Architecture Portfolio - Rim benzaouia

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I was born in Marrakesh, a city where modern architecture and historical heritage have been coexisting for a I waslong bornperiod in Marrakesh, a city where architecture have been coexisting a of the Jamaa el of time, where themodern enticing scent of and spicehistorical marketsheritage and the ancient standingfor walls long Fna period of time, where the enticing scent of spice markets and the ancient standing of the square contrast with the luxurious hotels ranging an avenue further,walls where theJamaa Atlaselmountains snowy Fna square contrast with the luxurious hotels ranging an avenue further, climate. where theGrewing Atlas mountains cliffs claim their presence and contrast with the city’s desertic up in thissnowy city had and still has a cliffs claim their presence and contrast with the city’s desertic climate. Grewing up in this city had and still has a great impact on the way I vision architecture. This is why considering the local, as well as the social and physical great impact on the way I vision architecture. This is why considering the local, as well as the social and physical environment was essential throughout mywork. academic work. This particular attention was in often environment was essential throughout my academic This particular attention was often expressed my expressed in my drawings. drawings. At theAtage seventeen, I moved Itomoved Franceto in order to in pursue Discovering a new culture, a a new culture, a theofage of seventeen, France orderarchitecture to pursuestudies. architecture studies. Discovering new architecture and adopting a new way of living helped me gain in independance and self-esteem and new architecture and adopting a new way of living helped me gain in independance and withself-esteem and without aout doubt had a big on my personal This experience well as my love for traveling, made a doubt hadinfluence a big influence on mywork. personal work. Thisasexperience as well as my love forme traveling, made me able to easily adapt to new environments because eventually, as Jean Nouvel said, “each new situation requires able to easily adapt to new environments because eventually, as Jean Nouvel said, “each new situation requires a new architecture.”

a new architecture.”

Name Nom Nom

Date Dateofdebirth naissance Date de naissance

+33 6742 4215 15 42 84 15 84 +33 6 67 42 15 84 066667 84 +33 67 +33 67 42 15 84 +33 666615 67 42 151584 06 67 42 84 +33 67 42 8484 MOBILE NUMBER +33 +33 67 42 Téléphone 6 +33 67 42 15 42 84 15 6 67 Téléphone +33 6 67+33 42 15 844215158484 6 67 +33 6 67 42 15 84 E-MAIL ADRESS

Nationality Nationali Nationali

27, Boulevard Lascrosses, 31000, Toulouse. 27, Boulevard Lascrosses, 31000, Toulouse. 27, Boulevard Lascrosses, 31000, Toulouse. HOME ADRESS Adresse

Benzaouia Rim Benzaouia Rim Benzaouia Rim 28/11/1995 28/11/1995 28/11/1995 Moroccan Marocaine Marocaine




2013-2016 EDUCATION National Institute ofofApplied Sciences, Toulouse, France. 2013-2016 National Institute ofofApplied Sciences, Toulouse, France. National Institute Applied Sciences, Toulouse, France. 2013-2016 2013-2016 National Institute Applied Sciences, Toulouse, France. National Institute of Applied Sciences, Toulouse, France. 2013-2016 Double degree civil engineering. 2013-2016 National Institute of Applied Sciences, Toulouse, France. Double degree civil engineering. Double degree civil engineering. National Institute of Applied Sciences, Toulouse, France. 2013-2016 2013-2017 2013-2016 National Institute of Applied Sciences, Toulouse, France. Double degree civil engineering. Double degree civil engineering. National Institute of Applied Sciences, Toulouse, France. 2013-2016 Double degree --civil engineering. National Institute ofof Applied Sciences, Toulouse, France. 2013-2016 Double degree civil engineering. Double degree civil engineering. National Institute Applied Sciences, Toulouse, France. 2013-2016 2013-2016 Institut National des Sciences Appliqu es, National of Applied Toulouse, France. France. DoubleDouble degree -Sciences civilSciences, engineering. 2013-2016 InstitutInstitute National des Appliqu es, Toulouse, Toulouse, France. degree --civil engineering. National Architecture School of Toulouse, France. 2013-2016 Double degree civil engineering. National Architecture School of Toulouse, France. National Architecture School of Toulouse, France. 2013-2016 2013-2016 Double cursus génie civil. Double degree -- -civil engineering. National Architecture School of Toulouse, France. 2013-2016 Double cursus génie civil. Bachelor ofofArchitecture. 2013-2016 National Architecture School of France. Bachelor Architecture. Bachelor of Architecture. National Architecture School of France. 2013-2016 National Architecture School of Toulouse, Toulouse, France. Bachelor of Architecture. National Architecture SchoolSchool ofToulouse, Toulouse, France.France. Bachelor of Architecture. 2004-2013 National Architecture of Toulouse, 2013-2016 2013-2017 Bachelor of Architecture. Bachelor of Architecture. 2004-2013 National Architecture School of Toulouse, France. 2004-2013 2013-2016 2004-2013 Bachelor of Architecture. 2004-2013 Bachelor of Architecture. “Elaraki” High School, Marrakesh , Morocco. Ecole Sup rieure d’Architecture, Toulouse, France. 2004-2013 National Architecture School of Toulouse, France. Bachelor of Architecture. “Elaraki” High School, Marrakesh , Morocco. 2004-2013 “Elaraki” High School, Marrakesh , Morocco. EcoleNationale Nationale Sup rieure d’Architecture, Toulouse, France. 2004-2013 “Elaraki” High School,and Marrakesh , Morocco. 2004-2013 Baccalaureat ofofmathematics physics, High Honors. 2004-2013 Licence architecture. “Elaraki” High School, Marrakesh , Morocco. Bachelor of architecture. Baccalaureat of mathematics and physics, High Baccalaureat mathematics and physics, High Honors. 2004-2013 Licenceen en architecture. “Elaraki” High School, Marrakesh , Morocco. Baccalaureat ofMarrakesh mathematics and physics, High High Honors. Honors. “Elaraki” High Morocco. Baccalaureat of mathematics and physics, Honors. “Elaraki” HighSchool, School, Marrakesh,,and Morocco. Baccalaureat of mathematics physics, High “Elaraki” High School, Marrakesh , Morocco. Baccalaureat of mathematics and physics, High Honors. Honors. Baccalaureat ofofmathematics and physics, Honors. “Elaraki” High School, Marrakesh , Morocco. Baccalaureat mathematics and physics,High High Honors.

2004-2013 2004-2013 2004-2013

E-mail E-mail

Baccalaureat Baccalaureatofofmathematics mathematicsand andphysics, physics, High High Honors. Honors.

WORK EXPERIENCE Lyc II,WORK Marrakech, Maroc. WORK EXPERIENCE ‘‘Elaraki’’ High School, Marrakesh, Morocco Lyc eeElaraki Elaraki II,WORK Marrakech, Maroc. EXPERIENCE WORK EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE

WORK EXPERIENCE Baccalaur atat sciences math mati ention WORK EXPERIENCE Baccalaureat ofoption mathematics and physics, High WORK EXPERIENCE Baccalaur option sciences math mati ues, ues, honors. ention tr tr ss ien. ien. July-August 2015 WORK EXPERIENCE July-August 2015 July-August 2015 July-August 2015 July-August 2015 WORK EXPERIENCE

July-August 2015 WORK EXPERIENCE Summer internship architecture and agency. July-August 2015 Summer internship AAUD architecture and design design agency. July-August 2015ininAAUD Summer internship inin architecture and agency. Summer internship inAAUD AAUD architecture July-August 2015 Summer internship AAUD architecture and design design agency. July-August 2015 Marrakesh, Morocco. Marrakesh, Morocco. July-August 2015 Summer internship in AAUD architecture and design agency. Summer internship in AAUD architecture Marrakesh, Morocco. Marrakesh, Morocco. July-August 2015 and agency. design Morocco. Summer internship ininAAUD SummerMarrakesh, internship AAUDarchitecture architecture and and design design Marrakesh, Morocco. Summer internship Marrakesh, Morocco. in Summer internship inAAUD AAUDarchitecture architecture and design agency. Marrakesh, Morocco. EXPERIENCE PROFESSIONNELLE July-August 2014 Marrakesh, Morocco. WORK EXPERIENCE July-August 2014 EXPERIENCE PROFESSIONNELLE July-August 2014 July-August 2014 July-August 2014 Marrakesh, Morocco. Marrakesh, Morocco. Worker training in construction company. July-August 2014 Worker training in“VINCI”, “VINCI”, construction company. July-August 2014 Worker training inin construction company. Worker training “VINCI”, construction company. July-August 2014 Worker training in“VINCI”, “VINCI”, construction company. July-August 2014 Toulouse, France. Toulouse, France. Août July-August 2014 Worker training in “VINCI”, construction company. Toulouse, France. Août- -2016 2016 July-August 2014 July-August 2016 Worker training in “VINCI”, construction company. Toulouse, France. Worker Workertraining traininginin“VINCI”, “VINCI”,construction construction company. company. Toulouse, France. Toulouse, France. Stage hors agence d’un mois dans la commune de Marrakech. Worker training in “VINCI”, construction company. Worker training in “VINCI”, construction company. Stage hors agence d’un mois dans la commune de Marrakech. Summer internship in the city hall of Marrakesh. Toulouse, Toulouse,France. France.

Toulouse, Toulouse,France. France. Marrakech, Maroc. Marrakech, Maroc. Marrasech, Morocco. ASSOCIATIVE WORK ASSOCIATIVE WORK


Juillet Juillet- -2015 2015 ASSOCIATIVE WORK WORK July-August 2015ASSOCIATIVE ASSOCIATIVE WORK ASSOCIATIVE WORK “Marrakesh Charity Exhibition” April2013 2013 “Marrakesh Charity Exhibition” --April

“Marrakesh CharityCharity Exhibition” - April 2013 “Marrakesh Exhibition” April 2013 “Marrakesh Charity Exhibition” ---April 2013 “Marrakesh Charity Exhibition” April 2013 Stage mois au sein de l’agence AAUD d’architecture et d’urbanisme. ASSOCIATIVE WORK Staged’un d’un mois auAAUD sein de l’agence AAUD d’architecture ASSOCIATIVE WORK Summer internship in architecture and design agency. and sold personal paintings for benefit of orphan - Exposed and sold personal paintings for the the benefit - Exposed “Marrakesh Charity Exhibition” April 2013 “Marrakesh Charity Exhibition” April 2013 Exposed and sold personal paintings for the benefit of orphan orphan -Exposed and sold personal paintings for the benefit of “Marrakesh Charity Exhibition” April 2013 Exposed and sold personal paintings for “Marrakesh Charity Exhibition” April 2013 Marrakech, Maroc. Marrakech,Morocco. Maroc. Marrakesh, children. children. “Marrakesh Charity Exhibition” --April 2013 “Marrakesh Charity Exhibition” April 2013 and sold personal paintings the benefit of orphan - children. Exposed and sold personal paintings for -Exposed children. children. andsold sold personal paintings for the thefor benefit - Exposed and personal paintings for benefit of orphan - Exposed Juillet- -2014 2014 Exposedand andsold soldpersonal personalpaintings paintings for for the benefit of orphan -Exposed Juillet - children. July-August 2014children. children. children. “Elaraki SchoolSchool YoungTalents” Talents” (School(School association): President of the arts “Elaraki School Young (School association): President “Elaraki School Young Talents” (School association): President “Elaraki Young Talents” association): President of the arts children. children. Stageouvrier ouvrier d’un moisconstruction au seinde del’entreprise l’entreprise VINCI. Stage d’un mois au sein department, assistant choreographer for the danceVINCI. team. Worker training in ‘‘VINCI’’, company. department,assistant assistantchoreographer choreographerfor forthe thedance dance team. team. department,

of the the arts arts department, assistant choreographer for the dance dance President team. “Elaraki School YoungTalents” Talents” (Schoolfor association): President “Elaraki School Young (School association): of department, assistant choreographer for the dance team. department, assistant choreographer the team. the arts arts “Elaraki School Young Talents” (School association): President of the Toulouse, France. “Elaraki School Young Talents” (School association): President of Toulouse, -Orgnanisation Toulouse, France. department, assistant choreographer for the dance team. Orgnanisation of school ceremonies and music -France. of school ceremonies and music concerts for department, assistant choreographer for the dance team. of the arts “Elaraki School Young Talents” (School association): President Orgnanisation of school ceremonies and for department, assistant choreographer for the dance team. “Elaraki School Young Talents” (School association): President of the arts Orgnanisation of school ceremonies and music concerts for department, assistant choreographer for the dance team. department, assistant choreographer forthe the dance team. -Orgnanisation Orgnanisation ofwelcoming school ceremonies and music concerts for charity (Round Round square welcoming ceremony, ..).concerts charity ( square ceremony, ..). department, assistant choreographer for dance team. of school ceremonies and music concerts for charity ( Round square welcoming ceremony, ..). Orgnanisation of school ceremonies and music for charity ( of Round square welcoming ..). for - Orgnanisation school ceremonies and ceremony, music concerts music concerts ..). Orgnanisation of school ceremonies and for charity ( Round square welcoming ceremony, Orgnanisation of school ceremonies and music concerts charity ( Round square welcoming ceremony, ..). charity ( Round square welcoming ceremony, ..).

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Arabe Arabic Arabe

Français French Français

Anglais English Anglais

DESIGN SKILLS DESIGN SKILLS DESIGN SKILLS DESIGN SKILLS DESIGN SKILLS DESIGN DESIGN SKILLS DESIGN SKILLSSKILLS DESIGN SKILLS COMPETENCES DESIGN SKILLS DESIGN SKILLS COMPETENCES DESIGN SKILLS Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop Adobe Indesign Adobe Indesign Adobe Indesign Archicad Archicad Archicad Sketchup Sketchup Sketchup Artlantis Artlantis Artlantis Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator Rhinoceros Rhinoceros Rhinoceros Microsoftoffice office Microsoft Microsoft office alisation maque ee RR alisation maque Hand modeling coupe Laser DD coupe Laser Laser cutting Impression Impression DD Digital fabrication



HOBBIES AND INTERESTS HOBBIES AND Basket ball competitions, drawing and painting, Basket ball competitions, drawing andwatercolor watercolor painting, Basket ball competitions, drawing and painting, Basket ballINTERESTS competitions, drawing andwatercolor watercolor painting, Basket ball competitions, drawing and watercolor painting, HOBBIES AND INTERESTS HOBBIES AND INTERESTS Basket-ball, dessin, peinture, dance, photographie. Basket-ball, dessin, peinture, dance, photographie. Basket-ball, drawing and watercolor painting, hip-hop dance. hip-hop dance, photography. hip-hop dance, photography. Basket ball competitions, drawing and watercolor painting, Basket ball competitions, drawing and watercolor painting, hip-hop dance, photography. hip-hop dance,photography. photography. hip-hop dance, Basketball ball competitions, drawingand andwatercolor watercolorpainting, painting, Basket competitions, drawing Basket ball competitions, drawing and watercolor painting, Basket ball competitions, drawing and watercolor painting, hip-hop dance, photography. hip-hop dance, photography. VOYAGES VOYAGES hip-hop dance, photography. hip-hop dance, photography. EXTENSIVE TRAVELS EXTENSIVE TRAVELS EXTENSIVE TRAVELS EXTENSIVE TRAVELS hip-hop dance, photography. hip-hop dance, photography. EXTENSIVE TRAVELS EXTENSIVE TRAVELS Bern, Tessin, Barcelone, Bilbao, Paris, Pays-Basque, Helsinki, Bern,EXTENSIVE Tessin, Barcelone, Bilbao, Paris, Pays-Basque, Helsinki, EXTENSIVE TRAVELS EXTENSIVE TRAVELS Stockholm, Bern, Tessin, Barcelona, Bilbao, Paris, Pays-Basque, Helsinki, TRAVELS EXTENSIVE TRAVELS Roma, Milano, Barcelona, Bilbao, Saint-Sebastian, Paris, Roma, Milano, Barcelona, Bilbao, Saint-Sebastian, Paris,Paris, Roma, Milano, Barcelona, Bilbao, Saint-Sebastian, Roma, Milano, Barcelona, Bilbao, Saint-Sebastian, Paris, Jÿvaskyla, Rovaniemi, Oülu. Jÿvaskyla, Rovaniemi, Oülu. EXTENSIVE TRAVELS EXTENSIVE TRAVELS Jÿvaskyla, Rovaniemi, Oülu. Bordeaux, Pays-Basque,Helsinki, Jÿvaskyla, Rovaniemi, Oülu, Bordeaux, Pays-Basque,Helsinki, Jÿvaskyla, Rovaniemi, Oülu, Roma, Milano, Barcelona, Saint-Sebastian, Paris, Roma, Milano, Barcelona, Bilbao, Saint-Sebastian, Paris, Bordeaux, Pays-Basque,Helsinki, Jÿvaskyla, Rovaniemi, Oülu, Bordeaux, Pays-Basque,Helsinki, Jÿvaskyla, Rovaniemi, Oülu, Roma, Milano, Barcelona, Bilbao, Saint-Sebastian, Paris, Bordeaux, Pays-Basque,Helsinki, Jÿvaskyla, Rovaniemi, Oülu, Roma, Milano, Barcelona, Bilbao,Bilbao, Saint-Sebastian, Paris, Essaouira, Fès, Casablanca, Chefchaouen. Roma, Milano, Barcelona, Bilbao, Saint-Sebastian, Paris, Bordeaux, Pays-Basque,Helsinki, Jÿvaskyla, Rovaniemi, Oülu, Essaouira, Fès, Casablanca, Chefchaouen. Roma, Milano, Barcelona, Bilbao, Saint-Sebastian, Paris, Bordeaux, Pays-Basque,Helsinki, Jÿvaskyla, Rovaniemi, Essaouira, Fès, Casablanca, Chefchaouen. Essaouira, Fès, Casablanca, Chefchaouen. Essaouira, Fès, Casablanca, Chefchaouen. Bordeaux, Pays-Basque,Helsinki, Jÿvaskyla, Rovaniemi, Oülu, Bordeaux, Pays-Basque,Helsinki, Jÿvaskyla, Rovaniemi, Oülu, Oülu, Bordeaux, Pays-Basque,Helsinki, Jÿvaskyla, Essaouira, Fès, Casablanca, Chefchaouen. Bordeaux, Pays-Basque,Helsinki, Jÿvaskyla,Rovaniemi, Rovaniemi,Oülu, Oülu, Essaouira, Fès, Casablanca, Chefchaouen. Essaouira, Fès, Chefchaouen. Essaouira, Fès,Casablanca, Casablanca, Chefchaouen. Essaouira, Fès, Casablanca, Chefchaouen. Essaouira, Fès, Casablanca, Chefchaouen.

Architecture is an expression of values. – Norman Foster


CONTENTS Selected school projects from 2013 to 2017

Selected school projects from 2013 to 2015

CONTENTS Selected school projects from 2013 to 2015



orman Foster

orman Foster




MARKET HALL Second year project - 2015 Place: Toulouse, France Collaboration: Pere Finãna Guaralla

The old market of Victor Hugo, located in the main center of Toulouse is well known for being the first parking-market built in the city. However, sealed inside a huge and old building, the market often goes unnoticed by the public. Being part of the city’s heritage and taking an important place in the citizen’s hearts, our main interest was to open the market on its environnement by extending its limits and creating new interactions with the local businesses surrounding it.


Create interactions between the local businesses.


Extend the market’s limits.

Mass plan


The idea of this project is removing the old building where the market is contained and making place to a wide open halle in which both sellers and shoppers can gather and share good moments. The halle roofing would be in contact with the buildings facades, a way for the local businesses to be part of the market’s bubble and strenghten ties between users.

STRUCTURE The main structure consists in multiple posts, with a tree form, holding a coffered metalic roof. This structural system allows to free the space by having a limited number of posts. The material used for this purpose is steel, providing a light and prefabricated structure, easy to assemble on site.

Metalic box Stud Bolting system Metalic beam Brick wall Stud Metalic angle

Second beam

Bolting system

First beam

POST STRUCTURE The metalic posts are divided into two main parts: the bottom part is embedded in the ground, the top part is connected to the beams with a bolting system (red part). The beams are connected to the polgonal box with a bolting system (blue part). The beams size can vary depending on the desired under-roof height. The structural system used enables the easy transmission of compression forces to the ground. It also makes it easy to assemble posts with the prefabricated polygonal boxes directly on site. Portion of the metalic tree post.



VISUAL CROSSING First year of master project - 2016 Empalot neighborhood, Toulouse, France Collaboration: Anais Grynberg Empalot is located in the south of the city of Toulouse (sector 5). It is one of the few large neighborhoods with typical housing of the 1960s. Empalot is a geographical entity which has many assets: green quality spaces, the Garonne river, large facilities nearby (swimming pool Nakache, Stadium) and a significant number of public services in the neighborhood. The Empalot district is home to 5685 inhabitants and 2664 main residences. Some of its housing has become obsolete in view of the new criteria of comfort and energy performance, and the commercial square in the heart of the district has several malfunctions. (pictures below) The aim of this project is to refurbish the neighborhood’s center by offering new quality spaces and especially by rehabilitating an existing building.To open the district to the city by developing relations with the surrounding districts: the island of Ramier, Saint-Michel, Saint-Agne and take advantage from the presence of the Garonne to enhance the neighborhood. All these points will help improve the status of Empalot and highlight it’s potential.


Urban plan - Ground floor

Urban plan, R-1

Before operating on the existing building, a replanning of the close environment was necessary. In this project, we suggest a complex of new public services (offices, library, nursery, event room next to the church..) where the neighbors can gather and share a good time. Our main goal was to create transversal crossing which allows to connect the heart of the plot to the close neighborhood’s and to the river. Our goal was also to create a new place next to the church in order to increase it’s value and open the neighborhood’s entrance. Urban plan - longitudinal section

After rehabilitation:

R+2 plan

The new project offers housing for 2 to 5 people. Some appartments take advantage of a second level where sleeping rooms remain. To access the appartments, it is necessary to take common passageways. Each appartment has a priavte balcony with a view on the river in the horizon. The ground floor is wide open, which allows to have common spaces with a wide view on the building’s surrounding.

R+1 plan

Ground floor - building after rehabilitation

East facad of the building after rehabilitation

Exterior perspective , R-1

























T4 T3 T2



Total logements: 92/180


In each level, duplex appartments are in extremities. The ones in Red are appartments where 4 people can live, the blue ones for 3 people and the yellow ones for 2 people. The duplex appartments offer a hight quality living space, with a double height wich allows to take a dvantage of natural light and a wide view on the nature below. The appartments in the center are simple ones, with no second level. Less luxurious but certainly meet the actual requirements for a confortable housing.

Appartment after rehabilitation - first floor

Plan duplex Rez-de-chaussÊ - 1/50ème

Transversal section

Appartment after rehabilitation - ground floor

Interior perspective, new appartment

Dalle sur plots: -Plancher (2cm) -Lambourdes (4x4cm) -Plots (12cm) -Étanchéité -Dalle béton (13cm) -Panneaux brise soleil lames orientables sur châssis aluminium coulissant _ UAP 220 -Poteaux stucturaux

Detail section, east facad


02 03

DANCING COMPLEX Third year project - 2015 Place: Lisle-sur-Tarn, France Collaboration: Claire Gouze

The site of this project is located in Lisle-sur-Tarn, a small town near the city of Toulouse, built in the 16th century and classified as international human heritage. The project is situated in the limits of the city center, near a vast and private wooded area; making the place really calm.The main idea of this project is the creation of a polyvalent space which includes several types of activities, where the town’s residents can gather and share good moments all together. The program evolves around: one main hall, where weddings and multiple events can be held, two dancing rooms, four offices and three function houses. As cited before, the town’s particularity remains in it’s architectural heritage. The debate was then about the way the project can interact with the existant and whether or not the destruction of previous constructions was something irrelevent.

Integrate into the city

Programmatic volume

Outdoor gallery connecting the two main volumes

Public garden as a center/ private courtyard overlooking the wooded area.

Plans & Sections The dancing complex, the polyvalent room and the houses are on different floor levels. The aim is to create a public/private separation. The houses are located on the street’s extension and have a south orientation, giving them some privacy while the rest of the program is raised of 90cm. A ramp next to the public courtyard allows access to the upper level.

Conserving old parts of the city’s heriatge was very important to us. Our response to the problem was simple. The old building assigned to our project is where dressing and storing rooms are kept while the small medieval bridge is used as a way to connect the building to the dancing complex.

Public gallery



Public courtyard Polyvalent room



First floor

Dance hall

Dance hall

Second floor

The dance halls are located on the first floor of the second building. The large windows on the east facade allows the users to have a view of the garden and the nature on the horizon. The lighting system used is a shed system, oriented east, which captures natural light and reflect it throughout the room. The users can then take advantage of a uniform light and a wide view while dancing.

Town’s rule: 80% of the facades overlooking a public space must be made of brick.

Aluminium coping Parapet Drain grille Gravel Fully adhered roof membarane Vapor barrier Brick 20x5x10 cm Metal hook Insulation 16cm Concrete 20cm

Hanging pole Ceiling Plasterboard 5cm

Acoustic insulation

Paving Metalic joist Terrace pedestal Concrete slab

East facade


The exterior gallery connects the polyvalent room with the dancing complex. The gallery’s roof is supported with a range of concrete posts. The light coming down those various posts guide the visitor and give a certain rhythm to the course. The exterior gallery is also a way to connect the heart of the city to our project. It’s a sort of intermediate space which allows access to our project’s entites and connects them.

View from the street on the polyvalent room and the housing.

View from the house’s garden on the wooded area.



THE OUTDOORS LIBRARY First year project - 2013

The ourtdoors library is a project devoted to promoting dialog and exchange between readers. A place where context does not matter, and time does not count.The reader can have a moment of respite while enjoying his favorite books and little will matter what surrounds him. For the concept, it is quite easy, a wooden box within a larger one where shelves act as walls. The light effects created by the shelves conforts the peaceful and serene atmosphere.

The library walls and shelves are made of wood, a natural material which provides high thermal and acoustic performance. It also helps create a warm atmosphere suitable for reading. After choosing their book, the users can either sit on wooden steps, also containing books or use movable pufs. Over all, the major goal of this project is for users to be able to exchange all around a book that they particularly appreciate.



Third year workshop - 2015

The walls of this mini-model were made of concrete. The aim of this project was recreating a mini-construction site by following the same steps as in a real life construction.

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