger, and one large lemon together. Add to milk and mix well.


KALE SPINACH APPLE ALMOND MILK For a sweeter milk, omit the water and add a full quart of apple juice (946 mL). Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 3 cups apple juice (710 mL) 1 cup water (237 mL) 1 cup kale, stemmed and coursely chopped (40 g) 1 cup spinach, coursely chopped ( 48 g) Place almonds, kale, and spinach in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add the apple juice and water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


KALE SPINACH APPLE GINGER ALMOND MILK For a sweeter milk, omit the water and add a full quart of apple juice (946 mL). Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 3 cups apple juice (710 mL) 1 cup water (237 mL) 1 cup kale, stemmed and coursely chopped (40 g) 1 cup spinach, coursely chopped (48 g) 2 Tablespoons fresh chopped ginger Place almonds, kale, spinach, and ginger in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add the apple juice and water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


KALE & SPINACH APPLE LIME ALMOND MILK For a sweeter milk, omit the water and add a full quart of apple juice (946 mL). Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 3 cups apple juice (710 mL) 1 cup water (237 mL) 1 cup kale, stemmed and coursely chopped (40 g) 1 cup spinach, coursely chopped (48 g) 2 Tablespoons lime juice 1½ teaspoon lime zest Place almonds, kale, spinach, and zest in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add the apple juice, lime juice, and water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


BRAZIL NUT MILKS 64 Simple Brazil Nut Milk 65 Creamy Brazil Nut Milk 67 Turmeric Ginger Mango Brazil Nut Milk 68 Brazil Almond Hemp Milk 69 Brazil Almond Goji Berry Milk 70 Brazil Almond Chocolate Mint Milk

www.TheNutraMilk.com 63

SIMPLE BRAZIL NUT MILK This basic recipe is perfect as a starting point to adapt to your tastes and needs. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup Brazil nuts (135 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place Brazil nuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CREAMY BRAZIL NUT MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup Brazil nuts (135 g) 2 cups water (473 mL) 2 cups coconut milk (473 mL) Place Brazil nuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water and coconut milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


TURMERIC GINGER MANGO BRAZIL NUT MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup Brazil nuts (135 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1 cup fresh mango (165 g) 1½ Tablespoon diced fresh turmeric root 1½ Tablespoon diced fresh ginger root 1½ Tablespoon maple syrup 1½ Tablespoon coconut butter 2 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place all ingredients (except the water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


BRAZIL ALMOND HEMP MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1/3 cup Brazil nuts (45 g) 1/3 cup almonds (50 g) 1/3 cup hemp seeds (42 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place Brazil nuts, almonds, hemp seeds, and dates in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3-4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


BRAZIL ALMOND GOJI BERRY MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

½ cup Brazil nuts (68 g) ½ cup almonds (75 g) 1 quart water (946 mL)

½ cup goji berries (42 g) 1½ Tablespoon honey Place Brazil nuts, almonds, goji berries, and honey in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3-4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.

Yummy bits of goji berries will be left in the NutraMilk container after the Dispense cycle: g

Scoop this out with a spatula and stir into your milk


You can also add it to a smoothie bowl of chia or acai parfait


Place it on top of your morning cereal or oatmeal


BRAZIL ALMOND CHOCOLATE MINT MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

½ cup Brazil nuts (68 g) ½ cup almonds (75 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2½ Tablespoons coconut palm sugar 2 Tablespoons cacao (or unsweetened chocolate powder) 1 Tablespoon coconut butter 1 Tablespoon fresh mint leaves

¾ teapoon vanilla extract (1/8 teaspoon fresh or ground bean) ¼ teaspoon peppermint oil pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place all ingredients (except the water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3-4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CASHEW MILKS 72 Simple Cashew Milk 74 Sweet Cashew Milk 75 Creamy Cashew Coconut Milk 76 Cashew Almond Hemp Date Milk 77 Cashew Hemp Milk 78 Cashew Chocolate Hemp Milk 79 Cashew Hemp Orange Vanilla Milk 81 Lavender Honey Cashew Milk 81 Lavender Honey Simple Syrup 82 Lavender Ginger Honey Sparkling Cashew

www.TheNutraMilk.com 71

SIMPLE CASHEW MILK This basic recipe is perfect as a starting point to adapt to your tastes and needs. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup cashews (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place cashews in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SWEET CASHEW MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup cashews (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 Tablespoons date sugar Place cashews and date sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.



1 cup cashews (150 g) 1½ cups water (355 mL) 1½ cups coconut milk (355 mL) 3 Tablespoons coconut palm sugar Place cashews and coconut palm sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water and coconut milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.



1/3 cup cashews (50 g) 1/3 cup almonds (50 g) 1/3 cup hemp seeds (42 g) 3 cups water (710 mL) 2 medium to large pitted Medjool dates pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place cashews, almonds, hemp seeds, dates, and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CASHEW HEMP MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup cashews (150 g)

2/3 cup hemp seeds (83 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 medium to large pitted Medjool dates pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place cashews, hemp seeds, dates, and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CASHEW CHOCOLATE HEMP MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup cashews (150 g)

2/3 cup hemp seeds (83 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 Tablespoons cacao (or unsweetened chocolate powder) 3 medium to large pitted Medjool dates

ž teaspoon vanilla extract pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place cashews, hemp seeds, cacao, dates, vanilla, and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start . Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CASHEW HEMP ORANGE VANILLA MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup cashews (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL)

½ cup hemp seeds (63 g) 2 Tablespoons coconut palm sugar

¾ teaspoon vanilla extract ¾ teaspoon orange extract ¼ teaspoon orange zest Place cashews, hemp seeds, coconut palm sugar, both extracts, and zest in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


LAVENDER HONEY CASHEW MILK Delicious over crushed ice! Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup cashews (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL)

1/3 cup Lavender Honey Simple Syrup (80 mL) Place cashews in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water and lavender syrup. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.

LAVENDER HONEY SIMPLE SYRUP Yields approximately 13/4 cup / 414 mL

1½ cup water (355 mL)

1/3 cup honey (78 mL) 1 teaspoon dried lavender 3-4 fresh English Lavender blossoms Gently heat water and honey until the honey dissolves. Add lavender, turn off the heat, and let steep for about 5 minutes. Strain, let cool. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. 81


1 cup cashews (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL)

½ teaspoon grated ginger (to taste) 1/3 cup Lavender Honey Simple Syrup (80 mL) (see page 81 for recipe) Place cashews and ginger in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water and lavender syrup. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Ratio: 2 cups Lavender Honey Cashew Milk (473 mL) 2 cups sparkling water (473 mL)


HAZELNUT MILKS 85 Simple Hazelnut Milk 86 Sweetened Hazelnut milk 87 Chocolate Hazelnut Milk 88 Hazelnut Orange Date Milk 89 Hazel Brazil Nut Milk 90 Hazelnut Cashew Coffee

www.TheNutraMilk.com 83

SIMPLE HAZELNUT MILK This basic recipe is perfect as a starting point to adapt to your tastes and needs. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup hazelnuts (135 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place hazelnuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6 -7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SWEETENED HAZELNUT MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup hazelnuts (135 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1½ Tablespoons coconut palm sugar Place hazelnuts and coconut palm sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6 -7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CHOCOLATE HAZELNUT MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup hazelnuts (135 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 Tablespoons cacao (or unsweetened chocolate powder) 2½ Tablespoons light agave

ž teaspoon vanilla extract Place hazelnuts, cacao, agave, and and vanilla extract in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6 -7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


HAZELNUT ORANGE DATE MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup hazelnuts (135 g) 3½ cups water (828 mL)

½ cup frozen orange juice concentrate (118 mL) 2 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place hazelnuts and dates in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6 -7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water and orange juice concentrate. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


HAZEL BRAZIL NUT MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

½ cup hazelnuts (68 g) ½ cup Brazil nuts (68 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place hazelnuts and Brazil nuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6 -7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


HAZELNUT CASHEW COFFEE Delicious served over ice. Or use a frother to enjoy it warm. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup hazelnuts (90 g) 1/3 cup cashews (50 g) 1 quart brewed coffee (946 mL)

1/8 teaspooon vanilla bean 2 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place hazelnuts, cashews, dates, and vanilla in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add coffee. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. .


MACADAMIA NUT MILKS 92 Simple Macadamia Milk 93 Sweetened Macadamia Milk 94 Creamy Macadamia Coconut Milk 95 Macadamia Cashew Milk 96 Papaya Macadamia Milk 97 Macadamia Hazelnut Coconut Chocolate Milk

www.TheNutraMilk.com 91

SIMPLE MACADAMIA MILK Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

1 cup macadamia nuts (135 g) 3 cups water (710 mL) Place macadamia nuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.



1 cup macadamia nuts (135 g) 3 cups water (710 mL) 2 Tablespoons maple syrup Place macadamia nuts and maple syrup in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.



1 cup macadamia nuts (135 g) 1½ cup water (355 mL) 1½ cup coconut milk (355 mL)

¼ teaspoon stevia Place macadamia nuts and stevia in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water and coconut milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


MACADAMIA CASHEW MILK Yield 3½ cups / 828 mL

2/3 cup macadamia nuts (90 g) 1/3 cup cashews (50 g) 3½ cups water (828 mL) ¼ teaspoon stevia Place macadamia nuts, cashews, and stevia in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


PAPAYA MACADAMIA MILK 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup macadamia nuts (135 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1½ cup fresh papaya (210 g) 1 Tablespoon honey Place macadamia nuts, papaya, and honey in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.



2/3 cup macadamia nuts (90 g) 1/3 cup hazelnuts (45 g) 3 cups coconut milk (710 mL) 1 Tablespoon light unflavored agave 1½ Tablespoon cacao (or unsweetened chocolate powder)

¾ teaspoon vanilla extract ¼ teaspoon stevia Place all ingredients (except the water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add coconut milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


PEANUT MILKS 100 . Simple Peanut Milk 101 . Sweetened Peanut Milk 102 . Peanut Grape Milk 104 . Peanut Banana Honey Milk 105 . Peanut Chocolate Milk 106 . Peanut Sesame Milk 107 . Peanut Sacha Inchi Milk

www.TheNutraMilk.com 99

SIMPLE PEANUT MILK This basic recipe is perfect as a starting point to adapt to your tastes and needs. Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

1 cup peanuts (137 g) 3 cups water (710 mL) Place peanuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SWEETENED PEANUT MILK Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

1 cup peanuts (137 g) 3 cups water (710 mL) 2 Tablespoons coconut palm sugar Place peanuts and coconut palm sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


PEANUT GRAPE MILK Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

1 cup peanuts (137 g) 3 cups water (710 mL)

½ cup unsweetened grape juice concentrate (118 mL) 1 Tablespoon non-GMO sunflower lecithin (optional)* *This milk has a tendency to separate quite a bit, so I recommend using lecithin.

Place peanuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water, grape juice concentrate, and lecithin (optional). Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


PEANUT BANANA HONEY MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup peanuts (137 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 Tablespoon honey 1Âź cup banana (225 g) (fresh or frozen) Place peanuts, honey, and banana in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, scrape down the sides and break up any banana that is clumped together. Press Butter, set the timer for 1-2 minutes. Press Start . Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.

You may have to run the Mix and Dispense cycles two times. Use your spatula to clear away any butter in the screen.


PEANUT CHOCOLATE MILK Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

1 cup peanuts (137 g) 3 cups water (710 mL) 2 Tablespoons cacao (or unsweetened chocolate powder) 2 Tablespoons light unfiltered agave

ž teaspoon vanilla extract Place peanuts, cacao, agave, and vanilla in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


PEANUT SESAME MILK I love the aroma of sesame seeds roasting and how roasting deepens the nutty profile of the seeds. Together with peanuts, this is a delicious combination. Try your peanuts roasted as well! Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

1/2 cup peanuts (70 g) ½ cup pan-roasted* sesame seeds (55 g) (roasting is optional) 3 cups water (710 mL) 2 Tablespoons honey * Place the sesame seeds in a skillet and pan roast them over a low to medium flame – no oil necessary. Keep your eye on them, continuoulsy turning until light golden in color.

Place peanuts, sesame seeds, and honey in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


PEANUT SACHA INCHI MILK Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

½ cup peanuts (70 g) 1/2 cup sacha inchi nuts (70 g)* 3 cups water (710 mL) 2 Tablespoons date sugar *Sacha inchi is also known as the jungle nut and has high levels of plant-based omega 3 fatty acids and protein. You can find it in stores or online.

Place peanuts, sacha inchi, and date sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time) Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


PECAN MILKS 110 . Simple Pecan Milk 111 . Sweetened Pecan Milk 113 . Coffee Pecan Milk 114 . Caramel Pecan Milk 114 . Pecan Caramel Sauce

www.TheNutraMilk.com 109

SIMPLE PECAN MILK This basic recipe is perfect as a starting point to adapt to your tastes and needs. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup pecans (110 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place pecans in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SWEETENED PECAN MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup pecans (110 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 medium to large pitted Medjool dates

ž teaspoon vanilla extract Place pecans, dates, and vanilla extract in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


COFFEE PECAN MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup pecans (110 g) 1 quart brewed coffee (946 mL) 1 Tablespoon sugar (or to taste) Place pecans and sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add coffee. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CARAMEL PECAN MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup pecans (110 g) 1 quart water (946 mL)

1/3 cup Pecan Caramel Sauce (79 mL) Place pecans in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water and Pecan Caramel Sauce. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.

PECAN CARAMEL SAUCE Yield Âź cup / 59 mL

1 Tablespoon molasses 1 Tablespoon pecan butter 1 Tablespoon maple syrup 1 Tablespoon melted coconut oil

1/8 teaspoon vanilla bean Whisk all ingredients together. Store in glass jar and keep refrigerated. 114

WALNUT MILKS 116 . Simple Walnut Milk 117 . Walnut Date Milk 119 . Walnut Pear Milk 120 . Walnut Coconut Milk 121 . Creamy Walnut Coconut & Honey Milk 122 . Walnut Almond Milk 123 . Walnut Cashew Cinnamon Milk 124 . Walnut Almond Raisin Milk 126 . Walnut Cashew Orange Cinnamon Milk 127 . Walnut Oat Milk 128 . Walnut Oat Raisin Milk

www.TheNutraMilk.com 115

SIMPLE WALNUT MILK This basic recipe is perfect as a starting point to adapt to your tastes and needs. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup walnuts (105 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place walnuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


WALNUT DATE MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup walnuts (105 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 3 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place walnuts and dates in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


WALNUT PEAR MILK If you want a milk that is less sweet, try using 3 cups (710 mL) of pear juice and 1 cup (237 mL) of water. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup walnuts (105 g) 1 quart pear juice (946 mL) Place walnuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add pear juice. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


WALNUT COCONUT MILK Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

1 cup walnuts (105 g) 1½ cups water (355 mL) 1½ cups coconut milk (355 mL) 3 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place walnuts and dates in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water and coconut milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.



1 cup walnuts (105 g) 2 cups coconut milk (473 mL) 1 cup coconut water (237 mL) 2 Tablespoons honey Place walnuts and honey in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add coconut milk and coconut water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


WALNUT ALMOND MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

3/4 cup walnuts (79 g) 1/4 cup almonds (38 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place walnuts and almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3-4 minutes Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time) Press Start. Press Dispense Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


WALNUT CASHEW CINNAMON MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

3/4 cup walnuts (79 g) 1/4 cup cashews (38 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon stevia Place walnuts, cashews, cinnamon, and stevia in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


WALNUT ALMOND RAISIN MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

3/4 cup walnuts (79 g) 1/4 cup almonds (38 g) 1 quart water (946 mL)

1/3 cup raisins (45 g) 1½ Tablespoon maple syrup Place walnuts, almonds, raisins, and maple syrup in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3-4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.

When using dried fruit in the NutraMilk, yummy bits of the fruit will be left in the container after dispensing; Here are some options to incorporate the leftover goodness: g

Scoop this out with a spatula and stir into your milk


You can also add it to a smoothie bowl of chia or acai parfait


Add it on top of your morning cereal


WALNUT CASHEW ORANGE CINNAMON MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

3/4 cup walnuts (79 g) 1/4 cup cashews (38 g) 3 cups orange juice (710 mL) 1 cup water (240 mL) 1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon stevia Place walnuts, cashews, cinnamon, and stevia in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add orange juice and water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


WALNUT OAT MILK In my oat milks, I use extra thick whole grain organic rolled oats for best results. Yield 4½ cups / 1.065 L

1 cup walnuts (105 g)

½ cup soaked rolled oats* (54 g presoaked measurement) 4¼ cups water (1.065 L) 1 Tablespoon non-GMO sunflower lecithin** (optional) * Soak ½ cup (54 g) of rolled oats in ½ cup of water (118 mL) until oats absorb the water, about 30 minutes. After soaking, drain excess water out of the oats. Use your hand to gently press down on the oatmeal to help remove the excess water. **This milk has a tendency to separate easily, so the lecithin will help the milk stay emulsified.

Place walnuts, oats, and lecithin in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


WALNUT OAT RAISIN MILK Yield 4½ cups / 1.065 L

1 cup walnuts (105 g)

½ cup soaked rolled oats* (54 g presoaked measurement) 4¼ cups water (1.065 L) ¼ cup raisins (34 g) ½ teaspoon cinnamon (or to taste) 1 Tablespoon non-GMO sunflower lecithin** (optional)

½ teaspoon stevia * Soak ½ cup (54 g) of rolled oats in ½ cup (118 mL) of water until oats absorb the water, about 30 minutes. After soaking, drain the excess water out of the oats. Use your hand to gently press down on the oatmeal to help remove the excess water. **This milk has a tendency to separate easily, so the lecithin will help the milk stay emulsified.

Place walnuts, oats, raisins, lecithin, stevia, and cinnamon in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense.

When using dried fruit in the NutraMilk, yummy bits of the fruit will be left in the container after dispensing; Here are some options to incorporate the leftover goodness: g

Scoop this out with a spatula and stir into your milk


You can also add it to a smoothie bowl of chia or acai parfait


Add it on top of your morning cereal

Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.



COCONUT MILKS 134 . Fresh Coconut Milk 134 . Almond Coconut Milk 135 . Coco Loco 135 . Coco Loco Supreme 137 . Pina Colada 138 . Coconut Milk from Dried Coconut 139 . Fresh Coconut Butter

FROZEN COCONUT CUBES 140 . Coconut Milk Frozen Cubes 140 . Coconut Milk Mango Frozen Cubes 142 . Coconut Milk Goji Berry Frozen Cubes 142 . Coconut Water Frozen Cubes 143 . Coconut Water & Lime Juice Frozen Cubes 144 . Coconut Water & Pineapple Juice Frozen Cubes

www.TheNutraMilk.com 131

YOUNG THAI COCONUT MILK The recipes in this chapter all use young Thai coconuts. The flesh of the young Thai coconut is easy to work with, and it makes a great milk. Making fresh coconut milk does take extra time, but it is well worth the effort. I recommend that you buy several coconuts and make enough milk to store some frozen to have on hand. Fresh coconut milk freezes very well, unlike canned coconut milk. It should keep for several weeks in the freezer, but chances are it will never last that long! Here are my tips to make the most of the process:

STEP ONE OPEN THE COCONUT You always want to inspect the coconut once it is opened. The coconut meat should be white without any discoloration, and the water should have a clear to opalescent look. When opening young Thai coconuts, it is best to use a strong, forged meat cleaver. With an intentional motion, swing the cleaver down on the top of the coconut. Do this several times to create a circle or a square—each swing of the cleaver should penetrate the shell of the coconut. Then use the tip of the cleaver to carefully pry the top off.

STEP TWO DRAIN AND STRAIN THE COCONUT WATER Drain the water into a bowl. Once you’ve opened the coconuts that you’re using, it will be necessary to strain the water through cheesecloth or a nut milk bag to remove any coconut shards. Refrigerate your water while you are scooping out the flesh of the coconut.


STEP THREE SCOOP OUT THE COCONUT FLESH Lay the coconut on its side and with a strong swing of the cleaver, halve the coconut. This makes scooping out the flesh very easy—especially if the opening that you’ve created at the top is small. Use a strong spoon to remove the inner white flesh. The flesh of the coconut will vary in both texture and feel, from translucent and soft to compact and dense. If possible, it’s best to scoop out large sections as opposed to small pieces since larger pieces are easier to clean. Place the flesh in a colander. With a paring knife, clean by removing any leftover shards.

STEP FOUR PLACE THE COCONUT WATER AND FLESH IN YOUR NUTRAMILK Once all the meat is cleaned—you are ready to make the fresh coconut milk.

You can make both coconut butter and coconut milk in your NutraMilk. Coconut milk, coconut oil, and coconut butter are different products. Coconut oil is the extracted fat from the coconut meat, while the butter, also made from the flesh of the coconut, is ground into a paste. Coconut milk is made from the water and meat of the coconut. Think of a peanut—you can derive oil from the peanut; make a spreadable butter; and make a milk from whole peanuts.


FRESH COCONUT MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 quart fresh young Thai coconut water (946 mL) 2 cups coconut flesh (454 g) Place cleaned coconut flesh in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 4-5 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add coconut water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. If the coconut meat is thicker, a longer Butter time will be necessary.

ALMOND COCONUT MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2½ cups Simple Almond Milk (591 mL) 1½ cup fresh young Thai coconut milk (355 mL) Prepare Simple Almond Milk (see page 20 for recipe). Prepare Fresh Coconut Milk (you may substitute canned coconut milk) Mix well.


COCO LOCO Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 quart coconut water (946 mL) 1 cup almonds (150 g) Place almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6-7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add coconut water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.

COCO LOCO SUPREME Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2½ cups Coco Loco blend (591 mL) 1½ cup Fresh Coconut Milk (355 mL) (you may substitute canned coconut milk) Prepare Coco Loco Prepare Fresh Coconut Milk (see page 134 for recipe). Mix well.


PINA COLADA Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2 cups Almond Coconut Milk (473 mL) 2 cups pineapple juice (473 mL) 1 Tablespoon coconut sugar or agave (optional) Prepare Almond Coconut Milk (see page 134 for recipe). Mix well. Enjoy!


COCONUT MILK FROM DRIED COCONUT You can make wonderfully delicious coconut milk in your NutraMilk with dried coconut. So, if you are looking for a fast and easy way to get your coconut milk, here it is: Yield 6 cups / 1.420 L

2 cups unsweetened dried coconut (160 g) 1½ quarts (6 cups / 1.420 L)* *Experiment with using less or more water depending on how full-bodied you want the milk to be.

Place the unsweetened dried coconut in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid and add 1 cup of water. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Repeat this step for each cup of water, until you have used all 6 cups. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. To avoid sediment in your final milk product: Place a mesh strainer or cheesecloth over a bowl before you Press Dispense. After the Dispense cycle, open the lid and use a spatula to get out all of the cream on the inside of the NutraMilk container. With the back of a spoon, press any remaining milk into your bowl and transfer to your storage container. You can omit using a strainer and a bowl!


FRESH COCONUT BUTTER Yields approximately 1½ cups / 340 mL

21/2 cups coconut flesh (570 g) Place cleaned coconut flesh in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6-7 minutes. Press Start. If the coconut meat is thicker, a longer Butter time will be necessary. Use a spatuala to scoop the butter out of the container.


FROZEN COCONUT CUBES Sometimes a fancy bit of ice in our beverage can be extra refreshing—try making these fun and delicious ice cubes! They are perfect to use in smoothies. These are some of my favorites. Discover your own creative spark and let us know in the NutraMilk kitchen some of the combinations you’ve invented.

COCONUT MILK FROZEN CUBES Use full fat coconut milk to fill your ice cube trays and freeze. Pair with: g

Macadamia Banana Coconut Smoothie


Iced Black or Herbal Teas with Coconut Milk


Iced Green Tea Matcha Latte with Coconut Milk


Any recipe that calls for coconut milk


Any recipe that calls for coconut water

COCONUT MILK MANGO FROZEN CUBES Use full fat coconut milk to fill your ice cube trays and add diced mango to each cube and freeze. Pair with: g

Cashew Hemp Orange Mango Smoothie


Any recipe that calls for coconut milk


Any recipe that calls for coconut water


Any recipe that includes mango


COCONUT MILK GOJI BERRY FROZEN CUBES Use full fat coconut milk to fill your ice cube trays and add 4-6 goji berries to each cube and freeze. Pair with: g

Brazil Almond Goji Berry Milk


Any recipe that calls for coconut milk


Any recipe that calls for coconut water

COCONUT WATER FROZEN CUBES Use coconut water to fill your ice cube trays and freeze. Pair with: g

Hemp Milk with Coconut Water


Hemp Almond Milk


Any recipe that calls for coconut milk


Any recipe that calls for coconut water


COCONUT WATER & LIME JUICE FROZEN CUBES 3 ½ cups coconut water (946 mL)

½ cup lime juice (118 mL) 1½ Tablespoon lime zest Use this mixture to fill an ice cube tray and freeze.

Pair with: g

Apple Lime Almond Milk


Any recipe that calls for coconut milk that would go well with lime


Any recipe that calls for coconut water that would go well with lime


Any of the simple milk recipes that would pair well with coconut water and lime


COCONUT WATER & PINEAPPLE JUICE FROZEN CUBES 2 cups coconut water (474 ml) 2 cups pineapple juice (474 ml) Use this mixture to fill an ice cube tray and freeze. Pair with: g

Any recipe that calls for coconut milk that would go well with pineapple


Any recipe that calls for coconut water that would go well with pineapple


Pina Colada recipes


Any of the simple milk recipes that would pair well with pineapple



SEED MILKS 148 . Simple Hemp Milk 149 . Sweetened Hemp Milk 150 . Vanilla Hemp Milk 152 . Hemp Milk with Coconut Water 153 . Hemp Cashew Milk 154 . Hemp Cashew Orange Date Milk 155 . Simple Pumpkin Seed Milk 156 . Sweetened Pumpkin Seed Milk 157 . Pumpkin Seed Coconut Milk 159 . Simple Sesame Milk 160 . Sweetened Sesame Milk 161 . Simple Sunflower Milk 162 . Creamy Sunflower Milk 163 . Sweetened Sunflower Milk 164 . Sunflower Pecan Vanilla Milk

www.TheNutraMilk.com 147

SEED MILKS Almonds seem to get all the attention—but don’t overlook the nutritional value and taste of hemp and other seed milks. When we look at the world of plant milks, we have the opportunity to vary our diets quite a bit, and having a NutraMilk on hand makes this easy and enjoyable. So, for a change of pace, try a seed milk as the base of your smoothie or over your morning cereal.

SIMPLE HEMP MILK This basic recipe is perfect as a starting point to adapt to your tastes and needs. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup hemp seeds (84 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place hemp seeds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start . Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SWEETENED HEMP MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup hemp seeds (84 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 Tablespoons coconut palm sugar Place hemp seeds and coconut palm sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace the lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


VANILLA HEMP MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup hemp seeds (84 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1½ Tablespoon coconut palm sugar 1½ Tablespoon coconut butter

1/8 teaspoon vanilla bean (or ¾ teaspoon vanilla extract) Place hemp seeds, coconut palm sugar, coconut butter, and vanilla in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


HEMP MILK WITH COCONUT WATER Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup hemp seeds (84 g) 1 quart coconut water (946 mL) Place hemp seeds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add coconut water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


HEMP CASHEW MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup hemp seeds (84 g) 1/3 cup cashews (50 g) 1 quart coconut water (946 mL) Place hemp seeds and cashews in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add coconut water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


HEMP CASHEW ORANGE DATE MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup hemp seeds (84 g) 1/3 cup cashews (50 g) 1 quart water (946 mL)

1/3 cup frozen orange juice concentrate (80 mL) 2-3 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place hemp seeds, cashews, and dates in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water and orange juice concenrate. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


PUMPKIN SEED MILKS Pumpkin seed milk has a lovely flavor and is packed with nutrients. I find that it is best on its own—plain or lightly sweetened—and I suggest you use it within 2 days after preparing.

SIMPLE PUMPKIN SEED MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup pumpkin seeds (90 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place pumpkin seeds and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SWEETENED PUMPKIN SEED MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup pumpkin seeds (90 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2-3 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place pumpkin seeds and dates in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter, set the timer for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


PUMPKIN SEED COCONUT MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup pumpkin seeds (90 g) 2 cups coconut water (473 mL) 2 cups coconut milk (473 mL) 2 teaspoons coconut palm sugar Place pumpkin seeds and coconut palm sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter, set the timer for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add coconut water and coconut milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SESAME MILKS Sesame seeds are used in cuisines around the world and have a rich nutty flavor. Although white sesame seeds are very common, you can also find black sesame seeds on the market. Like white or brown rice, the white sesame seeds have the hull removed and the black seeds have the hulls intact. The flavor differences are subtle, with the black variety having a bit more of a nutty flavor. You can use either seed in the recipes below! Or a combination. If sesame is a favorite seed flavor for you, try the following proportion for milk. You can use raw or pan-toasted, unsalted sesame seeds. You can find a recipe for Peanut Sesame Milk in the section on peanut milks.

SIMPLE SESAME MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1½ cup sesame seeds (165 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place sesame seeds and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SWEETENED SESAME MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1½ cup sesame seeds (165 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 2 Tablespoons honey Place sesame seeds and honey in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SUNFLOWER MILKS Because sunflower milk has a tendency to oxidize quickly, I recommend that you prepare the milk and use it that day.

SIMPLE SUNFLOWER MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup sunflower seeds (135 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place sunflower seeds and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CREAMY SUNFLOWER MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup sunflower seeds (135 g) 1½ cups coconut water (355 mL) 1½ cups coconut milk (355 mL) 3 Tablespoons coconut palm sugar Place sunflower seeds and coconut palm sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add coconut water and coconut milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SWEETENED SUNFLOWER MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup sunflower seeds (135 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 4 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place sunflower seeds and dates in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SUNFLOWER PECAN VANILLA MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup sunflower seeds (90 g) 1/3 cup pecans (37 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 1/2 teaspoon stevia 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place all ingredients (except the water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.



GRAIN & LEGUME MILKS OAT MILKS 168 . Simple Oat Milk 169 . Oat Coconut Milk 170 . Date Oat Milk 172 . Raisin & Maple Oat Milk 173 . Vanilla Oat Milk

RICE MILKS 175 . Simple Rice Milk 176 . Sweetened Rice Milk 177 . Vanilla Rice Milk 178 . Cashew Orange Apricot Rice Milk 180 . Overnight Cashew & Macadamia Horchata 182 . Cashew & Brazil Nut Horchata

ADZUKI BEAN MILKS 183 . Adzuki Bean Milk 185 . Adzuki & Cashew Milk 186 . Adzuki & Coconut Milk

www.TheNutraMilk.com 167

OAT MILKS I use extra thick whole grain rolled oats for making oat milk. After soaking the oats, there will be a liquid viscosity that you want to drain before using the oats for milk. Place your hand over the soaked oatmeal, and gently press to allow all the excess water out. For one cup, allow oats to soak for 30 minutes to I hour before draining.

SIMPLE OAT MILK First, soak your oats. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup oats (107 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place oats and salt in NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for I minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add the water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


OAT COCONUT MILK First, soak your oats. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup oats (107 g) 1 quart coconut water (946 mL) Place oats in NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for I minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add the coconut water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start . Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


DATE OAT MILK First, soak your oats. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup oats (107 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 3 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place oats and dates in NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for I minute. Open the container lid, add the water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


RAISIN & MAPLE OAT MILK First, soak your oats. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup oats (107 g) 1 quart water (946 mL)

½ cup raisins (35 g) ¼ cup maple syrup (50 mL) Place oats and raisins in NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for I minute. Press Start. Open the container lid, add the water and maple syrup. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.

There will be yummy bits of the dried fruit left after the Dispense cycle.

Here are some options to incorporate the leftover goodness: g

Use a spatula to scoop out the material, add it to the milk, and mix well


Use it as a “layer” in parfaits with chia and or acai


Place it on top of your morning cereal or in your oatmeal


VANILLA OAT MILK First, soak your oats. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup oats (107 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) 3 Tablespoons sugar 1½ Tablespoon coconut butter

ž teaspoon vanilla extract pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place oats, sugar, coconut butter, vanilla, and salt in NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for I minute. Press start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press start and open the spigot to fill your storage container.

You can also try this with coconut water in place of water!


RICE MILKS When dispensing rice milk from the NutraMilk container, depending on the type of rice used, the mesh filters can become clogged and not all of the rice milk may go through. Simply use a spatula to clear the filters. I use long grain white rice in the following recipes. You can use long grain brown rice too, just keep in mind that the brown rice may take a bit longer in the buttering cycle.

SIMPLE RICE MILK Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

1 cup cooked white rice (135 g) 3 cups water (710 mL)* pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) *If you want a “less-bodied� or thinner rice milk, add more water.

Place cooked rice, and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Open the container lid, add the water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


SWEETENED RICE MILK Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

1 cup cooked white rice (135 g) 3 cups water (710 mL) 1½ Tablespoon sugar Place cooked rice and sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Open the container lid, add the water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


VANILLA RICE MILK Yield 3½ cups / 828 mL

2/3 cup cooked rice (90 g) 3½ cups water (828 mL) ½ cup cashews (118 mL) ½ cup almonds (118 mL) 2 Tablespoons sugar

½ Tablespoon molasses ¼ teaspoon vanilla bean Place cooked rice, cashews, almonds, sugar, molasses, and vanilla in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Open the container lid, add the water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. If necessary, use a spatula to make sure the mesh filters are clear, and scrape down any mixture along the sides of the container. Run Mix a second time.


CASHEW ORANGE APRICOT RICE MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup cooked white rice (90 g) 1 quart water (946 mL)

½ cup cashews (75 g) 1/3 cup dried diced apricots (57 g) 3 Tablespoons orange juice concentrate 1½-2 Tablespoons sugar

¾ teaspoon vanilla extract pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place all ingredients (except the water and orange juice concentrate) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Open the container lid, add the water and orange juice concentrate. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press start and open the spigot to fill your storage container. If necessary, once the milk has dispensed, use a spatula to scrape down the inside of the NutraMIlk container and clear the mesh filters. Run the Dispense cycle again.


OVERNIGHT CASHEW & MACADAMIA HORCHATA This version uses uncooked rice. The overnight soak will soften and break down the rice for a creamier blend, and the time will allow the flavors to deepen. You can also use cooked rice and omit the overnight soak. Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

2/3 cup uncooked rice (120 g) 3+ cups water (710 mL +)

½ cup cashews (75 g) ½ cup macadamia nuts (68 g) 1 Tablespoon cinnamon 3 medium to large pitted Medjool dates

¼ teaspoon vanilla bean Mix the rice, cashews, macadamia nuts, and cinnamon together and lightly roast in a 275° F oven (135° C) for 15 minutes. Place rice, nuts, dates, vanilla bean, and cinnamon in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes. Open the container lid, add 3 cups of water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press start and open the spigot. Use a spatula to get out all of the ingredients left in the NutraMilk container. Place the milk and leftover container ingredients into your storage container. Place in the refrigerator overnight.


In the morning, pour the mixture back into the NutraMilk and add between 1/2 – 1 cup of water (118 – 237 mL), depending on how thick you want the milk. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press Start. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


CASHEW & BRAZIL NUT HORCHATA Horchata is a Mexican rice drink usually made with condensed milk. You can use cooked or raw rice, and my preference is to use cooked rice. Yield 3½ cups / 828 mL

2/3 cup cooked rice (90 g) 3½ cups water (828 mL) 3/4 cup cashews (113 g)

¼ cup Brazil nuts (34 g) 1 Tablespoon cinnamon 2 Tablespoons sugar

¼ teaspoon vanilla bean Place all ingredients (except the water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Open the container lid, add the water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press start and open the spigot to fill your storage container.


ADZUKI BEAN MILK Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

2 cups cooked adzuki beans (460 g) 3 cups water (710 mL)

Âź cup sugar (53 g) Place cooked adzuki beans and sugar in NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for I minute, stop at 30 seconds. Press start. Open the container lid, add the water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container.


ADZUKI & CASHEW MILK Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

2 cups cooked adzuki beans (460 g)

2/3 cup cashews (100 g) 3 cups water (710 mL) 3 Tablespoons sugar Place cashews and sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Open the container lid, add cooked adzuki beans. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute, stop at 30 seconds. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill storage container.


ADZUKI & COCONUT MILK Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

2 cups cooked adzuki bean (460 g) 1½ cups coconut milk (355 mL) 1½ cups water (355 mL) 2 Tablespoons sugar Place cooked adzuki beans and sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for I minute, stop at 30 seconds. Open the container lid, add coconut milk and water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill storage container.






213 . Toasted Coconut & . Marshmallow Macadamia . Butter

190 . Simple Almond Butter 191 . Tamari-Roasted Almond . Butter

215 . Simple Raw Pecan Butter 216 . Roasted Pecan Butter

192 . Orange Marmalade . Almond Butter

217 . Pecan Apricot White . Chocolate Butter

193 . Almond Cashew Butter

219 . Simple Walnut Butter

195 . Simple Brazil Nut Butter

219 . Roasted Walnut Butter

196 . Roasted Brazil Nut Butter

221 . Simple Pistachio Butter

197 . Sweet Brazil Nut Butter

221 . Roasted Pistachio Butter

198 . Simple Cashew Butter 199 . Cashew Ginger Butter

222 . Pistachio Butter with . White Chocolate & . Dried Apricots

200 . Cashew White Chocolate . Butter & Toasted Coconut

224 . Pistachio Butter with Dried . Cherries & Cacao Nibs

199 . Roasted Cashew Butter

201 . Simple Hazelnut Butter


203 . Simple Chocolate Hazelnut . Butter

225 . Simple Pumpkin Seed . Butter

204 . Roasted Hazelnut Butter

225 . Roasted Pumpkin Seed . Butter

205 . Simple Peanut Butter 207 . Roasted Peanut Butter

226 . Simple Sesame Butter

208 . Honey Peanut Butter

226 . Toasted Sesame Butter

209 . Chocolate Peanut Butter

227 . Sesame & Sacha Inchi Butter

210 . Peanut & Sacha Inchi Butter

228 . Simple Sunflower Butter

211 . Simple Macadamia Butter

228 . Roasted Sunflower Butter

211 . Roasted Macadamia Butter

230 . Simple Hemp Seed Butter

www.TheNutraMilk.com 187


When making nut butters in the NutraMilk, it’s important that the nuts or seeds are dry. Any moisture content will impact the creaminess of your butters. So, if you prefer to soak your nuts or seeds, make sure they are dry when making butter. You can lightly roast them or dehydrate them to remove moisture content.

Roasting will quicken the butter process and enhance the flavor of nuts and seeds. I prefer a light roast. General roasting guidelines, unless mentioned otherwise: 265° F (130° C) for 22-25 minutes My favorite salt to use is Pink Himalayan salt. You can explore using different salts to bring out the flavors of the nuts and seeds. Salt is optional in all recipes. We do not recommend placing wet fruits or moist dried fruits in with nuts or seeds for making butter. Extra moisture will require a much longer buttering time and can impact the texture of the butter. Nuts with high oil content, when roasted, will make a thinner butter. You can try mixing half raw and half roasted if you desire the flavor of roasted nuts, but want butter with a thicker consistency. g g

2 cup minimum (See chart on page 16 for individual gram measurements) 3 cup maximum for harder nuts - 5 cup maximum for softer nuts (See chart on page 16 for individual gram measurements)


Refrigerate your butters

All butter recipes call for the minimum of 2 cups (454 G), which will yield approximately 1 and ¼ cups (284 g) of butter.


ALMOND BUTTERS SIMPLE ALMOND BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups raw almonds (300 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place almonds and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 12-13 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.


TAMARI-ROASTED ALMOND BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups tamari-roasted almonds* (300 g) *You can find tamari-roasted almonds in most stores.

Or, you can roast them yourself. To make your own: Spread out 2 cups (300 g) almonds on a baking tray to ensure even roasting. Bake at 265° F (130° C) for 20 minutes Take the almonds out of the oven, and place them in a bowl. Pour tamari over the almonds and stir well so that all almonds are coated. Place the coated almonds back on the roasting tray for an additional 3-5 minutes in the oven. Place roasted almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.


ORANGE MARMALADE ALMOND BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups almonds (300 g) 2½ -3 Tablespoons marmalade jam

Âź teaspoon orange zest Place almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 13 minutes (for roasted, set for 6 minutes). Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.

Place the almond butter into your serving dish, and spoon the marmalade and the zest on top of the almond butter. Use a knife or a chopstick to create ribbons of marmalade through the almond butter. You can also get creative and use a different jam of your choice!


ALMOND CASHEW BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

11/3 cup almonds (200 g)

2/3 cup cashews (100 g) 1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place almonds, cashews, and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7-8 minutes (for roasted, set for 3-4 minutes). Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 2-3 minutes for a creamier butter.


BRAZIL NUT BUTTERS SIMPLE BRAZIL NUT BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups raw Brazil nuts (270 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place Brazil nuts and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1 minute for a creamier butter.


ROASTED BRAZIL NUT BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups roasted Brazil nuts (270 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) *Roast at 265° F (130° C) for 22-25 minutes

Place Brazil nuts and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter, set for 1-2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1 minute for a creamier butter.


SWEET BRAZIL NUT BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups Brazil nuts (270 g) 2 Tablespoons honey Place Brazil nuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes (for roasted, set for 1 minute). Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1 minute for a creamier butter.

Place the Brazil Nut Butter into your serving dish, and drizzle the honey on top. Use a knife or a chopstick to create ribbons of honey through the butter.


CASHEW BUTTERS SIMPLE CASHEW BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups raw cashews (300 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place cashews and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.


ROASTED CASHEW BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups roasted cashews* (300 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) *Roast at 265° F (130° C) for 22-25 minutes

Place cashews and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3-4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.

CASHEW GINGER BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups cashews (300 g)

1/3 cup diced candied ginger (40 g) Place cashews in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 minutes (for roasted, set for 3-4 minutes). Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.

Place the cashew butter into your serving dish, and fold in the diced ginger.


CASHEW WHITE CHOCOLATE BUTTER & TOASTED COCONUT Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups raw or roasted Cashew Butter (300 g) ½ cup toasted shredded coconut* (35 g)

1/3 cup white chocolate chips (55 g) *Lightly toast your shredded coconut by placing the coconut in a skillet under a low to medium flame. Stir continuously until it turns a light golden color. Do not leave unattended.

Prepare your Cashew Butter.

Place the cashew butter into your serving dish and fold in the white chocolate chips while the butter is still warm, and the chips will melt. If you prefer to have chunks of chocolate in your butter, let the butter cool before adding the chips. Lastly, top with the toasted coconut.


HAZELNUT BUTTERS SIMPLE HAZELNUT BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups raw hazelnuts (270 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place hazelnuts and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 15-16 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.


SIMPLE CHOCOLATE HAZELNUT BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups hazelnuts (270 g) 1 cup dark chocolate chips (130 g) (or mix white/milk/dark chocolate chips) Place hazelnuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 15-16 minutes (for roasted, set for 4-5 minutes). Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter. Place the hazelnut butter into your serving dish and fold in the chocolate chips while the butter is still warm, and the chips will melt. If you prefer to have chunks of chocolate in your butter, let the butter cool before adding the chips.


ROASTED HAZELNUT BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups roasted hazelnuts* (270g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) *Roast at 265° F (130° C) for 22-25 minutes

Place hazelnuts and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 4-5 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.


PEANUT BUTTERS SIMPLE PEANUT BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups raw peanuts (275 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place peanuts and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.


ROASTED PEANUT BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups roasted peanuts* (275g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) *Roast at 265° F (130° C) for 22-25 minutes

Place roasted peanuts and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1 minute for a creamier butter.


HONEY PEANUT BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups peanuts (275 g) 2 Tablespoons honey

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place peanuts and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes (for roasted, set for 1-2 minutes). Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1 minute for a creamier butter.

Place the peanut butter into your serving dish, and drizzle the honey on top. Use a knife or a chopstick to create ribbons of honey into the butter.


CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups roasted peanuts (275 g)

Ÿ cup chocolate chips (35 g) 11/2 Tablespoon light unflavored agave 1½ Tablespoon chocolate/cacao powder

1/8 teaspoon vanilla bean 1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place peanuts, agave, chocolate powder, vanilla bean, and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add the chocolate chips. Replace the lid. Set for an additional 6-7 minutes for a creamy, chocolatey butter.


PEANUT & SACHA INCHI BUTTER Highly nutritious, sacha inchi is also known as the Inca peanut or jungle peanut and is the seed of a plant that grows in the highlands of Peru. Despite being a fairly recent discovery in the health community of the United States, sacha inchi has been cultivated and used as a food source for 3,000 years in the Amazon Rainforest. You can find them in health food stores or online. Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

ž cup raw peanuts (105 g) ž sacha inchi nuts (105 g) pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (omit if the sacha inchi nuts are roasted and salted) Place peanuts, sacha inchi, and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes (if roasted, set for 2 minutes). Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.


MACADAMIA BUTTERS SIMPLE MACADAMIA BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups raw macadamia nuts (270 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place macadamia nuts and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 4-5 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1 minute for a creamier butter.

ROASTED MACADAMIA BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups roasted macadamia nuts* (270 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) *Roast at 265° F (130° C) for 12-15 minutes

Place roasted macadamia nuts and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1 minute for a creamier butter.


TOASTED COCONUT & MARSHMALLOW MACADAMIA BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups macadamia nuts (270 g)

ž cup toasted coconut (45 g) 1/3 cup marshmallows (33 g) Place macadamia nuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 4-5 minutes (for roasted, set for 1-2 minutes). Press Start. Open the container lid, add the marshmallows. Replace lid. Set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier buttter.

Place the macadamia nut butter into your bowl, fold in about half of the toasted coconut, and top with the remaining toasted coconut.


PECAN BUTTERS SIMPLE RAW PECAN BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups raw pecans (220 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place pecans and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3-4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1 minute for a creamier butter.


ROASTED PECAN BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups roasted pecans* (220 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) *Roast at 265° F (130° C) for 20-22 minutes

Place pecans and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Press Start.

Nuts with high oil content, like pecans, when roasted, will make a thinner butter. You can try mixing half raw (110 g) and half roasted (110 g) if you desire the flavor of roasted nuts, but want a thicker consistency in the butter.


PECAN APRICOT WHITE CHOCOLATE BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups pecans (220 g)

2/3 cup finely chopped dried apricots (125 g) 1/3 cup white chocolate chips (55 g) Prepare your Pecan Butter.

If you want the white chocolate chips to melt into the butter, add them when the butter comes out of the NutraMilk container and the pecan butter is warm. This will melt the white chocolate chips. If you prefer having white chocolate chunks, wait until the pecan butter has cooled down to add the chips. Lastly, add the diced apricots, and fold them into the butter.


WALNUT BUTTERS SIMPLE WALNUT BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups raw walnuts (210 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place walnuts and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.

ROASTED WALNUT BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups roasted walnuts* (210 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) *Roast at 265° F (130° C) for 22-25 minutes

Place walnuts and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minute. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1 minute for a creamier butter. 219

PISTACHIO BUTTERS SIMPLE PISTACHIO BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups pistachio nuts (260 g)

1/8 teaspoon Himalayan salt (optional) Place pistachios and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.

ROASTED PISTACHIO BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups roasted pistachio nuts* (260 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) *Roast at 265° F (130° C) for 20-22 minutes

Place pistachios and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 4-5 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.



2 cups pistachios (260 g) 2 Tablespoons white chocolate chips 2 Tablespoons diced dried apricots Place pistachios in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 Minutes (for roasted, set for 4-5 minutes). Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter. Remove from container, and fold in the white chocolate chips and diced dried apricots. If you want the white chocolate chips to melt into the butter, add them when the butter comes out of the NutraMilk container and the pecan butter is warm. This will melt the white chocolate chips. If you prefer having white chocolate chunks, wait until the pecan butter has cooled down to add the chips. Lastly, add the diced apricots, and fold them into the butter.


PISTACHIO BUTTER WITH DRIED CHERRIES & CACAO NIBS Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups pistachios (260 g)

1/3 cup diced dried cherries (45 g) 2 Tablespoons cacao nibs

1/2 Tablespoon light unflavored agave Place pistachios in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 Minutes (for roasted, set for 4-5 minutes). Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter. Open the container lid, add the cacao nibs. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for I minute and run for 15 seconds to break up the cacao nibs. Remove from container and fold in the diced cherries.


SEED BUTTERS SIMPLE PUMPKIN SEED BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups raw pumpkin seeds (270 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place pumpkin seeds and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle set for 10-11 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 2-3 minutes for a creamier butter.

ROASTED PUMPKIN SEED BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups roasted pumpkin seeds* (270g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) *Roast at 265° F (130° C) for 20-22 minutes

Place pumpkin seeds and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, for 7-8 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 2-3 minutes for a creamier butter. 225

SIMPLE SESAME BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups raw black or white sesame seeds (220 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place sesame seeds and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set 15-16 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.

TOASTED SESAME BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups toasted black or white sesame seeds* (220 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) *To toast the sesame seeds, place the 2 cups in a medium-sized skillet under a low to medium flame. Stir the sesame seeds continuously until they turn a golden brown. If you are toasting black sesame seeds, stir the seeds continuously for approximately 12-15 minutes. Do not leave the skillet unattended.

Place sesame seeds and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set 7-8 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.


SESAME & SACHA INCHI BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

1 cup toasted sesame seeds (110 g) 1 cup sacha inchi nuts (137 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt

(omit if the sacha inchi nuts are salted)

Place toasted sesame seeds and sacha inchi in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1-2 minutes for a creamier butter.


SIMPLE SUNFLOWER BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups raw sunflower seeds (270 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place sunflower seeds and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 14-15 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 2-3 minutes for a creamier butter.

ROASTED SUNFLOWER BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups roasted sunflower seeds* (270 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) *Roast at 265° F (130° C) for 20-22 minutes

Place sunflower seeds and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 8-9 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 2-3 minutes for a creamier butter.


SIMPLE HEMP BUTTER Yields approximately 11/4 cups / 284 g

2 cups hemp seeds (250 g)

1/8 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place hemp seeds and salt in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5-6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid. If necessary, set for an additional 1 minute for a creamier butter.





SMOOTHIES & SMOOTHIE BOWLS 234 . Banana Fig Almond Smoothie

247 . Peanut Sesame Chocolate . Banana Smoothie

235 . Prune Banana Ginger Almond . Smoothie

248 . Peanut Chocolate Malt . Banana Smoothie

236 . Pear Banana Spirulina Almond . Smoothie

250 . Peanut Banana Honey Smoothie

237 . Apple Hemp & Almond . Smoothie

251 . Hemp Coconut Smoothie

238 . Apple Hemp & Almond Banana . Smoothie 239 . Carob Malted Almond Smoothie 241 . Peach Banana Brazil Nut . Smoothie

252 . Macadamia Banana Coconut . Smoothie 254 . Sunflower Banana Smoothie 255 . Sunflower Cranberry Smoothie 256 . Sunflower Pecan Vanilla . Smoothie

242 . Cashew Hemp Orange Mango . Smoothie

257 . Pineapple Banana Colada . Smoothie

243 . Walnut Almond Fig & . Cranberry Smoothie

258 . Almond Cashew Orange . Plum Smoothie

244 . Walnut Oat Raisin . Banana Smoothie

259 . Acai Banana Cashew & . Coconut Smoothie

245 . Hazelnut Orange . Raspberry Smoothie

260 . Acai Blueberry Banana . Cashew Almond Smoothie

246 . Horchata Cashew & . Brazil Nut Smoothie

261 . Smoothie Bowls

www.TheNutraMilk.com 231

SMOOTHIES When using frozen fruit in your NutraMilk, make sure the fruit is cut into small chunks before freezing. Place any frozen fruit evenly around the blade. When dispensing the smoothie, remove the spigot to allow for better flow of the drink, which has a thicker consistency than the milks. After the drink has come through the dispenser, there may be some smoothie left in the NutraMilk container—if so: g

Carefully remove the blade and the container from the stand


Pour out remaining smoothie


While pouring, stabilize the inner container with your hand so it doesn’t fall

Some recipes call for “frozen coconut milk cubes.” Use whole fat coconut milk and pour the milk into ice cube trays and freeze. After the Dispense cycle, depending on the recipe, there may be delicious bits of fruit left in the NutraMilk container that did not go through the screen. To use the leftovers in the container: g g

Scoop the yummy bits into your smoothie Scoop the yummy bits and add them to a smoothie bowl along with chia seeds, acai, or on top of your oatmeal or granola


BANANA FIG ALMOND SMOOTHIE Yield 4½ cups / 1.065 L

1 quart water (946 mL) 1½ cup banana (300 g) (fresh or frozen) 1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 cup dried figs (155 g)*

¼ teaspoon stevia *You can also substitute fresh figs when they are in season.

Place almonds and stevia in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add figs and banana. Replace lid. Press Butter, set for 2-3 minutes (depending on fresh or frozen). Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.

Scoop the yummy bits of fruit left in the container and add to your smoothie.



1 quart water (946 mL) 1½ cup banana (300 g) (fresh or frozen) 1 cup almonds (150 g)

¾ cup chopped prunes (113 g) ¼ cup chopped candied ginger* (38 g) *If using fresh grated ginger, use ½ to 1 Tablespoon depending on taste.

Place almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add prunes, ginger, and banana. Replace lid. Press Butter, set for 2-3 minutes (depending on fresh or frozen). Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.

Scoop the yummy bits of fruit left in the container and add to your smoothie.



3 cups pear juice (710 mL) 1 cup water (237 mL) 1½ cup banana (300 g) (fresh or frozen) 1 cup almonds (150 g)

¼ cup chopped candied ginger* (38 g) ½ to 1 Tablespoon spirulina (or your favorite green or protein powder, to taste) *If using fresh grated ginger, use ½ to 1 Tablespoon depending on taste.

Place almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add banana, spirulina, and ginger. Replace lid. Press Butter, set for 2-3minutes (depending on fresh or frozen). Press Start. Open the container lid, add pear juice and water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container. You can also use a full quart (946 mL) of pear juice for a fuller, sweeter flavor and leave out the water. Scoop the yummy bits of fruit left in the container and add to your smoothie.


APPLE HEMP & ALMOND SMOOTHIE Yield 4¼ cups / 1.005 L

3 cups apple juice (710 mL) 1 cup water (237 mL)

½ cup diced avocado* (100 g) ½ cup almonds (75 g) ½ cup hemp seeds (63 g) 1 Tablespoon spirulina (or your favorite green or protein powder, to taste)

¼ to ½ teaspoon stevia (to taste) *Make sure to dice your avocado into small chunks.

Place almonds, hemp seeds, and stevia in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3-4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add avocado and spirulina. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute, run for 30 seconds. Open the container lid, add apple juice and water. Replace lid. If necessary, when you open the container, scrape the sides down with a spatula. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.

After the drink has come through the dispenser, there will still be smoothie left in the NutraMilk container. Carefully remove the blade and the container from the stand. Pour the remaining mixture into your jar. While pouring, be sure to stabilize the inner container with your hand so it doesn’t fall.


APPLE HEMP & ALMOND BANANA SMOOTHIE First prepare the Apple Hemp Almond Smoothie. Yield 3 cups / 710 mL

1½ cup Apple Hemp Almond Smoothie (see page 237 for recipe) 1½ cup frozen banana (300 g) Place the frozen banana equally around the blade in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes. Open the container lid, add the Apple Hemp Smoothie. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.

After the drink has come through the dispenser, there will still be smoothie left in the NutraMilk container. Carefully remove the blade and the container from the stand. Pour the remaining mixture into your jar. While pouring, be sure to stabilize the inner container with your hand so it doesn’t fall.



1 quart water (946 mL) 1½ cup banana (300 g) (fresh or frozen) 1 cup almonds (150 g) 2½ Tablespoons light unflavored agave 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (1/8 teaspoon fresh or ground bean) 2 Tablespoons raw or toasted carob powder 1½ Tablespoon coconut butter 1½ Tablespoon maca powder 1½ Tablespoon mesquite powder pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (optional) Place almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add banana, vanilla, coconut butter, maca, agave, mesquite, and carob powders, plus the salt. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minute. Open the container, add the water. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.

After the drink has come through the dispenser, there will still be smoothie left in the NutraMilk container. Carefully remove the blade and the container from the stand. Pour the remaining mixture into your jar. While pouring, be sure to stabilize the inner container with your hand so it doesn’t fall.



3½ cups Simple Brazil Nut Milk (see page 64 for recipe) (828 mL) 1 cup peaches (160 g) (fresh or frozen) 1 cup banana (200 g) (fresh or frozen) 2 Tablespoons honey Place the peaches, banana, and honey into the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes (depending on fresh or frozen). Press Start. Open the container lid, add the Simple Brazil Nut Milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop the yummy bits of fruit left in the container and add to your smoothie.



1 quart water (946 mL)

¾ cup cashews (113 g) ¼ cup hemp seeds (32 g) 1 cup mango (165 g) (fresh or frozen) 1 Tablespoon coconut palm sugar 2 teaspoons orange juice concentrate 1 teaspoon orange zest

¾ teaspoon vanilla extract 1 medium to large pitted Medjool date Place cashews, hemps seeds, coconut palm sugar, and date in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add mango, orange zest, and vanilla. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes. Open the container lid, add water and orange juice concentrate. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop the yummy bits of fruit left in the container and add to your smoothie.



1 quart water (946 mL) 1¼ cup fresh figs (195 g) or 1 cup chopped dried figs (155 g) 1 cup banana (237mL) (fresh or frozen)

½ cup walnuts (53 g) ½ cup almonds (75 g) ¼ cup dried cranberries (32 g) 2 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place walnuts and almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3-4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add figs, dates, cranberries, and banana. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes (depending on fresh or frozen). Press Start. Open the container lid, add the water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop the yummy bits of fruit left in the container and add to your smoothie.



2 cups Walnut Oat Raisin Milk (see page 128 for recipe) (473 mL) 1Âź cup banana (250 g) (fresh or frozen) Place banana in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes (depending on fresh or frozen)*. Press Start. Open the container lid, add the Walnut Raisin Oat Milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container. *If you are using fresh banana, the Butter cycle time will be under a minute.


HAZELNUT ORANGE RASPBERRY SMOOTHIE Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

3 cups Simple Hazelnut Milk (see page 85 for recipe) (710 mL) 1 cup banana (200 g) (fresh or frozen) 1 cup raspberries (125 g) (fresh or frozen) 3 Tablespoons frozen orange juice concentrate 2 medium to large pitted Medjool dates Place banana, raspberries, and dates in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes (depending on fresh or frozen). Press Start. Open the container lid, add the Simple Hazelnut Milk and orange juice concentrate. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop the yummy bits of fruit left in the container and add to your smoothie.


HORCHATA CASHEW & BRAZIL NUT SMOOTHIE Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

3 cups Cashew Brazil Nut Horchata (see page 182 for recipe) (710 mL) 1 cup banana (200 g) (fresh or frozen) 5-6 Coconut Milk Frozen Cubes (see page 140 for recipe) 1 Tablespoon honey Place the banana, honey, and frozen Coconut Milk Cubes in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add the Horchata. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.



3 cups Peanut Sesame Milk (see page 106 for recipe) (710 mL) 1 cup banana (200 g) (fresh or frozen) 1½ Tablespoon chocolate syrup (Note: chocolate syryps are usually sweetened) Place banana and chocolate syrup in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter, set the timer for 2-3 minutes. Press Start Open the container lid, add the Peanut Sesame Milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start . Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.



3 cups Simple Peanut Milk (see page 100 for recipe) (710 mL) 1 cup banana (200 g) (fresh or frozen) 1½ Tablespoon cacao powder 1½ Tablespoon light unflavored agave 2 teaspoons mesquite powder 2 teaspoons maca powder

¼ teaspoon vanilla extract Place all ingredients (except the Simple Peanut Milk) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add the peanut milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.



3 cups Simple Peanut Milk (see page 100 for recipe) (710 mL) 1¼ cup banana (250 g) (fresh or frozen) 1½ Tablespoon honey Place banana and honey in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes (depending on fresh or frozen). Press Start. Open the container lid, add the Simple Peanut Milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.


HEMP COCONUT SMOOTHIE Single Serving 2½ Cups / 591 mL

2 cups Simple Hemp Milk (see page 148 for recipe) (473 mL) 6-7 Coconut Milk Goji Berry Frozen Cubes (see page 142 for recipe) Place Coconut Milk Goji Berry Frozen Cubes in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add Simple Hemp Milk. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop the yummy bits of goji fruit into your smoothie.


MACADAMIA BANANA COCONUT SMOOTHIE Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

3 cups coconut water (710 mL) 1Âź cup banana (250 g) (fresh or frozen) 1 cup macadamia nuts (135 g) 5-6 Coconut Milk Frozen Cubes (see page 140 for recipe) 1-2 Tablespoons coconut palm sugar (to taste) Place macadamia nuts, frozen Coconut Milk Cubes, banana, and coconut palm sugar in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add the coconut water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.



1 quart water (947mL) 6-7 cubes mixture of Coconut Milk and Coconut Water Frozen Cubes 1 cup sunflower seeds (135 g) 1 cup banana (200 g) (fresh or frozen) 2 Tablespoons honey Place sunflower seeds and honey in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add banana and Coconut Water Frozen Cubes. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.



2½ cups coconut water (591 mL) 6-7 cubes mixture of Coconut Milk Frozen Cubes and Coconut Water & Lime Juice Frozen Cubes 1 cup sunflower seeds (135 g)

Âź cup dried cranberries (32 g) Place sunflower seeds and cranberries in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add mixture of Cubes. Replace lid. Press Butter, set for 2-3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add coconut water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop the yummy bits of fruit left in the container and add to your smoothie.



1 quart water (946 mL) 1¼ cup banana (250 g) (fresh or frozen)

½ cup sunflower seeds (68 g) ½ cup pecans (55 g) 3 Tablespoons maple syrup

¾ teaspoon vanilla extract Place sunflower seeds and pecans in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add banana, maple syrup, and vanilla. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 2-3 minutes (depending on fresh or frozen). Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.


PINEAPPLE BANANA COLADA SMOOTHIE For this refreshing drink, first prepare Almond Coconut Milk. Yield 4½ cups / 1.065 L

2 cups Almond Coconut Milk (see page 134 for recipe) (473 mL) 2 cups pineapple juice (473 mL) 1¼ cup banana (250 g) (fresh or frozen) 5-6 Coconut Water & Pineapple Juice Frozen Cubes (see page 144 for recipe) 1½ Tablespoon coconut palm sugar Place Coconut Pineapple Cubes, banana, and coconut palm sugar in theNutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add Almond Coconut Milk and pineapple juice. Press Start. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container.



3 cups water (710 mL)

½ cup almonds (75 g) ½ cup cashews (75 g) 1½ cup sweet seasonal summer plums (210 g) ¼ cup orange juice (60 mL) 3½ Tablespoons orange rind* ½ teaspoon stevia *Use a potato peeler to take off the orange part of the skin, leaving the pith behind. Or, zest.

Place almonds and cashews in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add orange rind, plums, and stevia. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1-2 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water and orange juice. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop the yummy bits of fruit left in the container and add to your smoothie.


ACAI BANANA CASHEW & COCONUT SMOOTHIE Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

3 cups coconut water (710 mL) 1 package frozen acai* (100 g) 1 cup cashews (150 g) 1 cup banana (200 g) (fresh or frozen) 4-6 Coconut Milk Frozen Cubes (see page 140 for recipe) *Acai is usually purchased frozen in small packages of 3.5 oz. (100 grams). Use a rolling pin to break it up before you open the package.

Place all ingredients (except coconut water) in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3-4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add coconut water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove the spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop the yummy bits of fruit left in the container and add to your smoothie.



½ cup cashews (75 g) ½ cup almonds (75 g) 3 cups coconut water (710 mL) 1 package frozen acai* (100 g) 1 cup banana (200 g) (fresh or frozen) 1 cup fresh blueberries (150 g) *Acai is usually purchased frozen in small packages of 3.5 oz. (100 grams). Use a rolling pin to break it up before you open the package.

Place cashews and almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add acai, banana, blueberries. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Open the container lid, add coconut water. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove the spigot to fill your storage container. Scoop the yummy bits of leftover fruit into your smoothie.



SMOOTHIE BOWLS Smoothie bowls are a fun way to transform your smoothie into a satisfying snack or meal just about any time of day. Some of our favorite ingredients in the NutraMilk kitchen for layering in taste and nutrition – into a bowl or parfait – are fresh nut and seed milks, chia seeds, and acai berries.

CHIA Chia, related to the mint family, is a flowering plant native to central and southern Mexico and Guatemala. Chia is a powerhouse of nutrients and, along with flax and hemp, one of the richest plant sources of Omega 3. These tiny, precious seeds are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Chia, like flax, is a mucilaginous seed, characterized by stickiness. Because of this, we don’t make milk from chia in the traditional way of making nut and seed milks.

PREPARE CHIA SEEDS FOR YOUR SMOOTHIE BOWL This is the base of your smoothie bowl, or you can create a parfait using chia as one of the layers. Yields a Single Serving

The basic ratio is ¼ cup chia seeds (47 g) to ¾ cup milk (177 mL). Prepare nut or seed milk of choice. Pour into a bowl. Add chia seeds. Stir well. Let this sit for 10-15 minutes, allowing the chia seeds to absorb the liquid.


ACAI The acai berry, grown in South America, resembles a blueberry and is prized for its high antioxidant content along with being high in fiber and rich in vitamins and minerals. Fresh acai berries spoil quickly, so you will find them as a frozen concentrate in most health food stores.

PREPARE ACAI BERRY FOR YOUR SMOOTHIE BOWL There are two ways to prepare the acai berry in your NutraMilk for smoothie bowls, acai and milk or acai and butter. The acai can be the base of your bowl, or you can create a parfait using the acai butter base as a layer.

ACAI & COCONUT MILK Use a rolling pin to break up the contents of the frozen package, or let it thaw slightly before placing acai in the NutraMilk container. Yields a Single Serving

1 3.5 oz. package of frozen acai (100 g)

2/3 cup banana (152 g) (fresh or frozen) 1/3 cup Coconut Milk (79 mL) Place acai and banana in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 2 minutes Press Start. Open the container lid, add coconut milk. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Open the NutraMilk container and scoop the contents into your bowl.


ACAI & ALMOND BUTTER Use a rolling pin to break up the contents of the frozen package, or let it thaw slightly before placing acai in the NutraMilk container. Yields a Single Serving

1 3.5 oz. package of frozen acai (100 g)

2/3 cup banana (152 g) (fresh or frozen) 1/3 cup almond butter (76 g) Place all ingredients in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 3 minutes. Press Start. Open the NutraMilk container and scoop the contents into your bowl.


SMOOTHIE BOWL COMBINATIONS What’s in your panty? Whether you are creating a simple smoothie bowl or a layered smoothie parfait, you can change things up daily!


Nut or seed milk of your choice


Nut or seed butter of your choice


Selection of fruits, dried and fresh


Shredded or toasted coconut


Garnish with nuts and seeds of your choice




Cooked oatmeal


Your favorite granola

Summer offers us wonderful fresh berries, peaches, plums, and cherries! Tropical fresh fruits like mango, papaya, banana, coconut, and pineapple are delicious and nutritious. Fresh figs, persimmons, and pomegranate seeds are a great fall treat! Pears and apples are always a satisfying staple. Contact us in the NutraMilk kitchen to let us know some of your favorite combination innovations!





SAVORY DIPS & SPREADS 269 . Pecan & Walnut Spread 270 . Almond Cilantro Spread 272 . Pine Nut & Walnut Pesto Spread 273 . Spinach & Pine Nut Spread 275 . Eggplant, Basil & Pine Nut Spread 276 . Simple Hummus 277 . Roasted Red Pepper Hummus 278 . Roasted Beet Hummus 280 . Roasted Carrot Hummus 281 . Miso Sesame Spread 283 . Peilin’s Spicy Peanut Sauce

www.TheNutraMilk.com 267

SAVORY DIPS AND SPREADS I often use the description of butters and spreads interchangeably, as butters and spreads tend to be thicker than dips. If you can use a knife to spread it on a cracker, that’s a spread. Dips tend to have a bit more liquid, producing a result with a different texture than a butter or spread.

Tips to remember when making dips and spreads in your NutraMilk: g

The cycle is short. You should set the NutraMilk Butter cycle at 1 minute and run in short bursts counting the seconds.


When adding small amounts of liquid into the NutraMilk container, add the liquid by pouring away from the mesh filters and towards the center of the blades.


If any of the liquid comes through the mesh filters, use a spatula to get all of the flavorful liquid and add that into your spread.


PECAN & WALNUT SPREAD You can enjoy this recipe using either raw or roasted nuts. Adjust the proportion of pecans to walnuts to suit your taste. Yields approximately 1¾ cup (240 g)

¾ cup pecans (83g) ¾ cup walnuts (79g) 1/3 cup finely chopped parsley (10g) 1/3 cup finely chopped scallions (30g) 1/3 cup finely chopped red pepper (45g) 2½ Tablespoons lemon juice 1½ Tablespoon Bragg liquid aminos (or substitute tamari) 1½ teaspoons garlic powder Place pecans, walnuts, half of the parsley, half of the scallions, half of the Bragg liquid aminos, 1½ teaspoons of garlic powder, and half of the lemon juice in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute, and run for 10-15 seconds. Open the container lid and scrape down the sides. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute, and run for 10-15 seconds. Add the mixture to your serving bowl along with the remaining parsley, scallions, Bragg or tamari, lemon juice, and the finely chopped red pepper. Mix with a fork.

This is delicious spread on crackers, crusty whole grain bread, or celery stalks.


ALMOND CILANTRO SPREAD You can make this recipe with blanched, roasted, or raw almonds. If you decide to blanche your almonds, make sure they are dried before using them in your NutraMilk. Yields approximately 1¾ cup (270 g)

1½ cups almonds (225g)

½ cup water (118 mL) ½ cup cilantro (10 g) ¼ cup parsley (8 g) 3 Tablespoons lemon juice 2½ Tablespoons olive oil 2 Tablespoons nutritional yeast 1 teaspoon garlic powder Pink Himalayan salt to taste Place almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set and run for 4 minutes. Open the container lid and add the remaining ingredients except for ¼ cup of water. Replace the lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute, and run for 15 seconds. Open the container lid, and add the rest of the water. Replace the lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute, and run for 20 seconds.

You can serve this on crackers, or use it as a spread on sandwiches, in wraps, and with crudité.


PINE NUT & WALNUT PESTO SPREAD Yields approximately 1½ cup (250 g)

2 cups fresh basil (gently press the leaves into measuring unit) (120 g)

½ cup plus 2 Tablespoons pine nuts (65g + 2 Tablespoons) 1/3 cup walnuts (35g) 1 medium garlic clove, peeled and minced (to taste) 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1½ tablespoon nutritional yeast 1 teaspoon lemon juice

¼ teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt black pepper to taste Place all ingredients, except olive oil, in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute, and run for 10-15 seconds. Open the container lid, and add the olive oil. Replace the lid. Press Butter, set for 1 minute, and run for 10-15 seconds.

Garnish with the 2 Tablespoons of pine nuts and serve.


SPINACH & PINE NUT SPREAD Yields approximately 1¾ cup (290 g)

4 cups fresh spinach (gently press the leaves into measuring unit) (150 g) 1 cup pine nuts (237 mL) 1 cup finely chopped leeks (237 mL)

¼ cup sun-dried tomatoes* (60 mL) garlic clove, small to medium, peeled and minced (to taste) 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon lemon juice

1/4 teaspoon chili pepper flakes (to taste) Pink Himalayan salt and black pepper to taste * I use sun-dried tomatoes in an olive oil base. Drain the oil. If your sun-dried tomatoes are dry, rehydrate them in water for about 30 minutes before using.

Sauté leeks and garlic in olive oil, over a low flame, until soft. Add the spinach and cook until the spinach is wilted, 1-2 minutes. Place pine nuts and sun-dried tomatoes in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minutes, and run for 30 seconds. Remove the container lid, and add all other ingredients. Replace the lid. Press Butter, set for 1 minute, and run for 15-20 seconds.

Great spread for bread, crackers, and crudité.


EGGPLANT, BASIL & PINE NUT SPREAD Yields approximately 2½ cups (310 g)

5 cups cubed eggplant (350 g) 2 medium-sized red bell peppers

½ cup pine nuts (65g) ¼ cup chopped fresh basil (15g) 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1½ Tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon of Italian spice blend

¼ teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt black pepper to taste Eggplant: Peel and cube the eggplant, and drizzle with olive oil. Place in 325°F (163° C) oven for 25-30 minutes, turning the eggplant at 10-minute intervals. Bake until tender. Red Peppers: Place whole red peppers under the broiler. Keep turning them until the skin gets charred. After all sides of the peppers are charred, put them in a dish to cool. Remove the charred skin. Place all ingredients in the NutraMilk container. Press the Butter cycle, set for one minute, and run for 10- 15 seconds. If there is any liquid in the base of the NutraMilk container, remove spigot and pour the juice into the mixture. This is great on crackers, in an avocado boat, spread on bread with fresh tomato, or as a topping on your pasta! Garnish with olive oil and chopped black olives.


SIMPLE HUMMUS Yields approximately 1¼ cup (240 g)

1 cup cooked chickpeas (210 g)

¼ cup tahini (60 mL) 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1½ Tablespoon lemon juice garlic clove, small to medium, peeled and minced (to taste) 1½ teaspoon cumin

¼ teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (or to taste) Place chickpeas, tahini, cumin, salt, and garlic in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set and run for 1 minute. Remove the lid and add lemon juice and olive oil. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute, and run for 30 seconds.

Place in serving dish and garnish with olive oil, lemon juice, smoked paprika, and a combination of sesame seeds, chopped pine nuts, and pumpkin seeds. Great served with warm pita bread.


ROASTED RED PEPPER HUMMUS Yields approximately 1¾ cup (370 g)

1 cup cooked chickpeas (210 g)

2/3 cups roasted red peppers* (175 g) ¼ cup tahini (60 mL) 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1½ Tablespoon lemon juice 1½ teaspoon cumin garlic clove, small to medium, peeled and minced (to taste)

¼ teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (or to taste) *To roast the red peppers, place them whole under the broiler. Keep turning them until the skin gets charred. After all sides of the peppers are charred, put them in a dish to cool. Remove the charred skin.

Place chickpeas, roasted red peppers, tahini, cumin, salt, and garlic in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set and run for 1 minute. Remove the container lid and add lemon juice and olive oil. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute, and run for 30 seconds.

Place in serving dish and garnish with olive oil, lemon juice, pine nuts, and diced red pepper. Delicious served with warm pita bread.


ROASTED BEET HUMMUS Yields approximately 1¾ cup (370 g)

1 cup cooked chickpeas (210 g)

2/3 cup roasted beets* (115 g) ¼ cup tahini (60 mL) 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1½ Tablespoon lemon juice 1½ teaspoon cumin garlic clove, small to medium, peeled and minced (to taste)

¼ teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (to taste) *To roast the beets, cut them into small chunks, drizzle with olive oil, and place in a 325° F (163° C) oven for approximately 25-30 minutes until tender.

Place chickpeas, roasted beets, tahini, cumin, salt, and garlic in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set and run for 1 minute. Remove the container lid and add lemon juice and olive oil. Replace lid. Press Butter cycle for 1 minute, and run for 30 seconds.

Place in serving dish and garnish with olive oil, lemon juice, pine nuts, and diced beets. Great served with warm pita bread.


ROASTED CARROT HUMMUS Yields approximately 1¾ cup (370 g)

1 cup cooked chickpeas (210 g)

2/3 cups roasted carrots* (105 g) ¼ cup tahini (60 mL) 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1½ Tablespoon lemon juice garlic clove, small to medium, peeled and minced (to taste) 1½ teaspoon cumin

¼ teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt (or to taste) *To roast the carrots, cut them into chunks, drizzle with olive oil, and place in a 325° F (163° C) oven for approximately 25-30 until tender.

Place chickpeas, roasted carrots, tahini, cumin, salt, and garlic in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set and run for 1 minute. Remove the container lid and add lemon juice and olive oil. Replace the lid. Press Butter cycle for 1 minute, run for 30 seconds.

Place in serving dish and garnish with olive oil, lemon juice, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and diced carrots. Great served with warm pita bread.


MISO SESAME SPREAD Yields approximately 1¼ cup (160 g)

There are many types of miso pastes on the market, with varying flavors and strengths. Choose a miso that you like, or if you are unfamiliar with miso, I would suggest you try a “light” white or yellow miso. 1 cup toasted sesame seeds (110 g)

2/3 cup brewed tea—Bancha, or Kukicha twig (allow to cool)* (158 mL) 2 Tablespoons finely chopped scallions (plus more for garnish) 1½ Tablespoon miso paste 2 teaspoons minced jalapenos (to taste) * If you don’t have bancha or kukicha tea, another earthy, nutty tea can be substituted— or, you can also use water to dissolve the miso paste.

Pan roast the sesame seeds with the diced jalapenos over a low to medium flame, continously turning until the seeds become golden, about 15 minutes. Dilute the miso in the warm brewed tea*, using a spoon to break down the miso paste. Place the toasted sesame seeds and jalapenos in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set and run for 2 minutes. Open the container lid and add the scallions and approximately one-third of the miso-tea mixture. Replace the lid. Press Butter cycle, set for one minute, and run for 15 seconds. Open the container lid, add another 1/3 of the miso-tea mixture. Replace the lid. Press Butter cycle, set for one minute, and run for 15 seconds. Open the container lid, add the remaining miso-tea mixture. Replace the lid. Press Butter cycle, set for one minute, and run for 15 seconds. Garnish with diced scallions. Miso Sesame Spread is great on your favorite bread and goes well with a hearty soup. When used as a sauce for rice, vegetables, or noodles, dilute with a few extra Tablespoons of the miso-tea mixture and/or water.


PEILIN’S SPICY PEANUT DIP/SAUCE Yields approximately 2/3 cup (75 g)

1/3 cup peanut butter (46 g) 1/3 cup orange juice (79 mL) 3 tablespoons lime juice 1 clove garlic, small to medium, peeled and minced 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

¼ teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt ¼ teaspoon ground cayenne pepper (to taste) ¼ teaspoon grated ginger (to taste) Prepare Simple Peanut Butter in the NutraMilk container (see page 205 for recipe). Place peanut butter in a bowl, and add all of the other ingredients. Briskly stir with a fork.

Serve on a shredded salad of purple cabbage, cucumbers, bean sprouts, carrot, tomato, and tofu. Or, improvise with the vegetables that you have available.





COFFEE & TEA COFFEE 288 . Coffee & Almond Milk 289 . Coffee & Hazelnut Milk 290 . Coffee & Cashew Almond Milk 291 . Coffee & Cashew Pecan Milk

TEA 292 . Bengal Spice Tea & Almond Milk 293 . Chai Tea & Almond Cashew Milk 294 . Roastaroma & Almond Pecan Milk 295 . Rooibos Tea & Almond Milk 296 . Rooibos Tea & Coconut Milk 297 . Matcha Green Tea & Almond Milk 299 . Matcha Green Tea & Almond Coconut Milk 300 . Yerba Mate Tea & Rice Milk

COFFEE SUBSTITUTES There are many coffee substitutes on the market. Our palates are unique and individual, so if you are looking for a coffee substitute, here are a few to try: Cafix, Inka, Pero (dark roast), Roma, Rocamojo (soybeans), Teeccino (sweeter), Roastaroma, Raja Cup, Ayruvedic Roast.

www.TheNutraMilk.com 285

NUT MILKS FOR COFFEE & TEA Things to keep in mind g

The NutraMilk ratio of 1:1 works well—1 cup nuts (227 g) to 1 quart water (946 mL).


If your coffee is very hot, nut milk may curdle.

FROTHING NUT MILK FOR COFFEE OR TEA If you are a coffee afficinado and have a home espresso machine, chances are you will have the ability to froth. If not, there are many different frothers on the market, and it’s best to get one of good quality. I have found the less expensive frotheres do not build a denser foam. Keep in mind: g

It is best to foam plain, unsweetened milks


The density of the foam will vary quite a bit from nut to nut

COFFEE & NUT MILK Coffee has become an art form. It’s a beverage that’s consumed around the world with artisanal coffee shops that cater to your specific preferences. Plant milks with coffee and tea may be a relatively new pairing, and its time to discover the wonderful combinations of nut milk that go well with coffee, coffee substitutes, and tea. To bring out the fullest flavor when using nut milks for coffee, I prefer to roast them. However, raw or roasted, many nuts are a satisfying and delicious complement to coffee. I recommend roasting at 250° F (122° C) for about 25 minutes. The strength of coffee is a personal taste. I love the flavor of coffee, and my preference is at least half coffee and half nut milk. Experiment to find your favorite balance.


ALMOND MILK FOR COFFEE & LATTES Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup almonds (150 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place almonds in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. For Coffee: Add desired amount of milk. Sweeten to taste. For Lattes: Use 1 ounce of espresso (30 mL) to 6 to 7 ounces (177 mL) of frothed milk Adjust the balance to your preference. Sweeten to taste.


HAZELNUT MILK FOR COFFEE & LATTES Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

1 cup hazelnuts (135 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place hazelnuts in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 7 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. For Coffee: Add desired amount of milk. Sweeten to taste. For Lattes: Use 1 ounce of espresso (30 mL) to 6 to 7 ounces (177 mL) of frothed milk Adjust the balance to your preference. Sweeten to taste.


CASHEW ALMOND MILK FOR COFFEE & LATTES Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

3/4 cup almonds (113 g) ½ cup cashews (75 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place almonds and cashews in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. For Coffee: Add desired amount of milk. Sweeten to taste. For Lattes: Use 1 ounce of espresso (30 mL) to 6 to 7 ounces (177 mL) of frothed milk. Adjust the balance to your preference. Sweeten to taste.


CASHEW PECAN MILK FOR COFFEE & LATTES Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

3/4 cup pecans (83 g) ½ cup cashews (75 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place pecans and cashews in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 4 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. For Coffee: Add desired amount of milk. Sweeten to taste. For Lattes: Use 1 ounce of espresso (30 mL) to 6 to 7 ounces (177 mL) of frothed milk. Adjust the balance to your preference. Sweeten to taste.


TEA & NUT MILK Green, black, herbal, or sweet—tea is a time-honored ritual! During, after, or between meals, lingering over a cup of tea seems to hit the spot. Morning, afternoon, or evening, we have many blends to choose from.

BENGAL SPICE TEA & ALMOND MILK Bengal Spice is a caffeine-free interpretation of chai made by Celestial Seasonings® and has great flavor. If you can’t find Bengal Spice, look for a blend of spices with roasted chicory, vanilla, ginger, cardamon, cloves ,and nutmeg. 1 tea bag Bengal Spice

2/3 cup boiling water (158 mL) ½ cup Almond Milk (118 mL) Prepare Almond Milk (see page 288 for recipe). Directions Steep tea for about 3 minutes. Froth the milk (optional). Pour froth into your tea. Sweeten to taste.


CHAI TEA & ALMOND CASHEW MILK Chai is made by brewing black tea and milk with a mixture of aromatic Indian spices. Chai flavors vary greatly, so try different blends until you find one you like, or you can try your hand at making your own mixture at home! Brew a strong blend of your favorite chai tea

3/4 cup chai tea (177 mL) 1/3 cup Almond Cashew Milk (75 mL)

ALMOND CASHEW MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

3/4 cup almonds (113 g) ½ cup cashews (75 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place almonds and cashews in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 6 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Directions Brew your tea. Froth the milk (optional). Pour froth into your tea. Sweeten to taste. 293

ROASTAROMA & ALMOND PECAN MILK Roastaroma is a caffeine-free tea made by Celestial Seasonings® that has terrific flavor. If you can’t find Roastaroma, look for a blend of spices with roasted barley, roasted chicory, and roasted carob (or chocolate). 1 to 2 tea bags Rosataroma (depending on desired strength)

2/3 cup boiling water (158 mL) ½ cup Almond Pecan Milk (118 mL)

ALMOND PECAN MILK Yield 1 quart (4 cups / 946 mL)

3/4 cup almonds (113 g) ½ cup pecans (55 g) 1 quart water (946 mL) Place almonds and pecans in the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 5 minutes. Press Start. Open the container lid, add water. Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and open spigot to fill your storage container. Directions Steep tea for about 3 minutes. Froth the milk (optional). Pour froth into your tea. Sweeten to taste. 294

ROOIBOS TEA & ALMOND MILK You will find many blends of roobios, a tea made from a plant of South African origin that is also known as bush tea, South African red tea, or red tea. Rooibos is becoming more popular in Western countries due to its high level of antioxidants, lack of caffeine, and low tannin levels. 1 to 2 tea bags rooibos tea (depending on desired strength)

2/3 cup boiling water (158 mL) ½ cup Almond Milk (118 mL) Prepare Almond Milk (see page 288 for recipe). Directions Steep tea for about 3 minutes. Froth the milk (optional). Pour froth into your tea. Sweeten to taste.


ROOIBOS TEA & COCONUT MILK 1 to 2 tea bags rooibos tea (depending on desired strength)

ž cup boiling water (177 mL) 2 Tablespoons Coconut Milk Prepare Fresh Coconut Milk (see page 134 for recipe, or you may substitute canned coconut milk). Directions Steep tea for about 3 minutes. Add milk. Mix well.


MATCHA GREEN TEA & ALMOND MILK Matcha is a premium green tea powder from Japan, used for tea or as an ingredient for cooking and baking. While other green teas are grown throughout the world, matcha is unique to Japan. Matcha is renowned for its numerous health benefits— being rich in nutrients, antioxidants, fiber, and chlorophyll.

¾ cup Almond Milk (177 mL) 1/2 - 1 teaspoon matcha powder (depending on desired strength) Add: Prepare Almond Milk (see page 288 for recipe). Directions This is one of the few times that I will add an ingredient to my milk before frothing. Add almond milk and matcha powder to frother. Froth.* Sweeten to taste. *If you don’t have a frother, simply whisk until blended.

You can also mix the matcha powder with a bit of water or Almond Milk to create a liquid, and pour your frothed milk over the matcha liquid.


MATCHA GREEN TEA & ALMOND COCONUT MILK & VANILLA ¼ cup Coconut Milk (fresh is awesome!) (59 mL) ½ Almond Milk (118 mL) ½ -1 teaspoon matcha powder (depending on desired strength) ½ teaspoon sugar splash of vanilla For Almond Coconut Milk see page 134 for recipe. Or, you can use a combination of fresh Almond Milk (see page 288 for recipe) and canned coconut milk. Directions This is one of the few times that I will add an ingredient to my milk before frothing. Add Almond Coconut Milk and matcha powder to frother. Pour into your cup and add sugar and a splash of vanilla. Froth, or whisk until blended.


YERBA MATE TEA & RICE MILK Yerba Mate is an herbal tea infusion made from a plant grown in South America that provides the benefits of mental stimulation and an energy boost while containing less caffeine than coffee. *If you buy it loose, it’s best to prepare the yerba mate in a french coffee press and keep the water temperature around 160° F (71° C) to preserve the nutrients.

Prepare Vanilla Rice Milk (see page 177 for recipe) 1 cup water (237 mL) 1 Tablespoon yerba mate (or to desired strength) Or, follow the steeping directions for tea bags. Milk I have found that the rice milk blends pair really well with yerba mate. Or, try it with Simple Almond Milk, or the Almond Cashew Milk. Directions Steep yerba mate approximately 5 minutes. Add milk of choice. Sweeten to taste.





SODA FOUNTAIN TREATS 302 . Chocolate Soda Fountain Egg Cream 303 . Grape Soda Fountain Cream 303 . Orange Soda Fountain Cream 305 . Basic Milkshake 306 . Brazil Praline Milkshake 307 . Raspberry Coconut Brazil Nut Milkshake

www.TheNutraMilk.com 301

SODA FOUNTAIN CREAMS Growing up on the East Coast, Saturday’s ritual was going to our local soda shop and ordering an “egg cream,” a soda fountain beverage that contained neither eggs nor cream. Egg creams are a wonderful childhood memory, and although soda fountain shops are mostly a thing of the past, this simple beverage made with milk, chocolate, and carbonated water is a great treat for kids and adults! Prepare a quart of Simple Almond Milk (946 mL) (see page 20 for recipe) It’s best if all ingredients are cold.

CHOCOLATE SODA FOUNTAIN EGG CREAM ¾ cup Almond Milk (177 mL) ½ cup unflavored carbonated water (118 mL) 1 Tablespoon chocolate syrup (or to taste) Whisk almond milk and chocolate syrup in a glass. Add carbonated water, and stir.


GRAPE SODA FOUNTAIN CREAM ¾ cup Almond Milk (177 mL) ½ cup unflavored carbonated water (118 mL) 1½ Tablespoon, frozen grape juice concentrate Whisk almond milk and grape juice concentrate in a glass. Add carbonated water, and stir.

ORANGE SODA FOUNTAIN CREAM ¾ cup Almond Milk (177 mL) ½ cup unflavored carbonated water (118 mL) 1½ Tablespoon, frozen orange juice concentrate Whisk almond milk and orange juice concentrate in a glass. Add carbonated water, and stir.


NUT MILK ICE CREAM SHAKES Tasty treats… and so easy to prepare! The non-dairy ice cream market has been rapidly growing, and I love all the delectable flavors available in our local stores. Companies are producing ice creams from coconut milk, rice milk, almond milk, and even cashew milk.

SUGGESTION When using a simple ice cream flavor like vanilla, you can add flavored syrups and concentrates of your choice, such as strawberry, chocolate, amaretto, and butter pecan, to name a few. Best if your nut milk is cold. For a thicker shake, use more ice cream.

BASIC MILKSHAKE A traditional milkshake consists of milk, ice cream, and an optional flavoring.

¾ cup cold plant milk of your choice (177 mL) 1½ cup of your favorite non-dairy ice cream (340 g)


BRAZIL PRALINE MILKSHAKE ¾ cup Simple Brazil Nut Milk (177 mL) (see page 64 for recipe) 1½ cup Almond Dream® Praline Crunch Ice Cream* (285 g) 1 cup banana (200 g) (fresh or frozen) * If you cannot find this non-dairy ice cream at your local health food store, you can substitute another flavor of your choice.

Place the ice cream, banana, and ¼ cup of milk (59 mL) into the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press start. Open the container lid, add another ¼ cup of milk (59 mL). Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Repeat this step one more time, adding the last ¼ cup of milk (59 mL). Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your glass. Because of the viscosity of the milkshake, only a small portion of the milkshake will come through during the Dispense cycle. After the mixture has come through the dispenser: g

Carefully remove the container from the stand, and tilt the container to allow as much of the mixture to come out through the dispenser as possible


Remove the blade


Use a spatula to scrape down the sides of the inner container


Scoop all of the delicious treat into your glass


RASPBERRY COCONUT BRAZIL NUT MILKSHAKE ¾ cup Simple Brazil Nut Milk (177 mL) (see page 64 for recipe) 1½ cup Coconut Bliss® vanilla ice cream* (285 g) 1 cup raspberries** (125 g) (fresh or frozen) * If you cannot find this non-dairy ice cream at your local health food store, you can substitute another flavor of your choice. ** Substitute blueberries, blackberries, or strawberries—or a combination.

Place the ice cream, raspberries, and ¼ cup of milk (59 mL) into the NutraMilk container. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Press start. Open the container lid, add another ¼ cup of milk (59 mL). Replace lid. Press Butter cycle, set for 1 minute. Repeat this step one more time, adding the last ¼ cup of milk (59 mL). Replace lid. Press Mix (do not change this default time). Press Start. Press Dispense. Press Start and remove spigot to fill your glass. Because of the viscosity of the milkshake, only a small portion of the milkshake will come through during the Dispense cycle. After the mixture has come through the dispenser: g

Carefully remove the container from the stand, and tilt the container to allow as much of the mixture to come out through the dispenser as possible


Remove the blade


Use a spatula to scrape down the sides of the inner container


Scoop all of the delicious treat into your glass



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