FS FY1920

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James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Association, Inc., d/b/a Riley Children’s Endowment Consolidated Statement of Functional Expenses Year Ended June 30, 2020

Program Services Riley Museum Grants Home Grants Salaries, taxes and benefits Advertising and promotion Bank fees Central Information Systems Children's Miracle Network Consulting Digital media Direct mail Donor relations Employee engagement Equipment and facility rental Events Insurance Marketing production Memberships and dues Fundraising platform fees Postage Printing services Professional development Professional fees Recruiting Rent Repairs and maintenance Service and support contracts Telephone and internet Temporary staffing Travel and related expenses Other Utilities Depreciation and amortization

Supporting Services Finance Fundraising





34,138,058 -


335,777 5,984 1,300 826 1,186 22,056 1,773 268 5,073 23,984 2,703 1,848 11,900 183 4,005 12,659 51,000


960,639 7,756 59,034 16 40,778 9,503 98,187 7,631 1,235 125 11,192 153,552 5,772 35,701 11,740 26,521 6,905 3,304 13,966 46,995 12,309


355,165 401 695 704 1,105 3,676 17,851 3,020 49,545 3,453 1,509 511 6,155


4,607,164 249,911 321,578 863,706 120,724 498,548 106,170 372 100,837 324,759 6,720 52,512 268,649 35,137 67,704 37,580 17,203 178,507 30,198 433,529 34,526 70,843 4,078 61,545


631,982 542,071 55,000 125,622 4,010 33,666 1,003 113,984 325 18,241 77,230 2,893 49,089 8,304 64,499 9,495 7,839 14,311 16,925


34,138,058 6,890,727 548,055 257,667 321,578 863,706 236,058 125,622 498,548 106,186 41,976 114,350 359,611 128,367 113,984 62,936 268,649 55,585 150,132 52,770 174,431 5,772 281,148 77,246 576,797 56,227 15,204 94,340 69,900 12,659 147,934















6 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

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